Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    TJ1.E OMAUA DAILY BEE , \RL < \ AY , DECEMBER 5 , 1890.
How it Was Mndo by the Eevonth
' Infantry of Deaven
Cunfl luting Order * \VliluIi Cause
tlio Command to Ilotualn
Over u M lit In the
Gate City.
nlpht , nprccnbly to the nnn ounccincnt
In TUB llr.B the Sovcnth Infantry arrived In
the city nt the Union Pacific depot. They
hud como from Foil Logim , the beautiful
post , ninn miles from Denver , named In honor
of the hero ot Atlanta and a number of other
enuMgcmcnts In the late war.
They embarked nt the fort ntll o'clock on
Wednesday and left the city on a special
train at ! i o'clock of the same day. M'he run to
tills city was uneventful save in the matter
of delay nnd contradictory telefra'ns. These
nt times tested the patience ol the boys nnd
nt other times caused them to wonder when
the ohjcctof their destination would bo tnaclo
known to them ,
The command comprised tlio following
companies : . .
II company. Captain T. S. Klrtinnd , IJcu-
tenant 0. S. Yotinif and Lieutenant F. H.
0 company. Captain J. T. Van Orsdcll ,
JJoutonant a. Molvcr.
1) company , Unptnln R H. M. Kcndrlck
nnd Second Llciitentimt Robert'Alexander.
K company , Captain 1. . . R Burnett and Second
end Lioutcifunt II. T. Ferguson.
! 'company , Lieutenant ! ) . A. I'Vcderlck nnd
Lieutenant .J. H. M. Taylor.
O company , Captain WHlliun Qulnton.
Lieutenant D. L. Ilowell and Lieutenant A.
P IlufiliiKton.
These companies comprise 20:1 : men. They
\vcroundcr the coimimnd of Colonel Henry
C. Merriatn , brother of Lieutenant Mcrriuin ,
who six years a o stood at the head of the
ninrksmca of the nrmy. He is well known In
this city , and In fuel was married to a young
Indy who for years hnd mndo this city her
home. Ho has hoe. , sick for some time , but
prudent speculation In Idaho will enable him
to retire In n. double1 sense nnd enjoy the honor
which his career ns a soldier and marksman
have earned for him.
tVlonel Merriatn himself Is the inventor of
the Merrlam knapsack , a contrivance- which
removes thrs weight of the soldier's pack from
his back and Imposes It upon his hips. This
affords a relief which soldiers greatly appre
ciate. The , however , is being ex
perimented with.
Lieutenant A. B. Johnson , a DriRht , capa-
hle , young and experienced ofllcer , acted as
adjutant , \vhilo Lieutenant L. 13. Greene ,
well known in this city when ho wns nldo-do-
camp to General Crook , acted ns quarter
Major H. M. O'ltellly is the surgeon ac-
compaiiyhip the command , lie has uccn in
the army since 'U-i and it teems us if ho Is the
thorouuti and accomplished gentleman to
have round when hospital stewards are In
The train hearing the command consisted
of six tourist sleepers , in which were quar
tered the I'ullnmti "Transit "
the men , , ona
Hat car , two buggugo car > , one stock car con
taining four horses nnd four mules and ono
car containing u rcdcross ambulance.
When the colonel wns asked how ho ex
pected to get along without wagons , ho re
marked they would have to do the beat they
could until they could get to Pierre und re
place their own nine wagons nnd mules
which they had allowed to go with General
Forsythnnd his Seventh cavalry when it
passed through Bciu'cr on Its way to the
The men were in excellent spirits , notwith
standing that they had subsisted mainly on
lunches alone the journey , nnd wboti they
leannd that Ounrtermaitei' Orcone hud tdc-
praphcd to this city to have seventeen bar-
l v rels of hot coffee , more or less , ready when
11. * the train should arrive , they felt about as
1 " kittens hi basket of
happy as u bevy of a
The regiment had loft Denver under the
impression that upon its nrrlvnl In this city
It would ho given horses and otherwise
equipped for the campaign.
Lntera telegram was received by the col
onel stating that It hnd been suggested by
General linger , commander of the depart
ment of Dakota , that It would bo bettor to ( jo
to Picrro , S. D. , and bo equipped at that
Tjiis Indicated that it Is the Intention of
the goncrni to surround the bad lands Into
which the Indians are said to bo retreating.
In keeping with this inforniation was an
other fact that the train would continue tc
Council Uluffs where. In all probability , the
men would bo transferred to the Northwestern
western cnrs.
Shortly hefore the depot was reached an
employe of the company informed the colonel
nel that the order to cross to the IllulTs had
been countermanded nnd that the train
would accordingly remain on this side.
These conflicting announcements caused
some eyes to open wide and wonder when il
would bo known whether or not the regiment
vouldnotbo ordered back homo before the
matter wns brought to a close.
When the train cnmo to a stand In th
flepot Major Bcnhnin , inspector of stnal
arms practice of the department nnd a mem
her of the Seventh , called upon his regi
mental associates , and the meeting was OIK
of pleasure.
Captain J , M. Sanno of Company H nlsc
paid tils respects. Ills company had nrrlvci
yesterday morning from Lcavcnworth , nm
waited all day nt the Fremont , Elkhorn S
Missouri Valley depot for the nrrivnl-of thi
main part ot the regiment , without orders.
