r 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER 2 , 1890. THE CITY. The mooting of the bonrd of honlth which was to nnvo taken plnco yesterday forenoon wns poHtponed for ono week. Ucn Sraltli will soon commence the erection of n Boven-story building ju8t cast and ml joining the Merchants' Na tional bank. The funornl of the 1ato Ofllccr Peter M. Leo took place yoptordnv nftornoon from the family restdnnco , Twenty-sec end and Guniing1 streets. The Interment wns at Forest Ltiwn. The now Hotel Dcllono , at the corner of Fourteenth street anil Capital nvonuu , lias boon leased to Chuuncoy "W. Reed , who will have It In readiness to open about the middle of January , 1891. The receipts at the custom house yes terday consisted of JiOO bogs of ground ore from Canada , consigned to Gobble & Millor. The ore Is used for preparing a cement of which waterproof roollng Is inndo , The superintendent of buildings yes terday Issued a building permit to Delia Dunham , authorizing her to erect a ono and one-fourth story frnmo dwelling at Thirty-ninth street and Grand ave nue , ut a eost of $1,600. Mr. I. M. Hay and wife of Chicago are In the city as prosecuting witnesses in the ease of the United States against "Dr. " Ilarlowo Davis and his wlfo , who are are charged with sanding obscene and bcurrlllous matter through the malls. The Inquest over the remains of Spanstad and Alillick , the men killed In the 13. fc M. yards Saturday night , was hold yeslorday afternoon. A number of witnesses wore examined , whoso testi mony elicited the fact that the two men wore trespassing upon B. & M. property at the time of the accident , and n verdict was rendered to that effect. In Standard Pianos. Ono Knabo , largest scale. Ono Chichoring , largest scale. Ono Krocgor , largest scale , new. These pianos have been used slightly , but just as good as now , and will bo closed out at ligurcs never olTorod before in the west. MAX MJYKK& : Uito. Co. linnril ol' I'uhllu AVoi'lcs. Tor the llrst tlmo In many weeks all of the members of tbo bonrd o ( public writs at tended the meeting yesterday afternoon. After o little skirmishing over the question of prices , tbo following estimates wcro allowed : Fanning & Slavin , grading Tenth street from Cnsteilur to Hancroft , W.GCO.liO ; Samuel ICntz , grading < Tones street from Sol- den to I'loasnnt , $ ; ill ) . 4 ; Lamrcnn llrotbcrs , Cuinlng street nt Saddle crock , 240.15 ; Hnr- bcr asphalt company , paving Davenport street from Thirty-second uvcnuo to Thirty- llrst street , (5,078,41 ; .Tames Flnnnery , re- linlring streets , WJI.07 ; kL. . Ueeves & Co. , newer estimate , District US , $ l,2JS.il ( : ; Mc- ( Jarved & Dalloy , constructing sewer In Thirty-seventh street between Faniitm nnd Doilgo , $578.1l ! ; J. 0. Corby , putting In catch basins , fUi.7"i ! : ; IJarber asphalt company , jcsettlng curb on various streets , 871.-11 ; 1 \ I./ . Hooves & Co. . constructing sewer in Pleasant street from .Inclsson to Dodge , $1,570.20 ; Hnal estimate of .Ed Cullahtin for illllng lots in lliuvttionio , Ilnrtman's and other additions , $7,830.5(5 ( ; Kd I'helan , sloping banks , $2,4012,110. For DcrniiKOtiicnt oflho Liver Use Dr. Ilorsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr.O , Y. Clllcy , Boston , Mass. , says : "Have used it extensively anil with the most remarkable success , I give it In In'dyspepsia nml in nil cases where there Is derangement of the liver nndkldnoy s. "With my patients it has ugrccd wonderfully. " Mnrlimry. Leo KInney , the two-year-old son of Tdomas D. and Mary Kinney , died Sunday morning nnd was buried in Holy Sepulchre yesterday morning. The sudden death of the youngest member of the family was a