Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Taylor Drynn.lho brightfour-yonr-old
boy , of Bon II. Urynn , the commlBsion
man , dludyostorilny morning after a brief
A largo number of potty offenders
were before Judge flolsloy yostordny
but lila honor did not feel disposed to
ontonco tiny of them to turkey. The
wliolo batch wns thorcforo either dis
charged or released on personal recog
nizance to appear later for trial.
Thos. E. Drnko , n Chlcngo traveling
man , Is stopping at the Paxton. Mr.
Drake IB the gentleman who rescued
Com Tanner , the lujtre-st , from n hotel
flro in Syracuse , Now York , a few weeks
ngo. Aa u memento of his heroism , Mr.
Drake has a pair of very badly mutilated
hands which ho received in lira flro.
Albright's Choice , C21-1M1 N. Y. Llfo.
All MtiHlo nt llnlf 1'rlco.
0,000 pieces only lOo iv copy at Mcln
berg's , 10th st. bet. Capital ave & Dodge.
Dr. Uirnoy cures catarrh , Bee Bldg.
AVoatlicr Prolmlillltles.
For Novombcr Indications point to
cold , frosty weather. That , however ,
will make no dllfaronco to thoto wlio
travel in the steam-heated and electric-
lighted , limited vcstlbulo trains which
nro run only by the Chicago , Milwaukee
ft St. Paul Ky. between Omaha and
Chicago. City ticket ollieo , 1601 Far-
nain ft. , Omaha , R A. NASir ,
L J. E. 1'KKSTON , General Agent.
I * City Passenger Agent.
Tickets at lowest rates and su porior
accommodations via the great lloulc
Island route Ticket olllcc , 1G02 Stx-
tcunth and Farnuin streets Oinaho.
They Will He Held Today The tinw
Governing Them.
f The republican prlinurles to nominate nine
councllrncn , will bo held nt the following
places today from noon until 7 o'clock In the
evening :
First Ward-J. Sicmcnson's , Tenth nnd
Second Word Mies' hall , Sixteenth and
Williams street.
Third Ward 102 North Twelfth street.
Fourth Ward 303 South Sixteenth , M. A.
Fifth Ward-Krfllng's hall , 1810 Sherman
Sixth Ward Barber shop , corner Lake and
Seventh Ward 1212 Park nvonuo.
Eighth Ward IJurbor shop , Twcnty-flrst
nnd Cumlng.
Ninth Ward 2903 Farnam street.
The following will act as judges and clerks
at the primaries :
First Ward Judges , E. K. Long and John
Mntthcson ; clerk , Si. Kolloy.
Second Ward Judges , T. O. Van Doran
anil'John Tlodeman ; clerk , John Schmlnko.
Third Ward 1) . L. Lapsley unu Thomas
McVlttio ; cleric , IMIIanmm.
Fourth Waril Judges , A. P. Nicholas and
John S. Wood ; clerk , Cert B , Downs.
Fifth Ward Judges , Charles Wllktns and
John Knight ; clerk , U. O. Backus.
Sixth Ward Judges , W. A. Grant nnd W.
Cragcr ; clerk , Harvov Wells.
Seventh Ward Judges , William Farr ana
P. J. Quonloy : clerk. II. C. Cochmn.
Eighth Ward .Judges , A. W. Parker and
Sam Ilcatty ; clerk , Paul Soward.
Ninth Ward Judges , C. J. Johnson and
Charles E. Djureon ; clerk , J. V. Patterson.
The democratic primaries will bo held on
Saturday next.
Primary Election tinw.
