Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Opcni Wink and Lowar But Kc-
vivts Under Good Demand ,
Onts Itnlhcr Dull-Provisions Qulcl
JUut Klriu nt Ycstcrtlay'H I'rleen
-Live Btuuk nml I'l-
nnnolnl ,
CilirAOo , Nov. 20. IPooclal Tclosrnm t (
THE ln.c.l The market for \\liciit ( yicncil
woiik nml ticiirly Ic liclow jcstorilny's price
M > ciuool nnd oilier forulRn ntl vlco * wcro of i
tjiiiet.not iinfitvoniblo chnractur , out coin
murcliil troubles-Ill vnrlous ii.irtiof tliocoiin
try , lotttTiirlccifiirsttocks In Now York uni
tliu kssi'ncil conflilcnc'o in the Bltiiatlon In
dticccllarRO scIlliiR , McCorniluld 1'oold Hry
nut nnil ttlicrs ( ! tttln on tlio ninrkut heavily
wlillolltitclilntoiiilld Ills DcU to support It
Mny oiipntil ut } 100 . sola to $1.01. liroko ti
ll.OO'i ' , niiddii bclli'rliiij IngniU anccil totl.Ol' '
wlicnllioIliilutlifiiHtiro cnrrlud It to tl.OOU
Thru IlriuMrcct's stocks cast of the Hooklo'j
fchowlnsr niilnuit.iM- only 124.000 bushuls fo
11iu iokiiiiiUil ) with tlio bolter stock rniir
ki'tlcnuila ( iKtlor fiellns nnd May ml vim
cud to 9IW'6. but lutur cnsod oil again ti
yesldilay'suloslni ? att.OPi. Thudeintinil fi )
casli wheat wasliirxortlinn nny dny In tliici
inontlm , nlioiit "MM ( binhols lioliiit pur
fluisid. Itcporlsu ! scarcity atnll points am
, a K < | < 1 inllllriK ilcniuiiil ultli stronger Block
closul UK ilu hlKhur nt Jl CrJ'8 fo
May. Iouml ) ) ( > r , ftlNcittOIV. On tlio cull
to < l ij jin on Jluy whuut for 1'rlilay won
11.00' < and calls il.ici'j ,
Com wnsnctlvi' . lint tlio nRrcRato of futun
trading w is < mltn lar/o aiulllio market Hue
tualul In symiulj \ > llh , nlthomh no
nt till smciuly. 'I'lio npunliiR prleo for M.i ;
waH'il'iunnd r l > 4c , behu S' iio\\liit : IrroKiila
to M'tO ' nnd then to' > lsc , the Inshloxw \ \
being Ho hclott "yrsteulny's closlnR. Whci
who'll I niiro\ | 'il rot M jolnnl In ,
Btiicl's itpoi t was rccoUcil , hliowlnK a do
cic.iSo In stoclis c f coin cnSt of tlio Itocktea o
1.0.'jOioa ( liushi-ls dtnliiK the \\Lo\i. \ Mny tut
vaiicid to Will' , hut closed at iiPic. Duccin
liurS'iu timlor Mny. I'utsoii ' Slay corn wer
G4 > ( c nml mils .ViVo.
Onts wcro rather dull , though Ilrm to 'i
lil hcr foi Mny lifter the early \vc.ikni" < s.
followi'd tl e LMIIIISO of coin , bolnilaiKvly con
trolkil by that nintU't. Ucoclpts fulr mi
ci : < ilisiipl/ | ) wanted , shipments unlmportan
nml ntar dull\crlos in-sleeted. .May opcne
jBClottornt 4Gc , ailvancod to Wfia an
back to 419ji ! . Jloconibor , 2Uc 'IKcount.
Uho niaiKot for jirovlslons was rathe
quid , ant what trading thcrovas \\n
nlmoit wholly on local aecoiint , Out
eldo orders worn rcstrlctcl inulnl ;
on account of n holiday toniorrov
Receipts of lioss worolnrpn nnd prices lown
I'loduutM , honotor. lit 111 thi'lr own nt aboil
ycslprdny'si'loslns ? . Dceonibor liorl ; Bold n
Kooanoj'S ; Jniiilurv.Jll Tito * ll.l2' ' { to Jll.S
Mny.Jll.tWto 8I''OJJ. ! fash laid told iitftiKV !
ROilifornuw and * . > ' ) for old : January , Jfi IT1
< gdJ ! May. I,7MO ( , .70. Klbsbtpudv nt } " > 4
® -r. 4i foi e.ihliniO : for IHccjnhor Jo/iTiiU U !
for January and J'1.07JI.IO ! foi May.
Jlo. Open. II Mi Low. Hose. Vest.
Pee. . $ Ul'i $ IM'S $ lil'i
1 OIJi
11 21
12 O.'i
C2J !
n ai
0 U !
CHtOAno , Nov. 20. ISpeolnl Telegram toTn
IlEF.1 0 Trv-Tlieio was a llttlo inoro life i
truila toiluy nml valuer ruled more o von , In
tlicruwas no advance nnd no partleuhi
clinngo either way. As Is ulvv ays the c.iso , bc <
told out first anil other pradi
were only bought vvlieu n buyi
couUl not cot just what lie wnnto
in tiny thing else. Just \vhy people Rhoul
take Into tholr hoids to guild eattlu to inai
kct In liny great inimborulu Thanksgiving c
nnyothir holiday week Is bun ) to nmkoou
Imthciovto are with 4,00)more ) In three day
tlian at tlio sanio tlino last week , anil the su :
plus must bo disposed of ut ono jirlco or ni
othiT. Native butcher's stoek was bellln ?
sluiilo bettor today , ns Iheiuuof Tcxiuisvv : ;
llRlit nnd values on same reported lillie
Ktookors ore nlso quoted stronger. To
prices , } 4 0 uvj-'i33 for prhno to oMra o\noi
etecrs ; L'OIH ! toeholee , ? l MXiil.M ; uthum. IM. '
® 4"i ; TOMIIIS , J2.r > i.lK ! ( ) ! stocKuis , JJ.23 ® 1,2 ;
buteliois' stiitlc , f l.a./i&'l 2.1
lloos llnslni'fs nctlve , hut values avoraRO
a Rood Sc lovvei than ut the extieino close i
ycstorduy , iiiaKIii a ( Itellnuof lOjtol.'iofi
thiivvoekso far. Kouili and conunon mho
Bold ilown Id JI 50(8.1.75 ( pilnin licnvy nihei
M.N > Tf.'l 1Hnnd linti'her vvclnlits , HOiX@4fl (
lO illutlon llifht. t.l.7.Vi.UO ; ; lUht , M.'J. > fl-.C !
iNo plKH under 100 iioinuls aoragu In sight din
Ing the foiono3n.
YOIIK. Nov. 2(1. ( ( Special Telegram t
TUB llKE.1 STOCKS Trading was not beav ;
nor was there any great piessuro to toll , a
though tlio niaikot In spots wasdecldcdl
weak. The opening was In the line of ycstci
day's closing weak , and prlies wcro UQK
lower. Sugar was again weakling and "balm
In Qllcnd WAS badly needed after a threi
yolnt decline. I < ator. when the lenort can
JntbiLt Judge Oiillcn bad Issued an Injiincth :
jirohlbllliiK rceolvcrs fiom takln ? bold ,
in irliiMl Improvement sot In and the loss VM
Iiartlnlly locovoied. Oosslps nitotnl CJouli
ushopcfiil for hotter pilees , nnd while thu n
notion In .Missouri Pacific was but natural ,
IscluliiHHl that tlioso who soil now will bu
buck ntmnch higher flsuri's. There was in
live trading In Chicago Uns. Money wi
< -asy ntKM per cent. 'Iho closing i
the market Indicated considerable llrmnes
The following weio the closing quotation
MOM.V On cull , easy , elo-jcil offered nt3 n
' StiitoANTir.K ' ' .
J'HiMr I'Ai'Kit-T.urao nor cenl '
l\CIHMlK-lillllt uilll (
ilxty-Uay bills , O.K. ; .hmmiul , Jl.srij.
NETT YOIIK , Nov. ffii.-lSiccl ] il Telegram i
2llMllr'KJ1rho 'ollowlu '
( lock iiiotit | :
Tlio CotTco Slnrkot.
NKW VOIIK , Nov. 20.-tPpoclal Tel.
