Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1890, Part Three, Page 18, Image 18

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How a New York Girl Tried Her Hand at
Oiiltln'n Dnlnly GOWMH nnil MIssMur-
frcc'H Slialiliy Dcak "Woes of a
Qucoti An Anecdote of
Is'ot long ngo a Now York woman tried
nn experiment which will certainly
ndorn a tiilo If It docs not point n moral
ns well. Iloro Is the tale , says the Now
York Times. As the Identity of the
woman is to remain 'an unknown quan-
tlty throughout its rccltnl , she may bo
called Mlsa X. Now , Miss X. IB elnglo ,
wealthy and lives by hcraolf. And Miss
X. does thlnes , lee , occasionally , which
inuko her friends say , "How llko El
eanor ! " only Eleanor Isn't her name.
Thin experiment , by tlio way , was onoof
On ono of the recent autumn days ,
which had in Its keen air more- than a
hint of winter , Miss X. wus hurrying-
across the pavement from a Broadway
shop to her carriage. At the curb , a
hlip of a girl , thinly chul and blue with
cold accosted her :
" 1'lciifio mom , " she bcfjanln thowhlno
of the street beggar , "will .vo buy a
poucilV" and she licld up her unservice
able wares. Miss X. , who was in some
haste , waved her asldo with a not un
kind "No child , " anil the next moment ,
was rolling rnvay. Not , however , before
the wlatful , disappointed , and above all ,
"ubcd-to-it" look on the girl's fuco ilu.
prcsbud itself upon her. The next ob
ject which mot her eye was the pot
Hpanlol nestling in his wadded blanket
on the opposite scat , and it scorned to
Btriko her biiddonly that there was a
painful contrast between the llfo of this
littlu pampered animal and the bit of
Hhivoring humanity sho. had just en
countered ,
It has been intimated that Mlsa X. is
n. lltllo odd , perhaps , so it wasnotsur-
wiBliifj that , after thinking of the do < j
and the girl and the girl and the dog for
a few blocks , she liijjnallud to the coach
man and ordered a return to the shop. A
characteristic impulbo had seized nor.
Bho had decided reasoning in her rapid
way that Bon-bon got care which be
longed to a higher fjrado ot nnltnal life
than that of a Cocker spaniel , and she
proposed to put him in his proper sphere
and HOC what effect the same attention
she had been lavishing upon her do #
would accomplish if bestowed upon a
human being. She had determined
upon the experiment.
The girl was still on the sidewalk as
the carriage stopped , and , without des
cending , Miss X. was able to catch her
eye and beckon to her. Wonderingly ,
the child answered the signal.
"What is your namo- little glrlV" be
gan Miss X. , abruptly.
"Mary Monahan , mom , " was the
"And where do you live ? "
"Eighteenth street , noarSLxth av'noo ,
mom. "
A few moro questions dieted the facts
that she was an "orfun , mom , " living
with her grandmother , and had a sister
iiovoml years older than hericlf who
"tewed hats in a shop , mem. "
"Well , Mary , " said Miss X. , when
thov had talked thus far , "got in here
with mo and w.o'll go to your grand
mother. .If she is willing I am going to
take you to my house and kco If I can't
give you something hotter to do than
hulling pencils on the street. "Would you
like to come and live with moV"
"I dunne , mom , " said Mary , and with
this linn-committal reply Miss X. had to
bo content.
The grandmother proved n blear-eyed
old crone , who was easily pursuaded to
relinquish the care of her descendant ,
nnd leaving a message for the sister that
Bho would hear from Mary and see her
occasionally , Miss X. , with her newly-
acquired possession , went away. On
reaching homo Mary was given over to
the soitnstross , who is also a sort of
housekeeper in the establishment , with
directions that she bo fitted out with
Biiltable clothes , bo .looked after and in-
Btructed in light work , and brought to
her every morning at 9 o'clock. Ono
moro order followed. The spaniel , his
basket , and all his belongings wore to
bo taken from her dressing room to the
utablo al once.
