Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Wlicat Opcno "Wtak , But Rallies and Closes
With Makrial Gains.
Ontsllcnv } and Provisions Wonk niul
JiO\vcr Cnttlo Dcninntl I'nlr
and 1'rlocfi Htcntly
JUowcr. .
CHICAGO , Deo. 1. l pcclnl Telegram to Tnr
llir-\\licit : ] Blurtediulto | weak bee into of
pressure of DeccinhcrHtulT on the market and
because of weakness In the stock market at
Nuw York nml London , a trivial failure at
tlio former place , and the cnslertono of Liter-
pool nnd London cables. Tlio fact tlint locnl
receipts had slightly exceeded the estimate
and that Dulutli and Mlnneipolls receipts
idieliid 1,100 , cirs , win against the market ,
but with llttlo eircct , After December stun
had foilnd nrcstliiK plai-o Iho mnrkot grail u-
nlly Improved. Later news v as moio bullish ,
llietcmiicr of the local crowd changed In
favor of higher prices , a ml the advancing ten
dency was given iiulto a llltlo linpi-tus. May
win nt ( ijicncd weak , nt f .lOO'I , and sold as low'j ' , Improved to } l 013U nnd closed nt $1 Ol1.
ttl.ol'J. ' Hiturdny's close wns at 8I.001. ; . Do-
ceniber , meanwhile , Htnrtcd at 02c , sold at
U17i < 3 lc nnd closed at W.'c. The Ramo
good buying tlint was noticed rial-
unlny whencur May touched 91.00'J
was ac.iln appaicnt. II vvn ? credited to
lliitcliliKOii , Ik mi and Mitchell K. W Ilalluy ,
who was a steady onjer on Saturday , wns a
buyer nil tlio morning. Other liberal buyers
w < -ro Hucho , OcorKo Smith , Llnrtblooin and
MiibiiH commission firms. I'ardrMgo wns
nRalii a fieo Heller on bulges , Mocks of wheat
In country clauitors In the northwest de
creased 2jO,000 biinliels last week nnd there
were export eiungementH of 200,030 bushels of
whcnt nt the boaboird. Closing Liverpool
prUi v.cro a shade higher and Hie lncinn > oln
the visible supply \vhcatvvas but JKIS.tOO
bu licls , vrhuro tit least twice that was cx-
liceted. fctooksof Hour at Liverpool decro ised
r > ,000 sacks during November. On the curl )
today puts on Maj wheat were JIOO's , und
culls l.02'1.02' ' } .
Coin opened weak with other grains. The
lightness of deliveries on Dceombi'r contracts
did not hav ells full effect , ns the tnuto In De
cember had been very light. May started at
& 2V , with a single sale in the excitement of
Inn moment nt ic. It isratiimlly Improved
loM'jC , nml closed at ft.J ® AJ < o. Tlio git ilcr
purl of the iidMinco , ns In wheat , came duilnij
the last hour of tie session. The lirtfodo-
riewo In the visible supply and Iliitclunson a
lorslstent pniihasos caused the ndvancc.
l.i'opold illoom wns a heavy pollor around
M > 4e , but nil of his offerings were absorbed by
Hutclilnson'H brokers Llveriiool prices on
corn were liO'jd inrcontkl higher. I'uts on
Mny eorn ttorcM'oC ' and Wte. Mhllocnlls were
Ih'o oats maikrt wns heavy , owlns to
wcaUncsa In the cash mnrkot. lower prices In
New York , nnd fn'o Bulling by the country.
Tiicro would hivohcui a slump \nlnes
hut for the faetthat llutelilnson lent Ills sup
port to the market , buying freely cnrlv. Ilo
turned Mller toward tlia close , liutthe mar
ket WIIH thou In bcttci shape and it took his
olTcrliiKswlthout anymaterlaldee'llne ic > > iilt-
lug. M ay opened jn < A where it left offb.itnr-
tlav at 4" ) ' i' ihellneino 4V > e , and udvanced
to 41J40 , under the buylim noted above. The
close'io lilghoi at4VC.
V ( jullo a good speeiilatlvobuslncss wns transacted -
acte-d Inliog produetH. Verv liberal receipts
of hogs , iiecompinled with a nun U > d decline
on prices , coupled with rather free doli\ cries
of December contracts , caused a weak
foiling at tlio opening. Offerings
\\eio modoiiitoly free , -vhllo the diMiiind
wasonly fair 1'rlciB rulul lo er on all k id-
Ingnrtlclis. At the ( U-ellno , liovvoxir , there
was llttlo more Inquiry , espcelnlly from
"sports , " nnd prlcos rallied slightly unil tlio
market closed slendy nt medium to outside
HKIIIIS. Trailing vvusInigoly in contr.ietm'or
Jununry and Muv , and ti.insfers weioinndoat
77 * 7710illtleieiico on miss pork nnd47H50c (
on lard and slim t ribs , riuctii itlons In prices
\\cruconfined within u compiratlvcly nar
row raiii-o. Hieclptsof products vvoro falr.ind
the shipments moderately largo.
Mo. Open , High. Low. Close Ycst.
Dec. . . 8 112 $ 5,1 t irj | g. , $
May. . . . 1 00 ? i i om i ooi 01 ; B . . . .
May. .
Mnv. 45 i 45i !
Jan. . . .11 oo lira tioo 11
May. . . . .11 80 11 lU'/i 11 bO
I.AItl ) .
Jiii . . 0 0' . C C7'0 05 0 07
May. . . . , 0 CO OCO 0 D5 0 5714
jnn n 50 r. c./4 5 M G 52K
May . . , 0 00 G OJ'i ' 0 00 0 OSW
o , Dec 1. Ibpcclal Telegram to Tun
l OArrit noinand falrand ptloes ngaln
nboiit steady In some Instances a shido
oaslei , bet on the average aliout llko the close
Krlday. Tlio number of good steers was not
us larKo as oxpeeted and such sold re idlly and
early , while nalosmon that had otboi stock
bad to wait until they could find a bujor.
Totans again sold stiong to aslUlit advance ,
nml this In turn helped to brace up the
butcher stock inarKot. There was n fair de
mand uml u ( Mr business In the stoekor and
feeder tnido Top prices. f."OUT > .23 for pi line
oxiortand Christmas sUers ; coed to cholee.
J47va4tW ; others , 4' > 'itt4'iU ' ; coiuinon , JJ10 ®
U IIS ; Toxnns , J,15.V3.I dO.
lions Another down-turn wns tlio result of
the continued blsr run , \nluus docllnlii ! ; ni\y- \
whcro from IMo'JV. ntaklntc a drop of M to
USesince Trldny morning 1 ist. 'Ilierowerod'.OOO
toOOUOon snlo and at the eloso them wore
Il > ,0ii0 to .UOOO In the pens unsold. At the e\-
tremo closoJI70 wns tliutap price for tlio host
on the mm hot , and Rood to choke pickers
wont ns low as J..5vi7i ) ui.whllo rough and com
mon llghtndxcd sold ns low $ ) . ' . ® . ! . > As
sorted light , regulation avenues , fJ 4VSJ.50
light-light , JJ 10.IJOi pigs , W 7o2 b0.
New YOIIK , Deo. 1. [ Special Telegram to
TUB llrr.l STOCKS The market was \ory
uiibntlstautory all dav. weakness bclnz the
proMilcnt feature. The opening hour wns
character rod by liberal trading at J4@1U per
cent decline , but otter 11 o'clock tind-
Ing was slow and reactions In
values were only Blight nnd not nt all
Btabl , the ilmkoloslng lining nt nbout the In-
slilo llunrcs for theday. Tlio position of operators -
tors isihaugod soniuv\hat , these \ > ho ere bit }
bulls lust \\iek being on tlio bear sldo now ,
while bearsarooonsorvntlvobiilis Ad\lces
were not otn favorable tenor. The active
foc'iirllles were bt. I'aul , l < nel > .i\uniiu , Union
I'noitlc. Atelilson , Northirn 1'aolllo preferred ,
LoulBVlllo A. Nashville and Chicago Gas , the
rrmnlndi'r of the list bolus comp trutholy
quiet. Uhleago ( Ins wns raided bv room
traders and jlolitid iinlto loudlly , The fail
ure on the exchange did not ereato much of a
furore. Coalers suffered In the Keneial weak
ness , but un eaHOnablo weather nnd prospects
of coal auctions wore detriment il to these
ktockH. Thocloslng trailo x\as foatiut'lc- ,
The following were the closing iiuotntlons :
II. H. 4 remilnr 1AI4 Northern 1'nilllc.
U. H4acoiiom | l.'IH ilo iTofernil . . U-i'J
II H. < > i rcKulir. ! . . ,1U ( 0. * NV . . . . ,101
U.S. 4H ( II < IH > II9.IUI do preferred . . .
