Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Dress Goods.
Dress Goods.
Genuine Bargains in Colored
and Black Dress Goods.
Real English Serge ,
worth C5c
Cheviot Homespun ,
to clour , at , . . ,
Cashmere ,
All Woolrich finish.
now colorings and
Htifoh , at
W ) Inches , at
M Inclips wide , All
Wool , at
Hllky finish and steam
4(1 ( Inches wide , worth
tl.OO now ,
48 Inches wide , per
fect clutli , ut
1'laids ' , Plaids , Plaids , Plaids ,
BOc. 78c. 85c , 93c.
_ ! L
Mourning Dept. .
i r
SERGE , rnp
40 Inches wldo , reduced from C3o JJj
! 18 Inches wide , cut down from G.o
48 Inches wide , sacrificed from
FLANNEL , 42k :
50Inches wide , All Wool , now. . . .
M Indit'i wide , ii'Kular price75e ,
at >
51 Inches wide , on Monday
CORDS , 75c
Fancy Cords , reduced from } 1 to. .
Corner Farnani and 15th Sts.
He Was Converted Himself and Then Con
verted Another Man's Wife.
AND THE BOBBY HELPED HIM OUT. McFnrlniKl Asks to Huvo Ills
Assignment Set Aside A. SCIINIX-
tloii In Uoono Business
Circles Iowa News.
Booxi : , In. , Xov. 29. [ Spoclal Telegram to
Tin : Bui : . ] The authorities hero are try ing to
get irauo of one Byron Dovercaux , who lias
been in Boone for some time , claiming to bo a
detective. Last Sunday ho was baptized and
Joined the Christian church. On Wednesday
night ho eloped with ono of the members ,
Mrs , James 15. Davis , while her husband was
in Dos Molncs. To a policeman who saw
thorn going to the train , Uovcreaux said ho
had arrested the woman for passing counter
feit money. Ho told the policeman to watch
her wbllo ho bought tickets , saying ho would
take her to Chicago. The pair bought tickets
for Marshalltown and have not since been
seen , Mi's. Davis loft a note to hot- husband
Baying It would bo useless for him to look for
Says Ifo was Unduly Influcnuoil.
BOOM : , In , , Nov. 29. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Bni : . ] A sensation was sprung todi'y
in the McFarland bank assignment by Mr.
jMcFarland , through his attorney , Judge
Phillips of DCS Molnes , filing a petition In
chancery asking that the deed of assignment
bo set aside. Ho alleges that ho made the
deed through being unduly inlluonccd by
those who were Interested iu bidding in the
bank property lor Jess than it. was worth. Ho
Hays tnat when h'o signed his name ho did
not Know what ho wan doing , and further
says that ho has plenty of money to pay all
claims against the bunk and will pay the
money Into court for this nurposo as soon as
the liabilities nro ascertained. Sensational
uharccs are mudo on the outsldo as to how
McFarland was induced to sign the deed.
Those will como out in the trial of the case
which will bo fought vigorously on both
.Vatnlly Injured In a Collision.
CIIEIIOKHI : , la. , Nov. 29. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : IlnE. ] An accident occurred
licit ) this morning In which Roucrt Leeds and
Jerry Hitchcock were fatally Injured. They
wanted to go down to the stock yards , and
Jumped on the pilot of the switch engine that
was backing down. Whoa near the yards
two freight ears that had boon loft at the top
of the grade without the brakes being sot
started down hill and crashed into thu switch
engine. The two men did not see the approaching
preaching can until U was too late to Jump ,
Both were caught between the cars and on-
plno and terribly hurt , their arms and. logs
being broken and tholr bodies badly bruised
fioouo's Kiitornrlse.
Boose , la. , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BKE. ] Foono's now packing house is
drawing other Industries hero , another one
being formed today which will utlllro the
cmmlng factory which has been Idle for sev
eral years. The now concern U a ham cur
ing establishment , which will euro and smoke
tbohumonud shoulders turned out by the
packing house of J. McUoud & Co. Tin
packing house men are tbo proprietors of the
now enterprise ,
Fort Ioil | > o'n New Industry.
Foivr DOUOE , la. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEG , ] The Cement wall coat
ing company , with a capital stock of $70,000
was Incorporated hero today. The stockhold
ers aroi John F. Dunscomb , E. G , Lai-son
J. M. Olson and L. A. Tuprson , all local cap
ItalULs except the latter , who is the Invcntoi
of the process. Ho comes from Grand Hap
Ids , Mich , Tbo company will build a turca
Bargains in Muffs and
Capes ,
Ladles' extra quality Russian
hare muffs , now
Ladles' natural American op-
possum muffs , -worth $2.78 , nt
China seal muffs , extra quality ,
they will cost you next season
$3.BO , our price now
Cape seal muffs , regular price
$4.80. now
$3.50 .
