THJi OMAHA DAILY BEE | t TH UHSPAY , NOVEMBER 27. 1890. THE BAIL"Y BEE. E. ROSEWATEfl , EditorL f-TATKMBNT OV . . of IUCliH. * s CifflrKc II. T/Hcliuck. fpcrctnrr nf The Ho/ ) J'r.tillMilnB toninanr. noes nolcinnly awonf lent the nHiuil circulation of Till ! lUil.T ItRR forllio vretKCiifllijjt Nov. 22 , 18UD , was us fol- 1,1 B-B : Pnnfpv.Knr,1R. . . . . . , . , . . „ . . 23,011 Woiiflt.r , Nor. 17 . . . . . . 10.WV1 ' ruf , tlar.Nov IS . . . M.OTft Mr-dntkdu.v. Nov. ID. . . . . . . 20.131 TltnrHflnv. Nor. 20 . . . Z0.2H ' ' . 20.K8 T , Nor. 21 . . . „ . . SLUM Average . 20,771 Or.oiuir : n. TYBCIIUCK. Fworn to Veforo mo nnrt mitificribod In my presence tun U duv of No vein tier , A. I ) . .1800 IPKAI , . ! N. J1. I'KIU .Notary i'ublla Btiilrof J o1 > rn 0tn , I C'rmntyof DiMiglns , ( B Oi-orpc It. Trscliuolf , being flulyswnrn , do- tenon mid xnvs Hint , nu Is secretary of The Ut > e rulillsliliiK ( Joiiijianv. tlml tlm iictunl nvunitje flntlT l-lrriilnllon of THE IIAii.r HER tot llio mtitilli nf Novrinbcr , 18M ) . wn I0)10coi ! ) > lt\s | frir Drrf nilicr. 1W. 20,048 copies ; for Jammry , I'ftO. IR.S.VI copies ; for rcliritury. 1610 , 1U- 'M cdjilos ! fur Miircli , 1HDO , iO.BIfl copies ! for April. Iffl , S0fiM ! copies . : for RIny , 1R10 , 'M,1 t - - - - - mo fnr JKfl , , _ . . . . . , _ _ . _ _ . . . . . . _ { worn to iji-forn mp. nntl Hulmcrlhcd in tnv rresi-ncc. this Ant any of Norcmlinr , A. I ) . , JhlM N I' . Kriu " Notary Public. The llum-mllng session ( if the legislature will bof vllnl concern to the iieoulo of thl * Mute. It In of tlio nlinosl liirporlnncu that HcmluTS of tlio 1 esIi > lutnro i-hall tincloriitatid tiio wantH.of tliclr coii3t.ltunits mid bo pro- jnrcl ; ( to grapple Intelligently und advisedly with tlio Issues Unit must ooino lii-foro thorn. TUB llci : llicrrfoio Invites biiKgcstlons from tlioso who nro familiar with nny iiartloulnr fiilijci-t Hint Is likely to impugn the attention nf thn legislature. I'nrlloH favoring us , how ever , urr requested to nmko their communi cations us brluf us poshlblo nnd to tlio point. It Ih to bo nmlcisluod that Tun Ilr.B will not IKJ rchiioiiRlblo for the published views of uon- trlbutms , and It icsorvos the privilege of dis cussing Ilium In Its own way and from the Btuidiolnt : | which It deems best-for the Inter ests of tlio people. GOOD-BYU , Chtirlcs Francis Adams ! And a pleasant Thanksgiving Tnu only sorlous conlllct tit the scat of war is the persistent conflict of reports. lAA" BUUKON'S has issued no edict ii iiiiibt the observance ol Thanksgiving. Lot everybody oat turkey. IT is to bo hoped that the Sioux brnvcu will not mnko hogs of themselves today on two ounces of beef per capita. Mil. POWDKIILY'S Omaha speech was , on tlio whole , sensible and dignified. It was considerably stronger in the setting forth of grievances , however , than the remedies. "Wiiii. a faction of the Maryland democracy yells for Cleveland , Boss Gorman is quietly bargaining to deliver the fitato to Hill in 1892. And Boss Gorman is a man of his word. AnoUT all there is loft of the spirit of the old Puritan Thanksgiving' is the custom of family rounloa around the Lome hearthstone. But that is a still precious sentiment , and this is the day of days. Ronnirr LINCOLN says .America has do diplomatic standing- the court of St. James because everybody knows it lias not the power to uipport its de mands. Has the T3ritiah premier heard of the cruiser Maine ? IXTiKWof the alacrity with which managerial heads are rolling into the buslcctj it is eminently proper that a mooting- railroad officials should bo called in Chicago "to devise a scheme for ending the present demoralization. " Tun regret which the republicans feel over the retirement of Roger Q Mills from public life is modified by the assurance that ho will remain in the harness long enough to put his party in a hole during the Fifty-second congress. WHILE giving utull measure of thanks for capturing the Btato legislature , the rank tint ! file of the independent party should hood the painful cry of distress from headquarters. Give liberally , gen tleman , but don't ask any impertinent questions. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A IIEKIATKU : candidate for tlio Cali fornia legislature insinuates that Sena tor Leland Standard's bar'l was perni ciously active in the election. Well , whatofit ? Is not Mr. Stan ford committed to the policy of loaning money on In different security ? No workingman who has any self-re spect will allow hlmsolf to bo carted nnd driven about from ward to ward like voting ing cattle at the orders of the bosses and , contractors. VThon any contractor asks him to do such criminal work , ho should resent it as an insult Couoiuii TANNER says the republi can party was rebuked by the old sol diers because it failed to give them moro honorable pension legislation. There Is but ono comment that can be passed on the corporal's niggostion , and that is to put an exclamation point after it : WIIKIIK ballots have been cast in the 'mode provided by lawJ , > says the state supreme court , "the presumption is that they are legal , and this presumption cannot bo overturned by vague , indefinite and uncertain testimony. " This logical definition Js commended to the sober cou-i elaboration of Burrows , Powers & Co. P.VTUONAOE is a blight on nny party , though a necessary accompaniment of success. Indiana wont lor Harrison when it was full of Cleveland -postmas- tiers and against the republicans when Harrlsonlnns had taken their places. Ono reason why patronage hurts moro than Jt helps is because it is generally distributed to political bums' and loafers. " \ViiENa worldngmnn hires out to a Crnillng contractor or paving contractor or any other employer ho does not sell his vole with his labor. "No employer has n mortgage upon the soul and politi cal conscience-of his workmen , and cs pcclally tlioso employed onpublic works. It would be a base prostitution of the sacred franchise to have worklnginon .employed by contractors take the risk of bolng faont to the ponUontlurv for fraud ulent voting at primaries for the solo benefit of contractors who nro under ob ligation to the corrupt rings that are manipulating our public works. No JnsUtulion for which vro have the authority of tho'forcfnthor-lB ' raoro hon orable to Llielr memories than thatwlilch will bo observed throughout the luncl today day- the national thanksgiving. 