Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1890, Image 1

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An Outline of the Plan Which General Miles
Has Been Perfecting.
The GhoHt Danuurn Kill One or Tliclr
Number An Unrlnlng I'roliablo
Among the NnvajocH In
Mow .Mexico.
PiN'K Tlmon Anr.Ntr ( via Rnslivillo , Nob. ) ,
ttov. 29. [ Special Telegram to Tun BBC. ]
The cause of General Brooke's persistent
hesitancy to move against the thirteen hun
dred or more gnost dnnccrs , who for some
four days past have not only been pillaging
nnd burning the cabins of settlers In the
vicinity of Wounded Knee but have defied
inlorfcrcnco by the troops , leaked out this
morning It seems that General Miles , who
lins this entire northwestern Indian trouble
in hand , so far as its suppression by military
force Is concerned , Is working on a great
plan , which is this : To hem this most
troubled portion of the country entirely
In with soldiers , nnd when ono comes
to take n bird's-eye view of the movement of
the Vfoops to points up in this direction mid
beyond the plan of General Miles ! discov
ered almost at n glance. Previous to this
tlmo It was Impossible to detect It. The
links In this great chain of military move
ments which will bo perfected In a few hours
are ! Around to the cast by north Rosebud ,
Lower Brulo , Fort Sullv , Cheycnno river
post , nnd by west to north Oelnchs , Fort
Mendo nnd Standing Uock There Is n cir
cle , with Fort Hoblnson on the southwest -
west nnd Fort Niobrnrn on the south
east ns supply stations nmt bulwarks
to the entire scheme. It looks like n sure ,
dead slnch now , ono that means utter ex
termination to the rebels if , when the mili
tary close In on them nnd meet them face to
face , they refuse to lay down their arms nnd
accept of the civil punishment , such as jail
nnd penitentiary terms that their acts of
deviltry merit.
At 8 o'clock last night wo thoueht the hour
to march was nt hand. The cavalry
received orders not to remove any
part of their uniform , to sleep on
their arms nnd hold themselves ready to
move nt n moment's notice.
There was a heavy undercurrent of excite
ment , but ofllcial mouths , ns usual , wcro
tighter than clams , Each member of Iho
small army of correspondents got out his
horse , saddled and packed to accompany the
troops to the front , but this morning finds
troops nnd correspondents still awaiting the
order to move. When it comes , the only
portion of the encampment that will
go will probably bo the cavalry.
Thcro is apprehension that after the
caviilry leaves the vacllnting Indians
hero may bo Induced by the fcw , hotspurs
ghost dancers now nt the agency to follow
nnd thus combine with the foe nheud to en
circle the troops. For this emergency the
Infantry , era portion of It , will be held nt
the agency , ns His now ovlde'nt that nothing
will bo left undone to make the charge upon
the big gangs nt Wounded Knee aad Porcu
pine a success nnd victory for the military.
A government courier nnd scout came In
from Wounded Knco Into last night and re
ported that the ghost dancers had killed
one of their number. It happened In
a significant manner. .Tho dancers had their
medicine men concoct Iho old tlmo propara-
. tlon with which the braves of Ouster's time
always saturated their shirts preparatory to
going to war. This concoction Is supposed
by the Indians to ward oft bullets. Yester
day after the fluid of supposedly wonder
ful charm had been mixed n war shirt was
* . < dipped into it and then put onto ono of the
braves. The wearer of the charmed raiment
then Jumped Into the midst of the dancers
nnd called upon Iho dancers to flro
at him. They complied and
at Iho first shot that was fired
the bravo , who had on the bullet proof shirt ,
fell to the ground , mortally wounded.
When General Brooke heard of the affair
ho simply remarked , dryly : "Probably the
shirt wasn't long enough. " C. H. C.
Everything Koportocl Quint.
CmcAflo , Nov. 29. Adjutant General
Williams , at army headquarters , tonight said
a dispatch from General Brooke reported
everything still quiet.
Tlio Indian Messiah.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 29. Mr. Mnyhaugh ,
until recently special census agent of the In
dians for Nevada , has wrlltcn the Indian bu
reau about the alleged Messiah who has been
referred to in these dispatches as "Jonn
Sides. " Mayliaugh says his name Is not
Sides , but Captain Jack Wilson , nnd that ho
is known to the Indians ns Co Wo Jo. Ho
goes Into trances , seemingly , .for several
lioura nt times In the presence of gatherings
of the Indians. On coming out of these
trances ho tells them ho has been to heaven
conferring with the Messiah ; that the latter
is coming to earth nnd will put the Indians In
possession , cto. The Messiah Is to nppenr on
Mount Grant , about six miles south of the
Walker river agency building. Maylmugh
unys the Indians held this to bo n snared
mountain , Ho thinks that if the Indians nro
lot nlono at the various reservations the
whole thing will dlo out. All of the Walker
lake Indians don't bcllovo In It , nlthouch
Chief Joscphus seems to. Co Wo Jo's influ
ence is greatly strenglhcncd by the fact that
once or twice ho has predicted the coming of
rain badly needed.
Ilio Cherry Crock Ilostll s.
PIEUIIU , S. D , , Nov. 29. The fact that sov-
nral companies of Iroops have reuched Iho
bad lands country und will head oft any
marauding Indians has resulted In somewhat
qulellug Ihe scltlcrs. An Indian who was
sent to Big Foot nnd Ilumph's
camp at the mouth of Cherry
creek some tliro ngo relurncd lo
Fort Bennett today nnd says the Intention of
the hosllles Is , apparently to soon Join Short
i Bull on Pass creek nnd subsist there during
the winter on the cattle quartered 1:1 : the Bad
Lands , Ho says that Ihrro was a number of
educated Indians among the Cherry creek
hostiies who came to Pierre regularly and
bought copies it the papers. These they took
back and read to the other Indians. The In
dians enjoyed greatly the reports of the alarm
everywhere among the whites. It seemed to
strengthen their belief that the Messiah was
coming nnd the whites are either ready to dlo
off or leave the land to the Indians ,
Story of lied Cloud's Idle.
