Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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A cnr of mnplo sugnr for Fnrroll fi
Co. , nntl u b.ilo of carpal from Franco
for Mrs. S. S. Caltlwoll passed the cus
tom house.
A football mutch will bo playort to
day at 10 n. m. between the 13 , it M ,
and Cinn Gordon. The piny era will
plciiBo tuko note of the change.
C. M. Cook , the man who defrauded
Mnx Meyer & IJro. out of a gold wntch ,
was tried ycstcrdiiy and bound over to
the district court under bonds of 6100.
ThoinnB Kclloya suspicious character ,
was sent over the hill by Judge Holsloy
for sixty days. L. F. Sherman will do
pciiimco for fifteen days for vagrancy.
The mail carriers will make their
morning delivery today and the pun-
ernl delivery at the postolllco will bo
open between the liours of 10 a , m. and
A meeting of the Omaha elub has
been called for Friday night to tal < o
appropriate action on the death of ono
of its distinguished members , tlio late
Judge J , W. Savage.
John JohiiBon , who smashed Buumcr's '
jewelry show window and stole acouplo
of watches , waived examination and
was held to the district court in the sum
of $1,250. In default ho was sent to the
county jail.
Great complaint Is being made of the
condition of the road along State htrcot
from Fort Omaha to Florence. Under
taker M. O. Maul petitioned the county
commissioners yesterday to make the
necessary repairs.
J. II. Fortune , who boards at the
Derby , loft the city a few days ago on a
short business trip , and on his return
found that his trunk had been broken
open and $100 worth of clothing stolen.
' 1 hero is no clue to the thief.
On noxC.Monday a grand fair for the
benefit of St. Peter's church , corner
of Lonvomvprth and Twenty-seventh
btrcots , will bo commenced in the now
hall just completed by Mr. II. McCaffrey.
The entertainment will continue , through
the week.
An alarm of fire shortly before noon was
occasioned by a blaze at 1211 Jackson
fitrcot , In a brick dwelling house owned
Ballon 13rrs , , and occupied by AgnoJ
Priest. The lire was caused by a defec
tive iluo and the roof ota frame addition
was destroyed ; \OS \ $3o.
Major T. S. Olnrkson presented the
Farnam street school with n handsome
ling of the national colors yesterday ,
making a brief address appropriate to
the occasion. Master Gray Montgomery ,
ono of the Eighth grade pupils , received
t/io / ling on behalf of the school , and made
a short speech in response.
Under the auspices of tv number of
young ladies , a fair will bo held
' this afternoon and evening at the
residence of Andrew Haas , south-
cast corner 2olh and Jones btrects.
The low price of admission , lOe , should
insure a largo attendance. The pro
ceeds are to bo given to the temple.
The Hamilton loan and trust company ,
formerly located at Kearney , has re
moved to this city. At a meeting of the
stockholders , hold on November 12 , it
was decided to increase the capital stock
from W0,000 ( ) to300,000 and at once
move to this city. The articles of incor
poration wore Illed witli the county
clerk yesterday.
Leo King , a Chinese laundryman , es
corted a fungus growth of forehead into
police court yesterday and swore out
a warrant for the arrest of Lu Lcm ,
another Celestial , who had assaulted
him with a hatchet. A discolored knob
of mammoth proportions just above his
left eye showed where the head of the
hatchet had imprinted a farewell kiss.
The row occurred on Sixteenth street.
"Aren't you over Rolnc to grow old.ltlte the
best of us : " nskeil a man or au arnuuintanco
lie hadn't seen for some time , ' 'well , not so
long as I can purify my blood with Aycr's
SiirsaparllU , " was the apt reply. This man
knew what bo was taking about.
Others Plead Guilty and Await 'Jlicir
Ten prisoners wcro arraigned In the crimi
nal court yesterday moriiinp.
Ed Fitzgerald , George Whitney nnd John
Francis pleaded not guilty to the charge of
Charles Miller pleaded guilty to the sumo
charge anil was sentenced to two years In the
John Francis was with Miller when ho
was arrested , but pleaded not guilty. The
court then appointed ua attorney to defend
Adam Mackoy pleaded guilty to larceny and
was sentenced to ono year. '
Joslo Burl and Mary Allison , charged with
larceny , pleaded not guilty.
