Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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for tbrso column will
taken until li''M p. in. , for theevonlnf
edition ami until 8:30 : p. m. , for ( he morulnjc
edition i ml BUKDAT DEC.
ri1EKMS-Ci li In wlvanco. ,
TJATES A'fUortls mcntson thlipngt wlllb ;
JLXchnrged for at the ratnot m cent per word
Xor the flrst Insertion and 1 cent per nerd for
( ) ch mibsoqutnt ln < crtlon. nnd $1.50 per Una
yer month. No advertisement taxon for
lei * than 21 cents for the first insertion ,
TNITIAI.8 , figures , symbols , eta , count e h
Jim ono word.
rpllEHK advnrtlnftnontii must run conseci-
JL lively and under no circumstances rill
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
PARTIES tdrcrtlilng In these columns nnd
haying tholr answers addressed to a "num-
ber d Irltfir" In care of TUB HER will rocelvo
ft nutnbornd chock lo enable them to got their
Icttorv. Answers will bo delivered only on
jnesontnllonof thliuhrck. Enclose answer *
In envelopes proporljr addressed ,
ALTj ndvcrtlsomcnts undrr the head of
"Special Notices" are published In both the
morning and orenlnit editions of TiiRllce , tbo
clroulKtlon of which ngjroisatcs moro than
20,000 papers dally , and gives the adiprtlstir
the benefit not only of the lari ; circulation of
TUB lUKln Omaha , but nlso In Council IMufM.
Lincoln unil olhurnltlr Hiiil towns In thn west
Advertising for thesn eolumni will be taken
on the nhoYo conditions , ntthofollowlr * bull-
Bens bouses nho uro authorized to take pnol\l (
notice * , at the saiuo rate ) aa can. had ut the
/naln ofllce.
S 28a.l N Street. Mstcr Illock.
JOIINW. BELL , I'hurmaolst , 623 South Tenth
UASn & EDDY , Stationers and Printers ,
113 South lOtb street.
O H. I'AIINSWOHTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
Ing street ,
TXT J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 024 North ICth
EO. W. I'AHIt , Pharmacist , 1718 Leavcn-
wotth street.
UOHE3' PIIAUMAOY.SUh and 1'arnam.
For jatfi , etc. , tee topnf Jlnl column an Hit *
WANTKD-SltiiHtlon by lady as book
keeper. cAsbler or olllco clerk , kxpo
rlcncod. Good icfcrencos. Address\\ ! > , lice
M -107 SO *
WANTKD-I'osltlonaselerkln store , dniR
Ktoiu prcforrcd. Can kuop Rot of books.
Oood references. Address LocKObox W. Hone-
fllct , Nfb. M41KM *
WANTRD-Constant work by nn
innn experienced In grneiilionsobnd out
door cardenlns. Address Wm. Oarratt.ost -
crn , Neb. , Saline county. _ M4 13-1)1 ) *
BY n lady bookkeeper , with Al rcferoncesi
Address WKJ , lloo. _ 401 ! '
BY a boy of 18 , who understands nil olllco
work ; four years experience. Address
W tlice. . ' _ i LHi !
BY yniuiR man as coachman or'gencral work
qlxiut bouse. Address W 40 , Hue. acii7 !
fcrralfi , rtc. , tee tajtof fnl column enl > ifaxigfc _
STKAM fitters and helpers pay no attention
to spurious advertisements stay iiway
from Chicago-strike la still on. Oominlttoo.
M42S-2S *
WANTED Pharmacist ; must bo competent
with best refricnre ; for sneli one a. good
place. Address Good Will , 1S23 Shcunuii nve. ,
Omaha , ! ) % 27 *
WANTED A ijood bread nnd cul > e baker ,
must Know how to mnko tallies ; n Mnglu
yoiiiiK miiii with peed habits and good
recommendations. Address lock box 10. , . At
lantic la. . JOT27 *
" \\7ANTED-Men for railroad work. Al-
Yl brlght's Labor Agency , HIM 1'urnam st ,
GEIsT.UAL agents soiling the patpnt adjust
able shoo Hru makliiR from.louo lo $5000
per year. Canvassers J-i to J7 per day. K\-
oluslro territory Rlvon. Address with ii-ccnt
stamp , t.'onsollduted Adjustable Shoe Co. .
BaUuu , Mnss : M171-d'l *
DETI'.CTIVn AVe want a man In ovoiy lo
cality to act as private dcteetlve under
oar Instruction * , fcnil for particulars. Wash
ington Dotootlvo Affoiioy , bo\ 787VuShlng -
iton , Iowa. Kxperlence not iioccssnry.
_ llj 1)19'
WANTED All parties desiring Inforinu-
tlqn about thonowslnto of Nvashliigton ,
llscllinatQ , soil , produutlons. resources , lands
unentered , wngeH. etc. , send $1 for largo book
toStulo Iliucau of CoircMiondrnce , Tuconm ,
AVawh. Letters of Inquiry of ullklnUs promptly
nnswercd for Wo each. 11U , ' W
Al'V.Vt tracklayers and sbovolors wauled.
Apply nt the boarding car near the now
White lead works , Hast Omaha. Wood & llan-
s croft. M Oai-30
WANTED 200 laborers for stone nnd < rrido :
work. Apply to 1' . II. Johnson , Union
pjssongcr rtppo' . Omaha.
ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
.TlfKNor women wiinting woik. or persons
Itl-iii'CilInK help of any kind , city or country ,
rnn always I in supplied at Kelth'n ofllce , 'MYi
B , 15th st. Satisfaction guaranteed.
M.34 ? N3Q
ANTED Men with good retcronco at
MctiopolltunMtK. Co. . 1000 Howard st.
-Jll-n'J ?
WANTED-ARcnls wanted throughout No-
braskn. Hund slump for reply. Jos. P.
Mcgoath , Omaha. . 773
WANTED A live , cncrgotlo party In o\ory
jilaco to lutroiluco our Roods , wo ha\e n.
new line that will sell at ovcry house and
uucnt.s i'aii reap n harvest between now and
the holidays , will pay a salary of J75 per
Dinnth If preferred and furnish a team free.
Address at once. Standard Sllvenvuro Co. ,
Boston Mass. Bl (32-D ( 15'
I'ortatef , etc. , tee _ niy | > ' yl > t coliiinn an
NTEI-SlxlidToVto : net as asonts for
art journal. Uood pay.Vf > 7 , lieo.M45.1.28
M45.1.28 *
ANTED-OnodglrlforKoncral housonork.
Mrs. A. 1 * . Tukoy,25U Chicago btreet.
WANTED 8 waitress , Nobrnsl > a City ; 2
for Kvunston , cook for Nellgh , ono for
Hloux Ully , fares paid : In ally , cooks laundry
girls , second Rlrls , BO girls ccncial housowork.
Omaha Kinp. llureau , cstabllsbcd 10years , nil
N. l t h st. 41027 *
TV ANTED Klrst-olass girl for ccneral
T housework ; small family , 1113 Georgia
avenue. M3t-23 : ! *
- \ VM "ANTED A nurse ; taUo care of huhvslx
M months. Sirs , A. Johnson , 2110 Eniinott.
\ \ ANTED-A ulrl. for Eonorul houtowerlc.
II Apply at oncuN. K , cor. 2lt and \V b ter.
WANTKD lnimedliitcly. one Iftdy. two
you u men i i'Col\oliiHt ructions and Vcoii
books. J. U. Smith , 010 New York Llfebulldluc ,
_ _ JI71UJ'
WANTKn-airlln family of four , Gorman
preferred. 1813 Webster street. MJU-a *
ANTKD-A girl of 15 or 10 to assist with
children and second work. Jlr * . George
Hoyn , tttt Oeorcla avonuo. SS-y
W ANTED-Oood dlrl for general house-
wink ut2318 Leavcmvorth street , M34I
W ANTED An experienced house ma Id
Cnll ut2005 tit , Muiy's uvenuo.
"lAfANTED Competent uuise tlrl at oneo
Mrs. L , A. Garuer , 2127 Oullfornhi
lroet. M121
ANTED-A good. rellablouurseBlrl , OeT
man preferred , UOOI Karuaiu btieot.
ANTED-Glrl for general jiousoworic
Apply S. E. cor. Lowe uveuuu and How'
ardiitrcet. Mrs. lK. . Itltchle. ; aii2ii-iO :
forratti , rtc. , tee t p ur flrst column an tht * via * .