The company comprises forty-eight men
every 0110 of whom is ns hearty as
good constitution , good living nnd a regjilni
llfo can mako. It is under the command o
Captain J. M. J. Sanno , nn olllcor who entered
tered West Point in 18.19 nnd has since re
mainH in the service , having passed througl
the civil war with honors. The lieutenant
nro J. 1) . Jackson and Armand I. Losscigno
The company was provided with anununi
lion and other essentials and ready to go hit
action the moment it reaches the front.
Cnptnni Sanno was ordered by his colono
to have his car switched to the Union Pnclil
depot , so that Company II might leave witl
the other companies wlien the order shoul
fomo to advance.
Colonel Mcrrinm reported his arrival t
ficncral Kuger In Soutli Dakota , but nt las
accounts last night , with Ills command , wn
Bleeping In his cars on a'sidetrack.
A company of this regiment Is still statlonei
at Camp 1'ilot Hutte , Kock Springs , Wyo
under the command of Colonel lUut nnd Cut
tain Coolidgo. There Is some doubt as t
whether or not this company will bo callu
into service.
The departure of II company from Leaven
worth lenvBi the garrison at that place In
somewhat reduced condition , only the follo\\
Inp organizations remaining :
E conipnnv of the Twelfth , A company c
the Tenth , P of the Thirteenth and light 1ml
tony F of the Second artillery.
The Sixth cavalry from Fort Wlngato , No\ \
Mexico , la the department of ArUonn , lol
Denver yesterday morning.
The First infantry from California Is o
tlio way to this city and will reach Ogdcn U
nluht ,
"I use Ayor's Cherry Pectoral freely In m
prnctlco.nud recommend It In eases of whoo > |
Inc cough among children , having found
more certain to cure that troublesome discus
thnnany other medicine I know of. " So suj
Dr. llartlctt of Concord , Mass.
A $ iilOOO : .Mortgage.
A mortgage In the sum of fill 1,000 , was flic
in the register of deeds ofllco yesterday , t
which the Omnlrn elevator company mor
gages to the Illinois trust and savings con
pany of Chicago all of its property In th
state and Iowa to secure the payment of
fcorlns of coupon bonds.
The hlooJ must ho pure for the hodyto 1
in perfect condition , Dr. J. II. McLean
Snrsapnrllla makes pure blood and impar
the rich bloom of health and vigor to tl
whole body ,
Hound to Ho Hnd ,
William Edgar of Sclmylor has written 1
Chief Scavoy regarding bis daughter , Lizi
Edgar , vho was arrested with several othi
plrU of questionable character at Mr
White's lodging house on North Sixteen !
street. Ho says that the girl visa Induced I
eutcrupouu Ufa of shaaio bj her sto
mother , who has also loft homo with the
nrfiwod Intention of finding a "solid man. "
The father lays that hols too poor to travel
nbout , over the country looking for his
daughter and requests that she ho sent homo
in hncklcs. The girl h still confined In the
city jail , together with Nora Kan&dnll' who
was arrested at the same time.
Ilotharo terribly depraved and announce
their determination to continue In their
downward course. They object to being
taken homo or to Urn reform school.
I'ltiu 1'lnylnjf Cards ,
Send ton (10) ( ) cents In stain1 ] ) ! or coin
to John Sebastian , general ticket and
jwssoiiL'oiiiffont Chicago , IJoclc Island
it Paeillc railway , for a pticlc ol the
latest , smoothest , slickest playing1 cards
tlmt over gladdened the eyes nnd rltiulcd
tilong the lingers of the clovotco to lilgh-
five , sovcii'Up , ciiHlno , Dutch oucliro ,
whist or uny other ancient or modern
Ciime , nnii got your money's worth ilvo
times over.
Till' ) DAVIS.O'noNNHLiIj MIM-i.
'llio Ointihn I'ugVlim nn a Fojil in tlio
nicvenlh Uonnd.
One of the stubborncst prlr.o fights that
ever took place in the vicinity of Omnha wni
Hint last night nt Gcrmnnlu hall , South
Omaha , between Hilly O'Donnellof Portland ,
Ore. , und young Davis of this city. The
men scaled nt itl : each , nnii fought for fame
nnd goto receipts. There was u large crowd
In attendance , and the universal verdict was
that tlio scrap totally eclipsed any of the so-
called professional events that ever took
plane in this neck of the sublunary sphere.
Billy Hawlcy was behind young
Davis , while Pat Allen , the conqueror of
Jerry blnttcry , manipulated the towel for the
After much persuasion Charlci M. Jackson
of the Salt Lake Tribune win chosen referee ,
nnd that he executed the duties of his deli
cate position In the most satisfactory manner
was attested to In the lonu umt uproarious up-
plnuRO which grcoted his diei.iion in the
eleventh round , whan ho mvardcd ttio light
to young Iavis on a foul.
The llrst two rounds wore a stand off.
Davis had the advantage of height and reach ,
but O'Dgnnell ' made up for these shortcom
ings in determination nnd vlriouMicss , At
thu outset of the third round , In a rush by
Davis , O'Donncll caught him full In the jaw
by the famous La Blanche pivot
swing , that all but knocked him
out. The Omaha lad was dr.zcd
from the effect of the swinging right handcr ,
but ho gathered nlmself together in truly
professional style nml fought on In a way
that Jnstiilcd the opinion that ho would yet
land n winner.
