THE OMAHA DAILY BJUK : MONDAY , DECEMEEK 1 , 1890. THE OMAHA HEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 I'BAllL ST. rellvcml liy Cntrlor In any pnrt of the City. II.V. . T11.TUN. - - - MANAUK1. HtmlrtCRs Office , No. 41 \ , NlRlitKdltor. No. 33. ji * : . N. Y. P. Co. Council Illufra Lumber Co. . coat. The rcpulnr weekly meeting of the city council tonight promises to bo full of Into rest to the public. Tlio Athletic club beld n mcnttnc In their rooms over tlio Mnnhnltnn yesterday after noon nnct took the Initiatory stcp.i toward marking out the programme for their win ter's sports. Charles Conrad , a young pupil of the dcnf nnd dumb Institute who ran nwny from the school n few days nifii , tin * been returned by a farmer named Itlof , to whoso place on I'ldffcon creek tlio little Icllow cumu on Sat urday. If you have neglected to pay your tuxes for the yi-ur 18V. ) vou will sixvo n few ilollnrs by attending the mmunl tax sale Unit begins thl.s moraine at the county treasurer's ofilco. The sulo will lust some time , olthouirh the ilelliniuunt list Is not ns lurgo this year as last. last..Toe .Toe Mcl'hcrson , the well known market pardener , Is looking for horse which some one unhitched nnd roilo away from his prom ises Saturday night. IIo had loft tlio uulimil hitched to a post lor a few moments In front of his resilience and when hu out it was gone. The Onrncr township school directors have ailccd County Superintendent Cooper to es tablish uniform text books throughout the county. They have filed a petition asking him to tnko steps to submit the question to tlio voters nt the annual huhool election next uprlnif. The now l.Vhorso ! ! power ciiRlno built at the Ogden Iron worlts , and the largest engine over built In the city , will be set In motion nt the electric light works this oveninij. The delay In starting the tower lights has beeu occasioned by the Interruption of putting In this now machinery , KciMcnts and owners of property in the vicinity of IHg Inlto nro trying to work up n wildcat scare ns a now nnd uttr.iotlvo feature for that resort. They nro circulating the re port that a Thomas cat of prodigious illinou- Blons and extraordinary lung power U in tlio htibll of promenading around the lake nnd chilling tlio blood of the residents by pro longed yowls. The ilru department was brought out at 9 o'clock last night by n call from box 'Jl , lo- ciiteil on Upper Oakland avenue. The trouble was occasioned by lire In the grass nnd leaves in the rear of the premises of Lucius Wells , which bail evidently been set by some care less or niiscblovous boys. The tire wns ca- dniigcriiiliis | barn nnd ho required help to extinguish it. James Hughes got the lot In Morninpslcle that was donated by Judge McCeo to the Catholic fair ladies. The sisters nt St. Ber nard's hospitul Rot the buggy nnd "C. O. D. " " Brown was voted to bo "tho most popular grocer in tlio city. The total receipts of the fair have not been ascertained , but It is cer tain that they will be very largo. The fair was in every respect a great success. The longest line of hose that 1ms oven been laid In the city was run out yesterday and n Htrcam of water forced through It by the faithful llttlo engine ' Itescuo. " Tlio Hue reached from tbo nearest llro plug to Morn- liiKsldc addition , nnd was'J.DOO feet , nlmost half a mile , Irom the endue to the nozzle , The line was laid for the purpose of tilling n number of cistnrns In that locality , which has been threatened with u water famine. Mrs. .lohn Dalton , who attempted to run n private pound at her residence in the south ern part of the city and lock up her neigh- - bar's cows , was found pullty of the charge ol assault and battery preferred by Mrs Emiun Tipp , Mrs. Tlpp was made the victim of the assault when she attempted to take away hei crttle by force. It was a jury trial and occu pied tbo attention of Justice Burnett all ol Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Dalton was fined $1.1 and costs. Nora Hansdall , the stepdaughter of Mr Williamson , who created some excitement ninonu her friends by suddenly disappearing from the Bloomer school , nnd who , it was subsequently discovered , hud contracted bac habits , is being bunted up by her relative : with the intention of being sent to tlu reform school. Her parents liuvi bcn unable to tind her for sonn time , and yesterday they appealed to Ofllce : < ficswlck. The ollicor was able to give then Borne informntlo.n that led to her discovery It Omaha. When found by the Omaha onlcen she was occupying a bed with another glr named ICdgaj and n somewhnt nntoriou : character from this city known ns "Hutch. ' She wns locked up nnd will bo brought ovc today nnd sent to the reform school. Dr. McNiuiKlitoii , who so long and nbl ; llllcd the position of superlntcndcn of the city schools in Council HlufTs , ha been ca'leil ' to n now nud what will un doubtedly prove a wider and more uscfu Held of labor , where his ability ns un in Htructornud the director of instructors wll bnvo better opportunity for notion. IIo ha been elected to the position of president a the Htato normal school at ftlayvillo , N I ) . , and has gone to his now llcl of labor. The position is nn import ant one , ami one that only a ma of bis ability can successful ! lilt. It was established under terrltorh organization , ntitl when the new state wn Admitted It was enlarged and its Held cs tended. It Is under tbo control of n stut board of trustees. Mayvillo is located b ( twcen Kargo and Oraml Forks and is one c the most promising cities in the now staU Mrs. McNiinghton will spend the winter i Southern California and her son will visl friends in Sioux City. Dr. McNaughton ! tnko many warm wlsbcs for his success wit him from bis friends hero , and they wi ! watch his career with a great deal of Intorcs uonlldcnt that bo will make n IIHIIKI for tb new school that will extend beyond tb borders of the now state. Louis Ottcnhclmcr has removed to 41 Broadway with a full Una of clothing. An A. O. U. W. UntRrtnlnmont. On Wednesday evening next the inonibci Of Council DlulTs Lodge No. 370 Unite Workmen will glvo a musical nnd llterar "fcntortninment at Dobanoy's opera house f < the bcnotltof thn Ilomu for the Friendless 1 this city. As will ho seen by glancing nt , tli programme given below some of the be ; 1 local talent will bo in tbo oust , Ovurturo Hii ; Keel tut Ion Miss Suiihla Uurm Kong Qunrtntto . .Slussrs , WoMcot , OKduii , Alton und Oliu "In Ulmriicter lilts" Kd K.Uoirlt Heli'etlim Htu Itpclintlon MlssIIrnstenoStoiilia litstrnmi'ntnl duett Mussr.