TIIK llrK.l-CurrcK-Oitloii | stonily uiul u
clmnnoil to lOimlntsdnwn. tales , 24,730
NovcmbortlT.'JO : Doocmhor. tlT.l
CiiiCAno , Nov. M. CiiUlo-necolutH , 11,0 :
wllluiut imrtluulnr clmiiRUi iirlino to e\t
export Ktci-w , $ vaQ5ni :
Jlo.-s Heu'lpti. 40.000 ! mnrkot nctlvo ni
MlovuTtlinnyi-slorilnyi n > UKli nnil comnu ;
nuxi'd , ii.K'C.l.7.'i : nrlino heavy mlvril in
butcher Mi'lj-lits , 8J80(14.tXi ( ) lUht , W.75 1.1
Bhocn Ituculpts , btXK8low ) | and \vimki nu
ivos , NOOiai.bO ! westerns , ( J.OO(3I,73 ( ; laml
5,1 5.
ST. Louis , Nov. SC.-l'.ittle-Jccolits , 4a
shipments 60) : market stron i fair to tun
imtlMi hteers , W.WiW.OO ; stocKursanil fucdu
t.o , < aaooi
Iloisa ltccilU , 5 SOOi shipments. 300 ; mark
lovvori lu > a y , fa.70 < 3J.M ) | lulJicil uratli
Z JFIOI > I/'C'JJ j .i IlKETS.
CUICAQO , Nov. 0 , 1 p. UL close. "Wheat
Stonily i cash , Oloi December , Ol'lci May ,
Corn Ptoadyt cash , 51c | December , 625c ! !
Jlny. ftlSWilMo.
OnU-Htoiuy ! cnsli , 41'Jttll ' o , December ,
ci ) ! Mny , 4 s < ? nni < e.
Mr s roru-Hto-Kly ! cash , 9.55 | .timuary ,
I.J7'i | Mny ll2.ITH ! .
l-iinl-StonilV ! ciwh , MOOs January , W.2Si4
VJ ; .Mny , A70JW.7Z'4.
Aye I'lnn at UiVJaTOo.
irljy Firm nt , i 518o ,
svat fl.SJ.
Ka y at 11.2331.24.
I lour UipiM ! ; > ( reil : prlnR patent * . { IW
© t.7."i , wlntor UR'o/it3 , II WUo W ; bakeri' , J-'i ! ;
O-l to.
Hulk Mcnti-OTrfiuliUiN , H.WWOflOOi short J-YOOWiUOj Hhort rlba. W 4 J n. , ,
lliittcr-insy : ! cruainery. ndf'To ! dairy ,
I'lftSle. '
Uhoesc llottcr ; full crenel elifdilirs and
flalu , H f'.dc ! You tiff America ? , l
KjKs-rlrnil fresh , y.vfHp.
lllilc-f-t.iisUir ; heivy nnil
iclRri-cn , 4il4'S ( < - ' : Milted hull hides. 4Uc ; LTI-CII
nlU'il O'fWci dry Hint , fci dry suited hides ,
OTc : dry t"ilf. Wi'loj denconi. each. ! Bo.
COTTi -Ste.idy No. 1 , solid ii.iokid , ayaici
. yj. : : icicukc,4'4c. -
Kecclpts. Shlptncnti. .
rioiir. bbtq . 2oiioo 'iiox
\\licnt , bu . 14 , iK ill.OiK
Ciirn , DU . 111,000 1,11.001
O.UM. hll. . 11)0,000 )
XKW YOIIK , Nov. 20. Wlient llccclit | <
4P , ' )0 ) hushcli ! oxportR , It.ROTi hput , cln c (
lilKliotl No. 3 red , il.tu'i In iilovalor , t\.Wt \
iilo-it , Jl.Ol ai.OO'i ' f. n. I ) . Uptlons higher
( | . 'J icd , Novonih rclisliiK ( nt JI.OI'j.
t'orn-ltcc'cllit" . 77.S.V ) bushels ; o sports , ll.W
bushels stint liUhcr , closliu enalarj > o. 2
Cfl'itIn : eluvntor. OXjtOO'iij allnatj tuiKradot
mixed , .WiiO''c ! ( iptlont , oirly mouths higher
hilo lower ; NoviMiibur closlnif at W c.
Onts-Heoelpts. 09,700 biiHliili ; isxport" . 2 > ) C
hushuls ; Hpot clo-ud ste idler ; No , 2 white
M'tu ' ; iiil\i > ilustcri , 4ctfUahltu ! ; nesturn , . " > :
' tCi options llrmur ; Doeembur closing at
fiJ'ic. '
rliiKiir Haw oiislor ; fnlr reflnln ? , 4'ic ; con
tilfiiRiillKl test , u. u ; inusuov ado bU test , 4'io
icllnod quiet ,
I'etioleuin United closed for December u
; western , 2V3100.
I'ork I'lrin ,
Ij-iid Woiik ; vvp torn steam , W25bltl.
Hiittcr About Ktc.iilvi vvcstcrii dulty , 1 ? < I
2flc ; croauicry. 245t.-u ; r.lsln , ' . ' 8'ifft79e.
Qulut ; l "
ST. I.otrtn. Nov. SU. Wlicat Loner ;
ft."iff7tijij0 ! Dccembor , IWi ; May , OJ c ; Julj
! ! ! > ' C.
Coin -I'lrin ; cash , 5IB5515C ! December , D2c
May. Wc.
Oiits-riimt cn li , cMay40'ic. ; ' .
I'oiU-StPiidj ; < II.OO.
Laid llaslci ; JJ73.
llittti'i Unuhtiiigcd ; creamery ,23 ® Jt'icj
Mt.NNF.vt'OUp , Nov. 20. Pnot wheat nctiv
ns over , despite some deellno In futures f irl
In the ilny. ( ] ( ) ( ! ilonianil from all Mitiron'
Hi eelit4rt | ears ; shipments , 1'tO. L'loMnu
No. 1 hiinl , Deceinhur , U7c ; on tiuck , l)7e ) : Ni
1 norlheinNovember , and December , HIMo
May , ft1 : un track , DJo ! No 2 northern. Not
einbei and Deeoiiiboi , 83c ; on track , b'J3Xc. ! )
Mn.vvujKf.r , Nov. 2fi-\Vheit-Btcady ; No.
suiliic , c.ish , b7 < SJsc ! ) ; May Ol'4e ; No. l north
em , UK- .
I'oin riun : No 3 , cash , 5l'c. ' {
Oats-Quiet ; No.2 white , wish , 4GiMO'5e.
Nov. 20 Wheat I'lrin ; No.
red. Me.
Corn Weaker : No. 2 tnt\cd , 53o.
Outs Rnsv : No.2 mixed , 48c.
J.iVHtl'Oor , . Nov. 2fi Who it Qulot ; hold
cio offer inoiloi-.itcly ; rol vvestoin. Hprliig. 7
I.1fd(27s7d ( ; rod vusturu , winter , 7s 4di7s ? 4Vi'
Corn steady ; ml\eil cistern , 5s 1'id per eon
Wednesday , Nov. 2i ) .
CATTM : nstlimted receipts of onttlo. 2.15' '
as romn.uul tvltli 1.1.70 ye teulny and 2,2 :
Wednesday of last week , fiood beeves ner
Meady to stionK , poorer prides unchaiiKoi
Iho beit huti'her stock tvns fully stend >
ftlillo caiuiers an 1 poor Kradis are 5 t
lOn Inner. I ec < lers icinaln oi
Hods Estimated iccelpts of ho s , ST.t. n
complied with 8.7S3 yesterday and WniWod
nesdny of last week. Jlnrltet was steady to 3
low or than jesterdsiy'sclo-,0. Tharantcnof th
prices vvns ? I.OO-twO ; the bull : sullhu
W.l.iVaJ.1.70. I'lirs , tl.'KX82.25 : light , * I OOB-l.OC
he.ity.ifl.lVMhOj ml\eil WW3 l.lXi. Tliouvoi
tiKcof the pi lets paid was ILV , as eoinp ire
with frlWj jeMonltiy and \\ulneMlayi
lust week.
