iW , THE OMAHA PAIT.T BEE , SUNDAY , /NOVEMBER / 30 , ISOO-TWENTT PAGES , SOME CE1S IN THE ROUGH , JJright Thoughts Selected from the Papon of the Late 0. IT , Eothackor , HE TURNED THE LIGHT ON SHAMS , / \ Cnusjlo Observations on Mnny I'hnacs or Kvcrydny LiferniRineiits of a Proposed Hntlro on the Irish Movement. UuStr.J'.E. Huuanl. It has fallen to my lot to go through the late O. H. I'nthaoker's papers , to destroy his private letters nnd such other documents as l > crtulncd to his personal affairs and Intended only for his personal use ; such matter , In deed , as every man would wish should not bo thrown Into an alley after ho Is dead , to bo picked up by any prowling band. I have long deferred the fulfillment of the task , through n reluctance born of a consciousness that It would bo a painful ono. But It hnd to bo done , und In tlio doing I have found , as I know I would , much fragmentary literary work that seems to bo worthy of preserva tion. Most of this was written during the last thi eo j ears of bis llfo nnd largely con sists of poetry , but much yf It Is in the rm- turo of suggestions for editorial and literary work. It was Mr. Itothackcr's habit to Jot down o pregnant throught as it occurred to him , for future use , nnd many of these nro strlk- Jnly oplgraimnaticnl , whllo others are caustic criticisms designed to expose the shams and pretenses of men. Thd fact is rovcalod In his letters from distant friends that in his own to them ho frequently expressed the conviction that his death N as near at hand , and doubtless this conviction , resulting from his frequent illness , accounts for the fact that much literary work which 'ho had plan n d was never undertaken , nnd of that which was begun little was finished In the permanent form designed. I will endeavor now to glvo some of tbo moro striking of his memoranda : To put n great thought Into rhyme Is llko putting the Madonna Into corsets. My heart la so full of love that my lungs nro empty of sound. My brain Use ready that it says my tongue. I cannot write much , so lot mo hurry my Ideas Into words , The garments may not fit , but I hope the muscle will ho thero. If Is not , the cause will not bo at fault , 1 don't llko Christmas because that was the day on which I was born. There Is ono commune Yes I Ono that comprises God nnd man both Infinity nnd humanity. There Is as much fault In a clamor as there is in a glamor. Between the fox-lira of a volco and that of a belief tbero Is very little difference. If some ono could write the llfo of Daniel do Fee nh Dnnlel do Toe could wrlto it would ho good reading. A twilight of literature , lit hero nnd tbcro by a Chinese lantern. After awhile the sun mav rise. Tlio Diet Ilnrto typo a single mountain peak of .solf-sncrlflca issuing from a dead level plain of vice. A composite of many natlonall s with t distinct characteristic of its tl ° due to climatic anil political conditions. Holding the glimmering torch of llfo over the abyss hcsldo ftho path until it fell from weakened fingers and was lost llko a dying star In the darkness beneath. pVscl lllto n > ghost that had the impudence to bo allvo without tbo ingenuity to glvo an explanation why it should bo. Vitality all rags nnd tatters , but the doctor is a pretty fair tailor. A gourmand of character , chooslncr tuo most dullcato reputation for her dally dish ; a scurrilous , low-voiced , many-worded past , crying her causeless mnlico In a ceaseless tils cordanuound sustained in vituperation by her genius of vleiousness. A morose monotony , lit hero nnd there With the fulnt semblance of a smile born Of uneven llattoryj ono who seeks To make good things seem bad by pretense , To make bad things seem good by pretense. A bloodless virtue , with himself for God ; A thing of maxims and of rontiy words That roach all there Is of llfo but self. Carlyle , whoso genius was dyspepsia In its most voluble nnd declamatory form. Contempt of the world Is the youth of In telligence ; sympathy with the world Is tbo old ago ot Intelligence. . Shadow Is the echo of humanity ; the bas tard of sum and substance. I have decided at last to quit burglary and study law. It Is almost the only respectable way as far as I know by which a man can steal. The older ono gets the moro coffins ho stumbles over In his path. Llfo is not a mystery. It is plain enough. That which succeeds it is n mystery , but ono should live so as to moot cither a mystery or that which is plain. The toleration which necessity compels. Speaking of a father rained by a profligate con : flu was hanged upon the tree which ho planted. At tbo eato of the world there is a lane lined with old men whb bow pleasantly and smile rynleal smiles as Youth , with its en thusiasm , plunges Into the turmoil. And then they wait until the youth shall return , bovtod nnd gray , to bo a part of that same nuimm hedge. I mot Mr. Xiongfellow Just before his death. Ho was In the twilight of his llfo. The splendid , calm , cool , dusk of his days was about his head the shadow upon the silver. Ho was great la the growth of night and Just as gcntlo and just as true and Just himself as ho would have been if ho bad been born In Kentucky instead of la Maine , - . "When winds and