Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Evllvtrrd t/jr Carrier In uny pnrtof tlioClly ,
(1. W. T1LTOJJ. - - - MANAOEIl
JlutlnoM Office , No. II
Night Editor , No. 23.
N. Y. P. GO.
Council DlulTs Lumber Co. coat.
A largo steel boiler Is being put into the
ncwUnldiUn block lor heating purposes.
Beit Snrpcnt presented to each minister of
the city a ano turkey for jeatcrdny's feast-
in K.
Married At 7JtVlllow avenue , "Wednes
day afternoon , W. E. Mndsy and Miss Ilcsslo
Knmlall , Itev. T. P. Thlokstua oflleiatint ? .
The handsome little dining room of Hotel
Gordon win cleared lust nlKht anil the ( 'ucsts
were entertained at n Thanksgiving ball.
Colonel Dally , Dr. I'lunoy , W. II. Ware
nnd N. M Pusey had a wolf hunt ycstertlny
on Mr. 1'uscy's ' largo farm about twelve
miles from the city.
"SqulroScbur/ I ? presiding over the
police court in Jud o MtfJco's absence , or-
Uers that vagrants must cither work on tlio
streets or not have any rations. They work ,
1'rof. Hyde of the hl'h ( school took bis
chemistry class through tlio Omaha smelting
works the other evening. DurliiR tno visit
Miss DoVol accidentally ot a small ploco of
blue vltrol In ber eye , nud she has been alnco
suffering considerably with it.
The members of Trinity Mothonlst church
of this city met on Wednesday iilpht InsL to
vote on the eligibility of admitting women
to scats In the law nuklntf part of the general
oral conference of the umrcli. Nintcen-
twentieths of tboso present voted toaumlt
the women. This Is a progressive npo and
this a progressive church. '
The second annual ball of the Union Pacific
assembly , No. 1,300 , Knights of Labor , will
tnko place at Masonic temple on Friday oven *
Inp , December 1- . Unlb.v's band has been
secured for the occasion. There will boa
Kood delegation present from assemblies In
Omaha , and the party nromlses to bo a suc
cess. Tickets are selling lively.
A Grlswold , la. , barber named T. Ruther
ford hns been conducting a barbershop in
one part of a building In that vllhgo nnd nu
original package joint in another , but the
deputy Internal revenue collector has finally
brought him to gilcf. Yesterday ho was
brought to this city and tnken buforo United
States Commissioner Frank Hunter. After
a brief examination hovns bound over to
answer to the fedcrnlcouit. Ills bond was
fixed nt&OO , which bo gave , nud returned to
his home.
The members of the Council Bluffs rifle
club have selected their ofllcers for the cir
suing year and have made up a stronger or
fnnl/atlon than ever. J. G. Tijiton was
elected president , A. K. Avery , vice presl
dent ; J. O. Hoffmavcr , treasurer ; P. A.
Bucket , secretary. The executive committee
consists of the following mimed gentlemen ;
\V. J. Lmitorwasscr , P. J. Mulholland anil
\V. H. Qrnnily. Chnriio Muttnbl was chosen
captain. The members of the association
contemplate innkhitr some Important Improve
ments and additions to their rnngo in lioh-
rer's park during the coming year.
An old fashioned parsonage visitation was
given on Thanksgiving evening by the con
gregation of the Trinity Methodist chinch.
When Ildv. S. Alexander , the pastor , and
wife returned to tholr homo from prayer
mcctlnp they were thoroughly surprised"
llml the house In the possession of about sev
enty-live persons , who came with packages ,
Inrgo and small , containing turkeys , vegeta
bles , fruits , sacks of flour , etc. , as a donation
f or the f.imllyuso. The guests enjoyed im
mensely the completeness of their arrange
ments In Keeping secret their doings fiom the
pastor nnd fiunlly , and after u few hours of
nodal enjoyment bade their hosts adieu.
Some time ago a man named Ivlnknnnon ,
who was confined In the county jail , serving
n aentcnce imposed by the federal court for
boot-lcgRliur , boeunio deathly sick. Commis
sioner Hunter was appealed to and ICinkan-
non was released. Upon reaching homo Km-
knnnon told how ho had plajcd
It on the authorities. This reached
tbo cars of Commissioner Hun
ter who investigated the case , nnd ho ascer
tained that Kfnkannon luia eaten soap to
make himself sick. A marshal was sent to
Guthrie county and Kinkamion soon found
himself In jail. Yesterday afternoon a trial
notice was served upon him that his wife
had commenced proceedings for a divorce.
Among the many pleasant events that
transpired yesterday was an agreeable sur
prise for the friends of H. A. Cox , the west
ern sales ngont for A. T. Thatcher , the Chicago
cage wholesale coat dealer. The surprise
was in the shape of his marriage to Miss May
Tucker , which occurred at the residence o'f
the bride , 10v3 ! Third avenue , nt4ii ! ) o'clock.
The nuptial knot was tied by Ucv. T. J.
Mackay. Thu wedding was private , only a
few of the lutimato friends and relatives of
the couple being present. Mr. and Mrs. Cox
will bo the recipients of immv warm congrat
ulations. Mr. Cox Is ono of the most popular
nnd active young business men In the city ,
and Is In every way worthy of the handsome
and accomplished brldo ho hus won.
Colonel S. W. Clark , proprietor of Hotel
Gordon , Is ono of the Interested parties whoso
money Is locked up by the fiilluro of the bank
ing house of Hell & Kystcr at Duluth , Minn. ,
uliloh was announced yesterday morning.
The llrst Intimation Colonel Clark had of the
crasn was convoyed bv Tun IIK ) : , nnd when
bo looked ut his book ho discovered that
the firm held over & , COJ of his money. Ho
IB engaged , In connection wltli his son , in
transacting a largo gr.iln and commission
business In Diilutti , nnd It was for the pur
pose of conducting this business that the
money was deposited In the Insolvent bank.