severe shock to the parents and to the many svtnpa- thlzing friends who followed the remains to their lust resting place. Word bus boon received hero of ttio sud den death nt Los Angeles , C'al. , of Mrs. T. M. Leonard , formerly .Miss ( Jraco Witbnoll. The deceased wns the daughter of Mr. Klch- nrd Witbnell of this city and had lived in California but a short tlmo. The cnuso of her death has not yet been ascertained. The remains will be brought to this city for inter ment. Jtlmcs Moran died of nculralgla of the heart nt KnnUakco , 111. , Friday morning last , whllo cnrouto from Mitysvlllo , Ky. , to this city. Ho was a brother of M. J. Moran , the railroad contractor , and will bo buried this morning from the Holy Family church. Sir. Moran leaves a family consisting of n wife nnd five children , who reside corner Twcuty- llfth and Charles streets. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg Weather 1'rolmbllities. For December Indications point to cold , frosty weather. That , however , will make no difference to those who travel In the steam-heated and electric- llg ted , limited vestibule train which is run only by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ky. between Omaha and Chicago. Tills elegant train leaves Omaha at 0:10 : p. m. arriving in Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. , in tlmo to make all eastern connections. For further information apply at city ticket olllco , 1501 Fanuun ft. , Omaha. P. A. NASH , J. E. I'UKSTON. General Agent. City Passenger Agent. Dr. Dirnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldg. United States Court. The trial of the case of Thomas Lynch against the Union Pacific railroad was com menced iu the United Stales court before Judge Dundy yesterday afternoon. Lynch Is suing for $1,000 to recover payment for the loss of his right nrm. LastNovombor Lynch was employed by the railroad company as a section hand near Coznd. Ho and n friend teolc a hand car and started for n neighboring town , intendingtolny in a supply ol groceries. While they were 011 the way they were run Into by ono of the company's trains , and ns a result Lynch now carries an empty sleeve. As a defense the company allege that at the tlmo of tbo accident Lynch wns not In the dis charge of his duty ; that ho was a trespasser nnd has no right to recover damages. The long wlndud railroad case that has been on trial Vioforo Jailgo Culitwcll for sev eral days ivns finished nnd submitted yester day afternoon , but as there U a great amount of testimony to examine , a decision will not bo handed down for several weeks. District Court. Before Judge Douiio the case of Kobcrt P. Hamilton against the city of Omaha was commenced. The plaintiff asks for $ . ' ,000. Ho owns a lot on Thirty-first street near Mason. A coujilo of years ngo the grade of Thirty-first street was cstnblUhou , after which ho raised his lot to grade and built a couple of houses. A year later the grade was changed , when Mr. Hamilton found himself several feet below the street line , and now , to get oven , ho asks the dry to pay him what It will cost him to 1111 in his lot and elevate the houses. Licenses. The following marriage llconsos wcro Issued - sued by Judge Shields yoitorJuy : Nnmoanu address. Ago. I lien A. rnrtncr , Omnlm M ] Dora Anderson , Oin.iha KJ j Ocnreo Kinmlcil , Oinnha ! t1 I Maiy A. Watson , Unmliu a ) Tickets at lowest rules nnd su perior accommodations via the great Hook Island route Ticket olllco , 1002 Six teenth and Farmun streets Omaha , Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Coo bldg 1G02. Sixteenth and Farnam streets Ig the now Hock Island ticket olllco. Tick- eta to all pointy east at lowest rates. Jr. JJlrnoy cures catarrh , lleo bldg MORSE'S ENCYCLOPEDIA , Special Holiday Offer , 1st Volume GO ; , 25 Volumes for $30.00 , In Our Advertisement ofllie Encyclo pedia Ilrllnnnieu Sunday " \Vo Should Have Described It aa llttssln Leather Binding. It was advertised ns being cloth bind ing ; wo sell the entire sot , ! ! 