8TEVEK Is Blvlng best uccej ! oi
- any fortune teller In the city , Bbo doc :
not drul In any fraud. Her icrmsure tlio low-
cU 400 N. 1Mb , 3d floor. M41U-2S' ) Eddys are through with llicli
Xvacation nnU ready for business. Tht
only fcUtor clairvoyant und trance medium U
the clly ; nu Haiio treatment u specialty
U 7 , Cftmusu blk. JM41I-301
AKUlVED-CUIrvoyaiit , naturally gllloa ,
ttlls past and future , love troubl ub-
tent friends , chunccs , travels , business. Hatli-
Uctlon Blvcu. Nn. Wallace , 1JOS r rnaai st
705-1 *
TEIL Clayton , clairvoyant , can lirhorwlll
JUpower ciant any requent , 514 N. ICth street
B. NAJ4SIK V. WAKHEN. clairvoyant
trance , gpeaklnt , wrltlnR and reliable bus-
lotnw inrdlunij 4 years In Omaha. 119 N. Itlth.
_ _ ai9 _
AbSAOE , Madam Dclzlor , orcr 610 8 13th ,
For rattt.ett. , tea tnp of firttcolutnnonthtipaat.
Fen ItKNT AB room liouiu nt 22)7 l-'nnmm
ntrcot wllli nil inudorn Improvements ) nl < io
n nvo room cottage with city wntorat 220,1 Kur-
nam street. Apply to W. U. Donne. fil.lN. Y.
i.ifo iiidg. M i
1OH KENT ! > -room house , modern 1m-
1. provcincnt , I'.nqulro''OlG Uapllol avo.
HOUfn for rent ! ten rooms , modern con
veniences. 631 So. 1'Jlli st. BU 87 *
fPO HKNT-Modorn closlrnlilo linu o. IB prr
Ju month. 0 , I" . Harrison. OWN. V. Llfo. JT7
ROIKH3 o ( fl looinq , nicely papered , water ,
pcwor Hnd itas , icirtl and OmnliiK. JJO IMT
mo. 0,1' , . Harrison. 013 N. Y. Llfo. IIJJ
SO. HKNNKTT. moving rtprcssofllcc with
Ncal & Conrad , 14U Dodge St. Tfl. 127.
"I31OH KENT A strlctlv flm-elan cottnuo ,
J. sultanlo for n small fiimllv ; inodurn con
venience. Inquire of U. L. Urlukson , i.0'1 N.
ICtli t , 400 27.
171OU 11KNT Elegnnt F-room home , two
4- floors , all nioilorn Improvements ; also
laundry room , coriiur2Jrd and Chicago. Apply
at l.wjl'nrnani st. sir. : ! o
HOUHR for rent lit fi2l I'lnrco street , con
venient to depot. Nice cottage. Itintilio
of T. J. Lonry. 131
131OH ItKNT Small house on Kratoet st. ,
JLJ we t o ( Sltli , M per mnntli. AlsoT-rooin
house , city water , bat n , on Uald well , between
Siltli nnd l.7lli. J2J per month. 0. It. ( Irocn ,
Kouinll ? , llurkcr block. M7B7
KENT 1-rootn house , 1017 California st.
ir\01l \ KENT-8231 Mnpio at. It block oust 24th
JHi.motor , ( i rooms inul iiiilliilslicd 'ffctory
ubovc , full Int. well , cistern imil cellar , good
neltshliorliood.$17..r)0 per jnoiith. O. 0. Wal
lace , lliown block , lltth nnd Douglas. IS3
K YOl * wMi to rent n homo or store sco II.
13. Cole , Continentul block. 27J
FOH KOT To responsible parties only ,
those line now brick mill stone homos on
Georgia nventie ; fifteen rooms nnd alcoves ;
nioio eomenlcnces nnd butter finished tlinn
liny bruise for rent In tlm city. 11. 11. Hemler
son , 4001'axton block , rity. 274
I7-IIOOM house with burn ; nominal rent. 0.
I ! ' . Ilarrlsnn , Oil N. Y. l.lfo. 273
FOIl HUNT Tim beautiful 7 room cottages.
Just llnishcd , Hath and modern Improve
ments. Only 2 left. 0. H. ElBUttor , 407 l-'lrst
Nnt'lbank. 48
FOK KENT 3 room liouse , nil modern Im
provements. 22200hlongo St. , M1.G7. IClng-
wait llros. . Itarkor block. H
FOH KENT 7-roorn cottage , convenient to
wholesale district uud business. Apuly
II12 S. 10th st. 1J5
FOH KKNT 8-rnom modern house with Jilco
burn , 1701 N 21st : also 8-room house nnd
nice barn , 2209 Miami , by Oruni & Illshop , H 04 ,
Hoard of Trade. 120
FOR IlIINT Soven-room enttairo. cor. SStli
live. nndUap. avo.InnulroSUtS DmlRo. M-GOO
ror laten , rte , , fee tup of flit tiKiinm on this
MlOn sin nil family of ndulti.llrst lloorofa cot-
JL ttiRo furnished for hoUM-kooplng. 4 blocks
from ( .ourt house. Address 50lieu. M4U828 *
FOIl KKNT Itandsomo furnished rooms ,
Menni heat , 1723 D.ivenport street. C <
FOIl KENT Iloam with nllinodorn Improvo-
mentsi no other roomers. 40U N. 14th
street. WI77
LAliOK south room , modern conveniences ,
heat : iud gas , motor canTO ) Hurt street
' '
furnished rooms , central location
JL modern oon\unloiic6' < , prices reasonable
Indict or Rents. 161 Harnoyst. 2bS-oO' '
NKWIA" furnKliod rooms for KCiitlcmen , In
modern house , clnso to Kiirnam motor ,
Rood tuble. liomo con-forts. 2578 llurney st , ,
now 1'uul block , MU85-3' '
HANSOMKLY furnished front room ; ( , tenn
heat , gas , bath. 711 S. IGlli , 'Jd lloor. X.S Ho
TTANlJsOMELY furnished rooms,22001'odgp '
DrSIUAIILK room , modern convenlonccs
1701 Capitol ave. „ 775
UOOMS light housclteopiug. 12 N20th.
TTAOUIIENT Furnished rooms ; t'as.bath and
J stcum. 1519 Howard. . 270
FUHNISIIED rooms , stuam heat. 017i ! Soutl
Ulh st. 807-29' '
IOUUENT Vurnlbhed rooms. 1009 Poilulus ,
2t > 0
POll ItKNT Two nlcoly furnished fron
rooniH. 2U10 lliivonpoit st. -07
PUIINISIIKD rooms , steam heat , 23D DOUR-
la . 270-2U
NICELY furnished rooms , flrst-ulus1 ! tabl
board , The Mcrrluui , "Jth and Dodge.
"VTICE fuinUlied front rooms with HSO o !
1 > piano. Oil N. 13th. 163 87 *
FOUUKNT A larRO furnished front room
down st.ilr , south front. In prlvutn house
Cheap rental. 1510 Howard st.
Fortntet , elf. , tee top of first column on thir page.
FUUN1S11ED rooms for rent , slnalo or I. ,
suit , with board. Homo comforts : stnnm
lioat ; rufoiencos. 1721 Dodge st , JI417-20
FU UN I SHED front room for rent , modori
conveniences ; board ; ? J07 Douglas st.
393 Xi
ROOJI and board 1-1.00,1712 Douglas street ,
ROOM and board , also table board. C01 Font !
25th nveiiuo. S.I328'
NICELY furnished front pnrlor with cooi
board ; ull modern convcnlonccn. UlON 171'
FOR RENT Nleoly furnished rootas , steam.
K s nnd bath , with or without board , I'M
Davenport. OKI *
ST , GLAIR Kuropoanhotel.wlth din Ing room
fttcam heat In all rooms , 13th and Dodgi
Special rates by week or month. 231
FOH Rood board , nice rooms , modern con
venienccs rules and location , the Pullman
house , 1310 Dodge St. , cannot bo oxcollml.
M 253 N W *
. etc. , t ( op orlist column un ttitipaqe.
FOIl HKNT : Sult of 4 unfurnished rooms to
family wlfliuut children. 1'rlcu $1 . 'JU. 1701
Web tiT st. M7f 7
UKNL1 auufuriilbhed rooms , ' 10 N. latti
M 7iU
l.'OIl IllJNTVAlllillOUSKS. .
For ml * * , etc. , sit tup of first column on l/tfj paat
T7KJK ItHNT Hrlck warehouse , two sto/les
JL ? lilli. basonient , bydruullo elevator , truck
age ; best location In the city , A. ( J. I'ownll.
