Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Mrs. Justice Field's tteclpo for Cooking tha
Tamons Fowl.
TCMPMNG AND TOOTHSOME TID-BITS , tlio AVIves of Distinguished
A mrrlcniifi "Ilcoommoml should Ho
Inoludntl In Uic Menu fbr Jho
Nov. 2.j.-lSpeclnl to Tnn
Urn.The ] principal feature nbout 'IhnnUsi
giving day U the dinner. 1'eoplo mayor m y
not feel disposed to glvo thanks , nnd it inny
bo said that thcro nro In this city today omonfj
tlio returning statesmen n great tnnny who
would Ilko to know what on earth they hnvo
to give thanks for ; hut , nevertheless , they
will want a good dinner , nnd by some sort of
tradition the turkey is the central ilguro of a
Thanksgiving dinner. It may not bo without
interest to some house-wives outsldo of Wash *
ington lo know * , hnt tlio wives of America's
leading statesmen , from Mrs. IlnrrUon down ,
nro most of them good cooks , nnd tome of
them exceedingly good coolcs , nnO a little vol
ume of roclpcs suggested by the WVOT ot
linportiint American politicians pub-
I uwo not long ago shows that they are
queens of tlio kitchen ns well as
the drmvlne-room. So that If nny
lady wuiiU to build up n Thanksgiving
dinner on national lines hero nro some sug
gestions of dishes that will grace the Thanks-
ilvln/f ; tables in the white house nnd else-
Shu nmy adopt Mrs. Harrison's rcclpo for
rlenr soup , which is n very peed thing to
Htntt dinner with , Mrs , Chief Justice Fuller
1ms a very eood roclpo for codfish balls ,
tlioui.'li iioono would wnnt codflsli balls oil
Thanksgiving day ; and the rcdpo of Mrs ,
Campbell , the ulfo of the brilliant young
governor of Ohio , -for baked flsh , would scorn
to bo hotter for tbo occasion. The wlfo of
rSencrnl ( Jrcoly of Arctic fame has nn excel
lent chicken croquette ; nnd cx-Sccrotary
liuynnl'n motliod of preparing terrapin is
known the country over. The wife of Jus.
llco I'luld mrUos some suggestion's for roast
turkcv , nnd in this connection it nmy be men
tioned that Mrs. Field u few diys ago posi
tively declined ever In herlifoto again give
for publication nny other recipes.
"i never , " sutd she , "was so shamefully
abused In my llfo hucnuso I suggested that
the turkey should ho fed on chain-
'pagno or sherry nnd walnuts a few
days buforo killing him. I have received
letters from all over the country ; from Call-
furnla to Maine , tram women whom I sup
pose are good enough la their way , abusing
mo like a pickpocket for my cruelty lo gorg
ing nnd making n poor fcarkoy drunk bofora
killing I never knew what nn awfully hard
hearted creature I was until I began lo rc-
cclvo thcso letters , so that I will have no
more udvico to glvo in the future , for fear I
will bo aouscd some more. "
For any ono viho likes cabbage the wife of
Ilo&wcll P. Flower , the New York million-
alic , Ims a suggestion in the line of minced
cabbage , and the wife of Congressman Hland
of silver dollar fame knows a good way to ilo
up mashed potatoes. Mrs. McICee , thd
daughter of President Harrison , lias
n rociuo for scalloped oysters , and
Treasurer Huston's ' wife ono foi <
sweetbreads and mushrooms. Senator ,
Ingnlls' wlfo suggests roast duck , nnd tlio
wife of Postmaster Wauanmkor has been
frequently praised for excellent lobster snlad.
Mrs , . "Farmer" .Terry Husk suggests n Kus-
plan cream and Mrs. .Attorney General Mil
ler knows bow to muko a temperance punch
of tbo most distinctly totnpomnco principles.