The liabilities weio$7f > 0,000 and the assetsaro
represented to ho $ ISOO,000 , , so ho naturally
does not feel very uneasy. The bank onlv
lias a working capital of $100,000.
Louis Ottenhelmor has just removed to
414 Broadway with a full line of clothing and
furnishing goods.
Hotel Gordon ,
The finest hotel In Council illuffs. Every
thing strictly llrstclnss. Sample room inf
connection with the house , for commercial
The great blow about heaters our would-bo
competitors are ranking. Have you seen a
- . better stock of heaters and lower prices tttan
Bt M. & K.'a , 8'0 Urondwny.
Charles S. Squler , a bnnltcr of Kansas
City , ICan. , is visiting relatives , Mr. E. M.
Dimiter and family , nt 810 Tbltd avenue.
Colonel George Kndlo has returned from
one of his soup vending western trips. Ho
Improved the oppoituiiltv of witnessing a
ghobt dance from n safe distance and is run
ning over with stories of the Indian war.
A ClirlstinnN Puzzle.
Wlmt shall wo buy for the holidays ! If
this puzzles ) ou como In and sco our holiday
attractions ; brilliant diamonds ; gold anil
silver watches uml chains ; quaint , novel , now
patterned Jewelry , rings , bracelets , necklaces ,
lockets ; gold-headed canes ; solid sllvor and
plated ware ; too many novelties to name ;
you must see them to appreciate them , they
are so artistlo and beautiful ; visitors \vol-
como to sco our display , C. 1) ) . Jacauemln &
Co. , No. 27 Main St.
'Jho Catholic Itnznr.
Tha bazar nnd entertainments ( , lventhis
week by the ladtoi of Bt. TrancU Xnvlor
church are proving very successful. The In
terest Is being maintained by now features
Lightly. Tonight there will bo a grand
promenade concert at the Masonic temple
hall. Tomorrow evening will he the closing
night. A variety of valuable articles will bo
disposed of , a lot in Morning Sklo , n line
carriage , n hall tree , Jcrtoy cow , lady's gold
watch , oto.
ThQ'Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413
Broadway ,
Scott Hoo. . Best (1,00 per day house in
the city.
Tills week will bo a memorable ono In the
licatlnR stove trade. Ao lustrecoived another
car load of the I'nnlnsulur ttovos and will bottom figures to purchasers. At M. &
1C ' o Jlroadway.
So'iio remarkable cures of deafness are ro-
rordcd of Dr. Thomas' Ulectrlo Oil , Never
SMa to cure earache ,
Council Blufft Feasts , Worships and Passes
a Qen orally Joyful Thanksgiving.
llio Ne-v Twenty-Five Cent \Vatcr flrts
Company Will Not Surrender Its
Charter Minor Mention
A brighter , sunnier or moro genial Novem
ber day never dawned In Iowa , than that
which brokoln sunshine and continued with
out n , cloud yesterday. The dry , warm air
had just enough of. coolness in It to make It
invigorating nnd gvo ( rest and appetite for
the bountiful dinners under which thousands
of tables groaned. Itun a genuine Thanks
giving day , and nature Joined heartily with
her children In making U Joyful.
Huslnoss throughout the city was sus
pended , and the streets assumed n peaceful
Sunday appearance everywhere except In the
vicinity of some of the largo buildings nnd
public works In process of construction. The
work was to6 Important , tbo day too pleas
ant iind tlio rcrtnlnty of blizzards In the near
future too great to permit the contractors to
knock off woik. and the workmen only know
that It was Thanksgiving d.iy by the extra
good dinners they ate and the general BUS
pension of business In other linos.
No previous Thanksgiving day scorned to
bo so generally observed , Small sodal gath
erings niul private parties were being enjoyed
In almost every block , and in every homo In
the city , whether It bore the distinction of
being a mansion or was marked by the had go
of humbleness or oven poverty the dinner
tnlilo was spread with extra care nnd covered
with extra viands nnd surrounded by happy
faces and glad licarts. The people of Coun
cil Bluffs have much to bo thankful for nnd
they are thankful.
Ono of the features of the day wcro the
number of lawn nnd croquet parties , n pleas
ant novelty seldom enjoyed In this latitude on
tlio dajs of an oxpliiug November.
In nearly nil of the diuretics regular
Thanksgiving services wcio held ami the
attendance was larger than usually occurs
on u Sabbath ilay. Union services were
neld In the inret Presbyterian church ,
very seat being taken and n few ch.ilrs
being called lute use. Upon the pulpit plat
form there were eight ministers , Kov. Mr.
liclchonbach of the Scandinavian Baptist
church , Hov. G. W. Croft of the First Con
gregational , Kov. Dr. Stuart of the I'lr&t
Methodist , Hov. Dr. Phclps of the Presbyto-
lUn , Kov. Mr. Alexander of Trinity Meth
odist church , Uov. Mr , Brewer , the new
pastor ot the Fifth Avcnuo Methodist
church , Hov. T. A. Lewis of the African
Methodist Episcopal church , and Hov. Mr.
The services opened by the largo congrega
tion rising and joining in the singing of
' 1'rals.o God from Whom all Blessings
Flow , " Thc\ remained standing while Kov.
Mr. Alexander offered an Invocation. Then
was sung the hymn , "Joy to the Woild , "
which was followed by scriptural reading oy
Kev. Mr. Hall , who selected the lMd ( Psalm
nnd the 12th chapter of Komnns.
Hov. O. W. Crofts read the president's
proclamation , and offered prayer. Then the
hymn was sung , -'Awake my soul to Joyful
lavs. "
The sermon followed. It was by Hev. Dr.
