Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , ] ffljNI > AY , DECEMBER 1 , 1800. 7
A nvr.UTISEMKNTfl for thi > ie eolum wlll
JrVtn tnkrn until I2 ; : p. m. . for tbearcnlnc
rdltlnn nntl until Bn : : p. m. , ( or tht morning
petition nnil HUM I ) AT KKE ,
rilEKMS Cash In advance. .
"T > ATES AdTortliomo-ntiion thin p ( r 'will n
Jiclinrecd for at ( lie rate of IH cent per word
Jor the first infcrtlon and 1 cent per word for
Oacli subsequent Insertion. and fl.f-0 per line
met month. No advertisement tnken fur
\ Irsi ttiuti ' 11 cents for tint first Insertion.
TNITIALS , figures , symbols , etc , , couut each
JLnaono word ,
rilHKSE advertisement * ! mint run eonsepn-
JL lively and under tin circumstances nlll
they he taken or discontinued by telephone.
PAKTIES advertising In thf"io columns and
hnvlnB their answers add reived to a "num.-
ticr-d Inttnr" In cure of THE Hr.K will receive
n. numbered check to eniihlo thnni tn got their
letters. Answers will bn delivered only on
presentation of this chock. Kuoloso answer *
In envelopes properly addressed.
AMdvrrtl pments under the head of
"Special Notices" nrn published In iHilh the
morning nnd evening editions of Tnr. Ilr.K , thu
circulation of which iigKroj-atns more than
20,000 paper * dally , nnd Rives the advertiser
the hnnollt not only of tlm liirso circulation of
Tun IlhK In Omaha , hut also In Council HliifTa ,
Lincoln anil other rltli-s mid towns In tlm west
Advertising for these columns will be taken
on the nhovo conditions , nt the followlru busl-
npss houses who uro niltliorlred to take tprclnl
notices , at the same rates as can had at tlio
/naln oflli'o.
O 202. ) N Street , Lister Illock ,
W. HELL , I'harmaolst.Saj South Tenth
& r.nnv , ntatloncrs nnd Printers ,
113 South 10th street.
. . , 2115 Cum-
Inn street.
WJ.llUOIirJS , 1'harniaclst , C24 North loth
street ,
/-1KO. W. PAHU , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven-
wortli street.
TTUG11ES' l'IIAHMACY.24th and Farnam.
/ ' * < > r tatn , etc. , tee ( njio/ fist column on thti
"OYnlady bookkeeper , with Al refcrcncesi
JJ Address W K ) , llco. 401 2U *
- situa
tion In Nebraska , references. Address 0.
II. M. , 01) ) Knnmni bt. , Davenport , In. 000-
WANTED-Posltlon ns housokeoior | or
nurse , by middle , nged lady of expori-
icneo. Address AV 71. Heo olllcc. 68M *
/1ASIIIEK or onico work of any kind or copy-
\JM. Address W72. Ilee. 557-3 *
BY Mun and wife with Al references , posl-
tlnns as 1st nnd 2d cooks. Address W. 504
S. 16th street. GUI'
pKINTF.K A young mnn of three years' ox-
J. perlcncu In job olllco wants situation a * > up-
lil-ontler * In a reliable job olllco. Will Iluckley.
612 South 12tli st , , Lincoln , Neb. 511M *
ANTKD-ConstanfMrlM > y an English-
iiinti oxporloncert In givonlioii'-o Mid out
door gtirdonlng. Address Win. Gnrratt.est -
crn. Neb. , Hallnecounty. MI13-D1 *
BY a boyof7 , who understands otllco
work : four yours experience. Address
W 45. HIM- . 351 1)1 *
WANTKll MAiil-3
Jorrnlcs , etc. , tec lop of fivt column on thti page ,
" \\7 ANTEU An active , honest mini , salary
V ? $ ) ( K ) monthly If Kiittable , with niiportunl-
tlcs fpr advance to represent looally iirospon-
slhlo New York house : roferences. Manu-
fnotnrcr , look box IfltsS , N. Y. _
WANTED Salesmen on salary or commis
sion to handle the now patent chemical
Ink erasing pencil. The Kreatestselllm ! nov
elty iiver produced. Ki.ises Ink thoroutthly In
two seconds : no abrasion of paper : .tjOtofiUO
percent prollt. Omx aRent's miles ninoiintcd
tonjoliiHlx days ; another $ .U Ih two hours.
Via want one enerxotlo general iicciit for each
Mnto and territory. Sample by mall : i.1 cents.
For teims and full naittcnlars addrcsi. The
Blonioo Eraser Ui ; Co , , Wls. 5712 *
WANTED Salesmun to moot the. grocery
trade to carry a specialty on commission.
Good commissions. House Htato territory ,
also reference. W. 0. Doorman , 103-105.1'ulton
street , Ulilcafio. fiiH-li *
W JMNTED-Men for railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , ll'JO Farnam Ht.
GENl'liAL agents selllii } ; the paten t adjust
able shoo are nmklnz from if,1,000 to JS.OOO
per year. Canvassers ti to 7 per day. in
clusive territory Riven. Address vltli2-cent
mump , Consolidated Adjust able Shoo ( Jo , ,
BilcmJI iiss.M 171-da'
J > 2 Saturdnv and Sundny barbers
T nt the N. E. Cor. 14th and Fnrnam. 4'fl 3
' Wo want a man In every lo
cality to act us private detective under
our * Instructions. Hand for pirtlculars. Wash
ington Detective Agency , box 7S7 , Washing
ton , Iowa. Experience not necessary.
WANTE.D 200 laborers forstono and crude
work. Apply to P. II , Johnson , Union
paR'.oiiger depot , Omalia. 203
\V ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
i iiurserles.Stouc.tWelllugton.Madlson.WIs
MEN" or women wnntiiiK work , or persons
needliiKholpof nny kind , city or country ,
ran always bo supplied at Keith's olllco , ' ' 1S14
B. 15th st. Satisfaction guaranteed.
WANTED Agents wanted throuKlmut No-
Ijiaslcu. Kend Htamp for reply. Jos. 1 * .
, Omaha. 77.1
"lATANTKD A live. enerRetlo partv In every
i nlnco to Introdiico our Roods.Vo have a
new line that will sell at every house and
nRontsenn reap a hai vest between now nnd
the holidays. Will pay a salary of } ? 5 per
month If preferred and furnish a team free.
Address at once. Standard Silverware Co. ,
lioston Mass. M KK-D 15 *
WAN I KD KUMAI-I2 I ! J'U 1 * .
For rater , etc. , fee inp of flint column on. thin nage ,
WANTED Inimcd lately , Irish or ( Icrman
Klrl at 710 N. 22nd St. , must bo competent
cook and laundress. 4 Cl 2 ! ) '
\\7ANTr.IV-A small Rlrl to take care of olill-
V > dren. BUN. Ktlihtieet. C10-2'
G IKL wanted lu family ot two : i
street. 570-1"
W ANTED A competent Rlrl for general i
houseworlc ntSltt ) 8. 2.'ith aviinuo. 487 I1
GOOIC and Second Olrl Wanted Good wiuto'
paid. Apply at 20 ! ) N. 18th St. M4M-1' '
- . first-class girl for genera !
him SB work. MIS. 2Qt h. 42 !
WANTED Good glrlfor general housework
- . , „ Mrs. A. P. Tukoy , 2541 Chicago street.
\ \ 7ANTnD-Glrlln family of four , Gerniar
preferred. 1818 Webster street. M'tl'l-a' '
W ANTED Good Rlrl for Kcncral house.
work nt2218 Loavcnworth street. M'H '
W ANTHD An oxperleuced house maid
Cnll at 2005 St. Mary's avenue. 2M
"V\ 7 ANTED Competent nurse girl at once
T > Mrs. L. A. Gariiur , ITCT Callfornii
fit i cot. MI2i
For mien , ete.teetr > ppf Jlnt roluni'i on thir piae
I1OH KENT Nicely furnished rooiis , Hteam
1 gus und bath , with or without board , 1-
Davenport. KW *
_ _
TTH'KNISIIED front room for rent , modon
J-1 coiueulenccs ; bo.ird ; 2207 Douglas st.
