THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. DECEMBER 0 , 1890. 8PBOIHL NOTICES. * A DVEliTlBEMENTS for tlirso colutnswlll cVho taken until 12:30 : p. in. , ( or the evening edition nnd until 8 : ! > o p.m. , ( or tht morning edition nnd 8UHiur Ilit. : rpEUMS Cash In advance. , KATES Adi crtlncrncnla on this p ir wilt bo charged for at Iho rate o ( 114 cent per word tor tlio first Insertion nml 1 cent per word for ( jach Hulificuucnt insertion , end tl.Wpor llun for iniintli. No advertisement taken ( or less tliiiu 21 cents ( or tlio IIrat Insertion. TN1TIALS , flgurcs , symbols , tto. , count each 4.nnono word. T1IKSR advertisements mint runconscctv- tlvoly and under no circumstances will they bo taken ordlscanllnued by telephone. TJAHTIES advertising In these columns and JL having tlielr answers ndilresimd to a "num.- lcr rt letter" In euro of TUB HRB will rcccivo R nilinbotrd check to enable thorn to Rot their letters. Answer * will Ijo delivered only on jircBCiitntlnn of this check. Kncloso answers In envelopes properly addressed. advertisements tinder tlin head of ALL Notices" ere published In both tlio morning and ovcnlng editions of TUB HUB. tlio clrciilntlon of which nggrojntrB moro limn 20,000 papers dally , nnil Klvei tlio advertiser the tjonellt not only of tlio lurjro circulation of 2'llR IlKil In Ornnlin , but also In Council HlulTs , Lincoln nnd other < ! tli'S nnil towns In tlin west BRANCH OFFICES. AtlvertMtiK for these columns will bo taken on the above conditions , nttho followlrn Ijusl- ne.ii houses who arc authored to take special notice * , at the same ratea us can had at the main ofllro. QOtlTIi OMAHA nilANCH OFFIOE-No. 0 2 t N Btrcot , Lister lllock. fOIINV.IlEhLrhuriimolst , 820 South Tenth ' street. HASH ft EDDY , Otatloncrs and Printers , O 113 Bouth 10th Rtreet. s 11. KAHNSWOUTH , I'liarmaclst , 2115 Cum- i Ing ntroot. J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 024 North 18th street. . W. PAim , Pharmacist , 1718 Loavon- GKO. worth street. rtJaiinS' PHARMACY. 21th nnd t'arnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. Icrrofcn , tie , , ice top of fivl column wi wanted by a first-class bread SITUATION nnd cnndv maker ; capable to tnko cure of shop If necessary. Address H iC' . lie o olllco. M7C9 7 * WANTED Ily rcspocinblo young man po sition In grocery or ot her stern ; can take earn of horses if necessary nnd willing to innko himself useful at anything , ( jood city referi'iiees. Joseph Paul. 3114 Pass st. 72:1 : C * ANTED Ily a young man ( Herman ) posi tion In a-incat market. Address X STMU'O. \\7ANTKn-\Ynrk for board. A business mini with good reference will do light or Instfle work for his hoard. Address " \ 2.V l co olllco. M7177 * \\7ANTED-Stendy winter work to rim T ttcun : heater or .Innllor work ; 13 years' experience nl d licensed llromnii. Address \ gti bee olllco. TO : : in "VVANTEH Ily n womnn refined and clever. ' to take clntrgo of some gentleman's lionsn , Tim uppllcaiit a lady and homeless. AddrossX'2lllco. ) 74S-0 * for oed glrlsiny ; ; V > wallliu rooiim are full from I ) a. m. to tip. m. No need of being out of help a day. Jlrs. Hrepa , : il4it 9.15th. Tel. S34. vr.'J j'l WANTED Position as hook-keeper , first cinss city references , X 7 Deo. CUJ WANTED MALE HELP. FIT intri , rtc. , tee tnpnf ft ft tuhimn nn this "AirANTKO Watch and eloclc repairer to do odd Jobs durlnu his spare hours. The Worse Dry Goods Co. , Ifith and t'lirnam sts. M7l'4 ' 8 W ANTKD An active , honest man , salary JUKI monthly If suitable , with opportuni ties for advnuee. to represent locally a respon sible New York house : references. Mnnu- fueturer , look hex 1.VC ) , N. Y. . " > .Oftor ) > 3.M ( a ni'intn can bo made work $7. liiBfurus. Persons preferred who can fur nish a hnrsn nnd Rive their whole tlnio to the business , Spare moiucnts may ho profitably omplovrd aKo. A few vacancies In towns and cities " . I' . Johnson & Co. , 2CM Main St. , Illch- nioml Vn , _ " \T > ANTED A good oanva < cr ; call nt room Tl 11 , & 12 a.m. 7680 _ _ _ _ YV ANTEO Three yoitn men to receive In- * structlons and Keep hooUss good situa tions. J. II. Smith , UIO New Vork Life bulldlne. 7 = 11 7 * _ WANTKD lllacksmlth ; must bo a peed one. Apply at once to Sol tipanclor , Scrlbiier.N'ob. ' 7KJ-6' _ r A NTKD-l 000 men for now R. It. work In OrcKou nnd Washlnulon Ter. , between 1'ortland nnd Hoattli' ; loniz job and Rood WIIROS. Albrights Labor Agency , 1120 Fiiriiiun street. H7M Jl : _ \ \ rAXTIJD Two coat milkers at onco. U. Madsen , Norfolk , Neb. 7(11-7' ( W Men lo travel for our Canadian l nurseries. Stonefc Welling ton.Madlson.Wh 4M \\fANTRI ) Man with peed reference at > Metropolitan Jltg. Co. , IGOU Howard st. _ cnoji i AGKNT wanted In every town. Sample ciitlltfroo. Address Drower D. . Fremont , Noli. _ doll * WANTKD ARcnts wantetl thronehout. Ne- briiska. Sondbtiimp for reply. Jos. 1' , Mcsoiitlt. Omaha. * 49J WANTKD Siilcsinon to moot the grocerj trade to carry a sncclalty on commission Good cimimlvilons. rleiisn state territory aU < refernneo. W. 0 lloormun , 103-103 I'nltoi street , UhloiiRO. fi'JI-B1 ' T\KTKOTtVE Vt'o want a man In every lO' a-'callty to act as prlvnto detective undai our Instructions. Send for piirtleular.s. Wash' liiKton Dotoetlvo Agency , box 787 , Washing' ton , Iowa. Experience not necessary. _ 118 1)18 * \\7ANTKD-A live , energetic purtv In ovcrj ' jilaco to Introduce our goods. Wo have i new line that will sell nt every nmtso am ncentsi'an reap a harvest between now am the holidays , will pay a salary of J75 po iiumth It preferred and furnish a team free Address at onco. Standard yilvorwnrn Co. lloston Muss. M KR-D 15 WANTED FEMALE HELP JT f "P "f'it " > ' ' < mii an thin ixiga "V\7"ANTKIWCompctoiit nurse itirl at once T No i'liHl girl need apply. Mrs. L. A Garner , 2.V27 California tttroot. MSU VVANTED-Oood girl ( or general house IT work at2218 Leuvtmworth. Mbo : t7 ANTKD A coed marker and sorter ut th t Nebraska Steam Laundry. MSO IWIlilj pay ladles n hiilary of 110 per wcol to work fo me In their locality at home light wnrk.good pay for purt time. Write wltl Mum , Mrs. 11 , 1' lurrliiKlon. box 702 Clilcauc W ANTKD-Olrl for general housoworlt. In quire at MO S. 2sth st. J17C8 7 TANTED-1-Mrst-cluss girl for pouorn liousuwork. 1113 Georgia avo. A17747 lK Now Kinploymont Ancnoy , IGth am Dodge. Hot. Women's Christian : iHsoeli : tlon. Omaha. _ M7VJ. " WANTKD A good rellahln Rlrl for goners hmiHoworu ; Gorman or Danish prcferrei 8004 I-'nrnam Ht. 787 _ \\7ANTKD-At once , errant ! girl. Miss 13. 1 V > Tcrrill. 21utl Douglas st. 723C _ \\7ANTED-Oood girl for general house , ' ' work , small family. Inqulro 181S Uorh street. _ 71 G1KL for general housework. fcOS S 13th. 729 ! _ _ WANTKD Girls for Kencrul liousoworl Mis. W. F. Uallahan , 127 S , 25th street. ANTED Good glrlfor general liousoworl Mrs. A , P. Tukoy , 2ilt Chicago street.Mi Mi : MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. fur ralrt , rtc , ice ( op of Kit rolnmti on thtt ray TVrABSAGE-Mudam Deliler , over010 S Utl MAPSAOE bath at Madam Pmlth's parlor BU7 B. 13th it. , next Darker hotel. 