Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    ft 'I'M ' HJ OMAHA IJAIJjJlHJJlJ ! : JllVlil DA Y. Nl ) V MM K Mil 5M. JOIMJ.
An Increasing Demand For Them in East
ern Commercial Centers.
Iloxv U IH Vlewcd'Hy Jjonclon Econo
mists Oolil In Huroiicnii Ilnnks
licet Sugar Culture In
The nnnnal report of Isnnc do Turk ,
president of the Htato vlttcultural com
mission , for 1890 , will show that the wlno
Industry ol thiH stnto is fust recovering
from u period of over three years' de
pression ciuisctl by thp largely Increased
production , consequent on the extensive
planting in tlio yours prior to 188(5 ( , says
tlio Sun Francisco Chronicle. Export-
encotlurlng the past doeudo htis proved
thtit while the demand for our wines is
growing , it is not growing at such arato
as to warrant any kind of extensive
planting even us had boon done In the
past few years. The Americans are not
nwino-drlnking people , says the report ,
ns neither toil nor climate in the most
thickly populated portions of the coun
try tire suited for wino growing. 1'eoplo
cast of the Rockies who do not drink
whisky drink boor , to which they are
moro accustomed , and discard wines en
The report states tlmt the Anaheim
disease has cleaned out between ten
thousand and twelve thousand Nu pa and
Sonoma counties , and that the vines that
have succumbed to the phylloxera in the
total urea of hind sot to vlneii may coun
terbalance many times over the area
placed to raising of raisins nnd grapes
for table uso.
Confidence among the growers of vine
grapes and the makers of wines will bo
restored by the fact that the area of
planting will bo Increased by the do-
imuul for California wines which a few
years ago were entirely unknown in the
cast , except by labels , but which can
now bo found In every city of import
ance on tlio Atlantic coast. 'Tho report ,
niter showing that the product of wino
for ] fc)0 ! ) will bo 16,000,000 gallons , or
equal to that of 1889 , and that the raisin
crop will bo 1-100,000 , as ngainst 1,230-
000 of 1887 , concludes with the recom
mendation that the commission's work
bo directed toward promoting the de
mand for and the sale of California
wines in the cast.
The UnrlnK'H Argentine Investments.
Argentine stocks have naturally fluc
tuated a good deal latterly , says the
London Economist. Negotiations arc ,
It is known , now in progress , and ru
mors will consequently lly about. The
first tiling is undoubtedly to place the
now sterling loan , and only such a small
amount us Is needed to pay early outgoIngs -
Ings In gold need yet bo provided. Ar
gentine revenues have fallen off seri
ously for the tlmo being ,
and the influx of Immigrants
has practically ceased. lint the
Argentine federation has witnessed so
many rapid elmngcs that these facts
should not bo taken as too dishearten
ing. They were to have boon antici
pated. But what wo should most
strongly object to flnd is that any nego
tiations for a now loan should bo ham
pered or blocked by demands from finan
cial houses here , that they should bo re
lieved from thp largo quantities of Argentine -
gontino securities they have in times
past underwritten , and have so far been
unable to disgorge.
As an instance , lotus talco the Buenos
Ayres water supply and drainage com
pany ( limited ) , of which n largo part of
the capital is understood to bo still in
the hands of the partners of Messrs.
Barings , the issuing tlrm. There- a
stipulation that the government still re
ceive a considerable sum in gold as
payment for works executed by the
Btato , and a , contract to eomploso the
works within a stimulated time , when a
substantial income in gold is secured to
the undertaking. But recent event
may naturally have prevented the plac
ing of such securities ; and if any
financial house or houses made a
stipulation Unit they should bo relieved
from such a lock-up as n preliminary to
placing a loan , wo should have an illus
tration of our observation , that at such
times the public interests are very often
ubsorvioiit to private ones.
"VVo repeat that what tlio Argentine
government now needs is n sterling
suHlclont to pay current expenses she
is entitled to pay the interest upon the
Ccdulas in paper nnd this will give
time for tboso necessarily lengthy negO'
tiatlons which must precede the eonvor
Blons of the provincials debts and the
Cedulas , as well as these for placing the
paper currency on n bettor footing.
Gold in European HankB.
The Boston Herald , speaking of the
loan of $10,000,000 by the Hank of Franco
to the Bank of England , says :
If the remittance had not bcon made
what would have happened on the Lon
don stock exchange ? Why , simply this.
The speculative public would have had
to pay interest nt the rate of 0 per cent
per annum on railroad stocks , and 7 per
cent per annum would have been
charged for loans for two weeks oven
on the Uest securities. Surely , to
apply , as tlfo cable dispatch docs ,
such alarmist terms as "deepest
of gloom'1 and "disastrous oasis'
to u market threatened with nothing
worbo than nn interest rate of 9 per
cent for carivJng stocks to the next set
tlement Is an abuse of language- least
from the Wall street point of view.
The recent cablegrams call for correc
tloa In another Tespect. They have
Bounded a ringing alarm in regard to
the inadequacy of the present supply ol
gold in the leading money markets o !
Europe. Cut neither in London , in
Paris , nor In Berlin do wo. llnd any ovi
donco to support a despondent view.
Hero is a statement of the gold hold by
the Bank of England November 0 , the
date of the latest report , In comparison
with the figures for the corresponding
dates in the last five years :
e.i.,1. . Proportion Hank
1800 Miuiu . of tT ° - rtttt ;
18NS OS.IIVJ.1N ) Iltllt !
188(1' " " ! ! ' ! ! 100'JM'CS3
( , , ( , ) 4i't (
lb a. KKl,5W ,5i3 Hfl
It will bo seen-that , though tno specli
line of the bank is somewhat lower a ,
present than in any of the other years
the dllToronco Is not material , It tivor
apes only $1,875,120 , and ranges from
$7,438-10r in comparison with the
amount hold November 12 , 1885 , to
81,011,020 in comparison with the hold
ing November 8 , 1888.
The bank of Franco is in a bettor po
eltlon tit present than her average status
for the corresponding dittos of the las
flvo years , Hero is a report of her com
prrnttvo condition :
fluid. Silver. Ppcclo
1ROO , , t2tVIIH,2l5 ! I24SM4C9J SKS.III'.Sl
JSSU S.Ha-.M37 . Xl.lKMKtt - -
ISNj 80I.VI.V.78
. ' 00,448,580 218,503,158 u
The Imperial bank of Germany cxuib-
ts a moro decided Improvement In re-
poet to her average holding of gold :
Clotil. Silver. Sncclo.
( eitlmatocl. ( oithnatoil. )
I , .JlllW)7.iOO ( tVMKllOUO J170,7IOOOfl
1S3.840.IOO fi3.WO.Ofl lhS,7l0,000 !
71,407.000 24.UllOO !
887 . ll.VfM,000 JW.n.OOO
Hi/v4ooo 7iU''
GOU70OUO . .
For the last flvo years tlio gold lit vault
n the first week of November has nvor-
.gcd $107,110,400 , in comparison with ft
H-cscnt line of $110807,000. Here Is an
inprovomcnl of $12,087,000.
The joint condition of the thrco great
anhs is summed in the following table !
TlinTllllEi : IIANKX ,
Oolil , Silver. Ppcclo.
POO $ i5\ani75 : Kwwi.f'W * 2 > M9I Jii !
