Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1890, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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014 Iowa Friend
Writes About Us.
The world's full of shoddy goodsran
And every now year brings
Schemes Which should be squelched
by law ;
Cheap imitations of genuine
Cheap Clothing Bold by cheaper
men ,
To cutch the wages of the poor.
Circulars from the tricksters' ' pen ,
Are loft at evoay person's door.
The "bankrupt salo" and auction
Cntch miiny a hard-earned dollar
They'll sell n luundried shirt ( on
the boom , )
For less than you could buy a dozen -
on collars.
By throwing ono bait to the human
( ibh ,
They'll catch n hundred suckers ;
Lutor , you'll kick yourselfand wish
You hadn't , vvlion the shoddy
draws and puckers.
Your nnnts creep up , yoor cent's
too short.
You givo'om to jour little brother
But then it's no u&o to rave nnd
snort ,
But show moro bonso vvlion you
bgy u n other.
It's a perfect puz/Jo to mo , ma ;
TIovv people can bo such fools ,
There's less sense now than there
use to bo ,
Whoa we liadn't BO many schools.
Most clolhicis , I am loth to say ,
Tor tlio sake of gretitor gain ,
Carry the shoddy goods today ,
"Compelled to , " is their claim.
So skillful is the conn lorn t
That not ono man in every five ;
Can toll ( the way the roomsare lit ) .
Whether its "do.ul" cloth or
"nlivo.1 ,
A fovv houses , I am pleased to say ,
Have reputations which defy ,
The shoddy goods man of today.
And none but HONEST
Then if you want a suit tliats
My friendly ronflor , its very
plain ; '
That jou must go to sonic store
vvhcro ,
When a house has held a business
down ,
Until it's the oiDisr : IN THIS
Anil dealt "SQUAUK" with every
man. in town ,
They DON'T HA.VI ! ' 10 TIHIOW
So come along nnd see us friends ,
You'll bo satisfied I know ;
You'll find us whora 13th and Tar-
nam blonds ,
Look for the sign of M.
How Ua'crupnlou ? JonrnalUts Would Take
It Away Prom Oranha.
< Varloty of lntcrcstlnic
NotcH I'roin AIIIOIIK tlio I < cii !
hit ; DenonilnatlDii.s tu
tlio CHy.
Ilcccnt comments In Methodist papcre re-
( 'iirdliiK the holillng of the general ronfcr-
cncoof the Methodist church In Omihti In
IbW , rnnUo the subject u cnricnt topic for
roncwcd discussion. Dho slatiJcrs hunpcil
upon Oinalia by the Now York Volco and
other sheets of Its Ilk leg-mtlng a ilotous
tltnoattho icrcnt election litivo hccn seized
upon hy boino eastern papcis. the editors of
which tire dcshlousof dentlving Oiiulm of
Iho conference. They i lug tlio clmiiKoa upon
Oinaliu's alleged wickedness utidclnim that it
Is not a proper city In which to hold n great
gathering ot chutch people.
Mhcso unjust asseitlous ore heing contro-
vcitcil , how over , DV seine of the leading
workers In the Methodist church , who nro
determined that the conference shall ho held
In Omaha and nro indignant at the unscru
pulous methods adopted to draw the great
gathering cldcnhere.
Hcv. P. S. Tvlcirill nns scon by a Bnn re
porter yesterday rcgaiding the matter mid
siild :
"There li , I thlnlr , nothing new to siy. It
Is fully nnd finally understood , nnd 1 toke It
that the conference \\lllcomo to Omnlri. The
plcil 'o of substantial and rcsponsitjlo busi
ness men of Omaha has been given tbut the
8-n,000 ! necessary to entertain ilJU delegates at
the hotels will bo fuinlshod nndthnt enter-
ttilnmeiit In urlvato residences for U'i9 delegates -
gates moro will bo supplied , and that Is
all that is nccessniyut picsent. The com-
uilttco came hero and assumed n vast deal of
unnecessary dimiltv and considerable unwar-
runted authority , I thought , In demanding
tlio pledge In thuny It was demanded , but
since it has been given , nnd given in good
faith , I think every nhlspor or suggestion on
the pait of eastern p.ipers or people that
Omilia should not have the coufuicnco Is
very much out of place. Dr. Muxlleld Is now
in Uoston and I suppose the tommlltcoI11
have a niccthig. Wben lie returns nnd when
Bishop Newman comes home , uliieh u 111 bo
qulto soon. I suppose thrro will bo some con-
feienc-e talk mid possibly the local commlttco
may oo called together. I could say nothing
about that , however , for I am not a member
of that body , which consists of 100 people.
The mutter Is in excellent hands and will bo
attended to when tlio tlmo conies. "
Spealting of the work of scouring places of
entertainment for the 100 colored delegates ,
Hev. Ucorgo S. Davis , editor of the Nebraska
Christian Advocate said :
"I ha\o made a personal canvass of the
leading hotels of the city , and every ono of
the propiietots said they would entertain
colored delegates just the same as white men.
1 mot only one hotel maiMvho llatly lefuscd
to cntcitaln the colored men , nnd hoiis
proprietor of a second-class hotel. 1 don't
bclioroa shallexpctienco much tioubloln
ilndhiMT entertain inent lor the colored dele
gates. "
The conference will provo to bo ono of the
greatest advertisements that Omaha cin
possibly secure. Delegates will bo present
from all quarters of the civilized \\orld , nnd
a sjuopsls of the ptocccdings will bo tele-
Kiaphed dully to the lending nowspi-
peis nil over the United States nnd
JSuropo. The conference lias alw.ijs been
held in Inrgp cities , such as No\v Yoi Ic , Bos
ton , Cincinnati and Chicago. To hold it In
Omaha will place this city in the fiout rank
us gtcal convention city.
"Women in the Conference.