-i. lludolctt and William Murpli Vocal Solo Miss MiiBBln Llildi lti > ultitloii : Mrs.K. W hyoi liihtruiiiuntiil duett "HlK Ilnriis" 1H. . and R J. He Vooul dnott-Si'U'ctlon Mrs , \V , W. Sherman and Mrs , P. H. Evai A Christmas I'uzzln. What shall we buy for tlio holidays ? this puzzles you conio In nnd see our bollili otlnictloiiRt brilliant diamonds ; gold in silver watches nnd chains ; quaint , novel , no patterned Jewelry , rings , bracelets , necklace lockets ; tiold-hoaded canes ; solid silver an ] > latcd ware ; too ninny novelties to mini you must see thorn to uppreclato them , tin nro so artistic nnd beautiful ; visitors \vi coino to see our display. C. II. Jacquciulu Co. , No. 87 Main st. A Combine on Tiolc * > C Soiling. Thcro Is no inoro popular or encrRCI ticket agent In the city than J. O. Mitcbc who bos so long nnd well represented t Chicago & Northwestern nnd the Waba railways. His ol lco Is now to bo moro of union ticket onira than over , the Union I1 clflo iilnohiK ita business also In tils 1mm' Ihp ofllco Is to bo made moro coinmodlo nnd convenient , nnd numerous Improvomcii In slBim , desKs und coses will tniiUo it f inoro attractive. The traveler can now accommodated If ho nppllos to Mr. Mitchi " for transportation north" , south , cast or wei .1.0. Blxby , stoaui noatlnij , sanitary e glnecr. UJ3 Ufa Imlldmsr , OiUiUij aoj Me riam block , Council lllufu TboMaubattonsportiuK beaJq.uartor3 , 4 Uroadwuy , Rev T , J , Mnckay Talks About Messiah Grazes , Fast and Present. GHOST DANCERS VERSUS MILLERITES , Johnny Mtiher Arrested Upon a of Forgery An Hntcrtnln * in cut Tor the Homo < > ! ' the I'l'lcndloen. At St. Paul's church yesterday morning Hev. T. J. Mnckay gave some interesting thoughts on the subject of Indian nnd whlto Mejsslahs. The following is the outline of the discourse : The history of tbo race has been one of dissatisfaction nnu unrest , and u constant looking forward to some irolJen ago which should fulllll all the asplr.itlons of mankind. Every race has had Its Messiah. The .lews looked forward to ono who was to restore them to their own land nnd their former national glory. IIo came , not us the earthly conqueror. but ns tbo "I'rlnco of Peace" tiot to deliver from the Koinan yoke , but to sot them free from sin. fii vain ho declared his kingdom was not of this world. Even among his chosen disciples , the olil leaven lingered nftor his crucifixion. Despite the warnings of his tory nnd the sad experience of the Jews , many still believe in a literal coming of a Messlnh. who Is to reign upon this earth for n thousand years. The curious form of fanntlclsm which Is llko wild lire through the Indian tribes is simply the repetition of similar phenomena which have occurred in ottier lands. Deprived of land and liberty , it is natural that they should Indulge In tbo hope so common to the race , that n mighty deliv erer wns to arise , who was to restore to them their ancient privileges nnd crush the bated whiles. This belief may have originated in the teachings of Christianity , and ns they heard of the promised Messiah of tlm Jew and tbo Christian. 1 * . was but natural they should be Incited bya llko hope. Wo may smile at their enthusiasm nud the ghost dunces by which they keep nllvo this fanaticism , but when wo remember the Mlllcrlto cruzo wo should hesitate before Judging them harshly. Their ghost dances are not much moro ridiculous than the nightly meetings of the Mlllerltcs In their whlto robes , preparing to meet tbo Lord In the air. The mlllenium of tbo Indian , which con sists of plenty of buffalo meat and freedom to hunt and 1111 tholr belts with scalps of tbo bated white , is but llttlo inoro gross and ma terial than the inlllcnium to which largo numbers of intelligent people are looking for ward. Notwithstanding their many sad disap pointments nnd tbo Hat failures of their prophecies , it Is surprising that this belief is still shared in by so many eurncit , sincere Christians. Their peculiar views are based on the prophecy of Daniel and that equally mystical book , the revelation of St. John , the divine. I commend the reading of Furrnr's "Early Days of Christianity , " where ho conclusively proves that tbo revelation is simply n description of the events already happening at tbo time St. John wrote , are a prophecy of the events which wcro soon to happen in tbo destruction of Jerusalem and the persecutions of Ctiristians under Nero. Wcro it for nn other reason than the vast divergences of the commentators of this won derful book 1 should bo inclined to look with suspicion upon the theories of the ndventlst , whoso views are completely nt variance with the hading Christian scholars in every laud today. Uut n ldo from this I cannot see any reason in the eternal Illness of things for the expec tation that Christ .will comu in person to reign upon this earth for a thousand yc.irs. It Is improbable to thlnlc thnt after IIo de clared that it was expedient for Ills followers tlint IIo should go away from them , in order that His teachings might bo understood by them , thr.t Ho should leave ttio glories of heaven to reign cm u llttlo planet lilio this earth. Tbo whole doctrine has a ropulslvo , ma terial aspect. It the glories of hoavcn ore equal to tbo anticipation wo have formed of it from tbe revealed word , where would bo tbo advantage of a thousand years' oxistonca on this earth I Would it not still bo un exile from the true homo of the heart I There is to be n coming of Christ , but it is not wholly in the future , nor wholly outward Wherever right has triumphed , there ha < Christ oomo. Underneath tbo Messiah of the Jews , the A voter of tbo Hindu , tbo Golden Ago of tlu Itomuii , the Messiah of the Indian and tlu coming of the King of the Second nuventist lies the one great hope common to every race , and shared in by ttio same enthusiastic nn " turcs everywhere" . Wo may stnllo at thcli extravagances and pity their being led captive tivo by delusions , but their hope is liuniai and wo nil share In it. Like travelers bourn for the snni'j port , wo