Kvcryono lUtes mfnco pie , provided ono ;
knous the maker , whom this case happens
to be Mr * . Justice Miller. Then among other
things that nmy bo suggested for this dinner
is sumo frozen npricots , by Mrs. Senator
Quay , and a few other trifles nddod. Prayer
may be necessary after the dinner. Jlero are
Tun itncii'cs ;
Clear soup , Mrs. Harrison Four pounds
of Juicy beef : 1 knuckle ofcal ; 2 small tur
nips ; a canots ; 1 soup bunch : 1 small pod of
red pepper j 2 white onions ; salt ; 0 quarts of
wator. Boll six hours , then strain through a
slovo : lot Htond over night nnd congeal ; then
skim off till the grcaio ; put Into n kettle to
warm und aud sherry or madeira wiuo to
" Baked flsh , Mrs. Governor Campbell-
Cm , rinse and wind dry a white fish , or
nny fish weighing three or four pounds ; rub
the fish insldo and out with salt and pepper ,
fill "with a shifting made like that for poul
try , but drier ; tie the fish up nnd put In a
hot pan with some drippings nnd a lump or
butter , dredge with flour and lay over the
tisb. n few slices of thin salt pork or bits of
butter , nnd balco an liour mid a half , basting
Chicken croquettes ) Mrs. General Grcely
Ono lurgo chicken , riisted. one pair small
sweetbreads and a little of the soft bread
dressing with which the chicken has been
dressed , chopped line togother. Make a
arawti butter of ono pint of cream iu which
on onion has stood until the cream Is ready
to boll ; one-half cup of butter and suftlcient
flour to make a thick sauco. Season the
fhlcken mixture highly with hopped parsley
rhlll coloro , not cayenne. Mix with tlio
drawn butter nnd heat thoroughly , stirring
constantly. AVbcn cool form the croquettes
With cracker dust , roll in beaten eggs , then
in cracker dustnnd fry.
Teirnpln , ex-Sccrcuiry Bayard Take two
"counts'1 ' nnd boll in the shell ; after allow
ing them to cool remove the shell , toke out
the gall hlndder nnd cut the terrapin Iu good
sized pieces , put in n chafing dish nnd to this
ndd a small cupful of rich cream , half a
pound of cutter and a.couplo of wineglass-
Jub of sherry or mndolra. Most epicures
prefer madeira because of its rich Jlnvor. No
ono has over prepared terrapin after this re-
( Ipo who is not n convert tolls excellence.
Thanksgiving turkey , Mrs. Justice Field
The turkey should ho cooped up nnd fed well
some llmo beforoTlmnksKldng. Three days
hoforoit is slaughtered it should hnvo uli
Kugllsh walnut forced down its throat three-
times a day , nnd a glass of bberrv once n day.
Iho ment will bo dcliciously tender nnd huvo
n flno nutty flavor.
Minced cabbage , Mrs. Roswell P. Flower
" -Drain boiled cabbage in the colander ; put It
in tbo hopplng-tray and chop line. For each
quart of chopped cabbage put two teaspoon-
fula of butter and ouo of Hour in the frying
jinn. As soon ns smooth and hot put into ttio
cabbage , which season well V ) 1th salt ami
) Mjipur | , and , if you like it , two tnblcspoonfuls
of vinegar. Stir constantly for five to eight
lulnutw. When done heap on n dish , muko
tmiooth with a knife , and garnish with hurd
boiled cgjr' . '
Mashed potatoes , MM. R. P. nianu Pnro
the potatoes , cut into pieces , and place linmo-
fllatoly in cold wnter. Peuchblow best.
Tnko them out when prepared and turn on
boiling water. Cook ( illicitly Just as the meal
Is rcadv. Empty water off , und lot stand on
tbo steve till perfectly drysalt ; to taste ; hut-
tor nnrt cream ns much ns ncndcd to mnko the
tight consistency. Servo Immediately.
Spinach , Mrs , J. Mi Furquhnr Wash the
ipliiRi-h in waters , and keep In cold
water until time to cook it. Then put into
1 boiling water enough to cover it , and add a
llttlo salt. Cover the pan nnd hell briskly till
tcmdcr ; it will sink when done. Talto from
the water immediately , season It with butter ,
und cover with hard boiled eges In slices.
Scalloped sweet twtatoes , Mrs. William J.
Council Cut boiled sweet potatoes into quar
ter-inch slices and put them in u baking-
tllsh. Sprinkle oncli layer slightly with
Bogar and dot with bits of butter. Bake
until hot and slightlybrowned.
Toiupcronoo Punch , Mrs. Attorney Gener
al Mlller-fOueJiozon lemons , one-half doztm
oranircs , prepared in the UMinl wny ; ouo pint
t of c-r.inbcrrios united till the julco can DO
easily extracted and after cooling , pour hi
With Ihu lejnous and oranges ; wutcruud su
gar to Usto.
St-nllopod oysters , Mrs. Mary Harrison Me
Keo Hell tlio m.icaronl soft , put n Inyor into
n baking dull , cover with oysters , pepi or ,
tall mid Imttor , then another layer of ofetors
until the dish is mieu ; balce.