1'oilllcuor ' 15. 100 Now ork Central ,
Contrnll'acltlc . * 8 I' I )
, * K . . I.I
Clilinijo & Alton ' 'I Hock Islnnil
ClilciiKO , llurllnuton el.M.i Ht. I'nul. .
- SH ilo profe-rreil . , , .10''f
Bt. I'aul & Omnlm 22
Illlnnlirentml. . ilo | iralurml . . . , . hO
U , II.AW Union 1'iiclllo
W. , St I * A I1
Ijiki1 hlioro ' ' ilo preferred. . . . . . 18
Jllclilnan C'cntfiil.iii'tU Western Union , . . , . . 7&M
Mlnoiirl 1'nclHo.
MONEV On call closed last loan offered at 9
nor eont.
I'IIUIK MFIICAMII.K lUi'rii-fiS { < 39 per rent.
6TKiiiii nExciMNflK Qnlot and weak : sixty ,
day bills , * l81'4i demand * 4W.
Tlio OofTeo "VInrkot.
NEW YOIIK , Dec. 1. [ Special Telegram to
TUB llEE.l-COKft.E Options opened steady
and unchaiigo to 10 points down and closed
etoiidy to 5 [ Milnls up tolO down. Sales , 17,750
Infc'H. Including Dee-ember , fl7.25l7.30 : Jnuu-
ary. J1040 < B1050)i'e'briinry. ) ; jnuo ; March. lr . ( i
OftSi : April. J153J : May. ( U.iman''u. hnot
Itlo. steady ! fair cargoes , till 25 ; o 7 , I17.S7) ) { .
. . _ „ Bhnros.
NBW YOIIK , Deo. l.-lSpcolal Telegram to
Tnr. IlEel The following ure the mining
stock quotations !
Kureka Con
Ilomutlaku , I'iytuuutll UU
Horn Hllve-r , .315 Havnke. . .
Mcilcnn Simulant. .
I'll OXt VVU 31. i It KETti.
CHICAGO , D o. t-1 p. ui. close.
Knnyl cash , Kks ; January , U5rc : .May , II 01' , ' ,
Corn rirmi cash , W'iei December , 60'ic'i
Mny , MUc ,
Ontn-btcndy ! cash , 43ct December , 43ci
Ule'iu'1'orK Ptcailyi cnsli , tS.70 | Jtimmry ,
111.20 ; Mny , 111.03 . ,
Lnril-Htendyj cash , I5.70j January , M.Oiis
Mny , ( O.f'7'S. '
Hye-Kasy at CS'e' ' .
iiarloy Ktciuly nt 7c.
riax-Htcndy nit 1.20
Timothy Fnsynt JI.21ifc1.iS.
I lour-Unchanged ; spring pitcnK 41J
QI.71) ! winter patent' , II WtfJiOO ! bakers' , J.a
/ j no
liulK Mcats-tliouldcM , M.7.r > ttJftM | short
clear , tt fiOS' > 70j short ribs , ftlW ( > 20.
Huttcr ( Julet ; creamery , 10&.CHC ) dalrj.
. .
Uhccso steady | fullcrcninehciM
flntB , S'WHici VOIIIIK Americas , B'i
Hairs-I'lnns fresh. : r024c.
llidrs Unclinnged ! hci\y ! nnd llclit green
s iltuliCo : nri en , IWl'iej "lilted bull lildes. 4' < c |
Krecn sallul 0 O7cdry ! Hint , to dry salted
nidus , ua7ei dry c-ilf , Sffl'Jtf ) deacons , eiich ,
Tnllow UneliatiKcd ! No , 1 , solid packed ,
' ( ( i4i.i No 2a < a-IUceak ; < ' . 4'i- .
Hecelpts Shipments
I'loiir , bills . II80JO
\\lK-at. bu . 101,000
Com , UU . 124,000 M.OTO
Uats'bll. . . . . . 207.0UO 170,000
N > .vr YoitK , Dec. 1 \\hotit llccclpts.
IOOiOO : bushels ; rxports , uniii * : spot , elosln
llrmcri No B red , sfliil'i In ulmator , $ l. ( > TiS
lloat , Jl.OluaiOt.U . f o. b Opllons closed
roiiiiind fnlrlj iictUo ; No " led , December
osliiK at JltU\ . . . .
Corn-Ileeelpt" , ILOOObushelH : exports , 11,00)
iimhols ; spot Hosed llrrn : No 2 , tKXBfjO'Jo ' In
loMitor. omnt'iu ulloat ; iliiKinded mixed ,
W fil > jc ; options closed weak unil loner ; De-
.embi r Hosing ntCO'nC.
Oats-Heielpts , 7li)00 ( ) bushels ! exports ,
NX ) bushels , spot clocd llniifr ; No. 2 while ,
. ' - © TiJ'ip ' ; mixed Misteri , 47Mo ! wlilto west-
irn , A.VI.VC , ojitlons weaker ; December elos-
at 4'lUc ' ,
iignr Haw steady ; centilfugal 00 test ,
ii e'i rellned nuht. . *
retrulouni-Unllcd closed for January at
l.ircs I'lrnirr ; western. 22il.27c. ?
I'oik-rirm ; nu ss , fie 75 ® | . ' 00.
Lard- Lower and \vcak ; westoin steam , Jo 20
lluttor Steady ; westerii dairy , Ilffi20c ;
iroamery , na'J-c ; Klgln , 1'te.
ST. Louifl. Dec. l.-Wheat IllKhcr ; cash ,
lVin2So ! December , OS ; January , O4'i ; Mny ,
iUioJulv ; , , h't'ic. ' ,
Uorn I Irm ; cash , 49c ; December , 4&,5c ;
lay , 60\c
Clats I'lriii ; cish. 4c , Mny 45o.
1'ork-Scaree ; Jll.l2"iill.r ( > .
Lard Isonilii il ; J3.7j.
Hnlter Unchniigedcreamciy,22aWc ; ( ! dairy
a2c. _
KANSAS CITV , Dec. 1 Wlipat-Qulct ; No.
hnril , cash and Deeember , 8'c bid ; No 2 red ,
nflh , too bid.
Corn Lower ; No 2 , cash , 50c ! December ,
[ ' .Hi c bid. ,
O.ils btcaclyi No. 2 casn and December ,
5c bid. _
MiMVAtiKPF , Dec. 1 Wheat-Quiet ; No.
soring , cash , 8-M2..Kc ; May , Oliic ; No. 1 north-
rn , C'jc.
Corn Lower ; No. II , cash , 605lc ,
Oats Kns'or ! No. 'J white , cash , 44J4 < IHr'Vio ,
I'rovlslons-Qillct ; iiorlc , Januury , 411.17M.
MiNNKAi' , Dee 1. flood demand for
wheat todny ; rceclnts , 7:10 : ears ; shlpiiionts ,
115 c.irs. OlosIiiR ; No. 1 haul. Nincinber , 0"C !
in track. OOo ; J\o 1 iiortliein , November , fc'JJto ;
ilay , UH'ics on track , l 2o ; Jxo 2 northern.
'ovcmbor , 880 ; on tiack , Mc. )
LiM-lli'OOi. , Dec. 1. Who it Quiet ; hold-
irs offer moderately ; California , No. 1 , 7s Cd
icr cental
Corn btcady ; mixed westcrji , s Id per
CINCINNATI , Dec. 1 Wheat I'lriai No. 2
Uorn Steady : No. 2 mixed.f .
O-its Knslci ! No. t ! mixed , 27JV4o. !
MtlVMil B'fOCK.
CIIICAOO , Doc. 1. Cattle Receipts , 17,000 ;
mrket steady for export and Christ mas
icoves ; steers , ! ' > OJ < 25 ' . ' . > ; others , SJ10O100 ;
r"Mins , J.'V.IC5.
o s HicclpK i" > ,000 : market vveik and
ovver ; p.iekc rs , } I fwQ.I M ) ; common and light
nixed. jtVW&.t45 ; assorted light , JJ43JOO ;
bh'oep Keceipls , 10,000 ; market falrlv active
and steady to sit on , ; ; natives , $ J50lbO ;
vesterns , $1 10(34 ( b7-5. !
ST. Louis , Dc'O. 1 Uattlo Hecolpts , 2,100 ;
jhlpments , 000 : market slow ; fair to f.mey
latlvo steerp , JJWXaoOO ; stoeuersand feeders ,
- - -
j0st.cclpts | , , 4,400 ; shipments. 700 ; mar
ket lower , heavy , JJ-KXSJ'O ; mlxud , $ J 10 ®
3 DO ; light , } J 'JO ® . ! W.
KANSAS CITV , Pec. 1. Cattle Kccotpts ,
J1.200 : shipments , : iVX ) ; market steady to
strong ; steers , n.404 71 ; cows , . ' .05 < B2 GO ;
stockera nnd feeders J..OOC-T 10.
Hogs Hoeelpts , 19 W ) ) ; shipments , 1,300 ;
iiurkot lower ; all grades , } i m ( & 73.