5 volumes , 20,000 puces , exact cony of the original $200.00 Edinburgh edition , except that ours'is Prussia binding and the 8200.00 edition is cloth. TIIK MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Nothing has boon curtailed or abridged in this edition ; every word , every pic ture , every pinto , contained in the orig inal $200.00 edition , is In ours , complete , for 830.00 ; remember ifnfiur , having pur chased the first volumes from us at only COc , you do not want the balance of the sot nt 81.50 a volume why , don't take them ! I ! SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. The greatest bargain over known in the book trade ; there Isnooxngporatlon in this statement ; the oldest booksellers pronounceit a marvel THE GREAT ENCYCLOPEDIA HRITANNICA unabridged , unimltntcd. Ninth edition ( the very latest ) complete in 25 volumes : over 20,000 pages , 2o)00 ) subjects by the master minus of the world. The orig inal Edinburgh edition soils in cloth for $200. Scribner's Eolls in cloth for $125. Ours , in much superior binding , for $30.60. READ OUR OFFER. "Wo offer n , limited number of sets nt this price , and will deliver all at once eras as many volumes as tire wanted monthly payable on delivery at $1.50 per vol ume. In order to tatisfy yourselves and families of the great value of this crowning work of all literature , and the elegant style in which it is reproduced , wo go ti stop further and sell you vol ume ono for COc. COc.VOL. VOL. 1 , GOC. A good $4 hook without any contract on your part to complete the sot , and give you five days to accept our propo sition for the remainder of the sot nt these prices. Place your order now seas as to receive the benefit of. this olTor , which will not remain open after December - comber 20th. TUB MORSE DRY GOODS CO. DECEMBER SALE OF MENS' FUR NISHING GOODS. Morse's ' men's tuxedo rlbDed under shirts , COu. Morse's mcns' tuxedo ribbed drawers , COc. COc.Morse's Morse's mcns' Scotch gray wool under shirts , 75c. Morse's mcns' Scotcli gray wool draw ers , 75c. Morse's Mcns' flno heauy ribbed shirts and drawers , $1.00. Morse's metis' fine gray all-wool under shirts , $1.50. Morse's inons' gray all-wool drawers , Sl.CO. All of our fine grades of underwear and hosiery reduced , consisting of Morse's Vienna wool underwear. Morso's damn wool underwear. Morse's Shetland wool underwear. Morse's simrotzer wool underwear. Smoking jackets for a Christinas pres ent. ent."MORSE'S ' BOYS' CLOTHING. Boys' heavy winter overcoats , ages 4 to 13 , with capes , $1.00. Boys' extra heavy overcoats , all sl/.es , with capes , $3.50. Boys' line all wool overcoats , wool lined , with capos , $5.00. Youth's winter overcoats , sized 12 to 18 yours , $5.00 to $12.00. Boys' heavy winter suits $1.00. Boys'extra heavy suits $2.90. Boys' flno all wool suits $3.50. Also a complete line of Jersey kilts and knee pants suits. Boys' knee pants 47c. Boys' knee pants G9c. Boys' knee pants SOc. Boys' knee pants $1.00. Boys' knee pants $1.25. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. All iMiiHlo nt Half Price. 0,000 pieces only lOc a copy at Moin berg's , IGtli st. bet. Capital ave & Dodge. Dr. Blrn oy cures catarrh , Boo bldg. St. LouiH Wins. H. H. Lntchnn of St. Louis and W. E. Nason of this city shot a twenty-live live bird match nt I'icknrd's park yesterday , for $50 aside , modified English rules , thirty yards rise. The score : I.atclmn . Hill 11111 11111 11110 00100 20 Nasun . 