. _ ; itvs2ti
FOK KENT Two lareo plonsant rooms , will
board , bnth , gas und f iirnnco heat. Excel
lent nclrhborhood. Call ut or address M
t-outli''Jtli avenue. GI9- "
OOMS for rent , with or without board , 11 KO-6
TTIOK KENT Second story front room wit !
JL1 boardUrstelnss , 201 H. 25th uvonuv. 507-G
N'EWLY furnished rooms with board nm
lioiit. la2 ! Dodge street. KW-a
OOMS uud board nt 010 H. 17th street.
_ 5C4
ROOM and board { 4.00 , 1713 Douglas street.
_ M3I2-1
'll'ELY ' furnished front parlor with goo
bunrd ; ull uiodorn conveniences. 010 N i"t
Mt )
ST. ULAIK Kuropenn hotel.wlthdining nxiir
steam bent In all rooms , 13th und Dodge
b pec lul rates by week or mouth. -S1
FtvrattM , etc. , ue top ot Jlnt cojuntu uu thU jxwe
IHK IlKNT-aor 4 unfurnishedroomssteal
limited. li31 Leuvcnworth. 430 2(1 (
imoit ItKNT Suit ot 4 unfiiinliihoil rooms t
4- family without children. Prlco IIGJM. 170
Webitorst. M757
FOU KENT 3 unfurnished rooms,210N. lilt"
st II 7M
Vorralet , lie. , ' top of jirtt column on tht page ,
Tllin new nnd hnndsomo four room flats
with bnth and steam heat In the Clowry
building nn Chicago Htreot west of IGth arc
nearly ready for occupancy. F.noh lint In
separate nnil complete In Itself , These ntiart-
incntft can bo secured by ( mull fumllle- only
with no loomcrs. t'miticsllonablo roferptices
required , A few of these Halt still not en
gaged. Apply to II , E. Huberts nt thu bnlld-
Ing , IClg.lj Chicago si reel. 027-0 *
FOK HENT-fl room steam heated flat.
Hoberls , 402 N. 10th st. fi20-it :
1 ) iVTAL ; Ageiit-tleo. . ! . Paul , 1GM Eurnam ,
IXllnii'-es and stores fur rent. Kctlts col
lected. M7
THOK KKNT A I ) room house nt 2207 I'limnm
JL1 street with all modern Improvements : also
u ll\o room cottage wllh city wntorat'ioil nr-
tiiitn street. Apply to W. U. Doanc. 515 N. Y.
Life bldg , l : MJ-II :
_ _
TI10 KENT Modern desirable house. 8'i" > per
JL month. 0. F. Harrison. " 13 N. Y. Life. 177
SO. IIENNIJTT. moving express olllco with
. Neal k Conrad , 1113 Dodge st. Tel. 127 ;
FOR KENT FlnK 4 rooms onch , city water
and sewer connections. U , It. E. and T , Co.
4JUMjJhlt { . Ml
T-F K for rout ! 10 rooms , modern conven
iences. 021 s. luth st. r-55 i
KOUSK for rent ut Wl I'lprco street , eon-
vonlPiit to depot. Nice cottage. Innulio
of T. J. Lowiy. iJl
TmOll KKNT Small liouso .on Emmet St. ,
-U west of 24th , * S per month. Also7-room
house , city water , bath , on Onldwell , between
20th and 27th. * T > pot month. U. L. ( Jreen ,
Itoom : , Hnikor block , M7I7
11KST l-rootii house , 11)17 ) Uallfonila nt.
"TjlOIl HI/NT Throe clrslrnhlo houspn , one
JU furnlslicd , at riMiHiitmlilo turni1 ! . Within
llvo niliiuti's'walkof the 1' . O. Innillro Mon
day anil Tuesday botwcun 10 and 4 , at liwn
TTlOIt ItKNT-SSSlMnpio st , } i hlook ast SHh
J st. motor , 0 rooms and tinlliilHliod ! .i story
nUovu. full lot , wi'll. cistern and cellar , peed
nclRliliorhooil. $17.M per mouth. 0. G. Wal
lace , Ilrowii block , lllth and DniiKla ? . tHS
PI' YOU wish to rent a house or store sco II ,
L E. Cole , Continental block. i.TJ
nOUSn of 8 rooms nicely papered , water ,
xowcr and ens ; cird and Oiimtii ) * ; , & * > pt'r
mo. O , K Harrison. Oil ! N. Y. Llfo. 337
TT1OK KENT To responslhlo parties only ,
JL' tlioso fine now brick and stone houses on
Georgia avenue : fifteen rooms and alcoves ;
more conveniences and bettor finished than
nny house for runt In the city. II. 11. Hender
son , 4001'axton block , city. W *
r-KOOM house with barn ; noinlual rent. O.
K. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Ilfo. 27'i
TTIOH HKNT The beautiful 7 room cottiixos.
JU Just Ilnlshod. Hath and modern Improve-
nipnt'J. Only 2 left. 0. S. Klguttcr , 107 Klrst
Nafl b'liik. 458
TTOIt HENT-A row of tlirco flats sultablo
J- for a larjjii boarding IIOIIMJ or family hotolj
within five minutes' walk of the I' . O. 'loinn
reasonable. Inqnlro Monday and Tuesday
between 10 anil 4 at r.iu'll Ilodgu st ; M2-1
FOlt KENT 3 loom house , nil modern Im
provements , 2220f'hlPago St. , $11.07. I'lng-
walt Ilios. . llarker block. 'Ul
T71OK KENT S-room modern house with nlco
J barn , 1704 N 21st ; also S-roain house and
nlco b-irn. 220J Miami , by Crum & lllshop , K 51 ,
Hoard ot Trade. 1211
T71OK KENT Seven-room cot time , cor. 28th
J. avo. and Dap. avo. Inquire 2018 Dodge. M-fidO
Fur rate * , etc. , see tnp nt hint mlninn nn t/itu / JKIO
TjltlllNlSHKD rooms , steam heat , 2315 Douc-
J3 las. S70-S9
_ _ _
rilWO I'lirrilshen front rooms In private fam-
-L lly , $12.00 and tl.r > .00. Hi ! bo. 25th st. CIO--
i ) rooms , steam heat. 017 ! { South
lath street . 678-7"
DESlUAIlLEroom with all conveniences ;
hot water heat. 212 a. 25th st. 615
TilOU KENT Nicely furnished front parlor
- 1with heat brdrixim adjolnliiK ; northenst
cor. > tli and Iliimlltou : 1 block from motoi :
Kcntleman preferred. _ ? 1 4.M-1 *
ItEN'E 1'leasant fiirnlshoa rooms ,
prhiitu hoiibo , location central , UIO N. snth
street. M 48M *
IJIOK KENT rurnlbhcd rooms , 1008 Capital
I1 live. M444-5 *
T31OH KENT Hamlsomo fui'nlshed rooms ,
J3 steam heat , 1723 Davenport stroot. CtW *
I71OK linNT Hoom with all modern Improve-
- Ameiits ; no other , roomers. 40U N. 14th
Btreet. M'177-2'
NEWLY furnlshod rooms for gentloinon. In
modern house , elo-o to Fiirnnm motor ,
good table , homo con-forts. 25713 Ilurncy st. ,
now Paul block. Mitftt-g *
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms , 2200 Doil-fo
-J.IU 1)1 *
"IJ'OK KENT One south , ono noitli room ,
J ? modern conveniences , private family. " < ) l.r >
Douglas. 55112 *
DESIKAI1LE room , modern conveniences
1701 Capitol avo. 775
1OK KENT Furnished rooms ; gns.bath nnd
1510 Howard. 279
T71OK KENT Furnished rooms. 1000 Donclas.
J : 2s3
"I71OK KENT Two nicely furnished fiont
JL' rooms. 2U10 Davoiiport st. 207
IOHLV furnished looms , llrst-ehiss table
board , The Merrlum , 25th and Dodge.