The law governing primary elections in
this state is as follows. It will bo strenuously
enforced :
Sec. 117. [ Fraudulent voting ] . If at any
political primary election held by any politi
cal party , organization , or association ii the
state , any individual shall falsely personate
and vote und2r the nnmo of any other person ,
or shall intentionally vote without the right
to do so , or shall wilfully nnd wrongfully ob
struct and prevent others from voting who
have a right to do so nt such primary.or shall
fraudulently or wrongfully deposit ballots in
the ballot box , or take them therefrom , or
hall commit any other fraud or wrong tend
ing to defeat or affect tlio result of the elec
tion , ho shall bo deemed guilty of u inisdo-
OSeo. 118 [ Rules Polls ] , Political parties ,
organizations or associations , in this state
may adopt such rules and regulations nnd ap
point presiding ofticcrs and inspectors of
election at any primary election that they
deem just and proper provided , that in all
cities of the metropolitan , first or second
class the polls at all such primary elections
shall bo opened at 12 o'clock noon and close nt
7 o'clock in the afternoon , standard time ,
on the day on which such elections nro hold.
Sec. 110 [ Challonges-Ontli ] . The vote or
ballot of any person offered at any such elec
tion shall , upon challenge by any lawful
voter thereat , ho rejected , unless ho bo sworn
as to his qualifications us
Biich voter : nnd the presiding
ofllcer or any Inspector of such primary is
hereby empowered , nnd It shall bo his duty
to administer an oath to such person arm to
any other person offering to vote , as ho may
deem advisable , which oath shall ho as fol
lows : "You do solemnly swear ( or nfllnn )
that you will truly answer makotosuoh ques
tions as may ho put to you by the presiding
ofllcer or either of the Inspectors of this
primary election touching your name nnd
residence nnd your qualification as a voter
In this district , ward or precinct and whether
you have before voted at this primary elec
tion. " And it shall ho the duty of the presid
ing ofllcor or ono of the inspectors of such
primary election ( If required by the
person challenging ) to keep n cor
rect record of the Interrogatories pro
pounded by said presiding ofllcor
or Inspector to any person who shall have
been duly sworn , as provided by this nctana ,
also n correct record of the answers to all
Buch interrogatories , which record shall bo
forthwith deposited by him or them with the
clerk of the county in which said election is
See. 120 [ Penalty ] , In case the person'so
swearing shall intentionally nmko falsa
nnswor to any question so put to him by the
presiding officer or any Inspector , or either of
them nt sucli primary election ho shall , upon
conviction , ho adjudged guilty of perjury and
ehnll bo punished ny Imprisonment fa the
penitentiary fora trna not less than ono
year nor moro than tbreo years.
Sec. 121 , [ Onicors. ] If any person acting
us an ofllcer. Inspector , teller or canvasser at
ony such primary election shall knowingly
receive the vote of any individual who shall
hnvo been challenged , or who Is known to
him not to ho entitled by the rules or regula
tions of ttio association , organization or polit
ical party holding the primary election , to
vote at such primary , unless the same shall
first bo sworn in as aforesaid or shall In any
manner fraudulently anil wrongfully deposit
or nut uny ballot Into or take any from the
ballot box of any primary election , or shall
fraudulently or wrongfully mix any ballots
with these cast at nny prlmarv
election , or shall knowingly make any
false count , canvass or statement
Certificate or return of the ballots cast or vote
taken at said primary oleotlou , ho shall be
deemed guilty of n misdemeanor ,
Boo. 1SJ. [ Bribery ] If any person who is
entitled to vote or Is elected u delegate nl
Biich'prlinary or convention shall uccopt 01
receive uuy money or valuable thing as a coiv
sliloratlon for his vote , ho shall bo deemcc
guilty of a mUilcmcanor. *
See. ISU. [ Words construed. ] The words
"primary election" as used In this act shal
bo construed so as to embrace all elections
hold by any political party , convention , or
K uization or association , or delegates there
irom for the purpose of choosing candidate !
for ofllco or the election of delegates to othoi
conventions or for the purpose of any politl
cal party orguuUutlon , convention or assocla
lion.Sec. . 124. [ Qurllflcatlon of voters. ) N <
person shall bo entitled to vote at any jirl
wary election unless of the nco of twenty
ono vcnn anil a duly qualified voter undo
the laws nnd regulations of the political purl
organization or association holding prlmur
election ,
See. 125. [ PcnaUlos.l The punishment c
nny of the offenses in this act declared to b
misdemeanors shall bo fine not excecdln
1500 or Imprisonment not exceeding otio yea
cr both such llao aud Imprisonment.