031.lMlA 3TuTif.KrS.
Monday , Dec. 1 ,
CATTLE rstlmatcd receipts of cattle. 2,0" > 0.
as compared with 1,202 Saturday and 1C9J
Monday of last week. The market on stceis
was lower , but some early sales were
tnailfl nt nbout sle.idy prices ; butcher stock
was nut ho nnd stronger , good feeders are
scarce , arom demand iindBttong.
lions Kstlmttod receipts of hogs. 4,800 , as
compircd wlthlOO < > 7b.ituidav and f > 135 Mon
day of last wcok The markutwiisslow and luo
lower. The range of the prices pild vvnsWlOiii
I OS , the bulk si Illng at $ J 4 > ® .l r''i I'Us , tl 75ft
100 , llclit- ! . 100.1 10 ; heavy. f.Ul > ai r > iiilxod.
J.1. li > a.l M Tlio nv cri/o of the prices paid was
$ .141 , as compiri'd with $154 batuulay and
$ J | > I'4 Monday of lustwcuk.
biivn1 Estimated ncoipls of sheep , 1,410 ns
compaicd wlthSU Siturday and 141 Monday
of last \\eoK. The m.irkot Is unchanged
Natives , JJ J5QI 2T ; westerns. t-'OOSl 00.
Disposition of Stook ,
Showing the munborof head of stook pur
chased on this m irkut as reporto 1 by the
vvclKlimastor of the btockyards company for
December 1 :
Swift A : Co 044
Ooorgo II. Hammond pickhiK company. . . 44r
The Uudahy packing company 144
Hamilton & Stephen 27
Nols Morns . .01
Shippers and feeders JC'J
ThoCudnliy pioltlncoinpxny 1,692
Omaha picking company BO'i
Swift & . 'o 1,1-7
Oeorgo H. llniumond packing compnny. . Ml !
bhlppors nnd feeders 175
l\ir November.
Showing the number of cattle , hogs nnd
shcop piiichnsed on this inarKot by the dlllor-
ent buyers during the month of isovembei.
SwIftiCo JO.Wl
ThoO. II. Hammond Co R 100
The Oudnhy i'ackln , ' Co 0,57(1
Omnbii I'neklng Co 2C > J
Other buyers 22,440
Total 43,100
nee ,
The Oudnliy picking company 7" > ,2I8
Omaliii pielclng company 4IUU1
The ( . 11. Hammond packing compnny . llll
Swift &t'b 31,001
J. I' . Sniilri'sACo 4,182
' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Noifl'i" ' & . ? . Co' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6VH
llrlttiilnA-Oo 1,2 < M
Uthure 0,47b
Total 181,278
Sinai1. 40.1.1
ThuOudnhv puktnc comnany : tn7
'IhotJ. 11 llaniaioiidpacklnKcoiiipany. . 07.1
Olliuis S.4M
Total 8,779
KeprcHcntutlvo Sales ,
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
40 .1US1 fJ 05 lr < 8 HI ! ! fl 02J { 20 lUbO Jl 00
2 .12N ) 300 21 lOST J ( A 48 1088 4 H
15. 1J14 JOO 21 10.CI J 70 22 l-'uS 4i5 :
fi 09S .115 1U ItMKl ,1 8r 113 1C > 441)
B. . IU3 320 22 1107 300 18 110.1 440
75 12.V ) J 40 42 11 Ml ,11)0 ) 'M 1J.V ) 450
2 11UO 350 U UM 4 W ) 35 14J2 455
1 < J 10.1.1 3 00
1 , , 050 100 n. 500 2 00 3 10CO 340
7 1072 100 1 1,10) S 00 2 1JX > 240
fl. 041 1 15 1 1070 200 SO , , 025 240
1 .latO 1 i."i 1 1110 2 OO 14 IKI 240
1 , , 0.10 1 25 21 810 2(5 18 KM 240
1 900 1 25 : tO 10TJ4 2 10 25 1104 841
1 , 10SO 1 25 ! MI 07M 2 10 1 BOO 260
1 DM ) 1 25 iW KV ) 2 15 20 IKl 250
1 , KU ) 1 40 1 HCHI 2 15 fl 1HH1 2.V )
1 , 1115 1 BO 22 012 215 2 12(15 ( "BO
1,1050 1 BO 4 1100 225 0. 11MJ . ' .V.
7 1015 150 21 ! > 't.l 225 5 1100 255
1 740 100 .1 lOi K ) 222 24 1127 805
1 1140 1 Ul no IKH1 225 10 1100 JOO
SO. . ( TO 170 ttl 012 2110 2 1J20 Jlr
1..1150 175 3 1D5.I 2I5 ! 1..15JO J 40
1 , , 000 1 bO 4. IU7 2 23
1..1220 100 1..I.YX ) 200 4 1440 2 BO
1.XM \ 125 1 1100 225 1..1770 JOO
3..1JCO 1 45 2 .IVC ) 2 40
1 , . 010 200 8 , 607 S 43 13. OS1 275
0 , . S.W 2 40
3 , IKK ) 275 2.1530 350 2..S1CO 425
8 , , 1700 8 75
1 , , 250 1 00 1 , . 370 3 40 S. , 100 325
8. . 070 225 1. . 000 2 CO 8. , 1005 3SOQ
nprlnKcrs , each K.-iOO
1 milker 1 , , , , so no
1 cow mid calf . , , , , a2 oo
2.1100 2 00
wrsrrus OATTLB.
No. AV. r
Vnn Tn&sel '
1 bull , , .1100 i r > o
1 steer , .1100 2 ro
Bstcers . 1170 : i co
1 steer 1210 : i no
I steer .MOO : i do
IKstecrs , . .i2 o a oo
non < < .
No. Ar. Sli. Pr. No. Av. Sh , Pr
2. . . . .1DI M ji : 10 OH , .21.1 40 ( .1 4'i
111. . 1'W aw : i n OHo
88 . 100 40 : i 20 o .310 W
( A . 207 a 20 18 .4(12 ( 210 : i n
8' ' ) . . 204 rco a 20 ' .2117 120 JI4-I
.221 101 no' .M N ) 'liVM )
. 201 210 co .8IJ 80 \ \ Mir
207 200 .3. " ) 320 ; ir > o
27i1 81 .231 20 IIBO
mo ( H 214 80
80 i 2" r > i 877 80
IS ) to 271 : t0 ! : ir > n
21 117 - ; ire
Vfi 21HI STI5 200 ; \ MM
: \ Mir
LN ) 877 80 : ir > o
.iril 70 27 ! ) 200 lift )
.228 07 .87(1 ( 200
221) ) W ) M .8Si 80
241 810 0(1 ( .81)1 ) 100
103 0(1M JH. 40 II I'M
221 : co : i ,17 ! { 20n III - : i M
III ! n , 271 410 a rn
tn : MO 71 jor , _
2IJ ( -0 a 40 01 271 80
214 lee : i 40 40 : i 120
,1'HI 111 aw 800
. 12S 40 .877 100
r.o .Ml ItiO
205 100 r > 7 m 80 : ir > 5
41 ; M so : IMI
. 232 1IX ) : IGO
. . .242M ! 81(1 ( i r > till .lisli . liio : tnn
2M 1U ) ni , 81)7 80 : ioo
20.1 2JO nins . Ml J U ( o
. 201 "SO 45 . , .fJOO ICO 3G5
101 130 2UO 20 , .102 - 2M
40 HI 8 20 78 1V ! 1JO 27" .
191. 05 - 2 10 1 .400 - 273
No. Av. Pr.
15 vvestcrns , cvvca , 107 4 10
Monthly Stutemunt.
Showing tlio olllclal leceipls nnd Hlilnincnts
of 11 \ o stock dui In ; ; thu month ondlnK Novem-
bi r 20 , IS'H ) , nnd the number of head consumed
nt South Uniuha :
11AIUIOAII9. Cnttlo Hogs. Sheep nnil
C M 4,81. T 785 7.MJ.I
0 , VHt Ii 2CJ
Mlasuurl I'nclllu. . . 2.14 2C3
Union 1'nclllc 710 85 to
0 ft NV 6317 3,572 6,007 139
11 & M U97 l-'l
0,11 A Q etou 7,107 2J1
0,11 I A , 1' TJti 2,254 3,920 202
CSt I'.M * O' . , 1300 240
K.i : & M V . , D4S
Consumeil In ti O 25543 153 370 0,511 203
Grand Tolnl 4(1 ( Ml 179 211 25,7:8 1'YJ '
O3MA1FA Jl.LHKE'lti.
A complete Rrocory list 1 < published on
Tuesdays' Tliuisd.ivs and Fridays
Quotations ronmliierystencly , Sugars nro
firmer but hiitdly diiotable higher.
btiOAii Oinnulitod , ( Hie ; cnlic'i , 6fa ; cut
loiif , 7'sO ! jiowdoiud , slaiul.ini. O' oj XXX.X ,
powdered , "lies yellow O , 5o ; canaiy O'iej
llfrlit Kx. 0 , bi < iy > o ; coiifectionuiV A. b'tc.