'Tho example they ot of periodically giving IhankH for the special favors oi heaven -their descendants have Improved upon by making tlio thanksgiving a regular nnnunl event and distinguishing the day on which it Is observed asi general holi day. There Is ample reason for this In inthonteafly progress * > f the notion , fur nishing cause for frequent thanksgiving. The occasion is rich in suggestions , all of which , together with the influences incident to it , are improving nnd elevat ing. It * is a good thing that the whole people should bo reminded at least once a year that they have reason to bo thankful for the continued benaflts of free institutions , for the aggregate in crease of prosperity , nnfl for the unin terrupted growth of the republic in wealth , power , and moral and intellect ual achievement. This observance .has no concern with the condition of the individual - dividual , for did it so it would bo a mockery to millions. It refers to the general welfare , the aggregate benefits for which a Christian people should bo thankful , and thus it is justified , for what people are PO favored as the Amer ican people ? In its homo gatherings and other pleasing features Thanks giving day also has much to commend it , and in all respects this peculiarly American institution lias such strong claims to regard that its perpetuity for generations to como , with a steadily growing interest in it , is assured. JXO EK'fltA SESSION. Petitions ore in circulation in various parts of the state and being .numerously signed asking Goornor Tliuyor to call an extra session of the legislature for the purpose of providing an appropri ation for the relief of the drouth-stricken settlors. It is to bo .hoped that this work will not bo persisted in , and that Governor Thaycrwill in any event not yield to the demand. The legislature will meet In regular session within five weeks. In the mean time , there are better means of provid ing for the necessities of the nlllicted settlers than the costly method of con vening an extra session. In every part of the state active stops have boon taken to gather provisions and raise relief funds. These measures are meeting with considerable success and money and provisions arc-being carried free by the railroads to the people who are In need. It is doubtless true that the de mand is still far from satisfied and that many thousands of dollars have yet to bo raised in order to carry the af flicted people sufoly through to the season when they can begin to realize something from their own resources. But there should bo no difficulty in pro viding temporary .relief from the meas ures now under way. After January 1 the legislature can deal with the mat ter. ter.Thoro There is ono way , however , In which the extra sossion"pctitlons will do good. They will awaken the people to the necessity of pushing the work of relief and cause them to open their hearts and pockets without further delay. This happy Thanksgiving season should im press every prosperous Nebraskan with the duty he owes his follow-citizons. Common humanity should inspire our people to give promptly and liberally from their abundance. But the extra session is not necessary or practicable. The amount of money it would cost would go a long way to make the settlers in the southwest comforta- bio and secure. A 'CRISIS ' IN imsn AFFAIRS. A most serious calamity has "befallen the cause of home rule in Ireland. What the full effect and the ultimate result may be cannot now bo clearly divined , but it is plain that the cause is in creator jeopardy than it La * been before in a number of years , or at any time since .Mr. Gladstone joined hands with Mr. Parnell and they became co-loaders of a united English and Irish party. That union is broken , so far at least as the leaders are concerned , and they must hereafter act apart , possibly not without a measure of concurrence , but certainly not with the force and prestige which their association gave to the policy they represent. The separation will perhaps not seriously affect the Irish party. The indications nro that it will contiuuo intact. But will Mr. Gladstone be able to hold the English liberals in line ? Will that party , largely composed of men who look with aborrcnco upon every kind of social vice , and ospoci ally that particu lar vice of which Mr. Parnell has been found guilty , continue to identify them selves-with , a cause of which Parnoll Is still a recognized leader ? It is said of the greater part of them that they put mor als before politics nnd obedience to the decalogue before expediency. If this bo a true description of their character they may refuse to follow oven Mr. Gladstone so long as Parnoll is permit ted to have nny "part in the common causo. The decision of Mr. Gladstone In this most vital matter was awaited with great anxiety , although there was a general feeling that ho would take the course lie has adopted. Manifestly he was constrained to make the decision ho has by both pes. sonal and political considerations. In his letter to Mr. Morley ho of course considered the matter only from the po litical point of view.Vhllo recognizing fully the splendid services of Mr. Par- neil to his country Mr. Gladstone declares - claros that his continuance In the lead ership would have consequences disas trous in