Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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L by Currier Itiuny part of thoflty.
o , Xo R
\ Kdltor.No. a
N.V. I'.Co.
Council llluITs Lumber Co. . coal.
The Cnthollc fair last iilghtdrcwtUo usual
lnrgo attendance.
TboCntho'.lcladlci give n ThnnksglvlnR
liof ) tills evening nt Masonic temple.
Simon Klicmnn sent a luigo box of dolls
nnd other toys down lo thn children ut the
Chi Mian homo > estcritny nftornoon.
The pilbonen in thocltyjnll will today
cllno on turkey nt the expense nn > l through
the generosity of Marshal Templeton.
The annual union Tlmtikiglvliig services
will bb hcM tliU morning nt II o'clock nl the
First Prosbytciinii cliureh. The scinion will
bo delivered by Hov IJr. Stuart.
An athletic club was organized ntthe nicot-
Ing held lust evening In tlio rooms over the
Miinhattnn. A largo number of joung men
I arc In Llio organization , nml they promise
tomoevents worthy of publicnotice duiltif
the winter.
The Inlsfuil Philharmonic club will repeal
the bcnutlful llttlo liI H drama , "Dlcci
OK ? " ut tlio opcrn house in inalliico thh nf
Icrnoon. The splendid pro'cntalloti ol th <
play on Tucsiluy night will iusuro n ful
IioxiM ) ngaln today.
1\\o \ \ nnnounccmcnt that North Second
street was opened for tralllcuns a llttlo pro
mature. Contractor Wlckliam'i contr.icl
rails for the paving of the npproiches , am
that work Is now being done. It ulll roqulri
a day or two to complete It.
A cur load of Thanksgiving watermeHon
wnircccliccl In the cltj yesterday. The ;
wuro distributed mound town , and thomcr
chsints v111 bo thankful If they get cost pi ice
tl.OOcucli for thorn. It wnsicpoitcd thn
tiipycamo direct ftoni Alislm.
Gcorgo Criss , the negro who
from the second-hand store ofV. . J Hancocl
scvcial clays ago uml lias been Ijinglnjal
Blnco awaiting his hearing , was sent to th
c'ounty Jail yrsterday nfturnoon foi ton day1
ufler Judge Sell iri 'declined him lo bo guilt
of petit lurcony.
The united congregations of St ; Paul's , AI
Saints nnd Unity will nsseniblo for Tlnnks
giving day services in St. Paul's ' cliurc
today rvt lu : ! JO ft in. The hey choir will sin
a new Tbankiglving nnthem. Allstrangoi
ami lLo public uro cordially Invited to alti-m
T. J. M\CK\iUcctor.
Ilov. T. .r. Mackay will ncldrcsi the ral
road men at the Young Men's Chris thn n' '
soclatlon rooms In tlio Jlerrlam block on Sui
dny nrtcinoon at U o'clock. A cordial Invlti
tlon Is extended to nil the railroad men wl
como into the city on the many rallrouc
that center liero to como and hear tin cli
qucnt nnd practical discourse.
Some of thoolcctiic light circuits did n (
Btnrt up until 0 o'clock last evening. Th
delay was occasioned by the Interruption i
pulling lu another 140-horso po\vcr cngin
wliich has boon built at the Ogdcn ire
works. The delay was unavoidable , but tl
mcichnnts whoso stores wcro lighted wit
arc lights did not lose their patience aftx
they understood the cause.
The entire police nnd Marshal's force oni
nueecuclcd in linding ono poor lone drunk la :
night , nnd heliad to full through the marshal
window before they could get him. ] Io dl
noticalho how drunk ho wns until he topple
over and fell through the largo window 1
front of MarshalTemplcton's cigar btoro nei
the opera houso. He was taken to tlio static
nnd registered as Jic-k foreman.
Attorney George Holmes , Jr. , of Omnh
representing the state of Nebr.iska. rcturiu
from DCS Melons jcstenlay with his rcqui :
tlon honoiecl , and took 1'ayton , DrMcMaii
pal's thief , across the river. The local ofllcc
mndo nocffortto ho'd ' him for trial upon tl
charge that liml boon preform ! against hi
here , and wcro willing- enough for the Omal
authorities to tuko euro of him. Ho took tl
trip in Irons.
The pupils of the public schools ycstcrdt
nf Icrnoon made llbeiul donations for Iho r
liof of Iho city poor and contributions to tl
charitable institutions of the city. Ea <
child brought some llttlo article , ninny
them a single potato or an apple of largo si :
The on tlio aggregation of their llttlo mit
made several ex picas wagon loads. Thi ) co
trlbulions from iho chlldien attending t !
"Washington avcnuo school alone 11 lied 01
express wagon. The stuff was equally c
vldcd , and one half was sent to the Homo f
the Friendless ami the oilier to the Woman
Christian association hospital.
Mrs. Jennie McGwire , the woman frc
Hamburg , In , who carne to the city on f u <
. tiny In search of her mother and appe-alcd
tbo police for assistance , succeeded in llndii
her yesterday morning by the aid of t
police nnd tlio iiot\spnpcrs. Mrs. Mollcr , t
woman's mother , was found Ihhiginatl
sorted shanty southwest of the transf
which had been used by Contractor Jol
Leo when bo wns engaged In pwdinesor
riilh-oa.d tracks near by last sprin
rlho shanty was without \\indo\\s and h
only some old boards for a door. The wom
herself was found to bo slcl : in a mlscral
bed , and was depending upon her two youi
daughters , lioth tinclor twoho voars old ,
provide for her wants nnd tlioirowii , S
wns living in the midst of cmcl'squallor ai
in complete destitution. The place had r
men the comforts of n stable. The old
daughter , MM. MeGvlio , is also dostltu' '
nnd tolls a pitiful story of suffering duoto t
neglect and ileacrtlon of her husband. S
has a llltlo child only a few weeks old. A
nnd Mrs. Ueswkk , who took cm o oft
daughter on 'luesdiy night , and Mrs. McM
hiu relieved the temporary wants of t
fnmlly jestcrday , hut unless kind-heart
people recollect them today It will bo a s
Thanksgiving day they will see. Oflie
Hcswlck , who has shown his kindness
heart , has imcstlgnted tbo case and is sat
Jled the family deserve charity as badly
they need it , _
IJivvo RCHHOII Tor filvlnjr Thanks.
Today Is Thanksgiving , ono of the happi
festivals of nil the j ear. It you want ad
tionnl reasons for njojful thanks giving
to Lonlt Ottonhcimor's and provide joui-s
wllh a suit of his warm , comfortable clothi
niul underwear. Ilo has just lemovcd
clothing store to 411 Hroaihvivy and toe
will offer you extra inducements aud sh
* > ou a clean , now nud full line of men's , bo
and children's clothing and furnishing goo
. Hotel Onrilen.