Snt n-illmntcd reclpts of sheep. 110 , n
eoniiiired with 1,081 > i-stenlny anil 3r
Wednesdny of last week The market
stonily. Natives , $2.3. > ' 84.2j ; westerns , $2.00 (
Disposition of Stock ,
Showing the number of head of stock pur
ihiiM'd on this m.iikct as i oporto I by IK
vulglimiistor of the faloskyarjs company fo
Novemboi 20 :
4 l.'OJ 2W
1 14W 1 r , 4. IM 1 W fi 1GK ) 22.-I
1 UIO 1 fiU ( I .1.70 175 1 1SJO 2M
1 15S3 150 1.1170 175 1 . MO 250
i i.v ) i no i nee i oo i 2050 2 M
7. UN ) 1 b < > 1. KM 200 1..1740 200
1..1IJO 1 C3 O..lfi00 223
1 sprliiRer f2J
1 cow aiulcnlf 25
1 cow ami ealf 27
1 inllkei 4
1 spilngcr is
Ctt.VES ,
3 . Sfifl IB ) 4. . 213 300 1. . 0 300
0. . 59J 20J
Alnrkct Mention.
Town sent 'In thlrly-clRht carlo.uls of lio1 ?
and sevontoun cut loads of ciittlo ,
The tcc'olpts from the eastern sliloof tin
river contlnno to Increase just as Minuisi'i
ilahoock succeeds In removing obstacles K
A cotnpleto proccry ll < t Is published or
imiluy-)1 Tlitittilavi and rrlilars ,
Snuit Oramilati'il , O'joi cubc . O'c : cnl
lonf , 7'icrpouilotcil , stamlard. Offc ; XXXX ,
| > o\Mlcii > d , 7S4L1 : yellow 0 , Bo : canary G'Jc ]
llpht i0 , r4'iiil.o : confeutlonois' A , dro.
TWIN CM , Coiiii\n . KTC. Cotton t\\lno ,
"Itlhb , " > oty HUP , 'i-lb bnlos'cs cotton
Lwlno , XX liranil , ' 4-H' ' lialci , Uc : hotnii \\ltic ,
U-H ) cnlcs , Ho ! suit twlno "Oes ciullolclc : ,
-Me ; 40-foot cotton ulnthoi llnus , 11.40 ; CO-foot
cotton ulothosllno , il.G'i ; lines ,
fl.ri ! Mi-foot Jntc , f I Ki ; wool twlnos , 85r. ! Aln-
nlll i rope All slo4 frotn 7-17 to 1 In. , Ho : slia !
rope , nlisllus fi.iin 7-10 to 1 in. , O'io ' ; "new
processes. ' , till sires from 7-10 to 1 In. , 8ej cot
ton i opeIn. . , 11,0.
AMMUNITION UiI ( ponder , per hoz. .
) cr'5 Uuir. l-'lt lus , * .lt)0 ) ; illlo , jier > i UCR.
llis , ti.uij blastlntr. A , pur kcR. if.'i- ) bliistliiK ,
H. per Koj , * . ' .I" ) , bhot Drop per Im2 , Sl.d'i :
buck , ll.W ) : chilled , f l.'K ) . U.iii > - n&fu ( , pur M
IHKIMI l'o\M > KH-Koyul , ( limn urns periloz
08o ! U 11)cans , tl.45 ; ' 5 Hi cans , * .Mii ; 1 Ib cam
J30) ) ; 1'ileo's dliuu cans OOo ; VJ Ib cans , JI.C ;
! 4 Ib cans , e..5J ; 1 11) cans , $1.75 ; uther kinds 1
Ib rails , per do ? , $1.00153 * ' > .
iMAi'i.i.SuoAlt I'ei Ib 5c cakes , 30-lbho\ns ,
lie ! lOo Oakcs , I0 ! Ib bo\es , 12'jCi I-lb brick"
30 Ibs In box. pure , He.
Ilitoovis 5-tle p.ulor , $ .1.00 ; 4-tle. $ ! .7'i ; 3-tlo ,
$ ! .2"ii.l-tH > . plnln , * 1.8l ; waiohouse , SI.OO ; toy ,
41.83 ; whisk. tlOJBI.23.
SoAi'-Cnstlle , mottled , per Ib , lOo ; di
tvhlto pbr Ib , lie : laundry > ) , per 10J bar-i
$ .I.IVS.'i 00 ! shavlui ; soap. 50J175e per dotollel ;
so ip , 3 cal es per b > v. per do50cQiW.2" > .
OtliKii-l'erbbl , rellued , } 1 V ) ; half bbl , JlOO
haul elder , pine , jicr libl , $ " > ( H ) : oriineo older
half bbl , 10.5) ; pcnrchlei , half bbl , ? il.5i.
NllTS-1'er Ib. Almonds , ISes llrnlls , 2Ic :
filberts , Uu ; pecans llI4e ; walnut's , IJc ; pea
nuts , fancv white. 8u ; loastcd lOc.
Otavr.s Quarts , per diu , $1.00 ; pints , per do/
J.V.O : bulk , per ifiil. 5c. Ollt o oil , H pints , :
doz uor case , JI.5032'5.
IIAW-Ani. ( , uor 101 , $17.50.
S\t.T-Ialrj-.280 Ibs In bill , bulk , $2 10 ; besi
grade , fi05sf > .M ; best Rraile. 1003s , JJ.40 ; besi
Br.ide , as IDs , f J.'J ; rock salt , crushed. II.W )
MOI.ASSKS Ubls , N. O. fiuiey , per pil , r > : < & " > c
cholco. 4'il7c ! ROOD , 'IJ < 3.f.'i ; ; Cuba , baUIiiK , "i
( BJlO ! ifrickstriip , I'oa'J.'c.
i-otA I'ksis , wlbsto bo\.r > > ( c : koafl , 4 > ic.
bu.souA K'c c , I'lupurlu ; bbls , ] > ie ! gianu
l.itcd , HHJ-lD boxus , So.
CA FIl \ i ( iiiTAiii.i s Tomatoes 'Mb , $1,0
© 1.10. Coin Very Hue. fl.'J.Ytii.Ci ; S-lb stieur
Sl.nj S-lb standaidostLrii brands , $ | .H
MiiSlirooiiis--l-lb 1'n'iicli. extra line , J.'JlJii'ic
1-lb Krcncli , line , ISS'Kc ! 1-lb Krcneh. o'dl'
ii-irv , H/ai8e. uarlv JiiniJl.'JSi
--1I ) marrow , standaid biaiuH 11.10 ; 'J-ll
so iKcil , 70u. I'lench iiuai l'pr PIISO of 10U
Jl'iOJO--'iOO. Strliu le.ini ) 3-lb lilgb Rrnrto , DOc
'Jlbvnvboaiis.Kio ! 2-lb stilus beans , hoc
I.lnia beans 'J-lb so iked , 6"u. llostou balie <
bians l-lb , $ l. : > il W. bweet potatoes J-11
Xcvv Jersey. $1)0 ! ; i-lb okra and tomatops-
? li.'iilb ( ; ; olvin. JHiO ; nspauKus , a-lb , t..R
W7Jj rhubatb , 3-lb , 1.10 ; succotash , ll.'JM
l.S'i.WiiArpiNO l'\i'Eit Porlb , best straw , rl
to.rj\4 ( , 1 'ac ; drynoods , 43ic ; c\tra iiunllt' '
nuinlUa. 0 < , : c ; manllla tea , IJ.xIS , Uu ; dark rag
lnudw.irel'c. .
OIUIKSI : r. c. , twin nuts. PPI ib. ioic ) ; r. c.
Younu America , ll'je ' ; domestic. Swiss , Jjijo
brlcl ; , lie ; Kdain. In foil , caeli , $1 00.
rAHiNAUHOus OOODSllarley , 4c ; fnrlnn
l eKs , } ioO : split peas , ao : cruon pens , 2e : oat
meal , bhls ja.S WW ; lialf bhfs , J.I.2.3 1 ! V )
macaroni , 12cs Ncrnilcelll , 12o ; sago and tapl
oca.iiiafi'ie ; J.lma beans , jj e ; cereullne , W'J4
ll.iKcil liomlnv , U'lC.
DHIEII riiuiTB TurlcKh piuncs , loss thai
lihils. ISs'l , Be ; npplcs , ox'aporated , now rln :
choice , 14 ic ; apricots , fancy. In sacks , I'jjjo
bluckbcrrlos , now , lOc ; inspbcirles , 2" > Ibs ti
box , IHo ! currants , now/iWc ! Votl/zacuiiant'
p\tra , In boxus , O'ic ; peaches , Cala , eholct
l"/ic : C'.illfornla diled giapcb. In b Kb , bo
seedless fcnltans. s-icks , lO'Se ; muscatels , 8'/ic
new Valenela. be ; Onduni lajer. Pcj lljjs , lav
ers ltV318o ; dates , I'erslan , til-lb box , 7cj eft
ion , lAv'lumi , S2ci lemon peel , fcc.
