Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1890, Part Two, Image 9

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Mr. Ernest Bennlnghoveu's ' Description of
His Vacation Experiences in Germany.
IIoiv nn American Itccclvcd I'rlnco
. lllsiiiarclc at Klsscngcr nnd
Onvo ttio ( JcrniiiriH n IJCHSOII
In Enthusiasm.
Mr. Ernest Bcnnlnghovcn , representing
tbo German life insurance company , has Just
returned four the , old country where ho
spent a fond months vacation. Innconvcr-
latlon with o representative of TUB BKE Mr.
Benulnghovcn R.IVO a very interesting ac
count of tbo principal feutur.'s of his sweep
Asked ns to how tlio result of the United
States election was received In the fatherland
Mr. Bcnnlnghovrn replied :
"Tho people of Germany arc taking a great
deal of Interest Just now in two American
DHLs , the JMcKlnloy bill and Buffalo 13111 , tbo
latter being thoutrhttho best of the two. But
t Is money out of their pocket to take any
lactivo Interest In cither of tbo Bills.
"Ileforring to the trip Itself , I must reluto
that I reached New York , bound for Ham
burg , on July 1 , calling with a letter of Intro-
dilution from an Omaha friend on Mr. Carl
Schurz. the general director of the Hamburg
steamship line , whoso ofllco Is located on
Broadway. Mr. Schurz was found behind a
desk stacked with letters , opparently very
busy. Notwithstanding this , ho discarded
business for half un hour to prove a most
amiable talker , manifesting very much In
terest when u-c came to speak nbout Mexico
and the Sandwich islands , which countries I
had lately visited. On July U 1 boarded the
Normannln. a new twin screw Htcniner of the
Hamburg line , a ship 623 fcot long and sixty
wide , with all modern conveniences.
"while looking over the list of our fellow-
cabin passengers I noticed the name of
Chauncoy M. Depow , who made a very nlco
after dinner Fourth of July oration nnd soon
conquered the hearts of the passengers by
bis courteous manners. Wo also had somoof
tbo prominent members of the Salvation
ormyon board Mrs , Booth , Jr. , and General
lield Marshal Tucker of India. The coin
mandcr of the ship allowed them to hold
several meetings and make speeches &t which
Mr. Tucker always appealed In true Hindoo
costume. These representatives of the Sul
vntlon army behaved themselves In v. very
creditable manner , so that Mr. Depew
took occasion to ask for the ad
dress of their hradquaitcrs In Londan.
A prominent preacher of iioston , a delegate
to the pence congress , declared in a
epecch that ho , till of l.ito , had thought
them to be ripe for the lunatic asylum , but
was convinced after carulul study that they
Wore areut benefactors to u class which could
uot ba reached by the church and were bound
r to play a very luportnnt part In solving the
social problem. Be that as it may , they at
least took very good care of our souls , which
were out of icach of any church for the
tlmo being.
"On July 11 wo landed at Cuxhavrn on the
Elbe , where a special truln stood In waiting
to take us to Hamburg in two hours. Wo
found the Gorman passenger cars just about
as shaky as the ship but not near as comfort
able In mnny respects. In this country you
travel slower In compaiison to Europe , but
with much tnoro ease. At the custom
house ! Hamburg wo had to exc
else very much patience , especially n
fellow passenger who had waited an
hour for the inspector , who finally levied a
duty of 10 pennies (4o ( ) upon his cigars. The
American soon finds that It is all red tape
and clock work , when ho comes in contac'
with German ofllciids. But it is a grca
tnlstako to expect that a traveler Is molested
in any way by the police of Germany. No
body over asked for my passport or papers o
identification. From Hamburg to Berlin :
traveled in a German sleeper. For once and
" { fever more. Bad light , bad air prevalle <
and the abienco of water rendered soap ,
( owcls or mirrors useless , of which oven tui
railroad company seemed to have been con
Vincort , because there were none of thes
things. When dilvlng from the depot Int
the city I was at once struck with the solidity
and elegance of all the buildings lining the
Streets , while these were clcnnlllcss itself ,
although or because It had been raining for
weeks in succession and was still at it. As
the parks have a dreary appearance in such
weather , even In midsummer , I concluded to
visit the royal museums , art galleries , etc. ,
\vulcb are the grandest. I over saw.