Astraclmn muffs , worth $ B ,
Black Martin muff , worth
$0.70 , now
Monkey muffs , extra quality ,
worth $7.BO , now-
Natural lynx belly muffs ,
worth $1O , now
Natural beaver muffs , worth
515 , now
Ladies' Russian hare capes at
sB each.
Ladies' black French coney
capes at $7.BO each.
Ladies' fine nutra capes a
Ladles' natural beaver capes
nt $33.
Special prices on misses' and
children's fur sets.
Cor. Farnam and 15th Sts.
story brick factory nnd employ thirty hands
Its product will rosdlnblo somewhat that ol
: ho eastern wall finish factories , but the com
panj' will not be Roverncd by the pool.
Diphtheria nt Sioux City.
Sioux Citr , la. , Nov. 29 , [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bcc.J The board of henltl
lias ordered a quarantine on the Franklh :
school in this city , there being no less thai
twenty cases of diphtheria within a raiiius o
three blocks of the school building. Dr ,
Scbott , the city physician , says there an
about sixty cases in the city , and a number o
dsntlis have occurred. Unless there is a
rapid decrease in the number of cases all the
schools in the city will bo closed.
IjonkH Gloomy for Itnodlcr.s.
Dis : Moixi : * , la. , Nov. 29. A now turn
was taken in the alderman boodle cases
today , when Judge Bishop called the atten
tion of the grand Jury to the matter and sug
gested that they Investigate with a view to
returning Indictments for conspiracy. If
this is itono It will make the charge a peni
tentiary offense , and may drag in ox-city of
ficials as far back as 18TO , since which time
the practice of allowing themselves extra
compensation has been tlio practice of the
various city governments.
Omaha ItCBpniullug Ijihernlly to Their
Appeal For Ajtl.
The conunlttccs having charge of the work
of securing relief for the western settlers is
succeeding in the work In a manner that Is
entirely satisfactory to themselves. In addi
tion to the largo quantity of clothing and pro
visions previously reported and forwarded
Secretary Kason has received the following ,
which will bo forwarded atouco :
Pleasant school , 13 bundles ; Gllmoro &
Rulil , W worth of now clothing ; Gross
Brothers , 1 barrel of clothing ; Long school ,
01 bundles Franklin school 25 C. D. Bib-
u-t uuuuiwa ; i Lumiiiu oiuuuj , .vut u. xjiu-
hens , 2 ; Mrs. Dr. Parr , 1 ; Barnado & E. , 1
basket ; Plymouth church , 1 barrel of cloth
ing ; M. J , Plnkerton , 1 bundle ; Windsor
I'lnco Benevolent society , 3 hexes ; Mrs. Dr.
Jones. 7 bundles ; Mrs , J. I ) . Antes , 2 ; Airs.
Nee , ' . ; United Presbyterian church , ! ) ; Mr.
Dennis , 1 ; St. Mark's church , 17 ; Heel drug
company , l ! J. M. McClure , 4 ; Mrs. J. M ,
Wilson , 11 ( late City hat company , $70 worth
merchandise ; All Saints church. 1 largo box
of clothing and provisions ; Hickory school ,
15 bundles ; W. B. Carters , ! i ; J. lllckoy , 2 ;
C. II. Fredricljs , 1 ; real estate exchange , ii ,
The cash contributions to date , reported by
the tlnnnc-o committee , are ns follows :
I'rovloimlv reported $ 33.04
Hector Wllla-fiay & Co 50.00
K. Rosewater DO.OO
lc > . Clark , Anderson &Uo 59.00
(1. ( M , Harrow 10.00
( I. M , lllU-hoock 2.VOO
Klrkondall , Jones .t Uo W.OO
/ . T. Undhiiy S1VOO
Wlllliuas , Van Aerinan & llarto 25.00
llaiini Iron i-oiunaiiy " 5.00
A. T. Austin 15.00
,1. It. Mlllard loo.oo
A. Uajorl 2'H )
Mr. SuvldRc 2.00
Until Ualnuy , 1.00
Hickory school 1,25
of Manager Luwlcr of the Eden Musco. Ho
is always on the alert to engage the best at
tractions of the day. This week Monyhan
Tcnhon and Brings , the Sioux braves from
I'ino Hldgo , huvo been engaged to dance the
ghost dunce for the edification of the amuse
ment and curious public. The stellar attrac
tion , however , Is the Dervllle family , that
family of music whoso wonderful perform-
ancoi have caused comment all over the
country. The family is comprised of sketch
artists , diameter impersonators , sluuors ,
dancers mid comedians , and they give an eu-
tortalument that stands unrivalled In Us
class. The Italian cypsy band Is another
musical attraction that lias been successful
In all parts of the world. This band of
quaint , liulolont , nomadic people have a
conception of the art of music seldom known
in this country. Their musle Is superb and
well worthy a Strauss or a Ullmoro.