181 . ISS.71II.IW7 ; I13. ! K1IIO.7U'lni7.H72 '
. 47S.7M.I.W iU7 , < . ' 7l.lia ! 7i.lOV..O'l (
H87 . 4iionsio : ; nir34 : 443
* * . 4.V > , IM7fl . ' 10tlTi'877 7fill ' ) 1.0X1
885 . 40lVJllll.UOO.IM.IM | 70l,4l8i01 , :
Tliclf united specie line.s foot np $701 ,
0 , J)07 ) , of wlch $ > o.r,200)75 , ; ) is gold and
; > 08,8J7,602 ( Hllvor , In comparison with
in average holdliif ; of $753 , 123,708 specie ,
lomprising $445,2c6,7a:5 : gold tintl $ : iOO-
iO".l)7" ) Bllvor. Thus they show ut pros-
) nt$10OIOM2 ( more gold and $1,000,383
uss silver than the avornuc amounts ro-
lortcd at the corroiponding dates for
ivo yonrs back.
The Arjioiitlno Iliiblilc.
Tlio facility with which money has
) ocn borrowed by the Argentine Kopub-
ic , which hns lcf > s tluin1,000,000 , is
callv amn/.ing , saya a Now York special
o the Chicago Tribune. The indebted
ness Is $23I,743,838 , hoing moro than $00
> or capitn. And this docs not include
' 90,010,080 , the cost of railways on which
ho national govornmonthas guaranteed
ntorerft. Nor does it include the prin
cipal and interest of the ccdulas issued
> y the National Hypotlioenry bank
5105,000,000 which are also guaranteed
> y the government.
Though not populous , the Argentine
lopublFo had immense natural re
sources and with the , foreign money that
loured in great strides were taken In
justness and internal improvements.
L'ho cattle , sheep , beef and wool pro
ducts became the wonder of the trading
vorld , but the gains from legitimate
nulo were n trillo to ollsot the
ntcrcst account on tlio debts , pub
ic and private , held abroad. So the
one cry of the people who were becom-
ng a nation of jobbers and succulators
was for moro money , Not only were the
ccdulas issued on every foot of land , of-
.on at false and fraudulent valuations , but
ho government sanctioned schemes for
.mined into execution that should have
jcon spread over a long series of years.
Toward the end of 1888 it became ap
parent that the end was not far off ,
old mounted in value as paper money
.ncrcascd nnd the crodulas Issued
reached the enormous total of $255,000- ;
000. Prudent men protested , but the
scheme that drovailed was to bleed
Europe of still moro money. Rail ways
built by the state were sold to English
syndicates and a vast stock of gold was
accumulated In 1889. The incomplete
drainage and water works , upon which
$0,000,000 had been oxnondod , woru Bold
to a sydlcato composed of Baring Broth
ers & Co. of London and others who
formed the Buenos Ayres Water
supply and drainage company ,
A monopoly at o.xtortionalo rates
for water was guaranteed for ninety
nine years , and the transaction caused
great scandal and intense public feeling ,
The excuse of the government was the
pressing need of gold.
March 1 , 1800 , gold was worth 144 and
It frequently varied twenty to thirty
points a day. All that the government
could sell for gold was gone. The codulas
were np longer available.
Foreign creditors bccamo'nlarmcd nnd
Mr. Edward Baring of Baring Bros. &
Co. was sent to Buenos Ayrcs to report
what could bo done. Ho arrived in
April and arranged to help the govern
ment by buying the Western Argentine
railroad at 8,000,000. This sent gold
down rapidly and tlio London banners
breathed easier. But It was only the
calm before the storm. There was not
time to toll out thu securities to the con
fiding public of England and Europe be
fore the revolt against President Celman
occurred. And things since then hnvo
drugged along , growing worse und
licet Sugar.
Not long ago Secretary Rusk reviewed
the beet sugar industry in. this country
and expressed the belief that it was des
tined to prove both important and lucrn-
tivosays the Troy Times. Ho found that
soils and climate hitherto untried for
beet sugar raising were well adapted to
that work and could bo made to yield a
profit on the enterprise. If reci
procal trade relations are es
tablished with the -
cane-sugar pro
ducing countries tlio demand for
beut sugar may bo limited , but if recip
rocity fails wo will in time no doubt pro
duce no small share of the sugar wo con
sume. The bounty offered under the
now tariff law will stimulate the pro
duction , and what is now largely an
experiment , will become an established
branch of American industry.
In this connection it will bo of interest
to note the progress that Enroponn
countries have made in beet-sugar pro
ducing. In 1875 the total beet-sugar
product was 1,100,000 tons. In 1887-88 It
had increased to 2,481,950 tons , and in
1SS8-89 to 2,785,814. The report for
1880-90 makes the total 3,000,000,000 di
vided as follows :
Gcrmnno . l.SJO.OOO
Austriii-lliitigiiiy . 7:10,000 :
Franco . 7M,000 )
Kussla . ; . 48 ,000
HclKllim . SOO.OUO
Holland . 00,010
Other countries . 80OOJ
Ucnimny . 50,000
Total . .3,000,000
To many people In Europe sugar Is a
luxury , while to all in this country it
ranks as a necessity. This is ono rea
son why moro than 80 per cent of the
Cuban sugar crop is wanted in tlio
United States. The other is found in
the figures given abovo. Europeans
llnd It cheaper to raise their own sugar
than to Import it. It may not equal in
quality the article produced from the
cane , but the bwootonlng powers are un
questioned , and therefore all that is pro
duced finds a ready bale. Americans
prefer cane sugar to beet sugar , and will
use it freely as long as it is obtainable
at reasonable rates , but the article pro
duced from the boot is nn acceptable
substitute in many uses nnd will llnd a
market if it can boolTorod at satisfactory
prices. All present indications point to
suitable financial rewards for these who
shall bring boot sugar production in this
country to Its highest perfection.
Not Twenty Five , "Vet Hho Has llntl
Ton years ago the little tavern at Em-
morson's Mills , in the Pine Run lumber
region , was kept by nn odd character
named Klias Benton , says a Bradford
( I'a ) dispatch to the Globo-Dcmocrat.
Ho hail a very -orotty daughter named
Betty. Her mother was dead , and slio
looked after the household ntfnlrs of the
She was sixteen years oldnnd Kdword
Shott , a bark contractor , young and
well-to-do , was In love with her and
wanted to marry her. Betty wanted to
marry young Sholt , but hoivfathor had
other plans , and she was compelled to
obey. Ho chose for her husband n man
ithroo tiaiea hqr p
plno tract in the neighborhood , a valua
ble piece of property that Landlord
Bontoii was anxious to possess. Ho com
pelled his slxtcon-yoar-old daughter to
marry this man , Aulds by name. Ho
lived only six months and loft his young
widow tlio plno laud , which her father
sold , appropriating the proceeds to hie
own use.
Young Shott , In the meantime , had
closed his contracts and gone away. Ono
year after the death of her husband Mrs.
Aulds married , to spite her father , John
Grover , a sawyer. Ho wns killed In his
employer's nulls one month later. Tlio
landlord's daughter was twlco a widow ,
although she was not yet eighteen years
Two months after her second hus
band's death Edward Shott returned to
Emmerson's mlllfyind on her oightosnth
blrthdayf young Widow Grover , who
had 1 grown defiant of her father , married
her old-time love. Tlio couple lived
1I happily 1 for a year , and ono child was
born. The child was not two weeks old
when the father was crushed to death by
nr falling trco in the woods. Widowed
now for the third time , tlio landlord's
daughter mourned her third husband
sincerely for two years. About this
st ttmo t her father died.
At tlio ago of twenty-one the young
widow made what was regarded as a
most fortunate marriage , her fourth hus
band being1 Elmer Jainos , a young "War-
ron county lawyer. James turned out to
bo a drunkard. Ho abused his wlfo and
her child so shamefully that she had no
dilllcuUy in obtaining a divorce four
months after she became Mrs. James.