"Berlin is certainly the cleanest and one of
the most beautiful cities in the world today.
The surrounding country is magnificent ,
especially Charlottcnburg and Potsdam. In
every park , in every public garden you may
listen to the finest music rendered by mili
tary and private bands , of which thcro are
very many In the capital of the empire. The
people of Berlin are growing to bo pleasure-
loving as the Parisians nnd have already
overtaken them In knowing how to enjoy
life on an economical basis. Jt is often said
by Gorman-Americans who have paid a visit
to the old country that its people look more
vigorous and healthy than ours. If wo would
take lifo as easy as they do and wcro blessed
with their temperate climate , wo would per
haps not be as btout as they are on the average -
ago , but ut least Just as healthy or more so.
There aio tow couutrics on this globe
tvliere diseases are so widespread as In Ger
many , which llnd their origin in over-eating
nnd drinking. Anybody who knows how to
study faces will sco at llrst glance that
the mind of the European is never so active
mid his future therefore not so attractive as
that of the American. This Is especially true
cf the Indies , who by the way arc noted for
displaying so much absence of "chic" nnd
tnsto In regard to dress. Concerning their
mauneis , tha American feels inclined to ad-
' vlso his European sistersas , , the poet did to
Imybashfulncsi , that justlo virtue by ,
To manly eonllilenco thy thoughts apply.
On a very line afternoon and evening I at
tended a tiommcrthcutcr ( summer theatre )
in Berlin utKrulls' Garden , one of the coziest
little parks in the city. The opera was given
In a laigo commodious building , well venti
lated , Bct\\ con the acts say ten minutes
tbo whole uudlcuco would leave the
tbuntro to promenade in the adjoining
park and enjoy tbo charming music
furnished by military bands. To ] the credit
of German a profession it must bo said
that the so-called "star system" as It Hour
Ishes hero Is not tolerated or practiced at nnj
of the many first-class theaters of the cm
nlro. The attention of the audience and UK
critic Is never solely fixed upon the talent 01
doings of the "star" of the troupe , but onh
those of the "tout cnsemblo" uro considered
"Another example given by the German :
worth imitating in tbo larger cities of this
land Is the regulation of btrect car traffic. .
Evcrv street cur In Germany bos scats am
landing room for a certain number only
Kobouv Is permitted to stand in the gang
vay. Five persons may stand on the real
and seven on the front platform. That's whj
they have no crowded cure. In Germany yet
may not offer your scut to a lady who lj
standing nnd still remain a gentleman. Bj
adhering to this American custom or gal
lantry. gentlemen in this country uncon
bclously prevent corporations from puttlni
on moro cars , which concern docs no
feel obliged to do so , as long as the men art
contented with standing room nnd with be
ing pressed llko sardines ,
"From Berlin I proceeded to Hanover
also a very flno modem city with a splendli
] tark-Hcrronhaussen having a fountnli
which throws a heavy stream of water 1W
fcot high and u palm house surpassing tba
of rraukfort , I also took n look ut tin
famous six whlto Btnllious Isabellcn be
longing to the duke of ConuaughU I.cnvini
Hanover and surrounding tabla lands.
Visited relatives near Tyrmont , IJppo-lJot
weld , a country moro charming oven thai
\ Thucringon , iu shapely hills covered will
the finest of timber , wlilln the narrow , love1 !
valleys wcro fragrant with the odor of'
bounteous crop of hny which was matuiinga
the bauds of linitiv rustic- maidens whos
comely costume of black , white and red mud
the sceuB quite picturesque , Hull a day :
The Monarch of Encyclopedias. A Library of Universal Knowledge.