Before she dined that evening Miss X.
niado a careful estimate of the aggregate
tl mo she had boon in the habit of con
suming every day in potting and caring
for her dog , andarrangodto give itdaily
now to her now charge. At the next
morning's Interview Alary was not very
satisfactory ! She was found to bo very
ignorant and very uiionthusiastic. She
stolidly accented the favors already be
stowed and listened to future promibcs
without apparent gratitude or other
emotioa. Still Miss X. did not despair.
"Appreciation , " she said , "or at least
the expression of It Is culture , and poor
JIary comes from the gutter. "
On the afternoon of the same day , as
Hiss X. was dressing for dinner , word
came from the basement that Mary was
missing. Upon inquiry a few hours
before there had boon a ring at
the area gale. Mary could see
from where she stood who was thorc.
Til go , " she eald to the cook ; "it's
somebody for cold vitals , " and the cook
turned and saw that it was a girl with a
basket. That was the last of Mary. Ilor
absence was not noticed at first , but when
it was she could not be found on the
promises. Later , the coachman reported
that ho had foen Mary a block from the
house without hat or coat , scurrying
along with a girl her own size , evidently
a beggar child , and , said the follow , k'I
wouldn't 1m' knowed Mary , she looked
that chirpy. "
"Evidently , " commented Miss X. , re
lating the experience to a friend , "it was
nn experiment with Mary , too , nnd she
didn't IInd it a pleasant ono. "
"Well , " questioned tho. friend , "what
did you do about it ? "
"Oh , " replied Miss X. , "I lot her go ;
there was nothing else to do , only , " she
finished with aquoerlittlo smllo , " 1 had
Bon-bon back from the stable. "
Almost every woman writer is moro or
less "cranky" about the surrounding !
amidst which she prepares her copy.
Ouida wants everything cheerful about
her and will not wrlto unless the sun is
shilling , says the Now York World. She
keeps a great bouquotoa her dusk , wears
her daintiest gowns and must have her
two pot dogs at her foot.
Miss Murfrco ( Charles Egbert Crad-
doekjhas a shabby old desk , which Is the
joy of her heart. She gets it in the cen
ter of a largo , airy room , dons a plain ,
comfortable dress and becomes lost tc
lifo and friends in her work. She writes
very rapidly and keeps her papers in
perfect order.
Elizabeth Stuart Pholps' hobby la a
cherished gold no a which she has use < ]
for years. It ulll bo a valuable souvonh
some day , but at present it never loaves
her desk. She writes at n table well
covered with books and panors.
Mary E. Bryan of Now "iork believes
In fresh nlr , anil writes with all the windows
dews open and all the breezes of heaven
plttyliifr among her papers. As fast n3
BIG ! Mulshes a sheet she throws it aside
wherever it happens to fall , andtisonrch
warrant IB needed to get her manuscript
together in the tivoiilng.
Newspaper women 'wrlto anywhere
nnd every where on trains , "ton steam
boats , in railway stations. And It is no
unusual thing to sco one of them prop a
hoot against the wall and scribble away
or dear llfo.
The qucon of Roinnania has had two
serious troubles which proved nadly on
icr oxoltiiblo , emotional nature , says
Modern Society. Her only daughter
lied and her ton and heir never arrived ,
ting Charles , her husband , has adopted
i grown up nephew to Illl tlio state va
cancy , but everybody knows this IB not
IIP Biuno thlnrf to Iho poor qucon con
sort , whose position is never the same
18 when her own child comes next in
succession. The dispensations which
nivo fallen on other exalted ladles
should remind her majesty of Hoiunania
hat she has purtnors enough in distress
the ox-HinnrcHS Eugenie for one , whoso
loir was greeted with a whole nation's
enthusiasm and afterward iorlshcd ) by
, ho Rpoara of a few dusky savages.
