Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1890, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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* A TWEnTIBEMKNTsf for iiin < M ooIuniTrin *
jVlmtultcn until 12M : p. in. , for tbeoronlni
edition nntl until 8:30 : p , in. , ( or ( bo morning
edition and BUNDAr DM.
'THERMS Cosh In advance.
AdrertlsomontBon this PURS will 1)8 )
RATES for ntlhorate of H4 cent per word
lor the llrnt Insertion nnd Icotit | ior word for
( jieh tilrtemjent Insertion , nnd il.&O per line
* or month , No advertisement tnhen ( or
Ins than 21 cents for tli first Insertion.
TN1TIAL9 , figures , symbols , uto. , count each
J nanno word.
TPHr.SK ndvertlicmonU must run consccti-
J. lively nnd under no clrcum'tancc * will
ihcy bo taken or discontinued by tolephono.
rpAIlTIES advertising In tlioao columns nml
JL having their answers addressed to a "iium-
( icra luttnr" In euro of THE HER will receive
, nu in bo roil chock to enable thorn to get their
letters. Answers will bo dolhcrctl only on
presentation of tills chock. Kncloso answers
Jn envelope properly addressed.
advertisements under thn bond of
ALTi Notkes" nro published In Ixith the
rnornlnj ? mid rtvimbiR edit Ions of TUB HKK. the
'circulation of which nRsrcxntPS inoro than
'SO.OOO papers dally , und gives tlio in vertuor
the bcnullt not only of the largo circulation or
Tim IlKK InOninhu , hutnlsoln Council llliilTs ,
Lincoln and other oltles mill townsln the west
Advertising for these columns will betaken
en the abo\o conditions , nttho followlr * biisl-
aeSHhotmcswhoare authorized totnkospoclal
cot Ice ? . lit the sumo ratus aa can had at the
ln oilier- . .
' Btrcot , Minor lUock.
YOUN W. HELL , I'hiirmaolst , 830 South Tenth
V ttrect.
IIABR A KDDY. Blatloners and Printers ,
113 South ll'.tli street.
SlliVAHNBAVOHTII , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
Ing Hticet.
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , ( HI North th
Ih . .
Ihi Btreet. _ _ _
i- GEO. W. . . I'A . Hit . , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven-
> - .worth street.
HUGHES'PHARMACY. 21th and Farnam.
HU ;
r mtit , rlc. , ftetopof fritl column nil IAt
Position as a liooV-kooper ; first-
WANTKD lefercncos. Address X. 7. Dee
plllco. 030-30
. .NTKD Situation as hotel steward or
clerk ; llrst-class references. X , 4. Uce.
GiS-M *
TpxrEHIENCED book-keeper wants sltua-
JiJtlon In Nebraska , references. Address 0.
11. M. , 611 tftimntn st. , Davenport. la. COfi-1 *
WANTKD Position as housekocpor or
niirsd. hy mlddlnased lady of oxnerl-
lonco. Address W 71 , lice olllcc. 68M *
WANTED Situation by stenographer nnd
bookkcopor. Have had llvo years' ex
perience In business correspondence and law
work , and four years an double entry book
keeper ; own typewriter : references. Addrc'-s
WKfl. lloo. 57MO *
/"lASIIirilor olllce work of any kind or copy-
V > > l8t , Address W 72 , lice. Mi-a *
BY Man anil wife with Al references , posl- ,
lions as 1st and 2d cooks. Address \V. ) t
S. ISlhstiecl. 0131 *
Wanted Hy young man as ho
tel or ipRtauraiitclorkicxperlcnced ; best
of recommendations. Address \Y5'J. ' llco.
M 4.-.2-M *
WANTED Situation by Imly as book-
keeper , cashier or olllco clerk. Expo-
rloncod. Oood icferencos. Address W55 , llco.
M 407 30 *
T > HINTEU A youiiK man of three years' ov-
JL porloneo In job olllco wants situation as nji-
iirontlco In a reliable job otllco. Will Uuckley.
842 South ISth St. , Lincoln , Nub. 510 1 *
WANTED Position as clerk In store , drug
store preferred. Oaii keep sot of books ,
flood references. Address Loekobox 55 , Hene-
dlct , Nob. M411-30 *
WANTED Constant work by an EtiKllsh-
111:111 : experienced In ( 'icoiinouso Mid out
door eardcnlnir. . Address Wm. Oarratt , Wosl-
crn. Nob. , Sallnocounty. H413-D1 *
BV a steady yonnir man , place to work for
board. Address W04 Dee. Kt9 U0
BY a boy of 17 , who understands ofllco
work ; four years experience. Address
W 45. Upo. 354 Dl *
I or rotes , rlc. , fee ( op oflift column on Uita page.
JV\7 ANTED 'Two competent salesmen for
T dross Roods department ; also 13 Rood.
rlcnn young nion for buiidlo wrappers and to
loaintho dry t' ocls business. The Jlorso Dry
Uooila Co. C2I-3Q
"WTANTKD Canvassers for u rapid soiling
TT novelty. Onn make $3.00 per day easily.
Money refunded If unsaleable. Send lOofor
samples , etc. Koed & Co. , 81 Market st. Chl-
CUKO , 111. ( itl-TO *
WANTED Aconts-LonK's solid muoUiRo
pencil , Itoth soxcs inako SJ to $8 per day.
Humpies nml terms US < v Outlasts $1 north of ,
liquid. No muss. No evaporation , C. A.
Long , 110 Dearborn st.CliloaK > . III. 005-30 *
WANTED Salesmen on salary or commis
sion to handle the now patent chemical
InkcraMiiK pencil. The irrcatost selling nov
elty ever produced. Krnses Ink tlioroiiRlily In
two second * ; no abrasion of paper ; " 00 to 500
per cent nrollt. Ono asont's sales amounted
lo JHO In bU clays ; nnother KB In two hours ,
wo want one energetic Kencral auont for each
tate and territory. Haniplo by mall ittpenis.
1'or terms and full particulars address. The
Monroe BrascrStfg Co. , LaOrosse. Wla. 5712 *
OKI'IOi : hey wanted by Dr. Hosowatcr.
Oont'l lllk. S8I-3D *
ACTIVE reliable man to canvass this city
for thesaloof onrnow reset , choice llow-
crlnK shrubs ornamental trees and now va
rieties of hardy nursery stook , Oood nav ,
weekly. Apply quick with references to L. L.
.May k Co. , N urserymen , Bt , Paul , Minn.
co3-o *
STEAM fitters and helpers pay no attention
to spurious advertisement ! ! . Stay away
from Olilongo ; strike Is still on. Com in It tec.
004-30 *
SALESMEN Wnntcd-$500 salary to toll our
Roods to business men only. 85.00 ease of
samples ( mailed ) free. Write today. Wright
Manufacturing Co. . Ill Park Row , Now York.
Mam *
"ITSfANTHD Salesmen to meet the grocery
T trade to carry a specialty on commission.
Good commissions , rlonsostate territory ,
also reference. W. 0. Doorman , 10J-10J Fulton
street , Chicago. si > l-l > *
QENTS-J.100 to 110.00 per day collecting
small pictures for us toonlurei * . Satlsfno-
tlon guaranteed and a $4 out tit free. A , Dunne
& Co. . f 0 Itcndc street , Now York. CO ? TO *
'T\7"ANTKD Men for railroad work. AU
T T bright's Labor Agency , 1I2J 1'avnam st.
//tJ.RN'pliAtJaRNit ! ) soiling the pitpntud tust-
V-T able slmo me n.aklnc ; from 1.1,000 to $3.000
poryi'ar. OunvasscrsM to * 7 per day. Ex-
cluslro territory Klvon. Addrons vltb 2-cent
rtamp , Consolidated Adjustable Hhoe Co. .
Bulem. Masj. M 171-d3 *
' 1X7ANTED 2 Saturday nnd Sunday barbers
> at the N. E. Cor. 14th and Karnnni. 4JA 8
want a man In every lo-
J./eallty to act as prlvato detective under
-our InstrHctlons. Send for particulars Wash
ington Dotectlvo Agency , box 7S7 , Yashlng-
iton , Iowa. Experience not necessary ,
. _ lift D18
WANTED A good man to take care of
horse anil cow and work In store. Apply.
with re f ere u co. laiSKarniun. _ 4 lotto
WANTED All parties dcslrlnjr Informa
tion about the now slate of Washington ,
it.scllinuto , soil , productions , resources. lumlH
unmitort'd , WIIKCS. etc. , send $1 ( or largo book
to State llurouuot CorresK | > nilcnco , Tiicoma ,
> \ ush. Letters of Inqutry of all kinds promptly
answered tor 60o each. lliJ 30 *
A l'K\V tracklayers and shovclers wanted.