The ballot on thq admission of women by
Nehtaska conference ! , , us far as learned , is as
follows :
Seward Street.Omnliu a ) 50
Fiemont ci 11
Tocunihili 41 4
1'iMittul Oily circuit 29 4
llanseoin 1'arK , Uin.iha 28 in
Ulnlr : c
lIluoSprln H ; ir G
Auburn 40 il
Klrst Uliuroli , Kuiiinoy I1) ) 1
Trinity , Kcarnoy li 7
Ulhlion 24 4
Tubloltock 01 II
KirstC'liurcli , Omaha 31 ja
NIobiai.i 8 1
Imimn 11 l
Onkdalo 18 l
1'lcrco I ! o
MromsbiirR It u
I'awneolllty 40 2
Ucntr.ilUlty CS u
Clnsti > r IK o
llolincsvlllo 15 u
The Y. P. S. O. K.
The fifth annual convention of the Nebras
ka union of the V. I1. S. C. E , was held in
the Fhst Piosbyterian church , Hustings ,
November 21,22 ami 21 The Omaha dele
gates report it as being the most helpful , as
vvcllas tlio latgcbt convention of Christian
young people ever held In the state , About
thieo hundred and sixty registered delegates
were present , besides visitors from various
paits of the state , swelling the number to
110illy live hundred.
At 4 p in. rrlduy the \\clcomo address was
delivered by I'rof.V. . U Andrews of Hast
ings , nnd was very hearty and appreciative.
This address was i esponded to hy Mr. C. Al.
Williams of riomont. The Hastings M. K.
choir then rendered a hjnm entitled "Y. P.
S. C. E. nrcctlnij"composccl by Hnttlo Snod-
grass. This hymn Is a very beautiful and up-
pi Into ono set to the tune of "Onvvaid , Chris-
thin Soldiers. "
Tiiilny evening nt 8 p. m. , S. U. Dovilpres
ident of the state union , addressed the con
vention. This address was followed oy an
linpiesslvo sermon by Kov. "Willurd Scott of
Omaha. .Attl:30n : in. a union social was
held , which piovcdto boot much benefit to
those present.
Saturday VMIS perhaps the best day of the
convention. The exercises vvcro begun by
an early morning prayer meeting , led by Air.
O. Hillis of Ctoto. At 0:1(0 n. in. the conven
tion listened to reports from the state secre
tary , the treasurer , standing committees and
the different societies. Thoicpotts of the
national convention were given by AIv. N.V. .
Caikhuff , Omaha ; Prof. U. W. Noble , Weep
ing Water , nnd II. L. Markell , Lincoln , nftor
which a business meeting was held. At 1:30 :
p. m. a very profitable soup service was con
ducted by O. K. Powell ot Hastings. This
service was followed with a biolo readiug hy
A. Nash , state secretary Young Men's
Chiistiau association. At 2:15 : p. in. Prof.
C , A. Alurclt of Kearney addicssed the young
peonloon''Chiistlan Endeavor in Nebras
ka. " Ho snowed forth some very good plans
for future woik , nnd especially the
inipoitauco of personnl work by the active
members. 'Jho Question 13ox followed tub
address , conducted by Mr. J. "W. Uaor. out
general gocietary. The topics. "Our Associ.
ate iNlcmbeis" mid "Tho Keeping of the
Pledge , " were then discussed by AlissMac
h. Dunlovy and MUs Addle Al. Sheiurd. The
llov. J , D. Conutcrmlnoof Yoik , delivered an
address on "Lifo Developed , Unriched ,
Clowned , " at U:30 : p.m. , which was very
profitable , nnd was well rccclv ed.
At8.10 : p. m. , the convention listened too
very able address by General Secretary J.W ,
liner of Boston , Alass.
A general icccptlon v\ai heldatO:80p : m ,
The Sabbath exercises consisted of prav 01
nnd conference meetings , Thanksgiving set v.
Ices , discussion of topics , addresses , and 11
sermon by Hov. 13. S. Hulston of Lincoln ,
finally closing with a consecration mooting a <
U p. in.
The Nebraska Christian mission was organ ,
ized March ' . ' 5 , 1&S7 , with a membershti
of seven societies , the vanguau !
of the great nrmy of Christian
endeavor on its tnimptml inarch westward.
Already thcro nro within the state of No.
braska not less than two hundred societies ,
with nu individual membership exceeding si >
thousand , anil these numbers uro constuntlv
Brewing laigcr. "
The Hastings union left nothing undone U
sccuro comfoit to the delegates nnd success
for the convention. They wore untiring in
tholr labors , < v peclullyu > In the selection ol
the c-omniitteo of arrangements , The most
remarkable special feature ot the work of the
local union , however , was the music , undci
direction of Mr. P. L. IJurgorof Hastings.
The bulletin of olticors for the cnsulngycai
b practically thu same u lust year , with the
ro-etoctlon of b , H. Doydi M president nnd A.
Vf. Lima us general scort-tury.
Itvas decided that the next annual con
vention should bo held nt Kearney , Neb.
A NPl'renl ) > lorliii ( Church.
The new cltuich , almost completed , nt tlio
corner of Sixteenth nnd Castellnr , U a sub
stantial evidence of the activity and enter-
prho of ttiu Presbyterians of the south side.
The new structure will cost about ? 3fiOO , , niul
In connection with the old building which Is
Joined to it , will furnish catltig eapiclly for
about three hundred people. The first service
was held In Itlast 'liuirsdny nlcht , although
thobulldliitf Isnotjcteompleted Thochuich
iv 111 bo toady for dedication about Christmas.
llcv. J. Al. Wilson is pastor of the congrega
tion nnd hasdonoan excellent work In that
community during the past live ycais.
Oliino'i Notes.
ntshop Newman pleached last Sunday nt
Union square church , Summon Illc , a suburb
of Boston. The church vvus packed nna
nnny lloston people attended. The subject
of the tilscouno was "Christianity , the
Jcemody for Human SuiTcting. " liastcrn pa-
peis speak of the discourse as being quito
remarkable for eloquent nnd poetical pas
sages and deep logical reasoning ,
The icccptlon tendered Hov. A. .r. Turkic
and wife , at the Kountzo Memorial church
Init Monday cvcnhiR was very largely at
tended , and wns a decided sociul success.