Stuart. IIo chose as his text the words :
"What shall I vendor unto the Lord for till
His licnolHs towards mol I will take the
cup of salvation and call upon the iinmo ot
the Lord ; I will pay my vows unto the Lord
now In the presence of all Ills people. "
The sermon was for different from the old-
time Thnnsglving sermon , so much drcadeil
by the children , nnd not altogether conducive
to the good nature of the hungry listener and
tlio anxious housewife. It had the unusual
merit of being about thirty min
utes In length. It had still in enter mcilt of
being full of fresh thought , clearly
and forcibly presented. His Introduc
tion was explanatory of the views of the
psalmist , who looked nt God as the source of
all good. It was true that evil existed , but
God's primary purpose was the good of man
kind. Evil came not from Cod. In fact ovll
was the perversion of good , tlio misuse of that
which would otherwise piovo a blessing.
Than there were many things considered
evils , which wcro such as viewed from the
human standpoint , which as viewed from the
divine standpoint might bo truly blessings.
IIo then proceeded to direct attention
to many of the blessings of life as causes for
thankfulness. Among these were the tem
poral blessings , which men wore wont to ac
cept without any more thought than they
u'lvo to the ulr or sunlight. It was true that
in some places there was scarcity , but In no
plnco was there such scarcity that , it could
not bo readily supplied fiom the super
abundance which was to bo found
In other parts of the nation.
Then there were the political hlcsslnes. The
government was far from peifcct. but It was
the best of which the people wcio capable ,
and would Improve ns the people became
moro elevated. With all it imperfections It
was n government which brought hlossincs
enjoyed by no other people on the earth.
There was u unifying process going on , bec-
tlonnllsm was fast disappearing. This na
tional prosperity was duo to the foundation
resting upon the bible Itself ,
Tho- social "advantages , the Christian
homes , the literary culture , nnd all that ,
wcro special blessings to this nation , The
plcblun in this land could forgo his way to
the front nnd oven Jostle these who claimed
to bo of society's ' four hundred , Thowork-
liigmau of today could by economy provide
his homo with comforts which oven tlio
Father of his Country could not possess ono
hundred years ago.
There wcro moral nnd spiritual blessings.
Thcro were moro churches than in any other
nation ; mora Christian institutions nnd ad
vantages than anywhere else.
For all these blessings there was a special
obligation of gratitude. Many who would
scorn to bo ungrateful to a fellow man never
gave a thought to God for His bounties.
God Intended that inon should not only be-
coma hcnollclurlcs of His kindness , but In
turn should bccoino benefactors. In this way
alone could one iccclvo the best part of the
blessings sent by God ,
Union services were also hold In St. Paul's
church. They wore of a beautiful nature ,
The congregation was largo , members of St ,
Paul's ' church , All Saints' and Unity mis
sions being present. Services opened with
the boy nnd girl choir comlne In in proces
sion singing hymn No. 42.J , "Songs of pralso
the angels sang. " The rector then began the
morning service , the order being the morning
prayer. This was followed by n Thanksgiv
ing anthem , plain chant ; To Dcum , Parry In
D ; Jubllnto dee , plain chant ; hymn 803 ,
"Pratso , O pralso , ourUodand king. "
Then followed the Thanksgiving unthem.
byO.L , . Williams :
Tit thce , O Lord , our hearts vroralso
In lij'Miiisof iiiloriitlon ,
Tit theobrlnjRiicrlllco of pralso
With slionls of tmilUitloii.
Ilrlttht robes of pnlil the fluids adorn
The hills with Joy tire ringing ,
Tim valley suiuU so thick with corn
That eon they are hinging ,
O blessed Is thnt land of Clod
Where sulnts..iliilo ! toiox or.
\ far and broad
Where Hews the crystal rl\cr.
The strains of all tin holy throng
Wltu ours today am blencllnr ,
Tbrlco blcssoil Is Hint ) nir\ est song
Which novcr hath an ending ,
The solo part was beautifully taken by
George Duquette , whoso voice Is of rare
purity of tone and with cultivation ho would
bccoino a romarkublo solo singer. The cho
rus part was well sustained by a full choir
ana showed caruful training on the part of
Mr. Hort Slmms , the musical director and
Kov. O. II. Dowon's sermon was ono ad
mirably adapted to the occasion , setting
forth the duties of thanksgiving. The
recessional hymn , " Pleasant Are the
Courts Above.1 close/d / ono of the
most pleasant Thanksgiving services ever
held lu St. Paul's parish. Tno offertory Is to
bo devoted to charitable purposes. Quito a
handsomosum was raised. Tha rector , Hov.
T. J. Mnckay appointed as a committee Mrs.
, . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .
T TI ? Mra. U A T > f .n ! ftf
J. E. Stowirt , . S. A. Plerco and Mrs.
J.V. . Lain ? , who are to tmvo charge of and
see to tlio distribution of the samo.
The children of tlio Christian homo ivoro
Riven a feast , nnd tmvo additional reasons for
feeling1 thankful tunt they live In a charitable
Christian country. Wagon load after \vngou
load of RtufTthnt had been contributed by ft
generous public was taken to the homo and
received by thoyounpstcrs with every mani
festation of delight. They were given a royol
feast and pleasant holiday ,
The suiTercr-i at the Woman1 * Christian
hospital wcro also given occasion to recollect
that It wa * Thiuk.sKlvlng day , imd were
treated to a splendid feast ,
Tu the general feasting nnd enjoyment the
prisoners In the city jail were not forgotten ,
After they had enjojeil a turkey feast pro-
VidoJ by Marshal Templeton they wcro
treated to n genuine surprise in the shnpo of
an order from Acting I'ollco Judge Schurz
directing that they all bo discharged. The
prisoners compiled with the order with
nlucrlty nnd tor once In n long time
the corridor nnd celts wcro nil va
cant. Acts of charity wcro nu
merous nnd generous. Thfl case of
extreme destitution called intention to by
THE 11 KB yesterday morning , in which MM.