The finest hold In Council muffs. Kvc
tiling strictly tint class. Sample loom
connection with the house , for commerc
The gieat blow about hcntcrs our would'
competitors ma making , Hnvo ) ou seen
better stock of heaters and lower prices tt
utM. A IC.'s,8L'0 Broadway.
Soon We'll fllnrry.
There wns a rush yesterday for innrrh
licenses nt Iho county cleik's ofllcc , 1
coming of Thanksgiving day being the
parent cause of the Ihellncss lu ttio deinn
Amonetho happy oneswow : A. O'Brl '
nnd Amelia Dunn , both of Council B lulls ;
E. Llndsoy of Oinahn anil Elizabeth Hanc
of Council IIluffs ; H. 1) . Slovens and Sai
A. LaJlar , both of Crawfoid county ; II
Inan Pool and ICntlo Dcckninn , both of t
city ; Henry A. Cox and Mary L. Tuch
both of Council Illuffs.
Boston store , Council Bluffs , vlll boclo
all dav , today , Thanksgiving , Fothcrl
ham , M'hitelaw &Co.
I'ostofllco Hours.
All departments of the jiobtofilco will
, open today from 7:30 : n. m. until 13 no
Carriers on residence routes will inalca <
delivery and collection lu the forenoon , i
on business lout03 two deliveries and cell
tions In the forenoon and ono collection
the afternoon ,
N Drln kit Tor Pour Hourn.
Mayor Mucfao has Issued bis onlor t
prohlblllon'slmll bo enforced today bctwc
tlio hours 10 a. m. mitl 2 o'clock p. m. Pur
these liours the salooni nm to bo Ucpt si
both Iruiit uui rcur ,
Louis Ottcnliclmor has Just rotnovcc
414 Hroailxvay with a full Hue of clotliluK i
The Twin City Railway Oompiny Mutei
to Accept Iti Charter ,
Tlio KnHt Omaha Ijnutl Company Will
Ask for Homo Charters The Inter
state Controversy Minor
The charter granted to the T\\ln City
street railway company at tbo last meeting of
the city council lias been returned by the
company. It wns placed In the hands of
Mu ) or Mncrao josteiday morning , and In
closed In the document was a brief but per
tinent note from tlio president nud secretary
of the compiny announcing their icfusal to
accept the charter. ' -
'Hie reason * stated for the company's ro
fnsal to accept are that the conditions nro
lee numerous mid the restrictions too great ,
and the company cannot safely nirec to com
ply with them. The points chiefly objected
tome the requirements to have the road In
ojcratlon ever n bridge across the liver
vUtliln live yciu-s , and to ha\o the lines con
structed nnd In operation upon all the streets
anil avenues named In the ordinance within
ton jears. As the oidlnnnco names
nearly nil the streets in the city
A\lth the exception of Broadway and other
sticets upon which the present company has
already constructed lines , the new company
claims that this rcstilctlon imposes an impos
sibility. They desire to have all of these
conditions and restrictions removed and the
charter presented to them nait was oilginally
drawn befoio the council clipped Its wings
and loaded it down.
A copy of the ordinance , or whit purports
to he n tony of the ordinance granted to the
company by the Omaha council Is submitted ,
nnd thoLompmy notifies the tna\or that that
is tlio kind of u charter the ) want in Counci
The matter will bo laid before the councl
nt the meeting on Monday night.
AVe HnveOnrto Talk to You About
rou us.
Experience has pro\cd to you nnd us tha
the time to malte hay is when the sun shines
The sun is shining for the buyer this scasoi
and the seller bus to come to time and sel
ids Roods In the season thry are' bought for
\Vo h ivo an overstock of goods anil rlgh' '
now Is the time to sell It wo know It ! 'lln '
weather is unfavorable for the dry peed :
trade , but wo propose to sell our stock , iflov
prices w ill do it.Vo will offer toinonow nnt
during this week such attractive bargains It
cloaks , jackets , wiaps , misses' nnd children1 !
cloaks , underwear , and all heavy clothing a
such piiccs that it will pay anyone tthi
studies economy to laj in their goods for tin
season. Our stock is all fresh and of tin
latest nnd best stjles
Our holiday department , which is the nc
Itnowledged center of attrition , will be opei
to the public after Monday. It takes up ou
entire third floor and consists of the latest
choicest and rarest novelties that tbo Amor
lean nnd Uuropenn markets produce , A tri1
through our house and the various depart
incuts will convince every loyal citizen o
Council Bluffs that our institution is not be
hind the times , but the leader of till estal
lishmcnts in the nortnwcst. Everybody coi
dially invited. Call nnU see us.
HESUV EisHMtv &Co. ,
Broadway nnd Pearl street , Council Bluffs
Scott House. Best { 1.00 per day house i
the city.
This week will be a memorable ono in th
heating steve trade. 'Wo just received anothc
car load of the Peninsular stoves and wl
quote bottom figures to purchasers. At M. i
K.'s , 320 Broadway.
A Q'cnoher'n Suit.
In the superior court yesterday a suit wn
commenced by Julia Flynn against the oflU
crs of district township of York. The plain
iff is n school tcichor , Her brother , Joscp
riynn , was a sub director of No. 9 in "Yor
township last sprlny , and ho made a contrac
Avlth his sister by which she was to teach th
school for thres terms for f275. Stio taupl
the Juno term and received her pay. AfU
vacation she presented horoolf nt the schoi
house piopared to teach what Is known r
the September term , but was denied udmi
lance , and informed that another teacher lin
been put in nor place. The toim having ju1
closed she now nsks for nor pay , as it vvi
not her fault that she did not perform In
cutics in accordance with her contract.
It is undeistood that tbo defense will 1
that the contract wns never approved by tl
boird and , thcieforc , not biuclini. . M
Plynn icsigned his position as subdirceti
and Henry Hibhton elected in his plac
Mr. lUshton declined to servo unless 1
could have the aupointing of the tcacho
The boird give him that pi 1 vile-go anil mil
approved so much of the contract with Mli
riynn us applied to the June term. The coi
tiv.ct , so fni as it coveted the other two term
was repudiated by the board. The cour
ulll now ha\e to deckle.
See our new fall patterns of carpets , rug
shades at all prices. AtM. i ; K.'s , U20 Bioai
Huj your coil and wood of C. B. Fuel Co
M ! ) Broadvv ay. Telephone 130.
Words of Sympathy.
At n meeting of the trustees of Talrvlo
Cemetery association , held at the ofllco of tl
secretary , concerning the death of Hoi
Horace liverett , the following resolutioi
wore unanimously adopted.