310- ' " PAWNBROKERS. For nttct , ttr.t tee top of fni column on 1/1(3 / IMS ITUiED Mohlo loans money on diamonds an X' watches , JowclyutoS , K.cor , Furnam & ill COSTUMES , Fvr.raiei. tie , , tee top of fnt coiumu on thti ixiu T.ADlESand pentlcmcn can rent tnasniuT JJado suits at 622 N. 10th 8t. 4311)J ) FOR RENT HOUSES. Forratei. etc. , reetmt nf flntt column on tlilipape. " Oil KENT i'lftecn-room houso7No.210 N. 17tb street ! bath , heat and gns | ono block from business center , near tiostofllco site. See Jntiics Norllle. Ill 8.17tlr. M772-11 * .1 ? Douglns , all modern , IncludlnK largo now rnngo. Itent JM.OO tosmnll famllj if taken qitlok. Inquire. H. H. Hoblson , room IIKI Omaha National bank building. M739 7 " 171011 11 ENT 0-room dwellliiK , conveniently JL ? located , furnished or tinfiirnlshed. Itofer- onrcsieoulreti. Intiulru room 1 , 218 H 15th strt'ot. Nctherton null , agent. T5il 0 HKNT To responsible parties only , these line new brick nnd stone houses on Ucorgla nvrnuc ; fifteen moms and alcoves ; more conventunrj < s nnd better finished titan tiny house ( or lent In HIP city. II. II. Hender son , 410 I'axton block , city. 491 TOOK IlEXT Hmiill house , with or without JLvliirn. I'JI ' ? California st. TS9 InOU KENT Steam heated flats In new ' bulldlHK. LeavonwortH and ICMh st. Apply Kolkcnncy & Co , No. 19 Continental bldg. 711-10 "VTI1W brlok 8 > room house , all modern con- JL > vcniences. II minutes'rldo from P.O. , KO pcrmunUi. II , R Cole , Continental bloek. OHUOM house to rent , near Sherman ave , I'M rihcely blk. 7.V1 TT10II HKNT A good ilvo-rooni house , SCO. JL1 Charles street. Inijulro at2014 Charles street. CT > 2 5 * r po Conductors nnd Engineers Wo offer these .1. ten now and romplute Mats with alt modern conveniences , sltnnteil two blocks from the new Tenth street donot ; they have several MOW nnd eoiiimcndame fontuics and rent for only * 'J5.0fl per month , 0 and 7 rooms each with litrgo bath nnd convenient closets. Call and see them. The Mead IiMustmctit Co , , room 442 , Itco building. Oil IT-KOOM house with burn ! nominal rent. 0. t V , HutrNon , 012 N. V. Llfo. 495 IV YOU wish to rent n house or store see 11. E. Cole. Continental block. 4IXJ TjlOK HUNT Klosiuit two floor house , nil JL ; modern ltuiroviMnent , also laundry room , pornor of Kiel and Chicago sts. Apply at iiou : 1'uriKiiii st. 7B07 TIAIIE new nnil lioncNomo four room Hals J. with hath and Hlcain heat In the dowry bullilliii ; on UhlcnRo street west of 10th nro nearly icady for ocoupan'cy. Euch Hat Is separate mill complete- Itself. Tlu-so ntiart- int'iits can bo secured by Binali famlllOH only wllh no roomoM. Unquestionable ) references required , A few of these Hats still not en- lnicrt. ? Apply to II. K. Itoberts at the bulld- InK , 1B12-1S Ohlcaco Blrcot. K.T-G * "VTRATcottiiKe , inoilorn luiprovpinents. al o -L > lnrso bam and yard , at 2420 St. Mary's iivo. Inquire room 2 Union I'actflo hcadiina'D. 7D3 10 * BENTAIi ARPiit deo. .1. I'uul , 1CCQ Earnain , Houses and stores for rent , llcnts col lected. 587 T710R KENT S-rootn houie , all niortcni Im- J3 provoiiient ,2 ± IOOhleagost. , $11.07 , U\n \ - walt Uros. . Hiirkor block. 490 rpO KENT Modern desirable house. Ji'i per JL month. U..R Harrison. Dlii X. Y. Mfo. 177 . I1KNNETT , moving express odlco with . Noul .t Conrad , H13 Dodge st. Tel. 127. Mt > 28-ni4 FOIt I5KNT 1'lats , 4 rooms each , olty water and sewer connections. O. li , E. and T. Co. 4 lice b'ldg. Ml HOUSR for rent at ( HI I'lcrco street , con venient to depot , Nlco cottage. Inquire of T. J. Lo wry. 131 "T710K ItENT-Smnll house on Emmet st , JU west of 24th , tS nor month. Also7-room house , oltv water , bath , on Cnldwoll , between "Oth and 7th , J2."i per month. O. L. Green , Ilooni . ' Harkcr lllock. M7b7 oil ENT-222n Mapio at , H block cast 2Hh st. motor , G rooms and unllnlshpd U story above , full lot , wnll. cistern and cellar , ROO < | neighborhood , 817.50 per month. O. G. Wal lace , IS row u lilouk , llith and Douglas. OtiS HOUSH of 8 rooms , nicely papered , 'wntor , miwer nnA ens , : cird and Oiimlug , { 30 pei mo. O K Hnrrlson. 012 N. V. Mfo. [ tt FOR RENT FURNlSHED ROOMS' For t-atci , etc. , err. tni > nt .first colltmn oil thdiOQt \ TjlOU KENT Furnished room , all eonven- -U lenees. 222 N. 10th street. M771-8 plUUNlSlini ) room , OiJ North 19th. 7l'31 ' for nice ( urnlslied front room with alcove $8 beat , K'is ' and modern Improvements , 01 motor line. 1219 S. 3-M near lluiiscom park. TflUUNISIIED rnojns in nny part of city fo Jv rental I ) . J. Wilson's rental uccncy. roon 83SN. Y.hlto. M7U1-0 niO small family of adults Drat llonr of cot J-tugu furnlfheU for housekeeping , " 0-2 How urd. 701 7 FOIl KENT Nicely furnished room wltl bent. K5S. 2tith street. 745-10 ( LAHOK handsomely furnished room , sulta hie for two , excellent board , modern con venlences , private family , llrst-olnss In over ; respect ; terms , $23 a month each. Addres X 15. llee. ISJJ TilOHIiENT Seven-room cottage , cor. 23tl JL' avo. and Cap , ave. lnqnlru 2913 Dodge. M4'J ' ) O HOOMtf , light housekeeping , 2020St. Mury' Aivenue. UIU * t 1OH KENT Handsome , furnished room1 1 X1 steam heat , 172,1 , Davenport st. tl ' TJ1OH RENT Furnished rooms ; gas , bat JL and btoam , 1510 Howard. 4C ItENT Furnished rooms , ICOODoiiKlai i rooms , steam beat , 017M Kout 13th street. 57S-1 T\ESIIIA1ILE room , modern convenience -I/1701 Capitol avo. 775 "VTTUELY furnished rooms , flrst-eluss tab ! -L > board , Thu Morrlinn , 25th and Dodge. 2201 FURNISHlb ROOMS AND BOARD Forrnfw , tit. , ttc Inpof frut colmii'i nnthtr jxiu TTIUKXISIIKD room with board. Itnforetire J.1 2314 Fnriiain ht. M 7D8 12 * "IDOOJlS WIlh board ; can accommodate Ainumbur of table boarders. 411 N. inth. M7TO-1 " \TIOELY furnished room , all modern coi -i vcnlPiiees , with or without board. 20 I.eavcmvorth. 7.V ) U FUKNISIlKi ) rooms , furnace heat , board desired. 1310 Davenport st. 733 1 K OOMH , ( urnlslied or unfurnished ; board desired , In private family , 310 S. Uth. ui stairs. 7S5' ' _ "VTEWLV furnished rooms In modern hous -L close to 1'ariiam motor , good t.iblc. lion comforts , 2iT3 llarney street , now I'uul bloc _ 747-10 * R OOMS and board at G10 S. 17th street. ) OU.MS and board , 1810 Chicago street. 71 ! ST.CI/AIHEnropeaii hotel , wth dining rooi steam heat In all rooms , 13th and loda Special rated by week or month. S ROOMS for rent , with or without board , 1 So. st. liitf- FOH KENT Hecontl story front room wli board llrst-class. 201 a 2.1th avenue. 597- OOM und board J4.00,1712 Douglas street , M : ) ! ; FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHE For rates , etc. , tee tep nt fr t coiui'iii tlitt pile noOSl'cottnRO"soil CenterVtrciot" " U"root 003 N. 13th bt reel. M775 . FOH I'.KNT Suit of 4 unturnUhod rooms family without child run. Price tlU.