lose sight of each otboi in tbo mists and darkness , but tbo siunc goa is over before us that goal , the hopa tbn some day evil will have disappeared , sin b ( vanquished forever , nnd above earth's babe sounds shall bo heard , tbe echo of the nngcl'i song on Bethlehem's plain , proclaiming evl dead and Christ tbo heart's true king. Wo do not noliovo that the realization ol this liopo lies In the progress of 'tbo intellect or in now conquests over nature , or in im provemcnt of laws , nor In tbo glories of art or triumphs of science. All these may bi characteristics of the dav for whtcU all trm hearts sigh , but that which will truly con stltuto the blessedness of man will bo tin gradual dying out of his baser passions , am the inner growth ot Uodllko love and self sacrltlco. Instead of waiting and wondering wo should carnetly labor for the coming o that kingdom , for which wo daily pray. A UTJSIXKSS 1'KOl'OSITIOX. Wn Ilnvo Oiin to Talk to You Alinul BUSINESS FOR YOU AND BUSINESS FOU US. Experlcnco has proved to you and us tbn the time to malto hay Is when the sun shines The sun Is shining for the buyer this seaso and tbo seller 1ms to coma to time nnd sc ! tils goods in the season they are bought foi Wo have an overstock of goods and righ now Is the time to sell It wo know 111 Th weather is unfavorable for the dry good trade , but wo propose to sell our stock , if lo\ prices will do it. Wo will offer tomorrow an during this week such attractive bargains 1 cloaks , Jackets , wraps , misses' und children' cloaks , underwear , and nil heavy clothing a such prices that it will pay anyone wh Studio * economy to lay in their goods for th season. Our stock is all fresh nnd of tli Intost and best styles. Our holiday department , which Is the a ( knowlcdged center of attraction , will bo opo to the public after Monday. It takes up on entire third lloor nnd consists of the lutes' ' choicest and rarest novelties thnt the Atnci lean mid European markets produce. A tri through our house and tbo various de-par meuts will convince , every loyal citizen ( Council Bluffs thitt our institution is nut bi bind the time : ) , but the lender of all cstal 'llslunents in the nortnwcst. Everybody co dhilly Invited. Call and see us. Hr.Niiv KISKMAX it Co. , Broadway nndl'enrl street , Council Bluff Hotter AsHoulntloiiN for Employee , The great railway systems that center he : have taken some Important step ] toward s curing better associations for their ci ployos , or rather for securing the best ass clatlons for them when they are not on dut A movement has been started by tbo Unit Pacific and Northwestern systems look It toward the establishment of Young Men Christian associations at all tbo prluclp , division points along tholr lines. The of cers of the association m this city bnvo boo advised of the plans tlio companies hn\ \ under consideration nnd have boon asked i ' * assist in the work nt this point. n Tbo Union I'ncitlo company have dost tinted sixteen points along their line * wUc they will establish associations and dofrnyi expenses of inaugurating am ] maintain ! ) them , In nddltlon to this they have offen to donate . ' 0,000 toward the erection of p ; manent buildings. The Northwestern coi pany has designated four points on Us Un in Iowa where they will ilo the sumo thin The Iowa points nro Council IIlutTs , Itoon Cedar Kiiplds and a point yet to be select on the Mississippi river. At each of the 13 places the company will pay all the expcns that may bo incurred and will employ i active local secretary , who will devote all of hit time to the work. The associations are ueslgned to bo for the use of tbe men , but not exclusively. Active and local workers nud members at the various places will bo asked to assist , in pushing the work , The sumo general plan will bo followed by the Union i'ncillc. Hnllwny managers claim tint the bu lne i will stand the expense Incurred and the In vestment will bo a good ono for the service. ( Joncrally when the railway employes coino In of ! their runs they have no pluco to go but n bonrdltitf bouse , nnd drift from that Into sa loons nut ) other questionable places of resort. They claim that the service demands the best men thatcan boobtnlticd.and the best method of securing nnd keeping them is to create places where they can congregate and not only bo removed from all temptation , but uo surrounded by the best associations. At each of the points the association rooms will bo provided as near tbo depot buildings ns possible , where the men can io directly from their trains , tnkon bntb and spend their leisure hours. Wherever It is possible the rooms will be tilted up in tbudepot buildings. It Is said that the plans for the new depot to be built by the Northwestern In this city contemplate largo and nicely arranged nuart- meats for this purpose. Tbo members will not bo asked to con tribute to dclray the ex- pcnso of maintaining the assoclattuns , but can make voluntary contributions whenever they feel llko it. It Is expected thnt tbo associa tion will bo established in conjunction with the Union I'adlio and will be one of the llncst on the lino. C. A. Bcebo fe Co. are going out of the re tail trndn and will close out their line line of ladles' writing and ofllco desks , book cases , chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor and chamber suits , folding iieds , plain and fancy rockers , cabinets , mirrors , etc. , etc. , tor less than cost. Utiy your coal nnd wood of C. B. Fuel Co. , 530 Uroudwny. Telephone liO. ! Money tn loan at straight G per cent per annum. E. S. Uarnctt , agent. Scott House. 