Leonard \V. Colemangrand larcenypleaded
not guilty.
The charge of adultery lodcod against Dr.
Gclslcr was nollcd.
Judge Ularkson then took up the case of the
state vs. John S. Mullen , charged with resist
ing an ofllcor.
, Before adjourning last night .Tudgo Clnrk-
Bnn announced the following call of the crim
inal calendar : Friday , the state against
George AVhltting , who U charged with house
breaking. Monday , tlo state ugnlust L. W.
Coleman , charged with burglary. Tuesday ,
the state against John Francis , who is
charged with being the man who went
through f luiis Peterson's saloon ami carried
oft a largo quantity of liquor.
In the days of the past , people had to suffer
much pain , now they Imvu Salvation Oil and
they got cured in less than no time. Price " 3
cents ,
The men of Boston , of all ages and condi
tions , nro wild over boxlnj , , and the many
cures mndo by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , theiV
national remedy.
Tlio Prohibition Vote.
RUSHVILI.E , Neb. , Nov. 21. [ To the Editor
of TUB BEI : : To decide n wager please
answer tlio following In Tin : Her. as soon as
possible : In Uushvillo precinct there were
B13 votes Jcnst at the late election. There
were 114 votes cast for tl.o prohibitory
amendment , 81 votes against the amendment
nnd fifteen voters not voting either way.
What is the majority according to the stat
utes of the stuto regarding amendments to
the constitution , for the prohibitory amend
ment In this product ) Docs the number of
votes exceeding one-half of the number of
voters constitute the majority as regards to
this amendment ) A
Answer The actual majority for prohibi
tion in the precinct was 15 , as under the stat
utes all the votes silent on the piohlbltlon
question are counted against the amendment
Christmas Presents FREE
Our Special
Premium Catalogue
Sent Free
to any adxlress ,
three ways of securing
a great variety of the
finest goods in the
market for
Christmas Presents.
i st -These goods can be had , WITHOUT COST , by earning them in sending
us two or more new subscribers.
2cl. They can be had for part work and a small difference in cash.
3d. They can be bought for the lowest prices possible , if you do not care to
earn them as Premiums.
t Eiivclu)1) ] tlio DtHnimRnrniico or n
Mini Well Known In Omaha.
The announcement yesterday of the dis
appearance ot Mr. Freeman Crocker , clmir-
iiuu of the board of public works of Denver ,
attracted a great deal of attention among the
contractors of this city for public improve
ments and business men in this
Ity. Ho was personally known to
.hem nnd so far os can bo
.earned was respected by them. JIo was
generally considered an honest man an'l
worked for the host Interests of the city.
Some time ago the city decided upon n
series of extensive public Improvements.
Advertisements were inserted in many papers
throughout tlio country and as a con-
bcqucuco contractors Hocked thither from
all parts uf the United States. Among them
was a very healthy contingent of those who
tiail fattened at the public crlh In Omuha.
The competition was great and the rivalry
; ngcmlcrcu was most bitter. Kings wcro
formed among' the bidders anil those sought
Lo control both tlio council and the board of
public works.
It is said to Mr. Crocker's credit ,
is ulso that of another member of
the board , that ho did all that an nnd
capable nun coiihl do to protect the city
"Tainst tfio srhomcs of the rmgstcrs.
The council , however , took a hand , nnd in
moro ways than ono , certain members sought
to nullify the action of the board , and it is
claimed even that some of the mayor's acts
caused the chairman a great deal of annoy
ance.Vlmt this annoyance must have been
may bo imagined when it is known tha
miles of paving , sewering and curbing
were lot to bo completed within
a comparatively short time. Of this . work
ono Omaha contracting linn secured three
miles of sewering in ono street and about
07,000 feet in what Is known as the Dcgany
street system. This work with other jobs
cost in the neighborhood of $35,000. Nor is
all fhowork yet done. To
day the bonra of public works
of that place were to have opened bids for
another branch of the Dcgany system , and
Omah.i contractors had their representatives
on thu ground to loon after the matter. It is
not likely now , however , the bids will bo
opened until after the mystery relating to Mr.1
Crocker's disappearance shall have been
cleared up.