the highest degree to the cause of Ireland. This is the strongest lan guage in the letter , the whole tone of which implies a profound sense of the immensely weighty nature of the exi gency which made such a communlca-1 ion necessary. It was intended that the conclusions arrived at by Mr. Gladstone should not be made public in the event of the voluntary retirement of Mr. Par- Hell , but the Irish leader seems to have been unwilling to make any personal sacrifice , and in retaining his leadership forced Into publicity -an ex pression of the views of the English loader. Had Mr. Paruell ijlvon way to a successor , whom ho might have named , .nnd remained In a position where his counsel would hnvo bocn available , the danger to the Irish cause from the pres ent situation would have boon averted. As it is , the peril is unquestionably very great. Mr. Gladstone mny feel It In cumbent upon him to withdraw from the homo rule contest , nnd such an event , if It did not utterly wreck the cause , would certainly dopMvo it ( if nny hope of success for mnny years to come. The unfortunate crisis will bo greatly deplored "by nil sincere friends of Ireland , nnd wo bollovo tlio best judgment of all who are in a position to judge candidly nnd without nrojudico will bo that It was the duty of Mr. 1'arnoll to have re tired from leadership , the onlycoureo certain to prevent the disruption of the Anglo-Irish alliance , now , it is to bo feared , virtually accomplished. His failure to do this must bo accounted , in the present aspect of the cose , thogrcat- cst political mistake of his life. LET UH UK Because the wiiolo state has a better promis-e of vapid growth today than at any time since her star went into tlio Jflng of the union. Because the sugar beet industry has taken firm root in our sail. Because the eleventh national census shows That Nebraska has distanced every oilier agricultural state in the lu.U ten years. Because none of the hardy settlers on tlio northern boundary havojulopted tbo vicious fashion of going- without their scalps. Because thcro won't bo another big election for two 'years. * Because Jay Gould has not yet fenced * in the earth. Because the country has not gone to the bow-wows , in spite of democratic predictions. Because this is the best country on the footstool nnd its people have the power to remedy all their wrongs. Because , finally , it is a good old-fash ioned custom 1o bo thankful once a year at this particular time. I'AGIVIG CllAXtSKS. The reorganization of the directory of the Union Pacillo in the interest of Jay Gould has been effected. President Charles Francis Adams" retires and Sid ney Dillon resumes his nlncc as head of tne corporation. Mr. Adams came into the manage ment of the Union Pacific at a time when the affairs of the corporation were in a deplorable condition. The company had been operated as a floater for vari ous side schemes , the road nnd rolling stock had. boon rundown and the earn ing-power of the road reduced to the lowest notch. Mr. Adams infused lifo and activity in all departments , sub stituted steel rails for streaks of rust and brought tlio road and rolling stock tip to a standard surpassed by none in the west Tlio administration of Charles Prancis Adams lias not been without damaging mistakes , chief of which were the division of authority , the multipli cation of subordinate managers and the dismissal of tried and trusty officials who had crown up with the road. The change from Adams to Dillon , however , bodes no good for the corpora tion or the people 4ilong the line of the road. The experience of the west with both administrations does not warrant regrets for the old or cheers for the now. On the contrary , the people of the west whoso industry and thrift yields BOVOII- tenths of the company's revenue iniibt trust to luck and keep their powder dry. JMA'DS 01--F. Within the past ton days the grading contractors have very materially in creased their forces. Those men are cumping in the western wards of the city and the manifest purpose of the con tractors is to vote this horde of promis cuous voters for the chiefs of tlio council combine nt the republican primaries next .Friday. The contractors make no secret of their intention to throw these men-where they will dotkd most/good / for the councilman that have favored them. It is also nn open secret that the gangs employed by soworafro contrnctorn-t > aving contractors and the waterworks , gas and street car com panies are to piny a prominent part in the raid upon the republican primaries. The plan of campaign is not only to vote those worldtigmon , who are for tlio moat part democrats and independ ents , intho wards in which they have no residence , but to rise some of them as repeaters nnd vole them sev eral times in the various wards of the city as was done at the republican primaries a year ago in the interest of Broatch. In this conspiracy to overthrow the will and wish of republican cltl'/.ons and taxpayers , democratic as well as repub lican city officials , from chairman of the board of public works down to sewer inspectors specters , plumbing inspectors and pav ing Inspectors , have boon enlisted. Now wo servo fair warning on con tractors and public officials who pro pose to take a hand in this criminal work that the election laws make re peating and the voting of non-residents a penitentiary offense not only for tlioso who cast the fraudulent votes- , but their employers and abettors. The primary election laws were enacted to prevent the nefarious practices by which pri mary elections had formerly been made a farce. The friends of good government In this city propose to have this law rigidly enforced at the coming primaries regardless - gardloss of whom it may strike. TUB OVEnCROWDEn JVOKW/TVESr. A former citizen of Omaha , who was bemilled to the Pacific northwest by stories of Hush