Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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A Question Anxiously Discussed by Both
Friends and Foes ,
.Iti ilondtnfr ttcfbro the Nationalists
Canto Too I < nto Whnt the llCHiilt
Might Ilavn Keen A Flat *
tcr In Chicago.
Dtrm.t.v , Nov. 2(5 ( , fSpcdnl Cablegram to
TUB Br.n.l The Freeman's Journal , in n
leading article ou Gladstone's letter , says :
" "Ulndstonc , in his letter to Morley In regard
to Parnell's ' position , nssumei that the Irish
jiart.v Is a portion of the liberal party and
that the latter party Is qualified to depose :
tholrlth leader or veto his net. Tlio principle
of Independent opposition would bo Isolated
nnd broken down If this power of veto is ad
mitted.Vo \ must never forget thnt Glad
stone came to I'arncll , and that I'arncll did
not go lo Gladstone. It t6ok many years of
independent opposition from Pnrnoll and the
Pnrnctliloa to convoy Gladstone nnd his party
to home rulo. How can the liberals return to
power or retain ill Can they get It without
the Irish vote ! If I'arncll remained nt the
head of a loyal and homogeneous party num
bering eighty-five members , he ronld compel
Gladstone or nny other liberal leader to sub
mit to the Irish lenders. "
IJiThoKxpress says : "Jt will bo interesting
to observe ho\v the liberals will behave when
I'arncll tramples urtputhom In tlio innnnorin
which Ira Is nccustumod to trample upon his
Irish followers. "
TholCxpross says that the measures adopted
by the government to relieve tlio distress In
the western part of Ireland arising from the
failure of tlio potato crop will bo put into
operation before Christina1 ; .
DMntlnflod Niitlonnllatn.
LOMXXV , Nov. SO. Purncll has declined to
convene u meeting of the nationalist mem
bers of the commons nt the request of thirty-
eight Parnellitcs , dosplto the fact that the
rules of the party provide for the calling of n
meeting when twenty members sign
such n request. Several Parneliite members
complain thnt they were not informed of nil
the facts in connection with Gladstone's uttl-
iude'lownrd Paruoll , which was set forth In
Hho former's ' letter to .Morley. when they
voted yesterday to retain Paracll as leader of
the Irish party. The majority of the nation
alists present at the meeting last
evening of the Pamcllitc members
of the commons believed that If Gladstone's
, letter to Morlqy had been read nttho morning
meeting the result on the motion to retain
Parnoll in the leadership would hnvo been
different. Gladstone and Mat-ley hndn con
ference this forenoon to consider the situa
tion arising from the ro-clcctlonof Parnelt.
Although last night Parncll refused to call
n inciting of the Irish members of congress ,
n meeting was held today , nt which ho pro-
fildod , There was a great divergence of
1 opinion manifested throughout the discussion ,
but no definite action was * agreed upon , Tha
meeting adjourned to 5 o'clock this cvcninir.
Pnrnoll's speech nt the opening of the
.meeting gave no indication that ho Intended
c lo alter his decision to retain the leadership.
viMolan wns the only member present who
favored Parnell's retention of office. Me-
, Carthy , whose frequent allusions to Parnell's
great sacrifices for tbn Irish cause , applauded
and snid he hoped that after duo considera
tion 1'arnell would see his way to retire for
the present nnd save the sacred cause of
"Irish Independence. Sexton said he regretted
Gladstone's views being withheld yesterday.
Ho sympathetically appealed to Parnel
to reconsider" his position. The qucs-
. tlon hud assumed a now phase
, since the publication of Gladstone's ' letter.
Personal consideration must be sacrificed for
Vho sake of the cause. Parncll maintained
Ills attlUido of reserve throughout the meet
ing. It was hoped a cabin from delegates in
jVmeiica would reach London before ihe
meeting adjourned , but none was rceolvcd.
"A decision to reassemble nt f > o'clock was
caused by the hope that the dispatch would
.arrive in the Interval. It was n foregone
conclusion in the lobby that the meeting
must result in Parnell's resignation. The na
tionalist members met in the afternoon but
adjourned until "Monday without taking any
dell nlte action.
, > V Mistake HUH Keen Made.
Loxnox , Nov. 20. [ Special Cablegram to
THE Bnc.-p-Tlio | Star ( homo rule ) says :
"Gladstone's letter was designed to bo read
at tho. ParnoUlto meeting held yesterday at
Which It was voted to retain Parnoll m the
leadership of the party , Somehow the
. ' letterwas not read. Justin McCarthy had
' 'boon Instructed to inform Parnull of Glad-
-'itono'g opinion that a chaugo'in tlio leader
ship of tbo Irish party was csscntltd ,
fcut in the haste of I'arnull's '
4 arrival Mr. Gladstone's opinion was
, ot fully Impressed upon him. Parnell's sud-
1 .duu presence , his past services , the outsdo
cruel talk against him nnd the instinctive
Irish loyalty prevailed over the duties of the
Parnellitcs as to the necessity of the sltuu-
t tlou. Tim eyes of the party are now opened
> to thohiunlflcmu-o of the affair in England ,
which is nothing loss than whether homo
rule will be passed upon nt the
'next general election or bo indefi
nitely shelved. Had tlio Parncllitos
.liuown this they couldlinvo uomo to but ono
( Conclusion. We believe thov will como to it
tqaay. " In conclusion the Stur says it is
.coiUldont that as..patrioU the homo rulers
.liiivo no al crnntivo. but to pass a resolution
'that' will cnnblo Gladstone to give the ro-
mahulor of his life ib their cause ,
No Holier Yet.
Loxnox. Nov. 20 , Today's events have
relieved the tension , but rather accentuated
the complications of the situation. Confcr-
ciicos ncld today prove n gwat divergence of
-opinion exists but shows that unless a vote
lot "no confidence' ' Is passed by his followers
Parncll will not abdicate. The mooting this
afternoon adjourned after nearly three hours
Bpeochmaklng in order to obtain the views of
lahsont members of the party. When the
.party reassembles Monday it Is probable Par-
uell will again bo urged to retire by ono sen-
tlon of supporters , but if u vote is taken it is
'expected ' a Jargo majority'will ' be on his side.