Arllno , the fairy queen of the nether
kingdom , Is a novelty nevo r before seen In
Omaha. Sydney , the whittler , is a curiosity
and must Iw scon to be understood , Last
Just opened , a select line of
cream and black ice wool fas
cinators , just the thing for
evening wear.
Art - Department
China silk and boltingcloths ,
drapes and scarfs , painted in
choice designs , at 850 , $ i , $1.50
and up to $3.
Stamped - Linens
We show a splendid assort
ment of stamped linens , in bu
reau scarfs , tidies , splashers ,
carving- cloths , tray cloths ,
lunch cloths , dresser scarfs ,
etc. , at popular prices.
Stamping done to order ; all
he latest designs.
We have on sale Monday a
small lot of stamped tray
cloths , dresser scarfs and tidies ,
slightly soiled , at less than cost
Another large shipment just
received. All silk
satin edge in all the delicate
shades for art and fancy work ,
at 5 c , gc and iac a yard
worth almost double the price.
Gents' Handkerchiefs
Gents' ' initial handkerchiefs ,
All linen , 25c cuch , regular Mo ( juallty
Men's silk inital lidkf s
50c. worth 75c
Men's plain silk hdkfs
At 50c. really worth T5c
Men's extra heavy plain
Silk lull.Ts nt'TSc , they nro worth $1
Men's all linen II. S. lidkl's
I'lulii anil colored borders , 25oj worth Hoc
An elegant line of Men's fine
all linen handkerchiefs , / to
Z inch H. S. , plain and col
ored borders , 500 each ; it wil
pay you to examine these
Cor. Parnam and i sth Sts.
but not least is Dockstnder , the mlnstre
king , who will appear this week only. Ho is
well known and needs no introduction. The
entire entertainment is a novel one. It is too
good to bo so cheap.
Two Opinions Presented by County
Attorney Miilioney.
As soon as the county commissioners con
vened yesterday afternoon County Attorney
Mahoney presented two opinions. He In
formed the board that Judges and clerks of
election should bo allowed $3 per day for
their services , or fC when they served moro
than three days. The other opinion was to
the effect that constables are entitled to $3
per day while serving at polling places.
County Clerk O'Malloy presented a state
ment showing the delinquent land tax be
tween the years 1859 and 18S7. Ho reported
the tax uncollectable and recommended the
cancellation of the same. The list was re
ferred to the county attorney. Tbo list shows
that on the numerous tracts there Is duo and
unpaid the sum of $28,093.77. Some of the
tracts are in the river , while others cannot bo
The State street grade was again brought
up and the bondsmen of J. C. Hoot , who has
the contract , notilied'tho board that they had
commenced work on the crado. They also
asked that all estimates bo withheld from
Hoot. Tuis was referred to the county at
The bonds of the newly elected assessors
wcro nresented , read and referred.
Some weeks ago the commissioners de
cided to grade South Sixteenth street and re
move 1X1,000 yards of earth. Yesterday the
amount was Increased to 24,600. This will bo
the county's share of the gracllne.
The usual number of bills were presented ,
read and referred to the respective commit
tees.Upon motion the following constables were
appointed : D. W. Cannon , Chicago precinct ;
J. if. Spethman , Millard ; John C. Dlngman ,
Third ward of the city of Omaha.
Since tbo first day of May Jurors and wit
nesses who have served before the coroner
have failed to receive their fees-for tholr ser
vices. This was on account of objections
raised by Chairman Anderson and Mr. Berlin.
Yesterday the matter was settled by the bills
being allowed and ordered placed in the next
appropriation sheet. As u.iual , both Mr.
Anderson and Mr , Berlin opposed the move ,
stating tnat there is no law for allowing such
The electric light companies of Omaha
were Instructed to bo on hand next Saturday
with bids for lighting the now county hos
The following appropriation sheets were
read and passed : No , 3 of the general fund ,
? 5'J7y.75 ' ; No. 5 of the general fund , $3,27.23 ;
No.-It of tbo bridge fund , $725 ; No. It ! of the
road fund , Jfl.n09.10 , and No. 59 of the hos
pital fund , * 100. Sheet No. 4 of the general
fund , amounting to $1,030.20 , was laid over
until the next meeting.