Short nddresses were delivered hy lr. Keel
ing , Hev. Vf. J. Harshn , Uev. 1' . S Merrill ,
Hov. .1. 0. Orlnith and Hev. L. Al. Kuhus.
Hov. Willard Scott will Iccturo nt Long
Pine tomorioiv night upon " 'Jho Beginning
of This West. " On Wednesday evening he
will deliver the dedicatory address at the
Clmdion seminary , nnd uill assist In the in-
tnllatlonof Hcv F.L.Fergusonas pastor of the
Congregational church of Cbndron. On
Thursday evening Hov. Air. Scott will loc-
tuio befoio the Y. Al. C. A. nt Ashland.
The sewing school of the Bethlehem mis
sion nt the corner of Hickory nnd Sixteenth
sheet has been opened again by the ladies of
the Congregational chuich. It moots every
Saturday at 10 o'clock Airs. Willard Scott
is the chief worker In the school.
Air. A. L. Cherz formerly of Omaha , but
recently of Wnhoo , has relinquished a good
good position In n bank to accept n ninco as
assistant sceietaiy of the Iiulhiiapolls Y. Al.
C. A. Ho has long been a devoted worker in
the Y. Al. C. A. cnuso.
On the ovciiliiK of December 10 thorowlll
bo a union meeting of all the Alothodlst
churches In South Omaha at the First Meth
odist church. It will bo an old-fashioned
love feast for the purpose of uniting more
closely the Alethodlst people ef Omaha.
The Tirst Methodist church will ho dedi
cated early In April next nnd the grand , new
organ w 111 ho in place when the dedication
occurs. The Instrument Is already ordeied.
Ills of the Hutehlusoo make , from Boston ,
and cost $3fiOO.
Thcro will bo a special service at St. Timothy
thy mission next Sunday at 4 o'clock for the
purpose of giving the fticnds of the work
thcro nn opportunity to see what Hov. J. J.
II. Hccily nnd his assistants nro accomplish
ing in that hitherto neglected poitlon of the
Dean Gatdner will begin nn eight dnvs'
mission at Cieto on tomorrow. 'Iho object
of this series of religious services is tc
nmikcn a deeper religious sentiment in the
community. The dcuu Is a linn bcliovcr in
bpccial seasons of worship vvhoro they are
properly conducted.
This afternoon at 8 o'clock the people ol
Druid Hill will establish a Sunday school. II
will bo under the auspiics of the Church ol
the Good Shcphcid nnd will bo held in the
waiting room of the Missouri Pacific depot ,
the compaii ] having donated the use of ihlj
loom for that purpose. Should the Sunday
school bo n success the people In that portion
of the city will at once t iko stoos looking tc
the establishment of un Episcopal church.
Uov. Mr. Turkle o' the Kountzo Alcmoria
church has been quite ill for a week past unc
misfortunes seem to uovvtlupou him. Or
Thuisdny night last burglars cntcied his res
Idencoon Tvvuntv-ilfth avenue and stolo$17f
worth of valuables.
The ladies of the Unitarian church vvll
give n yellow tea on Wednesday next at tin
cliurch , comer of Cnss and Seventecntl
streets. The enteitainment will consist o
both vocal and instrumental music , inter
spoised with re-citations. A dainty supnoi
w ill bo sei vcd from 0 until 8 o'clock.
First Unlvcrsallst church , Her. Q. H
Shinn , pastor. Service at Goodrich hall
North Twenty-fourth and Paul streets. Scr
v Ices at 10:45 : a. m. Sunday school at 13 m
Subject , ' -Christ Our Example. ' " No even
ing services.
South Tenth street Al. E. church , cornei
Tenth and 1'ierco streets , Uev. Alfrcc
Hodgerts , pastor. Class meeting 10 a. in. ,
preuchintf lusIiO , Sunday school 12 in. Kp
worth league 0:30. Preach ing 7:80 p. m.
Thcro nro 200 Sundiy schools in Kings
county , New York , bavins' 109.D49 scholars ,
of whom 10,070 aio adults.
Kov. C. II. Spurgeon , the eminent English
divine , icrently u'limrked that as soon as o
man loses bis religion ho wants to know whc
Cain's wilowaa.
A dinner was given list week In Brooklyn
at the Hamilton club to the international
committee of the Young Men's ' as.
sociatlon. Air. Samuel Howland picsldet
and delivcied an addicss of welcome.
The vcteian Presbjtcrinn missionary Ic
China , Dr. A. I > . Hauper , is aflhcted vvitt
disease of the heart , in consequence of vvhlcli
ho bus been compelled to abandon the Im
portant work ho has been doing for a now
college in Canton
Pieparations nro being made for the hold'
Ing of a second llonnienical AlcthoJist con
ferenco. 'Iho Hist was beld in London ic
IbSl. nil the branches of Methodism through
out the world having been represented In it.
It has been resolv ed that another con ferenct
shall bo held in 1891 In this country.
Cardinal Gibbons has caused papers in o
libel suit to bo served on II. A. lilngioso ,
Air. HliiKro'o recently published n book en.
titled "Tho Poor Maa's I'rlcst , " which he
dedicated to the cardinal without the cardl.
nal's consent. The book is n commondatorv
llfo of Dr. AIcGljnu. Air. Hingrose is a com.
niunicant In the Catholic churcb
At the recent meeting of the Congress
tional union of England and Wales , Dr ,
Hnnnny , in referring to the Intcrnntlona !
council , saidVe : ' must all acknowledge the
fact that If numbers and moral nnd spiritual
power bo considered , the headquarters ol
Congregationalism are in the United States ,
and that this will become moro so. "
Kov. M. Edwards is a congregational homo
missionary of Hallok , on the Mojave desert ,
His nearest mlnistoilal neighbor is thlrtv
miles away. His parish Is seventy by lK (
mlles and ho has four preaching stations in
it , w ith a lady helper In the Sunday schools ,
Ho travels on foot. The Los Angeles associ
ation at Its Inst meeting coiitiibutcdf 10 to
buy him a bronco and Deacon Warner gave a
saddle and bridle.