. UKNT Hrlok warehouse , two stories
and basement , 27,000 squnro fcot , with 109
feet of double track on U. 1 * . Hallwuy , Sputh
20th und I'lcrce streets. Address 0. Oslcainj ) ,
Uniahu , Nob. 2S4
FOIt ItKNT S'i OltKS AN 1 >
Tor raff * , etc. , tte fop offlitt caliifiiiinn tlilt payt ,
rpo KENT After January I. store and Hat
JL at ( MO S. Kltli st. Uuqulro at aOO llrown
hid ; . It. J , Kendall. IMT D25
KKNTurSalo-Klne. lionvy brick flvo-
story corner warehouse with most central
trackaco In city ; ( Uran tire l.V > uOi > iiuare feet.
Stringer & I'onuy , llurkor block. 1S8
FOK KiXT : The 4-story brick bulldinij.wltli
or\vlihout power , formerly occupied by the
lloe I'libllshlnB Co. , 0161'lirnam st , Tlio buildIng -
Ing bus u lira proof ccnientbasuinentcomplete
htciim heating fixtures , water on all tholloors
gas , etc. Apply at the otlleo of The lice. 1)15 )
STOKES at 700 S Kith , 20x00 each , lurco show
windows , heat furnished. Thru. F ,
Hall.ail l'i\tonllk. isa
OOIC lir.UK Winter is com inn , there are a
few uood olllces for rent in the lUtngo
bld'p , with 11 rut class beating and best of ele
vator services. InquireKraulc J. Ilainxn.
Fbrrcuv * . clc , , rtttop of Jlrrt rolumn on iMi ragt.
STAIt Lund & Loan Co. Heal estate , loan *
und Insiiniucu rental agency , 075-dl7
LIST your houses with tlio Real Estate In-
formation bureau , 17 Hoard Trade.
lUKEY & Dro.rental agouts,200 N.Y.LIfe
HIC. Uulo , rental aucnt.Coiitlncntul bile.
LIST your homo to icll or runt with O. lf ,
I N. V , I.lfo.
K. HATHH tii'C.
Var ra\er \ , tte , , ttt lop nf $ rl toliimii on thtiyaot.
" '
For ratei , etc. , tf top of fitt rolumn nn tlit * jvtgt
W ANTKD Twoor tlireo furnlilied or un
furnished rooms for houspkccplnij. Second
end floor preferred , Address W. 41 , Her.alM7
alM7 !
Pertain , tte , , Kt top nf fill column OH ( Mi jnge ,
TOIUfK-Tuo'bptiVcltj eeiin.dw
and privately Htored nt rra onublo turmi.
Omaha fctovo llopalr Works , 1207 Douglas. Tel.
i at lowest rates. W. M.
. lllishtnnn , 1311 Loavriiworth , 2s."i
JTOHAOE ana Trackage David Coir. 813-
817 Howard st. 711
, etc. , ite top of fit A ro/iimu / onifi ( rage ,
Tl AS'aAOK "bath "t
.Lllx)7 ( ) S , lllth Bt. , nuxt Marker hotel.
OMAHA rcnoliiK Aciidomy N. Y. Mfo
linllilliip , basemont. room " 0. " Health
nnd pleinilrt'CiiinbliiPd. I.xerclso advlied by
the medlcnl fraternity. Now Is the time to
niranau for loasons slnsly or In pairs.
I'rof. KIIKUI.
" ] \rASSAOKtroatniciitclcclto-thennal bath4' ,
1'lsoalii mul hnlr treatment , inuiilcilrn and
chliopodldt. Mrs. Post , U 20-21 , Wlthnoll blk.
M ISS I.K KIT. Kl cs mas iiRO treat mrntt.
160 ! ) Davenport street. MUSJ--'S *
LA1JIT.3 iSt gouts tobuy the 1'liimer reclining
chair ; unsurpassed for comfort. 321 N. Kill.
618 D13
rPVPr.WKITr.HS for rent 01 sale. Stpnoc- ;
JLraphcrs supplies , J.l'.McgcuthlC07 Fainniu.
f\ON'T forget Jos. I' . Mnxcatli , 1607 Kurnum
Jt. . . when you want to buy , rent or ell a
typewriter. 773
IM1OI.STI.IUNO and mattresses renovated
IKtONlSth. K. Peterson. 7lS-cll
i Madam Dclncr , over 010 S 13th.
402 d2 *
. etc. , tee top of fnt roliim n on th fa
TUAYM ) or stojen A .leisoy cow WIU
pay suitable reward for her return to flco.
II. Hoggs , HOT No. 20th street. ' M4EM.1) )
Ferralfi , etc. , tee tapof fnlcnlumnonthts
T7\OUND \ Gold pin ; owner can have sumo by
Jcatllnf ; and piiylni ; for ndvcrtlscincnt. Hoi
IlerKinan & Co. , IMC-l.Mt ) rarnam street. U51- :
Forratn , ctr , , tee topiif jlnl coiiimn nn IU pto.
OI'TIOE ' furnlturo for sale ohc.ip. lenvltiR
the city ; also 1111 olcjtnnt mink overcoat ,
otter trlmint'd. J2 Now Vork Life , : ni 2S *
I'oi ralci , etc. , tee tnpnf fist column on tlili page.
OI1KA1' for caih , Rood work horse , double
work harness , nearly now , set double driv
ing harness , lareo f.iriu . wagon , high box. J.
I. . KIci'.UZiN. V. Life. Mil a ? "
"U1OU SAMI-OrTiado-A ilrst class fiimlly
JD conpc.lnqulry of ti.L.Eilolcson.SOUN.lGtii st.
400 27
FOltSAMi-Horso , bugKy and harness , A p-
ply to McCord .Hrndy & Co. IIKI
T71OH SAI.K 50 horse * and mares , cash or
JL1 time. 1'rlces from ? 15 to $ .KX ) . Would o\-
c-haiiKi * some of them for Oiniiha estate.
W , T. Spntnnii.Omnua'b largest variety VIIKOIIH
midcuriliKC3. ! "
FOH SAl.Iriio ) horse for family cnnlaBO
or ladles' dtlvlug ; not afraid of anything.
1U18 DoiiRlasst. 331 ao *
"C1 0U SALE-Dellvery wagon. 1507 N. inth st.
JD 11 800-Dia
WORK liorso ? 0 , two horse wagon $20 , dou
ble work linrncvi $15. Or will trade for a
good light side bar uusgy , H , E. Cole , Conti
nental block. LTJ
FOR SALE 2 irood work teams. Inquire at
0181'axtonblk. 2K )
Korratcj , etc. , see top of Jlisi column on tlita png
L'EW largo round base burners , .slightly
, good as new , must bo closed out in
next ten dnys , see them at once. 1'rlcosuiit
but little figure. Omuhu Steve Uopalr Works ,
1207 Douglas. JU - '
FOU SATjE obcap A 10 horse power Now
Vork safety steam engine In llr-t clais
condition. 1'cstner I'rlntlns Co. , W07 Howard
st. M127
"VfEW callgraph , price reasonable , 11 ( . " > , lloo
INonico. 772
For rata , etc.see tnp at flint column onthla
Koods etc.
cash price. Wells. 1111 I'urnam. 2W
SECOND hand typowrltors. J. P. Mogcath
1U07 Karnani St. , Omaha. 772
WANTKD-lIorscs , wagons , etc. to sell n
auction ovcry Tuesday nnd Friday , 10 a
m , 1'loneor stables , Uth , between Ilurncy and
Howard. nt)7-ll ) )
TlTANTED-IIorso nnd buggy. W J. I'aul ,
VV 1C09 Kurnam. 313
For txi/M. etc. , < Ion of column on thu pant
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
at cm rent rates : funds on lianu : no dolny ,
Ceo. Vllltist * Co. , 2K1 UaniK'0 bldg. 004-dl5
S TAll Land & Loan Co. Heal estate , loans
and Insurance rental agency. 075-dl7
niado on choice city property nt lowest
rates. Sums of $5,000 ami upwards porforrod.
Klmball , Champ & Kyan ,
, 1203 Furnam street. 809-D13
MONKV loaned at low ratei on furniture ,
horses , Ac. , without publicity , lla.wlto.yo
InvestiucntCo , 33 Douglas blk,10th and Dodgu.
TTTANTED-0 per cent real cstato loans. O.
T > V , Harrison , fllJ N. V. Llfo. IWT
MONnV to loan on second mortgage. W. S
Wynii , Itoom 32J Omaha Nat. Ilk. Iil'dir.
M 724
WANTED-KIrst-clnss Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and sea us. Mutual Invcst-
mrnt Co. . I'Ol li'arnam. WJ
MONKV to loan on Improved and vacant
property , Loncst rate. 0. J , Caswoll , 8UI
N. V. Lite. 3.VJ 1)24
MONEY to loan by II. V. JIasters on chattel
and collateral securities for any tlnio from
one to sK months In uny amount tosultbor-
Loans made on household tjoods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
apaymcnt of any amount at uny tlruo and re-
dueo both principle and Interest.