rain send tinsel and gilt fraud We look through gaps and see the face of Uod. When Abraham Lincoln was the single star to be socn through tlio rags and tatters of the clouds in a troubled sky , The llcrco words of a moment may Become the errors of nit ago. - Mou lese the perfume of our praise , But uo'er forget the stlugs of rage. The South is imperious nnd Impulsive , but American. Its outburst was duo to an opl- domlo of constitutional lawyers with the preachment of sophists and the practices of demagogues In fault. Out of this grow the error of the rebellion. It was a political crutlclsm all passion and no Judgment. At llrst thu North was a mingling of panto and enthusiasm. Then it became a cool fighter. Its factory wheels began to turn and so did the tide of battle. Thowhlrrof its machinery was stronger than the roll of southern mus- Icotry. The resolute practicability ot Its mills was greater than tuo resolute Impracti cability of confederate charges. The North became a great "baso of supplies , " and hun gry men cannot fight against full granaries. A prNou a will ted scpulcbra of stone a cemetery Inhleh Ho , the corpses of past cilmcs. Tbo leaders of the Republican during the summer of last year , w ben Mr. Hothnckor was engaged upon it , ami who remember his cnnstto criticism in one of his "Drift" arti cles of the loaders of the Irish movement nnd of the movement as well. Know how thor oughly ho was disgusted with the whole bus iness , ilo was the sou Of a revolutionist and ho believed In revolution as a last resort , but ho believed that revolution meant fighting , talking-meant striking blows at the enemy at homo Instead of perpetually passing the hat for contributions"in another country , If Kothnckcr hod gene to Ireland to live he would not have boon there six months before - fore ho would have been sentenced for llfo to Vnu Dlcmon's laud or hung , if the uprising which ho surely would have stimu lated JU1 not succeed. Some time before his death bo planned to write a sutlrfl on the wbolo Irish business , similar to that caustic , story of his , "Tho Au tobiography of on Anarchist , " nnd I llnd in his papeis u great many notes of the points lie Intended to make and a little moro than ono finished chapter. The notes and suggestions 1 will glvo ilrst : Show the gradual growth of nn Irish pa triot from enthusiasm and recklessness to In- tcnso selfishness and cunning , hi thoie a cbniigo of nature \\lth years ) I presume there comes a tlmo lu the Ufa of every IrLsh patriot when bo Is at the forking of the roads and has to dccldo whether ho will KO to America and earn his living or stay In Ireland , got Into parliament and have America send his living over to him. I am an Iilsh patriot. I was not born so , but I caught on to the profession when ! groiv older. I was hungry and Icouldu't see anything else in sight. I shall never dlo pur posely , or commit tlio Indirect sulcl do of los ing my will power , but-lsn't itanuisancol They hung him. livery year wo reward his noble patriotism , by collecting funds and passing resolutions , Ireland has bled almost over since I can remember. Kutbor than have it break its record and not bleed , I would blood It myself. 1 have done so. The Irish cause Is the only causa that never had an effect. An Irishman always has a good heart when ho U itoor. lie loses It when ho becomes rich. ( Dwell. ) The peculiarity ot tholrlsh charactcrwhlch makes a rich Irishman patronize a poor one. and halo one who Is ilch. Is this \vhyall rich Irishmen associate with the shanty Irish Just to feel n pleasant superiority und enjoy the unbroken How of llattcry. Captain Moonlight behind the hedge and overhead. Did ho dlo In valnl NoVo raised . 00,000 for a suffering patriot who needed the carlsbad waters for a month , whllo his mother took temporary advantage of his absence to starve , thus helping his on- cmles You drop your fund In the slot and see how U work . It works you. I nm nn Irish patriot of American and HnglWi parents. The ono thing the great link that binds mo to the great Hue of Irish patriots Is my dcsiir for funds. Can you ask any better pioof my loyalty ? P. S , Mv mother does not need anything. If she did I would taito up a collection rather than have her suffer. John Mohn Mahoney , carried to his grave on Irish shoulders , but accused of dishonesty durinir his lifetime by Irish tongues. Stephens teaching school In Purls , poor and neglected. Send him on nsccrct mission and have him betrayed by these who sent him. The best way to free Ireland Is to free it from thu Irish. I love Iinland by profession. IJoIwork ? Yes , I work the Irish. Any Irish movement can bo stopped , not by arms , but by the British civil list. Make a point In alternating chapters of the really earnest Irishmen. Ills success not entirely duo to personal merit , but to the fortunate fact that his father was hanged. Envy of other agitators at this advantage. If there nro two Irishmen In a conspiracy , ono thine Is sure , each' will bo breaking his neck in the rack to inform on the other. If England were suddenly to accede to Ireland's demands , what n number of patriots would be depriv cd of a livelihood and bo com pelled to seek other means of suppoitl