In the fourth round ho almost put the Oregon
gen man to sleep by u straight ono from the
shoulder , and hnd he followed up the van
tage hero obtained , ho would have had his
man sound asleep long before the gotig
In the lifth young Davis handed the visitor
n clean knock down , nnd from this on out to
the close hail much the test of the light ,
O'Donnoll frequently resorting to dastardly
fouls to save himself the ignominy of a knock
out.So pnlp.iblo did his dirty methods
become that Referee Jackson forcibly
threw the mon apart in the midst of the
eleventh round , nnd proclaimed :
"I award this fight to D.ivis , and should
have done s > o several rounds since. This
man O'lJoimull ' has no business In any thing
but a rough-and-tumble fight. "
And the crowd cheered nnd cheered , then
dispersed und the Davls-O'Donnell mill was
Stnnloy nnd Km In I'.islin.
Mr. Stanley , In his description of finding
Emin I'asha , says : "Wo celebrated our meet
ing hi some of Munun's ' best , which had been
carefully treasured for the occasion. " This
is n deserved tribute to the excellence of (1.
II. Miitmn it Co.'s Kxtrn. Dry , held In such
high fir/or by connoisseur * throughout the
world for Its excellence and purity.
- "Around the World in Eighty Days" was
produced last night nt Boyd's in the presence
of a packed house. This latter fact was a
surprise to many , because the play has here
tofore been produced in so villainous a man
ner us to disgust oven the small gatherings
which could 1)0 attracted to witness it.
The confidence of lust night's audience ,
which hnd evidently been aroused by the
naino and guaranty of the Klralfys , wns
not misplaced. The production moro than
rcali/cd the pledges of the manngeinont. The
scenery , the incchnnlcnl effects , the dancing ,
the acting , yes , and with a sliglit qualilica-
cation it may also ho said the supers , wcro
" \Vo heard a mechanic sny that ho wo alii not
bo without Salvation Oil at any time , ns it
kills pain at oneo. 1'rico 25 cent's u bottle.
Let all well meaning patents protect their
helpless llttlo ones , nnd always keep on hand
a bottle of Dr. Hull's Coii'U ( Syrup. 25 cents
a bottle.
. I'.l Il.lGIIA I'lIS.
0. B. Hudson of Detroit Is nt the Barker.
J. L. Kelso of Akron , O. , Is at the Casey ,
" \V. G. Martin of Dos Molnes is nt the Mur
< Charles Ulgga of Norfolk Is at tno Mer
T. J. Huteson of Philadelphia is at the
R. O. James of Iloosick , N. Y. , is nt the
F. L ) . Ladd of Tnbor was nt the Merchants
lust nltrht.
H. J. Gook of St. Louis was at tlio Murray
10 last night.
W. II. Ward cf Lincoln Is in the city at the
i D. L. Ilillnril and wife of 'Wiincraro at the
Frank Madden of St. Louis is in the city at
the HarKcr.
A. S. Ilospoof Rock Island ts registered at
: the IJarlier.
, 0. T. Sherwood of Chicago is In the city n
the Murray. .
II. C. Taylor of Toledo , O , . Is in the city ,
at tlio JHIllnrd.
J. H. McGeoof Milwaukee was at the Millard -
lard last night ,
13. TJ. Sawyer and wife of Tacoraa , Wash.
aroat tbo Piixtou.
GeorgoK. Cuonoy of CrclKhton was at the
Cusoy last nluht.
P. L. Sweeney of Indianapolis was at the
Darker last night.
H. J. Ihmliln of Gibbon wns lu ths city last
, night at the Casey.
Through conches Pullman nnlncc
slcopord , dining curs , free reclining : chair
earn to Chicago nnrt Intorroning points
via the grout Hock Island route. Ticket
otllco 1002 , Sixteenth mid Fnrnain ,
I'11 re Ininrnnoo Jli-n In Session.
CHICAGO , 111 , , Dec , 4. A meeting of the
iw representatives of flftoon inutiml llro insup
iwU unco companies of Illinois , Wisconsin , lowf
nnd Minnesota was hold here today for the
on purpose of forming an allinnco for mutual
to- bone lit. A committee w&s appointed to pro
pare a plan.
nyp. The now offices of the Great Rocli
p.It Island route , 100J Sixteenth and Farnnm
It streets , Omnha , are- the finest in tlio city.
ISO Call nnd see thorn. Tickets to all points
oust at lowest rates.
A Hrokcu Hanker Arrested.
led W.vxi'AC'A , Wis. , loc. 4. Evan Coolldgo , i
by banker who failed Septembers , was arreste ! (
rt- today on the charge that ho received mono ;
rtra on deposit when ho knew the hunk was in
fa Adolf L.nlloz. earrlugo manufacturer , 11
Carroll street , Buffalo , N. Y , , states : " 1 wa
troubled with nausea of the stomach , slel
bo headache nnd general debility. Burdocl
n's Blood Hitters cured mo. "
.ho Wnrroii Iloafor of Abbottstown nnd Davl
Gardner of Hanover , Pa. , arc In the city vis
king their friend , M. O. Maul.
to Gossler's Maglolloudaeho Wafers. Cure a. ' ,
ila hcaducnos in JOinlnutos. At all druggists
icr J. U. Drinker of Chicago was In the clt ty ;
rs. lost night ut the 1'axion.
to Van Houtou's Cocou Largest solo in th
op- world.
Tto Suit for Slander Against Alderman
Oospor Entered In tlio District Court.
A. Too Absent lluilmtid The Gresh-
uni-Unssott NiiptlnH Uunnlntr OJT
Mortgaged I'roiisrty Sllnor
Mention and 1'crnoiinl.