Illslinp O'Connor on Canvas.
A beautiful portrait of the late Ut. Rev. J ,
J , O'Connor has just been received from
Homo , Italy , by John Hush , csq. , for whom
it was painted from a photograph , by the
famous Italian portrait painter , S. 1'acclli.
Mr. Hush has consented that this portrait
shall bo placed on exhibition. It may there
fore bo sccii In the gallery of the Omaha art
exhibition association , at the corner of liar-
noy and Fifteenth streets.
' 1'tieso galleries will bo open day , evening ,
Sundays and week days anil the many friends
of the Into bishop will doubtless tuko advan
tage of this opportunity "to see this piece
which Is pronounced by thoao who have been
it a most excellent and lifelike portrait.
Building Permit * .
The following permits were issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
Kennedy .V Nowcll , two-story frame Ice
house , Kighth and Webster streets ( 2,500
Max Withers , ono-story frame cottage ,
Vinton und Spring streets , , 000
Same C'JO
Harbor llroi , addition story to brick
block nt IM Jones street 2,700
I'M Johnson , one-story friuno cottage.
I'ortloth and Jolmscm streets 800
T. U Cotton. nnn-Htory friuno Ice house ,
Oeoreo und Wall streets. , , , , . . . , , , . , , . . , 1,000
One minor permit , 75
Total . . . M . . . . .
'Sip &Co
Real Duchess Lace
AtJl.50 , $2 , 82.C5 , J3 nuil up. Itcnl hand em
Fine Silk Kousaline Handkerchiefs
KMiulslto ( It-signs , ( very delicate ) ut JS.TS.W.TJ ,
iS. KaiidtO.'ociiut.
Ladies' ' H. S. Hand Embroidered. Initial ,
Pure Linen cambric Handkerchiefs.
In fancy perfumed boxes , $1.75 u box , 6 hund-
kuruhlufsln a box ,
Ladies' ' H.S. Hand Embroidered Initial Linen
cambric Handkerchiefs ,
only 16o each , worth 25o.
Ladies' ' Lace Veined Scalloped Border Lawn
6 lines vclnlng , only G e , worth Oc.
Ladies' H. S , Lace Veined Lawn Handker
chiefs ,
Only 5c click worth 7Jc. !
Ladies' Hand Embroidered Japanese Silk
Scalloped borders , white'and colors , only 39o
worth roe.
Ladies' ' Hand Embroidered Japanese Silk
Handkerchiefs ,
II. S. and Scalloped borders , only Me , actually
wnrt li
Cor. Farnam and i5th Sts.
Their Inaugural IGntertuliiiunnt.
Union Pacific council 1009 Uoyal Arcanum-
held n complimentary musical at the Elks'
hall on Monday evening last , which proved a
decided success. An hour's entertainment of
recitations and music was listened to with
much interest , after which refreshments ,
card playing and dancing wcro indulged in
by all. The following wcro present :
G. W. Erdman and lady , W. A. Gronewcg
and wife , Frank Brown and wife , James H.
Irwin and wife , U , W. . Dyball , Harry P. Pot
ter , A. E. Kimbnll , Frank A. Secord and wife ,
Sidney Smith and wife , T. E. Cavln und
wife , 'W. P. Davis and wife , P. A. English
and wife , L. T. Wilbur and wife , William
Gyger and ludy , M. A Upton and wife , J. B.
Sheldon and wife , J. E. Preston and wife , C.
S. Potter and wife , Charles Gygcr and wife ,
F. Wosliburn , F. li. Ellsworth , C. A. Fowler
and lady , H. J. Worcester and lady. J. O.
Uhoades and wife , W. S. Dummock and
wife , C. M. Nettleton and wife , S. W. Lind
say and wife , F. L. Gregory and wife , W. II.
Murray and wife , Alfred Dai-low and wife.
L. H. Korty and wife , .7. B. Sheldon and
wife , A. J. Viorllng and wife , Alfred
Connor and wife , Mr. Warren and wife ,
W. F. Vnll and wife , E. Duval and wltc.
Frank Colloy , W. S. Heller. A. J. Vnnkuran ,
Walter Dale , J. W. Scott , 0. W. Fowler , J.
