r o THE OMAHA DAILY BEE MONDAY , DECEMBER 1 , 1890. OF INTEREST TO THE FARMER , The Most Profitable Kind of Hogs for General Purposes. CROSS BREEDS AS V/INTER / LAYERS , A Farmer's Dnuglitcr Tolls Her 12.\- pcrlcnuo with Them Hotter Apple Trees lllif Money In the Crop. Tlio jirontiiblo hog for the nverogo fiinner Is the one that is quickly grown , fattens without delay , nnd can boslaufr.li- lured before It begins to consume the food laid up for the winter , writes ! ' . 1' . Smith In the Practical Farmor. Such a hor. cannot ho obtained from any of the faiiioim juiro breeds , which answer to the purpose of the Inrgc swlno breeders but not to the purpose of tlio Mntill farmer who nils-es his own pork. There must bo Homo cross which will supply this an imal , which may also bo called tlio gen eral purpose hog. A good cross that will hold Ills qmilitlcH without HO much watching to prevent deterioration , and one which has individual excellence , is not easily to bo obtained. Yet none of our domestic animals are so cas-ily moulded as the hog , and In breeding for Boino particular purpose tho'owncr has many qualities at hand which ho can perpetuate. The pedigree mattws not to much , M ) long as the breeding ani mals which are to niako the cross arc of pure blood and boar the distinctive miirks of their breed on thorn , Given these good parents , offspring that will combine the good qualities of the two may bo rnibcd Kiu'ccssfully. The farmer wants n cross that will convert his surplus corn into meat , making the greatest number of pounds for the amount of corn consumed , and at tlio earliest ago possible. Many think that Ktich a pig it ) found in the Poland China und others In tlio Uerhfcliire , but a cross between thc.so two in much superior to cither. There is nil increase of frame and llcsh from the Poland China nnd n liner grained quality of meat from the Berkshire , and perhaps n little more energy and hardiness in addition. Unless a pig conies to maturity soon nnd devolopes a largo frame and covers It quickly with solid meat , there is very little prollt in raising one. A pig should bo slaughtered early , for after they reach a certain point they do not take on flesh enough to pay for feeding them. iSuuh a , cross at the a o of eight or ten months should weigh from 1200 to 2oO pounds , and up to this time it pajs well , but after that period its prolit begins to < leclino. The same cross will probably roach -100 pounds in eighteen or twenty months.but-this extra weight will hardly Bulllco for the food consumed. CrcsK-Ilroc4l8 \Vluter Layers. Tlio pullets of the cross-breeds , Plymouth Hocks and brown Leghorns , have proved such excellent winter lay ers that I should like to say a word in their praise , writes a farmer s daughter to the Country Gentleman. Some of them began laying before they wore six months old and have continued steadily over since. The winter 1ms been unusu ally mild , I know ; still , I think some credit is duo my improved stock , because my nearest neighbor , who has about the tit mo numb.'r of hens , gets only one- tenth as many eggs as 1 do. It makes mo feel very proud to bring in a nice basketful every day. while she can put all she gathers in the palm of one hand. I took her out to the poultry yard the last time she came to see mo and showed her my pretty red-combed beauties ; they lire so gentle that they alwavs come run ning when they see me , and range them- eclvcs as if on exhibition , so ns to show ofT their bright , glossy plumage and dazzling combs and wattles to the best advantage. The color of the cross breed is either a dark Plymouth Rock with white lobes and moderately tall combs , or the pretty brown and yellow of the broxyn Leghorns , with tholarger and sometimes the fallintr combs pecu liar' to that breed. In either case the cross SH larger than the brown Leg horns , though smaller than the Plymouth Hocks , hut it lias always a prcttv trim Khapo and an upright , graceful carriage. I am sorry to say , however , thai the pullets inheriting the Plymouth Rock color also retain the propensity to sit so characteristic of that breed. Tliov are much moro easily broken , though , "than those of the pure breed , two davs of sol itary confinement being usually amply Bulllciont. _ IJctler Apple Trees. On a recent trip through Kansas and tlio southwest , our attention was partic ularly attracted to the fruit , of which in many sections the yield is enormous , but the quality abominable , Bays the St. Louis Mngiixino. "Why do not fruit growers use moro