THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY NOVEMBER 30 , 1890-TWENTY PAGES. THE CONDITION OF TRADE , Recent Railroad Developments aud Their Eolation to Business Interests , SHORT CROPS AND STRINGENT MONEY. tliislncgs About tlin Hnmo ns Ijnst Week Conl n Matter of Universal Concern Hardware , Dry Goodn , 1C to. Hardly had the busjncss world been as- riured that the threatened financial panic of Wall street was passed than a now condi tion of affairs was brought to light which is likely to bo of great Importance lo the west. The low point nt which railroad stocks were selling atNow Yorjr , by reason of thosqucezc , gave the heavy manipulators of railroad se curities iv ruro opportunity to make neavy lu- vestments , nnd the opportunity offered was mndo the most of , Consequently the air has been full of rumors of the changes in the management of western railroads tind of railroad trusts and agrcoinent' ) , looking to the advancement of shipping rates. Ju this matter of rates the west , and Ne- hrasha especially , is deeply interested , as so much of the business success of the country depends upon the roads concerned. It is easy to believe that powerful interests have shaped the direction of tills latest decline in railroad Htocka to serve objects ol tholr own. Hut it is not reasonable to suppose that they caused it , 01' could have prevented it. The overloading of Uritlsh investors , the inter state commerce act , nnd various state acts , the triumph of a farmers' party In muny western Htatcs , with all their consequences , wcro not brought about by nny combination " 'of speculators , however sagacious nnd power ful , in seizing the occasion to act In har mony with the natural course of events , they have accomplished objects of their own. These changes so far bnvo only furnished a subject for discussion and have not had nny direct connection with legitimate trade nny more than the Wall street scare of two weeks ago , hut later developments may bring nbout n closer relation ( between the two. In tlio meantime business interests of the section of country tributary to Omaha remain In nbout the saino condition as was indicated a wcok ngo. Jobbers are feeling to some extent the results of short crops In sections of the state , nnd are likely to feel it oven moro ns the sea son advances nnd money in these locali ties becomes scarcer. For this ; howsver , they arc prepared nnd no uncnalncs will ho caused by It , though the loss of trade will oo rcgietted. At this season of the year the coal trade commands a great deal of attention , especi ally in Nebraska where the supply has to como from a distance. In ono way this busi ness 1ms boon satisfactory to the denier , prices have been llrm owing to the scarcity of the supply brought nbout by Inadequacy of railroad transportation. As has been stated several times before this , u sharp cold Hpoll would make an enormous demand which could not bo filled without considerable delay. In the east the situation is different , there the nnthrncito coal trade continues in a stng- nnnt condition and is witho'it nny new fea ture worthy of special mention. The demand for the domestic sl/.es is light ; broken , egg and chestnut sizes tire in excessive supply nnd the prices for them weak. The weekly output of anthracite is far in excess of the inurnet requirements , and the accumulation of coal nt tidewater , nud interior stocking points is increasing , The mana gcrs of the anthracite- companies met at New York last week nnd compared notes on the situation of the trado. No charges in prices were mndo , but it was agreed to limit the production for December to not over 100- , 000 tons pey day for caeh working day of that month , which means that about from two to two and n quarter million tons will ho milieu in December. The bituminous _ cqal trade continues active , the demand lor coal being greatly in eXcess/of the supply , The price i'or soil coal is 110w about 10 cents per ton higher than it was n month ago. Vessels are very scarce nnd freights have boon again marked up 10(2)15 ) cents per ton. Chicago re ports the coal business quiet nnd Philadel phia a very quiet tone to the market. The Jioston market Is practically unchanged , al though there is a llttlo better demand nnd dealers lire hoping for better times through cold weather. . -Local dealers in hardware report a fair tradewith , almost no changes in "aluos , at Meastnoueof imuortauco. At eastern points of supply there Is also llttlo of interest to re port regarding iron , so fur ns actual transac tions , but the tendency Is to do us llttlo as possible until the financial world is fully nettled. In the meantime thcro Is no partic ular pressure to realize , as stocks are light and both mills and furnaces have nbout ns nmny orders as they can handle during tlio balance of the year. But those who are in position to know ull the ins and outs of the trade claim a moro or less important cur tailment in the domund is inevitable. The most perplexing problem is that of the now furnaces. Enormous investments have been made during the past two or three years , especially in Virginia. Tennessee and Alabama , and it is evident Unit they cannot oo inudo remunerative , perhaps not for some considerable tlmo to como. It becomes a question , therefore , whether these properties nlmll rainam dormant , or enter Into a ruinous competition with established concerns. Klther alternative must bo adopted , although neither one can bo very acceptable. This condition of affairs ought not to have been unfoi'dcen , and in some cases , perhaps , pro vision has been made for Just such contin gencies ns may bo mot with now , or during the coming year. Omaha's wholesale grocery trade has been fulrlv peed during the past week , thoupn Jiothuig to boast of. In a great muny cases thcro Is an evident dcsiro on the part of the buyers to curtail business na much ns pos- fllblo , or in other words to do n hand to mouth business. In New York outside of colTco the speculative deals nro small at the best and not likely to increase , ns notwith- htandlng the temptation of apparently low nnd safe valuations , tlio policy of investment during itliu balance of the year will bo upon the lines of retrenchment rather than oxpan- hion. The trade , as a rule , report continued smoothness in the adjustment nnd settlement ft accounts , a.nd the change in the monetary situation at homo nnd abroad is gradually ro- Jlovlng some of the previous small annoy- nnces and bracing up the tone on values that had been more or loss depressed by irregular oilvcr rates and difficulties in negotiating bills of I'xchahge. Tlio jobbers of dry goods did a very fair business , last wcok , considering the mild weather. Kctail dealers hnvo boon sorting up their stocks , and a good many orders nave been coming In , though many of them were small. Advices from the cast Indicate that a ns whole the market for woolen goods was quiet the past week , as is generally the case "between seasons. " At first hands the demand for clothing woolens was light and irregular , but a slightly Improved business in a few descriptions was reported by the commission houses. The sauio period de veloped few now features in the tnulo in do- Hiosiics. At first hands the demand forcoods of n seasonable character was comparatively . light , jobbers nnd the * having conducted their operations with a good deal of conservatism because of the uiv settled condition of financial matters. There was u manifest lull In the demand for certain siHni ) ? and summer fabrics that wcro quite active a sliort tlmo ngo , hut this slate of' af. fairs may bo partially accounted for by the fuel that many jobbers nnd the manufactur ing tiiido have already made liberal provision for their early .spring requirements. Lumber dealers nro making a llual struggle for business before giving up for the wlutei nml trade accordingly wns good last week foi the season. If thewcnther | continuesfuvornbli dealers liopo for about two weeks more ol good trading. In country produce the poultry market ro ceivcd the greatest amount of attentlor owing to the demand incident to Tlmnksglv < ing day. The supply was light , shippers being ing afraid to make very largo consignment * so soon after the ulut of the previous week An a result prlcos ruled high and the supplj \vas well cleared mi. The butter market hai continued slow and , weak , whllo eggs havi boeu steady. The market on game uos show : row and unimportant changes. OMAMA Saturday , Nov , 10. OlTTi.K-Estlnmtcd receipts of cattle. 1,150 * .t ojmuured with 1,014 yesterday and 1.25 buturday of last week. Thn quality of thn re Yorygood , luclmlliig somencor that sold nt K 15. The market .on hoovci nnd butcherstnek was active nml higher , tno imir- kot being 2Utf to lOu higher than ntthurloso lust weak Tlio supply of feeders was Unlit with llltlu ilciiiaiid and the market un changed , lloo ? Estimated receipts of hogs. ll.MO. as compared with 5.005 yesterday nitd 0.4r > 7 Sutur- duy of lust week , Afnrkot slow mill lOo to ISO lower , Thornngnof the prices paid WHS Kt.'iVJft 3.75. the bulk wlllni ? at W..wai.ifl. : I'lg ? , J'-V-WO n.00 ; light , UKV&I.CO ! heavy. & < > ftn.7a mixed. 1-lMYilH.Ki. Tlio average of thn prices paid was l'l.5 ns computed with M.&I.'i yesterday and tJM Snturdnr of liiitwcok. Siit.r.i'-Kstlninlod receipts of slieep , 512. Tlio market 1 unchanged. Natives , J.30I..S ! westerns , &WQI.OO. Disposition of Stock , Showing the number of head of stock pur- chn rd on tills tmirkct as roporlod by the wolghimistor of the Stockyard * company tor Novcmbur''u : CATTLE. SwIftiCo 225 flcorge 11. Hammond packing company. . . SW Tlio Armoiir-Uudahy packing company , . ii'J Nol * Morris ' - Shlppers and feeders > IKHIS. The Armour-Ciulnhy packing company. . 5,130 Omnha packing company " . ( HI Hwlft&ro f. 6SO ( loorue II , Hammond packing company. . 491 Shippers and feeders ' - * > Disposition of Stock. Showing the nntnbor of head of stock purchased on this market as reported by the wclglimimtors of the Stockyards company for the week ending Saturday , November U'J : OATTI.K. Swift * To . 1,711 TheO II. Hammond To . 1C5 : Tlio Arrnoiir-l'iidnhy Packing Co . . . 1,107 Omaha Packing t'o . 4r' Shipper : , and feeders.- . MJO nuns , The Cudnhy packing company . 10.035 Omaha packing company . 1'J.IIM Swift & 'n . 5 , ! > 7 ? Tliu U. II. Hammond packing company. . 2,833 Shippers awl feeders . . Rwlft&Oo . 100 The 0. II. Hammond packing company. . 100 Other buyor- ) . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Prcvnitlnir Trices. Tlio following Is a table of prlcos paid on this market for the grade of stuck mentioned : Kancy steew , ira : to li'iOO Ibs . SI. 5.1 6M.15 I'rliiU'Stcr-rs 12.7 } tpl47.11)9. ) . , . 4.00 fifcl.rfi Hood steers , 115U to 1.TK ) Ibg . 11.70 ( ai.'i'i Ateliers' steers , 10-V ) to IJWOlba. . . . 3.50 0:1.80 : ulrstcors 1000 to 1150 Ibs . : U5 < < ii.GO : 'onmioiiMMtol200 ' Ibs . 2.7. ' > 66:1.40 : 'alrto ; ( iid cons . 1.00 4S200 nod tocholcucows . 2.00 < a'.75 holcoto fancy cows. , . " .10 CW.23 lelfers . 2.00 < ai.OO : 'oarllilRS . . . . , . 2.00 S&I.OO 'coders . 1 . 2.20 CW.80 lookers . 1.40 602.40 Innnors . 1.70 tt M tuiis . 1.83 ® : i.oo > von . 2.SS I.OO 'tags . 1.50 CKI.OO lalves . 1.50 © 1.00 Vuslcrn cornfod steers . 2.50 dtit.M Vestern stccr . 1.50 4M.OO Vestern uuws . u . l.CO © 2.10 Avorno ) Coat of HORR. The following table gives the average cost of OKS on the dates mentioned : ctoberSS 4 81 November 14. . 3M etolierLli n 7.-M November 15. . : ir > 8 otoborlW 3 70 November 17. . > ctohcrit : 'I 74 November 18. . a 57 fovi'niljer 1 3 7S ? < November 10. . : i 4t S'o\ember.1 H 75 34S s'ovember I It 80 November 21. . . : ir > 3 November,1 . ' ! 8iJ ( ! Novembers. ' . . . r > 8 Vovcmberfl : i 7fl'i Novonihora4. , . . n S"ovcmbcr7.i . : G5 i November 25. , . . 3 ( U'i S'ovoinbcrS II 77i ( No\embor2G. . . . 3 53 November 10 : t 74Ji November 27. . 3 ( U November It . . . 'I HUi November 8. , 3 M.'j "oNciiiberl2 . . U 78 November 29. . 354 ovembci'13. . 'J 67 Ilccciptx and Shipments. Phowlng the olllolnl receipts and shipments f cattle , liogb and sheep ou tlio dates Indl- iated : HKCnttTS. Stock Hcuolpts. Estimated Today. Oflleiul Yesterday. Jattlo. . . .Vl ears. 1.150 Cattle. . . KO cars. 1,014 logs . 1.M , 11,000 Hogs. . . . 7U cars , 5,005 Sheep. . . . 3 curs , (00 Highest untl Ijowcst Sales of Hogg. Today. Yesterday. Ugliest . 1375 Fllchost . $ .1 85 Lowest . , , 3 25 Lowest . . . 3 15 or 1'rlcos. The following table shows the prices paid Tor sheep ; I'rltno fat sheep , , . ' , . ( .150 ( il 25 flood fat sheep 3 30 dKCO \ Common to Medium sheep 2 2.i CW 00 Western . . 2 00 @ 4 00 Comparative Table. The following taUlo shows the range In prices on hogs : Monday , October 20 140 © 4.17H Tuesday , October 21 3.50 04.22 4 Wednesday , October 22 3.50 dlt.'X Thursday , October 23 3.5644.8. ) . ) Trlday , October 24 3.59 Saturday. Octobori'i .3.50 581.1214 Monday , October 27 3.50 © 4.15 Tuesday. October 28 3.40 < H)4I5 Wednesday , October 29 3,30 614,05 Tliiirsdny , October 30 3. : ® tKi I'rtday. October , 31 , 3.2.'i 04,05 Saturilny. November 1 3,15 ( TCl.lO Monday , November II 3.1.1 < fi4.12'i ' Tuesday. November 4 3.23 ffai,15 Wednesday. November 5. . . , 3.10 © Thtiisday , NovemborO , 3.IS QAI.IS Friday , November T , Il.OO fM.ti ) ' ' ' - - - ; i.2o © 4.05 3.10 ( t 3.K'i IJ 00 G 4 ' 00 . . . 'dayNVcniberl2..i. . . 3.10 6rl'lfl Tliiu-sdiiy. November 13 3,0'i 1'rldny , November 14 . , 3.00 Satunlay. Novumhorll , , . , * 3.00 Monday. Nnvuutbcr 1 ? 3.00 GMOO Tue-dny , November 18 3.00 ( fj.'l.OO Wednesday. November 10 3.00 ( TW.70 ThurMlay , No\iiniber20 T. . . : UX ) ( iW.70 Krlilar. November 21 3.00 Saturilay. November 22. 6W.M Monday , November 24. . . j. . . . . 3.20 Tuesday , November25 . „ 3.20 „ Wednesday. Novorubor 20 3.25 463.85 Thursday , November 27 3.00 Ci-'LBO Krlday , NovomburW 3.15 CJ385 Saturday , November 20 3.25 © 3.75 Avt-rniio Price of Hoys. Showing the average prleo paid for loads ol tlioduyslndIcaludiull > JJ7lSiJJ , IbSOanU liny. | Nov. 1O. | NUT.7'tt ) . I NOT. 'h . | Nov. ' 67 Itcni'CHontntlvo ' Sales , BIKERS. i. AT. Pr. No , Av. Pr. NO. Av. Pr. . two < ioo 40..1005 ( .1 70 10..1250 MIS .100:1 a < K ) 1..1160 375 3..1430 425 . aio : ioo 83 , . 1175 3 85 65.,132fl 455 715 a DO IS , 1120 3 00 40..1B20 175 ,1133 , 3 15 21..UM 3 1)0 ) 7Q.lWa 473 1118 325 10..1U3 3M 70..1383 400 , 050 3 50 10..13&7 4 00 12 1450 500 363 CU..11GS 4 10 U4..14U5 515 COWS. 805 4..1045 2 00 19..1034 240 .1010 1. , 1200 3 00 0..1U51 240 , 701 100 U..1023 2 00 37. . 070 840 1. . 770 I 2.1 1..1UO 205 27. . 744 24S 1 , . 800 1 M 2 .12tiO S 05 11 . 8 0 245 3..10-JO 1 M 22. . DM 2 M 1. . TOO 2 W ) 4. . 010 1 C5 S3. . ( HI 215 1.J1M , 2 TO 1..1000 173 1..1100 225 10hiiV2r/ : ) 1..1M I 7J 11..1060 22-i fl.iUM 2 tV ! ! . .10(17 ( 175 II. . 001 221 30. . 1101 275J 1..1IIW 173 I..10SO S 2.1 91..1019 273 17. . OS I 173 IX.1000 22.1 4. 115,1 , 315 10. . IOT 1 HI ) 1..12HO 2 K 1..12SO : 23 4..1113 110 13..1037 2K S.lO 3113 3 .1070 1 DO UUM.S. 1..1070 175 2..1100 200 1..14IO 2 W ) I..1330 200 : > 0 200 l..l.ViO 2M 1..1KW 200 2..1003 223 1..15GO 275 RTOCKEIIS AND KF.KDEI13. 1. . CM 22.1 1. . 7 ; 2 BO 1.710 250 .1. . 880 8 MS 10..1103 SW 2..11W ) 200 } . . 700 2 CO Mii.KF.ns AND srittsaEna , 2 cowi nnd oulvos , ouch * 21 00 1 mllkor i. . . . . . VW 1IKIFK.I1S. 1. . 630 200 15. . 70S 285 CALVES. 0. . ICO 359 O.KKtf. 2..1833 300 WESTE1IN CATTLE. No. AT. , Tr. II. J. Wlnsor- istcor 1220 270 20 Micers .1103 270 noas. No. AT. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sli , Pr. W ISO K25 \ C' ) 250 80 Kl M 1(11 ( lO'l 120 32.1 ( VI 25940 il KS 1)3 ) 177 120 325 fiO 283 IfiO JlfiS fi2 2X' ( ) 120 227W W..285 240 515.1 78. . . 200 2)0 ( ) yyo 4S 244 120 SIM 42 223 120 un ; r > i JKI ' - ' ) : i.r > . " > 77 210 200 : iao m 10.1 w ; IM ICl 209 100 3M ( il 281 210 SIS ! 70 is.-i ino : iio : or.271) ) 200 : IM 14 2il : 40 3 III ) 50 254 120 ! 1 S3 77 215 320 3 IB fi'.1 272 40 I15.1 81 20.1 80 335 78..210 100 ilB.1 IS S 3 M HUT S3 275 100 S3 8S . . .101 201 335 73 203 40 UM R3 200 120 33.1 711 230 80 IlfiTii 81 213 100 3il7',4 m 2il ! 80 : ir.7'J 72 2-J9 210 340 IB 201 120 HOO 04 2:11 : 100 340 as 280 120 HOO 74 . . . ' . " 'S 320 340 72 208 ilfiO 78 217 410 340 M . . .257 40 I100 72 2.12 BSO 340 75 281 2UO : iH ( 7(1 ( SH 200 340 fiO 2.S2 fO HO ) O.S 242 240 340 01 'M 120 UtX ) 70 213 40 340 S3 2U ! ) WO' ItCU CO 229 100 340 ( ill SSU 1100 81 220 'HO 340 (11 ( 1118 60 300 70 257 4hO 3 43J4 SO 303 120 300 ffi 211 800 II 45 M 318 80 JIB ) 31 205 345 2S 2IS 80 I1U ) 77 230 200 345 M ) 271) ) 200 IIW 21 . . . .240 345 54 21 120 ItCO 37 yci 345 50 IKK ) KO 1100 74 221) ) 40 345 S3 870 4X ( ) ; i W ) 81 22 210 350 75 230 20 300 78 207 400 360 71 20.1 280 300 00 221,100 350 51 'J20 KW'.TGO 50 W.2 ICO 350 50 1112 2eO 300 02 2U2 80 350 0(1 ( 273 ISO ItCO 01 B50 120 350 00 275 60 300 70 23S 1120 450 71 285 2l 300 58 243 200 360 (17 ( 284 120 : i ( fxS 211 100 350 51 288 200 300 5(1 ( 274 40 350 0.1 288 240 3U ) 52 27,1 120 350 M 304 200 : > 00 83 224 400 350 50 ! 120 2KO 3G2 - $ f.9 2.SO 440 350 72 30. ) 219 305 83 244 100 350 57 J48 1IX ) 3C5 7U 222 80 350 4 ! ) U13 120 3 fil 71 S25 200 310 7J 250 40 303 Kl 249 120 350 ( W 307 1UO . ' 103 01 ' . ' ( 120 350 08 299 320 IIC3 07 2.V1 200 350 40 XU 40 303 07 273 20 350 Kl 313 40 30.1 08 2iO 120 350 65 ICW 449 1165 70 XO 40 350 50 284 40 ' 3/5 ( 72 241 100 350 . , . . , . ! : ll il C5 0.1 283 400 35.1 &S ' . ' 17 120 : lfi.l 70 281 80 355 41) ) . . . . , .I10J 80 305 51 275 280 353 43 1)57 ) 3 W 07 2(17 ( 120 355 01 287 240 3li3 07 224 80 355 111 282 300 3i3 ( 21 2.ll 355 51 ICC ! 100 370 00 271 40 355 51 275 40 3TO G3 274 40 351 50 320 370 43 274 355 M 334 60 370 72 247 120 355 53.-.315 - a 70 CO 271 40 363 54 397 200 370' GO 25 320 355 01..337 60 370 77 240 200 365 05 34J 60 370 0.1 K17 240 355 43 401 ' 375 72 237 120 355 00 349 80 375 1'ICIS AND SKIl'S , 184 71 225 20..122 305 01 . . . . 105 250 CO 122 300 79 127 2M 22 114 - 300 OJI.lIl.t WMlOIjEHALE MA.KKET8. Provisions. * FnESit BP.EF CUTS. KolK 7os beef tcn- dorlolns. 14c ; sirloin butts , 054 of bono- luss strips , G4o ! ; strip loins , f > 4c ; rounds , ruiup elf , Gc ; rounds , rump on , fie ; rounds , hliank off. 5ic ! ; lionulcsn rutnpa , 4a ; chucks 3o : jilatcs , 2i-i ; buck halves , 4c * shoulder clous , 454cj beef loins No.J. steer , 134illc ; beef loins No.2 , KXUllc ; bnuf loins No. 3,7o ; boot rib55iffl6o ; beef ribs No. 1,10Uc ! sweet breads , per iloz , 35o ; kldnoys , cacli.lio ; ox tails , cui'h , 3o ; livers , caeh.luc ; beef hearts , oacli , 4c : beuf tonRiion , each , 40c. Kiihsii POHK I'ork loins.Co ! tondorlolns , Ilo ; spararlbs , 5u ; shouldoi-s , 6c ; hocKs , 3u ; trliu- jnliiKS , 5c : back bones , 2c : ilrussod ho s. fiUu ; clunnod pics' feet ( per dozen , ) : uc ; rough un- ch'iincd plK1 * ' feet ( per dozen , ) 20c. MUTTON Choiceilressedmutton,8V4cs rack ; of mutton , 14c ; saddles of mutton , DC ; breasts of mutton. 3c ; Iczuf million , lOc. ' II'HKSH MEATS Fresh llanii , 20 Ibs average. 7&o ; id ibs averanc , 80 ; 12 Ibs avornuo. 8'io ; ( rush bhouhteis 4Jio ; pork loins,7c ; pork ten derloins l < sc ; leaf lurcl , not rendered , O'ie , spare ribs , 5c. I'OKK AND 11EKF In barrels Mo'js ' pork , new , Jll.OOj ulcarpork bucks , lipavv.12,00 ; niodliim. 111.50 ; sliort cut clunr pork , } ll.50 ( ; family ] > nrk , lean , (10.23 ; pl Dork , if 111.50 ; now extra mess beef , J,2loxtra ( ! ; plate boof. ifs.23 : plato beef , J7.00 ; rolled bnnulosa beef , $8.50 ; boneless rumps , $8.50 ; hhoulderolods , 83.50. litr-SAiT ilKATS 1'at baoks , 5jo ; lean bucks , 5ic ; extra sliort clears , 57 > e ; bellies. Ill to 20 Ib uvg , CUe ; hliort ribs , QVo ; short clears , Oo ; lonir clears , 57iu ; sliouldor.s , fie. OH.S , ETC. i'uro neatsfoot oil , per gal , In bbls , 50c ; A 1 tallow , 5 > io ; stearlno , OHc. SMOKKII MKATS Host suRur ciirt > ( f Hams , extrallKlitlitolo Ibavnnijte. 10'io ; llitht. 12 to 14 Hi average , O' o ; medium , 15 to 111 IL avurtiRu , 954o ; heavy , 20 to 22 Ib average. O o ; oxtriv heavy , 2:1 : to251b averace , Hot skinned bllc- Ing , 18 to 20 Ib tivorase , u : California hams. Oo ; N. Y. shoulders. Go ; llostan shoulders , 0 to 8 Ib average , Co ; boneless hum , Sic ! ; lireakfust bacon , ( clear ) 5 to 7 Ib strips , 7)4c ) : breakfast bacon ( rib ) 74o ! ; drlod beef hams ( sets ) 7o } ; regular , Oo ; clods , 5 > c ; fancy lean backs , 7c. Hpeclal Hams , 12 to 15 Ib average , lie ; break fast bacon. 10lc. ( HKEP TONGUE1 } Sweet I'ickled , Sugar Cured llbls , 200 Ibs , jfr.r.0 ; half hbls. 100 Ibs , t'J.lM ' ; hoof tonirues , smoked , per Ib , lOKo. 1'OHK TONdUKS Sweet I'lcklea , Sugar Cured Half bbls , 100 Ibs , $7.50 ; quarter bbls , 50 Ibs , M.OO. JiAMU TONOUES Uncooked , Mild Ouio Half bbls , 100 Ibs , $7.00 ; quarter bbls , 50 Ibs , $1.00. Si'lCKi ) 1'ios' TONOUKS Cooked Half bbls , 80 Ibs , * 11.50 ; quarter bbls , 40 Ibs , W.OU ; kits , 15 Ibs , 12.50. Si'iCKD LAMMS' ToNflUES-Cooked Half bbls , 80 Ibs. $11.50 : quarter bariels , 40 Ibs. $0.00 ; kits , 15 Ibs , $2.50. SWBUT PICKLED SPAHE Ilins Tlort-es , 300 Ibs. , net wclRht , $13.50 ; barrels , 200 Ibs. , not weight , j .OO ; half barrels , 100 Ibs. , net weight. $4.75. LAHD Vuro leaf , nor Ib. tlerco basis , O c ; compound , per Hi. tlorco bnsts , 5)4o ) : puroleaf lard , pur Ib. tlerco basis. O'.io ; special kettle rondured loaf lard , per Ib. tlcreo basis , 7o. IIAIIHKI.KI ) I'OUK AND llBKK SIO.S-J pork , HOW , SII..TJ ; family perk , * 11.25 ; short cut clear pork , $ U.2"i4Bl2.50 ; imnoloss pl pork , fancy , $14.00 ; extra mess beef , $0.00 ; plato beef , 87.00 ; extra plate bruf. $3,00 ; extra family beef , bouoloxs , w.OO ; rolled beef , bonolcsd , $0.50 ; rump butts , $8.50 , MKATS Corned beef , I-lh , square. cans , 2 dozi arcane , tl.lOj 2-lb , 1 or 2 doz per case , 11.80 : ( Mb , y doz per case , J5.7.1 ; lunoh tongues , 1-lb round cans , 2 doz per cnso4 $2. < i5 ; brawn , t-lb square cans. 2 doz per case , { 1,20 ; oxtongues , U't-lbround cans , 1 doz per case , J5.23 ; ohlnped beef , ' ,4-lb round vans. 2 doz per case , $1.2.i : roast beef , 1-lb round cans , 2 doz pcrciihC , * 1,10 ; potted liarn , K-lb round cans , 4 dozperease. ( Moj duvlletl ham , U-lb round cans , 4 doz per case , OOo ; potted ox tongue , y- Ih round cans , 4 doz per case , COo ; compressed ham , 1-lb square cans , 2 doz per case , $1,00 ; tripe , 2-111 round cans , 1 doz per case , 31H ) ; iiiinced collops , 2-lb round cans , 1 doz per case. If2.20 ; bonoluss pigs' fe t , 2-lb square cans , I doz per case , J2.50J roast beef ( Aloxandru brand ) , 1-lb. 2 doz per ease , 11.00. OILS I'rnno lard oil ( winter strained ) 40c ; extra lard oil ( winter stralni'd ) , 47c ; extra No. 1 lard oil , 40a ; No. 1 lard oil , 3le ; No. 2 lard oil , 31o ; extra noat's-foot oil , 45c ; tallow till. 4.V. SAUSAOK Itologna. 4c ; smoked sausage , 7o ; blood sausage , 4io ! ; liver sausage. 4 c ; hcild- ohecso.ISic ; fresh pork sausage , links , Ce ; fresh porli sausage , bulk , 5Vic.j smoked jiorlc sausage , 80 ; fr.inkfurt sausugo , 7u ; sinoKed headcheese , Go : Polish sausage , 7o ; Knob lauch sausage , to ; tonguesausagc,8o : summer sausage , Ito. Groceries. A complete grocery list Is published or 1 Tuesdays' TlmrBdavs and I-'rhlays. Quotations remain very steady. Sugars art firmer but hardly ouatahlo higher. StiOAit Uramilalrd , OJJo ; cubes , eye : cut loaf , 7ie ! ; pow derod , standard , 0 ? 'o ; XXXX novrdorcd , 7 ie ; yellow 0. Bo ; canary 65io : light Kx. O , uj confoctionert' A , 6 0. ITiiESii per Ib. Lake Troutmcdliim , small Oo ; trout , largo , 80 ; white , lOo ; perch , 7o ; pike lie ; pickerel , Oci black bass , ISot croppio , lOc Sea fish-Steak cod , r.'ci llouuden , 13o ; ret anappor. lie : uluo ilsh , 17o ; cols , IBo ; lobslor.s 18a ; Hcollons. per ual. , $1,40 ; mackorul , large 30o each. lUver Uah Out , lie ; bulTulo. 7iic. Cuitcii IlEititiNa Grown brand , dark hoop < i5ot full white hoop , 75o : full whllo hnop Stllohucr'fl , 05o ; domestic , Holland. 40c ; Itus slau sardines , knlecd , U5o | ItiiMlan bardlnes , ; ) , : ( erring , lHo ; Norway spk'ecl herrlnir. (1.U4 Codflsn Kxtra Ocorites , white , per Ib , C'io ' extra Urand bank , lat-KO , 45ic. llonoless cod Ush Turkey cod , middles , Oo ; snajr white , 5-1 ! boxes. 12luurato , 7Ko : snow white. 2-lb broks 7Ho ; silver brand , 2-lb brloks , SKc. Kmnkei flab-Extra thlok halibut , strips. 11 He ; bloat crs. Oromnrty , 5 * In IKIT , 11.23) ) caled herrliiK. strictly medium , 25c | scaled lirrrlnR , No."rn medium , 20c ; stock flsh. 7' ' < o. MackcrrK-Or. bbU of < 0 tbs- Kxtra bloaters , J7.23 ; dxjjf.i No. \ shore , largo , HSn\ \ medium shore , Sw > . 1 , 14.35 ; No. 1 bay , f.1.15 ; medium No. 2 , Jl.lWWhlto Ilsh , annlin * vies , i'ti'--l3r. bbUof 40ifs. Kxtra No. 1 white flih , largo , $ .1.0.1 ; No. 1 wmti INh , nu'dhiin. $2.0.1 ; No. 2 white llsh , InrgCi $ l.itl : extra family straight white llsli. II.OONiil ; Muckluuw trout , $3.2.1Callfonila ; salmouAWnod red , M.25Splcod ; anchovies , $ J.25 ; lifUtlliuy. . I.OO. Country | ifniliicc. tiTinit The markctl N slow and prices weak. Oood country Dills , 145llOc ; cliolco , 1018o | Inferior , 8rtl2c-Kooil ; country solid pai'Ifed , l.VSlOc ; choice dairy , 18 < a20cl good crenmorj2152tc ! fuuc } > .S3o. I'oui.Titv WlthTliankUulvlnit clar past thpro Is not llk ly lobe muehrdcinaiid for turkeys for some llttlo tlmo. Amtut lOo was all that dealers rould got for turkeys. Chickens brought ? < isc.and ducks and geese lOc ; live chlekons ts CO2.2.1. Tlio market was well cleared of dressed poult ry. KinK--Ueccpts ! moderate and market strong at 8l S2e. GAME I'rnlrlo chickens , per dnron , KJ.OOO 3.50 ; malliird ducK's , nominally , t2.753.00 ; teal ditoks. $1.00 1.25 ; tnlved ducks , $1.50 ; quail. ll.00l.23 : Jnek rabbits , J2.MiW.oo ; small rab bits. TAv&JI.OO ; deer and uutelopo carcasses , Bitl'o ' ; sadalos , I2ii6l3c. ( ( 1'iaiiONS Thcro is no domana. roTATOEs Car lots of potatoes are quoted at 8VOo ! ! ) with cliolco stool : selling In a small way from store at 03c. Colorado stock , Jl.l.l. ONIONS Choice stock , tl.Ii.V3l.50 ; Spanish , (1.75 per crate. faWKBT POTATOES Oood stock , $ l.0oai.23 per bbl. bbl.IlKANS Desirable stock , $2.1002.73. C'Ki.Kiiv ' .WfttOo per doz. tAiuiAr > K-l'or Ib. . li2o. ! TttiiNii's Kutaliagas , choice , C373o per bushel. LuTTUOE-1'or doz. , 3540o. Frcsli Prints. OttANnns-Florlda stock , $1,53 ; Jloxlcnn crates , $4.50. Ari'l.Es Per bbl , $3.234.50. according to the kind and varloty. iiANiitmitis Fancy Oapp Cod , $12.00 , OAUKOIINIA ruoiT Quinces , $2.00 ; small winter Nulls. i'.OO per half bu < c. KANAKAS Yellow , S.l.235i.'l.oo per bunch. IjKMONS Cliolco Stock. $7.5038.50. GaAl'Ea Malaga. $7.WXa8.00 per bbl. MIscollnnontiH. BrACK WALNUTS Per bushel , $1,00. UICKOIIY NuTS-Large , pur bushel , $1.25 ; fmiill.l.75 < a2.00. t'oiiN-OhoIeo last season's stock , 2ffi21io per II ) . COCOANUTS I'cr hundred , sacked , $ .1.00. Italian , 18o per Ib. Flour , Ilrnu , I0tc. R. T. Davis' high patent No. 1 and. Oronm , 12.70 ; llluo 1) , full patent. $ J.50 ; Ilawkoye.haK patont. $2.30 ; It. T. Uavla' Bpoolal Hoyal pa tent No. 10 , 82.83 ; Minnesota patent , $2.75 ; Kansas hard lutont , $2.53 ; Nebraska Mtnng wheat patent , tJ.OO. S. illmiiii'sgold niednl$2.80 ; SnowWhlto , J3.40 ; Snow I'lake , $2.10 : low grade , $1.80. lirokon How Holler Mills' Oroani , $2.00 ; Myr- tlo. $2W ; Olalin. $2.20 ; Fidelity , S2.1W ; Mlniic- sotii Chlof , $ J.50j 1'atent , $2.70. Uskamp'8 ready to rals buckwheat ( lour. } 3.00 porcnsoof 50 2-lb packages ; buakwhaat In bbls , N. Y. , Jfl.OO : Hxcelslor brand. 85.50 ; Slap Jack meal , $4.00 per case of SO 2-lb packages. I 1 ran , Hacked , per ton , $10.00 ; chopped feed , J2I.OO. II A v On track at Omaha Upland. No. 1 , $8.00 per ton ; coarse blilo stein , $7.00 ; oats straw , $0.00 per ton. Fish. FHESII Per Ib Porch , Sc : buffalo , dressed , 7c ; pickerel , Oo ; pike , 80 ; white , 10o ; croppio , He ; cattish , lie ; cod sUlr ; , 12c ; flounders , iilc ; Oregon salmon , IJc ; bluck Oiass , 18o ; lobsters , l o ; blue tlsh , Ific. iJ Salt and pickled Cod ( If li , extra Georges now. OSiC'i grand bank , now , 4o ! ; stiver. 2-lb blocks , 5Jjc : snow whltu , 2-lb bricks , now , 7V oi turkey cod. largo middle bricks , Oc ; BIIOW whites , crates , 12-5 Ib boxes , 7i ; medium scaled burring , 25o ; No. 1 tcalod herrlne , 2lio ; domestic Holland hcrrhigj 40o ; Hamburger spiced herring. GOc ; Kussiun sardines , spiced , fioo : Kussiun sardines , plain , GOo ; Imported Holland herring , Crown brand , 80o ; do fancy milkers , 81.00 ; mackerel , No. 1 shore , half bbl , $12.50 ; bloaters , half bbls. $18.00 : white fish , half bbls , $0.75 ; trout , huh bbls , $5.50 ; family white llsh. $ .1.00 ; salmon. J850 per half bbl ; 2-lb broiled maokorcl , J2.W ) ; 3-lb In mustard , $ J.OO ; l-lb ! In tomnto sauc < ri , $2.00 ; 5-lb Mayo moss mackerel , $1.00 ; Mb brook trout. $1.2.1 ; 3-lb brook trout , $ , ' .23 ; 1-lb salmon. $1.25 ; 2-lb white fish , K.23 ; 1-lb whltcJlbh , $1.35 ; 2-lb lob sters , $2.30 ; 2-lb oysters , -IS oz. $2.00 ; 2-lb ovs- tors. 10 oz , $2.23 ; 1-lb oysters , 5 oz , $1,23 ; 2-lb llaratarla , 10 oz , $2.10 ; J-lb Itarataria. 5 or , $1.10 ; 1-lb clams , llttlo necs , S1.33 ; 2-lb clams , llttlo nocks. $1.75 ; 3-lb clntn chowder , $2.00 ; 1-lb crabs , 82.25 ; 2- , Dry Goods. GiNOnAMS Amoskoag. 'Jo ' ; Amoskeag dress , 8Via Hates , Mo : Warwick dress. So ; Lancaster , OJe ( : Glenalre. tl4o ! ; AVIilttnndon dross , 8c. Jti.KACUKi ) OoTTOjifl-Borkoloy Cambric No. CO. Uc ; Host Yot. tHe ; linttoroloth XX.4'/c : Cabot , 71Jo ; First Call. O'/ic ; Fruit of the Loom , Oe ; Mill Hcmpur Idem , 8c ; Housekeeper , 85o ! ; King Phillip cambric , lOc ; Lungdon G II , ! Hic ; Lonsdah" . Do ; Ixiiisdnlo cambric , lO Jo ; fuw York Mills , lie ; Oak Lawns , To. WIOANS Not Thistle. O'io : Ucd Cross. 7o. ! { CKASII Stevens' K , 10-In , 8 > o ( Stevens' D , 18-in,0ic ? ; Stevens' A , 10-ln , 7Uc ; Slovens' P , 18-in.8o ; Stevens' M.18-ln,0e ; Slovens' N. 20- In , no ; Slovens' NN , 22-in , lOc : Stevens' STK , 20-ln , 12c : bleached , lo extra. COLOHKD UAMiiiucs Crown , 4Hc ; lied Star. 4Hc ; Itollod Clover , 5c ; Viator , 5 c ; high col ors , lc extra. Piti.sTS I'ancy T'ldystono. ' 0Jc ! ; Steel Hlvpr , | ( ic ; Kamapo , 4c ! ; St. Led cor , 5tc. } Shlrtlns Martha Washington , 454c ; Morrliiuic , 4Kc. Turkey lied Fountain , B ic ; Uarnor , 7c ; Crenlicld.S'xJc ; Herlln , OSic. : SlIKKTINOS AND 1'II.I.OW OASINHS Brown Net Penperell , 4J-ln , lOVic ; Popporell. 8-4 , 18o ; Peppcroll,0-4 , 20o ; Pcpporell , ltl-4,22Mo ; tftlca , 4S-ln,15c ; UtfeaM-ln. 17KC ; Utlea , W-In , 21c ; Utlca , B4-in. 2 < Jc ; Utlca , 00-In , 28'c. Itleached Net I'cppornll , 4B-ln , lO'-ic ' ; 1'oppcrcll , 4fl-ln , ll'/ic ; Popporoll , 0-4. 13o : Popperoli. 8-1. SOo ; I'epporoll , 0-4 , SSHo ; 1'cDpuroll. 10-4 , 25c ; Utlca , 6-4. 24o ; Utloa. 0-4 , 2Co ; Utlca , 10-4 , 2Sc. I'lliNTS ludlgo blue Net Martha Wash ington , 555c ; American. GUo : Arnold , OHc ; Ar nold II , long oloth , lOc ; Mlfle A , llMc ; Alorrl- 111 nc , 7-8 , lOo ; Gold Leaf , 8Ko ; Hamilton , 5e ( ; Allen Pinks , GViot Allen Cnambray , Be ; Olou- chester , 5o ; Uurtel. 5Uc. HEAVY UROWN COTTONS Atlantic , 7c ! : Atlantic II , To ; Atlantic 1) , eye ; Atlantic 1 > Go ; Aurora O , 4Jic ; buck's head , 7 e ; Uabot W Gjo ! ; Darlington , fiJic : Farmers' S'o. 1 , 43 > ® 4l/Sc ; Hooslcrlifj.SVie ; Indlad head , /a ; Law rence Jilj , 8 ip ; Henrietta LU ( Hie. FIKB ItnowN COTTONS Atlantic LL. fie ; Au rora 11 , OMo ; Aurora li , G&c } : Atlas O N U , 7'Sc ; cheese cloth , 4c ; Ollntou Kl' , OKJoj Popporoll It , Gjo ; Langdon O 11. 7c. UK.NiMS-Net AmosUoag , 0 oz , ] BVc ; York camlet , 12o ; Rverott , standard , 12'/c ; liny- maker's 7Ko ; Old York , XX , lOKc ; Lawrence , 220. K/a { ; I.axvrenco , Ooz , 15tfo ; fancy stripes and checks , IHie. COTTONAPES York , nankin , lOVJo ; r.vorctt. 8 oz , Ho ; Lowlston , 10 o2iJo ! ' ; Worklnijmaii , 14c. DriiRS. Onlntno per or. , P. & W,44e ; Oorman , 28o ; Indigo , peril ) , 75o ; insect powder , 21o ; opium , $1.10 ; morphine , per oz , if-.70 ; liops , per 11) , IWo ; glycerine , IHc ; dextrine , lOo : cuttlebonc , 3 > c ; cream tartar , pun' , 32o ; comniorclal , 18e ; cam phor. We : am. curb , I4o ; bluo'vltrol , 7 e ; car- fiolloaold,2Wlo ; cltile , 4r > < ai8c ; tartarlo. : ti ( < a : Oi uiilphurlc , nor Ib , 2c ; Sperm oil , $1.10 ; turpentine , 47o ; Tonka beans. * l.8.va7.oo ; bal sam toulo , 41Tot5e ( ; calomel , tl.imi1.05 ; cuntlia- rlctes , $ l.t0 : 1.t. : ) ; cassia buds , 20@22o ; ohloro- forin , 57tte ) ; ergot , 478520 ! gum arable. Mcf& ( JI.05 ; Jycopodlum , 40ffl4io ; ; mercury. It'c ; sul- pluir , 2f4o ; alum. 2.S'c ; copperas , iHo ; epsom salt , l4c ? ; glauber salt , l'5o ! untlpvrlno , 11,41) per or. ; nnlstol , $1.80 per oz. ; antlkumu. 11,00 perez ; cryst. btrychnlu iII.OOiIM.lS per oz , ; licorice root , per Ib. ICu. . . , , , > Ictnis\ \ ° STEEr , WIHE NAit.s-IlaV V $2.00 ; stool nails base , 12.15. kv UoOKiNO-Oharcoal , f. 0. . 14x20.112 , M.OOi I. X. . 7.50 * I/ HIIBET InON No. 2i ( , J3.Kl ) No. 27. $3.00. SouiEii-Strlotly half uiia. half 17c. TIN PI-ATK I. 0. . 10x " rJ7.60 ; ; I. X , 10x11 , $9.25 ; coke. 4x130,112 , M.7511 ; PIIKET ZINC 8e. ° " f'owKH Klnnlshod boiled Hires , 33o peril ) ; eold rolled , : see per Ib ; bliiwtlng , 28o perlb ; pit and Huts , Mo per Ib. 113 \ViitK .lap , barb , 13.25 ; gul , 8383. HIXCK Ti.v Small pig , 30c per Ib ; bar , 30e per Ib. , GALVANIZED SHEET Iito.DLscount 50-10 per cent ; pal , plan , Iron , Nos. 21 aud 27 A , lOKo ; H OVic , ooil Quotations are for car IqU ou board r-.urs at Omaha : ' , ' DIMENSIONS J'\ 12 flDH ft 10 ft IB ft CO ft 22 ft 24 ft 2x4.J15 00 $15 00 (15 00 t5 ! 60 tin 00 $17 00 J18 00 2xll. . 15 CO 1500 1500 1550 1000 1800 1900 2x8. . 1500 1500 1500 15 M IB 00 1750 IB 00 2x10.1500 1500 1500 1550 1800 1750 19 OC 2x12.1000 1000 1800 10 M 1700 1850 10 OC 4x4 to 8x8 18 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 18 00 10 00 ID OC 110AUDS No. 1 com $ ia50 ; No. S com , 115.00 : No. 3 com. $1X50 ; No. 4 com , $11.50. FJJNCINO No. 1.0-ln. 12 and 14 ft , rf , JIO.OO , No. 1. C-ln , 1U ft. 110.00. 4-ln. J 19.00 ; 4-ln , $10.00 ; No.2 , 0-ln , 12 and 14 ft , rf , $14,00 , 4-liiI4.UO ; No. 2 , 0-ln , 10 ft. JlllOO , 4-n | , 116.00 : No.i : , K-ln , 12 and 14 ft , $13.00 , 4-ln , 113.00 ; No. 8 , 0-ln , 10 ft , 13.0P. 4-ln. * 13,0 ( ) . HllilNO-A , 12 , 14 nnd 16 ft , f iM ; O. $ 17.50 ] D 12. 14 and ID ft. J.M.M ] D. 111.50. FLOWlt.a ( A , fl-In , white pine. $ J8.00 ; O $20.59 ; 11. ft-ln , white nine. KM.OO ! I ) . rUM ; B 0-ln , white plno ( sol. lancing ) , $17.00 ; drop slu ing 50o peril extra. STOCK IloAiiun-A , 12 In.sis. $18.00 ; 1) , 13 In. His , JI5.UO ; O. $40.00 ; 1) , 125.00 ; No 1. common , 1 ! In , Bis , 10,12 and 18 ft , (21.00 No.2. $18 .V ) ; No. 1 common , 12 In. sis , 14 ft , g.-O.CO ; No. 2,117.50 : No 1 , common , r.'ln. sis , 10 ft. liawt No. 2 , 117,00 No. 1. common , 12 In , sis , 20 ft , $21,00 ; No. S $ 18. DO * Smrr.Ar-No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 In. $19.00 ; No 2. IIC 00 ! No. I , O. (1. , 9 In. f 10.0) ; No.2 , 11(1.50 ( ; 10 In. Kroovcd rooting , IS , II and IA ft , ( FiNUWlNO-l-annrt Sd ol . 1 In , 2. < . lt.00 ) ! m , Hi aild 2 , 4i.fl ! ( ; Ild olcar , 1 In. s2s , $1.1.00 ; IU , 1 nnd S , tlT.oo AtHoli-ot. 1 In , s''s. Jll.oni 11. * 1U and 'JIiift.l.n ( ; It , select , I In , 2s. JII.OO ; 1U , 1 i and S In , $ -H.on ; t' , select , 1 In , f.V , J. .co ; Ui , lit and 2 in , Sij.OO. A. ItorOsolnctnll 16 ft. tl.OO p.xtra. Sot'TllKHN YKI.I.OW I'lNK-lst and 2d ol. ( loorln 13-10 , 2.KX ) star. 13-10 , I ! > .OJ ; com.lloor- Ing , 13.1(1.1.500 ( , rift cl. HMO , < -0.Kl ( ! 1st and 2d elciir. " CL'lllnir. $14.50 ! M nnd 2 < l clear , S cell- lug , $ in.-iO ; 1st a nd 2d clear , cnlllmr. $2,1.00 ; 1st and 2d clonr , fliiNh , s2 , from Uii.J'J'.OO ! Istand 2ilolnlr , llnMi.h'.N , from l'.iln , Jw.dO ; 1st nnd 2il qloar , llnWi , s2 , from ! 'i and 2 In , f.'l'U ' * > : 1st and Sdcloar , y pciistmis , $ 'r.0ii ) ; base , . PorrAii I.VMiiKit In and up. 1st and 2d ct , 1 In , K'-N , $ .ut.uo ; 8 In aud up , 1st und -M ol , ! > tu , pnnul , (2ii.m. II.VTTKNS. WF.r.t.Ttiniso , r.TC. 0. O. , S ! { In. Me , ' , { 11 , sis , 3.1c ; 3 In well tubltu. I ) . & M. and bov. } il.W ; nlukots , I ) . & U. , Hat , (20.50 ; 1 > . & 11. , in , $ UN ) . , LATH Kxtiti "A. " pine. $2.80 ; Rtandiinl "A. " $ J.4.1 ; oMru "A. " rcdiir , $ i.Ki0 ; lu cl plno. $1.00 ; clour redwood , $1.25 ; liith.K..SO. Posis M'hlto cedtir.O In , ( is , lie ; u lu , nrs , lie : white eedar , 5li In , HS , DO ; 8 lu , urs. Bo ; whl to red ar , 4 In , round , Me ; split oak. be ; Ten- nessi'c ! i t'd cfidtir , siillt , 14o , LI.MI , . 1'ro. Lime , oar lots , Bnc ; Louisville rcmunt , $1.40 ! half, ; plusler. J2.0U ! tarboard , $1.50 ; sash , M per ct ; doors , M per ct ; blinds GO pur ct ; mouliljiigB , dOpi-rct ; tarred felt , per cwt , $ .MO ; straw board , il.20. PnlntHand Olla. I.EAII WIIIIB IN Oir/-Carter. In COO-lb lets. $7.50 ; In t,0l)0-ll ) lots , per owl , S7.20 ; Southern Co. , St. Louis. In 500-11) lots , 87.50 ; In 1,000-lb lots , tier cwt , $7.20 ! lied Seal , St. LouN. In 500-lb lots , J7.M ; In t.OOO-lb lots. jprcwt , (7.SO. WHITE Uuv Gilder's whllliiK. per 11) ) . I'ff I Commercial Whltlnc , pur Ib , le ; lingllih O. S. I'uris White , per Ib. I34c. HKII Diiv Atneilciiii Venetian red , l'o ; niitittnnoogn , Uo ; Kngliih Vciu-tlati , barrel ; tB His , 2c } ( ; Indian , Nu , 1 , 12c ; , Kngllbli , Wo. YKiio\vs--Chromo yellow. 0 to lOo ; ooher , Itochcllo. 2'o : ochi-r , washed Dutch , 4c : ocher , washed Kirneh , 2Sc. ! PiriTif Pine , in barrels , kojs and tubsSUc ; In lladdors,2Wo ; InBO-lb tlns,2Uc. VKIIRTAIIM : Ou.s Linseed , domi tlo raw. In barrels , per gallon , 02c ; linseed , domestic boiled , in biirrclx. per gallon. or > o. ANIWAI. ANI > OILS \Vlnile , bleached winter , per gallon , 51c ; whale , extra blenched winter , OOo ; sperm , bleached winter , $1.03. KNOINK Ott.s UlamonU crescent onglno oil , per Ballon , 4flo ; petfi'ctlon engine oil , Me ; stnr- llmr cnnlnooll. ir > c ; Hereiile-s onglno oil , Me. VAUNISIIKS I'lirnlture , No. i.uoo ; furniture , extra , $1.00 ; eoaeli , No. 1 , $1.10 ; coach , extra , $1.20 ; hard oil finish , llzht. $1.20. Ui.Asa 75 aud 10 per cent from list of Murcli 1890. _ _ Hides , Tallow , Ktc. HIIIKS AKII PEI.TS Green salted hides , No. 1 , 4M < S5V c ; No. 2. 2JM3o ; drv flint hldus , 7SSSo ; calf hides , 8c ; daiiingou hides , ljc ! less ; slieoi ) pelts , green , each , 3ocll.2o ; sheep pelts dry. per Ib , lOSHe. TALLOW A No. 1 , 33 ( ( J4o ; No. 2 , 3cj grease white , 3lc ! ; ' yellow , 2i3a ! ; stcrlne , s Quotations are for delivery In Chicago cage Dry Imtt'alo. per ton , $10.003118.00 ! dry country , uleaclied , $1(1.003113.00 ( ; country , damp and meaty , 48.UOQ10.oo. Ijoathcr. Iloinlook slaughter solo. 2020c per lb. ; horn- lock dry lildit solo , 202lu ; oik : solo , : wi4o ; ; I'ri'ncli kip skins , ! Hc-l. ) 10 ; rronch calf wkln , $ l.2.12.00 : American oak calf , K5eM.l.V Amer ican hemlock calf , 7.1cfl.IO ; Amorlcan oak Idp , 75'iiS5o : American hemlock kip , CU < a75o ; sheep skins , 50cI.OO ! ; goat skins , pur foot , 20o to 30c. OoiniMit , ICtc. On nonnl C/ars at Omnlia Per bbl Ash Grove llmo. OOc ; Champion lime. 8.1o ; Qulncv white , SOa ; l.oiil.Hvllle cement , $1 50 ; Mllwaukuo rciuunt , * l.4j | Utlca , eomeiit , $1.40 ; Eugllsli Portland eoinont , Kl.4r ; New York plaster. $ . ' .25 ; Michigan plaster , $2.00 ; Fort Dodge plaster - , tor , $1.7.1 ; white sand. 42.00 ; P. P. hair , per bulo , $1.00. _ Conl. On Hoard Cars at Omaha Anthracite Chestnut , ranuo and egg , $8,2.1 per ton ; grata , UM. Soft coal Ohio , IS.OO ; Southern Illinois , $4.75 ; Walnut block , Ji.50 ; Iowa lump , $3.50 ; Iowa nut , $ J.OO. Market Mention. W. II. Vorls has returned fioin Kansas City , where ho has bccu ou business. A. H. .Tones of the Street stable-car company Is down from Miles Cly } , Mont. , visiting las friends. The rcRiilar monthly meeting of the ox- ohaugo and board of directors , will occur Mon day , December 1 , 1800. All members should bo present. REDUCING EXPENSES. It Has Been Done to the Cost ol' Union Pacific Shopmen. The order has pone forth to reduce the ex penses on the NoDraska division of the Union Pacific , nrTd Superintendent Mlddleton has already commcnced the work of cutting , by a lopping oft of $1,800 at the shops in this city. T Lcchange was commenced Friday , who the hours were reduced tonight nral ono-half , a reduction of ono hour per clay , About ono hundred and fifty men were also discharged. An uncomfortable feeling of uuccrtiiiuty prevailed amoncr the men who remained , and and each was.nnxious about his position. The ofllcials professed ignorance as to ho\v lonp the shop would bo run on sliort time and with the reduced force. li was claimed that moro men are , loft in the shop than wcro em ployed'at this time last year. It was also stated that a similar re duction had been ordered at all the other snaps in the Nebraska division A similar order wns Issued lust June , at which tlmo over two hundred men were discharged. A few of those were after wards taken back , but the move of Friday reduces the force to a still lower point. The yards and shops nro crowded to their utmost limit and have been in this condition for several months , so that the reduction cannot be attributed to lack of work. A largo number of new engines have been received from the factories with which orders for 130 engines were placed last spring , but these hnvo hod no effect upon the amount of work at the shops except to In crease It. Scarcely a day passes but that several cars , are brought Into the shops In various stages of demoralization as the re sult of n wreck' , and the force has been In adequate to supply the demand for repairs. JUDICIALMEKOV. . It is Sought by n Kathor I'roin Judge On nil y In the United HtatcH Court. George E , fox of Clmdron , a slxtoen-yfiar- old boy , tfas" arraigned before Judge Dundy yesterday charged with embezzling a 100 draft from a letter. Fox was clerk in the postoftieo at the place mentioned and opened a registered letter. He pleaded guilty to the charge and his father asked the court to sus pend scnu'nco , promising good behavior on the part of the boy. The court declared that this was out of Its power , as the law provided for punishment by imprisonment for not less than ono year , but , at the request of the father , sentence was withholu for a few days until on attor ney might bo consulted. It was the general opinion of these present that the court would suspend sentence and allow the boy to go frco as was done in the case of Miller , who was charged with the same offense. At the urgent solicitation of the boy's mother Judge Dundy gave way to his well known tender hcartodnuss and with hold sentence. Several prisoners were arraigned for sell ing tobacco and liquor without having ob tained a license and were assessed nominal linos. The Art Kxlilblts. The mistaken Idea that the Omaha art ex hibition closes this week seems to be quite prevalent. This impression was undoubtedly the result of confounding the Omaha art ex- hlbittou with that of the Western art associ ation , The exhibit of the latter association in the New York iLlfo building will close to night , but the Omaha nrt exhibition in the Stcolo building nt Thirteenth and Har- noy , will remain opcu for another mouth at least. The public is apparently Just beginning to realize what n collection has been secured by this association , and the visitors for a few days past have numbered nearly a thousand daily. The exhibit of both associations will bo open today. Pennsylvania Uankoi'M Fall. Pmsnnna , Pa. , Nov. 20. A dispatch from Ebensburg , Pa. , says Johnston Buck & Co. bankers , have closed their doors. The failure was the result of that ol Jamison &Co , , who wore the bank's coire spondents. A statement has not yet been made public , but tlio llrm expects to bo able to pay all depositors in full. The heaviest loser is County Treasurer Ilowu , who hat s deposit of 120,000 iu the bank. i Cholco.AlbrlgUt L & L Co. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Whent Fluctuates Irreguhrly Within Nnr- row Llmita anil Closes Unchanged ! CASHAND FUTURECORN DULL AND LOWER , An Improvement In Onts Provisions Decline on Imrgo llccclpts of s Live Stock niul rinnnco. CHICAGO , Nov. 20.-Hi | > rclnl Telegram to TUB llLK.-In today's market wheat values fluctuated Irregularly and often within very narrow limits , iindjlimlly closed iibout where they opened , which was Uo to ? io below 1'rl- ( lav's close. Kvcrjr commission liouso on the lloor had more or less ordots to sell December and buy May , nml changes were tundn at 7'io oiirly and 8'to ' later. At the clrM ! , after these changes had been completed , the mnrl.ct set- tied liaok to about the same status at which II Btoo-J at the opening. The marUot outside wns dull and lacking In Interesting features. May started at Sl.OO'i , suld between ? 1.00V mid $1.01H all clay and closed ntil.OOK , It touched fl.OOiJ dozens of times , but was held thoio by lar o purchases , \\eioprosuinably iniulo for Keiim , l.lnn & Oo. , or . oiiio ooinblimllon of whlcb they were Iho vls'lilo ropiesputatlvcs. 1'ardrldgc and Seliwnrtz and Dupeosold con- sldorahlo wheat , The balance of the local heavy weights were about equally divided between the bull and bear sides , wlulo small operators wcro ccnorallv bulllnh , There was little now * to which 'special ' Importance wns attached. The cek's exports from both coasts wurc Pome- hat lighter than for the preceding wcok , .Iverpool cables were contradictory , but most > f them quoted a Urm wheat marKct. On the iirb today puts on May wheat woio 81,00 and alls $1,02. Corn opened weak , but reckless overselling iy the sculping clement caused quite a little- ally. This rally , however , was but tempo- ary. Tlio market for cash grain was dull and nttor.-December was heavy , and the report of n Increased movement from first hands con- Inticd to pour in , May corn sold at li'l'ic at ho start , broke to.Wjo , Improved to 631.ic aud nally broke to fc"ic. The cloio was at KJo to Sc. Receiving firms who boughtpropoity esterday were belling today. Uthor sellers Mere Hutchlnson , GllTord ami Itatdwln & Kar- um. Ituyurs wcro I'oolo & Sherman , IjOgun nd llloom , 1'uts on May corn were Ti'Uic and alls K1J.1C , There was an agreeable Improvement in the nts market , Itartlutt , Kro/or and llaxter lie bouBbtyosterdiiy , sold out , and I'atteii' Iroothcr * put out a line of MO.OW bushels. IJutclilnson was a buyer. The market opened Sc lower at4SUo for Slay , selling up to 4.V4e , ecllnlng to 4r > e and closing ' /Jo lower at Jj'if. 'ho ' biggest part of Iho Imslnoss was tran- acted for local aecount. Decembur stalled , t 4IIUo and went off to 42yu. The receipts of hogs were 'tO.OOO head , where inly K.OOO head were eillmatod. This was a cinarUablo run for Saturday , and the pro- Islon market was naturally nlTccted , May ork started at S1I.U5. against $ l2.12'i at ycs- erdav's close. It sold to SII.OJ'J , but dually inoroved to $11,0715. Purchases of near fu- uresand cash product were a little more lib- Tat th an usual , and Iho illlTcnincc did not , hcrofcru , wldon matcilally , WHEAT. Mo. Open. High. I ow. Close. Vest. Dee $ lSi ) ! $ 1 $ IB'I ' * Oilil . . . . ay 1 00 > i 101'j 1 00 ? ; 101 ? . . . . cous. y 5354 Kl 57'i C3i ! . . . . ows. , Iay 4SU Ki'4 45 45.U . . . . I'QIIK. an 11 20 11 20 11 1.1 11 15 ilay 1200 1200 U IBJJ 11 U3 I.Altl ) . an fi 07W C l.r 0 07i4 0 12 ! { . . . . May 00714 0 07H 0 . " / U O'JJi . . . . I1IHS. an r > on D oa 5 5r > SKS . . . . May G07tf 0 07'S 003 003 CJHC.IGO Jill'IS STOCK. OniCAOo , Nov. 2D. [ Special Telcsram to Tint EK.-CATTIK Kvorythlng on the list was sold out at an early hour at steady to strong lirlces. There were no extra or fancy steers on sale , but such may bo quoted at { o,00.3.10 : others , * 1. 803 1.93 ; medium , $ IM3.1. : , < ) ; coiu- non , Kl * > 0i.75. ; Native butchois' stock. In cluding cows , bulls and rough oxen , $1.00(23.00 ( Texan steers , & ! .S53.25 ; Texan cows , $1.50 ® ? .2T . Hango steers have sold during the week at $ y.ooa.0j. Iloas Hecelpts show' the largest run on Saturday for a year. Values are 10l5o lower on medium and fair packers nnd20c lower on Ight. Hough and common light mixed , $ J ll.,3i 3.50 ; heavy packers. $ l.70ffli.80 ) ; light , JU.CO ® a.70 : light light. - FMNAXCfAL. NEW Yonic , Nov. 29.-LSpodal Telegram to TIIK HER. ! STOCKS Tlio market was active to the extent of 121V10S abates during the abort Saturday session , At the same time the feei ng was not especially satisfactory , although , nfter a weak opening and a decline of JiG'/i per cent along the line , extending some In stances to J per cent , there was a recovery and up to 11 o'clock prices showed strength- iVhen the Now York bank statement cumu out .ho market assumed more positive weaknois and serious losses wcro sustained In all the leading active stooks-St. Paul , Ijaokowanna > Union 1'aclflc and Alehlson ; but somoot the more Inactive stocks also declined , notably Wheeling , Lake Krlu and Cleveland , Cincin nati , Chicago & St. Louis , the final closing being weak on the Insldo prlcos of the day. Sugar will a feature , and after opening 1 per cent up utfrt , ad\nucod to GO mid loauted to i. London advluus were tower and the gun- oral disposition was to dullness. Home doubt Is expressed as to the legitimacy of Oould'8 bull" talk , whllo ( Jummaek's brokers were active In efforts to brouk prices. Alnnoy Is relatively easy around 4 percent , and unless some now financial troubles develop and TJOII- don becomes weak Monday the Indications are not unfavorable. The following were the oloslng quotations : MOSKV On call , ousy , oloiliiBOlTored u.t 4 jier cent , I'HIME MKHCANTir.K I'AVBIl "HJS per COflt. STKIIUNG EXCIIAMIK Qnlot and steady : s xty-day bills , Jl.s i demund. tl.HTii , Tlio Weekly Hank Statement. NHff YOHK , Nov. 20. f Special Toloitrain to THE HKK. ] The weekly bank statement shown the followmj ; changca : HoservCr ineroaso $ C03.810 Loans , decrease , 2.74U.IOO Hpucle , docicaso 1,53.,700 IjORal tenders , Increase. . . . 1013.010 Deposits , decrease H.IOI.SOO Ulrculatlon , deoieimo 11,500 ThebanUs now bold itH < tt.V ; ) In nxuossof the requirements of the 25 per cunt rule. Kxports of ftpcclo from tlm port of Now York last week amounted to$2l4OU3 , of which II20U)8 : ) was In cold and $117,7u3Kllver. Tliu liuporlsof bpoclo for thn weolc amnunted to Civu.vt , of , which W-,70U was In KOld and * 2J,4W in allver The Co ( Too Market. New YonK , Nov. 29. [ Spoelal Tuleuram to THE IlEK.l-CoFk'EE-Optlons opened steady & points clown , closing 5 points up , Sales , 10,350 baus. IncluilliiK December , $17.25 17,30 ; Janu ary , JHU.ViJlo.riOj I'obruary , II5.W ) ! Miirch.tl5.40 CJl.41 ; May , 15.l.rai.Vi ) . h'pot Itlo. nulet and Urmj fair cargoes , 110.25 ; No 7 , W.S7K. Mining Hharos. N \r YottK , Nov. 29 , ISjieolal Tolnjram to TIIK ItBE. ] The following ore the Block quotatlonii Allca 171 IIomSllrr IW L' u , Cat. & Va 310 N , CoiiimantTOiltli..l2i llomojtnkB 800 Htandanl 100 Dry Goods Market. NEW YonK. Nov , W. [ Special Telegram tc THE HKE. ] Extreme quiet prevailed In tin dryRoods market today. A. morn uctlvo mar ket li looked for during tlio uext two weeks There was nnohanzo of any kind , nrlcoi re maining Meady , and IIU sliciwlnic but llttlo accumulation , i > n o nvt'K "jitAiTtt r.rti. Ctiipuio. Nov jn l D. in. ohVlipat ( - Stendyi oaih , . ' ' ir.'au'JUo : llcccmbor , WSot Way , } lrMi > 4 , t'ornstonily ! cash , fiOoi Ueectnbcr , foci "Ill.V , fvK Klc. ) Ont < 4 Kimyj cn li , 4i03Ui'i : ! Hecomber , 42'iot Hyi'-iusv : at rev. liarloyI'lrm titTSe. KInx Quiet nt 11.10. Timothy -Wonk nt J 1 , 25 ® 1,2.1. - I'lour I'nchnnted ' ( ! Nprlnff nitetiK. fl.W flt.7" > : winter patent * , II.U > 35.00i bauert' , &i.3i ) IM.M , Unlit Meati-S'lionlilors. ' } ( . .7.I.S7i { | short clear. iV70.t5f-0 ? . ( : abort rlhVJ.ViiViO. ( : . lliitter l.owerj oivamury , lij2Go ! dairy , I'hoosp Ilftterj full rroam clieddars niul lints , SUft'H-'i ' V'oinr4 Ainnrlcii'i , OU&JJtf < KeuH-Klrnu fu h. 2.24e , Illdt'j Kiiolor ; lii'iivy nnd llisbt isrpon iiiltoil , Itecelpti , S. rtoiir , bills . 2.UKIO WI.OOO \\licilt , till . fil.WX ) l.Vl.OUO Coin , tin . 77.WO IV.1,000 O.U-f.bu . M.OOO 3lS,000 Nnw YOHK , Nov. Si. Wlii-nt Itocoliiti , HIM tiusbels ; IUIHIIH , nniic ! Rmt | , winter vcaUer. npiln siioiineii No 2 ri'd , Jl ( Ct'i In eltivator , ifl.01Vi'iJI.)4fi ' ulloat. Jl.oi > ( ilniii f. o. b. Optldin. hlKlicr ; No. 2 icd , Dccc'liibcr closhij ? ut } l.f. ( . Corn Hcc'lpts5'l.n)1busboN ( : exportt , 57,00) biitbeHj fliiot steady ! No. 2 , CO'ic In olnrntor.'si ( ! ! atlnat ; unqnidud ml\t > d , f > S'tlltJiUi ( options closed u sluulo llrmer , Doeuiubcr oloi- lmutWJc. Oats Kceclpts , 140,000 busbcli : export1 * . I .MO bnsbuNiSpot lowers No. \\liltp , 52'4i'loi inlved estiTi . 4 t5lo : vlilto wcstoin , Witt f L1 ! options weaker ; Doci'inber eloMuu at 5nw firm. mOnod steady : eontrlCu * Oil tCHt.o t1 ! muscoviulo bl ) toil , 41jc : ro- llned quiet. I'etiolou m Culled closed for December a * on.- . on.EitB * I'll in , western , 22-J.27e. rorlc-Stcudy : mess , Jiu.MiMS.OO. hard Closed 111 in ; nt itoiii steam , JC.25. Iluttep Steiidyi western dairy , ciuiimeiy , llfli'i > C ! KlKhi. 2rte , Ubeeio rancy.itouily ; lliihtsklnis , 4 ST. Loins , Nnv , SW. Whent Iiowori cash , fliil'J2o | : Uofi'inbcr , l'0' ' < ; January , U2 i May , W'JCiJlllV , SSo. Corn Knslcr ; cash , < 9Xc ! December , 43lio ; May , fiOJCc. Oiits-Loner ; cnsli , nominal : May 45io. ; rurk-Klrinuri J1I.25. Lard Stnadyj (5.7,1. WhUUy-41.14. liutter liicliaiicdcrcamcry ! : ! ; , ® ' ; ric ! dairy 1 Nov. SO. Good request for wheat today ; receipts , 420 curs ; HlilpnionlH , 1IW cars. Closing : No , 1 bind , November , Du- vember and on track , IBoj No. 1 niirllitTii , No vember , HD'iu ' : May , 0"J4'o : on tr.iuk , Ulo ; No. 2 northern. November and Decembur , S7o ; ou traeu , 8Sc. _ IVAKSAS CITV , Nov. 20. Whonl Quiet : No. Slniril , cash , K''uhld ; No. red , ca li , Kioblil , Corn l.oMer ; No. 2 , cash , &Ui < iK > 2c ; Decom- bt-r. 4'iJe ' bid , Onlsnnblor ; No. 2 cash , 45o bid ; Decem ber , 450 blcl. _ MII.WAUKKH , Nov. \Vlieat-naslor ) ; No , 2si > rliiK , cash. ( Me ; MayOlfic. Horn Weak ; No. U. onsli , file. Oats Dull ; No , white , easb , 40o. I'rovlsloii'j fcteady ; pork , January , $11.29. $ TavKHPOOr , . Nov. 20. Wheat Quiet ; liold- ersolfor moilurately ; California , No. 1 , 7s Gd per cental. Coin Firm ; demand fair. CINCINNATI , Nov. 29. Wheat 1'lrnr , No. 3 red , utio. Corn Aetlvc : No. 2 mixed , 52',5O53c. ' Oats Finn ; No.2 mixed , 4bo. Whisky-Jl,14. _ IIVK HTUCIi. ClHCAOO , Nov. 20. Cattle Kccoipts. 3-C9 | market steady , stuniB ! steers , fli.i03.'UO ! ' ; na tive buteheis btock , J1.003,00 ; Texas cuttle , } l.tiOi.25. : lIoKs Itecelpts , 40,000 ; medium mid fair packers , IK'ilfie hlKlier ; Unlit , 20o lower ; mixed , AI.i5Ui. : : . * > 0 ; bu\vr packers , J.t.70l.8D. Sheep ItecelptN ti.OOU ; market steady ; mi- * lives , Jl.OOitl.bOi westcni.s. JJ.ri'jiai.7r . ST. Louis , Nov. 20. L'attlo liccolpts. 200 ; shipments , 9,401 ! market strong ; fair to fancy iitlxe sleeis. $ .1.65 5.00 ; atouKorsand foederx , . . , llcgi Iteoeliits , 2SOO | shipments. 3,000 ; tunr- ket uwor ; hoaiy. W.wx3i.ix : ) ; mixed grades , 8.i : < JS.73 ; light , { .UftttilS. KANSAS OITV , Nov , 20. Cattle Hccolpt" , 2,700 : Miliimunts , l.wxij market slciidvi steers H10HI.7 , > ; cows , * . ' .OJdi2.50 ; slockers and fiocl- eis. If.u0'ti.l0. ' lions Kocolpts , lln.Oi shipments , nonet market lower ; Albright's Choice , junotion all R. The World rte Move. And BO do the olcguntly ujipointcd trains of tlio Bui'lintrtou route LJy this iuvoritu line , selected by tlio U. S. gov- ormnoiit to carry the fast mull , you have the choicu of tliroo duily traliiK for Chicago and the cu t ; two for Kuumis City and the south ; t\vo for Donvur mid the west. The Burlington No. 2 Fast Express , vostibulcd thi'ouRhout , equipped witii olognnt I'ulltnaii curs funiiniicd with well polectod libraries , roollning chair cars ( seats free ) , and dining car ICUVUM Omaha 4:1)0 : ) p. m. , arrives Chicago 8 n , in. , serving breakfast before arrival. No. C , fast mall , leaves Omaha 0:10 : p. in. , arrives Chicago 1 p. m , , equipment and dining car service up to the highest standard. Ticket olllco , 1U21 ; Farnam at. W. V. Valll , agonU Albright's Choice , sure ndviinco. Are You Gallic Kuiith ThU .Winter ? Parties contoiniilating a visit to the far-fumod Sutliorhuul , tlio favorlto robert - bert of Omiiha pcoplo , or to other points In Florida , will lind that the ratnu and tiinoaro the sumo via The Uurlington lo Cliicngo and thence via Cincinnati Or Louisville , as via St. Louis , with the ad ditional advantages of the vestibule limited trains and elegant dining car Horvlco which are chiiractorintlc of this route. Tlio Burlington also hasonsalo round trip tickets to all southern points cither via Kansas City nnd Memphis , or via St. Louis , olTorlng n greater variety of routes than any other lino. For ful } information , tlcketH and stooping berths call atv city ticket ofnco , 1&23 Farr am blreot.V. . F. VallU agent. Albright's Choice , the beitt trticlcago , Except for the benefit of Btrangors , because everyone living In Omaha , knowH the { jrout Chicago & Northwuat- orn runs four passenger truins every dtiy to Chicago , and that tlio 4:80 : p. m. and 9:10 p. m. accelerated vestibule trains with now aloopcra nnd free parlor chtilr curs run direct from tlio U , P. depot , Omaha , tliun uvoldlng the annoy ing change of cura nt Council Blulfa. Stife , sure , BiimptuouH , Bpoorty. sutlsfiic- tory. The city ticket olllco la at 1101 Fnrnum St. BngL'ngo chocked from roslcluncos. Sleeping berths roiorvod to Chicago and till points beyond on all linos. K. K. UiroiiiK , G. P. WKST. General Agent. City Pass. Agt. Albrlghl'a Choice , grout bargains. Weather I'robnhllltiofl , For December Indications point to cold , frosty weather. That , liowovor , will mnko no dllToreneo to thoao who travel In tlio Btoam-hoatod and olectrlc- lig ted , limited vostllmlo train which is run only by the Chicago , Mlhvaukoo fs St. Paul Uy. between Omnlui und ChictiRO. Thla elegant trnln loaves Omnlui nt 0:10 : p , m. arriving In Chicago nt 0:30 : u. m. , In time to make ull eastern conncctlonB. For furtlior information apply at city ticket olllco , 1601 Furnam { . , 6malia. F. A , NAHII , J. E. PKKSTOH , General Agent. City Passongcr Agent 1002. Sixteenth and Furnam streets la the now Hook Island ticket ofllco. Tick ets to nil points east ut lowest rates.