-i ) . 17 5 Wobstorwt. J175J 5kT FOli KENT 3unfurnl5hodrooms,210N. 13 st. M 7JO 7 * - - FOR RENT WAREHOUSES. k. . terrain , ttc. , tee top nf fnt c/Aumn on tltit rxi 37 . . . . > . - . , - . , . . . . ir OH KENT llrluk wnrohonao , two storl X' and basement , square feet , with foetof double truck en U. 1' . railway , Sou 20tn nnd Pierce streets. Address 0. Oskun Omaha , Neb. FOU KENT Hrlck wnrohouso. two stor hlKh , basement , hydruullo elevator , trac ago ; beat location iu the city. A. 0. Powell. 807 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. For rate * , etc. , tee top of fnt column nn f/il * jxi /CANADIAN cinploymont ofllce , 314H 8.15 id wtho best place In Omaha to find help or s th uatlons. male or female. Tol. 884. 652 1 Ut DRESSMAKING. For rale * , ere. , M top afjlnt column OT UiU im \ NOAbEHENTS tododrcsjinaicin ? ha fan llei nollcltcU. MU Sturdy , 2010 Hiirney UK-IUli * FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. For rota , rtc. . we tup of Jittt conimn imthtu JKKJ . T71OU HKNT-3-story brick store. No. 1310 JL1 llarney Nt. . suitable for nny Jobbing bust- new , fora term of years , On llurdotto * t. . between Ssth and 2iltli very desirable 8-room house and burn , lu perfect order. Ills N. 17th st. , very desirable3-room flat , in perfect order , . . . . On 20th nnd Woolworth , very desirable modern house. Atncs Ucal Kstato Agency 1507 rurnamStreet , Solo Agents. Ofrico open evenings. 7 > 2 STOKES at 709 9. Inth.steam heat furnished. Thos. IMIull.ail Paxtonblk , MI : ilOU HENT-Tho 4-story brick bulldlnB.wlth - orwltbotit power formcrlyocoupleil bytho lleo Publishing Co. , QIC Knrnnm st. The bniltl- Ini ? has a tlreproof cement buscment.completo . steam lieatlnit fixtures , water on all tlio floors , gas , etc. A pply at the olllco of The Hoe. U15 UflOU HKNT-lls .Tanuurv 1.4-ntory bulldlntc , X1 as.MO niiaro | feet ; snltnliln for any kind of whole.salliiir , at Tenth and Jones street , O , A. I.ind < | iiest , DIP South Fifteenth street. ! M OH HKNT Corner store and basement , 27th and N sts. , South Omaha , y block from depot. Mrs. llrcga.UUiiH. 15th , Tol. SSI. rilO Iir.NT After January 1 , store nnd lint .1. at G3) ) S. liltn st. Kmiulro at JlXJ Ilrowu bldg. 11. J. Kendall. OT 1)2,5 UEKT or Salo-1'lno. heavy hrlck flvo- story corner warehouse with most central trackaito In eltyt lloorsnro 13,500 MI u a re font. Stringer Si Penny , Marker block. 188 RENTAL AGENCY. for rate * , ete. , rre ( op nf fnt rnlumn on fht pnoft LIST your houses to sell or lent with 0. V. Harrison , 012 N , Y. Lite. fW5 TT II. IUEY& Ilrcrental agcnts.200N.Y.lilfo 504 Tl E. COLE , rental agent , Continental blk.Wl Wl Land & Loan Co. Heal- estate , loans STAlt and Insurance rental agency , 075-dl7 WANTED TO RENT. For ratet , etc. , rta tap of flrrt column an 1/1(1 ( pirje. WANTED To Hent-Hy gentleman and wife , Ilor4 unfurnished rooms In dcxlr- able residence neighborhood , convenient to suitable for light housekeeping , Sooil , euro Hector & Williclmy Co. M7U7 0 STORAGh. For ratrt , etc. , tee top o' fist column on thti riinAOICAOE storage nt lowest rates. W. M , JL Uushmun , 1UI1 Leaveiiworth , GOO OTOKArlEaud trackage. David Cole , 815-817 P Howard st. C07. STOKAOI-X-Tliobest Iii city , clean , drysafe , and privately stored nt reasonable terms. Omaha Steve Uopalr Works , 1207 Douglas. Tel , CCO. 852 LOST. For ratet , etc. , tec taa nf flitt column oa thl txi < ji LOST Or stolen , two solitaire diamond gold rlncs ut the 1st Presbyterian church , or on Dodge between 17th and 20th , A liberal lewnrd will bo paid for their return to Max Meyer's store. 751 5 LOST Ono red anil one roan cow. both dc- hornet ) . Kinder rewarded. A. M. Clarke , 2517 Hurnoy street. M7a3-U * PERSONALS. Forra'.cs. ' ctr , . nee tap nf flrtt cilifnn nn Uiu paj PERSONAL H the party who called at 218 N. 10th for rooms \\ediioMlny ovcnlni Dec. 3rd will cull again will ilnd rooms to suit thorn. 7G4-C * FOR SALt FURNITURE ETC. Forratecl < : . , * < M tup of flrtt ci'it' ' on ( / > Ci p."i.7i. FOH SALE Two heating stoves , hard or soft coal , In llrst-class order and will bo sold cheap. Call nt 1519 N. Hth st. SECOND hand typewriters. J. P. Mcgcuth. 1G07 Kurnum street , Omaha. 490 TEW oallgrapli , prlco reasonable. II05 , lleo FOH SALE cheap A 10 horse power Now York safety steam onglno In first ulasi condition. 1'cstnor Printing Co. , 1397 Howard st. M 127 1 FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. J Fur rates , etc. , nee frp of first cutumti on tlilt pcigt : F OK SALE Hay mare , 15V5 bunds , 8 yoara old ; record 2U4tf : ; trotted third heat In race In 2:2l'i : ) ; somifl , kind and all right ; warranty - ranty ; can be driven by or child. llo\ 171 , Onuwn , In. M77ti 71 WORK horse $00 , two-liorao wuioii 12) , dou h ble work harness t5. ! Or will triiuo for u * good lluhtb'ldo har buggy. 11. E. Cole , Conti nental bloo 4K 17IOH SALE Nat'l cash register , in good re- JL1 pair , nt No. Ill S. 14th ht , 002-7' ' TCTOH SALE 2jood work teams. Inquire ul JL1 Clii Paxton block. ow ' FOHSALK Horsn , buggy mid harness , Ap- ply to McCord .llrudy . * c Co. III ; FOR SALE 50 horstos and mures , cash 01 time. Prices ( rom S15 to J.'WO. Would ex change/some of thorn ( or Omaha real estate W. T. Seiimiin.Omulia'slargest variety wagoni and carriages. 'M FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Forratff , tic , , rre Inn nf flnt roiunin niI < / 7)13. niOK SALE A fine nprlzlit plnno , usi-rt hir Ja short time , ac u saurlflco. ( uqulru at''III I Caldwell street. M-TtH-1 AMF.RIOAN und forclRti coins bought am sold , lloom H Chamber of Commerce. 7200 WANTED TO BUY. FonalfK , rtc. , tee /op / , flrt culnmii n I'll ' * } > 17 ( WANTED To buy , hlro or trade for a sinnl portable or stationary steam cnplnt Jackson , 'J4IU UumltiRst , Mb04-7 UUNITUHE , household Roods , etc. lllghps , cash price , Wells , 1111 Varnum , Til MISCELLANEOUS. n- n17 Forrata , etc. , ret top of flrtl column on tht * jjaqt 0 * TP you havq _ horses , carriages or _ houses t Tt trndo see III. . Jerome , room HIT , First Nu tlonal bunk bulldlni ; . M7SO J. MASSAGE Madam Delzlor , over 010 S 13tr. . 720 Ji LADIES it gents to buy the Plunior rocllnln 1C , chair ; unsurpassed for comfort. U21 N. I5tl. . no 818 Dill nok. k. DON'T forgot Jos. P. Megcath , 1M7 Furnnr st. . when oou want to buy , rent or sell type-writer. 4C MAP9AOE troatmont-clcctro-thormal bath1 scalp and hair treatment , manicure nil chiropodist Mrs. Post , U'JO-SI , Wlthnell bll in , to. rmPRWHITEKS for rent or sale. Stcno ? 114 J-raphcrs supplies. J.P. Mcseath,1007rarnaii ! th MONEY TO LOAN. For reitn , ( tc. , tee ton of column on HIM $ ICOO private money lo loan at 8 percent. ( F. Harrison. 