Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Cnrrlur In uny partof the City.
11. W. Tll/IUN. - - - MANAOBU
nufttiirff ! ) Office. No. U
Nlglit Editor , No. 21.
' N. Y. P. Co.
Council niuffs Lumber Co. . coal.
Permit towed was Vostcnlny given to 13.
Tlnncll and fntinlo Ulshop , both of this city.
The case of Combs vs. Jlurbridgo reached
the arguments yesterday afternoon In the
district court.
A young girl ran llncl n place to help nt
housework by applying to Mrs. P , M. 1'ryor ,
OKI llluft street.
Special meeting of Klchetnh council No. .1 ,
D. of P. , this evening. All members re
quested to bo present.
The employes of tho"postofllco were each
roiiH'inbored by a fat turkey on Thunksirlv-
Ing day. Suspicions were 'dlrcctoJ toward
Postmaster Troynor , mid ho wns kept busy
cvndhitf the accusation of being the generous
giver. It took about forty turkeys to go the
rounds ,
C. U. Allen and a party of surveyors yes
terday went out over tho. road to Chautaiiciua
tb take frcsb obscrvnttons us to the feasibility
of running n motor line out thero. It bolus ' ,
thought that n more practical ami less expen
sive route could bo found than these already
The depraved taste of the man Delgln , now
In the county Jail , has been still further
Miowa by finding hi his possession as vile a
little book as was ever printed.hcn \
searched at the time of his arrest this wns
overlooked In son.o way , but when ho was
taken to the county Jail It was found upon
MM. .Tames Armour died In Ottawa , 111. ,
Sunday , November 2:1 : , at the residence of
her daughter , Mrs. liyburn. Mrs. Armour
will bo well remembered In this city , having
olten visited her daughter , Mrs. 0. U. Tyler.
The burial services were private from the
'residence of Dr. Uyburn and the Interment
was la the Ottawa cemetery. Mr. uudMvs.
Tyler returned homo yesterday.
.1 nines Jolnibon and Charles Kllllon , tlio
men who appropriated a horse ntul bupcy be
longing to Henry Uoffeen and drove It over
from Omaha on Thanksgiving night , settled
the matter yesterday by the payment of $50
for the Injury sustained by the horse and the
damage to the buggy and harness , ? 10 costs
and $ . " > attorney's fee , and wcro discharged.
It was shown that they did not Intend to
steal the rig , but wcro only indulging in n
drunken lark. Contractor Huber paid the
bills for them , nnd they will continue In his
employ nnd'work on the Indian creek dlteh.
Thooftlccrs are working up on assault
case against George Cms , the negro
who was sent to Jail for ten clays for thetbelt
of some money from Hancock's second band
store , The assault was committed upon a
white woman with whom ho bad been living ,
and It has boon shown that It wns an assault
with Intent to commit murder. The woman
1ms been ilotcrred from prosecuting on
account orlior fear that Crlss would kill her.
Her dread of him is so great that she has
left the city , but tbo onicors have decided to
unng her back and make her the prosecuting
witness in the case. They feel satlstled that
they can secure suniclcnt evidence to send
the coon across the slate , and thus got rid of
him for awhile.
Ofllcor Graham , whoso line physique and
tmiidsoino face have made him n constant ob
ject of admiration , especially among the ladies -
dies who promenade on Broadway , Is under c
cloud. It Is only a temporary shadow , how
ever , aud will soon pass away. Ho' has losl
the elegant mustache that has bcoi
such an important part of his tint
make-up. Yesterday niornlnir ho nttemntci
to build a ilro in tbo kitchen stove a. '
homo by the use of coal oil. The tire burnci
all right , but It burned too suddenly for th <
ofllcer , nun when ho recovered from the shod
nnd shook the ashes out of his hair there \vw
only a parched and discolored stubble when
hit. silken mustache was blooming si
luxuriantly n moment before. A barber hai
to ilnUh what the Ilro had only partlly done
aud for several days the ofllccr's friends wil
not know him as they pass by.
Mrs. Jolin Dalton , the owner of two trouble
gome cows , who got into a dlfllculty with i
neighbor woman ever them , and was anxloui
to have her arrested , succeeded in getting i
warrant yesterday from Justice Schurz. Tin
warrant , called for the arrest of Mrs , Emim
Tipps , nnd the charge was assault nnd bat
tcry. Mrs. Tipps was arrested and brough
into court , but she concluded that slio wautci
„ u change of venue , and got the case trans
" ferrod to Justice Burnett's tribunal. A heat
ing was to have been had yesterday after
jioon , but after looking the ground ovc
In Burnett's ' court she concluded that sh
would like to have tbo case tried before Jus
tlco Hondricks , and the motion to make th
transfer will bo argued this afternoon. Mrs
Tipps took up Mrs. Gallon's cows , nnd kep
them over night when they had broken hit
the yard and damaged her promises , and sh
refused to let MM. Dalton have them untl
the damages wcro settled. In the disput
that arose over the matter Mrs.Tipps slappei
Mrs. Dalton , nnd hence the arrest. All th
parties live In the southwest portloa of th
city. _
A Christmas Puzzle.
What shall wo buy for the holidays ! ]
this puzzles you como In and see our hollda
attractions : brilliant diamonds ; gold nn
silver watches and chains ; quaint , novel. iio\
patterned Jewelry , rings , bracelets , necklace !
lockets ; gold-headed canes ; solid stiver nm
plated ware : too ninny novelties to name
you must see them to appreciate thorn , the
are so artistic and beautiful ; visitors we
como to see our display. C. B. Jacquemln ,
Co. , No. 'J7 Mala st.