She remained single then until she was
twenty-three , when she married Gcorgo
Rhone , a widower of fifty. Ho was
n prominent man in the locality. Uo-
fore they were married a year Rhone
died with the small-pox. Ills young
wife nursed him through the course of
tlio dreadful disease , escaping without
taking It herself. Uhono left his widow
8100,000 in cash. Not long after her last
husband's death she took her child nud
went to Ohio , where she had relatives
living. This was ono year ago. Last
Tuesday she wrote to u friend in this
city that she was to bo married the next
day in Covington , Ky. , to a young man
named , Charley Green , n , bltto grass
0.71,1/1,1 irilOLKiN.lLE 3
A complete grocery list Is published on
Tuesdays' Thursdays and I'rldiivs.
SIHIAH Grumiluted , GHo : cubes , C' c ; cut
loaf , 7'ic ' ; powdoicd. standard. G&o ; XXXX.
powdered , T ic : yellow 0 , fioj canary 5c [ ( ;
llpht EO , fJ.iOo ; confectioners' A , O'ic.
TWINES , COIIDAIIK , ITC. : Cotton tnlno.
"illbb , " very flue , U-lb bales , 22c ; cotton
twine. XX brand , U-lb bale , lie ; hemp twlno.
U-lb cales. 19c : salt twlno , 20o ; ouiidlo wick ,
aic ; 40-foot cotton elotbes lines , $1.40 ; GO-foot
cotton clothesline , fl.OS ; 00-foot sisal lines ,
J1.7B ; ( Xi-footjute , il.HTi ; wool twlnos , H(5n. ( Ma
nilla iiino All sizes from 7-17 to 1 In. , 14c : sisal
rope , ullsllus from 7-10 to 1 In. . O'So ' ; "new
processes , ' , nil sizes from 7-10 to 1 In. , 80 ; cot
ton rope , U-ln. . 1W. (
AMMUNITION Ilillo powder , per Kotr , fo. . " > 0 ;
crH Ueii. 12i ! ' Ibs , ' lKl.00 ; rllle ' , ' tier ' ( keif ,
" - - - - - -
HAKIM ! l'o\viKll-KoyaI \ , cllino onus , pe
We : } i Hi ciins , il.45 ; V5 II ) cans , $ . ' . : , ; 1 ll > o.uis
Will ) ; I'llco'sdlmo cu.iis.00u \ Ib enns. fl.E5 : ;
' { 11) uruis , ? ' .M ; 1 11) ) ( Miiis. tl.75 ; other klmli 1
II ) cans , per dolOOi I.S. " > .
MAPLE SUOAK IVr ll-"io eakos , .Tfl-lb boxes ,
iio : ; lOo cakes , : Hb boxes , 1'JiJo ; 1-lb bricks ,
ao Ibs In box. pure , 14c.
IlitooMS 5-tlo i > : irlor , $1.00ltle. ; . $ J.73 ; a-tlo ,
} .VJ. > ; ; i-tlo. pl.iln. fl.80 ; waroliouso , W.OO ; toy ,
JIZi ; whisk. ! I.OJ1.3. : !
SoAi'-l'ustlle , mottled , per Ib , lOo : do
wlilto per Ib , 14c : laundry soai ) , per 10J lurs ,
t.l.l.XtW.oO ; shaving soap. 507. > c nor dotollot ;
soup , 3 cakes nor box. perdoz. 50u@fi.n. !
Oinmt L'er ubl , relliicd , $ ! i.SO ! half bbl , $ .1.00'
haid older , pure , per bbl , K > . ( K ) ; oraiiRo older ,
half bbl , & 1.5J ; puir : elder , half bbl , J'i..V ' ) .
NUTS-1'er Ib. Almonds , 18c : liruzlls , 2le ;
fllborls , I3o : Dociinii : > ® 14o ; wiilnuts , 13o ; pou-
nuts , fancv wlilto , Scj roasted loo.
OLIVIA Quarts , per doJt.OOj pints , per doz ,
} . ' .50 : bullc , per ciil. U5c. Ollvo oil , y pints , z
douor case , juriOQ-i. ' .
ItAOS-Aiii. , uur 10l$17.50. .
SAi.T-Dalry , L'SO Ibs in bbl , bulk , $ .2.10 ; best
griKlc , C05s , JJ.ilO ; best grade. 100 Us , J.40 ; boat
Brade , 2S 10JJ.'JTij rook snlt , cruslied. $1.80
MOLASSES llbls , N. O. fancy , per KiiUra/iVic ;
cliolco , 4jl"C ! Koortuix3.'f.'o : ; ; Cuba , baklnj ? , "a
SODA I'ksjs , ( X ) Its to bov , 5jfc : Ucss ,
SAI.SODA IVCKS , 1'ic perlb ; bbls , lc ;
latod , 100-lti bo.xos , so.
\ 3-lb , $1.00
1.10. Corn-Very lino. Jl.avai.arij 2-lb aiicar ,
Jl.l.l ; 2-lb standaidvcstoru brands , tl.t'J. '
MiisliroontH 1-lb French , extra line , --MJIi'ic ;
1-lb rroneh , fine , Iftfitf-Jc : 1-lb Kronoh , ordl-
nirv , 16lSc. 1'oas 2-lb early Juno , 11.25 ; :
! ! -lb marrow , standard brands , $1.10 ; 2-lb
soukcd , 70c. Kiench peas 1'or case of 100 ,
$ ir.OJ'ii.OO. Htrlniiboiii3"2-lbhlKhBriidoUOoi :
' . ' Ib wax beans. We ; 2-lb strlnK beans , 80o.
liliaa beans 2-lb snaked , S.r > o. llosliin baked
lCiiiis ) 3-Ib , !'i5. : Sweet potatoes 3-1 b
New Jersey , $1.50 : 'l-lb okra and tomutoos
ILW ; 3-11) okia. $1.00 : aspar.iKiis , 3-lb , ftj.8.1
QM. ) ! rhubarb , 3-lb , JI.40 : succotash , $1,20 ®
WiiArpiNO 1'Ai'Eii t'orlb , best straw , I5vl8
toirj.xJI , lie : dry coeds , 4ie ; extra quality
iiianllla , GHc ; munilla tea , Ix'xlS , lc : dark rag ,
haidunrcSic. .
CIIUESI : K.O. , twin flats , pprlb. 10c ! ; V. C- ,
Youiiit AniTlea , ll e ; dniu < itle .Swiss , i : > yta ;
brie lc , He ; Edam , hi foil , eauli , $1.00.
rAitiNAur.oiiH GOODS Hurley , 4cj farlnn ,
la'Ks , $3,00 : split peai , : io : Kreon peas. 2c ; out-
incal , liliU $0.2liM ) ) ; half bbls , Sl/iVS. ! . . ;
macaroni , J2u ; vorinlcclll , 12o ; susoand tnpl-
oea , ( KSiJJJo : Lima beans , 5 ei coroalluu , { J.24 ;
llakeit lionilnv , ; ifjc.
DillKli Knurrs Turkish priinos , loss than
hhds , Ki ! ) , 8c : apples , evaporated , new rlim
clio'.ce , 14Jo ; apricots , fancy. In sueks , l'Joj ' !
blaclfbcrrles , lunv , 10c ; raspberries , 25 Ibs to
bov , : i4e : ciuraiitx , nu\vri , o ; Votly acurratitH ,
extra , In boxes , (11(0 ( ( ; punches , Unln , choice ,
IT'/to ' ; Callfornlu dried Krapcs , In Im s , fie ;
beedless Sultans , sacks , 105e ! : muscatels , 8c } :
nuw Viilonola , be ; Undiira layor. Do ; HRM , livers ; -
ers , l.'iitlSo ; dates , I'er.sliin , fl-lb ) box , 7e ; eft-
run , Leghorn , 'J-Je ; lonion pe < ; l , 15c.
