Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1890, Part Three, Image 17

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Or Plea for the Old Slave , and His "Freedman's Pension Bill. " New and Fascinating. Sells on Sight. It should be
in the hands of Every American Citizen , Black or White.
I't gives facts concerning tlie great
as v/ell as interesting novelties of tlieir captivi
ty from , the time of their capture in Africa to the
date of their emancipation. Tne book is replete
with facts , showing the work of the black race
in support of tlie government , and gives cogent
reasons why the negro is entitled to govern
ment aid and pension.
Over twenty years has been devoted to this
T subject by W , R. "Vaughan , ex-Mayor of Coun
cil Bluffs , lov/a , and now Managing Editor of
the Omaha Daily Democrat , and President of
the Dern'ocrat Publishing Company. The pub
lisher has been a resident of Omaha for several *
No. 317 S , Tenth St. , Omaha. Neb ,
How John Mulvanoy Faithfully Reproduced
it TJpoii the Oanvaa.
The Horror of the Mnsinerc , the Man
llcsponsiblo for It and Jliiw tlio
1'lnoo Is Siarkcd at tbo
I'resent Cay.
"John'Mulvany , artist. "
So simply read the card on the door of
room -120 , BEU building , but It was more
elaborately Inscribed In tlio reporter's heart.
There It read , "John Mulvany , artist and
prlncoof Rood fellows , " andtho unpretentious
niouldcr of the publlo mind Wavered not a
moment in his onward march , but opened
the door without oven the formality of a
knock , and cntorrJ , sure of the cordial greet
ing that awaited him.
Of course , you know John Mulvany by
reputation , but if you haven't the good luck
to bo personally acquainted with him , Just sot
it down as a misfortune. Naturally ! gifted ,
thoroughly educated , and talented to a de
gree , his ten years' sojourn In Europe as a
student of art and subsequent extended
travels in both tho. old and new world have
stocked his mind with a rare fund of Informa
tion. Add to this a wonderful memory ,
keen wit nnd brilliant conversational powers
. nnd it Is little wonder that this gentleman
1m the faculty of making himself exceed
ingly agreeableand keeping abouthiman
nrinv of admiring aud devoted friends.
Although ho came to this city but a short
time up , having been engaged to paint the
portraits of n number of the loading incn of
the city , Ills studio hm already become a wry
popular place , nnd it Is not at nil strnngo that
tbo artist is sometimes compelled to gently
turn the key and bcconio severely "not at
homo" In order to pursue his art work unmo
The worK that hns given Mr. Mulvany his
reputation lias been tliu production of a nuin-
bcr of historical paintings , among tbo most
notable of which are the "Battle of Augh-
rlm , " "Locnn at Atlanta1' ' nnd "Custcr's
Last Rally. "
The first mentioned represents the conflict
that occurred just a year to a day nfter the
battloof thoUono between the troops of
William of Orange nnd James II. ' , the Irish
having espoused the cause of James In conso-
nuoncoof his having embraced Catholicism.
It wns the battle that settled the fnto of the
Stewart dynastyand set thoscnlof servitude ,
but never of seivllity , upon the Irish race.
The palntlnp , "Logan at Atlanta , " Is now
on exhibition in the Western nit display In
the New York Life building , in this city , nnd
is the principal attraction at the place ,
The picture that has attracted tno widest
notice , and ono of the best that this artist
has painted , is that of "Ouster'sLast llally. "
This grand painting has Loon on exhibition
In all the leading cities of tbo country , and Is
now in Chicago. It will arrive In Omaha
about January I , and will bo placed on exhi
bition horo. This picture Is n reproduction
ou cauvas of ono of the most thrilling events
in American history. In fact , Mr. Mulvany
limy well bo termed tlio pioneer In thoovolvo-
nicnt of subjects from from thoroughly
.American features and incidents.
Hls'Trialorallorsethlor , " a scene In n
western Justice's court room , is another In
stance of bis stnrtllng departure from the
lues marked out by tlio oM school , and seck-
Ing subjects in channels hitherto given a
vide berth by artists on similar missions.
Both of these palutings were exhibited in the
academy of I'eslgn , wnero they received flut
tering recognition.
4Jtnouga It U rich treat to sco any of
these masterpieces of this artist's brush , the
treat Is not complete lulls fullest sense unless
ono Is foitimnto enough to hear the subject of
the painting described oy the artist himself ,
and his experiences while looking up the details -
tails nud searching for information related in
the satna connection ,
Thoroughly familiar with his subject and
cognizant of oven the slightest details ,
these descriptions are replete with interest
and information.
"To work to the best advantage mid attain
the highest success as nn artist , " salJ Mr.
Mulvany , "a man should not bo comnelled to
ponder over the bread and butter question ,
and his mind should bo free and untratn-
"Tho nrtlst li called upon constantly to
pay out money for this , that and the other
tiling. Ho must buy not only his canvas and
his paints , but clothes , uniforms and the
originals of all such things which co to make
up his painting. lie must llvo duilng all the
tluio that no Is at work , and travel a great
deal to collect such Information as Is not only
desirable but actually necessary. I wns two
years painting my picture'Logan at Atlanta. '
1 visited the south to refresh my memory in
many llttlo things that I had almost forgotten -
gotten In the years Intervening since foe
war. In preparing for my panning of'Ous '
ter's Last Itnlly. ' on which I worked for
threeyears , I had to make several trips to
IJluck Hills , gathering up the many bits of
Information that united In. making that pic
ture historically correct.
"I was in the cost when that frightful and
unnecessary massacre occurred on the ! ! 5th of
Juno , 1870. I at once realized that this was
the greatest subject for a buttle picture
known to American nlstory. I had been
seeking for a subject that would Do fresh in
the minds of the public. I hastened to
Standing Hock agency , nud It was there I ob
tained my first direct information of the
tight from the troopers of Reno's command.
It was also at that agency that I was
.thrown In contact with many of the renegade
Indians , but , at that tlmo , thev would not
talk about the massacre. They were afraid
of the consequences , and the Interpreters
could get no Information from them on that
"I there obtained facts from these who
burled the dead of Ouster's command and
took part In the fight under lie no , ou the hill-
too alter Ouster was killed.
At that time , I could not go to the battle
field , as Sitting Hull and , his renegades had
possession of the country and It was unsnfo
lor a wblto man to venture out there. Fin
ally , however , 1 visited the field and for ten
days traveled over It back and forth , sketchIng -
Ing and taking measurements. I had learned
from the Indians , in the meantime , that
'Custor's ' troopers shot their own horses nnd
made breastworks of them. For a long time
afterward it was possible to pick out the
pluccs where the animals loll. The horses
were not burled , but were allowed to decom
pose and icUirn to dust. This enriched the
soil , and whew every horse lay was a spot of
gross greener and of ranker growth than that
around It.
"That dreadful slaughter ought never to
have happened , ana it never would have hap
pened if Itouo bad obeyed his instructions ,
Keno was a coward and a renegade , and ran
away , leaving ( Juster nnd his whole command
to bo ruthlessly slaughtered. "When I last
visited the bnttlo field I sat on tlio bas < j of the
monument marking the spot where Custcr's
body wns found and looked from that hilltop
down over the slope wkora the final rally oc
curred. By going loss than a quarter of a
mile I could see the hilltop about two miles
away on which Ucuo and his command lay la
a slight depression whllo tha butchery was
going on. Ono of Houo's scrgcauts told mo
that they could hear the volleys of Custcr's
command , and the men murmured -because
they were not allowed togotothclrusslstance.
They were held there all day , within thrco
miles of the battle-Held , nnd not a inovo was
made until sundown , when , the Indians bin- .
Insr ulllod Custcr's entire command , moved
up and attacked thorn. They were compelled
to defend themselves all that night and all
tbo next day , when tbo sight of General Ter
ry's approaching Infantry down the valley
frightened tlio Indians and caused them to
withdraw , thus saving Hone's command from
a fate similar to Custor's.
"Kong was lent ncrosi the river by Caster
to engage the Indian village , whllo ho him
self went down the river to cross and attack
them In the rear. The position to-which
K"no was sent was a tract of timber In horse
shoe shape , which was a natural sink about
seven feet deep. It was filled with vines and
underbrush , and not a man could bo seen in
it. It was a perfect ambuth and Keno could
never have been driven out of it. *
"Tho Indians came out of their village and
, ean J ° e ° fc ween ttt ° timber and the
river. This frightened Reno , and instead of
waiting for Ouster to como around and at
tack tlio Indians from the rear , ho made a
break for the river , which ho crossed arid
climbed to the opposite hilltop , where ho re-
niained. Ho lost u number ofmcniu this
"By this tlrno Ouster was discovered and
the Indians dashed down the river to attack
him Just as ho was attempting to cross. Th.o
whole horde of savages collected against him
and the awful result is only too well known.
Had Keno stayed where ho belonged , the In
dians could never have massed. When ho
first secured his position tbo bucks were nil
on foot and the squaws and young ones were
out on the hills driving in the ponies.
"Ouster would have been able to have car
ried out his original Intention , and the Indi
ans would have boon routed and the village
"Custor's body was found on the very
brow of the hill , on the slope of which ho
made Ids last stand. Kaln-in-tho-Faco , a
renegade young chief , claims to have killed
mm , but it is bv no means certain that ho did
It , Ho cherished an Intense hatred for Ous
ter , who had him arrested and confined In
the guard house at Fort Lincoln , from which
ho escaped and Joined Sitting Bull.
"After the light , when the Indians were
going over the field looking for the body of
the Chlof-wlth-tho-Flowlng-Hair , as Ouster
was called , Kaln-ln-tho-Facowas the ono who
found him , but It is not certain that ho also
killed him. Ouster did not wear his hair
long In his last battle. Before ho started out
on that final campaign his wife , had a pre
sentiment of imponulnp evil , and knowing
the enmity felt toward her husband by sev
eral of the savages , she induced him to have
his hair cut that ho might become less con
spicuous and less easily recognized. Ho also
had a photograph taken Just before his de
parture , and it was from that photograph
that i painted him in that final encounter.
"His body'was denuded , as wore all the
others , but a mark was put on it by Ualn-ln-
the-Faco. which preserved it from mutilation.
It was l ld across the body of a prlvato
soldier In the form of a cross , and it was1 thus
found by the troopers of Heno's command
when they visited the lietd to bury the dead.
"The only thing that saved Hono's com
mand wns the f ct that Curloy , an Upsnroha
scout in Custor's command , managed to escape -
capo and convoy the Intelligence- the Ous
ter disaster to General Terry at the mouth of
the Hie Horn , nearly fifty miles away.
Ourlcy got possession of the blanket
of a dead hostile Indian about
the tlmo tno light was over , and then catch
ing a pony , mingled with the renegades In
the gathering darkness until ho reached the
outer lines , nnd then dnsho-i away to Terry ,
riding nil night nud port of the next day.
Oeneral Terry started his forces at once , and
the sight of this reinforcement away in the
distance was all that caused thosuddon with
drawal of the Indians.
"Somo of the Indian chiefs admitted to mo
that had the soldiers fought in the timber
like these on the hillside , the Indians would
surely have boon beaton.
"It was the squaws who mutilated the
bodies and committed many of thp other
atrocities after the battle Was over. The
bucks denuded the bodies , but the squaws did
the horrlblo butchery , and this is Invariably
the cose.
"Colonel Cook , ndjntant of Ouster's regi
ment , was a picturesque personage. Ho was
a Canadian and wore flowing side whiskers.
Ho was scalped on each cheek , the Indians
making scalplocks of his whiskers.
"Tbo present outlook for trouble ! Well , It
Is hard to say. They are on Ignorant mass ,
and if some ono moro oulluhtcnod has gotten
hold of a point by which ha can incite
them to an uprising theru will bo a massacro.
They are magnificently armed much bettor
than the troops , and they have on abundance
of ammunition. TherA is something peculiar
about them in this respect they can keep
Iho mechanism of a gitn in order , whllo the
trooper will not. Tno 'average trooper Is ir
responsible and don't care. It is the general
opinion of these whojiave been on the fron
tier that an Indian will keep n Winchester In
perfect order for years , nnd the much moro
simple Springllold In the hands of the trooper
is out of shape iu six months. The Indian
will also keep a paper- passport In the same
"There nro too few educated ones to keep
tuo whole bunch level ? There is nn abund
ance of fanaticism aihong them. There nro
missions for them at lljo agencies and it is
claimed that some , of them are converted ,
They simply go to church because the mys
teries of the ritual -flro awe-Inspiring , and
that Is nil the rcliglQn'ihoro Is In thorn.
"This talk of the nw Messiah is rather
strange. The occult scientists claim tnat
Christ was slmly [ a rohionnation of Buddha ,
nnd the Indians njib having boon under
Christian Influences Very long may expect a
reincarnation of their Great Spirit In the
same manner. This would lead to the ques
tion , 'is there occultism among the Indians ! "
The QIIQCII or Italy.
Of the beauty of Queen Margherita all the
world has heard , says the Chicago Herald.
Without having perfect features , she has
been and'is still ucautiful , thanks to the dell-
easy 6f her complexion , the gruco of her out
lines , the sweetness of her expression. Early
in her life she , too , > vas very delicate , and so
thin as to bo almost transparent ; but in the
course of years she has grown stouter , and
now may bo said to be too stout for beauty.
Her German mother was careful to glvo the
daughter a thorough education , superior to
that enjoyed In these days by Italian women.
Queen Marghorita knows both German nnd
Italian literature well , is fond of music , nnd
sings herself with taste and feeling.
She hns a pronounced affection for
the . German school of melody ,
but she also appreciates the Italian. Shots
fond of the socloty ! or men of thought nnd
letters , and at herintitnatoevening teas may
bo mot some of the loading mon of the land ,
who drop In to chatk awuy an hour without
ceremony. Indeed , the'abscnco of ceremony ,
destructive to nil reas'onn.bla intercourse , is n
distinctive and chartuug } < feature of the Ital
ian court life. , '
Among these whom 'tho queen loved to re
ceive was tlio late Minister Mlnghotti , a
simple , RontlomnnlyOfui her , who was well
versed in questions or art aud letters. An
other of her well lltfed habitues is Uonghl ,
the statesman and mini of letters : also Prof.
Vlllari , senator and historian. She has oven
known how to gain ovor'to ' her Italy's great
est living poet , GlosuoiQarduccI , who began
life as a violent republican and hater of
royalty. i
SUuiloy'H Travels.
Tlio distance truvolocl by Stanley In
the interior of Africa is estimated by
him at 5,400 miles , off which all but 1,000
were on foot. The expedition occupied
three yours , nnd rescued 300 parsons at
a cost ol 30,000.
The circulation of thfe.blood qnlckoned and
enriched boars llfo ana energy to every portion
tion of the body ; appetite returns ; tbo hour
of rest brings with it sound repose. This can
bo secured by taking Dr. J. H. McLean's
KTouts1 of tlio Now Tariff. !
Toxns Sittings : .First Street Arab
Gimmo a puff from yor oiggyrot , Bill.
Second Street Arab ( iJulHnjr away vigor
ously ) Can't ' do It-Jimmy. "Aw , now ,
Billy , yor real monn. I glv yor ti pull of
ralno t'other duy , yor know. " "Can't
help it. That waa botoro the now In rill.
Terbacccr has rlz. "
\ glistening gift indeed , 1s a piece of Dor
flinger'a American cut gloss. Your dealer
should show vou such a display as will muko
your eyes dance. Tbo gouulno has Dor-
illnger'g trade mark labeled on every plcco.
Introduced into Congress by Hon. W. J. Council , by request
Frederick Douglas ,
Samuel R. Lowcry.
Hon. John R. Lynch.
Prof. Joseph E. Jones.
Hon. Robert Smalls.
And many other leading men of color
Of Revolutionary Fame.
The book concludes with a brief sketch of
Africa , giving interesting facts in regard to that
nearly unknown country. Thousands of copies
of this interesting work have been placed on
the railway trains radiating from Omaha east
ward and towards the Pacific ocean. The ser
vices of a few choiqe solicitors for Omaha are
desired. Call , with references , tomorrow ( Mon
day ) , December 1 , at the supply rooms.
No. 317 S. Tenth St. , Omaha , Neb.
A Very Queer Turn Taken by the Curiosity
of a News Hunter.
The Quest Has a Strange Ending In
the Private Apartments of a Mys
terious 1'ouug Ijady All Rich-
CB mid Loneliness.
The loneliest person and the loneliest place
In the city I
As the result of a queer turn taken by ray
curiosity some time ago , I have been looking
for the loneliest person and the loneliest
place In the city.
I visited the cemetery and the grave-
digger. But the cemetery was astir with
carriages , light-hearted as well as sorrowing
people , and the grave-digger was humming a
merry tune as ho bulldod deep the homo of
another mortal dead.
Than I called at the convent. Sweetly
smiling sisters bade mo wclcomo In a manner
that spolto of a certain degree of contentment
and happiness. It required but a short study
to prove that although serene plainness
characterized the surroundings , yet , In a
loglon of respects the place was a cheery
abode to willing tenants.
I notice a queer , desolate looking , little
old shanty , standing isolated away out In a
pralrio-llko suburb. My knock at the door
was responded to by a weazened , wltch-liko
old woman smoking a clay pipe that had become -
como as yellow as her deeply wrinkled face.
White , straggling nuir had she ; clothing
that woa miserable and scant. But she had
bright , kludly eyes. Her one diminutive
apartment corresponded in appearance with
its mistress. An excuse for ray presence
was found in a fictitious inquiry regarding the
points of the compass , and the statement that
I had become turned around. Then I asked :
"You must find it very lonesorao living
away out hero ? "
"O , laws , no. What times I ain't doln'
days' work for somebody I'm rcadln1 and
smoUIn' . No , no ! I'm ' never lonesome and
I don't over feel that this is a lonesome place
to live , however so queer iny tellln' you may
sound. "
With a feeling of unnatural disappointment
at the results of my quest for loneliness 1
sought a street car , nud riding Into the lower
portion of the business center , entered a
freat dingy building used as n warehouse ami
Junk shop. After one excuse and another ray
explorations brought mo into a big , damp ,
gloomy * basement.
All along In the most remote part of the
musty , underground cavern , under the light
of 0110 small jut of gas that was flgh'mg
fitfully for exlstonco with a snarp draft
whoso source scorned undlsuovcrablo. I found
a sickly-faced , emaciated httlo lad picking
over nigs.
The place was still as death Itself.
"At last , " thought I , "my efforts have been
rewarded 1 This , assuredly , is as lonesome a
place as ono could find m months of search In
any metropolis , and that , " us I looked upon
the frail little raz-pickcr , "must bo the most
loncsomo mortal in all Christendom. "
The instinct of a nows-huntor led mo to
fairly gloat over the picture of nboct ] loneli
ness as I stood for a moment In its contem
At my approach the little fellow gave n
start , and between struggles with a hollow
couch exclaimed ;
"Well what might yor bo wautln' hero
"I'vo como to see how fast jou can pick
over rags. "
" Yer hain't makln' fun at mo ham'tycrl"
"Certainly not , my boy , " suld I , assuriugly.
"Let's shako hands , "
With the timidity and shyness of a girl ,
the little worker extended ono of his hands.
It was cold , clammy , and nad all too llttlo
flesh on it for a cliiUVa huiul , v/hlch , at his
ago not over ten years should have been
somewhat chubby , at least.
"Yer dropped a piece of money from yer
hand as yer shook hands with me , sir ; It fell
among the rags hero 'tis , sir I'1
"I meant that for you put it iu your
pocket. "
"O , Jimmlnyl did ycrl" Why , It's a new
great big quarter 1 That's Just how much I
got for u whole , long day's work down hero !
Say , mister , I'm Just awfully much obliged ! "
And even by so dlntry , shadowy a light the
childish face showed the intense sincerity of
his words.
' "How many hours a day do YOU have to
pick rags In order to earn 'Jo cents ( "
"From 'bout 0 o'clock in the mornln' to 0 at
night. "
"And how long have you been working
down hcrol"
"Since over half a year for haint six
months half a year ! "
"Yes. and how many pounds of rass can
you pick over in a day J"
"Tho boss never told mo that , but ho can
tell someway or nuthor. "
"How do you know that ho can tell ? "
"Why , ono day after I had the toothache
all night and couldn't sleep none , I got to
sleep while 1 was worldr. ' . 1 guess I must
slept awful much , leastwise DOSS told mo on
the next Saturday that I hadn't picked over
hardly any rags ono day that week , and ho
took out liftcen cents of my twenty-flvo
cents for ono of the day's work. "
"You must bo always very lonesome away
off done here all alone. "
"Nopol I don't got lonosomol See. I'vo
got kit under hero , " and the little worker
dug UD a lively kitten from the piles of rags.
"Sho'a namolsUlinkln' I call her that cause
she always is bllnkln' so , and I don't blumo
her down hero I did use tcr have a llttlo
dog , but ho caught cold , went to coughin' and
then ho died. "
Bidding the bravo llttlo worker good
bye I loft , with the conviction that the eye of
Death had already pierced the gloom of the
place and was fixed enviously upon the child
It was not until I hod reached the street again
that I became aware of my having made an
other dismal failure ut least in discovering
the loneliest person in the city. And consid
erably disheartened , considered from ono
standpoint , I gave up my search.
A tew days later I found a dcllcato piece of
stationery upon my desk. It was an envelope
bearing my address In a very attractive fem
inine hand. Within I found the following
communication :
Tonr ) Sir : I have some facts and iluta which
I desire arranged fur publication In a foroljru
newspaper.oi luivu liccn tufurii'd to mo us
mi advantageous noram to do the work. As-
HiuIiiK you tli it Hit ! roiiiunoruthm will bo
doubly satUfaclni-y , I r/'l'iost that you cull , If
ncruonblo , tomorrow /Hurnoon , : i o'clock , at
No. , on avenuo. Very rospeetf nil v ,
This flavored too strongly of the Interest
ing to bo disregarded.
The locality designated was a fashionable
quarter of the city.
Thrco o'clock of the next day found mo at
the door of a handsome , stoao front apart
ment house.
My ring wasrespondol to by n koon-oyed ,
smartly attired rnald , Frcnchy from cap to
too."Does Mrs. or Miss reside hcrol"
"Oh , yes , sir. "
"You may hand her my card , please. "
I was shown Into a doublepjrlor that
would have proven n delicious study for a
connoisseur in art though it would seem to
have been moro the private quarters of a
bachelor than these of a lady. There was a
decided daring In the furnishings during if
visited by persons of both sexes who did not
enjoy freedom from conventional prejudices.
u Venus Itlslng from the Foam of the Sea , "
and St. Anthony tempted by a Jaunty queen
who confronted you with her uncompromis
ing mirror and unblushing nudity as soon as
you crossed the threshold. Costly hangings
in old gold and peacock blue were meant , of
course , to bo subordinate , but furnished
a rich setting to the snowy white
ness of several marblu groups. All was as
If the owner had gratified au expensive fancy
in becoming possessed of what was rare and
Scarcely had I swept this In nt a glnnca
than the hitherto partially drawn draperies
were widely parted and a youne , royal lookIng -
Ing woman , whoso haughty ulr of composure )
was simply freezing , made her appearance ,
She wore a gown of white china silk , niul
out of the rustle of each fold
seemed to well up a faint perfume.
She was a splendid creature , who had reli
ance symbolized in the veiled lira of her big
almond eyes and in the poise of her shapely
head. Her complexion told n story of line
physical condition. As she raised her hand
to brush back a truant lock of nor broiuc-
brown unlr her eyoa turned full upon mluo ,
but there was nothing significant of any sen
timent in her glance.
" 1 thank you very much for honoring my
request , " was her first words , "and us you
newspaper men are busy people wo will turn
to the business of the moment without delay.
First , however , us wo are perfect strangers
permit mo to do as I would upon calling for i
lawyer arrange the retainer. "
Handing mo n bill which certainly was
"doubly satisfactory" iu its denomination ,
she pushed n light wrltingcablnet toinv side ,
tossed dowu a dozen or so shoots of note
paper covered with data and incident , nnd
"Plcaso look over what I have written. I
desire about n three-quarter colunri card a
plain , mattor-of-factsotling forth of the state
ment which I have written or rather , which
I have outlined. I nin sorry that the facts
should have about thorn such n speaking of
blood , desperation and so much else that
makes life awful nnd death so loss unwel
come. But its the fate of some of us to Imva
to do with tragedy even though ono part beef
of entire innocence. "
I ran through the pages scratched all over
with thick excited letters chas
ing themselves full - well across
the page , and showing that the writer nad
been laboring under an unusual agitation.
Noticing that I had completed glancing
through her manuscript , inv natroness asked ,
with much of solicitous emphasis :
"Woll , do you think I have given enough of
the factsl"
The question struck mo as a most curious
ono. I replied :
"Is It possible , think you , for rae to nnswe *
such n question * "
"You do not any that for a purpose buk
known to your profession ! " said sho.
"ConfldciK-o and doubt are over strangers , "
was my only reply.
"You are right I Listen nnd I will prove to
you that this tlmo I have all of the former
iinu none of the latter. "
1'rocccdliig , she swiftly told mo the story
of her life a story to which the newspaper
card , that I had been employed to write , waa
the sequel ,
I shall not state It hero , nor even give a
synopsis of it. 1 shall write a story sometlma
around the conlldoncos of this rare woman ,
but It will taku u good-sized book to hold
At the conclusion of the all-absorbing nar
rative , Bhosuld :
"And hero I am in your city , stopping bu *
n few days In my wandering up and down
this enrth , booking to wear away some
thing of the gloom and loneliness case
about mo by that chain of traglo
horrors which was satisfied not In leaving ma
an orphan , n widownnd totally friendless ex
cept as to the poor friendships that wealth
may buy , but that falsely holds mo up bofora
my homo country as a traitress. The really
gullly ono has gone to her gravel To mo the
woild Is now and over will bo but a lonely
cngo nnd I the loneliest creature that pacem
to and fro within ill"
She had finished.
With an absence of comment which , as X
now recall the situation , was almost brutal ,
I plckod up my pen , performed the task as
signed mo , heard her say the work was en
tirely satisfactory , nud took ray departure.
As I close thU llttlo sketch in black and ,
white , there lavs before mo n late copy of a
leading journal published in St. Poteraburjf ,
Kimla. In it I llnd the lengthy card of ex
planation which I wroUi for her whom I shall
always remember by reason of at least on
particular fact.
She was , indeed , the loveliest person wUon *
I over tucU