Swi-otln-cads nntl nrashitwras , Mrs. Treas
urer Huston Take a nice large pair of sweetbreads -
breads , trim off the ears nnd soak in salt and
water for nn hour ; wash in cold wntor und
boll until done. When cold , cut into small
pieces ; tnko half n Jar of French buttou
inushroouii , slice and put them in half n pint
" of wnter and boil live nilnutos ; add the
-otbread ? nnd boll teu minutes. Hub a
tcwpoonful of flour in a largo | , ! eco of fresh ,
sweet butter , size of nn cgcr , until smoothnnd
stir into nhnlf n cup of cream ; pour into
mushrooms nnd sireetbroadshavlng first sea
soned them with salt , and pepper , and let boll
five minutes , Servo immediately in a hot
Kontt dncK , Mr * . Senator IngallsHoa t
two wild ducks. When cold cnrvo niocly , re
jecting the wings. Put into a stowpan ono
pint of water , one pint of tonl toes < strained ;
ono tablespooiiful of onion Juice , salt nnd pep
per to taste. As teen at this bolls up throw
in the sliced duck and boll flftctm minutes.
At the lust moment thicken with a little corn-
stnrch and throw In two do n olives. When
all is well heated through servo at once. This
Is delicious when well prepared.
Lobster salad. Mrs. Postmaster General
Wannmaker Split two good-sized , fine ,
freshly boiled lobsters. 1'ick all the meat
frcm oat the shells , then cut It into one-inch
lengths , equal pieces. Place it in a saucepan
on tbo hot range , with ono ounce of very
peed , fresh butter. Season with ono pinch
of stilt nnd half a saltspoonful of red jwpper ,
nddlng two medlum-slzoil sound truflles , cut
into small dlik-sht > pcd pieces. Cook for live
minutes , then add a wlneglassful of good
madeira wine. Untuco to ono-hnlf , which
will take three minutes. HavothreocRg
yolks In a bowl , with half a pint of sweet
cicam ; bent well together and add to It the
lobster. CJcntly shufllo for two minutes
longer , or until it thickens well. Pour It into
a hot tureen and servo hot.
Knssl.iu cream , Mrs. Secretary Husk-
Cover one packr.go of gelatine with cold
water. When dissolved , add ono cup of new
milk , ono cup of sugar ; heat to boiling point ,
stirring frequently , then set away to cool.
Whip ono quart of thick cream until light ;
beat the whites of six eggs and add both to
the mixture ; when cool , flavor with vanilla.
Place the jcllv in the bottom of the molds ,
and when stiff nnd cold ndd the cream ; turn
out of mold and servo In slices.
Mince pics , Mrs. Justice Miller Two
pounds of raw beef , chopped fine ; two
pounds suet , chopped line ; four pounds good
tart apples , two pounds currants , two pounds
raisins , two pounds citron , Uvo pounds brown
.sugar , ono quart good New Oileans molasses ,
four ounces of salt , one nnd one-half ounces
mixed spices cinnamon , cloves nnd allspice
with preponderance of cinnamon ; one-half
ounce white popper , two nutmegs , juice of
choice lemons , ono quart brandy , ono quart
cldor. Mix dry parts with salt- that Is suet
and spices. Then put in apples , then fruit ,
then liquors , then sugar. Make two , nnd if
possible six , weeks before using.
Cake , Mrs. John O. Carlisle Three-fourths
pound of butter , washed and creamed ; ndd
ono pound of sugar , nine eggs beaten sop
aratcly ; add ttio yellow * to butter and sugar ,
then ono pound of Hour nnd whites well
frothcd added alternately ; beat well nnd ndd
two tnblospoonfuls ot baking powder just before
fore baking ,
Dclicato cake , Mrs John Sherman Ono
pound of sugar ( light weight ) , ono pound of
Hour ( light weight ) , a little more than a half-
pound of butter , whites of sixteen eggs
beaten to a stiff froth : beat butter and sugar
to n cream ana add the flour and eggs alter
nately until all nre used : flavor with peach or
lemon. Bake in a moderately quick oven.
No baking powder.
Frozen apricots , Mrs. Senator Quay Ono
can of npricots , n generous pint of sugar , a
quart of water , a pint of whipped cream ,
measured after being whipped ; cut tbo apri
cots in small pieces , add the sugar and water ,
and freeze ; "when nearly frozen add the
IJon-bons , Mrs. Senator Cullom Mix to
gether with the whites of two eggs an equal
quantity of cold wnter and enough con foc-
tlouers' sugar to rauku n stilt dough. It will
require about two pounds. To prepare fruits
and nuts , tnko seeds out of dates nnd fill with
the cream ; blanch almonds and cover with
cro.ini. Candied clierrius are very nice ; take
little balls of the eroum and put a cherry on
each. English wulnuis are used la the same
way as cherries. ,
IJald heads are too many when they may
he covered with n luxuriant growth of hair
bv using the best of all restorers , Hull's
Hair Henower.
Tlint is tlio Title ot the Now Chief OfTl-
ciiil of the U. P.
Predictions of changes in the management
of the Union Pacific that have coon indulged
in for some months were verified yesterday nt
the directors' mectlnc1 in Boston when Charles
Francis Adams resigned from the presidency
and Sidney Dillon was chosen to succeed
The causes that led to the dissatisfaction
among the stockholders , which resulted in
this change of presidents , have boon fdlly
discussed in these columns , and the matters
of great interest now pertain to the changes
that will be made in the Omaha management
of the road.