If you owe a balance on your property or
have a loan you wish ehanzud.l will pay It off
nnd carry it for you. If you find It more con
venient , cnll up tolephoiio No. 1G21 and your
business will bo arranged at homa
Money always on hand , Nodoluy , No pub
licity. Lowest rate } .
n. T. Mnstors ,
Room MVItlmoll blk. , 15th and Hurney sts.
ST AH La ml A ; Loan Co. Heal estate , loans
and Insurance rental agcney. 075-dl7
'TT'EYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of JIO to
Xvji.oOD ; Kot our rates before borrowing nnd
save money ; loans on horses , furnlturo or nny
approved becurlty without publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loans , rcinnval of old and low
ed rato4.callU.-QS _ , Sheoly blk.,15tb & Howard.
BUILDINd loans , Oto 7 per cent ; no add I-
tlonnl plnirffns for comniliiion or attorney's
fees. W. U. Molklc , First National bank bldg.
_ _ 307
"iJEALKhtato Loans Cash on hand. Globe
JiLoan k Trust Co. 307 ti. 10th st. No delay ,
no extra chqrjOs. Houses for rout , good list.
OE. & O. M , ANTHONY , 318 N. Y. Mfo bulld-
ting , lend money on farms In choice coun
ties of Nebraska and Iowa ; also on good
Omuhu residence propurty ; lowest rat < vi ; best
terms ; no dol'iyi money ready. Titles und
vulut-s passed on hero. ; m
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time at low
rates , Lowest rates
_ , . . O4ip rhonal property.
The llenilnrbon Mort aze Iincatmeiit Com-
pany. room QO. I'lixtonullc. 21)7 )
pIlATl'ELbank , .111) 8. nth U , loans money
Won chatleUor collateral at reanouable ratoi
. 'Mt
T7UIIST& second mortzacos on vacant & Im-
J-1 proved city prop. County nurranU bought.
Money on hand. I' . Jl. Itl hardson.blSN.Y. Ltfo.
gJT )
T71ASTEIIN money to loan on olty properly ;
-Ll'iiiortRueupaiHirbouKlit. H.U.lrvy.N.V.LUa ,
For rate * He. , $ ce top jtraiifotiimn on Utli fatii ,
Iirj lonnV nt , Jwjie'jt ' riitfs. llcmovcd
totKl N. V. Mfo bldu. , J , II. EtmnhiKcr.
r 'Wll
MONEY to loan on city and farm property.
W. M , llurrK IlSo.l'rpnior Wk , opp. I' . U
, , v . 333
MONKYto loan. Corftipondonts of Iom-
bard Inveitmcnt oonipany. Shrlver St
Hums. Kren/er block. ' * 891
Var rate * , etc , ,
OlTaAor cxclmrpii ! . a ilcslrublo retail
' boots nnd sliwS. Impro > ed unen-
cumboti'd Omnhii propeny would bo looked
upon with favor. Address 61 , Hoe odlpo ,
_ _ _ _ M8S-3
TpOlt SAljK or Trade Kor elcar Nebraska
JL innd , fiirnltnio and lease of one of Iho lies
V -room liotula In Onmhui line locntlonj prleo
at.roo. n. K. coio. sicoimnmituniiock , 40,1 SM
IJlOHSAliK Hotolmcn Invcsllgato , A thrre-
JLJ story brick hotel of XI rooms , In n 1,000 live
town In oniU'rii Knnsaa , hat nuido n eompo-
tenon for present owner. Address Hotel , box
Ift'l , lUirllngton. Kun. W&\ir \
IIATMAimET for salo. riltod up llrst-
elnss In every particular. Good business.
Will lienr tlu strictest InAestlRatlon. Address
lockhov 4qo.Cuunull IIJulK In. _ luj-d 3
OMAHA llusliu-ss Olinncn J2.WO cash for
furnlttiro nnd lease of n llrst class il.ftn nnd
$3.00duvliotc'l ; choice loeutlon. brick Imlldtnc
and reasonable rent. J. l > . Ulce. ! ) - " - N. V. Mfp.
_ iH
F OR SAljK lO barrel stenni roller m\\T \ \
Thos , Crouch , Tckamnh , Nebraska ,
r.19 dll * .
iB At a bargain , fxlxlW on Ouvcn-
port , near 17th , imo block from now post-
onico , very cheap , 120,000 ; WxlB corner L'Oth
nnd Furniuii , KW.Ooa a , L , Uroon , room 3J ,
Unrker block
"V\7ANTii ; > A eompotcnt iiowHpnpor man
T with live or six tnousand dollnrs In cash
r security , to take churRo of the Democrat *
. , s 1 havoliiipoituntbusltieas that will luqulro
my time cast and south for the coming year.
Wo will pay the right kind of a man u nice
suliiry. HocommundattoiH renulrod. Ad
dress W. 11. VauglianOmaha. N'cb. 31 313 N TO
MA HA lluslnes9 Ch nnco"IXKTcasTi ITi
purchase furniture and lomo of iiJIT-iooni
lodcrn Hat ; line location ; rooms all rented ;
xtra chaaco for some ono. J , L. Ittco , U' " M.
V. Mfo , 40 , ' 2S *
FOK SALE Ono steam power grain elevator
building with brick addition nnd olllco
> ultdlng , complete , and nil personal property
heieln , situated nt Hastings , Nebraska ; ono
rainc. horse power grain clevntor building ,
complete , nnd all personal property thcri'ln ,
mil four corn cribs , situated at Inland , No-
) raskn ; ono.frauio horse powur elevator bulki
ng with frame ofllco , complete , with all per
sonal property therein , nnd four corn cribs
nnd the land on which the same are situated ,
icing about ono acre , moro or loss , situated nt
ilrlcton , Nebraska ; this property Is sold under
> rdcrc > t the court ; bids to hoinado for cash
nnd mny be mndo for one , two or nil of nald
elevators ; must bo nddri'sspd to Kohert K.
: ' "oot , receiver , Denver , Colorado , box2209 ; all
) lds to boom-lied DcoomunrB , and to bo sub-
lect to the approval of the court. Ilobert K.
li'oot , receiver. Dated , Denver , November 8 ,
1800. . 8I2D4
RKSTAUUANT for rent or salo. T. Murray
1)77 )
fafrattt. tic. , we tap of flrst column nn thin tvii/e.
LOLKAN stool ; of merchandise to trade
for land and M cash. Address W52. Het1.
' M412-D1 *
"ITIOH EXCHANGE For u flrht-class piano ,
JL equity In "lot ft. blook7 , Maker place. " Ad
dress box 481 , Central Olty , Neb , , J13S3-3 *
"VANTnD A borso ior mate In part pay-
TT mont toward nwaponor cnrrluKe. W. T.
Seamnn , Omaha'a largest Variety wasons mid
carriages. 348
WANTED To tiadc. choice piece Omaha
business property < in 24th street , for Im
proved Onialm residence property with mod
ern conveniences. H. K , Cole , 23 Continental
bloclf. 10127
TfiOK EXCHANGE 1GOacres well improved
JL' land and two buslnoBslots for stock of general -
oral merchandise ; hardware preferred , W 4t ) .
Uee. ' U74 1)8 ) *
EXaHANOE Two'west Leaenworth
st. lots for house and/lot. U. J. Casn ell. Slii
N. Y. Life. , -300 B7
M r
EXCIIAIsan-Twoqunrtcr soctlOnSo < clear
Nebraska land and ; VHuo cash for Rood
Omaha Improved property. ' Qoorgo J. J'tiul ,
1GOO Kurnnni. , ' " iCt2-l7 !
06x132 on Dodeo near 23th. * ) ,000 ; will ex
change for roslUcnco farther out. 0. F. Harrison
risen , 1)12 ) N. Y. Mfo. SM 'J7
rpO oxehanje Improved property near Shcr-
JL. man avo. , for lund or lots , blmw , UM Shocly
blk. 074
FOR EXOIIANGE-OCO acre runche. with
stock , for general msdo , groceries ov hurd-
viiro. Address V. 40. I ! < > . 713-1- *
FOR KALl-ltI ! } ; /\l4 KSTATIS.
Vorratts , rtc. , see toj > af flisrtMlHiim an ( hii ipnge
"JT10U SAI/K by Kvans No trouble to show
* - pioporty.
South fiont on lake , nour depot $ 1,000
South front 111 inth bt ndil 500
'J east fronts In 1'lalnvlow 1,21)0 )
Kast front Snundors st. , per foot f > 5
Lot iiuur"lth on HrKtoI. A bargain.