W. Maynard , Burkley , C. E. Brown , ' C. S.
Carrier , J. P. Coykendall , George U. Grls-
weld and wife , T. C. Havens and wife , Frunk
W. Hills , Sidney 13. Morse , I. L. Illchards
and wife , D. li. Shannon and wife , Miss Mil
ler , Miss May lioblnson , Miss Minnie Free
man , Miss Josephine Lavmc , Miss Kato
Goodsell , C. R. Davidson and wife , E. P.
Nowlmll and wife , Dr. Dodge. R. A. Smith
and wife , Mr. Durham , A. E. Hutchlnson ,
Mr. Derrick , M. a. Eada.
"Tliey Were Boys
There are few events in llfo moro interest
ing and cheering than the mooting of com
panions of youth , and to recall the joyous
times when "wo were , boys together. " Such
a reunion occurred in'thls city last wcok , con
sisting of three middle-aged men E. D.
Mcadimber , John O'Brien and John Hackott.
Twenty-five years ago they started out from
Kalamazoo , Mich , , flush with hope and am
bition. They wanted to see the western
world , which to their minds was bounded by
Chicago. Blacksmiths by trade , they worked
and slept together. Their paths soon di
verged , however. lUQadlmbor came to
Omaha and engaged in' business , which has
grown with iho growth of the city. Hackctt
took to rallroadlng.nmassed a competence and
Bottled down in Cres a , la , O'Brien clung
to Chicago , became an , export tradesman , and
is today superintendent of one of the largest
carriage manufactories of the Lake city. For
the first time in a score of years the three
disciples of Vulcna from Kalamazoo came to
gether last Tuesday to1 exchange reminis
cences and experiences , ' and Incidentally to
celebrate the opening of Mr. Meadhnber1
now factory. The reunion was a Joyful ono ,
and those who witnessed the trio romping
around would not suspect that each had
passed the fortieth milo-stono of llfo.
Entertalnmontint the Merrlnin.
A most enjoyable hlghfflvo party was given
by Mrs. H. N. Blood ' 'Tuesday ' evening , the
occasion being the Introduction of Mrs , Hufus
Foster and her daughter , Miss Mary Foster
of Boston , Those present were : Mr. and
Mrs. II. F. Cady , Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Stick-
noy , Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hobble , Mr.
and Mrs. I. W. Mluor. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall ,
Mrs , A. W. Copoiand , Mrs. Hufus Fester ,
Miss Mary Foster , Mrs. L. M. Tuttle , Harry
Foster , J. K. Hamilton. W. M. Featherly , H.
N. Blood. The ladles' ' lirst prize was won
by Mrs. I. W. Miner , the second priro by
Mrs. Marshall. The gentleman's first prlzo
by L. P. Stlcknoy , and tbo second by J. 1C.
A "Conversation" Party.
The pleasant homo of Mrs. Dr. Knodo ,
3120 Mason street , was open last Tuesday
evening for the reception of a small party of
friends. The invited guests were received
by tbo Misses Carrie and Alice Knodo , and
were very charmingly entertained during tlio
short Hours of the evening , Tbo programme
of entertainment consisted chiefly ot muslo ,
"progressive consideration" and parlor
jadies" " Fine Hand Embroibored Linca Lawn
Nntofitnovoltlos. oxcliiilvn design , nt C > 0e , COc ,
73c , $1 , $1.25 und 1.W ) . The bust values wo ever
hud the pleasure ot uttering.
Ladies' ' Fine Embroidered Linen Lawn
Handkerchiefs ,
Choice dcslgnc , endless viirletj' , only ! Wc ,
worth J. > o ,
Ladies' ' Pine Embroidered Linen Lawn
In 8 choice desfgns , only 20c , actually worth
Ladies' ' Embroidered Linen Lawn Handker
chiefs ,
In an endless variety of beautiful designs ,
only 15o , worth from " 0 toti'ic.
Ladies' ' Embroidered Sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs -
kerchiefs ,
Choice designs , only l-JJic , well worth 20c.
Ladies' H. S. Fine cambric Handkerchiefs ,
With corded lines , only 8Mc , veil worth ISJJc ,
Hemstitched Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs.
White uml colors. largo sizes , only 25c , net-
tually worth : i5c.
Hemstitched Pine Japanese Silk Handker
chiefs ,
Ono half and one Inch hems , only We , well
worth 75c.
Cor. Farnani and i5th Sts.
? atiies , followed by the serving of very
tempting refreshments.