In this great case of rags vs royalty -this adjudication of [ icasaiit und prince the fault lies la thutyou can never reach It by lows.Jus- tlco can llnd its level , but p.ieh man must find his own mountain and , when ho llnds it , ho will find it a very cold placo. Tbo raven has been taught to rctriove most creditably , A lady In Alton , Mo , gnvo birth to a round half doren of children recently , four girls and two boys. "Mother and children doing well. " It Is said that In the northern lakes of England the teen has been taken fortv feet under water upon hooks halted for a largo trout. Twin plrls wcro born In tbo retreat for the sick at Norfolk , Na , tno other dav who weighed a pound and a pound and a half re spectively. Rupert Hansborough , of the flrm of Crow- ley. Hunsborough & Co. , leather dealers , of Chlllicotho , O. , Is the possessor of a natural curiosity in the shape of a cow which gives black milk. A monster grapevine at Athens , Ga , which covers moro than a quarter of an acre , has been known to produce cnoiiRh of grapes In a single year to make 100 gallons of vv mo. It It was planted by Prof. Rutherford thirty- two years ago. Two years or more considerable publicity has been given to und no Htllo intcicst ox- citcd by tbo discovciy of red cotton and the efforts to perpetuate Its growth , says the lial- timoro Manufacturers' Kocord. According to the latest report the several attempts have been successful in the main. A planter in Alpharetta , Ga , nas nn acre of cotton , every stalk of which is said to beef of a deep red color , leaf , boll and bloom. This novel crop Is the product of seed derived three years ago from twobtalks of red cotton found In a Hold of cotton. If this variety can bo jiorpetuated it will likely mean a fortiuie to the successful planter. An old Swedish woman , by name Marie Johnson , llving in the outskirts ofLupoer , lich. , gave birth recently to her first child after having been married thirty-eight years without offspring. The woman claims that shols sixty dears oljl , and looks every dav of that age. Tbo physicians declare that , the case has never hnd but two precedents In the annnh ot the profession. HMMCKca Edward Ferrers , nn American resident of the village of Santa Mogdaleno , Mexico , re cently dm ; up a notriBcd bee hive. The cells were perfectly distinct and contained , small , irregular shaped bodies which must have boon bees. Many of thorn contained , besides , a thick black substance of nbout the consis tency of tar , very hard to penetrate and very swcot and as Inllamable us rosin , and which beyond n doubt was honey. The hive was found on the dry bed ot what must have been a small creek emptying into the Uio do' Norto. a The pctilflod body of Miss Ella Sowell was dug up in a cemetery at t atibury , Pa. , the other day. The body was found to bo wcl preserved , and but for the slightly sunken chocks and marble pallor might have been taken for that of a sleeping girl. In life Miss Sewcll was a brunette. When the boay was viewed the hair was snow white. A carofu" examination was made , mid it was found tlia pctrltlcatlon of the body bad taken placo. Even the flowers placed In the casket were potrilled , Experts pronounce it a perfect case of a pctrillcd human body , and glvo as the cause the damp condition of the ground caused by the Hood of June , 18S9. A singular phenomenon is described In a Scotch journal. A particular species of wil low trco was in llovvcr , and attached to those blossoms , which resembled an old-fash ioned bottle-brush , were a largo number of the "big black bumble bee , " with which ev ery schoolboy is familiar. They remained a whole day sipping the extract of juice and then dropped helplessly to the ground , hard- Iv able to move , and the next morning were almost dead from exposure. Ono was ob served to climb a vertical board of a few inches and when near the top to throw out his legs and fall back after the manner of the ordinary Inebriate. An omnibus driver ono day found n little rat In tbo hay loft. As it was of a piebald color , ho spared its life and took it homo. In coun > o of time it grew nulto tame , and became - came a great friend of his children , At night , It used to lie on thorug before the nro , and when the flro went out it crept into its master's bed. The driver taught It to obey , him , and at the word of order It would jump Inty his top coat pocket , and stay with him all day. Occasionally its owner placed It In the boot of the omnibus to watch his dinner , and if any ono dared touch the food , It would ily at him out of the straw llko a fierce tiny terrier. When the rat had grown old end white , and had lost Its teeth , It still remained the family favorite , and was fed just as If it bud been a baby. The Hartwell ( Ga. ) Sun relates this curl- father's house is a largo rosebush , and whenever - over ho walks In hU sleep ho gets up , takes a pillow and quilt or coverlet off the bed nnd carries them to the rosebush and spreads them down underneath that. A few nights ago the writer was thore. The little boy was lying on his bed uslocp , but the family had not retired. When wo were conversing the boy got up nnd pulled a coverlet and pillow off the