Whereas , Hon. llornco Everett has filled tl
incuHurc of his years and joined the great in
jorltv beyond , and
Whereas , In bis death society lias lost 01
of Its best nnd foremost citl/ens and the con
immlty one of Its brightest ornaments 01
who In Ills dullj- walk In life , public , prlv a
nnd prnfo'isloiiHl , and by lib personal chnra
trr nnd Intellectual endowment rcllecti
credit and honor upon any organization
which he had n momlcr-.lilp ) , nnd
Whcicas , It Is HUliix we , who survl' '
him , should ciuise to bo placrd on our recon
nn uiwroprlutu expression of our ustoem in
appreciation of his likli standing and utul
nu'iits ; theinfoie , bo It
Hobolxeel , That to the surviving mcmbcts
111- , family wo oMunil our heartfult symp.itl
In thlstlielrhnin of deep nllllctlon.
Itc-holved , That a copy of tbe o re olntlo
bo dcllvured to them by our secruliiry , ni
the snnio bo placed upon the records of tl
association , tuid bogUe'n to the press for pu
> o
n Jt C. Blxby , steam ncatiu ? , saultiry c
in glneer. 913 Mfo bailha ? , O.u.ihi ; 'JJ3 Me
rlain block , Council Illuffs.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 4
, fl Broadway.
Dr. Soybcrt , Hes. . Ogdcn houso. Tel. 1 <
The Inter State Contioversy.
Attorney ( Sencrnl Stone wns In the cl
jestcrdaj. Hois preparing to maken stro
fight to protect Iowa's interests In the Ci
Oft island controversy with Nebraska. loIs \
Is cited to appear in court on January 25 , b
Ills somewhat doubtful whether theca
will borenly forhe'ailnjr then , as there n
numerous surveys to mnko in order to get
the real lines , and there Is much evidence
bo hunted in regard to the chnngcsvlii
the fickle Missouri has made in all the jca
It anpcnrs that the law In regard to ncci
tlona U. quite different from that relating
hind vvbii'h Is affected by n sudden and rai
cal change of the course of the river. It
claimed that part of the land in controvcr
Is the result of accretion nnd part byacuuu
in the channel of the river , cutting ofl
chunk suddenly. There will be no little d
nculty in determining Just what part is d
to each of these dlffercut causes ,
Our line of cook stoves nnd ranges , fr <
nt $7.50 to $45 gives you the greatest variety
Ml bdoct from , nt Mandcl & Klein's , 3JO Bro :
ut The Olatrlot Court.
In the district court yesterday the tti
to was taken up in the hearing of the cos o
ad Coombs ys Burbrldgo , it being a suit :
damages becauio of tbo plolutiff being wroi
fully nrrcstcd for stealing n harness from the
defendant. Nearly all the testimony was
concluded , there being but ono mow witness
to ba heard on the part of Hie defendant , that
one bcinpcx-Chlcf Lucas , who Is out of the
city citing turkoy. Ho Is expected to return
Friday morning , then tbocoso will speedily
come to n close.
Tbo court of course idlourncd until Pildny ,
today boln ? a legal holiday. Judge Carson
m giving-his instructions ns to the actions of
the Jurvmcn during tbo interim seemed to
have an uniiefljlng thought of the dangers
attending n too enthusiastic observance ) of
this fcnst day. Ho told the twelve to bo sure
nnd bo m court promptly at 10 o'clock Vrldnj
morning , nnd incase any unforeseen misfor
tune or sudden sickness should prevent their
attendance they should report this fact to tbTj
clerk at as carli a moment as possible. U Ith
this quiet caution the twelve will doubtless
endeavor to partake with moderation.
Hotel Goidon ,
Colonel Clark will give a hop nt his hotel
this ( TlmnksglIng ) night. Tickets , incluel-
Ing luncb $1.
_ _ _ _
I'lnns for the Now Bridge.
Mr. Wnddell , brother In-law of Leonard
Hverctt , submitted several weeks ago three
sots of plans fora bridge across tlio river con
necting the city with CutolT island , One plan
called for an $300,000 structure , another for
ono costing $1,000,000 nnd the third for n still
moroexpensive ono that would cost ? 1,200-
000. The plaas wcro ordered toy the Knst
Omaha Lund company and a powerful or
ganization behind thorn. Tney have been sub
mitted to the oftlcersof the company , nnd the
fact was nuthorltatlvely announced yesterday
that the last plin bnil been selected , nud that
abridge costing not less than 51OOJ,000 will
bo elected as soon ns the chutercan bo ob
tained from congress. It has boon known for
sonio time that all of the prclinilu iry woik
for obtaining the charter bus be'cn comuletcd
bv agents oE the company In Washington
and it Is expected that tno chatter will bo
granted early In the coining session. Tin :
Bui : gets Its authority for this announce
ment so direct that it can bo rolled upon ns
about ofilclal.
The purpose Is to build n wide moJcrn com
bination bridge , cnpiblo of carrying street
cnr lines , i ail ways and thoroughiiiro trafllo
without conflict. Itlsnlso Intimated semi-
ofllcUlly that a powerful lalhoid Is back of
thu scheme , and tbo delay In building the
union depot tncro Is on account of Iho scheme
to hnvo it located on the Island.
The matter will bo brought bo tore the city
council on Monday evening , It is said , by the
now company presenting an oidlnnnco prant
Ing them n ch urtcr to build and operate a stree
carsstem through the main street of tin
city and on the Island via abiidgetobc
eicttcd at seine point to bo designated. 1
was reported to some of the city olllcors yes
tcrday that the new company would obllgati
Itself by executing n bond fo :
$1,000,000 , if necessary , to build th' '
line and the bridge within n given time. Ii
addition to their charter they -will also as ]
for some other privileges connected with th
nppioaches of the now bridge
It Is morally certain that some very Inrg
enterprises nro under way that will boo
vital interest to the city , and that this is on
of them.
A Christmas Puzzle.
\Vhatshallvvo buy for the holidays ! 1
this puzzles you coma in anil sco our holida
attractions : hiilllant diamonds ; gold an
silver watches and chains ; quaint , novel , nov
natterued Jewelry , rings , bracelets , necklaces
lockets ; gold-he.ided cauos ; solid silver am
plated ware : too many novelties to name
you must sco them to appreciate them , the
nioio artistic and beautiful ; visitors wo
coino to see our display. C. Ii. JaKiueinlu ,
Co , No. 27 Main st.
Johnny , Drop Vour Drum.