The Wolsii members of the party today re-
Jiolvcd tnnt the retention of Parnoll would
cnuso the postponoment'of homo rule beyond
the span of Gla'dstonu's publlo llfo and'tlioy
uro move determined than over to rally to
ithd support of Gladstone.
A Flutter in Chicago.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 20. | Special Telegram to
'Tins BEE. ) Quito a tlutterwas caused In
if Ish-Amorican circles In Chicago today by
the publication of Mr. Gladstone's letter to
Mr. Morley concerning the leaaorship of
'Parnell. It wns generally felt that the posi
tion taken by Gladstone .practically puts an
mnd to Pamell's usefulness In public life for
the present , but at the saino time there was
an undercurrent of belief that ho would con
tinue to l > o the chief guide of the parliamen
tary party in a secret way and would live to
BCO his offcnso condoned by all classes of people -
, plo mid eventually enjoy a roturu to publlo
favor. Interviews with Irish-Amorlcaus of
national imputation on the advisability of
'Parnell's retirement , elicited the following
i&cntlmenU :
Hon.V. . J. Hynes I think that the scntl-
monts of Olnastono and his followers ought
to bo respcctou , and I have the contliloncu In
the patriotism uud judgment of Parncll to be
lieve that ho will .do what is heat.
lion. John F. Scanlon M'r. Purnellhns done
'more ' for the Irish peoplf , considering theh
Munition and maUe-un , than any mm that
over assumed to load their cause. But rucqg-
nlzing the peculiar position of Mr. .Gladstone
and tlio social organization of the English
'Imople , I hnvo been Icarfill that Mr. Oluil-
Mono would ho compelled to do what ho has
.done. As national results must always come
Irom a oompromUo of opposite parties , I
'think It would bu unwUo for the Irish party
to clash with Mr. Gladstone on this question.
The outcome \vlll ho that for a few months
Mr. PurneU will give private advice to the
mrllihentary party , lie will stay In the
background , but will still bo the loader of
.hi * party , whlcJi will move forward to a suc
cess that -will bring great politico ) excite
ment , and in time his -sins will bo forgiven
ltd ha will bo called from retirement bv the
mltcd volra of tlie Irish anil EnRllsh j > tx > r e.
lion , Mclvtllo K. Stono-Mr. I'nrncll
ins compelled tlio Hrlllsli to cell
n Unit In their treattnont ol Irclutul rind hbi
nclccil rarrlcti ttio war tosneh n point thnt
t Is Imrdly to bo doubted that , If the KCiierat
cloutloiiH Imil boon brought on u montli ngo ,
lomo rule would Imvo been victorious by n
ronsldcrublo majority. So I any that the
Irish t > oopla owe him such nilobt thnt It docs
tint llo In their mouths to condemn him , nnd
I think Hint It Is n very ImndJomc evidence of
ttio lo.valtr of the Irish inemlwrs to their
friend * thnt they should stnml by him In this
tiour of trlnl. J Imvo no nurposo to condone
nnyrotnt Mr. Pnnioll may hnvo boon
ailltv of , nnd I suppose thnt in tlio light of
Sir. CJIndstwio's letter Mr. I'nrucll ought to
retire nnd will.
I * . W. Dunne , Clmlrmnn of the Choltonhnm
Hcach demonstration I thltiU the IrUh people
ple linve n right to select their own .leader M
much us the Kuirllsh hnvo their le.idcr. Irish
morals , \ro as liijjli as Knullsh morals , nnd If
the Irish stand by I'nrnoll the English ought
todosn. The outcome will bo that the Irish
members and the Irish party will stnnd oy
I'nriicll , notwithstanding Cil.idstomj has to
tow to tlio fellows behind him.
Tlio I'YM'lliiK in New York.
Niw : Yoitic , Nov. ! iG. Mr. QU1 , one of the
Insli delegates , said this evening : "Toduy's
London meeting was postponed without
action to allow the dulcsat'-s bora nn oppor
tunity of consulting together. They prob
ably will meet Frltlay at Cincinnati nnd In-
torchim'o ; views , Gillwnrns the friends of
, hnIrish cause to beware of hasty conclusions ;
dcclnrcs his Hat disbelief in the ulleeed nngcr
Of Irish members at Parnoll'.s ' alleged rofuSnl
.0 summon n second meeting , nnd Is equally
Incredulous ns to tlio statement credited to
Lho Ir'nh member that the party would follow
I'nrncll even if hnmo rnlo was delayed
llfteen years. A grave crisis is un
doubtedly caused by Gladstone's letter ,
but the Irish members may bu
nilled on to act with patriotism , i'arncll nnd
the Irish party will loddo the question pre
sented to them by Gladstone's letter apart
from nnv personal consideration whatever
nnd wholly on considerations for the best In
terests of the cauio which Is the most Racrod
concern of their lives. As to the probable de
cision of the warty , Gill would plv no opinion.
He nidcd that when PurnoU's mouth un
sealed the judpment which had been formed
now would bo presented in a different llRitt.
(5111 feels confident the next few days will
allow all parties to consider the situation
coolly nnd muko possible n cordial under
standing between the English and Irish homo
rnlcrainta manner pnitlfying to the grand
old man uml honorable to the Irish people
and Pnrni'll. O'llrien , who is in Cincinnati ,
sent n cnbleprnm to the other lde this nfttr-
noon earnestly recommending the partv to
ojien friendly communication with Glad
.Vn Improvement in Quality and tlio
Average of I'rloes.
CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. 'JO. fSpoclal Tele-
pram to TUB BKE. ] Tomorrow's Price
Current will say :
Packing returns represent twenty-three
places , which have handled 440,000 IIORS the
past week apalnst 43,000 the proceeding
week and 435,000 last year , making a total of
1,575,000 fclnco November 1 , against 1,215,000
ayearago-representlnR nearly all the pack
ing. The average quality is somewhat Im
proved nnd the average > r prlcoa Is about 20
rents a hundred pounds better. Undermen
tioned places compare as indicated since No
vember 1 :
Chicago Puckery 121uted Over ttio
ITcdoral Court. Decision.