euro in selecting their trees ? In a town in eastern Kansas wo examined hundreds of loads of apples , but seldom fpund one that was fit to eat. They were dry , insipid and tasteless , bo- Bides being bad keepers. The refrain of most of the farmers wo spoke to about it was that only those varieties would pro- cluco well in that f-cctlon. This is mere guess-work. Some ono farmer years ago tried a russet or a greening and it failed. Henceforth the question has lioen bottled for that section of coun try , until some enterprising farmer shall plant an orchard of trees of the best varieties. Until then the sumo old ro- Jrain will go up and apples will not bo worth the raising. Xoto tlio difference us you go further east , look and taste of the luscious varieties of apples raised in Ohio , for instance. Hut for years and years it was the same tliore , in early chivy , nnd until the farmers found that it did not pay to raise Hiicli fruit' , the crop was not improved. Wo my to the west ern farmer , root out the Hen Davis sort of apples and plant trees of known good quality , and you will grow rich , for good upplos are growing in favor every day aim command the best price. i Crop. money in a good crop of wlntoi squashes this yearl $1.60 per dozen in many of the towns of this state is what people i willingly pay for good , hard- Bhollcd Hubbiml or Slbley squashes to 1111 in ) their empty potato bins with , writes M. S. Uondlct of Cretein the Nebraska Iarmor. . They prow capitally on sod or now land and that hateful pest , the stink bug does not trouble thorn so bndlv. ] have safely housed and sold 650 squashes of the Hubbard and Sydney from less than one-quarter acres of sod land. The old Hubburd sells the hotter , but from a careful comparison in every point 1 think Sldloy or Pike's peak'as it is Fomotimos called , will supplant the ol ] utandby in a few yours. ' ] am greatly interested in a now equash called the fordhook , and it is the result of tlto careful work of a most use ful Nebraska citizen , Mr. O. P. Coy of AVntorloo. Tills fordhook is a little fel low , but its productiveness und rcalU wonderful flavor , will if it keeping qual ities , test well , soon have a place neai the head of thoehws. Planted in hills tout nnd a half foot apart the rows woulc yield nnywhoro you might hogln , five to , ho foot or eighty-five to 100 squashes to : ho rod. They are about like cucumbers in size , hut at 60 cents pnr do/.on , the price I soil them from the wagon , they , urlng moro money than the hubburd per icrc. icrc.Tno future of vine crops on the Amer ican desert Is a startling ono , if wocotild only see it. Millions of dollars worth of food products will bo sent yearly from Nebraska nnd Kansas in the next centu ry , which will grow from not only melon , cucumber , bquasli and pumpkin vines , but from other vines not now known to this country. _ Tomatoes for Cows. Wo had over a thousand bushels of tomatoes , last fall , says a correspondent in the Rural Canadian and the Ottawa market was so ( 'lulled wo could not Boll i third of thorn. "Wo commenced feed ing them to the cows and found that they ate them greedily and improved in milk ing. After my experience lust season I determined to plant each year my toma toes in a Held into which I can turn the cows in the fall , and will have the satis faction of knowing that no tomatoes , green or ripe , will bo lost. After the llrst frost last fall wo pulled our tomato vines and collactcd them , with tlio green tomatoes adhering to them. Into piles , where they remained a couple of weeks before wo cculd lot the cows into the field. By that time wo found that a largo percentage of the green tomatoes had ripened and the tomato louvcs had cured. The cows could not bo kept away from those tomato piles. They rooted them over with their noses and horns and cleaned up everything but the bare vines , and at nights as long as the toma toes lasted they would como into the balnfnllv full and their udders distended with milk. I leave it to scientists to say whether the milk producing element was in she tomato itself or whether it supplemented some other feed to make a wcll-bal rnccd milk ration. Of course it would not pay to raise tomatoes as feed for cows ; but market gardeners need not allow their surplus tomatoes to go to waste while they have cows to feed. Cnttlo. Experiments have recently been con cluded in Chicago which , it is alleged , will bo of the greatest importance to the packing industry and to veterinari ans , many of whom have hitherto thought