01001 01111 11111 U0101 00101-15 Ued In Millions of Homes in Yo.ira the Btan ( Uifl. DR. BAILEY , GRADUATE DENTIST A Full Sot of Tooth on Rubber , for I'IVK Dnr.i < .Mts. A perfect flt Rinranteeil. TeoMi extracted without naln or daiiRor , nnd wlUout nnaos- thotlos. Gold ami silver fillings at lowest rates. Ilrldpo and Orown AVorlc. Teotu with- nut nlfitni All vrnrlr warrantocl. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Kntrar.cn , 10th street elevator Oixwovon- ngs until H uYIouU We SELL EVERYTHING a MAN WEARS- To-day , we will open and put on sale some of the most desir able bargains in Men's Underwear we have shown this season. 25 dozen All Wool Scarlet Underwear , At 35c. 32 dozen Heavy Fancy Striped Under wear , At 35c. 82 dozen , regular G5c Mnrino Underwear At 45 c , 82 dozen splendid Gray Underwear , At 60c. 04 dozen very flno and soft Gray Undor- wenr , [ shirts with fancy culTsand ribbed bottoms ] , At 75 c. 04 dozen excellent heavy weight Brown Merino Underwear , At 75c. 32 dozen Doublo-Brcnstod Gray Under wear , 32 dozen Brown Mixed Cashmere , 10 dozen extra size Merino Underwear , All at 90c. 04 dozen Camel's Hair Underwear At $1.00. 82 dozen Blue Gray Cashmere Under wear , At $1.15. 04 dozen heavy Cashmere Underwear , Fleece lined. lined.At $125. At $2.00. Wo will offer 48 dozen very finest Jer sey Ribbed Underwear. These same goods are aciually being sold for thrco fifty rght here in Omaha. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S Three Nights and Wednesday Matinee. u , Dec. 1 , JAS. "fTPOWERS , Anil the best comedy company In tills or nny oilier country , presenting J. J. McXnlly's I'arclcnl Satire STRAIGHT TIP Under the manogememt of Rich & Harris "If you nilii It ilfio.'t kick anyone but yourself. " You Bet muro fun tliiin n re il hone nice will furnish , boats are now on unlo nt regular prlco * . The Grand TONIGHT. The Thrilling Molo-Drninn LIGHTS SMRDOWS. All new sconory. Great I'looil BCCIIO. Popular Prices. NIGMTS : 4 SATURDAY MATINEE , COMMENCING TV _ ir' THUHSDAY. J J G G . ' fc- . Tfliiini > l lt llctiirn of IMRE KALFTS mill KIiniHi'ute. J'ili -tli i , Httr- JIUHHllIU Illl 1'l-eVltHIH Kt'l'lrtllx , AroundMWorld Under tlio Personal Direction of KlRAliKY BROTHERS. ( iranrt Scenery. ( IoriOOinCostume . Oroiit Compa ny of Torpslcoronn Artlsti. The HuezCiiiuil , U'lio Mlkailo llallet. Tim Koriil. Necropolis. Homo of the Mikado. The ( ilnnt fUalrwnr. The Wreck of the lieu- rlottn. 'Jho Ifrcontrlo I'nlnto. Thol.lvn Klopliant. Sale opens Wodnciil ly nt irKHlnr prices. THE GRRND-8PEG1HL Friday and Saturday. Dec , Kth < t Cth Siiturdau ami .Will dice. No Dead Letters In This , llrlclit , Brisk nncl llrceiy. The 1'arco Comrdy Sensation of the day , the U. S. MAIL An Amiable Sntlio on TTnele Sum's 1'os- tsil HITS Ico. Special Pconory , Novul Dnncoi. Klnliornlo Costumes , Now niiiBlo. Tills hlKli-salnrlcd company cannot afford to jiliiy at popular prices. The following bpoolal pricusliaxu been iirrnjiKOd : Orchestra. Int 1f > ro s , 7.1o : all other oicliestru scats Mo ; balcony lijo and - " > oi nailery l. > oj box beats ? 