MOI.ASSI-S llbld. N. O fancy , per BII ! . ru'rJJ&Tio
pliolce , 4VBI"e : good. , XiKc ( ! ( Julia , b ildnc , ' 'S
CWOc ! blneKstiup , i:0.l3e : ; sjinp.lOcr.ido , bills ,
27c : JJbbl. . Jo ; 4-al. kegs , 81 JjJRil ; kltts ,
Sl'OAii 1'er Hi 5e calces , 30-lu boxes ,
lie : lee cnUos , 'JO-lb boxes , l."iei 1-lb bricks.
J.I His In lioY , iiure , Ik1 ,
llHOOMS-5-tle piirlor , $ .1 00 ; 4-tle , ? 2 7r ; : i-tlo.
JJ'JTii.l-tlo. pluln. tl. 80 , warehouse , $ J OOi toy ,
l.aivhlslc ; I1.1XX3I.S3
HOAIllnitllc , mottled , per Ib , lOc ; do whitener
nor Hi He ; laundry snip , per 100 burs , * . ! 11 ®
ft 00 : shaving soup. BUST" io per doj toilet soap ,
J enUes iior box , per do/ , , , .
Cinm Per bbl , roflncd. K < 0 ; half lib ] , 9100 ;
hard elder , peite , per libl , $ iOO ; OMIIRO cider ,
half bbl , fflW ; pear elder. hilf bbl. 6 W.
NUTS 1'er 11) , Alinonels , J6e ; Ilr.izlls , 2lo ;
niberl-s , I to ; pecans , ll14cj walnuts I5oj pea
nuts , fancy w lilte , faos roasted lOo
OMVI s ( Juurls. per dotl 00 ; jilnts , per rte ? ,
50 , bulk , noi Ril , ICe. Olho oil , / pints 'J
doz per case , 81 rXX3Ti..U
HALT 1) ) ilry. ! M > Ibs In bbl , linlk , $110 ; best
Kniilr , 03 5s , Sui > < best Bnule , 100.1s , * - < 0 ; best
grade , ! i8 10s , $ . ' ' . ' "ij rotk salt , crnsliod. $1 SO.
Moi.AS'iisbbK , N. O. fniiov. per Bill , r > J.Vi" :
diolcc , 4Vm c ; good , loJ o ; Cuba , baking , 2U
4ttOc , bhickstinp , U'oaj-'c.
faonA I'kps , iiO Ibs to bov , ri'ic ! koRs. 4'c.
SAISODA Ko s , l eporlbj bbU , l ? c ; gratiii-
lated , 100-lh b < i\es. 2e' .
OANvri ) VrotrAiins Tomntoe1 ? 3-lb , < 100
( ill. 10 Corn Very line , $ l.i > ® l B ; 2-lh suu'ir ,
} 1.15 ; 2-11) ) standard ucilcrn brunils , } l 10.
Mushrooms l-lb Krincli , extra line , U3iiJ5c ( ;
1-lblremeli. line , lsa c ; 1-lb rroiich , onll-
niiiy , K/SJl o. Teas . ' -Hi oarlv.Iune , J1.25 ; 2-
Ib Mnriow , ttandaid brands $1.10 ! 2-lbsoaKcd ,
70o. 1'ronch jiois 1'or c iso of 103 , $ ir > OU ®
2200 btrliiK beans--lb lilKh grade , Wo ;
2-lbwnx beans We ; 2-lb Htiluir lieans , bOc.
Lima bonus 2-lb hoakud , K > c. lloiton haked
bo.inslb : ( , $1 l" > © l.ri.1 bweot potatoes 1-lb
Now Jersey. $1 riO ; .Mb oKra and tomatoes ,
$1.03 ! : i-lb olcrj , JIM ; lisp irugus 3-lb. 'S5
O.I.7J ; rhubarb , y-lb , $1.40 ; huceotish ,
1.2 % .
TWINI- OotiDAOf , KTC. Cotton twine ,
"lllbb , " very nne , 'i-lb bales Ktoi cotton
twine , XX biand , J4-U ) bales. lt > c ; ] ionii | twine ,
'i-lb bales , 18os salt twine , 'JOu ; canillo Mick ,
2-'o ! 40-foot cotton clotliis lines , 8140 , CO-foot
cotton clolliosllneH , $1 0. > ; dO-fmit sNal lines
$ l.7'iWi-foot ; jute , ; wool tlues , Htfe. Jla-
nlllaropo All sires from 7-1U tolln ,14cslsil ;
lope , all sl/cs fioin 7-ltl to 1-inili. , ! l'iej "now
proeesses" allslzes from 7-10 tel lnbo ; cotton
i olio , 'i-ln , Idc.
AMMUMTION Klfln powder , per kes ,
pcr'ikos. Ulilbs. , MW ) ; rlllo , per'4kop ,
Ibs , $ i ( > > ; bill-tint ; . A , per Ke'K , } . ' G5 ; bl
H , per Ki ! ! , ? - ' n Shot Drop , iinrbnp ,
bur Ir , $1 DO , chilled , If I IK ) , t'aps-a jGio per M.
llAKiNd l'om u Hoynl.dlineeaiis , per doz ,
DSo ; 'i-lbcans , JI.43 ; ' 5-lb enn ; $ . ' ( K ; 1-lb cans ,
? " > .00 ; 1'iliu's dhno cans. OOe ; lllj cans , JI 15 ;
'i-lbc.ins , IJSOj 1-lb cans , $1.75 ; other Jdiids ,
1-lb cans , pi r < loz. , $1 Mxa. ) 83.
\\H\i'i'iNO 1'Ai'i.u-l'er Ib. best straw , 11\18
toJJxll , I'l'o ; dry Roods , 434'eivo\traniittllty :
iiinnllln.b'ie ; ; nianlllatoa , l'-\lt < , Uu ; ( lark tag ,
linrawnrt' , ' . " 5c.
CilfcK-L-r 0 , twin flats , per Ib , 10 > { o ; P. 0. ,
Vuuni ; Anu'ilca , lliio ; doniostlo Swlbs , 15JJc ;
brlek , 14c ; Kdani , In foil , cadi 41 00.
rAiiiNACi.ous GOODS Hat ley , 4c ; fnrlna ,
UoKs , W 00 ; split poan , .Ic ; creen peas , L'uioat- bills , jor > 3 ( . 50 ; half bbls , { J'ixijM ;
ninciJonl , I''uurinltelll ; , 12a ; I.IIKO anu tapl-
oc ii/ti.0'ie ; Ijlm i beans 5'iu ; ccrcallnc , } , ) , ! ;
linked lionilny , 3lie * .
DHII.I ) 1 IIUITS Turkish prunes , loss tlmn
bdds , lb.K0. So ; apples o\.iporati , ' < l , newrlii
eliolen , Ulio ; apricots , fancy. In H.icks , JU'io
blackbcirles , now , lOc ; raspberi-2es , 23 Ibs t
bov , J4c ; currants , new , fl'/Jc ; Votl7/acurnintB ;
extra In boxes , O'jo ; peaulies , Unlit , ulioke ,
17iie ; California dried Rrapcs , In bags , Cc ;
needless hiiltans , aeliM , 10'so ' ; muse itols , 8'jo ' ;
nuw Valencia , 80 : Omlura layi r , DC ; URH , layers -
ors , ! Viil8c ; dates , rerdla.fl.l-lh box , 7o ; clt-
1011 , 1.euhorn , . ' 0 ; lemon pea ] , I'lO.
( Joiffci-Oreen Klo. 2ii@24'c : } ( ; Ja\a , ? 8c :
Mocha , IMo. itostcil Aiosla. WoH ; Itnnola
2' > Ku ; lJorman,25Uci Dlllworth's , yr > e ; I.lon
" rici Mallpoiich , X'Vic ; Curilo\liiU. " > ! ie ; Mocha
: t'e ; O. (1. ( Java , IIO. Cofleo rssenco } 4 gro
boxes , SLJ-VBLW ; chlcUory. T
iMUiAit Apple cldor , 10o ; doubln elder , 12c ;
\ \ liltoliid. . l.'e ; trlpplo strength , lUc.
OILS l'iO prlmo white. Olio ; 1W water wlilto
ll'io ; houlilKlit , M : 74 Riisollne. lliie. Ol
eans-lRiI , UlXXiJiS , 2 gal , W7&31 60 ; 5 Kill
'louACCos rinociit. per Ib.SWJ'Oc ; plug , 2 :
' tunoUlng , yx&Kle ; fancy brands , U0i
'itAK Japan , basket flrolOOflV"esuii ( ; dried
20 < 8.4" > c ; urecn , 2K3SUo ( : Onnpowdnr , 20O.We
Kn llhii breakfast. , l' Tt75ci VOIIIIK lli- < ) ii0ti (
55e ; Oolonr. 2.i < 313cIb ! pirkngo dust. 15o.