CIIICAOQ , Nov. 20. [ Special Tclotjrain
to THE Bcc.1 Tno great packers of Chicago
are elated , at the decision of the federal court
at St. Paul , declaring unconstitutional the
Miniicsata law prohibiting tbo sale of
oleomargarine. W. J. Qulnn , attorney for
Armour & Co. , today said :
"That decision was fully expected. It in
fact only reaffirms the principle laid down
heretofore by "both state and federal courts
that state-laws cannot prohibit interstate
commerce. Berne time ago a number of states
passed laws prohibiting the sale of dressed
meats taken from carcasses that had not
been inspected alive within the bounderies of
said states. The United States supreme
court declared those laws unconstitutional
and tlio principle involved was the same as in
the present case. "
"What other states will this discussion
"Tho other states having prohibiting laws
are Maine , Vermont , Pennsylvania , Delaware
and Maryland. The same principle applies to
all of them , and when this decision is ufllrmed
by the United States supreme court tbo efftjct
will bo to open those states to the saleof
oleomargarine. Of course the lmmcdlntcrc-
suit of tlio decision will bo to open the mar'Ket
in Minnesota. "
The Lymph Under Discussion.
' RiiiiLiN , Nov. 20. [ Special Cablegram to
'THE BKE.J Dr. CJerhaivlt , in a lecture to
physicians upon Prof. Koch's discovery ,
showed several patients who had experienced
no reaction with fovcr after nn injection of
the curative lymph. Dr. Gerliardt stated
thnt n case could not bo diagnosed upon the
absence of fovcr after the llrst injection ,
The reaction , ho said , depended upon the
patient's constitution.
Arrangements are being made for the holdIng -
Ing of a torchlight procession of students in
honor of Prof. Koch.
Dr. Levy , Trot. Kooh's assistant , 'has
written n letter to the National Zoltuug with
reference to the charge that his secretary
had demanded from n private patient In the
Davos sanitarium , who was suffering from
phthisis , a fee of JluO marks for caoli injection
of the lymph. Dr. Levy anys'tliat ' he had In
structed his secretary to refuse all applica
tions for treatment made by persons iiillictad
with phthisis , nnd that If the demand was
made it was without his knowledge. The
Zeitung declares thnt the. explanation offered
by'Dr , Levy is not satisfactory.
Funerals Hard on Old Men.
Loxno.v , Nov. 20. [ Special Cablegram to
THE Bcic. ] Gladstone was among the dis
tinguished persons who wore present at the
funeral of Lady Rosobcrry ut Willosdcn ,
county of "Middlesex , yesterday. In conversa-
tlou ( iliulstono made reference to his extreme
ngo nnd the precautions ho found it necessary
to take to retain his "health , nnd said : "Many
an old man takes his death through attending
funerals. "
A Uonrcl of Trade Congress.
MoNTKKAL , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Ilr.n.J The British chamber of commerce -
morco has addressed a letter to the Dominion
board of trade- asking the opinion of the
board ns to the advisability of holding a coir *
press of nil the chambers of commerce In the
empire. A"favorablo reply was given and n
letter will bo sent to all similar bodies In
* _ _ _
Contempt 1'or the Committee.
DAKVIU.T , 111. , Nov. SO. The much talked
about strike has completely collapsed. Tlio
grievance comralttoo hold a conference with
( icncral Manager.Saul today , who refused to
rccognlzo the commute in any manner or
shape , but promised to lodk itito the matter If
the men should roturu to work. nnd the latter
decided to go back.
The I'otts Company All
DETUOIT , Mich , , JCov , 20. The attorney for
the 1'otts.sult nnd lumber company says tlio
business will probably go right along nnd
every debt will bo paid la full , leaving a
handsome surplus. No one knows the exact
cash value of the assets , -while the liabilities
\villi > robublv , bo3ooOJOovor the mortgages.
The Oniahu nrt exhibition nsHoclntlon
will bo oiwn today the eamo us usual.
An Outline of the Work Ho Proposes for
tbo Session.
Ilnw n Hlot AVnfl Prevented nnd the
Dignity of the Chair Preserved
Anxious A bunt ( ho Sil
ver Question ,
WASIIIJ.OTON Hant : n Tlr.e , 1
fill ! FOtlKTtiliNTII iiBni. >
WAiit.\ i ) N' , D. C. , Nov . W. I
Speaker Heed , alter a consultation with
Mr. MdClnley , Mr. Cannon nnd other load
ing members of the bouse , has laid out the
work of the session. Jt Includes besides the
regular nppropriation bills the ronpportlon-
inent bill ; the circuit court bill , which re
lieves the supreme court nnd which caiao
buck to the house after being amended by the
senate , ntid a bill for Iho relief for the ship
ping of the country. Whether thh will ho
senator Frye's bill for mail subsidies between
Central mid South America or the Fnrgulmr
bill giving n bountv of Hi ) cents n ton upon all
shipping is a question. It has been decided
not to nttcmpt to pass nny moro general JKJH-
slon bills in this congress , but
the prisoners of war pension bill
ia likely to receive some attention. This
is the republican programme In the house
nnd the democrats will make no objection to
U except so far ns the reapportionment bill Is
coriccrncd. That they will never tilloiv to
pass , Jlrjt , because they nro opposed on gen
eral principles to letting tbo republicans make
the rearportionmciit , second , because they
will hn\o control of the house of representa
tives nc\t year and will have an opportunity
to innlto the rcapportlonment themselves ,
and third , because they lack , or claim to Jack ,
confidence in the census. The republicans
will doubtless make n stout light for their
bill , hut the democrats can defeat it by fllll-
bustering oven if their other nrgumeiits do
not hold. Their first , act will bo to causa nn .
investlpition of the census , and they will not i
permit the bill to bo considered until the com
mittee that mikes such an investigation bus
submitted its report. Again they have a long
line of precedents to sustain them. No con
gress ever pissed a re-apportionment bill nt
the session immediately following n census. |
A year has always elapsed before such lopis- '
lation und to-push it through this time will' '
bo forcing mi issno that the republicans can
not very well sustain. In fact the democrats
will not permit it.