, . . . . A'I ) > 1 ? ' Ht tJ' ° ' 'pirtllng eura near the now
Wlilto lead works , Uast Omaha.Votxl & Dan-
croft. M Ci)3-3Q )
WANTED 200 laborers for stone and irrudo
work- . Apply to l . II. Johnson , Union
passenger flcpot. Omaha- 203
\\t ANTED Mou to travel forour Canadian
T T uurbcrles.Stotiv&Wolllngton.Mudlson S'ls
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 210
MEN or women wanting work , or persona
needing help of any kind , city or country.
can always bo supplied at Keith's oflloe , 31 Vi
6. 15th st. SatUfiiutlou guaranteed.
_ 8I.31S-N30
WANTED Aconti wanted throughout Ne
braska. Bond stamp ( or reply , Jos. I * .
Mogeath , Omaha. 773
\\7ANTED AllvBonergotlonartvln every
T f nlaceto hi trod UPO our poodsVo \ have anew
now line that will soil at every bouse and
ngonts can roan a harvest between now and
the holidays , u'lll nay a salary of (73 per
month K preferred nnd furnish n team ( me.
Addrcsn at once. Standard Silverware Go. ,
Beaten Muss. M&K-U1S *
Jt-'pr rofo' . tf ( . ite ( op of Jtrti : column o t/ij / p < iia
l Ri'iitlcmoncau rent masquer
ade suits at OJ. N. Kith st. 4JID.7 *
For rattt , etc. , rtt f ( nf frm ( ulumn mi till" tutflfc
brlglit. iitplaont ladles.
Rood penmen , references ) fair wages.
Address with Mamp ID own hiiiidwrUIng ,
lice. Council Dlllirs.
W ANTIIII Oood cook , washer and Ironer
GI HL wanted In fniiilly of two ; 1713 Dough *
street. 07'J-l *
WANTr.D-A Tnllorossieall at onoe , 1W >
rarnam streut. 012-30
_ _
WANTA ; ! ) compctcMit Rlrt ( or general
housework at MM 8. 2T th avenue. 4i' 1 *
"l\r"ANT f > 0 Indlcii for IClralfy Kro . ' "Around
the \VorId. " Apply Jla. in. Hunday , Nov.
.10 , stage door , lloyd'n opera house , _ CllilO
1 1L ! wanted In family of thiee. Jlrs. U. P.
WIllmiH. 21M 8 latli st. , _ 6IJ UU
JAVILL pay ladles a salary of JlOpi-r veolc
to work fo" tno In lliolr locality at homo ,
light workgooillay ) for jnrt time , urlto with
stiiiiip , airs , II. r , I'arrlliKton. box 7tfJ Chicago
COOK nnd Second Olrl Wanted Good waces
paid. Apply at 200 N. Ihth st. it 450-1"
WANTED A first-class girl for general
housework. Ml ! j.20tli. _ 421)
A OUNOglrl , 15 or 10. for second work nnd to
J-laku euro of a ehllu 0 yoaraold , 1824 WIrt
St. , Kountzo til ace. 4 IIM *
WANTKD flood Klrlforgntifrnl hon owork.
Mrs. A. 1' . Tukey , 2511 UlitciiRO street.
WANTED luimodlatcly , ono lady , two
youiirmoii ) recelfe In tructlonsand kcop
book ? . J. D. Smith. 010 Now York Llfiibulldlnir.
WANTHD Cllrl In family of four , Oornmn
_ preferred. 10IH Webber Htreot. ai3il-a *
WANTKD Oood Rlrl ( or Reueral houio-
> uirlcnt2218Loivcnworth : street. MJ4t
vv 7ANTED An experienced house inuld.
Call uUWISt. Jluiy's iivonuu. "M
\\7A > fTii ; ) Competent ntirsottlrl at once.
V Mrs , 17. A. Ourucr , 2J2i Callfoinla
street , MI24
WANTKD A Rood , rollahlo nurse girl , Oer-
nian preferred. JUUt Karmim atrent.
M421-30 *
WANTED Olrl for general housowoilc.
Apply 9. E. cor. I/owe avtmilo nnd llo\v-
nrdstreot. Mrs.V , K.liltchlc. '
Fortiilt-ctc. , rtetnpof ftivtcolumn mif/iU /
rp\VO Kimilshca front rooms In prlvato fam-
JL lly ; 81S.OO and $15.00. Ill ) So. ISth st , CW-'J *
jlOK RENT 1'urnlshod south front room.
- 1C14 California street. G77DO *
FUIINISIIKI ) rooms for llslit lioiisekcopliiK
from J.- ) per month and upwards. 41U U. 1'Jt ' h
Btrcut , third floor. 67J30 *
TTMJIlNISHEn rooms , steam lieat. 917i ! South
- ' 13th stleOt. 57S-7 *
DK9IUAI1LKroom with all conveniences :
hot wliter heat. 212 S.Soth st. &J5
OU llftNT Nleelyfurnlshud front parlor
with boat bed loom adjoining ; northeast
cor. 2Jth and HnmlKou : 1 block from motor :
gontlcman preferred. M 4M-1 *
FOH 11KNT Pleasant funilalicrt rooms ,
private house , location coutral , ai8 N. sntli
btreet. M 431-1 *
1J1OU UKNT I'urnlshed rooms. IOCS Capitol
AJ are. JU4I-5 *
POH IIKNT llandsonio furnished rooms ,
steam heat , 17 11 Davenport street. COO"
171011 UKNT Itoom with all modern Improvo-
- * moiits ; 110 other roomuis. 400 N. 14th
street. M377-2 *
furnished rooms , central location ,
modern convonlenccs , prices reasonable ,
lad lea or gents. 101 , ' Ilarney st. Wi3-30 *
'VTKWLY ( urnltliod rooms for Kontlomen , In
iinixlorn house , oluso to 1'arnam motor.
Rood table , homo con-forts. S578 Hnrnoy st. .
now 1'aul block , ai38.2 *
HANHOMKLY furnished front room : steam
heat. BUS , hatli. 711 a. 10th. 8d floor. a.VCia *
HANlJSOMELY furnished rooms , 2
E OIl KENT One Miuth , ono north room ,
modern conveniences , private family.soifi
Douglas. Kf 2 *
l"iESIllAItLE ! room , modern conveniences
1701 Capitol live. , . 775
POH RENT rurnlshod rooms ; gas.bath and
steam. 1519 Howard. 9
FOH KENT Furnished looms , 1C09 Douclas ;
2 0
POK HENT-Two nlcoly furnished front
rooms. 2010 Davenport st. L'07
N'lOELY furnished rooms , first-class table
board , The Mcr'rlam , 25th and Dodge.
239 r >
T71UHNISIIEI ) cottase , B rooms. cverrtbliiR
1 : couipluto for bonsokccplng , only 825 pur
month to responsible party. LtlU JacKson
street , corner 1'arlc avo. 570ao *
FOU ItEdT A largo.furnlshed front room ,
down stalrr south front , In private house.
Oheap rental. ililC Howard st.
Forratu , ete. , fcetniiof Jlnt column onlhlr
POU UENT Two larco pleasant rooms , with
board , hath , pas and furnace hoat. Excel
lent nclfliborhood. Call at or address KJ1
South 23th avi'iiiio. ' 018-2 *
ROOMS for rent , with or without board , 114
So. 23th st. ( H-t }
POU KENT Second story front room with
honrd-drst-class. 201 S , 23th avenue. 5U7-C *
NEWLY furnished rooms with board and
heat , 1812 Dodge street. 5CO-a *
ROOMS and board at 010 S. 17th street.
5M 2
TTIUHNISUED rooms with board. 1010 Capitol
1 ? avo. B7 au *
POU UENT To Bcntlcraen , suite o ( nlcoly
furnished rooms In prlvato family. All
modem conveniences. Board If desired. Near
llanscom uark motor. No.U22Georglu uvcnuo
( S. SOtli St. ) . 442 ao *
ROOM and board J4.00 , 1713 Douglas street.
. Mt4.-l
N10KLY furnished front parlor wlthcood
board ; all modern conveniences. CIO NITth
ST. OLAIR Kuropoan hotel.with dlnlnp ; room
steam liojit In all rooms , 13th and Dodge
Special rates hy week or month. 281.
Fortatea , ( tn , tcelopnt Jlrat column < m thiapaqa.
POU KENT Sultofi unfurnished rooms to
family without children. 1'rlco 110.LU 1701
Webster st. JlTi57
T710II HEN I' a Unfurnished rooms , SION.lU
E Bt. HI 7M
For raff * , ( re. , net lop o//r ( t coliinmon tht
FOU ItENT-lts .Taiuiarv 1. 4-story building ,
3S.540soumn feet ; hultatilo fornnyUml
of wholesalhi ) ; . at Tenth and Jones strout. G.
A. Liudquost , awsjouth I'lfteenth street. DIM
Tj OU UCNT-Corner store and basement ,
A : 27th and N sts. , South Omaha , H block
from depot. MM. liregu , 'M y3 S , 15th , Tel. BS4.