OAMIV Mixed , JO-lb pillh , BiiWH'.io ; stick ,
Bill.1 ; tulst Mtlek.Uet Trench ml ml. ll'iu ; lioiu-
liounil stluk , H'ie ' ; jar and cnso unnillus , 5-H
boxes , IVttaic ; oxtru line Roods , S-VHttV1.
AXI.K ( iKKtSh 1'cr gloss I'luzler's InrK
tins , MiOO ; ; iiicdlum tins f.T.OO ; bin ill , $1350
other makes , uoodl3 .v/ttS AO.
Hi.ACkiNd .1 ilnr In box , lOCS'to ; ladles' she
drissint' , ir > eQtluO ( ; sto\u pollsb , per gross
ill UKIMli-I.lillllil , 4 07. 3 doz. Ill box , OOQil.Tii
Riu.J ( InIn box , I1.5 < t2.75 ; dry , biimll , 2oc
lliirsiu's BIioo. pcrdozT'l.2.'i < ii3.0 ! daubers
75i < al.OiJi bomb brushes , COe < Bf.'lKl
CiiACKtits Soda , do ; oyster , > ! ici cream
B'ic ; KliiKor snaps , 8'Jo.
OAN Hl I'llUlTb Ualifornlii Apricots f22
( < l-l CO ; jiielcd apricots , JI.'J. ' . ; poaches. tX70 < Q )
: i.O ) ; pears , f.'IS ; llurtlett pours. J.'U'i ; Krapes
lltifl ; eherrlis , wlilto , K Wii.7f > ! olierrlcs ,
lIuck , IJ''fifft-'V ) ; quinces , S..W ) ; blaekberrleM ,
r3 ; rnupberrle's , fa 00 ; btrawlicrrles , t.'OO ;
currants . ' . ' . ' .I J25
, ( ; gooseberrloH , ; pluinseii ;
tlMxailiOi plums. Rrc nn uairos , d.wxitl.lKN r.x
t ra line Roods Apricots , M CO : yellow C'raw
font pi'achos , ( I uo ; sliced peuche's for en am
tl.23 ; llurtlett puurH. iMti3t CKR pluniH , 11.50.
urceu gagus , ! J.M. Eusluru canned fruit
reaches secnnds. $1.90512.001 npplcs. 3-lb. tl M :
Knl , H i\i \ > r in cnne KJ. U | | { iio cborrle ( < , llnltl-
niorn stnndnril,2-11. , ? 1,131 trnwborrles. il'JOi
rnspl > errleM , 11,40 ! ) ilitnbcrtlcsil..Ui red rasp ,
lioirk-s , II.MI ulfifulirrrles , fl lft | cliurrlcn ,
; vannl.o7jH ; .
Jamil lea Kluxer , 4 Of. * l.83. .
MATIIII-S I'arlor , 200 anil J1CO per bov ,
l.TOporRiossjsulpluir. II03W.I.40 ,
1'u'Kim Medium , bbls. tem snmll , JOe ) ;
phurlslni , $11 00 ; lliiototVinlxc'd ,
KiCK.-Ja\a , Oc ; oholo Oc ; funcy , b > ( c ; licad ,
C'c. ' ( '
fi'icis-I'cimor-BliiKiporo , slfteil. ifiQIPc ;
shot , 2.'c ; iillsplco , loc ; clo\e < , 1'iiiiitiK , st > -
lected..W : ca slu , Cliilln , 4-lb mats , lie ; nnt-
ineut. No. 1 , Tic ; inncnsJor , Iwc ; I'lokllni ? cpluo ,
10-11) boxes , a.v. '
STAHUI I'er Ib , d'tiWc. '
3 limn si KD-.M I xid bird. 1-lb pkgM , Kc ; canary ,
4'ii ( ; lump , 4'ie ' ;
II ; dimulMI.7.ri ; paiicr , nii'tnl lioolis , J.T.U ,
ceitur , ,1 brass hoops , So.l all red , } 'i' J ; ceuai ,
U biass hoops \n 2 rid , j.'iOO ; crdnr , II : i brass
hiioiM | , No. i trllell | , $ , " > UO ! ct'daii : biass hoops ,
No 2 strlin'd4.f > oliorso , e\trn bea > y , No. 1 ,
JJT'i ; well bucUots , w.23. Hulturwaiu lulls ,
mil , U-ln , pcrnest.iOu ; nsh , 2in'IIIIKO hlrevs ,
in r nest , S45ot butltr lailles , liutcl wood , 70c ;
biiltor paddlts 01 spades Toe. W-isliboaids
Hnulotl.4xa2X ( ( ) ; double , J..500.l.23. .Clothes
pins , > KIOSS boxes , Wo.
I'ANiii i H 40 Ibs to box , OKc ; mln I tig , ICXSlOJJo ;
wax , lie.
I'liKsn IiriP CUTS. Itollp , 7o ; beef ten-
derlolns. He ; Hliloln butts , O'K'i bone
less strips O'Jc ' ; strip loins , B'iCl rounds ,
rump oil" , Ge ; rounds , rump on , 5u ;
rounds sliunk off , SHc ; boneless rumps , 4u ;
chucks , .lo : plates , 2Sc } ; back hlives. 4u ;
slionlder cloils , 4'.c ' ; beef loins No. J , steer ,
IJftUc ; hoof loins No. 2 , IW/ilIci beef loins No
; i,7o ; beef rib' , WiWa ; bief ribs o 1 , IWtllo :
sweet breads , perMoz , .tie ; klilnuja , each , Jo ;
ox tails , eueli , < ! c ; I\orstaehl3c | ; beef iiearts ,
c.ieli , 4c ; beef toiiRiics , cneb , 40c.
I'm - < ii 1'oiiK I'ork loinsbo ; toiulorlolns , llo ;
BJ are ribs , r > c ; Hliouldors.Ik ) ; houl > slc ; trliu-
niliiKyf > c ; luck bones , 2c ; drissod lie s , Ti u ;
cleaned pics' fcttper ( dozen , ) We ; ruugli un-
eleaned piKs" feetlpor do/enSOc. )
MUTTON tholeedressed mutton , Mic ; rack ;
of mutton , lie ; badillcHot mutton , Oc ; breasts
of mutton. .Ic : Ivf of mutton , JUc.
1'iii-sii MTAIH l'resli linniM , JO Ibs a\era ; e.
734c ; Ifllbs a\i'iaip , So , U Ibs avonmc. 8Hc ;
fresh shoulders , 4 0 ; perU loins , 7c ; pork ten-
derlolns l.ic ; leaf laid , not rendered , C' c ,
spire ribs , ftc ,
1'oitKAMi . 111 i-K-In barrels - MessporK , now ,
$11 00 ; clour pork hicks heaxy.f 12.00 , iiicdlum ,
fll f > 0 ; short cut clear pork , J10W ; family pork ,
. flO'J. > ; pic pork , f 11 ft ) ; now extra moss
beof. WS3 ; o\tta plato bujf. * 8."i ; plate beef ,
f'OU ; lolled botuUss beef , KM ; boneless
rumps , its 50 ; shoulder olotls , H&O.
Diu-bvi.T JIKATS rat backs , fi c : lean
lucks , 57.e ; extra short dents , 5'io ; bclllcH.
Hi to 20 Ib avu , fi'ic ; short ribs , 5'ie ; short
clears , ( c ; lone clears , 5ic ; shonldeis , 5c.
Uir.o , -1'iiroiiciitsfoot oil , per gal , in
bbls , Me ; A 1 tallow , r Uc ; Htcarlne , OUc.
HMOKMI JIKAIS Ilcht euied Hams ,
extra llRhtUto 10 Ibaxerak'e lOUc ; lialitlJto
lllli moiiiire.U'.d' : niodluni. 15to loll , a\eriiKe ,
Ulio : heavy , 20 to 22 Ib average , O'So ; extra
heavy , 2:1 to25 Ib avcrnRe , He : Hklaued sllc-
IIIR , 18 to 20 II ) average , OU < " California liiims.
& ; N. Y. shoulders , be ; lloston stioiilduis , b to
81b average , Ic ; boneless Imni , H'Jc ; breakfast
b icon , ( eluarlTi to 7 Ib stilps Tiiu ; bicakfast
b icon ( lib ) 7'4u ; dried beer h unssett ( ) 1o ;
regular , Go ; clods , I'je ; fancy lean backs , 7e- .
bpeclal Hams , 12 to 15 Ib axuragc , lie ; break-
fiHt ; bacon , 10' ' Sc.
llKi t ToNntiKS-Swoetl'ickled , Siiftar Cured
-Hols , 200 1IH , J1710 ; half bbls , 100 Ibs , J900 ;
beef tonKUCH , smoked , per Ib , 10'ie.