Tlio Austrian empress Is in a still
worseplight. . Her only f > on met with a
disgraceful end and barely received
'Jhristinn burial. Save for a legacy of
Mischief and heartburnings ho is us
.hough ho hud never been , Tlio queen
of the Uelginns lost her only son some
years ngo. A grand review of Qucon
Victoria's descendants would very likely
jlvo Cannon Sylvia a very lonesome
coling , but Hho should rollout that forty
children and grand children not only
como expensive but can toldoni bo man-
igcd as doves in a cage when once sons-
in-law and daughters-in-law nnd junior
partners swell the list.
Thousands of singers have no doubt
.rendered . why the title pngo of "Mar-
.juorlto" bora no dedication like all the
ither famous works written by Mils au
thor , says the New York World. The
reason for this omission was that Mr.
White had in his mind nn ideal picture
of a woman corresponding in all fomi-
iiino grace with his musical picture of
the ideal Marguerite. The composer
determined that when ho mot u living
woman who should nppronch his concep
tion , ho would dedicate his song to her.
During his hojourn in the south , and
while stopping- Atlanta , Ga. , ho
caught on the hotel plaz/n , while hur
rying to catcli a train , a Heeling glimpse
of a face and figure which were almost
Lho exact counterpart of his dreams.
The vision remained with him , and
wherever ho went Mr. "White was un-
Wo to shako off his sentimental fancy.
Several months later , while in Cleveland -
land , lie again caught a glhnp&o in the
street of the ideal of his dream * .
Tno young lady is the daughter of
Brevet Colonel Albert Bnrnltz of the Sev
enth cavalry , United States army , who
is now living in retirement in this city ,
and who fought with distinction under
General Ouster.
Miss Bertha Koso Barnilz is a blonde ,
above the medium height , with hair
which , unloosed , touches the ground.
Her form is almost faultless. In addi
tion to her physical gifts she has a re
markable talent for sculpture and paint
ing. She was born in Lcavonworth ,
Kan. Her mother , who is a woman of
moro than ordinary accomplishments
and striking beauty , is a warm friend of
the poet Whittier , to whom she has paid
frequent visits of late. Her father ,
Colonel Barnitx , is a gentleman of pro
nounced literary gifts.
Hereafter the titlo-pago of the song
Marguerite" contain the dedica
tion to MrWhite's newly found ideal ,
with a.portrait.
A young Frenchwoman , who is now
married , tells a story of how her engage
ment was nearly broken off through her
acquaintance with Mile. Bonhourwhont
the time was busy on a picture in 1'aris ,
working in the house of the young
Frenchwoman's cousin.
Ono afternoon the painting did not go
well , and Mile. Bonhour went to the
Jurdin des pi antes for inspiration , tak
ing the happy girl as a companion.
Sitting on a bench in a shaded walk ,
they saw in the distance the girl's be
trothed , who , instead of joining them ,
looked a moment , then Hung away in
passion , and for the space of a week waa
not hoard from. Then finally ho paid a
sulky visit , demanding1 an explanation
of her apparently intimate relations
with another man.
"A. man ? " said the laughing girl , now
comprehending the desertion ; "shall I
call the gontlenuftiV"
"What , in your own house ? " said the
mystified caller.
A. minute later Mile. Bonhour stood In
the doorway listening smilingly to the
ceremony of presentation.
"Ah , " said the only half-pacified
lover , "then monsieur "
"Monsieur , " interrupted the trium
phant girl , "is Mademoiselle , and if you
like you niny como into the studio and
BOO her latest picture. "
Is the pianoforte wanning in popu
larity and giving place to the violin ?
Ono would not think so to see the
activity among the dealers in these in
struments on Tremont street , says the
Boston Advertiser. And yet it would
appear that the violin , especially as an
instrument for young girls , is rapidly in
creasing in popularity. The classes in
the violin at the music schools are grow
ing larger , and a "popular" concert to
day can hardly bo regarded ns popular
unless a young Italy violinist is included
among the "talent. " In England it is
said to have fairly taken Its place as nn
instrument for girls. After all the
pianoforte is ro'illy a very modern In
strument when compared with the violin.
It is only a harn faet in a box and
twanged with leather-covered hammers.