times , uncommon activity nnd unequalled opportunities for in vest ment , sends a warning note from Port land , Ore. Ho says : Immigrants ura coining In now nt the rate ot from tbreo hundred to five hundred per day , .Most of them go back dis gusted , 11 they ore nblo to get owuy. 1 think It la safe to say that at least four thousand men arc out of employment in this city , and I cannot see what is going to become of tupni Tlio country is boomed too much. The condition of business nnd labor in Portland reflects the condition of Oregon and Washington , and yet advertise ments nro Daunted in Omuha and the oust urging worlclngmon particularly to migrate to Ahjrae stales , supplemented with totnptltiirolTers of employment nt Hbornl wagci ! The country is already overcrowded , Svlth 'both ' the working clasECi nntl business mon , nnd the offortfl being made to ineroaso the number of the former Is a scheme concocted by morooimry cini > loymont agencies. There .ro but two now railroads under way In these states extensions of the Union Pacific nnd tiio Northern , nnd the paralysis of tire money murUot nttho present thno will probably result In the susponslon of building operations , which will still -further Intensify the glutted condition of the labor market. Oregon und "Washington nro states rich In mineral nnd agricultural re sources. Tlio former Is old and well sot- tied , -while the latter Is comparatively now. But the tide of emigration dur ing the past three years has boon enormous , fur exceeding the necessities of the country und. producing n conges tion do'lrlmcntnl alike to the country ami. disa&trous to thousands of energotio people , who exhausted their moans to inovo to the northwest only to iitul hun dreds of applicants for every vacancy. For-the present nt least Iho country Is a first class ono to slay away from. Tun periodical purification of local iwlillcs Is again under way. The dis- tlnguibhed IVonty-elghters display symptoms of roturnitip lifo , nnd are ready to rescue the cltyfromthohosts of sin. Ever since the Into "wiso nnd vig ilant" mayor appealed to tlio ministerial association supportand failed to got it , his gang of sanctified pretenders have scoured the highways and byways to bring the wicked to tholr knees nnd elevate - vato the 1 ono of public morals. What they do not know about purity in elec tions is not worth knowing. True they have diverged from the straight nnd narrow path so frequently that they hardly know its location. What if the Messiah of the purists attempted to touch the First ward delegation to the republican city convention for four votes on their own terms , or accepted democratic boodle to defeat the republi can ticket , contributed to the defeat of annexation , organized the council com bine for the elevation of the political heathen , and supported the candidacy of Mercer with whetted knives. All of thcso glorious acts were in the inter est of "purity" in elections such purity ns enhances the personal welfare of the purists and the oolitlcal prosperity of the Tweiity-cightars. THE ladles who have established the woman's reformatory known as the Open Door , ddsdrvo the most liberal en couragement at , thohands of our charita ble and philanthropic citizens. The institution is. ono that appeals to the sympathies of all classes and should bo generously supported. Every well-to- do household is in condition to contribute its mite to keep the inmates Of the in- .stitution comfortable anil supply them with such of food as will make Thanksgiving day memorable. MAYOR Cusai.vo-'s veto of the street- sweeping clalm'ls attimoly rebuke of the reckless methods of the council. Before approving the claim the council con fessed that tho.workhad not been done according to contract , and yet , in the face of this acknowledgment , the com bine permitted the bill to go to the mayor for approval. The supine action of the council emphasizes the necessity of placing city affairs in the hands of men with sufficient backbone to insist on the fulfillment of every contract. " \YlLT , Councilman JWhcelcr , "tho wntch-dog of the city treasury , " explain why ho alldwed the bills amounting to nearly three thousand dollars for the street gang that was hired lust year for the solo purpose of voting for Broatch nt the primaries ? Did not Wheeler know that these men rendered no service .to the city and 'were not -needed by the street commissioner excepting for politi cal purjioscs ? JUST as soon as the election is over next Tuesday the contractors und bosses who are now herding largo numbers of % graders and other workmen and promis ing them steady work will all bo dis charged nnd set adrift to hunt up such work as they can got. This is a game that is played by contractors and.politi cal roustabouts every year ju t before election. TitK Minneapolis Trilimc comments dubiously on the enlargement of the Omaha coffin factory , nnd suggests that the concern has a contract "to bury a very dead town. " Evidently the Min neapolis branch of the factory struck a rich load nntl is working it for all it is worth. This explains the necessity for , an immediate enlargement of the parent Tim secret is out at last. We aro" of ficially assured the rufl-whiskorod abom inations on the city hall front -woro im ported from Germany , where tho. origi nals did borvico probably at the portals of a graveyard' iji the Blnck Forest. THE only way to down the rotten com bine , of which Wheeler , ChaiTco nnd Davis are thotheiuls , is for every tax payer und everyi citizen \flio do.slres to promote the wplfaro of this city to turn out at the primaries. TilK localTainjpany braves , emulating their distinguished brethren of the Sioux tribe , nro Indulging in n ghost dance the ghost of thacomblue , and the voters furnish the "THE faircstr 'ompotltlon over hold In Omaha. " Shades of Wheeler , Ghaffco nnd Counsman , como