McGwlio nnd her mother , Mrs. Boler , nnd
her two children were the sufferers , was
thoroughly Investigated by charitable people
nnd the distressed family given nbundnnt
reason to bo thankful , am ) to bless this com-
igoftho daughter from Hamburg , whoso
c.iry search for her mother nnd her pitiable
cstltution attracted public1 attention.
The entertainments that were provided for
: io evening were numerous nnd pleasant.
Thcro wcro a score of entertainments dur-
ig the evening. Allwereof a pleasant char-
cter and drew largo attendance , The mem-
ersof the Koval Aicnnum gave a turkey
arty to their friends In their hill and pic-
entcd an evening of pleasant entertainment
o them.
The rooms of the Young Men's Christian
ssoclutlon were crowded until nc.irly 11
'clock nnd a splendid entertainment wns
rovlded , An elegant banquet was spread
nd a musical nnd literary programme rcn-
At the Catholic fair additional Interest was
wakened by a Tlmnksf.ivlng hop.
The day was appropriately observed
t the dent nnd dumb Institute ,
'ho festivities were not concluded
ntll the pupil's hour for retiring
rrlveil. At 0:3(1 : ( In the morning the chlldicii
vero assembled In the chapel , nno Prof.
Vyckoff , principal of the educational depart-
icnt , guvo them an Interesting description
f Thanksgiving. Until the dinner hour the
uplls weic given the llbcitlcs of the build-
ig. When they were culled to dinner there
vero no dlsaopointed faces. The tables were
nndsomcly decorated , and wcro gioanlng
vith their loads of turkovnnd other dcllca-
les. Prof. Hiram Phillips invoked Uivino
ilesslng In the sign language. No limit was
ilnccd upon the appetites of the
hildren , and they enjoyed the feast to
ho fullest extent. There were many
'iiests present , among whom were IJesidcnt
Trustee Kllcklngcr and family , U. 11. Kothcrt
f DCS Moincs , oldest son of Superintendent
lothert , nnd his family and nephew. After
dinner each child was allowed to select the
njoyment most congenial to its tastes. The
lay closed with a party lor the children , at
vhlch Prof. Bnrrntt , assisted by Waldo II.
tothert , gave a very creditable exhibition of
nnglc lantern views , the pictures being the
esult of tholr own genius ns photographers ,
nd the scenes being all of a local 'character.
? heio was nothing but happiness every-
vhcro , and the parents of tlio children
hroughout the stuto cun feel assured that
hey enjoyed the day lu the ! > est possible
We Have One to Talk to Von About.
FOlt US.
Experience has proved to you nnd us that
he tinio to make hay is when the sun shines ,
[ 'ho sun Is shining for the buyer this season
and the seller has to como to tlino and sell
its poods in the season they are bought for.
Wo have nn overstock of goods and rlffht
low is the tinio to sell it wo know it ! The
vcatlior Is unfavorable for the dry goods
.rado , but wo propose to sell our stock , if low
irlces will do it. Wo will offer tomoirow nnd
during this week such attuictlvo bargains in
cloaks. Jackets , wraps , misses' and children's
cloaks , underwear , and all heavy clothing nt
such prices thnt It will pay anyone who
studies economy to lay in their goods for the
season. Our stock is all fresh and of the
atost nnd best stylos.
Our holiday department , which Is the ac
knowledged center of attraction , will be open
to the public nftcr Monday. It takes up our
entire third floor and consists of the latest ,
choicest and rarest novelties that the Ainer-
can nnd European markets produce. A trip
through our house and the various depart
ments will convince every loyal citizen of
Council Bluffs thnt our institution is not bo-
ilnd the times , but the leader of nil cstab-
.IslnnonU in the nortru\cst. Everybody cor
dially invited. Call and .sco us.
IlE.NUr ElHEMAN ft Co. ,
Broadway nnd Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. ,
530 Broadway. Telephone 130 ,
J. C. Bixby , stoain neatlng , sanitary en
gineer , 013 Lifo bulldinsr , Omiha ; 203 Mar
riam block , Council Bluffs.
. Soybcrt. Res , . Ogdeii house. Tel. 110.
Got Drunk anil Stolen Horse.
James Johnson nnd Charles Kllllon wcro
arrested lost night nnd looked up on a very
serious charge.
Henry Cofccn owns a valuable horse which
ho keeps in Haii's livery stable. Yesterday
iftcrnoon his brother John and a' friend took
: ho horse and drove to Omaha. They stopped
in front ot a saloon 011 Ninth street , hitthed
the horse and went in to get a drink. When
Llioy carao out the animal was gone. After
limiting uround fora long time they notllled
the Omaha police , and \eturned to this city
and acquainted the ofllcers hero with the thoft.
The horse was well' known to the oftlccrs
and readily recognised by the description
given. About ? o'clock lasteveniugSargeant
Safely saw two fellows diivo the rig up
Broadway and stop in front of John Dunn's
saloon and enter It after leaving thohorsoun-
hltchcU , Ho culled Ofllcers Kemp and John
son , and placing ono of thorn in churge ol the
team went into the saloon and arrested the
two men. Both wcro in a state of mnudlii
Intoxication , and the patrol ungon had to bo
cnlleil to convoy them to the station. They
were unable to give any account of
themselves or state how the team
came Into their possession. Later in the
evening they were Identified as two laborers
who have been working for Contractor Huber
on the Indian creek ditch. All they could
tell about the transaction was that ttiey wont
over to Omaha anil got drunk , and when they
got ready to como homo concluded to riilo and
appropriated the Hint buggy they saw.
The horse had been shamefully abused and
over driven and it Is feared ruined , A
chargg of horao-stoaling wns placed against
them. _
Our line of cook stoves nnd ranges , from
$7,50 to f45 gives you the greatest variety to
select from , at Mandel & Klein's , a : > 0 Bioad-
Money to loan nt straight 5 per cent per
annum. 12 , S. Bamett , agent.
Great bargains in bedroom suits at Maude
&IClelnt(2U ( Broadway.