Mr. Adams has been president of
the road since Juno IT , lbS4 , and has
established a system of management
dilToring from * that of any great railway in
the country
Thu system that of dividing the road into
five grand divisions , each under a complete
set of general ofllcers is not in favor with
railway magnates in general. Jay Gould ,
who Is now conceded to hnvo control of the
road , is particular ! opposed to this plan nnd
the impression amouft local officials is that a
complete reorganization of the management
will take nlaco at oncb.
A CJrantl Aluroh.
S. II. H. Clarke can have tbo 'management
of the Union Pacific under the Gould control
if ho wants it , according to tbo statement of
n rail road man who is as familiar as nny ono
in Omaha with the status of the new deal.
'Tho interview with Sidney Dillon , " ac
cording to the saino authority , "published in
the papers Tuesday was erroneous. Mr.
Dillon said that Air. Clark had not been sum
moned to Now York by Mr , Gould. As u
nvitter of fact Mr , Clark was all ready to re
turn to St. Louis , when ho received nines-
from Mr. Gould direct to go on nt once to
New York.
"It Is Just a question now ni to whether
Mr. ClarK wants to come to Omaha ns man
ager of the Union P-acific , and I think ho
docs. If ho does not come himself ho will
have a rood deal to say in the rejection of the
men who will bo active at this end of the
road. "
"There is an Impression. " said thoroportcr.
"that if Mr. Chirk comes back hero ho will
bring some or all of his old time force back
with him. "
"There Isn't much In that , " replied the
authority. "Thcro nro some of Clark's old
lieutenants that are too well fixed to want to
como back , and there nro some of them who
could not got back although they wanted
to. Tun BCG was right Tuesday
in its prediction that E. P. Vlning would
probably return as traftlo manager. Tilling
when hero was very unpopular , but it is a
fact that the road has never paid a dividend
sliice Vinlng loft It Ilo is a topnotchcr as a
freight and triiflic man ,
"Of oourao , " nontlmlod the speaker , "it is
n dlftlrult matter topr 5dlcf what changes will
bo made , There will bo n grand march of
general officers created under the Adams ad
ministration , and the active Adams men , who
have had a. hand iu the fights that have been
going on under the present management will
bo the first to go. Iseobyono of the
funny thing to anyone familiar with the
situation. Mellon is mi offensive partisan
and ho will have no conference with Clarlc
and Gould , and in all probability will not bo
with the road long after Mr. Gould gets fulli
control of it , "
"Thero has been a report too that P. P.
Shelby was coming back. I don't think there
Is anything In that. Shelby's prospects with
tlio Manitoba nro too bright to warrant him
in making any change , Then Fred Whitney
is a good freight man mid : will suit Chirk all
light. Ho ia not nn.Adiims mnn butcamo
with Potter from the Q. I don't expect any
chaiiRO either In the passenger department.
Lomax "lias not taken any part
in any ol the factional lights. Ho
ranks the equal of any passenger
man in the country , and will probably IM re
tained and made general passenger agent of
tlio entire system.
"All the dU-Klons will be changed and
instead of U sot of gdncral officers for each
division tbo nctiyo management will bo In
tbo hands of a set of general officers here v
with superintendents for the various divis t
ions. " n
Tint Rook iHlitnd Kitcnslnn. '
Track laying on the Hock Island road from RS
Omaha to Lincoln WHS completed yesterday , 0
tbo last work being the completion o tuo con- 0r
ncctlons with the Union Pacific tracks at 0v
Lincoln , C
The now extension Is fifty-four miles in o
length and has been built entirely since July t
1 , Tlio line crosse ? tbo Platte rlvor on u 0
bridge Uireeiuurters of * mile long at South
The Majority
Of so-cilled coiiRh-cures ilo little tnoro thnn
Impair tlio dlgcstlrc fnnctlons ftiul crc&ta
tile. Ajrcr's Cherry Tcctoral , on the con *
trary , i\lrtle U cures the cougli , doci not In
terfere with the functions of dltier slomach
or liter , No oUier mcillclno ll so sala and
cfllcaclous In diseases of the throat nnJ
"Four j ears ago I took a severe cold , which
WM followed by a tertlblo cough. 1 was
ury sick , and confined to my bctl about four
months. 1 cmplojcil a physician most ol
the time , wlio finally said I was In consumjv
'tlon , and that he could not help mo. Ono ol
mjr neighbors ntlrltcd me to try Aycr's
Chcny 1'cctoral. I < lkl so , and , before I had
finished taking the first bottle was able to
tit up Ml the time , and to go out. lly the
tlmo I finished the bottle Inas well , and
have remained soever since.- ! * D. IJlxbjr ,
Ilartonsvllle , Vt.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
DR. J. C. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
BolU by M DruitgUti. I'rlcg $1 ; fit bottles , 19.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
The moit widely nna favorably know * apoo-
Inllsti In the United States. Tholr Ions ex
perience , reinnrlmklo sldll and unf rental suc
cess In the treatment nnd cure of Nervous ,
Chronic nd Surgical DIscmHoi. entitle ttiCso
onilnont physicians to tlio full conddoncoof
the anilciod everywhere. They guarantee :
the awful clfects of early vlco nnd tlie uumcr-
oui ovlla that follow In its train ,
upowlllr , oonitilotnly nnd permnnontly cured.