In connection with the Cumberland Pros ,
bytcrinn church at Fort Worth , Texas , is
maintained u "Dothel. " Hooms nro ken !
open night and day with plenty of good readIng -
Ing matter , and a Sunday school , made up ol
vvnifs nnd others gathered from the street ,
numbers from eighty up to ono hundred. The
Young People's Society of Christian Kn.
demor , under the supervision of the pastor ,
Hov. H. Al. Tlnuon , has charge of this Im'
portant work.
In the October number of ThoBabvtoniat
nnd Oriental UecordMr. , 0. UV Pinches , o !
the British Museum , announces the Interest'
ing dlscovtry that the true pronunciation ol
thonamoof thohoroof the Chaldean epoch ,
which has heretofore provisionally road us
Ulsduhar , was really Gilgamos Ho is the
sumo hero as the Nlmrod of Genesis , the
"mighty hunter before the Lord. " The
naino is found spelled out on a newly dlscoV'
ered syllabary.
The forerunner of General Booth's hook ,
"In Darkest England and the Way Out , "
was that terilblo little phnmphlijt , issued
some eight years ngo by the London Congio-
gational union , entitled "Tho Hitter Cry ol
Outcast London. " The two publications
signally epitomize thodilTeioncobetween then
nnd now. The ono was a bitter cry , as ol
ono with no voice hut a cry ; the other ,
though a cry of even a yet moro bitter
anguish of spiiit , is no cry of despair but of a
divinely kindled courage and a very carefully
considered purpose.
The only railroad tram out of Oinnlm
runoxpiosslyfor the accommodation 'of. '
Omaha , Counrll UlulTd , Dos Moines nnd
Chicago bublnobs is the Hock Islnml ves-
tlbuleii limited , leaving Omnha ut 3:15 :
p. rn. dally. Ticket oillco , 100.J Sixteenth
uiid Fiirnum Bts. , Qnmhu.
Albright's Choice , money nmdo lost.
An Omnium Tliltiksti | jOlHtt Danoo li
Nut tlio Heal CnuNu oi'j'lHtiirbatiuc. '
OMAIH , Kov. 29. To 'the ' Editor of Tin
UBI : : Now that wo ore rotting uttha fact
with respect to the llidlnn situation th
actual cause of the difficulty seems to bo th
empty stomachs of the Indians which stem
nchs nforcsnld the Unllcil States govcrmnon
is under contract to Keep ictuonnbly full.
It Is easy to shout , "a , dVid Indian Is th
best Indian , " but It is noticeable that Gen
cral Sherman , General Sheridan , Gcncrn
Crook and General Custcr all spcclall ,
fitted by cjipeilcnco to Judge coi
rcctly have been unanimous , hearty aiv
outspoken in their defense of the Indian
whenever troubles have arisen on the plains
Cruel and bloodthitsty ! Of course they me
nnd so are the whites , Witness tno Span Is
persecutions of the Mexicans , the hunting c
the cnvonantors , the torture of nllcgei
witches by the Puritans , the atrocities of SI
hcrla and this late disclosure of the Stnulo ;
expedition where Jameson , nn English oi
fleer and n member of the Kr
gilsh aristocracy , bought an Africa
girl , had her bound to n tie
where she stood "looking mutolvto the rich
and left for aid" ( to quote the language o
the dispatches ) , to bo a moment later cut 11111
hacked with knives and the still warm nm
ouivcrlng flesh distributed among the native
that Jameson might sco mi act of raunibil
Ism performed , bo meanwhile skctchlni
the revolting scene , dividing Into half i
dozen periods with a sketch for each
What are wo that our hands shotili
bo raised In horror at talcs of ludhm cruelty
Why , only n few jears since. In Custc
county , Nebraska , two men , Alltchcll nm
Kltclmtn , were hung by n p.irtv of cowbovs
the bodies made targets forvolllesof rcvolvci
shots nnd then set on tire.
And the Indians nro la/y. So are whlti
men , tuns of thousands of whom are todtu
roaming up nnd down the land , n menace ti
llfo and property , terroiizlng women ntu
kidnapping children. Tor centuiie
the Indians obtained their living bj
the hunt , the country over which they roamei
unmolested teeming with game. Todepilvi
them of this source of food , shut them ui > oi
reservations und compel them to adopt tin
wn.vsof vvhlto men was to them niadica
change nnd contrary to nil of tholr tradition !
nnd customs , which fact should bo berne It
mind in considering the Indlam problem. Tin
distinguished aimy odleeis herein tncntlonci
have insisted for years that cveti
Indian outbreak has been dlrectii
caused by the broken pledges of the goverr
inent. Similar threats made with the rci
man of Canada have been scrupulouslv ob
served by the Canadian government with thi
result that peace uud quiet have reigned foi
a century.
'Their fault is found wltn the recent 10
liglous excitement among the Indians
but like demonstrations with the white pro
pie , have bcca witnessed at inter
vals from the eaillcst scttleincnl
of this country. A year ngo Insl
August hundreds of Virginia fanners nbaa
doned their crops and homes to { rather h
camps in the woods \vhero the dujs nm1
nights were spent In agonizing piavois to Goi !
for salvation in view of the appioach of tlu
end of the vvoild , which it was claimed -was
near at hand. Less than a year ago the ritv
ot Oakland , Oil. , was convulsed hy the
teachings of a Airs. Woodworth , whoso meet
ings , held In a tout , wcio attcndcel bj
crowds of people. A thy for the over
whelming of Oakland by a tidal wave
forty leet hich was fixed and as it drew near
thousands of people quaking with fear left
thch homes , their business and propeity and
lied to the mountain elevations to cheapo do.