The great blow about heaters our would-t
competitors are making. Have you scon
better stock of heaters and lower prices tun
at M. & K.'s , ! ) ' , ' 0 Broadway.
Mrs. C. (3. ( Saunders is visiting her paroir
at Delta , la.
\ fV. . Lunger and wife Imvo gene to Ch
cngo for a two week's visit , ,
Mrs. C. K. Shearer and son Fred left yc
torday for Mexico , Mo. , tospcndtbo holluai
with relatives.
Louis Ottcnhelinor lias Just removed
414 Broadway with a full line of clothing nr
furnishing goods.
A Stolen HOIHO Recovered.
Shortly at tor dark on Thanksgiving nlgl
a valuable horse and buggy belonging to LI' '
oryman ( JcorgoVosnor , were stolen by sou
unknown person. The horse bad be (
hitched for a few moments In front of
business house on Main street , When tl
gentleman who had hired the rig cnmo out
was gone. Ho reported the fuel to the pr
prletor of tbo stnblo anil tbo police we
notttlod. During tbo night no tidings of tl
lost rig could bo obtained. Yesterday mor
ing efforts for n more extended search wo
arranged. At noon yesterday Jobu Coo
a young farmer living a short dlstau
cast of the city , came to tl
oily building with the missing horse m
buggy , accompanied by his wife and bab
He reported thut ho had found tbo her
loose at the foot of the Cunning hill , bctwc
tbo city and the Chuutniunm grounds. T :
horse was dripping with perspiration , ni
had apparently been driven very hard. I
took tbo animal homo with him and cared f
It during the night. Captain dough direct
him to Wostner's barn on Muln street , ni
Cook returned the animal to Its owner ,
it was evidently another case of ending
drunken frolic with horse stealing. Tbo f
lows who took the horse kavo not been d
aDr. Soybcrt. lie. . Ogden house. Tel. 1-
Scott House. 85 ct. meals , 25a
Our line of cook stoves and ranges , frc
. . $7.60 to f5 ! gives you the greatest variety
\M > lect from , at Mandel & Klelu's , 820 Hroa
headquarters ,
Thu rtcck will bo n memorable ono In t
ucatlnu itovo.Hrade.o lust received anoth
car loiul of ino Peninsular stoves and tv
yiioto bottout ( Inures to iiurclmsers. At M ,
'k.'s , OX ) Utoadway.
An Alleged Attempt at Highway Robbery
near Oresent City on Thtuiksgivlug.
How tlie Now Company Onn Afford to
Mnko It Cheaper than Natural
Gns Stolen HOIHO Ilecov-
crctl ailnor Mention.
A mnn named Cowan , who has been trad
ing In horse's , had a rather startling Thanksgiving -
giving experience ! near Crescent. Ho hud
noticed two fellows who sccincil to bo follow
ing him about , nnd as ho had considerable
inouoy on his person ho naturally concluded
that they hud learned thu fact nnd were de-
tcrmlnc-d to rob him. About three miles from
Crescent he stopped at n farm house , and In
formed the folki there that ttieso two men
had been following him , anil ho wanted to
stay until tliuy had soue aloni ? up the iuul.
They soon passed the liouso lu a buguy , and
lifter they hud gene ho started on. licforo
ho had proceeded far one * of the follows ,
whosu nutiio proved to bo George
Johnson , stopped him , nnd pointing u
revolver at him declared Unit ho wanted him ,
ns ho was an ofllcor. The startled horseman
demanded to see the wit-rant , to which John
son replied that the otticr fellow , who was a
little ways oft In the buggy , had the warrant.
The mun refused to bo taken into custody
under any such n demand , and when the
other fellow came up with the bug y , ho
could produce no warrant. The other mun ,
whose nnme was afterwards ascertained to bo
Bryan Hlloy , was too drunk to Imvoproduced
n warrant u he had one. After the attempt
to work this blull had fulled the fellows drove
off , nnd the horseman went to Crescent , filed
an Information , and soon oflk\rs wcro after
the two men. They succeeded in arresting
both and brlnplnp tnetn to Crescent. They
wore charge ; ' , with attempted robbery.
Both the men arrested are residents of Mis
souri Vallov , where they hired a team In the
forenoon of that day for the purpose of tak
ing a drive. Johnson s said to have had n
rather hard record. Hilcy is said to bo nn Inoffensive -
offensive citizen , whoso mends say ho was
evidently led into the scrape by being full of
reckless whisky. One theory of the affair is
that the horseman , who had been at Missouri
Valley , had been cunningly followed Into
Crescent township for the deliberate purpose
of robbing him at the nrst good opportunity.
The other Is that the two men were Just
drunk enough to want a llttlo scrap , and
that they came across this niiiii by chance ,
merely giving him a scare as tbo result of u
drunken frolic.
Cmsccnt was badly torn up ever tne affair ,
and the news that two highway robbers had
been captured went like the wind.
We Have OUR to Talk to You About.
Experience has proved to you nnd us that
the tiino to make hay is when the sun shines.
The sun Is shining for the buyer this season
and the seller has to como to time and sell
ills goods In the season they are bought for.
We have an overstock of goods and right
now Is the time to sell it wo know itl The
weather Is unfavorable for the dry goods
trade , but w\ propose to sell oar stock , If low
prices will do It. Wo will offer tomorrow and
during tills week such attractive bargains In
cloaks , jackets , wraps , misses' and children's
cloaks , underwear , and all heavy clothing nt
such prices that It will pay anyone whc
studio * economy to lay In their goods for the
season. Our stock is all fresh and of the
latest ami best styles.