A fivecarold boy with a half-grown frisk
drum is not ono of the doslrabio features of
quiet nolghboihood. However oommeijdabl
may bo his patriotic doslro to emulate h
revolutionary ancestry and bring down 1
thcso piping times of peace the spirit of 177i
ho Is liable to get himself and his drum in !
trouble if ho thumps it too industrious ! ;
That's what's the matter with
spilghtly little elf who la the pride of tl
household at the residence of W. J. Jnmosoi
on Seventh stieet. Johnny has n drum nn
plently of energy which ho expends In thum ]
Ing It whenever tbo spirit scbcs him , and i
the spirit is of tbo good-sied healthy sort :
has him in his grip about all the time , an
the rattle of tbo drum is almost ceaselcs
much to the annoyance and discomfort of tt
quiet neighbors. At least , that is the con
plaint that was made in the pollco coui
yesterday afternoon by Fcrd.Vies \ , wli
lives neaiesb to tbo Jninoson icsldonco un
receives the fullest bcnolit. of Johnny's mm
tial music. Mr. Wius made his complaint I
a formal manner and aslccd to have a wai
rant Issued for the arrest of W. J. Jnmesoi
the father of the patriotic drummer. Cler
Stephcnson drew up the lufoimatlon , an
drew it good nnd strong , nnd Mr. WIos pu
hisnamoto it. It alleges that Mr. Jamesc
Is guilty anel has boon guilty of a breach <
tbo pence by permitting bis son to thum
Unit drum incessantly and at nil hour
greatly to the annoyance of himself and h
A warrant w oa Issued on the informatio
nnd Marsal Templeton called upon Mr. Jam
son and put him under arrest. It was an n
commodating sort of nn arrest , for the ma
shal carried the warrant in ono hand and
bond for the appearance of the accused In tl
other. Mr , Jameson signed the bond nn
thereby escaped golntr to Jail. The case wi
sot forbearing before Acting Judge Scbu
on Monday at ! ) o'clock.
Jn the meantime the marshal negotiated
treaty with Johnny by which ho atrroes
pound the drum only ut stated intervals ui
then In the cellar.
. .Mr.Vles says ho has been excessively a
noycd by tbo Incessant drumming of the bo
but has failed after malting many attemp
to Induce Mr. Jameson to order the hey
quit , and appealed to the law only whoa a
other means had piovcd fruitless.
Money to loan at straight 5 per cent p
annum. . S. Bnruett , agent.
Thanksgiving at ( lie V. 91. C. A.
A very oyjoyablo evening Is In store f
those who attend the entertainment and i
ccptlon at the Young Men's Christian ass
elation tonight. The following is the pi
gramme , opening with two selections by tl
orchestra , composed of Colonel L. W. Ti
loys , Judge Burnett , Miss Paul Tulloys ui
Will Murphy :
Recitation . MNs Eva Montcome
Cornet kola . \\lll Jlurpl
fcoleet Hcidln unrt Muslo .
. Misses Ida Wullaco mid Urnl
Piano Polo . , Miss Mlnnlo Oli
\Molln Srolo . Mr. Clinton Oa
Tbo Critic ( Artist ) . air * Icallsh
I'lnno Duct . Misses Ol :
Heading . Miss Moph
Violin t-clectlon . Missus Clininhcrla
I'lnno Duct .
.Miss Lora Black and Mr. W I ; Thlckhti
Song . Mrs Holt and Mrs. Mill
J Oiolu'Stru.
Dnninuo ? for Itlncl.
C , E. Stouo yesterday commenced nn i
tion against the ) city , tiling his petition In t
district court. The claim is that the city ,
changing grade and by paving , has caus
the water to run lute a catch basin near 1
residence , corner of Vine nnd Brjnnt strcc
and that Iho catch basin is wholly Insutllclc
to dispose of the water. In heavy rains 1
grounds are Hooded , and ho has been sovei
times damaged by both water aud mud. 1
places tbo damage nt ? J,000. ,
Caring Cor the Hlok.
The county board has prepared two c <
tracts for the care of the pauper slcik , the
IInn and aged. Ono is with the St. B
nard's hospital , the other with the \Vomui
Christian association hospital. The slsti
of the former institution signed their c <
tract yesterday. Tlio two contracts .iro all
and require on thapait of the hospitals tl
they dhnli bo willing and prepared to recel
and care for nil sorts of cases , except smi
pox ,
Great bargains in bedroom suits at Main
& Klein , aSODroadwur ,
General Passenger Agent L.omax of I
Union 1'acltlo will bo homo from Chlcc
ir today. Bo has boon in tbo Windy c
a month attending passenger meeting ! .
Its Cnmllclntcs for Coiintlllincn I'lixccd
In Nomination.
Although it wns their flrflt attempt at hold
ing n city convention , the lupmbcrs of the in
dependent party went to work lu a very bus
iness llko manner lint night. They wcro
slow In gathering , but nt S o'clock Clreen's
hall was comfoirably flllod with delegates ,
whom half a hundred politicians , ward work
ers and candidates mingled \vith tba dele
gates. * '
After n number of slates had been made J. .
M.ICennoy , chnlrman of thq county central
committee , called the body to order , lie wns
elected and chnlimail iMiimon's secretary.
On motion the chahmnn nppointed n com
mittee on credentials , the members of which
wore M , O'Connell , J. C. Monlnger nnd Allan
Pending the return of the committee , T. C.
Kclsoy of the Fifth ward cnteitaincd the
convention bv urging the nomination nnd
support of the independent men ,
upon returning the committee reported
the following delegates entitled to scats In
the convention :
rirst Ward Not represented.
Second Ward J. C. 'Homey , W. J. ( looJIn ,
Joseph Vascue , Charles Hess , George Wil
led , O. H. ntch nnd R W Bollard.
Third Ward John O'Connell. B. McCabe.
J. II. BVake , R S. Grasty , M ( J. Sweeney , fj
AV. Blg < * loiv nndJ. B. Corcoran ,
rouit" Ward - Phillip Tyicll , William
Breniian , 1) C. Weaver , 1'atilck llnrt. J. It.
Lcvvl.s. 1i : 1'nikor , I'rcd Ludln.
Fifth Ward J. C. Monukgcr , Thomas C.
Kelsey. James Kenney , John Morrison , Jo
seph Mulr , Hlchard Cody nnd Thomas Ben
Sixth Ward P. B. Hoard : M , L , . 1'lntU ,
John Carneby , John ( illlon , t1C. . Lloyd , U ,
J. Grant and Henry Moo.
Seventh Ward Allen Uoot , C. Carlson , M ,
Darganvviskl , 13. Lcrlng , C. 1'ntcrsou and L ,
nightli Ward -Louis J. Ihins , John Jess
coat , David Mulhnll , James Unhen , J. K
Lozior. Hurry Kiston nnd 13 lUrinn ,
Ninth Waul John Caileton , I'rnnk 1'nston
M. O'Connell , Alf. Biainmd , U. Cunoy , D
Kctchnm nnd P. Umiuons.
The temporary organization was made per
tnanent , alter which the chair appointed tin
follow Ing com nilttco on resolutions : Geoigi
Willnrd , Allan Knot nud David Mullhnll
Again the convention Indulged in n palnfu
wait until the committee catno in nnd 10
ported ns follows !
Kesohed , That wo , the members of the In
dependent party of Unrilm In convention as
scmblril , dcclnro out adhc'slon to the follow
In * ptlnelplcs :
1. That wo nro opposed to any further dona
tlons of elty franchises toeorpoiatlon" .
2. Tliut fiane-lilsps hoiotnfoio granted shal
bo under proper and Just contiolof the clt ;
3. That tbo payment of ono fnro should entitle
title anv patron to bo carried to any polnl
vvlioro the street car runs.