1'or rnlfs , eio. , tec top ciffiist columiiuii Hito page ,
FOK KENT Hs Jnnuarv 1.4-story bulKllng ,
3.S.5IO square feet ; suitable for any kind
of wholesaling , at rentli and Jones street. U.
A. Lmdquosl'tlGSouth Fifteenth street. GUd
KENT Corner store and basement ,
27th und N sts. , South Omaha , ' / block
from depot. Mrs. llrcga , Ullli S. 15th , Tol.SHI.Ml
mo KENT After January 1. store and Hat
JLatC20 S. lltli ( st. Enuulro at 1100 llrown
bldg. 11. J. Kendall. 'ii ) ' 1)25
TJ10K KKKTorSala-Klno. heavy brick llvo-
A1 story corner warehouse with most icntrnl
trnokngo In city ; lloorsare 13,500bjuaro ( feot.
Stringer & I'enny , llarker block. 168
TpOK KKNT The 4-story brick bullding.wltli
JL1 or without power , formerly occupied by the
llco Publishing Co. , Dili Farmunst. Thobulld-
Ing has n Hi-uproot cement biismnont.complete
steam lieatlug fixtures , water on all the Ilitors
? gas , etc. Apply at the otllco of Thu Itco. 015
TOItiSat700S10th,20\00 : each , larco show
i wlnclovvn , steam fiirnlshoa. Thos. P ,
iu Hall , 311 I'aUon blk. 2S3
Tor itilfii , etc. , fee top of Jlivt column on ( 'ito jxiffo
FOK KENT Krlok wnrohouse , two storlc <
hlgli , bnsoment. hydraulic elevator , truck
age ; best locution lu the city. A , O. Powell.
KENT llrlok warehouse , two stories
. . . . biiMiment , 27.JXX ) sqimro feet , with 100
feotof double track on U. P. Hallway , South
MUi and Plerco streets. Address 0. Oakamp ,
Omaha. Neb. 2SI
For ratft , etc. , ne top of flrot column on , I'lli tHif/e.
S' ' Lund .fc Loan Co. Heal estate , loans
nnd Insurance icntal agency , U75-dl7
JlhT your houses with the Koal Estate In
formutlou bureau , 17 Hoard Trade.
an n 20
HIl.Iltr.Y St. Ilro.rontal ugonts.203 N.Y.LIfi 2s7
TT E. Cole , rental agont.Coiitlnontanilk.
LIST your house" to sell or rent with O. K.
4 Harrison , Dll N. Y. Life. 30J
For ratti , etc. , ref top of fr t ctitumn oil thtt
jl STOKAGE The best In city , clean , dry , safe
and privately stored ut reasonable terms
Omaha bto\o Itopalr Works , 1207 Douglas. Tel
rpKAOICAGEstorugo at lowest rates. W. M
JL lliishinan , 1311 Loavctiwurth , 2S5
S ITOKAOE and Trackage-David Cole. 815
817 Howard at. 713
For rate fcte. , tettop of flril fodl on lAte j ig > .
G OOD cutter , fitter and draper fromClilcaR
desires work lu fumlllcs by the day. Ad
dress X 0. lloo. 028-2
T71ASIIIONAHLE dmssmaklng by the day o
JJ week. Address Mrs. H. McArtor.No. lie
Loavonworth street , 574 1
W ANTED-Drcssmaklng lu families. WO
lleeotllce. M447-2
ENOAOEMKNTrf tododressmnkhiK In fuml
Ilea olloltL d. MUl Sturdy. M10 llurner nt
M827D15 *
Far rate * , etc. , tee top of Jlnt column on thtt
MASSAOEtrcntmcnt.elcctto-lhcrmnt hnthn.
scalp nnd Imlr treatment , nmnlcurn ami
chiropodist. Mrs. Post , U 2J-2I , Wltlmcll blk.
T ADIL.-i A : gents tolmy tlm Plumor irellnlin
JLJchnlr ; unsurpassed for comfort. : i21 N. I.Mh.
H19 D1.I
IJKIVATE Detective Agrney , All workdouo
cunlldcnllully. Addrcs.1 WO , " * , llco. Mff 1'
FnVPEWKITIIUS for rent 01 snlc. Stenog-
JL raphcrs supplies. JP.McgoathlG07 rarnam.
! I15
DON'T forgot Jos. P. Mcsoath , 1U07 rarnam
at. , when you want to buy , rent or sell a
typewriter. 772
T'lIOLSTEHiNG nnd mattresses renovated
1130 N 18th. K. Peterson. 712-dl
M ASS AUK , Madam Delzicr , orcr 810 Hi ltd.
4G'J d2
For rnti. . dr. . tte top of Jlnt column on this _
STOLEN fioin Oth und Dodrfo. 1 black mo
rocco medicine chest and 1 olistetrlcul cnse >
with full sot of Instruments , also small * , ) ocUot
case of Instruments , Howard for rolurn to IS
Arlington block and no questions asked.
M C3I-3
LOST Ono rod and one roan row. llotli dr > -
liornpd. It'lndcr will bo rewarded. A , M.
Olnrkc. 2.117 Harnoy. 015-DJ *
T OST 2 brlmllo bulldogs , male and female ;
J-Jlcnther collar on each. Heturn to O.O.I ) ,
llrown and pet reward. f > 50
IOST OoId thlmblo ; sultablo inward will
Jbo paid If rotuincd ut Omaha Uubber Co.
or 21W Locust st. Kid 1
T OST Nov. 27 A small diamond pln.hotwpon
JJ lllh and Williams and the P. U. 710.00 for
Its return to OH S. llth Bticot. MIIR-l *
Fcrralei , fte. , tet top of Jlnl column onits page.
"IjlOUND Gold Dins owner can have- sumo by
X1 calling nnd paying for advertisement. Pol
Ilcrgmnn & Co. , 151C-1518J'arnnni street. 351-1
Ferrate * , fie. , tte tojinf jinl column on Wits page ,
T710R PALK Nice horao , of will trade for
J- ' . small house on leased grounU. COO S. loth
St. , room 0. 535 l
11011 SALS Homo , buggy and harness , Ap-
1 ply to McCord .llnidy & Co. 313
T71OH SALE 50 horses anil mares , cash or
JU time. I'rlces from $15 to J.TO. Would o\-
chatiKo some of them for Omaha real estate ,
\V. T. oamanOmaha's largest variety wugoni
nnd carrla K es. ' 7
"X rOItK horse JCO , two horse wai-on J20 , iloit-
' bio work harness $15. Or will trade for n
good light ildo bar Buggy. U.K. Cole , Conti
nental block. " l
T710U SALE 2 eood work teams. Inqulro at
JL1 018 I'avton hlk. 2S'J '
Ferrates , etc. , tee top of Jim column , on till * \iaqa \
TT1OU SALE No. 2 callgraph. nearly now.
J3 Oullornctilruss , 0. II. . 10ld ( 1'aniam. fH2
1'EW larRO round base burners , slhjhtly
useil , ; ; ooi ( as now , must bo closed out In
text ten days , see thum at onco. I'rlresput
mt little llxuro. Omaha Steve Hcpatr Works ,
SOT DoiiBlns. JUII-1
[ jlOU SALE client ) A 10 horse poncrNnw
U York safety steam engine lu first ulass
ondltlon. 1'cstnor I'rlntlnt ; Co. , IW Howard
t. M1W
W callgraph , price reasonable , 11 C5 , Ileo
-L > onico. 7J
F rrate.etc.tte.lopof fist column ontht *
mUUNITUlE.housoho1d needs , etc. Htehest
L1 cash prtcer Wells , 1111 Karnam.J .B
typo writers. J. P. Slegcath ,
1U07 Karnam at. . Omaha. 772
WANTED Horses , wagons , otc . to sell ut
auction every Tuesday and Friday , 10 u.
n. 1'Ioncor stables , 13th , between Ilurnoy and
loward. . : ! Ur-li
WANTEO-Horso and buscy. W J. Paul ,
1G091'arnam. IMS
For rnn. ( etc. , tee lee nt column on I/us page
MONKY tolonn on Improved city property
at current rates : funiis on hand ; no delay ,
Q. I' " * lllust k Co. . a'i ) ItaiiiKO bldit. iK > l-lir (
TAH Land k Loan Co. Koal estate , loans
and Insurance runtal aRency. l)73-dl7 )
J- > made on choice- city property at lowest
rates , bums of $5,000 a"d upwards porferred.