Cofn-.n-Giei-n Ulo , WiQLM'/ic ; Java , SSc
Mocha. 'JOc. Hoahted Ailosln. 2. > io ! Hniioln
" > V4o ; ( .crinan , LTi u ; llh\orth's ) , ffiajc ; Lion
-.V.u ; Jlailpoucb , JJiei Cordovn3iic ; Mochu
0. 11. Jinn , Me. C ifTee KsseiiU' VJ Bfi
boxes. JI.j.VSl ; 50 ; chloUory , 7l4/a81/iC.
' VlNhnAti Apploelder , lOo ; double elder , 12o
white , wine , I.V ; tilplo strength , lOc.
Oii.s-lM pilino white It'io ; 11) ) water white ,
ll'o ' ; headlight , lie : 74 gasoline , ll'ic. Ol
cans 1 jjiil , JtOO.i3 ] ; 2 gul , W.7334 bO ; 5Ral
$ ll.r > 9r > 00.
Ton tccos-rino cut. poi lb,2T&70e ! ] ilup , 2
ffl7Ho ; smoking , "Juic ; fancy bruntls , uocQ
TnsJapan , basket ( lied , 2oa. > c ; sun drlod
204r > uj Rrucn , SO'S.VJc ' ; ( innpondur , U'OiJjOo
I'nxllhli breakfast , iQ > 15o' VOUIIR llyion , L'Wi
S. > o ; Oolonif , Ui4"H' ; 1-lb package dust. lie.
CANtiV .Mixed , .10-lb pills , b'S34C ! stlcli
R'ic ' ; twist stick. OcM'ianuli mixed , ll'jcihoar
hound stick , b'ju ; Jar nnd case candles , 5-1
bo\es , IVfA'ilc ; extra line poods. .ViS-liTic.
A.\t.K GUUSK 1'er Rross-rr'i/ler's Inrc
tins , jju.00 ; medium tins. 8J7.0J ; biiinll , UJ.5'J
other makes , wood , $ . " , " > 0ii8 r > J.
llr.CKiNd .1 doIn box , IWBmo ; ladles' she
drosslnjf. 4. " > < . ( 'H.OOi sto\o pollab , per gioss
ili.URiNa Liquid , 4 O7ido7. : In box , OOfllU.I
8oz. . adoz. Inbox , * l..wa-.73 ; diy , bmall , Sue
laizo , 4jc.
HiiWiltKS Qhoe , per def l.Vin.riOi ! daubers
TSc&il.OO ; sci lib brusbes , GOcaW.OO.
CIIACKKIIS hodu , Co ; oybler , OHc ; Clean
6Jc ! ; Rlusor snaps , 8'jC.
( MNMUt riluiTs-Callfornla Apilcots , $2.2
51 1 dOj pcolcd apricots , t4.Vi ! poaches , ( J.70J
HOO ; peais , t.4r > ; Ilaitlott nenirt. VJlfi ; urapo
Jil'O ' ; chenles , white. ? i.r.J.75 ; clicnio-
tilucK , W.Q"S2.r > 0 ; fiulnces , $ , ' .00 ; blaeKberrlo-
( . ' , 'JTi ; rasnberrlcs , Jl.fX ) ; struwbeiilea , $ "ll
currants , f.'S'i ; Roosoborilcs , W.'i'i ; pliims.cct .
Jl.SJfftl.OO ; plums , cieonRiiKL'H , 81.noau.00. Kx
tia line Roods Apilcots , UtlOO ; vellow Craw
ford peaches , JI.UO ; sllcod poaches for pronn :
H.'Jo ; llartlett pcais , U85 ; C'fx plums , $ .iiVl
creen KH CS , t.'iO , Kastein canpcd frnlt-
I'caches. seconds , Jl OOS'.OO ; apples , : i-lb ,
Ral. , ! i doIn ease. $1.10 ; Koosuhcrrlos , Haiti
inoro htaiidunl , L'-lb , $1.15 ; stiawbciiles , $ l.ic ;
raspbenles , $1,10 ; blueberries , * l.0j : ! red rasp
berries , SUM ; bluokbonlcs. JI.I1 ; eborrlos
H.i : > < 3UV.l ; plncaples , sliced ,
Ollocor-ATr. HTU 12-lt ) boxes , x'4iQ.'l3c : Ooi
man Kwcot.24ii24c ; cocoa , ; tl > U < Oo ; Itiomo , 3S (
CocoANtiT-l.vib cases , "i and ! 5-lb package :
per Ib , 2i/ii2'c ! bulk , 11-lb p'llls , aio.
I'XTHAITTS Lemon , S oz , Mcl,81j 4 of l , (
511.50 ; viinllla , 3oz , tMc5i .bS ; 4 oz , (1.S3Q35C
Jamaica ulmrcr , 4 oz. $1.81.
JlATtiiKS-rarlor , uoo to HOO porbov. 11.051
1,70 nor Kross. sulphur , tl.QVil.4U.
1'lCKi.i.s Medium , bbls. JSOI ; siuall , { 930
gheiklns. $11.03 : IkMon mixed , 112.01.
HiCh Java , Oo ; choice , Co ; fancy , OUc ; hen (
hi'iCFS I'eppor Slnsapoto , sifted , l&UlSt
fchot , 2.'c ; allspice , luu ; eU\c8 , I'cnani ; . hi
lectoil , 'Ma ; casslu , China , 1-lb mats , tic : mil
HUSKS , No. 1 , 75c ; macas or , C5c , 1'Icklln
splee , 10-11) ho\es , 2.V } .
STAKCH 1'iT ib , ijUWe.
lliunbiu.n-Mlxed blid , l-lbpkRS,5e ; canarj
4u ! ; hemp , 4io ( ; anise , 1.1u ; poppy , lOo.
WonnKNWAiti : 1'er do/ . Tubs , No. 1 , $ i < .3
No. " , t7.'l. > t No. , ) , Jtl ( . ' > ; keeloiH , oak gi aln , 5-1 ]
host , (1.50 j hlto cedar , 4-in , best * , Jl.'l ; pall
: i-hoop , oak Drained , $1.7,1hoop. ; . ! l 53 ; sni ]
JI.H1 ; dow ell , $1,7.1 ! paper , metal hoops , J..W
collar. II brass hoops , .No. lull icd.15U ; ccda
II brass hoops. No. 3 red , $ .100 ; cedar , II bra-
hoops , No. 1 striped , $5 1)0 ) ; codar. 'J brass hoop
No. 2btrlpi'd , iM 50 ; liori > o. extra heavy No.
} . ' .7.1 ; well biiokcts , iJ25. lluttorwaro Tub
asli , J-ln , per nest , 70o ; ash , L'-ln , 2 laign sl/.i'
per nest , 45o ; butter ladles , hurd wood , 7U <
butter Jiaddles or spades , 70o. Washboards
HIiiRle , J1.4xa-.00 ( ; double , $2 MXa3.23. Clothe :
plns-o RIOSS boxes , G.VJ.
UAMU , is-401bj : to Uox.O'iCi mining , 10310 ! J' '
wax , lie. _
SMOKED MKATS Sugar cured. Hams , 14 I
10 Ib nvoraxo. OHoi hums , 'M to 2J Ib menu ;
DUoihiims. li Ittiuirgi1 , ll 'oi hklnned hum
lOc : hmnstNo. 2) ) , HJioj Hhoulders , Oo ; olei
breakfast bacon , 80 ; boneless breakfast baco
backs , ti ? cj fuinoiiH boned hum. bo ; Callfornl
or plcnlo IIIUIIH , C'4o ; honours ham bVo : diir
beef liamskotb ( ) , 7Uo ; dried beef clods , fx
short Hiilccd roll : ) or ham loulette , 7 ? < i
sniokod beef tongues , per dor , H5J ; ipeoli
brand hams , 12 to 15 Ib average , ll'.jo : Eiieoli
brand loneli'sa breakfast bncon.llUo ; bolcott
dried beef luuns , liuliles and knuckluM , 10.
selected wldo clear ureaUfast bacon. OiSe.
Uuv HAM MKATS Tanoy light weight shoi
clears , fii.oi long clears , 5'4'o ! short clears. ( K
short rlbs 'a'os.slmiildoni , fie ; clear bolllc
( j'ici clear tiiokl.oo.