1)12 ) N.Y. Llfo. Tx'l TV fONKY to loan on Jewelry and chattels , I 1 > U. Wilson , room KB N. Y. Llfo. M702-I us PKIVATB funds to loan on short time. Ad .8 * ilre-ss X 30' Hue. KH to MONKVtoloan by II. F. Masters onclintti roi and collateral securities for any tlmo froi 1 to 0 months , in any amount to tult bo ) rower. tn Loans Made on household goods , pianos , 01 gnns , horses , mules , hoiibos , leases , wurehoiif receipts , cte. , at the lowest possible rule without publicity or removal of proporty. My loans are so arranged thatyou can innV ; a payment of any amount nt any tlmo nnd n a Unco both principal and interest , If you owe a balance on your property t 100 have n loan you wish changed , 1 will pay It a ith and carry It for you. If you mid Itmorocoi . vonlont. call up telephone No. 1(121 ( and yoi up. - business will bu arranged ut home. eo-j Money always on band. No delay. No pul les llclty. Lowest rates. ik- P. Masters. lloom i , Wltlmollhlk , 15th und Ilurnoy fits. 5 . MONEY loaned nt low rates on furnitur horses , etc. , without publicity , llavrkoj Invest men t Co. . U3 Douglas blk.lGth. and Dodva WANTED 0 per cent real estate loans. F. Harrison. 1)12 ) N. Y. Life G IUO KEYSTONE Mortgage Co.-Loansof 110 H.OOO ; get our rate * before borrowing ui save money ; loans on horses , furniture or ni approved wicurlty without pnolloltn not bought ; for new loans , renewal of old and lo' \qt. cntratc3culllL2 < WShccly blk,15th&HowurC J O and lusursnce rental uBeiioyr 075-'dl1 MONEY TO LOAN. tcrratet , ttc. . tettopotfnrtolumn nn Mi pcias MONKY to loan on soMiud mortgairo. W , I iVynn , Hoom 334 Onfaba Nat. Dk. Ill'di , ' ' ' M 724 MON KY to loan oil Improved city property at current rates : fuuili on Imiiifi no dclny. Gco. ! ' lllust A Co. , SKIiWmgo bldR. WH-dO MONEY to loan on improved nnil vacant property. Lowest r. tp. 0. J. Caswcll , 81(1 ( N. Y. Life. , t UJOD24 STAH Land A Loan CdKoal estate , loans nnd Insurance rcntjlf agency. t)75-ilI7 ) an , HW g ) Jth st. , lonnt money V ouclinttclsur collateral atrcasonablorntcs T7U ItSTi second mortjtiKes vacant & lin- JL : proved city prop. County warrants bought. Money onhuiid. F.M. Hlchardson.SlSN.Y.LIfo , MONEY to loan on city and farm property. \V. \ M , llurrls , U a ) , 1/rotizor blk. , opp. P , O. fi25 BUIMHNO Ioans- mudo on clxilco city nroporty at lowest rates. Sumsof&VOMauil upwnrda pcrrorrcd. Khiiball. ClinniiiA liynn. 1S05 t'arnaiu htivot. 800-D13 _ MONEY ! B , CO orft ) clays , on household fur niture , etc. 0181'axlon block , J.J , Wllktn- . MG7U-K1 Bon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \VANTED I'lrst-clnw Inslile loans. Iowost ' rates. Cnll nnil sue us. Mutual luvt'st- inrnt Co. . l.'iQI I'ariiniii. 613 BlIIMINGloans.OtoTpor ) cent : no nddl- tlonnl rlmriros ( orcoininlsslon or attorney's eus. W. li. Mclklo , 1'lrs.t Nutlonul bank hld : . M7 "OEAL K.Htato Loans Cash nn hand. Olobo J-l Umn& Trust 4jo.K)7 ; ) ! < . mthst. No delay , no extra charges. Houses for rout , good list.MB MB OE. & 0. M.ANTHONYni3 N. Y. Llfo bulld- Inc , land motioy on farms In choice coun ties of Noliraskn anil Iowa , also on good Otnahu residence property ; lowest rates1 best terms : no delay ; money roady. Titles and values piisscd nn lion ) . D19 C1IHA11 oustorn money I'hllatlolphta MortcaRo and Trust Co. , always rendj lo lonn und par promptly ! flrst inorttriiKes vantod. Oeorpo \ . P. Coates , rcp- rcsentutlvo. room 7 , bount of trade. f > 15 M ONEY to loan on nnr huuur ty forshort. tlmu lit low ratui. Lowest rates on personal property. Tlio ITcndorson Mortsaco Invcstincnt Compa ny , room 400 , 1'uxtim Ulk. KO BUSINESS CHANCES. Formic * , etc tec to ot.llrtt c/tlmn / on tills 110,31 A N cnorgetlc and responsible man of busl- Anes.s experience wishes to trade cholco Im proved property on motor line near llanscom park for an Interest In some manufacturing , jobbing or other llvo business. Can give all references rcoulrcd. Address X 2:1 : lice. M703-7 "TTIOH SALE Drug business , good looallty , In JL1 this city. Cash and Omaha real estate. M. 0. Muclood , 015 N. Y. LI to D'ld'g. M 7I 7 T\7 ANTED TliB address of contractors nnd T architects with some capital , who will cote to the now state of Washington. Address W. O. Gerard , earo Lord & Thomas , Chicago , 111. M300-G * I I-1 you have any lots In Omaha to sell at a big bargain for spot ciibh call nnd sen me. Alexander Moore , ait Slicolv block. M70-7 * TJIOH SALE Half Interest In a meat market JL1 in Omaha ; will bear Investigation. Ad- diossVlll. . Hoc. M777 7 * ij EOHSALE-A first-class stovu repair busi ness In I.ciulvlllo , Crtlo.j good profitable business for money /Invested , liefercnces given for sclllm : out. Charles Adam. Ill and in East Sixth street. Uiiidvlllo. Coli OC7U * TilOH SALE Good pnylns crocery store. JL1 Only parties who wish to engage In same need Imiulre. at 217 H. 14th.streot. : CV > 7 * "TpOH SALE A retnl ) stock of boots and JL nliocn ; would take In part pay half section of good land with fair Improvements. Ad- dresa. W 03 , lleo Olllec. . 436 fl EOH SALE 35 barrel steam roller mill. Thos. ( Jrouch , Tokumah , Nebraska. ' 7au dii * , ; c' FOR EXCHANGE. . Forratn , etc. , rcc ( op nf fnt column ; E Improved lot on lower Ju Dodso st. ( or. yauiint residence property. M. G. ! > faclcod. 015 i < . Y. Llfo H'ld'g. fll 71X1 8 TP J'ou have a farm or merchandize stock to -lexcliimgo cull on or write 410 lleo building. Houses to rent. B17IO 7' T71OR EXCHANGE 2 sections western land , JL' clear. What have you to offer ? Itlsely , Slienandoati , la. 7UUlo * rPO contractors \Vutitit to trade caiilty $1,500 X In lot near lliiiiM'otn place toward now bulldliiK of about ! 2.rxM. 1210 S. It'd. M70I1-7 " \T ICE lot to trade , for driving horse nnd 1 > liujtuy. Address X 81. Hce. M 7UO-5 IOT In South Oniiilia lo trade for household Jgoods ; will pay from $100 to $150 cash. Ad dress , X 20. Hoe. M 70i-5 ) | 71OiricXCHANOE-i.OOO stock luirdwaioi t Jwunt Iowa hind. Hex USD , Shcnandonli. In , 'J 7li."i IU' T\7" ANTED To o.xebunKosnmo valuable real ' TV estate for poods , trade must bo nuuk qnlcU. Address X10 , lleo. JI 708-21' p WANTED Stock of luurclmiullhe , for wliloli I will trade city lot's and farm property , Address George U , Moshur , Grand Island , Nub /1HATTEL loans at lowest rates , Iteinovcd \Jto VU N , Y. Life bldg. J. . mralngor. S3 ; t WANTED A horse or inaro In part pa1 tI ) inent. toward a wagon or currlaKO. W. T in , Omaha's largest variety wagons am carriages , ' il II OK EXOHANOtv 100 acres well unproved J- hind and two business lots for stock of Ken oral merchandise ; hardware preferred , W 43 lleo. 374 Dii _ rpO cxchunyo Improvort property near Slier -L iiiua a vc. , for land or lots , bhatr , DOS Slice ) : blk. U74 _ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. For rate * , rtc. . fee top ofirst / column an l/iis / ixi3 T/\OU \ SALE S4.noru Improved farm ( W mile J 425 per aero ; .cottage 4 rooms , Mil Center Knqulru IJ03N. Mb tit. 760 7 _ AN nnUKRN , 1401 Douglas at. , sells 10th st addition lots , $100 : Van Deuren Uel hti J.100. Terms , Ji'i cash. J10 montlily , S2.xI.VJ , wcl Improved , California st. $7,500 , will take sonv tratle. 