NASHVILLE , Tcnn. , Nov. 29. A Chatla-
noogn , Tcnn. , special says a prominent lady
of that city asserts that she is a Bister of Hod
Cloud nnd tolls the nloryof his career. When
but three years old ho was stolen from his
parents , who then resided In Wisconsin , on
n Indian rescrvntloa In Iho northern part of
the state , nnd nil track was lost of him for
eighteen yonrs , when ho wns found among
the red men , having heon brought up by
tli m. All his sympathies were with his
adopted people , ana ho soon rejoined the
bloux to the grief of uU parents , brothers
mid sisters
To Arrcnt Sitting Hull.
MiN'Niui-oi.u. Minn. , Nov. 29. A special
Vom Standing Uock agency says that Buffalo
BUI and Powe'.l wcro uot many hours at the
ngcncy today before the report spread that
they had como for the purpose of arrcsllng
Sitting Hull and removing him from the res-
M'vallon. Cody nnd ono or two others left
for Bull's ' camp about noon. Trouble is nn-
titlpatcd In case nn arrest Is attempted and
the soldiers at Fort Vales nro prepared for a
campaign at n moment's notice. Information
obtained tonight says that the commanding
ofllcor nt the post locolvcd orders from Gen
eral Miles to postpone the arrest of Sitting
Hull for the present. Agent McLaughlln has
couriers out to catch Buffalo Hill. Messen
gers from Hull's camp hist night reported
that the dnnco is going on , but everything is
A Conference nt Pine Uldgo.
BT. I'Afi , , Minn. , Nov. 20.-A spe
cial fiotn Pi no UMgo agency says a
conference wnsheld today between Special
Agent Cooper , Dr. Hoycr , Bad Yellow Hair ,
Llttlo Wound ami Btokcn Arm. Llltlo
Wound wns spokesman mid many ot the
questions submitted to him were mot with
evasive answers. Ho frequently asserted
that ho did uot want war with the whites.
Ho said the phojt dances would never have
been begun if McUlllcuddy had still been
ngcnt uocmiso they would have consulted
him before beginning them , Ho said the
dnnro was orgnnlzcd by the Indians because
they have an necaniulatlon of grievances
nnd used these means to exhibit their
discontent. One great cause of trouble
seems to DC that there is a largo amount of
Jealousy among the chiefs nnd Indians who
have been in favor with agents. Little
Wound mndo several statements which nro
directly at variance with known fncts nnd
therefore nil his talk was taken with allow
ance. The correspondent asserts that the
Investigations have shown that mismanage
ment of the Indian bureau Is largely respon
sible for nil the trouble.
I'rol > able Uprisiln of the Nevnjocs.
FOIIT WIXCHTI : , N. M. , Nov. 29. Rumors
nro current linro of n general uprising among
the Nnvajo Indians. The sudden departure
of the Sixth cavalry is attracting Nuvnjocs
ndlnns the post. Traders nnd others
report them very Insolent nnd overbearing.
They nro holding largo dances and It Is be
lieved that the Messiah craw has reached
them. Hunches are reporting cattle killed
and horses stolen and cowboys attacked.
No v that the Sixth cavalry Is withdrawn
soldiers und citizens nro apprehensive.
General Miles In Washington.
WASHINGTONNov. . 29. General Miles ar
rived this evening from Chicago and spent
several hours in consultation with Secretary
Proctor nnd Major General Schofleld In re-
; ard to Indian , matters. Secretary Proctor
approved his course and told him the presi
dent bad directed that ho bo given the fullest
discretion , in the hope thut the threatened
outbreak might bo averted without blood
shed If possible.
South Dakota Mllltlu Getting Ready.
YANKTON , S. D. Nov. 29. fSpecInl Tele
gram to Tur Bui : . ! On orders from Gov
ernor Mclletto the two mllltla companies of
the South Daholn national guards of Yank-
ton nro brushing up their muskets and ac
coutrements to march ngamst the Indians
who nro slaughtering cows mid raiding
ranches up the country. No Indians are
near enough to cause n scare hero.
Drawing A\\ny Troops.
Sr. Louis , Nov. 29. A telegram from Fort
Sill calls attention to Iho fuel that troops are
being drawn away from the west and south
west to Daltotn , leaving the inhabitants in
Texas , Now Mexico nnu Arizona exposed to
danger from wild , llcrco tribes. The Blanket
Indians in the southwestern part of Indian
territory have caught the Messiah craze and
1110 dauclng.
Coniatichc. and Klowns "Untieing.
PAIIIS , Tex. , Nov. 29. Information reached
hero tonight from.tho Comanche and Klowa
reservations that a great number had joined
the Choycnncs nnd Arapahoes in the Messiah
craze and are now in full force on the
Canadian river , whcro n ghost dance Is In
progress. It is estimated that there , aio 15,000
there , all urmed nnd with plenty of cattle.
All Quiet lit tlio Territory.
ARKANSAS CITY , ICnn. , Nov. 29. The In
dian commissioner arrived In tills city this
evening after an extended tour over various
rcservalions In the Indian territory. Ac
cording to his report the ghost dances have
almost entirely ceased and there Is no pros-
poet of trouble down there.
Affairs at fjnwnr Rrnle.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , NCv. 29. A Chamber
lain , S. D. , special to Iho Pioneer Press says
Iho Inulan police nt Lower Brulo made
several more arrests today , but the dance
still continues at White Klver. The pollro
und scouts arc watching them closely nnd no
danger is apprehended.
South Dakota's Financial Problem.
SiouxFAI.I.S S. D. , Nov.29. [ SpecialTele
gram to Tnu Bci : . ] The question of the
state's finances Is exciting no little interest.
The problem is to make n possible ? 2JO,000
pay fiOO.OOO ot expenses. The Press this
morning mhflcates an amendment to the con
stitution so that a levy of 3 mills may bo
made , Instead of two mills. The Miunchnha
national banlc of this city offers to take a
largo portion of the state warrants if other
banks will take a share. This will probably
be agreed to.
\ Threshing Machine Trust.
CIIIOAOO , Nov. 29. A local paper says that
the threshing machine men nro engaged in
forming n trust. It is known a temporary
organization hns been formed by representa
tlvo men In that business and very soon artl
cles of Incorporation will bo Hied covering the
combine with a capital stock of nt leasi
? iUOO,000. A secret meeting wns hold yesterday
day afternoon at which the features
of the contemplated combine wcro discussed
Funeral nl * Augunt Itolmont.