A certain Omaha firm of contractors said
that it was known that tlio trouble which
Crocker had experienced as chairman of the
boai'4 of public works , bad moro or less af-
fcotcJ his mind. This result was Intensified ,
when a short time ago , a man who had
worked with him in harmony
on the board bad been removed and ono who
differed from him substituted. The firm in
question did not think that Crocker bad been
murdered but that the mental strain to
which he had been subjected bad
impelled him to rush off to
steal a short rest or else had so affected
hU mind as perhaps to have Impelled him
to commit suleldo. The same linn said that
Tuesday night one of their men had returned
from Denver and had been told by a son of
Mr. Crocker's that his father had said if ho
did not get a rest ho would probably go crazy ,
Albright's CholcfyUbrlght L & L Co.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Bco bldg- .
All Music at Ilnlf Price.
G,000 pieces only lOc a copy at Moln
berg's , 10th st. bot. Capital uvo &Dodgo ,
Albright's Choice 521-2 3 N. Y. Life.
Albright's Choice , sure advance.
Hand Crushed.
John Dally , an employe at the Cudahy
packing company , had a ticivo fall on his
right band yesterday , badly crushing the
member. A surgeon dressed the wound and
reduced the fracture.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Bco bldg.
Albright's Choice , cosy terras.
The now ofllcos of the Great Rock
Island route , 1002 Sixteenth and Fnrnain
Btrcots , Omaha , are the finest in the city.
Call and BOO thorn. Tickets to all points
east at lowest rates.
Dr. Blrney cures catarrh , Dec bldg"
Albright's Choice , inonoy inudo fast.
Iloyt's satlro on popular superstitions of
the present day , "A Brass Monkey , " will bo
the attraction ut Boyd's ponv house
today. The engagement will open
with a mntineo this afternoon and
continue during the remainder of tbo week.
The merry laugh-maker and' sweet singer.
Charles A. Gardner , will appear at the Boyd
for ono night only , on next Sunday. In his ro-
innntlo comedy , "Fatherland. " The play is
laid In the Tyrol , and is a pretty mountain
pastoral abounding In the sweet songs of tbo
native * of that ro man tlo country ,
The first three evenings of next wcok the
stage of the lloyd will bo occupied by Air.
James T , Powers and his "Straight Tip"
company. The plcco just closed a protracted
run at the ColumVht theater , Chicago , nnd
the press of that city speak In very high
terms of the jilay. _
The unprecedented patronage the TCden
Musco is enjoying this week shows the popu
larity that house enjoys. Each succeeding
week tbo. attraction prows stronger. Tins
week Maggie , the midget mother and her
tiny baby , is the star attraction , Peter
Sampson , the strong man , is a marvel In his
feats of strength. Ylolo , the alto soloist , Is a
pleasing feature. Tbo Marionettes Is u comic
inliniu entertainment pleasing all.
Albright's Choice , great bargains.
Dr. 13imoy euros catarrh , Bos bldg
Intelligent Readers -will notice that
ore not"warranted io cure" oil demon
of dlHcnscs , but only micli us result
from u disordered liver , viz :
Vertigo , Headache , Dyspepsia ,
Fevers , Cosiiveness , Bilious
Colic , Flatulence , etc.
For tlieio they nroiiotirnrrnii od ( > i-
falllblc , but are i H nearly so n It lupus-
Iblo to niulio n remedy. 1'rloc , 2oots.
C. L. Erlnkson. Local Agt.200 N.lCth St
lllclmrd II. licok , Ioc : < port , N , V. , writes that nttet
many yours'BUtTorliiB from Nervous Debility , Sloop-
loisnoHD , Twltchlnc of Mu cle ho nai restored by
four boxes NIIIVK : HUANS. " 1 ntu 80 , " ho niri , "but
f col like a juiinK man. " II per box , postpaid. Pam
phlet free. NKHVK 1IKANCO.UUITAI.O. N. Y.