CoirtEK Uiccn Itlo , Z\\tQU \ \ > , ' a' Java , 28o ;
Moclia,20c. Hoiisti-d" Arlosla , 'J"iJo ! ; Itunolii ,
- > ! je ; ( Icrntnn , 2.V4 ( > ; UllworthV. 2. > ? o : Mon ,
i\'ia \ ; .Mailimiich , asio ; Cordova.iijJiej Mocliu ,
! Bo ; 0. O. .lavn. IlOe. O-jflrco-Esscnco V Kro
boxes. l.avaiJ ; chlokory , T'SttS'/Sc.
VI.M.QAK Applucldcr. 10o : double elder , ISo ;
white , wino , 12e. ; trlplostronsth , 1V. (
OiM-l-V ) prime white. H5o ! ; 13) ) water white.
ll'.io ' ; huadliKht. llic : 74 k'usoliiio , lllio. Oil
cans-1 Kill , $ J.OOj23 : ; ; 2 gill , $ J.3Gl.bO : 5 gill ,
13.50 < ai5.00.
TiiiACCos-l"lno cut , pei-lb , 2" STOo : pine , 2U
QThu ; siiioklng , 22 < Uou ; fancy brands , Due ®
TKASJapan , basket flred , 2055csnn ! dried ,
204.'o | irieen , syiifau ; Uiinpowdcr , 205WOc :
KiiKllsh lircaUfnst.ll.V'flT.'o : YOIIIIK Hyson , 20 ®
5'iu : Unlnnu. 234Jfl ; l-lbpaekiiK < ) dust. ISc.
OANDV .Mixed , uo-lb palls , 8jiil8Uo ( : stlolc ,
8o ! : twist htlek , OciKroneb inlxoil , MiSo ; liour-
limuul htlek , 84e ! : Jiir mid cai-o caudles , fl-lb
boxes , l.vlMIe ; o.xtra Hue poods , 553li > c.
AXI.B GitKASK 1'or Kross-i-'nulor's larco
tins , * , aOO ; mediniii tins , JJ7.0J ; small , $15.50 ;
other makes , wood. } . ' . .OOiJH. . " > ) .
HUCKINO 'I doIn box , ; i03H * > o : ladles' shoo
ilrcH.sliiK , 4c2.Jl,00 ! ; steve pollsb , per gro s ,
$ . ' .0xa5f,0. (
lii.UKiNO-Mquld , 4 o/.ridoji , In box.OOail.T.'i ;
8oz. . 3doz. iu box , $1.5U2.T.'i ; dry , siiuill , 2.5u :
larao , 4" > e.
llnusiiKS Shoo , per doz. , $ l.2o3.50 : danberfl ,
75e5ttl.OO : scrub bntslics , GOoftfcJ.OO.
UHAUKUIIS Hodn , Oo ; oyhter , 5JjCi cream
6 1 : ; Hlnsi'r snaps , SVjc.
UAN.NEII FIIUITS Oiillfornla Aprleots , $2.20
{ W.t.O ; pooled apricots $ l.2. > ; penehes , $ J.7 ( > ®
ll.UO ; pears , $ . ' .45 : llartlutt poais. * > ; tripus ,
( l.W ) : cherries , white , $ . } .5' ' > a'.73 ! : eberrlo.s ,
black , $2.2.1U2.50 : quinces , * 2.UO ; bluokborrles ,
t-l.y > ; rasnberries , $1.00 ; strawberries , $ . ' . ' . ) J :
eiirraiitH. $2.2. " > ; gooseberries , J..iii pIiuus.ecK ,
JI.834JI.W ) ; Dliims. ureon RUKt's , Jl.Wiftl.M. iTx-
tra line goods AprleotH , Irvl.du : yellow Uraw-
ford peaches , $1. 00 ; slleod poaches for eieani ,
} 4.5 | llartlott pears , $ J.83 ; c K phiias , $ .1.50 ;
preen KIIKOS , W..V ) . Ilaiturn-ciiniied fruit
I'euches , seconds , tl.OOQ3.OU : apples , 3-lb , JI.20 :
gal. , ! j doz In oase. } l.iU : : coosuborrlcs , llalil-
moro standard , 2-11) , 81.15 ; strawberries , tl.HO ;
raspberries , 11,40 : blueborrles , H.'tU ; red rasp
berries , Jl.50j blaokberrles. $1.15 : uliorrlus ,
Jl.IUOI.m ; plnoaplos , sliced , I1.2.V35.IO.
UllOCOLATf. ETC. 12-lb boxes. 242350 ! Oor-
man sweet , -r&2lo : cocoa , IltUJloo ; llruino , U2o.
OOCOANUT 15-lb cases , ! i and li-lbpaoUagos ,
pur Ib , aKS27ot bullc. 15-lb pulls. 25e.
EXTIIAUT8 LoillOII. 2 O7 , 55c < BJt.80 | 4 OZ.I.OO
CJ3.50 ; vanilla , 2 oz. 05e < S .b8 : 4 oz , 11.2533.50 :
Jainaloii clntror , 4oz. Jl.b5.
MATt'iiES-rarlor , 200 to 300 per box , 11,05 ®
1,70 uer grobs , sulphur , JI.O , " > Tij. | (
I'lCKi.KS-.M.'dlnin , bbls. $401 ; small , $9.50 ;
gherkins. .JII.UO : lloUon mixed , J 12.00.
HICE Java , Oo ; choice , Co ; fancy , cic ; ; head ,
St'ICES I'cupor Slnenpnro , alftcd , IdQlScj
shot , 22o : allspice , )0o : cloves , I'cimng , se-
looted , ixie ; easslu , Ohlna , 4-lb mats , ncniut-
moBS , No. 1 , 75o : niacasbor , ( i5c. I'luklliig
uplce , 10-lb boxes , 25o.
STAHCII Per lbUiiiiio.
IliiinriKEii-.Mlxtd bird. l-lbpke\5c ; canary ,
4 o ; hemp , 4Jc ! ; anise , 15o ; poppy , I0o.
\\'ooiENWAiiK-l'er doz. Tubs , No. 1 , IA35 |
jl.W ; dowcll , 11.75 ; paper , niotal hoops , 12.50 ;
cod ur , U Urui-a hoops , No. 1 all rod , M r < 0 ; cedur ,
Sbraashoons , No. a rod , W.Xi ( ) cedar , Itbrufts
hoops , No. 1 Btrlncd , < 3.uoi cedar. U lirass lioopn ,
Mo. . striped , fcj.Wj horse , extra lleavy No. 1 ,
J3.7.r : well InioVrtv.t 43JI. Iliittorw.irp Tub" ,
nsh , : i-ln. per licit.'o ' : nli , 2-ln , 31nrguiilrc < ,
nor nest , 4.V ; lnitt < ir Indloo , hard wood , 70o ;
nutter puddles or-vpados TlH' . Wnthbourds
SlttRla.fl.4Kl3.UorMiiic ( | , W.W&IM. Clothespins -
pins -3 grosi hoxVs , ft'tc.
OANiiua-401Nto bo.t,0ic ! | mining , 10310 ! Joi
1IC *
BMOKKII MiUTS-HuBur cured. Ham * . II to
in llj uvorajro. B'ivl hams , 'M to-23 Ib nvcrauo.