OHDEK3ylulUroadiIy totholr skillful troat-
Rimrnnteod cured without pain or detention
from uiiBloeHs.
ncntly and successfully cured In every csao.
matorrheiv , Seminal Weakness , Lost Manhood.
KlRlit Emissions. Decayed Faculties , I'omalo
\VonkneM and all dollcato dlsoiilora pocullur
to either ex positively cured , ns well tie nil
function * ! disorders that result from youth
ful follies or thn excess of mature your * .
TIirTIIPP Guaranteed perunmontly
01 l\.l\/l U-ixu ourod , remotal oouiploto ,
without cutting , cnustlo or dilatation. Ouros
ifffctod at IIDUIB by patient without a mo
ment's pain or annnraiica.
A TIPP niTTTho awful effeota of
ft- OU1LVjUlvii early vlco which brings
nrftnnlo weakness , flostroyInz both mind and
body , with all Its dreaded ilia , pormanenty
DR RFTT's Adaros3 those who hare Im-
L/S\.J. DLillJ paired themselves by Im
proper indulgence nnd solitary hablU , which
ruin both lulnd and body , unfitting thorn for
butneiv ! ' "dy OP tnnrrinRO.
. MAKUIKD HEN or those on tot-In ? on that
happy life , aware of physical debility , quloklj
Is based npon facts. First Practical experi
ence. Second Every case li specially ituuled ,
tbuo starting rlsht. Third Medlolnos are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each ease , thus effecting curoa without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
EOY. ATI unfntl-
Inu euro for Bem-
InM Weakness ,
HiHTtiintt'rrliocft ,
Impotency and
nil diseases that
follow as a 10-
q n once of Suit-
abuse ; asl.ossof
Memory , Unlvcr-
Pain In the Ilnck , Dimness ot Vision , Premature Old
Ago , nnd many other diseases tlint lead to Insanity
or consumption nnd n premature frrnve.
rVFull particulars In our pamphlet , which we de-
slro to send free by mall to e ery one. fWTho Spe-
clno Medicine li sold ntH per pnckuKO , or ilx pack-
axoi for li , or will be tent free by mill on rccolpt of
the money , by addressing
On account of counterfeits wo hare adopted the
yellow wrapper , the onlr genuine ,
Bond nnd Is frco from heavy grades the
whole length of the route.
President It. R. Cable of the Rock Island Is
In tlio city nnd was asked concerning his com
pany's plans for the equipment and operation
of the new extension. Ho replied that tuo
plans "had not boon fully decided upon , as
tboro was nni.ilo time to arrange for the oper
ation of the line while the roadbed was being
put into shape nnd necessary Improvements
uiado. Ho said that ho would make a trip
ever the now road before bis return to Chicago
cage and would then bo better able to decide
upon what was needed for tbo proper equip
ment of the line.
A Change lit Cnshlcrs.
W. A. Higclns , who has been cashier of
the Burlington , at headquarters for the past
fifteen years , has resigned to engage In other
Mr. HlffBlns will bo succeeded by 'D. T.
Beans , who has been assistant in the oflleo
for over ten years , and has earned his pro
motion by cfllticut and faithful service.
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg.
Throuprh coachoa Pullman palnco
sleepers , diningcnrs , free reclining : clmlr
curs to Chicnffo and Intorveiling points
via the grunt Itoclt Island route. Ticket
tlico 1C02 , Sixteenth and Farnnm
Albright's Choice , 10 per cent cash.
County Court.
Yesterday in the county court the L. Burg
manufacturing company of Farmlngton , la. , ,
brought suit to recover $2S7 from tlio Bauin
Iron company for goods sold nnd delivered.
Fred h. San born bos sued William 1C.
Jacobs , constable , to recover possession of n
lot of coal tnlccn from 12. Moncak & Co. on a
writ of attachment. Snnborn claims the coal
by virtue of u chattel mortgage.
Mrs. Winsloiv's Soothing Syrup far chll-
dren tccthlnR relieves ttio child from pain. 25
cents a bottle.