HXIOKKD MKATS-nry salt cured-raiic
light weight bacon short cleats. 7u ; bucu
hhort ribs , UUoi bacon short clours 0)ie ) ; bacc
loug clears , CJi l buvon clcur backs , OJii
bacon clear bolllcv 7c ; hneon shoulders. S e.
HwKETl'iriu.Fi ) Mints 11 aim. tlcreos. DC ;
shoulders. Now Vork cut , tlorers. 5'ict Oallfor-
nln hiun , tlerecs. 5UU' ; beet hums , bbls , (12.00 ;
I'lCKLF.n 1HEK TqVdl'r.s Half barrels , 100
lb , ( lo.Mt Muartorl/hrrcliSolus. , SO.OJ ; eighth
b-irroK 23 Ibs , ( .1.50.
bWKBT 1'ICKi.Kll PpXllR 1UII3 Tlcrrci , ! WO
Ibs. , net weight. $1150 ! barrels , 800 Ibs , not
vvojxlit , { 8,00 ; half barrcll , 100 Ibs. , net weight ,
'IAHO I'uro leaf , per Ib. tlcrco basis , G'Sot
eompounil , per 10. tlcno basis , BUoi pure lent
lard , per tl > . tlcrco basis , fi'io ; special kettle
rendered leaf laid , per Ib. tleroo basis , 7c ,
llAniin.r.ii I'OIIK * si > lit KK .Mi's-t pork , now ,
f 11.51 ; family pork , $11.26 ; hhort out clear poi K ,
$1I.2.VJJIJ , ' > 0 ! boneless pig pork , fnncy , JII.CO ;
oMrii nio s hcof. ftTO ! ; nliito beef , $7.00 ; extra
tilito Jpof. ) (4.00 ; oxirti fniully beef , boneless ,
} s00 ; tolled boot , boni'loss , * s50t rump bulls ,
I'm VotlK-llonolcss-Ilbls , 203 Ibs , each
114.00 ! H bill" , UK ) UH , < > 'ich * r.V ) : U hbls. 50 Ibs ,
each $103 ; hbls , 21 llneneh J..23.
( HxMii Mr.ATs-Coinod luef , .11) ! ) squ'iro
cans , adoz pcrutisD , tio3-lb | ; , i or 2 do ; per
case , $ I.8J : fl-lb , jdo per e.iso. } 375 ; lunch
tonjjucs , 1-lbiottnd i'ans,2do/por cave , JJ.lOi
briivvn , l-llisiuareu ] no , 2 < lo7 | ier case , $ I.'JO |
ox tonaues. Pj-lb round cans , 1 doper ease ,
$ VJ5 ; chipped beefll ! ) round cans. 2 do/ pet
case , ( l.8.i ; , hoof. l-b | roiuiil cans , 2 doper /
per ease , fl.10 ; potted himHi ( idiuul cans , 4
( lo/iicri'iisc. Mc , duvilt" ! ham. U-lb rounil
cans , 4 doz per ease , OJe ; potted ox tongue , ' 4-
Ib round eans , 4 do7purcaso , We ; toinpressed
ham. 1-lb square cans , 2 doper case , $ liO ( |
tripe , 2-ID round e ins , t doper case , H.SOi
minced onlinps , 2-lb loiititl eans , 1 dopercaho
JJ20 ; bnnuli'ss pigs' feet , 2-lb siniaio cans , I
doz per eass iJ.V ) ; roast beef ( Alexandra
brniul ) , 1-lb. 2 doper ea e. $100.
OILS I'rimu liird oil ( winter stiulncd ) 40oi
exit a laid oil ( winter strained ) , 47es o\tra No
1 lard oil. 40e ; No. 1 l.xril oil. .lie ; N" . 2 lard oil ,
3h'i extra no it's-foot oil , 4'it'i tallow oil , 4" > e.
SAUgAOK-ltolo nn. 4c ; smoked s msaec , 7o |
blood s ins i e , 4'iC ! llv er sauiaic. 4't ' ! head-
cheese. 4'ic ; fresh iiork s.insise , links. Cci
fresh pork siusaije , bulk , 5'ie ' ; smoked porl <
s'ltisaKc , So ; fr.iiiKftut S.HHIKO , 7c ; smokcil
lieadchi-ese , du ; Polish sansaKo , 7c ; Knob
lauch sausage , 7c ; totizuoiiausiiCSc : ; Bumiuci
sausage , 13c.
, Country I'roilttuc.
IlUTTF.ii Tlio mnrket Is dull with hravlei
rcoolpts. ( Joiid country rolls , 14I8c ; cholee
Ifil8c : Infcilor , 8RI.V ; peed country nolli
pieUcd , IDillik * ; choleu dairy. l a'0o ; KOOI
creamorv. 8I'72Jj ' ! ; timer , 23c.
I'oui.Titv The ThauUs lvbiR dcmanil hn <
stllloned prices very inatnrlally Dro.ssod tur
keys , Iiai5c ; chickens. 7Wo ; duoks undKCcsc ,
Ijons.-Uecelpts moderate nnd market stead )
( T.\vnf 1'ralilo chlekeus. nor doon1.00(1 (
I'M ; duetts , nominally , J2.75ilOO ! teal duekN
(1.0031.33 ; mixed ducks Ji.fiOi ( iiiall. Jl/OOl.ffl
jick rabbits. SJ50TMUO ; Hinnll rabbits. 75e
deer and antelope caicasses , 7Sc ; sadillos. 1
I'lOiONS-.There Is no denvind.
I'OTATOIH Car lots of potatoes nro q'nolci
l&WMc1 with cholco stock selllui In n stnal
way fioin slum at Hie. Colorado stock , fl.ll.
O.MONi Choice stock , $ l.J.iai.M ; bpaulsh
$ ! . ? . ' > p'l c-iate.
S LLT 1'orATOLS-Good stock. $ . ) 304 50 pci
lit\ss-DeslrablostocU : , $ . ' 40 2.73.
Ci I.KIIV TLl'iilOc pur do/ .
fUmunii-l'orlb. . I > iit2i' .
TtMMl'S-Uutabagas , cholco , C575c pci
LcilUCEl'crdo35340c. .
Flour , limn , 101 < ; .
U. T n.u Is' liljrh patent No. 1 and Cream
$ , ' .711 ; llluo 1) ) , full patent. 5J 10 ; Haw Ueye.hal
patent. $ J ; n ; K. 1' Huts' special Koyal | ia
ti-nt No. 10. J..SI ; Minnesota patent , $ , ' ,75
Kansis bard whuit intent , JJ.5.1 ; Nebraski
sptiug wheat patent. t.M-O.
S P. ( illmnn's gold medal , $ , ' .80 ; gnowWbltc
$ . ' .4) ) ; uonr riake. JJ.lOr low gr.ulc , $1 so.
HioUen llo Hoiloi Mills' noam * , ' .b'i ! Myr
Ue. $740 ; Cliltn , Jf.V.'O ; Pldellty , t.UJ ; Minnesota
seta Chief , $ J.11 ; Patent , $ . ' .70.
CNkamp's icndy to ralso buckwheat flour
$1,1J pere.isuof .1J2-lb pickaics ; buckwheat h
bbls , N. V. , J1.03' Kxcrlslor brand , $1r > 0 ; Slni
JneU monl , JJ.01 pel enitj of .V ) S-lb packaRoti.