Klmball , Champ & Ityan ,
1201 Karnam street. 800-D13
MONEY loaned at low rates on furniture ,
horses , &c. , without publicity. HawUoye
Investment Co , XI Douglas blk.lOtn and Dodgo.
W ANTED 0 per cent real estate loans. O.
F. Harrison , 012 N. Y. Llfo. UJ7
to loan on second inortRiico. W. S
MONKY Hoom iJt Omaha Nat. lilt. Ill'dc.
M 724
WANTED-First-class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and Heo us. Mutual Invest
incut Co. , 1501 Karnam. " 103
MONEY to loan on Improved nnd vacant
property. Lowest rate. 0. J. Caswell , 81(1 (
N. Y. Life. \m \ 1)24
MONEY to loan by n. V. Masters on chattel
and collateral securities for any time from
ono to six months In any amount tosultbor-
Loans made on household eoods , pianos , or
Bans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. , nt the lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removal or property.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
n payment of any amountat any time and ro
dneu both principle and Interest.
If you owe a balance on your property or
have a loan you wUh chanced.I will pay it off
nnd curry It for you. If you llnd It more con
venient , call up telephone No. 1IVJ1 and your
business will be arranged nt homo.
Money always on hand. Nodolay. Nopub-
llclty. Lowest rates.
n. T. Masters ,
Itoom 4Wlthnoll bile. , 15th and Harnuy sU.
/"IHATTnL loans at lowest rates. Kemoved
VV to W4 N. Y. Llfo bid * J. U. EmmliiKer.
CHEAP eastern money
Philadelphia Mortgauo nnd Trust Co. ,
always icady to loan and pay promptly ; , first
mortgages u anted. George W. P , Coates , rep
resentative , room 7 , board of trade. 2UU
STAH Land & Loan Co. Heal estate , loans
and Insurance rental agency. U75-dl7
KEYSTONE Mortgage Ca-Loans of J10 to
$1.000 ; Rot our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loans on horses , furniture or any
approved security without publicity : notes
bought ; for new loans , renewal of old and low
est rutes.oull It. 203 , tihooly blk,15th & Howard ,
'X-1 )
"OUILIHNG loans , Oto7 per cent ; no addl-
-IJtlomil ehnrces for commlision or attorney's
fees. W. II. Molklo , First National bank bldg.
pHATTELbaiik , III9 S. 15th St. , loans money
V on chattels or collateral at reasonable rates
OE. & O. M. ANTHONY , 318 N. Y. Llfo bulld-
liiir , lend moiioy on farms In oholco coun
ties of Nebraska and lowt ; also on peed
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ) best
terms ; no dol'iy ; money ready. Titles and
values passed on hcte. 'Ml
MONEY to-loan on any security
for short time at low
rates. Loncst rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgniro Invosluiont Com
pany , room 400,1'axton bile. 2D7
KEAL Kstato Loans Cash on hand. Glebe
Loan k Trust Co. . 'JOT ! S. 10th Ht. Nodolay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
T7HKST& second mortgages on vacant & Im-
-L pro * ed city prop. County warrants bought.
Money on hand. F.M. Illclmrdson.tiltlN.Y. Life.
EASTERN money to loan on city pronorjy ;
mortgage paper bought. ! I.U.IroyNV.LIfo ,
MONEY to loan on city and farm property.
W. II. Harris. K 20Frenzer U1U , opu. P. O
MONEY to loan. Correspondents of Ixim-
unrd Investment companr. Bhrlver &
Burns. Fronzer block. 691
Fvri-ate , ttceet > iiof < lnl column nitt/ili / pooa
" 13E8T Llnoialrgnod | > In west ; Imlr dressliig
. > > ltr , owltches. bangs , hair chains , etc. , u
specialty. Da vies , Imlr coed * aud mllllnor
opposite pottoftlco , 111 H 15th Bt. Ouinho. 200
forralu , ttt. , tee top of fnt column oil tlilt
v > the best place lu Oumhu to dnd help or ult-
aatlons , ma le or female. Tel. b84. 552 UV )
ForraUt , tto.t tee tciioffl > F column on thtt ) > cig
A 8THONO companMBwIros to meet a spec-
jtlul ngent of responpthllltv with cnpltnl , to
represent ltd htlilnrss In n large way In St.
Puul. Address S.B. Ml. 6ttre Now York Advor-
tlslng Agency , 0 Wall limit , Now York Oily ,
_ f. M urj-l'
FOK SALE Coal buAli ) M in Houth Omnlm ;
dolnn good Imsl 1103 tjKood reason for sell-
Ing. Addicss , X. 1. Hee. _ fiOI-l"
ITIOKSALKor oxchancfl , n dcilrnblo retail
X stock of boott andslioos. Improved unen
cumbered Oinnlm pnmyriy would bo looked
upon with favor. Address 51 , llco ofllcn ,
_ _ Ho _ M3M-3
OTEIj for B.ilo KTou want to get In n
good business buyaiUio Commercial at
llroken How , Neb. < tr > ' _ 4111 4
KATJIAHKUT for Rale. Httcd up nrst-
rlasslti o\ery particular. Good business.
Will bear the strictest Imcstlgntlou. Address
look box 400. Council llhiffa. In. llM-d a
OK SALK-A retail stock of boots and
shoes : would take In part nay hulf section
of good land with fair Improvements. Ad
dress , \V Kl , lice Ofllce. 48 5
SALE-Xi barrel steam roller mill !
Thos. Crouch , Tckninah , Nebraska.
TO dll *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
FOlt 9AM3 Atn bargain , 60x130 on Daven
port , near 17th , one blook from now post-
office , very cheap , tRM.OOOj Wxl.B corner DOth
nnd Fnrmim , tJO.OOU. G. L. Gricn , room W ,
Marker block 084
_ _ _
FOR SALE Ono steam power eraln olovntor
building \\Uli brick addition und olllco
building , complete , und all personal property
therein , situated at Hastings , Nebraska ; one
frame hoiso power grain clnvntor building ,
complete , and all personal properly thoreln ,
and four corner ! ! ) * * , Minuted nt Inland , Ne
braska : ono frame horse power elovntorbulld-
Ing with frame olllcc , complete , with all per
sonal property Uiereln. and four corn cribs
and the laud on which the E-amoaiosltua'cd ,
helm ? about one acre , more or less , Hltuntcd tit
Itricton , Nebraska ; this property Is sold under
order of the court : bids to bo nmdo for cash
and may bo made for one , two or all of said
elevators ! must ho afldicssed to Iloburt K.
Foot , receiver , Denver , Colorado , box2209 ; nil
bids to be ouencd December B , and to bo sub
ject to the approval of the court. Itobort E.
root , receiver. Dated. Denver , No\ ember 8 ,
1MH ) . 821)1.
-OKSTAUIIANT torrent or sale. T. Murray
\\7ANTED-To trade a good Improved farm
I for nstockof boots and shoos or groceries.
Address X. il. llco. C21-1"
FOK KXCIIANGK-oOJonr lots in "Peerless
Pierre , " the capital ofdouth Dakota , for
clear farms In Nebraska , good cmiltlcs In
Omalia pronerty or bccureil panor. They are
not wild-cat , but nro well located lots within
one mile circle , town all around you. growing
fast and only one block ftoiu car lino. Wrlcht
& Lasbury , 1C01 Howard stieot. C21-1
OK KXCIIANGE-.J20 acres of land In IIII-
nols. clear ; ICO ncrcs of land , Illinois , clear ;
WO acres of land , Nebraska , clear ; KiO acres of
In nd. Nebraska , clear. Will trade n.ny of the
utHMo for Uniohii rohldenco property and ns-
siimo reasonable lucumbranco. 11. E. Cole ,
Continental blook. ( iJ-2 )
WANTED Land and grain elevator In
exchange for fnll-pild , non-assessabl
Incorporation stocks ; full Information on ap-
pllcatlon. Addicss box 018 , Omaha. COM *
TfjIOK THADE , rent or sale Two modern 7-
Jroom ? houses on pa > ed street and two
blocks from Mreot curfrim * second mtgs , T. 11.