Old Corn \Vltlulrn\vti nnd New Pull
man Dining Cars now on the
1'cnnnytvniiln MUCH.
The old "dlnors" nro abandoned and
entirely now dining etira , embodying the
latest improvements , equipped with
every convenience , finished In exquisite
tusto nnd fully up to the Incomparable-
standard of excellence constantly main
tained by the famous Pullman company ,
liavo been plnced in service upon the
Pennsylvania lines between Chicago ,
Columbus , I'lttsburg and Now York , on
those quick nnd popular trains , num
bers foui1 , eight and twenty , leaving
Chlcnco at 10yOa. ; in. , 8:15 : p. in. nnd
lllllOp.m. dally.
This torvlco Is in addition to the
dining car running on number two , the
Pennsylvania Limited , a solid Pullman
vestibule train , composed of dining ,
Bleeping , amoklng and observation cars ,
on which tin extra fnro is charged.
No more brief stops for indifferent
iiwals ! You can "faro sumptuously every
day , " at your leisure- and in comfort
while rolling across the country at forty
miles an hour upon the vcatlbuo trains
of the Pennsylvania lines , In the now
and luxurious dining cars of the Pull
man company.
13y n recent decision of the United
States court , the patent vestibule can
not bo used on other than Pullman cars.
Particular attention Is therefore Invited
to the fact that the Pennsylvania Hues
are operating Pullman bleeping and
dining ears which are properly fitted
with that convenient and appreciable
device the Pullman perfected safety
For special Information plcaso call
upon agents of connecting lines , or ad
dress G. U. TnuuitiCK , Truv. Pass.
Ag't , Oinalm , Nob.
. New Question Suggested by the
High School Annex Decision.
The proceedings of the district court In
ho mandamus case brought by the board of
iducatlon to compel the superintendent of
iiilldlngs to Issue a permit for the erection
if a one-story" brick building on the high
school grounds have been reviewed by the
iuprcmo court nnd the decision of Judge
Doauc , ordering a mandamus to issirc , has
icon reversed , the case being remanded for
ho entry of the proper judgment.
When the order of the court was made it
ivas provided that the writ of mandamus
hould not Issue for thirty days , in order to
give the city attorney time to take the case
before the supreme court nnd secure a ruling.
The issuance of this order was strenuously
> pposcd by Mr. Estolle , the attorney for the
joard of education , but the court ruled other-
The finding of the supreme court on this
question in brief is as follows :
"Under the act of Ib09 donating 'capltol
; nunrc to the city of Omaha the "grant pro-
rided'That the said property shall bo used
by said city for the purpose of a high school ,
college , or other institution ot learning , and
"or no other purpose whatever. ' Held that
his does not Include the moro primary de
partment of the primary schools.
"The substitution of the board of educa-
lon for the board of regents of the high
.chools . made by the actof 1871 did not change
ho character of the trust but merely of the
body which administered the same.
"i'lio words 'high school' as used In the
net may bo defined as a school where the
highest branches of common school cduca-
lon are taught. "
City Attorney Popploton was asked his
construction of the decision of the supreme
"Tho decision effectually settles the ques-
lon as far as the contemplated building is
concerned , " said Mr. Popploton. "It says
° n so many words that the board of education
lias no authority to erect a building on the
grounds for the use of the primary grades.
Just where the court proposes to draw the line ,
as between the higher grades andjtho primary
grades , ! cannot say. It probably intended to
include with the high school the higher
grades of the graded schools , but I am not
prepared to say whether the court specified
where the lluo should be drawn.
"It was Just the decision I expected , " con-
Inucd Mr. Poppleton. "At tbo' ' hearing Jus
tice Maxwell -sovernl times intimated his
opinion that the land was hold la trust for
ugh school purposes and could not boused for
the lower grades.