It is ically a mechanical sort of an niTnlr ,
while the violin has never within the
memory of living * man or woman boon
improved nnd never will bo. Who cares
for nn old piano or how much it is
But a. violinl What divine melody
will pour forth under skillful fingers
from an old Stradivarius of Amnti ?
The wizard of Cremona possessed a secret
which no imitator , however keen , has
ever been able to fathom. Princes and
dukes , men of high renown and modern
money kings luvvo scrambled for the
possession of the fowraro products of his
cunning. Stradivarius died moro than a
hundred and fifty years ago , but the few
violins and 'cellos which still exist to
enchant the ear of the world nro worth
their weight in gold. The master of the
pianoforte is a skillful mechanician ,
with agile , supple lingers and uti ncuto
musical instinct. The master or mistress
of the violin is itnbuod with dlvino fire ,
the gift of the gods.
The slender waist has blddon us nUiou.
Nineteenth century beauty of form con
sists not of thinness , orovenslondornoss ,
or what Is usuallv termed gentility of
figure , nays the Now York Star. Prior's
"small by degrees and beautifully less' '
nnd the late duchess of Devonshire's
waist of an orange and a half nro not the
ideal figures of today. The Dolsarto
maiden , who supports this opinion , will
refer you to the Modlcian Venus , the
most celebrated of the Grecian statues.
A single glunco will convince you of the
fallacy of these Ideas of beauty which
have been formed by the advocates and
admirers of small waists and slender fig
ures. The body and lluibs of that paragon
of beauty are round nnd full. Examine
still further and suppose for n moment
that the Mcdlclnn Venus were to bo
placed In the hands of one of our flrat
rate dressmakers to bo Invested with the
usual quantity of clothing now worn , all
fitted perfectly to the shape. The result
would satisfy us that modern forms pro
duced by tight lacing nro destructive" to
health as well as to beauty , and boar no
analogy to that lovely , graceful and ex
quisitely beautiful model of antiquity.
Whatever is mean or scanty in tiaturo
or in art can novcr bo beautiful.
Four hundred nnd sixty-seven girls
lunched In n cafe the other day , and by
the courtesy of the head waiter the
writer wns permitted to play sentinel at
the kitchen door , saya the Now York
Sun. Only thirteen orders contained
meat two of steak , three lamb chops ,
five ham and three mutton stow.
Twonty-soven bowls of BOUO , chowder
and broth were borvcd ; BIX damsels
called for llsh ; ono hundred and four had
an oyster stow and sixty -BO von" took
lobster or chicken salad. An even
two hundred made a meal on ice
cream and cake , with a glass of
ice water. Forty-five had hot apple
dumpling : three hundred cuts of pie
were consumed , with ono hundred and
two clinrlotio russo , seventy chocolate
oclalrs , thirty-nine creampuffs nnd ono
square yard of Washington pie cut Into
sections of three inches each. One hun
dred and seventeen drank tea , 'twenty
called for colTce , twcnty-thrco for pop ,
ale and beer , two had claret , sovoateen
soda water , and the rest , ono hundred
and bixly-sovon in all , tilled themselves
with ice water. It is to this kind of diet
that so many of our sallow-faced , blood
less , Ihshlcbs , shapeless women and
children can be traced.
Mrs. Kondal's complexion Is ono of tlio
things about which the world Is thor
oughly justified in talking , says nn ex
change. It Is n question whether many
women of her years in the world are so
fortunately endowed by .nature. She has
not much color , but the texture of her
skin is as smooth and satiny ns that of
the traditional country milkmaid. The
ingodlents which go to make up the pro
scription upon which Mrs. Kcnaul de
pends consist of ton hours' sloop out of
the twenty-four , a walk of at least four
miles in the air every day , brown ,
no coffee , no sweets , vigorous rubbing in
cold water , and a few of the simplest and
most harmless of toilet articles. Unlike
most women , she believes principally in
exercise , and the oll'ect which she ex
hibits ought to bring con verts to.her sys
tem of living.