that actinoinycosis , or lumpy jaw , was not a contagious disease and that the meat of cattle alToetod by it was not injurious , Members of the live stock boards of several states have su- porintoiutod the killing of a number of cattle nlllicted with lumpy jaw and ex amined the bodies , says the Kansas Farmer. A dispatch states that eighty- nine head of afllleted cattle were killed and examined. The objoctwas to ascer tain to what extent the dibcaso affected the entire system so as to make the meat of such cattio unfit for food. The result of the examination was thatin about 00 per cent of the cases investi gated the disoitso was found to have alTccted the internal organs and the llesh. llesh.Mr. Mr. Armstrong of the United States bureau of animal industry was among the distinguished experts present. Drs. 1'aquin and Grange , export micrdsoop- ists , took a number of specimens for ex amination and innoculation. They ox- poet to corroborate what has been as sorted by German und French scientists that lumpy jaw is a contagious disease. The Year's Lesson to Orclmrdlsts. There is a le. son for the western farm er in the study of the fruit subject this year , says the Nebraska Farmor. In fact ovorv year presents strong reasons for the planting of fruit trees and plants as a source of prollt. This year the les son Is specially strong , since the sale of fruit at good round prices Is an easy matter. All farm crops bring good prices to bosurobuttho price of nothing on the farm will equal tnat of fruit. Corn at 50 cents a bushel pays well , but at best can only go fifty or sixty bushels to the aero , while an orchard will bear several hundred bushels to the aero of apples which will bring moro per bushel than the corn. A case to the point is that of afarmerin Nebraska who refused an offer of $4,000 for the product of his thirty acuo orchard , us the fruit hung on the trees. Any of tlio western atates could use the product at homo of a great many moro trees than arc now planted , and the question is , who are going to bo the ones who will exorcise judicious fore sight anil take advantage of the oppor tunity to acquire money. A forty aero orchard is as sure to bo n long continued source of income as anything wo short sighted mortals can start going. Ituttcr In a paper upon "Gutter Mailing on the Farm , " read by Thomas Conwiiy atone ono of the Wisconsin farmers' institutes , occurred the following in regard to but ter packages : . Iii preparing packages I prefer to throw in salt ana then scald , cover up and the steam will make it piklu tight. Use cold water to rinse and rub inside with dry salt. Never but poor butter in fancy pucliagos , and when you can make good butter you can safely brand it. In finishing top of package use dairy cloth on top of butter , then make a paste of dairy salt and put It over cloth. It will prevent to of butter from getting over heated' and will also guard against flavor of lid. Remember that good butter - tor imirtt have perfectgrrin , High , fresh flavor , desirable color and a sufficient amount of best quality of salt , that it must bo put up in ufean , bright pack ages of bust quality and of a style the market demands. "I use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral freely In my pnicticcnnil rccommciul It In cases of whoop- Iiic couch aiuoiiK children , tmvlng found it moro curtain to euro that troublesome disease than any otlicr medicine I know of. " So says Dr. Bartlett of Concord , Mass. To Irrigate the Stcppos. A company has been formed under the supervision and control of the govern ment for the irrigation of the steppes in South Hussin. It proposes to dig canals and to load water to landb belonging to the government , to various rural con stituencies , nnd to private persons. Sev eral government engineers have been detailed for the services of the company , which will begin work in the Crimea. You neoil not bo nfrulil of the twinge o ! rheumatism. When it cornea use Salvation oil. Cincinnati Indies liavon rage for red gloves and yet they catch cold ; but tlioy never fat to use Dr. Hull's couch syrup anil always se cure an Immediate cure. At all dealers fet Ii cents , Tlio Sioux AVnr of 18O2. A monument is to bo erected by the Btato of Minnesota to commemorate the battles and incidents of the Sioux Indian war of 1SOU , and especially as they relate to the town of New Dim In that state. The burning of the town and the massa cre of the whites are to bo shown In two elaborate bas reliefs. Have used Dr. Thomas' Elcctrio OH foi coup and colds , anil declare it a positive euro. Contributed by Win. ICay , 670 Plymouth uv- enue , Buffalo , N. V , Pisa's IxMinliiK 1'ower , The loaning tower of Pisa is 1BU foot high and is , if the cornice bo included K ! feet B inches out of the perpendicular Tlio walls at the base are 13 foot thick Dr. Biruoy cures catarrh , Bee uldg CHICAGO TRIES THE EDCO , An Electric Oar System Which Does Away with Overhead Wire. A VERY SUCCESSFUL TEST MADE , The OJllclaN Moro than BntUilctl with tlio Operation of the Storage Jlaltcry Ilotli Swift nnd Safe. Electricity as a moans of street car [ ) ropulslonon the storage systemshowed Itself to bo an unqualified success in the test of the Edco car on North Clark street In Chicago last Saturday after noon. An ordinary streetcar wont spin ning over the tracks from the limits car jams to Lawrence avenue and back without any apparent means of locomo- tfon except a man in front who occasion ally turned a crank , says the Chicago Herald. There were no horses attached ; o it , no slot between the tracks where a cable could bo attached , no steam power , no smoke and no overhanging wire. It scorned to go along of its own accordnot retarded in the least by the carload of : iooplo who had jostled each other for a chance to lake a ride. It was a complete .Humph for the Accumulator company of New York , and its agent , William [ lood , was the most pleased man that lias boon seen slnco'tho democratic land slide a week or two ago. Tlio otllcors of the North Side cable company were also deligted and entirely satisfied with the test. Hardly a flaw could bo found in the storage system for the car wont over the tracks as rapidly and smoothly as the cable curs , a little hotter some of the ofllcors said. It is something that street car men have wanted for a long tlmoand if It keeps up its record of yesterday , it is almost wife to say that the poor old street car horse will bo given a long and unlimited vacation and ho will have to seek another Held of usefulness. Horses could never attain the speed exhibited by the Eiko car , they could not have pulled the load that filled the cor and its trailer. Tlio deficiencies of the old system seemed to stick out all over ana everybody agreed that a now era in the street car was coining. It was nicely expressed in the remark of Mr. Street , the llrst engineer of the dummy on the old Evansville road in 180-1 , who muttered as ho jumped oil' af ter a three-mile ride : "Well , things have changed. " They had changed so much and so rapidly that the people who llvo along North Clark street north of the street car barns could hardly bo- Hove their eyes as they saw a common street car go dashing up the street without ahorse a cable or anything. The cable had accustomed them to a similar sight , but such a thing never be fore happened right before their oyos. Butchers with their red polka dotted aprons , servant girls with dishcloths in their hands , men , women and children would rush out to see the sight. Even the conductor on an out-bound car would stop taking fares and go out on the back platform and look at the strange sight. Tlio horses wcro not used to it , und trembled as It rumbled by. And after all it is a simple tiling when it is examined. There isn't much ma chinery about it , nothing very delicate that is apt to break and nothing particu larly expensive. The system may bo ex plained by saying the car carries its electricity with it. Under the seats in the car are eighty-eight batteries or cells arranged two abreast the wliolo length of the car. They are all con nected by wires and with two motors , which occupy a modest space in the center of the car under the flooring. Those motors are like those used in cars run by the overhead system , and are built much after the same pattern. Each cell contains two volts of electric ity , making 170 in all in each car , and with this power each car is calculated to run from twenty-flvo to forty miles with out having Ino batteries recharged. Seven incandescent lamps are also sup plied , three in the car , two on the plat forms , and ono at eaoli end of the roof for headlights. The entire control of the car or train rests with the driver , who manipulates two cranks at the front end. Through them ho ib able to attain live degrees of speed , the slow start and the four increasing grades. Each rate of speed is accompanied by an almost imperceptible shock , as it cannot attain a maximum speed gradually. The driver's left hand wheel is divided into live parts , each movement changing the