Our holiday department , which is the no
knowledged center of attraction , will bo oper
to thu public after Monday. It takes up out
entire third floor and consists of the latest
choicest nnd wrest novelties that the Atner
lean and European markets produce. A trif
through our house and tbo various depart
incuts will convince every loyal citizen ol
Council Bluffs that our institution Is not behind
hind the times , but the leader of all estab
lishmcnts in the norttuvcst. Everybody cor
dlnlly Invited. Call ana see us.
IlExnr EISE.MAX & Co. ,
Broadway and Pearl street , Council Bluffs
The Promised Ulianp Gis.
" 1 wish you would say that the Iowa fuel
nnd power company has not surrendered iu
charter and does not Intend to surrender it , "
said ono of the Interested parlies to THE Bui
yesterday. "Tue Bin : Is the only paper thai
has not given currency to this falsehood , am
I wish yon would contradict it again. Tin
company Is Incorporated under the jaws ol
the state , and the company that Is being or
ganlzcd hero has filed Us articles of Incot
poration with the county auditor. I'assur
you that it is an entity that can sue and bi
sued , and if there Is not loss freedom used ii
talking about its affairs tticro may bo som
libel suits instituted. "
The general history of the organization ha
never been published , and there has been
good ueal of mystery surrounding it. Th
gentleman , when press-jd for informa
tion concerning the enterprise , gav
Tin : BBIJ n brief history of it an
a rough description of the proecs
used to make fuel g.\s largely out of the tw
elements , water nnd air. A company eon
posed of reliable men has purchased th
right to introduce and use the process ii
Iowa and has about concluded negotiation
for a similar right for the state or Nebraska
It is their Intentlnii to establish plants 1
every city In the two states that Is larg
enough to support an old-fashioned gas works
To do this would require nioro capital thn
the company could command , and the ofllcei
have determined to enlist local capital i :
every city where they establish n plant.
They wore anxious to establish the firs
plant erected In Iowa at Council Bluffs , fc
the reason that it is the only Important guti
way between thu east mid west located In th
state. The plan Is to make this the princlp :
parent plant , nnd the company would mak
. .heaviest Investment here. The f 10,000 t
local capital asked to bo subscribed is not 1
be paid In until the plant has been partial !
erected and the practicability of the procet
demonstrated by actual work. Then tl :
amount Is only to bo paid In small instal
ments , the linal installments not to bo pal
until nearly a year after the completion c
the works.
The process used is ns different from an
other known as tha method of producing a
electric light Is difterontfrom that of makln
n tallow candlo. It is known as the Hall pn
cess , and is the result of profound invcstlgi
tion and the application of recent clicmici
discoveries , It is based upon the deductlo
that the amount of oxygen necessary to coi
sumo a pound of coal equals so many cab
fret , nnd instead of permitting the combui
tion tp take place In an ordinary retort b
the application of Intense heat around It U
coal Is consumed in n retort hcrmctlcall
scaled and into which the requlsll
number of cubic foct of atmosphoi
has been forced under pressure , it
estimated that 28S cubic feet of atmosphoi
is required tooousmmo ono pound of coal , un
If a ton of coal has boon1 placed In the rote
then 2,000 times this amount of air Is force
In mixed with steam. The coal is consume
and the entire product of combustion tluul
goes into the gasholder. It has more tl
character of vapor of alcohol or ether than i
ordinary carhurotted liydroinm and buri
when Ignited In tbo open air with an lutcus
ly hot blue ilumo as free from sinoko as i
By this process they claim to bo nblo i
demonstrate that they can produce sever
hundred thousand feet ot fuel gas from tl
combustion of n single ton of boal. This
sutllclcnt to Indicate that they can furnli
gas at 85 cents n thousand to the consum
iuul niako n big profit.
Council Bluffs will eventually have tl , but unless the small amount of stoi
offereel is token nt OHCO them will 1
some delay in petting it , and this w
not bo the initial point to bo visit
by thousands to sea the first cheap fuel g
plant in the west. Sioux City men liavo c
force ! tq Bubscribo the amount U9k ° d for
once provided the company will muko th
town the initial point. Tlio proposition
being seriously considered , and unless the i
innlnlngf 1,000 or M.OOO worth of stock U
taken at once they may accept the Corn
llusker's offer , It Is certainly of n great doiil
of Importance to the city , and ns the parties
who take stock will not'bo nskcd to pay In
their money until after a long Interval , nnd
then only upon condition that the process Is
a complcto success , no risk is being ran. If
the stock is raised nt once two Immense standpipes -
pipes will bo erected near the transfer and
will bo pouring n volume of fhnno into the
sky before .Tnnunry 1 that will equal any of
the famous "gasscrs" in Iho natural gas re
gions ol the cast.
Buy your coil and wood of C. U. Puol Co. ,
53'J Broadway. Telephone 130.
J , C. Illxby , steam heating , sanitary en
gineer , OW Ufo b'jlldinir , Onuha ; 23J Mor
rium block , Council Blurts.
The Hoard nl'fUl itcnt Ion.
The board of education mot In regular
monthly session last night. All the members
were present and they sailed through the
buplncs as smooth as summer sens , with the
exception of ono little hitch.
The secrctery's minutes of n previous
meeting wcro ctmngcel to rend that the board
hnd accepted the special assessments un-
matured on some lots in Gccndulo addition.
A communication wns received from the
state superintendent regarding the attend
ance of teachers at the state teachers meet
ing. The superintendent urged the attend
ance of all teachers nt the meeting of the
association nt Do3 Moiucs commencing
December 30 and continuing four days. Ho
also suggests that the beard arrange a vaca
tion to penult them to attend.
