mum * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , * . _ . . - - - . _ _ . - - r- _ - - . . . . - . . . -m-- _ . . _ _ ! _ . . : z . . . . j. . " ---rr-- „ ; i _ f.- ' T - . , - - - - . . - . - , . . . - , . . „ _ - _ „ _ . _ „ . _ , _ , „ _ . . . _ _ . - . . . , L- - - - - - _ TWENTIETH YEAE. OMAHA , SATURDAY MOiaigrijm , NOVEMBER 29 , ISOCX \f \ STU3HBER LITTLE WOUND'S ' BAD BRAVES I , , The Old Warrior Eoports that His Tribsis ' Beyond His Control. CAVALRY WAITING MARCHING ORDERS , IMenty llonr Comes In with nn inir Kt < iry Two lliuusnnd Annod IndlniiH D.moliiK near HoHoUnil 1'illiiKlne tie FnrmerH. Pi\n KIDOK Anns-CT , Nov. 2S.-Llttlo " \Voundlslnnndrcport3 his Inability to con trol his bands In the Interest of peace. The cavalry oxpocw nn order to mnrch tonight on the Rosebud ramp on the Porcunlno , although General Urooko Is reported as being In favor of waiting until the Sixth crunlty leaches Tort Mcado and troops can bo placed nt Forest City above Pierre. Kilting Dull Delimit. MANIIASS. . I ) . , Nqv. 28. Word comes from Sitting Bull's camp from different sources that ho Is dancing his men moro vlg- oiously than over and ho is compelllnR the children to join in the daneo. Ho is reported to bo moro hostile and determined to fight than ever. This afternoon two cavalry 'troops arrived from Foil Custor and pro ceeded to Fort Yotcs. TItE STOItr OP M.ETY 11K AII. IIo FnyB There nro Two Thousand Dniiccrs at Wounded ICncc. PINT. Unmn AOFNOV , S. D. , ( via Rush- vllle , Neb. ) Nov. 28. [ Spcchl Telegram to TUB UKU. | The first ripple of news that wo have had today came nt 4 o'clock this after noon. Plenty Boar , nnd old-time friendly In dian who lives nt Wounded Knee , twonty-flvo miles northeast of here , came In with an alarming report to Agent Hoycr. Ho staled that tbcro were ! ! ( ) l lodges , bolnR over two thousand of Indians nt Wounded Knee , and that they had resumed the ghost dance with many warlike accompaniments. IIo said they wci o formed in the regular war dance proper .and wore sweating vengeance upon th ° whites for conspiring o stop the latter. They have taken an oath to resist Interfeienco if it costs the last diop of their hcnits' blood. Plenty Bear said that ho witnessed the dance In person and that Llttlo Wound , who visited the agency hero only yesterday , nnd said that his band had stopped dancing , was Joining In it hotter limn ever with hU entire bind. Itvns fuitbor slated by Plenty Bear that the deviltry con sisting of burning the houses of settlers and stealing stock was still going on and that great loads of recently slaughtered beef wore coming In every hour all last night.C. C. II. C. The First Blond. PINT. Ilipan Aonxcr , S. B. , ( via Hushvllle , Neb. , ) Nov. 23. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bnn.J The first blood of the campaign was shed Inst night by Benjamin Uowluml , n gov ernment ncout. Ho was attacked and stabbed with a butcher knife in the hands of Autono Herman , who hud been drinking heavily. halfbrccds nnd brothers-in-law. Both are - - . Herman wis captured last night and is cow behind the bars of tbo agency guard house awaiting his trial. Tbo cntlro police force , numbering 100 , 1 lurried out this morning to ariest Swing ing Back , cblof of the ghost dance from the Rosebud , but on going to his tcpcothoy found that Ihelc bird had flown to Wounded Knee crook , wjioro the HoscbUd Indians are " ' " " "iMoiped. His reported that they nro still committing depredations and nro In no hurry to come in and icport. Private Morris , Com pany B , Ninth cavalry , was thrown from his horse nnd sustained Internal injuries. IIo will probably die. KATDZXG 3'JIK C'OVXTMY. A Jfj.iwlcss Hand of Indians Plllnglng Neni' HoHcbnd Agency. ROSEHUP Aor.NOT , S. B. , ( via Valentino , Nob. ) Nov. 23. [ Special Telegram to Tnu Bui ; . ] Lieutenant Colonel Poland , Twenty- first infantry , has assumed command of the forces at Rosebud. The colonel has had long experience with the Sioux. Rigid discipline is enforced to keep the soldiers from alarm- ng the Indians. Word is being sent to tbo Indians tbat no injury is to bo done any at homo. The piesout danger is peculiar. About fifty young men are raiding the whole country , destroying everything , breaking all school houses and mission chapels. Thcso are at largo and are having a good time. They opened a house of R. P. Whit- flcld , on White river , nn ex-farmer nt Rosebud , stole n gold watch nnd chain given to him last Now Years by fi lends nt Rosebud and a larco quantity of groceries. This gang can break up nt any time after doing very destructive work or by allying themselves to ' .ho hostilcs can destroy all tbo hay nnd horses ! in the reserve. Few runners nro coming in nnd no nuthentlo news ns yet. All the filcndly Indians from the hostile ic- glen nro now on the Llttlo White river live miles fiom the agency. The weather Is very fine nnd troops In good health. To Join linflMo Bill. Pirrsnt'iio ' , Pa. , Nov. 2S. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bnr.j A party of six Indians passed through this city today en route to the far west to Join Buffalo Bill on the mis sion in which ho bus Just started , to run down the much talked of Messiah and quiet the hostile redsldns. Wild Horse Bill was tlio title of the scout who had charge of the party. The olhors nil ngreo with him In say ing he did not think there was much danger of nn outbreak before spring as the Indians would not care to break up their villages nnd go on tbo war path In cold weulher. Ijowcr rtrult-8 Dancing. WAHIIN'OTON , Nov. 28. Acting Indian Com- mlssioLor Bolt today received tolegratn from Agent Dixon at Crow Creole agency , South Diiuotu , fmylngthnt nonoof his Indians ad yet been dancing. A small bnnJ of Lower Brules ncnr Iho Rosebud roacivation had been dancing and ho had dispatched a force of police nnd scout * to stop it. Ho nas nlso called homo all the Indians having parses to leave the reservation , nnd says ho con siders it IiinKisKlMo to bo surprised in any out break the Lower Brules may make. Broke lip the Jtnnuo. CIIAMIIKIU.AI.V , S. D. , Nov. 28. The Lower Brulo Indian police started In to break up tbo ghost dam-OS last night and today eight leading dancers nro in Jail nt the agency , 'Another dance Is reported as organizing foi tonight nnd the police are ready for It. Af fairs were lively for n tlmo but the jwilco arc too much for the now adhctcnts of the Mes- eiuh ciazo. No