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 29. The funeral services
over the remains of the late August Bclmoni
were conducted In the Church of the Ascen
slon today. The edifice was crowded. The
Pnrrlsh J. Plorrc-
pall-bearers wcro Henry , -
pont Morgan , ox-President Graver Cleveland
Governor Hill , V. D. Withers. Judge Mun
son , Edwin A. Post , John Hunter , Colone
William Jay , Jnmes B. Parker , Sydney Web
ster mid Mauton Marble.
In Fnvor of tlio Women.
CHICAGO , Nov. 29. [ Special Telegram to
Tnu HEP. . ] Over thirty Melhodlst Eplscopa
diuretics in Iho Chicago district have already
balloted upon the question of admitting
women as delegates to the grand conference
of the Methodist Episcopal church , and so
far the aggregate vote stands about three tp
ono In favor of woman's admission , Veri
little Interest , however , was taken In thl
mutter , and the vote wns very light.
Omaha Capital lit II.
GU.VKSTON , Tnx. , Nov. 29 , A Pan-Amort
can steamship line between Gnlvcston nm
South and Central American ports in the
banana nnd general frust business has heci
established with a capital of $50,000,000. The
principal stockholders arc In Chicago , Omaha
Denver , Kansas City , DCS Moincs , Topeki
and this city.
A HcHpltcd Murderer Goon Insane , 111. , Nov. 29. Murderer Novfik
who was to have been hanged yesterday nm
whoio attorneys secured a supcrscdcas from
the state supreme court , has gone Insane
from a revulsion of feeling. Ho hud mad
all preparations to dlo and the good news was
too much for him.
Uhreo Trainmen Killed.
i ) , Ore. , Nov. 29. A freight train
on the Spokane branch of the Union Paclll
was wrecked last night near Hay Stack
The engineer , fireman mid one brakemai
were killed , and auolkcr brakcman fatally in
'arncll's Declaration Has Proven a Thun
derbolt in the Home Rule Damp.
ConBiiltixttnns Between the Mbcrnl
Jjcmlors I'rcspecls rJCInxt the
Homo Uulc Plunk Will
lie Abandoned ,
tSUO bit James flonlon TlenntlM
Lo.vnox , Hot'sn OF COMMON" , Nov. 29.
New York Herald Cable-Special to Tar.
KE.J The thunderbolt hns fallen nt last
nd the great homo-rule alliance nas been
battered. All day long excited politicians
nvo been running to nnd fro and Gladstone
ins been besieged with callers nnd messages.
lo stands gazing upon the wreck of live
'cars hard and anxious work. Ho has sncrl-
loud position , respect and the confidence of
hnusands of supporters only to bo held up to
ho ridicule of the Irish people by Parnell as
in Incapable politician seeking to delude the
rlsh people with his own whimsical dreams.
.Cho Indignation of the entire radical party
it this attack upon their rovorcd chief is
boundless. Morloyalso feels bitterly the bo-
rayal of his confidence. As one of his
rlends said to mo just now , ho
a broUcn-hcartod. No ono believed that
Darnell would como forward nnd dlscloso
ho confidential communication alleged 'to '
lave been mndo by the English leaders. Ills
moors nt Gladstone's hospitality nt Ilnwar-
lon , and his hints Hint It was forced upon
tint , offend Gladstone oven moro than the re
velation of political secrets. I'arncll Is evi
dently determined to burn nil his boats nnd
make a mial end of the Glaustonlan alliance.
: io has succeeded , for the whole grand army
s turned Into a rabble.
Consultations have taken place during the
day between the liberal leaders nnd I believe
substantial progress has been made In the di
rection of the movement of which you had
.ho first intimation last Thursday , namely ,
; ho reunion of the liberal party on the basis
of the Immediate abandonment of the
lomo rule part of the programme.
Chamberlain has clung to the hope that Por-
icll would go or bo forced out , but all cur
rents run in other directions , for even an ad
verse vote on Monday would not beat Par
nell. Ho would obstinately refuse to budge ,
and declare the Irish people alone had power
to surpass him. A largo section of his party
would act with him nnd ho could soon smash
the whole machine if the rebels drove him to
extremities. I believe most of them , are
thoroughly cowed already nnd there will bo
a stnmpcdo on Monday afternoon. Dick
Power nnd other influential nationalists
mean to stand by Parnell to the last and the
rebels nro already trembling In their shoes.
Parnoll will have them all out of their seats
within six months unless they can get him
down. It is war to tbo knife all around the
The statcmcnls in the papers heie giving
the names of members for and against Par
nell arc purely iinngiiiary. There never has
been a clear majority against him. Some
Parnellltcs , Tim Hcaly among them , are well
content to sco the English alliance broken up.
They never had faith in it and do not like
the English. O'Kclly and others feel the
same. Nothing hns over boon obtained from
the English , they hold , except by force , nnd
they bclievo In their party adhering to the
aggressive policy and coming to no terms
with the Snxones In any case ; therefore ,
Parncll can't find himself helpless there.
These who are after his scalp will discover
that ho Is surrounded with fighting men nnd
backed up by a large majority of the Irish
people. This is what has rendered the
breach between himself and Gladstone irre
parable. Ho feels confident of winning and
of remaining dictator overall parties.
Gladstone , after his letter to Morloy. can
not offer n compromise. If ho had cny such
thought , Paruell has deliberately smothered
It forever. The manifesto was seen only by
Parroll's chief whip. Dick Power , before It
was sent to press. Sexton nnd others went
about vainly seeking to get some in
formation respecting It. Their chief
treats them as if they wcro so
many files. Gladstone , I understand ,
takes a cheerful view and believes ho sees a
way of escape , enabling him to withdraw
from the contract which ho finds too heavy
for his strength.
Homo rule Is dead for many a year , excopl
in a form which Parnell hns declared ho will
never accept. It will not bo long before an
attempt will bo made to reduce the parlia
mentary representation of the Parnelltto
party , and thus It Is expected a morlal blow
will bo dealt at their power In the house.
The enormous changes amounting to a politi
cal revolutionwill swamp both parties before
nil is ovor. Gladstone's and Morloy's ' contra
diction of Pnrneirsstatomentregardingthem-
selves will bo discussed at some future
tlmo. At present all "side issues nro
dwarfed in the presence of the spectacle pre
sented by the homo-rule camp fighting ,
writhing , tcarlncr each other like a mcnng-
crlo broken loose. Every hour the conlllcl
waxes hotter.