The communication , was placed on fllo
without action.
Tbo teachers committee reported that ono
room in the now addition to the Twentieth
avenue school was completed and the board
accepted their recommendation to elect Miss
Ada Aiimvorth as teacher for the new room.
The committee mso rcco'minendcd that the
salary of Miss Hello Barclay bo Increased to
$ o5 per month , and the recommendation was
agreed to.
The committee on supplies reported having
ordered seats for two rooms In the Twentieth
nvenuo building.
The committee on janitors recommended
that the salary of the Janitor at the Twen
tieth avenue school be llxcd nt 940 per month
and that she bo allowed T.t > ( ) for extra work
done in cleaning out the building. The re
port wns approved nfter &J.M ) hnd been
clipped from the fco asked for extra work.
The basement was ordered to bo filled up
suitable for the residence of the Jan-
itresa. The heating apparatus was or
dered to bo placed in position by
the contractor to whom the work
was awarded. A proposition for repairing
and keeping In repair the heating apparatus
in the Bloomer building was rejectee ! and the
matter wns referred back to the committee.
Chairman Hunter of the finance committee
reported that the committee hnd been unable
to negotiate the bonds Issued for the new
school bulkliiiKS nt the premium expected by
the board and stated that they could not do
much bettor than sell them nt par.
There wore strong symptoms of n row when
Member Hunter announced that ho hnd
placed $10,00(1 ( Insurance on the Twentieth
and Second avenue sciiool buildings. Ho
stated that ho had called nt Mr. Walte's of-
llco to consult him , but did not ilnd him and
went ahead and placed the insurance. Mr.
\Vnlte objected to Hunter's action and stated
that the placing of the Insurance belonged to
the committee of which ho was chairmanand
Hunter had nothing ut all to do
with it. The matter elicited a good deal of
tbo olel style of acrimonious debate , nnd when
Mr. Schocntgen moved to accept the report
Mr. Wells seconded it , the vote showed the
same old deadlock that has caused so much
trouble , and the president declared the mo
tion lost , Mr. Hunter ex plained that he had
called upon Mr. Schoontgen , ono of the mem
bers of Air. Wnlto's committee , nnd the two
placed the insurance. Mr. AVnlto again ob
jected to receiving the policies , and Mr. Wells
moved that ? , " > ,0)0 , ( ) on the Suconel nvenuo and
the $3,00(1 ( on the Twentieth avenue and * i , 000
on the same building bo accepted. There was
no second to tbo motion. Mr. Wells moved
that the policy of > ,0 < K ) on Second nvenuo be
accepted nnd It was currleell
The contractors were allowed $ lr , > 00 for
work done on the Second nvoniio building.
An order was ordered drawn on the contin
gent fund for the amount.
Prof. H. W. Sawyer , the newly elected
superintendent , was present and wns IntrO'
duced by Mr. lUrmini , and although suffer
ing from nil ncnto tora throat , ho made n
Humorous speech that highly pleased the
members. After putting the board iu good
humor with itself , ho very eloquently stated
tnat ho had como here with the clearly de
fined intention of doing his best to make n
reputation for himself and to labor for the
best interests of the school. At the concluS'
ion of his speech ho asked to bo granted ti
leave of absence until next Wednesday , &tnt
ing thot it would bo necessary for him to return
turn to St. Joseph on the 10 o'clock train lusl
evcniin } . ' The request was granted. The
president assured him that ho couW ontei
upon his duties with the full nnd hearty sup
port of all thfl members of the board. Mr
Sawyer Is n tine looking man of about fortj
years of ago. Ho is of rather heavy build
.full black whiskers and mustache and has :
pair of restless gray eyes.
The bill of Architect Maxnn for plan.i
for the Second aveuuo building , whlcl
wcro accepted and subsequently rejected
was called up. Mr. Hunter gave it as hi :
opinion that the board was indebted to Mnxoi
to the amount of his claim , $300 , for his reJected
Jected plans , less 100 already paid him. Tin
president stated that Maxou had aircnd ;
commenced suit , and the board would hnvi
to pay the attorneys employed , and suggeste <
thut thonmlter bo loft ns uiilhiished buaines ;
and the committee bo directed to confer will
the attorneys and report at the next meeting
Tbo remainder of the session was eonsumec
in the allowance of the regular monthly bills
Money to loan at straight 5 par cent pc :
annum. E. S. Burnett , agent.
( treat bargains In bedroom suits at Mandc
& Klein , S'M Broadway.
Our W. O. A. Hospital.
' To the generous public : In our time
practical Christianity has entered upon
broader conception and more generous It :
terpretation of the brotherhood of man. A
n ratural outgrowth of this spirit of mutut
dependence and helpfulness has boon the dc
vclopmcnt of Christian charities nnd pcrmc
nent Institutions for the protection an
care of the weak and unfortunate. Prompte
by a eleslro to contribute our share in thi
mighty evolution , live years ago our ossocli
tion responded to along felt want , and opone
n cottage hospital In the northern part of th
city. At the expiration of two years , w
found owing to increased patronage wo wcr
obliged to scok a moro commodious building
The McMnhan homsteael , corner of Nlntl
street and Sixth avenue , was obtained nt i
rental of per month , sent secured by rogtilai
contributions given by indies and gentle
men interested in our enterprise.