danger of nn outbreak is feared. A Diikotn Sour , ? . S. D. , Nov. 28. Much excitement , _ ; ated hero this moniinc ; by n report bit \gVi \ In by a stronger that the Indians } vcron\Vlcrrcpontmid Laiigfordimd that the town olyiernjpont had boon burned. Latei in thoaftfrno/n it was learned the whole tiiliifir walawire nnd tha reported bu-uinc of PJerfpfrrft Is discredited. Govcr\or Alvllntt'n Proclamation. PinitiiE , i . D. , Nov. 28. ( lovcrnor Mel lettu today l\Wd a lengthy pioclainatiou ro gnrdlng the Indian scare In which ho urges the settlers to remain where they are , as the troops nnd government have completely mas tered the hostile clement. - "What Dr. McGIIIIunddy Knys. PniUPKU'iiiA , Nov. 28. Dr. V. T. McOil- llcuddy , fonner ngent at Pine Illdgc , tele graphs : "Newspaper reports of the Pine Uldgo situntion arc misleading. Matters nro now under control with a peaceable ending in view. " / ' 'snr : I > HMHH. llotli Parnrll and Gladstone nro Han dled Without Gloves. I.oviiov , Nov. 23. It was reported that the Gladstone counter manifesto would comment nt great length on matter. The Post snvs not n single point of the sordid conspiracy has been omitted from the story of the homo rule compact for the llrst time brought to light. The bomb has been exploded In anger nnd Parnell turns ngalnst Ins fellow conspir ators to save his own political life. The manifesto has lendeicd the prospects for homo rule worse than nt any lime since 18b5. The Dally News says : To Parnell's ex cited feelings every man's hand seems against him nnd he set his hand ngnlnst eiery man. This Is the last fatal dls-scrvico which oblit erates many If not all hU incomparable ser vice. The News appeals to the Iiish clergy and people not to allow Parncll to drng down the homo rule cause In his own fall by a be lief In his serious misapprehensions of their English fi lends. Tlio Chronicle says : Pnrncll's most pow erful blow Is the revelation of the abject par alysis of the Glaustonlan party over the land ( jdostion mid Moiley's confession of their in ability to assist the sufferers fiom the plan of campaign. The manifesto clearly shows that Painell Is not a person with whom nny statesman cnn venture to hold confidential re lations. Irish ingratitude in politics is pro verbial , but never before was It avowed with such cold , calculating cynicism. The Standard suvs : The manifesto is damaging to the credit of Gladstone and Morley as straightforward statesmen. No English politician will ever trust Parnell again , but ho has chosen the right line to win back the ilnnnrial regard of Irishmen. The Times snjs : The manifesto shivers forever the supposition that Pnrnell can over attain boticated us a trustworthy friend or honorable foe. It is probably the most shameless document the English public life has seen since the days of the revolution. The Times thinks however It will piobnhly effect its purpose and refers to the severity of the blow inflicted ou Gladstone's Imprae- thnblo schemes. In case the Irish nationalist members nt the meeting on Monday favor Parncll , a movement will immediately bo started among the liberals to give Kngllsh reforms preco- dnncoover homo rule , nnd a meeting toad- vocato reverting to the programme of 18b5 will bo summoned. Sir William Vet non Hnrcourt ills believed , will succeed Gladstone in the leadership ol the liberal paityintho event of the latter rotiilng. _ _ lUot in n roinllcld. DITTOS' , O. , Nov. 23. The prize fight be tween Billy Gibbs of Kansas City nnd Dick Alooro of St. Paul in a cornfield near the city this morning resulted in a ilot. In the ilrst round Gibbs fouled Mooio twlco , but the clniins of Moore's seconds wore not allowed , much to the fllsguat of tbo spectators. In tho'sooond Moore landed ono that sent Oibbs to his knees , then stiuek him again \\hllo ho was down , knocking him out. With loud cries of foul the crowd broke over the ropes and a general light took placo. Pistols and billies wore drawn nnd mnttors looked seri ous when the referee announced ho would reserve his decision until tonight. Couldn't Stand the Shame. CIIKYCNSE , Wyo. , Nov. 23. Judge Bong- man attempted suicide this morning by shoot ing himself through the head. IIo may re cover but will bo blind , both eyes being shot out. out.The The new constitution abolishes the offlcoof probate Judge , and when ordered to turnover the district records ot his oftlco Bercman re fused nnd was sent to jail for contempt of court. This so worried him ho attempted to take his life. GlininborlHln to IliH Coiistitiirnts. LONDOV , Nov. 28. [ Special Cablegram to Tim BEE. ] Chamberlain has written n letter to his constituents in which ho says : "I have returned from a most interesting and agree able tour in America nnd nm gratified to find that the judgment of Lord Salisbury nnd Lord Hnrtintrton regarding the differences between the radical nnd conservative parties iu Birmingham has been locally accepted. I am confident that it will promote harmony in the future. " _ _ Got Away With a Million. 1'iin , uir.i.rniA , Nov. -Counsel for per sons Interested in the estate of Charles H. Bauer , deceased , and other family trnsts , to night authorized the statement that John R. Bauer , jr. , who has fled , has misappropriated about 11,000,000 worth of securities belonging to the estates , consisting of coupon bonds nnd registered stocks and bonds trans ferred upon powers , which , us far us cnn bo ascertained , weie foigcd. . The Charge Agnlnttt Dr. Levy. BEIILIV , Nov. 28. [ Special Cablegram to Tin ; Bi.r.1 Dr. Levy has requested that a medical couit of honor bo appointed to Inves tigate the charges against him of having sold Prof. Koch's curutho lymph at exorbitant rates. Dr. Donclius denies that ho nsked or received any fee for Injections of the lymph. It Is estimated that 750 patients nro now In this city under treatment by the now method. lie Died Alone. Sri\TTii : , Wash. , Nov. 23. R. McIClttilck , nt one tlmo a Roman Cnthollo priest at Bur lington , la. , was found dead this morning In n cabin a few miles from the city. On his table was jound a bottle of morphine and a letter stating that ho was without friends and money nnd was going to commit suicide. Ho came hero several years ago and began living the life of a hermit. Hundreds or Ijivcn Lost. Loaiov , Nov. SS , Additional advices of disaster to the fishing licet of the Norwegian coist show that seventy vessels wore driven ashore and battered to pieces. Mnnv smaller boats wcro abandoned. It Is feared hundreds of lives were lost * The bodies of victims are constantly being washed nshoro. A Kusglnii Outrage. , Nov. 23.