Dr. Birney cures catarrh , Bee bldg.
A North Dukotn niHhop'ri Novel IMun of
There has just , been completed at the
works of the Pullman palace car com
pany a novel creation , the only church
on wheels in the world , says a Chicago
dispatch. It is constructed according to
the idea of the Kt. Rov. William D.
Walker , bibhop of the diocese of North
Dakota. , and is intended for use in the
small villages along the railroads in that
section of tlio country.
In appearance tlio exterior of the
church dilTerH but little from the ordi
nary Pullman , except that from each
side , midway the two extremes , is a
slight projection , gothle in form , which
rises to the height of what is known as
the second deck. This , Bishop Walker
saysj is for giving the car moro the ap
pearance of a church.
The car is sixty feet lontr and ton feet
wide. Its interior is finished in oak
after the gothic stylo. At one end is a
oo m devoted to the bishop's use. The
main body of tlio car church contains a
chancel , altar , lectern , baptismal font , a
bishop's chair and a cabinet organ.
There are scats for about boventy pee
"I first conceived the idea , " said
Bishop Walker , "about six years ago
when I began my labors in the diocese
of North Dakota. I made it public a
little over a year ago , andthu idea was
FO favorably- received , that it was de
termined to make practical use of it.
There are a number of little town's along
the various railroads of from ICO to ICO
inhabitants , the residents of which nro
now practically barred from church
privileges. It is for thcfeo people that
the "Church on Wheels" has been con
"It Is not possible to assign a mission
ary or rector to these towns. They are
too small to support ono. It Is my pur
pose to notify the people In such places
ten days or so In advance that lam com
ing , and In that way I shall make the
circuit. The car will bo attached to
freight trains and switched olT at such
stations as I may designate , wuich are
from seven to ton miles apart. "
"Is the car-church intended for Epis
copalians ulonoY" '
"No , indeed. It is for nil who care to
attend roligiom sot-vices. My cathedral
cur , as I call it , is by no means denomi
national. Much , in fact nearly all , of
the furnishings of the car are gifts. The
lectern nnd bible are both donated as
memorials , the font is the gift of a New
York Sunday school , and the other
things cnmo from dllToront sources. The
car will bo shown to a few Chicnjio people -
plo Tuesday , and on Wednesday it and
myself will begin the journey to our mu
tual field of labor. " '
Bishop Walker is churchman of na
tional reputation , nnd under his guid
ance the diocese of North Dakota has
grown steadily , parishes and member
ship both having rapidly increased.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg.
Chestnuts for .Markets.
Samples of American chestnuts , su
perior to these of foreign growth both In
size and flavor , have recently boon ro-
colved at the department of agriculture ,
affording a striking illustration of the
results of culture and selection. By
these means It is believed that the ma
turity of the chestnut likewise may bo
materially hastened. Reports received
from various sections of the
country milieu to that the nut may bo
bebt prepared for market by being im
mersed in boiling water for about ton
minutes ns soon ns gathered. Wormy
nuts will lloat on the biirfaco and may
bo removed ; nil otrgs and lavto of Insects
will bo destroyed ; and the condition of
the meat of the nut will bo bo changed
that it will not become flnty by
further curing for winter use ,
and still lie in no wise a "boiled
chestnut. " The nuts may bo dried in
the sun or in dry houses after being
placed in sacks in such .quantities as to
admit of their being spread to the thick
ness of about two inches , the sacks being
frequently turned and shaken. Dried by
this method they remain qulto tender ,
rotaln the qualities for a long time thai
make them desirable in the fall , and
may bo safely stored : but , ofcourso , wll :
not germinate. A bulletin on nut culture
is being prepared by the division ol
pomology , nnd when published may bo
obtained by applying to the secretary o
agriculture , Washington , D , C. , or to the
division of pomology , dopartmontof n
Dr. Glrnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldg
"Hotter IJ.TIO than Novcr. "
"Batter lute than novor" was used
ever three hundred years ago by Thomas
Tucker in his "Fivo Hundred Points o
Good Husbandry. " Latdr on Bunyan
usrd It in his "Pilgrim's Progress. '
Some of the Quoin ( Methods of Making a
Living'In ' Pftria ,
JCho 11 u in nn AInuu Clock Titled Per
sons Who Can llo Hired Out for
Dinner Quid limiting
In Sewers.