14ll-iO : W MICH & \ Vostorfloldroalestato.H.Omahira FOH SALE Cholco acre property at tin city limits ; electric cars running near till property at the present tlmo , 5 ( ) acres on Ames avenue. 20 acres near the Holt line , l.racre fruit farm near Amos avo. 210-acrotiaots , Hensim addition. 5-acres Solomon's addition. 'MO acres ni'ur i-imth Omaha. 10 acres lu Kensington. O. M. I'ovrer , Sole Aficnt. Room US Chamber ot Commerce. 74(1-10 ( Also corner Zld [ irid I/alrd , only , Terms easy. These larxalns worth in vcstl Smcaton & : Alien , 1007 I'arnuni street M7II5 1 ELEOANT east front , on 2(5th ( St. , hotweo Poppltilon nnd Wool worth , 82.000 , wort E.70a lIanlsonU13N. . V. Life. V.'l 3 ELEGANT homes la''Kouutzo place , froi l.l.ouo to J0.500 : 600 casK. balance 4 years , per month , U per cent Interest , Otlu-r goo ulm homes la same addltloil to oxohungo ( oreit m proporty. 8-room inoilotn houso.S block r- west of a4th , on Oaldwclllst. . for VI.W ; j.V. rr cash , balance $10 per niQuth , 0 per cent Intoi rso cst. J , J , Gibson , sole uiiont , Kountze place. so - * 8J7 is , UJS.OOO cash buys ono-liulf Interest , or sepai o Pnto Interest , in 21 50-foijt lota , ollulhly local u- cd ; nccesalhlo to inoliic , where5 and 0-rooi . can bo built nhd sold for from Jl.V to * 1WX ) to Kiinply ex'.stlng demand. Till itr ptirfeut. Urand opportunity for person ( n- inc-nns. No Incumuranco. luqulro at on < : nur 811) N. V. Llfo. 7MI b- TOIIN M. Clarke , oldest real estate agcn u notary public and money to loanfont met tal blocK , cntranoo on Douglas street. Hit floor , no elevator , lias a long list of ' .U and aero property , houses nnil lots and vacat .Uo. lots for sale Also t > olO ugont for lots inVo : o. Knd addition. C19 plOUNEIt. east front , on Ixivro avo. for 11,70 ill Wworth JI.OOO. 0. F. llurrnon , UW N. Y. Mf illa > 710K SALE or Lease 17 foot east front t . 201 feet deep , alloy corner , 24th und Ciimlc to streets. Address Jean Bebons , Bee buliainn. 1 U4U D iv . . _ 320 acres ( or sale HOVIMI miles north-east ( Tobias , Hallno county at 112.50 per ucr d. Pine boll , good neighbors , and perfect tlti Sits Bchool. church and postoflloo hundy. Forl acres under plow ; 240 In pasture. "Nn bulh In ITS. II. M. Wcad , 1502 0 street , Tucomi 1 Wash. C04& * FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE , finr rat ft , ite. , rr > lop / tint roliimii on ( 'it ' * ratte. AMES Itctil Kstnte. Agency. 15'j7 Farnam street. street.Solo ngonta. No. 57 , ml R | . , , bet. Davenport and Cnss , full lot . . 1.C73 00 No. W. N , V > \ Cor. ICtrt and VTIrt , full lot 5,00000 No. W. Cor , KM nnd Loav.sts.,81 feeton Lcav. . per foot. . . . , , . . . , 10000 No. M. Oelse's mid. , IX ] foot , , running from Ciisslusst. to Newton , very cheap nl 0,000 00 No. M. Oak UIU , full lot , ensv terms. . HOO 00 No.M. Oak Hill , full lot , JlOJ cash , * balance to suit purchaser. 750 00 No. r > 0. 2Sth st. , bet. Htmiclto ami Yntcs. full lot 2,500 00 No. (9. Unit Howard , bet. 22d nnd 23d sts. . full lot 10,500 00 No. 4t. Two lots on Locust st. , bet. 17th und 18th its 2,000" No. 44 , Full lot. Dwlght & Lyinnn's , near Kelt line 730 00 No. 43. Pull lot. Womor IMnco 600 00 No.40. Vnrioustotsln Ambler'sPlaco No.3 . I'Mll lot.2-.ld nnd Laird l.SOO 00 No.37. Two lots on 37th St. , bet. Cas nnd Dnvcnpott 4,00000 Nns.JtO , 35,31. Various lots In Orchard ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' No.a'3'i'rsV.'iio'rtho'f'Leav'.ifu'ri'iot' ; : . . 2,000 00 No. If. ' . Two lots , NV. . Cor. 20th and Urunt 0,200 00 No. III , Various lots In Moo's subdivi sion , north of Amen nvo No. SO. On DodRO Ht. , hot. Levy house nnd Oiirllch's house , 30 foot of ground by HO feet deopj present price per foot 173 00 No. 2l. ! On 2Mb St. , neiir I.oiiv. , lot 73x 140. all luxes paid In full , pnr foot. , . 115 00 No. 27. Lincoln Place , corners on Dav enport , full lot L.'iOO 00 No. 21. hcs and iMlli st. , with three frnntazoi" . two full lot * , oncb 4,500 00 No.23. riirnntn , nut , INth and 40tli Its. , south front , two full lots , each 3,50000 No. 22. rurimm st.cor. , 40lh , three full lots No.JI. 41st st. . bet. Dodge and Daven port , full lot. 2,00000 Nn. 2d. Cor. 2'ith and Jones sts , with Lcavonworth t. motor , elegant sluht for Huts or houses to rent , lot GOxKC , and very cheap nt 0,600 00 No. li ) . .snundnrs st , near Oddfel low's hall. 22\83 feet 6,00000 No , IS. Clark's add. , on 21th ave. , lot r.lxlUM. very desirable property ( or Improvement 5,150 00 No , 14. Ilurdctto and 3lth ) sts , two lots 3,30000 No. 13. lOlh st. , north of Nicholas , a cheap trncl ! < HKo lot 2,10000 No. 12. On Mason st. , hot. 31st nnd : nd Rts. , COxUS'i.or 12lxll8 ! { , one of the most desirable building sites in Oniahti No. 10. Cor. llurdottonnd SSIh , lot 80x8 ! ) feet , very desirable , nnd elioap nt 3,00000 No. 8.list St. , bet. Farnnm and Doug las , full lot 1.60000 No. 7. South inth st. , bet. Jackson und Jones , full lot 2,000 00 Nn. fi. Sfith st. , hot , Woolworth nnd HieUorr , full lot 2,200 00 No. 5. I.o t43xl7n. nn 10th st. and 13th ave. , abnrzaln nt 4,50000 , No. 4. Cor. Marcv and Sid Jts. , south nnd west front 5,50000 No.3. East front. 34th st. , bet.Farnam and Dodge , very chnlco 3.HOO 00 No.2. On2ath St. , lot 22x1)0. ) per foot. . 125 00 Houses and Lots. Na2H. Mnlnst. , Florence $1,60000 , No. 22. Norl h l.Hh st. . bet Corhy nnd Looust. two-story frame house and barn 4.5CO CONe No 21. Chicago , bet. 2Clh und 27th sts. . two houses 4,00000 No. 20. Ohio st. , six rooms , good re pairs , $ ' ,1)0 ) cash , balance monthly ; prlco 1,50000 No. 1R Illondo st. . bet 28th und 29th. eight rooms good order 3,00000 No , 17. Emniott st. . third house cast of 27th st..K rooms 4,000 CO No. II ! . On Corby ! nnd 33r-l st.s. . 7 rooms , well built , fruit and s-luido Ircos 3,000 00 No. l.r > . ( icorKla ave. near Shirley fit. , sn , nil house and barn 3,300 00 No. 14. North IRth uve.,2 hoirsoseach 3 rooms , now rented , prlco 2GOO 00 No. 13. Special bargain , full lot on Moore ave. , south of dinning , 3 blocks from motor , 2storyroom ! > house , street graded , very cheap , at 4,000 00 No. 12. icirtl st. north of l.i-avcnworth st. . full lol'l-room house 2,000 00 No. II. Hth St. . bet. Center and Dor- cas.Ssm.ill houses 3,30000 No. 10. Lowe avo. and Hamilton St. , fi-room modern house 4,000 00 No. 0. 7-room house nnd barn. In first-class ordor.u very'noat and do- plrublo plnco , and very cheap at price ciuoled , Howard nt. . bet. 2"th and 27th , eusv terms pilco 4,250 00 No. 8. South front llindotto St. , hot. 28th nnd 20th. very neat 8-room hnusound barn , In perfect ordur , on casyternis 4,00000 No. 0. On Parker St. , hot. 2Uh and 20th. l-room hoiw and liarn , all In perfect older , price. . < 3,10300 No. 5. H , 2. Various houses and lots In Moo's sitbdlv , , north o ( Ames' avenue Other Hoslttcncos. No. ISO. Cor. until nnd Wonlworth , fac ing park , 8-room brick , modern , and 8-room frame , modern , with burn. . . 