Houth front on Spauldlnc. near -4th 1.2.V )
Kast front , Sid near Lu.ivonwortb , trees. 200
Grand comer , Illst nnd Paclflo 4,000
Sco Euclid IM neu and prices.
See Euclid 1'lnco and prlcos.
Pee Euclid I'lacn nnd prlpes.
Kino east front , West Kmi 4,500
( Jholeo corner , IiTith and Davenport MOO
Cor. Lowe nvo. , 100 o front xl'M , 4,000
I.owo ave Sen my slcns 2iOO
Aero cor. , Onss and Mtli H00 ;
Kast front lot , 1 mile from P. O. , and 2
blocks fro.n car and school 1,300
50 ft east front , Iluiiscnin I'Jaee , with now
0-room cottaRc , bath , water closet. . . . . 0,000
Another with 2-storv. 7-room bouse ,
bath , water closet , oto A 1 3,500
A beautiful homo fliio location , ovcry
convenience and luxury IL'.OCO
Cor , Fiirnani undliOtli 3(1,000 (
Cor.on Nicholas , with tiaekaio ; 7MO
4-story brick warehoiibo and trjvckngo. . . 31,000
C'or. aftli and Jaokson W.OOi )
Cor.8thand ! Leavenworth , with store. . 11000
: > llnest roriiom In Walnut . . . $ lMOnnd ) 2,000
: < 0 to 100 ft on Hurt , near tilt h , with line
trees , per foot M
ThroiiKlioiit the olty I havu the best prop
erty nnd otTer It on terms that cannot be
equalled , Oall , J. U. Evans , 303 N. Y. Life.
BIHGGS I'laco-W of the choicest lots In
HrltiKs Place , positively the bust In the ad
dition for location , price , terms and future
value. To nny responsible man who wishes to
piiichnso a lot of us In tills addition and will
aurcu so build thereon u suitable house , with
in a certain time , nnd lias money onou li him
self to do ho. wo will soil his choice of these Ki
lots without a payment to us of ono dollar In
cush , and after thu house Is finished we will
Klvo him u deed for the lot nnd tnko alonx
tlmu morlRiiRO to secure our payment. To
t Ixhu on HID other hand , who wish to buy tholr
lots wlthoutany agreement as to bulldliiK , wo
.wlllKHll tholr ciiolco of our r < . " > lots upon a com
paratively small cash payment nnd glvoinnst
liberal terms upon deferred payments. Wo
Imvo tliu choicest line af lots tootfer on thcio
o.\ceedlnily liberal terms that can ho found
In any olllco orln tlm ni 40 of anyone In tlm
eltyof Oinii 1m. This Isn.speelal announcement
bceaubo we have an especially Rood line of lots
to offer on especially easy ) terms and If you
wish to Investigate thosojtta turnouts wo shall
bo pleased to have you UOEO nt nny Jlmo lus
this advertlsoment Is mnlle to state only fnet
wlucn we wllldi'inonstratt' to you whenever
you Rive us the opportunity ; In other \ > ord
wo monn that these 5T > Inn arc lust wliut they
are represented to lie nml Unit tlin pi Ices ruiiK-
IIIR from $1,500 to . ' ,5CO iicu : very low and moro
than that some of the vary eholcost lots are
only hold at $1,800 , l..a mid $ , ' ,250. and when
yon look the ground over and b o the growth
of this locality and thdcluss of Houses tlint
are constantly boliiK 'hutlt there , you will
acrco with us in our sUulMiicnt that nn one
else has an equally Jltmdlno of Jlrlc/s 1'laeo
property on Farnnni , ilMujilns , Doueo and
other streets , 1'arnam bttt'tft being pavod.
Olllco open ovenlnjcs , V U1
Amos HuJiiMtato Agcnoy ,
V > ) i I'arnixin htreet ,
ilur Bole Agents.
A hUUIOHT'ij Choice , ' 10 cent
EOH SAUiorront-Slfeet front with hulld-
InBOfVO rooms. Apply at the premises
J18 H. I''tli Ht ,
Also - , ' feet on cor of Chicago and 13th , Apply -
ply at : ilH South l-'th bt. _ 2IQ-n27
STAK Land k Loan Co. real estate , loans
and Insurance rental avcney. U75-dl7
I1IAVK In Mavne Place , on 31th ami 33th
sts. , between Lciivisinvortliurul Pacific sts. ,
forEnlc , with no cash payment , to responsible
nnitleswho will build. H Is it line locution
Klcxant lots with ubundanou of shade trees
K. A. Heiison. < I3 N. Y , l.lfo. Mice )
5 room house , lot 33\82 , tl,700.
& -room house , stable , lot UlKxB ? , R.OOO.
llrlok house , and American house , lotBfljtiflN.
i ; . corner lOtli and Uoujlus. Kiujulro 2131 B
for ratti , tie , tec top of fnl folunin on thtt | age ,
ATENT lawyers & solicitors , O. W. Sues A :
Co. . Uee building , Omaha , llranch olllce ut
Waihlnstou. D. U. Oousultutlon free. UH
FprrafM , ttt , , tre lop i > / flift tnluninnn lAb
i t wi ii
JLpay every ro ldent of Omnlin to carefully
consider , nnd should havoerent wolitht with
uvciy mini who has any Idea of InvcUlnR In
leal estate In the city of Omaha , now orln
I lie future ,
Omaha has n population of 143.4K ) ,
Omaha's bo nils sell at u premlura of 8J-J per
Omaha will hnvo during 19 and ' 01 ,
New UltyhnII.tiOO.OCO.
Now vlnduetJ.'SO.OOO.
Now union depot JIOO.OOO.
New brldeo ? Kflooo.
New buildings $7.000.000.
New pubtlu oil < s HW.WiO ,
Omaha has the luigcst lallway purclinslns
olllco In the world.
Omaha ban fifty-two miles of paved streets.
Oniiihuhas ninety-five mllus of cublc.motor ,
and horse inllnay.
Omahii has fortv-two hnndsomn school
biilJdhiR nnd ! K,000 school ehlldion and one of
the best school systems In Amorlcn.
Omnlin' * bank deposits January 1 , IKtJ , were
Omaha's bunk cleai Ings In 1SSD wore (133,000- (
Omaha's nholesalc trade In 1539 amounted
to over in.l.ono.ixxi.
Omaha has over l.Vi mimuCncturlng estab
lishments ,
Omahii has the smelting works In the
world ,
2.2'Ciuow bulldhiKS were erected In Omaha ,
: i Of the ' 'lleadlni ; eltlc.iof the union ,
malKi'.s percenliiKc of Indobtcdnoss per cap-
a Is the smallest ,
In beet and pork packing , Omaha In the
lilnl city In tlic union. More strangers are
cekltiK locations In Umiiha during Iho ,
lirco weeks than In any equal period of time
'urine tlm past threw > ears. Now Is the time
: ir a tlioiiRlitful man to consider the facts as
bovo glvtm and hoar In mind that there nev-
r was a time In the history of this city when
ho outlook for Its growth and prosperity In
ivory branch and line of business was bettor
hnn at present , Homcmbor that real estatu
s the foundation of nil values nnd that there
s not a foot of ground In Omaha , that Isoll
oi-ated , but tnat will Increase rapidly In
. nluu ; nnd also hear in mind that If you wish
o bei'omo a partnnd parcel of theprowtluind
irosperity of this clly. you should rnaUo your
nvestmcnt In leal cstntu now. The lanituryou
.vnlt . the more you \vlll pay. There Is no time
Ike the present. Woslinll bopleas'd tohcoypu
, t ourotllcc.nndcan theroshow you tbocholo-
ist and best pioporty today for sale In { the
ItV of Omaha. Wo havecompclunl salesmen
mil every facility for shotting property and
hall be pleased to sen you at any time.
Amos Itoal Entato Agency ,
15071'ainam sticct.
Ofllco open o\eiilURS. 340
OOIC 3 good lots K block from 10th st , only
UflCO each , STO down , 4 blocks from inolor.
Ititchlnson A : Woad , 1WI Douglas st. ! W7 27
A LUUI01ITS Choice , Albright U &L.Co. _
til 375
ALllUiaHT'3 Choleo'5il-2-t : , N. Y. Mfo.
HI 373
TJTINE piece of business properly on Saun-
J-1 dcrs Kt. , not far from OumliiiT. partially lia-
nrorfd. CO feet frontliiK east , 111,000 , O. P.
'larrlsoii , OIL' N. Y. Life. aw U7
GIinATllAllGAIX-A $3.000 resldunco and
full lot at Uass and J''nd sts for 7.1.MK ) .
Terms very easy. Inqulru of owner , K. Q ,
Merrill. 42ud nnd Oass hts. JI1M-D30
ALUUIDIIT'S Choice , payments tosult. _
M i73 !