Of tic Latest , Ninth (18 ( '
With Improved Maps , Well Printed on Good
Paper , Substantially and Elegantly Bound ,
- -
It is in our power to offer you for a short time the Best
Bargain in a set of Encyclopaedias ever made. Every person
who has investigated the subject knows which is the best the
one which has had the most limited sale by reason ' of its price
the Encyclopaedia Britannica , Ninth Edition. The set is
thoroughly well bound in genuine English Cloth , Double
Hinged Flexible Back , in Good Clear Type , and 'on Fine
Supersized and Supercalendeted Book Paper , and Without
Abridgment or Abbreviation ; contains ALL the Illustrations ,
Maps , Plates , Indexes and Subindexes of the latest edition , and
is the Only American Reprint having All the Marginal Refer
ences.To enable you to become fully satisfied that this set is all
we represent , we offer the
The remaining volumes will be supplied at the price. named.
The set will be in TWENTY-FIVE VOLUMES.
The same number and corresponding with the Edinburgh
Edition , sold in this country at $8.00 a volume. You can have
one or more [ up to four ] a month , delivered as you please , to
be paid for as received. This will give you a complete set of
InTN" re ± itij-fi re Volumes
The Greatest Bargain Ever Offered ! To secure it the
order must be given now. We should be pleased to have you
call at our store and examine the Books ,
Subscriptions received by mail.
Morse Dry Goods Co. | Morse Dry Goods Co ,
ravel on the cars brought mo through the
ndustrlal centers of Germany Into the Hhlno
ralloy to Cologne , with Its grand dome , nnd
to bonn with Its far-famed university nnd
classical hospital. In the latter city I visi
ted Bcethovca's old homo , a two-story house
on ono of the principal streets. It has been
renovated lately , the rooms having a very
ncaj. . nnd cosy appearance. Thcro is the
same old piano which icspondcd to the last ,
to hlswondeiful touch. Back of the house
is a small garden encircled by house-walls ,
where be spent much of his time wbrn com
posing , so wearo tola by the boy who shows
us through. Next day wo cross the Hhino
landing at Kocnlgswlntor at the foot ot the
romantic seven hills ( Sicbungobirgo ) , where
wo have the choice of either going up to the
top ot Drachcnfclson on the back
of little sure-footed donkeys or
taking tha most modern convenience
for climbing steep hills : the acntcd-whccl
railroad. Arriving on the small plateau of
this renowned rock wo sit down to a table and
enjoy ice cream , wine , music , songs and a su
perb view over the Rhino viilloy nil at the
same tlmo. Near us to a great height towers
the ruin of nn old burg nt the base of which a
dragon was said to have had his lodging in
olden times. It Is also said that bo devoured
many a boid knight. Descending over excel
lent road wo stop half way down the hill , nt
the "Drachcnburg. " u now but empty castle ,
belonging to a bachelor who docs not seem to
know how to enjoy his possessions.
"Tho weather being line wo imagine that , a
trin up the Hhlno during the balmy afternoon
and the moonlight in the evening would be
highly appreciated nnd so wo board ono of the
elegant passenger boats , reaching Koblenz
within a few hours' , the favorite country
place of the late Empress Augusta
Her castle , with its magnificent narks , fronts
the Rhine , the shores of which becoino moro
Interesting and beautiful with every nillo of
our Journey. Old castles and strongholds are
seen on every sldo of the river on nearly
every abrupt rock or mountain , while hun
dreds of small vineyards are laid out along
the sunny sides of the hills. Darkness soon
settles upon the sccno which In course of a
few hours Is illuminated again by the delicate
rays of the moon , which now appears above
the steep mountains that shrivel the bed of
the river. At n sudden rectangular turn of
the Hhino wo behold the Loroloy rock , while
nearly everybody on deck of the steamboat
Joins In the chorus and sings Heine's Lorcloy
"I don't know whence it conies , this
thought so full of wee. , ' Hut the party is
merriment Itself. This proves once moro the
saying to bo true , that the Gorman sings the
Loroley when ho feels best. Wo loft the boat
in Bingcn ut midnight , crossing over to
Hurdcshclm next morning , whcro wo met an
American in great distress at the depot , as
ho could not make himself understood to the
railroad officials. Ho felt like/ embracing us
for helping him out of his dilemma , utul was
glad to bo ono of our party for several days.