The petition In the Umiinge suit ot David
Gray ngalnst Alilcrinan Caspar was died
yesterday in the district court. It bud been
expected for some weeks , and Its nonappearance
ance had led sonio to predict that the threat
ened suit would end in tncro Ullc. The
petition dnl ms ns damages lor the plaintiff
? . " > , ( ( ) . nlloBlng that Mr. Cusper has injured
tboplulnttfPs peed naino by declaring Unit
"tavo ) Clray was n swindler In his business ;
tlmt ho swindled the city out of $50 , etc. "
The trouble Is said to hito grown out of
seine discussion had among seine of the mom-
bora of the council in regard to bids for
supplying tlio flro department with sotno
new harness. Mr. Gray was amoiij ( those
seeking to Ret the contract , and Mr. Casper
is said to hnvo expressed his opinion of Gray
rather freely The reference to Oruy's hav
ing cheated tbo city Is supposed to refer to
seine work prcvlonsly done for the city , for
\vhloh Gray Is said to hnvo overcharged.
Gray is on old resident , and has been engaged
in business hero for years , and ho chums
that the utterances alleged to have been
niaclo by Alderman Ciispurhns injured his
business , asvnll as his'good name.
AVe Ilnvo Ono to Tntlc to You About.
Experience has proved to you and us that
tlio tune to imiko hay is when the sun shines.
Tlio sun Is shining tot' the buyer this season
mid the seller bus to come to time and sell
tils goods in the season they nro bought for.
Wo hive nn overstock of goods and rl ht
now is the time to sell it wo know it ! The
weather is unfavorable for the dry goods
trade , but wo propose to sell our stock , if low
prices will do It. \Vo \ will offer tomorrow and
during this weelc such attractive bargains in
cloaks , jackets , wraps , misses' and children's '
cloaks , underwear , and all heavy clothing at
such prices that It will' pay anyone who
studios economy to lay In their goods for the
sc.isoh. Our stock is all fresh utid of the
latest and best styles.
Our holiday department , which Is the ac
knowledged center of attraction , will bo open
to the public after Monday. It takes up our
entire third lloor and consists of the latest ,
choicest and rarest novelties that the Amer
ican and Kuropoun markets produce. A trip
through our house and the various depart
ments will convince every loyal citizen of
Council UhilTs that our institution Is not behind -
hind the times , but the leader of all estab
lishments In the nortnwost. Everybody cor
dially Invited. Call and see us.
IlK.siir ifc Co. ,
Broadway andl'carl street , Council Bluffs.
Money to loan at straight G per cent per
annum , 13. S. Burnett , agent.
Grnlmin-llasspt * .
A quiet wedding took place at tlio residence
of Mr. John Bassett , 112 Graham uvcnuo , last
evening. The contracting parties wcro Mr.
HoberlO. Graham and Miss Celia Uassett.
Tlioro wove present to witness the marriage
only the relatives. Hov. T. J.
Mnckuy conducted the beautiful ser
vice of the Episcopal church. in
the performance of the ceremony , and the
two hearts wcro united in one In the happy
manner which will characterize their
future lives. Mr. Graham is n son
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Graham , a pro
duct of Council Bluffs , born in this
city thlrty-thrco years ago , and his bride lias
been reared from curly infancy within a
stone's throw of the homo of him whoso
future llfo she Is to bless and to charm by
those graces of loveliness and pure woman
hood of which she Is so strongly possessed.
Sir. and Mrs. A. C. Graham had niado all
arrangements for their departure to Cali
fornia to spend the winter'which they took
on this afternoon's flyer , nnd it was a pleas
ant coincidence of events to them that they
could step out from their pleasant , happy
home , leaving it to their soon mid newly ac
quired daughter for care nnd enjoyment.
C. A , Deobo & Co. fire going out of the retail
tail tnuln und will close out their line Hneof
ladles'writing mid oftico desks , hook cases ,
chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor and chamber
suits , folding beds , plain and fancy rockers ,
cabinets , mirrors , etc. , etc. for less than
cost. _
Wanted-Boys at American District Tel
egraph ofllco.
Frank Lewis nnd wife nnd Miss Magglo
Short , of Vail , la. , who have been visiting
Henry 'Stevenson of the Council Bluffs
lumber company , returned homo last
S. T. McAtco was yesterday entertaining
ami showing the city to his two brothers ,
GeorgeMcAtco , of Denver , nnd I * . B.
McAtco , of Ouray , and his cousin , John
Norton , of Columbus , O. His brothers nro
enjoying a mouth's vacation , nnd nro on an
extended swing around the circle , taking in
most of the Important places In the west.
1' . B. McAteo , who is now the agent of the
Denver & lllo Grand at Ouray , was formerly
operator nt the Chicago Burlington & Qnlncy
depot hero. The two brothers leave hero for
St. Louis.
The Council Bluffs nnd Omaha transfer
company has purchased a largo invoice of
baled liny , which will bo sold at the lowest
market price , und in quantities to suit pur
chasers. Orders addressed them from par
ties In this city nnd outlying towns will bo
given prompt attention.
Gents furnishing goods , especially the
latest in neckwear , at Ottenhoimur's , 414
A TOO AIlHIMlt IlllNhtllUl.
Mrs. Jussio Sivnnoy yesterday commenced
divorce proceedings m the district court
against her husband , Milton Swnnoy , to
whom shq wns wedded in Audtibon In 18SJ5.
She alleges that thrca years later , while liv
ing in Pierre , Nob. , ho dosi'rtcd her nnd she
has heard nothing from him since.
.1.0. Blxby , steam heating , sanitary en
gineer , IH3 Life bnlHin ? , O.Tutia ; SJi Merriam
riam block , Council Blufts.
Buy your coal and wood of 0. B. Fuel Co. .