4. Tint tins \Miter tnIs oicos-ibo nui
should bo reduced .it least 51 poi cent.
5. That tbo prlco at which all lights are fur
nlshc-d by corpnintlons Is o\ec'ssl\o inn
should bo reduced to a fulr and reasonabl
( i. That nil corporations existing within th
city limits should bo lu\e d ri per c ul ( in thcl
net earnings for the use of the city govuin
7. That taxation should bo better catinllrri
and that all property should bo taved allk
without tegiird to Iho umolmt.
8. That wo rosin d t ix shli king as n crime
\\oln\lloallKOodmontoiinitonnd n lj
In carrying tliobodeolarntlons Into utlect.
The re'solutions weio adopted , after whic
the following candidates for councllmcn fror
the bcverul wards wew placed in nominatlo :
nnd declared as the standard bearers for tb
independent :
party i
Second ward -M. II. llcdlleld.
Third ward-John O Council.
Fouith ward D. C. Dcaver.
Fifth wmd Thomas U. Kelsev.
Sixth ward Thomas Hamilton.
Seventh ward M. L. Uocdor.
Eighth word P. G.
Ninth wnrd John Thomas.
'Iholiratvvard not being represented th
committee toox hold of tbo matter and nom
nntcdJ. J ICcnneely.
Thotollowing city central committee , coi
sisting of throe mombgrs from each wmi
was elected :
Second Ward-G. W. Willard , Charli
Hoss. jr. , nnd Joseph \ascuo.
Third Ward Bniney McCaguo , M. (
Sweeney and J. II. Blafce.
Fourth Ward-Putiick Hart , Phillip Ty n
aud F. E. Parker.
Fifth Wnrd T. C. Kelsey , J. C. ICennc
and A. Miller.
Sixth Ward M. L. Plaits. Lewis Loj
and Juke Harvov.
Seventh Ward C. Cnrlsen , L. P. Norbei
and John E Emblem.
Eighth Ward John Jeffcoat , A. Ilogf
and L J. I'mii.
Ninth Ward M. J. O'Connell , Alf Brainni
and John Peterson.
The appointment of commltlccmen fro
Iho First ward was also left with the cii
central committee.
Allen Uoot moved that the central conunl
tco appear before tbo mayor and denial
representation as Judges and clciks of olc
tlon. The motion prevailed.
The bat was passed to raise fuutls to pi
the expense of hall lent , after which the co
veil tlon adjourned.
a 0 VTU O.tfTl/f.4 A'E II'S.
Quarterly Conrorencc.
The quarterly conference will bo hold
the Methodist Episcopal church , commoiicii
Friday evening and continuing over Sunda
Friday evening Hev. T. C. domiciling , pi
siding older of this district , will pioach ,
bo followed by the quarterly confercnc
Sattnd-ay evening there will bo preaching 1
Hov. Gcorgo S. Davis of Omnh
editor of the Nebraska Christian A
vocato , Mmday morning nt It o'cloi
love feast nnd preaching at 11 o'clock tl
Hov. T. C. Clcndennlg , followed by the n
ministration of tlio Lord's supper.
At (1:45 ( : o'clock Sunday evening the pc
pie's meeting will bo held aud the pastor , tl
Hov. 0. N. Duwson , will preach.
A. O. U. AV. llousn Wnrminjj.
South Omaha lodtro No. 00 , Ancient Ord
of United Workmen , will give n house wan
ing In Its hall , Twenty-sixth andiN streel
Thursday evening , December 11 . Tlio fi
lowing committed appointments have be
mndo :
General Arrangements Messrs. Harry :
Mcnefeo , A. L. Beblngor , James M. Gall
gnor , H. C. Hilliker and J. C. Grnham.
Heccption Messrs. H. C. Hilliker , F. .
5 Broadway and Frank 1. Leo.
Programme James M. Gallagher , C. 1
I Miller and A. L. Bohingcr.
Kefrcshmcnts Messrs. J. C. Graha
Charles Mattison , William H. Steualo
Philip Kern and Frank Wallwober.
Floor Messrs. Ilnrry B. Menefeo , Andic
M. Gallugher and Charles Ii. Lear.
jvluslo Messrs. A. L. Bqblngor , Harry
Monelco and William H. Stcushoff.
Camp ( ' "iro.
Robert R. Livlngston'post , No. 23) , Gra
Army of the Republicat its last mecti
arranged for a grand camp lire to
held In Its rooms , Twenty-lilrdandNstroo |
Tuesday evening , Doeuinuer 111. Mess
Samuel W. Dennis , Chariot 11. Burgess , .lo
K. H.irt , Nathan U. Acker nnd John 1
Snivcly were appointed a committee on i
rnngeincnts. _ , i , .
Itnnrcl or I'ubllo Works.
By resolution the boird of public woi
jestciday dccieted to advertise for bids
follows : Grading the 'hjloy in block 1 !
Nicholas street from pleasant to Vis
Gcorgo street from Lowq nvenuo to Uolici
street ; Bird street from Hamilton street
Mercer nvonuo ; Dale street from Geoi
street to Mercer nvcnuo , and Dewey str
from Hamilton street to Mercer avenue. ' 1
contracts for doing this \vork\vill bo aware
December 8.
In onler to nvoid errors in making bl
hereafter all contractors will bo required
submit their bidding blanks to the uecreti
of the hoard before making proposals.
The city engineer was instructed
bo present nt the next meeting
the boaid and nuiko a data !
statement showing the progress made in e :
mating the amount of filling required on ct
lot condemned some time ago , in order tl
the hoard innv ndvortlso for bids for filll
Iho loU that have been declared nuisances
Notice was ordered served upon the oflle
of the Union Pacific railroad company , ord
ing thum to clear the rubbish from Sot
Tenth street , nlong the line of the now v
duct that is in course of construction ,
C. M. Wherry of Columbus v\as in the cl
at the Casey last iilgut.
How It Will Be Obierod by the Grateful
People of Oraalia.
i Will Ho Generally Htisnomlod
and Those Who lla\c Hensons to
Ho Thankful \\ttl Mnko
Others llnppy.
The church people of thU city have mndo
ample preparation for services appropriate to
Tlianksglvlng day. Th"good ft-llowslilpof the
Chilstlan people of Omaha has been shown
in the many union meetings that Inuo been
m r.igcd by tlio pastors.
The congregations that worship In the
heart of the city will hold a union service at
Iho First 1'resbj tcrinn church at 10ii : : ) n , in. ,
und Hev. F. .1. Turkic of Kountzo Memorial
iliucch will preach the seriiun. Tliis scrvico
will bo held at the riwt Praihytorinn , at
tended bv the inemboM of the First I'resby-
icimn , First Methodist , Pint Uaptht , Flist
Congiegatlomii nnd iho Kountzo Memorial
Lutheran chuivhes.