3u and ifl. llox bliL-ct opuus Thursday niornliiK. DIME EDEN MUSEE. \YIliti IjAWI.KK. Mutineer , Corner llllinna Farnnia streets Omalm , Week of Dec. hi. The Dcrvlllo Kunilly-G. Dookht tiller. Tuo Onialin lirnros. The Italian Gypsy llanil. Aitlnc' . I'aiK'rOiifL'n. .Sidney , tlioVhIttlor. . A brlKht , cnccry ontcrtiilninont , rednod and full of fun. ONK DIME ADMITS TO AU * hV h > be done Ought sV&nds for nothing . ' \ehouse ought to be cleaned- with Sapq//o.Tryace.keinyour / / next house-cled.ninj | and.be convinced. no excuse for a dirty house or greasy kitchen. Better clean them in the old way than not at all ; but the modern and sensible way is to use S ROLIO on paint , on floors , on windows , on pots and pans , and even on statuary/ be ignorant of the uses of SAPOL1O is to be behind the agev "GIVE THE BOYS A CHANCE. " This week , we will put on sale in our Boys' and Children's ' Department , two ol the biggest bargains we have ever offered. The goods are right , the prices areright , and "the boys need some new clothes , don't they , mother ? " Bargain 'Number One , Worth Two Fifty to Three and a Half. Three Hundred Boys' All Wool Knee Pant Suits , made of a good , heavy cassimcrevcll and neatly gotten up ; ages five to fourteen years. They come in four distinct styles , brown and wine stripe , brown and gold stripe , brown clfeck and gray check. [ They look much handsomer with a boy inside. ] Our price for this week ONE NINETY A SUIT. Bargain Number Two. Worth Three Sei/enty-five / to Four Dollars. Two Hundred and Fifty Boys' Knee Pant Suits , made in three handsome styles of an All Wool Cheviot. In style , finish and wearing qualities well worth three seventy-five to four dollars. For a flyer we will sell them at TWO TWENTY-FIVE A SUIT. AT THE SAME TIME WE WILL OFFER : BOYS'- BOYS' BOYS' BOYS' BOYS' BOYS' WC ri Vli ! AT AT AT AT AT AT 95c. $1.25. [ 1.50. 2.50. .50. $4.00. . . . . . . . . . . . ALL WORTH ABOUT DOUBLE THIS PRICE. We propose to make the closing month of the year 1890 long to be remembered in the ois- tory of the clothing trade of Omaha. Watch for our ads. in the papers. See the goods in our windows. Come and see the goods we advertise. You'll ' always find them exactly as we tell yu. FOURTEENTH AND DOUGLAS. Were going to have a surprise party tliis week , and yon II be invited. MTBH Hie Opportunity 11 -x * And Secure Without Delny , The prudent man will im prove the fair weather in preparing hirn.self for the foul , which is sure to follow. Our selection of outside garments for the season , has met with quick favor , nnd the chance for n choice islesssening each day. Prices range from $8 to $40. And each garment justifies the price. A California Herye Food Makes New I'rasli Itlood and 1'ro- duciis I'lrnli. 111:1 : turn Drcay , Trtimlilliis , IljstiTln , Ncr- Tnim llfitiluchiIxih * ill I'ciwor In cither hex , NorTotMiicht In any loriu. Cold JlamlH or 1'eut. 1'alii In tliu tldcU mill other forms of U'oakni'KH. Dr. Kulili'H Nrrvn Tnnlo IM1U brine the rosy tint ol health to the BhHllow cheek , \Vujlc , norvuui pitui > 10 flioulil taku tills Krrat Lite flenewer. Try Uicm , and you ulll Join tlio thotuaudi c ( liaiipr men aniluiinxn "I' " dalljr blus Dr. .Inbbr > rIlia great work In ttielr Lcbtlf. 'ilicr are tugar coated , to cents a Mai. far ealo bj UuecKU tr tir mill. Address rlSBI'S MtniCIHE CO. . rDOrS. . StH fRJHCISCO , Oil. 1 OH BALK IN OMAHA , KEII. 11Y Kuhn ft Co , for. Uti | * UouBlu Streets , J , A. Kullcf & Co , Cor. lull X Douphs StrceU. A. D , fetter & Co , , Council llluffi , | o a. AND PRINCIPAL DttUSalCTB CVtRVWHrBC. Aim lutclynliable , , . , Kafo , mo.t powerful femali r it ruii iownintier fill. * t a has , tart paid -l cn bo , : ut. Adilreaa | JON littfd ( xi. . Imr - . Y. bold bjr UOUKMA DltUU UU. Our advertising man has some. > d | what neglected our "shoe storaF for some time past on the plca'of "let well enough alone. " We can never sell too many shoes tosuit 113 Our workingincn's shoe at a dollar n' ' < i quarter , with solid sole leather insole and counter , saves you seventy-five cents every pair you buy. You save ninety cents on our one eighty-five shoes. That's a fact For two dollars and a half we