And what is the character of this rcllglou'
excitement at Pine Hldgo and vicinity } Air
B. S Paddock , who Is on the gtound , writes
"Wo found n crowd of perhaps ono him
drcd and llfty dancers around a pole , upot
which had been tied offerings of bright cafl
in strips of Uvoyaicls. The dancers advanci
toward this shiino vvlth uplifted hands , li
supplication to God to keep them good am
healthy. A prayer is then offered by thi
bend medicine m.m , nnd a pipe is held ou
with a prayer to Oed to . rnoke with them th <
pipe of peace. When it is discovered thai
the pipe is not smoked the dancers wail nne
sob and then commence dancing , holdhif
hands. The dancers form a ring and danci
aiound the shrine , their , feet keeping timoti
a wierd ana monotonous cry. "
"Is there anjthitig alarming or dangeroui
about this !
To bo suio there are bad Indians as then
are bad white men but an entire tribe shouh
not bo condotnued for this" any moro thai
should the men , women and children o
Omaha be put to the swonl on account of tin
wicked doings of a half dozen toughs. Sit
ting Bull , Red Cloud nnd a few other disor
ganizes should bo trken in hand , nnd if tin
government should then honestly earrv ou
its pledges made to the Indians in tho'trca
ties of ibGb and 1S70 , there would bo no dim
Hcnirord's Promotion.
Mr. George II. Mcafford has succeeded th
veteran A. V. II. Carpenter as general pas. .
sengcr agent of the Chicago , Alllvvaukeo S
St. 1'uul , who has been lotlied after an al
most lifelong service of the company. All
Hcafford is well known in this city and thcr
are hundreds of peoWo hero who rejoice eve
hU good lortuno. Ilo is considered ono of th
biigutest railroad men In this sectloi
and his advancement means i
contlnuanco of the friendly feeling whirl
his company has nlwajs displayed for thi
section of the countiy and especially the elf
of Omaha.
Air. Jlcafford was born in Connectlcul . II
entered the roihoia service in 1805 , nnd te
malncd with the Chicago .Sc Northwester !
road until July , 187.1 , at which time lie actei
as chief clerk of the general passenger dc
Unhesitatingly recommendi
Soden Mineral Pastiles ( tro
ches ) for all throat , lung anc
catarrlial diseases. Dr. Kocl
said : "A cough for which ' .
tried many other medicines
which had not the slightes
effect , soon became better anc
has now entirely disappeared. '
If you are suffering from i
cough , a cold , asthma , bronchia
catarrh , or any throat trouble
the Soden Mineral Troches wil
positively relieye vhere all els <
Be sure to obtain the genu
ine imported article , whicl
must have the signature am
recommendation of Sir Morrel
Mackenzie with' , each box
None other are genuine.
Ball Programs , fifty designs.
Invitations , fifty designs.
Wedding Invitations , all styles
Birth Announcements.
Mourning stationery.
Death announcements.
New Year Announcements.
New Year Cards.
Fine Commercial Printing.
DanC. Shelley ,
Superior Printer ,
Fourteenth and Farnam ,
partincnt ; from 1873 to 1STO bo nelcil txs pen-
cral | ) n cuKoriiRont of llic Missouri Pacific ,
niul IblOto 18TVI us general passctiKernijciit of
the sumo fond. From 1 0 to Ihvj lie served
us general cnstcrn uRent of TUB Hre , nnil in
tlio Intter year bocntno nssistnnt general
im cn r npeiit of the Uhlciigo , Mllwiuikoo
& St. I'nul road.
rrnnk O car Anderson , in the employ of
liobltison the contractor last prlnp , lifted n
water plpoclclntiK 140 pounds , nml wns thq
snmllcst man In the pimp , jctwas the only
ono equal to this fcnt of strength.
Hie Opporlilrati
11 N.I
And Secure n
r Overcoat
Without Delny.
The prudent man will im
prove the fair weather In
preparing himself for the foul ,
which is sure to follow. Our
selection of outside garments
for the season , has met with
quick favor , and the chance
fora choice is lesssening'each
doy. Pncesrange fro m
to $40.
And ench garment justifies
the price.
Uy vlrtuoof iiuotdcrof the circuit court of
tlio United Hates for thu district of Xulit ) > > lcn ,
m.ulo the 'Jlst day of Jiov oinliorl 1MJ , tlio tin-
durslcned Is autliotl/cil to rciotru sisukil bids
for thuentlro iiools wares , inorchundlso anil
cffuctsor the > Ilill mil iii.ctilc ; Cuniimiir. All
such bids tn bo niuclu on or before tlic l * > th
< 1 iv of Uocember , ls > 'H ) , nldrc"scd to tin ) un-
derblgned. A. If. HLUMti..ilU'culvor. .
N ' 1 d Tt
More thim 15 ycniV Pipnrtrnrpln tlio Ircntnicntof
A euro cnnrnntceJ In3to Uvo Unyiwlthout tliolOJi
ornnliuur tlmo
I'prmnnently curoil without | ln or Instrument * ) no
ciittlint ; noillliitliu llio inixL rvinarkib ) romcdr
knuwn to muilurn * clpnn > \ \ rllo for Unul in.
llr Mclirew's Iroiitnipiit forthl * terrible blooilill'-
on olmi loon pronounced tliu mint piwrrrulnml
Micco'ufulri'iiiciljr i-virdl'covonvlfor the nt elute
enronf thl illva < a Ills nuclei * with tills < ll ia o
lim npiorloi'ii KiunlliM A rumpled ) IUIIE uUAll
AMLLU Writofor cliculnri
nndMl wonknpssof tliatoxunl nrirnn , nerromnon ,
tlinlJIty nnil ilixpomlpiicr ntnolutolj aired lliorj-
llcf Is liimiullntonml rumploti'
Cntnrrli , rlieutmtlnni nml nil ill ei ( M of tlio bloil
llrcr klilncjs nn I bladder pcrmimntlr cured.
find ncuritluln , nervousness nnd ilhen oi of tliu stom.