It was nt this station , at the depot , too ,
where I asked a lady behind the luuch
counter for a glass of milk.
With smiles such as hang on Hobo's check
and love to live In dlmplo sleek , told mo that
I was the Hist person in her experience who
had asked for milk in Huedcshelm , whcro
some of tbo finest wino is crown. When
ever yon take a scat at a table In any res
taurant in the Hhino valley , and in fact in
most all parts of Geimany , the waiter con
siders it ns a matter of course for you to
order wine or beer.
"At Ruedo3hclm wo boarded the open cars
ornnothercogged-whcel road icadlnguptotho
national monument on the Nlcdcnvald from
ou delight In majestic view over at
least thirty towns of the llhlno vnlloj * , which
spreads out llko a fan beyond the Bliigeu.
Wo then went to Wiesbaden , meeting many
Americans on the promenade grounds of the
Kurgarten , a very line , elegant park , but
nlso tbo warmest place we had yet encoun
tered In Germany. Moro than eight thou
sand strangers make their stay for the sea
son In this cltv every yoar.
"Leaving Wiesbaden and its hoof tea
water , wo maJo for Heidelberg , Frankfurt
and Kissincen to see Prince Bismarck. Ho
had not yet arrived , but was daily .expected.
On the eventful day ho was mot ut the depot
by on enthusiastic , tremendous crowd , which
seemed to bo spellbound when they got their
ilrst glimpse of his stern features as ho
alighted from the train. There i < tt certainly
no man today who can make n deeper im
pression upon the stranger than this great
prince , the llrst of men. No otfyur head is so
powerful , or any other face so earnest as his ,
But especially at that time did his features
betray a chagrin which could only bo swept
away for n few seconds by the many young
girls who showered flowers upon him on his
way to the carriage. The Germans wcro not
quick enough to llnd the light word nt the
right time , but joined in lustily when sud
denly nn American raised and swung his hat ,
exclaiming : 'Our great Bismarck , the maker
of history , hip , hip , hurrah I'
Whcii Bismarck acknowledged the chcois
by lifting hls'broad rimmed slouch lint , wo
all endeavored to see the three hairs on the
plateau of bis bald head , but failed to dis
cover any. Ho was apparently In the best cf
health , bis whole bearing and quick elastic
step proving It. It was rumored that Bis
marck , whrn Emperor William insisted upon
bis acceptance of the dukcship of Louenburg ,
had answered in angry tones : 'Your majesty
cannot make mo any groiter than I
am. ' After ho had finally consented
to this now title , ho is credited -with having
said that ho Intended to mnko nso of It when
ever ho wished to travel Incognito. The
same American who had electrified tha Ger
mans to cheer the ox-chancellor , approached
Bismarck a few days later on tbo promenade
In the park in n rather obtrusive way , by
boldly walking up to him , stretching out his
hand , which the priuco grasped reluctantly ,
whereupon our countryman bowed with
thanks , saying to Bismarck that ho felt very
proud to go homo to America nnd bo able tc
say that bo had shaken hands with the
greatest man of Europe. "
A Rcllcctlouon Man.
It Is a curious reflection on the intelli
gence of mankind that \\hilo animate
easily learn our langungo , wp mnko nt
ndvnnco nt all in learning theirs. One
cannot help hoping that soino' future
generation of men may bo sufllcJontlj
kind and patient 'and largo-hoarted tc
believe that what these dapondont crctv
hires have to Bay to us may sometimes
Uo ns important ns what wo have to saj
to thorn , and to not accordingly.