20,000 CO No. Sfl. On I'Vimum ' St. , west'of 4''iid , 0-rooin mo.lnrn , good * barn , easy terms , desirable 7,500 00 No. 23. Pull lot. fronts east tin 7th St. , with four 7-rooin houses , nil rented , being llrst-cluss rental prop erty and will grow In value 12,000 00 No. 27 , South front , Emniott .st. near 211 h , lot 100 ft. front , 7-room house. . 5.000 00 No.0. south of Pierce , at , 6- room house 0,00000 No. 2. > . Cor. of 18th and Loav , sts..wllh 07 ft. fronton Leav..l2-room modern house IM.OOO 00 No. 24. 17th ht. near Lcav , st. , 4 houses now lented 20,00000 No. 2.1. N. W. cor. 19th nnd Mason , 4 houses , modern Improvements , now tented 0,00000 No. 22. Full lot , 4 houses 8 rooms each , ono house 3 rooms and barn , room formnro houses 30,000 00 No. 21. Stewart Place , Lowe ave , , 10- room brick mndarn 8,000 OC No. 20. inth it. , 3 full lots , each with press brick modern houscsaud b'irn , each 8WO OC No. 18. R rooms , full lot , 25th st. near Popplnton ave 5,000 OC No. 17. On 2th ! ) st , close to l-'arnnii ) . 8- rooin modern house with halt lot , price C.COOC ( l. Will tnko clear lot In part payment or make , very easy terms. No. 1(1. ( On nark ave. . 0-rooin modern house , lot : i7i\l40 ! , very desirable , will tnko1,1100 cash , price 7,500 No. 14. Luke st. near liOth , G-room homo nnd3-room house 5,000 fX No. IU. 17th st. north of Nicholas , 2 houses (1 ( rooms each , onu house 4 rooms 12,00) 0 ( No. 12. On I'ark ave. , 8-room house , half lot , prlco fe 0,000 CK No. 10. Puriinm st. hot. 41st and 42nd , full lot , lU-ronm house , modern ap pliances , good barn , prlco 9,000 CK No , 7. On Park ave. , 8-room frame house , half lot. premises in perfect order f > .SOO 01 No. 0. 2tli ! ) su near Hickory , very choice 7-room cottage , prlco 7.CUO 01 Nn. 5. Jopesttt. west o2nd ; ! , lot 47x177 , 7-room frame housn and barn 0,00001 Nbo. 4. 10-room brick modern , with arn , I\ount70 1'lnco 11,500 ( H Ames Kcul EtnU > Agency , 1307 l-'urnnm street , Solo agents. Olllco open evenings , 753 A SNA I' $2,7.10 will buy a nlco.Vroom housi and lot , with collar , cistern , oltv water sewer and barn , centrally located ; term easy. J. I.Ittle. I . 014 N. Y. Llfo. feo3dl3 A SNAP C-roorn house , city wntor In kltchni and lot , 1 mlle from P.O. , worth $2,000 , cat bo had for ono \\KCK at JI.O.V ) . S.Vrt ciishl only blocks from two motors ; this Is a genuine bar gain ; owner wants money ut once ; terms win not bo changed , llutchlnsanVeud , 1J- Douglusst. 722 rplli ; best lot on Hamilton nnd Lowe avoiiui JL Enquire ut 40J8 llnmlitonst. OsO il'J * rr HOO.M cottage , full lot. Ilanscom Plact i oust front und a great bargain for u foi days. Sm.ill cash payment and balance o long time. V. K. Darling , llurkor block. Kl mEN elegant aero lots In llonson ; will sell I JL a body or divide , liensou & Curmlchuo 412 N. Y.J , . bids. Tjlj 120 ucres tlnu farm land adjoining guod Me bru'skn town ; nearly cluar. ICO acres Unoly Improved land 2tf miles fror county seat In Nebraska ; lightly oncumberci 120 acres Rood hind In Nebraska , 5miles froi county Boats 2SX ) Inhabitants. llousu and lot In town In Kansas ; clear. Clear lot In good Nebraska town. r- 4 room house und lot , barn , well nnd olsten t- IGth street. Omaha ; slightly Inoumbercd ; wl tTO trade for Omnlm property und assume Incun TO h rajices. II. E. Colo. Co n t Inontal block. tt In B lUtJIChT bargain In Omaha. Only three ( ofo these elegant houses on Hth nml 1'iirnai o loft out of fcl.x ; other three occupied t > y ilrsi 0 * class parties. Houses are open all day for It T bpectlon. F.vory convenience In the house ; , Including p us and gas fixtures. iint Taku a look nt them during this fir nt weather ; buy ono and tuko life comfortah ] SH durum thu winter. it Only taken from t'WO to f.WO cash. 'Bco the st without fall for they will please you. D. ' 17 8holc8. 2ii : First Nat'l bank. 6 , OH SALE On 5 years tlmu : some choU a. lots. No payment required It liuprovci 5 Ringer Si Ilradlpy. 151'J 1'urnain gt. 653" rpE.V aero block In Ilcnson for sale at an u JL traotiro price , llcnson & Carralcluiol. 754 ( > ] .100 for choice- corner In Orchard Hill , c of JPMtlist. O. 1' . Harrison , 012 N. Y. Llfe ofe. e. e.o. . OR SALE At a bargain , 00x120 on Davei port near 17th , one block from new pos office , very ehoau , 120,000 ; MxlW corner 201 a , and Farnam , (30,000. U , L. Qreeu , room : Darker block. C > FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , Formw ( , rte.tte ( opn/yirjrtrdliimnan ( hti pits "I7IOH SALE Ono of the finest stock farms in J-1 the west. (4 miles southwest of Kiinsus Oily , In the garden part of Kansas. The farm consists of Uiu acres , nil llrst class Innd , fenced nml cross-fenced. An elegant 12-room home and other tlnn tniprercmcnts. A 12-acre orchard , nrtlllctal lake , etc. , utc. To nny one wanting a gilt eilpo stiwk nml craln farm nothing can bo found that will cnlrely till the bill better than this ; au head of cultlo. 300 tons of lia\Mcan bepurohaiteil with the tram If desired , Wo will sell ( or cnnh or purt cash and notes. Gilt edge Incomn prnporty would bo considered In exchange , Address M. A , Upton Co. . Omaha , Nob. 7.H on I-Tirnam , near city hall , M ) per foot , an Invcslmctit. 0. V , llnrrlsou.'Jl''N. V.LIfo. 724 .1 Tnoil SALEor Trndo A nice lot JOxlIC , south -L ( ron ton grail r , pity water , Ut blocks south- oust of 20thuml Vhiton sts. , for sale or trade for a good horse und phneton : prlco $1,2.V ) ; i-n- eiimbraiico iltXIi Adtlresj X lien C40 7 * STAH Land .t Loan"Co. . real" estate , loans nnd Insurance rental agency. Id-tin ELEGANT residence In Kuuntzo Plnooi 0 rooms finely tlnlblird and all modern con veniences ; Wlrt st. . mur nitli. fan t-oll on onc-qiinrlcrcasli payment and balance time to right party. This la no olienp affair of a house , but acotnforablu homo In every MMHII und a bltf snap bargain. K. K , Darling , Marker lllock. M.7KI K room house , lot 3'I.\S3 , fl.TDt ) . O ( i-roinn house , stable , lot : im\R2 , J2.000. llrlek house , nud Ameilcaii housn , lointxiiON. E. corner loth and Douglas. Kiuiulro 2121 S lltn. lit rpllKhestcotner on upper Kiirnam street , JL fror.tago on H streets ; splendid corner on Karnnm slroct , close tocotirthonxiMi tnirgnlii ; corner with lrai'kai ; lu S , E , pirt : ot city j peed residences and low-prlcoil cottages , good lots tor building , some us low ns { 100 , inside acres , farms and unimproved land. Wo will sell any of this property , of which vrohuvoctitlro control , at. prices way below what you can buy at iMsowhero. Stringer < & Penny , Darker block , 15th and rariiain. * 1SS CLAIRVOYANT. Forrcitf.i , rtc. , ree tup < / fnt column < m thti it 131 lYrAS3At3K-JIadam Dolzler , ovorlllO S. llllli. M 'ME.Hiirrough Palmist tolU the pastpres ent und future from the lines of the bund , In thoold Gypsy wuy. Feec , tl : ladles only. 1617 Izard Btrect , Oinalia 4411 7 * MKS. STEVHU Is giving host successor any fortune teller In the olty. She ( lees not ( k'nl In nny fraud. Her tornv ) are the lowest. 