Itran , sacked , per ton , 81S.OO ; chopped feed
$ JI.OO.
lUv On track at Onmlia Upland. No. 1
$ . .oo per ton ; coirso blue stem , $7.03 : oat :
stiaw , W.OOpcrton.
riiFpii-l'erlb 1'erch. 8cs bulTalo , dressed
7c ; pickorcl , Oj ; pike , Oc ; white , lee ; ciopplo
lie ; cattish , lie ; cod stmlc , 1'c ; flounders ,
Oicgoii salmon , He ; black bass , Ibc ; lobsters
Ibe ; bltiu llsh , He.
tall and pickled Codfish , extra Gcorgfi
now , ( i'e ; grand hunk , new , 4'ie ; slher , 2-11
blocks , 51,0 ; snow while. 'J-Jb brlcUs , new , 7'ic
tuikcy cod , largo nilddlo In leku , Oc ; xnov
whites , ciates , U'-3 Ib boxes , 734 ! nicdlun
t-cakd bcirlnit.Mc ; No. 1 soiled herring , 2ue
domestic Holland hirrlng , 40e ; Hainburgo
splcul lien-Ing. uOc ; Husstan s irdlncs , spiced
Uic ; Hussl in sardines , iil.iln. Me ; linportei
Hollind herring , Urowii brand , BOo ; do fiinuj
milkers , Jl 00 ; maeUerpl , No 1 shore , linlf bbl
J12 10 ; bloaters , half bbls , $ ! KiO ( ; white ilsli
half bbls , $07.1 ; tiout , half bbls , $ .1 50 ; famll'
w bite fish. $1.00 ; salmon. $810 per half bbf
2-lb bro.led mackerel , ? 2CO ; H-lb In rnustaid
$ J.fl ( ; 1Mb In tomato Banco , $ J.W ) ; Ml ) Mavi
nipss mnckoiol , $ ) . ( X ) ; 1-lb broo'c trout , $1.21
; i-lb broolc trout , , I-lb s-ilmon , $1.2.1 ; S-ll
while tlsh , $ , ' 21 ; 1-lb white Ilsli , $1.13 ; 2-lb lob
f..IW U . $ . ' .10 2-lb
steis ; S-lboystcm , o/ ; - ovs
ters. lOo/ , $ . " . ' 1 ; l-ll > ojstcrs. n 07 , $1.23 ; 2-11
n-untarla , 10 oz. $ .10 ; 1-lb Hiuataria. r > o ;
Jl. 10 ; I-lb chinis llttlenceUs , $ l.i.-i : ; 2-lb cluins
lit tie necks. $1.7" > ; .1-11) clam chonder , 8 .00
1-lb crabs , $ . ' .23 ; 2-lb jrubs , JJ.30.
toppi.NO-Charcoal , I. C. , 14x20. 112 , $0.03 ; 1
" hllii.T ! IitON-No. M. Kl/iO ; No. 27. $ .100.
r-OMi'iit-btrlctly half and half 17c.
t ? .ii. : WIHH NAtis-llasc. $ - ' . ( > .1 ; steel nall
TIN I'I.ATK I. C. . 10\24 , $7.50 ; I. X , lOxU
JU.'I ; coke , 4x1.10 , 112 , JJ.73.
/.INC 80
Coi'i'isit I'lanlshod boiler SZLS ! , Kto nor Hi
cold tolled , , ! 0e peril ) ; sbcctlns , 2So pcrlb ; pi
and Hats , , IOc per Ib
WIKK-.IIIP. bub. $32.1 ; gul , MS.1.
ItioCK TI.N fcmall pig , JOe i > er Ib ; bar , 30
poi Ib.
GALVAM7E ! ) SlIUFT TllON DlsOOIIllt 50-10 pO
cent ; pal , plan. Iron , Nos. 21 and 27 A , lO Je ; J
Qulnlno per 07. , 1' . Ic AV,44e ; Gorman. Hie
Indigo , per 11) , 71o ; Insect piwdor , "lo ; opliin :
$1.10 ; moiphlne , per oS'A1 ; bops , per Hi , : ,0c
glyiorlnc , Isc ; dextrine , lOc ; cuttlebone , Mu
eiLiim tartar , pine , Ue ; coininerclal , c ; cam
phor,50i5 : am. carl ) , lie ; hluo vltrol , 7'ie ' ; car
Imllonutd.ilKuVOu ; tltrlc , 4VJslsc ; tartarlc. : i'j ' (
, ' 1'le ; sulphuric , tier Ib , 2c ; r porin oil , $1.1(1 (
turpentine , 4fic ; Tonka be ins , $ I.15@JOO ; im ]
sam toulo. 41iilrcilomol ; , UiU'l/e ' ; cantha
rides. Jl.' ; cassia buds , 2Xii 'i ; ; ohloro
foim , 573'jOu ' ; cigot. 47iJ3.'o ( ; Kiim arable. 5.1cT
$1 OJ ; lyeopjdlum , 4oaio ; mercury , ic.'o ; sul
Iilim , ' . . ' ! ; < ' ; alum , 2' e ; ooppoiMS , liie ; cpson
ball , l ie ; glubcr salt , l'8c. '
Paints and Oils.
LEAD WHITE IN Oiij Carter. In 500-lb * lot ;
$7.50 ; In lOUO-lb lots , per cwt , $7.20 ; houtlior :
Co. , St. Louis. In 50)-lb lots , $7 50 ; in l.OJO-1
lots , per cwt. $7.20 ; Itcd Seal. St. houls , In 500-11
lots , $7.50 ! In 1,003-lb lots , tier cwt , $7.20.
Wnm : liivGllder'sVhltlng , nor Ib , me
Commorclal Whiting , per Ib , Ic ; English 0 , S
1'ai Is White , prr H ) , 1'jo.
Ill n luv American Vonotlan red , l'c ' {
riiattanoi a. 2c ; Knglish V'eiiLtlun , b irrel .tl
Ibs , 'Jlic ; Indian , 'No. 1 , 1'o ; Tuscan , Engllsl
JOc.YEI.T.OWS Clirotno jollow , rt to 10o ; oehoi
Hochello. 2'4c ! oebor , washed Dutch , -Ic ; ocliur
washed I'lPiiili , S'-ic ,
I'UTTV I'ure , In barrels , ke s anil tubs , S'io
in bladders , 'Jli j ; In .V-lb tins , 2 > ic.
VKiKTAtif.K OILS Mrrsecd , ilomestio raw , Ii
b irrols , par g illon , ibic : linseed , ( loin cstl
bolloJ , In bariels , ] icr gallon. < 1e ,
A.vtMAt. AMI PIHII tyns Whale , bloaehc (
wlntin , per gallon , 5lo ; whnlo , extra blcachoi
wlntei , ( lOc ; sperm , bk-uehed winter , $1.00.
KNUINK Uii.s Ulamoiid crescent engine oil
per gallon , 40c ; perfection cnglno oll,50o ; stur
ling engine oil , 41o ; llerculns euglno oil , 50c ,
YAHMSIIKS rurnlruie , No. l.UJe ; furniture
extra , $100 ; eoicb , No1 , $1.11 ; coach , cxtr.i
$1 2) ) ; Hard oil finish , llitlit , $1.20.
UtAbs 75 and 10 per cent from list of Marc
181)0. )
OINOHAMS Ainoskoair , 7c ; Amoslte.ig dres
6Vie Hates , ( l c ; Win wluKdiess , be ; I.aueaste
; Uleiinlro , UJJe ; Whlttpndon dioss , 8e.
York Mills , lie ; Oak Kawns , 7u
WHUNS Net Thistle. O'io ' ; Ited Cross. 7e.
CllASH-Stevens1 It , 10-ln , ( I' o ; Slovens' I
18-ln , O' o ; titotons'A. IG'In. 7 > 40 ! Slovens' 1
18-ln. 80 ; btovens' M. 18-ln , Oc ; Mot-ens' N , 2i
In.Uo ; Stevens' NN , 83-ln , lOc ; Stovunu' HT1
20-ln , 12c ; bleaehod , lo oxtra.
1'ltlNTS Tiincy K''dystonc. ' C'c ! ; Ste (
Klver , ( to ; Huiimpo , 4'io ; St. Ledger , 5ji }
Shirting Maltha Washington,44oMorrlmni ! ;
4'4c. Tin buy Uul rounlaln , UJc } ; Gs\rno
7u ; ( Jrt'iillelcl , 8lu ! ; llerlln , G < ic. ;
SlIhltlNOS AM 1'Il.t.OW C'tSINOS Hrown-
Net 1'epperell , 43-In , 10'io ; 1'epporell , 8-4,18t
I'enperoll.O-l.'JOc ; 1'epperoll , 10-1 , 22Jo ! ; Utlci
48-hi , IV ; Utlea , 5S-ln , 17te ; Utlcn , 22-ln , 24i
Utlea , Sl-ln.'ji.o ; Utlcn , 0)-ln , 'JHio. llloueho
Net-l'epporell , 43-In. lOJio ; I'eiiperell. 40-li
lliic ; 1'ejjporoll. 0-4. 15o ; I'ojinorell. 8-4,2i ) (
1'eppeielf , 0-1 , VJ'iei I'oDperoll , 10-4 , 23j ; Utlci
t-l,2IC ! Utlea , 0-1 , 200 ; Utlen. 10-4 , 2cc.