85 ct. meals , 2Jc. Johnny Mnlier In More Trouble. Johnny Mnlier , who has not always sailed through the smoothest sens during his years of residence In Council Bluffs , Is In trouble ngnln , and trouble that may prove to bo ol a serious nature. Ho his scarcely recovered from the wounds that wcro Inflicted upon him by ox-Ofllccr Noycs while resisting arrest last summer , and has been living very quietly without attracting public attention. Last evening ho was brought before the public ngnln by being arrested upon the charge of littering forged paper. Ho vehemently dcnys all knowledge of the crime nnd claims to feel no uneastncss.over the outcome of the case that Is being made against him. On Saturday evening two young nnd some what innocent looking young men went into the Mint saloon. Quito a crowd were in there and they were at once taken to bo a couple of verdnnts from the country. Several cracks wore made ut them and finally a proposition was made for them to wrestle with each other for money. Several mutches were mndo and some money was bet. on the result. Finally the smaller ono of the strangers was matched to wrestle a colored porter. Mnlier was back ing the boy nnd wanted to but 510 more on the result , but did not have the money. Tlio doy had taken off part of his clothes and loft them In an adjoining room. In ono of the pockets was a & 0 bill. IIo told his comrade to KO back and got the money and take care of it , nnd while ho was dome so Mahcr appeared and tooic the money out of bis hand and put It In bis pocket , tell ing him that the young man had told him to tnko it and bet on tbo result. Tha comrade Imparted this information to tbo boy , and ho stopped bis preparations for tbo contest nnd bunted up Mnhcr. Mahcr told him lie only wanted to borrow $10 of It , and would take the bill and give him a chock for the other half. Maber had been Introduced ns Frank II. Ueed. Ho prqduced n blank chock and drew it for the amount. The young man ac cepted It and went on with the contest and got beaten. Yesterday bo tried to get his check cashed at several places , but no one know a man with u nnmo correspond ing to that signed to the 'check. It finally dawned upon him that ho bad been victimized , ana bo bunted up a police man and told ids story. The ofllcor sent him to the station and bo confldod in Chief Cnroy. When the chief heard it and questioned both of tbo young men and obtained a full descrip tion of tbo man who had given the check ho roadlly recognized him ns Johnny Manor , nnd ordered Olllcer Graham to arrest him. He was found and taken to tbo station. Tbo two young men were questioned by Chief Carey nnd thny told him who thov were nnd where they came from. The llttlo follow , who had been contldcnccd , said his name was Sam Smith and that ho was n nephew of 1' , .1. Mulhollnnd , the ice man in this city. The oilier wns Frank Hoed. They bad been working on n farm In Shelby county and came to the city Friday night. They still had the worthless check in their possession , after having fulled in several efforts tc pot It cashed. The check was drawn on the First National bank in favor ol "cash , " and signed "Prank H. Heed. " Tiioj haunted the bank closely during the after noon nnd at mail time met one of the ofilccrt who had stopped in a moment. They shoivei him tbo check and wcro promptly assurei that no such man as Frank II. HeoJ had an accou nt ihuro , tAf tor Matter was brought to the station'thi hoys wcro taken In and nt once indentltiei ! him as the person who bad given the check but Mnlier declared that ho did not knov them and hail never scon thorn before. A messenger was dispatched for Actinj Police Judge Schurz , and Smith and Heei ; filed an information charging Mnber with ut tcring forged paper. Ho wns still at tbo sta lion awaiting developments , and before the key was turned on him Dan Cnrrigg had lllei a bond for him for Sl.fiOO , and ho was rclcasoi to await a hearing today. Immediately afterward a complaint wai lodged against Smith nnd Heed , chargbif. them with carrying concealed weapons , ant they were placed under arrest. They won discharged on their own recognizance to up pear today. _ fr. ) Soybcrt. lies. Ogden house. Tel. 14C Scott House. Best $1,00 per day house ii the city. ST. ANDKEWS DAY. Memorial Services nt Trinity Cattle dral I-mst Night. Yesterday was observed throughout th country by people' tbo Episcopal faith n St. Andrew's day. The Brotherhood of SI Andrew In Omaha has been growing quit rapidly during tbo past few years , and th year ISM ) has been one of great ndvanccmcn with this very worthy religious organization Tbo memorial setviccs were hold in Trlnlt cathedral at 7:30 last night nnd wcro at tended by a very largo nuulonco of chure people , a considerable number of whom won young men. Bishop Worthington delivered an addrcs of great earnestness nnd full ot good tiling for Christians in general and members of tl : brotherhood in particular. Mr. H. . M. Hopkins spoke brief ! of the work done by tbo A Saints church chapter of tbo brotherhood. Mr. Joseph WCOKS of St. Manilas chnptc olToioda few very appropriate remarks , an Mr. L. H. Baxter spoke upon tbo importai work for and among young men as u ropn scuta tivo of the chapter o ! the brothcrhoo organized und doing excellent work la tl thn church of the Good Shcpard. The organization is in excellent workin trim nnd the now year will bo begun wll prospects of doing n vast amount of cfTccti\ \ Christian work. Colonel HonKolaiid'ri Ijocturc. President Hoageland of the Boys' ni Girls' National Homo and Employment ass o elation spoke at the First Presbyterian chun last night to an appreciative nudleneo. I occupied an hour reviewing the work of tl association , referring to the army of youths In the United Status to show tl necessity that existed for reform. IIo gn\ \ an Interesting account of the fourth nation convention held a year ago \Vashingti City , and said that a number of lav on crimes und reforms among you would bo laid before the Icgislntur of all the status this white The intention is to establish Intelligence o lleos all over the country for the benefit i boys seeking employment. Ho stated th the work bad been fully endorsed In moi than three hundred cities visited by him. ' 'Lights nnil Shadows , " luVld mclo-dtamn , the scenes of which nrclo&i < < ! d In New York under "Tho ring , " whnteyc ' | lint may inenii , was made known nt the Gijind last evening to a very largo audience. . . "bights nml Shadows" Is the sort of piny thnt Is generally alluded ty UH "n drnmmer. " The peculiarities of thd.drammcr" , piny are live nets ; twq , .heroes ono n vlllnn , ono an nngclwho - sacrifices bis llfo for the heroine ! olio heroine who tlces the Importunities rtf the vlllnln-boro throughout tlio live nets , eventually fetching up in tbo arms of the nngel-hero ; ono villain- woman who Invariably talk 'ivlth ' nn accent ; and two or thrco old men who dlo nnd leave largo fortunes to the heroine. If these per sonages nro mixed up Judiciously and flavored with n police