"Tho cost of the building had nothing to do
with the question , " concluded Mr. Popple-
Ion. "It was the use to which It was to bo
: mt I don't ' think there could bo any objec
tion made if the board saw lit to erect n
Building costing only a few thousand dollars
: o bo used for an observatory , for instance , or
for nny other purpose connected with the
high school. "
"Do you Infer that this decision will interfere -
fore with the right of the board to use nny
portion of the present building for the lower
grades. "
"No , I think not. I think it only refers to
the right of the board to erect n building
which Is manifestly to bo used for the lower
grades. I do not think it would have nny
bearing upon a , proposition to erect 1111 addi
tion or extension to the present building oven
though n portion of it might ho used for the
primary grades. "
Judge loano was seen by a reporter for
THU IUn and asked how ho construed the supreme
premo court decision.
' 1 don't exactly understand it. I would
toke it , however , that the decision excludes
primary departments , but hero in Omaha wo
have so many grades , from ono to eight I believe -
liove , that I doa't know where they would
draw the primary lino. "
Gossler's Magic Headache Wafers. Curonll
headaches in 20 minutes. At nil druggists.
Second Wnrd Improvement * ) .
There will bon meeting this evening
nt the corner ot Sixteenth and Vinton streets
to consider improvements in the southern
part of the ward , as also the aspirants for
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldg.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Molnes and
Chicago business is the Roclc Island ves-
tibulcd limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 :
p. in. daily. Ticket ollieo , 1002 Sixteenth
und Furnam sts. , Omaha ,
Q Albright's Choice , great bargains.
The attraction at the Grand on Sunday nnd
the two following evenings will bo "Lights
and Shadows. " a play said to present a remarkable <
markablo series of striking stage situations ,
Among them n scene where a rising tide
enters the room where hero nnd horolno arc
bound and nearly engulfs them , Is remarka
bly effective. Excellent , too , Is the stcc ]
room scone , where the villain Is entrapped.
"Lights ana Shadows" bolus its Interest tc
the curtain's fall , nnd the last act , though
short , isfull of surprises.
Charles A. Gardner , the sweet slngor nnc
Gorman dialect co-median , will appear at the
Hovu on Sunday evening next In his prettj
comedy , "Fatherland. " The play was writ
ten specially for Mr. Gardner , and enable ;
him to display his abilities to the greatest ad
Commencing Monday evening nnd contlnu
Ing the remainder of the week , McNally'i
comedy , "A Straight Tip , " will occupy th <
boards of the Boyd. Mr. James T. Powers
the famous comedian of the Now York Casino
will play the principal part , nnd will bo sup
ported by a competent company under th <
management of Klch & Harris of the Bostoi
C , L , Erlckson , Local Aet.200 N.lOth S
IltrC "Mot It From Aspliy.xntloii nlono
In Ills HIccpliiK Jtooin.
Snmuel Cotter , a recently tllscharffoJ vet
eran , blew out the gas in his room nt tlio
Jennings' hotel Wednesday night , nnd was
dead when dUcovcrud this uicrnliiR ,
The deceased nnd n comrnde mimed Jnmcs
Patterson wcro retired from the service litst
SnturOay nt Tort Mead , S. D. , having been
In the regular army for thirty years. With
n younger comrade , 0. II. Stcnd , who was
discharged last Monday , they caino south ,
arriving hero Wednesday evening. Stond
left directions nt the hotel for the two vot-
crnns to be carefully looked after , nud wont
out to take In the town.
Cotter nud Patterson retired In adjoining
rooms ubotit 0:30 : o'clock , nnd the porter
turned out the KM for them. Cotter was jiur-
tlally undressed when the porter left film ,
hut suld that tlio moonlight and the light
which shnno through the transom from the
hnll was amply suniclcnt.
When Patterson nroso yesterday morning ho
found Cotter's door still locked , and made no
attempt to arouse his companion for nearly
two hours. He was unsuccessful and the
porter was called. A faint odor of ga * was
detected , nnd the transom was burst open.