-Tho Volks Zoltung re ports nn outrage by Russian soldlora on the frontier nour Alandro , a party of them raid ing the house of a landowner , assaulting the proprietor's wife , terribly beating a man nnd cnrrylug oft evcri thing of value. Knn on the Hank. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Nov. 28. There was n heavy run on Hull's bank at Dnluth today , owing to the failure of the main institution n few day's ago. The cashier announced that unless the run stopped the bank must sus pend. This checked the lush. An Aged CltUen Dlmpncars. CHICAGO , Nov. 23. Benjamin II. Campbell , an aged nnd wealthy citizen , who at one tune had Intlmuto business relations with General Grant , disappeared from homo this morning. Ho has been ill sjmo time , and it is feared ho Jumped Into the lake. -o- Sonntor Pnph He-Elected. MOXTOOMEKY , Ala. , Nov. 28. Mr. Pugh was elected to the United States senate tliia morning by the legislature , to succeed him self. _ Sort Inn MliilntcrM Itoalgn. BccimtEST , Nov. 28. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BKB.J The minister of husbandly and the uiluUtor of Justlco have resigned. PARNELL WILL IT BUDCE , Ho Insists on Remaining at the Head of the Irish Party , SOME INSIDE HISTORY MADE PUBLIC , The 1'rlco Ireland wns to Pny Tor Homo Kulc The Great Mbjrnl Charged with Soakln'g Ilcvetific. LONPOV , Nov. 28. ParnelPs manifesto to the Irish people , which was issued tonight , Is very lengthy. IIo begins by saying : "The integrity and Independence of a sec tion of the Irish parliamentary party having been apparently snppid and destroyed by wirepullers of the liberal party , it has be come necessary for me as tdo leader of tlio Irish party to take counsel with you , npd having given you tbo knowledge whlcii is In my possession , ask j our Judgment upon a matter which now solely devolves upon you to decide. A loiter from Gladstone to Mr. Morley , written for the purpose of influenc ing the decision of the Irish party in their choice of a leader , and claiming for the liber als utul their leaders the right of vote upon the choice is the immediate cause of this address , the purpose of which is to remind you and your parliamentary rep resentatives that Ireland considers the inde pendence of her party ns her only safeguard within tbo constitution nnd above and bov end all other considerations whatever. The threat in that letter , repented so Insolently on many platforms and hi numerous newspapers , compels mo to put before you information which until now has boon bololy in my pos- esslon , nnd which will unable you to under land a measure of the loss with which you ro threatened unless you consent to throw mo to the English wolves now howling for : iy destruction , " Parncll then tells how nt Hawardcn , last November ho received from Gladstone the utalls of that gentleman's and his col- cogues' propqsal with regard to homo rule .n . the event of tlio next general election nvorlng the liberal party. Upon tbo sub- 'ct of the retention of Irish mem- icrs in the imperial parliament Glad- tone told him in order to conciliate English public opinion it would bo iieccssarv M reduce Irish representation from 10J to Hi Upon tbo settlement of tbo land question Gladstone intimated that while ho would re- aew his attempt to settle the matter by im erial legislation on the lines of the land pur chase bill of IbSO ho would not undertake to [ jut any pressure upon bis own side. In other words , that the Irish leglslntuio was not to bo given the power of solving agrarian liniculttcs. With regard to the control of .ho Iiish constabulary it was stated by Glad- itono that in view of the necessity of concili ating English public opinion it would bo uecessarv to leave this force to the appoint ment of its ollicors under control of Imperial authority for nn indefinite period , whllo funds for its inalntulnanco would bo coinpul- sorilv provided out of Irish revenue. A per iod of ten or ttttlvo years was suggested as ttie limit of tlmo during uhicli the appoint ment of judges and resident magistrates should bo retained in the hands of the imper ial authorities. Passing to bis own expressions on these points which , Parncll says , represent bis views then nnd now , with regard to tbo re tention of Irish members , ho holds that with the concession of full powers to an Irish leg islature equivalent to those enjoyed by a state of the American union , the number and position of members so retained would bc- cotuo n question or Imperial concei n and not picsslngor immediate importance for tbo in terests of Ireland ; but that with the im portant and all-engrossing subjects of agrar ian reform , constabulary control and Judici ary appointments left either under Imperial control or totally unprovided for. it would bo the height of madness for any Iiish leader to imitateGrattan's example nnd consent to dis band an army which had cleared the way to victory. "I further undertook to use every legitimate influence to reconcile Irish public opinion to the gradual coming into force of new privi leges and the postponements necessary for English opinion with regard to constabulary control and judicial appointments , but I strongly dissented fiom the proposed reduc tion of the number of me in be is during the interval of probation and pointed to the ab sence of any suitable prospect of land settle ment by cither paihumciit as a constitutional and overwhelming drag upon the prospects of permanent peace and prosperity In Ireland. " At the conclusion of the interview , Pnniell was-informed that , pending the general elec tion , Gladstone and his colleagues had agreed that silence should bo preserved with regard to these points of difference. The absence of any provision for the settlement of the agrarian question ; of any policy on the part of the liberal leaders , Pnrnell says , filled him with concern and apprehension. On the In troduction of the land purchase bill bv the government at the commencement of last session , Morley conferred with him , and hav ing regard to the avowed absence of any policy on tbo pait of the liberals , Parnell strongly advised Morley neruinst any direct challenge of the pilnciplc of stnto aid in land purchase and that they should direct their efforts on the second rending