forth and don the ascension robes. AccouniNO to Captain Powderly nnd Colonel Craddock , the Knights of Labor linvo become a full fledged political ' party. IMPHOVBMKNT is the order of the day , oven in the management of public affairs. AVIint Iny NctxJs Now , Kantai City Journal. HIU'TR secured everythliiK insight , Mr. Gould should buy a telcsuopo to ciilargo ttio range of bif ) vision. Ho niluUt ulso go over the map of tbo United States wltu a micro scope. n : IA.Iriiris. . floston Courier ! Kvory earnest worker fooU It to bo his stnrn fluty to Voep to tlio faro. Hlnghnmiiton Leauer : A rope cannot describe n perfectly slraichtllno until it is 'taut. Boston Courier : Culprit barber to man nt guillotine No shampoo ) Just a pl la cut , plcnsa. St. Joseph News : A cab driver may not bo n hard working newspaper man , but ho does n good donl of hnck work , none tbo leas. Doiton'Bulletin i It Is said Hint tuo price * , 'Of some grades of carpets bave gene up , but tbon it Is not utnicu'it to put Qown carpets at any time. Boston Gazette : A poet stiya that n baby Is " wave on tlio ocean -of life. " It strikes us that "a fresh squall" would ex press lUo idea bettor. Atchlson Glebe : AVhcn a big mnii Jn a llltlo town moves to n larger town l.J U putting himself la n position to learn his Jlwt big lesson In humiliation. , Fllcgeudo Blatter ! ' 'Calldron today wo nro to have llsh for dlancr , and if you will try to bo very good you slmll pound moon my back if I yet a bone In my throat. " Somcrvlllo Journal t The man wbo "never can find time" to Jo anything you ask of blm may generally bo seen looking out of the window when tbcio Is u brass band going tkrongh tbo street , Now York Sun ! ' ' 'Jliat's ' a cotiBressman- nt-larRO , " said Glim , Indicating a man to bis cousin from tbo country. "O , I nln't afraid , " replied young Mcilitcrgmss , " 1'vo only got 17 cents about my clothes. " XKH'8 OF TIIKXOKT1MKST. Ncbrnnka. Tbo foundation for the now Congregational clmrcb-at Crawford has been laid. The annual meeting of the Patrons of Hus bandry will bo held nl Pawnee Clvy Decem ber 0. CJodfrey Carlccn hns disappeared from York nnd there is ? f > 00 worth of wailing and gnashing of teeth among his creditors. For stealing corn , Len Collins of Tclta- niah Is enjoying a dlot of bread nnd water while servhij * out a twcnty-duynll sentence. \V. B. Weeks , ox-treasurer of Greoley county , lias been arrested on n charge of em bezzlement , but the amount of the shortage 1ms not been mndo public. The boys of Davenport who are allowed to prowl the streets after dark stole two ami a half cases of pop the other night , drank the contents nnd throw the bottles ovortho town. Fire nt Hlvertoii destroyed thd livery burn of Ocorgo Euos containing cloven horses , a number of buggies and barness nnd n largo quantity of feed. The barn of Lsnao Shep- aidson , with two horses nnd two cows , wus also burned. The iiro Is supposed to bave been of incendiary origin. Colonel Lewis Butler of St. Paul will spend the next year of his life in the pen as n penalty for disposing of mortgaged prop erty. The colonel is sixty-five years of ago , but bo mndo n great run for bis libertv after committing tbo crime nnd was not captured until be had reached Corpus Curisti , Tex. Ji.V. . Ormsby and ono hundred other taxpayers - -payers of Wcrrick county have pctltionqd the Board of supervisors to place n bounty on wolves. It is nssertcd that a thousand or more dollars damage is ilone yearly by these animals , on hogs , sheep , turkeys , calves , etc. , nnd something must bo done to protect our tax-payers on whom tbo loss fails. The com plaint iu tbls direction is becoming general. Boyonrttho Roekirs. A California man has stnrtocl Into tbo busi ness of raising hnlf-brced buffalo. * Aspocial census ngeut finds that there aro. irilK , ) Indians in the state of Washington. Gloss and iron men tire in correspondence with capitalists Spokane Falls , Wash. , with the view of establishing factories thero. * . A Caliifca county ( Cal. ) man drove 2S.OOO sheep ncioss the Jiuul of n neighbor the other divy nnd now ho has been sued for $ .8T > 0 dam ages for trcsspussing. The song birds la-ought from Germany nna turned Jooso in Orogoti last your have pros pered , nncl a largo number of insectivorous song birds will bo imported. Tbo volcanoes of Washington nre so active that around O'Ganogan and Lratco Chobnn , cast of the Cascades , Is a region uf changing level and almost continuous earthquakes. A contract hns been made at Portland , Ore. , to diir n ditth thrco miles long for the drainage of Lake Lablsh , by which moans 8,000-acres , ol valuable land will bo reclaimed. The bed ol the Feather river In California , which hns been laid bare , will yield from $10,000,000 toin.000,000 of gold if the ground , proves us rich as that \\blcli has been worked , A petition was recently circulated In Fort Beaten asking congress for tha opening of the Fort Assinibiono hay reservation , which , contains nbout 4,000 acres of the finest hay land in Montana. A Sacramento bookkeeper reoontlyjito four castor bonus. Ho wishes now that ho had not cuton them , for the beans hud such an cffocton him that at 0110 tirao ho was in a very dangerous condition and his lifo was despaired of. A natural gns and hot water well hns been discovered fVUO ynrds from the Donahue rail road nnd two miles north of Sonoma , Cul. The How of pas is remarkable , nud measures fl,000 feet every twenty-four hours. The well has now been boroil to the depth'Of ' thlrtyjsix feet. Thcro wah displayed in tlio window of the First National bank of Albany , Wash. , the other day the II gold brick over produivd by the rallies on Iho Santlum river. The Al bany mining ami milling company hns erected n small mill on its property in that region , and a $300 brick was the result of the rtrst live and ono-hiilf ton lot of ere worked. 