Arnold. 6,15 Paxton bloujt , Omaha. _ CUD'S"
WANTED-Er-ulty iif-omnll residence , well
located , for clear Ndbrasku farm. Khmer
& Uradlcy , 1511) ) Farnaip , st , _ KVi-3 *
ANTED-Stockoftiierclmmllso for clear
Nebraska land. Afl'lfcsa , W 01 , Heo.
OLE AN stock of , liierchandlso to trade
A for land and H casl ! . Address W 52. line.
> - M412-D1 *
_ _
T7\OK \ EXOHANGE-FoV a llrstclassnto \ ,
J ciiulty In "lot 5. blool(7 ( , Ilakor place. ' Ad-
dressbox 481 , Central Olty , Nob. , MB3-S" :
\\f ANTED City propeity In oxrih.uigo for
> good lncorponitlii | ttooks , Investigation
solicited. Address bo CIS , Omaha. ti02-l *
WANTED A horse or mare In part pay
ment toward a wafton or carriage. W. T.
Seaman , Omaha's largest variety wagons and
caulagca. , , , , M3
" 1710K EXOUANGXirir ( acres well unproved
J3 land nnd two business low forHdek of gen
eral merchandise ; Imtdwaru preferred , W 49.
FOK TKADE For Oninhn piopcrty , live D-
room all modern framed iiousos in Coun
cil lUilils. ( Or sale. ) J.ill , Arnold , 1KU PiiMon
block , Omaha , Neb , ( WO-1 *
10 exchange Improvoil property near Sherman -
- man uve. , for land OF lots , bhaw , 'MS Shecly
blk. 074
For ratei , rtc.ttt top of flnrt catnmn an thds page
\ MES I'lace the best tor tlio money , both for
jtVloontlon. price , terms iiRd future value. 541
A LUKIGHT'S Choice , 10 cent per cash.
A. M375
"VTO man \vllllookovorour50-footlots
0.1 In Ames Place , for which \ve ask tencloven
und twelve hundred dollars , can deny the
great value and desirability of the property.Ml
JTAR Land & Loan Co , real estate , loans
3 aud insurance rental agency. 075-dl7
I HAVE In Mayno Place , on SUli and Wth
sts. , between Leavonworthatid Paclllosts. ,
for sale , with no cash payment , to responsible
parties who will build. It Is n line location
Klecnntlots with abundance of almdo trees
E. A. Uensou , 412 N. Y. Llfo. JUB
ri lTLE perfect , location flret class , pilcos
JL reasonable , terms within your roach , make
r-0-foot lots In Ames Place today a safe , sure
and profitableInvestment. . 541
K room house , lot 33x82 , $1.700.
J G-rooin house , stable , lot : ilUx82 , (2,000.
llrlok house , and Amorloan houselotOfixMN.
E. corner 10th aud Douglas. Enquire 2121 H
lltu. . Ill
A LIIKIGHT'S Choice , .wonoymadB . rapidly.
A JI375
A SNAP $ i,750 will buy a nice 5-room house
and lot , with collar , cistern , city water
power ayd barn , centrally located : tcims
easy. J. D. ZIttlo. 014 N. Y.Xlfo.
AMES Place has all Vho repiisltcs ( to make
It a good Investment. It Is property that
you can see any day that you will call nt our
onico , whore every facility will bo given you
to Investigate the meiltsof the property. 511
CLIFTON Hill and Ilakor I'laco have the
motor , but If you want n ( .1,000 house and
full cor.lot for 12,100 and a K2.000 house and
full lot for JI.SOO you can got It onory easy
terms by calling on or addressing the owner.
K. G. Merrill , 42nd and Cast bis. M 154-1) ) 20
A LUKIGHT'S Oliolce , great bargains.M
M 1157
WK buy. soil and qxelmni'o real estate.
Har'iUiH always on hand. lmioved ) ,
unlmnrovcn or acreage. Houses Hold on
monthly payments. Smoaton & Allen , 1GU7
Vatimin , MlOI-D-1
A MES Place50 ft , lot's. 11,000,11,100 nnd 51,200 ,
xVtormsoasy and avqa time given on dn-
fcrrcd piiyinents. fll ) Ml
- | 20 acres flue farm laud mi joining good No-
brnskatown ; nearly clour.
llfl acres tlnely Imprcnxd land 2J4 miles from
county seat In NubrasUnrllglitly encumbered.
120 noios gooa land hi Nebraska , Smiles from
county scat ; 2,500 Inhabitants ,
House nnd lot In towiVIn Kansas ; clear.
( 'leur.lot In good NebTnMcii town.
4 room house and lot.tlmrn , well and cistern ,
16th street. Omaha ; sllchtly inciinibored : will
trudo for Omnhu propnrtr and assume tnciiin-
brances. H. E. Cole , Cflrjtliioiital block. UUfl
NO Wls the tlmo to lut t In rcnl estate. We
have n largo llsftif city pioperty , Im-
moved nnd vacant ; lots' fromthooufl uud up ,
Kasy terms. Houses aiW lots on monthly pay
ments. Geo. J. I'nu'I ] ! > . )0 ) Farnam st. LIM
your property at tills office. W3 ;
"DICGEbT bargain In ( Irnuha. Only three ell
-l- > these elegant lion W on 41th and I'imum
loft out of six : other tlitco occupied by first *
class parties , Houses ISM open all day for In
spection. Every coiivtmliMico In the houses ,
Including gas uud gas Hiktures.
Take a look at thorn during this flni
weather : buy one and take life comfortabli
during the winter.
Only takes from IMO to J.WO cash , See then
without fall for they will please you. D. V
Sliolui , . 213 First Nat'l bank. fW
"TTlOIt SALE On 5 years time : some cliolci
-L lots. No payment required If improved
Klngur k Hradley , 1510 Farnam st. 558-G
AN I1EUHEN. 1401 Douglas at. , 6 1N IGth Bt
addition lots , WOOt Vim lloureii Heights
$300 , Terms , (2. > cash. 110 monthly , b''xl.V ) , wol
ltnpro\ed , California fit , 17,000 , will tukosonu
trade. 143-30
OK SALE or Lease 47 foot oust front bj
201 feet deep , alloy corner , ! 4th and Cumin ;
streets. Address Joun fcclions , lioo building.
311) ) 1)2
AMES Place loti at the prices wo ask , nn
-tl-tlio best value today In that purl of Unmh M n
LIIIUGHT'S Choice , Junction allrultrnnds
* ? ,
ron HAT-n itRAii KSTATK.
For mf-M , tic. , tte top uf tni culumn on Utli
\3IKS Heal Estate Agency.
No , 22. North 15th * U hot. Corhy nnd Locust ,
story frntno home and rmrn , cast front.
No , 21. Chicago , hot. 2lth ( nnd 27th sts. , !
oiisc * , frame , one-story i-nih.
No. 20. No. WSl Ohio fit. 0-room houseIn Rood
cpiilr. Will soil for J1VJ down uud balance on
nsy.monthly imymciit * * .
No , 11) ) . 4-rooui house in Crclghlon heights ,
oed order.
No. 18. Hlomlo st. hot. * Hth and imth sts.
oed 8-room frame huu c , excellent order , full
No.l" . On Diunctt st.south frout.thlrdhouso
istof27thjst. , choice S-iooin modoru house ,
it KiOv'W.
No , 18. No.MIOCorby st. , 7-rooni , well-built
raino house , full lot , fruit and slitiiln ticcs.