bed. Wo wcro told to watch him. He walked out of the door and straight to the rosebush , where ho deposited the pillow and coverlet , Ills mother called to him nnd told him to bring them back in the houso. Ho obeyed , and lay down on the bed without over awaking. Ho has done this many times. " _ The chaplain for congress seems to pray hard enough , but still he does no good ; not so with Dr. Bull ; nls Cough Syrup has never failed to euro the most stubborn cough or cold. cold.No No euro , no pay U the motto of Salvation Oil because It euros ovcry time. Prlco 25 oenU. THOUGHTS IN LIGHTER VEIN , A Few of the Many Punny Things tlie Wits Are Baying. NOT THAT KIND OF A CHICKEN , Johnny 1Vnn More nntrrpriiltifi Than Generous A Snfo Inference Ills Dreadful Fate A Hoy's Com position Not Willing. Jeweler's Weekly ! "Wun Van How muchco smallco lavvtchl Jowelcr Seventy-seven dollars. \Vun Yam Mo no takco. Buy clock tltcoes big two dolleo. Dnvfti to n Fine Point. Indianapolis Journal : Uncle Unicode Sav , Is that there dwarf really as little as the pic ture makes him out ) Sideshow Shouter As Httlol Did you say little ) Wy , old man , that dwarf u es a postage stump in tuo place of a poms plaster. Wondvrs of Holcnoe. Now York \Voaklys Lady Do you take instantaneous photographs ! Photographer Yes , madam ; I can photo graph a humming bird on thu wing , or a swallow in Its lllght. Lady 1 want niv baby's plcturo taken. Photographer Yes , timdani. dot the little - tlo fellow ready and 1 will prepare the chloro form. A Donbtlnl Compliment. Chicago Herald : Apropos of stories , there nro some funny ones Rohih'ttHo rounds nbout a woman who Is the nutorcss ot a most charming eoolc. She is very enthusiastic , and not long ngo at n dinner party said : "Men In tills country don't Know how to lovo. If you want to sec real love you must go to Hussln ; there a man savs , 'Bo mlno or you -A ill die. ' " Spoken dramatically mid with her eyes Hashing , everybody looked im mensely Interested until u courtly old gentle man rose up from his chnlr and bowing most graciously , responded : "O , madam , how thankful we are that you caiuo back to this country allvo. " Encouragement I'or Jaok. Jeweler's Weekly : Amr Iseothat tliero Is a female minister In Cincinnati. Now , would you call her a clergyman or a clergy- woman ? Jack O , a clergyman. There's no such word as "clergywoman. " The word "man , " you know , oinbiaces "woman , " too. Amy Docs It realty , J nek i How nice I Seriously Lnlly Spongcc Something seems to bo the mattaw with the balance of mo wuwcth. " Jowelcr Sharpe YeI'm gtaJ you brought It back , I'll Ireeii U till the balance Is set tled to my satisfaction. A Prize Hoy. Smith Owy & Go's Monthly : Dollvcr I believe I have the most renuii kablo six-year old boy in the country. Brindle ( getting wearvt. rull of funny ways und smart sayings. 1 suppose I Deliver. Not u bit. That's what he's re- nmrknblo for. Epoch : "Take hick the heart thou ' " gavost' "Why .should I take it back ! " There was a hush of expectancy nnd the listeners leaned far out over the vcrunda to catch the dying note ot loves lyric. ' 'IJe- rausc , " cn-no the reply , wafted softly on the wings of evening , "bocnuso the boarders won't ' oat it. " It was the btitcuor. Not That Ilinil of a Chloken. Judge Cousin Nell ( Inculcating gener osity ) Simpering your ( hickcn should lay n nicoegg , Tommy , would jou give it to mol Tommy No ; I'd soil lttoB.irnuui. That chicken's a rooster. A > nfo Inference. Puck : Friend of the Family Somebody told mo that your son Geor u was now a prominent ilguro In politics out In Indiana. I bopo ho is sound on all the great tnoial issues of the day. Paterfamilias I think so. He has Just been defeated for congress. A Congenial Occupation. Smith , Qrav & Go's Moutnly : Mag Are yo viorhin' , Chimmvi Chimmy Soytenly ; I'm workln' lr a soot nn' ulouk fuct'ry , over in Willlamsboyg. Mag Wet doln' I Chimmy Qlvln' Jacket-makers do sack , sool His Dreadful i-'ntc. Chicago Times : "A Texas Jury has given anmnn verdict for $10.000 for the loss of a log , " said Bulger "That's too much , " "Not a hit of it , " said Bowser. "They oucht to have given him twice as much , for the leg loft to him will hereafter bo useless. " "Why BO 1" 'Becluw nil tf "h s 'r ends \vlll spend the r tlmo pulling iu" A Shrewd Move. Qenorul Managftr : A. You see that fine house 1 Tbo man who owns It made all his money as a cab-driver. B. How dla ho manage to do itt A. Easy enough. Ho uiado it a rule to know the exact minute when the train loft in which his piissenger-was going , and reaching the station nt the very last moment the pas senger could not dispute with him , no matter what ho charged. AVns Competent. Arkansnw Traveler : At a rooont examina tion of u young man who applied for n certtt- cato admitting him to the active Held of edu cation , the examiner asked : "WhatIs n compound fraction ? " The man replied : "A compound fraction Is a fraction of a fraction and paitakes of the nature of tlio verb and najootlvo. " "That's u now way of ansvmlug the ques tion , " said the examiner , "but I reckon you nro right. " Tlio Poetry That Pays. Kate Field's "Washington : Poet { opening his mailJ-Orcat Scott 1 I The