\Vo have a basket fund , supported b
lt'0 ladles , who are pledged to give ii
ono basket a year worth from W.5'Jto5 '
basket. Some give two and three a yeai
In this manlier wo supply our taule nlmos
entirely. Our rooms were furnished in th
following manner : Mrs. J. T. Stewart on
entirely , ladles of the Methodist church an
other , nnd two more by tlio King's Daughter
of the Presbyterian and Congregation !
churches. Ono by the P. B. 0. si
clety. By removing a number c
partitions between several small rooms
line largo sunny ward was made which cor
tains a number of bods. This , as well ns th
remainder of the house , wns furnished b
friends and members of the assoelattoi
Mrs. Ur.-C. C. Hall , n graduate of Ann Arbc
university , Michigan , is our superintended
She presides over every department wit
ability nnd dignity. Dr. Hull has trainc
qulto a class of nurses who , upon media
examination , have received their diploma
nnd are now engaged In tlielr chosen work i
our city. t-ivhiK excellent satisfaction.
This line of work will bo continued , and n
soon as we can complete our arrangements
will reopen our Industrial school for the trait
Ing of children whoso parents are not able t
give them this valuable instruction. Wo w
pcct to establish a class for the training <
young women who 'may dcbtro to enter di
mcstio service. Wo will teach them In over
department of housework , which , wo trus
will bring joy and comfort Into mauy a horn
Too much cannot bo snlel of the gcnoroi
co-operation of the ph.VHleans of our elf
The nklllcd treatment which they have give
the suffering , sick and innlmod , spcnl
grandly for the profession which they repn
seat. At our September meeting It w
decided that wo purchase property for ft
permanent hospital , comtu\Uous \ were formed
nnd Instructed to obtain descriptions and
prices of property in different parts of the
city nnd report to our association. After
careful deliberation we' ' 'concluded to
purchase the property which wo
now occupy. This properly consists of build
ings nnd three lots , price Jl.-lli" . From our
building fund on hand wo paid $ .V. ' , ' ) , nnd by n
loan secured by mortgage ton property , wo
paid the balance. Wo havu enough money In
our treasury to pay the lii t Installment of
Interest , and wo have two lots , the gift of
Mrs. Crawford and \V. L. Mnyno , Esq.
We are compelled to raise our buildings nnd
gtounds to grnde and to make sotno much
needed changes In the Interior of the build
ing. This will increase our Indebtedness
fcJ.lXX ) .
This burden of debt which wo ns nn asso
ciation , have assumed , ought to bo shared by
ex-cry charitably disposed person In our com
munity. No citizen of Council Bluffs who
is concerned for his city's ' honor , who Is
proud of his city's growth , who Is Jealous of
his city's Christian and humane repute , can
refuse his substantial nnd practical support
to nu Institution by which all these Intore-sts
nro subserved. COMMITTUC.
A Splendid Performance.
"Eileen Oire , " as presented by the Inlspall
dramatic club , repented Its former success at
Dolmtipy'a nt the mntlnco performance
yesterday. A smoothness clinrnctorlzoel the
tntlro performance seldom accompllsheel by
amateurs. The creditor the almost perfect
stage management Is largely duo to Ed T.
Cogley. the president of the society , whoso
generalship as n couehcr of stage work Is
conceded by all who have ( Utcndcd rehearsals
under him. Several of them , nmongst-thein
being ftlrs. Cogloy , bad never faced nu au
dience before , and anyone witnessing her
rendition of an Irish colleen part like Peggy
Maqulro , can readily see what can bo accom
plished with proper application and coaching1
The entire company did well. George T.
Hughes , with his splendid volco nnd flno
stage presence , was an Ideal hero. Henry
Paschcl , n polished vlllinn. ably seconded
by Thomas Hughes , as the middleman ;
Phil Paschcl , a klndlv nnd sympathilio
priest ; Ed Cogloy , ns Brian O'Farrol. soon
got in the good graces of the audience by his
natural and easy methods , which nro notice-
ubln in all his roles. Ho has a rich brogue
not artificial or forced , slugs nicely and
dances gracefully , and his general bearing
that of a handsome , rollicking Irish lad.
Of the ladles Miss Celia Hughes again
showed herself nn emotional actress of con
siderable ) force , used with becoming skill.
Miss Pussio Keating and Mrs. Ed F1. Cogloy.
both newcomers to the society , surprised
their friends wonderfully. Molllo Lncy ntul
Molllo Qnrrety In mlneir roles acquitted
themselves creditably. The houses at both
performances wcro largo and a neat sum will
be realized.
See our now fall patterns of carpets , rugs ,
shades at nil prices. AtM. & K.'s , U20 Broad
way. _
Scott House. Best f 1.00 per day house iu
the city. _
A Crnejk shot.
The Council Bffs Rifle club hael Its regu
lar budge shoot yesterday afternoon nt its
range. Sixty-three points were made by two ,
Mr. Duncan nnd Mr. Sockett. The tlo wns
decided by three shots. Duncan 20 , and
Sackott 18. There was n side shoot also , nnd
In the day's shooting Mr. .Duiicau scored 1J ! ! !
In eighteen shots , or an average of almost
seven. Ho la Jlfty-nlne years of ape and
shoots without glasses.
An Kxtcatlcd Popularity , Brown's
Bronchial Troches hnvo for niur.v years been
the most popular article in use for relieving
Coughs aud Throat troubles.
1113 LOVED 11111 TOO WEljh. '
Strange Story of a Condemned Mur
derer's Sclf-Sjaorillco.
The recent tloiith in Canada of Mrs.
Storling' , the mother of Chnrlus M. Ster
ling , who wns executed hero for the
murder of Lizzio Grombnckor , has un
veiled Btrango facts doncornlng nn inci
dent that occurred bliortly before the _
execution , snys a Youngstown , O. , special -
cial to the San Francisco Examiner.