TIO RKNT-r-Aftcr January 1 , store and Hut
atKM . ICtli fat. Eurailro at UJfl llrown
bldg. II. J. Kundull. yuTDSJ
TTlOlt REKTorSalo-Flno , heavy brick flvo-
A. story corner wsirehauso with moat central
traokuRO In cltyj floors are ii,500s : > ijuaro foot ,
stringer St 1'cnny , Harkor block. ISS
TTlOIt KENT The 4-story brick bulldmp.wlth
orwlthouttiower.forinorlyoccupied hytho
Hoc l'ubll3liln L'o.,9Kl Kuriuunst , The build
ing has a llr proof cemuntbasoiiient.eomiileto
stuam hunting fixtures , water on all the lloors
gas , cto. Apply at tbo ofllco ot The llco. SIS
STORES at 709 816th , 30x60 oaoh. lurKo show
windows , steam boat ( urnlshoa. Thos. F.
Uull. 311 IVxtonbllt. 2SJ
t'nr rates , tic. , n < e top of first column oil
POR HUNT Ilrlok warehouse , two stories
buh. rmsomrnt. hydraullo eltivatnr. traok-
ugei best location In the city. A. O. I'owcll.
fjlOR HENT-Ilrlok warehouse , two sterlet
J- and uusomcnt. 27,000 square loot , with 100
feet of double track on U , lllallwuy. . South
JOth and 1'lerco iitreots. Address U Oakainu ,
Omaha. Neb. IM
t'orratet , tie , , itt topofjlnt column on l/ifi jxio
WANTED Ilourd aud room by a younj :
lady , south of 1'arnam and west of With
street. Address W 7l ) , Uot , 688-3 '
, ttc. , ett topef Jlrtt coliniiit on tht pa
KOOSI.MA.Ti ; wanted Young man In nrl-
vato family , Audr sjV CJ , Ueo ofllce.
, tlf.t ret tnit i > f Jlnl mfumii on thhjt
FOU UliNT Mj' fi'flno lirlck dwoltlnRs , omn
llnlMhed , others to bo finished Inside 11
hitch liniiso 7 rooms besldci pilntry ,
bath rooms , laundry , furnace and all modern
eowetili'ncioj ) . They are worth f.V.00 each , but
1 want to rent them and It Hlntn In tbo sea
son. They will bo rented for * H,0) . Those
ulopntit hoiwi's nreslttintcil < m'-Mtli uud Uanl ,
one block from the Walnut Hill motor'JO
minutes'walk to P.O. Thco.Olseu , 'Ml N. Y ,
Life. 617-iO :
rillllj new and handsome four room flats
1- with bath ntidstoaiu heat In the ( Jlowry
building on Chloiisro sticut west of Kith are
nearly ready for occupancy , Kaoh Hat Is
separate anclcompleto Inltscif , These , apart-
nuMits cnii be secured by > mull fnmllloi only
with no roumcis. I'Mqucstlomiblo ' references
required , A few ot these llaU still not < < n >
piiKed. Apply to II , 1C. lioborts ftt the build-
liiK , K113-H Chicago street. 027-0 *
FOU lH'.NT-n room hteam heated lint ,
lloberm. 4U3N. 10th at. IKU-at
RENTAL Aitent Oeo.J , J'liul. 1800 ICuriiuin ,
Houses und stores for lent , Uonta col *
loclcil. M7
FOU UENT A 0 room house nt. KJ7 I''nrnnm
street with nil modern Iinproveinents ; nl&o
a flvo room cottiiKo wltli city wiitorut UiUI Kur
il a in nt root , Apply to W. U. Douno , r.l.'iN. V.
lAte bldg. M :
FOIt HUNT U-room linii ( \ modern Ini-
provumuiit. KnqiilroL'tllO Capitol
: co no1
rilO 11TINT Modern dCJlriihln liou-sp. tSi pc > r
JL month , 0.1' . Harrison. U18N' . V.htlc. 17 ?
SO. lUlNNI'.tT , moving iixnrcssnlllco with
. Ncul & Conrad , 1J13 IJodgo st. Tut. 127.
FOR Kl'NT I'lnts. 1 rooms oaeh.olty water
and sewer connections , O , R. U ami T , ( Jo ,
4 lieu bldt. | Ml
131011 ItHNT-Klrnant 8-nxim house , two
A. lloors , alt modern Improvements ; nlso
laundry room , corner U3rd and OblcaBO. Ajinlv
at I'M ) I'liriiaiiist. 'aw : * )
FOR IJDN'T Purnlsticdlioiiso fortlio\\lnter.
all modern conveniences , to nuiilleniun anil
wife ! no children : inferences tcciulrcd. Til''S
I'Stli st. K13 30'
HOUSi ; for lent ! 10 rooms , modem cynvcn-
lencos. OJl a. 19th st. ' ; fxV 1 *
HOUSH for rent at fa I 1'lerco street , con-
\cnlent to depot. Nlco cottage. Innulio
of T. J. Lowry. Ml
" 1710R RKNT Small house on Erumet at , ,
JL ; west of S4th. $8 per month. Also7-rooiu
lionsu , clly water , biitn , on Oaldwoll , between
" ( ith and -7lh. Ui'i per month. 0. L. flrcuii ,
Uoom HO , HarUer bloelc. ' JII87
FOR nnNT-Dnsemont nnd rortms over 10U
OumhijTS street. 8-rooin houses. No. 70J
and 70S N. itoth street. House at roar of 11)18 )
( ! iiinln s street. Homo Investment Co. . ttol
I'nMun block. 570-10
fOK 1 KCNT 4-room lioiisc , 1017 California bt.
POU KENT Elegant 10-room br'Iclt resl-
dencoM)0 ) Georgia aye. : wllljeut fori"i
month until May 1. Itcniilson Bios. 4i" ; ; w
T710U KENT Three desirable fioxtscs. ono
J- furnished , at reasonable tennis. AVIthln
ilvo minutes' walk of tliol' . 0. Intjuiio Mon-
dny and Tuesday butwcon 10 and 4 , at 11)2.1 )
Dodge bt. " 512-1
710K. HKNT-2223 Mapiq. st , block , cast t'4th
- st. motor , fi rooms nnd unfinished
above , full lot , well , cistern nild cellar , cootl
itclRliborliooit , S17.50 per month. O. 0. Wal
lace , Hrown block , IGthjmd D&liglas. OSS
V YOU wish to rent a house or'storo sco II ,
- E. Cole , Continental block. ' 27IJ
HOUSE of 8 roornsfnicely iiapeird ? water ,
sewer nnd gas II3rd and Oumlng , tM per
mo. C , I' , llurilson , Ol'J A. Y. Life. 357
TTlOli liEM'-To rosnonslhlo pl-.rtles only ,
--'those tine now brick and stone houses on
Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms and alcoves ;
more conveniences and better finished than
any house for rent In the city. 11. 11. Hender
son , 400 l'a\ton block , city. 274
y-UOOM house with barn : nominal rent. 0.
F. Harrison , 011 N. Y.Life. 275
FOR UKNT Thobor.utlfillrrooin cottages.
Jubt finished , llath and modern Improve
ments. Only 2 left 0. a. Elgutter , 40 ; First
Nnt'lb-iiik. " 458
TfjIOH HENT-A row of thrco Huts suitable
-L' for a largo hoarding house fir famllyhotcl ;
within tlvo minutes' walk of the V. O. 'lorms
reasonnblo. Inquire Monday and Tuesday
between 10 and 4 at 103:1 : Dodge bt. D12-1
TTOll UENT 3 room house , all modern 1m-
J i > ro\emcnK 2220fhlcago St. . Wl.07. Itjng-
waft liros , . Darker block. X\t \
IOU KENT R-room modern lioiuo with nlco
barn , 1701 N 21st ; also 6-room house and
nice barn , 2200 Miami , by Crum & lllshop , II51 ,
Hoard of Trade. > * * - 120
TfjlOR RENT Soven-room cottatrc , cor. 28th
JL avo. and ( Jap. ave.Inquire 21)13 ) Doiltjo. M-GhG
Firrrntrt , ttc. , n'a top of Jlrtt cntx > nn. < n tbt * T IO .
STAlt Land & Aioan Co/7-Heal' Tostajtc , loans
and Insurance rental agency , D73-U17
T TbT your houses with the Heal Estate In-
JLJformatlou biuiuii , 1" Hoard Trade.
HB.I11EY& Bm.rqntal agents'.aiJ'N.Y.LIfo
HK. Cole , rental agent.Continvntal blk.
. , arj
T .1ST your house * to soil or rent with O. 1' ,
-Ullarrlson. llll N. Y. Llfo. - - UJJ
Ferrate * , etc. , tee tup of fnt column in this poos.
STOKAOE The best In olty , clean , dry , safe ,
nnd privately stored at reasonable terms.
Omaha Stove Kepalr Works , 1207 Douglns. Tol.
CCa 852
rpllAOKAOEfitorago at lowest rates. W. M.