Bold by ( loodtnnn DriiK Co. , 1110 Karnain St. , O.unha'
INSTRUMENTS plaoocl on record Novem
ber UC.
13 A Benson , trustee , to II 0 Campbell ,
lot 1 ( > . lilkas. llenson $ SCO
A J IVolf I ) nnd wife to A I' Trench , o ! i
lots ? ami 8 , blkU , Central I'urk 23
J 11 ( iiioiuia wife to W M Ouo , lull:1 , blk
T.Oiclmnl Hill 1,003
J 11 Guc nnil wlfu to K G GUI' , lot 11 , Llk )
7. Orchard Hill 1,003
Chtlst .lansen anilIfo to I.ouls John-
MMI. lotW , Illicit. Orcliaid 1(111 ( 3,575
O KMaynard to 1'ottcr & ( Icorpocom
pany , lots 4 mid r > , Ulk II , lot 7. Ink 5 ,
ilcdford 1'laco , and lot S , bile'1 ' lied-
ford 3,113
II A Moouncl wUo to James ICoilc , lot 18 ,
folk : ; , Moo's sub COO
A II McGregor and wlfo to K 0 Oiillnr ,
lotO , lilk $ . " Shunt's 2cl add , lotas , lillc
C > , I'nddoclc i'lucc , uml lotO , blkl , An-
dio\vs& lloiison's add 0,500
S .M 1'ress and liusbnml to E U Itatukln ,
lot ll > , lilk 28 , U 11 Hozg'sadd 600
A J Qnlstuard and wlfu to J M Marston ,
lot 10 , lilk 2 , 1'atrlok's 2cl add 2,000
Edward Tjulmulor nnd wlfoto Randolph
duller , lot 1. bile 7 , Patrick's Stl 100
JV Thomas nnd wlfoto J P I'lnloy , lot
U1 , Ulk7 , t-outliOmului 7,000
J n Furay. spoclnl mutter , to W V
I'nray , lot 0 , UnmiiboU's sub of blk
T , " Slilini'sM udd . 1 , < OJ
Total amount transfers. . 120,208
Albright's Choice , junction all R. R.
Building I'ermiM.
The following permits were isauod by tha
superintendent of buildings yesterday !
acornoC. I'liyno , 14 ! story frame dwoll-
Inc.Tlilrty-fourth and JacUson streets , ! 2,033
Same | | . JO
Saino r. W
.Same W *
Uo.ird of ndncatlon.lstory frame boliool-
house , Stowurt iilaco Jv)03 )
A.J. I'onploton , ! story brick store , Tenth
and I'nriifiin , 1M
J. K. lluidlok , ! ! story frame duelling ,
r.lKlitcenthand Emmettstreets1,000
'Panic ' 4 > W )
lllrhnrds & Caswoll , 1Y story fruino
dttolllns , Twonty-llrst nnd Spring
streets l.CM
Same JiOOO
Uliarlos A. Coe , 2V Btory brielc burn , bcc-
end and IMuusiint streets 2,500
Niels Jortsensen , 1 story ( rninocotttiRC ,
BlYtfoutU streut and lienwn inemio. . 630
U. Ktluy , m story frame dwelling , .Lowo
\Vehitorstrcct 8 > MO
11. J. Moehle , addition to dwelling , 2010
Kec.sstrcot ; ! *
Two minor permits 4 | ! >
Total 'J7aj
Albright's Choice , the best trackage.
. i
i i.
Marriage Licenses.
TUo following mirriaga llcoaaoa wora Is
sued by Judge Shields yoitordiy :
Niunoaua address. . -Aqo
III iyO. Tortil , Otmilin 2- >
1 Myra A. hncfuvo , Uiniiha ' -
jjdlin T. Ketchner.Omalia ! 4
11'iuuiyVooUey , Umuha'u
ijolinW , Hall , Omaha 2
( ModuA. Ilooton , Umuha 'JO
j Alfred I'ollnsiilst. Omalia
1 Annie Nollbou , Uniaha ! M
Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh , Bco Bldj.