Scott Houso. 3.1 ct. laoals , 25o.
Sco our new full patterns of carpets , rugs ,
shades at nil prices. AtM. & IC.'s , 1)20 ) Broad
Tlio Now (5ns Company a Go.
The report that was In circulation ycstor- ,
day afternoon that the Iowa furl and power
company that obtained a charter n short tinio
ago will surrender It , Is emphatically contra
dicted. Ono of the ofllcers was In the city
last evening and stated that every condition
of the charter would Do complied with. Ho
also denied the rumor that only f 1,000 , of the
$10,01)0 ) asked for had been subscribed. Moro
than halt the amount has been guaranteed ,
nnd the era of cheap gas In Council Bluffs Is
assured. Ho snjs the company does not
unntto conduct nil experimental the ex
pense of local capitalists , but only asks for
the Investment of enough locnl capital to
create nn Interest , and for the f 10.000 asked
they will Invest ever < -00,000.
Dr. Blrnoy cures cativrrh , Dee bldj. (
by Floodn.
Cxm/mui , Nov. 27. The damage by floods
is enormous , Hundreds of shopkeepers nro
mined , Hundred * of thousands of dollars
v111 bo required for public ropnirs nlono. A
tcrritlo storm 1s raging on the Black sea.
Van Houten's Cocoa Pure , soluble , ccot
Some Tamous Peats 6f th ? Buokskin-Olad
Hunters of Old.
Style Is Good lu Its IMaco tint Dlsorc *
llcm nml a Holld Host Hat ;
More Onino'
Slioti. '
There nro no such rllle-shots nowa
days us tliero were In the tlino of Daniel
toononml Nutty Duinpo , writes Allen
[ { olloy.ln the Sun Pmndfeco Uxntnlnor.
Nothing1 is tlono so well by the present
generation us was done by our grand *
fathers let our grandfathers toll it.
'hillo Jucoby , Dr. Curvor nnd Gus Him *
inortniin can hnndlcj the modern breach-
oador pretty well and do some clover
hooting , but they wouldn't bo In'it with
ilil Leuthorstookiiij ? , who used an nn-
clcnt Hint-lock mu//.lo-loadcr nnd shot
ho eye out of n gull sailing1 two hundred
'cot over his head , nnd that was nothing
'or Natty. Ho used to shoot at two
lotntoes thrown In the air and hit them
both with the sumo bullet. Dr. Cnrvor
'nuildy ' admitted to mo once that ho
didn't thlnlc ho could miiko that shot.
And then think of the marvelous eye
sight of these old boys. Wo linvo nil
not the old-timer who owned n rlllo so
notoriously accurate that ho was barred
out of turkey shoots in his part of tie )
country , His favorite distance was
'forty rod , " and ho considered it mighty
poor shooting If ho didn't put six con
secutive bullets into the same hole. The
degenerate marksmen of this ago are
not fitted with eyes keen enough to sco
bullet hole in a plank at tlio distance
of an eighth of u mile , and the gun-
makers of today haven't succeeded in
.urnlng out cither barrels or ammunition
hut will drive six bullets through the
same hole , even if the rifle bo screwed
nto n vice. But grandfather could do
t with a Kentucky Hint-lock or a Mis
souri YuRor without turning a hair. Ho
says bo himself.
It might bo unkind to accuse Cooper
of drawing the long bow , but it would bo
: ieresy to doubt the traditional skill of
Daniel Bootie and Davy Crockett , but
I've u sort of a notion that the Injun or
other vurmint , 200 yards away from the
muzzle of a Kentucky pea-shooter , was
tolerably safe. Those old rifles were
very long and very heavy , and the pic
turesque man in buckskin who packed
one of them generally rested it over a-
og or ugainst the sldo of a tree when ho
shot at anything. If no log or tree was
convenient ho stuck one end of the rum-
rod in his bolt and used it as a brace for
: iis left hand nnd the rifle barrel. That
sort of a bruce is not allowed7in oft-hand
matches today. The nearest thing , to it
la the hip-rcstbut in that the marksman
hus no artificial rest. Ho rests thn point
of Ills elbow upon his loft hip , and sup
ports the riilo upon the ends of his thumb
and fingers. That position is very good
if the wind is not blowing strong , and it
is adopted by a grout many llrst-class
rilloraoh , but it has its1 disadvantages for
all-round shooting. The marksman has
inferior control over his weapon , and if
the wind is blowing the leverage is all
against him , Advocates of the hip rest
declare that tjioy can shoot bettor from
that position tliun from any other , but
t i s quite certain that no wing shot
would think of holding a gun that way.
Tor shooting ut a fixed jnarh it may
bo all right , but ono trial will convince
anybody that the hip rest does not pcr-
initeno ugh freedom of movement for
shooting at moving objects. Every trap
shooter knows that ho has best control
of his shotgun when ho oxteims his left
arm full length and grasps the barrel
well out from the fore end. The hljj rest
woulcTput him in a constrained attitude
and ho could not swing his piece with
any steadiness or accuracy.
For all-around oft-hand rifle shooting
the full-arm position seems to bo the
best , although target practice is a case
of every man to his taste , and scores
count for more than theories. The Jirst
requisite is a firm and easy pose upon
the foot , no matter how the rifle is hold.
The marksman's loft sldo should bo
toward the target , and ho should plant
hlnibolf squarely upon both feet , with
his weight so polbud that ho can rise
ujion the balls of his foot without effort.
In aiming the body is turned slightly
toward the target from the waist up.
The butt of the rifle should bo held
( irmly against the shoulder , not ngainst
the 'biceps muscle , particularly if a
heavy charge is used , and the right
hand should take firm grasp"of the stock.