One of the leaders of that party said today '
that Speaker Reed was treated with great
toleration during the last session but he
would not bo treated with as much during1
the next. If he attempts to inako the same
arbitrary rulings , and if ropubllcansshowthc
same disposition to cut off debate on important - ,
ant measures , this gentleman says there will'
be a disturbance such ns wns never seen in
the house of representatives be
fore. It has been disclosed recent
ly that Senator Gorman , Uopreseututlves
Crisp , Ilreckinridgo nndTlower and enD or
two other cool-hauled men prevented a riot
during the consideration nf tbo contested
election cases last session. Bynum oflndlana
Hogcrsof .Arkansas. Kflgoro of Texas and
oipo or two other southerners were already to
use violence with the sx | > alar and drag , him
from his chalrwheuevoranexcuse wns offered
them. The gentlemen named , reullzvng the
effect of such nn incident upon the country
stepped in and by their persuasion nrovcntod
the plot from being carried out. U'ho demo
crats are feeling so cocky aad Independent
that it will be difficult to prevent a racket of
this kind if occasion ofTers during the com
ing session. In the Keed-McKinloy pro-
-gramme there is no provision made for th
p.issago of a silver bill , but it is highly prob
able that the silver leaders on the republican
side of tlio house will join those
who believe with them ou the democratic
side in order to secure free coinage ledsla-
tion. It is Ix-lieveil that Senator Stewart
will open the campaign immediately upon
the meeting of congress by introducing a free
coinage bill in the scuata and demanding un
immediate vote on it. If such a bill evergets
through the senalo it will bo impossible to
prevent Its passage by the house.
During the last session , when Speaker
Heed's power was at its best , It was with
great difliculty that the free coinage bill ,
which was pissed by the senate by a combina
tion between a few republicans and the dem
ocrats , was kept from going through itho
houso. Mr. Reed then threw his bulky form
in tlio xvny .and .members of bis party did not
euro to attempt to ndu over him , In vleiv of
the result of the election and the wild demand
for more money that -being tnade , by the
farmers it is not improbable that the situa
tion may become more serious this snssion .for
those who think the silver busiucss might bo
earned too far by his most determined
methods. It may not bo possible for Mr.
Reed to prevent the passage of n free coin-
aeo bill. The contemplation of the possi
bilities nnd probabilities of the case is suld to
Klvo the president considerable 'anxiety ' nnd
hois urging the leaders to do what they can
to keep the matter from coming up for dis
cussion. It is intimated that ho will have
something to sa.v on the subject of sjlvor in
his message , to discourage any further
meddling with the matter until the
law passed nt the last session has
been given a longer trial. One thing
counted on In forcing the lighting on the
election And the apportionment bills is thnt
there will bo no timo'for tbo silver question
to uonioup , but it is possible thnt the calcu
lations on this line may miscarry. There
\\lll probably 'bo an attempt made by the
democrats to reach nn agreement with'tho '
silver republicans lor the pnssagn of u
free coinage bill andtho defeat of the elec
tions bill. Sneaker Uucd and the president
had a long talk tins afternoon , at which ttioy
fully discussed matters of party policy.
The rally in the price ot silver in the Now
York market within the past few days has
set the silver uiun to worklug hard on the
passage of n free coinage hillat this session.
There are a half do/on loaders hero in
town at the present moment and they are
working tin active campaign In the interest of
the unlimited coinage of silver. It is under
stood that the-president in lim forthcoming
message to congress takosrtha ground that no
further legislation on this subject should bo
cnaotcd by the present congress , and it is
thought by some of the eastern men that any
successful attempt in this direction will bo
impossible. Notwithstanding this fueling ,
however , such men us A. J. "Warner of Ohio
and others who are in tbo advance rank of
pro-sllvcritcs think Unit a determined effort
in this direction will moot with success. The
senate Is ready to pass a free coinage bill nnd
there nro probnbly enough men In the house
In favor of the idea to put a bill through if it
can only bo reached , and the only question at
Usuo therefore is whether or uot the oppor-
tuultity will bo afforded for carrying out the
programme. PJUIIIV S. HEATH.
A Jury for Muoron Bliirdcror.
OITAWA , la. , Nov. W. ( Special Telegram
to TIIK BKI : . | So great is the interest taken
lit ttio Ford case that it was almost impossi
ble to get a glympso of Moore's alleged mur
derer today on account of the great crowd in
and about the court room. But one ndd- !
tlouul.Juror was scoured today , making six so
far obtained , Court has adjourned until Fri
day morning ana It Is not likely that u Jury
will bo secured before Saturday night.
The lirnken Oklahoma Hank.
GuTimiu , Oklnhoma , Nov. 20. The sheriff ,
who Is now in charge of the Commercial
bunk , is engaged tn taking an inventory of
assets , The creditors wo trying to break the
.assignment , claiming It was bogus nnd made
for the purpose of covering up fraud which
was undoubtedly According to
the sheriff the cash in the vaults will not
exceed $5,000.
The Wnke of the Woods.
BBUI.IN , Nov. 20. The medtlnal springs at
Carlsbad were uot damaged , by the Hoods ,
but the loss through the destruction of prou-
crty of the town is estltriatod at fiOO.OOO tlor-
1ns. At Jcnu llfteen'houses fell und some oc-
cupunts wore killed.
The Grriunn Hiulgct.
Bcnux , N.OV. 2(1. ( The German budget fop
the coming Ilscal year makoj the revenue aud
expenditures bulaucont 1,110,015JSS ! , ( marks.
Expenditures "as" divided ! Permanent M.
pendlturcs , PAltt { > .i)07 ) murks' , non-recurring
ordinary , ( O,720,45 ! J ; ro-coneurrlng extrnordl-
nnry , ltinK > , ! ) iiii For the nrmy ! a,7r. , , Tor
marks jnoro fl.nto ; required than In ISM , a
greater portion tain ? needed for the execu
tion of tlio nlilltnry law regarding the In
crease of cftel'tlvo ' strength. For the navy
throe Iron clltux , one cruller , ono dispatch
boat nnd elglititoriicdo boats are to bo con
structed In 1S',1. "
( Ill
Ills Views Oiii-tbo Situation 1'rcpnrn-
I ( ) ! > to Leaving fur Washington.