to the assertion of ttie principle of local control. In this Morley agreed with him , but was at the same time hampered by the oxttcino section of his party , led by Lubouchero , and in a subse quent Interview impressed upon Pnrnoll the necessity of meeting the second reading of the bill with a direct negative and usked him to undertake thu motion. "I agreed on condition that I was not to at tack the principle of measure but confine my self to nrciitlclsm of details. I think , " says Parnell , "this was false strategy , but it was strategy adopted out of rcgnid to English piojudlccs and radical peculiarities. I did the best possible under the circumstances mid several days' debate on tlyi second reading contrasts favorably with Lnbouchcro's recent abortive attempt to intoiposo a direct negative to the llrst reading of u similar bill jostcrday. " Just before the commencement of this ses sion Parnell bed another Interview with Morley and Impressed upon him the policy of the obllquo method of procedure with refer ence to tuo land purchase , and the necessity nnd importance of providing for the question of local control and limitation in the applica tion of funds. "Ho agreed with mo , " says Pornoll , "nnd I offered to move on the lirst reading of the bill un amendment in favor of this local con trol , advising him , if this was i ejected , it might be loft to the radicals on a second read ing to OJ > IH > SC the principle of thu nicn.s- uro. I loft Morley under the impres sion that this would fall to my duty , but In addition ho made a remarkable pro posal. Kcfcrring to tbo probable approach ing victory of the liberals , ho suggested some considerations ns to the future of the Irish party and asked me whether I would bo will ing to assume the cilice of chief secretary for Ireland , or whether I would allow another member of my party to take the position. He also nut before mo the desirability of tilling ono of the law oflloos of the crown in Ireland by a legal meniboi of my party. 1 told him , amazed us I was at t the proposal , that I could not agree to forfeit t It any way the independence of the party 01 Itu members ; thntthelrlsb people had trusted mo because they believed : the declaration which I made at Cork In 18M ) represented my conviction and tbat I would on no uccounl depart from It. "I consider that Mr. Morloy's proposal , " continued Mr. Parnell , "that wo should allow ourselves to bo absorbed Into Kngllsh poll1 tics , was one based upon nn entire miscon ceptlonofour position , In conclusion Mr , Morley directed my attention to the plan 01 the campaign. Ho said It would be ImposslbU for the liberal party when It attalnei power to do nnjthing for these evictee tenants by direct action nnd it would also 1 * for the Irish parliament , uudci the powers conferred , 2) , do anything for them , nnd Hinging uphla hands with a gesture ot despair ho exclaimed : 'Having bcca In Tlppcrary I do not , know what to pro pose.1 I told ultn this question was n limited opo ; funds would bo available froraf' America nnd elsewhere for the suuport of those tenants M long as necessary nnd this dlftlctnty should not bo illow od to interfere with the general interests of the country. ' ' Parncll says he alludes' to this matter onlv because within the last ffew O.iys strong or- Kunicnts for iita expulslbn have been made that unless the 111 coma inlo power ticxt elect the plan of campaign ten at will suffer. IIo has shown that the H > ernls proposed to do nothing for them direct action nnd Is entitled to ask that thcso tenants , whom no has supported in ovoryAvay in the inst nnd will continue to support , shall not constitute a reason for his cxpulsioq from Irish politics. Parnell says that during * ten years of Inde- pendcuco the Irish parliamentary party , It haa , because of Its independence , forced upon tbo English people the necessity of granting home rule to Iielund. Ilr believes tbo party will obtain homo rnlo prdvlded it remains in dependent of nny English pirty. In conclusion , no says it " 1 do not bellovo nnv action of the Irish iMsopto In support ing mo will ciidangpr the homo rule cause or postpone the establishment of the Iiish parliament. Hut ( Men if the danger wcro to bo realized , I bellovo the Irish people throughouttbo world would ncreo with mo that posttioncmout wouli ) bo preferable to a compromise of onr national rights by the ne- ccptunco of measures which would not real ize the aspirations of our race. " I'AJHSEliVS JL'OHITIOX. Tlie Freeinnii'H Journal Is Strongly Opposed to H.yity Action. IJum.iN , Nov. 28. [ Special Cablegram to Tnr. Brn. ] The Ficeuum's Journnl today advocates thnt the nationalists should take no decisive steps at Monday's meeting but should ngnln postpone 'theirdecision ' In re gard to the retention of i'nrnell nt the head of the party , In ordof to allow matters to develop -and to glvo tlmo enough to enable the opinion of Messrs. Dillon , O'Brien ' , O'Connor and bther national dele gates , who are now in America , to be con- vcj cd to the meeting by tone of themselves , and there delivered viva voco. The main point , the Journal contends , is that Ireland should preserve the efllciency of her own party. The English radicals , It says , must take care of themselves and Ireland must mind her own business. It beseeches Glad stone to Ignore the ravings of canters and the hjpocnsyof recalcitrants who uio nothing \\lthoutnlm When ho wins , It sajs , they will ngaln crawl to his footstool , Continuing , the Journal says : "Davltt should remember that \\lien parliament howled for his punish ment Parnell stood up for him and faced the storm. When the nine days' ' wonder is over ho will bo surpiiscd tllut it over entered nu irishman's head to depose his captain at the most crucial hour of tliepolltlcnl combat. " Parnoll's FritMids nnd Foes. LONPO.V , Nov. 23. A ca'nyass ' had boon con ducted by members of thotIrish piulliuncn tary party opposed to Parnoll's retention of the leadership with a yijv > of ascertaining how the poll Is likely to g6 at Monday's moot ing. Tno result was the securing of llfty- thrce members' votes ngalnst Parnoll. Among them are Condon , Deasey , John Dil lon , Ksmondo , Finucanc/ , Timothy Harring ton , Timothy Healy. Maurice Hcnly , Justin McCaithy , J. P. O'Brlcn , Patrick O'Brien , P. J. O'BrienHochov Sexton , Sbeehnn , Sheehy , Tanner and Webb ) . The nntl-Pur- nellltes also lely upon the" ' votes of William