No , 15. Georgia aneai ildrlcy St. , small
ouse , good bnru. full lot.
No. U. North 1.1th u\e. , 2 houses , caeh tlirco
001119. good order , a bargain.
No. M. Ponploton park , on Moore nvc , , Just
outhof Cunilng M. . only three blocks from
mtor , a 2-story , u-niuin hoii * > u with full lot ,
reel graded , will bo sold at a sacrifice
Itliln the iiovt IWdiiys.
No. 12. : ind st. . north of Loavcnworth , lot 40x
' nlth small house.
No.4. 2hth nve. . bet. rarnam and Doughs,10-
ooni frame , rents to tno fninlllos.
No. 8. South front , lltirdntto st. bet. 3111 and
"Oth sts. , veil built , 8 room house and barn , nil
i excellent order ; u bargain ,
No. C. On Parker Ht. , south front , hot. Kitli
ml itbth bts. , sniull liouso and barn , splomllu
rder ,
No.25. Corner 13lh and Lcavcnworth sts. , 12-
ooiii modern bouse with U" ft frontage on
No. 23. N , W , corner inth nnd Mason sts. ,
1th 4 houses , all rented , M'ry desirable In-
No. 22. niiouoc * ) , room for 2 more , lltl ft on
turtst. . IVton , ' ( ! st.
No. 21. InStu ait place , 10-rootii brick house ,
lodcrn linproveiiiciits ,
No. 20 On 'lOtlist. . beautiful location , two
uulerii pressed brick houses , slate loof , with
urn , * .orv choice and desirable.
\o. 10. Douglas st. lot. 25th and 2Cth sts. ,
oublo modern houso.
No. 17. Until nt. . just out of larnam , 4 houses ,
ach nlth halt lot. Very desirable locution ,
ow price , easy terms.
No. 14. Lake M. . near .TOtli , full lot with
room house nnd 3-room houH' .
No. 13. On 17th st. . near Nicholas , full lot , 2
ouscs , each 0 roams ; 1 house , 4 rooms. Good
ropcrty for Improvement.
No. 10. Fnrnam st. . between 4Isl and 4M sts. ,
0-room inodorn house and burn.
No.O , Jonesni.opposite Holcombresidence ,
-room frame house and burn. .
Hesldenco Lots
n all parts ot the city , price nnd terms do-
endcnt uuon location of same. In showing
roperty wo huvo u\cry facility , and at any
line \\o should bo pleased to see you at our
nice , whore competent salesmen aio ready to
ovoto nil the tlmo and attention that you
nay require , nnd remember wo are always
lad to show you property , whether you buy
Ames Kcal Estate Agency ,
1507 Tarnum street ,
Sole agents.
Office open evening * ' . f > 41
B K3T hnrRiiln offered In Omaha today Is 8
ucics 2 miles from 1 * . O. on H. It. track ,
M.500 per acre : K-.OOO.
Down-town corner ( MtKG fnr J.T3.COO.
40 nties5 miles from P. O. tl.10 : Jfl,000.
Full lot.'lld and Davenport , SI,100.
Neat cottaRO and half lot 27th and Douglas
[ 2,000 , JSK ) cash , balance. t'M per month.
Hntchlnsou & Wcad , 1J-4 Douglas.
FOU HALE Oof the best lots In Potter &
Cobb'a 2d add to bouth Omuhu. M. G ,
" .Iliclroil . , 015 N. Y. Llfo. 007-1
IT does not pny to advettlso Jioor pioporty
ami that Is why your attention Is i-opnitod-
"v called to M-fnot lots In Amt-s 1'laco at ten ,
lovca and twulvo bundled tiollius per lot ,
WAUQIl&We torlloldrc.ilostuterf.Oiiialia.
A LHKIGHT'S : Choice , oasyotorms.
HAVK you nny Idea where Ames Plncn Is
and \\lint the lots are that you can buy to-
lay at ten , olu\en and tuulvu liiindred dol-
ars ? If not It will pay you to como and * eo
.hem . , 511
17 110OM cottaife. full lot , llnnscom I'laco ,
east front and a Kroat bargain for a few
days , b'mall cash uaymont and balance on
longtime , F. K. DurlliiK. llarkor block. 'Ml
ALltRIGHT'S Choice , suio advance.
M ! I75
LMES Place has pavetl stieetsto und from
It , motor cars and every convenience. 511
3ELKOANT homes In Koimtzo place from
W.OOl ) to { 8,500 : 50J cash , balance 4 years , ( Mi
porinontli , . U tier conl Interest. Other jcoort
monies hi same addition to u\uhaiija > for ulty
jironeitv. 8-rooin inoclern house , 2i ! blocks
wostof 34th. on UnUIwell St. , for W.WHl ! 9500
ciusli. balance $ .10 per iiiouth. U nor cent litor- |
ost. J. J. Gibson , bolo agent , Kountzu plauo.
T71OH THADE or sail 1 well built 7-room
JJ houses , only 100 feet fioni 21th street
motor , havliiR n frontauo on Kiimiot Mrent of
400 feet liy IS feet : property hlKh and diy a
splendid location for a row of Hats. Will tuko
unimproved or Improved clear city property
'n part trade.
Amos Itcal Lstato ARonoy.
1507 rarnam street.
ELEGANT residence In Kountzo Plaoo ; U
roomn Unuly llnlshed and all modern con
veniences ; \VIrt St. . near 20th. Can sell on
one-quarter cash payment and balance time
to rlxht party. This Is no cheap alTiilruC n
house , but a comforablo homo In every soti'-o
and a big snap bargain. R K. Darling. Barker
HlOCn. M.70.1
ADVKUriSING IH not done for glory but ho
causa It pays to ndvcrtUo when yon liavo
first clnss goods to oiler. Amos I'lace Is ad-
veitlbcd becaubolt Isllrst class In every 10-
fcpuctnndlicctiusu wo are now selling lots In
tiiatadilltlon just us fast IISHO care to and the
faster tlioj sell , the hooncr prices will feel tlio
advance. . 511
A LHUIGHT'S Choice , Albilsht L. & L. Co.
XV. til 375
\ON'T you fall to see Ames I'lace lots before
/you buy , if you want to get a homo with
every condition about Itfavorable to a stead"
und sure Increase in value. M
A LUKIUHT'S : Choice , naymunls to suit. M375
$ ; (1,000 ( for homo on Chicago st. nuarSoth. O.l' ,
Harrison , 012 N. Y.LIfo. GOT
rpHE best lot on Hamilton nnd Lowe avenue.
JLiniiloat40J8 : | Hamilton SU fiy ) dU *
SALES are being made In Ames Place nro-
pcity bvciiiioe ( prices are low , location Is
llrst class and the valnu Is tliwre. 541
LUIUIQHT'S Choice * 5-J1-2-:1 : , N. Y. Llfo.
RKAI ; ESTATE Wanted to build a house
and take horse uml buguy , vacant lot , or
piano for pay. E. G. Merrill , contractor , 42nd
IF you do not think wo arc selling lots In
Ames PlHCo at $1,003. 1.100 and ( l..HK ) , please
step In our olllco und satisfy yourself of what
we are doing. 511
rpHE heat coiner on upper Farnam street ,
-L froi.tagu on 3 stieots ; snlcndhl corner on
Fnrnam street , close to court honse.ii bargain ;
corner with trackage lu f. K. p.irt of city ;
good leslilenccsiind low-priced cottages , good
lota for building , some us low as f 100 , Inside
acres , fnrnis and unimproved land ,
Wo will sell any of this piopcrty. of which
wohiivoeutlie control , nt prices way below
what you can buy nt olsowliuro.
btilnger& Penny , Darker block , 15th and
A LI1UIGHT S Choice , tlio host trackage.
Fcnatcs.ctc. , ire top of jti&t column < m Mi
wintered. Wo have the best nc-
HOItSHS in the state fur wintering
horses , llox or single stalls , with paddock.