Since the rccfcnt political cyclone struck
N'obraslta Uonfnlissman Council bus been devoting -
voting more tlnw und iittoutloii to legal mat
ters than to affairs of stuto. Ho expects to
return to Omalm at the close of the present
session of congress , in tbo early part ot
March , and resume his law practice.Vith
this In view ho has formoil a partnership
with Judge Ivcs nnd established ofllcos In the
.New York Llfo building.As bo wns auout
leaving for Washington yesterday ufturnoon
n UEIJ reporter called nt his now law oftlms
for tht ) purpose of learning his views of the
situation , In response to nn inquiry ( is to
how ho was feeling since emerging from the
recent political blizzard ho answered ,
"All right , ncrer bettor In my
life. 1 nm moro tlnn * reconciled
to the retirement from nubile service now
awaiting me. While , nt llrst , somewhat sur
prised , If not disappointed nt tlio ro.tult of the
{ occ-nt election , I urn certain thut my defeat
Is the best thing could Imvo happened
to mo .from n personal nnd financial point of
view. My only regret is that 1 will not now
tx ) able to carry forward to completion n num
ber of measures 1 hud In the interest of
Onmtiu antt ether cities in tbo district 1 have
hnd the lionor for ono time to represent. I
fear thnt during Iho next three months but
little will bo accomplished in the way of
legislation or securing appropriations. Dur
ing tbo pant session I have done a good deal
of hard work with the view of securing fa vor-
abloactlon on certain bills In which my con
stituents nro greatly Interested. 1 now return
to Washington to do the beat 1 cnn in the
brief tune of scn'lco now bcforo inu. Tlic
outlook for accomplishing-much this winter
Is not very encouraging. Iu the llrst place ,
ns I HOT not reflected 1 nm not iu u position
to bank ou future extension of favors in con
sideration of favor.3 received. j
In the second place , it loolcsns though every
possible menus of obstruction will be adopted
to prevent legislation during the remaining i
nlndty days of this congress , nud It Is doubt
ful if nnr but appropriation bills will
'bo passed. " '
"Then. " said the reporter , "yon do uot have
much hopes of securing favorable action on k
the mint bill or postofflco appropriation billf" ,
" .No , 1 am not ovcr-conuilcnt of success ,
but 1 propose to do the best I can. I have already - .
ready secured a good many pledges of support - '
port to the mint und postoBlco Rills , nnd I
still have some hopes of success. "
Upon being asked as to whul ho attributed
his defeat. Mr. Council said : .
"Oh , it is hard to say what iu particular '
caused it. Tills year bus been a disastrous '
one for republicans nil along tbo line. So far
as this district is concerned , I think the
effort to defeat prohibition wus the chief
cnuse. The one absorbing topic was to do-1
feat prohibition , , and no other Interest seemed *
to be tuken lute , account. I was in hopes that
In view of the work 1 hud done for'Omalm '
and tbo effective service I would probably be '
able to render fri the future , in my own city , '
I would receive soiiio special consideration at'
tbo polls ; but , the fact is , I owe my dofout to
the majority piled up against mo in Douglas j
county. In Lancaster county , I received n I
majority and in1 Mr. Bryan's own ward in !
Lincoln I received almost t\vo votes to his { ;
one. All this goc4 to show that a prophet is j ,
not without nonor save in his own country. '
"I have no fiHHlnff against auy onn in par- ' ]
ticubr and no rcercts ovci tlio result. I only |
wish 1 was able to complete some work in ji
congress in AVhiUh I have taken a special
interest. " '
"What do ydu think. Mr. Connell , of the
support given you byjhc workingmen whoso
ouuso you bave'esp'eclally championed ? "
" 0,1'hardly knotv What ' , to .say in reply to
tliat Inquiry. I canonly say thai I hnvo not i
changed my vniws ono.partic-lo regarding the i
necessity and importance of the legislation I
have advocated in the interest of the wntjo-
workers of the country. 1 still bollovo that J
' '
tholabor problem'In.thb most important of all
questions bcforo the Aineiicnn.iooplo ] today.
When I reaeh Washington I intend to .secure ,
if posslolc , the final passage by tbo nenntoof
my clght-bour bill , nnd other later hills
which have already passed tbo houso. "
"Mr. Connell unon uoingasKeii how soon ho
cipected to retucn to Omalm , replied :
"As soon as congress adjourns. "
Hcali/.iug the uncertainties of political
life , ho had rented his house to "General i
Hrooke only -for a year and n half , so ns to
have a homo in Omaha in the event that the
ides of November should bo against him.
"As soon as I return , " concluded the pros- '
out congressman , " 1 will at once shy n.y ens- ]
tor in the legal arena and I expect to try my '
share of conttJ3ted-casei ut tbo next term of
court. "
Pardoned After U'wemy 5 ! cars.
INMAXAPOW , Ind. , Nov , 2(5. ( [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : BsnJr-In 18" ! Omar T. Bnilly
was convicted of being accessory to the inur-
derof Thomas Harrison , a farmer of Dearborn
rounty , and was sentenced to the penitentiary
for llfo. This morning Governor Hovcy pir-
donod him. McDonald Chock , who was the ]
actual murderer , and who Is also serving a'
lifo sentence , has repeatedly written to differ
ent governors declaring Baillv absolutely in
nocent. No ono objects to Uallly's pardon , i
and it is the common belief that an innocent |
man lias been imprisoned twenty years.
Every governor has been all but convinced of
his innocence.
Failed to Identify Him.