'I bo Catholic bishop of Is'esqually brought suit 111 the United States court at Tncoinn , Wash. , to secui-o the title to 4'Vi acres of land occupied us u military reservation Van couver. Tbo claim is basc'd upon the estab lishment of a missionary station there by consent of the Hudson's ' bay company. 'Tho court decldnd thut the LJnito.l States govern ment had n prior claim. An appeal to the supreme court was ta kcn. The land is now worth $300,000 , to ? 1,000,1)00. ) TirnnsiiT Jl" . f ) . Kcllu lit JMtllca' llnmc Juuriial. The day 1ms lengthened Into ovo. And over all tlio meadows The twilight's silent Miuttlej weave Their bombrawob of shadows ; With northern lights the cloudless fcklos nro faintly phosphorescent , And Just above ypu wooded liso Tlio now moon bhows her crescent. Before the evening lamps tire lltf Whiloday nnd night commingle , Tlio sire and mutrpn como and sit Besldo the cozy itigle ; And softly spoulc of The delight AVithin their bosoms swelling , BecausoTjcncnth their rooi tonight Their dcnr ones nil are dwelling. And when around Uie cheerful blao The young follcs take their places , What blissful dreams of other days Light up their agcil faces ! The past re-turns with oil its Joys And they again aru living The years in which , as girls and boys , Their children kept Thanksgiving. The stalwart son recalls the time , When , urged to , the endeavor , Ho tried the well greased -polo to climb , And failed of fame forever , The daughter tells of her omprise , When , as n new beginner , She helped lier mother make the pica For the Thanksgiving Ulnncr. And thus with laugh nnd Jest and song , And tender recollections , L.OVO speeds tha Imnpy noun along And fosters fond affections ; While fancy , listening to tbo mirth Audtlrcamlug plcasunt fictions , Imagines through tbo winds on earth Thut heaven breathes benedictions. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS' ' HUM Oomumndiun 'lent/ Gives Pom * TntoTCsthig Facts Abont TMt R&fugv , WILLIAM WILLIAMS AND MOTHER-IN-LAW , Homo llnllruntl ItijiinatlonN Amicably Settled Tlio Milwaukee Mny Strike Ijlncoln Supreme Court Decisions. LI.NCOI.V , Nob. , Nov. 25. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Captain W. C. Henry , the command- nnt of the soldiers' and sailors' homo nt Grnml Island , submitted today his first bien nial report to tbo board of public lands nnd buildings. The report Is full of facts of In terest , The homo was first opened July 1 , 188S , and tbo report is conccvnlng tbo con- dltlon of Iho homo from that date to today. The report shows Hint there nro live resi dent ofllccrs of the home , ns follows : W. C. Henry , cotnuyindnnt ; William H. Wesley , adjutant ; N. It. Hurfonl , quartermaster ; John Jnuss , surgeon ; M. B. Hurfonl , matron. The homo nt present Is nearly fall In nil it * departments. When the Inmates now ab sent on a furlough return nil the vacant rooms will bo occupied. The farm connected with the home consists ofOIOncros , only Jlfty of which have been cultivated. The past summer ninety ncrcs moro of soil wcro broken nud cross plowed and made ready to plant the coining season. The dry season of tbo pres ent year n very sinull crop wns raised. Eighty bogs have been rnlscd almost entirely from the refuse of the home , nnd are now being slaughtered for consumption. Fourteen cows , llftccn calves ntul four head of horses constitute the other stocn on the farm. Tfcarly nil the eggs consumed urc furnished by the IICO hens on the farm. During the past two years repairs have been mudo on the main building amounting to $ r 00. At present n now roof is an abso lute necessity. The dining room nnd are too small. The system of waterworks Is excellent and the sewer-ago is now In good condition. The conunatidnntsnys ! "A soldiers'homo Is neither a barrack , a factorv or n prison Worfr should "ho provided for these wbo ure physically able so as to preserve their health nnd spirits. Knoucb discipline should bo en forced to cause each member to respect him self and to observe a decent respect for the rights of others. " The building erected for hotpital purposes hns n capacity for twenty hods ntid already contains eighteen patients. The captain snys : "A careful consideration of the wants and needs of this class of our comrades de mands that moro room bo added for their comfort nt the earliest possible period Of time. " The hospital steward and the three tiurses nro all old soldiers. Four patients are suffering with paralysis of the bowels. Captain Henry calls the attention of Uio legislature to the clnuso providing for cot tages for the wives and children of the old soldiers. During the past two years there hnvo been seventy-eight requests for cot tages , representing seventy-two men , seventy women nnd 144 children , making a total of 214 women nnd children against seventy-two men. According to this system the cnptnin Intimates thnt the expenses ol the state will ho rondo three times as great ns they would bo without the cottage system. The $7r > 00 npnronrintod for cottnges is now consumed , nnd if the system is continued 1t will requho $30,000 for the next two years for cottages and furniture alone , to say nothing of the expense for main tenance. It is believed that in most cases the wives nnd children can bo cared for by relall-cs. It is asked that sufficient ground bo platted and laid oat us a cemetery. The entire expense Jbr food , clothes nnd everything is 8245 52 per capita. The cost per capita of these living in cottnges is about 'J5 per cent greater. il'ho inmates admitted nro as follows : Ex- soldiers nnd sailors , 103 ; wives of soldiers and sailors , 25 ; boys of soldiers and sailors , ! Sgii3sof soldiers and sailors , SO ; army nurse , 1 ; total , S ! . The following hnvo been dropped irom the rolls for Iho causes given : riororably dis charged , ! > 0 ; dishonorably , 4 ; summurilv , 17 : dropped from rolls , 0 ; died , 10 ; total , HO. There are sixteen pensioners at the home receiving mono } ' as follows : Two receive un aggregate of SIS per year ; 5 receive S'ilO i or year ; ' _ ' receive SMI per year ; 0 receive $570 per year ; 1 receives $480 n year ; total , H.43S. Douglas county has furnished the greatest number of inmates , there being 84 mon , 4 women and 10 children Irom that county. Hall county is next , having sent 18 men4 women nnd ! l children. Lancaster has fur- iflsliwd 11 ! men and U women. Adams has fur nished 9 men and 1 woman. Tlio great bulk of the inmates wcro pri vates , there being hut 1 major , 8 lieutenants and U second nontenants , There arc 38 different occupations repre sented. There are f > 7 fanners , 83 laborers , 14 carpenters , 5 blacksmiths. 