arrangement of the cells to give the do- slred results. On the car used yesterday there was the regular friction brake con nected by an automatic arrangement with a crank , so that the car can bo stopped in as short a time as any car , mueiishortor _ than a cable train , it is claimed. The movement is easy , and that jolting , swaying motion is hardly noticed. It is the custom to replenish the batteries after twenty-flvo miles have run , so as not to exhaust them too much. A necessary adjunct of the Edco system is the Edco dynamo which supplies the electricity. The ono in use at the cat- barn yesterday was of " 10 volts , 150 am- phoros , with a speed of l7o , enabling it to completely roohargo a car in less than throe hours. In the improved pat terns the batteries can bo shifted , and while ono is being charged another sot is ready for uso. Among those in the car were E. II. Shcafo , S. 13. Wadsworth , C. O , Etnyro , street railway men of Council UlutTs , In. Tlio car made the trip to Lawrence avenue , three miles nnd a quarter , in sixteen minutes , and returned in thir teen mlnutos , M. Pfatincher , an ex port electrician , was at the crank and gave exhibitions of the different rates ol speed , and showed to the satisfaction ol every ono that the Edeo car could do what it promised. It was Homelhing hardly expected by Mr. Hood , but ho of fered no objection , having perfect con > Hdonco that it would maku no difference. The bouncing motion caused by the unevenness - evenness when going at a good speed w s tempered by the extra weight , and the train went smoothly. On the return so many people got on to got a now BOIV sntion that the motor was pushed to it maximum capacity. A sudden stop to avoid a tardy wagon throw a wire out of gear for a few minutes , and the crowd who had paid tholr 5 cents found themselves a mile from the cable with the road * blocked. Tin wrecking wagon came thundering to the rescue and dragged the- train a block or two. Uy that time the motor worked all right again , and the people who thought that the new arrangement had been tried nnd found wanting , were de prived of the opportunity of croaking. The car reached the station , going at a good rate of speed and finished its work for that day. "Tho Edco sonms to bo a perfect sue cess , " said Superintendent Roach , "and as far as I can see , it fills the bill. I have no fault to find with it. " "I am pleased with it , " volunteered Mr , Thrtody , "and much surprised. It dees its work well Just what the com pany will do is not krjown yet. " Judge Jamlopon said ho Kited it. "If wo use it , " said ho , "wo Jlh have to got a per mil from the couiidli' ' as now wo only have a right to use Jiorso power on this lino. It is a groat'thlmr In my estima tion , and I wouldn't bo surprised to see it take tlio place eli the street car horse in tlio city. I have nothing to Ray but approval. " That was the general sentiment , and Mr. Hood wont Ttjin'o ( moro than satis fied , and confident that the Edco has a great future before It. Children Knjoy the pleasant llnvor , gentle action and sooth ing effects of Syrup of KiRs , when In need of a laxative , nml If the fntticr or mother bo costive or bilious tlio most gratifying results follow Us use , so thnt It Is tlio best family remedy known nnil every finally should buvo n bottle. A Oali ! of 1710. November , 1740 , was ushered in by one of the most furious and fatal gales of the century. Between Boston and Lynn sixty ships and upward were wrecked. At Whitby , the damage done botli at sea and ashore was Incredible , and from Lho Firth of Forth to the mouth of tlio Thames there wag scarce a port or llsh- ing village escaped without damage and loss of life. Do not take any cfianco of being poisoned or burned to di-atli with liquid stove polish , fKilntsor enamels in bottles. The "Hlslng Sun Steve Polish" Is safe , odorless , brilliant , the cheapest and best stove polish made and tlio consumer pays for no expensive tin or glass pacltngo with every jmrchftso. The Crn/.Q for Tapestries. There is at present a cra/.o among collectors for old tapestries. Six tapes tries which wcro Bold fifteen years ago from the old Livingtono manor house for $100 have just boon resold for 820,000 , and flvo largo old Flemish specimens , which William C. Prime , tlio well known archaeologist , paid $000 for in 1872 , uro now alucd at$5C03apiece Army und Nnvy Adventures by the admiral ! ) of tlio United States navy nnd by the gcncrnU of the United Stuto nriny , will bo uuioai : tlio many remarUnbl features of Tlio Youth's Companion for 1S1H Among the coutrlnutors are Admirals 1'or tcr , Luce , Ulllls niul Kimberly ; among the trenerals nro Howard , Brooke , Briabln and Gibbon. Army Desertions. According to the report of the acting adjutant general of the army the num ber of desertions lust year was 489 less than the previous your , the percentage being reduced from 11 to 9. Sick headache Is the hano of many lives. To curounld iircveiitjUils annoying complaint lisa Ur. J. II. McLean's little liver and liid- ney pillet-s. They an ) agreeable to take and gentle in their action. " . " > cents a vial. HI ; ; Hal Inn War Ships The Italia and Lopanto of the Italian navy are two of the largest war ships over built. They are 400 feor. long , 74 feet broad and possess u mean draught of of water exceeding thirty foot. Gosslcr's Magic Headache Wafers. Guroal headaches in 20 minutes. At all druggists The iJe st Cricket Score. The highest individual score at cricket was made ly A. ' i'l Stoddart in the match played by the Hampsteads against the Stoics In 18SO. The total score was -18o. TRIPLING Wfni HEALTH. Jlost iioojilu consldu'r'ulinont8lifko | Hoursa- ness , CoiiKh , Pore Throat , etc. . not worth their wlillo to look after , anil they ought to puss away without any further notice belli- ? taken ot tliuiu. TliU ncKlcot Is vorv often tlia ciuii'O of fluverc ami protracted sloldiess , vhlch un dermines the constitution of the iiutlontmd : Ills general hupplncrs. Use ? eden Mineral I'usl 11 If.s ( Troches ) In time. They will olTect- ually oradlcato all the ahovu diseases. Ur. Moroau II. lirown writes ( Southern Medical World. June. 18S9) ) : "I have used the Hoden Mineral 1'ustllles In thu ClilcnKO 1'ollcllnlc , und find tlio results very satisfactory In I'luirynijltls us well as In chronic Cntiirrhnl conditions of the upper air pussaKCS. " The Soilcu Mlnoi-nl I'lihtllli-s never full tociiroills- cases of tlio Throat , Chest and Lungs. Obtain thoKenuIno article only , which must have the Hlsiijit uro mid rcuomincnilutlun of Sir Morrol Muckonrlo wltli etich box. lililH fur I'lililli : l > rlntiiiK. STATI : of NKIIIIASKA , 1 Oflleeof Stale Hoirrt ot rriiitlr.K , > L coLy , Noveinbiir 15th , 1MW. ) NOTICE TO lln > iiiis. ) : Sealed proposals will bo received nt any time nn or In-torn two o'clock p. in , ot the ill M Uny of Duucinbor , A , I ) . KM , for the printing of nil bill for the legthltituro with such matter - tor as may bo ordered by ollber homo thereof to bo printed in "hill form" which Is shown and designated as class ono ( I ) miner the printIng - Ing laws of the st ate of Nebraska. 1'nrtiiQ printing anil binding In paporeovors of ono thousand ( t.OOJ ) copies each ot the blon- nlal reports of the auditor of public accounts , treasurer , secretary of state , and commission er or public lands and buildings ; and II vo hun dred (500) ( ) eoplcs each of the biennial ropoits of tbo attorney genera ! , snporlntoiiUent of puli- llo Instruction , stale librarian , und adjutant general ; and all othnr icports and documents Unit may bo ordered printed bv the loglslu- turc , except , Mtclrus may enter Into and form u partottho journals , \\liluhclnssof work Is known nnd designated us class tlireo (3) ( ) under the printing Inws of Nebraska. The 1)111 work , executed under class one. shall be printed In Binall plea type on paper fourteen (14) ( ) Inches Ion ; ; by eight anil one-half ( SJi ) Indies wide , single page , paper to lie twcnly-olKlit I'JH ) pounds dotiblu ciii to the ream , and except the tlllo pigo : ; each pngo shall enatnln not less than twciitv-fivu (23) ( ) lines of solid matter ot seven (71 ( inches In length mid tlio linen shall ho siiceo.islvely numbered , with u blank only In each spnco bo- tueon thu lines. The tltlo ) m'o : of Bald bills shall contain not less tliuii nkhtoen ( IS ) lines ns above , with three ( II ) Inches additional space allowable for dlxplny title matter. Kach bid Nhnll .stato what IUo bidder Is wlll- IIIK to ilo the work coinpluto for , per pugo , for two hundred 1200) ) coplesof each bill ; also the lirlco for additional nundreds that mny ho or. tlored of tliu samelilll ut the same tlinu ns th original I-IX ) ) , IncludliiK i-onipimltlnn , pnporo luess work , stitching , folding , and nil work or , material enti'rlnit Into the work reiiilrol. | All work D.U'ciitcU iindnr class ono shall bn clollvurcil In peed order by the contractor to the oltlco of the Bftcretary of state within tlireo days after the receipt nt the order by said rimtrnctnr froju thu chairman the I'ommlltro on urlntlnK , la olther bnnch iittho lolulc.stims. All work executed'uijilcr class three (3)shull ( ) bn printed In long primer , lirovlor and nonna- rlui type , on paper fopo iilno Inches Ions ; oy six ( K ) Inches wide , jflruln page , paper to le forty-live ( Jropoundji Ut lit roam , or twuntv- four hy thirty-slv , . Shlto book. Kach bid utidei-eluss three sliilll state what tliolilddfr Is willing to do tho.iWnrk complete for , tier page , on inioh report , 'fff Item In thu class , In- cliiillni ; composltloli , . paper , press work , fitltehing. folding , itllilull work or material entering Into the worli ; icqiilrtul. ( lalley anil page pioof must be furnished when ivqulrcd by thonllleersof the. vwcutlvo dojiartnii'iit or tlui ehnlrmnu of tin ; ivimmlttoo on printing In either branch of thniuVvlsliitiiro.ork wlien completed to bo dvllYjorcd free of uxixinsoat tlni Htule lieu e. I'roposnls for worlo on each ot the above classes will not ho considered unless thosaii.o bo accompanied liyn. . > joul In thostimuf live thousand c { . ' > , " 00)dolliirfiwlth ) two or more sure ties : that IncahothuiiHirtV proposing for such contract shall benwnriled tlii'S.iiuosucli party will , within llvo ( .1) ) dnys after the award to him of Biich contract enter Into bonds for the faithful performance ! tliereof , as piovldcil by law and tbulern.Hof thcso proposals. Proposals Hhnll ho marked-Proposals for I'ubllc Printing" anil uddressed lothobtato board of printing. In care of the secretary of state , Lincoln , Neb. Oontraetflon class ono ( I ) , as above specified , will bo tiwnrdo ; ! as a wholo. L'ontrilotson class three ( to , ns ubovo spool- fled , will ho nwunled In wholoor In part as the board mny elect. Humpies of the work to bo executed under class ono ( I ) , und three ( ID , muy bo seen til the ofllco of the secretary of stiite. Contracts on nuovo classes ono (1) ( ) . ana thrre CD. to run two (2) ( ) years from December Uth. HO i. The state printing board reserves the right to i eject any or all bids. 11EN It , COWIIKHV , t-ocrerary ot Stnto. T. II. HKMTO.V , Auditor of I'uhllu Accounts. J , E. HIM- . Treasurer. PROF. KOCH Unhesitatingly recommends Soclcn Mineral Pastilcs ( tro ches ) for allt throat , lung and catarrhnl diseases , Dr. Koch said ; "A cough for which I tried many other medicines , which had not the slightest effect , soon became better and has now entirely disappeared. " If you arc. suffering from a cold astb bronchial cough , a , ma , catarrh throat trouble , or any , the Soden Mineral Troches will positively relieve where all else fails. fails.Be Be sure to obtain the genu ine imported article , which must have the signature and recommendation of Sir Morrell Mackenzie with each box. None other arc genuine. RfflLWflY TIME GKRD IxsnTDi I CIIIUAliO. HUIU.INIH'UN A < J. I Arrlroj Omaha. I Depot 10th nnd Mn m streets. I Umnhs 1.30 p ni Chicago Kxpruta j 8.00 a ra 9.5) am Chicago Rxprcss H.VO p m 9.10 p ni CblcaKO Kzpresi . , , , . . . , ' 10.05 in J.60Pju _ Iowa Lcical , . . , „ . _ . .jllUJjri. 'l.en eT 'iVrotf * .Nil ) . HI\rElt. | Arrives Depot lutli and Mason streets. I Omaha. 10.V& a ni . . .Denver D.ty Ktpross I 4 05 p m 10.VS a m Denver Kxprcsi G.1.1 p m 6.40 pni . . .Denver Mubt Viproi \ > M n ra B.ia am . .Lincoln l-ocal | MX ) p ru KM. . , ri'f , J. 4 ii u. "TArrUos n pot lOlh nnil Mnion atrooti. | Omnha , 9.tO n m l . . . .Knns.n CUT Dnr Kinross. . . . ! C.10 p ra p | K.a Night Bin. Tin U. 1' . Trani.j 11.41 n ra Dgpot lOlli and Marcy tro t < . 2.60 p m Orvrlaml Flyer I l > .0. > p m 7.30 p m 1'ncltlo Kxprot . 11.45 n ru lO.'JU a m . Denver ICxpresj . p m ti.OO a m Kausa * City Kiprosi . U.UJ a m 10.16 a 'yli ? ? i ( except aim. ) . . . i.'Q p ra n " ITlIIfiATJO' , It. T , A 1'AOlFllX I Arrives Omaha. U. 1' . ilcpot. lOlh nnil Mnrcy HU. I Orimlia. _ " " 8.10 p m NlKht"Krpre s . " 10.03 a "ra H.05 a m . Atl.intlc Kipres * . S.'M p m 4 JO p jn _ Lil.J. . .VeUlbule I.tulteiJ. . . . . .i 10.45 a m . . ' AfriTT" J J.TYVJ i ntvKiA.viii n 1'AiTIPrc. I \j\iii \ Onmlia. | 1J. I' , depot , 10th nnd Mnrcy His. | Om-ilit 7.16 a ml . Sioux City Passenger. . * . 71 4.a : pjn | , _ . . . .St. 1'aul Kipruss. . jlO.10 a i m Xonvci i "Slotj.'f OlTt A"lTAlilrlU'iAt lve Omaha. I Depot 16th and Webster Bis. [ Unmlia li.OO p in | . .St.J 'mil l.lmllod. . . I lUljim Omnha. | u. 1' . depot , lUlli nnd Marcy * Sl' . I Onnln. 