D8U llroadway. Telephone 1UO.
Wanted Room and board for two In private
family. UKOIKIK . HKWITT ,
Brown Building ,
KimnlniT Off ] Uortjrase < l Properly.
L. B. Crafts yesterday Hied nn Information
charging George W. Hadloy with larceny.
It is claimed that Hadloy has taken nwny
with him , out of the county , seine mortgaged
.properly , horses , wagon , etc. , on which
Crafts had loaned about $00.
a. A Chrlstmnn Puzzle.
_ "What shall wo buy for the
this puzzles you como in nnd see our holiday
attractions ; brilliant diamonds ; gold and
silver watches and chains ; quaint , novel , new
patterned jewelry , rings , bracelets , necklaces ,
lockets ; gold-headed canes ; solid silver and
plated ware : too many novelties to name ;
you must sco them to appreciate them , they
arose artlstio nnd beautiful ; visitors wel I
come to see our display. C. B. Jucnuumln &
Co. , No. S7 Mala st.
Scott House. 35 ct , meal , 25 cts.
Chinese goods , Japanese novelties at No ,
860 Upper Broadway. Odd Christmas gifts ;
Jim Long ,
Scott House. Best $1.00 per day house in
the city.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 419
N. Y. I' . Co.
Council Bluffs Lumbor.Cp. . coal ,
Flnlcrllurko lookout nTjnlldliiR permit yesterday -
terday for the erection otr A'ir , WO residence
on Oakland avenue.
Hegulnr meeting Fklclhy Council No. 150 ,
H A. this evening ntjrlfto. Election of
ofllccrs nnd other Important business.
Peter Henderson obtained jicrnilsslon from
the city yesterday to orreV a $1,500 , frame
dwelling on lot U , block 0 , Casey's addition.
Coma to the chicken ptb supper nt the
parlors of the CongregnUottril church "Friday
evening ; supper served r.fxom six to nine.
Comn and bring your friends and appetites.
Harmony Chapter , No. SK , Order of the
Eastern Star , will moot In special session in
Masonlo hall this evening for the purpose of
Llntlutlon. Vlsltinc members of the order
are cordially welcome. By order of the
W. M.
The Council Bluffs tariff reform club held
n mooting lust night In their rootm on Middle
Broadway.V. . II. M. Pusey presided and
the club was addressed by n number of local
speakers. The principal speaker of the evenIng -
Ing wns Hon. B. R Montgomery of Denver ,
who made a characteristic speech ,
.7. Jcrnuiln , son of n former well known
eltlton nnd character , wns run in by Ofllcor
Murphy last everting and looked up on the
charge of intoxication nnd the Indecent ex
posure of his person on the street. Jcrmuln
has been in the city for several days enjoying
u protracted spree. Ho lives In ttio country.
Tlio Dodge Light guards will give their
opening party for this season on Dec. ! H ) .
Tlio affnlr promises to bo a very brilliant ono
nnd will undoubtedly make the holidays pass
more pluasantlv to those who attend. The
committee aro'C. K. Wootlburv , J. W.
Atwood , C. II. Ogdeii , H.V. . Bixby and
D. L. Koss.
An ofllcer from Dcntson , la. , wns In the
city last night looking for n sixteen-year-old
girl who had eloped with a fellow named
John Chrlstenson. Christunson Is a innrrlcd
ninn , nnd ho deserted his wife and family of
three or four children and eloped with the
young girl , who is his who's sister. They
were not found , but It was ascertained that
they stopped on Sunday night ns u Lower
Broadway hotel and took the motor for
Omaha Monday morning.
A short thno ago an attempt was niado to
stop folks from hauling sand uwny from
property of which J.f. . Paul claims owner
ship. Complaint was made by .1. i'\ Hunt ,
who was said to bo incharueof the property ,
and several were brought before Justice
Schurz on the charge of malicious trespass ,
Ttio accused were acquitted by njury , nnd
now two of them , .Martin Williams and L.
tilndsoy , have commenced suit against Hunt ,
In the superior court , claiming from him
$ .7,000 each on the ground that their arrest
nnd prosecution wns without any reasonable
cause , nnd that It wns for the purpose of
annoying and tantalizing them.
A vicious runaway occurred on North
Klghth street yesterday morning. The team
was attnobcd to n lumber wagon and had
been frightened almost to death by the upset-
ing of a load of hay which fell on them and
almost covered tliem up. On the corner of
Klghth nnd Avenue C they collided with a
lamp post and wrecked ono of Uncle Sam's
letter boxes , scattering the mall It contained
pretty well over the street. The only other
damage was done In a collision with a buggy
driven by Mrs. W. C. Boycr , of 2022 Avenue
D. The lady was thrown from her buggy
but escaped Injury. Her horse was slightly
hurt and her buggy was. broken. The run
away team was captured on Mill street.
Win. Smith , who was arrested for stealing
lumber from ono of the bill boards belonging
to Billposter Nicols andlined ! for the offense
at the morning session of the police court on
Wednesday , uttered threats agalhst the man
who preferred the charge and the witness
tcstillcd against him. 'Ho ' wns rearrestcd
upon complaint of Nichols , who naked the
court to put , him under bpuds to keep the
pence , but afterwards withdrew the charge.
This encourapcd Smith ill prosecuting his
determination to get revenge , nnd yesterday
morning when he met tlio leading witness
ngaingt him , A. C. Aylesworth , ho proceeded
to put his threat Into execution ,
and when ho got through the young
man looked as though'hb had been engaged
in a dispute with a buzz saw. He crawled
around to Judge SohnrzV ofllco Immediately
after the assault and showed him his wounds.