Squonchery has refused my noble poem , beginning : Wild through the lonely chambers of my soul- Poet's Wlfo ( opening her mall ) Never inmd. my dear , hero's $10 from the Wavmcd- Overland for a trillo I sent it , beginning : You bet your boots , old pard , thot's sal BoglnnliiK Ijojilslntlvo "Work. Pittsburg Chronicle : "You haven't taken your seat in tbo legislature yet , have voul" asked n cltl/cn of n uowly-olocted member. "No , " replied the representative ; "tho leg islature hasn't mot yet. " "Then how comes it that you have Intro duced n BUI already 1" "Introduced n bill I" "Yes. I heard you say to a young lady , 'Miss Blank , allow mo to introduce my son , William. " ' A Hoy's Composition. Now York World : A man wlch was the sheriff on a Jail his prisners hop' a gtttln out nltes and steclln1 hens , cos the lall waent strong enough to hold em Inside. So the man ho said , the man did : "Ho put n stop U > the littio game hartyrsl" nnd ho had a ether cote of paint put on the jail. But the artist bo bad put some salt into the paint , and some cows came along and licked the paint ol off. and then thoprlsncrs got out a other time and steeled moro hens. Wen the sheriff ho soon what they bad done he was so angry ho sed : "This alnt no place for thcofs , you hot , so you follow has got to cither behave your selves or llto out , and russlo round for yor bash best way you can. " The Boy Got It Afterward. V Dexter Gazette i Accrtain Dexter man isn't a success as a niouser. Furthermore , ho has a young son who has shown himself sbocK- inuly deficient In the way of compassion for the suffering , The other morning a mouse crept cautiously from the open door ot the ccllarway , Tbo man of the Louse grabbed a broom , carefully noised bU weapon and launched a mighty blow at the ventursomo rodent. As ho struck bis too caught in a rug und away ho gaily went , head flrst , bump- thump-bang to the bottom of the collar stairs. As ha was trylufr to remember whether It was last year or day before to morrow , ho became conscious of a face nook- ng over the door till , a face quizzlcd with a twUt of demoniac glee. A pause , and then the shrill voice of his youngest chirped , "D'jro ' git Mm d-a-a dl" \ Tlio YOUIIK Mind. Caps Cod Item I A thunderstorm was pre vailing ; the sky was dark and the rain fell In big drops , The lightning was vivid and the thunder's < tccp-toned , reverberations wcro nwo-lnsplrlng. Llttw George , sitting near a manly little fellow strove to conceal his fears. Suddenly n bright Hash of lightning Illumined the room , Immediately followed br a heavy crash of thunder. Ocoigo was visi bly disturbed. Turning to bis mother ho said : "Mamma. I rfdn't think God Intends to kill us ; I think hot Is only trjlng to scare U5' " ' i. On LosliiR a l'rlcnrt. Jf < irn/0. Fortcr.s And shall I ne'er ngiitu behold the old famil iar fount And grasp mv frlend-my staff and stay , ray shelter in the storm ) Can I not for ono moment lay my hand upon the head Of ono that I have loved for ycaw , | tlut stayed when others lied ? No ; best of friends must pirt , though hearts bo rUen wldo with grlot , And sighing for the loved and lost will bring me no relief. I how my head to cruel fate , but aye I'll ' curse the fellah Who robbed mo of my dearest friend ray faithful old umbrella. Not Willing. Sajs bould Barney Mllllian ToBlddyMeSiiilllir.ni , "Ouch , faith I It's myself would bo lolkiu' ' a kiss.11 Cries BlddvMcSnllllgnn , "Yc'd bclthcr bo still agin ; Ol'llnot becndoorin'tmclitrateuontas this. " "Arr.ihldoJtest Biddy , Uoalsy , be stlddy , Indadc , it's no use to be uclln' lolko this. Ouch ! scratch a man's nose off , An' ' tear all his clo'cs olT , It's & deal uv a'row to bo glttiu' a kiss. " 'Go ' Mr. 'way , Barney , No more of jour blarney , Or lustid uv u kiss yo'll bo glttln' a ktcle. Ould rod-headed H.irnuy , Yer waitln' your blarney , Pur hero comes the misses I Ach I Barney , bo quick I" by Ginpcvlnc. Pittsburg Dispatch : About 2 o'clock this morning Mary Ann heardn noise in the lower partot thohouso and canto down ctuirs to see what was the matter. She found the hay of the house leading a paper upsides down and nervously tapping her foot on the lloor , "What are you doing , mum ! " "Waiting for the lotuins , Mary. " "For thu returns , mum ! " "Yes very full returns , Mary. " And sura enough ho returned an hour later about as full as a man can trot election night. Her Heart Trouble. Elnghaniton Lender ; Said ono Front street phi to another iccently : "At ma's suggestion the doctor called today and had a little tulk with mo. Ala hus been worrying about mo lately , you icnow. vYcll , the doc tor said ho had reason to suspect that there was something the matter witu my heart , and hen \ I expressed a degree of wouuer that he should find that out ho looked sur prised and asked mo if I'd knonu it before. I ussuied him that I had good reason to know of it , and when ho asked mo about the symp toms I tolil him that I'cxpericnceii considera ble iluttei Ing and quicker pulsation , espoc- lally towaid 3 o'clock In the evening. Ho didn't know what to Iriako of that , so I told him that was the hour when 1 expected Charley. Ho got up ut that and prepared to RO , and somehow or m.tycr