Those present were : Misses M. Eosson
M. Ksmond , Vena Wells , Frances Emerson ,
Kssio Pryor , Johnson , Axtcll , Carrie
and Alice Knode , and Messrs. T. J. Hollan
dor , W. M. Kelso , C. Easson , L. E. Kobcrts
M. A. Grant , J. D. Zittle , O. English , K. N ,
Boroll , W. Douglas Claypool.
Tlio CooporV nail. "
The second annual ball of the Coopers'
Union No. 1 , took place on Thanksgiving
eve at Forest hall. Despite the fact that
therowereso many other attractions going
on , the coopers and their friends assembled
in largo numbers and tipped the light fan
tastic until early dawn.
The coopers never do things by halves , and
on this occasion they had spared no pains or
expense to make thu bsill a success , and their
efforts in this direction received the en
couragement which they merited.
The following gentlemen had charge of the
affair :
Master of ceremonies Lewis Ulm. Com
mittee of arrangements J. M. Baldwin , W.
M. I'Vedricksen , Charles Insco , Atno Burlier ,
James Hanson , William Cummings , Lewis
Ulm , Jake Olokman. Floor committee Jake
Diokiuan , Charles Insco , James Hanson , W.
M. Fredricksen. Introduction committee
William Curamings , Aino Burlier.
Thanksgiving IMciiHantrlo * .
Thohouso of Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Holbrook on Madison avenue was the scone
of a very pleasant gathering on Thursday
evening. In honor of Miss Florence Frost , a
sister ef Mrs. Holbrook , who goes to Denver
next week to-romain through the winter and
spring. High five was the game and was
participated in by Misses Tiettv Mornt , Clara
Chirkson , Sue King , Clara Itoodor , Carrie
and Anna Glacomlni , Florence Frost , and
Mcsdamcs E. O. Hamilton and M. S. Dost-
wick , Messrs. E. O. Hamilton , M. S. Dost-
wick. N. Merriam , M. P. Scars , A. 0. Frost ,
A. M. Corvio , W. G. Perfect , B. L. Searlo ,
H. II. Nyo. After refreshments * had been
served , music and dancing was enjoyed by
those who wcro not obliged to take the last
motor for down town.
DitncniK Fnrty tit Walnut Hill.
A very enjoyable dancing party was given
Thanksgiving eve nt Mercer's hall , \Valnut
Hill , Misses Carrie and Jessie Johns being
the moving spirits In the affair. The com-
mltteo on arrangements was composed of
Messrs. Gus Draxel , Frank Tomplcton and
Charles Gibbon. Among the guests present
were : Misses Wllklns , McClure , Alllco
Parker , Ada Parker , Carrie House , Weir ,
Lolghton , Sellers , Crelghton , Dwycr , Jennlo
King , Sue King , Mamio Free , Emma Free ,
Powers , Gibbon. Mr. and Mrs. Dr , Halley ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Epenctor , Mr. and Mrs.
Carpenter , Messrs. Deitz , Untliburn , Tal-
mngo , D. Roberts. Colby. Sclmller , llynn ,
Hurgcss , King , Flnley , Spooner , wilklns ,
Davenport , Cooper , Woir.
Tlio "Maskers" Surprised Him.
Last Tuesday evening Mr. D. S. Foster ,
being Invited to a masquerade ball at Muel
ler's hall , Eighteenth and Vinton streets ,
was most agreeably surprised when the
dancers unmasked to discover that they were
nil his friends , who bad gathered together to
surprise him on his birthday. Alter they
had presented him with a magnificent easy
chair they repaired to the supper table ,
where , with many a joke and many a laugh ,
they did ample justice to a bountiful supper.
Many of the costumes worn were very elab
orate. Among tbo comlo costumes Mr. Ed
Brown took the honors with his impersona
tion of "Old Sport. "
Soolnl Doings in Council Ilium * .
Thanksgiving night a turkey party was
given by Prof. W. E. Chambers , In Uoyal Ar
canum hall , In Council Blurts. It was an
elegant , full dress affair , and every detail of
arrangement was so carefully planned and
gracefully carried out as to render It a most
enjoyable occasion to all participants , Prof ,
Chambers was ably assisted by J. MoWll-
Hums. Dr. II. A. Woodbury , /.urmehlcn
and Harry Bowman. Tao music was fur-
nlshcd by the musical union of Omaha. The
OOO dress patterns of ging
hams , sateens , slllelns and
fleeced lined robes that arc worth
12jcnncll6 per yard , wo place
them on sale Monday at lii yards
for 08c.
Dress Ginghams
8O pieces good styles dress
qinghnms Be per yardtegular
lOc quality.
Dark Calicoes
BO pieces dark styles dress cali-
oes , regular price 8Jc , sale
price 5c.