Apply to Windsor , Komi ) A. Co. , 20J Now York
Life bldg. , or to OluU Nuvlns , ut the Mubles ,
Irvlnglun , Neb. .MU'JI
OKSr.S wlntorod-No better place to win
ter horses than tlio t-Ulllwutor stock farm ,
Ft. Calhoiin. Prices low. best cure. H. J.
Kendall , propr. , room 300 , llrown bldg.Omahu.
574 dll
I'finnten , etc tee lrp at ftirtl eolnin on thli ya
MISS II , J. Miles , experienced teachers of
voice culture , pupil of Madam ICclna Hall ,
Hoston , Mass. KooiiUiOti , llrown building , cor ,
lOtnnnd Douglas streets. ati DJ1 *
"Oltl'OIir buying a jilnno o.\ainlne the newt
-t > Bcale Klmball | > lanoA.Hospc , 1 * > 13 Donclas.
; r.'j
GEO. I' . GELLENlir.CK.teachorof the banjo
with Hospc. 1513 Douglin. L'19
BHOKTII AM ) AN1)T Vl'/Witl 1
For futa , fc. . Kg top oJlrtit foliimn on Iftui paj .
" "
. n.-
JLclmngod , rented. J. P. Mcguuth , 1C07 1'ar-
nain street. t)15
BG. WlIKr.LEK.Kunorul Htenogrupher nnd
notary. Depositions and court work u
specialty , Tel. l&l , room 10"2. N , Y. Life Illiln
Forratet , etc , tte tap of flril column on thtt pa It
T.ADIES and pontlen\en can rait iiiusnuur'
XJude aulu atC2i N. loth.t. 431 ! ) . ;
fcrrtitM , fie. , ft top of Jlist tolunn nnlhfji iMfl .
Tl fUsTsfiViil : : Is giving host sm-cois of any"
-1'lfortuno teller In the city. Mio does not In any -fraud , Her tsrins aio the lowest. .
40t ! N. IQtli , ilrd lloor. 410 a *
rniin Misses Kdtlys are through with tholr
JL vacation and roailv for business. Thu
only sister clairvoyant nnd tr.inco modliim In
the ulty ; massage tiu.itincnt u. t-uoclalty.
U 7 , Crounso blk. ( Wi-Tl ) *
MKS. llurrniigh will give reading In imlm-
Istry , tolling the past , present anil fnturo
from the lines of thehiincl ; fen it : ladles only :
no business on Sunday. 1S17 Izard st.Oiiialm.
4437 *
AUHIVED Olalrvoynnt , natural ) } Kitted ,
tolls past and future , lovn traiiblrs , ab-
hent friends. changes. traiels , business. Satls-
faotlon given. Mis. Wallace , JUU3 Fariwm st.
MU9. NANNIi : V , WAltKKN. clairvoyant
trance , spouklnK. wrlllns unit rclliiblo bus
iness tncclluni , 4 yeara In Umaha. Ill ) N , Ifltli.
_ U1U
TVfASSAGE , Madam Delzlor , over ClOSMtb.
1 > I 4fa d.
_ _
For rate , etc , trc tni > of roliimu on I/its / j ayt ,
wyers k sollcori , O. W. Purs As
Co. , llpo bulldlnc , Omaha , llranuh ollli-eat
n. 1) ) . U. Oonsultallon fruu. : HS
fnrrnten , etc. , ft ) ( op of / r ( column on fits 1 tiyt.
fiMlRl > MOIIMjloins : inonuy ondliimouils nd
-i watcliesJowolryetc.SK.cor. FurnaniAlltli.
l\irrnw ( , etc. , itf tofinf jintmlumn imlhtovoe \ \
MASSAGE , Madam Ueltlur. ovur UlOSllth.
4KJ ( di *
Vari-atr * . etc. , tietnpvf flrti column onl/iUpw > .
PENSIONS Thu Cllneniiin I'cii'.lon Astcncy ,
" 1 Kroii/or blouk. Infoim.itlon fiecil ?
Notice to G null n ; anil 'II ml ) r Cou-
Wo nro prepared to receive bids for n largo
amount ot work west ot the summit of tlio
KocKy mountains on the line of tlie ( in-ill
Northern railway , Including grading , which
consists of rock , earth work' and tunneling ,
and u lurxo amount of timber ; nl o u large
amount of hewed limber for struetiiics. 1'ur-
tlcs who are ptcputcd to go Intntlu * uoodsaud
laKe out timber and who hii\o grading outfits
for rock work , will tlnd this u desirable oppor
tunity. The worU Is located , and thi-MipplliM
for currying U on aic on the mound , und thu
work Isicudy to commence utonce. For fur
ther Information Imiuliu at room Niitlonnl
Ooiman-Aincrlcan mini , building , bt. 1'unl.
Minn , bbepard , Slcins A. Co. NSlkUtM
To the Stockholders ot the Ognlallti Land
and Cattle Co. : Notice Is hereby given that ,
the annual meet Ins of tlie stockholders of tlio
Ogalulla Lund und Cuttle ( 'omiinnr will bo
hi-ld at company's olllcc. No. 2111 Sou tli 14th
street. In the city of Omaha. Neb. , on Wednes
day , December 3rd , 1MH ) , ati o'clock p. m. , for
Die election ot directors for the niiMUiiK year , [
nnd 1 ho transaction of Hiieh other business us
may come before tlio meeting.
NoveniDcr 17 , Ib'.K ) .
nlSdldt Josni'ii FUANK. Secretary.
i ) In the South.
American Banker : The number of national
banks orgunUiid lu the south ilurliiB the your
ended Scptombcr HO and tbo aupreKiito amount
of capital by states was as follows :
States. No. Capital.
Alabama . 0 * 400.WO
Arkansas . 1 M.OCO
DMilctof Columbia . U fi'Hi.oiU '
Florida . a 1TO.OCO
Ocorula . 2 1SO.UOO
Kentucky . 7 IWO.OOO
Louisiana . 4 OJO.OOO
.Maryland . 7 7.W.OOO
Noith Carolina . 2 150,000
Tennessee . 1,230,000
Tu\as . 61 IJ."WXJO
VlrRlnU . 2 11)0,000 )
West Virginia . 1 l % oa
_ _
Total . 106 J11G3.,000
The record shows that public hontlmciit in
tlio south nRahist the national banking sys
tem Is at last yielding' to the superior ml van
tages which the nntloiuil banks afford. The
banner state Is , of course , Texas , which has
long lam fallow In banking matters , because
the constitution Is disabled from granting
charters to bank organizations. This disad
vantage is overcome by thu establishment of
national banks , uhoso operations nro now
thorouRhly understood and Appreciated by
the financiers of tbo Lone Star state. In
Kentucky , where tbo organisation ol banlc-
ing cntcrprisos has been as active , proportionally
tionally , as anywhere lu the south , the state
bank system has received the largest .share of
popular support In tbnlustycur. The s.xmo
may bo said of sovcral other of the states
mentioned above. The advantages which
htato organisations afford to the banking
movements of small eoinmunltUss arc welt
recogni/cd. They are enabled to do a largo
real estate and land business , which gives
imnotus to many of tlie smaller intcicsts
which make up the financial llfo of the small
Dr. Blrnoy curuH cnttirrh , Boo bltlg.
Only Onc-Tliiril of a frop > f I' i
The statistics furnished by our correspond
ents indicate that the crop of potatoes har
vested in the twelve states covered by our re
port will bo ubout one-third of the product
harvested In tbo states last y ear , najs thu
Farmer's Ilcrlow , Tbo severe midsummer
drouth which followed uu unusually wet
spring proved disastrous to potatoes In Illin
ois , Indiana. Ohio , Missouri , Kentucky , Kan
sas , Nebraska , Iowa , Wisconsin and Inlota ,
In many counties in those states the crop
uns imciitlrd tnllurc , and at beat the yield
mis vcrv light. The tniijorlty of oui * Michi
gan nnil Minnesota correspondents it-port
yield fair mid nuallty uvurufro. The fact that
the nroa planted to potatoes this year was
about 10 per cent less than last \ear' average -
ago should also bo considered , \Vo make the
following estlmato of the potato crop forlblK ) :
Av. In Total
States. bushels , ylolil.