I'lii.NTB ' Indigo bluo-Nut-Murttm Wasl
In ton , ntjo ; American. ( Wo : Arnold , ( . u ; Ai
noldll , long eloth , IOC ! htlllo A , lUio ; .Merr
nine , 7-H. 10u | dolil Leaf , SUe ; llumllton , 5Si (
Allen I'lnliH , OUu ; Allen Cmiuiuruy , Go ; Oloi
Chester , fi > o : lluitcl,5HC. !
C'oi.oiici ) cuuiiiiicH Crown , Uiio ; Itcd Etu
4'ie ; Itollod Clover , 5o ; Klutcr , ft ci lilgheo
or s. locitra.
Corroua-Atlantle , 7Ji }
Atlantic II. To ; Atlantic I ) . CVc ! Atlantlo P.
Ooi Aurora C , 4Uct buck's he id , The ; t'abat W ,
OUci DarlliiiUin , nve ; runners' No. I , 4S ®
4'ei llooslcrl/ , fl"iei itiilltKl hoail,7iiO ! Ijaw-
lenco 1 , 1,5 0 ; Henrietta lib. 5Ue.
1 INK Hiion N ( 'OTTOVC Atlntitio ITi. Bo | Au
rora 11 , CUi'i Aurora K. O'.c ! Allan O N II , Tito :
clicnap cloth , 4ci fllnloii i V , & ! 4c ; repperell It ,
, 1 IjiuiKdon G II , 7c ,
lKNiMB-Net-Amoskcnr. ) ( 0 or , ir.Hoi . York
oamlot , 12o : K\erclt , Htnndnril , 12io ( | liny-
maker'M 7'ie ' ; Old York , Jv.V , 10'Sc ' : J.nwrcncn ,
220. 12ic | ; Lawrence. Ooz , 15S ! 1 fancy strlpea
and checks , llc.
C'OTToNAiins-York. nankin , lO'Soi I'vprctt.
fi oHci LowUton , lOo/ > te ! Worklnsmnii ,
OitANors-rioilda stouk , $150 : Mexican
crates. J.V | ) .
IHNANts Yellow , $ J.S > ffn.S per bttncb.
I.I.MONS C'llolcc stock. I7.noftt.ri0.
GiiAi'M-Malasa , tr.O > iJi 00 per bbl.
. Ai-iM.K'-l'er bbl. $ .I2.StriO. accordlns to the
kind and variety.
CIIAMII itnti.s-ranoy Capo Cod , $15.00.
p.u.tHiiiNiA 1'ittnT Quinces , $ J.OO ; small
winter Nells , $ . ' . ( per half box.
IUNAVAS Yellow , $ ViV7M (10 ( per bunch.
I.I.MO.NHriiolco slock , li-fioas M.
OiiAi'Bl..Slalaga , { 7.00 8.00 per bbl.
I T * | ll'l 11 , HJ\UIU * ,
TAI.I.OH A No. 1. : ia < > lc ! No. 2 , lie ;
crcaso while , Waic ; yellow , S'Cft ' let storluc ,
0 ! e ,
llONm-Qiiotntlons are for delivery In Chicago
cage Dry lintTnlo. tier Ion , $ IHOOrtlstK ) ; drv
country , bleached. $10.00311.00 ! conntiy , diinii
and meaty , $8.00IO 00.
Hemlock slatis-litcrsnlo. 20351,2 ncrlb.ihem-
lotkdry hide sole , 2J.142le ; oik Mile , 3iK3-llui
I'lonch kip skins , lKio < alH ) ; I'lenuh calf skin ,
JI.riB.200 ! Amerlcnn oak calf. 85ciail.IV. Amor-
lean hemlock calf , 75eOM.IO ; American oali
Mi | , 75K83o ; American hemlock kip. 001175
sheep skins , 59iI,03 ; goat skins , per foot , 20u
On Hoard Cars ut Omaha Authr iclto
Chestnut , rnn-n nnd o-j < r. Js.ojportm ; grate ,
87.7k Soft coil Walnut , block , t.5a ) ; lown
lump , } .l 50 ; Ion a nut , i.09. \ .
Iiline , Ouniciit , 10to.
On Hoard Cats at Omuha 1'er bbl Asli
Grotollmc. ( Ho ; Ch uiiilou ] lime. 8 * > ; Qiilncy
white , 80o ; Loulsvlllo cemouUH 50 ; Mllvv
cctni'iit , $ l,4i | Utlci , eemont , ? l.40 ; nngllsh
I'ortliind ecmeiit , } .l.4r ! New York plnstor ,
W.23 ; MlchUan nlasler , } 200 ; Tort DodKO plas
ter , JI.75 ; white sand. $ . ' .00 ; 1' . 1' . hulr , pei
bale , JI.OO.
llr.ACK WAl.NUTS-l'orbushol , 81.00.
HICKOIIV NllTS-LarrfC , per bushel , (1.21 :
sinnll , ? 1.732no.
POP CoiiN-Oboleo last season's stock , ' .
COOOAMJTS I'cr hundred , sacked , S3.00.
i Laigo It illan , 18c per Ib.
Currents orCoiiinicroc.
The mtrkct on ole Icatbcr and Amorlcar
calf Is Ilrm at the fall advance . Vuliics 01
I'lench calf aio commencing to pick up.
The maiKct on print paper is weak , bill
values on some other kinds mo advancing
Ihcro has been an advance on stoio wrnppliu
paper imoiintlng to about 13 per cent , owln ;
to the formation of some combination amonj
the iiianufacturcrs.
The other day T. Ivllpatrlck of the Kllpnt
rl'k-Koch dry iroods companv wus llguilng ut
the amount of room occupied by the linn'1
stock of goods , at rie\onth and llnrnev
sticefs , and was surprised to find that If Uu.
Iho floors of the building wcro spread out or
ground that thu space covered would be an
exact acio.
There appcirs to be a srowlng scarcity o
oak and hemlock bat l < and a good many tun-
ntrles arc meptln w | th homo dllliculty In ob-
t lining a sulllelcnt supply this season Ai
thuHainc tlmo thcro Is. i continually Increas
ing demand for lurk as the country du\olop * <
At the present tlmo tanners aio piIng a bl
advance o\er olii pi Ices , which adds just si
much moro to the cost of leather.
His suriirlsjng how much money Is Invested
In toys o\oiy yoir bvtho peor.Ir of all sec
tions of the country. II. Hardy X Co. , who di
a Jobbing business In toys , ns well as In housi
furnishing goods , report an excellent tr.idi
e\en us far west \v\omlng anil up Into Da
kota. Tlio doll and the rattle box aio ns es.
fccntlal In the hod house of the fiontler as h
the city house of the millionaire.
I'roluco commission men are just now expe
riencing thu reflet action of la t week's poul
try glut. OH Ing to a combination of wain
weather and over supply , considerable stocl
had to ho sold atcrv low prices or allowed ti
spoil. The country shipper has now iceolvci
Ids account of sales and Is p lying his respect'
to bis commission Him In a rctuin letter
bomo of these Icttois aio almost tiagio h
tone. "Wns It for this that I sat up all nlghl
and picked chickens ! " exclaims ono whost
consignment sold nt fie per pound , "fecnd mi
Jo more per pound for my poultry or 1 wll
make a tow , " thieatens another. The com
mission firm doing the selling makes the vorj
best teims for their shippers that they can
out whenever thcro Is a glut and prices dro |
very low disappointed shippers are bound ti
The supreme court of
liank cheeks are not cash , and do not possess
legal Miluc as money until cashed. In othei
words , the giving of a cheek on a brink Is nol
payment when pissed hntncon debtor am :
creditor , but only becomes &o when the inonoj
Is received on It. The Minnesota court ruk1
fuithor that In accepting a cheek fiom i
debtor there Is no legal presumption that tin
creditor takes It In absolute payment , but onlj
conditionally. 01 us a written acknowii'dgmoni
of the debt , whcru goods aio sold foi casb in
delivery nnd the imiclmsor tenders piym > ii' '
In a check or draft on his b mkei , such a pa )
mei.t Is only conditional. Iftheiheckls dls
honored on pit 8 Mitiitlon , the bcllor may re
taKe the goo Is foi the. purcli iso money , exci
from the possession of a third Innocent party
unless It can ho shown that tl o spllerhasbici
guilty of such nc'llcenco us would ostop bin
from recovering In equity.