4IIIJ N. 10th. 3rd floor. 410 6 * MHS. Nnnnlo V.Warren , clairvoyant trance , speaking , writing and rullubln business inodliim , four yours In Omaha. 110 N , IGth. 532 AUHIVED-Olalrvoyuiit , iiuturally gifted , tells past and future , love troubles , ab sent friends , changes , travels , business. Satis faction given. Mrs. Wallace , 1303 Karnum Ht. 703-8 * HORSES WINTERED. Fcrratu , etc. , tre lop nt flrtt mjiimtimi Him HOUSES wintered. Wo Jiuvo the best ac- . conunoaiitIons In the state for wintering horses. Hex or single stalls , with paddouk. Apply to Windsor ' , Kemp & Uo. , 20. ) Now York Life bldg. , or to Chris Novlns , at the stables , irvlnuton. Nob. MC'JI KS wintered No better place to win- xtor linrses than the Stillwuter stock ( arm , I't. Ca hoim , 1'rlccs low. best care. It. J , Kendall , Ipropr. , room 3tfl , Ilrowu bldg.Oninlia , 674 ( Ifi _ MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE7" forratct , etc , tectopof flrtl cuhttnn oil tftlJ P.IJJ. .L guitar , vocal Instruction. Htudloncfirilieoly block. M TOT J5 * _ "IDEl'OHE buying aplano cxamlno the now -Usculu Kimbiill piano. A. IIospo,131U Douglas. EO. F.aEhLENItEOIv.tonalicrof tlio bun in wlthJUjspu 1513 Douglas. _ 24U MISS H , J. Miles , experienced teachers ot volcu eiilturo. pupil of Madam Kdna Hall , Boston , Muss , lloom Mli , Drown building , cor. IQtli and Douglas streets. 222 1)21 ) * _ HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Farratrt , etc. , * cefoio.runt | . column on ( Att BEST line hair goods In west ; hair dressing , wigs , switches , banxs , hair chains , etc. , a SDCclulty. Dnvles , bulr goods and milliner , oppoalto postolllue , 111 S. loth street , Omaha , SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. rorratti , etc. , tee top f trst column on t.'ili ilia's rpVl'E\VItITE USaii1 makes , bouRlit. sold , ex- JL changed , rented. J. 1 * . AlcgcutlUtiO ? Farnam street. 4W ! . PATENT SOLICITORS. For rntc. * , etc , scetnp of flriit codniiii on PATENT lawyers and sollcltors.O.W. Sues k L Co. , Dee build Ing , Omaha. Hraiioh oflleo at Washington. D. 0. Consultation free. " > IMds lor Public Printing. STATK of NKUIIASKA , 1 Ofilce of State Hoard of I'rlntlng. > LINCOLN , November 15th , 1890. J NOTICE TO Sealed proposals will ho received ill any tlmo on or befoio two o'clock p , m , of the fltli day of December , A. I ) . In * ) , ( or tfie printing of nil bill for the legislature with such mut ter us may be ordered by either house thereof to bu printed In "hill form" which Is shown and designated .as class ono ( I ) unoer the printIng - Ing laws of the state of Nebraska , l''or the printing and binding In paper covers of one thousand (1.000) ( ) copies each ot the bien nial reports of the auditor of public accounts , treasurer , secretary of state , and commission er of pnbllo lands and buildings ; and live hun dred | . " > W ) ) copies each of thu biennial reports nf thu attorney general , superintendent of pub- llo Instruction , state librarian , and adjutant general ; and all other reports and documents that mar bu ordered printed by thu legisla ture , except suoh as may enter Into and foim a part of the Journals , which class of work Is known and designated an class three ( U ) under tlio printing laws of Nebraska. * The bill work , executed under class ono , shall bu printed In small pica typo on paper fourteen (14) ( ) Inches long by olghtnnd one-hull ( Sli ) Inches wide , single page , paper to be twenty-night t' pounds doiibla cap to tin ream , nnd except tlm title nago ; each page Nhall contain not loss than twenly-llvu (25 ( ; HIHM of hollil matter of sown (7) ( ) Inches In length nnd the lines shall bo successively numbered , with a blank only in each spnco be tween the lines. The title page of said bills shall contain not loss than eighteen (18) ( ) lines ns abovo. wltl three (3) ( ) Inches addItlonal fepuco allowableot ( display tltlo matter. Each bid shall state what the bidder Is will ing to do tlio work complete for , per page , foi two hundred (200) ( ) copies of each hill ; uNo Hit price for uddltlonal hundreds that may IH > or. dared of the same bill at the same tlmu as th original (200) ( ) . Including composition , paper ! press work , stltohlni : . folding , und all work or material entering Into the work required. All work executed under class one shall be dollvcrt'd In good ordur by the contractor U the olllco of the secretary of state wlthli threudays uftor the receipt ot the ordur hj said contiactor from the'chairman of tin commit tee on printing , In either brunch of the luirlslnturc. All worn executed underclass three ( It ) shal he printed In long primer , brevier and nonna- rlol type.on paper to b nine Inchiu loiignj six ( ft ) Inches wide , single page , papur to hi forty-five ( ! [ > ) pounds to tliu roam , of twenty ( our by thirty-six , white book. Each bid underclass three shall state what thn blddei Is willing to ( lo the wnrk complete for , poi piign , on ouoh report or Item In the class , In cluding composition , paper , press work stitching , folding , nnd all work or mntcrln entering Into the work required. ( Jalloy ant page proof must be furnished whim ruqulriM by the otllccrs of t ho ovecutl vo department o the chairman of the committee on prlnllnz li cither brunch of the loglslatuio. Work whoi completed to bo delivered free of oxpunson the btute house. Proposals for work on each of the nbovi classes will not ho considered unless the Ham n. bo accompanied by a bond In tliomim of llv 11 thousand < V > , u < Adollars ) ) with twnormorumirc i- ties : that In case the party proponing formic iDO con tract shall bo awarded the samoHUCh part will , within llvo (5) ( ) days after the award t oft him of such contract enter Into bonds forth m faithful performance thereof , us provided b tn - law und thu terms o ( these proposals. na - Proposals shall bo marked , "Proposals fe a , " nnd addressed Public Printing" tothuwtat board of printing. In care of the secretary c jo state , Lincoln , Neb , lom Contraction clans ono (1) ( ) , as above spooldoi will bo awarded as a whole. m Contracts on class three ( tli , n.s above spec fled , wlli bo awarded In whole or in purt us th board may oloct. . , CO Samples of the work to bo executed umli d. class ono ( I ) , nnd thruo fji , may bu seen ut tl ofllco of the secretary ot state. Contract ! on above classes one (1) ( ) , nn three (3) ( ) . to run two (2) ( years from Decumbi Oth. 1KW. The state printing board reserves the rlgl to reject uny or all bids. _ DEW R. OownKiiv. Becrcrury ofBtuto T. II. 1IBNTON , Auditor of Public Accounts , .t- J. E. HIMTreasurer. .tth th Treasurer. 30. State Hoard of Printing. 