Jllushman , Kill Lcavonworth. 283
s ITORAOE ; nna Trackage JJa-vld XMe. 815-
817 Howard st. 713
Forratff , etc. . tee tup of fist eoiumii on. ( Alt pao ,
fASHAOE bath at Madam Smith's parlors ,
Lfj07 S. Kith St. . iioi-1 Darker hotel. U1G30 *
T\rASSAOEtreitmonteIoctio-therinal : baths ,
-I'lscalp and hair treatment , manlcum anil
chiropodist. Mrs. 1'ost , K 20-21 , Wlthnoll blk.
\ 201
ADIE3 & RPnts tobuy the Pluftor recirnln ?
< chalr ; unsurpassed for comfort , ! I2i N. t.r > th.
81B ni3
"DHLVATE Dotectlvo Agency. Alltwork'dono
JL confidentially. AddiossV03 , Hoc. r-540 1 *
" " "
"YFFAVUITEHS for rant 01 ; sale. Slenog- '
rauhcrs supplies. J.P.Megoathlti07 Karnum.
DON'T forget Jos. P. Mogeath. 1007 Farnam
St. . when jim want to buy , rent or soil a
typewriter. 772
TT l'HOLSTEUING and mattresses renovated
U 18th. E. Peterson. 712-dl
AS3AGK , Madam Dclzior , over 010 S 13th.
4(3 ( d2 *
Forratet. etc. , fee : top of frst column on Iftti pagt
T OST Ono rod and ono roan cow. Itotli cle-
t-t horned. 1'lnder will bo rewarded. A. M.
Olarko. 2J17 Harnoy. * 615-l ) . > *
T OST Nov. 20 , between Capitol ave. nnd 14th
JU9t. und Green's hall , Farnam st , 1 amnthyst
oar-ring ; tinder will bo suitably ruwarded at
1315 Caplto i avo. 5SG DO *
T OST ibrlndio bulldogs , male and feiunlo ;
JUliiit'jcr collar on each , lieturn to 0 , O. 1) ) .
Urown and get rowurd , fM
T pST Oold thlmblo ; suitable reward will
.LJiio paid K returned at Omaha Uubbor Co.
or.2HO Locust 8t. ' 5.V11
LOST Nov. 37 A smalt diamond pin. between
llth and Williams aud thu 1 > . 0. $10.00 for
Its return toClt S. llth street. J1146-1 *
OHSE Lost-lllaok pony horse with halter.
weighs 750 pounds ! scratches on hind legs ;
lost Thursday night. Howard. Return to Jo
seph Deuol , i-M and Q streets , South Omaha.
forrata , etc. , tee top of Jint r/ilumn on tlitt jwai
ri AKEN Ul' Cow with gray nnd yellow
Jspots. . 3210 California &t. NSOU7-11-U1-24
niAKEN'-TJl'by the f.mlewiKned about Oct.
JL S3,1MM , one red steer , ahout IS months old ,
with whltaspot In fuco. The owner can' have
the same by tirovlnir property and paylnK
cliurKOS. Mrs. Sidney Dlllou , 5 miles vest of
IrvlnRton. ' '
" 1T10UND Gold pin ; owner can hnve sum's by
JL1 culling and pnylnir ( or udvortlsomonU Sol
llergmnn & ( Jo. , 1510-1518 1'ivrnam gtroet. , a5M
AMI xvi'iawuniNo.
, , tee top of frtt column < Via patw.
JLohungod , rou tod. J , 1' . Slejoutb , K07 Kar-
n urn utrcet. 315
* | ) U , WHKP.LKH , Kcneral Btonogruphor alifl
Ji notary. Dupe ltions and court work a
fcpocliUty. Tel , Iti'JI , room 1002 , N. Y. Life IHdg
; _ fe' ! y * t\jt nf frt column on l/ito /
A GOOD , pnl ! > iUvlnir ] mares , surrey , plmo-
ton. sluo-liar miRK } ' lit a bnricalii. slnjio
ortoKclliur : trAisi > ha sold ) owner obliged lo
leave the city. Mllri-.ia ( WC7 , Uco. C.73iO : *
"T7OK SALr-NTee' horse , or will trade for
J-'siimll house iitijlGiiscd grotincl , 6008. 10th
el. , room 0. aai !
> t
FOUSAIiK Iliirpo , bugiry and harness , Ap
ply lo aicOoyl .Ijrnily A Co. _ m
TjlOH SAM ] fit ) | inrscs nml inures , cash or
JJtlmr. 1'rlcos ' from 115 to * 'KW. Would ox-
clinngflRoiiiGof 'flrt-ni for Oinnlia real estate.
\ \ , T. froanmn.OIauUn.'slnrgo'it variety wagons
iniil c'lirrln BUS , i , . , !
BAT/n I'jMn.'horao ( or fatuity carriage
' uot afruld ot niiytlilnit.
; 1 ; j *
\\7OKK. horse tftl , two liorso vr.ig.nti } JO , deuT -
T lite work harness $15. Or will trade for n
good light side bar uuirgy. 11. K. Oolc , Conti
nental block. ST. !
FOKSALK 2 good work teams. Inquire at
(1181'axtonblk. ( ' 2 i
KOU HAI < K..au8OliljIjAN13OU3. !
Ferrates , elf. , tec top of / ! > ( . column on l/itu / t lo
FOH SALE No , 2 cidleraph , nearly now ,
Cull ormldn-ss , O. II. . JUM Fariiaiii , 611,1-8 *
\ VKVT larce roiiml base burners , slightly ,
tMiscil , ftood us now. must be closed out hi
nc\t. ton ilnys , sen them nt once. Price-scut
but llttlu llpure. Omaha Stove Itennlr Works ,
OT DOUR Ins. Mai 1-1
Foil SALE cheap A 10 horse power Now
York safely Mourn engine In first class
condition. 1'cstucr Printing Co. , U37 Howard
l. _ _ _ _ _ _ M 127
h , price rcuhonablc. K 15 , llco
otllco. T7S
For ' _ ivttf , fir „ ref tup nf Jirfl coluiitii on Hit
ANTlilV'toiruv-O.ilc tolling top omco
desk. Address iw HOP. M7 UO *
ANTHD-To buy or rent n blnclsinlth
shop with two llros In a llvo town In Iowa
orNobruslci. Address , Edward Uurliro , De-
II nil CO , la. M445-30 *
TJUHN'ITUUK.lioiisohi > ld goods oto. Hlnhcst
Jcitsh price. Wells , lllL t-uniani. i.t > 3
SRCONUliandtyixjwrltura , ' " J.I' . aipRootb ,
ltX)71''iiriiiiin ) St. , Omaha. _ 7M
WANTED I lorso , wiiROtis , etc. to soil at
iiiiotlonovcry Tuesday and Krldny , 10 a.
in. I'lonccr stables , Utb , between Hurnoy and
Howard. : > uf-Ul
ANTEll-Florso and UUSB.V. W J.Paul ,
3CQ3 Kurnain , MS
For rats * , etc. , tee tnnaf column on this fia/jt
MOMli'Ytolosin cm Improved clly property
ati'urront rates ; funds on liana ; noaolay.
Oeo. F' Hlust & Co. . i.'D3 Kuinno bldg. lM4-dlj
STAH Land & Loan Co. Itoul estate , loans
and Insurance rental agunoy. iff5-d7 !
made on choice city property t lowest
rates. Sums of M.OOOnnd upwards pcrforied.
Klmball , Ch.imp A Uyan ,
m > l'nriiaiii hliect. 809-D13
MONKY loaned at low rates on furniture ,
horses , Ao. , without publicity , ll.iwkoyo
InvestiuentOo , Kl Douglas blk.lOth and Dodgo.
WANTED 0 per cc-nt runt cstato loans. 0.
K. Harrison , ilia N. Y. Life. : U7
MONEY to loan on second mortnujro..S
Wynn , Itoom'324 Omaha Nat. Ilk. Hl'djr.
r M 724
WANTED Klrst'-class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call And sco us. Mutual Invest-
montt'o. . irxil Karnain , iioil
MONRY to loaa qn Improved and vacant
property. LoyVcstrato. ' O. J. Caswell , Slfi
N.Y. Life. | a.VJDJ4
T\rONnYtoloanby > n. P. Masters on chattel
i'J-and collatoml securities for any tlmo from
one to six months lu. any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household seeds , pianos , or-
Cans , horses , mil ins. houses , leases , warchouso
receipts , etc. . at the lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are soarrAnied , that you canmako
, a payment of any atii | > untatany time and re
duce both principle uud Interest.
If you" owe a balance on your property or
haven loan you lUshi-banced. ! will pay it oft'
and curry It for you. * If you find It moro con
venient , onll up telephone No. 10JI and your
business will bo iUTungod at home.
Money always.cinlwnd.T No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest Jates.
U.K. Musters ,
Room 4.WJtlmoll blfc. , 15th and Darnoy sts.
, 2UI
CllATTrijIonns at lowest rates. Itemoved
toH24 N. Y. Llfo bid * . J. U. EmmliiRur.