PnrncH's version of affairs will not bo ac
ceptcd In this country , but it was not in
tended for English consumption. The Irish
hero and in America will prefer it to Glad
stone's. That Is nil Parnell desires. Poor
Morley moans over the slab ho has rcceivet
from the Irish leader and is disposed to give
up politics nltogelher.
I bear that n meeting of the liberal part }
will shortly bo summoned nt whlcl
Gladslono will bo petitioned to lei
Irish politics go by the boart
altogether. A lltllo pressure of thac
kind would bo anything but disagreeable to
him just now. Ho has had a very trouble
some team to drive , oven before ono of the
leaders kicked nnd bolted. Tonight ho Is
quite reconciled to the altered prospects bo
Will Summon n Conference.
Loxnox , Nov. 29. At a meeting of tU
Cork branch of the national league it trans
plred that Parncll had not Informed any o
his constituents of his intention previous to
the publication of the manifesto. The meet
Ing unanimously resolved to summon n con
fercnco with Parnell in cnso ho gets to Cork
The manifesto will undoubtedly ullenato Par
jicll's constituents. Fitzgerald nnd Kelly
nationalists , have telegraphed their constllu
onls that they will relpn If Parnell Is sacrl
ficed. Morley will publish n reply to Par
noil's manifesto Monday. The Cork clorgj
today adopted a resolution declaring thu
Parnell had forfeited their confidence am
that bis retention In leadership would , prove
Murderer Woods' ApproaoliingDnom
Sixo Si.vo , N. Y , , Nov. 29. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEB. ] Sing Sing prison I ;
barred against all outsiders today and lion
but the regular employes are admitted
Various schemes mid devices have bcei
adopted by newspaper correspondents lo go
within the walls of the prison , but they ore
vain and useless , Warden M"vish couccda *
Itobohla duty to keep tout every ono now
hat the day of Murderer Joseph Woods'
loom Is drawing near. Ev ry precaution Is
akcn to secure the utmost secrecy. Every
keeper is sworn to kccprgllent nnd It Is ns
nueh ns any ono 'of ' their 'positions Is worth
o give out Iho slightest/information , In re-
ponso to every question they have but ono
mswer "I don't know. " Murderer Wood
s being dally attended to by his spiritual ad-
Iscrs. Ho Is nearly scared to death ever
ho prospect of his execution. The death ap-
laralus Is all ready. Although the warden
ind the keepers will glvo no Information of
ho day on which Wood Is to bo killed on the
electrical chair , yet the prevailing Impression
s thntit will bo done ou Tuesday or Wednes-
Defeat of the Government CoiiHliicreil
by the Mjlnlfltry.
P-Mit ? , Nov. 29. The defeat of thn govern
ment yesterday In the { jlinmbers on the ? [ ucs-
Ion of taking up Iho i'wi discussion before
ho budget was considered by the mlslstry
oday. They decided Ifaot It ought not to
affect Minister Kounior's ' position on the gov
ernment tariff proposition Iho proposed
duty of 12 francs per double hundred weight
on nil kinds of salt meats. The subcommittee
tee has mndo a new classification In Imposing
a nuly of ito francs on . sausages nnd other
( reserved meats nnd 15 francs on hams ,
incon and lard. Minister of Commerce
Jtocho Informed the commlttco that the gov
ernment persisted In o domnnd for 13 francs
luty , as a low tariff WAS dlspenslblo in order
o procure from the United States a modifi
cation of thoMcICinloj-law Ho objected to
ho proposal to Increase the tariff on canned
neats. fresh mutton nnd pork products. The
committee's report , ' however , disregards the
) rotcsts and will bo opposed by the povern-
nentj the ministers concurring m the opinion
.hat it Is necessary to .consider tariffs sudl-
clently to make 11 possible to offer reciprocal
advantages to the Unllod States.
Colonel Clmlllc-ljonai the Franco-Ameri
can , chief of General Gordon's staff during
the Soudan campaign of 1871 , In nn Interview
with a representative of the Matin ridicules
Stanley's early statements regarding thocon-
vcrsion to Christianity of the king of Uganda.
Ho calls Stanley's ' forest dwarf Incidents
: ontes a dormir dcbout and the rescue of
Emhi Pasha a phllantropic masquerade , nnd
generally questions the truth of Stanley's ac
counts of his journeys. . Colonel Long pre
dicts that Stanley will bo found guilty of im
posture ami disloyalty * and challenges an
answer to his assertions.
The latest phase of the Newfoundland
; roublo is Hlbout's rejection of Lord Salis
bury's request that the matter of the French
county system bo referred to arbitration.
The French minister is not averse to rc-
rcrring the whole question to arbitration
exclusive of the Froncti counties on the con
dition thnt Britain guarantees the
enforcement of the decUioh of the arbitrators.
An early agreement having been found to bo
Improbable , negotiation's have been opened
for the prolongation of the modus vlvondi ,
lut n difficulty has arisen ever Lord Salis
bury's demand that thu , present luraugcment
bo amended. j
An American art student , William
Maurice , has been cqArictcd by a Paris
tribunal of shop lifting In Lauvro. The
lenient sentence of fifteen days imprison
ment was imposed.
Helievetl to lo WoVso Than at First
PmiAncU'iiiA , Nov.'W.Tho falluroof B.
K. Jamison & Co. divfuod attention on the
street this morning witlvthe startling publi
cation of John A. Bake 's1 gigantic forgeries.
The general opinion , c nis to bothat the
failure of Jttmlson & C'o T-wors.othan nt first
reported. The firm iX-Stid tp have been largo
borrowers lately : : 'iltf YsccYtl 'financial insti
tutions of this city nro thought to have been
heavily hit by their suspension. The liabili
ties of the firm nro 'variously ' estimated at
from $500,000 to gl , 500,000 , but such estimates
are the merest guess work , as these who are
In a position to authoritatively state decline
to do so.
State Treasurer Boycr today entered two
suits in the common pleas court against B. K.
Jamison & Co. upon a bond to secure the
payment of ? 25,000 state money which the
linn Is said to have had In their possession.
From figures obtained tonight the indlca
tlons are that the liabilities of Jamison & Co.
will exceed 31 , 000,000.
Other IliiHlncss Troubles.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 29. Behrlng Sons , piano
manufacturers , made a general assignment
today to William Jonlf , with preferences of
$1 0,000.
CHICAGO , Nov. 29. J : T. Mathews & Co. ,
manufacturers of hair mattresses , assigned
this afternoon with liabilities cf about $70,000
and assets the same.