Weather Probabilities.
For November Indications point to
cold , frosty vrcnlhor. Tlint , liowovor ,
will mtiUo no dllToronco to thobo who
travoLin the Btoain-hcatod nnd electric-
lighted , limited , vostlbulo trains which
lire run only by the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul Ity. between Oiniha : mid
Chlenuo. City ticket olllco , 1501 Far-
nam Rt. , Omaha li * . A , NASH ,
J. E. 1'niiSTOX , General Agent ,
City Pusuongor Agent.
1G02. Sixteenth and Furnnm etroots IH
the now Hook Island ticket olllco. Tick
ets to till points cast nt lowest rates.
AlbriglU's Choice , payments to suit ,
FtJllDress Shirt
Pine Neckwear
A complete assormcnt of
Men'sPifrnishings : :
Look at our supply of
and artistic collection of
Ward McAllister himself
would take delight in them.
Loifure Gloue Co
1506 Farnam St : Omaha Neb ,
" \Vill sell on Friday nnd Saturday their
celebrated hand sowed ,
5 Hook Foster Patent
Kiel Gloves ,
In tan , slate , fancy , brown and black at
95ca pair" worth $1 , 25.
A Full Set of Tooth
on Hubbcr , ( or
FIVE UnM.Aiis ,
A perfect nt Bunrnnteca. Tcotli extracted
without imln or daiiKor , iwil wltlout nimes-
tliotJcs. Gold and silver Oil ngs at lowest
rates. Hrldgo jincl.Orown Work. Tooth yilth-
outj > latD4. All vriirk wnrraiitcd.
OFFICE PAXTON IJLOCK , 16TII AND FARNAM , 10th btreut elevator Opou o\on-
Dsa until 8 o'cloot *
IfettUtitluueakf DebilityAtronUy.linjiijteney ,
' . rfcoele , Lories ,
Kean flvll 'JUouBliti. N *
Hlnvrfy to unmanly iir ct cei. > ervouiniss ,
Hhruntcen Organt- all _ " " '
NEW I 'ree ' ( or u BLort time.
I Mtttodl | , om HJOB , ,
uH : v. v u
We intend to turn"'the overcoat trade of Omaha "upside
clown" for the next few days as it was never turned "before. Our
buyer displays liis neve by making a second purchase this sea
son of a manufacturer's entire stock of overcoats. There are
enough overcoats in our store today to give one to every man in
a small city , and they've got to be sold.
It took nerve to buy them and it takes nerve to sell them at
the prices we're going to make ,
Today We will begin the greatest'
Special Sale of OVERCOATS :
Omaha ever sa\v , when \ve will sell
A beautiful all wool wide wale overcoat for six dollars ,
A splendid chinchilla fur , for six fifty ,
A twelve dollar Kersey for eight dollars.
A sixteen dollar Kersey for ten fifty. . '
A Kersey sold the world over for eighteen dollars , for twelve fifty , : ,
A handsome twenty dollar Kersey for fourteen seventy-five. . , v
A ton dollar Chinchilla Ulster for seven fifty. ,
An excellent heavy Irish Frcixe Ulster for nine seventy five.
A heavy fur trimmed Storm Coat for ten fifty.
To add interest to the occasion we have reduced the price on several lines of fine
overcoats to a limit that makes them to-day the cheapest fine coals in America.
Remember , the prices advertised are by a house known as one of the cheapest
clothing houses In this country , if not THE cheapest , and every price is guaranteed by
a house that says to its patrons : "If you're ' not suited in your purchase in any shape
or manner , you'll ' get your money back. "
Fourteenth and Douglas.
WaonsockBtA Rhode Island Rubber -Co
And wo tire tlieir western agents and always carry a largo stock.
Address ,
1204 and 1206 Ilarney Street.
Solo Agent in Omaha for Gorharn Man
ufacturing Go's
Our Stock of Pine Goods is the
Largest and Our Prices the
Conic anil see us.