sell you a genuine Goodyear Welt Shoe a col umn couldn't say more , At $3.90 a Pair \Ve sell you a shoe the equal of any five dollar shoe in the country. . _ It's a pet of ours.aiul has made more friends for us than any one shoe r- , _ . in , our . store _ . : _ _ . _ nrj At $4.2 ยง We've got a new thing for "nobby folks , " They're aii imi tation bal or button in style , but the quality is a Genuine Kanjjaroo. o Don't you often see shoes in store windows and have them shown to you in stores for seven and seven fifty ? Its foolish to pay it.Ve , \ sell as good a shoe as can be made , every stitch sewed by hand , for five dollars and twenty-five cents. - We Sell Boys' ' Shoes Too. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE Woonsockeli & Rhode Island Rubber Co And wo are their western aponts and always carry a largo stock. Address , flmericen [ tad Sewed Shoe Bo 1204 and 1206 Harney Street. B.8. WATCHES. DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo Agent In Omaha lor Gorhnm Man ufacturing Co'a Sterling Silverware I MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH CUT GLASS and CHINA. Our Stock of Fine Goods is the Largest and Our Trices the Lowest. Conio nml sco us. Cor. Douglas & 15th St NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Brwelfla for Jljrit rl , PlMlntti.Flli , Ktrarnlgla , Wiike. fulnuii , Mentnl liupruiilnn , Hottenlnirof tbo llrnln.ru- rolling in Inianlty unit Icaitintr to misery decay anj Ooitli , Prtmituro OIJ A e , liarrennm. I.otf of Tower tncltlier sel , Involuntary Louei , nut Hji rni torrhn4 camwi br OTtr vertlo o ( thu brain , elf'ttuto or orer-lndulgence. * .ach box eonulni ontmontt'i treat , r.ient. (1 ttbot. < ir ilx ( or 96 , ttnt by ro ll iirn.ald. nlth each order for * lx tozfH , will rend iiurrh&Mr iruaraiiue to refund nu.iry If Iho lro tment falU W turu. Uuarant v luuud aiul cenuino eolttulUlb/ GOODMAN DUUG CO , , morarnamSt'root. Omaha Nab. "FREHCHlPECIFIC. A POSITIVE tndpermantnl CURE lor all < llc molth bRINARY ORGANS. Cure * where other treatment lain , FulTdirectlons with each bottle. Price , one dollar. See tlgniturool E. U 5TAHL. For Sale By All NO GLJR.EX ! NO PAY. Dr.DO 1316 Street Omaha Neb. Douglas , , . _ Bcvontccn years o porlonco. A rcunlnr Krndimto In mc < lllno , tu diplomas uliow , Ii still trunllnv with tliogrcnto > t diicci'ss , nil Nrrruux , Chronic nml 1'rlvuto Dlnnaxoi. A pc'riiuuiont euro miiiniNtocd for Ciitnrrli , Bpcrmitturrliinn , I.unt Manhonit , homlnul Wcuknoas , Nlnlitl.dSHCi. limiotuncy , Hyiilillls.hlrlctiirj , nrulnll OH- cii'csof the Illnuil , a kin [ ind Urlniry OrK'ins. N.ll. I t'uurnntc > o t.Vjo fur uvcry cnso I iiinlurtnko nml fall to cure. Consultation frco. Hook ( Jlriturlesof l.lfu ) sent freo. OIUcoliouri- . m. tot i > . la Uuniluya 19 u. in. to It m. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Btovo repairs of all doaurljitlona for cook nrnl lioutlns ntovoi , f umlly und hotel r.-injos. \V nteir tttauhiiiuutu u hpuclulty. Teleohonc Of O ROBERT UHLIG , proprietor. J. C1CJ11U11L - C1CJ11U11Lf [ 1O\J' . _ C. M. EATON , Manager. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH A.T 1302 Fnrnam Stroot. Harry P. Deuel , City I'assoiiRor and Tiultot Acont. Fractico Limited to DISEASES LUNGS - AND - -\TrAT\TT" AT TO P\7nrPPlT SEIU'OUS ' SYS1E1L Rooms 316 to 320 JJcc Omaha. ijiiiKyH 'anil ' f iiiM ' ill niFiiBff in i ill Moriiliino Iliih ll From Whntovor Cause Oar eminent iiliyo'cliins ' nro o\prrtn In ills * ciihcmir tnobliirHi , mill all t IIKUNHi iintj L'llIVAIlUiMfc < 4. I'allt'iitiiiirt'ituci't'S. ' fully in ulcil I > V mull. OlIk'Ks nml cinisiiltlri ; : rooms. INTERNATIONAL MEUIUL ASbOC If. iiUO UotulJotu Btioat , Ohioago , 111 ,