Ullcilmtus , 13 It , mow , OUot skinned luitns
lOc : hum * ) ( No. 2j , 8'joi shoulders , ( fci clour
breakfast bacon.J < y.foncless breakfast , bucon
biioks , 540 ! fiitnnuH boned linin , So ) California ,
or iilcnlo hams. fliU-j' bundles limn 8Jic ; ill loci
beef liutim ( ots ) , Vic ! dried beef clods , Oot
short spiced rolls or hum roulette , 7ioi
smoked beef tongucis. per doz , $455 ; special ,
briiiid hiiinu , 12 tul3Ib average , ll'ic ' : special
brnnd , boneless brcukfnU bacon. llUo ; selected
dried bqcf hums , Inildcs mid knuckles , lOoi
selected wldo clear brcukfiist bacon. 'jc.
Dnv SALT MK.m-Knncy light \\olitlit short
clours , ( Hici long clours , Bjfoi shofi clears , no ;
short ribs. fiVc : slioiiltlers , So I clear bellies/
Cue ; clear bucks , de.
SMOKKII MKAi.s-Dry stilt ourccl 1'nney
UnlitnclKiit bacon short clours. 7e ; bncou
sliort ribs , fj'jo ' : bacon uliort clouts fi'tci ' bacon
loim clears , (1141i ( ; liaeou clear backs , OiJc-i
bacon clear hollies. 7e ! bacon shoulders , fiffe.
SWDKT I'irKM'.ii MIITS Hums , tierces , Oc ;
shoulders.Now Vork cut , tli-rces. flije : Califor
nia hams , tierces , MIC ; bcof hains , bbls , { I'.OO ;
I'li'Kl.Klt HKKF ToNdUKS Half barrels , too
Ibs , Jiu.50 ; niiitrtcr barrels , GO Ibs. , W.OO ; clKlith
burruls , 2Ti Ibs. . j.uo.
SWKBT 1'ICKI.KI ) Sl'Altl ! IllllS TlorCM , .TOO
Ibs. , net xvrlKlit , IIVO ) burrels. WO Ibs. . not
wejKlit , W.OOi halt bands , 100 Ibu. , net uclKht ,
hA'iut I'nro Icnf , per Ib. tlerco basis , fi4ct !
compound , per Ib. tlerco basis , f > Uc ! pnto loaf
lard , per Ib. tlurct ! basis , CMci sueclal kettle
u-ndcicd leaf lard , perlb , tlereii basis , 7c.
llAiiiini.Kii I'OIIK AND HiiKr Mess pork , new ,
J11..M ; family pork , SII..M ; short out clour pork ,
Hl.V.ViJlS.noi uoncli'ss plij pork , fancy , JI4.LO !
extra muss beef , Jii.oo : plate beef , J'.oojovtra
pluto beof.W.00 ! extra family beef , boneless ,
w.ooj rolluu boofi bonolcss , } a.f > 0 : i-ninp butts ,
i'in POIIK Hntiolcss-lllH 200 Ibs , each
$ H.)0'i ) ! \ bbls , 100Ibs , each J7.M : U bbla. 51) ) Ibs ,
each W.on ; > s bbls/j ; , ibs , eucli -.J.V
UANNKD .MiATa-Uonicd : beef , 1-lb square
cans-doznor case , il,10j S-lb , I or 'J doz per
case , tl.SJ ; ( t-lli , 'i ' doz per case , (3.7.1 ; lunch
tongues , 1-lb round cans , 2 doz per ease , tt.m\ \
brawn , 1-lb square cans , li doz per case , jl.20 ;
ox tonsiies , 1'4-ib ' round cans , 1 doz per case ,
$ . " > . - ! . " ) ; chipped beef , U-lb round cans , a do/ ncr
case , ( l.'Jo ; roast beef , 1-lb round cans , S uoz
purcaKi * . $1.10 ; putted ImniU ! ( ) loiincl cans , 4
do/.pcrciibc. UOui devllud hum , ! < E-ll > round
cans , 4 doz per case , ( We ! potted ox tonptic , U-
Ib rounil cans , 4 do/.pcrcaso , UOc ; compieNscd
hum , 1-11) sqiiaincans , 'J doz pur case , } l.iO ( ;
trlpo , 2-lu round cans , 1 Uoz per case , II.N ) ;
minced collopsa-lb round cans 1 doz per case.
fc'0j boneless pics' feet , 2-lb sipiaro euns , l
doz nor case , JiM ; roust beuf ( Alexandra
brunil " ) , 1-lb , 2 doz per caso. $1.00.
"Oir.s I'rinii ) lard oil ( winter strained ) -lOci
extra lard oil ( winter strained ) , 47ej oxtru Nn.
1 lurd oil , 40c ; No. 1 laril oil. l\\a' \ \ No. 'J laid oil ,
3lc ; oxtru noat's-foot oil , 4. > 6i tallow oll,45c.
SAU.iAnn Ilolo.'iia. 4c ! smoked suusace , 7cj
blood sausaKc , 4'ie ' ; Iher.saasaso , 44c ! ; headcheese -
cheese , 4ic ! ; fresh pork sausage , links , Cc :
fresh pork sausatfc , bulk , 5'ic ' ; smoked pork
suusnee , 80 ; fr.inufurt sunsaRC , 7c ; smoked
lioudclieese , Go ; Polish sunsaKO , 7c ; Knob-
lunch sausage , 7c ; tongue hiiusage.Sc : stitniiicr
sausage , lac.
Country Produce.
IltiTTEii Tlioinnrkct Is dull with heavier
rooolpts. Good country rolls , 14QIGc ; choice ,
10Q > l8ij ! Inferior , R'ol''c ; ( jood country solid
packed. l.lSlinc ; eholco dairy. 18 ' 'Oci Kood
oriMinmry. m'Stc ; fancy , U5c.
I'oui.Titv There was very llttlo doing on
limiksgivitiK day. A few turkeys which ere
wiintcd to plceo out tlio retail stocks sold nt
"f8Ille ! chickens7i bc ! KO ( " > O and ducKS , ioc.
Ken < Kccolpts modcrato and market steady
at 3lSc.
GAMI : I'ralrlo chickens , per do/cn , J-'I.OOO
HJH ) ; ducus , nominally , (9.7.V&3.00 ; toul clucks ,
. ' . ' -ij mixed duoks , $ I.M ; nitull.
ack rabbits. ft.5-)3i.OO ! ) : ; inall rabbits. T.le ;
door and antelope earc.isscs , 7Se ; sadtlos , 11
I'ldliONS-Tliero Is no domalul.
POTATOES Car lots of potatoes arc quoted
at fiVriilOo with choice stouu selling In a small
wuy from stem at llje. Colorado stock , tl.t" > .
ONIONS Choice stock , $1.:15Q1.W : ; Spanish ,
$1.75 per nato.
SWKBT I'OTATOKS Good stock. $3.OS4.33 per
MBANS-DesIrablo stock , $ ' . ' .40a2.J.
CKI.KIIY 'BffclOo per rtoz.
OAIIIIAOK Peril ) . . liQ2o. !
TuitNii'S Hutubasas , choice , 052,730 per
liUiracn-Pcr doz. , 35340c.
Flour , Ilran , Kto.
R. T. Davis' high patent No. 1 and Cream.
$2.70 ; niitcil ) . full patent. J3.M ; Hawkoyo.halt
patent. sf'J.HO ; H. T. Uavls' special Hoyal pa-
tout No. 10 , $2.83 ; Mlnnesottv patent , J2.7."i :
Kunsas hard patent,1 $2S3 ; Nebraska
iniK wheat patent.'J.