That's the magic word that dances bo-
ere our eyes from the cradle to the
How to obtain it ?
To this question every ono hns n differ
ent answer , nnd queer nnd extraordinary
ndood are some of tlio means adopted iu
ho life-long chase after the root of ali
In Paris , where tho" supply of human
bolnga far exceeds the supply of money ,
Jioro exist and flourish some of the
queerest and most extraordinary money-
ettlnp professions in the world , says
the San Francisco Examiner. Who , for
nstanco , would Imagine that there is at
Paris a regular guild of trade-union
nirours des reufs , angllco , "examiners of
eggs , " who earn their livelihood by giv-
ng opinions in the various markets of
, ho metropolis ns to whether the eggs
offered for unlo are either good or bad ,
xnd although they are necessarily lim
ited to a more outward inspection of the
egg they never make an error or mis
take a stale for n fresh one.
Another odd calling that affords em
ployment and daily bread to a number of
steady men is that of professional awak-
oner. The latter form a trade union , are
duly licensed and officially recognized
by the police , anil perform the duties of
an ambulant alarm clock. The awakener -
oner starts out at about 3 o'clock in the
morning on Ms regular round , provided
with a notebook on which are inscribed
the names of his customers and the hours
tit which , they desire to bo avouacd from
their slumbers. His clients usually belong -
long to the working classes , and it is his
special duty to make them got up , which
ho does by n shrill and strident whistle
in front of each of their houses. Ho
does not pass on until ho becomes con
vinced by a responsive whistle that ho
has accomplished his task , for which ho
receives it remuneration of 1 cent a head
per day.
There is also tha truild of toad mer
chants men who make it their duty to
collect and breed toads for the purpose
of selling' thorn to iho various market
gardeners and llorjbts , who constitute a
very considerable , portion of the su
burban populatinnoi Paris. Toads find
a ready and remunerative sale among
the latter who employ their services for
the purpose of destroying and extermi
nating snails , slugs nnd other kinds of
obnoxious vdrmfn.
Quito a largo number of men and
women walk the streets by day nnd by
night hunting -for old boot and shoo
soles , from which they extract the nails.
These after having their heads polished ,
are sold to the makers of small joy ani-
m.ila , who use them for the eyes of the
latter. Others -turn up their .noses at
old boots and shoes and devote them
selves exclusively to collecting old
crusts of broad , too stale and filthy to
have tamptjJ oven the moat ravenous
dog , but which are greatly relished by
the rabbits that are raided in enormous
numbers in the suburbs.
In the Ghnuseo d'Antin , there is a
regular office which furnishes profes
sional diners , out at a fixed tariff rate.
It is to the managers thereof that super
stitious persons apply when at the mo
ment before dinner they rcq uiro the
presence of a fourteenth guest. Titled
personages covered with decorations
can likewise- hired there to put in an
appearance at the dinners or halls of
wealthy parvenus.
A man has just died hero who managed - ,
aged to am1" " ? a considerable fortune by
picking u ci r and cigarette stumps in
the street , and in the lloors of restau
rants and v fo . A most disreputable
looking individual was this old man ,
who , dressed in rags , was wont to
wander by day and night along
the thoroughfares of the great metropo
lis for the purpose of collecting the hnlf-
chewed , half-smoked' butts of cigars.
No ono would ever have bcliovod it pos
sible for this wretched specimen of hu
manity to leave a fortune of 300,000
francs to his heirs. And yet this is the
case. It appears that ho had discover
ed the means of earning largo profits by
reducing his cigar btumps and cigarettes -
ottos to ashes which ho thereupon sold
at the rate of # o a pound to a well
known chemist. The latter , after sub
jecting the ashes to a treatment by
which they were highly perfumedfound
ready and exclusive sale for them as
tooth powder.