O'Brien , T. P. O'Uoiinqr , Gill and T. D. Sul livan , i. " ' The adherents of IjAfcrtpU who announced an iutoutlun - to ( Stickto the old leader number twenty-three , namely : Blalno , Byrne , Henry Campbell , Couwuy , W. J. Cor- bett , .7. G. Fitzgerald , Edward Hnrrlnctou , Iluydcn , J. E. KenneyW. A. Macdonuld , Mc- Nicl , MeGuiro , Mahoney , J. P. Nolan , John- Nolan. John O'Connor. O'ICellcy ' , Pinkerton , I1. J. Power , Richard Power , JohnUodmond , William Hedmond and SUoil. Archbishop Walsh \VIII Not Talk. DUJILIX , Nov. 28. In a letter published to day Archbishop Walsh declined to make a public statement of his opinion on the Par ncll case until ho has au opportunity to con sult bis Episcopal brethren. Ho says next Monday's meeting of the parliamentary party may result In a decision thnt will put upon the bishops of Ireland 1119 grave duty of con sidering whether or how fur it be in their power to continue to place In the Irish par liamentary party that coundonco which , as a body , they felt justified iu placing in it In the post. In conclusion , tho1 archbishop says ho docs not feel convinced wp nro yet hi a posi tion to form final judgirieht on tbo case out of which the present unhappy crisis has arisen. At nil events at is a matter thai must bo decided ono way br the other before many days. j An Aliened Intrigue. LO.NPON , Nov. 28. [ Special Cablegram to THE BEI5.1 Pamell's supporters complain that after the nattonallstirneoting on Wednes day cnblo dispatches giving n misleading summarv of the proceedings wore sent pri vately to the Irish dolomites in America. They nssert that Intrigues are on foot iu the lobby of the house of commons to draw nway Messrs. Dillon nnd O'Brien and other delegates gates from the support of Parnell. Anti- Parnell members of tno nationalist party are moro hopeful and assort that private tele grams from Ireland show thnt the priests and the mass of the people support thorn They claim that If Messrs. Dillon aui O'Brien throw In their lot with the Soxtoi nnd Healy forces against Parnell , as they are expected to do , the tide of opinion ogams Purncll will bo Irresistible. They Mnkn No Statement. Cixcixxvn , O. , Nov. 23. Dillon , Hnrring ton , Connor , Gill , O'Connor and Sullivan the Irish delegates to Ibis country , held nn Important secret conference in this city this afternoon and tonight to consider tha Irish question. In response tp Interrogations note was prepared nnd sen tout soylnp : "The Irish delegates wish it distinctly undorstoot tbat nil statements us to Ahelr present posi tion on Irish party nro entirely unauthori/cd The delegates have madonna cotnmunlcutioi to the press as to their opinions and do no Intend to do so for the present , " Sulllvat stated in addition that the } ' had no statenicn to make to the press at this tlmo and would have none tonight. J _ I'arnoll nnd ClmlHtono. LOXPOK , Nov. 23. Tha close friend of Par nell who declared that Purncll regards the movement to expel him rrpm the leadership of the nationalist party us radical revenge for his support of royul grants last summer , says this view of .tho case can bo supported by documentary evidence , Glad stone , ho says , has bait Ills revenge on tbo man ho imprisoned in. Kilmainhatn jail and who Inter compelled the liberal leader to con sider the demands of the Irish pcoplo. The Irish Catholic hierarchy U unanimous in tbo opinion that Parnoll should retire from his position ut the bend of the nationalist party , Consider It u Ilrmich of Fultli. I..ONIIOX , Nov , 28. An important section of the Pnrncllltes mot In the commons tonight and resolved to take action to combat the in- flucuco of the nianifcsto.Tcscntlng its appear ance us a breach of faith. Tbo meeting ad journed to got the opinion of delegates in America. i Scotch Liberals' Favor Ilotlrcmant. Loxnox , Nov. 28. [ Special Cablegram to TIIEBKE. ] At a meeting of Scotch .liberal members of paillnmcnt today a resolution wns adopted declaring that Mr. Parncll ought to retire from the Irish leadership. Will Stick to Cork In Any Invent. Loxnov , Nov. 23 , [ Special Cablegram to Tm : Bun. ] It Is stated that even if Parncll is outvoted at Monday's meeting ho will stick UJ his scat for Cork and harass tbo liberals as much as possible. DEATH IN THE HUNTING FIELD Young Oalinor Dean Instantly Killed by tbo Accidental Discharge of His Gun , SUICIDE OF A HASTINGS HOTEL CLERK , l fl'orl.s hooking to tlio Development of the licet Sit | > nr Industry Another Shotgun Auokleut Nebraska Nuws. Nob. , Nov. 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB lli.u.l Yesterday evening , \\lillohuntlng , Calmer DJ.III , seventeen years old , second son of L. II , Djiin , residing live miles south of town , was accidentally killed. Ho crawling through a hdge , \ \ non his gun was discharged , nuking n frightful wound and death was hisUnUnoous. He uas ono of the best known young men in this county and his early death is u subject of universal regret. Ktilcido ol'u Hotel Clerk. II\STivat , Neb , Nov. aS.-lSpcclal Tclo- . gr.un to Tin : Bcr. [ Jnmos Vivian , a clerk nt the Arlington hotel In this city , committed suicide with a dose of morphine. The sup position is that there is a woman ut the bottom tom of it. fraction ! Test of Sinjnr-Hret Culture. YOIIK , Neb. , Nov. 27. [ Special to THE Ben. ] The York County Agricultural asso ciation proposes to take up the question of culture and arrange for experi mental work to determine the adaptability of the soil nnd cllmato of this county for the successful production of this crop. They will furnish seed to the furmeru throughout the county nnd send samples of the crop for nunl- jsis , itccp an account of the quantity and lay of the ground planted , cost of labor , nerof culthation , yield per acre , etc. , and \ \ ill thereby uetcrnnuo if It will bo a prollt- nblo crap to i.ilso. Quito a number of fanners nro taking au active interest In the proposed test. Tlio Key Shot Him In the < Vb loinon. Wjtnnii , Nob. , Nov. 28. [ Special to TUB BKH.J Yesterday afternoon Thomas JIaios , who resides two miles east of "Wither , was seriously wounded in the abdomen by a ball from a 2.2-callbro rillo In the hands of n llftcen-ycnr-old boy named Cyrus Hunt , who was bunting on the fnrm of the former with a companion. The circumstances , us near ns can be learned , uro as follows : Marcs or dered the boy off bis land and proceeded to enforce his order with a club , when the boy .hot