I'OIIKTOMIIJI s hweet IMckled , "tiRiir Cured
-Half bbls , 100 lbs$7.SO ; quarter bbls , 50 Ibs ,
LAMM ToNnuKS-Uucooked , Mild Cure-Half
bbls , 100 Ibs , $7.00 ; quailer bills , 50 Ibs , * l ( X ) .
Si-iCH ) I'Kis' ToNqujii Cooked Half bbl ,
801bsll.50lijuntter bbls , 40 Ibs , WOO ; kits , 15
Ibs , JJ ' * - .
Hi'ltm IAMIIS' TNOtt ( .s Cooked-Half bbls ,
SOlbs.Jll.SOsiiu.irtej buirols , 40 Ibs. W.OO ; kits ,
15 Ibs , , f. 50. _
Country I'roduce ,
UUTTHI The market is slow and prices
weak , Uood eounliy rolls , Hailie ; cbolee , 1G7S
IK- ; Inferior , 8l.'c ; toil ( country solid packed ,
ivr&ldc ! eholco dairy , li < S Oc ; peed creamery ,
2l@2Jc ; fancy. 2.-e
l'outTHriicro was llttlo or noclmiiRO In
allies > cstirday. Dressed chlokcns sold ten-
erally at ( X38o , and turkeys , gocboand ducks
at lOc. Live poullry la slow ,
nous A Rood many e'old storaRo OCRS nro
bcliiRtliroun upon the market , which helps to
keep prices down , Strictly fresh gallieicd
country stock uoiiniiands bolter prices. It Is
bafu torjuoto the market at 21B 22e.
OAMLI'ralilo clilekmis , ptr dozon. f32.Vft
350 ; uiallard ( Uieks.iiomlnnllv. $ . ' 7VJut.OO ; teal
ducks fl.uoi31.S3 ; nilxodi ducks , J1W ; quutl ,
J1.0Kril.r ; jiiulc rabbltx , IJ.5' > at ; 03 ; small rab
bits , 75cQ4IOO ; deer and antelope carcasses ,
MtlUoi sacldlex. 12 > i tii : [ .
1'iaiONS Tlierels nu demand.
POTATOI s-Car lots of potatoes nro rtiotod |
at8T > JlOOo with choice stock selling In a sin all
way from stole atlfic. Colondo stock , 11.15
ONIONS Choice stojk , $1 J.iiai.50 , bpanlsh ,
$1.73 pel crate.
few H.T I'OTATOts Good stock , $ IOO423 per
HKANS Ppslralilo stock , $ J40iM73.
OKM uv JSBHOo per do/ .
_ _ _ 'S Kutubagas , choice , G > @ 75o per
bushel ,
I.I TTUCK 1'er doz. , 3.VJ40C.
OAUUFI.OWIII I'or do * , J.'W.
Frcsli Trulls.
OiiAvons-riorlda slock , $4.50 ; Mexican
dates $4.10
Ai'i'i i s i'or bbl , J1.25S4.50 , according to the
kind nnd variety.
CHANiiinitKb | 1'ancy Cipo Cod , $12 00 ,
( VAiuoiiMA I'liuir Qiilnelos J.'OO small
, ;
. . . , .
I V.t I. 4 .
> * > > fin > kii li 11 * li.iv
rmsii per Ib Lake Trout.inedluin.small ,
Oc ; trout. lurKc , 8c ; white , IOL ; perch , To ; pike ,
He ; plekerel , Oe ; black bi s. Tic ; croppic , lOc
f-civ llsli hlcnU cod. l.'c ; llonixlors , 11 ; red
snnpper. llo ; blue llsh. ! " < ' ; cols , 18o ; lobsters ,
IHc ; hoollops. pur Kal. , { 1.40 ; mackerel , largo ,
.We each. ltlor llsh U it , lie ; buffalo , 7)ic. )
CDHHI llHiiilMl Oiown brand , dark hoop ,
( Vic : fall uhltu Imop , 7V ; full Hlilto hoop ,
Jlllehnor's , 0"o ; domestic , Holland. 40c ; Hus-
slaii sirdlnes. hiilccd , liTie ; lin slan hnrdlncs.
plain,50c , ; SwoilUh fetslll.Sic ; llmnliurghplocil
IiorrliiK , tOe ; Morway spired horrlnir. $100 ,
CodlKn llxtni OeorKos , white , per Ib , O'icj
extra Ornnd bank , inrue , 4'ic ' Ilancless cod-
llsh Tnrkoj cod , middles , Uo ; snow white , 5-lb
boxes lli In orate1 , 7 ? o ; snow whito.2-lbbr ckB.
7'sc ' ; sliver brand , 1Mb bilelis , fito. ( bniokcd
llsh Kxtra tlilek halibut , btrlos. lljjc ; bloat
. Uroniitrt ' r ' ) In box .
ers. } , > , (1.25 ;
cal d lierrliiK. stilctly medium , " 5c ;
sctilid hcrilntr. No , 1 incdliini , "Ooj
stock llsli , 7io ! Mackerel Or. bbls of 401bs-
i\tralilo : tors , $725 ; extra No. 1 shore , large ,
flt > " > ; iiicdlum shore , No 1 , * 4 , L'i ; No 1 buy ,
$5 15 ; mcdnini No 2 , $110.hlto llsli , nncho-
vies , etc. er. bbls of 40 His. Extra No. 1 wlilto
llsli , 1 ir e , U0" ; No. 1 white Dili , iiie < lluin , W 6
No. 2 white fish , large , * l ft'i : extra family
straight uhltu llsli , $1 t ) ; No 1 > lneklnnw trout ,
} - ! " > ; C'Ulfornli silinon , blood rc
anchovies , M 25 ; bristling , MOO.
Flour , Itrnn , IHc
R. T. Davis1 lilRh patent No. 1 and Cream ,
t. .70 ; Illuo D. full pitent , JJ.SOi Mawkoye ,
half patent , I10 ; K. T. Duls' : special Itovul
n iti.nt , No. Ill , J-'M ; Minnesota patent , t' .V > \
Kiinsis liard wheat patent. 13 U ; Nobriibku
spi IIIK wheat p itont , } .MiO.
S. Gllimm'H Bold medal , $ . ' .80 ; Snow White ,
t..40 ; Snow rinke. JJ.lOj low grade , J1.80
Hiokon How Holler Mills' Croain. J.iiO. Myr
tie , J.'SO ; Claim , I."JO ; I'ldcllty , J2.00 ; Minnesota
seta Chief , -.Mj ! I'atent. $ - ' 70.
Oskamp'a ready to riilso bucknheat flour ,
fVOOpor eino of V)2-lb ) pkickaecs ; buckwheat
In ubls , N. V. , $000 ; Kxcelslor brand , tr > 5J ; Ship
Jack meal , $4.00por , asoof S02-lbpaoknges.
IH.ACic WAt.Ntiis I'er bushel , l 00.
llitKOUY NUTS lArio , per bushel , J1.25 ;
small , M.T'VftU '
COCOANUTS I'er liunilrcd , sacked $ S00 ,
OlIEMMlTH I'lirKCillllllllll , ISopOl 11) ) .
llitAN Saeltcd , per toil , till00 ; ehoppcd fccil ,
f21 W.
HAY On track ai,0mam ) Upland. No. 1 ,
( B.OO per ton : coarse llluu stem , 7.00 ; outs
straw , WOO per ton. , ,
HIDES AMI l'i I.TH Qrccn salted hides. No. 1 ,
4yevie : No. 2,2 @Jo ; dry Hint hides , 7'isc ;
cult hides , tie ; damaged lildos , l o less ;
sheep pelts , grceiu cuoli , llocittl.'JJ ; sheep
pelts.dry , par Ib , llXitUi\
TALI.OW-A No 1 , < yO4o ; No. 2. 3o ; grease ,
wiiltct'i < iHc ; jillow , J'iG.lo ' ; Htearlnel ( Jo.
llNiH--eiiiotiitlonsuro ( ) for delivery In C'hl-
ctigo-Ury bulTulo. per ton , $100 ( itlsOO ; dry
countrv , bleached , $ iiOOUVO ( ; country , dami
anil meaty , * H ooaiO.OO.
L l.tATlini Hemlock slaughter sole , tXGiyto
per II ) . : hcmloek dry hide hole,20ffW4o ; ouk
sole , : KX&Jlo ; I'rench klji hkliis , imc& 1.10
rroncli eilf blcln , $12.vaJOO ; Amorlcim oal
cnir , Wcll,15 ; Ainorleiin hemlock calf. 75e ®
Jl.lOi American oak kip , 75We ; Aniorlcat
hemlock kip , 0054750 ; sheep skins , Uc1.00 )
goat skins , per foot , 20o to Mo.