PAUIS , Nov. 20. ( Special Cablegram to
THE BP.E. A man resembling Padlewiski ,
the suspected murderer of General Solivcr-
sltoff , has boon arrested hero. lie says his
name is Domhrownky , but admits thnt ho
knows Pudlewiski. Lo Slecle thinks it prob-
abio that the prisoner is really Pnilleu-iskl ,
but the other newspapers believe the police
are on the wrong track. The prisoner was
subjected to a Judicial examination , but the
police ofllcors failed to identify him 'as I'adlo-
ivisM. The discovery has been made , how
ever , that the man is an active nihilist , and
ho has been placed in the house of surveil
The Fire Ileuord
Poim.Axn , Ore. , Nov. 28. The North Pa
cific hotel and the buildings of ttie Oregon
-pottery company wcra destroyed by llro'tbls '
morning. Loss , ' $150.000 ; fully Insured.
OWKXSHOUO , ICy. , Nov. " 0. Klro this morn.
ing destroyed thq ntire street car equipment
of this city , mitlqs , uira and stabloj. Loss ,
$00,000. y-'J. '
Irrlimu'N DfmrosH.
Dunux , Nov0'1 ; 26. Crowds of people
throughout tlio d'fstvcssod district ofSvvino-
ford , county Mnjfo , ire demanding work from
the priests and pjpr/\aw | \ guardians. It Is ad
mitted by the authorities that within three
weeks many peoWo.wlU be without food of
any kind. J\
Charlie Itoss Pound Again.
Nuw YOKK , Ityft 20. Inspector Byrnes
said todav when n stloned about the alleged
finding of Chnrllp ; pss that thcro appears to
ho something In.Hip story , One of his men
is now in Boston.Uylnff to unravel the mys
tery , it being alleged the boy is now doing
time in ono of th % iftlsons there. <
No Sngar'Trimt lleoelvor.
NHW YOHK , Nov , 20 Judge Ctlllon of the
supreme court of" Brooklyn has granted u
stay of proceedings which prevents receivers
nut ! all court ofUccra frnra taking charge of
the affair * of the supur' trust.
The.Sultan Honor ? Koch.
HCUMX , Nov. UO. [ Special Cablegram to
Tnr. BEE. | The sultan of Turkey has con
ferred the grand decoration of the imperial
order of 'Midjidio upon Prof. Koch.
For-Mcmbcr of City Council.
Charles 13. Brunor Is republican can-
dlduto for member of the city council
from the Eighth ward. Votu fur lilinut
the ropuhlican primary to nominate to
bo hold Friday , November iiS.'from ' lii
o'clock noon to 7 p. in..ut No. 21Ui :
Cumin" street.
Er-Trcasuror Weeks Arrested for Misappro
priating Qrcflly County Funds.
Church llotvc Union-Hied by the Al-
lliinoe Contest An Kiiulluhlo Dl-
voroo Ilccinlon-Otlii'r No-
lirnska News.
Gnrti.TCRXTrn , Neb. , Nov. 20. [ Special
Telegram to THE Dr.i.1 : UK-County Trcas-
urcrV. \ . UVcoks wns nrrestod nnd brought
hero from Scotia to.lay , charged with em-
Ue/zllng W.OUO of the county's funds while hi
office , I'ho county ofllciuls are vorv rotlcont
In tlio ni'itter. Ills motliol , they say , was ,
whenscttJInir with the hoard , to poriult the
land to remain delinquent until nftnrtho sot-
Uoinctit nnd then temurh it piid on tho'tiix ' :
ifsts , When confronted with tlio coimtv at
torney ho denied everything in the way of
iTlniiiml Intent , but said , , he , llko nny other
man , might hnvo imitlo errors nnd wns willing
to rectify nny mistake lie had inndo.
Itoriifiud lli Divorce.
O > CIOM : , N b. , Nov. 'M. [ Spocinl to Tun
URI : . ] Judge Smith closed n two days' term
of court hero yestordnv. The court began
October 7 , lusted u week and adjourned for
want of time. Tlio most important e.iso was
that ot ICelloy vs ICelloy. Mrs. Kelley asked
for adlvorco nllcging cruelty and hablliinl
drunkenness. The case wus liotly contested ,
moro than fifty witnesses being put on the
Bland. The Judge refused to grunt adlvorco
and decided that each party should pay their
The Xobrankii City lirldgc.
NniinxsKA Cm , J eb. , Nov. 2(1. ( [ Special
tn Tun BKI : . ] A telegram received today
from the general manager of the Burlington
* ays tliat the railroad company would within
n wcelc coniincuco tbo convci-sion of Its
bridge at this place into a combination r.ill- und wagon bridge. Tlio oxouso given
for the delay is the stringency of the money
market. The bridge is no'.v to he pushed to
completion. _ _ _ i
liurclara nt Nehmvkii.
NmiAwia , Neh. , Nov. 'JO. | Spccinl to Tin :
UIK. ] 'A'bout U o'clock this morning F. 1' , |
Sheldon discovered burglars in the cellar of
his general merchandise sloro. Ho opouul
lire on tbcui , when they ran , dropping the
plunder thov had secured , The parties can
be identified nnd will probably bo arrested
, soon ,
Cliiiroli Jlnwo licfltA I.uay.
NfniiA8KilCirr ; , Neb , , Nov. 20. { Special
to Tnr Bni.J : Church IIowo was in the city
last alght anil in an Interview stated that ho
wns not utidl worried over the alliance contest -
test for his sent in the legislature. Ho thinks
his majority was sufficiently largo to make-
his election mid calling sure.
Wolf Hunt.
Niun\siu : OITT , Keb. , Nov. 20. [ Special
to TIIK I ) RE. ] A number of the spoilsmen of
this city and adjoining country will go on a
1)1 ? wolf hunt north of the city tomorrow.
Several hundred will participate hi the fun ,
I'lmnhing Inspector Duncan Says
Them Is no Council Combine.
The democrats of the Seventh ward met at
1212 Park avcnno last evening and. success
fully did nothing for nearly two hours. J. It.