27 N23UM& PENSION AGENCY. r tffji < > tiim > i im ! / ; ( < iKig IJENSlONS-ThnCHninmn Pension Agency , 21 Kreiuer block. Information fron 117 RHILWHYTlMEOflRD ClIlt'AllO , lUJilTTNllTON \ y. I ArilroT IJopol loin nml Mii < on mrooH. | Omshiv I'lilf.ico Kiprpii.I tV ( n ra .CtilcAKO KiproM 0.90 p n i. .CbtcAito KiproM ' 1U01 n m , , lown I.OM1 , , . , Hi Win uiti.ixii u.i A MO . IllVtilt.Arrlrot Omaha. IJcpot 10th nml .Mi > ou ttroati. I Oninlia. 10.54 nil U n i > r HAT li.tprois. 401 p in lO.Vi nml . . . .li.'iiror Klprot . . . . . 0.11 p m 8.40 P ml . .Uonrvr Nlnht Vintiii * . J.,15 a m 8.IJ it inL _ . . . .l.liKHilo l < ocnl V.u ) p tn Anl ni" ' Onmhn. | Depot lOtii'nnil.Mnio " IO iTiii.KRn | ntntr ii\r Kipri > n.7r , | lUO p m J.4S ) p mK. [ . ! , jflKlit lixu. l U. 1' . Trnn . [ O.O it ra : Umtm U.NTO.S' I'AWVlO. iArr ( oi Umnlnt.j lei > nt IQlli mill Mnrcy trent . I Onnli.i. V.M p m . pra , 7.30 p In . , I'nclno Kiproai , , ,11.1) , ft m n m DviiTvr KturoM S. & > t m KM it m KniujviCltr KxproM 13.03 it m 10.15 n m . . .Knlntol.l . Kin. ( niot < ( l ! < iin. ) , . . | 4 'U p in "livnvvi | TfllOAliiTl'-l , * I'ACH-'ltS i Arrlrui" Oman * . | tJ. 1' . ilrpot , lOLh Ami MArcy SH.I ( ) umhn. _ 6.10 p ni , . . .NIiihllCiir | M WM n m 11.01 n in . . . . AtlAiitlc Kiprcsi I n.,10 p m 4.M p in . . .Vcitttuila l.lmltiM llO.Uik m "Ii\vu " 'sliiUX Ci't'V \ I'AillhTii * \ I I Arriru Onmlm.J. \ . J' . ill-pot. lOtli nn.l > l ror Sti. | Oinijln " " " ' "l.U n ml . tloux Cltr I'Aititinner. . . ' I 4.)0t ! ) _ > ml _ i. .8t. t'nul Kxp oi..t. . . M0.1jn ( ) X I'lTi ' l I'AirtMO. I 7\rrrTo " itli nndWrbitvr 8t . J Umnhn "tl'mT p m [ . . . . .Sl. I'mil UmUivl. . . . . . . .l D.JJ i\m" riiTi tftiUI'irkS'l'RllS . " AUI * \ > i ArriTo. Dnmhn. U. I" , iloiiot , 101 li nnil Jlnrojr Jin. | Oinnhi , 8.15 n in t C'hlfnKii Ktprmi ( l. P m 4.'U p m Vuitlbnla I.liultiiil U.SO a m ( US p m lovro Acroiiinioilnllnii ( Kic. Sun ) 7.0S p m V.10 p m . .Knsli-rn Klrcr , 5.IS p m inJJc.xaSiinll-'ni't Ha t K\eicMoii ( ) 7.10 n m * lxnivei""jT'TiitAUCr MTu.t 9T. 1'AliTi.l Atriroi Onmlm. | U. 1' , depot. IQlli nml .Mnrcy tvl ( JioaliA. 6.U ) p ml ( 'Tile-nun Kiprvsi I V.4i n ra l To I 7i.fAlT7Ss"F. . T TlnS' . | ArnvB Onmtio. JU. I * . opot.JOtlijinil .MarcTSti. ljtiuiilm. _ 4.aj.pIiiijTir..1i1t.Tlulii ! Ouuiim JilKll. . . .113. ' p " . , 610 p m Trnmfurl Union I'ouot. ( 'oiinii lllugi. ITran < f f " "WOli 111 . ' .NUIt Kipfo | " 9.S4 m 9M nn AtlnntlS K pr 6. p ra tUOpm . . . . . . .ti..Vo'tltinjp I.lmltort..i.10.BO ] B m "l nvon | CIIHAro.vNOK1ril\YlNTBlYN.1 , ArrlFot" Tmn-irerl Unhm Dcpnt. . _ Ciiiincll ItlulTi. l'l > nn t c ( M p m a m 2(0 ( P m 7.110 n m 0.40 p nj fCnilTATTo" MIL. " * "ST. " ArrTvW l Union llcimu Council Illiilta. "Transfer " ( . ! ) \ > m\ \ CliJcnKO Kiprcis , " ,1 "ii.ll n m 12.W | ijn | . . . . . . . ( ' iig. iiiroi'it..ii..l | BW p in "lon os T K7"'f. 'JOK A " ( XII. I " A7rlve " TrMnferl Union IXpdi. Cuuncll lllnlTt "Trnmfer 1007 n in.kiin9fti | Dny Kipreis. . . . ! ft.t-1 P m 1U.J4 p m | . . hnn n < ( 'ItyJiliijiLJ'i.prpy . l CW n m avos 1 "OMA'llA. A "ST."railIS ] 'Arnr TriunfirJJnloii | DKIIOU ( lium-11 lllnlti _ | Tr ii for M l p ml. . . . , _ .Sl7Uiiiils I'liiuui lull. , iJ11j2.ll J > m Triinaforj Unlnu Depot , Council lllnlti. | Tranifur ' ' 7.40'a'm 10.00 p pa 7.05 p ni Trnnslor _ 1.45 m 8.03 PJJ _ _ MISSOUilT I'AUIFIU BUDUHIIAN TUAINH. Notice to Gr."Mliii > ; unit ' 11 ml ) r con- tr ctor.s. Wo are prciiarcd to receive bids for a largo nniount ot work west of the summit of thu ItocKy mountains on the line of thu lireat Northern rillwiy : , fneliidlng Bradlni ; , which eonslsls nt rock , earlti work ana tunneling , und a largo amount of timber ; also a lurgo amount of hewed timber for structures , I'iir- tlos who ntii prepaind to go Into the woods nml take out timber and who luive grading outllts for rook work , will IIml this a dunlrable oppor tunity. Thu work is located , and tlin Hupnlk-.i for c.irrylni ! lion are on thu gioiiuil. mid the work Is ready to commence at cneo. For fur ther Infoi mat Ion Inmilro nt roomX' , National ( iorman-Amcrlean uank building , HI. 1'uiil , Minn. Shcpard. Hloms.tCo. N-.WtM TUB UUA.IJTY j TNSTHUMKNTa plaood on rooorJ Docom- JborO. . James Ilarolay and wife to James Hood , lot 2 , bl If : " > , Newport add . $ OW B .1 Chamboi-s and wlfo to J T Comstock , lot 10 , blk I , William Hagedorn's. . , , , , BX ) 11 U Duvrles and wlfo to Christ Hanson , n'/i of lot 17. blk II. I'l.ilnvlQW . 7J8 J W Grllllth. tr , to J IMcnscn , lot ' . ' - ' , blk P , llakur I'lnce . fiaa UI' IlllltoC LJnynos , lots ! ) lo 11 , bile n , .Shcrinan avenue pane . lr ; CljJayni'aand wlfolo K C Kiillnr , lota 0 to II. blk II , Khorman avenue piirk. . . l"ri : ) M AlcUlary to A M MclJlnry. hits 11) ) and 20. bli : 12 , Aniblor Place . 1,200 G T Nulllsanil wife to Aug 1'erti , lots ! ) to IS , blk4 , llcdford i'liico . II/iOQ M 1' O'Donnell to K J Foykora , Iot2i : , blk IL" ) , South Omnlia . ' 2,000 Anna chi'oc < lor to Osoar Manger , lots 1 1 nnd II , blk-4 , Drown 1'ark . 8,0.0 G G Wallace , tr , to .1 U Kennedy , lot SI , blk 1 , Motiniouth I'ark . 2,033 QUIT OI.AIU 1IKKDH. a K Payne ti .1 1C Saundors. 10 a known ns "I'latt Saunder's llomostuad , " In III anil : tl-i.-13 . 1 II I' Smith and husband to J 1C Sauu- dew , 2 aso no . ' ( t-l.VI3 . 1 DKKDS. Krnnk Holler , spol oomr to Sman Nock , olotill , ltcdUk's2d ! add , ( wonir deed ) . . . . Total amount transfers "At last , I can cat a good siiunru meru without its distressing tno ! " was tnuKni oxclimmti'on of one whoso apiicllto had boon restored by the use of Aver'a Sarsnirarilla ] after years of dyspeptics misery. A teaspoonful - ful of tlin extract before each tncal tlio appetite. Hospital Stewards Baur and ICaol from Fort I OKau and Columbus liarwcks have been or- dorcd into tha Held ut 1'ino Hldge , ruportlnu' to Colonel Haelio , the modlcnl dlix-ctor , who is now lu the Held. "Weather 1'rolmlillltloH. For December IndlcsitionB point to cold , frosty woiithor. That , howuvoi * , will make no dllTorunca to UIOHO wlio tritvol in the Hloam-houtoil ivtul oluotrio- llf , ' ted , Ihnltod vontlbiilo train which is run only by the Chlo.v o , Mllwnukoo & St. Paul Ky. botwoan O inn ha und ChlcnKO. This ole < fant tniin loaves Oinalia ut 0:10 : p. m. un'ivinp in Chicago nt ! ) : . ' ! ( ) a. m. , In time to inuku all oaaloni connuotlonH. For furtlior infoi'mation ripply nt city tiulcot olllco , 1501 Kurniiia Hi. , Omaha. li1. A. NASH , J. K. J'HHSTON. Goncral Agont. \ . City Pnssongor Agont. 10 Lieutenant Preston , Ninth cavalry , lately or an duty nt Fort Myur , Vn. . uns been ordered 10 to I'lna Hltlgo for duty with liU rcgliuout. 10m er only nillrouU tram out of Omiiha lit run oxprcHHly for the iiceommodatlon of Omahii , Council IJUtffH , Dog Molnos and Chlcnoo btislnuHS IH the Hock Islunil vo.s- tlbulcd limited , leaving Omaha ut 4:80 : p. in. dally. Ticket olllco , 1602 Sixteenth and Fiirnum sts. , Omaha. Dr. Dlrnoy euros catarrh , Dee Bldg.