Cor. Douglas & 15th St
WiAt f KK M GTCJ J-lKJ ! t > 7 Ih1 Mw
rrHlPL'.M ) * 'iii'm ' * miMCT , Hi.lo rcr IhlnritlDe pur-
ton , Cur.ol r.nxnllio Vulr.ii. ItilD J rrf lr. HIM. txxlh.
Ins , CII U QUI ( arttnl. i.r KlfctrlcllT Ikrourh ill XVE4K
hlrflrle Itirrlal frll iMftliillf. or WB forfeit tJ.OO In cua
KKIJ ind H3t | raiarr CoMiplfl * O. tntt un. Vrorit ran I ir *
tvo'iA ' ILE'CTRI" ' " t ul 'u fil c n
A POSITIVE amtparminrnlCUnE'or ll
dluijtsollho URINARY ORGANS. Cuni
where othir treatment till t. Full directions wfth each
bolllc. Price , ono dollir. See signature ot E , U
SIAIIL , For Bale By All
1316 Douglas Street , Omalia , Neb.
Botentccn years experience. A reifiilnr pradimteln medicine , i\s diplomat iliow , Ii otlll trfntlnsf wllfc
tlienrrntost succesi , all Nervous. Clirunlo nml I'rlvatoDlso.iro , Apurnmnontcuro KUorniili'iMl for Cutarra ,
Bpcrtniitorrliim , I.OBt Mnnliood , brmlnnnVoakiii'an , Nlslit l.dsBun , Imiioliinojr , Hjplillls , Htrlclurj , llilJ ixlldll *
CHSOH of tlio llloail , Skin iinilUrlniry Uranus. N. II. 1 mmrnnloo $600 fur every tnsu 1 uiulurtnku mul fall to
cure. Coinulullou frco. lluolc ( .Mystorlci ) of I.lfo ) nent frco. UUlculiours St m. tot p , ni. Uuudail U
a. m. to 12 ui.
Street ) .
Stovorciiulrsof ull descriptions for cook und lientliu Blovos , fmntly und hotul ranges. Watoi
tUiichiiignts u
ROBERT UHI-IG , Proprietor.
Telephone 06O-
- C. M. EATON , Manager.
California Nerve Food ,
Makes Now I'rcsli Itlood und 1'ro.
< ) UCOH I'lCHll ,
Curn Anii'inliii Scrofuhi. llnil C'lrrulallon
inl nil Impurities of tha Dlood ai well ni llin
lulortlnj Norvn Dleonces. M < I Nervom and
I'hyiilelul Itl.llll ) ) , \ilul i : > liiiiitlin , 1're-
mi > tiiro I > crar. 'Iriinilillnir , HvHloilu , Ni-r-
Tniis Hi-nil , iclii ) , I HH oTI'imcr In t'lthcr n-x.
Nnrvninrn'in In miy liirrn , Co 111 II , null nr
IVet. I'.iiii In tlio lluclc mid oilier iuruil I
Dr. Ilob'li'i Ncno Tnnlfl fi'HU hrlnethe
ro y tint ot heal h to the ehiillow chunk.
roWr , nervum pcvcig slioukl take tlili i-rrat Llfa
Ronewer. Try them , and i < m villljolii tlm tlmuuiidi
U liuiipr mm and women wlui U llj lilcu IT.
auDUfwfiU great ( irk In their liilmlf. 'llir ; nro
luzar culled. (0 ceuu a till , tot gale byre
Kuhn A Co. Lor I5ih A. ItoutJlai din-ell
j A TulSer 4 I o. . for llili A. IjUKl ) fctrciU
A , 1 > . Fiwtcr * Co Council lliufli , lo i
ibvolutely l rtlltblo , perfectly tafc , most | > o erf ul fcmals
I i > , rijlatorkuown , iu\tr fall iMn hoi , ) > < } : ( paid i cue tu4
luAiclut. XaireMllON nhlin CO. ' liiiiiiib , N. y ,
Svld It ! OUOHJIia DllC'O ( V.
cundln , , ,
Utt J.BTEHltH8LU u ,0
- - A
1:102 : FnrnnmStroot.
Harry P , Deuel ,
City PnssoiiBor and Ticket Agent ,