GO dozen ladies' black cash
mere hose , regular BOc quality ,
sale price 89c per pair or 8 pairs
'or $1.
Silk Hose , $3
Ladies' fancy silk hose , plain
colors , and colored top with
black boot. These goods are fine
silk and worth from $3.78 to
$4.28 per pair ; our price on the
"ot $3 per pair.
Cor , Farnani and lotli Sts.
grand march began at 0 o'clock sharp , and nt
11 iiO ! a tempting turkey lunclnvas served.
The following were the guests present :
Misses A mile Bow in an , Maude Oliver , Mym
Crane , K. Kuhn. DoIIaven , Hoynolds , Ncllio
Bowman , May Bryant. Honnett , A. Hess , N.
Xcnnachlen , Manila Oliver , Anzlo liockwell ,
Ellen J. .laeUson , Maude Wilson , Lou Smith ,
Sundcll , Grace Gleason , Anna Moore , Bon-
ham , Bullard , Mnudo Covin , Gcrtlo Ulcason ,
T. , T. Keller , Miito Baker , Blanche Ark-
wripht , Julia IIowo , Mamie Bocho , Kirscht ,
Buchtieit , Nelllo Wndsworth , Eunice Wells ,
Ada" Hopper , Wells , Bertlo Atwood ,
Mlnuio AlerUcl , Edith Reynolds , Efllo
Reynolds. nil of Council Dluffs.
Mesdnmes S , A. Ferguson. M. A. Marshall ,
13. AVutts , Miksoll , T. Me'tcalf. J. J. Mnuratn ,
T. Cuvin , G. A. Kecline , C. B. Jiuhl , nil of
Council IllulTs ; Miss. \Vatkins , Miss Ella
.Tumison of Glen wood ; Misses Coon and
Mover and Mrs. T. PafTenmth of Onuiha ;
Messrs. II. 1C. Knowlos , P. Padellot , K. JJ.
Bowman , .T.M. Williams , O.S. Wright , C.
K , Stoddard , J. L. Moore , W. A. Williams ,
O. Williams. C. 1'latt , B. B , Crandall , E. K.
Patterson , V. P. Wriuht , H. M. Hattenhaucr ,
G. Patterson , D. L. Drnmond , Harry Hatten
lmucr , Kit MacConnelt , S. Etmyro , E. C.
Shepherd , l-\ Davis , G. M. Keller , II. Bow
man , Curtis Stoddard , T. II. Stacy , Guy
Shepherd , G. Kvuus , Kny Blxliy , Charles
Wood bury , Fred Glossor , II. Anderson , G.
Thorp , 0. II. Ogden , TJ. C. Patterson , A , S.
Mlclceiior , .1. .1. Maurath , M. A. Hungcrford ,
II. S. Ogtlcn , J. II. Sherwood. I3r. II. A.
\Voodbury , H. Sehoidlo , Ka , Watts , T.
Motcalf , l-i. Xuerinehlon. B. Casady ,
II. C. Wells , J. W. Atwood , W. II. Robinson ,
.1. L. Pnxton. II. L. Stacy. Dr. C. B. Judd ,
Ben Wells , W. Patterson. T. E. Cnvln , G. N.
Coatcs , J. A. Heynolds , C. Haas , all of Coun
cil Bluffs.
Dr. ( J. W. Inglmm , W. Allen , IL Driscoll ,
II , T. Bachelor , W. C. Kintr , T. C. Matthews ,
P. A. Gibson , of Omaha ; 1 * . Smith , of Hock-
ford , 111 , , E. 11. Helnscheimor , Dr. Schriver ,
J. McCluskcy , D" . G. Jamison , P. A. New-
bury , of Glenwood. '
Llttlo Clarence Albertson had a charming
birthday party on his third anniversary ,
which occurred Tuesday , Nineteen Httlo
friends gathered at his homo on Glen avenue
In Council Bluffs in tlio afternoon , and a mer
rier , prettier gathering could not bo Imagined ,
especially as It appeared when all the Httlo
guests wcro seated in high chairs about the
fairy banquet table. The center of the table
was adorned by a mirror , , surrounded by festoons
teens of pop corn , which extended from the
ceiling to thetable. . Upon the mirror wcro
candles , whoso light gleamed forth with very
pretty effect. Scattered upon the cloth wore
toy candies in all sorts , of fantastic
forms. There was also n largo
birthday cake , with tlireo bright colored
candles , and at each chair were the needed
silver tools for tartnking of the courses
which were served very temptingly. The
Hrst course was dainty sandwiches , formed
by a triangular bit of white broad , and n cir
cular one of brown , with a slice of white
cliicknn meat between. For drink pure cream
was served In after-dinner cups. Next came
baked apples with whipped cream , and salted
wafers. Then blanu mango and served with
whipped cream , lady lingers and macaroons.