The longest Cubic ,
The wire rene used In the tunnel ai
Glasgow , Scotland , is the largest am
longest wlro cable In the world. It wai
made at Cardiff , Wales , in 1885 nnd ii
2,400 fathoms in length , or about tw <
miles and 108 yards. It weighs twenty
ono nnd ono-nalf tons nnd has nearl ;
ono hundred thousand fathoms of wlro ii
its makeup.
Our holiday silks are in ;
satin effects arc very popular &
we offer for Monday
SO pieces
Black Satin Duchcsse.
Black Satin Mervillcux
Black Gros Grain Silks
BLACK Mervilleux SATIN I I
Worth and newer sold before
less than $1.35.
Worth and never ; sold before
less than $2 a yaid.
Extra quality , regular price
heretofore $2.25.-
This is as good as we have
ever secured before to sell for $2.50
IVIorse Dry Goods Co.
A Ohapter of Table-History on Indian
Ghost Dances ,
Tlio Dance Is Not New Nor Modern ,
Only Modified to Suit the De
mands of tlio Ago and
Occasion. '
Nionnuu , Nob. , Nov20. ' ' [ Special to THE
BKE.J The cotntne of 'tho Indian's Messiah
is no new thing among Indians. It has only
taken new shape. His whole religious idea
is bused on tbo most ridjculoussuperstitions ;
and while ho has over this receat worship
become moro than usually crazed , it is after
all little worse than the ceremonies of the
Sun dances as they were performed in tbo
early days.
Catlin , in his "Eight Years Among the
Slaux , " describes Nu-AIouk-Muck a-Nnh
( the first or only man ) in the M.mdau cere
mony ns follows : I
"Groups of women and children wcro gath
ered on the tops of their earth-covered wig
wams , and all were screaming , nnd dogs wcro
howling , and all eyes directed to the prniriea
in the west , where iVa3 beheld , nt n mile
distant , a solitary individual descending a
pralrio bluff and makinghis way in a direct
line toward the village. }
"Tho whole village rioinod in the general
oxprestion of great alarm- If they were In
danger of instant destruction ; their horses
were caught upon the proirio and run into
the village ; warriors , were blackening thch
faces , and dogs were inuilcd , ana every pre
paration maiio ns If for instant combat.
"During the deafunW din nnd confusion ,
the llguro discovered on the pralilo continued
to approach with n dignified step and In u
light line toward the 'VllUigo. All eyes wore
upon him , and bo at length made his appear
mice , without opposition , .within tha pickets ,
and proceeded towards tlio center ot the vil
lage , where all the chiefs , and braves stooc
ready to receive him.whlch \ they did In t
cordial manner by shaking hands with him
recognizing him as an old acquaintance , anc
his "Nu-Mohk-Muck-a
pronouncing numo - - -
Nah ( the llrst or only man ) . The body o :
this strange personage , vhlch was almost
naked , was pointed with wbito clay , so as U
resemble at a little distance a whlto man
Ho were a robe of four whlto wolf skins fall
lug back- over his shoulders. On his head hi
had a splendid head-dress made of two ra
vens' skins , and In his loft hand ho cnutiouslj
carried a largo ptpo which ho seemed to watcl
and guard as something of great importance. '
Cutlln then gives a very explicit descriptor
of the four-Jay's ccretaouy of tor.turo nm
fastlug. Tno "llrst or only man" Is the "bi (
medicine" of the occasion , and is tbo ropru
sentutlvo of the original , keeping up the sen )
bianco of reality ,
The tradition says that at n very anclcn
period such a man as Is described in the fore
going , did actually appear from the west. 11
claimed that he was at ono time the only mai
and told them of the destruction of every
Dress Goods
We shall place on sale Mon
day some very choice styles in
Paris dress patterns that were
imported for our opening and
will offer :
Actual value $18.
Actual value $2O
I )
Actual value $30
Colored NEW Satins 50c
SHADES Buys the Best.
Reduced from 6oc and 650 ,
all the best colors in our best
colored satins ; for any fancy
work or for any kind of dress
materials. These are a bargain.