Sterling's mother cumo hero from
Maxwell , Canada , and though ho hnd
loft homo when but a lad , with niatormil
Intuition she recognized him when
brought to his coll. Sterling , without a
( | iiiver of a luusclo , said :
"You are mistaken , madam ; I nm not
your son. "
She implored him to recognize her ,
but ho refused , and she returned homo
half convinced that she was mistaken.
To his counsel .Sterling said :
"Sho is my mother , but I could not
break her heart by telling her that hot-
son would bo hanged. Keep it secret
until she dies. "
Her death during the past week caused
his attorney , Anderson , to break the seal
of Hilcneo today.
"It was the most dramatic scene I over
witnessed , " miiel Mr. Anderson. "I
have teen all the tragedies of the past
quarter of a century but none that com
pared to the scone on that occasion. "
"The mother , every line in hnr face
showing intense suffering , and her heart
nearly broken , wliilo the son , knowing
that tlio truth would kill her , stood like
a statue , his face showing the paler of
death , showing her that she was mis
"Such intensity of , notion was never
produced on tiny Htngo. It could
not uodono. "
The World's Host Tonlo Wntcr
Is Ilcgent ( ferro manganese ) , of Excelsior
Springs , Mo. Sold by all leading druggists
nnd groccra.
liloaoliliig Dried Fruit.
According to the Experiment Station
Record for October ( United blutcs de
partment of agriculture ) , Director 1111-
gurd of the California station believes
that the public should bo taught to pre
fer "healthy , brown , high-flavored fruit
to the sickly-tinted , chomicnllv-tnlntod
product of the sulphur box. " When
freshly sliced fruit is treated with sul
phurous acid for a short time , the effects
nro slight , yet such ns to protect the
fruit from insects. When thoroughly
sulphured after drying , however , the
fruit is injured in flavor : nnd , worse
still , sulphuric acid is formed in Kulli-
ciont amount to bo Injurious to health.
By analysis sulphureld apricots huvo
boon found to contain ' ,2.'t2 per cent ol
sulphuric ucid , or nb6lit25 grains of vlt-
rol per pound , and priihes .Ii-10 per cent
of sulphuric acid. In , inost , countries of
Europe the sale of sujpliured fruit is for
' .
llorHforil'H Acid I'lioNpliitcs
Kecommonded by Physicians
of all schools , for the /brain , nerves nnd
stomach. > '
Stumps tl > 9lniiel. ,
In Boino Japanese theaters when a per
son wishes to leave the hall and come
back ho is not given a pass check as ir
the then-tors in this country. The door
keeper takes liolel of1 llio right hand ol
the man going out atid tainps on it the
stamp of the establishment ,
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for ohll
Oren teething relieves the child from pain. 2 ;
cents a bottlo.
Tlio Child and Kaglei Ktory ;
An advertisement has heon running
in a Bristol , England , paper for the last
year offering $50 reward for any well
authenticated case of a child being curried
riod away ban cnglo , no matter in whu' '
country. Nooiigloevordid It.
Dr.Binioy cures catarrh. Boo bld.g
1002. Sixteenth nnd Fnrnam streets Ii
the now Rock Island ticket olllco. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest ratoa.
A HuliHtltiito Tor Tolmooo.
11 s Only ono HUbsUtulo for tobacco has a
ypt been discovered. This is the leave
n shrub growing lu Australia , th
ACH article in the De'.embtr
number is illustrated by asingle I Tis with pleasure that the publishers of SCIUHNKK'S
artist who has worked in close
association wiih the author. MAi < utN'is announce what they believe to be a
HOLIDAY NUMBER , particularly strong and interesting prospectus for the
" coming ycur. In this space but a few
"JAP NICA. " Sin KIHTIX AiiNOt.n's first pniior upon
Japan nnd tlio Jnpnncio. llluntr.ttcil b ; Ilubvrt Ilium. of the leading features can be mentioned ,
bIonAim I'vi.K , "A 1' without Wonl , " tolling but its articles it is
general expected
tlielr slury without tlio nlilof tuxt. arnong
TIIETltUE STOHY OFMY HOUSAKT , a now com- that the standard of the
pected contents
tiipiitnry on Scott's ' -Konllwo-tli , " by W II IIMir.lMl. wllli
nnd llliMtrnllons In in nclnhbiirlUKMl mii'lu for , the byV. miifinilno . L. Tnjrlor. nt Ko.ilUutth Cnsllo will not only be maintained but increased
ROOM , by Hti.Mi'imv WAIIII. iirt ctltle of llio London in interest and importance.
Tlmo i nti nccomitof tlio lummisnuctloii-ruom r.tut Its fri"
qupiiU-n for tunny jo.irs , wllli Illiiitriilloiis by Hurry Kur-
nl s , tlio well known nrlht of 1'nncli. Mr. Henry M. Stanley will con-
volpcl p pooliilly to llio Neapolitan pnlnlpr Morollli with IN .tribute two articles , the first [ in January ] It. MSTANI.l'.V.
luitrntlun.i from Ills works unit \if \ llio nuthor.