IVonliln't Prosecute Her ,
The case against Mrs. Blgsloy for attempt
ing to Mil her husband cunio tip In polloo
court yesterday and was dismissed upon
motion of the county attorney. Mr. Bljjsloy
refused to testify ngaimt his wlfo and that
broke down the prosecution.
The Genuine Imported Carls
bad Sprudql Salt.
Is an alterative nnd oHinlnatlro remedy ,
whloh dissolves tcnuclous bllo , allays Irrl
tatlon , and removes obstruction "by aiding
nature , anil not by sudden and excessive
Irritation , as most catlmrtlcs do. It Ja of
great bencllt In temporary anfl habitual
sonstlpatlim , Ihor and kldnoy discuses ,
cluonlo catarrh of the btonmch and bowels ,
rheumatism and gout , etc. , and should bo
uicd curly In the morning before breakfast.
Cure must bo 70rcUe to obtain the ROIIU-
a rttolo , which U Importtia In round
bottles. Kuch bottle comes la paper
ourtoon. Write for uhamplilot , l.lsuor It
Moiulolbon Co. , Agents , < J UarclaySt. , N" . Y.
Continental Clothing House.
See\ \ Our Men's Business Suits , $650 , $ S.QO and $ /0,50
Our special sale of Men's low priced business suits ndvertiscd last week , will Lc made more nt <
SHO w WNDO ws tractive than ever by the addition of new lots.
t Men's ' Cassimere Sack and Frock Suits , 56.50.
For Samples. Wen's Cassimere Sack Suits , $8. .
Men's Cheviot Frocks and Sacks , $10.50
SPECIAL PRICES ON * Cfr4p Ovtrfocrl
" ' ' ' " ' ' ' " " BOYS'AND CHILDREN'S i'/ " ' , t'cyc' * " * and ri//t > rt i
Friday and Saturday of this "weekwill bo
. the bargain , days for Boys' Overcoats , Our
Cape Overcoats this season are full length both
in body and capes.
$4.OO Beginning Friday morning , wewill offer
. several special lines at $3.80 , $4.OO , $4.BO nnd
$8.OO , ages 4 to 12. These are the biggest 'bar
$4. BO gain lines we have evei ? offered.
Ulsters for Larger Boys ,
$8.OO Wide collars , e .tra length , double-breas
. ted , wool linings , prices $9.8O to $18. Of chin-
elulla , cheviot and freize.
We aim to keep up ( he standard of quality and give our patrons
Boys' Caps
Samples May Be Seen
viceable , neat and in a variety so complete that eack taste can be
in GENTS ,
our suited.
Show Windows. suited.iilBaipitaofMcii'sOvciwtss At this sale wo will olTor about
. iilBaipitaofMcii'sOvciwtss SSilo onof Bo.ys1 Cloth Windsors ,
Cloth Turbans , Jersey Turbana ,
Cloth and Felt Huts , at GO conta
Tolive up to all that you make is an error.
Not to carefully consider where to buy and why you should buy is an error.
To pay a big price for clothing because the store advertises heavily and charges big rates in
order to maintain big expenses is worse than an error.
To suppose that you can do better than you can at the JMisfit Parlors is an error.
To pay $35.00 for a ready-made suit when the Misfit Parlors will sell you a $45 custom-made
suit for $20.00 is an error.
To pay $6 and$8 for poorer pants than the Misfit Parlors will sell you $3 and $4 13 an error
that costs.
$70 custom made suit Tor $32.50 $05 cuslom made overcoat for. . . $32.00 $10 custom nifiilo pnntu for $8.25
$00 custom made suit for $ ! JO.OO SCO custom inndo overcoat for. . .if 28.5O $15 custom iiiiulo pants for $7.i > 0
$55 custom made suit Tor $27.50 550 custom nmfleovercoat for. . . $24.5O $ ! ) { custom iimile punts for $ ( ! .50
$50 custom made suit/or $25.00 $45 custom made overcoat for. . . $20.00 $12 custom made pants for $ (5.00 (
$45 custom mndo suit for $20.00 § 40 custom matlo o ercont for. . . $17.50 $10 custom made pants for $5.00
$10 custom mndo suit for $18.50 Jil5 custom made overcoat for. , . $14.00 $ 8 I'Hbtom nmilo pimls fur $1.50
$35 custom mndu suit for $15.00 $28 custom made oicrcoat for. . . $12.25 $ 7 custom mudp pants for $
Open evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock.
1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309
The Standard Cocoa of the World.
A Substitute for Tea-and Coffee.
Van Houten's \\ssfiftyper \ cent more of the jlesh-forming
elements of cocoa than is obtained by the best processes of
other manufacturers.