The loft hand supports the weight of the
barrel and does all the work of guiding
it. A slight inward pull with the left
band , not strong enough to put much
strain upon the muscles of the arm , nsJ ;
sists in keeping the butt firmly against
the shoulder. It is a mistake to hold
either rillo or revolver with a
strenuous grasp , because any
musulnr tension in excess of
moro firmness produces tremor and dis
turbs the aim.
The novice in shooting can ho distin
guished from the old hand by his man
ner of holding his weapon. Usually ho
does not balance himself well , but bends
his knees and back. Instead of holding
his right elbow above the level of his
shoulder and at about the height of his
right oar , ho drops it at Ills side , and so
gets the butt of his rillo against his arm ,
where ho will fool the kick for all there
is in it. It goes without saying , or
ought to at least , that the rillo barrel
must not bo canted to ntio side , but must
bo hold lovol. A little list to port Is as
bad us a hi nil sight knocked three points
out of plumb.
The most important thing to bo
learned in shooting , supposing these re
marks to bo addressed to u green hand ,
is how to pull the trigger. The forefin
ger must bo trnin'ed to keep u firm ,
steady pressure ju lj , short of the force
required to release tno nnmmor , and
the final pressure must bo applied with
out any jerk or flinch. Presuming that
a man has good eyesight , firm muscles ,
steady nerves and a fair share of gump
tion , rifle-shooting is all IN the pull.
Nothing but practice will teach a man
how to pull a trigger properly nnd train
his finger to work in harmony with the
eye without cons-clous olTort. Ono of the
hardest things to overcome Is gun-shy
ness. It is usually a sort of instinctive
recollection of previous whacks and
bruises , nnd it pops up just as ono pulls
the trigger. Ono innv shoot at a target
nil day without being nblo to control
that nervous flinching from the gun , and
If ho is shooting heavy nmunltion the
more ho shoots and the tenderer his
shoulder gets the more he will flinch.
The best euro for gun shyness Is a fair
chance at a fat buck or an experience
meeting with a lean and evil-tempered
bear. Under such circumstances the
kick of an express rillo is a trifle not
worthy of notice.
A sling-strap on a rHo ! is a very bandy
contrivance and a great help in talcing
aim when ono is tired or blown with hlll-
cltmbingl It is but an instant's work to
throw the left elbow unclor the strapand
if the strap is kept the right length it
makes the firmest kind of a brace. The
lower part of the strap , when held that
wny , comes across the breast and acts as
a recoil spring. If ono uses a rillo carry
ing the heavy government cartrldgotho
strap brace is a good trick to know.
When a man has been tramping up
and down hill nil day ho is liable to be
come nlittlo trembly in the lugfi , and if
ho is out of breath ho cannot hold a rillo
btoadily. Under such circumstances the
rules of the range for ofT-hand shooting
don't go , and the best thing ho can do , if
ho sights game , is to plump right down
in the dirt taking proper precaution to
avoid Spanish bayonet and prickly pear
and got as many points of support for
Ills rillo as his anatomy affords. Both
olbovssrcbted upon the knees mnlco a
very good brace , unless ono Is so thor '
oughly tired that his legs won't 'stay
still in any position , in which case ho
had better lie down and take a rest over
n rook or lump of earth. It is a mistake
to neglect advantages. '
of that kind for the biilco of stylo. I lost
a big , fat bear once by being too proud
and haughty to let an old Slwash BOO
that I was so played out with mountain
climbing that every nerve and cord in
my body was quivering like u telegraph
wire in a galo. I might have lain on my
stomach and bored holes in that bear ,
but I stood up , in cureless , off-hand
fashion and plowed up the dirt under his
noso. And then the blwash swore scorn
fully about mo in nn unknown but none
the less insulting tongue.
Old hunters "and plainsmen have no
fads about otT-hand bhooting. Give
them half a chance and they will drop
to ono knee and take a rest if the game
isn't a hundred yards away. Their
main Idea seems to bo that they wont to
hit what they shoot at. The Apache ,
when off the reservation , has about the
right idea of the art of rifle-shooting as
nnplicd to the serious affairs of this life.
Ho lies down behind a bush , takes n
dead rest nnd no chances , and pulls the
trigger when ho can count the hairs in
the other fellow's head. Ho doesn't
wait to count thorn before pulling the
trigger , but goes out from behind the
bush immediately afterward and secures
the hairs , so that ho can take thorn
homo and count them at his leisure.
xhat is plain , business shooting with
out nnv frills , and it Is a great deal more
dlfllculty to do thoroughly and certainly
than the fancy kind in which the target
takes no active part. Many of the .so-
called fancy shots are pure fakes , bo far
as diHlculty is concerned , and
striking only becnuso of the
queer positions assumed by the
marksmen. Shooting at a mark
behind one's ' back , taking sight in amir
ror , is the simplest trick in the weld -
The marksman gets a perfect rest over
Ills shoulder and only has to get the re
fleeted sights nnd mark in line in the
bs. It is much easier than shooting
with the riilo hold at arm's length.
Holding the rifle upside down , the butt
resting on the head , is another fancy
shot and a very easy ono to wake at
short range. At 100 or 200 yards the
sights would need readjusting. But all
that sort of shooting Is useless and good
for nothing but amusement. The really
useful rifle practice is range shooting at
100 and 200 yards off-hand and up to 500
jnrds withn , rest. After acquiring skill
at that , it is good for a man to go out
upon mountains , piowl about in the
chaparral and learn hoiieasilv ho can
miss a six-point buck on the jump at 100
yards. AuiiN KKLLY.
Stated by II. B. Cochrnn , druggist , Lancas
ter , Pa. linvo guaranteed over aOO bottles of
Burdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia , sour
stomach , bilious attacks , liver and kidney
fimnll Inx Scnro on n Train.
SALT LAKE , Nov. 27. Thcro was great ex
citement on the east-bound Oregon Short
Line train yesterday after leaving Pocatcllo ,
when It was discovered that a man in ono of
the coaches was sick with small pox. Ho
had been on the train sonio time and
the train hands had passed anil rcpasscd
through the coach. Besides tills there were
twelve other passengers in the coach with
him. The car has b < 'cn side-trucked at Bryan
with the sick ninu in and tbo passengers who
rode with him were taken to G i een Hlver la
another train for examination by a surgeon.