Cotter was dead and his body was cold. Ho
had apparently gotten up during the night tea
a in olio and on a aiii retiring had blown out
the gas.
A partly smoked plpo and sack of tobacco
ivero lying near tholicd , and the gas was
urnodon full. Cotter was lying partially
.cross . the bed with ono foot on the lloor , and
: iad on his coat. The room was closed
Cotter was sixty years of ngo. Ho was n
irlvuto In troop C , Eighth cavalry , mid wmt
.o Fort Meau with his regiment about two
years ago from Fort Drown , Texas. lie and
" 'iittcisun ' were going1 to San Antonio.
Coroner Harrigan was notlllcil of the
isnhyxlntion of Cotter nnd mailopreparutloii3
"or holding the inquest.
liberal ContrllmtioiiH Pouring In to
Help Western Ncbranka Farmer.- ! .
The committees having charge of the work
if soliciting funds nnd supplies to aid the
uffercrs in the western part of the state ave
msy and report success.
Up to this tlmo the following hnvo been ro-
: olvcd ut the board of trade rooms :
George W. Aloroy , 1 box clothing ; Chris
lartman , 1 box ; Trinity cathedral , 5 bim-
lles ; First Presbyterian church , 23 ; Kountzo
lemorial church , 10 ; Mrs. KaufCinan , 10 ;
Seward tJtrcet M. K. church , 10 ; Second
rcsbyterinn church , 0 ; Trinity AI. E.
church , GOCass ; street school , 5 ; Izard street
chool , 00 ; Paul street school , 21 ; Kountzo
Memorial church , 3 ; Mrs. MeCaully , 2 ; Air.
nu Mrs. Pcattie. 3 ; First M.
2. church , 10 ; Dr. Vanirrccn , 1 ;
. .athrop . school , 57 : Walnut Hill school , 40 ;
Cllpatrick , Kock & Co. , 201 , now clothing ;
klason school , fi ( > ; W. N. Nason , 2 ; Carter ,
Icv. { N. S. Ware , 11 ; Hartman school ,
. Park school , fruit and provisions : Park
school , CO bundles of clothing ; Baptist
church , 2 boxes ; St. Mary's avenue church ,
2 boxes ; Plymouth church , 1 box ; Baptist
church , 03 boxes ; Custeilar school , 20 boxes ;
W. E. Clark , 2 boxes ; L. Lovl , I box ; City
Steam laundry , 4 baskets shirts ; Otto Lang ,
J bags ; Fnrnam school , 0 bundles : High
school , 02 ; Mrs. Breckenrldgo , I ; H. C.
. 'nyno , 1 ; George Hoaglnnd , 7 cars coal ;
Jhurlos Chllds. 1 car wood ; C. O. Lobock. 1
JOK now clothing ; Mrs. Otto Lobcck , two
bundles ; United Presbyterian church , 30 ;
Mrs. J. AI. Martin , 1 ; T. B.
T'orgy , 1 ; Win. Chokn , 1 ; A. L. Strang , 1 ;
Joseph Sheeloy , cash $10 ; Lymun Ulchard-
son , cash § > 5 ; J. Levi , cash W : gentleman nt
Sunday's meeting , cash $1 ; Izard school ,
These supplies , together with twonty-foUr
carloads ot coal , have been forwarded. All
wrties who deslro to contribute are ro-
lucsted to notify Mr. Nnson , telephone 820 ,
vnd wagons will bo sent. All cash contrlbu-
, ions should bo made to the finance commit
An Eighth Ward Candidate.
Air. Fred Wehnuller , who has long been
: onnccted with the ice business in this city ,
s a candidate on the democratic ticket for
councilman in the Eighth ward.
Not a Candidate.
Air. J. M. Counsman has retired from the
councilinanlc race in the Fifth ward and
asked Tnu BCU to make the announcement as
Caed In Millions of Homes
0 Y nre the Standard.
1302 Fnrnara Street.
Harry P. Deuel ,
City PassonRor nnd Ticket Apont.