him. Mares walked the greater pirt of ho way to town afterward , but is now in a iritical condition , although physicians ex- iress strong hopes of his recovery. The boy Heot Culture in Antelope County. BIHI.NBWICK , Neb. , Nov. 23. [ Special Tele- ram to Tin : DEC. ] The farmeis in tlio orthcrn pait of Antelope.county have < nlled a mass meeting for December A to tulle over ugar-bcctcultmo. At the meeting It is ex- .leeted that several hundred acres of beets will bo pledced to the proposed factory nt South Sioux City , which Is to bo in operation 'u tlmo for tbo next crop. Another Hbntgnn Accident. NOIITII BEND , Nob. , Nov. 23. [ Special to THE BKE. ] Whllo hunting yesterday the lovcn-year-old son of J. Vf. Murrell was se riously injured by { .ho bursting of his gun. A pleco of the barrel struck him on the jaw , necessitating a painful operation. Ho had u iurrow escape. Particulars of the Illiss Shunting. STEEI.K CITY , Neb. , Nov. 28. [ Special Tel egram to THE Bnn.J The particulars of the accidental shooting of I1. II. Bliss , reported yesterday , are about as follows : John H. Barlow , a young mnn who makes his homo , vith Bliss , had made arrangements to join a grand thanksgiving hunting party , and at about 7 o'clock in tbo morning was standing .n the stable door taking to Bliss about the expected bunt. His double-barreled shotgun was lying across his mm , the muz/lo towards Bliss , when ono baricl exploded , the heavy churgo of shot striking llllss In the loft thieh , tearing n large bole through the llesii and fevering tlio femoral artery. A tournt- iiuct was promptly applied to stop tbo bleed ing nnd Barlow took u horse and started fern n surgeon , but before the arrival of the doe- tor Mr. Bliss had breathed his lost. The cor oner was notified , but after making an exam ination did not consider It necessary to hold nn inquest , The funeral will take place Sunday. Death of an Unknown Traveler. McCooit , Neb , Nov. 23. [ Special Telo- gtumto THE BELThoeastbound passen ger this morning brought in the body of un inknown man who died on the way near Wray , Colo. There was nothing on his per son to identify him. His ticket was from Denver to Hastings , and ho had told the porter tor on the train that ho was gains to some town north of Hastings , ( the name of which the porter did not remember ) , where bo had formerly lived. Ho was about twenty-eight years old , five foot six Inches in height , weight 140 pounds , auburn hair and whisk ers. Ho died from hemorrhage , probably produced from mountain fovor. A photo graph was taken to facilitate identltlcation. IIo will bo burled tomorrow unless friends are heaid from. A Farmhouse Burned. Yomc , Nob. , JTov. 23. [ Special to Tim BEE. ] The house \Villlani Hatz , n pros perous farmer living pno mile of Thayer , was entirely consumed by fire together with Its contents yesterday. A defective Hue was tbo source of the flames. Loss , $1,200 , With § 000 Insurance. In York District Court. CITV , Nob. , Nov. 28. ( Special Telegram to THE BEE. ) Frank Bebout was today bound over to the district court to answer to the churgo of forgery. James Martin and Leroy Tlnnoy were also bound over for burglarizing the homo of Kcubcn Burnett. _ IX THE CO313IOXS. Government Business Takes I'rlorlty Till tbo Christinas Holidays , ki. nov , Nov. 28. In the commons today Smith , the government leader , moved that government business be given priority until the Christmas holidays. It is proposed , ho said , to bring up the Irish land bill for Its second reading Tuesday next. Gladstone In sisted that the opposition was entitled to do- maml a further and fuller statement of the government's proposed course of action 10- garding the tlmo of house after tlio Christ inas holidays. After HOUIO further debates Smith's motion carried. A Kccorrt of liUinnrck'H UtfranooH. UBKLI.V , Nov. 28 , [ Special Cablegram to TUB BEE.I Ludwlg Hnhn's fiftieth and last volume bos just been printed. It contains al 1 of ox-Chancellor Bismarck's utterances from 18S5 to the time of his retirement from oftlce. Minister Grant's llocoptlun. VIKX.VA , Nov. US. [ Special Cablegram to Tun Buc.J The reception given last evening by tbo American minister , Colonel Grant , was attended by the entire American colony , Including General Barr , Fourteen Vomit ; Men Hontciicod. Buitux , Nov. 23 , [ Special Cablegram to THE BEP.I Fourteen young men , charged with murdering a gendarme during n riot ut Kopcnlck last March , wcro sentenced today. Seven of the prisoners were sentenced , to five { ears' Imprisonment each , ono to a year's linprhotnent , two to four itonths1 each nnd the others to shorter terms. In each case tbo sentence includes hard labor. rim .v/ir jfrTz/T/To./ ) vttMinSE- It AVIll A sic the Amendment of the lii- tcrHtaln Idiw. Nr.\v YOIIK , Nov. US. [ Special Telegram to Tin : llnn.J The great compact among the western railroads will , according to tbo Wotldof this morning , be executed within n lew days. It will bo the most extensile nr- rangoment of the kind ever formulated All the roads engaged In tbroagb competitive trnfllowcitof Chicago will bo pintles toll. If there are any dissenting roiuls they will bo dented prorHtlng pihllegoa until they fall into line. The compact , In effect , > \ 111 , continues the World , bo the same as the old trunk linnpool. Tli total Irufllclll bo divided among the loads by percentages. A clearing house will bo established , to whlih tbo business of thu roads will ho reported. Am rend which cm- lies more than Its percentage will have to pay over the excess to the pool , any road n hlch falls short of Its percentage will have Its do- llclcncy made up. Differential rates will ho nllouect to the route loss ndvunUgcously sit uated in order that they may secure In the nntuiiil course of truffle their allotted modi cum. No toad will bo nllowed to nuke exten sions without tlio consent of un executive coimnlttec , consisting of representatives from all the roads. The compact Is to last for five j cars , according to the present plan. The meeting tougrcoiipon It will bo held In New Yoik within n fo\v clays , prob.xbly the llrst of next \ \ cck. Railroad managers h ivo already begun to nrrlvo for the purpose of attending It. S. II. H. ( Jlitik , gencrui manager of the southwestern system , and Mellon , general manager of tbo Union PacluV , mouowhoro. President H. U. Cable of Iho Hock Island will arrive tomorrow. PresldcntC. P. Huntington - ington