A special bargain , bought
for the holidays , at $1.03. 22
inches wide , worth exactly
$1.50 a yard.
Largest and best quality 500
c o ej | on ea > Mmidayj4
at 250.
Bargain Counter
Notion department ; visit the
bargain baskets that we have
placed in the aisles between
our book and notion counters.
Morse Dry Goods Co.
thing on the earth's surfao by water , but ho
stopped In his big canoe on n high mountain
in the west , where ho landed and was saved.
The Indians and all other people were bound
to make yearly sacrifices of some edged tools
to the water , for of such things the big
canoe was made. Ho instructed them
how to build their medicine ledge and
taught them also the fovms of these annual
ceremonies , Informing them that as long ns
they made those sacrlllces and performed
their rites to the full letter they might bo as
sured of the fact that they would bo the
favorite people of the Almighty , and would
always have enough to cat and drink ; but if
they should depart from these forms they
might bo assured that their race would do
orcase and ilnnlly run out , and might data
their nation's calamity to that omission.
A tradition nmongtho Mondans is that they
wcro the llrst people in the world , nnd they
originally lived insldo of the earth.
They raised many vines and ono of
them had grown up through a hole In the
earth overhead. Ono of their young men
climbed up this vine until ho came out on top
of the prouud on the bank of the river , near
where the Mandnn village stands to this day.
He looked around and admired the beautiful
country nud prairies about him , saw many
buftalocs , killed ono with his bow and ar
rows , nnd found that Its moat was good to
cat. Ho returned and related what ho had
seen , when a number of others went up the
vine with him and witnessed tbo same
Among those who went up wcro two very
pretty young women , who wcro favorites of
the chiefs bcc.uiso they wcro virgins. In the
number who wore trying to get up was
n very large , fat woman , who was or
dered by the chiefs not to
go up , but whoso fonialo curiosity
led her to try it ns soon ns she got a secret
opportunity. When she got part , vay up the
vine broke under the creat weight nnd lot
her down. The Indians wcro very sorry
about this and she was disgraced for being
the cause of a very great calamity , for no
inoro could ever ascend or descend. Hutthoy
built the M ami an village and the remainder
of tha people still llvo under the ground.
Thcso traditions are told with much crnv-
Ity by theinystery or mcdlcino men , If they
succeed in getting moro rations by means ol
this ghost dance , which is ono of the features ,
the Indian will have won a great victory ; foi
his stomach is ono of the busiest
organs of his system us long as there is any
thing to cat In sight.
As to the religious phazo of the ghost dance
It has the same theories as of old. The evil
spirit appears In Its performance and the
preat virtue of the Only Man keeps him from
destroying the good. On this point tbo tra
dition runs thus :
At a very ancient period the Evil Rplrll
carao with the Only Man from the west , and
sat down by n woman who had only ono eye
and was hoeing corn. Her daughter , whc
was very pretty , came up to her and the Kvll
Spirit doslrcd her to go and bring some
water , but wished that before she started
she would coma to him and cat some buffalo
meat. Ho told her to tnko a piece
out of his sldo , which she did , and nto It ,
which proved to bo bulTalo fat. She thoi
went for the water , which she brought , ant
met in the village whcro they had walked
The friends of the girl soon after cndeavorct
to disgrace her by tolling her that she wa.
cnclcnto , which she did not dony. She do
clarcd her Innocence at the same tlmo am
boldly dolled any man In tha village to comi
forward and accuse her. This raised n grca
excitement In the village nnd as no ono couli
stand forth to accuse her she was lookw
Morse Dry Goods Co.
Some Cloak Bargains
for Tomorrow ,
New Ladies' $5
In this lot we have put gar
ments worth $7.50 to $10 , a
genuine reduction to $5.
New Ladies' markets , $10
In this lot we have garments
that are worth $13 to $18 , a
genuine reduction to $10.