I.IME.CMU.VT. HTG-On board cars at Omaha
1'er bbl , Aii Gnno lime. We ; Cluimploi
IImi1 , Wict Qulncy white , fOe ; houls\llluec
inoiit , JI.H ; > lllwimU(0 cement , ) lltlei
ecmcnt , il 40 ; Kngllnh I'ortland cement. $ .1.4
New York planter , lias ; Michigan plaster
f2. ( ) ; Fort ] > oilgo plustcr , 11.75) ) wlmu Hand
I. OOi I' . 1' . hair , per halo. 1100.
COAI On board ears at Onmha Anthraclto
--Chestnut , range and oirg , ismper tout Knite
13.00. boft coal-Ohio , 13'JOi Southuru Illinois
4.71 ; wnlmit block , I3.SO ; lo'.m lump ,
own nuli
EtEBt. WIHK NAiLS-llnse , I2CO | stcoli nnIK
ase , f-M3
llOOPi.Na-Clmrcoal , I. 0 , , 14xCO , 112 , tO.OO | I.
. . . .
. liruT ntON-No 20 , J3 M | No. 27. M.CO.
Soini'u-Strlctly halt and half. l"c.
Til t'MTK 1 , U . 10XS4. J7.50I 1. X , 10x14.
i.Sonkp | , 4x1(1 , 1U 1X73.
. - .
i rinnMiort boiler < l7e , me per lot
old rolled , 'tocpcr lb ; sheeting , 2sc peril ) ; pit
nil lints , , Ho tier Ib.
WIIIK .lap. birb. $ .125 ; gal. , UBS.
llix > ci < Tl > biniill lilR , 'Mo per Ib : bar , SJo
ei Hi.
OAIVAM/r.llSllKETlHO > I-ll COUIlt fiO-lOpJT
enti pat. | > 1. in , lion , Nos. ' . ' 4 ami 27 A , lUio ! ' ' <
Oiilnlnoporo ? . 1 * . A.V. . , 44e't Ocrmatt , J'c ;
tiulgo , per Ib , 76c ; ln eet tiowiliT , Ulct opliini ,
1.10 ; MHirpliliu' , IHT n/ , $ . ' .iO' hops , per 11) , Met
Ijeerlne , l e ; ( lextrltu1 , lOc ; cnttlebono , il" > c ;
team t irtnr. pure , , l-'c ; commercial , Ito ; cain-
> linr , nucinin.inrb , Ho ; hi"ltrlol , Pie ; oir-
lollcactd , 2"K3.cic ; citric , 4V34Sert"rtarlc , Mb
Uoisiihilnirle , per Ib. L'espcriti oil , (1 , 10 ; lur-
( Mitlni' , 4io ; 'lonUn lienns. Ji MVEr .oO | balsam
iiltl , 4l < ririo ; e'nlonul , * l Itti7 > 1.0l ! onnthtirldi's.
l.'Ki@l.ui : ensslii liiuli , aKtJX'c ; chloriitoiiiir > 7
< a.Uii { erKiit. 4T C > 2c ; Kitm iiinbii1 , rcuffiJl.oi ; Iv-
opodlum , 40 < a4lo mercury , U.'c ; sulphur , 2'ic ;
linn , 2Sc ; eopporus , li < e , epsom alt , 1'ic ;
liuibor silt , i'ee : iiiitlprlne } , JI.40 pero/ :
nlstol , II H ) nu o/i antlkamii , $1.0) ) per 07 ;
rj t. strychnia , Jl.ooai.ispor oz ; lleorlco root ,
er Ib , lOo. _
I'allltHUIKl Oils.
IrAintTPiv OnCnrtur , In WW-lb lot" ,
7.GOI In 1,0(10-11) , ( lots , per cwt.S72 ( ) : boiitlii'm
'obt. Louis. In fidil-lblots. * ? ' > : In l.wffl-lb
ots percwU f"20 ; Hid heal , St. l.ouls , In WU-lb
ots , { " .Wl : In 1,0(10-11) ( lots , per cwl , $7..0.
AVlllTK lint -dllder'H uhltlii ) , ' , iierlb. 1U :
vominure'lal whltlim , per Ib , lei English C. S.
arts while , pi rib. IMC.
Itni Ditv Amoileati Vpiiotlan icd , l'4c ' :
liattanouKa , "c : Kngllsh Venetian , b irrel .I.UI
> is,2iu } : Indian > o 1. K'e ; luscnn , English ,
YH.I.OHS Chrome yellow , C to 10c ; ocher ,
toclit'IiisS'icioohcr.uslied lulolile ; oehor ,
vaslicd rrune'li , 'JVic ,
1'um I'urc , In Iwrrols.KcRsaiid tubs , 2Uo :
nbladdirsjijoi In'iO-lbllns , S c.
VKIITiii.nuii.s I.lnsnd , domostle raw , In
iarrels. per gallon , G2ej lln eeil , domestio
lolled. In barrels , pir trillion , uV. <
ANIMAI , AND I'IHH onslnile. . bleached
vinlor , per Ktillon.r > . 'ie ; whale , extra bleached
vlntcr. Wo ; spot m , blenched winter , 11 00.
Dry GondH.
GINOHAMR Amoskpnfr. 7c ; AmoskciR dres ,
14ci Hatis.OJjearwlck ; drcss , ! < c ; I.aneastcr ,
\e , Gleiuilre , 5)4c ) ; Wliittendon ilicss , He.
itn ciiri ) COTJONS llirkcloj Outnlii Ic N'o.
> 0 , ' 4c ; licst Yet , o'le ' ; llutturcloth XX. 4'io ' ;
Cubot,7sic ; Tlrst'jC ! Prult oftlio Loom ,
Illll8enipei Idem , 8c ; llousopcepnr , 8'Jc ;
-.g L'hlllipcimurlc , 10o ; Lnngdun U It , 8'je ' ;
.onsdnle , Do : l.onsdula cambric. 10'Je ' ; Now
Vork mills , lie ; Oak Ijtivvn , 7c.
\VHIANS Net ThistleCUe ; lied Cross , 7c. }
CiiAsil-Stevcns1 It , Ib-lnch , 5Vc ; Mov ens I ) ,
18-Inch , ds4o ; Stevens' -Incli.7lii ! , Stevens'
' , IS-lnch , be ; btovons * M , IS-lncli , Ho ; Stovpita'
N , 20-1 null , lie ; Slovens1 NN , 82-Inch , 10e ; Slo
vens' S I'll , 20-Inch , l.'o ; hie lehcd , Ic o\tni
Cot OIIHI CAMiuues Crown , 4' ' c ; Hod blur ,
IJc ; Hollcd Clover,5c : blatcr,53. c : liln'icol '
ors , lo extra.
1'aiNTS r.incv rddystonc , ( l'o { ; Stool
liver , Co Jlamapo , 41/lc ! St. I.edaor , fi'lc. '
Shirting Mnrlliu Washlnntoii.i'sc ; Morrhnae ,
4\Jc. Turkey lied rountihi.C'io ' ; Oirncr , 7o ;
Orcnflold , 8V-io ; llorlln , o'o.
hiiEKTivos AM 1'ii.r.ow CASINOS Hrown
Net I'epnercll. 43-ln , Ili5o ) ; 1'eiipeicll , 8-4,18c ;
ill , 0-4,20c ; I'epperell. 10-4 , 22"c ; Utlcn ,
-m , j-i ; Utlca , 6 S-ln , 17'c ; Utlca , . ' . ' -In , 24e ;
Utlca , 84-ln , 2Co ; Otlcii , iw-ln , iSVJc. llloachod
Net I'epperell , 40-ln , 101e ; 1'oiiperoll , 4S-in ,
ll'ic ; 1'oppcrell. 0-4 , r > e ; 1'oppureil , 8-4SOc ;
repperell , 11-4,22'iC ! I'epiieroll , 10-4.'KJJ Utlcn ,
b-4 21e ; Utlca , H-4,2te ; Utlcn , 10-4 881- .
I'ltiNTS IndlRO lllue .Netlaillia Wash
ington.'I'Je ' ; American , fiUe ; Arnoldi'tc ( ! Ar
nold II , IOIIK cloth. lOc ; Sllllo A. ll'.c ' ; Mcrri-
mnc , 7-8 , lOc ; Gold Leaf , S'ie ; llainilton. Vie ;
Allen I'lnl.s , G'ioj ' AllenUhuinbraybu ; Olou-
eliislorf'ie ' ; llarlel.S'iO
HKAVV IlitonN OOITONS Atlantic , T'/ic ; At
lantic. II , 7c ; Allmitlc U.bJtc ; Atlantlo I1 , ( , c ;
AuroiaU. 4 Jfci buck's he'iil. "Uc ; C.ibot W ,
' II.'itlliiL'lon ' I'lrmers' No. 4'
d'/ie ; , O'au : , 1 , 0
4'ic ' : llooslor hi' . 5'ic ' ; Indian head , 7'/io ; Lawrence -
renco li\i \ , r 34c ; Henrietta LI. , , V4e.