' * Homo Treatment" for
ncli cured Tlio Doctor' *
Indira ! pronounced liy ult who Imvu uu'il It. to to
thomost coinii eta nnd comculont rumcdr ovcrof-
fvrod for tlio trimtmont of fuiiulo ill eases Hli
trulr a wonderful remeiljr , No Instrumental uo
pnliL Uni'iiH ' ton I\IIH.H KIIOM JTO I OM.V.
mnrvoloui MICCOSH lim won for him n reputation
which Is truly rmtloml In clrirnottr , nnd Mi urn it
finny of putlLMiM reaches from tliu Atlnntlo lo tlu
1'ncltlc. 'lliu ' Doctor h a cr.nltmw of "m dinAll"
medicine nnd liM hurt lonuntid careful experience In
liorpltnl practice , nml li olmicil iimcmit tlio lei lint
peclnllsts In modern science Troitmunt by curro-
uponiloncotlo \ for circuit" iibuut each of tlio
nbovo diseases , nun ;
Office , 14th and Farnam Sts
Kntriincoon olt'ur ' itfJ3-
Dr. F. C. Werner's
Arc highly recommended nftor seven
years ot successful experience by the
solo manufacturers ,
Kopp , Dreibus& Co. ,
1106 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Sold everywhere , 5e per paoktiRo.
Scud for bumuloa.
Ntilioe to ( it-adiiiK Tlnib r Con- .
\Vo ninproinrod toicicl\n bids for a Inrco
niiiomit d ( oi It wusi of tlio summit of the
Until y mountains on tlio Him of the Oioat
NoitniTii i.illttay , Incluilliii ! Rinding , which
cotiblMs of ruuk , i.u 111 ttiuU anil tiinmllnn ,
anda aiiioiliit of tliiilici ; nV-o a law
numiiiitof limed tlmlur forslruuliiios. I'ur-
tlcs uliouri ) nicpniril to no Into tlio woods nnd
take out tlinti'i nmllio lime ciaillnt ; oiitllth
foi ioik\w > rU , will llnd Ilils alkali Ulc oppoi-
t unity. ThenuiUIs Incited , .mil tlio supplies
foi cnrrlii ! ! It on mimi tliugiuitml. aim llio
work Is it ud j to roiiiinciico aloiKP. 1'nrfiir-
tlici Infoi million liiiiiio ( ] at IOOIK .U , IXutloniil
( ciiiiiin-Aiiicrlciin hunk Inilldlat ; , bt. null.
Minn , fchciiara. blcinsiVCo. NAIilTtM
UOIJUBOUG-II . . Corner loth anil Dodpe Stioots.
'WINTTK Tl.IiM bojlns Mond.iy morning. Dcci-mbcr Nt. Mew cluss In till tlio Dcpartmonti
Now is tlio time fornew btwleiitsto untor. Iholntor Toim ot tlio l cnlns School , bo'ltr
Momliy nlzht. Now classes hlxty-Oiio now uirolli' I In Nl lit Sohoil. Oonio niul join us Al
the departments now In oner uioiMN Itli a tot il eimilliiiint of ail New clasps In fchorthiim
Monday. JustlioiiKlit , ten ItemliiKton Tipe-wiltPM for students. K\ury iiilviintiiKU K\\oi \ >
stuiliiit . Shortlmudlnuslitliy null ! two luMonsfruo H > any udilross sposiii .utontlou to
foii'lciieis In Ensllsli lloardtJ.lK ) per week , orfoi tlireo hours not U peril ly. Portions for stii' '
ilcnls , wlii'iicoiiiputunt. fccoresof tlirin In pnsltiom In Omilia iiiri'iulv.VrltT foi circular ;
and beautiful specimen ot pi-inn inshlp Adihesj , HOIIHItOIItill 1IUOB , Omaha. '
Commencing Monday morning , -Decembei
1st , to every loaf of GARNEAU'S BREAD
there will be attached a red tin tag. Save these
tags , deliver them to our office , and get a prem
Your grocer will give you a circular containing a list of prenr
iums to be awarded buyers of our bread and holding tin tags , in thi
quantities named.
These premiums nro suitable for grown persons as well as child
ren. In striving for these premiums you not only get a ful
pound loafof bread for Be , but also a tag which , when the propoi
quantities are collected entitles you to a premium.
You may take your choice of any of the articles noted on the cir
cular , providing you hove the necessary number of tags.
One person may get enough tags to receive two or more prem
Do not delay ; this chance won't last very long.
Be sure you get a tin tag stamped "Gnrneau's Bread" on over"
Premulms awarded every Wednesday and Saturday , botweor
three and five o'clock.
IStli and Jackson Streets.