VAN HEUIir.N. Uil ) Douclas st. , sells Ifith st.
uddltlon lots , { 100 ; Van lleuren Heights.
f.TOO. TCI ins , Si'i cash , 110 monthly. 8 1150 , well
'mproved , California ! > t. 5.WO , will take some
rade. 14a-w :
$0.000 for homo on Chicago st. near ith. O.F.
Harrison. 1)12 ) N. Y. I.ifo. 037
FOIl SALE or Lease 47 foot cast front by
201 feet deep , alley corner , 21th and CiimhiK
trcots. Addicts Jean tichons. Ilee building.
341) ) 1)24
f ? 11OOM cottage , full lot , lltmscnm 1'laeo.
' east front and a great bargain for a few
( Invs. Small cash piiymont and balance on
Ions time. ! ' . K. Durlln ? . Ilurker block. M4
GOOD cottugo and ' ( \ feet of giound on Cali
fornia near SJnd , $7.000. Will take part In
other property. O. K. Harrison , Ol'J N. Y.tllfe.
, Only fl.MO Dr. Chambers' residence
on llth and liurdctto St. , owner golm ; to
leave city. Host barcrnln In Omaha. I ) . V.
Slioles. sole agent , 2ia 1'lrst Nut. bank. MO.TO
ALII RIGHT'S Choice , money made rapidly ,
M 375
ASNA1 * J2.750 will buy a nlco It-room house
and lot , with cellar , olstern , city water
sewer nnd barn , centrally located ; terms
easy. J. I.title , 014 N. Y. Llfo. bOSdlS
GLII'TONIIIIl nnd llaker 1'laco have the
motor , but If you want a $ .1,000 house and
full cor. lot forl-MOO and u I'J.OW house and
full lot forll.OOOyoii can set It onery easy
tormsby ealllns on oraddro'foliis the owner.
E. O. Merrill , 4.'nd and OHSS sts. M 118-D 20
ALHRIGIIT'S Choice , gieat bargains.M
M T37
U 0 , . " > 00 buys thnDr. Cliambers residence and
P veterinary barn on lUth and Uurdetto sts.
ThlsUKKUJUlobS than co-,1. I ) . V. Sholos , sole
agent , 21.11'jrst Nat. bank. M IHO
7AUOHVe. . terlioldical e = tutcS.Omaha.
Y uoa
ALHIUGHT'S Choice , easyaterms.
M : i
EAST front on''ttth near 1'opiileton , 12,700 , W
cash ; thu lot Is graded. O. R Harrison , OK
VVLIfo. JIM 27
E ! oTA " icsUlcnco In Koimt/.o I'lnco ; " ?
looms finely flnlsheil and all modern con
veniences ; Wlrt St. . nenr i0th. ! Can sell on
one-iiuaitcrcnsh naymcnt nnd balance time
to right party. This Is no cheap alTalrof a
house , but a comforablo homo In every son o
and a big snap bargain. V. K. Darling , Itarkur
lllouk. M.71U
50xit2 : feet oust and south front , cor. 2.lrd and
California , $1M per foot. C. L' . Harrison. Ill : ;
N. Y. Life. , JIM y
rilllK best cot nor on upper Farnnm sticot ,
JL frontage on 3 streets ; splendid corner on
Farnam street , close to court houseu bargain ;
corner with trackage In H. E , part of city ;
good residences and low-priced collages , good
lota for building , some us low as tlUO , Inside
acres , farms and unimproved land.
Vie will soil any of this property , of which
wo have entire control , ut prices way below
what you can buy at clsowlmro.
Stringer & Penny , Barker block , ] Ktli and
Fnrnam. 1 S
LLHHIOHT S Choice , tno beat tracknco.
WI ] buy , sell and exchange real estate
Murrains always on hand. Impioved
unlniiirovt'ct .or norengc , Houses sold on
monthly payments. Smeaton & Allen , 1607
Vnrnam , M10I-D-4
SlIOLKS to the front , f have six elegant
hoiibes on 44th na'l Farnam , with every
modern convenience , Includ'ui ; gas and KII *
fixtures , now nearly roadv t r occupancy Sen
thorn and mnku your choloo , Price , W..W to
f4,2.V } . VXD to I5UJ cash , balance to null at 7 per
cent Into rest
Carriage always ready to show customers
Farnam street motor within four blocks.
IIiua house ijulck , and take a hand In the
grai.d shulUe This Is straight goods. D. V
Sholcs. 213 First National bank. M IK ! .
-I 20 acres flno farm land adjoining good NoL -
-L bnibka town ; nearly clear.
100 acres ( Inely Improved land 2" " . { mlles from
county beat In Nebraska ; lightly encumbered ,
121) acres good land In Nebraska , Guides fiom
county soai ; ' , MO Inhabitants.
House and lot In town In ICnnsas ; clear ,
Clear lot In good Nebraska town.
4 room house nnd lot , barn , well and cistern ,
10th htreet. Omaha ; slightly Incumbered ; will
trade for Omaha propoity and assume Incum-
brnnccs. II. K. Cole , Continental block. 1)00
ALuitlQIIT'S Choice , sine advanced "
3KIKGANT liomiji In Kounto place from
} : ,000 toJO.MX ) ; duo cahh , balnnco 4 ycnrs , $ IK >
porinonth , U per cent l.iturost. Other good
homes In same addition to oxchnngo for city
l > ropcrty. K-room uiodoru houso.l'i blnckH
west of 21th , on Oaldwell at. , for I3..VX ) ; J.V
cash , balance 1. 10 per month , 0 per cent Inter
est. J. J , Ulbbon , solo agent , Uouutze place.
BEAL ESTATE Wanted to build u house
and take horse und buggy , vacant lot , or
piano for pay. K 0 , Merrill , contractor , 42nd
and GnuBts. . M 15M I ) 0
I.KUiailT'a Choice , Junction all railroads.
M 1173 ,
Mllli ; best lot nn Hamilton nnd Lowe avenue.
JL Enquire at 40)8 Hamilton st. fifiO do *
1 aero corner Sflth and Cuss . I d.000
1 aero West Omaha . 10,000
5 acres on N. inth btrcct. . . . 10.0JU
10 ucruson N. IGthMrcet .
3 acres ou t'onmicrolnl Htreet . . . .
Zncieson ( 'oinmerclal strout . 8,000
lOnureou Bauuders fctreet . , . 15XX ( )
10 acies on ( 'ass Htreet . Il.ftoa
Sucnis north of South Omaha . 5.0U )
10 aorfti north of South Omnlin . V.OOO
40 norcs on lluiisou direct railway .
I'or ncroneo Investments cull on J , 11 , Evans ,
a08N. Y.Llfo. MIIK.28
ELEGANT R-rodiu inod ( > rn brlcu home , on
monthly payments. J. L. lilce.UU-.N.Y.l.lfu.
LOT Iii DiiKnt | ) 1'laco Owner reply , 11.11.
Irey i llru. SCO N. Y Life. OH 27
For ratt , tte. , tit top offlnt rolumn ou iMi inigi
H OUSEHtakf > nf or YlicTwTntor" h ono f nTl
feed of grain per day nnd plenty of liny , f3
per month. Ooodonin will ho taken of them.
Lenvohorso with N , K , Dllltiincc , stable * 414
South 17th t , Telephone 804. MSil
1TOHSiS : wintered. Wo have Iho bc t o-
. commoaulloiit In Ihostato for
horses , llox or dingle stalls , with paddock.
Apply to Windsor , Kemp * Co. , 20.1 New York
Lifo uldji. , or to Chris Novlns , at the utilities ,
IrvliiKton , Neb , MG'.U
l.roltsr.SwIntpred-No better place to win-
.1 Ltcr horses limn the Stlllwntor stock farm ,
I't. Unlhoun , 1'rlces low , host care. U. J.
Kendall , propr.room300 , llro ii bldg.Oiiinlm ,
071 dO
HOKSl'SwIntcrpdat Omaha fair Rrounds.
lean n'lntor200 horses , each horse has a
largo warm hoxstull , food all the pr.iln the
owner wnntR , laigu yards for e\erol > oln flnu
weather. A , Thomson. M'-Ml N2J
_ _
1'ur wtts , ttc see top ut ntnt tntinn on thtt pna
MISS H. J. Miles , oxpcilencml teachers of
\olcnciilture , pupil of Mndam I'dmi Hall ,
Itoslon , Mass , lliioin ( < W , llrown building , cur.
lOtn and Douglas streets. sa 1)21 *
BliroilK buying a piano rxamlnc the new
scale Klmball plnno.A.IIojpc , 1MU Doualas.