S. GIlmau'sKold mod ul , $2.80 ; SnowWhitc ,
ti.4l ; Snow Plnke , * 2.tO : low Bmdo , $1.80.
Ilrnkon How Holler JIMIs' Croaiii. K.ffl : Myr
tle. .40 ; Claim , f-VJO ; riclollty , J'.OO ; Mlitno-
sotu i Ohlof , * , ' .43 ; Patent , * ' . ' .70.
Oskntnp'8 ready to ralso buokwhoat flour.
W.M porcasoof 5J2-lhpackasos : buck wheat in
bbls , N. Y. . JO.OO : K.xcelslor briind , $ , > .riO : Slap
Jack mnal , $4.00 per case of TiO 2-lb packaitos , , sacked , per ton , $18.00 ; chopped feed ,
$21. ( W.
HAV On truck ut Omnha Upland. No. 1 ,
f.s.00 per ton ; coarse blno stum , 87.00 : oats
straw , $0.00 per ton.
Fnnsn Per Ib Perch. Sc ; buffalo , dressed ,
7o ; plckeiel , 9o ; pike , Oc : wlilto. lOe ; cropplo ,
lie ; cattish , llo ; cod steak , i''e ; flounders , Lie ;
Oregon salmon , I5o ; black bass , 16o ; Jobstera ,
IBC ; blito llsh , 15o.
f'alt und pickled. Codfish , extra floorgcs
now , fljic1 ; srund tiunk , now , 4iji' ; silver , 2-lb
blocks , 5Ho : snow white , 2-lb bricks , new , 7'jc ;
tuikey cod , inreo mlildlo bricks , Uc ; HIIOW
whites , eiatcs , U-r ! Ib boies , 75 : medium
scaled lierrlns , 25c ; No. 1 scaled herring , 2uc ;
domestic Holland herrlnir , 40e ; IIumbnrKor
spiced borrln , dOu ; Russian sutdlnos , spiced ,
die ; Kiissliin bardlnes , plain. Mo ; Imported
Holland herrliij , ' , Crown liiand , No ) ; do fancy
milkers , * 1.00 ; miickeiel , No. 1 shore , half bbl ,
$12.51 ; bloaters , hiilf bbls , $18.00 ; white llsli ,
hulf bbl.s , (0.75 ; trout , hiilf bbls , $5.50 ; family
wlilto ( Ish , $ : i.OO ; salmon. $ S.M per half bbl ;
" -Ib broiled maekoiel , 1(2.00 ; .1-lb In mustard ,
$2.ffli-lbln : ! tomato saueo , $2.0j ( ! r.-lb Muvo
mrss maekerol , $ . > .fiO ; 1-lb brook trout. $ l.ii ;
Il-lb brook trout , $2.25 ; 1-lb salmon , 81 .IB ; 2-lh
White llsh , $2.25 : 1-lb Hhlto llsh , $ l.i5 : ; 2-lb lob-
btors , $2.iO2-lloystois : ; , 12 o12.50 ; 2-lb ovs-
tors , 10 07 , $2.25 ; 1-lb oysters. f > nt , JI.25 ; 2-lb
lluratafla , 10 07 , $ -.11) ) ; 1-lb Iliirut aria , r oz ,
$1.10 ; 1-lb olams. llttlo necks , 81.35 ; 2-lb oiums ,
llttlo nocks. $1.75 ; : i-lb clam chowder , $2,00 ;
1-lb crabs , $2.25 ; 2-lb crabs , U50.
Quotations nrofor car lots on board cars at
Omaha :
IS ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4.l.'i 00 $15 01) ) $15 00 $15 .V ) $10 ( K ) $17 Ojl $18 00
Sxll. , 15 00 1500 1500 15 flu Ifi CO IH ( K ) 18(0 (
2.18. . 15 00 15 DO 15 00 15 50 ] ( ! 00 17 50 18 00
2x10. 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 50 10 ( K ) 17 50 18 00
2x12. 10 00 10 00 W 00 IU 5J 17 IX ) 18 M ) 10 00
4x4 to
8x8 1(5 ( 00 10 03 10 00 17 00 18 00 10 CO 10 (0 (
liOAlins No 1 com $1 .50 ; No. 2 com , $15.00 ;
No. : i com. ( it.50 : ; No. 4 com , Jll.M.
FINCIWI-NO. : 1 , 0-ln. 12 nnd 14 ft. rf , $10.00 ,
No. 1 , fi-ln. 10 ft , $ l.00 ! ) , 4-ln. $19.00 ;
4-ln , $10.00 ; No. S , fi-ln , 12 and 14 ft , rf , $14.0.1 . ,
4-ln , $14.00 ; No. 2lm 10 ft. $10.00 , 4-ln , $10.00 ;
No. II , ( IIn , 12 and 14 ft , $ ii.09 : , 4-ln , JI.'I.OO ;
No. 3 , 0-ln , Iti ft , $ ii.OO. : 4-ln , $13.00.
HiniKn-A. 12 , 14 and 10 ft.JM.OOj O , $17.50 : II ,
12. 14 and M ft. $20.'V ) ; 1) . $11.50.
I'l.oouiNn A , 0-ln , wlillu pine , $38.00 ; 0 ,
2U.Mi II. 0-ln. whlto nine. $ .1D.OO ; I ) . S20.50 ; E.
fl-ln , wlilto plno ( sol. fencing ) , $17.00 ; drop HU- !
Inir.Wo pei-Jl extra.
STOCK llOAiti ) ! ) A. 12 In. sis. $1800 ; II , 12 In. ,
sis , $ l5.Xj ( ) ( J , 40.00i | ! > , $ l5.fl ! ( ; No 1. coinmnii , 12
In , sis , 10 , 12 und IS ft. Ml. 00 ; No. 8. $1S.M ; No. 1 ,
common , 12 In , sis , 14 ft , $20.1)0 ) ; No. 2 , $17.50 : No.
1. common , 12 In. sis , III ft , $19.50 ; No. 2 , $17.00 ;
No. 1 , common , 12 In , sis , 20 ft. $21.00 ; No. 2 ,
Suii't.AP-Xo. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 In , $1000 ; No.
2 , $10.00 ; No. I , O. G.i M In. WOf No. 2. $111.50 ; 10
In. grooved roofing. 12. 14 and 10ft. $1IUO.
I'l.NisiiiMi 1st and 2d ol , 1 In , s''s. $10.00 ; IU ,
lit nnd 2. $10.00 ; ad olmir , I In. s2s , $45.00 ; HI. Uj
und 2 , $ I7.IO ( ; A , select , 1 In , s-Js. ; Hi. Hi
anil 2 In , $15.00 ; II , galoot , 1 hi , H2s. $ .11.00 ; i ; ; , llj
und 2 In. $40.00 ; C , select , 1 In2s , $27.00 ; 1 > 4 , li !
and 2 In. W3,00.
A , II or 0 select iillilf ! ft , $1.00 oxtra.
floorlnr ; Ill-IB. 2,100 star , Kl-10 , $10.00 ; com. lloor-
IIIK , 1:1-10. : 1..VX ) , rift cl. 13-in , $ ; and : d
clear. H celling. $ U.SO : 1st and 2d clear , ? J coll-
IIIR. $10.50 ; Istaml'Jd clour , ciilllint. $23.00 ; 1st
and 2d clear , tlnlsli , sSs , from I In. $27.00 ; ( stand
2d clour , llnlHh , s2s ! from 1'i In , $ .l'l.OO ' : 1st and
2d cloar. Ilnlsn , s2-tf rom IU and 2 In , & 10.00 ; 1st
und 2d cloar. y potislnu'.s. $ : M.OO ; base , $ JO.OO.