Probably the most perilous of nil these
. , ueor professions is that of the "gold-
hunters" ana of the "collectors of
grouse. " Both-of these are carried on
either at the mouth of the sewers or in-
sldo of them. Tire grease collectors af
fect the sewers in the neighborhood of
the slaughterhouses and hospitals , where
they gather up all Iho animal and hu
man wreckage , if ono may bo permitted
to use the expression , and turn them
ever to the grease-refiners and mer
chants. The "gold-scokord" pursue
their calling among the same unsavory
surrounding ? , and hunt for gold and sil
ver jowelrv and coins which have found
their way into the powers.
In the densely inhabited district of La
Nilletto the sewers are not moro than
from four to five fqot high and about a
yard across , while the heat and perfume
of the atmospho'-ordofy description. It
is in subterranean passages such as
these , surrounded ia the dense gloom by
all that is hideous1 and loathsome that
these unfortunate gold seekers nnd
grease collectors earn their precarious
livelihood. I call , ' it precarious for , un
less the men happen to bo near u man
hole when a thunder-storm or heavy
shower creates a.freshet in'tho sowars ,
they nro apt to bo submerged and suffo
cated if not asphyxiated by the rising
of tlio horrible > vators to the very roof
of the conduit. ,
And among thp Hat of queer trades
may bo included that of the professional
mendicant of Paris , who has raised his
calling to the dignity of a fine art. It
is but a few days since onoof tha lending
members of a fraternity named Aloxnn
dor Protol was arrested with a list in
his pocket containing the names of the
different persons to whom ho proposed
to apply for alms on that particular day.
Each name was followed by sorao memo
randa as to the methods to bo employed
for rendering the appeal successful
Thus , to thonamoof MadameHottlnger ,
the well known banker , was added the
remark , "any one has a largo family el
motherless children" and so on. When
the police subsequently completed their
search of Prolol's apartments they found
bends and cash concealed there to the
amount of 40,000 franca.
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh. Bee bldg.
1806 ,
Leading Jewelers ,
Sixteenth and Farnam Streets , Omaha , Neb.
NIOKBL and SILVER WATOHES , nil sizes and styles , $2.60 to $ BO.
Hundreds of Chains , Lockets , Pins , Earrings , buttons , lite.
6OOO SOLID GOLD RINGS $1.00 to $10.
Immense Stock of Sterling ; Silver Goods and Pine Silver Plated Ware.
25O ELEGANT MANTEL CLOCKS from 85 up to $1OO.
Droiiroand Illsquo Onuum'iits , 1'lno China and Urlc-n-Hrac , Onvx Tables , Silver Lamps , Gold
Headed ( Junes , Upota U lasses , l.te.
Gold , Oxidized Silver and Natural Wood Handles
From S3.OO up to S2S.OO each.
Wo offer GO dozen pairs Solid GOLD SPECTACLES ( all styles ) as follows !
Onr & 5.OO SjifctaclcH at $ : t.O. . . . .
Ottr $ ? , , O NjH'ftuclfH fit / . < .
lir $1 < > .OO Aj > -frtC'/'K ( til ( tOOO.
IHy o Glasses aL Same Prices.
Kvery Pair FlLtodl by an Eixporl Optician.
Onr PIANO and ORGAN Ware Rooms
Are Gronnlnn Under the Welrjlit of
- „ - . - ] 00 Magnificent ] nstrument fgjf |
Including Only the Vorj- BEST HAKES Which wo Offer t
Grea-tltj R.edttoeci Prices
KorOasli or Eastj IPatjmonts for Holiday Gifts.
Max Meyer & Bro. Co. ,
16th and Farnam Sts. , Omaha.
Molina MilbUfn $ Stoddard Co
/ A 7 > 71 T A / i T O-
Special Sale During Next Thirty Days.
Harney and 13th Streets , and Ninth and Pacific Street
From tlato of this paper. Wishing to introduce our
nn fl at the same time extent ! our business and make new customers.