EO. K. nnLLiNllKCK.tcachcr : of the banjo
with Hospe. KiKI Douglns. " 4'J
Korrolw. rlc. . MJlop of frnl [ oilujnn oil Din
Yi'UwiuTnJS , aUmaiins.iroiiaht.wdd.e '
chniiRod , rented. J. I' . MoKcath , 1037 1'ar-
nnmstrt'tl . _ ! ll'i
BO. WHKKIiI'Il. general stciiojjrnpher nnd
notary. Depositions and cmut work a
specialty. Tel. 16D1 , room loo1.1 , N , Y. Mfo Uldg
iiAiit aooiis wui's. KTC.
Korifitf. * , fc. , teeitiiof first rolunvt niitfili paste
"J3KST Line hair goods hi veil ; hair dressliig
J < Jwlzs , Mwltohcs. bangs , hair chains , etc , , a
specialty. Dnvlcs , hair goods and milliner
opposite postolllcc. 111 S 13th st. Omaha. ' . " .HI
for ratej > , cte. , tee fop vf flrsl coin on ( hto _
tododiessmaklna In families
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , W10 llarneyst.
1 A W NIUIOK I * , US.
etc. , tettnp of Jirtt fo/iimn / on Ci'.i '
TTlItEI ) MOM IiE loans money on diamonds nnd
JL ? watchcs.jowelryetc.i.U.cor , Kurnanutllth.
KorraO.i , ete. , ttetop i < f fmt column o
PENSIONS The OlIiiKmnn I'cnslon Agency ,
21 Krcn/er block. Inforiiutlon ficoJIT
Commencing Thursday Matinee.
Also Tliroo NlRllti nnd Snturdar Mntlnce ,
Satlro on Superstition ,
I Al
Mr. George H. Marion
And the strongest companr ever rnjaRCil for this
Svmclatj. November 8O.
The Jolly ( iornian Dlalrrt Comodlnn nml Sn-oct
ijliiKur ,
Supportcil bjr a tnlontPil eouipnny , In the now Ilo-
mantle Comedy ,
i'i no IT ROIIK.I , Incliiillna hH prentliU :
"Thu 1line. " llotirtho Tjrnlo.m ( junrtot.
Tliopnlo of Boats opens nt nlno o'clock Saturday
Coiinnciiciiiu Jfoiiilan , Hcc , t ,
And tlo best comedy company In this or nnjr
other country , prcicntlnK
J. J. McNnlly's Fnrciciil Satire
Under the managememt of Rich < Sc Harris
"If jrou miss It don't kick nnyone but Tour clf.
You pet moro fun than u re.ilhoro nice will fiirnlah
puata un i-nle Hntiinlay nmrnliit ! ut regular prlci-ii.
Qrand Qpera.
Three Nights Commencing
Sunday Evening , November 30th.
The Thrilling .Molo-Drama
11V CIIA8. GAYhKfl.
A STRONG COMI'ANr nnilcr tbo pcrsoml dlrca-
tionof am. VKANK c. UAVKKU.
llox slioot open ] Knturdny at 0 o'clock.
The only midget vlfo anil mother with her tiny babe
V ever known ,
The ttronrcat mnn of the century. Ho rend < nunn
( Icmloul uhnlns , cnbloi , ropes nurt lret. nnU bunds
uteri bars lir a nlruto of bin powerful nrm.
el.ACKKV , King of till ) Uolilcn Tliruail.
John UAVINl-1 LJ11OS. Olllo
AcrubaU In Comical Attltmloj. Tumbling * and 1'uuti
of AKttltjr.
In their orltlnnl comedy , WASH DAY , Introilnclnc
Novelty Daucei , ComloHongs , Duuli , und I'lanuitlon
Uanvos' riojjjil Mnrlonottos.
Tlio Gieitcit , Grnndot , licit Hbuw of tlio
Corner Oth and Harney Streot3 , Omahi.
Clironic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A. T. MoLAUGrHLIN , President
Founded by Dr. J. Vf , McMonainy.
Darker lilgck , Uth and Barnaul. Telepbune CM ,
I HT I CillCAK ) . lliml.l.MIIU.N A g. I AtflTesT
jtnahtj Popoi loth unitM : a < > n mooti. J " '
. . _ , . _ . . . . . .rhlcauo KxproM , . . , ( turn ra
BftJ a m .OhlcnKO K prii. . . . ( l fl p m
' 10 p m Ctilcauo Ktpron . . . 100) urn
t.Mp m , , Inna l.oc l . .j
LCHTM iWMMNtiTON A Mo" IllVKft. , Arrl o 3
Uualin. | Depot loth nml Mason utrPctJ. ' Omaha.
fO.4 a ru' . , .lienri'r Tf r K i'r . . . . 405 p n
10.75 am. . . . Denver KIIUVM 0.11 p m
0.40 p ml ItutiTor NUlit Vipnot. . . . v.lf n n n mj Lincoln liocnl . . . . VOO p in
! Dm h- . _
f.'O l a'ni'KaniMnir"T ' > ar Kipre i1tt , ClOp n
l 4) p in 1C. C , Night Km. Tin H. J1. Tram ' i ; ti n ra
AW' '
txpol 10lhanil _ yT5)LllI0iL ) , I Omaha.
"IM p mT r.OrerlandKljvr 8 M p m
7.30 | > 111 1'nclllo Kiprim. , . . 11.41 n ra
10.VU a mi Penyor Kxprois. . . . . 3.M p in
010 , ulill Kanta * Cltr Krprim. . , , , , IIIU a m
ID.I.s a m.l-nlrlli'lcl Kxu. ( exei'i'l ' Sun. ) , I I .U p ra
| * av * . | OIIIDAOO. 1C I. A I'Al'lKHl
Unian , * . | i ; . P. iloput , lOlli ami MarcrSti ' Oinl.liii.
6.10 ( | i in . . . . .7.7.NlKht KtnrMJ IOWiuT
DOS n m' ' AtlAiitlo Kiprrn. . . ( UU p ra
4.W p . . . . , tlbiil l.ltullocl IO.W n ra
ixin o I SIOUX I'll'i ' .V I'At'ffli. ' , Arn o"
Umnlii III. P. Onpnt , lOlll nml Maror Sli. Onntii
77lS n m , Vloiii Cltr I'niiennor. . . . i
l.'oOom ; St. Paul Kxprcis , . . . . 110.1 10 a
' * i "SlOT\ i'l'l \ I'Al'lHL.
_ Omaha. | Ill-put Utji iiiid WuliiU-rjUi.
"S.UU p m' Si I'nul l.lniltM. . . . . . , i V'U nm
"ijonvufU'llllAdu , Mil , , A fl1 I'Al/u / ArriTo " °
Omaha. It ) . I' , ilupot , lutli anit Mirer SUi . Uuiaha ,
C.tU p . . . . . . . . . ( . ' KO ICiprtix. . . . i Vlj a ra
Ij.fCi nm | . . . . . . Clilcairo Kim-i' i. . . . , . . .l h.'IO o m
T.oaT r | T ) > fAl IA , v til' lltUiT. - Arrivot
JUraalia , | n. l\0upot , loth nml MarcrHli. I Oniahn.
11W | i jnj . . .MM/ml Cnnnnnjttilj . . . .j73U ! in
m TA MO. VAM.KY. " " I Arrlfoi
Onmhn. I IXluit IJtli an.l WoUilnf t . _ I Onntiv _
. .1 nil UUck Illlli Kspruii. . . . l VW P ra
POO a m . . .HnstlniM Kxp. ( Rx. Similar ) . ' 5W p ra
6 10 r ral\VnliooAI,1ncoln I'm ( llt.Sund'r ) a m
_ 6.10 p in | . .YurkA _ _ Norfolk ( Ks. Siuulnr ) .ill ) Ala m
U'nvuiT "Clir. 1C , M AO. I Arrlvm" "
Oninhall " Popotjilli \VoliniorJ5ti. . ' Oniilii. _
"H.10 ani. .biuux I'ltr Acaiiuinoilatlon. i 6.05 p m
1.00 p in . .Sioux ntr Ktpniii ( Kt , Sun. ) . . I'.W p in
S.IK ) p m st. 1'nul I.lmltiul .M n ra
B.lSjjm ! Bnncofl I'amvtiintr j.K > _ , Mini ) . . ) ! 8 41 a m
fenTui I MlS.soUilf TXTill'IC" TATrlfor
tOmnlia. I popntlith nnd Wolislor Hti. I Oranlii.