UOMl'LBTE STORIES by OCTAV > : TIIANKT , ( with II- on "The Pigmies of the Great African
Initiation' br Mctcnlf ) . llintAiii ) II Mill i MI IJAUS ( with
llhintrntlonn by O. I ) . Ulbwn ) , n-.d OKOIKIK A. HIIIIIAHII. Forest" [ illustrated ] , the second [ in February ] on
The ctntlnuntlon of tlio novel " .IKIMIV , " I'oem" , ctetc. .
the "Rear Column. "
Prof. James Bryce , M.P. , has arranged to write four articles on India , which will be
welcomed by the many readers of his book , "The American Commonwealth. "
Sir Edwin Arnold's papers entitled "Japonica , " and begun in the
December number , will be continued through the spring. They form an un
usually striking scries upon Japan and Japanese life , and Mr. Robert
Blum's illustrations are of peculiar interest , as he went to Japan for the
express purpose of collaborating with the author. Other
articles upon the new , Japanese Government , by Prof. John
pitor. imvce. H. Wigmore , of Tokio , nrc so i" preparation , for which Mr.
" 1 > - Blum will furnish the drawings.
Mr. Robert Louis Steven- son has written in collab-
oration with Mr. Lloyd Osborne , a serial sjtory of the present
day , entitled , The Wrecker , which will be begun upon
the completion of the present re- markablc serial , Jerry ,
and continued through the year.
The Great Streets of the World is the title of an attractive series ;
Ocean Steamships , upon the lines of the successful Railroad Articles ;
The Seashore , by Prof. N. 5. Shaler ; the latest Explorations of
Dr. Carl Lumholtz in Mexico , will be features , all abundantly illus
Short Stories will be of unusual interest in the new volume , and among the witers are
Frank R. Stockton , Thomas Nelson Page , Octave Thanet , and several
new writers. A more extended announcement can be had by
TERMS ! 28e a a Year Number ; , addressing the publishers.
A year's subscription for 1801 nnd the
bade numbers for 1800 , - . - - - $4.50.
A year's subscription for 1801 and the
baclt numbers for 1800 , 2 vo'.s. ,
cloth , 0.00
eaves of which aroehowcd by the blacks
n the bnmo way and for the BUIIIO pur
pose us tobacco is chowecl. The loaves
iontnin nn alkaloid , piturlne , which Is
said by certain chomihts to bo Identical
with nicotine , but moro probably isonly
closely allied to it.
Gesslcr'a Magic Headache Wafers. Cure all
headaches In0 minutes. At all druggists.
Also Why the YOUIIK Woman nnil Her
Escort Ijoft tlio Train.
A gontlemnn riding on an elevated
train in com puny with a handsome and
fashionable youncf Indy became much an
noyed nt tlio persistently offensive man
ner with which an ornamental younjr
man opposite stared nt his companion ,
says tlio Now York Sun. The follow
lixod her with his eyes nnd in his face
was an expression of vulpar enjoyment
which amounted almost to grinning
amusement. In vain did the gontlomun
scowl across the car at the insulting
person. Tlio latter did not notice the
former's rage , having1 no interest in uny-
ono but the girl. Finally matters were
brought to a crisis by the young man ,
who , when the young woman
chanced to turn her gaze in
liis direction. Binilod deliberately at
her and made a sign to hor. This was
too much for tlio gontlomnn to bear , so
ho rose in his wrath , nnd , making one
stop across tlio car , leaned ever and
muttered into tlio young man's ear :
"If you don't stop 1 will throw you
from the train at tlio next station. "
Tlio young man looked back into the
infuriated eyes of the gentleman with
most astounding placidity , and re
marked quietly :
"Suppose you nsk the young ludy'to
look out for her laundry. "
Tlio gentleman turned and looked at
the girl. On her lap was a bundle , the
paper of which had burst. Down at hoi-
foot reposed a crumpled stocking , mid
from the orifice caused by the broken
pnpor projected tlio edge of
an unmistakable garment. Greatly
taken aback , the gentleman re
turned to his Bent nnd deftly
picked the stocking from the floor , at
the same time grjxsplng the bundle on
the girl's lap , presumably with the in
tention of hiding with as little awk
wardness os possible the telltale gar
ment that was obtruding itself. Ho
would bettor have loft it alone , however ,
for as ho clutched at the paper it burst
entirely , and a pretty girl's laundry was
outspread to the view of a car full of
amused spectators. Tlio gontlomun , now
thoroughly uncomfortable , hastily jam
med the clothing under bin overcoat and
made the girl leave the train with him
at tlio nci.xt station.
Pears' Is the puroat anil boat soap over
A Valuables Walnut Tree.
A Now York lumber dealer lately
bought a black walnut tree in Harbin
county , Kentucky , for $50 , on which lie
oxpoctH to make a pi-oflt of 85,000. It is
a curled grain walnut , between five and
six feet In diameter at the base. ItH
owner was an ignorant mountaineer.
Albright's Choice , money made fast.
New Torpedo Not.
An English wire worker , now nat
uralized in this country , has invented n
torpedo not which IB soon to bo sub
mitted to an olllcial test , nnd which is
mild to possess points of considerable
merit. The net is constructed of inter
locking stool rings.
Tlio I'roposiMl I'noitmntlo Iilno.
The pneumatic line between Now
York and Philadelphia is now con
sidered an assured fact. It is expected
that it will transport largo packages between -
twoen the two cities in loss than twenty
Aryan and Semite.
The Avyan race 1ms proved Itself Im
mensely superior to the Semitic in itaca-
piu'lty for political organi/.atlon and for
passing on to systems of self-govornmont
and federation.
The now ofllcos of the Great Rock
Island route , 1002 Sixteenth nnd Farnam
Btrcots , Omaha , are the finest In the city.
Call and see thorn. Tickets to all polnte
oust nt lowest rates.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo I31dg.
The Nuts of tlio Un'tcd States.