Wii.UAsisi-oiiT , Pa. , Nov. 29. Fred T.
Weed , lumberman nnd druggist , today con
fessed judgment in the sum of STi OOO.
CINCINNATI O. , Nov. 29. Easton & ClarK ,
carriage manufacturers- assigned this oven-
lug. The failure is dua to the discontinuance
of the branch houses nt Kansas City nnd San
Francisco. Estlmatod'assets , 1100,000 : lia
bilities , S75,000. _
RCRCUO of the Clixudf no's Crew ,
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 29. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEH.J The German steamer Stand
nrd , Captain Sanger , from Hamburg Novem
her 12 , which arrived hero loduy , roporU ,
having experienced strong westerly gales
and heavy seas. On the 10th instant , at 5
o'clock p. m. , she sighted a vessel showing
signals of distress , bore down to her nnd
found her to bo the bark Clnudlne , from
Mlromlehl for Lome , water-logged and with
pumps choked. The steamer laid by hei
until daylight , when shq launched a boat and
after much difficulty succeeded In rescuing
nil liands thirteou men nnd brought them
to this fort.
_ _
ST. Louis , Mo. , JNov. 29. The barrel and
stave works of Horn It Co. , nt East St. Louis ,
burned this morning. Loss , $75,000 , ; Insur
ance , $25,000.
Loxa ISLANIJ CITT , N. Y. , Nov. 29. Early
Ihls morning the pnralino plant of the Queen's
county oil works , on Newton creek , burned.
The loss is estimated at $75,000 , mainly on
NKW'HAVEN , Conn. , Nov. 29. A flro in the
south middle dormlty on the Yule campus
tonight created quite 11 'panic ' for a while , but
was subdued with a lois of $10,000.
Pension Appropriation Bill.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 8 . The pension ap
propriation bill for the ticat fiscal year has
been ngretd upon by the sub-commltteo and
will bo reported to the full committee Mon
day. It appropriates the full amount esti
mated to DO necessary by the commlsslonoi
of pensions except on thb estimates for clerk
hire , fuel and llgnt , which Is cut down $100-
000. For the payment 'of pensions $ iaj,172-
035 is appropriated , ann for examining sur
geons $1,600,000 , nn Increoso of $500,000 over
the current fiscal year : j
Combined ARninut Shoemakers.
UOCIIKSTKU , N. Y. , Nov. 29. There has
been a strike in Iho factory of the Cox Shoo
manufacturing company since Juno lost
against the introduction of lasting machines.
Twenty-one of the leading manufacturers
have signed a manifesto , which was nubhshed
today , agreeing that on and after December
1 they will dismiss Oil members of tbo Boo *
nnd Shoemakers International union untl
such tlmo as the strike against the Cox com
pany shall bo completely abandoned.
Lend Silver smelter TriiH' .
CHICAGO , Nov. -Anothcr effort will bo
made hero Monday to organize the lead silver
smelters of the United Stataj Into a trust
A combination was attempted a year ago
but fell through on account of differences bo
twccn members , Slnco that tlmo , however
President Thompson of the national whlU
lead trust has been working- hard to reconcile
the differences , and It Is believed the call for
Monday's meeting is im indication that ho
has been successful ,
They Will be Enabled to Got the Benefit
of Koch's ' Treatment.
A Umnor Tlint Lord 8iill hury Will
Visit Ilcrlln Preparations Making
to Halsn a Largo Itcvcnuo
From Sugar.
Copyright Ifnobiltticycw Tnilt AtfoelnM Fitn.
Kr.nt.iy , Nov. 20. In the diet today Minis-
or Von Gossler , replying to an Interpellation ,
said the aspersions cast upon certain physi
cians engaged In using Koch's lymph had
> rovcd groundless. Cnro had been taken , ho
aid , to make the remedy perfectly accessi
ble to the poor. In the coin-so of tlmo the
( reparation of the lymph would bo entrusted
o competent persons employed by the state.
Thcro was no good ground yet to hope that
ho remedy would bo found olllcaolous In the
rcatment of other diseases than tubcrcu-
osls. prlvoto gentleman had given
,000,00J ( marks to bo used for the
icnellt of poor persons suffering
rom tuberculosis. Regarding the question
f placing the manufacture of the lymph
under the exclusive control of the state , Dr.
von dossier thought a feeling of satisfaction
vould ho experienced throughout the world
f Prussia should sot her stamp upon the
ymph. The government would eventually
nvlto other nations to send representatives
o study { ho use of the remedy in order that
hey might apply it in their own countries.
The ministerial statement , indicating ns It
Iocs the Intended prolonged guarding of the
ccret of tlio lymph , greatly disappoints for
eign medical men hero. Von Gossler said
ecrecy was necessary to render imitation hn-
Dr. ICownlkskl , a leading Austrian army
physician and chief of the Institute of bacter-
olocy nt Vienna , defends the guarding of the
iroparatlon of the lymp on the ground that It
s ono of the most powerful medicines dis
covered and cannot bo applied too cautiously.
Prof. Koch says that If it were placed
without reserve in the hands of all prnctlc-
tloners more deaths would result from Its use
lion over was caused from consumption.
Dr. Kowalkskl and other prominent Aus-
, rian army surgeons have come hero to share
.ho inquiries of the German army doctors ,
jcglnning on Tuesday next.
Since the Parnell developments have shat
tered Gladstone's chances of return to power
n report is current hero that Lord Salisbury
will coino to Berlin on a visit. This Is be ;
[ loved to imply a meeting between Caprivl ,
Knlnoky , Crispl nnd Salisburg and moro open
adhesion bv the English government to the
policy of the dreibund. The extinction of
Gladstone. Is the most grateful news that Em
peror William and his circle has ever heard
from England.
The first hill to como before the relchstcg
Tuesday will bo ono provid ng for ra'singn '
revenue from sugar of from 00,000,000 to
03,000,000 marks , to bo effected by abolishing
the tariff on raw sugar and increasing ; the
duty on x-cflned. The bill says the ex
port bounty system has cost Ger
man consumers 31,500,000 marks annually ,
10,500,000 of which was cash paid In bounties
and the remainder additional cost to the con
The rclchstag will bo asked for 50,000.000
marks for the army , partly to provide new
munitions and partly to alter the colors of
the uniforms. Henceforth no glitter of head-
piece'or arms will bo permitted. A sornbro
uniform Is necessary.