Inspector nnd two or three toughs , the whole garnished with a tank , you have n "drummer" play of tbo "Lights nnd Shadows" order. * The members of the company have evi dently been selected for tlio quality of tholr voices , for the piny Is cast In a heroic mold , and It requires lung power to bring out the thrilling nnd srnsatloiml clmmxcs in which the "drummer" abounds. Miss Nannie Palmer played the much * tortured heroine , nnd W. 0. Iloldcn tbo angel-hero. The amount of suffering they were compelled to undergo would drive most man nnd women insane , but they always coino up smillnp , ready for the next encoun ter , which they Invariably knocked out in the wind-up. The scenery is good and the den of Mother Meg , which Is eventually Hooded with water , realistic to n degree , us Is also the steel room , which caught tlio gallery ns completely as "NIok-of-thc-Woods" did long ago. Tbo play Is reminiscent of the palmy days and to tbo gallery Is "out of sight. " "Fatherland , " Charles ( Inrdner's pretty picture of llfo In tlio Tyrol , was given nt tlio Boyd lust evening to nn Immense nudleneo and won n deserved success. Mr. Gardner sang several new songs nnd hns In tbo "Fatherland" tbo best play In his repertoire , Tbo company is very good , including Kobcrt Ferguson , Frederick Hoborta , Miss Eva Byron nnd Miss Ida Vnleanco. J'iittiO\.l A I'.i .lSIt.I MIS. P. n. Uussoll of Denver is nt the Pnxton. E. N. Smith of New York Is at tbo Murray. II. 0. Long of Columbus , O. , Is at the Bar- ' ker. ker.L. L. C. Johnson of SnJULako is at. tbo Mil- lard. lard.Ora Ora Botkln of San Francisco is at tbo Casey. E. H. Parsons of Utah is registered at tbo Murray. tl. W. West of Chicago was nt the Casey last night. E. Miller of Chicago was at the Darker last night. E. H. Forsyth of Grand Island is nt tbo Merchants. F. t > . Lusk of Wyoming was at the I'axton last night. .T. M. Heaves of Lima , O. , is in the city , nt the Murray. E. A. Spcrry of Denver Is in the city , nt the Pnxton. H. H. Sutherland of Lincoln Is In the city , at the Barker. J. Stanford Poorey of Liverpool , Eng. , Is nt the Millard. S. S. Wcpton of Sioux City is in the cityat the Merchants. K. W. Johnson of Fremont was at the Mer chants hist night. T. V. Mclntiro ot Pueblo1 , Colo. , was at tbo Millnrd lust night. C. A. 'McDonald of North Platte is In the city , at tbo Cnsey. Charles MeKonzio of Dunlay , la. , is regis tered at tbo Casey. David Fuller of Minneapolis was at the Murray last night. John Garvin of Lnko City. Colo. , is in the city , nt the Millnrd. H. S. King of Chicago was in the city last niKht , ut the I'axton. A. It. Humphrey of Kroken Bow is regis tered at the Merchants. . . . Tbo members of the , Lights and Shadows company are registered rt tno Banker. Ncbraaka People Abroad , CiiiCAr.o , Nov. M. Ex-Governor nnd Mrs. Alvin Saunders of .Omaha nro at tbo Audi torium. Toi'BKt , Kan. , Nov. SSO.--.T. A. Whnlcn and J. T. Stnnhopo of Omaha nnd C. Crothwalto of David City are at tlio National. llowo & Co. Itcply to Coots. OMAHA , Nov. 29. To the Editor of TUB BEE : In regard to Mr. Coots' denial wo would like to make the following statement : Mr. Coots says ho never got n bid from us , that ono was mailed to him the afternoon of the day of letting. Now , wo can prove by our bookkeeper that bo personally took tbo bid to Mr. Coots' otllco nbout ! ) o'clock In tbe morning , when the bids wcro to ho In ut 11 o'clock in tbo forenoon. Mr. Coots asked mo tb divide our bid , which was a lump bid for both plumbing nnd steam heating , but when 1 refused to ao so Mr , Coots told mo In his own otllco that our bid was lower than any two combined bids , ho should use our figure , and , if tbo contract was awarded to him , we should bnvo the plumbing nnd steam heating. As for my calling tbo plumbing ! , UOO , or any other sum , it is false. Mr. Coots says after tbe bids were opened and I knew Just exactly what they were , I divided my bid so that I was Just $ .10 below Mr. Free. Now , it can bo proven by the records of the city council that Mr. Fi-co never put In u bid. How could I know what his bid was ) Now , Mr. Coots knows nnd I can provo It by different parties , thnt first ho offered us $200 or ? , WO to withdraw entirely. When that offer was refused , wo were offered the plumbing nnd told that the architects raised objections to our doing the steam heating us they did not know that wo were competent to do the work. After this was refused Mr. Coots came to our olllco and told us that the only way to settle tbo matter wns for 'us tc take the steam heating and let Mr. Free have the plumbing , as there wns such a pressure brought to bear on him by certain parties , that ho could not help himself. - As faras our agreeing to accept , the steair heating without tbo plumbing is conecrnei Mr. Coots knows that it Is not so. TIIKOIIOUK HnucK. The Cotter Inquest. The inquest over the remains of Hcnrj Cotter , the man who died of nsphyxiation a the Jennings hotel last Friday night , resultct In a verdict in accordance with the facts a : published , death having been the result of ns pliyxintlon caused by carelessness of the do ceased. The body was burled In Fores Lawn cemetery. < ' Costa .May Return. HOME , Nov. 30. [ Special Cablegram ti THE BKK. ] A royal djfcroo granting a gen cral amnesty has been promulgated. Owini to this decree , Andrea.Costa , the soclalls deputy who lied the country , will bo enablei to return. Ho was cqmicinncd to thro years' imprisonment for resisting the police but could not bo nrrestqd , iwless the chnmbe of deputies consented. , < il ( > disappeared las March while the chainV.qr was consldcrin Ids case , . _ ' .u r A I/OOHU'Pirni. BOSTOX , Muss. , Nov. . , ( > . An expert at countnnt investigating tlio affairs of Uarc ner. Chase & Co. , broker'Inu found that c thn scheduled bad aowunts $ i > . 'i7K)0 ( ) repri scnts money lou in ' peculation by CIuisi Ho nlso reports that tho1' ' firm wns Insolvei in 1885 and shico that time Chase and pur ners have drawn out Upwards of $20UOO. ( ! Tlio Demand lor American ainchlncrj London Knglncoring notes the fiu Unit tlio foreign demand for America toxtllo mnehinory hns boon of lul "inoro active tlum over before , nnd th foreigners "nro not Blow to recognlx the merits of the HIUIIO. In the cnw ) < the American loom this IB oHpcclul ) true , for it Is generally thuutjlit that fc jspood ami good worUimuiship combine It IH hiipcrlor to all its foreign rivals , " Swift Flight ni' I'nlciiiis. Upon ono occasion a falcon wns ol served to cut a Hiilpo in two , with auc strength anil Hpecd did it cut down 1 prey. Simrrow ha\vln ; and morliiiH linv not infrequently > boon known to eras through thick pit.