„ . . t _ , , „ . . . _ . . wuhavadecleledtoinakotlilsfipeclaloffer. KeiiduaaCablnetl'icluro ,
Photograph , Tin Typo , Ambrotype. or Dactuerotypo , o yourself or nuy member of your family , llvlngor rtcad.nnd wowill make
you a LIFE SIZE c-KAYox iMHiTHAl I' PREK op c'HAUOE , provided you exhibit It to your friends ng a sample of our
work , and use your Influence In securing us future orders , Tlaeo name and address on back of nicturo and it wlllbo returned
in perfect order. We ninko any clmneo in picture you wish , not Interfering with tlio likeness. Refer to any hank hi Chlcwro.
Produces a Beautiful Complexion.
Whitens a Sallow Skin.
Removes Moth and Liver Spots.
Prevents Sunburn and Tan.
To Travelnra It Is Indispensable.
Keeps the Skin perfect in any Climate.
Skin Refiner and Pimple Usmovar.
Will roflno a COAIISB. HOOGH , PO1IOU9 8K1N ,
positive euro for I'lMPLES , eruption * , anilentlrelr
ntdl .iurcealjle IinDNKSg nlth wblch 10
in nr ro afflicted. J'crjar. tl.HX
Tltoiie goods arc absolute ! ? 1'UIIK anil II ARMLESS
nndcanboobulucdat tlio following rcprosontutUo
1/OBllo k Leslie , ICth and Dodge Streets.
Kuhn & Co. , Corner IStU and tlougUt itreeti , tad
KartU 3ltU nutl Ilult Una.
J. A. I'ullor A Co. , UQ3 Douzlaj itraet.
Wboleiala Agent * : lllcbardioa Urui : Co. , 1007 and
lOUJoum street.
Or of Bole Jlanufacturcrt ,
London. Toilet Bazar Co. ,
a8 and 40 Wait 23d St. , New York.
\Yholesalo Ofllco , No. SJ East 17th fit.
Treallw onUio oomplaxlon at aburu ailjrosj ttto
or lent to mojr addrcis o n rocglpt of t cU.
Practice Limited to
Rooms 316 to j2o Bee
The Real Painless Dentist.
Rooms. ! U4 anil XO Ben Ditlldlnir. Omaha. A
spool ally > ua < l3of Uno Kold flllliiKti. Raid and
I'orcolafn crowns , brldsouork , etc. Tooth i > ov
tlTuly a-UnioU'd without pain.
Tha largest KitnUlililneutto tin
\torlil ( or Iho trvalimnt of Hair
nil tK-alp. Kczunu , Molt * . Wartm
i llilr. ntrthoiirt. * ,
, ,
i : lvlii.01lyinUn.Acnf.rtmple
Hlickhttdi. Itirlxr1 ! licit , Krar *
Marts , facial lit.
rtloirocutbuuktnChetVi. | u. Ron.
- rulutlcafrrealcfflrror by letter. 13H
patahooknn all iklu and < tlp aflectlomand tlitlr
treatment I ? nlnU * < l to any n.Ure afor locia ,
jon.v ir. iroiinittrur , ir ui i gi < <
t. . New Turk < 'IIT.- i
J\A : IA.L. . ,
"kin nnJKrnli.nintjT | < to rtv mall. SO mlif
Try ono bottle and
ou will use no olhop
polish for your Shoes.
Only Blioo Dressing
ever awarded a silver
Isolated Eloctrlo Ufrht Plants.
' ( The U.S. System. )
Electric Motors and Generators. Write
for pricoa anil estimates.
H. II. HUMPHREY , Agent ,
Now York LHo Dulldlng Omaha , Neb.
ABOMKTIIINO NEW tl.00 an hour easily
Hindu hy Api'iita. mulu or ( nitialu. Hinn-
pluimU ruUpnrtlaularnfiuo. C'UAS. K. MAII
* Ixjckuort N. V ,
CollrAR :
Darker Illock , 1C4U anil Farnam. Telephoua 0.