Tlio "wash silks" nowoxhlbltedln tlio shop *
says the New Yoik Tribune , In roallty con
tain hut a sm'ill percentage- the web of the
silk worm. Like most of the luoxponslu ) Ori
ental silks , they ate made In paitoi wholly o
the llbro of ramie , a plant of thu nettle fnintl ]
grown extensively In India nnd China. Till-
exiUlsltohllketoegctablo Jlhto has longbcci
used In the ndultoi.itlon of silk. It Is finer ,
but probably not as btiong as llax
I'ongco "silks" are commonly inndi
wholly of ramie , but are nluays ealcndcrci
tl.nt Is , passed over hot tolli'is to ul\o then
a glacollkohllkcn This make ? then
moio attractt\o on the shop countcis , bin
causes them to npot with water until thh
finish has been removed by sponging. Tin
Improvements made of late years in tin
munufactuio of riinilo have material ! )
airectcd the cost of all low priced silks , mil
bid fair In tlmo to make such "silks" as clicai
as cotton. There Is no ica on why r.uuli
should not bo sold under Its own name. 1
h is virtues of Its own apart from slllc. ono o
which Is that It can bo washed ; and It cer
tainly Is not linpiovod by mixing with bilk.
Dr. 'F. ' C. Werner's
Are highly rocommondcd after seven
yciirs of successful oxporicnco by the
solo mnnufticturers ,
Kopp , DreibuscSt Co. ,
1 1 06 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Sold everywhere , 60 per pucktigo ,
Send for samulea.
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $4OOOOC
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - B7BOC
lrectori--lenrr W. Tatci ,
l wlia B d , Vloe-Preildentj JarntiW. BtTatfn , W
V. Morie , John a. Co'.llni , II. C. Cuihlng , J. a.
PftUtok , W. U. B. ilUKhei , caibUr.
Corner 12th and Foraam BU.
A Ofinorrtl Hanking fiuiilnemTraniiif't 'l '
Boyer & Truitt , Martin Bros. ,
41'M E ! ) > "K ' ' " " 'llns '
68-10 Kxclmngo Iluliainif ,
BKrchnnxe llulldln ; ,
boulh Omaha. Ho u Hi Omaha.
S , J , Ooffraan , Smiley Hunter & Green ,
& Oo.
I SOKiclmnuoJluliaing ,
20Kxclian a llulUllnz ,
Boulh Omuha. Boulh Oiinlm.
Wood Brothers ,
55 KtcUanja IlullJIoir ,
UoutU OmaUa
Ifai Woraf ami
The Brunswiok-Balko John L. Wilkie ,
Oollendor Oo.
llllllucl niorilmnilHe , Onnlm | npor box fi\torr ,
Saloon fliturei niT-1313 IoiuKH .
407 409 H lIUli Mroot ,
Onmhn. Orilcrn | > romptljr Illlol
. _ , -
- - - - -
- - - -
- - ll-U-L-L-ri-l-
Onnba Republican Printing Oo. ,
Law brlcfn , banU anpplloi , mil ovor/thlni In the
prlnthiK lino.
10th nnJ lloiixli' > troet < .
Ackcrraann Bros. & Heintze ,
I'rlDlcrj , lliulors , ioMrotypcr ! , blank book unnu-
fiuturprs ,
Goo. Oborno & Cb , , JS. Smith & 0)n
H3S. IllliMrcct , UW-H15 I-cnTCnnorthlU
Omnhi. Oranhn.
Paxton & Vlerllng Omaha Snfo & Iron
Iron Worka , Worlu
Wrotiiiht ntul pn t Iron ,
lnillclliiK work , engine * , SInmif'M nrn nml Inirdur
tiriiM work , ftnnarnt proof nfo , vimlU , Jnll
fomiilrjr , innoliliio nml work , ( run nhutlers nntl
l > 1nek iultli work. U 1' flrc o oi | > oi ( I. An-
It ) iiml 17th t. drt'cn.tllh X Jackson its
Acme Iron and Wire Wilson &
, M'fg tnlmlnr fiuci , flro
Iron , wtrpnnillirn" w'ki. box bolter * , tnnki , ot'o.
( JUS Ihtliilroot.
\V Itoplit , - Proprietor 1'lorconnl 10th utrpots.
Rec3 Printing Oo.
thoKrihlilna , PrlntliU
nml illnnk llooki
lltli anil llow.-mlSt' .
Her & Co. , William Darst ,
1.1m or Mmluuit' Wines , Liquors rmd Cl-
111. llnrnojr Rlrvet Knrs.
KiuUliiUnimturi. 1311 I'nrnim 8t. Omnlift
E , R. Grotto , Prank Dollono & Co , ,
Importer nml Jobber of Ijlquor * iinil OennlnoXo-
\\lne * niiit l.lquuM S'th ' '
nml l.tnvunnurtli Sts > mli C'IKI"
1'rlco ll t < on nppllcnlUm 1M. ' > DoiiKlns Mrcct.
L. K5rsoht& Oo.i A. Prick & 0o , ,
\Vliolo nl3 LlqiinrDonlcrs \ \ Lolcsnlf I.lquorlU alert
407 nn < 140) S 10th 81. fOI-fO ) 8 10th St.
Tred W. Gray , Louis Bradford ,
Mmc , Cement , I'lo , Kto Lumber , lime , cementoto ,
Cor tth nnd : tt.MPotiBlm-troot
0. A. Stonobill , I. Oberfelder & Oo , ,
.Millinery , Nullnni Iiiiliorlern unit Jobbers la
Cloiki , ito : Mlllliiorj-
209,210nnd212 boutU llth
lie-US' ! ICtliKt , Omalm striet
Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr. ,
M'f'tf Jcvrclprn , ilcnlen Iti I'lanoi , Orunn" , Artist * *
niuMial ln tiiitncnn ,
uti- , MiiterlnlD , Ktc. ,
1'arnani nnil inih 151 1 Io\iKln ) > Mrcct ,
OIL" ? .
Oonsolidatod Tank
Line Oo ,
llpflnort nnil lubrlcjtln ?
oiK ntlo uronso , etu.
A. 11 lllslioii ,
A. Booth Packing Oo. , Piatt & Oo , ,
brnnil , " frcMi *
Oyster" , ll li nnd canned ojl
tori ,
< t'ou Is.
Omnhn lirnnrh ,
130S Ixjnvcnwortli 615 nml 817 How.-ird.
Carpenter Paper Oo. , Western Plating Wks
Carry n full Block of Oolil , fllT r unit nlckol
1'lntliu ' on nil mctiH ,
printing , nrnpplni ; nnil
Inlilcwnio etc .roiil.ilod.
n riling inipor , cnnl n- I'olNhlnrf hra < i \ chan-
per , etc. ilellornork 1114 D.nlgO. .
Eibbel & Snrtli , Schroeder & Oo , ,
Dculers In c-ountrjr proaCasb buyers butter dad
urc , frultH , vegetables , , un t genornl corA *
etc nilH < lon mcTclmntH ,
1207 Howard street. ( -M suutli llth strccU
Bites & Oo. ,
Country produce , frulti ,
vcujtiiblot , grocers'
spucl iltlui. tens. Hplcoj ,
etc. 4I7US. . llthrit.
Omaha Eubber Oo. ,
it'innfaclurliu nnl jo'j-
bcr.inll klndt rubber
101JS Fitnmin street.
A. L. Dcano & Oo. , Emerson Seoi Oo. ,
General niinnM for Hall's Seed Krowor. ' , no ilcrs In
Hnfis Knrd n , KHISS , urulnnad
321 nniU.MMuntli 10th St. , treunco.U ,
Uinaliii. 421-1.'I Honth loth.
M. A , Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Sash & Door Oo.
ManufnctnrrrH ( if imsli , MnnnfnctiircN of nioulj-
iloiirn. bllndn anil Ingj , ljllnJ ( , JoorJ ,
aiouldlmis llrunchof- etc.
tlcc , l.'th nnd Imr.l Bti Ibthnnd Clark Htrccti.
Farrell & Oorapiny , Dafly-Trowbridgo
Wlinlonlo nnnfncturors Stova Minnfao'g Oo-r
sjrups , inolnism and
vlnwirs , Mnnufa"tur'K utovotfinl
otnvii pip3.
217-219 South 8th utroot. 1213-1215 I.oavonwnrth sU
Consolidated Ooffoo
Company ,
UllnndltH llnrnoyst ,
Omnlia , Nob.
London , England.
Amsterdam , Holland.
American lecurltlcs on comml ilo4
in I/onduu anil on all Contluentnl nmrkoti. f
Nnottntloni of new lo ui aipecleltf.
Naikr Ulugk , UlU aua Vuruaiu. Tolcpbono 06 % J