"That will cost Smith 853 and costs , " re
marked the judge as ho scribbled out tbo
information nnd the warrant tor his arrest.
TUo warrant was served and Smith wns
mrtlco a long
tail ( tale ) short.
A man , after
ho has eaten
a good dinner ,
may feel extra
vagantly joyous ; hut the next clay
oh 1 but he is surly and grim , his
Btomach and liver arc sluggish , he is
morose , despondent and " out of
sorts " generally. But ho may get
a prompt return for his money by
Dr. Piercc's Pleasant
There's nothing like them. They
arc tiny Liver Pills , sugar-coated ,
but thorough in results. One Pellet
is laxative , three to four cathartic.
For Indigestion , Biliousness , and
all derangements of the Stomach ,
Liver and Bowels , they work like a
charm , and you get a lasting benefit
and a permanent cure.
They're the cheapest Pill , because
safe and sure , while the manufact
urers guarantee they'll ' give satisfac
tion , or your money is returned 1
You only pay for the good you
gst. Can you ask more ?
"NVhat's the use ! suffering any
more from these dizzy spells , the
headaches and all ; make the attack
yourself , with ono or two of these
little , Sugar-coated Pellets , and they
will do the rest. They are a perfect
vest-pocket remedy. Purely vege
table and perfectly harmless. By
druggists. 25 cents .a vial.
CoalWood / Cobs !
Cobs ! Coal ! Wood/
Wood ! Cobs/ Coal !
L. O.
Fuel Merchant.
nil > j
WOOD Split , gn'wed ' , chunk or
cord-wood. In fact wood In nny
shape you want it , cheap.
I would recommend the Black
Peerless as the Best Iowa coal in
the market , both lump and nut
size. Call and see me.
No. 29 South Main St.
Tolopliono No. 3O3.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Packers' Supplies ,
Market Fixtures
, Casing ,
Fplcos nnd'SausnKP Makers' Machinery. ( GO-
fai Main t. . Council Blurts , la. AUo Ucalori
in llidfR uaU i'uri
brought before the judire , who had given him
n lenient sentence tno day provlous. Wlion
the evidence was all In the court kept his
word , and Imposed n fine of $ } 5 nnd the costs
nindo It roach over $ . ) . Smith could not pay ,
nnd will work It out on the streets ,
Fred nnd John Bnrncs , living in Hazel Doll
township , hnvo notltlcd the police Hint they
will glvo # to reward for the detection of the
thief who hns been stealing corn from their
premises , They nro nblo to give a pretty
Kood description of him. Ho li about six foot
lull , of rather slim build , dark complexion ,
IK > CI ; marked In the fuoo and walks with
shoulders elevated. Helms n bay team , One
of the horses Is blind , and the off animal has
n white stripe down nU forehoul : , and Is also
lame. The wagon Is supposed to bo a White
water. It has a doublesct of sideboards , and
the top boards arc niado of common lumber.
The fellow hns been hauling the corn to Coun
cil IllulTs.
A very narrow escape occurred on IJroad-
way near the Ogdcn liouso yesterday after
noon. A ninn driving n team attached to the
running gear of n wagon was proceeding
nlongsldo the track , but far enough from U
not to bo hit by a motor. Ho was so bundled
up that ho could not hoar the bell of
n car which wns approaching him
In the roar , nnd just ns it cniuu
near to where ho wns , ho carelessly turned to
cross tbo track without looking behind him.
The motornnin tried to stop the car , but ba-
fore ho could do so the wagon was struck
and shoved along several ynras. The man
was suddenly tumbled off his sent , but for
tunately ut ono side of the track , and the
team proved docile enough to bohnvo them
selves until the wagon could ho righted.
Luckily iho man escaped Injury , nnd the
dainngo to the wngou was comparatively
O. H. Lewis , a nalntcr , was arrested yes
terday upon an Information sworn out by
( icorgo Moschendorf , charging him with ob
taining money under false pretenses. Lowls
was boarding with Mrs , Warner , on
Vine street , nnd has assisted In car-
ryluir the meals of the cltv prisoners to
them nt tlio city Jail , Mrs. Wnrnor having
the contract to feed them. Ho has also boon
doing a portion of Mrs , Warner's nmrKOting ,
nnd by tlmt moans tins become acquainted j
with several of the business men with whom
the woman trades. Yesterday ho wont to :
Mesehciidorf's ' butcher shop nnd told the pro
prietor that Mrs. Warner duslrcd the loan of
ts until Monday , when she would return It
with her weekly bill. The money was given
him and the fact communicated to Mrs. War
ner. She repudiated the transaction. Lowls
had a hearing before Justice Schure and was
bound over to the grand jury , but last night
the matter wns settled In seine manner and
the charge was withdrawn.
The cases of the Mahcr boys , ' Forijrnvcs
nnd Gallnger , charged with assaulting A. T.
McEnturf and H. U. 1'enrson , the Mliulcn
Scotchmen , wcro culled In Justice Schurz' '
court yesterday morning. Only ono of the
defendants was ready for trial , and that WAS
Gallagher. Ho has. Insisted from the start
upon nn immediate trial and was very anxious
to meet his nccuscrs. When ho was arraigned
the court asked the prosecuting witnesses
If they had over seen him boforo.
nnd they both at once assorted
that they never hnd , and that ho
wns not in the saloon wlion the row occurred.