Poi'tjAit I.UMIIKU 8 In und np , 1st and "d cl , 1
In , s2s , $ .10.00 ; 8 lit and up , Island 2d cl , } { In ,
panel , (20.0(1. (
HATTKNK , WKU , TUIIINO , HTC. O. O. , 2'/i hi ,
C5c , } ixi : , sis , : i5c ; 3 In well tnblnir. I ) , tc M. and
bov , $2:1.00 : ; pickets , U & II. , Hut , t.UCJO ; 1) . & U. ,
tutU50. .
SIIINCII.KS , IMTII Extra "A , " plno. J2.SO :
standard "A , " $ ; .45 ; extra "A , " codnr , $2r > 5i ( !
In cl plno , $1.00 ; clear red wood , $1.25 ; lath , $2bO.
POSTS Wlilto cedar. G In , US , llo : 0 In , < irs ,
Hot wlilto cedar , 6j ! In. ! ( s. tin : 8 In , nrn. So ;
whlto cedar. 4 In , round , 15oj splltoak.So ; Ten
nessee ; red cedar. Hpllt , 14o.
J.IMK. KTO. I.lmo , car lots , 80c ; Loulsvlllo
cement , $1.40 ; halr,25c ; plaster , $ -.00 ; larboard ,
$1.50 ; sash , fwporct ; doors , 5'J per ot : blinds
60 per ctt mouldings , 50 nor ct ; larrcU felt , per
cvrt , I.MO ; siruw board , tl.20.
Oulnlno per or. , V. ti W. , 44o ; Oornmn. 3lo ;
liullRO , per II ) , 75o ; Insect ixiwdor , Ulct oiiliini ,
tl.lOj morphine , per oz , fx'.w ; hops. i > or II ) , aoc ;
Klycorlne , 18c ; dextrine , lees ontthibone , Joe ;
cream tnrtur , pure , Mo ; conimurclul , 18o ; cum-
nlior.Met am. earb. llo ; blno vltrol.T'io ' ; car-
belle aold , ai < H.10i ) ; citric , 4MBl8ci turtarlo. aiffl
aooi suhiliurlc , per Ib , iu ! ; Sperm oil , fl.iui
turiiuntlue , 48ot Tonka boans. II.KV33.00 ; bal
sam toulo , il@l5oj calomel , Ui/ji'JVo ; cuutlm-
HonriNd-Charcoal , I. 0. , 14\tO , 112 , ftf.OOj I.
X.i J7.50
HHKl.T IllON-No. M , $ .1.M |
Hol.i in-StHt'lly : half und hulf I7c.
STFKIViin \ : .N.ui.s-llasc , $2.U ; steel nails
bnsp , $2.1.1.
TIN Pim5-I. O. . JOxSI , tr.Mj I. X , 10.xll ,
! ) . ' . ! coke , 4.xi : , 112 , J0.75.
t'oi'l'KiiFlunlshod holler Hl ? ( " , Itlo per Hi !
old rolled , Mo per Ib ! HhcctltiXi Hc Wt Hi J lilt
mil Huts , : nio per Ib.
WHiK-Jnp. barb. M.2.1 : i ul , M.M.
1IMCK Ti.v fcniiill pin , : wo per Ibj liar. 30o
> or Ib.
( lAiVANl/it ) gnnr.T luo.v-Dlsconnt SO-10 pnr
out ; imt , plan , Iron , Nos. 21 and 27 A , lO'.io ' ; II
I'alntN und OIlH.
I.KAIIViim : l.v Oii-Cnrtor. In MW-lb lets ,
7.60 ; In lOUO-lli , lots , per cwt , $7.201 Southern
o. , Hi. IouIs. In field-Ill loK JT.fiOi'lu I.OUO-lb
its , nor ewt , $ ? . .1) ) ; Hed Soul , Ht. Louis , In WXI-lb
ot , i7.50i In I,000-lb lots , per owl , (7.20.
\VHiTi ! imv-dlldcr's Wliltliiit , nor | h. I'P ' |
? omtiinrclnl Wliltlngt. per 11) ) , lu ; Knullsli U.S.
'arls Wlilto , per II ) . l c.
HBO Diir American Venetian red , 1ot !
liiittiinoo-'u , "o ; Knijlish Venetian , biiiicl : ui
bs , 2iio | liidlaii , No. 1 , r.'o ; Tuscan , iiillsli ; ( ,
Oc.YtlM.ows Cliromo yellow , ft to lOoi ochrr ,
tochollo , SUc ! iicher , washed Dutch , lei oeher ,
vashod Kiench. 2'Jo ' ,
I'riTV Pure , In barrels , Uo s and tubs , 2' ' c !
n bladders , U'c ' ; tins , a'ic.
VKOCTAiit.KUti.s I.lnseed. clomostlo raw , In
irrolH , per gallon , O.'ci llnsuod , dom cstlo
) olled. In barrels , per fia lion. ( ) . * > e.
AMMAti ANO 1'isu On.s U'hiilo , bleached
rlnter , per gallon , rr > ei uhalo , extra bleached
vlnler , txc ) ! sperm , bleached winter , $ IOJ.
KNCIINI : Oir.s Dlamonct descent oniflno oil ,
) crRallou , 40n ; perfection enKlne oilMIC ; stnr-
lni ( envlno oil , 4'iu ; Heruliles ( Miuluo oil , Me.
YAKNIHIIKS rurnltiiro , No. I.Wet furniture ,
i.xtra , 11.00 : c'oaoli. No. 1 , $1.1(1 ( ; couch , extra ,
1.20 ; bard oil llnlsh. llk'lit , $1.20.
ai.Ass-75 nd 10 per cunt from list of .March
I > ry
OINOIIAMS Amoskeap. 7ej AnioskoaK .
He Hates , ( IJ c ! Warwick dress , Lancaster ; ,
? { e ; tJIcnalro. ( ilicj Whltteiidon die-.s , fa.
lirAciiii ! : > COTTONS lleikeloy Cainbrle o.
GO.OUe ; Host Yol.O'io ' ; Iluttcrelotli .XX. Ilii1 :
Cabot. 7/o / ; First Call. ( ! { | Trull of the Loom ,
C ! Hill Kempcr Idem , He ; House-keeper. . 8'je ;
vln ' I'lillllp ouinbik' , lOo ; Luiiirdon (1 II , n < ie ;
.onsdiile. Do ; I.onsdalo cambric , 10ic ! ; New
York Mills , lie ; Oak I.uwns , 7c
AVldAN * Net Thlblle. OUc ; lied Cross. 7o.
CiUSH-Stovons' H , li-ln ; , rt ; HlnM'iis' I ) ,
8-ln , BJfo ; Stolons' A. Ifi-In , 7 ! < c ! Kuncns' I' ,
,8-ln. , So ; HI ovens' Jl , 18-ln , Oe ; .slovens' N , W-
n , Oc ; Slovens'NN , sw-in , lOc : Stevens' STU ,
. ' 0-ln , J"c ; bleached , In o\tra.
I'IUNTS Knnry Kf'clystonp. ( l' c ! Steel
{ Ivor. KGfl ! Kniiiiipn , 4'io ! St. l.edccr , fi'ie.
* > lilrtlni { Miirtliu wuslilnxton , 4'tc ' ; Merrlinac.