The department of agriculture ) is in
receipt of reports from different parts of
every state and territory concerning the
production of wild and cultivated nuts ,
and will embody tlio information in a
bulletin soon to bo issued by the pomolo-
gical division. The extent unit possi
bilities of nut culture are by no means
generally understood. In central Cali
fornia almond orchards of from two thou
sand to live thousand trees are not un
usual , and in tlio southern portion of the
same state the Madcrin nut , or English
walnut , as it is moro commdiiiy called ,
is cultivated in orchards of from ono
hundred to fifteen hundred trees. From
most of the other states also , the Ma-
derin is reported to bo grown for nut
production. On Staten island the same
nut is marketed green and for catsup.
The pecan is gro\vn in or
chards and groves in the
south-central and southwestern states ;
while the pinon or pine nut , though
quite unknown to people cast of the Miss
issippi' , is marketed in immense quanti-
tio.-i in the cities of the Pacific slope.
Uy selection nnd culture fruits are found
to improve almost as readily as fruits.
Thin shells and increased size are the
most common results of improvement.
Tlio pomologist of tlio department will
bo glad to add to the list of persons to
receive the bulletin the mimes of such
as furnish concise reports on matters
relative to nut culture. Others who are
interested may obtain the bulletin when
published by applying to the secretary
of agriculture , Washington , D. C.or to
the pomologist direct.
Hot Water for
Tlio newest pure for sleeplessness is
simply a pint of hot water sipped slowly
before retiring to bed. ItsolYects are
immediate , and those people who make
use of it declare that as a sedative it is
C iiy FatvUof * ' Dny.
The fith of November , heretofore ob
served in England as "Guy Fawkes'
Day , " is scarcely noticed now.
S. A. Crowo lias announced himself ns
n democratic candidate for the nomina
tion for councilman from the Fourth
AH kinds of Dying and Cleaning dnno In the
Highest Style of thu Art , Kudeil and Htalnoil
] ' 'iiln-lci made to lookas KOOI ! us now. Work
promptly done unil delivered lu nil parU of
tbo country , Send for price list.
O. A , MAOIIAN , 1'ron. ,
J01U Hroadw.iv. Near Northwestern lopot ) ,
Or Council Blufft.
numerous T. A. Mlllnr , 1' , O. dleason , E. U
Bhiieart , K. E- Hart , J. I ) . Kdmumlson. Cliarluj
U. ilannuii. Transmit KPiior.kl baakln ; ImiU
ness. Largest capital und surplus ot uny
bankln Southwestern Iowa ,
\\rAXTKD-A young clrl to hell ) at hons-
T work. Mrs. P.M. 1'ryor. OH ) lllulT street.
TilOU HUNT Seed farm of IVi ucrcs. ft mlletj
-I ! fiotn Council lllulTs. Apply to LcunarA
Kvcn'tt ,
T71OH SAIjK-Good lot on Ilrouilwnr. lot V ' ,
-U bloelt 17 , llcers' sub. , for t'OO. Apply to
I.eomird Everett.
iJMLMNr. Wnntod-Uit I : . ' . Mock 17 , Hi-oW
- * ' pub. , I'ctweeu Kith and ITth streets to uo
ttllod. App'y to Leonard Everett.
TI1OH SALE clump. A Rood oflloo desk , nearly
Jnew. . Koom 4. llrown building.
WAXTKD-I.iiilviir Kent willing to work for
our Interest : uerinnncnt positions sS.Y ! ) to
$ . ' 1.00 a day. V. U. S. , 007 Willow avenue. Coun
cil 111uITs.
OA UKADof horsostotixchiiiixo forclearluml
Oorclty property. Johnston ti Van I'attea ,
Kverutt blucK.
/ | A KAUMH In southwestern Iowa for snloi
'itv term" easy. Also small farms and Knrdon
land around Council HlutT-i. Johnston ft
ratten. Kroretl block.
mules , hnriinssnncl wnpon for salO
on a year's time. Johnston It Van I'utten ,
Kverutt block. .
. AMKMA NIELSON.M.n. . special mid
MRS. . 1K.1I-3 ave , Coiine.ll lllullH , In.
SPECIAL ; ) two Snundurs street lots , N
Omaha. J. K. Davidson. ( Si'i-Mli avo.
. P. ST1LLMAN. Marcus hloclc ,
WAI.TEK 1'iiullccollections , typewriting.
TT1O11 HALE-I.onsn and furniture of Sc-otb
J.1 House , Council llliilTs. m rooms. C'liea ) ) : a
bargain. Address J. H. Jordan , Council lllulla.
TTIOU KENT 'llio JlcMulmn tlireo-fctory
JL1 lirlck block , No. 113 S. Maliibt , wllhclovator
J. W. Scmiro. .
TT1UU SALK-Comploto sot of tinners tools ,
JL1 niid small htnuii of tlnwaro at a bargain.
Inquire at room HIS Murrliim bloeU.
TJ1OK SALE"or Kent ( Jardoa land , wltli
J ? houses , by J. U. Illuo. lli Matu at. . CouuoU
Bluffa .
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
G06 Broadway , Gounoll Bluffa , la
Over 0. H. Jaenuuniln ft Co a Jewelry Stora
D7H. McDancld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Packers' Supplies ,
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
Fi.Icos anil Sausimn Maknrt" Machinery. B70- *
1C.1 Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. AUo dealers
In Hides and I'll lit.
" "
Cornnr Main ami Ilro.-ulvray ,
Pcalcrs In foreign anil ( lomustlo oVclmv ; & '
Collodion iiiudo uncl Interest paid on Urn *
KL Chapman's ' Hrt Store ,
Every person wants an engraving when they can qot n
Only a few moro loft. Ensels , Framed Pictures , Cnblnots , etc. , at
half price. All those goods must be closed out by January 1st.