IDA ) a mi..ft. lxiit A K. Ii Kxpresi. . . , ! 4 W p ra
J.1S ) p nil. . .HI , j niU .A-Ktii.Klproii'itil r > . , Hj m _
T.enre * rClllCXlia 1C " 1. * I'ATiFhili I Atrltoi
Trnniforj Union Depot. ( Viunuii Ilium. I Trnnifor
6.iOpm : | NlKht K > pr 9i DRi a ra
9 BO a ml Atlanllo Kijirosi 660 p ra
* t.VO pral _ lr..i.ive > llliiil Umltcit. . . . . 10.110 a m
Lcarei IC'lli&ACKrS'NOlU'llWKTl'Vll.S.i ' ArrTvoT"
Trnntfcr ; Union Depot , Coiincll Mlulti < Tr n tor
! > .4U a mj ClilcnKO Ki | > roi > P
( .OU p m Vuitlbulo l.tiulted HHO a ra
JO.UO p ffl' ' Eaitvrn Klror. . . 200 p m
" 1 p ui1 Atlnntlq Mnll IM n ra
Ji.30 p mjown ArMiinmoiUtlon JKxr. Sun ) O. < 0 p II )
"l.envu TOHTCAfT ( , Mlf. A 13r.'I'A'Ui * , i Arrlvn *
Trtirisfur | Union DoiiotCouncll % Ilium. | rnnsfer
o no p ml " _ ' 11.15 n m
12."O p . ! _ . ! . _ . ! _ . . Kxvii'i 1 (510 ( p in
T K. li , riT'f 30V2 A 0. II. " T Arrlvu , "
Trnnsfcrl Union Itepoi. I'oomMIJ } ! ! " ! ' I Tram for
10OT ttin.Knnsai | ' Cllr IWr Eiproi § . n ft I ) p in
1015 p m' . .hnnvii Cltr NlKht Ktprun. S.M n in
-ixinvuri " "OMAHA A HT. LOUIsT. ' I Arrivot
Trnnifcr' UnlimJipot. ) L'liiini'll HhuTi " JTrnnsfor
rRljiml . . .St. l-"iil iJinon Hall. . Tl2.ISj > m
I.earo7 iCIIlliAdO.lltlUI.'N A XllJINOy TArriTei"
T 'rnnHfor ' ] JJiUon Pepot , OMinrll llhini 'Tranifor '
9.4U a Ul , . . . . . . . . ChlcnKO Kxpreo. . . . . . . .j H.SO p i .H
10CO p in ! Chlcaco Eipresi I ' .IM a m
7. 05 p m | Orcaton Local , . . . . . . a m
IrfjRTerj 8UTUJt"ClTV ft 1'AUIPIU. j ArrT o
Trnnafor ) Union Depot , Council Ulufli , I'l'mmfor
'T.4& a"mT777siou * Cltr AVomraoilatlon. , . | 11.40 ix m
cn : > p nil , . . . . . . flt. l' ul K PJ i . _ . ; . . . . _ . | ' ) _ in
MTHaOtnaTAliltftf SUllllllHAN fUA'lKi
for IMiltllo I'rliitini , ' .
Ofllce of Plate Hoard of l'rlutliR ,
LINCOLN , November 15th , 1800 , |
Sealed propo&uN will he leeelved at any
time on or bcfoio two o'clock p. in. of the ptli
dny of Doecinltor , A , 1 > . IHlf ) , for the minting
of till bill for the IcKlsliituro with sueh mat
ter as mny be ordeied by eltbur hnusn thereof
to bo prfntpil in "hill form" which K shown
niul lU'sl 'iKiti'd us class oniMDunaerthuprliit-
IIIK Inns of tin * state of N'ehr.iska.
I'orthe prlntliiKninl binding In papcrcovors
of ono thousand tl.OOJ ) copies eneli of tlm bien
nial leportsof the iiudllor of jtuhllc uecoiints ,
trtinsuier , hpcretary of state , and commission
er of piihllo lands and buildings ; and five huti-
died ( . ,00) ) cujiles cncli of the blciinhil ix'porli nf
Iho attorney general , Niipeilnlendi'iit of pub-
llo Instruction , state llltrui inn , and adjutant
Rcneial ; nnd all olhor reporls and documents
that mar boouli-red printed Itv the leiiisln-
ture , oxeppt such as may enter Into mm form
a of the JoiniialH , which elnss of work Is
known and dcslKiiatod tin clnss tiiree (3) ) under
the print Ins laws of Nebraska.
The 1)111 ) work , executed underclass one ,
shnll bo pi luted In small pica typo on pnper
fourteen tl4) ) Inches lnii hy olKhtnnd one-hnlf
( H 4) ) Inches wide , shiRle pni < , paper lo bo
twenty-olKlit (28) ( ) pounds double cap lo thu
ream , and except the tltlu piiKo ; each pniiit
hhull conlnln nut loss llian tuenty-Uvu.(2."i )
lines of solid matter of seven (7) ( ) Inches In
length nnd the lines shall hu successively
numbered , with u blank only In each space hu-
luecn the llncrf.
Thetltlopafcoof said hills shall contain not
less than eighteen ( H ) lines as above , with
three pi ) Inches additional bpuco allowable for
display title mutttir.
Each bid shall state what the bidder Islll -
InR to do the work complete for , per lingo , for
two bundled (200) ( ) copies of each bill ; nlso the
prlco for additional Hundreds that may ho or
dered of the Hiiinoblll ut thosauio tlmn us tli
original I'-'iW ) , Including composition , paper0
press work , RtltchliiK , foldlim , and all work or ,
material Piitorlns Into the work lequlrcd.
All wurli uxocuU'd under class one shall bo
delivered In peed order by the contractor lo
tlm olllcu of the scciotury of stuto within
tinc'o days after the receipt of the older hy
bald contractor from Hie chulimnn of Iho
eommltU'O on prlntlii ! ; , In either brunch oftho
All work executed under class three ( 'l ) shall
ho printed In lone prlnuir , hrovlerand nonun-
rlei type , on paper U > bu nine Inches loni ; uy
HX ! ( Gi inches wide , tingle p.ixe , paper to ho
forty-five ( ) . " > ) pounds to tlm roam , of tuontv-
four hy thirty-six , white hook. Kncli bid
under elnss three Hhnll state what the bidder
Is willing to do the work complete for , per
paifi' , on unoh report or Item In the clnss , in-
eluding composition , paper , press woik.
KlItcblnK , folilliiK , and all nork or maiorlnf
imlerliiit Into thu woik rriUlred. | llulley and
piiKupioof must be furnished when required
by the olllcers of the execullvo department or
tin1 chairman of the committee on printing In
ollher branch of Iho legislature. Work when
completed to bo delivered free of exponsuut
the Htatu lionso.
I'roiiosals for work on oath nf tlio aliovo
clnsscs will not b conslderi'd unless the saino
he accompanied hy a bond In thnsum of live
thoiihund O.'iUOOdnllarHwlth ) two or morn HU reties -
ties : that Inuasuthopnilv proposing formich
contract sliull buawiirdud IhosiiniObiich party
wl 11 , within Ilvo K > ) duyti after the uwurd to
him of such contiiiet rntor Into bonds for the
faithful performance thi'ieof , us provided by
law and t hut urn.s of UICMI piom ) als.
I'roposnU Nhull bo marked , "Proposals for
I'ubllo rrintlnu" and nddivbsi'd to tlm slatn
board of print Inf. In cure of thu secretary of
state , Lincoln , Neb.
Contraction clnss ono ( I ) , as ubove spcclflpd ,
will be awarded us a whole ,
Contraction class thicetf ) , an nbovn suc l-
fled , will beawarded In whuloorln partiu > thu
board may elect ,
Sample * of ilia work to bo ovecutcd under
claKsunu ( II , and three pi ) , may bo seen at thu
olllce of the hcc-rctnry of stutii.
Con trivet 8 on uliovo elut-aeH one ( II , niul
three CD , to run two (2) ( ) yearn fiom December
Ulh. 1WJ.
Tliobluto prliitlnt ; hoard tesoivcs the right
to reject any or ull bids.HKN
HKN R. Oownrnr.
Koererary of Htato.
Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts.
J , K. 11 li.i- .
Troahuror ,
State Hoard pfrrlnllnc. .
To the Stockholders of the Osahillii I.und
and Cattle Co. : Notice U hereby ( riven tlm t
the niinual meetlnu of the titookhohiorsof Ilia
O/alallu Land nnd t'attlo Compuny will bis
held at t Iin company's olllce , No. 2IU Houtli 14 tli
Btroct. In the vlty of Umuha , NiUon Wudn < > s <
day , DcfomberUrd , IhW , at ,1 o'clook p.m. , ! ui
tho'ulecttonof dlreotorit for the ensuing your
and the transaction of jiuuti other busing ui
mny come before the meet lux.
NmemncrlT , iBim.
ulidliit Jom-ii LiuiiKBocretur/ .