Chancellor Von Caprivl hns been driven to
visit the king of Saxony.
Emperor William is nt the Prince of Floss'
country scat , Silesia. His majesty hunts
The central socialist committee has re
ceived reports from the socialist associations
throughout the empire , showing that the
local chiefs elected by each circle accept fully
tlio Hallo programme nnd that the young
socialist party is everywhere in a minority.
The central committee has Issued a circular
warning the various organizations not to hold
secret reunions , but to conduct their meet
ings openly. The socialists press is hitter
against the Hamburg shippers for employing
The fund to plnco Major Wlssemann's
steamer on the Victoria Lynnza amounts to
200,000 marks. The sum required is 400,000 ,
The Dutch socialist ? NIeuwenhulo , was
announced to lecture today at Bielefeld , but
tho.police . ordered him to quit Prussian ter
A limited company is being formed in
Munlsb under Prof. ZIorascon to establish a
Koch sanitarium in the old Gumppon palace.
Five patients who were under treatment by
the Koch method have died in this city. Two
girls who were in nn advanced stage of
tuberculosis and n child suffering from brain
tubercles died after the first Injection nnd
ono young man died from hemorrhage nftor
having received several injections. The fifth
death was that of a soldier who was under
treatment for lupus.
j. exit ox fi
A Marriage in High lAlo nnd
on n Lower Plane.
[ Copi/rght / ( isnoiiu Jama Gordon rtcnn'M.\
LOMDOX , Nov. 20. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tim Bcc.1 The marriage
of Hon. Francis Dudley Lslgh , eldest sur
viving son of Lord nnd Lady Leigh , with
Miss Hclono Forbes Bcckwlth , sister of
Leonard Beckwlth of Now York , was cele
brated at St. George's church , Hanover
square , this morning. The ceremony was
performed by Canon Lolgh , uncle of the
bridegroom. The attendants of the bride
were Hon. Agnes and Hon. Cordelia Leigh ,
sisters of the bridegroom , Violet and Alice
Leigh , Margaret Lovosongower , Hose
Chalmondoly , Miss Bcckwith and Miss
Martin. Viscount Dungawan was host man
and Leonard Bcckwith gave his slstor away.
The bride's dross was by Worth , of white
satin trimmed with lace and orange blossoms.
She were a point lace veil. Tbo bridesmaids
were attired In white slcllicnno covered
with whlto silk embroidery , and white felt
hats with ostrich feathers. Each were a
golden brooch , being hearts of pearls , gifts ol
the bridegroom.
After the ceremony the guests assembled
at Spcncor house , lent for the occasion by
Mr. Marshal Roberts , where they wore en
tertained nt breakfast by Ceonard Bcckwith.
Later the brldoand bridegroom took their de
parture for Fonthlll Abbey , Wiltshire , seat of
Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , hart. , nnclo ol
the bridegroom , where they will spend the
hnoymoon. For the journey the bride wore
a traveling dress of light gray slclllenne
trimmed m silver and gold , with n inantlo o :
green velvet trimmed with gold , and a hat of
light gruy trimmed in green velvet with a
bunch of heather.
The presents were numerous , Including ,
from Empress Eugenie , a sliver fruit dlclj
Lord Lclgn. two diamond brooches' Lady
* 1-
> lgh , two hacolet ? of pearl and dlamo\ ' .
'earl mid Countess Jersey , snpphlro nnd "i.
nond bracelet J the bitdogroom's prcsA "
llamoud nnd pearl bracelet ; Mrs. Hradh\ \ * .
diirttn , ttara of diamonds ; Mrs. Marslu
liobert.s , diamond buttcrlly. Other present *
vero given by Jane , Connies Aylcsfonl , Sli'
Jon Playfnlr , the bishop of Now York , the
ilshop of Worcester , Sir Charles Mordmmt.
Viscount Grey Do Wilton , the ilukoof West-
nlnstcr ( gold and bloodstone casket ) , Mrs.
William Astor ( diamond studded watch ) ,
Kmlly , Lady Cnrew , tbo duchess of Man
chester , Mrs. Pierre Lorlll.ird ( enamelled
carriage clock ) , Viscount Newark , the earl
of Arrnn , Lord Stalbrldgo , Lord Crolgl-
Manncrs , Sir Stafford Xortbcoto , the mar-
iuls of Hartford , and Sir Uartlo Frcre.
Stcvo Brodlo wires from Paris that ho
won't return to London until he has grown
whiskers , for fear the police will grab him
'or slugging a cabman on Wednesday night.
The cabman demanded another "tunncr. "
3rodlo thought ho meant $10 , and said "naw-
tliln.Micn arrested Hrodlo gnvo a wrong
mine , then got a sudden fright and bolted
Paris. No Kngllsh prison for him , ho says.
Alfred Wright , aged sixty ; Frank Irvine ,
wenty-nlno , nnd Alice Condy , twenty-eight ,
the Americans who pleaded guilty to a series
of extensive robberies from Jewelers' shops
n the city nnd West Knd , were sentenced to
the Old Bnlloy today , the men to flvo years
> onnl servitude nnd the woman to eighteen
no uths , at hard labor each.
1'nrli Topi OH.
lCopiirliilitlSDOliilJ > imn ( Jimtim n mieM !
PAWS , Nov.20.Now [ York Herald Ohio
Special to TUB Uci : . ] Aictio weather fol-
owing upon ten days of wnrtnth has caused
nuch sickness. With n northeasterly wind
snow began to fall yesterday nnd is now four
nches deep. Truffle is Impeded and malls
mo delayed. It is cloven years since Paris
has been visited by such a storm.
During the week ono of the features has
icon the sale of the Princess Saltykoff prop
erty , Including china , pictures , books , etc. , nt
, ho Hotel Druot. The sale is not completed.
The sum realized is 70,000 francs. The ex
pected total -150,000 , francs.
Kx-Seiuxtor Baniulcrs on tlio Situation
la Utah.
Cincvno , Nov. 29. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BEB. ] "Polygamy is being slowly but
surely stamped out In Utah ; of this
the country may rest assured , " said ox-
United States Senator Saunders of Nebraska
nt the Auditorium hotel today. The senator
[ s a member of the Utah commission , nnd his
ofllcial duties enable him to bpcak knowingly
on the subject. "Harsh measures nro not
being used , " ho continued. "It is not
thought best to do so , but the law is being
enforced in a way that demonstrates the
futility of resistance to It. If , when a Mor
mon Is convicted of polygamy , ho promises
the court to slu no moro , hois released upon
paying n small line nnd ho keeps his word.