Ho was promptly discharged , but took ttmo 1
to tell the court how it happened that ho was
arrested , tie wns merely passing by nnd
heard the ro\v , nnd was looking through the
door when nn ofllcer came along nnd sn\v him
Just ns tbo crowd potirnd out of the place.
Ho thus bccamo mixed up In tbo melco with
out being in nny manner connected with It or
responsible for It. The other cases wcro
taken before Justice Harnctt on a chance of
vcnuo , nnd the dates of hearing fixed for the
I''th nud 30th of December.
Children I3noy |
tlio pleasant flavor , gentle action and sooth-
'ng effects of Syrup of Figs , when In need of
a laxative , nnd If the father or mother ho
costive or bilious the most gratifying results
follow Its use , so that It is the best family
remedy known und every fnmily should have
n bottle.
AcL-ldentnUy Shot lllnisnlf.
LjtTciirir.i.n , Minn. , Dec. ! , Hirnm S.
Brnnhnn , mayor of this city , fatally shot
ilmso'.f today while fooling with a revolver
t being accidentally discharged.
Tickets nt lowest rates and su porior
accommodations via the great Rook
Island route Ticket ofllco , 1C02 Six
teenth and Fnrnmii streets Omnha.
T AItMS For Hale A Ions list , inimy of thutn
-U at low prices ; also 'JO acres line Kiirilcn
and fruit , land near the city limits , hou-e
barn and ether Improvements : also ; U ncivf
fruit and pinion laud Just mil side the city ut
! i,300. W. A. Wood & Co. , MO Main street.
GOOD mattress milker wanted at O , A
A lleelio & t'o.'s.
V\7 ANTKD Ollloo liny sit deaf und dumb InV
V stitntlnn. Council Blurt's. A ( rood l-oy.
nuiitrotiio wi'll r.'pniiimoiuluil. WIIROS , * J nnd
lilaid PIT week. Apply In person to Henry
W. Icothert , sup rlntemlcnt.
JT'OH ' RENT A KO-xl hoimo of ten rooms
L1 rnrnor i-ri'ond uvcniio anil N'lntli street , tt
April t for $10 u month. Apply to Leonard
F.vurott or\V. S. Cooper.
FOU SAIiK Toain of hnrsc * . harness and
Wilson ; purchaser can pay for sanio li
hnulliit : dirt. Apply to Leonard Everett.
FOI.'N'D A containing seine clmnso
the OWIMT can huvo sumo py calling ai
loom 'J , Cattleman's bunk-ami iirovLiR piop
erty.W 'ANTED A Klrl for general lioutionork li
W finally of two. ? ' Avo. 1) ) .
FOH KENT Rood now liouso of six room1
for SIOO n year ; city water free nnd n <
taxes to iiny. Apply to W , S. Cooper nm
Leonard fivorett.
ANTED-Lartv or gent willing to work
W ponnniipiit position ; < S..V ) to $ .1.00 a day
V. C. S. , 60 ? Willow uvuntic. Council IllulIV.
OK KENT "i'io ! MoMiilion three sior :
lirlok block , No. 113 S. Mala st , with elevaUr
J. W. Squlro.
" \A7ANTRD-A ynung elrl to hull ) ut house
V > work. .Mrs. I' . M , 1'ryor. Old HlulT street
M IIS. AMKLIA NI ELPON.M.l ) . , special mid
wife. Kl''tl-S ave , Council lllulU In.
' HAUOAINS 111 houses for salu o r
rent ; ulso two Sanndnrs street lots , :
Omnha. J. 1C. Davidson. Oi5th ave.
TLTEII s. STILLMAV. Marcus bioeii
Notary I'uhllccollections , typewriting
SAIjK Loasn and furniture of Sent
House , Council lllull's. > rooms. Cheap ;
bargain. Address J. K. Jordan , Council IIIulT <
FOU SALE or UoutOardon land , wit
housei , by J. U. Hloo. 10J Main St. , Oounol
OFl'IOE , 97. UK-HDENUH , a.
Council HliilTs , Iowa.
II Norlli IHnin Sti-nnt.
Funeral Director niul
or Council Bluffs.
PAID UP CAPITAL . $150 , < X '
DliiBCTOiis I , A. Mlllor , F. O. Gloason. E. I
Blmeart , K , E. Hail , J. D Kdinuiidson , ( Jhai'U >
C. Iliuimin. Transact genotat banking bun
ness. Lar cit capital nnd surplus of nn
bank In Houtliwosteru Iowa.
Wheeler , Morenrty niul Iiowry l-2x
change CoiirtcslcH.
The first business of tlio council ses.Mon
lost night KINO Morearty ami Major Wheeler
aclmucoto o.vchangu courtesies. It wis In
the slmpo of n petition signed by several bun-
ilred citizens roiiuotttnit the selection ol Mr.
William Bushman M a member of the publla
library board , sueccodlni : Jiulgo SIIVHKO.
Mr. Morenrty moved the election of Mr.
liushmnn. Major Wheeler oiTcrod mi amend
ment postnanlnK consideration of the matter
for ono week until the library bo.ird should
oniclally notify the council of n vacancy In
the hoard.
Tnen Mr. Morenrty mndo n speech of his
roconnlzcd brand In which ho reviewed the
history of the library hoard , that of Judge
Suvuiro , that of Mr. liushniiin , nnd was co in
niendm ; on his own when Wiwlcr raised a
point of oilier that Morenrty was not nt his
desk and had no rl ht to speak from any
other part of the hall.
The point of order wns not well taken and
Morcurty made another speech.