Hughes , who wns recently elected to the leg
islature presided. The subject of an hour's
wrangle was the question as to whether the ,
cnucusuhould select 11 victim for the council- ,
manic slaughter , or leave everything until
the primaries which will bo held next Satur
day. Several of the aspirants had become
discouraged and withdrawn , but the only two
Tcrnaining , William Smith and Ed Howcll ,
were both on hand. The caucus was of the
Smith complenion , to the tnno of two [
to OTIC , and that wns why Howell's friends , j
headed by Mcgcatn , Birldmubcr and P. II. j
Mahonoy. were anxious for the meeting to j
adjourn without.action. . |
Birkhauser winced when the combine was
scored , nnd sucgosted that the sjienker was 1
out of order. 'Major ' Dennis , the rotund !
} ilutribing inspector , waxed indignant when !
an effervescent brother intimated that he i
knew no moioabout plumbing than n goat j
dons about the scriptures , and ho was deeply
offended when his democrats was called In .
question for iicccuting nnd holding ofllco !
under the unholy council combine.
A truce was patched up and hostilities
were suspended long cnouch to flecldo that
tlio only candidates to bo considered at the
primaries would ho Smith and Howell.
Tliis was satisfactory to Councilman Marear- ;
ity , vho nad expressed aliopo that a man
could be selected "with whom ho could pulL" ;
as it left Howcll , the combine's pot , still in '
the ring.
Ity way of recreation the meeting selected
the following officers to have chanio of the ,
wnrdpriruarias : Judges , W. A. Nowconib ,
Harry Adams ; cleric , Jnuifti McMnuus.
On motion of W. U. Vaughn a vote of
thanks was tendered James Sclmelderwind
for withdrawing in favor of Mr. Smith. Mr.
Schneidonvlnd wns called for , and stated that
ho nnd Mr.'Howell had held a lengthy confer
ence with Mr. Smith , and 4 > oth ugrcod to
withdraw in Smith's favor. Ho had kept his
word , but Howcll lind broken his pledge nnd
was still working to secure the nomination.
This was nn unpleasant eye oucncr , and How-1
ell's friends hurried tlio meeting to n close. !
After the meeting adjourned and the crowd
had readied the sidewalk , Major Donnls
mounted the curbstone and asserted and reit
erated that thm-o was no buch thing as n
council combine and wanted to know what
proof there was of its existence. Ho said that' '
anyone who made any such assertion was in |
the pay of llosewater and TUB Bin : . Ills at-1
tempt to relieve his oninloyors from the i
odium In which they were cast , was iiotn' '
glittering success , and the major put tho' '
balance of his wrath in his pocket and wont
First AVnrcl llepublleniiH.
John Kosicky presided at a meeting of
First ward republicans In National hp.ll last' '
night. C. S. Jilgutter acted as secretary.
Upon motion of AVilllnm Umpherson , John
H. IcCoy wns made the unanimous 'choice of' '
the mooting as c.iudid.ito for the council.
M'r. McCov is yardnmster for the Union
Pacific road in this oily. lie accepted the
piulnrfiotiu'nt of the meeting-and made a few
remarks , stating that if elected ho would not
go to the council us a tool for any corpora
tion , but purely in the interest of the
people. liriof speeches , heartily endorsing
Sir. McCoy , were made hr Messrs. IJosleky ,
lilgiitter , Umpherson , ICelloy wid others.
The prluinrie-j will bu held on Friday afternoon - '
noon in Zimmerman's block , at Eleventh and
Pierce streets.
llorsl'ord's Aold I'hospli tes
Hocominendcd by Physicians
of oil schools , for the brain , nerves nnd ;
Xioynl to Homier.
The Seventh ward Scandinavian club held
their llrst annual meeting last night atTvvon-
ty-soventh and Pierce streets , nt which the
following officers wore elected ! President ,
Louis Peterson ; .first vice president , C. 13.
Stromberg ! second vice president , P. Oi-jnt ;
secretary , Louis Norbergj treasurer , Charles
Chuffconnd his gang were outside suhomlng
to capture the meeting , but It wns unani
mously uoclarcd that they should not bo ad
mitted , as the clnb had at n former meeting
endorsed M , L.Hoedcr. .
A largo nnd well rattcnded meeting of the
residents and property owueru of Summit
addition was hold at twenty-seventh and
Oak stroetslast night , at which a great deal
of enthusiasm and interest was shown. The
meeting was culled by the people of that dis
trict of the Seventh warn for the purpose of
expressing their sentiment un ttii question of
nelecting acholuo for councilman to represent
the ward for the coming two years , After
HiMicrhcs byS. McClmid , U , Insklp mill ICii.
Walsh , a motion wns made to endorse M. L.
Uooderfor counpilman , which was carried
Gosslor's'Maglelleadacho Wafers. Curoall
hcirdachcs in ' . " 0 minutes. At nil druggists.
Both the method nnd results when
Syrup of Figs ia taken ; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to the tnstc , and acts
irently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Dowels , cleanses tlic sys
tem cflbctimlly , dispels colds , hcml-
nclics awl fevers nixl cures linbitunl
constipation. Synip of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the tnstc nnd ac
ceptable to the stomnch , prompt in
its notion nnd truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy nnd ngrceahlc substances , ita
many excellent qualities cor.imcnd it
to nil and have made it the mod
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
nnd $1 hottles by all lending drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it prompUy for auy one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Mrs. E. T. Swoopo , mother of Mrs. George
M. Barrow , died nt 3 p. in. yesterday nt the
family residence , f > 14 South Twentj'-sccond
street , after a prolonged illness. Tliero will
ho short , Bcrvlco at the residence nt-lillO
p. in. tomorrow , to which friends of the
family nro invited. The rcimilns will betaken
taken to Memphis , Tcnn. , Iho former homo of
the deceased , for interment , ut 11:15 : p. m.
over the Missouri Pucllic.
Tlio Federal Court.
The argument in the injunction case of the
Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific railway com
pany against the Denver & Uio Orandu com
pany was continued before JuJgo Caldwcll
yesterday morning.
In .ludgo Uundy's court the lawdocltct was
called and the judge repeated the usunl
formula That cases which were not readv for
trial would bo dismissed or continued until
next term.