CHEAP eastern money
Philadelphia Alortgago and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan and pay promptly ; first
mortsa es wanted. George W. P. Co ales , rep
resentative , room ? , bo.ird of trado. 29 ! )
STAULnncl&LoanCo. Iteal estate , loans
and Insurance rental agency. 97.dl7
T7"KYSTONB MortRago Co. Loans of $10 to
JLViKX ( ) ; Kct our rates before borrowltiR and
save money i loans on homes , furniture or any
approtcd security without iiubllcity ; notes
boiiRlit ; for now loans , renewal of old and low
est ratcs.ciill it. 208 , Sheoly bllc.i : > th & Howard.
BUILDING loans , Cto 7 per cent ; no addi
tional clmrcosfdrcoinmrHionor attorney's
fees. W. 11. Melklo , Fhst National bank bldg.
fin ATT EL bank , niUS. IBth St. , bans money
VAmchattclborcollateralat reasonable rates
OE. & 0. JL ANTHONY , 318 N. Y. Llfo bulld-
I us , lend money on farms In choice coun-
tlos of Nebraska and Iowa ; also on Rood
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ! no dol'iy ; money ready. Titles and
rallies passed on hero. 301
TVfONEYto loan on any security
J-TJL for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgaco Investment Com
pany , room 400,1'axton blk. 297
KEALKstnto Loans-Cash on hand , Glebe
Loan & Trust ( Jo. , 307 S. ICth st. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
FIHST& sooond mortRases on vacant & Im-
provedulty prop. County warrants hoiight.
Money on hand. P.M. lllchardson.SlSN.y. Llfo.
EASTERN money to loan on city proponr ;
mortBugapaper uouitht. ll.D.lroyN.v.Llfo.
' U04
MONRY to loan on city and farm prop. . . ,
W. M. Harris , K : Wt'ronzor , lllk , opp. K O
T4TONEY to loan. Correspondents of Lom-
jL'1-bard Investment company. Shrlver &
Hums , I"ren/.er block. bDl
Fcrrata , etc , , fee top nf first column oil ( Ate
n UEJIIssos Eddys are throiiRli with their
X vacation and ready for business. The
only slsterelalrvoyant and trancu moilliim In
the city ; mnssax'o treatment a buoclalty.
U 7 , Cromiso ullf. &jy-a *
MIIS. Hurrough wyi glvo reading In palm
istry , tellingtlftipist , present and future
from the lines of tlib hand ; fro 11 ! ladles only ;
no business on Sunuay. 1817 Izard st. , Omaha.
l K *
Tf _ _
MIIS. STEVKH la giving best success ot any
fortuneteller In the city. Mio docs not
deal In any fraud. Her tsrius uiu thu lotvost.
40U N. IGlh , 3rd lloor. 410 ! IO *
A IIKIVED ClatrVoTnnt , naturally giftwl ,
J\- tells past and , future , love troubles , nb-
sent ( rlonds , uhanRcs'Ar.ivcIs , business , tjatls-
fuutlon given. Urs.\VuUu'e , IWi Kariiam st.
re 70J-1 *
KS. iNANniK .v.'WAUiti-j , clairvoyant
Ltrunce , spoaklng.vrltlog and reliable hus-
bs medium , 4 yuurs'lu ' Omaha , lit ) N , llitlu
TIT ASSAGE , MadaM Uolzlor. over CIO S 13th.
f J 462 d2
I'oi rates , etc. , tee torn > f jtitt column on dl > jxija
WlSKSIriiitcrodi- liavo tlio best ac-
comnitHutlons in the state for wintering
liorbos. llox or single stalls , with paddock.
Apply to Wlndsnr. Kemp &Uo..2W New York
Life bldi ; . , or toOhrUNavlns , at iho stahlcs ,
Irvlngton , Nob. _ MfliU
OUSESwInterod-No better place to wln-
tcr horses than tins Stlllwater stoclc farm.
I't. Oalhoun. 1'rlcca low , best care. U. J.
Kendall , propr. , room 300 , Ilrowu blUtr.O
674 dfl
For rotes , tits tc * lop oflltmtfolmii oil fJil * IKW
MISS II , J. Miles , experienced tnachurs of
voice culture , pupil of Madum Kdna Hall.
llostoo , Slass. lloo in 808 , Urown building , cor.
18tli and Duiixlui Btreots. gil Uai
TjDlfOUR buying a plnno oxumlne thu now
JJsoulo Kliuball plano.A.llospu , nut Douglan.
< EO. K. QKLLENJir.OK.teacher of the bunjo-
rwIthJJojpo. 151U Doushu. 2 < J
For rtilM , tit , , M lrti nfflrtt ruliimti on iflU
\ \ 7ANrKD Man of gooil address IK partner
M to visit olty merchants. Address \ 5. llco.
WANTKD The address of capitalists ca-
pableof organizing and iiiiuiii lna any of
Hie following tmlor | > rl ofi In a vostcrn city :
Klrst National bank , Waterworks Co. . ( Ins To. ,
Htrovt Hallway Co. , nnd I'Jcotrlo Llitht Co.
Addreis W , U. ( .llraril , care Lord & Thomas.
Chicago , III. fiCi-3U *
1\ * ANTED The address of llvo youiiR men
' ' with ( some capital who would Join ndxcr-
tNer In rent ( state , loan and Insurance luiil-
upsslnUlilcano. w. 0. Ulrard , cnroLordAs
Thomaa , ChjciiKQ. lit. _ ' 'M *
"I71LOHTDA 1'aylni ? Investments. Orange
JL ) grovns. Winter homos In well settled coun
try. Wrlto foriiartlculars , Sllth & JacVson.
Maltliiml , Klorlla. fxJO-UQ *
FOHSAL1' Coal builnc. ln South Oniuha ;
doliiK good lutslnoss ; good reason for sell- *
Ing. Addtt-M , X.I , Deo. _ SUM *
FOKSALKor o\ciniiRo , a deilrnblo ret'ill '
stock ot boots and shoes. Improved uncn-
cuiiihert'd ( tmiiha property would bo looked
upon with favor. Address W 61 , llco oflli'o ,
HOTKL for Halo If you want to not | n a
peed buslneii buy the Commercial lit
llrokeii Ddw , IS nb. 4il ! 4
"iriOHSALn llolol men Investigate. A thrco-
.L story brick hotel of lit rpoms , In a4OOLI llvo
town hi eastern Kansas , has made n compe
tence for piosent owner. Address Hotel , box
1KI. HilrlliiBton , Kan.
MIAT : MAKKUT for sale. Fitted up first-
class In every particular. GoixLbusItiess.
Will hear the strictest Investigation. Address
look box 400.CounoIl llluir.-i , la. 104-d 3
WANTKD Lady partner In well pitying ,
loni : established retail business In
Omaha ; olljeot. to enlarco business. Evcel-
lent opportunity. Address W 8 lice. 510 JIO
OU SALE A retail stock of boots aud
shoes ; would take In part pay half section
nf peed land with fair Improvements. Ad-
diess. W'lVI , lloo Ofllco. 418 r
IrtOll SALE 3.1 barrel steam roller mill.
Thos. Crouch , Tekamab , Nebraska.
. 7:10 : an *
TTlOltSALn At a bargain , fiOxlW on Duvcn-
JL port , near lith. ono block from now post-
olllcc , very cheap , fcW.OOOj Wxl.C ! corner 80th
and rarnam , &W.OOO. O. L. Oreon. room 30 ,
Darker block ( Ml
WANTED A competent newspaper man
with live or six thousand dollars In casher
or security , to take charRo of the Democrat ,
as 1 have Important business that will require
my time east and south for the coming year.
Wo will pay the rltfht kind of a man a nice
salary. Horommcndatlon1) icnulroil. Ad
dress W. H. Vaughitn. Omaha. Neb. M313 N 30 *
FOH 8ALK--Ono steam power srain elevator
building with brlok addition and olllco
biiildluR. complete , und all personal property
therein , situated at Hastings , Nebraska ; ono
frame horsu power grain elevator building ,
complete , and all personal property therein ,
ana four corn cribs , situated at Inland , Ne
braska ; ono frame horse power elevator liulld-
IHK with frame olllce , complete , with ull per
sonal ptojierty therein , and four corn cribs
and the land on which the siiinn are sltun'.cd.
being about ono acre , more or loss , situated at
llrlcton. Nebraska ; this property Is sold under
order nf tlmcouit : bids lobe made for casli
and may bo mndn for one. two or all of suld
I'lovators ; must be addressed to Itobort K.
foot , receiver , Denver , Colorado , box8209 ; all
bids to be nncncd December 8. mid to ho sub
ject to the approval of the court. Hohert K.
root , receiver. Dated , Denver , No\embi'r 8 ,
MX ) . 8121)4
1 > liSTAUUANT for rent or sale. T. Murray
It - 077
For'rata. ' _ etc. , rcetnp i > f fli-st column mi Hit * wig *
WANTED To trade a Rood Improved fiirni
for a stockof boots a ml shoes or uiocerlcs.