But the Mormons are in the lurco majority
there , and. moreover , they can depend upon
nt least ! Ki per cent of their votes being
polled. The discarded wives } Tncy are
generally , amt In fact always , save in rare
exceptions , taken care of bv their former
husbands. The government has ahcmso of
refuge for them : but the Mormons so fear
that.thoy will bo charged with refusing their
former wives supportt did the government
take care'of ' them , thut thuy support them
themselves and In better fashion than be
fore. " _ _
Colonial Ooniincrulid Treaties.
TOIIOXTO , Out. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bui : , ] A special cnblo dispatch
to the Glebe says : Inquiries In oftlclal circles
confirm the statement of the Times regarding
the action of the government In seeking tbo
views of self-governing colonies concerning
their commercial treaty-mahlng.powors , The
colonial ofllco committee unpointed , to con
sider the matter has hceii Informed , on behalf -
half of most of the colonies , that two changes
are desired , namely the termination , of ttio
nelgl.m and German treaties , which deprive
colonies of the right to make closer commer
cial arrangements with the mother country ;
also the admission of the principle that trade
treaties shall not bo binding on colonies with
out colonial consent. This exchange of views ,
however , only intimates fuller discussion of
the whole question , in which the right of col
onies to negotiate their own treaties , subject
to imperial consent , will probably bo urged.
Examination of Neerotlo Tissue.
BEHLI.NNov. . 29. [ Special Cablegram to
Tnn BUK.I Dr. Israel , Prof. Virchow's
assistant , has mmlo nn examination of shreds
of tissue , taking a body of a patient which
had become necrotle through thouso of Prof.
Koch's curative lymph. Ho found that
these shreds contained bacilli , which was not
the case in the living tissues. A rabbit will
bo inoculated with virus prepared from these
tissues in order to ascertain whether the
bnccilll contained in thorn ( .till possesses
vitality. Dr. Israel declares that Prof.
Koch's remedy possesses distinct healing
The Brazilian N.ivnl Ollluors.
WASHINGTONNov. . 29. The Brazilian
nnvnl cfliccrs were taken down the river to
Mouns Vernon this morning. When the
party reached Washington's tomb the Amor-
lean officers were surprised nnd delighted to
see n floral piece flvo feet high , in the center
of which was n facsimile Brazil ! an Hag ,
under which was Inscribed In whlto immor
telles : ' 'In Memory of tbo Great Washing
ton , from the Navy of Brazil. " In the evening -
ing tno Brazilians wcro entertained at din
ner by the Metropolitan club/ Among the
guests were Secretaries Blulno and Tracy.
Two Dig Dnnmco Suits.
CHICAGO , Nov , 29. Two suits , ono for
fJO.OOO and Iho olhcr for $100,000 damages ,
wore begun In the circuit court today against
Hobcrt A. Davis , a man of considerable
wealth , residing In South Chicago' . In the
first case Mrs. Matilda Bruns and her hus
band seek to recover > 0,000 from Davis for
alleged libel , while the second action Is
brought by Mrs. Bruns individually for ul-
logea breach of marriage and seduction.
Davis at ono tlmo was premier of Manitoba ,
Nnw Oiu.iiASf" " , La. , Nov. 29. When the
Italians now under indiciwent for the mur
der of Chief Hennessey were called before
the bar today their counsel moved to quash
the Indictment on the ground that an out
sider , John T. Michael , not entitled to bo
present , was in the grand Jury room during
the Investigation. The matter will be ar
gued next week. _
The Sugar Trust COBP.
NEW Yomc , Nov. 29. Before Justice
Cullcn , In the Kings county supreme court
this afternoon , another phase of tno sugar
trust matter was nrguod , for a btay of pro
ceedings , pending an appeal for an order re
fusing to vacate an interlocutory Judgment.
After fourhouH argument thojudgo took
the mailer under advisement.
liroko Through the Ice.
ELY , Minn. , Nov. 29 , S. C. Orr andSamuc !
Torrcll , mining experts , tried to cross Fall
lake on the Ice today and broke through ami
were drowned.
HICK LAKK. WIs. , Nov. 29 , Two daughters
of Ncls Dosalr broke through the Ice on Do-
salr lake today and were drowned.
Htiiinbonl IJOWOI-M Illn Ilocord.
STOCKTOX , Cnl. , Nov. -Stnmboul today
again lowered his record by a quarter of a
second , trolling a mlle easily in 2ill , tlmllrs
quarter In 0:33Jf : and the half In 1:05X. : Ho
inadotho inllo without faltering.
\ ' m onvoRiuN PROSPECT
Batch of Uusluoss Confronts tlio
doming Session of Congress.
J'liu Internal Knrotuic Commission of
Kny tlio Sugar Bounty 1VIII
Go Into inVct : : vltli
Tills Vcin-'s Crop. / .
Tun Outnt Den , )
Mil FounrKis'Tit : SruiiKT , >
WWIUXOTON- , U. C. , Nov. ' . ' 9. )
When thonecoml session ot tlio Fifty-llrst
tongress Is enllcil to order on Mommy noon It
vlll bo confronted by nn Immense amount of
business , much of it tlio remnant of lost sos-
lou and some ol It now legislation. .Allow-
UK for tlio Christmas holidays there will ba
evonty-nlno working tluys in tlio session.