I fancied that ho looked cheap as he took his departure. I guess ho was a little dLsapnolnlcd because ho wasn't the flist to discover my heart trouble. " " _ Dr. Birney cures catarrh , Bee bldff. The pulpit is ruightthr than the stump. _ A biblical weapon the axe of the apostles. Tlvro will Lo no theater Hats nor plug lints in heaven. If the devil were not aided bv dyspepsia ho oould not do enough business to nay for keep ing UP lll'C.i. Some people sing in metro lonp , " 0 Lord , Thy \vlll bo done ! " But when it comes to doing it They're busy with number ouo. Cora Wonder "vvtiy the pretty younp min ister calls us the "lambs of his fold I" Dora On account of the sheep's eyes we are always casting nth im , I presume. "The idea 1" said the African missionary , Indignantly. "What's the 'matter ! " "Tho idea of sending celluloid poker chips to aid the heathen In an ivory country. " The boy with wisdom post his years Now looks nbout with care to bee Which of the Sunday schools appears Most likely for a Christmas tree. Lawson I hear Mr. Soeuso has discontin ued his liberal financial aid to the Chuah of the Holy Fashionables. Dawson Yo ? ; ha has entirely recovered from his danpirous lung trouble. His Doctor says ho will llvo for years. years.O O , how J love my teacher's face , O , how I love to pray 1 O , how I love this life of gracol O , how they'll miss mo from , ibis place a Just after Cbilstinas day. Hov. Dr. Frcshlelgh .My dear Mr. Samp son , what was the nameof that beautiful hymn you plujed Just after my sermon last Sabbath ! Sampson ( the organist ) O. it was called , "Ho Oiveth Ilis Beloved Sleep"-or nothing ooraonal , you know , doctor. Florence , is a little girl who Is just learning to go to chuirh. I ast Sunday when she came homo her mother asked her what she thought of the sermon. "Ugh ! " was the Irreverent answer ; "mo sltted an" " slttcd an' sittod , anr got drefful tired , an' the p'cacher said an' ' Biiid an' said an' Ueeped on snjinV "I have to make the announcement this mornire , " said the minister , "that our dear brother In Massal-hmd has written mo that the heathen nro so sparsely clothed there that ho finds very little use for pearl buttons , and ho Dogs that the congregation -will rcfrali ; from contributing them as generously as heretofore. " St. Peter ( reading card ) Mnr.v Ann Swipes ; ago , forty-eight. Methodist. Cor rect. Siiliit of Mrs. Swipe * Dear mo , I iccl sostiango : Whore do laltl St. Peter Third row to the left ; right back of the Baptist benches. Spirit What 1 Does the Methodists sit behind the Baptists ! ( Firm ly. ) I don't want to go In. "I hope , " said Mrs. Dingbat , 03 she began to put on her bonnet , "that you me notfoing fishing this .Sunday morning , William , hut are coming to chwtn.vvlth nio. " "I am going to church , Sarah , " replied William , donning his overcoat. "I liavti b6como Impressed with the belief that it Is a man's duty to attend service Sunduy niornlnfc , and to put aside the pleasures of the world for a tlmo. It costs nothing and does ono good" Besides that,1' ho added to himself , "Uio tldo isn't right fo ilshlng till after dinner , " I once found a preacher to suit mo ; Ho was eloquent sound as a rock ; But the feature thdt tickled my fancy Was the way ho roasted his llock. Such a ono was dishonest as blazes , Such and such , undeserving the name Of course no addresbes were given , But I knew 'em , you bet , Just the samo. I had thought to unite on probation , But before I could Ijring it to pass. This Ideal preacher got on to my trail , And sketched mo iu full as an ass I Dr. Dim cy cures catarrh Bee bldg , The Growth or Ijondou. Ono of the most singular facts about the growth of London is its ropularlty. It may bo roughly taken that every month about ono thousand houses nro nddcd. In August of this year 705,677 houses had to bo supplied by the water companies with wntor ; in September that number had incronsod to 700,707 , In August of Inst year 764,4(1 ( i houses had to he supplied , or 11,113 bolo\v \ the number in the same month of year be fore. In September this rear tlio com panies hud to supply 10,700 houses moro than In September of 1889. Tula exten sion IB not con 11 nod to any ono portion of the capital , but a preference la Btlll be ing Bhowii for the north and northwest suburbs. IDE FRUITS THAT n EAT , Tha Trade of Today and Twenty Years Ago OomparoiL A DECIDED INCREASE IS SHOWN , The Supply nnil Dcnihtitl U I'nr Greater In Proportion Thnn tlio liici-cnsc Intlio Country's Population. "Well , It Is not only rctnarknble , but Is really wonderful how the fruit trade of this countiy has grown In the twenty jcnrs last past , " said an Omaha fruit dealer the ether day , and that assertion , so earnestly uiado , Interested Tun I5ic man to the extent of an Investigation. A aozon or more small dealers , and n score or inoro porambulntors , whoso voices may bo heard on almost every street corner In the city singing praises to the sweetness ot their vvurcs , never forgetting ; to add the cheapness In price , ere visited mid tnlkcd with nbout the fruit trade ot ted y and of twenty years ago. Very many of the dealers In Omaha know nothing of the trudo yean ngo , but oc casionally