- glauf ) windows whc in pursuit of pruy or at ca od birds , GUERRILLA OOASTRELL'S ' FATE hi Truj Story of the Da.ith of tbo Notari- oui Outlaw AS TOLD BY ONE OF HIS ADMIRERS , Ho Died nrcixniln < if tlio Scenes of Ills Stormy liil'cvltli a Sinter of Cliarlly HctulltiR Over llliu. A dispatch In a morning paper the ether ilny gave the vendor nn account of tliu death of a man in a southern town who , the correspondent stated , was none other than Qunntroll , the Black Fin } , ' lender of the bordol' . Several newspapers copied the dispatch and somebody was interviewed about it , who said the in- fornmllon wns a Ho. Of coin-so It was , says a Louisville , Ky. , correspondent of the Chicago Tribune. At this distance thro are Boino intorc&tlng facts about Qmuitroll. Ho burnt , pillaged , robbed , cursed the enemy to his face , was as relentless as a wild beast and gave no quarter. Hut ho wns a character , such a one as only war produces. Franco had such in Its day of terror. There was La , Tour do Auverjjno , who at the Inst Wallced out from the prison walls , Dressed llko n prince for n parade. Hut for the master whom ho worshiped Joachim Murut would htivo fought ns Qunntroll did. The man who came on the field of Waterloo In time to change the map of Europe and , us an eminent lCiif'linli divine snlil when ho heard of the result , "turned bni'lr the hand of time u half century , " was of the same typo. Hlnchor was a buteher and a tyrant and would liavo preferred , Had ho boon left to himself , the torch and the knlfo to guns and sifters. * * * Qunntroll left Missouri when ho Paw Price- quitting the fetnto. Ho might have remained to repent the story of Lawrence in every town in the west. In doing so lie reasoned that would bo but entailing sutTorlng on the women and children of his own stato--tho wives , sisters and sweethearts of his own men. Strange as It may seem , Quantrell was llio very man who wns actuated by such things as the welfare of women. Black ns ho was with the smoke of villages ho had laid waste ; red-handed as ho was with the blood of these whom ho had overtaken ; merciless as lie waste to the prayer of his victim for a moment's conference with God , Qmintvell was a knight among women and struck down the man who over questioned in his hearing the virtue of the sox. That was Ills only religion. Ho summoned some of his most trusted men one night at a house in Wnvcrly , Mo. To them he confided n part of his programme. In brief , it was this : Leave iMisfeouri and po to Kentucky , usinjj Kentucky as a base of operation , invade Pennsylvania and Maryland , and what ever success followed these movements would suggest further depredations. In a word , thp east came nearer knowing something of border war tactics than it over realized. Think of a few daredevils streaking Bunkur Hill monument with the blood of such men as Wendell Phillips ; of blowing up Fnneuil hull arid shooting down the trim and natty business men of the Hub as they entered their of- llccsl Think of a black ling flouting from Madieon Square , and a dozen freebooters - ors in Wall street , men who knew lion- to shoot to hill and who know how to spread consternation and get out of it alive. Think of another handful of the same sort looting the quiet Quaker city and while it wns 'fired In ninny places , the water supply cut off , mid panic spread ing ivlth the llmnes , the terror-stricken populace learning that Independence hall had boon destroyed. Enough Invaders would bo loft to bo operating in 'Washington at the same timo. Ono shot in Ford's theater star tled the world. "What would a handful of men led by Quantrell , with James Little as first lieutenant , Chatnm Ron- tck as second , Frank James , Jim Younger , John Baker , Bud Pence and Andy McGuire men accustomed to the torch , the knife , the rope , and ponies what would have been the result of a dash of such men into the capital , at the very moment when its inhabitants wore reading of Hunker Hill red with the blood of Phillips ; Fnnuol Hall in ruins ; Wall street wilder with fear than it over was over stocks if such a thing were possible ; Philadelphia in Jinnies ; Inde pendence Hall in ashes ! Suppose every man sworn to death and rapine in this crusade had fallen ; sup pose not one had escaped ; that Qunntrell liad shared a more terrible fate than JohnWilkcs Uooth. What would all that have availed when opposition WOE put down ; blood in Boston ; "robbery and riot in Now York ; arson and terror in Philadelphia ; assassination in Wash ington ! All on the sumo day and al most at the same hour. Call It by any name you will , it WIIH what came neai occurring. That is , it wns a pnrl of a dream , of a program , of something to mnko amends for what these men fan cied they and their people had Buffered , Forty-one men. rank and llle. wore in thti compact. They started. They got ai far lis Kentucky up In the mountains , They wore disguised as federal troops Qunntroll had a now and splendid fedora uniform. His men carried a silk and Bath American Hag. They sat down at tlu hearthstones of Homo of the good unlor men of Kontucicy , drank their whisky and made love ta the girls in the nami of the union. Sometimes they wore dis covered and there was a fight and High and then they suddenly appeared else \\horo. Quantrollshowing Ills authority "duly signed and fetamned" by I-Mwin M Stuiiton. Andthoauthoiitiostreatedhin an a distinguished guest , loaded him wit ] uresonts and money , mid feasted htii and his men , ami nn hour after thesi border guerrillas were out in the wood near by dividing the presents and th money and laughing at tholr success The next day almost before it was nox day some one's body was dangling fron a tree ; somebody's house wns in ashot somebody's fine horses were on the rode AH llko as not some of these somobodli ; had entertained Quantrell and his mo : the night before. This sort of thing , continued In Kor tuoky until it could continue no longoi