> 34C. Turkey Hed Fountain , tilie ! Uurncr ,
"ui Crcnllc-Id,85e ! ; llcrlln.lHic. :
Not-l'onporcll. 411-ln , 10ic ! ! I'onporall , 8-4. ISe ;
I'oppurolMM , We ; 1'eppeicll , 10-4 , r."io ; t'tlca ,
4ft-ln , lac ; Utlca , M-ln , 17c ! ; IHIcn , K-ln ! , 2lc :
Utlca , 84-ln. sou ; Utlca , lo-ln , 28'c. ' Illoiiohcci
Not--l'eppoioll , 45-lu , lOJJC ! I'epDotell , 4C-ln ,
11Jc ! ; 1'onporell. (1-4 ( , l.r c ; 1'epneioll. 8-4,20o ;
1'epporclf. ll-l , ! 3Sc ! : I'onncrcll. 10-4. S3c | Utleu ,
8-4aic ; Utlca. 11-4 , Sfio ; Ut Ion. 10-1 , 2Hc.
1'lllNTM IndlKO bltio Net Martha Wnsh-
iiRton , 'i5c ! ; American. O'io ; Ainold , G'jc ' ; Ar
nold II , IOIIR cloth , lOc : Mlllo A , llliui Merrl-
mncr7-f , I0c ; Cold ti > uf. 8'ic ' ; Iliimlllon , niic ;
Allen I'lnks , > 4c ; Allen Unambray , Cc ; Glou-
chestor.5.c ! ; llurtclO'U' , .
Uoi.oiihiiUAMiinics ( Jrown , : i'c ' { ; Red Star ,
4c ! ; Rolled Clover. 5c ; Slater , f > Ue ; IdKlicol-
OIH , lu oxtru.
HKAVV UnowN COTTONS Atlantic , T'Se ;
Alluntloll. 7c ! Atlantic 1) . < P-c ! Atlantlo 1' .
io ; Aiuora t' , 4Jao ; buck's bead , 7Uo : Cabot \V ,
CJc ! ; Diirlln-'loii. 0'4'o ; Kariuers' No. 1 , 4n ®
4ic ! : IIonilerLlj. .Tie ; Indlud head , 7iu ! ; I.uw-
ronco ] iU51ie ; Ilemletta M . 5'4c.
1 INI : llnow.vMJoiTO.VH Atlantic LL. fie ; Au-
ror.i , G'io ; Aurora H. ( i'M1 ; Athis O N H. 71ie ;
cheese cloth , 4c ; Clinton VV , r > ! .it ! ! I'cpperell I ! ,
OJi'e ; J.aiiKdon U H , 7c ,
lKNlMS-Net ) AmoskoaK. 0 07 , lfi"e ; York
cuinlot , 12c ; Kiorett , standard , la'Jej llay-
inakor's7'Jc ; Old Vork , XX. ! ; Lawrence ,
JSO. I'J'/lc ; l.iiwrcuecOoliliej fancy btilpcs
und chocks , 11C. !
OOTTOXAIMS : Vork , nankin , 10'Jo ' ; Hverclt.
8 oIsc ; Lowlston , 10 or , l \\oiKliigniiiii ; ,
Trcsh FruitH.
OHANOKS-Florida stoik , $1.50 ; Mexican
crates , fl.fiO.
HANANAH Yellow , $2.'J.Wn.2. > per bunch.
LEMONS Cliolec stock.$7..rOJt8.riO. .
OiiAi'KS Mnlnsn , $7.00 S.OO per bbl.
Ai'1i.isI'er bbl , $ a.254.50. accordlns to tlio
kind und variety.
CitANiiiuimN : Fancy Capo Cod , ? I2.00.
GAi.iFoitNiA 1'nuiT Ouliices , $2.00j small
whiter Mclls , $2.00 per half box.
IIAXANAS Vcllow , W.'SitiVl.OO per bunch.
LIIMOXSCholc o slock. * r.502K..r > o.
" " a , W.QOOIS.QO per bbl.
i , Tallow , Kle.
Hims : AND 1'Ki.TS-Orcon salted hides. No. 1 ,
4iS5V4cNo.2.8'raiu ? ( : : ; cliy Hint Iildrs7'i8e ;
calf hides , Sc ; damaged hides , I' ' u less ;
slicoi ) polls , cicen , each , JliclftJl.S. > ; .sheep pelts
dry. perlb , lo14c.
TAI.I.OW A No. 1 , nifclo ; ( ! "No. 2 , ac ;
preabo white , ll © yellow , 2a'Jc ! ; stcilne ,
'lloxrs Quotations uro for delivery In Clil-
oaKo Dry balTalo. per ton. * 10.00Qls.oO ; dry
country , bleached. JlO.tOSlll.OOs countiy , dump
and meaty , $ S.OO10.00.
Ijcn thor.
IloinlocU slniiclilorsolo. SftTSSOo peril ) . : lirsn-
lovkflry lildu solo. iMffe'lc ; oilc : solo , : iiK3--llc :
rroiiuh kl | > skin1 * . liflciil.lO ( ! l < * iciK > h calf hkln ,
$ I..V2.-.0 ( ) : Aincrlcnn iiakcnlf. Mc@tl.l."i ! Anipr-
Icuu lirinlock oilf ; , T.lcfMl.Ul ; Ainoilcaii oak
Kip , Tf > 1lf o : AtiHM'lcan lionilnck kip , UlTV ;
nlicup skins , 50c1.00 ; gout hlilna , per foot , SOo
to aOc- .
On Hoard Cars nt Omaha Antlir.iolto--
Olic'stnut. raiiL'o iinil uni. iKOO poi tnu ; str.ilu.
t".i Soft Walnut , block , $ l.5o ; Iowa
lump , J.1..VJ ; Ion a nut. * : i.oi ) .
ijliup , Ofinont , Kto.
On Hoard Cm a at Omaha- Per libl Ash
Qrovo Ilino. OJuj t'lriiiiiilon llinc. . "ic : ( Jiilncy
Mhiio , HUe : Loulsvlllo commit , tl'tfi .Mlhvtiukvo
I'diiunt , jl.4. > ; Utlca. ceiiic.iil , $1.11) ) ; Un llsli
I'ortlnnil cement , J.14."ij Now Vork jilastur.
l..s : > ; Jllchl .ui plaster , tiOOj 1'ort DoilKO lil.ib-
tiT. Jl.T'i ; wlilto sand. S..OO ; I1. 1' . Imlr , per
bale , $1.00.
HI.ACK WALNUTS Per busbol , ? l.on.
lliOKOiiv NUTS'KO , per bushel , ( I.S3 ;
small * f I.7.Vt"W.OO.
I'oi" UOIIN Uholco last scuson's.stock , SSSlJo
C'oCOANUTS I'crhniidred , sacied ; , J'i.00.
OiilIaT.NUTS Lingo Italian , ISo perlb.
Total (681108 ( of CITIES ,
Corrcspondi'iico Eolidtul.
163-105 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
15 Wall Street , NEW YORK.
70 State St. , BOSTON.
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $400,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O - B7BOO
Officer , and Director.Henry W , Tate. , Preildent )
14KUS. Heed , Vlco-Preildsnt ; Jamai W. B T BI ; , W.
vTMorie , John H. CXjlllns , U. C. CuibltK , J. N. K
P Ulok , W. H. H. Iluidiea , caibler.
Corner llth and Farnara Bis ,
A Oenornl UuuUlnz llualaetsTransAotnA.
' '
, ,
or Rlvn relief llko" lr , I'lorceV'I/BKiiPtla / Kl
Triinfi. " lllmBCuredtfiouHancUl Ifyou nttliO
' " - -
.leiul'lo In Btariiii "tor f roe l'atTiplil"t M > . (
lie Ulnutlo Trn.i Co. , Hun I'rnnclico , Coi