Address X.i. : Dec. ( til-1 *
F I OK KXUHANGE-Clear lots In "Peerless
1'lorre , " the capital oft'oulh Dakota , for
clear farms In Nebraska , Rood equities In
Omaha property or secured paper. They are
not wild-cat , but are well located lots within
ono mile circle , town all around you , growing
fast nnd only ono block from car lino. Wright
& Lnsbury , 1C01 Howard sttcct. 03.1-1
TTtOn EXOIIANGE-i20 : acres of land In Illl-
1iiols , clear : 1(10 ( acres of land. Illinois , clear :
WO acii's of laud , Nebraska , clear ; UK ) acres of
land. Nebraska , clear. Will trade any of the
above for Oniolm residence property and as-
Eiimo renRoimblo incumbrance. If. E. Cole.
Coiitliiontiil block. C30-'J
WANTED Land and pratn elevator In
excluiMKo for full-paid , non-nssossablo
incorporation stocks ; full Information on ap-
plluntlon. Address box 018 , Omaha. U01-1 *
ITtOIlTRADE , rent or sale Two modern 7-
JL1 room houses on paved street and two
blocks from street cms ; iiosec'onil intgs .1,11.
Arnold , KJ31'axton block , Omaha. fjftJ-2 *
WANTKD Equity In small residence , well
located , for clear Nohiaska farm. Klnzer
& Bradley , 1511) ) r.iriiani st. 55l-'J ! *
FOU KXCHANOK Nebraska firms for any
salable pcrvjiial prpjierty. Meivhiindlsu
preferred , fepargur & Kisher , Chadron , Neb.
fHU-'M *
HAVE vou any kind of stook , of mcr-
chiinilNe orllvo stock to Made for real
estate. Call on Jlnlmgrcn & l ovgren , room 14.
llarkcr block. ( Ill-lO
W ANTED Stock of morchandlso for clear
Nebraska land. Address , \V VI , Dec.M .
M 4V.-4 *
htouk of inorchaTullso to trade
AOLKAN and M cash. Address C& . Hcu.
M412-D1 *
FOU EXCIlANfiR For n ( list-class plnno.
ciiulty In "lot 5. blook.7 , linker place. ' Ad-
dressliox 431 , Central Ulty. Neb. . MIBM- ! ! *
WANTED City property In exchange for
( rood Incorporation stocKs. Investigation
sollqlted. Address box u8. ! Omaha. IUI2-1 *
A horse oriunro In part pay
ment toward a wagon or carriage. W. T.
Seaman , Omaha's largest variety W-"T > S and
carriages. 34S
HAVE you any kind of stock of mer
chandise or live stock to trade for real
e.stite. : Cull on Malingrim&Lovgren , room 14 ,
llarUcr block.
OU EXCHANGE 1GO acres well improved
land and two business lots for stock of gen
eral merchandise ; hardware preferred , w 4l. !
Hee. _ 374 1) ) *
FOU TRADE-For Omaha property , fl vu 9-
room ull moilern framed nouses In Coun
cil llluils. 'Or ' sale. ) J. 11. Arnold , 53T ) I'axton
block , OmabiL , Nob. tllXl-2 *
rpOexchango Improved property nearShcr-
.L man avt. , for land or Iota. Shaw , U08 Slicely
blk. U74
For ratu > , ctc. . fee t < > } > of first coin im thlxH \ K.
GOOD cutter , tutor and drancrfromChicapo
desires work In families by the day. Address -
dress X B. llco. CS8-2 *
T71ASIITONAHLK dressniakliiff by the day or
Ji week. Addiess Mrs. U. MoArtor. No. 19 !
LOavonworth htieut. 5741 *
vv ANTHD Dieshiuaking In "families.VCO. .
ileoolUc-e. SI447-2 *
ENOAOKMKNTS todo dressmaking In fami
lies solicited. MJSJ Sturdy , 2010 Harnoy st.
MKJ7D15 *
Iorintex , etc. , fceiniml trst coluinu rmt'iis ' pags
REST Line hnlr goods in west ; hair dressing
wlirs , switches , bangs , hair chains , etc. , a
specialty. Davles , hair goods and milliner
opposite pnstolllce , 111 B l.'tli st. Oniuha. 11)0 )
ite , ieetuj > of Jirnt culumn oiiUiU page.
f ) K ilSON AL Do y o 11 want pooo ilvc corro-
Jspondents for funorniatrlmony. Address
with stamp , National Corresponding club ,
Kansas City , Mo. MM *
For rates , fff. , eeetop of flrtit column nil ttit * page.
omployinont olllcc , HI4KB. 13th.
bo t place In Omaha to ilnd help orslt-
uatlona , male or female. Tol. 8.S4. fXi3D20
I'or rates , tie , see ( op offrsl rofumn on ( 'if ' * rno * .
ATENTIttwyers & Bollcltora , Q. W. Sues&
Co. , Ueo building , Omaha. Drench olllco at
Wushhuiton , D. U. Consultation free. U13
tnrraiet.itf.tMtopQffrtt _ _ column on tills rw.
TTIItKl ) MOIlLEIoans money on diamonds a'ml
JL1 watchcsjewelryoto.B.Ecor. rarnaniAillth.
Forratff. fff. , tee tapvf flnt column on tht rwaa.
TludaiaI SoUIor.ovor'cYtfsutlT.
Forrata , tte , , : tee top vf flrtt CQlumit on Uifjpiji.
i'l 1'ruuror block. luforumtlou true J17
. , tte toil of Jlrtt r rfiiiiin nitl/iU pi/j
No. 23. North ISt list lipt. Corby nnd Locilit ,
2-story frame houstMiiul barn , east front ,
No , Dl. Uhlcngo. hoi. 2Hli : end 27th stl. , 3
houses , fraini' , im < - lory eacli ,
No. 20. No. ' . ' .VJIXUilu t. ( l-room liousp In good
repair.Ylli sell for { 150 down and b.iluiuo on
uiisy monthly payments.
No. 111. 4'itxim nuiiso In Orclghton heights ,
Oood i ml pr.
Nn. 18. Illondn st. , hot. ? 8th nnd 70th nts.
goods-room frame house , excellent order , full
No.17. On Kinmolt st. . outh front. third house
oiistnf 27thst.chulco Hrooin modern IIUUHC.
lot mix so.
No. Id. No. Milt Torby nt. , 7-rooin. well-built
fraino honso , full lot , fruit a nil sli ado trees.
No , 15. ( leorgla axe. , near Shirley st. , small
house , good barn , full lot.
No , 14. North 15th avu. , 2 houses , each three
ronmc , good order , n bargain.
No. lit. 1'ooplcton parlr , on Jlooro avo. , Just
south ot ( Mining St. , only three blocks from
motor , a 2-story i lii l > oin house with full lot ,
HI rcM't graded , n 111 ho sold at a great sacrifice
within 1110110x1:10 : days.
No. 1" . 'lid st. , north of Loavciiwortli , lot 40x
! ' , with small house.
IM > .4. 2Mb iiM' . bcl.rarnam nnd
ronm f riMitc , routs to tuofniiilllcs.
No. 8. tjonth front , llurdotto st. Ixit. 28th and
CQthsts. , well built , 8 room house anil baru , all
In otcolicnt eider : abarpaln.
No. 0. On 1'urKor st. , south front , bet. S'tlti
and20th sts. , Htnall house and bum , splendid
Nn. ! i. Corner IStli and Loavcnworth sts. , 12-
rooni modern hoiibo with 07 ft riontafo on
LnaTon worth st.
No. 23. N.V. \ . corner lOlh and Mason sts. ,
with 4 houses , all rented , very clUslrablu In
No , 22. 5 liouies. room ( or 2 more , IUI ( t on
Iturtht , l.Voii3.'llHt. )
No. 21. in S town it place , 10- room bilelc house ,
modern lnipro\emcnts.
No. 200n aoth st. , beautiful location , two
modern piessed brick houses , slatu roof , with
barn , very choice and di'slrublo.
No. It ) . Douglas st bet sith niulSGt lists. ,
double modern house.
No.17. 2tn ! st. , Justoutof Karnntn,4 , houses ,
each with half lot. Very deshablo location ,
low price , easy tornn.
No. 14. Lake St. , near 30th , full lot with
C-room house nnd It-room house ,
No. 1U. On 17thst.ncar Nluholns , full lot , 2
homos , each (1 rooms ; 1 lioilbu , 4 rooms. Good
property for improvement.
No. 10. I'arnnm St. , betwcon 41it and 42d sts. ,
10-room modern house and barn. Jones st. , opposite ! llolcomb loslilciice ,
7- room frame house und harm
Ucsldcnuo Lots
Inallpaits of the city , price and termsdo-
pendcnt uuoii location ofsame. . In showing
property wo have oiory facility , and at any
tlniowo should ho pleased to sco you at our
olMcc , where competent salesmen uro ready to
devote nil tlio tlmo nnd attention that you
may tcnulrc , and run umber we nro always
glad to snow you property , whether you buyer
or not.