IlllnoU . L'l 2.fri.oOd
liidlamt . * 7 1.7I .UCO
Ohio . n . 40 7,0i ,0,0 (
Koiitucky . : 1.4.V.IJOO
Mlssouil. . , . 'M l..H'.fKR ' )
lowu . 48 0HIf)0 ! ( )
Kansas . -1 'AllU.OJn
Neb'-Liska . ' - l.TW.OJO
Wisconsin , . , M f > , b.'i.i.OOU
Mlnnrsota . 77 4UV > , Ol)0 )
U.iUotus . 48 , S.fvVs.OOO
Total . .TsTi isTlIooo
The crop In the other states and territories
will not probably oxcecd 7I.71HOIX ) bushels ,
making u grand total for Ib'JO of li."J,7il,000. :
against our estimate of 1B39 of 'Jau.701,000 , and
for 18S3 ot 21UOIU,000. , _
Dr. Dlrnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldff.
1C02. Sixteenth and Farntim streets ID
the now Rook Isluiid ticket olllco. Tick-
ota to all points otifct nt lowest rates.
Cholco , 621-2-3 N. V. Llfo
Old Cars Withdrawn and Now Pull
iiiixn Dliilntc CarH mnv on the
rcjinnylvaula tiliiri.
Tlio old "cllnors"nro nbanilonod unil
entirely now dlninp cui-s , onibodylnp the
latest improvement's equipped with
every convoiilonco , linishetl in oxqululto
taste mid fully ti ] > to the incoiuparuhlo
standard of oxcolloneo uoimtantly main-
tallied by tlio famous Pullman company ,
have been phicud in frorvlco upon the
Poiinsylvtmla lines bohvuon C'nlciiHo ,
Columbus , Plltaburg and Now York , on
these ( luiolc nnd populur trains , num
bers four , eight nntl tvvouty , loavlnc
Chicairo at lOjUOn. m.i:15 : : p. in. and
llSOp. m. daily.
This borviuo is in ntldltlon to the
dining cur running on number two , the
Pennsylvania Limited , a solid 1111)1111111 )
vcstllnilo train , composed of dining ,
Bloeplnpr , suioklii anil obborvnlion cars ,
on whiiih nn extra ftiro is charged.
No 111010 brief stops for It.dilToront
monlsl You can "faro Humptuouslyovory
day , " at your leisure and In comfort
while rolling neross the country at forty
milch tin hour upon tlio voHtllmo trains
of tlm I'cnnsylvania lines , in the now
and luxurious dining curs of the Pullman -
man company.
] 3y a recent decision of the United
States court , tlio patonl vostlbulo can
not bo UMid on other Hum Pullman cars.
Particular attention is tlioroforu Invited
to the fact thttl the Pennsylvania lines
nro operating Pullman Bleeping and
dining1 onrs which tire propi'rly llttotl
with that convenient mill iippi'oclahlo
device the I'ullintui purfectod Biifcty
For Hpet'kd information plcaso call
upon nprcnts of connoeting lines , or lid-
dress G. 13. TKUDIIIUK , Trav. Puss.
Agt , Onntha , Nob.
Oinlci l 1'u. yall tips.
Tliero are scores of Indliuis on the
rcborvatlon worth from $ * ) ( ) , 000 to Siiol- )
000 c.icli , and when the rcborvutioii la
thrown open by congress , aa it , will bo in
a few years , tlioro will bo in 1'iorco
county a doxen or two o ( thoricheat In
dians in the Unitucl SlnteH , says the
Pujjot Sound Real Kdtnto Nown. Sotno
of tlio wealthy Indians nro :
iSlrs. Josopli Donolto , it full-blooded
Indian widow , iUoO.COO. Mrs. Douotto ,
owns 100 acroH on llrown's I'oint. Sbo
was u full-blooded Indian girl.
Her husband died about two yo'ira
nfjo. She hib several clilldron , anil now
lives ut the reservation builillnfjH , lens-
ing her land to homo lishorincn. llur
land is probably the most , valuable on
the reservation. Tlio Union I'aciliu rail-
wav will run through it. Chris Laugh-
lot a , widower , 120 ticron , $00,000 ; Lsiuffh-
lot holdH lliO ticros buck of Mrs. Doit-
otto's ' , which is worth at lenst $500 an
acre , lie lias one son. .Too Coats , 160
acres , 880,000 ; Min. .Too Coats , 100 acres ,
$480)0. ; ( ) The Coats family is worth
$128,000. Coats lias 1GO aurosa in his
own iiiinio. His first wife died , and
ho married nn Indian widow
who hud 100 acres1 , worth at
least $ 00 per aero. Theirs is tide-flat
land , Shu has one child. Jonas Slannup ,
father of the well-known Indian , Peter
Sttinnup , W ) acres , 500,000. Jonas Sttiu-
nup's land is on the banks of the 1'uynl-
lup river , is among the very best tido-
llut soil , and Is woi Hi not lonst than t } > 7GU
[ ior acre. The old man has lived BO long
ihat ho has forgotten the mimbor of hoa-
sons ho has lived , but ho does not forgot
the value of his land.
Tlioro nro at losiht n , dozen inoro In
dians who have from forty to 120 acres
of the best tidu-ilut bottom , worth from
$700 to $1,000 an aero. Allot those In
dians are pure-blooded
. -
"At last , 1 can cat n ( jooil square meal
without its Ulsticssini1 niol" was tlie ( jratuful
exclamation of one whoso appetite had been
restored by tbo use of Avor's Sarsaparlllaj
after years of dyspeptic misery , A te.ispooa-
ful of the extract before each meal shurncun
the aprotlto.
A Ml no W < irlli .
N. L. Lonhtun , pi-oHldont of the Bujtv
gold mining company in .Lower Califor
nia gives tin account of fabulously rich
discoveries in tno inlno. Ono of the
lodes was recently crossed nl the 400 foot
level and an immense body of iroomill-
Ing cold " ere was exposed which averages
over"$100 to the ton. The cnglnoor on
the trround ways Unit ever $5,01)0,000 is la
Bight in this ono inlno iilono. The com
pany owns several other rich minus.
The Bunloclc Plant is 0:10 : of the best diu
retics or kidney regulators in the vegetable
wotld , nnil thu'iompound known as Itui'iloflc
Hlooil Blttcr.s U uimirpiisMid lu all CUHOS of
the kidneys , liver and blood.
DriiiiknmirKH Nu ICxeiiHc In Orrnuo.
In tinclont Greece a law of I'ittuuus en
acted that "hovlio commits a crime
when dnmlc shall rccolvo a double nun-
Ibhmunt" ono for thocrlmo itself ami
the other for the Inebriety whtcLi
prompted him to commit it ,
Dr. IHnioy cures untarrh , Ueo hlil
\Vcnther I'rolmUllltliiH.
For Dcecmber Indications point to
cold , frosty weather. Tiitit , Iiowovor ,
will make no dilToronco to these who
trnvol in the Btcniu-hcniod and olcetrlu-
llg ted , limited vestibule train which
is run only bv the Chicago , Milwaukee
& Bt. Paul Jly. hotwoon Omahii nnd
Chicago. This olegnnt train lunvos
Omaha nt 0:10 : p. m. arriving In Chicago
at 0:30 : n. in , , in time to inako all ciiHtom
connections. For further information
apply nt city ticket olllco , 1501 Farntim
pt. , Omaha. P. A. NASH ,
J. K. PitKSTOM. General Agent.
City Passenger Agent.
Albright's Cholco , the best truclcugo.
Tickets nt lowest ratoa andfsu porlor
accommodations via the grout Roolc
Island rotito Ticket olllco , 1002 Six
teenth and Farnura strcota Ouiaho.
A burning ttipcruncovered fora slnglo
instant , during which It does not lese
jowor aiuounting to the ono-thoiwnndtU
ofunraln , would till with light u Bnlinra
four miles fn diameter so as to bo visible
from every part of the compusH.