Thorhurcliesin the southwest part of the
city will iinllo inn scrvico nt the Westniln-
stcr I'lOJhytcrian chuich on Georgia avenue ,
itev. G , M. Hrown , p.islor of thu Il.inscom
1'nrk Methodist ehuivli , will pieach. The
people of the followlngchuicliei nro expected
to attend : St. Marv's nvenuo Congrega
tional , tlio N'owman Methodist , the Hansoom
Park Me'tlio list nud the West Omaha Metho
dist mission
The Plymouth Congregational church In
Kounlzo 1'lace 1ms been selected for the
union sol-vices of the north part of the city.
The people of that chuich , of Trinity Metho
dist , the Unlvcrmllst and tlio Immimiol
llaptlst churches will worship thorn nt H a.
in , nnd Hov. Mr Foster of liiimanucl Uuptist
church will preach.
AtTiinlty Episcopal cathedral the follow
ing churches will bo icprosentod. The
cathedral , All Saints , the Ciood Shepherd ,
St. Johns and St. Matthias
Thanksgiving services will nho bo hold nt
St. liarnabas church at 10JO : n. in. , and Hov.
John Williams wlirpieach.
At the Second Presbyterian church on
Saunders Mrcet , the follow Ing congregations
will unite , Rev. Mr. Crane of the Sewnrtl
street Methodist chinch preaching the ser
mon : Second Prosbj lerian , Calvary Baptist
nnd the Seward slreet Methodist.
At the lemplo on Huttioy street , neat
Twenty-fourth , Thanksgiving scrvico will be
conducted nt 11:110 : o'clock. The subject o I
Kabbl Hosennu's lecture will bo : "Why
Should the Jew Celebrate tlio Thanksgiving
Day I" All nro cordially invited to attend.
In the Catholic chuielies , St. Pbilomomi's '
cathedral , Ninth and Hainoy , St. John's ,
California nnd Twenty-fouith. St. Patrick's ,
rifteentli and Castellar , St. Mary's , Douglas ,
near Sixteenth , Holy Family , Eighteenth and
Irnrd , high mass will bo celebrated at I ;
Theio nro a number of worthy chanties Ir
the city , chailtles that do a world of good h
a quiet , unostentatious way , but none an
more deserving than the Open Door , loentei
on North Twentieth street near the Coliseum
Mrs. Clark , the manager of the homo , ha :
sent out circular letters appealing to the
charity of the good people of thi
inctiopolis , to icmembor the Open Dooi
on Tlnuksglvlng day nnd asks for a donntioi
of delicacies , chickens , turkeys and the los
of the good things which goto ninko up i
Thanksgiving dinner , so that the Inmates o
that institution may feel that they are no
outcasts from the woild but sisters of a com
mon family.
The appeal should touch n rcsponslvi
choid In the hearts of tbo citbens of the city
who have prospered during the year tha
will soon bo matter for history , and out o
Iheir abundance some gentle reminder bhoul <
bo bent to this most deserving Institution. /
good deed Is like i ray of sunlight in a dungeon
goon , it brightens the life of both giver am
About thirty basket dinners will bo sen
out to the poor people in various parts of th
city by the committees in charge of thoTcntl
street mission.
Thcro will boa dinner given to tbo need ;
patrons of St. Timothy's mission.
All the leading hotels are making preparations
tions for elaborate spicads for dinner.
ShctlfC Uoydwill feed turkey to the prls
oneisln the county jail.
County Agent Mahoney is preparing
special feast for the inmates of the pee
Liberal eontilbutions of delicacies and suli
stantials uro being sent lo cheer the wnrd
and patients of St. Joseph's hospital.
The little patients in the Ulnikson Momot
lid hospital will bo feoilngly remembered b
many chuiltable people.
At tlieolu ladies' homo on Bnrt stieot th
dny will bo signalized by calls from synip.i
tliello people \\tiich will biing back Iho horn
light into man } mlstvoyos.
The county building , city ofllces , dlstrlc
and federal couits will bo closed
OnodelHorvof mull will take place and In
curriers' windows at the postolllco will b
open at noon as on Sunday.
Business will bo suspended generally.
The banks w 111 close , tlio railroad head
quarters will bo deserted and the frclgh
depots will bo shut down.
AtUoyd's in the afteinoou and ovcntn
Ilojt's Uiass Monkey will bo played.
At ttio Collsouin the land boat race will b
continued nfteinoon nnd evening. At th
former ladioa accompanied by escorts will b
admitted free.
The 13den Musco will plvo hourly pei
formances afternoon and evening.
The Wojtcrn art exhibit will bo open i
tlio Now York Life building all day.
The Omaha art exhibit will also bo opo
day and evening In the Steele bulldhif
Thirteenth nnd Harnoy streets.
The Omaha gun club vill assemble on th
Dunmirc & Cross grounds ncioss the rlu
this morning and shoot for a bnuquc
Sides will bo chosen and the losers de/rny tli
expenses. The match is to bo live birds , tc
lo each man. Aflor the gun club shoot ,
scries of sweepstake shoots will take plac
and ample provision has been made for a dn
of fine sport.
A Chance Tor Ohnrlty.
While the Thanksgiving offerings nro gold
around today , charitably inclined people wl
remember that at 1438 North Twcnty-thh
street there is a boy in the last stages i
consumption. His mother is a widow an
\ cry poor.
What Ho Saltl.
An ox-Union Pacific man remarked yeste
flay In the piesonco of a few kindred spirit :
"Adams icsigned Wednesday. Thursdi
will ho a day of general thanksgivli
throughout the fund , "
The Singular Ilcoovcry of n King.
, A few weeks ago Thomas 1) . Addiwo
a dairy fnrmoi1 living1 nt Fnliwx Static
Vn. , on the Virginia Midland rnllroa <
twenty-four miles from Wiibhlngton , ell
covered imbedded in the hoof of ono
lits cows a largo honl ring , bays the Joi
olorb" "Weekly. The ring was u voi
handsome one , and had engraved up <
the seal the coat of arras of Mexico , tl
"Mexico " anil word th
word , a Spanish :
the II ml or could not decipher. Itifilf
were the words , "II. J. Hunt , Worth
Div. "
Mr. Addison reported the finding
the ring to the Alexandria papcu
which published a short notlco of 1
Soon afterward ho received n lotlor fro
Colonel Pitcher , United States arm
now living in Washington , saying th
ho was an intimate friend of Colon
Hunt , nnd boned with him through tl
Mexican war. When the otllcors
Worth's division left Mexico they wif > h <
to liuvo mementoes of the ( lays at
nights spent together there , so nil hi
rings mndo nllko. Dining the robolllc
Colonel , promoted to brigadier go now
Hunt commanded Iho federal miilloi
that ai ono time was blatlonod in M
Addition's meadow , nnd the ring w
lost by him tit that timo. General Hu
illod two years ago. His family nc
lives in WushU&ton , and Mr. Acldlei
has turned ever to thorn the ring roco
orod after a lapse of more than a quart
ol a century.
J'KttfiOXAlj I'.in.Ki K.I I'ltS ,
It. M , Davis of Denver Is at the MlllarJ.
D. 1) ) . Lyons of DOJ Molncs , In. , is at the
George H. Hoblnson of St. Louis Is nt the
Charles Onylord of Grand Island ii nt the
W. H. Shaw of Chicago \\w nt the Murray
last night.
T. J. Clancy of Boston was nt the Millard
last night.
I. K. Jenkins of Schuylor was nt the Casey
last night.
J. 1C. Mathews of Champion Is tn the city ,
nl the Casey.
H. P. Gleason of New York Is In the city ,
nt the Murray.
H H. ailmoro of Sioux City is registered
nt the Millnrd.
11. H. Samson of Hrokcn Dow Is In the city ,
nt the Merchants ,
O. G. Halo nnd wife of Gralg wcro nt the
Merchants last night.
U.K. Parker of Hluo Springs was nt the
Merchants last night.
T. H. Thompson of LaMent , Col , , was at
lie Pax ton last night.
12. D. Samson of Dos Molncs was in the
Ity , nt the Muiray last night.
H. 1) . Hanulster nnd W C. Chllds of Hoi-
na , Mont. , nro nt the Pnxton ,
C. A. Henry nnd I ) . II. Perrv of Ogdcn ,
Jtnh , were nt the Millard last night.
T. C. Gavltt of New York , the mnn who
> scucd Cora Tanner , the actress , at the Ln-
nnd lire at Syracuse some time ago , is in the
: lty , at the Paxton.
Old ' 1 liners.
A railroad man snld yesterday that it wns
tomcvthnt signlllcnnt that so mnny ox-
Union Pacific men happened hi Omaha the
ay Charles Fiaucls Adams relinquished
ontrol of the reid to Sidney Dillon. Yes-
crdny the following gentlemen lunched nt
.ho Millard : S. T. Smith , ex-general super-
itendont ; O. II. Dorrancc , cx-suporln-
.cndcnt Nebraska division ; P. J , Nichols , ox-
iupcrlntendent Nebraska division ; AV. A ,
) cucl , ex-sujierintcndcnt Nebraska division ;
\ 1 . Swobo , ox-manager Union Paclllo
, otels ; .1. II. McConnolI , ex-master me-
imntc ; G. W. Hall , ex-assistant auditor ; , T
A' . Morse. e\-ceneral passenger ugent ; II. D
'ike , ex-cnief cleik.
There will bo an exhibition of Mine ,
iirloy's wax works this ovnninir at the
' 'irst United Presbyterian church , cor-
mr of Eighteenth and California streets ,
it 8 o'clock.
o'clock.'T YOU
If they had merit , they
would not c'alm to ho as
good as something
BWIITS srucinc , B. s. s.
is iucofM/iu : ! : AS TIIK
Hooks on Illooil and SIIn dl ° cascs fr(4.
THE SVVI IT hl'l.C'irit' CO , ATLANTA , fi A.
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc
* 3O6 Broadway , Oounoll Bluffs , It
Of Council Bluffs.
numerous T. A. Miller , T. O. Qlonson , n. Ii
Eliiuart , K. H. Hurt , J. D. Edmumlson , Oli.ulo
U. Ildiinuii , Transact Benor.U Ij.uiklm Imsl
nosM. Largest c-ipltal nnd surplus of uir
bunk In Southwestern Iowa.
FOnilUNT Oooil fai mot 18.1 iiic ! < i.r. mllr
fiom Cuuucll lllulls. Apply lo heunni
FOU RAM : Good lot on llroiiilwur , lot 1
block 17 , Hccrs' sill ) . , for S700. Apjily t
FirMNG\Vintc ! < l-Iot 1. . lilock 17 , H cr
Mil ) . , between 10th nml 17th slreels lu L
tlllotl , Apply to Leonard Kvurutt.
FOR SA IE choap. A KOCH ! olllco desk , near ]
new. llooin 4 , Brown LiiilUUiiK.
ANTED -Lndv or Rent wllllii ) : to work ft
our Intuiusti permanent position ; JJ .VJ I
M 00 a dny. 10. . H. , C07 Willow avenue. Uout
ell IllutTs.
WANTI'D Oltl for Konornl liotisoworl
Mis. 1) ) . W. Archer , 003 faecoiul uvuniie.
WANTKD-200 laborers and teainstei
for R. 11 work In WyoniliiK : frco tr.insnoi
liitlun. O. T. llray , Pcottst , . Uomioll HlullH.
OAHKADof liOfscstooxclnuiKO for clear la n
< J\J orclty property. Johnston A. Vunl'atlei
Kvcictt block.
A ATAHMS hi soiitliwostern Iowa for sali
tV torinscasy. Also small farms and iturdt
land around Council llluITs. Johnston Vu
I'ntlen. Evpiott block.
PAIll of mules , liuniPss and vvnson for HI :
on a year'H time. Johnston & Van 1'attc
Kvcrutt bloe'k.
MItS. AMHMA NinLfcON.M.D.Bpcclalmli
wife. 1J.V8 ave , Upiincll lIlnllB. la.
1T.OIAI , I1AUGAI.VS In houses for s.ilo i
rent ; also two baunclcrs strout lots ,
Omaha. J. U. Davidson. G'r5th avo.
Al.THR S. bTIIJ-MAN. Marcus bloc
otllry 1'ubllc , collections , lypuwrltln
"I71OH HALE I.OSISD and furnltiiio of Hco
JL ? llouso , Council IllnlTs. 'J. ) rooms. Clioap ;
Address J. H. Jordan , Coniu'll lllufl
7 1OR RENT Iho .MoMalian thrco-stoi
1 brick block , No as 8. Main st , with olovutu
J. W. Bquliq.
. . . . . . . . . _ ' AcliolfC nleco of cnrdon lar
near Council llluITs , with Rood now bulli
Inc. Immediate possession K dcslrud. J. \
h'ci u I res.
SAIiK Complcto set of tinner * too
FOR small stock of tlnwuro at u bargal
Iminlro at room JIB Morrlnm block.
BAIiE or Hont Oar.Ion land , nil
FOR , by J , It. Hlue. 1U ( Main it. , Oounc
Bluff *
' Positively cured by
those Uttlo IMIIs.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspopsh , In
ITTLE digestion nnd Too Hearty
IVER lilting. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness. Nausea ,
PILLS. Drowslncsa. Had Taste
In the Mouth , Coated
Tongue , Pnln in the Side ,
TOHVB ) HVr.H. They
regulnto tbo Bowels. rurclj' Vegetable.
I Clllt'AllO.