To euro Dlllonincss. Sick HcudBcJio , Constlpntlon.
Malaria. Llyor CotnplalnU , take the ute
and certain remedy , SMITH'S
U Otio8MAUSI7K(40 ( llttlo Ixians to ( ho bot.
tic ) . They nro the most convenient : cult nil uiea.
I'llcoof eliliorelie , US cenu par bottlo.
KISSING nt 7l 17' 70 : Pboto-rrnvura.
IVIOOIBVl * panel BhootUib plcluto tori
centa ( coypors or etampn ) .
J. F. SMITH & CO. .
Makonof ' 'llllo Deans. St. Louli. Mo.
A I'ull Set of Tooth
011 Kubbor , for
I'lVK 1)01.1. ) UtS.
A perfect flt Rtinrniitoctl. Teeth oxtraotoi'
without pain or danzor. nml wltLout iiiiiios
thetloa. Gold anil silver ( lllliigi at lowos
rates. Driago nnU Crown Work. TeotU with
nutnlutin. All work warranted.
Entrance , 16th otreet clovatoi
B a uutll 3 o'clock.
The I Majority
Of so-called couglvcurcs do llttlo more than
Impair the dlReittve function ) nnd crcafo
hllc. Ayer's CJitiry 1'ccloral , on the con-
traiy , while It aunt the cough , docs not In
terfere \\lth tlmiAmctlons of eltlier stomacher
or liver. No olliaf medicine Is so sate ami
efficacious In diwascJ of the tin out and
"Four years aoltook n severe cold , which
was followed by n terrible cough. I was
very sick , anil dimmed to my lied about four
months. I cmpldrcd n physician most ol
the time , who finally said I was In consump
tion , and that liuoouM not help me. Ono ol
my neighbors lUlrUcd mo to try Ayer's
Cherry I'cctoral. I did so , nnd , before I had
finished taking the flist boltlo was able to
sit up all the time , nnd to go out. lly the
time I had finished the bottle ' . was \\cll , ami
have remained soever since. " I , . 1) . lltxby ,
liartonsvlllc , Vt.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
I'llKl-AllI.II I1V
DR. J. O. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mane.
Bold by nil Uruirirliu. 1'rlca * 11 ill lolllco , } } .
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
OMAHA , NEfl ,
The most widely ana favorably know * spoo-
lalMM In the United S-mtes. Their lonit ox-
lorlonoo. wnarkablo skill und unlrcrsal suc
cess In the trontmont nnd euro of Nervous ,
Chronic and Surgical Plsoixscs. ontltlo thuso
mlncnt physleluiis to the full conHdenco of
the aftllctcd everywhere. They cutirantno :
ino awful ofToets of ourlv vlco nnd the numer
ous evils that follow In Its train ,
) oedllr , oomnlotply nnd pornmiii'nilr enn-d.
OltDKUB ylelu readily to tholr skillful troat-
juarnnteed cured without pain or detention
irom ImBlncsi.
ni-ntly nnd iuccusfully cured fncworycaso.
matorrhen , Sutr..imMVeaknpss , LoitMnnhuod ,
NlRht Emissions , Decayed Kacultlea , Kemtilo
Weakness and all dulleato dlsorderi peculiar
to either so * poiltlvely cured , us well minll
functional dl onlers that result from youth
ful follies or the UTUCSS of mature yeara ,
TPirTIIWl ? Guaranteed pornmno ntl y
O 1 111 Ul\L < cured , removal couipleto ,
without cutting , caustlo or dilatation. Curoi
itToctod < it homo by patient without a mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A 9ITPF nil7 The awful olTocts of
tt. . ,
OUK.L VU1\L Oarly vlco which hrlnpa
organic weakness , destroying both mind and
body , with all Its dreaded ilia , porinauonty
cured.RFTTS Address those who hnvslm-
. ULil 1O pairou thonfuolvos by Im
proper Indulgence nnd solitary hibltB. which
ruin both rjlud and body , unfitting them for
business , stud v or inarrlaRO.