will for the Southern I'.icillc , President Tlionns F. Oaucs for the Northern 'm-llle and Gcorgo C. Ma'toun ' , ihaiunan of ho Atchison board of directors , for that ond. Tbo representatives of the other lines nvo riot ict been named. It Is proposed to nsk tor nn amendment to 10 Interstate commerce law which will ro- novo nil possible obstacles to the scheme. IMio ground upon which the appeal is to bo : iado is that only by pooling can stability f rates bo secured , and that only by stability f rates can discrimination among shlppois 10 prevented. The abolition of the long and bert haul clause will also bo asked. > lrrotors of tlie Itlelimond Terminal. Niw Yomc , Nov. 23. [ Special Telegram o Tm : BEE , ] At the annual election of ttio lickmond Tormina ! company on December 0 bo complexion of the dltcetorato will bo omplotoly changed by tlio ilvo members oinhig in. Tlio names of the new directors ire Jay Gould , Ocorgo Gould , Hussoll Sage , Vbraiti S. Hewitt , nnd U. T. Wilson , the two ast n.iincd centlemen coining in at Mr. Ill- man's spti-lnl request. The twines of the tutgolng directors cannot bo leained yet. /Vd.uui on Gould , BOSTOV , Mass. , Nov. 28. -President .dams of the Union 1'ncille was today shown ould's icmaiks on his icslgnatlon. Adams aid : "In regard to Gould's ' st.itemcnt that the { vectors did not know anything at all about .ho . policy I was pursuing , I do not think heio is a single Boston director who will > ear him out. As a matter of fact , I was hi lonsultatlon with them n great deal and my ilans wcio well known to them. This Is all I , vlll say. " _ A Significant Mooting. NEW YoiiKf Nov. 28 , [ Special Telegram to THE BEB. ] It was stated today that Jay Gould had undertaken the woik of bringing ho railroad ofllelnls together mid that ho was ingagcd In pettmp signatures to a call for a : nccling of bankers and railroad presidents ome day next week. A Inrgo number of ofll- i.ils of western roads nro now in this city. resident Miller of the St. Paul anlvcd to day and President Cable of the lioclc Island "s expected tomorrow. Cnrpcnter's Kno : cs'ior , CIIIOAOO , Nov. 23. Gcorgo H. Hcnffold , Into first assistant passenger agent of tlio JhieaRO , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad , Is Appointed goncial passenger agent to succeed \ , II. Carpenter , resigned. THE TJtK.tSVK ll'S JtHfOHT. Interesting Flyiirea nf Growth In Wraith Whluli It Contains. WASTIINOTOV , Nov. 23. Figures taken 'rom the forthcoming report of the sceretaiy if the treasury show that durinir the twenty years from 1870 to the present time the total ncreaso In circulation has been over 87J7- , 000,000 , , making an average Increase per cap ita of $4.99 in that tlmo. During tbo last ten years the average monthly jnoroaso was vl.fKW.lKU , an Increase per capita of $ . ) ft'J. For ilnotcen months ftom March , 1881) ) , to Octo- jcr , 1890 , the aggregate Increase circula- ; Ion among the people -was $03bGC,8ia , an increase per capita of about $1.50 , whllo for the corresponding peried from March , 1885 , to October , 1880 , there \\as a de crease of $ J1,8 , " > 9,491. making a difference In favor of the last nineteen months of o\or $0,000.000 per month. The largo Increase since March , 1880 , Is malnlv duo to the pres ent policy of keeping surplus as low as possi ble by tlio puithnso and redemption of bonds whllo the decrease fioin 1885 to 1880 was duo to tlio opposite policy. Philadelphia Hnnkcrs NEW YOIIK , Nov. 28. A Philadelphia spe cial states that B. K. Jameson & Co. , bankers and brokers have assigned. It Is reported this afternoon that Jameson lost n considerable amount in the St , Paul & Minneapolis trust company , which organized last year. The firm lias really been in trouble for several months nnd haa been trying to' extri cate itself from diniculty , During the money sqneezo In August It corno very near golntf under , but it was helped out and enabled to go on. Per some time past conservative brokers avoided transactions with Jameson & Co. , bollovintr the II rm bad too much money tied up In ouUIdo enterprises. Astonishing ItcHiilt of tlio Hr count. PniunRU'iiiA , Nov. 28. A special from Washington to the Telegraph says the census oftlco Is now engaged In again adding up the returns for Now York and that an astonish ing result will bo produced. The correspond ent asserts that the final figures will show 1T ! > ,000 moro people in Now Yoik city than were announced In Superintendent Purler's "unonicml" circular. The correspondent adds : "In other words , the announcement upon which Iho apportionment was expected to be made was l'J5,000 short of what the count of tuo census enumerators showed. " The Wenllipr Koreonst. Foi Omuna nnd VIdnity-FuIr ; slightly cooler , For Iowa nnd Nebraska Fair till Monday night ; no change in tempwaturo , except slightly warmer in northern Nebraska ; west erly winds. ForBouth Dakota Fair ; stationary tern' peruturo ; wostcily winds. ' Walker. HOII & Co.'g YOHK , Nov. US. Tbo schodulo.of th ( assignment of John T , "Walker , 'JohnV , Cobbs nnd Joseph Walker composing the firm of J. T. Walker , Son & ' Co. was Olod today. It shous liabilities of $ J,0J4UOO ; noin lual assets $1U,000 ) ' and actual assets 010,000. , _ _ _ Army Knrjjeoim. to I > coilo | Upon It. BKIII.IN , Nov. 26. [ Special Cablegram t < THIS BBE.J The surgeon pcuorahof all tin Gorman urmy corps Imyo been summoned ti Berlin to decide whether tbo ICoch trcatmeii shuil be used in the army hospitals , f'ILL HAVE A HIGH OLD TIME , Ihusiastio Democrats Preparing to Make Bomo Howl on Mouilay , AN EXUBERANT ARKANSAS DELEGATION * \ Possibility Tlint ttia Illvori anil Harborn Illtlill lliMiialn In tlio line It ground A Snnuiilne Miflsoitrlnn 1'corn into tlio Ftiturot WASHINGTON- Bt'iir.vuTitn ; OM via Bnrc , 1 5ltroiiiTiixni ! ) : SnmuT , > ASMIINOTOV. Ll. 0. , Nov. 2S , ) Tucro Is likely to bo tin o\-oltlnt u-ono in ho house of ropiOHMititives on Monday. t'ho democrats are fooling voiy "pert" as licy say down south niul will in ilco n ilemon- tiatlon for the bonollt of Spc-alcer Need mid ho republican * ns well us for thdr own [ ratification Tlio Immcillutc occasion nnd i\cuso for tlio demonstration will bo the \\cariinr in of Clifton H , Bivcklnrlilga of iViknnsns who wu unseated by tlio votosof cpublieans In tlio list session booauso the pposlngciiudlJatflln his distilot , Mr. Clav- on , wnsassiisslnntcd , uml because of tha utruReotts frauds porpotratoil