a veteran Is met , mid then Informn- Ion of nn Interesting nature Is secured. To one of these veterans Tun Bnr. Is indebted for much ot' tlio information gained. Ho Is a wholesaler now ; twenty jours ago If , ns a re tailer , be had sold hilt as much fruit as some of the small retail dealers of Oinnha do today bo would have been classed ns a whole saler and a monopolist. Hut ho was thed only a retailer , nnd ho laughs now nt the plcajuno trade ho enjoyed. Bo was nskod if the trudo hnd increased faster and proportionately tionately greater than had the population of the country nnd he answered : "Well , bore In the west , where the prQWth In population bus been all but phenomenal from year to jear.lt issiifo to say thattno fruit trade has Increased tblily times faster than bus the population , and in the last , wheio the growth of the country hn-s been slower , the trade has increased SUO per cent more thnn the population bus increased. " JS'uturally enough tbo next question wus suggested by his answer to tlio first , und ho readily iNcrlbed the maikcd mcraiso in the fruit tnulo to the cheapness of fiult and to trio cultivated palates of the people for , indeed , an appetite Tor u great many kinds of fruit , with u great ninny people is what wo are pleased to term cultivated , A pieat many nc-quiro a tnsto nnd nppetlto lor ponrs , peaches , nectarinei , olives mid the white ' "nibbles" bite and 'grupcs from Just n now then , thcsnmoas other people lenin to icllsh touiaioosor the inuskinelon , nndlieii once thatielish is cultivated it becomes lasting , and like tbo fruit tiade itself cotibtautly grows. The most of us have an idea that the ma terial development uf Lower California has hud n pivat deal to do with the development of the fruit trade , and It has , but not to so great tin extent ns we Imagine. The bulk of fruit sold in Omaha docs not conio from Cali fornia , though tons upon tons and scores of car loads iiro received from there each year , tbo bulk of the fruit comes from the oust. Take the year through and the receipt of bananns in Omaha will average ono car per day 4r > 0 butanes , -which weigh nbout twenty- live thousand pounds , and must of the entire rocclpts are retailed out on thestrcots , though our wholesale dealers scud Job lots as fnruast as the Mississippi ilvcr , all over Nebraska and Into South iJakotn. In stravvbeiry time , this year , Omaha dealers icceived two car loads per day for a period of two weeks , und the demand was equal to the supply. Haspucirios and black berries ate not sold in such quantities , but would be , nodoubt , if the supply was equally as grout. But the peach tiiulo Is Immense , and the season lasted for many weeks , beginning - ginning with the Missouri crop and ending with California's surplus. Tbo cranberry trade of Omaha Is all but ns- tounding. Not less thun 50,000 barrels were received last jcnr , sold hi tlio city and sent out In to country towns , where the trade bus increased proportionately ns great as in the mutropolltan cities. "Twenty years ago , " said ono dealer , twenty-five cusos of strawberries would glut the inarxet of such towns as b'reniont , Norfolk , Kearney nnd Hastings but in this ago a half dozen or moro of their retail dealers will order tvventj * or thirtv cases u day during the season nnd they sell thorn nil. It is sufo to sav that the fruit trade of the countty increased 1000 per cent iu twenty years , and I mean by thut over and above the growth In population. " If watermelons and tomatoes mav bo pro perly classed as fruit their sale and consump tion in Omnha would very materially sdd to the volume of Its fruit trade , and to an extent far greater than these not posted en receipts would suppose. Tun BUG man was shown evidence topro\o the assertion thit 143 carloads of watermelons wcio re ceived and sold In Omaha this year , and tons upon tons of tomatoes , n vegetable that Is constantly growing into favor with the pee ple. Exclusive of the peddlers of grapes nnd bananas , there nro over flvo hundred regular fruit dealers In the city -who enjoy a satisfactory if not a nourishing trade. Beside the snlo of the Irult men tioned these dealers sell 100,000 barrels of npples during tbo jenr. A f od many apples to bo sure , but us ono dealer put it "not so many nsvvo should sell , " Ho thought that Omaha's 140,000 people should eat a bairol of nnplos each during the year In nd- dltloo to the other fruit consumed , Tim oiango and lemon tradct ns well as the INlnmsn snipe trudo , increases in fair proportion tion with the sale mid cbnsumptjon of other fruit ; in fact there is not a fruit Ifnown to the market save the currant that is not grown mm sold to a greater extent each year , n fact which Is not to the crcait of the currant certainly. It is not so very long ago , less than thirty Years , that voiv many of the provincial towns of the east could boast of an exclusive fiult vendor. The tmdo was neaily nil handled by the procer , whoso stock often consisted of but n few bands of apples nud n mixed-or half-nnd-hulf tex of oranges nnd lemons. To bo sure his dried fruit trndo was gooJ. nnd his stock commensurate with it , but the f rcsh fruit in his store would hardly slock the hand