Albright's Choice , cnsy terms.
Dangerous Women Drivers.
Of thirty pedestrians injured on the
streets of Cincinnati la ono month
twenty-flvo owed their injuries to the
carelessness of female drivers , and as a
result there Is a call for an ordinance to
prevent any womnnfrom driving horses
in that city.
Albright's Choice , payments to suit.
Railway * ! Blockaded.
Lo\-nov , Nov. 27. There is severe frost
and heavy show throughout Europe , In
Pails the snow Is several Inches deep. Many
railroad lines in Austtlu uml southern Russia
have partially suspended operations because
of snow blockades.
Albright's Choice , the best truckage.
finow in the Outline' .
LONDOX , Nov. 27. There Is n heavy snow
storm in the channel. A large steamer Is
ashore nt Folkestone ,
1ms been established in London IOO YEARS both _ _ _
a COMPLEXION and as a SHAVING SOAP , has obtained 19
INTERNATIONAL AWARDS , and is now sold in every city of the world.
It Is the purest , cleanest , Jlnest ,
The most economical , and tlierefore
The beat and most popular of all soaps
for GENERAL TOILET PURPOSES ; and for use in the NURSERY it is recom
mended by thousands of intelligent mothers throughout the civilized world ,
because while serving as a cleanser and detergent , its emollient properties
prevent the chafing and discomforts to which infants are so liable.
PEARS' SOAP can now be had of nearly all Druggists in the United
States. BUT BE SOUK THAT YOU GETTHK GENUINE , aj thertareiwrJhlessimitations.
A YrRotnrlnn Cnf ,
The vogotnrliui propaganda Is making
londwny , says the London Field. Tlio
ntost convert to the cause is Demon , u
oung oat. black as night , who shows n
omnrknblo proforcnco for vegetation
niul farinaceous over carnivorous diet ,
s'ot yet schooled down Into honest ways ,
' 10 was discovered drugf-hiKIn triumph
rom the din ing-room u largo cucumbur ,
n preference to a lamb outlet which Iny
cqiiiilly within his predatory reach. I
md llxcil imishroon spawn In boxes in
, ho wlno-ccllcr and forgotten tlio circum
stance until Demon , having1 slylyaccom
panied mo there , was found devouring
\ line mushroom , stillk nnd all , with
iinich avidity. Raw potato is preferred
to incut ; the hard crust of dry toast Is
irackolcil up with gusto , and I found
lim the other morning crunching and
eatingnn egg shell. There nvo no mice
ibout ; but Demon neither starves nor
A New Theory of Kcnslukiicxi.
A now theory of unslckncps has boon
rccolly olToreil by M. Hochut , tin eminent
Frcncli physician. Uo necounts for it
L > y tlio disorder brought into muscular
contractions through not being u'-od to
such sudilon movements us those of ves
sels. M. Rochet's udvlco is not to look
to nnnjsthotics soothing drugs , etc. , for
relief , but rather to inibculiir excitants ,
mil , above all , to scolc in voluntary inov-
mcnts n compensation for the rellox
movements wliieh are not produced.
IIo recommends strychnine , venitrlno'
ergot of yor and drinks uhargo with
carbonie acid.
Shn Looks l < 'nmlllnr.
It is related thnt n famous college pro-
tcssor was in n book store ono day deeply
Migngcd in n search for n particular
book. There were many customers pres
ent , and , before leaving , ho shook hands
with a few friends. Last of all ho ex
tended his band * to a sweet-faced lady ,
saying , "Good morning , madam. Your
face looks very familiar , but I am un
able to recall your name. " Absorbed In
thought , ho passed out without awaiting
the lady's reply. Slio was his wife.
Australia'H Itnblnt I'lnt itc.
Tlio Aubtvnllan rabbit post does not
lessen , although immcnio numbers of
the prolific rodents are killed daily. Au
ninny as 15,000,000 rabbit skins have boon
exported from Now South Wales in ono
year , and the number instead of dimin
ishing is said to bo increasing by leaps
and bound * ) . It is calculated that in
three years two pairs of rabbits will
have increased to o,000,000 , such is their
extraordinary fecundity.
A Holler lO
SCOTLAND , Oa. , Nov. 27. The boiler of
Ackers' fciiw mill exploded this morning , kill
ing three men and Injuring four.
We Believe
That S. S. S. is without an
equal as a remedy for mala
rial poison. 11 cleanses the
system of all impurities ,
i suFriur.i : ) rous YEAUS
WD fOr-Utf TIE4Tft Nr ,
Uf/T't- / LIFE fiAD iOST ALL C A/jHi
Bonk o blood nnd Sklti diseases" free.
ThcSwlft5po'iflc ! Co. , Afnnta , Ga.
EOR KENT Good fnrin of W acrct. ! > inllrs
from Council Illutrs. Apply to Lcouuid
" 171011 SALE Good lot on Ilrmulnny , lot 12 ,
-T block 17 , ll'cers1 sub. , for 1700. Apply to
Leonard Everett.
ElILLINaVnntiMlLot 12 , Mock 17 , llccis'
J sat ) . , between Kith and ITtli streets to bo
tilled. Apply to Leonard Kvurett.
TTlOn SAl.Kchcup. A. peed ofllco desk , nearly
-L new. Koom 4 , Itrown building.
V NTniJ-Lnclvor sent wllllnittowork for
onrlntcicst : nermuiumt position ; if'.M to
$ .100 a duy. I' . U. S. , 007 Willow avenue , Coun
cil iiiuirs.
TfnN WANTKD-fflK ) laborers and Icmmtprs
-L'ifor H. 1C. norlc In Wyoming ; free transpor
tation. 0. T. llray , Scott sU. Council lUiUIs.