yet j tTTii'Ai.i ) . in/in.i.siiTu.N / . i ArmM *
Imaha | Depot I5tli nn t Mivm tlri'tfls. I Umitht _
Wpm .ItilcnBO Kitpreii . . . . . , MKncn
> ! > > am ChknifO Kipruo. . . DM p ra
(10pm Uilcngo Kxproii .1,4 . . . 1005 it m
C.Mp ml , . . , lima I ocal . . . . , . , .MlTO m _
I IIT I lilUiiMNiirON .t Mo UlVKIu , Arrlt r
OunhiL _ iMit Illth nn.l Miwn Mrcoti.l _ Omnhx _
1074 a m tlvnicr Dnr Htvrent
10 VA am , . IMiror K rren , . C.15 p m
40 pin Dentor .Nluht > { ipru i , W ft to
r li n ml . , Lincoln Ixioal . . . . VU ) p m
IMI\I I K l .srJ Arilri > r
_ liepot Will nn I Mn > utl atrautt. _
? ! < 0 n m KnniMt'llr \ > nr IttproK . .1 MO p m
9 4i p m K C. Mitlit Kip rln II. l > 'tniiii [ 64i n lt\
l a t i tlMo.SI'AtlUu ' Urrlvoi
_ Om lm IWiot | llllli find Mnrcj Uo li |
"jJOpm . ,
; . ) l > in 'KcllaKiiroi . . 'IMSnra
O'JUnm . DonTiT Ksprcn . . . . | IMpm
( . HU.Tlii . .Kllnn Lllr KMTOII. . . . 'IHV. urn
U li it in rnlrllrM K p ( oicij'ttun ) . H U p n
| A-H I rillL'Anu. It 1 Al'ICmi'rruor ,
Oinnlm. | tl 1' < to | 't , ioih rinl Mnrcr t I Ocfinlin. _
(1.10 ( pmj .1 . , Nltiht Kxpreit. . . IOIU n m
nuj n m , o . . AllAnllo Kipreii. . ( I W p m
4 M p ni | . Vtitllmlti I.lnilleil , l ) < i nm
o I * SlOUV XJIH A [ 'Al [ Ml , , Am
JJiimha 1 17 1' < | JIH > I , luih i nl Mnrcf St <
7. 16 n in i Slum Cltr I'nnctiKcr
4 : n in' ' . " 1. Pnul K pri' | IO 10 n tn
< 10l * Ol'n ' 1'AllKU jArrlroi"\Tii ! I ! ( *
I lMiutltthiinil\VebiturMli. _ J Onmh _
I p nil . . "I I'nn I l.lmllo USA
I vitTCi li'llll. AIIU A Xllll I'llKll'hilN
Oniiilm _ | U P. Oi'pnt. lUlli nnd Mnnrj ts
li it in . . . . I lilctiui ) ICipros * . . C.aj p m
1.11) p 111 VoJtlbulo l.imltut. . . . 9M it n
6.11 p in Iowa AccoimmiiUtlon tide. Sun ) 70S p m
V 10 p m . . . . KtiMrrn Kljror 2 5 p ra
ll.lSa in ( en' SnntKint Kv ( nxoMnn ) 7 40 n m
1-rftnTut l HlCAItt ) , Mill , A Ml. I''vdii '
Omaha U I' . iljM'ot. loth mil Mnrcr ft ?
6.IO p m . . . llilcniio ICiprtfsi
I1 M n in . . .llili-nurt Knirm . . . I d i ( ) u ra _
lAiitrm I o > TATiA\ l TATui lAmireP"
Onmlm 111 I * , ilopot , loth mil MnrcrStl I O m nh t.
I ! 4) p in [ . . .bt. IAIUU ( minon Hull . . ,12 , < u ( M
r7"K S iirVv1TjKY j ArrTre ? "
_ Ii > poUtli mil Wupitur > ( t " "
. . .Illnck llllli Kxproif . . 6SU p ra
llnstlnit' Kip ( V * Sinnlitr ) AX ) p ra
\Sr\lHKi\l.lncoln I'm ( Kx Sunil'j' ID ta * m
Uirk A Norfolk ( lit lu 'jo n ra
. " " T , . 4"M'7 M \ O. Arrlvot
Onmlm Depot 15th mill \Vobit r ? U.
H.IO n m Hlonz City Acco umocliitlon I c0o p m
1 00 p in mouxUty KiproiiKx. ( Sun ) . I..IO p m
9 HO p m . . . . Vt. 1'nul l.linHoc ] . li-JS n tu
fj 15 u in llniuMfl I'noumtyr ( lx. Snn > J8 45 it ra _
nTO I ArrT > oT"
to uirtliA. | mid
10 .U n in j . ' M Ixiul l A K. if Ki | > ruu I 4 W p m
W Mi p in ] Ht Ixiiili V K. C. Kipros * I II W a m
l.unros i ClllC'AtlO. U 1. \ 1'ALlViU | ArrlTOi
Trnnifur | Unlim I miot. CIMIIUII IIUHi
Kxprei I 01 * urn
Atlantis Kiprp i 1663pm
„ . _ . . Noitllnilo l.lmltud . . .Jill .10 jiin
Union J ) < > pnt Council 11hi ITji iTrnniror
. . . . I'litcniio Kiprun li Ul p in
ViMilbulu Iliultuj . . . . P -X ) > m
Knittrii Hjur - . ' HO p m
. . . Atlnntlo Mall 7..W a in
Inwn Arooiiiiiinitntlnn ( Sun ) 0 40 p in
reillTTAlio , Mil * It Mr. 1'AlTul Arrltn *
' 1 ruinffr ] Ur.lun liouot ronncll JTrniiifor
"C-Opnif " TTTlCftCO Kipraas u 15 n ra
IS pjn l Oilcnjm li UU p n\
i arw r K trST 3(5K v ° - "
Triuntorl Union ll pm ronncll lIlulTi | Tritniter
llltlH Cor I'll Iilfo Printing.
r > T\TBor HWK.A , )
Oniconf Pt.ilo llouulof 1'iliitli.K. V
LINCOI.V , Nuvuinbui lltli , 1HK ) )
None i ; TO Iliiiiu its.
Sealed proposals will lie iiLnlvrcl nt imy
tlmo onor liefino tn u'cluuk ) i in , of the nth
diiy of Doci-tiilior , A. I ) IS'Ki ' , for the nrlntlng
of nil 1)111 fortliu iLKlHlatuii ) with such mat *
turns m ty liiiordi'rcd by i-lllior lituitu tin root
lo bo iirfiitoil In "lilll form" u lilili Is sliMi
mm tlcslKiiutcu us il.iss oiiDlDiitiiici thu in Int'
In lav\sof tlio stitu : of Ntbi.i-.Uu.
rot tin ) printing and lilmllir : In papcruovars
of imo thousand ( I.UOJ ) coiilcs uauli nf tin ) bloiH
uliil loports of tliu auditor of pnlillc iiui'onuts ,
iroisuni. sicietsiij of state , .mil uiinnilsiloii-
prof imlillc lands .mil linlldlii- ; and ll\olitin
tired CiOO ) uopks tnich of > lie lilt'iinl il luportsnf
tlie attorni'i Kt'iicr.'U , ' .niiuilntcndciit of jiulc
Ho Inslrnutlon btato llhraiinn , and .uljiitiint
Konural ; and all otlioi 11 polls and lUionnii'iitS niav bonidon'il pi ntcd bv tlio leitlsla-
turu , ouuit | biiuh as in ly t-nlt r Into unil form
u p.ntof the journals vlilrhiliissof wotlc 11
liiiown and .IcslKiiatcil as class thito ( I ! ) uiulu
tin ) printing Invvsof Ncbi IH | < U
'Iho 1)111 ) vvnrK , oxuuulid uiidi-i iluss .ono.