. MAKKIED SIKN or these entering on that
happy life , awuroof ( physical debility , quloklj
asslited. . ; .
Is baiad upon f nets. Flrat-l'ractlo * ! iperl-
enca. Becond Every case Isspoolally studied ,
thua itartlog right. Tlilru-M dlolnej are
prepared in our laboratory ezaotly to suit
eachcaae , thus effecting cures without Injury.
Drs. Belts & Betts ,
Full Dress Shirt
Pine Neckwear
A complete assorment of
Men's ; - : Furnishings
Look at our supply of 1
and artistic collection of
"Ward McAllister himself
would take delight in them.
Praotico Limited to
Rooms 316 to 320 Bee 'Bldg
NMOQ aisan .4
We intend to turn the overcoat trade of Omaha "upside
down" for the next few days as it was never turned before. Our \
bu'jrer displays his nerve by making a second purchase this sea
son of a manufacturer's entire stock of overcoats. There are
enough overcoats in. our store today to give one to every man in :
a small city , and they've got to be sold.
It took nerve to buy them and it takes nerve to sell them at
the prices we're going to make.
Today we will begin the greatest
Special Sale of OVERCOATS.
Omaha ever saw , when we will sell
A beautiful all wool wide wale overcoat for six dollars.
A splendid1 chinchilla , for six fifty.
A twelve dollar Kersey for eight dollars.
A sixteen dollar Kersey for ten fifty.
A Kersey sold the world over for eighteen dollars , for twelve fifty , '
A handsome twenty dollar Kersey for fourteen seventy-five.
A ton dollar Chinchilla Ulsterfor seven fifty.
An excellent heavy Irish Frieze Ulster for nine seventy five.
A heavy fur trimmed Storm Coat for ten fifty.
To add interest to the occasion we have reduced the price on several lines of fine
overcoats to a limit that makes them to-day the cheapest fine coats in America.
Remember , the prices advertised arc by a house known as one of the cheapest
clothing houses in this country , if not THE cheapest , and every price is guaranteed by
a house that says to its patrons : "If you're not suited in your purchase in any shape
or manner , you'll get your money back. "
Fourteenth and Douglas.
Open until 8 o'clock p. m. Saturday until 1O o'clock.
WoonsockBt & Rhode Island RUtto Go
And wo tire their western ngouts and always carry a largo stock.
Address ,
[ land Sewed Shoe Bo
1204 and 1206 Harney Street.
"We guarantee to
cure any case of Syph
ilis 110 matter of how
long standing. And
we have the only rem
edy that will cure the
disease. Yeti have
tried everything else
and -wasted your
money , why not now
try us. We guarantee
to cure or refund every
dollar. When it is nec
essary for patient to
come here we agree to
pay railroad fare both
ways , all hotel bills
and refund , your mon
ey if we do not cure
you. 'Write for partic
ulars ; do not be hum
bugged any longer.
We are financially re
sponsible with $300-
000 capital. COOK
REMEDY Co. , Omaha ,
Neb. , Rooms 39 & 40 ,
13th and Dodge Sts.
It you tmvo run . ft murk ngnlnst I OHIO Ills.
couratliiB Dlici.ho wUlcli 1/ou don't tniii i/onr
fatnttv ! _ . . _ doctor . . . . . . to _ _ know . . . leiplalmqurJIiclnxlvo a6ouf , runcniher tlint
IOUR HEW BOOK 1 5it.J."ggg. ' ! ! ' i'- '
iiienl ; 'Vitlmoiilals ; Hook mnlliMl ( nt-ulnl )
. . . , .
rr..forni < lmr.EBiniUDICALCOIuI ) lo N Y.