t Of course , it had to come to an end. 1 11 came to light later on how this assahsl o and burner of the border had ( to to pi Q it ) played It upon Kentucky and the o Federals began to give chase. Thooi if ganl/.ation wns scattered. The phu y ro.ji'.vn nt. tnh'Jinj. or whatever itwii1 r po Invade the north with torch ami hull il was uevur carried out. Looking at from this distance the story has the ni of improbability , mndness , idiocy , c whatever you will. It wns a thing i terrible earnestness when it was coi col veil. Whore and how did Quantrell die ? In 1805. one week in Audi. Qiiantrol John HOSH , Payne Jones , William Huh and Frank James went out ahead i Clark county , Kentucky , to see whut tl chances were for getting out of the lines that were closing In upon thorn. There was a light every day. No use of repeatIng - Ing the story here. They were outnum bered and each man rode away for him self. Several of them mot the last night at a place of rendezvous. They had few words to i nv. Frank James spoke up and asked .what had become of Quan trell. No one answered. Frank James spoke ngaln : "Volunteers to find him. " A half dozen men responded iind in live minutes they were in their saddles riding in the night. The story of the finding of Quantrell and his death is thus given by one who knew whorcof ho spoke and whoso means of knowledge about Qtmn- troll were unquestionable : "Frank James dismounted at 2 o'clock in the morning und knocked upon a door. There wns the trailing of a woman's gar- moat , the circumspect trend of a watch ing woman's feet , the noiseless work of a woman's hand upon the latch , and Mrs. Wnkelleld , cool and courtly , bade the strange , armed men upon the threshold , enter. Just across on the other side of the room from the door a man Iny on a trundle-bed , watchful hut quiet. James stood over the bed , but could not speak. If one had cared to look into his eyes they might have been seen full of tears. Qunntrell , by the dim light of a single cnndlo , recognized James , smiled , held out his hand , and said to him gently , though a little re proachfully : " 'Why did you eomo buck ? The en emy are thick about here ; they are passing every hour. ' " 'To see if you were allvo or dead , captain. If the llrst , to save ! you ; if the ast , to put you in a grave , ' " 'I thank you very much , Frank , but why try to take mo away ? I am cold below the hips. I can neither walk , vide , nor crawl. I am dead and yet I am alive. ' "Frank James went to the door and called in Partner , Ross and Hulso. Quantrell recognl/.cd them all In his old , calm , quiet fashion , and bade them wipe away their tears , for they were cry ing visibly. Then Frank James , joined in Ills entreaties bv the entreaties of his comrades , pleaded with Quantrell for permission to carry him to the mount ains of Nelson county by slow and easy stages , each swearing to guard him hour by hour until ho recovered or die over his body , defending it to the last. Ho know that every pledge made by them would bo kept to the death. Ho felt that every word spoken was a golden word and meant absolute devotion. His faith in their affection was as steadfast and abiding as of old. IIo listened till they had done , with the old , staid courtesy of victorious guerrilla days , and then ho silenced them with an answer which , from its resoluteness , they know to be unalterable. ' 1 cannot live. I have run a long time ; I have come out un hurt from many desperate places ; I have fought to hill and have killed ; I regret nothing- . The end is close at hand. 1 am resting easy hero and will die so. You do not know how your devotion has touchen my heart , nor can you ever understand how grateful I am for the love you have shown for mo. Try to get back to your homes and avoid If you can the perils which beset you. ' "Until 10 o'clock the next day these men remained with Quanlroll , Ho talked with them freely of the past , but never of his earlier life in Kansas. Many messages were sent to absent friends and much good advice was given touching the surrondoi' of the remnant of the blind. Again and agnln he returned to thp subject of their earlier struggles in Missouri and dwelt long over the recol lections and the reminiscences of the two first years of guerrilla warfare. Finally the parting came , and these who looked the last on Quantrell's face that morning as they stooped to tell him ; ood-by looked tholr last on it forever. "Terrell had promised Qunntroll posi tively that ho should not bo removed from Wakeilold's house , but in throe days ho had either broken or forgotten this pledge. Ho informed General Pal mer , command Ing the Department of Kentucky , of the fact of the fight , and of the desperate charnoter of the wounded ollicor left paralyzed behind him , suggesting at the same time the advisability of having him removed to a place of safety. General Pallnor heat an ambulance under u heavy escort to Wakcliold's , and Quantroll suffering greatly and scarcely more allvo than dead was hauled to the military hos pital In Louisville and deposited there. Until the question of recovery had been absolutely decided against him but few friends were admitted into ills presence. If any one conversed with him at all the conversation of neces sity was required to bo car ried on in the presence of an olllcial. Mrs. Ross visited him thus n C'hrisiian woman and took some dying mes sages to loved ones in Missouri. Mrs. Ross loft him at 1 o'clock in the after noon , and at1 o'clock the next afternoon the guerrilla died. His passing away nftor a life so singularly litful and temp estuous was as the passing of a summer cloud. Ho had been asleep , and as he awoke ho called for water. A Sister of Charity nt the bedside put a glass to hie HIM , but ho did not drink. She heard him murmur once audibly , "Boys , got ready' then a long pause then one word more ' .Steady ! ' and then when she drew back from bendicg over the murmuring man she fell upon her kncoi : and prayed. Quantrell was dead ! " The Byes of Finn. Down to the depth of 200 fathoms whore daylight disappears , the eyes of i fish grow constantly bigger and bigger , Hoyond that depth small-eyed forms so in , with long feelers developed to sup nlomont the eyes. Sight , in fact , is lion boginnlm : to atrophy. In the grcatcs abysses the