shill buptlntul In BID ill ) ) l u tj po on piper
loin teen (14) ( ) Inulii s linu liy ulRlit mill oue-liuU
( t-'i ' ) Inclius uiilc , bliiKlo pnn'0. papoi lo bo
twcnty-i'lRlit i-a ) ] ioun < l-t double uip to tlio
ri'.un , nnd ( > \cojt ) thu tltlu IIIIKO ; rauh pimo
sliill cnntiiln not loss than l\Miitv-lhu ( ' , ' 5) )
llnp < of solid matter of sinoii | 7I Inilips In
Icustli nnd the lines slmll bo siii-eus-ilvnly
iiiiinbored , with a blank only In each sp ao hc
twcuii thu lines.
' 1 ho tltlo pa o of said bills shall contain not
loss tlmn olKlitopii ( IS ) lines as nbovo , vvltn
tlireo ( I ) Inches additional sp ice allovvablo tot
display tltlo in. liter.
Dacli bid Hliall stiito n bat tlio bldilar Is vUN
liutodo tlio vvorUcoinpluto fin , pir pnei ) , tot
luo hnndrod ( SOO ) cnplisof pach hill ; also tlia
price for adilltlon il hundreds that may bo or
( hired uf tlio 1.111KI hill at tlio MiiH ) tlmo ns 111-
original CM ) } , luoliiilliucoinposltliin , iiiporl
pipssorlc , htltuhln . foldlm ; , nnd all \\urk or ,
material onturliii : Into the work loiinliuii. '
All work oxeciitul unilei class oao Miull ba
dellvoied In coodnidor by the lontraitor to
the olllco of the Bocrctaiy of state ultlild
tlnoo days nftor the itcclpl of thu older hy
snld coatiaitor from Iho ilialrmun of tbt
( oiiiiiiltluoon inlntliiK. In oltlior br uiclioftlio
All \u > i U oxpcnted under class thrcso ( 'I ) Rhnll
bu printed In IOIIK primer , lirovlor and iinniiA'
rlol typo , nn paper to be nlno IncliiM lotiK oy
n\ | ( U ) Ini'hiH vIdii , Hlnslo PIKO , piper to bfl
forty-live ( I > ) pounds to the iiiini , of tuoutv
four by tblrty-sU , wlilto hook. K.uli bid
inidoi ilass thruo shall state whut tlmlilddoj
Is vvlllliu to do the wnrk loinplpte fop , nor
PIKO , on unch rpport oi Item In thu vluis. ln
clndlni ; composition , pa per , jiress worlr ,
htlti-hlnK. folding , and all uoik nr iiiiiterlal
i nterliiK Into the woik roqulroil. ( j.ilhy unit
11 iuo pioof must lie fui nlslii'd when
by thoolllcpisof the mccntlvo dop irtnu-nt nt
tliii chilli iniiii of the lommlttpe on nrl'itlnir la
cither In andi of the lulslatiiieVoik \ whoa
cnmplitcil lobe dolhorud f rce nt expense a !
tlio Ht ito hoiiNO.
I'topnsals foiork on oiah of thu abova
classes will not bu consldoied unless tlio Nama
bo iii-i-ompanlud by a bond hi Ihosiim of the )
thousand ( { 'i.uooidollarsn 1th tuoor iiioioKiirn-
ties : that In case the pirty proposing foi Hinli
contiaut shall ho awarded tliuHiiineHiieh part ?
will , wit hln II vo (1) ( ) dnjH nflni 11m avMiid to
him of Hiicb i onttaut enter Into bunds for the
faithful poifonu.inoethuiLOf , us piovldudiy \
law nml thu tin n a of these piop < s ils.
I'lopusals shall ho mat Uul , " 1'ioposalH for
I'nbllc I'llntluu" and addiessfd lo I Im .state
buanlnf pilnllii/ care of the sociotarv of
btnto , Lincoln , Nth.
C'oiilrai'tson cluss ono ( I ) , as nhotu siiculllod ,
will bo a anleil as u n holt1.
Contrautson class tluoo ( I ) , us nbovo sped *
fled , will hoawuidud In vvholoorln p.utustlia
lie iril may olout.
buinplpH of the work to ho uNocutuil under
class one ( I ) , and thruu ( l ) , may lo suun ut lit *
olllco of the biicrctiiry of ht-ito.
C'ontracta on nbmo elassos one ( I ) , nmt
Iliruod ) . to run two ( Syvuin ) from Dccoiubef
VI h. IttKl.
'I'hnHtiito printing hoard reserves tlio rlghl
lo reject any or all bidsHt.N
Spcrorary ot htato.
Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts.
J. K. IUi.1.
' 1 roasnror.
Btttto Hoard of I'rliitlnir.
N-JJUM&.5I }
To the Stockholders of tlio Oirnlalla r/anfl
and Cat tin Co. : .No the Is liureby glvun that
the aiiniial iiieotlnir nf the atooUioliluriof tin
( > Kulalla I , and und O.ittlo ( . 'oiniiany will ho
held t the ioiiiaiiy's ) | olllco , NoJill Ninth IHli
Btreol. In the city of Om aim , Noli , onecl no3 <
iluy , Doi-iimber.lid , IMM , nt J o'clock 11. in. , for
tliu iiloutlon ot dlriiotois for the i nsnlm
und the IraiiHiicllon of Hticli othtr buslnosa a
may lomo boforu the niuutlni ; .
uiadiut 90.JOJKIU 1'iuNu , Boorctury.