9.15 a ni . . , , Chicago l jpre/si. . , C/AI p m 4.TO p ra Votlbulo Limited 9..V ) a m 0.13 p in Iowa. Aceommodatlon ( Kxo. Hun ) 7.05 p m V.10 p m Eastern Fljer 2.43 p ra 11.45 a in ( eio SunlKnul Kant KMoxcMonl 7.40 a m iClllU'AliU , .Mlu , A M'f. I'AUlj.l Arrliet I U.I' , depot. 10th und Marcy 8ts. | Omaha. I . . .iChlcAKO l xpress , . . . . . , , 1 9.45 a m | . . . . . . . . .Chicago Kinross . . .J li.M u m I OMAHA.t ST. LOUIS. 'Arrives ' | U. I > . depot. lOlli find MnrcrSU. I Omaha. 1 bt. 1-ouli C nnim Hull | 12.iu : p in l.eave < I K , K. A MO. V A I , MiY. Arrlroi O aha. I Dopotl'it ! ! ail WobiturStt. Oiniha. U.OO a ni Black Hills Ripress. . 9.00 a m . . .iiustlnxs Kip. ( Ki.'Suniiityli ! , | & .20 p m fi.10 p ra WahooALlncoln Taa ( Kx.Himd'y ) 10.30 a in .York A Norfolk ( ErL SunilttylO.VU ) | a ua M * oT Oiiiahn.il jppct 15th nnd Wi'lmur 8ti. D.10 a m . . .Bloui City Accommodation. , . 1.09 p m . .Sioux City Kxpros ( Kx. Sun. ) . . 5.00 p in St. 1'iuil Limited 5.15 D m .llancoft 1'niicntferJKT. ! m.J ) H.4i a COniaha. DopQtlfith and Webster 81 * . 10.30 a ra .St. l/nl A K. C. Kxpruts. . . . ILP "i I -St. I'QUls A K.i.Kxpren E5alii eilIUAGDTltT l. A " Tranifflr I Union Dupot. rniinui , Illutli. 6.30 p ml . NlKbt Kxpre 0.80 a ml . Atlftnllo Kipreia . . . .Vestibule l.lmlloil LareT T01IIC XBUTTNO U'Tll W KHTK W. Trnniforl Union Depot , Council llliitta. ft HTTTAUu. ) ArrlTM Transfer ! Union Dopot. Council lllufTs. iTranifer O.M p in I . . .Chicago Kipren I M.15 a ra la.SU p nil . . . .Chicago Kiprin- . . , | C.Up ( ) _ m Loaros . . . . . _ 10 : Tranifor Union Dapot. Council lllurlt I Trans for 1001 a raj . . . .Kansas City Day Rxpresn. . . , ! 5.43 p m 10.25 p m.hnnm | Clly Xlght K prB a , , . | KM a m "l oarer'OMATlAi StTISTlIIS TArriTaT" TransferJ Union Depot , CounfU niuITi [ Tranifor MJU E , . . . . . ' . . l Qiils j'nnnn llall , . . _ „ _ . . 112.15 p m TCllICAHOTnu"Hi7H A. ( JlllNOY | fl Union Depot , Council HlnlTa. { Tranifer U.40 a m , , Chicago Kiprosi. 6.20 p ra 10.00 p ra Chicago KtpreM 0.40 a ra 7. 05 p ra Croiton Ixical 11.a ) a m 810UX C1TV A I'ACIHU. | Arrlrei Union Dupot , Council lllug . I'J'rnnsfor .Bloui City Accommodation. . . ! I'.CJ n in fit. l' ul Itiprcm 110.00 p ta Misaouui I AIIFIC ; SUIUIIUIAH TUAIJIS. fVlAMHOOD " ' "SAKATIVO/'the Wonderful Spanleb Itcracdy , caret all NorvoiiB Ulsensce , Biicb an Weak Mem ory , Loss of Drain 1'owcr , HeudftcliP , Wnkcfutneei , Loal - - . . . . . ftmT * , Manhood , Ncr\one- foroA. After Use. HCEK , T.nfsltudc , all hotoKiaplifu from U7e. OralDB and lorn ol power of the Generative Organ * , In cither sex , cauacd by ovcr-cxertlon , youthful lndlecret < nnioi the exccttlve uee of tobacco .oplurnor ( tlmnla.its , which ultimately lead to Infirmity , ConRiimptlon and Insanity , Put UP In convenient form to carry In thu veet pocket. 1'rlce $1 a pnckacc , or 0 for Si Sent by mail lo any address , Circular free. Mer > tlon thli PHPT. Addrens ADBIPCitimiciLCO. , til UearboroStCtilctfioIll. FOUSALU IN OMAHA. NKII. . UY Kulm & Co. , Cor. ISlli & Dauphin htreclt. J , A. Fuller 4 Co. , Cor. Ut'i ' , t DouRlin Streets. A. O. Kuttcr & Co. . Council Illulls. Iowa. To euro nilloinncfis. Blck ttondacho , Constipation , MnJarln. Mvor Coniplalnta , lake the eafo and certain remedy , SMITH'S BILE BEANS . . . . . „ „ . . u , , , ) llttlo bean < to fliebot. tlo ) . They nro tlioiiiiibtconvenient : cult ullages. 1'rlcooteltberclzo , 15 ! cenu per buttle. K.IOOBH\iQ pano'leUootthU plcturo for 4 oeata ( coppersor ctaaiuij ) . J. F. RMITTt ft CO. . Makers of "llllu lluans , BtLouts. . Mo. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , . . LIMITED. LIVE srooic 'COMMISSION. OMAHA and Jobbcis' DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. | BOXES. The Bmnswick-Balke John L , Wilkie , Oollendor Oo. Illlllard inirclmtiilhc , Omnlmpnperbox factory , S.ilnon ailurei. . 1317-1310 HoilKlnl. 407. iro.S.lOlhroot ( , Umnhn. Orilcru | ironiplly HIM. BOOK BINDERS & STATIONERS. Omaha Eepublican Printing Oo. , Urn briefs , brink supplies , nnil crcr/thlnz In ( hi prlntlui ; line. lOllinnd Doiiitlns utrcoK Ackernmnn Bros. & Iloiutze , Printer. ' , tlmlors , cloelrotyper , blnnW book mntiii- fnctiirers , 1110 Hownr.l strocl , Omaha. WANTED Total Itiua of OITIEBj COUNTIES , SCHOOL DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , BT.R.nCOMPANIEStw. Uorrtupondtnfo sulUHcd. ' N.W.HARRIS &COMPAHYBankers , I03-'e3 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. IS Wall Street , NEW YORK. 7O State St. , BOSTON. LADIES ONLY UlfilP FEMALE REGULATOR , S PIIIUlU anUCerlilu to * ( lay ur money f ! * funded. Ly mall . Heour.Jy n l d from o * 'i - - - ' MtTttlOD. COOK