IIM : HitovNN COTTONS -Atlantlo I.Ifie ; Au
rora It , bUe ; Aurora It , G'.e ' : Atlas. ON ll.7l fi
ohccsn cloth , 4o ; Ollntonil" , S c ; 1'eppoicll It ,
O'jp ; LansaonU II , 7c.
UINIHIit Aiiioslieig , 0 07 , Hi'fc- ' : York
eaiiilot.K'ci Kvontt , standard , 12'to ' ; Hiiy-
innkeiH1 , T'icjOld York , XX , lOUc ; h.iwicnce ,
J20.1JJo ; Lawrence , I ) oz , 15'-Jc ; fancy stripes ,
and cheekH. ll'ic.
C'onovAms ork , nanUln , lO'/Sc ; Kvorott ,
807 , Ibc ; Lovvlslon , Wet , --Viti Worklngman ,
Quotations nro for car lots on board cars at
Omaha :
12 ft 14 ft 18 ft 18 ft It ) ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4 15 00 1' ) 00 15 00 11 M 10 00 17 00 18 00
2x0 . 15 00 li 00 l'i 00 H 50 1(1 ( 00 18 00 18 00
2x8 . 15 00 13 00 15 00 15 f 0 1(1 ( 00 17 fiO 18 OO
IxlO. 15 00 15 03 lr > 00 15 SO 111 00 17 f 0 18 00
2x1. . 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 30 17 00 13 ) 19 00
4x4 to
8\8 10 CO 1C 00 10 00 17 00 18 00 10 00 19 00
UOAIIIH No 1 com , $18 W ; No 2 com , Jl" 00 ;
No d com , $13 W ; No 4 eoni. $11 V ) .
1 hNOiMl No. 1 , C-In , 12 and 14 ft , rf , 919 00 ;
No. 1 , 0-ln , 1(1 ( ft. JIO.OO ; 4-lu , JI10U ;
No 2 , G-Iii , 12 nml 14 ft , if , } IIOO4-ln ; , $1100 ;
No 2 , fl-ln , I5ft. $1000 ; 4-ln. { 1(1 ( 00 ; No. : i , ( > -lii ,
12 and 14ft , Jl 100 ; 4-ln , I1J 00 ; No. J.U-in , JO ft ,
$1100 ; 4-ln. 91)00. )
himr.0 A , 12 , 14 nnd 1(1 ( ft. $2300 ; 0 , $17.30 ; II ,
12 , 14 and 10 ft , S. 0 Ml ; t ) , JI4.10.
ri.oouiNO A , (1-ln ( , while plne.ins 00 ; O.WiO ;
II , fllnhlto pine , $ .1000 ; 1) ) , &W50 ; : , ( ) - ,
wlilto pine ( se ) . fencing ) , { 17.00 , diop siding 50o
tier At oxtiu.
hTorKltOAiin < ? A , 12 In , sis $4800:11,12-111 : ,
sis , jnoo ; ' , $1000 ; I ) . $ 'idO ; No. 1 common , li
hi , his , 10 , 12 nnd 18 ft. $ JI 00 ; No 2 , $18 V ) ; No. 1
toiiiinon , 12 In , sis , 14 f I , JJJ.OO ; No. 2 $17 60 ; No.
1 , common , U In , Rls , Id ft. f 10 TO ; No. 2 , $17.00 ,
No 1 , eoiiiinon , U In , ils , 20 ft , $ . ' 1.00 ; No. 2 ,
SIS r > 0.
* > iiii'i.Ai No. 1 , plain , S audio In , $1000 , No
2 , $1(1 $ ( 00 ; No. 1 , O. 0 , 8 In , $1 ! ) ( X ) , No 2 , 81(150 ( ; 10
in grooM-d roofing , 12. 14 ind lli ft , Jl' ' r > 0
I'lNiHiiiNn-NtaoilSdtl. , 1 In. s2i $1900 , 1J4.
Ibanrt. , WOOOjJd clour , 1 In , sJs. $11 OJ ; 1' ' , , l'J
and 2 , JI7.00 ; A , select , 1 In , s.'s , Wl 00 ; U | , I"
and 2 In , W. 00 ; H , select , 1 In , s.'s , $ .11 00 ; 114 , l j
and 2 In , WO 00 ; U , select , 1 In.bJs , $ .700 ; l'i , lii
and 2 In , f.13 00.
A , llorO scleetall 10ft , $1 OOovtra.
SOUIIILHN 1'iNK-lst 2d cl.
flooring 1.1-10. 2,100 star. 11-1(1 ( } IU 09 ; com. lloor-
liirf , 1.1-10 , 1 , WO , rift el. U 10 , SJilOO ; 1st nnd 2d
clear , \ coiling , $ ll.r J : 1st and 2d eloar , 5i
celling , JIO.W ; 1st r.nd 2d clear , colling $ . ' 'i 00 ;
1st and 2 < 1 clear , finish , s.'s , from 1 In , JJ7.00 ;
Ibt and 2d i lour , finish , s.'s , fiom l'i ' In , $ .10 00 ;
Island 2d clear , finish , V.'s , fiom l'/i and 2 In ,
J 00lst ; and 2d clear , y p ciislngs , $ .10.00 ;
b-iso , I.WOa
I'oi'Mii JjUMHBlt-8 In and up , 1st nmlSd ol ,
1 In , H2s. $3(1,00 ; b In and up , 1st and 2d cl , V in
IIATTI'SS.Vf i.r. Ttmi-,0 , ITC. O. 0. 2'J ' In ,
r > 5c , Hxlsls , ir > ciln : well tubing , I ) < fe Mind
bov. * 2iOO : : plekcts , ! ) . & 11. , llat , $20.50 ; U. &
' '
bitntaib's , IjATH-Hxtra "A. " plno , $ . ' 80 ;
Btandard "A , " $2 45 ; extra "A , " collar. S.'r > 'i ; 0
In cl plno 81 ' )0 ) ; clear ledwooil , (4 25 , lath JJ.80.
1'osTfl White cedar , 0 In , M < lies 0 in , ( | rs ,
lie ; white cedar f > 'i in , s. DC ; 8 In. qw 8c ;
whltoeedar , 4 In , round , 15o ; split oik 8c ; Tennessee -
nesseo red eedar. spl't , Uu.
I.IME , KTC. Inline , cur lots , BOe.Loulsvlllo
cement , $1.41) ) , Iialr25e ; plustorJ.OOitai > boiiid ,
1150 ; Bash , 55 pop ct ; doors , BO pel ct ; blinds ,
SOporet ; inouldlnn's , Mppr ctj tailed felt , per
cwt , $ . ' ,10 ; straw boirdJ12Q.
INBTIIOMEN'TS plaooa on record Decem
ber 1.
G H Tlarkor and wife to H O Arnold , lot
II. blk 11. Orchard Hill . $ COO
N K drones to Niels Andeisen , lot 0 ,
lillt , Wtstlawn . 450
GM Illlehcock nnd wlfotoThoron Nye ,
lot 14 , bl U 18 , Pomileton paik . . 1
J I , Miles to IT Williams , lot 23 , lilk 1 ,
Orchard Hill . . . 050
Charles Mundiolmor and Julia to M H Bl
Wlnstanley , lot 15 , blk "G , " Saumlor's
fcll'M add . 350
Kato IjKold and Inikbiiiel to II A Dar-
ncr , lots 1,2 and , I , Huckojo jiluco . 1.200
Ji : Illloy and wlfotoMO llllcy. lot : i ,
blk 20 , lloyd'R mill. . 1,503
A J hmlth to U I1 .lonsen and w Ifo , lots
14 nnd 15 , blkl'J ' , Hosolllll . . 650
llenrv Woodward and wife leO A Iled-
tlold , lot 2 , blk 2 , Lancaster place . . . 400
Same to W a Walker , lot a , sumo . . . . 400
Mary A J Moore to U l Uy Co , lot C , blk
JOO , Omnlia . 100
J 1' Iloyd sheriff to Kodser Cirroll.lots
17 , iHunuSO , blkfl , llcdford place . 4M
Total amount transfers . } 0,031
Boyor&Traitt , Martin Bros , ,
II-W Kzclimifo Ilullillnj
8 Kxilumiie llullillnit ,
Bouth Omalm Houtll Orunlia ,
B. J.Ooffman , Smiley Hunter & Green ,
'l 30 Kichsnso llullJIna.
W Uxchango Ilulldlnir ,
Bautb Ouialia. South Oiuuna ,
Wood Brothers ,
llichaniio DullillnB ,
South Omaha
OFCR' ' and Jolliers'
Charming Winter Resort in Hie Highlands
Hunls\illc \ IIotclSubstantlalElcgaiitNtw , , ,