Doctors and analysts of the highest standing all over the
world , certify to this immense saving , and by "VAN HOU
TEN'S special process only can this be attained ,
p-ViX HoCTTR's OoccuC'onco tried. 1 ay nied" ) ( IOSBOSMI tha front idranttto ol
loiring no injurious etttotB onthe-nerrou i ; lein. , Nowonder , therefore , tliatln si I p rU
ottho world , thli ininlor't Oocon. lireoommendtil liymoUlcnl ram. liulcuil often
nnd coffee or other cncaai or chi > colae > , for Uiilly me by children or udiillt ,
bale nnd Ick.rlchund poor. Alk forVAN HoDTEK'8 ndliJ ooAn- ( . Cl
'Foot Bnll Game.
The players for the Thanksgiving football
game at the baseball park on North Twen
tieth _ 8trcot at 3 p. m. , are as follows :
Stato'Unlvcrslty Y. M. C.A. .
Team. Positions. Team.
Portcrfleld . full bank . "Williams
Oliver . half back . Cramer
Mocltctt . .halfback . Sheldon
Uirard . quarteFbaek. . Curtis
Anderson . canter . Thomas
Hyde . right guard . Hngpnrd
Stockton . left puard . Shelley
Johnson . rlRhl tncldo . .Dickey
Chandler , . loft tackle . White
Skiles . right end . Hlnchoy
Troycr . Ictt'eud . IToroman
Morrow ) 1 ' ' ( Zimmerman
Morley. > . .aubstlkntes , . . . { , . . .I3rotclilo
Lord. . . ) . , T . { . Young
Talk nbout forclRn. chiitnpacnes , try Coolt's
Extra Dry ; it is supcrla ? to two-thirds of the
imported wines. _
Mr. W. II. Calhoun pi , Marsbnlltown , la. ,
is in tbo city and wilLlccnialn over Tlmiiks-
Tlio only rallroid train out of Oranhn
run expressly for the accommodation ol
Omaha , Council DlufTs , Dos Moiucs and
Cbicngo business is , the Itook Islaml vcs-
tlbulcd limited , loavlne Omaha at 4:15
p. m. daily. Tielcotortlco , 1G02 Sixteenth
and Far n um fits. , Omaha.
The Montreal Rent ICatato 3fen Must
Defer Tholr Visit.
President Hartman of the Omaha rctl es
tate exchange has recdvcd nn answer from
the Montreal bretbren who sre at present in
Chicago , -which roads us follows :
CHIOAOO , Nov. 25 , 1SOO. Chris Hartman ,
President Omnba lieal Ilatuto
Wo hoartib' appreciate the cordial iin-itation
of your exchnngo to visit the Gate City of the
plains ana adtnlro it world-renowned development
volopment and great improvements.
Bermuda Bottled.
"You must e to ISerniuila. If
rou (1 lint I will not be resjionsl-
lilo lor tlie ciiimociience . " "lint ,
doctor , I can nnrnrd neltlirr the
tlmo nor tlie money. " " Will , If
Hint Is Impossible , try
I HometlnicH call U Ilormuda Bottled
tled , nnd many caxei nt
Bronchitis , Cougher
or Severe Cold
I liaro CCRGli with it ; and the
iKlvnntage l that the mont rn * | .
live Dtomacli ran take U , Another
tiling vrlilcli coinmrndji It In tlie
nttinulatlnc prnpertlen of tlto IIy
pophOHiilillcti irtalrh It contain * .
You will find It fur male at jour
UriiBKlMt'i but nee you ict tlie
' - " "
orlKlnal hCOTTB I'
are unprcparoa , however , for such ,
u joamoynudour lltritcd tlrno wo sincerely
xogrot. Kotbchiffabio ( ounJcrtnUotlie trip
the Montronl oontinpciit extends hcnrtfolt
tliaukft to their Omaha brethren nnd will
maltn every effort to avail themselves of
their hind offer the coming aiiring , with a
hearty hand nbako and many , man ) ' tlimiks.
TUo Montreal Ttcnl Eislato Kxuhungo ,
( JEoiiGE W. PAHKM , Vioo President.
ICIdnry anil lilndiicr Troubles
Ara promptly cured by the '
n u c find dluretio
Wuto of Excelsior Springs , Mo.
Commencing Thursday .Matinee.
Also "Jluoo MKbtl nnd baturdar Mullnou ,
Satire on Suiicrttltlon ,
Mr. George H. " Marion
And the struiiKCjt coinpinr cror oiiatfcd for tbli
Jloxilicct ) open U'eflncsilay ,
WILL iMwrcii , * * JIAKAGIK.
MAGGIE. Tlio MtDGHi'r HOTimrt
The onlr inUKOt wlfo mid mother wltlilior tiny trabo
over known.