Ix nvoi ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' '
'opot'l'oYi ( nii'M"i > Vu'n'lrooIi'i _ Umnliiv
TiO p m "i'hlcnito Kiprun . . . . . BOO n m
D&l n ui Clilcaiio Kzprcii . i 00 p
VlO p ra Clilcngo Kipren . , ,11)0) ) it m
( . ( Op in low i I ocnl . . llSUl m
l < nToi HUItUNdlO.V A MO. lUVRH , Arrlras
Ouinhit Depot luth amilav > n ttroeK. I Omnli * .
" " (01 in
10 > n m p
10 vi n DI Kzprois I ! 15 p m
C 40 p m .Deliver Mght Si ! | > ri HIS n m
C16 a m . . Lincoln -AC1\ \ VUO p ra
If.tT.TTr J A ir [ ArrfvoT
Umnlm. I Depot IQlli i\nil Ma pn ntro U | llmnhiu
PSO n ml . .KanianUtv Tlay KiprtMi . .I HO p ra
Sli n ml 1C. C , NlKht Km vln U. I' Trnni I d(5 im
l > MeUMONl'Ai'lV If I Arrive !
Omalm n pot UUh nml Marcy utroalt I Omaha.
P m
780 p m I'ncinc KipraM. . . . 1145 u m
10 A ) n m DCIITIT Kiprt'Ji. . . 351 p m
6IU n in . .Knnim Cltf Kiprcn , , , UOi n m
10 Ii n m . . .halrlluhl Exo. ( oxcoit | Sun ) I U p m
"Leavoi OnitrAlTO. U 1 A IMCH'Il ! ; .Vrrlvo ?
Umaha. _ ! ilopot , 10thnnil _ MareyJUi Omaha.
810 p m . , T.NlKht Kipro 11005 n To
! I05 n m Atlnntio Eipri'ai CJO p m
4W p m l.linltol 10 < i n\
lA'ntOl tll'f.V I'AlI . . Arrifa"
Utinha U. I' di'pnt.JOtli anil M\rcr Dnntii
71& n m "Cltr
4 a o m 'nill Kxpreu I1010 n a
I Trrlvui
_ 0ninlm | _ _ lcpot. ISUi nnd\yvbitor Sit | Uninlm
Jim p ml SI lul l.lmUoil . . . . . I 9'il nm
, „ . . . . .OriTCATiiT * jfllimrviKSl'ETi.N TTrrivo ?
Unmlin I U. 1' depot. lUtli anil Marpyt \ | ) mili .
Pll iml ChlcnKU ICipren i CSU p m
410 p m Vcitlbulo l.UnltoiI U'O n m
615 p lutlowa Acconinioilnlliiti ( IUc. Suu > 7U5 p m
VlUp in Kasturn Hyer 2(5 p ra
" JJ > nin | p HunJji ) tlii _ ! l.Kt ( oxn Mnn740 | _ _ _ Jim
IXJAVOI iPirfLAClO ; MTu , A B1 I'SlJl . ffTrut
Onmtm IU J ilopol , lOlhjitiil MnrcyM _ Oinnlix
. .ehlcHKO Kijiri'i ' VI5 n
.clilcnifo Kzorrii . . U3U o a
i Arrive !
, K"T nr [ " OiArrTve
UmMiix | llepot IStli i il WubiUf Stl I Oimha _ . _
CPU n in | . lllnck Hills Kiprun. 1.3lpra (
VIC n m .HnntliiKi Kip ( Rx. funilnr ) I ( M p in
MO p m WuliooJtMncolni'nt ( lx ! Stiiul J ) 10W n m
JJll p ml . \orkjt Norfolk IK Hii uljl ) ' " "
r f F. M AO I Arrival
Dopol 15lh unil WcbMur Ptl Omilu. _
S 10 R m . .gloni Cltjr Accommoilfttlon 03 p m
1 00 p m .Bloui Cltr Kipri'M ( Ki. Sun ) 12 ID p m
MU p in St 1'nul l.lnillml . si a n ra
615 D m llnncoft I'imeiigor ( Kr ) < 845 i\
IlopiiC lilii nnil Webster SU
St l.onli A U C. Kiprua
_ _ SI. I.oull A K. C. Klpro n n m
TBIIVOJ 7 OlIlGXulT. lf. l. A I'ATiJiT ArrlTes
Transfer I Union Depot. Cininni ilium 'ImnsfM
( SO p tu MsM riprc'Jj .Ti I VV > a m
9W nm Atlnntl : Kiprcu . . .r (55 p ra
5 UU | i m .j _ . _ . .Vo llbulo I.lmltcJ . 'lOWnni '
'CliICATTeT * NOIlTlf\VlCs fRll.N Arrlvoi4
Trunifer Union Depot. Council Ilium jlrnnafer
H4U n in Tir. .ChlcnKo Kipro s tiV ( p m
600 p ui . . .Vestibule Limited ' U.Unm
10 U ) p m EmtcrnH > cr . SIX ) p ra
' - p m Atlnntio Mull 7 ) a ra
H 10 p niJnwK Apfommoilntlnn ( Kir. Hun ) II < p p m
Ce vorTurrieTA-ciCrAiTnr"A ) "St. TAIT Arnv
Trim a for I Union Depot , e'onncll llli.ITi I'lrnnifef
t 0 P ml . ChlrnRO Kxpros . In 15 am
lj.0 p nil . ClilcnKO KiirPi- | . . . . . . I II UO p m
T Sci T - IreTrBT.7ilK 'A CT\f. [ A7rlVe !
Tmmtorj Union l ) pot. e'ouncll Uliigi Trnnsf cf
lOOTit ml .T.KunsM Cltr l ) r Kipruis I 5 43 p m
10 15 p ml . .hnn in Cltr Mulit KiproM 1 II 4LJ3
OM'XIlA * 'SPrncJUiar'
1 muster ! Union Depot , Cuunrll Hlug , ' 1'nirnfor
All kinds of Dylns and Cleaning done In thn
Highest Style oftho Art , Kudud and fctnlnod
rubrics inadu to look an ijuod us iinw. Work
Jiroinptly done and delivered In all pirta of
tlio country. Bond for prleso list ,
o. A. MAOHAN , 1'ion. .
1013 llroadwav. Near Norlliwostcrti Uejiot ,
Cou.scir. Hi.ui'13. I A.
Over 0. II. Jacnuoiuln fc Cos Jewelry StorJ
D. H. McDancld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Packers' Supplies ,
i Market Fixtures , Casings ,
Fplrosaiid piiusauo Makers' Machinery. PJOr
T K.H ! Main HI , , Council DlulVri , la. Also dealer *
In llldia and Kum.
Corner Main an3 Itroadway ,
Ponlery In foreign an I doinoitlo oxi'lianxi
Collucllon made und Interest uuld on tlin *
of Dl 10 it GRAND RUSH
! (1
idm 1(1 Kt Chapman's ' Kit Store ,
1 ,
Every person wants nn engraving when they can get a
w Only a few more left. Ensels , Framed Pictures , Cabinets , etc. , nt
) v- ii half price. All these goods must bo closoU out by January 1st.