Yinong the bills loft ever from last session
nro tlio election bill , tlio Conger Innl bill and
ho bankruptcy bill. These bills , ns Is well
mown , have alrcnily passed Iho house niul
low nwnlt nctlon only by tlio sennto. It is
ikcly thntthore will bo substitute * offered
or tlio Iniil bill nnd tlio election hill. The
'nddoclc pure fooil bill will probably bo the
ono offcred.ns a substitute for the Confer bill ,
vhllo Senator Hoar's bill will bo submitted
is a substitute for the Podge bill ns a matter
of eourso. It those substitutes nre passed by
ho senate It will again throw tbein before )
.ho house. While the senate Is struggling
vith the nbovc-immcd bills the
louse will ho considering the shipping
ullls nnd the hills transferring the
ovenuo marine sorvlco from thu treasury
lepartmcnt to the navy dcinirtincnt , which
vow loft over from lust sesnlnn , having
msscd tlio senate. There arc bcvm-al bills
low upon the c.ilcmlar unacted upon , but re-
> ortcd favorably from c'oinniittees , among
hem tlio International copyright ; to estab-
idh a limited postal .sorvico ; to Increase the
nival establishment ; to telegraph companies
inder the operation of the interstate com-
nercc law ; to provide fortillcatlons ; toestnb-
.Isli a nun factory on the Paclllu coast ; to
unciiit tlie Interstate cotitmcrconct ; to pro-
.oet American forests , and to reduce the
iinount of bonds required to secure the clrcu-
atlou of national b.imcs to $1XX ( ) fur each
hank. To consider all of these bills would
require moro time than this session affords.
nnd m order to accomplish anything U will
bo necessary to lay aside some of the hills
ntut act only on these which nro
absolutely Important. Outsldo of the
Jills mentioned nro the new ones
which nro regarded us tnoso requiring more
attention. They nro the rcnpportlonment
bill and the various appropriation bills. The
appropriation bills will likely give Httlo
trouble , ns the democratic members of tlio
appropriations commlttco say they will give
no opposition. The rounportloniiicnt bill.
liowovor , is sure to precipitate a long anil
icrlmonious war.rriien there nro the many
small bills which will consume a great deal
of time and which nro of local importance
snly. Altogether , tho' session will have its
liands full to overflowing and it will require
all the energy of the leaders to got anything
out of the accumulated muss.
The commissioner of Internal revenue haj
decided that the section of the tariff net
which provides fora Iwunty ui/onsiigurinado
from ranplo sup , bcct&ugnr , sorghum orsugar
cnno ROCS into clloct with tlio crop
ol IfeOO and that Iho manufacturer : ! of
these (1 If Tin cut .sugars will bo
entitled to the bounty of 2 cents per pound ,
provided , the sugars produced from the
sources mentioned will test 1)0 ) degrees
nolariseopo. Sugars above 85 nnd under 00
will receive n , bounty of IJf cents per pound.
Tno bounty will bo paid the manufacturer In
each case , and If the Oxnurd establishment
at Grand Island proves to boas successful as
is anticipated , the owners of that Institution
will receive a number of thousand dollars
from the government during the next flvo
years. The department is preparing a circu
lar of Instructions now , In order that the
farmers nnd others Interested hi this bounty
may he posted as to what is required of them
before they can receive the benelita which
the law contemplates.
A great deal of complaint has been heard
from cattle shippers at the ports of Now
York , 13oston , Philadelphia nnd Haltlmoro on
account of the delay occasioned In the carryIng -
Ing out of the regulations provided in the cat
tle Inspection act. The law only went into
effect formally on the 15th hist , and of course
thcro have been a good many hitches In car
rying out Its provisions at the outset. The
Inspectors nt the ports named , as well as
these of Norfolk , nnd Newport News , Va. ,
nnd others stationed in the stockyards of
Kansas City , Chicago , Buffalo mid Pittsburg
are required to examine carefully orcry ani
mal passing through them destined for Eu
rope , and all those found to bo free from dis
ease are tagged with a metal tag nfllxod to
the ear , which tag Is a guarantee of Inspec
tion and sound health. The secretary of ag
riculture believes that as soon as this new
system is in thorough operation it will result
In relieving the American cattle producer
from the annoyance and loss which the embargo
barge placed upon American cattle by Great
Britain and other foreign countries has
Assistant Secretary Chandler today re
jected the declntory statement of frank Faw-
celt on the contest of James Reynolds , The
grounds of the contest was that Fnwcctt did
not reside on the land , nnd from cvldonca
submitted this Is Htiown to be correct , so the
assistant secretary reverses the commis
sioners' decision and rejects Fawcctt's entry.
Reynolds having mudo entry for the land it
will ho allowed to stand. The land involved
is located in section 7 , township 11U north ,
range CS vrosi , W terto vn , S. D.
Secretary Noble denied the motion to
rovlow tbo departmental decision In the case
of Johanna la. Ilynn vs Davla Davis on the
llling of the attorney for Ilyan. The land
involved Is the southwest J.f of ( section 84 ,
township 103 north , range 50 west , Mitchell ,
S. U. , land district.
Hoprcscntntlvo Dorsoy and Senator Pad
dock nro expected to arrive from Nebraska
tonight. Senator Mandorson also returns to
Washington tonight.
The first assistant postmaster general hns
allowed the postmaster ntOmnlmtbe services
of fi bookkeeper and clerk nt n salary of $ liOO !
u year. I'CUIIY S. HBATH.
Nebraska , Imvu nnd Dakota Pensloni.
WARIIINCITO.V , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram
to Til HllKK.J Pensions were granted today
to the following Nobraskansi Increase
D. E. Noco , Friend ; Evan H. Chandler ,
Cambridge ; Joel U. Brown , Scotia ; Jaincs
N. Vance , Ashland ; John Klnuoy , Dnvcn-
port } Jnmes U. Salon , Wlsner ; Samuel 0.
Overtoil. Nebraska City.
lowas Original tichvin P. Patterson ,
Marion ; Asnpli N. Sllsboy. Soldiers Valley ;
Israel Sell. Ccntorvfllo : James B.
Adv , Odoboltj Jacob August. Bloom-
Held ; William II. Sproguo , Toolsboro ;
John U. Ilefton , Ploasanton ; James W ,
Strahl , Lake Vlowj David W. Moss , Luther ;
F. Xuber , South AIM mm. Increase U.
Wilson. Mount Sterling ; J. II , Fouquott ,
West Union ; 1) . A. Elder , Uhodos ; Leon I ) .
Ambroslcr , Kollorton ; 0. S. JCohm. Fort
Dodge. ; L. Quno , Washta ; William S , Frank-
lln , I'lattovllloj James M. Powell. Seuraboro ;
II. Smith , Maquokcta : W. O. Moro , Sail ;
George . Klloy , Columbus Junction , Orlirt-
nal widows Nancy J. , widow of GcorgoF- .
Dorlas , Laurel ,
South Dakota ! Original Invalid Hurklln ,
II. Wood , Midland. Increase-Peter Smith ,
Sioux Fulls. /
Gold ut 'Jill.
nuBNOT AVIIKS , Nov. 29. [ Special Cr.blo-
gram to TUB IHK. ) J-Gold was quoted hero at
211 per cent premium ,