0 clerks. The other occupations represented average about 3 ouch. There is but 1 professional and ho is a druggist. The social condition is ns follows : Married , 50 ; bachelors , 42 : widowers , 05 ; divorced , ; separated , 8 ; unknown , 1. The oldest soldier admitted is eighty-four year * old and the younirost forty-one. The average ago is ilfty-Ava nnd a half yonrs. The pay roll in us follows : Commandant , per year , Jfl OO ; adjutant , per year , SliOO ; surgeon , per year , SIKH ) ; quartermaster , per year. fl''O ; matron , per year , WOO ; extra duty pay for nurses , etc. , $1,011 ; einploves wages , & .5B3 ; totul/7W ! 'Tho various disabilities nro ns follows ! Hhcuinatism 41 , wounds 12 , auchyloais ii , nstlima 11 , amputation 1 , bronchitis a , blindness - ness S. catarrh " , constipation 1 , cancer J , dyspepsia It , dropsy It , chronic dlnrrhu > a 10 , general debility 17. heart dlscaso ! 1 , hernia Ili. injury , 4 ; kidney disease , 2 ; lumbago , 2 ; nervous - vous exhaustion , 1 ; old ago. 2 ; paralysis , 14 ; piles , 7 ; sunstroke , 2 ; sciatica , a ? tumor , 1 ; urethral stricture , 1 ; varicose veins , 2 ; weak mind , 1 ; consumption , 1 ; spermutorrhea , 1. Till : 11OVDS AfillTF , The Injunction cns'os of the Darlington railroad and the Lincoln cltv electric railway ngalnst the llock Island road wcro called bo- f ore Judga Fluid in the dUtriot court today. The Burlington showed that It was nlivo to the interests of Lincoln nnd mode n generous propositionwhich wns immediately ncceptodi in view of the fact thnt winter wasnpproarh. ing , anil the difllculties with wTUrH the Hock Island would therefora bo' compelled to contend with , shutting them out of the city until Bprinir , the plaintiff announced its willingness to allow the lloclt Island to cross nt the point north of plnititln's roundhouse , as the de fendant had graded for and dojirod to cross , with \indoiMtiiuding that on the llnal trial of the cause , if tha court decided against the Knck Island , the latter would ngruo to take tip iu tracks nnd luv them where thn court decreed. Thu Burlington attorney slntpd that his road hud nn ( k'siro to delay the llock IMund , nnd therefore submitted the proposi tion , which was immediately accepted , and the restraining order set asldo. In the other case 'tho Hock Islnml ngrood to put In a standard crossing Instead of the ono which would compel the electric company to "Jump'1 their tracks nt Twelfth nad Kmerson , nnd the restraining order was therefore sot aside. A. TKmmit.r Mr. William "Williams filed a reply today to the petition of his \vifo Acnes for a divorce , "Williams is u renorternn the Dailv IntellU gencor ut Wheeling. W. Va. Ho says Umt after ho and Afjnes were married they were 'hapi > y , but his mother-in-law . Kmina Morris , caino to visit thorn , and then tlio trouble bewail. Ho declares that Mrs , Morris assumed the dictatorship of tlio Household nnfl nudu herself Kent-rally thsutfroeublo. Ho further declares that the mother-in-law is a IcnvJ woman , and when she attempted to con vert hit * homo into n house of usslpiation ho objected nnd ordered her out. Shoclldso and took her daughter with her. Since then the wife refuses to return. HAY 8T1UKE LINCOLN. It has boon reported dtirluR the last Smv weeks that the ( Jtili.'ugo. St. Paul , Mlunuiji. oils .t Qniaha railroad company was Intent ou extending Its lines Into the South I'luttu country hy way of Lincoln , It Is believed here now that the rumor muy prove a realiza tion , us the hurvqyliiK party for that com * pany has ruachod town 10 custof raiifjo 11 und is HtaldnR its rourso in tuut UnviisUli ) uboat live uillos cost of Greenwood , 'J'lio urvoynrs uro fcoidod ttlrr.iw straight for Eagle , on the MtMourl Pr.elllo , ] uxt of tliel-.intnstcr coiiatf lite * . It Is hinted 'that the Milnnukco may form n commercial 'inlon similar to Out of the Hoi-k tshmd and I'nlol ) - Pacific. n n result thorn would bo .fvV- " thli-d llnoSiatweeu Unooln nnd Oinalm , I.OOKINO roil A CUSI'AW. The latr-st piratical attempt to do nn Illecal Insurance builnos * In this state Is thut of tlio organisation bearing the soniowlint lengthy title of tlio Mutual Accident Association of the Northwn and Homo Protection Aid ni- soclntlon of Chicago. In order to ovmle the f laws of the state of Nebraska this company/ scut n circular to Al f ml B. Christian of Me'- Cool Junction ottering him n policy frco until lammry 15 If Ire would net us nRcnt lor the company , or In other words for about at-veu weeks' insurance the company expected Mr Christian to tiocomc u violator of the ntuto laws nnd be In continual danger of being nr- rcstcd nnd sulTci'ln a line of | 1KK1 nnd a term of Imprisonment lasting thirty da\ . The circular sent to Mr. Christian Is slirncil with the names of II. W. 1C. Cutler and T S. sa-rnr.MK count. Bailey vs State. Krror from Saline countv. Anirin < d. Opinion by Justice Norvnl , Mncrntiu vs Fremont , Appeal from Dodgi ) rounty. Affirmed , Opinion by Justice ; > ( ) . - vnl. vnl.IJrown IJrown vs Work. Krror from .tohnstm county , Afllrmcd , Opinion by Chief JusUi-o Onbh. Coy vs .Tones nnd Marathon counties , Bunk vs Jones. Krror f i om Webster county. ! { < . - ' versed nnd remanded. Opinion by Ch'laf Jits- tlco Cobb. Tlio following causes wcro argued and sub- milted : Coitd vs Homo cattlu company , West vs Van Pelt ! Faulkner vs White ; Gut glirun vs Urnsby ; Jiurklioldor vs ronnor. The following causes were continued Edie vg StVunk ; Barrett vs Kills ; Southard vs 13. Ai M. Hy. Co. ; Puwnoo county v.s Storm. The following pcntlcmcn wei-o admitted to practice : V. M. Flunsbiirg , esq. , of llltcli cock county ; Jcsso L. Hoot , csij. . , of Cuss county. Crawl vs Harrington. Ordered on docket Parties permitted to submit the cause nt the present term , with lonvo to Intervener to lllu n brief within thirty days. Olds wagon works vs Benedict. Plaintiff permitted to illo nnlduvlts and motion for rohcaring iu ten days. Smith vs Spauldlng. Leave given dc-- fcmlani to fllo corrected trauscript. Den- meatl vs Ilolley. Dismissed. The following causes were argued nnd sul > - mltted : Doionio vs Conna , on motion ; Blnla vs Brewster , Askwlth vs Allen , Case plow works vs Mnrr , Solomon vs Fleming , Hunter S w Bell , Boer vs Thnyer , state ex rol Drown vsMcl'oak , Uoach vs Hawldnfon , Union l > n- clflc ruilxvny company vs Keller , Jacobs vs state ; school district Chadron vs Postal- Lcnvo given Foster to fllo corrected traiib- script. Tbo followlnfr causes were continued Sharp vs Drown , state ex rul S. D. 1 , Hltoh- cocit vs Uornutt. Court adjourned to Friday morning , November US , IS'JO , when euute's Jrom the twelve distilcts will bo called. ODDS AND iXl)3. The Brown Brothers grain company ot Omaha hns fllod nrtlclcs of incorporation. The capital stock Is iixed nt f 200,000. George W.BlnUcloy began suit In the county court today against the Lincoln papar mamf fncturlng company to recover $ .103.75 , which ho clniins is duu liim for breach of contract , ho having contracted Juno " 3 last with de fendants to work for ono year at a stipulated price. Ho was discharged November S with out cause or provocation , lie says. Mrs. Blakeley and her two sons , Eddie and Willie , bring similar actions against the paper com pany , claiming $750 iluimiKCs. The Lotus clu b. a now social organization , gnvo its Initial ball nt Temple hall last ovoji- ing. There was a very good attendance and the party is pronounced as a complete success. U.'Uo club has a goodly membership nnd will give parties every two weeks during -5" the winter. William Schipp , who attempted to kill a young woman ut 034 'South Seventeenth street In Omahn , was brought to the ponituii- tlary'last evening. A decidedly complicated case was the ono heard in police court this morning , whnro John Osburn , Peter O'Connor , William Coffee and James Cnssldy wcro chnrped by Dick Seward with stealing some clothes from him. Scward rooms ut Ninth and It streets nnd is employed on the Hock Island grndo work. The other fellows nro also graders , and Osuurn was found with the stolen clothes In his possession. Ho asserted thnt ho had purchased them from O'Connor. Irut when O'Connorwas arrested ho assorted thnt Cassldy liad sold them to him , nnd when Gas- sidy was corralled ho had purchased them from William Ccllce , so ho said. Coffee was also arrested , and an inU'i-osting time 'was had straiKhteninp out the story. The pirilt was iinally llxcd upon Cnsssidy , and. ho was .given $20 and costs and sent to the county jail. The others were discharged. oycE srouK ix TitovitrE. " llnmmniid , of London Scandal Notoriety riety , Jailed nt Seattle. SnATTM ! , Wash. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele- pram to THE BEI- Charles 1C. Hammond , who became somewhat notorious on account of his connection with the Cleveland street scandal In London and wrto came bore over a year ngo , is again In trouble. Ho iidvr occu pies a cell In the county jail on the-charge of grand'larceny ' , preferred by 'Mrs. Augusta Simmons , n harltcepcr's wlfa , who accuses him of stealing her aealskiu sacquo , valued at 150 , und n gold watch. Tbo theft is alleged to hax'o been cornmiUcd in Hammond' * saloon October 1. Hammond was nrruigncd last night and lieldrfor trial in (1,000 bonds , which ho was anublo to furnish. Stanford Shirked Kxnmlnntloii. SXNPIIA.XCISCO , Cal. , TTov. 20. [ Special Telegram to Tins Br.i.l Senator Lolnmi Stanford loft yesterday Jar Washington 1n spite of the summons from the superior couit to appear bofovo it and testify concerning the alleged violation of the election laws with which he is charged by ox-Stale Senator P. J , Murphy. Senator Stanford exorcised hn oHlcial pi crogatlvo nnd signed un nflldnrit which stated thut ho was called to Washing ton by his Rcntitorinl duties , and unless ho started yesterday ho would not arrive la tinio for this opening of congress next .Monday. Senator Stanford will probably be oxumlutil by a commission nt Washington. S. T. Smith , superintendent of the Danvpr & Kin Ornndo , is in the dty. H. D. Plko , his private secretary , uccompuniai him. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST . COMPANY. ' Subscribed and Guaranteed Oiiiltal..WOOOCO Vala in Cupiul r. .ooo lluys and selli stools and bondi : ncitlutw ( coiiimuroial pujier ; rocolws imrt cxKotnes trusts ; iiotsns traimft-r nqcnt and trustee of corporation ! , takes clmrgo of property , ool- lucttitaxoi , Omaha Loan&TrustCo SAVINGS BANK. S. E. Cop. 10th and Douglns Sts. I'al-J InOup'tnl ' I5J.COO Hnbscrlbod und OunrAntocdCltpltiil. . . . 100,09) ) Uiiblllty ofStookliolduru tOO.OOO 0 Tor Cunt Intorrst I'uld on Deposits. I UAMC J. LANUK , Cuslilor. Officers : A. IT. "Wjiniui , president. J. J , Hrown , vlco-preitldont , Wyinun , ( roaMimr. IlrootorA. ) ! . U.Wyman , J. II. Mlllurd. J. J. llroiru , Ouy O , llurUm , K. W. Huuh , I. . Utuoall , Qeorju B , Luks.