OA lIEADofliorspstodxclmnzoforcloarlimrt
tU orclty property. Jolinstoiufc Vim fatten ,
J crott blocu.
/I A KAHMS In southwestern Iowa for sale ;
" " terms easy. Also hinall farmsiind i.
land around Council ItlulIV. Johnston Van
I'atton. I'.verutt block.
PAIllof tiuiles , liiirnnssiinil wiiKon fr > r sale
on n yi'iir's time. Johntttoii & Van 1'utten ,
MKS. AMKUA NIRLSON , Jl.l ) . , specialmld-
wlfe. UJi-8 ave , Council lllullH , la.
1'EOIAL HAUOAIN'S In houses for sale or
rent ! uNo twn Saunders street lots , N
Omul in. J. K. Davidson. d VSIh ave.
AI/TBIl S. STIKLMAN. Marcus hloolc ,
otll y 1'ubllecollections , typewriting.
TTIOH SAI r L 'nsn nnd f uriilturo of Hcott
X1 House , Council llluITs. xi rooms. Clicup ; : i
bargain. Address J. S. Jordan , Council UlulVs.
OH nENT aho MoMahnn thrco-story
brick block , No , ! &S. Mulnst , wltholovutor
J. W. Squire. .
FOU BAIiE Complete set of tliincrn tools ,
and small stock of tlnw.iro tit a bargain.
1 nqiilio nt room iilB Merrlum bloclt.
TJ1OU BALiR or Kont-Oarden land , with
J ? houses , br J. It. llloo. 1W Mala it. , Couaoll
An unusual oficr
tlio ono ( lint's inndo by tlio propri-
Dtoruof Dr. Sago's Cntmrh lloinoily.
( Jnusiiiil , but made in good faith.
It's n reward of $500 for an incura
ble case of Catarrli. If you have
one , the money's for you. Hut you
can't know whutlicr you liavo ono ,
till you've tried Dr. Sago's lleiuedy.
What's incurable by any othur
moans , yields to that. By its mild ,
soothing , ckyiising and healing
properties , it euros tbo worst cases ,
no matter of how long standing.
That's the reason the money can bo
ofCorcd. There's a risk about it , to
be stiro. But it's so small thnt the
proprietors are willing to take it.
The symptoms of cntarrh are ,
headache , obstruction of nose , dis
charges falling into throat , some
times profuse , watery , and acrid , at
others , thick , tenacious , mucous ,
purulent , bloody , putrid and offen
sive ; eyes weak , ringing in cars ,
deafness ; offensive breath ; smell
and taste impaired , and general
debility. Only a few of these
symptoms likely to bo present al
London , England.
Amsterdam , Holland.
Buy and "ell American nccurltlp * on eommljjtoi
intlxxidon umt on til Continental mnrkcU.
Negotiation * of new luini a ipoclaUf ,
L. G. Knotts
Fuel - Merchant
All kinds of the best and cleanest
1'uel in stock and unclor sheds
People who desire cheap nnd
clenn fuel for cooking will find It
by ordering n lend ol'cobs , I hcvvo
a large supply tlmtnre clean and
whole not broken up.
Good hard wood cheap , either1
in cord wood lengths or stove-
wood , delivered promptly.
All sizes of hard coal , clenn ,
bright and well screened ,
Tlie black peerless lump coal
conlnnos to be the favorite fop
domestic purposes.
- : - No. 29 Main Street.
Call Telephone 203 : - : -
Strictly to tusliicu"ln iilon < llil motto. IlioliUh
MICOC H in every line of minmn cncruy H reached
by lilm wliuliolclsto uomomlopU'cl Hpcclnllty ,
Po plo nro prouresilvo. full < > ( onorxr , nml momr
ranking aclicraui. Tliojr iiood ipoalal training fat
I.ondi In populnr eilucitton. Her pihtlo sc'iooli
nro rtolnirurnticl work for her naroailn.mlllluav
\Voatorn loirn ,
Commence ! full tiirui Sopt. lit. Shu ioUtl : tin
rcnllr practical for her ritn lom. Nornill Dull
no'i.Shoilli in I an I I'Jiriniulil > cojno i. irjll or
KiuiliiM nml etrofulty cundiictnl SU.Unti nur
onternt iinr U nc. Wrlta fur furlliur pirllolU 11
W. H 1'nulson.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Or Council Bluffs.
PIMKCTOKS I. A. Mlllnr , R O. Oluasnii , T7. I *
filiiicurt , K. 1C. Iliirt , J. I ) . DlnuiiilsnnUliirlo ] :
O. ll.iiiiiiin. Transact li.uikliu buil-
tii'ss. Ijar est e.iplUl and surplus ot uuy
bunk In boutlincstorn I own.
NQolinr ? Justice of tbo I'paco. Ofllco eve
. OlllUU Aniorlean Kvpress , No. 411
itrniiiu/nv , Council Illutrs. lowu.
Xr 'yllinrtflrc ' Attorneys nt J.nw. Prno-
OilUIlULlb tloe in the sttito uw\
federal courts. Hiionis II , 4 uml &
llt'iio block , Council IllulTs. Iowa.
Corner Main and Hroadwiiy ,
floaters In forulKn anil domestic tnehiun *
Collection nude and Internal uuld on tlmft
"Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers In
The above cut shows our new self-dumping retail dsliver J
wagon , by which three tons of coal crm bo unloaded In n mlnutaf
nndcnrrled Into the cellar OP coal house If It Is 2O foot away. NqH
coal left In the wagon. None scnttorod on the ground. Used ox *
cluslvely by us.
OFFICE , 1O PEARL , ST. Yard , 10th Ave & Fourth St.
-J. M , IH. OLiATCK. Manager , GOUNGm BLxUE > * IB. la.
Telephones : O. ce , 300. Yurtl , 310.