fish uro mostly blind , feoliiif their l\rny about entirely hy their sensl tivo bodies alone over the naked surfaci of rock at the bottom. Umiry In Against the over-growingovil of usur ; the municipal councils of many smnl towns of Russia have established puwi houses , In which money is lent at a vorj low rate of interest , it is remarkable say .the St , Petersburg dailies , tlm small country towns have started thi movement , while our capital 1ms no suul an institution yet , and the Mosco\ municipal council is just now boglnniii ] to think of establishing one. Corpsu Candles , According to superstition corps candles are no other than human soul dancing over the graves where thoi bodies lie , or the souls of dead relative , who are coming to fetch these who nr to join them. The inquest over thoromntnsof Spntitj- tant and Molllk , the two men Idlled on the B. & M. near Hoyd's old packing hoiuc , will bo hold at 2 p. m. today at HeatTy ti HcnlTy's undertaking rooms. Yesterday atI p. in. Mr. ( J. 1C. Obor , secretary international committee , Young Mon's Christian tmsoclnlton , ail- dressed a meeting of 2 ! I young men in concert hall , Young Men's Christian as- pocintlon building , ills subject was : "Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday , To. day and Forever , " The address "was u masterly one nnd was llMonod to with deep interest by tbo largo audiouco. Two selections were rendered by tht > Leslie quartette , Messrs. Abel , Harding , \Vallerstedt and Morrison. The Omaha I'hllatolle society was or gnnlzed on Friday night at 8 p. m. in room 10 , Commercial National bank building. There were llfteon members ; ( stamp collectors ) preaont. Mr. Kdwiii 'V , ( irossinann was elected president , Mr ; Moiitolth of Council Bluffs was made vice president , Mr. W. H. Maclioy secre tary and treasurer , and Mr. Dunn li brarian. All stamp collectors are re quested to bo present at the next moot ing and join. A philatelic journal will probably bo published by the society , to bo called the Western Philatelic Kmplru. Sccoiul uril. Isaac S. Hiiscnll , Imlopcndoat candi date for city council , Second wnrd. Vote for him. lie is the right man la th6 right place. _ _ A I'rctty KncliNli Oi-nanl/.at Ion. The "Children's Letiguo of Kindness,11 in London , embodies n very pretty idea , its primary object being to induce chil * orcn to help children and bridge the gulf between these of aflluontand unfor tunate circum stances with deeds of klndno ? ! ! . The member.- " , children of wealthy parents , give two articles an nually , either dolls or toyn , to the poor , and tlio associates ( mothers or guar dians ) give two garments nnnunlly. The garments are sold 'at a very low price , the proceeds of the sale and the sub scriptions going toward the children's holiday fund. SPECIAL NOTIUE8. COUNCIL BLUFFS. " \\rANTEl-I.ndvorKeiit wllllnir to workl ii pi'iiiiinuMit piwltloii ! tt.iVJ to M.OO a dny , 1\U. S. , (107 ( Willow avenue. Council Hluirs. 1710H UKNT 'llm Mi'Malion throe-story J1 brick block , No. 05 y. Mutant , wltliuluvutur J. W. Siiilm | VUANTKD-l'lnco to board bv bright boy , 'I YVIII pay $7 a month and do chores , u 29. llco oilier. \\rANTUD-A yoiini ! irlri ti ) help at house- V > work. Mrs. I' . M. I'ryor. nil ) Illutr street. I71OH SA I.Kuhi'nn. A good olllco desk , nearly JL new. Kooni , Brown bullillux. ItS.AMKI.IA S1RI.SON.M. ) . . clilnild- : wlfo. ii.'ii8uviCouncil : Hlnlls. IH , PKCIAI. ilA UUINS In hoiixo Tir mil" or rent ; IIM ! ) two Saunders si i collets , N Omaha. .1. K. Davidson , iKU-Xth uvu. \\T A hTKlt s7 STI U.M AN" Man-us bloeuT IT IXoliiry Public , collodions , typewriting , T71OK SAljK-L. 'ii n nnd fiiriilluro of Scott JL1 House , Council Itlull's. Brooms. ( lii-aps a bargain. Address. I. ij. Jordan , Counc'll Ulull'j. TilOH SAliE or Ilont Gar.lon land , with JJ houses , by J. U. Ktco. 10'J Main St. . UouuolT Coal ! Wood ! Cobs ! Cobs ! Coal ! Wood ! Wood ! Cobs ! Coal ! Lx. Q. Tlio Kttol MorolianU WOOD Split , sawed , chunk or * cord-wood. In fact wood in any shape you -want it , chenp. I would recommend the Blaclc Peerless as the Best Iowa coal in the market , both lump and nut size. Call ana see me. L , G , KJMOTFS No. 29 South Main St. Telephone No. 3O3. ATTEND Strictly to imilnos * . " I * . inplunilW innllo. Tlio hlith nuor ' In I'vi'ry linn of Imiinm I'licruy \ roiichcil jjr lilm who holils to BUIDO iiiIopLoil Hpcrlnlity. WESTERN I'o pie nro progroiMvo , fall of enow , unil momr iiinklni ! schenius. Tliuy noa.1 training for LmsllR' ! . IOWA Lends in popular oducitton. Her publla so'iooli nru lining crnml work fur her ncro.ulu ml lllun * . We stem lown. COLLEGE , mnitncnroi Mil tarni Sjpt. tit. Mil ) "Ola'ti till rcnlly for lier rttuloUi. Normil Hull nosn.Sliurlliunl nn4 1'j'im ulil' ) noanai. irjll or caiilzo.l niul curofiilly comliictul. Htuluiti niir enter ntnnytluio. Wrltu for further pmbiU t ) \V. H , Paulson. Council Bluffs. Iowa. ClflZElSSflTlMM Or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL . $150,003 , SURPLUSAND PROFITS . 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS . 350,000 , T. A. Mlllnr , R O. Gloason. E. I * Sliuiurt , K. R. Hurt , J. I ) . Dlmiimlson.Uhurlns U. Illinium. Transact bunkliu buftU ness , l eil ; > IUl unil surplus of uny bunk In Southwestern lowu. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' aid Packers' Supplies , Market Fixtures , Casing , fillers unil SIIUSIIKO MiilwrV .Machinery. KX > - hi.'Miiln hi. . Council 111ulfH , la. Also Uunlcra hi Hides nnd 1-'urs. Y Cfluiry .Tnstli.'O of tlm I'tjuco. Oflluo over lit OtllllU Aiiiurli'iin Kxiirosi , No. 421 llroudway , Council Hlulfs , lowu. Sims & Siiinilcrs-AionrInnytfIiot : , , federal courts. Rooms II , 4 und ft Shugurt lleii'jblock , Council lllulK Iowa. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Muln nnd Hrn-.flw.iy , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dciilcrs In fornlKii nnd domoitlu n < cuhui7& : Collootlon Hindu'und Inturoit puld on that (1 u posits. It GRAND RUSH Kt Chapman's ' Hrt Store , Every person wants an engraving when th3y can get a $5 PICTURE TREE OF COST Only n fow-more left. Ensels , Framed Pictures , Cabinets , etc. , aft half price. All these goods must bo closed out by January 1st. 10 n W.W , CHAPMAN , - - 16 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL