Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1890, Image 7

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Hi DVEWTISKMKNT1 for thcso colutns Trill
rMio taken until JJM : p. m. . for the evening
edition and until Ra : > p. in. , for the nrarnlns
rdltlon and BoxnAlf
Dflrauco. <
"OATES Advortteftmontsnn thlipnc wlllhft
JLVchnrpcd fornt IlibrateoMH cent per word
Tor the first Insertion anil I cent for word f6r
each subsequent ln oi-oit. | | tint ! ll.M per line
i per tnonth , No nilvcrllicincnt Lakon for
Jrss than 21 cents for thu first Insertion ,
TNlTrAI.S , figures , lymboK tjto.i count each
J onorio vrord.
n l'KSi ' ; advortlsnnents mu t nlneonspci -
JL lively and under no clrciinnlnncns will
they ho taken or discontinued bjr telephone.
IDAUTIUS ntlvortWnis In these columns and
JL htivliic tlielr answers nddri'iwd to n "iHiirt-
ber-d Ictlnr" In care of TUB 11EE will receive
n iiutuhcji'd cheek to tsnahlo thnm to Rot their
letters. Answers will bo drill ored only on
rircsontatlonof thlschrck. Enclouo answers
In cuceloMJS properly nddtcssod ,
Al ndvortUonipnU under the head of
"b-pcclat Notlees" uro published In liolh the
ornlns nnU nvennir editions T Tun HHK. th
circulation of which agurosalos moro than
0.000 papers dally , and plvus the advortlwr
the boncllt not only of the larco rlrculntloii of
TllK IthK In Umahn , hut also In Council ItlulTs ,
l.lnt-oln nml oilier Htlrs nnil tovTBSlntlio w * t
Advertising for thcso columns will he taken
en the ahovo conditions , nllhofollowlrn busi
ness houses who uro authorized to tnuispocml
notices , at the same rates as can had at the
main olllcc.
10 2GZI N Street , MMor Illoek.
TOIIN W. BKLL , l'harniuclstS J South Tenth
J street.
. .ASH ft EDDY , Utatloners and Printers ,
111) ) South 10th street.
Q II. 1'ARNSWORTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
' Ing street.
\y J.IIUQIIES , I'hannaclst , 024 North 16th
. W. rAIlIl , I'lmrnmelat ' , 1718 Leavon-
GEO. street.
"UOI1E91 I'llAUMAOV , 21th and Farnam.
/'or infrc , etc. , tec tupnf fnt column on tlilt
-Haou b.v lady as bookkeeper -
keeper , cashier or olllcc clerk. Expe
rienced , Good lofereiieos. AddiossWSri , nee.
WANTI2D-l'osltlonaS clerk In stor drnp ;
store preferred. Can keep sot 55.of books ,
( loot ! roforonces. Address LocKQbox 55. llone-
diet , Neb.
WANTRD Constant ork by an Ensllsh-
man oxperloneed In preonhoneo Mid put-
door BiirdunliiK. Address Win. Oiirratt.VfSt -
crn. Neb. , Sullno county. M4ii-ll ; *
BY a lady bookkeeper , with Al rcferencesi
Addu-HsWfiU , lice. 401 ai *
WANTED-Sltuatlon as bookkeeper. Can
furnish flrst-class reforencoa. Addioss
W M. lleo. M'Tll'lT *
a hey of 18 , who understands all oflleo
BY ' , four jcars experience. Address
Wjp , lice. _ : iot Dl *
BY young man as coachman or'ioiieral work
about house Address W IB , llee. : iill 27 *
W"ANTRI > siltiatlon by u first-class
bread And cake baiter , country preferred.
Address W 42 , Boo . ' 118 20 *
loriatn , tie. , tec top nf Jlrtt column , on tliltpage.
WANTED-Hoy al > out 10. Union 1'acllle
TeaCo.,2l. ) . N , inthst. SI41H-37 *
WANTRD-Mnn to drive for urocer , must
hnVo expoilenuo and references. Call
nftor.r > p. in , , Ull North Twenty-toutth street.
JWi2-2i *
TATIONAltY englneor wanted. Call to-
monow. W. V. Jlor-so & Co. , llth and DOU'K-
lassts. 401 20
WANTED An agent among employes of
.South Omaha packing Imuses ; big pay.
Aadm.3 with stump , HoK. . ' , Omaha , Nebv
WANTED Studoiits for shorthand and
typewriting by an expert teacher , special
terms until December 1st. Supplies free. Art
el i ess W 4" , Hco. alia 20 *
T\7 ANTED Pharmacist ! must hocoiiipctont
IT with best rofereneo ! for suoh one u good
place. Address Good Will , 182U Shcimun live. ,
Uiunha , r. IIOOST *
STEAM Utters tind helpers pay uo attention
to'sptirlous advertisements. Stay away
trotn Chicago. Strike Is ( till on. Committee.
ANTED-A thoioughly experienced nnd
practical carpet layer ; nootbor need ap
ply : good salary and permanent position to
Iglit party. Addicss W ID. IB ofllco. ! I7C 3g
T\rANTKD A good bread nnd cake baker
> must know how to make tntHes ; a slnglo
young man with good habits and good
recommendations , Address look box 105. At
lantic la. , WJ 37
\\TANTEI-Men for railroad work. Al-
, ) > lirlght's Labor Agency , 112J l-'uinam st.
. . . ) Man to sell line of olgars : J100
per month and oxpensespald. Address
with stamp , UloboOlgur company , SI. Louis
Mo. g47CG *
GENERAL agents selling the pntca t adjust
able shoo aio making fronvJ.1.000 to } " > .oofl
Jiorycar. Canvassers W to $7 per day. Ex-
cluslTO territory given. Addioss with 2-ceut
Htamp , Consolidated Adjustable Hhoo Co.
B'lloni , Muss. M 171-dU *
BETPOTIVE Wo want a man In every lo
cality to act as private detective under
our Instructions. Send for particulars. Wash i-
ington Detective Agency , not 787 , Washing-
tun , Iowa. Experience not necessary.
_ J 118 PIS *
WANTED All purtlt-i dcslrlnz Informa
tion about thn new state of Washington
Its climate , soil , productions , it-sources , lands
Uneiiteiod , wages , etc. , nend It for largo book
to State Ituroan of Coiiespondoncu , Tacoma
Wnsli , Letters of Inquiry of all kinds pi omptlj
answered for f > 0o each. 14(1 ( 110 *
\\7"ANTED Men and women of ability lii
TT every city , town and vlllngo to act ai
ngeuts for the Ladles' Homo .Journal. 'od
want the best attaluatile class ot agents , and
to such unusual terms will bo olTuied , Thl
.loniual Is the handsomest periodical for la
( ties and the family ever Issued , and has nearly
half a million subscribers. It will bo adver
tised the coming autumn and whiter on ra ro
larger scale than over before , orc.itlng a do
maud that agents should bo ready to 111 oI. !
Curtis I'nbllshliiit Co. . Philadelphia. MSH 27
AVE\V tracklayers and shovolorn wanted
Apply ut thu boaidlng cars near the nov
AVhlto lead works , East Omaha. Wood & Hun
WANTKD 200 laborers forstono and cradi
work. Apply to I1. II , Johuson , Unloi
passenstoracpou Omaha. 1XA
v\ /ANTED Men to travel for our Cunndlni
nurseries. SloncA.'NVelllngtoii.Madlson. Vl
MEN or .women nuntmg work , or person
ne'edlng Help of any kind , city or country
can always he supplied at Ki-ltH's otltcc , :
B. 15th st. Satisfaction guaranteej.
M.3IS K39
\\7ANTEfl Moil wJUi good reforeiieo u
T f Metropolitan Mfg. Co. . 1003 Howard st.
211-n2 ?
\\7ANTEU Anoiit * wanted througnout No
TT brnskn. ? end stamp for reply. Jos. L1
JiU'peuth , Omaha. 77,1
\Afj\NTED-A llvo. encrgctlo iiurty In ever
> T nlaccj to introduce our goods , We have !
new line that will fell at ovury honso an
agciits eau reap a'harvest helwecn now an
thu holidays. Will pay a salary of 975 pc
inth If preferred and furnish a team froi
ilivsi ut once. Standard tillvnrwaro Co
Ilosldii MUM. M Cr-l : ) 15 *
Forratt * . etc. , ut f p < > r jirvt dJiiiun on f/i ( JKIU
OOJKS Olrls for general housework an
dining room. Now Kmuloyincat ngonci
ilc bldg. , Ifith andJJodKu. tw
\\7ANTKlT-An lucporlonced ladyciinvnsst
T to solicit ordeis fur crayon portrait * : uj
usual terms. Call Friday p. in. 3716 W. ( inn
st , JUI5-J
WANTED Competent girl as assistant 1
un nttlco. Must have had expcrlene
Address drawer No. 31 , postolllcu. _ JHO -
- rirst-eluss girl for genori
housework ; Hiiull family. 1113 Gcorgl
nc. Mih-3a : *
WANTED-GIrl for general housewoi k. V
S.37th8t. 7 IM ) ai *
_ _
\\7ANTKD A nurse ; tnUo care of hahv rf
> r mouths. Airs. A. Juhnsuii. 2JU1 EmmrA
W-ANTKO-A Klrl for general Imnsowonl
T Apply at OUC6.S. IX cor1st and Webste
GIRL wanted at 2tS23 Diivcnuortstreet.
, _ M350-1
WANTElrlmiueaifttcly , ono lady , tn
louiiijiiioji rnciilvt'lnslruetlonsiindktt
Iwoks , J. U. Smllh.lUO New Yorlc Llfubuljdlu
For rait * , tie , , tee tap of flrtt column on tM jxtge
WANTKD-OIrl In fatnlly-of four , Oerman
preferred. 1818 Webster street. .MIU.l-3 *
\rAtnT.D-A lrl of ! ! > or 10 to tmlUwith
i > t-hlldrni and "second work , Mrs. Uotirgn
lleyn ; CJ.i ( itorgla avenue , _ 3.VJ- ! . ' '
" \\7ANTIM ) Good grl for Bcncrnl hnu c-
> work nl 2213 Loavenwottli street. MlMl
WANTED An oxporlencod 'house maid.
Call Mary's atcnitc. Stf
WANTlDAitootl ur. Mrs W. It.Vninrhti ,
) I7 I'opplolon ave. 210 3C ,
sitefcttnpnf Jlrtt column on IM *
171OR ltKST AO room house nt 2237 1'ariiam
JL1 street with all modern Improvements : nl"-o
. ' . ' . ' . Fur-
a live room eottajto with city watcrat.'O.I -
ii.-mi street. Apply to W. .U , Donne. Mi ! N. Y.
Llfo hldg. ? l : tsC.-31
7 Oil 1M2NT 0-room liousp. mo lorn Im-
I . priivoiuc-iit. Kaqtilru 31J10 Cupllulmo.
330 SO *
I.rOlIHK for rent ; ten room * , modern con-
Lvonlences. CJ1 So , lUth Bt. 21)1 ) 27 *
o RENT Moilorn dc lriible Imuw. $ > per
tnonth , 0. 1' . Uiirrlson , 1)12 ) N. Y. Life. 177
CHOICE corner residence , 10th nnd Pacific , ! )
rooms , all conveniences ; rout 115. Hmeaton
k Allen , 1W7 I'auniim st. -
H OUSE of 8 rooms , nicely papered , water ,
pewcrand gas , ICIrd and Cutnlng , f.'W per
mo , Oi I' . HarrNoii , Oli ! N. Y. Life. X <
FOH KENT A detaotioilclglit-rootn house ,
iilniost now , with every modern conven
ience and wltliln walking distance , at a cheap
rental. Kmcutun ifc Allen , 1007 Turn am st.
'I710H RUNT Cottage on motor lino. Largo
I grounds. JJO per month. K , 0. 1'atlt'rxoii ,
N. Y. Life. IM 2i (
SO. HKNNETT. moving express onico with
. Neal k Conrad , H13 Dodge st. Tel. 127.
OH HENT A 24-room house cor. of Uth
and .loncs , suitable for a hotel or litrne
hoarillng house. All new and In first class
order. Call on Muiiiaugh , t l-'ltchott , ieul _ es
tate ngcnts cor 15th and Howard t , J.M-/ ! >
ELEGANT npartmuiitsof 8 and 0 ro im
Including bath room , langes In kitchen ,
mantles , shades , earpota on stairs , electric
bells. Norrcaily for occupany In tholtrunii
building , corner 24th and CUinlng sts. Apply
Citizens' 153 go *
POR KENT A strlctlv first-class cottage ,
silltnnlc for a .small familv ; modern con
venience , Inqulro of O. L. Erlckson , LOG N.
IGth St. 400 27.
POR RENT Ono block suitable for a largo
boarding honso within IIro minutes' walk
of tlio post olllco. O. I' . Davis Co. , 1503 Tur-
li.-un Ht. J.T5 20
"I71OR RENT Elegant 8-room house , two
J-1 floors , all modern Improvements ; also
laundry room , eorner3Urd and Chicago. Aptilv
atllM ) l-'ariiamst. 3)5- ! ) ;
HOtTSn for rent at 021 Vlerco street , con-
MMilent to depot. Nice cottage , Innulro
of T , J. Lowry. 131
FOR RENT Small house on Einmot st , ,
west of 24tli , JS per month. Also7-room
house , city water , bath , onCaldwoll , between
2 ( > th and 2Uh. S3. > per month. Q. L. Green ,
Room : , Darker block. M787
KENT < -ioom house , 1017 California st.
FOR RENT-SKI Mapio st , ' , blookeast SUh
st. motor , fi rooms and unllnlshed H story
above , lull lot , well , cistern and cellar , good
nolghboihood , ttT/iO per month. 0. G. Wal
lace , Ilrown block , Iflth and OouiiIiiM. OSS
II' YOU wish to rent a house or store see II.
E. Cole , Continental block. 373
FOR RHNT To responsible parties only
those line now brick and stone houses on
Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms and alcoves iii
moro conveniences and bettor finished than
any house for lent Iu the city. 11. U. Hender
son , 400 I'nvton block , city. 27 *
T-ROOM house with barn ; nominal rant , C.
I T. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Lite. 375 ,
F I OR Rl.NT The beautiful 7 loom cottage * .
Just ; finished. Hath and modern Improve
ments. Only 2 left C. S. Elgutter,40 ; Hist
Nut'l b-tnk. 458
Foil RENT 8 room houso. all modern Im
provements , 2220Chlcngo st. , $41.67. Ring-
wall Ilros. . Darker block. 3H !
"I7IOR UfNT ! 7-rooin cottage , convenient to
J- wholesale district and business. Apuly
1112 s. loth st. 135
FOR KENT R-rooin modern house with nice
burn , 1704 N 21st ; also 8-room house and
nice barn , 2209 Miami , by Crum & Ulshop. RSI
. Hoard > f Trade. 120
FOR RENT Seven-room cottaco , cor. 2Sth
avo. and Cap. a > o.Ino.iilro 21118 TJodgo. M-OCO
Forratef , etc. , Kt top of firm column mi ( hi * tvigt
rriOusmall family of ailults.first Moor of u cot-
JL tage famished for housekeeping , 4 bloekf
from court houso. Address W 00 , Rec. M 4'JS'JS'
FOK KENT Nicely furnished room In prl-
- vato residence to one or twopcntlcnior
hnvins ; Rtiocl lufercnces : convenient toiltl
and Hit list , motor and iUth ! st. cablocar.v. Ad-
dros W.M , Jlee. 40j'G1
, TTtOK KENT Handsome furnished rooms
, -C s-tettm heat , 17 1 Davenport street. CW
EOH IlKNT Iloom with all modern Improve
ineiits ; no other roomers. 409 X. llti
street. M377-2
' .AltO E south room , modern conveniences
, -i huat uud gas , motor curs. 1 20 Hurt street
riim * furnlshcfl rooms , central locution
.1- modern convenience ! , , prices reasonable
ladles or gents. 1013 Horncy st , 2CS-30
NEAVLY furnished rooms for gcriHomcn , h
modern house , close to I'arnam motor
good table , home cotrforts. 2570 llainey st.
- now Paul block. MJ85-2
, ,
HANROMELY furnished front room ; stoan
k huat , gas , bath. ' 711 H. IGth , 2d door. ; Wu ; ;
y ANDSOMELY furnished rooms , 223D Dodge
yoo Di
T710RRiNT"A , ; Inrpo front , furnished loom
is JU thici ) largo windows , furnace heat , bath
olcctrlo llgnt , Ucntlemen pioforrcd. 202
d llarney. MiIQ37
i- LAROHsouth room with alcove and close
conveniences , motor , cable ; 2030 llurtst ,
- U28 M
o- room , modern convcnloneu
I. ' 1701 Capitol avu. 775
UOO5IS light housekeeping. 1228 N 20th.
w FOR RUNT Furnished rooms ; gasbath am
a- Btoam. 1519 Howard. 370
TTUIRNISlini ) rooms , steam heat. 017M
JU lath st. 3U7-tI
OUJlKNT-runiUhcd rooms , 1000 Uonsla
T710R KENT-Two nicely furnished fron
JU rooms. 2010 Davenport st. 207
TTtUKNISHED rooms , steam heat , 2315 Doits
JD las. 370-11
NIGEIA" furnished rooms , flrst-class labl
board , The Mcrrlani,23th and Dodge.S29
S29 !
ut v _
NIOE funiUhcd front rooms with use c
plnuo. GUN. 18th. 185 W *
T710K UKNT-A largo funilshcd front roon
JL1 down stair , south front. In private IIOIIEI
Uhoitp rcntul. 1510 Howard bt , MliU-30 (
ad FortnfM , etc. , ten < ri of first columu on thlr jxip
icr . " | 71URNISIir.H rooms for rent , single or I
30. . X' suit with boaid. Home comforts : steai
, heat ; reforcuciw. 1721 Dodge st. M417-2 !
TOl'RNIPIIED front m > m for rent , modui
JL : convculcucos ; board ; 2207 Douglas tt.
OOM and hoard JI.OO , 1712 Douglas street.
d MU12-
TT1OK RENT Furnished room suitable f (
JU two with table hoard , im N. 10th st. : ilO to
17OOM und board , also table board. 301 foul
lint JU2.1th ' *
nt avi'iiuo. Za 28
IrtlTlCNISIIKI ) rooms with board ; reforonoi
1n 1 2214 1'uriiam. ie : 2 < i'
CK.27 NICELY fnnilshcd front parlor with JKX
board : ull modern conveniences. UIO N 171
fJIOR RENT Nicely furnUhcd roon * , stcai
JU gaa and bath , with or without board , 17
V23 Davenport. ; CM *
ST. OLA1K L'uropcan hoUl.wlth dining root
ateiim bout Iu nil rooms , 13th uud Dodg
Special rates by week or month. 2il
good board , .nice , rooms , modern eai
FOR , rates and location , the I'ullmi |
bouse. U10 Dodge St. , cannot bo excelled.
.Fur rut , rt fop of flnt cou un thl * jxij
tvo T71NrG AOESlF.NTS to Uo (1 ( rossma king In fain
' . JUHossolicited , iltss Sturdy , 610 liarnor 9
r -
Foil HKNT--1100MS
tor rcitto , rte. , net top ot fnt column mi
TOOK UBNT Suit of'lVnflirnlsiiocrr
J' fondly without children , 1'rlco 110.20. ITOl
Webster M , _ M W'j
TOOK KKN I 3 unfurnlilMHl rooms , 2H > N. IStli
J-1 St. M 7.W
/'or Yilf , rtr. , me lop of Jlnsttolitmii on llil *
TOOK RENT Rrlck warehouse , two slorle4
J-1 high , basement , liyilrutillo elevator , track-
ago ! best locution In the city. A. 0. Powell.
TOOK KENT llrlok vrnroliouso , two storM
J-1 nnd basement , 27XW ( squnru foot , with IW
feet of double track 1111 U. P. Hallway , South
20th mill I'lrrco streoU. Address C. Oskamp ,
Omaha. jN'cb. ! ! S4
Foil KtitVl s'lOUIitJA.N I ) Of'FICICS.
I'urratei , trc. . we ( oi oAfliyt fujiiiniinu IfiN
fPO RENT After January 1 , store und flat
.1 nti ( f , Kith st. Enquire atM Ilroun
bide. I1..J. Kendall. tl-JT DM
ITIOlfKENT I'oToUlee orstorc , SOS SoiiYfiiatU
JL' si. 2M ! ; : 3d *
TOOK RENT or Salo-I'lno. heavy brick five-
J ? story corner warehouse with most contiiil
trackage 1n city ; DOOM are iir : > 00 square fectl
BtringcrA : I'oiiny , Itiirkor block. 1M
TOOK UKNT The 4-story "brick ImlldMB.wltli
-L or wit limit power , formerly occupied bv the
Itco Publishing Co. , omrurnamst. The buildIng -
Ing has a IIro proof cemontbasoincntcomplete
Kloam heating fixtures , water on all the Hours
gas.olc. Apply at thoollicoof Thti lice. Ul.'i
tiTOItKSat'OOHlfith. 20.MH ) onrli , lunto show
rjwlmlows. stenm lioiit fiuiilsliou , 'ihos. r.
Hall , ail l'i\tonllk. ) ttSJ
LOGIC HERE Winter jsconnni ? , there. area
few ( 'doll olllcos for rent In the
lild'g , with flrxt das * hoatlng and best of clc-
vator services. Inquire 1'rnnh J. Katngo
For ratet , tte , vfctnpoffiitt cojiimii on I/it / * page
WANTED Two or thrro turnlslicd or un-
furnlihort rooms for housekeeping. Second
end floor preferred. Address W. 41 , lleo.
Vorralet , rte. , tee. tup of fill column on Mil *
STOKAOK The best In city , clean , dry , safe
and privately ctoiod at reasonable terms
Oniuha Sto\o Repair Woiks , 1207 Douglas. Tel
WX ) . W2
rpKAOICAGE storage nt lowest rates. W. M.
JL llnshinati , 1.111 Leavonworth. 285
STORAGE nnl Truckagc-lJavld Colo. 813
flir Howard Bt. . Till
For ratfK , etc. , netop of first column onthli
STAR Lund & Loan Co. Itual estate , loan
and liisui-anL'c rental agency , | (75-rtl ( ?
LlbT your houses with the Itoal Kstato In
formation bureau , 17 Itourd Trade.
ail n 20
B.IREV i llro.rcntal nseuta.SOJ N.Y.LIfu
TT E. Cole , rental
LIST your liousc to soil or rtfnt with C. V.
Uiirrlson. Dll N. V. Life. : 1
FarratfA , etc. , sccliipof first column on f/if / jviji
MASSACiE bath at Madam Smith's parlor-
. 007 S. 13th st. , iio\t Harkcr hotel. IllOIK
OMAHA Kcnclii ) { Academy N. V. l.lfo
, bulldlntr. bii oiiient. loom " ( J. " Houlth
niiilplcaiuro eninblnrd. Kvurclso advised b
; the medical fratoinlty. Now H the time to
arratii ) for lessons , slnsly or In pairs.
1'ascliiatUis sport. L'rof. Engol. B1104-28
M'nlpnnil hair troatniont , inanlcuro anil
chlropodUt. Mrs. 1'ost , It 20-3 1 , Wlthnoll hilt.
LADIES & emits to buy the IMiiinor rocllnliis ;
chair ; uiisurpussed forcotufort. : ! 2 ! N. t.itb.
rpYI'BWKITKKS for rent or sale. Stonosr-
JL raoherti supplies. J.l'.Mcgoalli , 1007 I'liriiain.
: il5
DON'T fortot Jos. I' . Mcscath , 1007 Tarnum ,
st. . when you want to buy , runt or sell u
typott rltrr. 7J
TTl'llOf-STERING and mattrosics rcnovatud
U IKUt N IStli. R. I'cter.son. 713-d 1
, MASSAGE , Madum DeUier , over 010 H iith. :
402 US *
. Fctmtci , tic. , ret top of Jit it cnlumn on Utts
7TOUND Gold pin ; owner can have same by
J callliiR and paying for advertisement , ol
- T7TT A Co. , l.rili-151S ( I'arnam stieel. 351-1 I
' T AKKN III' Ijiirgo loan cow , North 21st and '
Uurdctte. 3ffi 2 *
SAMFuitNrrunis KTC.
- Foi ratfs. etc , , toe top of fi ) t commit < m d ! < pip.
OI'I'ICE furnlturo for sale cheap , leaving
the city ; also an elegant mink ,
otter trJmmed. 023 New York Life. iliU 2S
, POH svijKiioisisAUONSKTO. : .
Ferrates , etc. , fee top of Jliitculnmn on this papfc
OI1EAP for cash , good work horse , double
work harness , nearly new , set double driv
ing harness , large faun wagon , high box. ,1.
li. Klcp , Vli N. Y. Llfo. | ! G.'ljJ7 *
FOR SALE OrTiado-A first class family
coupc.IiKiulry of C.L.Erlckson.'JOU N.lGth Ht.
1J10H SALE Horse , buggy and harness , A p-
. JC ply to McCord .llrady & Co. j/KI /
FOR SALE .10 horses nnd marcs , cash or
tlmo. Prices from $15 to &KW. Would ex
change some of them for Omaha real estate.
W. T. t-uamanOmaha's largest variety wagons
undcarrln K es. JU7
POR SALE Pine horsn for family can Inpo
or ladles'dilvlni ; ; not afraid of anything.
1318 Douglas st. ail : jo *
20 TT'OH ' SALE Cheap , a new Columbus side
JL bur buggy used but ono month , must ho
sold soon us owner Is leaving the city. Can be
et seen at the Omaha boarding and livery hum.
corner of 14th and Howard sts. Xl-3i *
ITIOR SALE-Dolivery wagon. 15T,7 N. Wth st.
: J - M ( iQO-lia *
WOHK horse } GO. two horse wagon $20. dou
ble work harness ? I5 , Or will trade for a
good light sldo bar uuggy. II. E. Cole , Contl-
id nontal block. 273
FOR SALE 3 ( rood work teams. Inquire at
0181'axtou bile. 38"
Formte * , etc. , tet fop of Jit at column ontfitt p
lit A KEW largo round Imso humors , slightly
Xuscd , good 0.1 now , must bo closed out in
next ten days , see them at oiieo. 1'rlces cut
5- but little llguro. Omaha Steve Repair Works
1207 Douglas. .MJIi-l
ilo FOR SALE cheap A 10 horse power Now
York safety steam engine In first class
& * condition. Fcbtnor Printing Co. , 1307 Howard
NEW callgraph , prluo reasonable , R U > , Dec
odlco. m
Forratet , ttc ttt lop nf fnl cohiwui onthtt 1x139.
u. -
\A7ANTED To buy on monthly payments
T T house and lot Iu south part city ; also fui
cash bu > er C5-foot cor. on Leavcnworth st
In Waterman & lloall. ti20 I'axton liloclc , ; i7' ' iu
o 'VITANTED I have a customer for a 10-roon
T V house , all modern Improvomcuts , inns
iru he well Qulshed : will ussunm Inouuihranccs i
necessary. M. G. Muclcud , U15 N. Y. Llfo bide
T71UKN1TUKC. household goods , etc. His
jp cash price. Wells , 1111 Kamam. 3ii
for ECOND hand typewriters. J. P. Mcgenth ,
* 1007 I'lirnam St. , Omuha. 773
Ith \\7ANTED Horses , wagons , eto , to sell a
T l auction every Tuosduy und rlday , 10 a
in. Pioneer stables , 13th , between llurney nnc
Howard. 3U7-IU
ANTED-IIorso and buKgy. W J. Paul
7th 1G031'urnum. UI8
t'orrata. ttc. . teetopof Jlrst column on Utupaoa
U makos.bough. . c-
changed , routed. J. 1 > . Moueath , 1CU7 Tar
nam street. _ ills rid
Jn- BO. WHEELER , general stenographer am
i u notary. Depositions and court work idS i
specialty. Tel , 1&1 , room 1003. N , Y. Life Hide
! S8.n :
Forratre. ttc tti toy of fnt column ou Hit * ragt
Ist. I- TTIHBD MOHLE louns money on diamonds am
st. JLJ wutchesJewelryutc.S.E.cor. I'ltrnaiuMHL
For ratct. rte. , tet lovvf fotnmn an tint jna
ONKY lo lonii on litnrovel ( ( eltV pronVrty
at current rntMfUIKU onJiandj no delay.
Gco. r'Ultlst Jtfo.,1 gojljt igoVililg. lK .dl5
STAR Lund .V Loan t > l-Ueiil osUto. loans
and Insnrnnco-'fcnfOfeagriicy. ti7j-dl7
BUiriDINemoans- '
made on eholco city property at lowest
rules. Snn oM , MaiMtpwnrtl9 jierferred.
Klniball , OhiitftlKV Ryan ,
1205 rnrfflUu street , & 00-D13
MON1JY" loaned at loMrates on furniture ,
horses , Ac. , wlthotilillubllelty. Hawkeye
luvestmentCo , Ul DuugUs blk,19lh and Do < Uo.
( i f' Ull >
WANTEf- conUioal estate loans. 0.
I * . Harrison , 012 N. V. Life. 317
MONKY to loan on second mortgitcp. W. S
Wynn , Room ! M Omaha NaU Uk. Itl'da.
\A7ANTii-Flrst-cIass : ) Inside loans. Lowest
latos. Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. . l.Vl ) raraqm , iltU
MONKV to loan on Improved and vacant
piopeity , Lowest rate. C. J. Caswell , Sin
N. Y. Life. IIVI 1)24
MONEY to loan by R. P. Masters on chattel
and collateral securities for any time from
ono to six months In any amount tostttt bar-
Loans ntudn on household goodn , pianos , or
gans , horses , mule . houses , leases , warehouse
u-colpts , etc. . at the lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removalof property.
My loans are no nrnmsed Hint you can make
n payment of any amount at uny tlmo and ro-
dueo both principle and Interest.
It you owe a balance on your prdporty or
have a loan you wish changedI will p-iy It of !
nnd carry It for you. If you Und It more con
venient" , call up telephone No , IfiJl and your
business will ho arranged at hoino.
Money always on hand. Nodolav. Nopub-
llelty , Lowest rates.
H. 1. Masters ,
Room MVHhiioU bile. , 15th anil llarnoy sts.
OHEAl1 eastern inojicy
I'lilludelphla Mortgage and Trust Co. .
always ready to loan and pav promptly ; first
mortgages wanted. George . I' . Coatcs , rep
resentative , room 7 , board of trade. 20J
iuKfc Loan Co. Real estate , loans
and Insurance--ontal agency. U75-dl7
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of } IO to
$1,000 ; get onr rates before borrowing and
save money i loans on horses , furniture or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loans , renewal of old and low
est ratcsoall R. 203 , Sheely blk.,15th & Howard.
BUItiOINU loans , fito7 tier cent ; no addi
tional char-'os forcommlssioiiornttorney's
fees. W. U. Melklc , First National bank bldg.
i * lil"
T > EAL Estate Loans Cash on hand. Olobo
Ji Loan & Trust Co. . 307 S. IGth st. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent , coed list.
OE. & O. M. ANTHONY. 31 $ N. Y. Life bulhl-
Ing , loud money on farms In choice comi
ties ot Nebraska and lowi ! also on good
Umnha residence property ; lowest rutoss best
terms ; no del'iy : money icady. Titles and
values paused on here. 1101
MONEY to lonnou any security
for short time. t low .
rates , lamest rat us
on personal pioperty.
The Henderson MoitKUge Investment , Com-
pany. room 401 , I'aMo iblk.
OHATTELbank , JltllS.l'.th st. , loan ? money
onchnttelsorcollatcral at reasonable r.ito *
FIlftT * second mortta-jes vacant A' liu-
proved city prop. Ontmly warrants bought.
Monoyonliaml. P.M. KIAIiardson.SlSN.Y. I-tfe.
i'I ' 2J"
EASTERN money toloan , on city properly ;
mortgage paper bought. Il.liIreyN. Y.Llt'e ,
I : tll
CHATTEL loans at fan'est rates. Removed
to 024 N. Y. Llfo bids. J. U. Emmlngcr.
ao.- .
MONEY to loan on l-lty and farm property.
W. M. Harris , R3jriCnzer Ulk , opo. P. O
, \ fONEY to loan. Correspondents of Loin-
J-'l-buid Investment .pumpany. Shrlvur &
i. l-'renzor block. / . b91
Tor rnlw , etc. , schlep ofliff vuluptn n ( tiis paat
T7IOH SALR or cxchah'sl' , a desirable retail
J- stock of Iio6l8 and iliou.s , 'Inijirovetl ' imen-
cuiubered Omaua propuity would bo looUod
upon with favor. AdUiess WM , Beo'ofllce
Tmoit BALK or Trade For eloar Nubrnska
-L land , furniture and lease of one of the boh
: r -roorn hotels In Oiuahu : line location ; price
$4,500. II. E. Cole , 3U Continental block. i'JEISd
"I71OUBALE llolol men Inrestlsato. Athrce-
Jhtory bilok hotel of M rooms , Ina 4OJ ( live
town In eastern Kansas , has made a cnuijio-
teni-o for present owner. Address Hotel , bov
' ' " "rll"sto"-Kan- ms : M-
" 17MI1HT-CLASS clgnr store 011 Farnam st. ,
J- ! stock and tlxturos , only $1,500. Jlust bo
sold. ( ilt'ihlo terms given. Smoatun > S : Allen ,
IGOT'l'iirnaiiist. MIW-S"
EAT MAKKirr for .sale. 1'ltted up llrst-
chisj , In every particular. Good business.
Will bear the strictest Investigation. Address
lock hov 401) ) . Council llluirs. In. I04-tl I !
MAHA Itufilness Clnnicn-M..VW cash for
furnlluro and lease of u lirst elass J ! . . " > 0 and
J2.00 Oav hotel ; choice location , brick liulUlJiis
and icasonablu rent. J , L. lllco. OJ. N. Y. Life.
402 at *
FOlt SALK 33 barrel steam roller in I if
Thos. Crouch , Tokainuh , Nebraska.
7JU dll"
FOUSALK AtaUiirgaln , VJ29 on Daven
port , near 17th , ouo block from now post-
ollleovory cheap , J20.0W ; Mxiau c < ) rnor 2UOi
and Purnam , S3J.OOO. O. L. Green , room W ,
Darker block Qrt4
WANTED A conipetont nowstpupor man
with live or six thousand dollars in Cusli
orsncurity , to tnko cliargo of the Democrat ,
as 1 have Important business that will jeciulro
my tlniu oiv a and south for the coming your.
We will pay tlio right kind of a man a nloe
salary. Recommendations required. Address -
dross W. R , Viiuglum. Omaha. Neb , MI1U N : iO *
OMAHA Hn-slness Chanco-Jl.SOO cnsh will
puichasu furniture and lease of ui7-rconi :
modern Hat ; fine looittltVu ; rooms all rented ;
o\tia chance for some ono. J , L. Rice , 1)22 ) .V
Y. Life. 402 2fc *
FOR SALE Ono steam power grain elevator
building with brick addition and ollluo
building , complete , uud all personal property
therein , situated ut Hastings , Nebraska ; onu
frame horse power grain elevator building ,
complete , and all personal propcrtv then-Ill ,
antt four corn cribs , situated at Inland , Nt-
brasUa ; onu frame borne power olovntorbuild
ing with frame office , complete , with all per
sonal property therein , and four coin cribs
and the land on which the t-amu are situated ,
being about ono icre. moro or loss , sHunted at
Rrlctou. Nebraska : tills property is sold under
orderof the court : bids to bo made for cash
and may bo made for oie | , two or all of said
elevators ; must bo iiiIdrfMed to Robert E.
Koot , receiver , Denver , Colorado , boxl'aia ; nil
bids to ho onened Decembers , and to ho huh-
loctto thoapprovaLof Die court. Robert E.
Foot , receiver. Dated , Denver , Novembers ,
, 1890. 8121)4
RESTAURANT for icut or sale. T. Murray
ll'.O. ° 77
Forratei. of 'tbtK ' column mi thin one * ! .
CLEAN Mock of > 4mreliundlso to traflu
'or laud and b' cuslun < Addicss W52.1km.
i > MJlg-DK
TT1OR EX01IANOE I'ttn a tli-st-class piano
JL ; equity In "lot 5. bloalU , llaker pluce. Ad-
dicbsbox 431 , Central UUlT , Neb. , M3S3-3 *
WANTED A her Q. rnmro Iu part pay
ment toward a wagop/ir carriage. W. T
teaman , Omaha's lar Kfvarloty wagous am1
carriages. mt- > 3) ;
WANTHD-To tradd/'cioloo ploco Onialu
business propenjf on 24th street forlni'
proved Ouiuba resldeiifb'property with modern
orn conveniences. lI.E.'lColc , 23 Contlnenta
block. * l i y.
FOR nXOHANOE 1C acres well improved
land and two busluesslots forstoukof fen
! eruliavrchandlso ; lunhvaiu preferred I' ' )
lleo. U71 Us
EXCHANGE Two west Leavonwprtl
st. lots for house uud lot , O. J , Ouswcll. 01 *
N. Y. Life. UK ) 3
EXCIIATsGE-Tvyoquartcrsectlons of olra
Nebraska -land und some cash for coo (
Omuha Improved property. George J , I'nul
1C09 I'urnam. , a33-2
* *
- - 00x132 on DodKO near S5th , (0,000will ; ax
change for residence further out. U. F. liar
risou , 012 N. Y. Life. U50 . ft
a TO TRADE A six-room house and barn to
Rood team or lot. Inquire GUI Vlckepborn
aioNJsthst. bis to
fllO oxchnngo Iinprored property ncuf 8h r
JLiuunavc , , for laud or lots. tjJiuvr.atWBheul
blk. ) U71 '
idu. OR EXOUANOE-WO aero ranche. wttl
u. stock , for Keneral insilo , groceries orhaod
ware. Address V. 4,0. Doe. 715-27 *
Famttft.'etc.ej tnp eif trtt tiilnmn on fhti paai
T cbNTnovinTiiifE : Tncfs" that it win
JLuay every icsldent of Omuha to carefully
consider , and should have great weight with
every man who has any Idea of Investing In
ten ! cstntolii the city ot Omaha , now or In
the future.
Omaha bus a population of 142,100 ,
Omaha's bunds sell at u ptcmlum ot S ! { per
Omaha will have during 1990 and ' 01 ,
New Clly hall. tiOO.ooi ) .
New viaduct $ . ' , 'iOXlJ. (
Now union depot $100,000.
New brldsu tsuo.floa.
No i buildings 17,000,001.
New public works * ' 4)J.OI3.
Omaha has the largest railway purchasing
olllcc Hi the world.
Oiitnlm has fifty-two miles of paved streets ,
Omaha has ninety -live miles of cablemotor ,
nnd horse railway.
Omaha has forty-two handsomn school
building and 31.000 school chlldiou nud one ot
the bent school systems In America ,
OnmhuNhUnk deposits January 1.1SOX wore
orcr 110.000.100.
Omaha's bank clearings In 1SS9 were S18.VWO-
CKIO.Omaha's wholesale trndo In 1M9 amount od
OmiihnJms over 155 luantiincturlng estab
lishments ,
Omaha has the largest smelting works In the
world , *
2,3 > "i new buildings were vrcotod In Omaha
in Wi. Of the 24 lending ultliistif thn union ,
Omaha's pciceiitago of Indebtedness per cap
ita Is tlio smallest.
In tx-ef nnd pork packing , Omaha is Iho
thlnlcJty In thu union. More strangers are
necking locations In Omaha during the past
three weeks than In any iMiuiil period of time
during the paxttliieujears. Now Is thu time
for a thoughtful man to consider the facts us
above given and bear hi mind that there nev
er wasa tlmo Iu thu history of this city when
the outlook for Us giowth and ptosperllv In
every branch nnd line of business was better
t linn at present Remember that real estate
Is the foundation of all values and that there
N not u foot of ground In Omaha , that Is well
located , but that will Increase rapldlv In
value : mid also bear in mind that If you wish
to hccomcia partnnd parcel of tlioiriowtlinud
prosperity of this city , you should make your
Iincstment In estate now. The longer you
wait the moro you will pay. Them Is no tlmo
like the piesent. Woshnll hoplcus dtoscoynu
at ourolllce.nndcan thera show you thu choic
est nnd liost pioperty today for sale la [ the
city of Omaha. Wo havucompotont salesmen
luid every facility for showing property and
shall ho pleased to see vou at uuy time.
Aincw Real Estate Agency ,
1507 I'arnam stieot.
Olllcu open evenings. 345
1" OOIv a good lots Ji block fromJOth st. only
-Jf4"0each , $ M down , 4 blocks from motor ,
lliitchhison .t Wead. l',21 Douglas st. M7 27
ALBRIGHT'S Choice , Albright L. & L. Co.
M 375
. for east front. TiO foot lot 'In llanscom
$ place , with C room cottage. 0.1' . Harrison.
912 N. Y. Life. ! UJ 31
A LIJRIGHT'S Choice'621-2-1 , N. Y. Llfep
$3.000 for two east front lots on fowo ave. S.
of I'm nain. C. V. UiirrlsonU13 N. Y. Llfn. D
"K11NE piece of business property on Saun-
Jdni.Sfit. ? . , not far from Cumin ; ; , puitlally 1m-
KroTiMl , CO feet fronting cast , 411,000. C. F.
nrrUon. D12 N. Y. . ? 27
GUEAT HAltGAIN A $5.000 residence and
full lot nt Cnss und 4ind sts for tl,500.
Terms very easy. Inqulro of ownci' E. 0.
Merrill. 42nd and Cnss sts. M 133-DJO
ANTED To lease. 13 ncios of land with
iKJiiseon. suitable for gardening. Stnto
location and full particulars In-address to
W 44. Ih-o olllce. _ 353-36 *
for ' flue lot on Lowe nve. near Howard ,
fer. llairlson , 012 N. Y. Llfo. : t 20
A LliltlGIITS Choice , payn.cnts to suit.
-Ci. M U73
$4,000 private money to loan at 8 per cent , C.
IMIanUon. 012 N.Y.Lite , 229 20
ITilKL'REN. 1401 Douglas St. , sells Ifith st.
addition lots , WOO : Van Iteuien Heights.
$300. TorniH. MS cash. * ll ) monthly , S2.\IW , well
Improved , California bt. $7,500 , will tukesomo
trade. 143-30
$ ' . for homo oji Chicago st. noar25th. O.P.
Harrison. 012 N. Y. Life. C37
FOR SALE or Lease 47 feet east fiont bv
201 feet deep , alley corner , 24th and Cumlug
streets. Address Dean Schons , Dee building.
34 ! ) 1)21
< 7 ROOM uotta U , full lot. HilnScom 1'litce ,
east front und a great bargain for a few
days.Small cash n.iymcnt nnd balauco-on
Ions time. K. K. Durlln ? , U.irhur block. 1164
GOOD cottage uud ICI feel of gionnd on Cali
fornia near 22nd , J7.0UO. Will lakopart in
other pioperty. C. V. Harrison , H12 N. Y. Life.
$0,500 Only } ' .ft03 Dr. Chambers' residence
on lull and Utirdctto st. , owner going to
leave clly. Host bargain In Omaha. D. V ,
Sholos. sole agent , 313 1'li-st Nut , bank. M 030
A LltRIGHT'S Choice , money made rapidly.
A SNAP $2,731 will buy a nlco5-iootu house
and lot. with cellar , cistern , city water
sewer nnd barn , ccntrallv located ; terms
easy. 3.1) . Kittle , 014 N. Y. Llfo. 608413
LIFTONUU1 and linker 1'laco haiothe
motor , hut If you wiint a Kl.uou house and
fullcor.kit for $2.100 and u Si.OjJ house und
full lot for f 1,503 you cancel It on very easy
terms by callln-ion oraddresslng the owner ,
E.G. Men-Ill , 4:111 ! und Cuss sts. M 153-D 30
ALIJRIGHT'ti Choice , sieat bargains.M
M IJ37
DXSIRAIILE business lot on Pumam , not
furfiom37tlist. . Mi per foot. Will take
some jiinporty Iu exchange. O. r. Harrison.
012 N. Y. Life. KiC7 (
GJO.fiOO buys the Dr. CJmmbers rosldenco and
P TCturluuj-y barn on lllth and Hurdutto sin.
This is M.HW less than cost. D. V. Sholes. solo
iigout , 21J l-'u-st Nat. bank. M 930
ALHRIOIIT'S Choice , oahyoterms.
_ _ _ M375
BAST fiout onSOth near I'ujiploton , $2,700 , H
cash : the lolls graded. O. F. Harrison. Ul2
N , Y. l.tfe. B.V1 i7 !
ELEGANT residence In Konutzo I'bii ; " . )
looms finely llnisliud and all modtirn con
veniences ; Wlrt St. . near 20th. Can sell on
one-uaitcrcash ( | payment and balaitco time
to right party. This Is no cheap ulTalr of , a
house , but a coinforalilo homo in every sonic
and I n big 1 snap bargain. F , Iv. Darling , llarkur
It lock. .UVJ.1
CQxl.'Fj foot cust nnd south front , eor. 2Jrd and
JCHllforiila , JIM per foot. C. V , Harrison , JS
K. Y. J.lfe. y Jiil
T III K best coiner on upper Farnam street ,
frontage on 'A streets ; .sjileudld corner oji
I'armuii htrcet , close tocouit IIOUHMI bargain
cormir with truckage In H. 1' . part lit city
good icsldencc.saud low-prlcci ! collages , good
lots for hullding , jsome ILS low as $100 , jnnldi
acivs. farms and unimproved land.
Wo will sell any ot this property , of whlol
wn imrn entire control , ut prices way below
nhat you can buy at I'lsnwheio.
Stringer & roiiuy , Iturker block , 35th and
Faiuam. 183
"S Choice , me best trackage.
JO. M 375
WE buy , sell and exchange real ostHto
Jlargalns always on hand , Impioved
unlmurovca or ncicage. Houses sold ui
monthly payments , bucatoii & Alien , 10p'
Vaumiu , M1C4-IM
SHOLES to the trout. I have six elogaol
houses on 41th iin'J Karnain , with evei >
modern convcnlencb. Including gns and g
fixtures , now nearly readv for occupancy. St
tlipm and make your choice. 1'rlco , JX7.1Q t (
ti,3JO , J.'XiO to $50J cash , balance to suit at 7 pei
, , centlnterost
always ready to show
1OarrliiKo oustpmors
Furnam street motor within four blocks.
lluy a house quick , and take a hand In UK
grand shuttle. This Is straight goods. I ) . V
Sholo.s. 313 I'lrit National bunk. MftB. _
| 20 acres fine farm land udjotnln ; good Np
JL braska town : nearly clear.
100 ncics tlnoly improved land 2Vi miles fron
county scat JnNuhiHhka lightly onoutnbainu
' U'Oacros good land In Ncbniska , Dnillcs fron
county scut ; 2r > f > U Inhnbltants.
House and lot In town Jn Kansas ; clean
. Clear lot in gdod Nebraska town ,
4 room house-and lot , barn , well and clstcni
IGth street , Omaha ; slightly Incumbvred ; wl |
trade for Omaha property und assume Inouin
brauoos , U , E. Cole , Continental block , IN
A LimiOIIT'g Choice , sure advance.
O ELEGANT homes In Knuntzo place frru
t > } 5ooo to J0.500 : 000 cash , balance 4 years , ti
pertnonth , U per rent Interest , Other gooi
Homes In RjimoulIIMon to uxohaiigo for ell. !
property. H-room , ortem house. 2'S block
west ofi'ltlu on Oulo-'ell et _ for W.'M ) ; , f. %
cash , balance jao per month , Oner cent Inter
ost. J , J , Gibson , tolo agent , Kountze place ,
1EAL KBTATE Want a to build u hous
J-Vaud take horse uud bugcy , vacant lot , p
piano fur-pay. E. U , Merrill , contractor , 42n
and OagSBts. M 158II SO
A LHRlailT'S Uhoice , Juuctlou all rnllrouij
1IIE best lot on Hamilton and Lowe avoiuii
JL Enquire at'lUUH HuiulVtou at. SO"d'J :
/ IRRATBarKalu AtO.OtO reslflenco and V
VJon CJilCttgoundd nd forBaloitortho lueiio
brauec , $4UOO , for terms , etc. , sou W , W. BU
baugh , attorney , 010 N. Y. Life. Oil 2ii
I evin ItaUn
o lands across
I carry sweet.Sea.
As a cargo
clear as can be *
Made only by
I'orrat a , rte , , tee ( nj ) afflrmttiiltuan tin Hit *
" 171011 PAliK by Kvaiis No tioublu to show
tpinpoity. .
South fiont on Inko , nrar depot . J 1.0(1) ( )
South front in inth stndd . WW
2 cast fronts In 1'lalnvlen- . 1,2UI
Kast front Sanndi'iN st , , per foot . Si
Iot iH'uf.ltli on Itrlslol. Ahariraln. fc
South fronton .spatihlliiK , near Ulth . 1.2. * > 0
Eavt front , : cil ! ni'iir LoaviMiuorlh , tiues. " .MIO
Urnml corner , : ilst anil I'adlllo . 4,000
Pee Euclid I'lace and prlees.
See Kiiclld 1'laco and pi Icos.
See Kuolld 1'lnco and prices.
Tine CMS ! front , We-t Kml . 4.r,10
( Miolco corner , JCith nml la\enport . 5,0i)0 )
Cor. I.oiio avp , , 100 o front \l'M ' . 4,000
Lone UAO SCO my signs . 3IO (
Aero cor. , ( Jussand Il'ltli ' . H.jUO
East front lot , 1 mile- from 1' , O. , and 2
blocks fioji car and si'liool . 1,200
M ft east front , llanscom I'lace. with new
fi-i-oom coltiixe , bath , water ulo et . y.OM
Another with 2-storv , 7-ioom house ,
bath , water closet , etc A 1 . n , . ' > 00
A beautiful homo fine location , every
eonxenlence and luxury . 12.000
Cor. Kuriiaiii and 20th . lill.OiK )
for. on iN'Ifholns , with trarkiiffo . 7..VX )
4-slory bilclt wiirolmuso and truckage. . Ilt.Oill
CoM'tlhand .laok > on . 20,0110
Cor , ! ! 3th and Lcavenworth , with -store. . II.IHIO
: i UliOHt corners In AVnlnul . . .JI.HOO niul 2,000
MO to IWi f I on Hurt , near lilt Ji , \ \ Ith llnu
t iocs , per foot . ! W
Throughout the clty l have the best prop
erty and ollVr It on terms that cannot be
cqimllua. Oall , J. U. Evuim , 03 N. V. Life.
RIGGS Plueo-fl5 of tin ) choicest lots In
HrlRKi 1'lnro , positively the bo-st In the ml-
( lltlnn for location , price , terms and future
value. To any responsible man who wishes to
liurchiiho a lot of us la this addition mul ulll
aKrooso liulld thcieon u Hiiltablohousu. with
in u certain time , and has money enouuh him
self to do ho. wowlllpull his ehoico of those .V >
lots without , n payment to us of one. dollar In
cash , and after the huiiM ) Is llnlslioil we will
irlve him u deed for the lot and tultua Ions
tlmo mortgage to secilro our pnyinciit. 'l\i
those on the othur hand , who wish u > buy their
lots wltlioutany iicreeinoiil as to building , we
will sell their cnotee of our Tf > lots upon n com
paratively small cash payment nml KlvotmHt
liberal terms upon ilefened pavmohts. We
liave tlie choicest line of lots to oiler on thcso
exceedingly lllieral terms that can be found
In any olhce or In the Hands of iinyonu In the
city of Omaha. ThlslsaHpeulal announcement
because we have an especially good line of lots
to oll'er on especially easy terms and If you I
to InvestlRittu those statements' we shall I
Ottbed tohavo you dote ut any limn as
this advertisement Is mudo to state only Tacts
whicn wo will demonstrate to you whenever
you RVO ! us the oppoitunlty : In other words
we menu that these Ki lotsnre lust whatthey
nro raprcsentcd to bo and that the prices rang
ing from $1,5110 to # 2. ! > CO are \ ery low and morn
than that feome of the very choicest lot are
only held at l , 00 , JJ.OIKI and KAW. and whoa
you look tha ground over and M'O the grow tli
of this locality and the class of houses that
are constantly belns built there , .you will
nereo with us in our statement tlmt no one
ulso has nn emmlly line line of Itrlegs L'lucn
property on larnam. Dou las , Dodco and
othorHtrcuts , Karnnin street being paved.
Oflluu open evenings.
Amos Heal Estate Aeouoy.
1007 l''arnam street ,
Bole Agents.
1 acre corner 30th and Cass $ R.COO
1 acre West Omaha 10.000
6 acres on N. inth street 10,010
10 acios on N. Hith street
a acres on Commercial street
2 acres on C'ommeiclal street 8,001
10 nciuon Snunders Vitrcot l.vnio
10 acics on t'ass street Jl.noa
5acres north of outli Omaha fiXiO (
lOacres north of KoulhOmaha U.UUO
40 acieson HCIIKOII street railway
1'or aeruago Invobtmuntbcall on J. It , Evans ,
II08N. V. Ufo. M41B-38
TLEGiVNT 8-room modern bilcK house , on
monthly payments. J. L.
W3 27 *
LOT InDiipont 1'hieo Owner icply , II. U.
I icy & llro. . 30(1 ( N. Y Life. 1M4 L'7
ALURIGUT'S Choice , 10 per ccut cash.M.i75
M.i75 :
$ : i.000fora desirable little homo. 31th and
Poppleton. C. F. Harrison. 012 K. V. Life. D
TIIOR BALE or rent-IB feet trout with butld-
JLing of .11 rooms. Apply ut the 'premises
MS S. 12th St.
Also 22 foot on cor of Chicago nd 13th. Apply -
ply at 318 South 13th H. 31Q-n27
STAJC Laud & Loan Co , real estate , loans
und Insurance rental uiicney. U75-dl7
$ f)00pcr , front foot forbulldliic site on I-'nr- -
nam not far from the city hall , O. V. Harrison
risen , U12 N. V , I.lf u. 3.11 I'd
" 13U.StNF.SS i'roporty I have ooncliidod to
JJoller the biillrtlnj and lot between the N.
lr. l-lfo and Jlorso's forsnlo at tliti low prlon
of $50,000 , now paying over I ) per cunt on this
Usuru with front halt of 'lrd Hour vacant.
This property is worth KB.OOO. David O. I'at-
toison. 1. > 11) ) Barnaul. UI2 3D
I IIAVn In Mnrno I'lace , on : i lh and ICith
: sts. , between Leavonwoithand I'aclflosti. ,
i for sale , with no cash payment , to responsible
puitlcswho will build. It Is n line location
Klcguntlots with abundance of shaclo troeu
E. A. Henson , 412 N. Y. l lfo. SU'IU
5 room house , lot33.YS2. JI.700.
0- room house , stable , lot : U'/Jxf > 2 , J2.000.
Ilriok house , and American house , lotCOvOiN.
H. corner 10th and Douglas. Unuulio 2121 H
lltu. ill
Forrnta , tic. , tie. top < / flint cuUiiiin fin this vauf.
' M RS. STEVEU Is giving best success of
. . uny fortune tqller Iu the clly , b'ho dors
not deal iu any fraud. Her terms ale I ho.low
est. 40tf N. Kith , ad iloor. M410-27 *
rilHEMIssos Eddys are through with their
! J. vjtcutlon and ready for bnt-Iuess. Tlio
only sister clairvoyant nnd trancu medium In
the city ; massage treatment u special 11 ! * ' .
Jt 7 , Uniuusu blk. W414 ; *
AUKIVED Clalrroyiint. natural ! } gifted ,
telU past and future , love troubles , ab
sent friends , changes , travels , business , Satis
faction given. Mrs. Wallace , iu < M Fauumi ut.
- *
_ _ _
T EIL Clay ton , ulntrvoyitiit. can liy her will
JJpowcr grant any roiiuost. 314 N. loth strcut.
ai72j *
s. NANNIE Y. VVARRUN , ciairoyn t
runce.'MponklnK , writing and sellable bim-
Incbs medium , 4 years in Omaha , liu N , Kith ,
_ ; _ _ _ Ulll
T\rABSAGE. Madam 'DcUler ' , ever 010 S nth.
i'Jk 402 d2 *
, etc tee top ot Mnt tnlmn on tltli JKI
CIS M PIBS II , J , 'Miles , experienced teachers of
td voice culture , pupil of Madam Jlklnu Hall
tdy lioston , Mass. Itoom M'j ' , Urowu bnlldlng , cor
ks Jitn ( and Douglas ittieoU. so D31 *
ir- IIKOItn Inlying u plnnnamlno the now
> calo Klmuall pIuuo.A.Hospc , 151U Douglas.
! )2J )
rj EO. P. GELLEXUEC K.lettcht.rot the '
se O wlthllospe. 151U Doiiglus.
ROl' , Chiis. Pertersen , piano , orriui. violin
JL ilttier , vocal iiutructlonn . M.VSheely lilk.
fenatfi.etc , , teeitiitf Hr t cotuini ontkli' '
lot BEST Line hair /nods In west ; hulr dressing
wltrs , swltchobangb , hair ( -11111111 , eto. , u
u- BDotaully. Itav'eu , hulr toods und ni'tllliiei
opposite posto/Jcc , 111 S 15th si , Ouiuhu. 200
iiousicsYI.TI - : KII : > .
l-ciiatettlr.rtet < > i > rifjiirt niltominn thli
HORHHS tnkeu for the w InTer wli h ono faill
feed of grnln per day nnd plenty of hny , J5
pertnonth. Good earn ulll bo taken of them.
Lome horse with N. E. Dllltunee , stuliles4U
i 17lli st. Telephone Si. ) MS31
| JOHSnS wlnlervd. Wo have the best no-
II oommooallons hi the state for wlnli'rliiR
horses. Hov or single stalls , with paddock ,
Apply to Wlnd < or. Kemp A Co. , 20.1 Now York
Llfn tilde. , or to OhrU Novlns , at tlio Unlilcs ,
Ir\lngton , Neb. J1RI4
I . | ( R.T.S wintered No better place to win-
Iterhoises than the Stlllwnler stock futiii ,
Vt. IJnlhoun , Prices low , best care. H. .1 ,
Kendall , propr. . roomUOC , lliown bldg.Omahu.
; - > 7l ( IU
OUPES wintered at Oinahn fair grountls.
lean wlnlcr.300 horses , each horse husii
largo warm hoxstull , feed all thn grain tlio
owner wants largo yards for oAerOtsnlu flna
wcatlior. A. Thomson. M3 ! l N30
r.ATiis lore.
Fnr ralrt , etc. , tee top i > f first icltiinii mi l/ifn /
" ] \Ilrrf LE RI'E gives massage treatments ,
J.JI. lJOl ( ! Ditvenpoitstreet. M3834i ! <
rASdAUH , Madam UeJrlor. over U109 l.'llli.
L 402 t2 ! *
7"hr rntet , etc , ice fop of fnt ro'iinm ' on r/il / ( ugj.
l ATKNT lawyers * solicitors , O.V. . Sues ft
Co. , lleo building. Omaha , llrnneh olllcu at
ii. D. U. Consultation free. HI8
ffli , tie. , ore ( op ( / first column on
1 > ENHINS-Tht > Cllnenian I'ciinlon Agency ,
21 Ktunrtir block , Inforiiutlon fr o 'U
lor ruljlfo P
Office of Slate Hoard of Printing ,
LINCOLN , November 15th , 1 JO. ]
NOTICE TO lliiini-.itH.
Reulcd Jiroposals will be received at rtny
tlmo on or befoio two o'clock p. m. of the ptli
day of December , A. D. ih'W ' , for the printing
of all bill for thn legislature with such mut
ter us may be oidured bj' either house thewot
to bo printed iu "hill form" which Is shown
and designated as class onol ) UIICKIItheprlnt -
Ing law sot thcxtutoof NebriiKkH ,
! Kor the printing and binding In paporeoviers
of ono thousand (1.000) ( ) eoplcn uach ot the lilm-
nlal reports of the audltorof public accounts ,
tioasuier , secrolary of state , und commission
er o' public lands nnd hulldlngnaiid ; live hun-
died ( MO ) copies eneli of thu biennial icpurlgnt
Urn attorney general , fiiiperlnteiidont of plih-
llo instruction , stnto libraiinn , and adjutant
general ; and all other it-ports and Uoonmejitfl
that may be ordered printed by the
tuie , except , such as may rater Into mid form
a part of the journals , which class of work Is
known and designated us class three ( > t ) under
the printing laws of Nubnisku.
The bill work , executed under class ( me ,
hall be printed in small plcii typo on paper
out teen (14) ( ) inches long by eight and one-half
b ! { ) Inches wide , single page , paper to ho '
wenty-clght (28) ( ) pounds double cup to tlio
earn , and except the title pane ; each pujro
hall contain not less than twciity-llvo K25) )
I lie ) of Milld mutter of seven (7) ( Inchon In
eugth and the lines-shall bo > > uccchsl\ey |
lumbered , with a. blank only In each space lio-
weon the lines.
The title page pf said bills shall contain not
ess than eighteen < 1B ) lines as above , with
hree (31 ( Inches additional space allowable for
display title matter.
Each bid shall state what thn bidder Is wili
ng to do the work complete foi , put1 page , for
uo hundnul C.'OO ) copies of each hill ; also the
n-lco for additional hundreds that may ho or
deu-d of the sainohlll at the same I line as Ih
iilglnal (2001 ( , Including rumpusltlou , paper >
) ress work * stitching , folding , mid nil worker ,
miti-rlal entering Into the work inquired.
All workoxeculed under class onu shall ho
Icllvcied in good ardor by thecontiacturlo
lip olllce of the srcrotsiy of sliito wllhlu
Jiroo days utter the receipt ot the order 'by
said contractor from the chulrninn of the
-ommllK-o on printing , iu either brunch oftlio
All work executed under class three (3) ( ) Hhall
Jcprlnted In long primer , brevier and nnnnii-
rlel type , on paper to bo nlno Inches longny
six \fi ) Inches wide , slnglo puge , pupi-r to lie
'orty-flvo ' (45) ( ) pounds to the roam , oi twoirtv
four l > y thlrtylx , whlto Ixiok. Each bid
mder class three shall state what the bidder
s willing to Uo the work complete for , per
> ago , on each report or Item In the .clas-s , | a-
Indlng composition , paper , press work ,
stitching , folding , and all work or material
emetine Into thu noik required. Galley and
Higo pioof'iuust ' be furnished when required
jy thcolllcoisof thu executive department or
ihe chairman of the committee on Printline In
either branch of the ! oglsatuio. | Work when
completed to bo dellvoied free of oxpensuat
the state house.
Pioosals | for work on oaoh of the ubovo
classes will not ho cunstdoied unlosstlie Siuuo
bo accompanied by a bond iu the Hum of llvo
thousand ( f.r > , UHilollar.s ) with two or inoreRuie-
lies : that Incuse tlio party pi-oposlng for such
coutract shall be uwarded thosum such putty
will , wlthlnflve (5) ( ) tliiyt , i fl.ur the uwai-d to
him of sneh contract enter Into bonds fnMho
faithful perfoimanoo thui-cof , as piuvlded by
law und the tern.sof these proposals.
Proposals shall ho marked , "Proposals for
Public Printing" and addressed to the tiln :
board nf printing. In caiu of the faecivtarjr of
state , Lincoln , Neb ,
Contracts on class ono ( I ) , n.s ahovo specified ,
will bo awarded us a whole.
Contracts on olat-s tlno (3) ( ) . as nlmvo speci
fied , will ) mi\vi.rdd In wholuurln part us thu
board may eloct.
families of the work to bo oxuuutcd uii/ler
class one (1) ( ) , and thico W , may bo seen ut the
ulllce of the tcciutary of stute.
Contracts on ubovo ( one (1) ( ) , ana
three (11) ( ) . to mil two (2) ( ) yeaistiom Deoamhcr
The istate printing boaid iescrv.cs the rfyht
to reject any or nil bids.UUK
Hccierary of i-lato.
Auditor of 1'uhtlc Account.- ) ,
J. E. HIM , .
State Uojid ot Printing.
To the Stockholders ot the Ogulalhi Lund
and Oattlo Co. : Notlro Is luircby given Vliat
the annual jiioxUng 01 the bloi'Ulu > llfrs | of the
jiilull.i Lauil uud Catti | ) ( 'ompuny wilt ho
held at tbt ) company'H olllco , No. XlDhouth 14th
street , In the city of Omaha , Neb. , on Wednes
day , December Uid , MM , ut U o'cloolc ( > . in. , for
tlio oleetloii of dliectors for thooiihulng ytsar ,
und the transaction of such ether buslnoiji as
may come beforu the meeting.
November 17 , 1WK ) .
ulSdli.t Josut'ii 1'itAKK , Secretary ,
Dr.Dirnoy cures ciltiirrji. Boo bldg
Tickets at lowest riitOB uiitl BU pprlor
necomraolntoi , ! 8 via the grout Jlodc
Island route Tiokot ollico , 1W)2 ) Six-
tconlh nnd Farnam streets Oumho.
Dr. T3irnoy euros catnrj'lii Ceo bljlg.
13. O. Ilulfitcad htiH boon bound ovpr to
the district court in tlio sum ot 8-7(1) ( ) ( or
{ jnind larceny. IIo is making tv de ior- )
utu olTort to fa id iihondBinuu to keep liliii
out ot jail , hut tlioro IH tipivirently u
short crop of $700 frionda.
Dr. Birnoy CUVCB witurrb , D o bldg.
1 1 oi-s font's Acid
Hocoiumcndcd by
at all scliopls , lot tlio brain , pervcs an/
stomach. _ _
Dr. Birnoy euros uta"tu'lil Oeo bid ; ?