New Ladies' markets $15
A variety of styles that were
old for $20 to $25 ; we feel that
> ve are offering a great bat gain
n these at $15.
Blankets PAIR.
2 cases of each for Monday's
ale. They are just the thing
'or ironing boards , for table
'citing of any kind , are large
size and reasonably heavy.
We have'sold 20 cases of
these this season ; they are
illed with down , not feathers ,
and as good as others will offer
you for $8 to $9.-
Under Muslin wear 98c
We have still a large
assortment of this lot of under
wear left. Gowns , chemise ,
etc. , that are worth $1.50 to
$1.75 ; in this lot at 980.
Third Floor
upon as "groat medicine. " She soon after
went oft secretly to a neighboring village ,
where the child was born.
Great search was m.ulo for her
botoro she was found , ns it was expected that
the child would nlso bo "great medicine" or
"mystery , " nnd ol isreut importance and wel
fare to the tribe. They wcro induced to this
belief from the very strange manner of its
conception and birth' , and were soon con
firmed in it from the wonderful things tthich
it did at nn tarly ago. They say that among
other miracles ho performed , when they were
likely to starve , ho gave them four buffalo
bulls , which filled the whole village , leaving
ns much incut as there was before they had
eaten , saying that tneso four bulls would sup
ply them forever. The Only Man was bent
on the destination of the child , and , after
making many fruitless acarciies fdr it , found
It hidden In a dark plnco , and put it to death
' r throwing it into the river. When the
uvll Spirit hoard nf llio death of this child , ho
sought for the Only Man Intending to Ml'
him. Ho traced him a long distance am
dually found him with the big medicine
pipe in his hand , the rhnnn of mystery of
which protects him from nil his enemies ,
After making themselves friends througli
the smoking of the plpo they go their separ
ate ways.
By sueh "traditions" fis these Is can bo
easily seen how easily an Indian can bo
counted crazy. The ceremonies are calcu
lated to make such superstitious people any
thing but peacemakers ; and by the foregoing
it will bo scon that the Evil Spirit Is made to
appear much better than the Old Mini , who
should coma with "peaoo and good will
toward men. " So with their Messiah of
today ho comes as nn avenger , which is so
far Irom civilization's Chi 1st. Ko A. Fur.
After being separated for eighteen years a
fanner in Washington county , Pennsylvania ,
has found his son by means of a wedding no
There is no bigger fool than the man who
marries n girl simply because she Is pretty ,
unless it Is the man who won't marry a girl
simply because she Is pretty.
"Did that bogus minister over pay back
that $1 that ho borrowed of you ! " "No yo
that Is , I took It out In trade. " "In trade I"
"Yes ; I had him marry mo. "
"How Is your brother , JobblnsJ I thought
ho would go Into decline on the death of his
first wife ; It seemed to bicak him all to
pieces. " 'So it did , but ho has re-paired
since. "
The Savannah News Is authority for the
statement that a youiiir lady of Brunswick ,
Ua.haa six offers of marriage last week from
gentlemen of good rcputo , but who occasion
ally take a drink at the bar. By bur broth
er's advice she refused them all.
A woman at Joncsboro , Mo. , goes on record
us the champion "homo bojy. " She has Just
visited the homo of her childhood for the
llrst tlmo slnco her tnarrlago , thirty years
ago , although she has lived during ttds tlmo
only ono mlio distant , and has always lived
in perfect harmony with the families thcro.
She suld fiho never hud time to go before
without neglecting her duties.
According to the Natal Mercury there Is n
traftlo in bridal parties to and fro across the
romantic Ornnco river , and many boats men
uro reaping riches. A man in the colony on
ono side 01 the Ornngo may not marry his
deceased wife's sister. Ho may In the Ornngo
free stuto. In the free state a man may not
marry nls cousin. Ho may in the colony.
New basement department *
Our Monday leader :
These prices are * for Monday
Tuesday and Wednesday , only.