Dr i WNS
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Seventeen 70.111 exporlonco. A regnlnr grndimlo In medicine , as diplomas alioir , Inftlll fronting wltfc
tliORrcatost lucocis , nil-Norvoin , ( Jlironlo and I I'rlvata IMOIHU | < J. A poriimnunt euro KiiarimtciMl for CutnrrlL
BperrantorrliaMi , Io t Manhood , i-umlnul Wi.'nkMuun , .NlKlitlAjuBO ! , ImiHitolicy , UyphlllH , Hlrletiiro , nnd all clljl
cuscsof the lllood , 8kln mid Urlmry Oruani , N.ll. I KuiirnntfulMO foruvcrf enso 1 undertake nud fall tg
cure. Uonnullnlonfruo. llookMyilorle ( ot Mfegont ) Xtoo. Otllcohoura Da. m , to 8 p. m. Uunilayi 10
a. m. to 12 in ,
Solo Agent in Omaha for Gorhara Man
ufacturing Co's
Our Stock of Pine Goods is the
Largest and Our Prices the
I'omo nml bco us ,
Cor. Douglas & 15th St
. . ' I'orlodlcal I'llli
FouljAIUB'i ' OXI.V"lr. lino's
Uioi'rPiiclirtmiudr.ncton tnu muinlrunl nyitdiu anU
cure iiipprtiilon Irom wliutover cuuiu , 1'romuUi
nienitruutlou. ' 1'lieio iillloliouUI luitb-J Uk n Our-
. . I'll . , L'rupi.
nz pruKnancf. Am. ) Co. lloynHr Hp
cer.Cliy Co , la. Ueiiuliiobr Hlioriimn St .MtOonn
Uodgn it. , near I' . 0 , Ouialia : 0. A. llclchor , Ho
UmuLa ; iL 1' , UU1J , Cyuacll illuH * . 12 , uc 3 ( or u
"SANATIVO , " thl
WoiMlmruI Bpinlsli
Kcmedjr , cntei all
Hurvoun Dlfoasei ,
eucti atVcak Item *
orIx > ea of Jirnln
1'owcr , ll tdacb .
.Lo , (
Manhood , Ncnoui
ncin , LatBltudo , el )
_ . drains and lota o |
powerof the Generative Orcnoe , In cither set ,
cuuecdby orcr-czcrtlon , youthful liillecrutloniQJ (
tlie oiccpBive IIRU f to Dacca .opiumor * tlr" ' " 'U _ m.
which ultimately lend to Inflrmlty , Consumption t "
ud Insanity. Put up In convenient form to carrt
In tliuventpccket. I'rlcugl nmckuce , orflfor 85
Scntbymnllto anvRddrcsa. Circular free. Wen
tlon this jinpcr. / < Mrti8
tuVBlucuiilULta. , < iDearbornSUCtilci
Kuhn A Co , Cor. ISIIi & DouBln" fitrffH.
J. A. Fuller . Co. , Cor. lllli A DounlnnBtrecU.
A. U. Foster & Co. . Council IlluBs. luwa.
It fan lie rlren In u rup of fvflTce or ten. or ID --t
Mcli * * of A 3 , without the knowledge ol tuopatl.
r'All.i. It operates no quietly and with mch o r.
Unity th t lli patient unilorKoet no lnconv nl nc ,
iiid er lia u uwaro. lilt cuiaplete riforintlloD tl
elfocteil. in pace book otpirtloaltr * free. Tub l < to |
KUHN At CO.lnth l UouUl , < c Irlhtt CuinlUf ( Btl.
' iiinnllad bUI.AKE , BHUCB ft CO . and
IWiili DIll/O CO. . OnUh.
JciTdlng r'pVnedy'for aU iliS
unnuluiHl dlkclmriies and
] > rlvntmJI&eahesof niFii * A
ccrtnlnriir ( ar tlivilrlilll.
tnllnif wt'ukiubs inculUj
Uireitcr lelt n(1feel ar
III rrroinmrndtni ; It to
Hold by Druuvliuli f
iiiiwtf i'1. ' ai.tiii 7
Xl J.