wagon of ono poor curbstone merchant of today , As the fresh fruit trade has multiplied tlio dried fruit trade has diminished and very many grocers In towns llko Omaha do not have any trade at all In that lino. Onoproccr , who has boon In tlio business for thirty years , said tint his dried fruit trade was nottiowone-ttnthof 1 per cent what It was twenty years ngo. Another said that ho did notrcnieraberof aclllngto onoof his city customers n dolliu's worth of dried fruit in a year nnd the country people nro gradually burlng less of It , and more canned poods. "Tho dried fruit trade Is knocked out. It Is n thing of thn p'nst , nnd we have ns many calls for tallow dips us wo do for dilea apples , " mild another. ' There nro but ftiw families In any city now but what cat fruit of some kind with their meals morning , noon nnd night" said another , "and these who do not nro these who nro too poor to buy , but the tlmo Is com- inp when the poor can afford it. " Such a fruit eating people as we have grown to ho , with such fruit producing bolls nnd such fruit ripening tllinatos , will cer tainly take advantage of soil nnd climate to produce the fruits they love nnd relish so much. And If the past Is u fair criterion to Judge the tuturo by the maiket will never bo glutted , for the demand hus always cicocded the supply , and the supply Is Increased each year. Fclonco Overcome * Deafness. Just nowtho medical world Is onpagoc In discussing- uow device for deafness called sound disc. No Invention of Into has attracted BO much IntoiCHt among1 the mctlicnl profession. Its perfection , which Is now tin established fuct , has re sulted in the overthrow of ranny pot theories of there being no relief for a vast number of cusos of deafness. Tills ingenious discovery vvns iniulo by II. A Wales ol Bridgeport , Connecticut , und coming us It does with tlio approval olsomo ol the lending auilsts of thu world , it can hardly fall to provo of great valtio to both tbo profession und the nfllluted. Dr. Birney cures catarrh , Uco bldg N.KFAIRBANK&CO. DR. BAILEY ; Graduate Dentist of Years' Experience. JPAXTON BliOOIil , ONI-A.I-IA. The Best Method for Painless Extraction of Teeth without A-iucsthetici , PULL SET OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH A PERFECT FIT OK RUBBER , FOE ! ! SS.OO GUARANTEED. i I/2 - & = 3 UJI. C33 s era JB- JBCTJ S2 hd - < j < = > p cfS CD Gold , Silver , Ainalpjara , Bono nnd ether fillings at lowest rates. Roots and Jirolccn Teeth saved by crowning with Gold or Porcolnln Crow n e Allmntorinlof the best quality. Olliceopcn evenings until So'olock. SEASON 189O-91 WOOD'S Celebrated Ice Tools. Wo have a full line now on hand comprising : PlowsChisels , Hooks , Markers , BarsRun Iron , Snow Scrapers.Etc.Ptope of all Kinds. WRITE for CATALOGUE and PRICES James Morton & Son. 1511 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb. NO CURE , ! NO RA.Y. Dr.DOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , ! Ne b. SeventeenTFnraexperience. ArrftilnrKruclntto Inraeitlclno , axjlplomnn how , Is ntlll trpatlnw with thepreAtest BiiccosduU KcrrouflCtironlcnnil L rlvato DIROIHOI. Apornianunt rnru Riinrnntccil for Cutnrrh , Hrinnntorrlurn , lKStMnnhoo < 1.ucmln I\\"o klics > , NlKliI I.ouc . linpnUincr , tinilillls , HlrlrturA , nnil nil ills- en-en . of tlio Ulood , fikln nnd Urlnirj Organs N. D I euarautcotMaiur uvcry reio I uiulurtak nml fall to euro. . . CouHultitluurco. . IookMjnterleaof ( Life ) sent freo. Olllcoliours 'J tt.m. teD i > . in. Uunclajri 10 n. m. to ! J m. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR ORKS 12.07 Douglas Street , . Steve repairs or all descriptions for conk and hentlnK stoves , family and liotol ranges. Water iLtachmciita a specialty , Telephone QQQ. FZSSSftiSZ" * * DEWEY & STONE- FURNITURE COUP AN Y A magnificent display of ovorjlhing useful and ornamental in the furultura maker's art at reasonable prices. KEEP OUT THE COLD HCTW ? By Using Felt Weather Strips. The Best Strips Made. 4O doz. French. Rat Traps , just in , Direct from. France. Get one. HIMEBAUGH&TATLJDR , 14OB Douglas St K.8 . , WATCHES. DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo Agent in Omaha lorOorhnra Man ufacturing Co'a Sterling Silverware MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH OUTCLASS and CHINA. Our Stock of Fine Goods is the Largest and Our Prices the Lowest Conic nnil sec us. Cor. Douglas & 15th St Corner Oth. and Haruay Streets , Omaha. FOR THE TREATMENT Or ALL Chronic Diseases and Deformities. DR. A. T. MoTUAUOHIVIrT , Frosldanli , Founded by Dr. J. W. JIcMonamy , DR.E.C. WEST'S ' NERVE m BRAIN TREATMENT , ? p cine for JtTitcrltt. . DliclJini , r2tiI < untittV7iik uln . Minlul jMprunloii. UolUiilnitpC thu llrltn.rw eolilnrf in miAnlly a JJ loadlnir to ralMirje ! ir ar I cletth , Prtmatura Olil tte * , Hirronnoai. Low cf Povoi laoltlior > . In > oluntvr COHO. u | rt | < rm Uj'rta > cMiiexl tr owr-tiurtlot ot Iho liriln , relfIUM > ur ' monL fi&txii , or u < for ft , rtnt tirinrll | < r > [ < ajil. With each oni t tar ill IIOIFK , will html purcliiunr ircmutvo li > rttaml nn-iuy | r tlio iruMmt-utriiU U curt. uuAr&nUM ( MUM ! lulKeiiumv MiMbnlybr GOODMAN DltUO CO. , 1110r ra nifltro k , - uau J