The lronKe l tnnnnf tlierontiirr. Ha reml nnun-
ilurntcel cli lii9 , cnbloi , ropes und wlrnn. auj bcmU
stnnltarH by a Htroko of lila powerful arm.
BLACKKV , Kllik-of tboUoldcitTliioid.
John txAVtNE 13R09. - OlHo
Acrobats InCouilcel A.1tllu < lo , Tumblings end Kent )
In their orlslnal riminlyVASI [ DAT , Intrmlaahu
Nuvollf l > aiKO3 , Comic Soiiiwii Duett , and 1'ltutntlon
Donvoe' Uojjnl Marlonnttfli *
TlioOroilost , Urnndeit , HuatShowof tlio Year.
Bpcdli ) for flT t Hn. Dlnln * i.Tta. ! K urn.1rlt , V7nk
fulntii , Mental DuprewUqn , HofUnlOR nf tlin Uralnn-
uttltii tn iM&nltjrAaU liadlnarto inlwrr < J c r anj
uo th Prtmunre Old Aj . Itamimrii , lo i or 1'owtr
in Uber r i , Intoluntarjr CO B , and fibertii torrlic < ft
uu 4 > r oT r-enrtUn of me brain , eJrba > o or
OTiiHndiilKenee. t'Ui box eonUfira oneTnontfi tiwiU
racn1 ttiox , rr li for , l nt If mullvrerailll.
WltL lacta order )6r ) * ls IIOXKI , win llnil purcliuor
: riDto * to fefunii racier If the trcunxotraiu to
r riutu l > u a naKnumo ulaoaJjby
lUoro-ruim Street , Omaha Neb ,
. . . , . „ . WATER S"Slte :
NituiVi Tonic , Diunlio d Uric Solvtnt.
C B. MOORE & CO , , A < jti. 1515 Dodgi 81.
Moro tlmn 15 yearn' oxperlcnralu the trantmontol
A euro Knnrnntoed In 3 Co flvo days without tlioloii
f > o hour1 ! llmo.
IVrmmicnUj nirod without imlnor Instrument * ; n
cutting , no ( ItlatlMK. The nmt riiimrknljo ; rcuioJr
known to modern Belenw Wrlto fur circular ! .
Dr. flcCri'w't treiitmont for IlilHorrlhle blouil < ! ! <
rnno liai l > ccn proiioimroa tlio moxt p iwcrful al
riircci9fiil it'mody cror AHcivcrtv- | the atmuhtlo
cure ( if thin ( ll < ( iiis His uccci "With tills Olmmsa
Imu never LKPII equnllcd A ctiinplotu lUlli : Gl/AUj
ANrrtu , "Write foi clrvulai n.
nna nil wenkn n of the neiiml oruiini. norvuuinoii ,
llmKlltrnnddcsiionilPiicy absolutely cured. llion <
lief In lramodl to tind uouipletc.
Cutarrhli mnntltni , nnd nil illienioiof thebloil
llrnr. klilnrjsmul bladder pcriunncntlj curort.
ntid ncnralKl& < ncrvoiiNn < * fli imddlsuaKOiof thefttora *
noli cured , llio Unctor'n "JJonio Treiitmont" for
ladlOHliiirunaiinaud by lUI win ) hnvu u mlll , to 1)3
tlioniuitcoiiipeta mid convenient , roimwly uur of.
fi'rmt lei tlia trontincirt of fuinalo dliun O ) ltd
truly n woiidiirftil ruinmljNl ) liinlriiinenU ; uj
ImLii. Hotjim-oulAiii. ; < rnilM2T < i < ONLY ,
nmrvclnuninccons lias iron for him n nipnliitlna
vhlcli It trill ] ' imtlnnul In cbaractur , and Ills groM
nrmy [ putluntM rrichui front tlio Atlantic to tin
1'nciac. The Doctor Is n Rriulintu of "itim'i.Aii"
roctllclDO and 1ms lind lonuann cnruf ill ovporlonca In
lioHpUnlpractluD , nnd IH cliiiHud iiiiiunit the lending
poclnlliu tu inndern nclunoo. Truntniant hr oorr -
immclcnco. Wrlto fur circular ! about uacuut tin
nr > uvc3 < ll on es , I
Office , i4th and Farnam Sta
Kntrnnco on olthnr ntrooL
= OMAI-1A. Z = = S =
Corner ' 0th atidHamay Streets , Omaha.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A. T , McIiA-UGHLINT , President.
Founded by Dr. J. W. HoTVIenamy ,
Practioo Limited to
Rooms 316 lo 320 Bee
Charming Winter Resort in tlie Highland !
IIiintsvillellotel.Subslantlal.Elcganl . cw ,
UAHVICr B. DUNiaON , Alunagar ,