The matter wns llnnlly deferred for ono
The nnnics of Alf J. Kennedy nnd C. P.
Hnlllpin wore ulso presented as candidates
for the position on the library boint. :
A moment later there was a spat between
Lowry and Wheeler. A resolution hclni ;
considered wlion Mr. Lowry asked Hint tlio
paper ho read tu aln. A gentleman wni
sitting nt Lowry's ' side who was not a mem *
her of the council , and Wheeler offered the
suppestlon that If Lowry would keen out
siders from the inner chvlo of the council ho
infill hear what was going .on. Lowry re
torted that Wheeler's action nnd remark
were discourteous nnd unfair. Whcolcr recited -
cited some ancient history referring to the
removal of some of his trioiuh In days past
from the Inner circle of the council chamber.
Mr. Lowry's friend withdrew and Lowry
and Wheeler subsided , Mr. Lowry remark-
1m ; as n llnal shot that he hnd as many rights
on the lloor us "the gentleman from the
I Fourth. "
I The city treasurer reported the presence In
I his hands of 10,575 of the sum-advanced bv
the Union 1'acillcnnd HM. . to pay tub
1 damages assessed to the property owners by
I the construction of the Tenth street viaduct.
A resolution accompanied the loport trans-
, fcrring the amount to the general fund.
I Lowry opposed this resolution nnd said ho
1 wns not in favor of borrowing money from
| the railroad companies to pay overlaps In-
cnrrcd by the council ,
The mutter brought out n discussion nnd
the city attorney's opinion was called lor.
Ho replied by saying :
"The council has no moro richt to tnko the
money in that way than it has to go out and
garret people on the streets. "
The matter was referred to the finance
The city comptroller presented his certifi
cate of how the council hnd observed "busi
ness principles" In the conduct of city af
fairs , in the following letter : *
"Tho distribution of the general fund for
the following departments will bo overdrawn
by the appropriation of No\-embttr : Mayor ,
superintendent of plumbing , feeding prison-
ners. The following ivcro overdraw n provi-
oub to November : Watchmen , appraisers ,
hospitals , election expenses , compiling tex
lists , city Ihrhtlnn. "
Friday , December 12 , was fixed as the dnto
for a meeting of the council as a board of
equalization ,
Chairman nirkhnusor of tlio board of pub-
lie. works wns granted ono day's leave of ab
The votes cast nt the last city election will
ho canvassed by the council on Monday evenIng -
Ing next beginning ntll0 : ! o'clock.
For carnchc , toothache , sere throat , swelled
neck nnd the results of colds nnd inllninina-
tlon , use Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil the great
pain destroyer.
* -
A. IIoppo wns tried in police covn't yes
terday for obtaining inonoy under fnlso
pretenses and hold to appear in the db-
trict court.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Sdothing Syrup for chll
drou teething , softens the gums and allays
, all pain. 25 cents a bottle.
Lou Adams was tried in police court
yostordny for larceny and sent to tlio
county jail for thirty days.
Dr. Birnoy curoa catarrh , Boo
, We guarantee to
cure any case of Syph
ilis no matter of how
, long standing. And
- . we have the only rem
edy that will cure the
disease. You have
tried everything else
and wasted your
money , why not now
try us. We guarantee
to cure or refund every
dollar. When it is nec
essary for patient to
come here we agree to
pay railroad fare both
ways , all hotel bills
and refund your mon
y ey if we do not cure
you. Write for partic
ulars ; do not be hum
bugged any longer.
rN We are financially re
sponsible with $300-
000 capital. COOK
tta REMEDY Co. , Omaha ,
fs. " Neb. , Rooms 39 & 40 ,
13th and Dodge Sts.
\ Ophiir ? Justice ( if the I'oaco. Ofllco over
It. OUIIIU Amurli'.in K\press , No. 4JI
Broadway , Council Hlulfs , Iowa ,
Hr 'sllindfirc ' Attorneys nt ln\v. I'rne-
A OilllUlll ! : > tcc | , „ 'nm mm , , „ , , , ]
federal courts. Rooms 'I , -1 and S tiling-art
llcno block , Council lllulf.s. Iowa.
i09 00 BANKERS.
$ Corner Muln and Hroadway ,
Pealen In foreign uud dnnioUlo . . , . .
Collection nmdo and Interest paid on time
Rt Chapman's M Store ,
Every person wants nn engraving when they can get a
Only n few more left. Easels , Framed Pictures , Cabinets , etc. , ai
half price. All these goods must be closed out by January 1st.
Sifit o ! Clothes
To the person in this
state or in Iowa that
will furnish us the best
original suggestion for
an advertisement or
trade scheme to pro
mote the. interest of our
business for the com
ing holidays [ all plans
to be in writing and at
our store by Monday
night , Dec. 8. ] The
successful contestant to
be notified by mail and
through this column.
The reason for doing
this ? We started in
this season to supply
the finest clothing trade
in the city , and now we
have too many gentle-
ilien's extreme fine
overcoats ; and we fear
lie contradiction when
we say : that we have
some of the nobbiest
and tastiest top and box
overcoats ever shown
in the city of Omaha.
We have cut them
in price about one-
fourth. Come quick
for they are the latest ,
the richest , the finest
nobbiest and the most
genteel line of over
coats ever offered for
the price :
$5 , $6 , $7 , $8 ,
Lines of overcoats
never sold so fast as at
present. We will be
out of that grade of
cjoods before New
Years if the trade
doesn't let up on them.
Come in and see us ,
we were here long be
fore the rest of them
and are' liable to be
hqre when some have
gone with the rest ,