thoie. Mr. 1r. Broeklnrlilgo has been re elected to the present congress us his own successor Ha 'och that lie IIIM boon fully vindicated nnd rcjolcos greatly. A party of Arknnsis demo crats Invo accompanied him to Washington o assist In the celebration of this fact mid propose to decora tot ho ilty of Washington li very vivid colors. On Monil.iy tlioy l go to the capllol In u body mid having no respect for the inles of the house or the .minority . of the czar , will make their pros- cnco known to nil concerned H Is qulta | hely thiit the rebel yell will bo Ue.ud in the loirldurof the capital. itivrns AND mimous \ \ ii.i.muni.i. : \ . The wry fates \ \ hlch nro inailo over tlio nn- irnil pisstigo.of nbliy ilvur mid liiubor bill will bo spa ml this ) ear , as there Is little erne no prospect of such n bill eolng tlnougli or- o\en being urged , The shoit session will 'i ivo too much on its linuiis to penult of tha .ong study uiul discussion which ilvor unil iiarbor bill icqiilre * , and , fuiihcrinoto , thcio is u disposition in tha rcpuliean congressional ranks owing to the stnto of tlio finances to le.ivo the dig anpropualions for thu next democratic house to pass The situation has bcconio so well understood Hint Somitoc Fiyo of tliosciiuto coinmlttco on coinniiiee , has told the sceretaiy of war and the chief of engineers that no bill will puss , General Henderson of llllnola feels the saino way * so that tlio clmnco of. ill or nnd hnibor bill at the coming session nro nil. Thcio will bo llttlo ilclny In liver nnd liiubor improvement by this fallnro to p.iss anew bill The old net wns passed so late nt the last session that the funds were not nvullablo until iin\ig.itlon was about to close , so that this anpropuatlon intended for last year's work will bo ample to CUTV for ward operation * ) next .summer , though it will not lust through the succeeding summer. \\lion the next bill will ho uctud on. General Cusoy will conlhio his recommendations for ilvor nnd harbor Improvements to these eases in which tliolastnppropiintlou anticipated iv eontinunncQ of tlio work and succeeding ap propriations , Improvements which may DO inerltoilous , but which are not now stalled,1 will bo loft tor some future con gross tolooli after. A MISHOIIIIIlVs PIJI.DIOTIOV. ReprcsonUtivo Mixnsur of Missouri , Who nrriv'cil from liotna today , sujs that tlio dem ocrats will elJofc the next president by the largest mnloi Itv oor given to a.y ninu uni- iilnp for that onice , and ho has no doubt who that mm will bo. "Tho people of my stnto , " lie said , "and through nil the west , for that mutter , nro wild aooutCleveland. . Nobody else will do for thorn. They will not listen to the name of any other candidate , " Repre sentative Caswoll of Wisconsin explains that' the school question and the tariff caused the earthquake hi Wisconsin. Tin : EMIIY CAXcnt.r.i ) . Assistant Scnctnry GhanJlor today re versed the decision of of the commissioner of the general land onieo in dismissing tlio con test of Albert D.irniDjton ngalnst the timber culture entry of Henry L. Duluirt. The land Involved is the northwest of section 17 , UwnshiplVJ , ranpo 57 west , Valentino , Nob. , laud district. The assistant secretary , after a careful rovlow of the case , decides that Doh arts entry should bo cancelled. SIX GOOD MEN WAMJjn IS NKIIIUbKA , There nro six presidential postmasters to bo appointed in Nebraska during tbo coming session of congress. Three of the present in- . cumbcnts1 terms expire ItuJnnuurj and threa In irebnwry. They nro Blue Hill , tfdgar and An bin u in January , anil Ashland , Friend and Sehujlor in Feluuury. IOWA I'OSTMASTJMIS. Postmasters were appointed today ns fol lows : Comoy , lown , ' O. M.V. . Engelbcrt , vice P. B. Hogeis ; Walkorvlllo , Pmrc county , Iowa , J. R. Hnyward , vlco Ann K. Coiliit. I'ruiiY S. ULATU. CAPTAIN 'f < l\"MAHl'H JlKl'tHlT. Ho Advocates tha Taking or uros to JOqulp Cavalry Troopn. WASHINGTON , Nov. 23. Captain Taylor of tbo ordnance dopartincnt In Charge of sup. ' plies to tuo mlllthi , strongly UI'KCJ tno pas.t sugeof the pondhiK bill to promote the clll- eicncyoC tlio nillitia. II o calU attention to the disparity in the numbers , between the cavalry and Infantry militia ; ho says tha cavalry Is one of tbo most Jlfllcull arms to Improvise , mid sumo steps should be taken to encourage the fouirtlutloa of new and faster * cavalry orgnntrntions In the militia. II a iccominends congress to appropriate ! for tbo placing In each state wluth bitsmoro tban- 5,000 organized militia at. a ptiinttho Kovernop may indicate and wticio Hlables nnd forag can bo provided nt the expense of tlio state.- of su Indent horses , not to exceed sovcnty-Ilve for each sUto , to mount a trool [ of cavnlrv , with dotachincnta of lojjuhir cav' airy soldiers to care for thorn and noii-cora missioned otllecrs as Instructors. Captain Tnj lor spcnlcs of tlio nccesilty of a n'sorva of uorsos In our service , which Is rocojtnlzed In nearly All foreign countries and \vlilch wo' havonot. Ho also touches upon the feaslt bility of n census nnd IcgiHlatlon tq prc\cnt the country being depleted of unl muls which may he urgently needed In tha event of war. At present thorn Is nothing to prevent foreign n ent.s cotting nil of our nvallnhla anlmulu and undoubtedly at different time * imgo numbers have boon shipped out of the country. The difllculty of obtaining sulu abloc.wnlry horses has alarmingly inctoased the past fifteen yenrs , Captain Taylor also urges the pnsiago of alilll authori/lng Utho atatcs and tciritoiics u supply of Held guns to eucoarago thu forma' tlon of uitlllcry coinpanios. I/imilon Financial . ' LONIIOV , Nov. 2S.-Sp"clal [ Cablegram to ! TuEBni-'Inlt3 : ] ilimnclnl article tlio Times says that whllo no ofllchil information lias reached London on the subject , there la no doubt that If Jtl notes are Issued as buggestcd by Hpenccr in parliament , it will bo on a gold ! not a sllUT basis. Owing to the absence of Hunioinnn , only n formal discussion was hud ut thq meeting of the Argentine committee joatciday. KnhlitNOI' Aurora U'ipul Oat. f MiNMuroiis , Ilun. , NOV , "S Judpo Illiks toJa/icndoied a doelskm wiping'out tho&ccict order of the Knights of Auioraand tlio charges of fraud , insolvency and unlawful pruijtlcoa inuduin \\lththoinanngenieiit. Next Tuesday u ro cclvorlll bu unpointed , Mip , | Hytluty 1 } sti-ongcstln Minnesota , ( own , Illinois , MU- bourl , Ncliruska uud Kuuiu.