Fruit was served next , bananas mid popcorn
balls , candied. lOacli little gnost was given n
little baket of candies and a bug of popcorn
for the homo souvenir. Little Clarence was
the recipient of numerous gifts ,
The Northwestern Mutual Life Insur
ance Company of Milwaukee has recently
niado n very valuable addition to its
force in this city in the portion of Ir. J.
E. Cowt'iU , formerly of lown. Mr , Cow-
gill comes boai-intf splendid credontialu ,
is a mui : of much culture and a thorough
Ho is hot unknown in the literary
world and hits an established reputation
as n public speaker and lecturer of
Ills long ncqunlntanco with the North
western and his thorough knowledge of
the Hubject of lifo iiiHunuico in gonornl IB
n guunmteo of his success in his now
Ho will have his ofllco with Mr. Steel ,
the gen. ugt. , in the Boo building.
Tlio Nownlioy'H
Alexander Iloiiglund , president of the
Boys' and Girls' National Homo and Employ
ment association , arrived In the city last
night atid will sneak at tbo First Presbyter-
11-4 Marseilles bed spreads , a
grent bargain nt $2 , actual value
11-4 Marseilles bed spreads ,
choice patterns , extra heavy , at
$2.8O , worth $3.28.
11-4 fine Marseilles bed spreads
that are well worth $4.DO , Mon
day's price $3.20.
It will pay you to examine
these spreads.
11-4 extra fine Marseilles bed
spreads , choice patterns , extra
soft finish , a regular $0 spread ,
our price
Remnants of table
linens and crashes ? , t
less than cost price.
1OO dozen 3-4 fine dnmasi *
napkins , elegant patterns , at
$3.20. These napkins wore
bought to sell at $4 ; for this sales
we offer them at $3.2B per dozen.
KdleyStiger&Co. ,
Cor. Faniam and 15th Sts.
, an church tonight. Ho will rurlow tbo worB
of the association and his own work during
the past four months among the newsboys oj
"Washington , Baltimore and Richmond.
Every one feeling im interest In the reformj
ntory work among the young should attcaoj
YELTjAND Novombcr 29 , nt the residence
of her daughter , Mrs. A. Fitch , nil ) Soutn
Twenty-fifth avenue , Mrs. Anna Yollaiid ,
aged 84 years.
Services will be held Sunday , Novomboi
SO , nt-t p. in. , at the house. Interment nt
Galena , 111. St. Louis and Galena papers
please copy.
JAMIBSON November 2 ! > , at 131 North
Thirty-seventh street , Omaha , the nelovocj
wife of AdamJamioson , plumber , ngcd'27)ij
years. Sadly missed but not forgotten.
The funeral will take place from the famllj
residence , 121 North Thirty-seventh street ,
to Forest Lawn cemetery , at 2 o'clock p. m. |
Monday , December 1. All friends and ac
quaintances are kindly requested to attend.
Covert lodge N"o. 11 , will convene at
Freemasons' hull at 1 p. in. Monday , December -
comber 1 , to attend the funeral of our
Into brother , Peter M. Loo. Nebraska
lodge No. 1 , Capitol ledge No. . ' { , St.
John's ledge No. ill and all sojourning
muster masons are fraternally invited.
Slap Jack
Is H now preparation , ready to raise , ro ;
quires no yeast , no baking powder , no
cggb , no mat , nothing but a little cold
wntor to make a hatter. It makes the
finest cukes In the world. Any grocoi ?
will Boll you a two pound package o !
slap jack for ton coats. Clemens Oa >
kumn , solo manufacturer' , Omaha , Nob.
The Society AV II Dissolve.
PATHS , Nov. 29. ( Special Cablegram to Tna
Bin : . ] The society organized under the
immo of tlio "French Friends of Russia , " has
agreed to dissolve.
llardmau ,
Decker Bros.
Fischer and
BARGAINS Lindorman < 5c
Sons , Mnthusheck , W. P. Emer
son , Henry F. Miller and Hallot
& Davis.
Mueller & Sclimoller , 107 S. 16th.
Co. ,
Monday only.
Foster Patent
Kid Gloves.
Worth $1.25.
Colors ,
Slate ,
Fancy ,
Brown ,
1506 Farnam