Amos Ueal Estate Agency ,
1507 Farnam street ,
Ofllco open evenings. & 11
POH bargains In real estate sco Malmgrcn &
Lovgrea , room 14 , Darker block. Kf-'M )
( t 10. I am selling lots bcswoon Omaha and
iDtlio now I'ort Om nliii for ten (10) ( ) dollars oarli.
Warranty deed , plat and obstruct of tltlo
el veil withoachlotovor20)lotspold ; ) In todays.
Halo now In progress at UIOH. ISlb street. Chus ,
I * . Itcnjaniln , solo agent , 310 S. 15th street.OlIXJO
BEST bargain ottered in Oniuha today Is 8
acres 2 miles from P. O. on 11 , U. track ,
} ; i.r 00per acre ; Wt.OOO.
llown-tow n corner COKliC ! for ftl.OOO.
40 acres.1) miles from 1' . 0. ? 130:10,000. :
I'llll lot.lid and llaxenport. * l,100.
Neat cottage mid half lot 27th and Douglas
t2,000 , J200 cash , balnncn itilO per month.
llutohlnson tt Wcad , 1521 Douglas.
"Vf OW Is the time to Invest In iciil estate. Wo
L have a largo list of olty pi opcrty. Im
proved and vacant ; lots fromKiOO.OO and up.
Uasy terms. Houses and lots on monthly pay-
monts. Oeo. J. I'aul , icoo Farnam st. List
your property at thlsotllcc. 5S8 3
OMAHA Is rapidly expanding northward
along bherniiiu nu > ntioor the tlats beyond
the fair grounds. The following additions ,
for which lam solo agent , lie dlrcotly in the
path of Omaha's tcrcutcst progicss : Hherm.'iii
avenue. Park addition , C'ottagi1 Homes addi
tion , North Omaha addition. Itcunlon nddl-
tlonitltleporfecl : terms easv ; prices moder
ate. 0. L. Jay lies. Kit N. Y , Life. r > S.l-0 : ! *
BIOOEbT bargain In Omaha. Onlythreeof
those elegant houses on Uth and Fainam
left out of six ; other three occupied Hy tlist-
class parties. Houses are open all day for In
spection. Kvory convi'iilence la the houses.
Including gns and Ras fixtures.
Take a look at thorn during this fine
weather ; buy one und take life comfortable
during the winter.
Only takes from MOtl to } . " > 00 cash. See them
without fall for they will plca < < o you. 1) . V.
Sholes , 21.1 Vlni Nat'l bank. ! > SO
IriOli SALE On 5 years time ; some choice
lots. No payment required if Improved.
Klngor it llradlcy , 151 ! ) Karnam st. f.G *
FOR SALE Oof the host lots In I'otter &
t'olib's 2d add tn rfoitth Omaha , JL n.
Maclfod , 91. ' N. Y. Llfo. C07-1
TT does not pay to advertise poor property
and that Is why your attention is repeated
ly called lo no-foot lots In Ames IMaco at ten ,
eleven and twelve hundred dollars pur lot ,
. . ,11
TX/A UGH &Wc"tornoIdical usta te,3.Oiiiahti. .
ALHHIGIIT'jj Choice , easyjterms.
M : t75
HAVE you any ldoi : where Ames I'laco Is
and what the lots are that you can buy to
day at ten , eleven nnd twelve hundred dollars
lars ? If not It will pay you to come and too
them , 541
rr ItoOM cottage , full lot , Jlanscom I'laco ,
I east front and a great bargain for a few
days , Small cash paynicnt and balance on
longtime , ! ' . K. Darling , llnrker blook. 301
ALHKIGIIT'S Choice , sure advance.
AMES I'lnce has paved streets to nnd from
It , motor cars ana every convenience. Ml
3KLKGANT homosln Honiara place from
* r ,000 toGr ufl : MX ) cash , balance 4 years , K
permontli , U per cent Interest. Other good
homes In same addition to exchange for city
property. 6-room modern liouso. W blocks
west of 34th , on Caldwell St. . for > 0 ( ) : ? .V)0 )
cash , balance { JO per mouth , l ! per cent lutor-
ost. J. J. Gibson , sole agent , Kouiitze place.
"IJ10U THADi : or sale 4 well built 7-room
J ? frame houses , only 100 feet fiom "Ith street
motor , having a frontage on Kmniol street of
) no feet by 83 feet : proiieity hl h and dry a
splondldlocatlon for a row of Hats. Will take
unimproved or Improved clear city property
In part trade.
Ames Heal Estate Agency ,
1507 I'urmim street.
P I OB bargains In real estate M-O MiilnigreiiA
Lovgren , nxnn II , DarKur hlnclc. ( JJ'J-oU '
ELEGANT resldonco In Kountzo I'laoj ; U
rooms Hnoly finished and all modern con
veniences ; \VIrt Ht nenr 20th. Can sell on
one-quarter cash payment and bnlnnco tlmo
to right party , This Is no cheap aflalro ( a
house , but a comfnrable home In every sense
nnd a big snap bargain. F. 1C. Darling , Darker
lllock. M.7U1
A DYKUriHING is not done for glory butho- It pays to advertise wlion you havu
Hr.stulnhsgootU to oir < * r. Ames I'lacH Is ad
vertised betiauso it U II rst olusj in every re
spect nnd because i\o are now soiling lots In
that addition lust iisfiiKtnt wo care tn and the
( aster thej sell , the sooner prices , will fool the
advance. S41
A LHIUGIIT'S Choice. Albright L. k L. Co.
A M 375
"I AON'Tyou ( all to see Ames t'laco lots before
J-'you buy. i ( you want to got a homo with
ovriy conultlon about Unfavorable to a steady
and sure Increase In value , Ml
A LHKiaiiT'S Choice , payments tosult.
± \ . M J5 ?
< R. < KiO for homo on Chicngo st. near 2Jth. O.K.
Pllarrison. 012 N. Y , Llfo. M
best lot on Ilumlllon andLowo u venue.
iniilroat40J : | liiimllton st. IM d'j ' *
SALES are lielna made In Ames 1'lace pro
perty because ( prices nro low , locution Is
first class and the vahw Is there. 511
ALllIliaHT'S Cuolco53123 , N. Y. Life.
M W5
REAL ESTATE Wanted to build n IIOIIKO
and take horsa mid hug y , vaoiiut lot. or
piano for pay. E. 0. Merrill , contractor , 42nd
ana Cusssu. M1MD20
IKyoiidanotthlnk we are Milling lots in
Ames I'laco at 11,003 , lloo and 31,200. please
Btcpln our otUcduiid satisfy yourself of what
wo are doing. Ml
flOIt SALE--3 lota In Clifton Hill , only'l.r > 00
1 for both. M. U. Jlaolcod , DISK. S'.Llfolildg.
TlHK lost ) coiner on upper I'arhnm street.
fror.t.iRn onU streets ; splendid corner on
Fiiniani street , close to court houseu bnrKaln ;
corner with traokueo InH. K. part of city ;
peed residences and low-prleod cottuKos. Kood
lots for bulldluK , Homo an low IIH } iuo , inside
uorea. farms aim unimproved land.
Wo will soil any of this property , of which
wo havoentlrn control , at prices way below
what you ran buy ntcl.suwlmro.
Ktrlngerit 1'enny ' , Darker blook , 15th and
Farnam. li
A LIUtiailT'-a Choice , tuo best trackage.
Pormtet , rtr.tte f < ijii//tr ic < iliimri I/it * pact
"T 1ST you r property \vltir taTtrxrcDr&MT ! \
* - * grt-ii , Darldir block , room H. _ 010-34
$10. 1 ntu HcllliiRlnts hotwoen Omaha titui
the new Port Omaha for ton ( JO ) dollars eiiph ,
\\nrrnnly deed , plat nnd nIMrart of till *
Kl\cii wit bench UuinvorllXllotiHold In lOdav-l ,
Siilnnuwlti ptoar > Mtit IIIO H. llitli Mlreol. Oha *
1 * . llenjiimtn , tole agent , 310 H. 13th street .
_ _
A MICH I'laco ' the best ( or thn money , linth foi ,
location , price- , terms iijjd luttirn value. r > | J
percns ) i .
_ _ _ Mp ; _ _
"VTO man who will lookoverourM-fool lot-t
-I. i In Ames 1'lacc , ( or which HO nskti'iielevt n
and tuclvo hundred ilotlais , can deny tlm
Bruat value and dcslrnblllty of the properly.
_ _ _ _ _ _
STAU Land & Loan Co. real estate , loaim
nml liiHiirnnce tuntnlniicnor. 7.dl7
IHAVi ; In Mnynu IMaco , nn 'Hth aniKnth
Us. , between I.eaviMiworthiind I'liclllosts
for salt- , with no cash payment , to lesponslble
iiiitlles who will build. It Is a line location
Kh'gautlots with atiiindancu of shade trees
E. A. Dciiion , 412 N. Y Lite.
1710U barRiiliH In real estatoseo MiilniKren *
; LovKiun , room 11 , Harkor block. OOJ-io :
! porfeet , location ihst class , prices
-L roaHoimlrti1 , terms within your reach , make
PO-foot lots hi Ainci I'liico today a safesiiro
and profitable Investment 641
5 room house , lotu\H'J ; , JI.700.