The case of Howard brothers of Ilcartwcll
against Marshal Slaughter and others for
$5,001) ) damages was dismissed for want of
prosecution. This case crew out of an at
tachment , suit nnd has been on the docket for
some time.
Charles Hatton , a tough looking citizen ,
was arraigncil for selling llyuor to Indians
on the Pine Ridge agency. Ho pleaded guilty I
mid was fined $1.
Tlio injunction case iu which tha Nebraska ,
Packing company and other * uro pUlntiftn
and tuecominis.ionersjpf the Nebraska City I
precinct are dcfonuants , wns taken up by '
Judco Dundy just before noon. This 5s a
case in which the packing company enolnoil ]
the commissioners from issuing $1UDODO of
bonds , which hart been voted by the people ,
on the ground that the election was Illegal , I
because there is , in law , no such thing us a |
precinct. The Jtoiuls were voted last August |
and a rcstrabilng order wnslssuod soon after.
Counsel for defense yesterday moved to dis- ;
.miss the case on the ground taut the packing
company was a citi/en of Nebraska , and , !
therefore , the court had no jurisdiction , but i
the motion was overruled.
The Uoi ( ] St.-ullcrs.
The speeding of the roud scullers at the
Coliseum yesterday -was watched with great
interest by a fair audience , a considerable j
sprinkliuf ? of which consisted of ladies. The ;
oarsmen -were nil in good form nnd TIO nccl
dents happened to the machines to mar the .
Interest of the race. Uoss especially did line
work and stoadlly pulled iihend ot ills ootu-
petlu > rs.
This afternooa ladles will be entitled to
admission free , reserved fccntb included.
Following is the score :
lllei. Laps ,
TJoss , ] js o
Vlalstoil 141 3
Itognrs n.l il
Kennedy l.l'i ' 7
Wlso I.-7 4
Largnn 121 4
CouiiM'liiiaii Gets Ilia Writ ,
CHICAOO , Nov , 2G.-Judfio Gresham this
morning Issued a u-rJt of habeas cornus to
Charles Counscluian , the board of trade man
who refused to answer a quostloa of the in
terstate commerce commissions regarding the
discrimination made inhisfavorby the roll-
ivuy companies on the plea thnt his answers
might criminate Klin. Judge Gresluun will
hoar arguments tomorrow.
When , from any cnuse , the digestive nnd
secretory organs become disordered , they
may bo stimulated to healthy notion by 'the '
usuofAycr's Cathartic 1'ills. Thoio pills
are proscribed by tlio physicians , and are for
ialo at all the drug stores.
Tlio , Defendant In .lull.
Nmv YOIIK , Mov. 20. Charles J. Stewart
of Lonaoii began proceedings against Mrs.
Jiillcr , who is now a prisoner at Ludlotv
street jail , to recover fJ3iOOtf ullogod to hnvo
lioeii received from inonoys deposited with
the bankrupt firm of Held iV Co. , London.
An H.xtniuloil I'dpiilnrltr. Brown
Tlronchlal Troches have for tnuny years boon
the most popular article in use for relieving
Coughs aud Throat troubles ,
Failure nt Antwerp.
ANrwKiir , Tvov. SO. The failure of the
banking llrm of Ocstondorf Is annouiiccil ;
labilities , ? 1,500,000 ; assets largely land In
the Argentine Kepublic.
Twpiity-HI l t Wore Drmvnoil.
T oxnox , Nov , CO. In a palo off Oftten ,
Norway , forty boats of u lishliiB fleet were
sunk and I''O damaged , Twenty-eight fisher
men were drowned.
Pears' Mho purest and itvst soap ever made
Oulil nt li ( ) ( ) .
LONDON , Nov. 20. A dispatch from Iliientis
Ayres yesterday nflciiioon says ( fold is un
ofllcially quoted at UtK ) per cent premium.
Absolutely Pure.
A. cream of tartar liaklnc powd&r.
ot lca\onlns tieiiRtU-U , B , Uottrnuicnt Ho.
port Aug. 17 , IBOJl
This is KM
Old Iowa Friend
Writes About Us.
Tlio world's full of shoddy ( ; ooil3ma
And every now year brings
Schumos which sliouhl be sqtiolchod
"by Inw ;
Cheap imitations of penutno
Cheap Clothing sold by cheaper
I11U11 ,
To cntuh the wn os of the poor.
Circulnrs from the tricksters' pen ,
Are loft uteveJjperson's door.
The ' 'bankrupt salo" und auction
ditch muny a.liard-onrnod dollar
They'll soil a Inuudrled shirt ( on
tlio boom , )
For Joss than you could buy n tloz-
on collars.
By throwing ono bait to the human
Ilsh ,
Tho.y'11 catch nhuudrcdauolccrs ;
Lnlor , j'ou'llklckyoursolfiiud wis'.i
You hadn't , when the shoddy
draws and puckers.
Your oauts creep up , yoor coat's
too lioi't ,
You give'cm to yourlittlo brother
But then it's ' no ueoto rave iind
Biiort ,
But show more sense whan you
buy it not her ,
It's a porfcut puaxlo to mo , ma ;
How people can he suisK fools ,
There loss sense now than there
use to bo ,
"When we'had n't ' so many schools.
Most ololluers , T nm loth to say ,
JFor the sake of Rrontor gain ,
Carry the shoJd.v foods today ,
" 'Cornpolled to , " is Uioir claim.
So skillful is the couiiterflt
Ttatnotono man in every five ;
Can tall ( the way the roomsiire lit ) .
Whether its "doai" cloth or
"alive. ' ,
A few houses , ! nm T > len3od to say.
Have reputations which defy ,
The shoddy goods man of .today.
And none but HONEST goods
Thou if you want a suit thats
* * SQUAUE , ,
My friendly roaflor , its very
plain ;
That you must RO to some store
where ,
When n house has held a business'
down. 1
Until it's the oi.msT IN THIS
And dealt "SQUARE" with cvory
man in town , .
So como along nnd BOO us friends ,
You'll ' bo ButUtfiud I Icnow ;
You'll find us where loth nnd I'ur-
nnmllonds ,
Look for the sign of M ,
& Co.