If you expect to secure choice
from a full assortment , come
Scalloped Nappies , 4c ,
Se , 6c , 7c , 9c , lie ,
Bakers , 6c , 7c , So , lOc ,
I2c , 16c. x
Plates , per sot of six ,
ISc , 24e , 3Oc , 36c.
Cups and Saucers , per
-set of six , 38c.
Ewers and Basins , 29o
and 39c each.
Jugs , from 9c each ,
And all other pieces equaMy
low. You will find our prices
Per Cent
than the goods were ever of
fered before.
25c SELECT !
of Dishes , Tinware , Woodenware -
ware , Fancy Goods , Ironware ,
Cooking Utensils , will ( be a
revelation . , to you.
- , - * * w . _ s -i
New Goods.
In our Basement Department
we have everything that you
could ask , for everything that
goes to complete a house or
furnish your dining room and ,
citchen is here.
Morse Dry Goods Co * '
Hence , In the former case nil the men hnvo
to do is to cross the Orange river , where they
can get inanicu. In the latter case the
cousins Just cross the Orange river into the
colony , whore they can make themselves
'lappy or miserable for life.
I have seen much of lifo nnd in almost all
ot its wonderfully changing aspects , nnd 1
am convinced that the Joys nnd the sorrows ,
the crosses nnd the crowns In married lifo are )
about equally divided between the husband
and the wife , writes Mrs. Henry Ward
needier In the Ladles' Homo Journal , i am
confident that nothing will light all tha
wrongs and bring order out of the confusion
arising from the many disturbing questions
that are constantly arising as tha shelter ol
the true homo , ruled over by husband and
wife in all loving confidence and unitedly.
Miss Fnnnlo E. Mnlno , the pretty seven-
tcen-ycnr-old daughter of of Anmsa Maine , a
rich farmer living near Westerly , H. 1. ,
eloped with Otis Chapman. For some tlmo
Chapman , who taught the district school , had
been payinir his addresses to Miss Maine , but
her father at last forbade him the houso. By
an arrangement with her lover Fannloloft
her father's homo at night. Joined Chapman ,
nnd together they lied to Westerly. It Is un
derstood that they hnvo been married.
Farmer Maine hns started In pursuit of his
daughter , but as yet has been unable to find
A singular runaway Is reported from Soutt
Brooklyn , N Y. A woman named Glider *
sleovo. who had lived with her husb.ind forever
over thirty yeaw and had borne him four
sonn , some of whom have attained manhood ,
has loll her homo because , ns she states In a
letter , her husband had not furnlstiod her
means to properly clothe herself and had re
fused to give her the money to have her teeth
attended to. She therefore secured n place
at $14 a month , nnd with her earnings for a
year she said that she proposed to have hoc
teeth properly cared for , and with the bal
ance to buy clothes to lust her during lifo.
Then , if her husband would receive her. slio
Intended to return to htm , us slio loved him.
Mr. ( jlldcrslcovo has searched In vain for his
wlfu ; says ho provided liberally for her and
furnished her a horse , but did not approve 9 !
her having falsa teeth ,
The First Wntcr-Mlll.
The first wntor-mlll ever built was
ordutod on the river Tiber tit Homo , A.
D. , 60. Wind-mills wore In original ueo
in the twelfth century. Tldo-niilla were
operated In Venice about 1708. Saw-mills
are hukl to have boon In ute at Auyuborg ,
Gonnuny , nbout 1W2. !
The Good Ijuok Ml no.
The Good Luck inlno in Now Mexico
wiiu llrst located loss than six months
ngo and in the liiHt three iiiuiitlis has
produced $20,000 worth of ere , and dur
ing that tlmo there lias not boun moro
than llvo men at work on un avorago.
Poverty In Itnly.
There tire more than 200,000 persons
in Italy who Inhabit dark collars and
1,005 communities which uro HO poor
that meat in never HCOII on the tiblo : anil
bread only on Sundays.
Child DriinlcurilH In lionilon.
In London last year 600children undo *
ton years of ago wore urrebtcdfoi'drunlu
ouncbs ,