8-room house , stable , lot : HJ.\82 ! , JJ.OOO.
llrlolc house , and American houselotiMKCrtN.
E. corner 10th and Douglas. Enquire 2121 H
iltn. ill
A LIUMHIIT'S Choice , money mhdu rapidly.
ABNAl' J2.J.V ) will buy a nice 5-mom house
and lot. with cellar , cistern , city water
sewer and barn , centrally located ; terms
easy. J. 1) . Zlttlu. 014 N. Y. Llfo. t-OSdli )
AMES 1'lnro lias all the requisites to ma UP
It a good Investment. It is property that
you can sco nnv dav that you will call at our
ofllce. where every facility \ \ \ \ \ be ( rivenyou
to Investigate thu merits of I ho properly. Ml
GLIKTON iflll and llakor I'laco "liave thn
motor , but If you want aH,000 house and
f ull cor. lot for 12 , loJ and a * 2.K)0 ( ) house anil
fulllot forlMd you cuit gut it on ery easy
terms liy railing on or uilurossliiK the owner.
E. 0. .Merrill. 4.'nd and Cass sts. M153-1)20 )
ALII Hid I IT'S Choice , g'reat bargains.M
M K"
FOU bargains In real estate sco 5Ialmgren&
LovRren , room 11 , Marker b 1 no K. COJUO
FOH SALK-l-story warohoiw , frhlSO. with
trackage , paved sticets.Ml.iKio , worth tfi,0 : ( > 0.
M. Cl.jMacleoilOI5 N. Y. Life hhlg. Ml Ho
WE buy. sell nnd exchange real i-slato.
Iinrrinlns always on haiul. Improved ,
unlmpi-otcu or acreage. Houses Hold on
monthly payments. Smcaton k Allen , IOU7
r ai mini , M Itit-lH
AMES 1'laceM ft. lots , t-1,000 , Jl.ioo and } I,20t ) ,
terms easy and good time given on di < -
fciri'il payments. ( vti
120 acres fine farm land adjoining ; good No-
bruska town ; nearly clear.
IMacrcs finely improved land 24 miles from
county bout In Nebraska ; lightly encumbered.
J2Jacies good land In Nebraska , Cmllesfiom
county beat ; 2,500 Inhabitants.
House and lot In town lu Kansas ; clour.
Clear lot In Rood Nebr.iska town.
4 room house and lot , barn , well and cistern ,
10th street. Omaha ; slightly Inciiniheri'd ; will
trade for Omaha property and assume liicuin-
brances. 11. K Cole , Continental block. UUJ
VAN linilUEN. iTjrnoiicliis st. . sells IlitlTsT.
addition lots. NOO : Vim lletiren IlulRhti.
J.TOO , Terms. $ X cash. 810 monthly. MxloO , well
Improved , California st. $ T.V)0 , will takesomu
t rade. 14U-30
T710U SALE or Lease IT feet east front hy
J201 feet deep , alley corner. 24th and CumliiK
streets. Add i ess Joan Sclious , Ueo bulldlnx.
HID 1)24 )
AJIKS I'laoo lots at the prices o ask , nro
the best value today hi that part of Omaha.
LDUIUHT'S Choice , junction all railroads.
M 373
'JPI1K Kli.-VLTS ! 91
TTNSTRUJIENTJ plaood on rooorJ Novoni-
1. bor J.
E A Henson and wlfoto .1 H Klnlay , trus
tee , lots 10 and 11. blk 12 , Drlgu's I'lacoJ S.100
Same to samp , lots 0,7 , 24 ami 2j , sub of
part of blk 1 , Washington 11111 0,000
John Datls and wlfotn O W llolbrook ,
Iotl3. l > lk'M."Saumlors.t ll'a 2,200
Arthur Knst to K E Hastings , lots 12 and
ailillc 111. West Albright
0 W llolbrook and \vlfu to Julia Davis ,
lots , blk7 , Saiiiiciors vt IPs Jit Pleas
ant add , nnd lot 1.1 , blk "I , " Saunders
/til's add 1,400 ,
J WUrlllltli trustee to M E I > ow , lot 12 ,
blk fi , Colliding Place
E C lletllcy anil husband to 1) I/Thomas.
n 7 feet of w I ) feet of H 51 feet lot y , blk
! ! M foot , Omaha
S I * , .lohnson to K T Johnson , s ' , { lot 8 ,
hlkO. Naish'xadtl 200
AJ I'opploton aud wife to Alfred Mll-
lard , lot" , blk I. Popuictnn 1'arlc 1,050
Frederick Suhuell to Melchlor Lies , lot
7. blki : , Deerl'nrk 1,200
A Blunders , trustee , to O W llolbrook ,
lot 15 , blk"L"8aiimlors& H'8 fiot )
South Omaha Land Co toO Al Hunt , lot
12blklOU , South Omaha 225
A I1 Tukey et al to Martin Urcag. lot 17 ,
lllk H. Clifton Illll 7. 3,600
1 A Wood and wife to I'ottcr & George
Co , lot2 , blk 1 , Potter's add. lots : i and
4 , blk 4 , lot 10. blk 11 , Hedford Place . . 4,400
D H Edwards and husband to K J Tay
lor , lot H , Washington Square l
J Panel M K Dow to JV Urllritb , trus
tee , lotlO , blkll , Conkllng l'laci > 500
Oustiiv I'omy anit wife to U'm Hcaulko ,
Hxll feetu and b in 110 corloto , blkr > 0 ,
Omaha J
Total amount transfers
Prof. Holdcn of the Lick obervatory is
said to have discovered on the moon parallel
walls 200 feet thick on top and about 1 , ' HJ
foot apart.
It is said that for moro than fifty yoara
Xu , which was originally intended to bo ap
plied to the education of slaves in Georgia ,
has been lyiug in tbo Knnk of Scotland.
Tha Academic ties Sciences has
a new system of musical notation , In which
Uvcnty-soven characters replace ttio : > ( ) ; i sym
bols now employed to ropre-sent the seyeu
notes of tbo gamut in the seven keys.
Chancellor Snow of the state university nt
Missouri ban been made vice president oftho
association of university presidents of the
United States , and will , by the rules of the
associationbu the next president of the body.
The University of Pennsylvania has al
ready started a icprcsentntivo Dr. John.
Guitcrus , professor of pathology tow ail
Ucrlln with directions to familiarize liiimulf.
with Prof , ivocli's methods nna results.
Although only flvo years in existence , the
Teachers' Mutual licnollt association of Now
Yorlt is already paying iiiiiiuities to for y-
seven of its members from a fund of &MUM )
collected by contilbutious ami the layli u
aside of 80 per cent of the duos of the mem
The educational progress of women in
England is indicated by the fact Hint at Iti-
inlnghum UICIQ ave forty-ono women und only
thren ineii candidates for the Cambridge
hlghor local examinations ; at Br.idfoui , 24
women , 1 man : at Leeds , urvomeii , 'J men ;
at Manchester , 4'J women , I limn , at Liver
pool , liO women , 1 man.
Colorado college of Colorado Springs , Colo.
a school conducted under thu auspices of the
Congregational church , has Just Scijuml n
permanent endowment fuiul of $ ! 0)MM ) ( ) in
consequence of this the college ) has an-angeil
to have iipin'oprluto borviccs In coininuinoiu-
tion of the event next "Wednesday night.
Although the college sottlomcnt In Kivlng-
ton sttx'ct , says thn Now York : World , U
splendidly endowed with Inilucnco uud bauk-
Ingof u superior aider , it is hunl to linil out
just what the dear girls uro doln r. From all
appearances the suttlctnent amounts to u
tncro industrial scnool where u hundfulol
little wiiU uro ( jathcrod together u rouplo of
ovculngs In u week to SIIIK songs , bout tba'
air BynmosUcally and hem nigs , The out.
como is n little stlf-Bloriticiitlon of u few
bright collcRO women uud thewastcof golden
opjiortuiiltics ,
Prtnceton stands second to none of Arnerl-
cfin cell PROS In tno part her graduates havu
played lu the general hlitory of Tbo United.
States. Her roll of ftuno Is lonw In proportion 1
tion tobor number * . She has given her
country nltio o ( tlio 11 f teen college graduato.s
who sat In the constitutional convention , one ,
president , two.vice presidents , four justice. *
of the supreme court ono a chlot Justice- -
llvo attorney ponorals , nnd llftocn other cab
inet ofllcors , twotity-clKlit governors of
states , a hundred and seventy-one senator *
nnd congressmen , a hundred and thirty-six
Judges , forty-throe college presidents , und u
Itunurod and seventy-live professors , oluhty
of whom have iwen appointed since Dr. Me-
Cosh became president.