Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1890, Image 1

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tTncoufirmed Eeport of a Battle in Progress
at Port Keogb.
, Tlio Beef Issue Tostponed-Blx Thou
sand Indiana Swarming About
the Agency Sloro SoontB
Sworn In < m I Armed.
IlFi.r.A , Mont. , Nov. 20. It Is reported
from Missouln tonlnlit that a battle U In pro
gress between the military and Indians near
Fort Keogh. The report Is not confirmed.
More troops have been ordered to the sccno
nnd reports from other points state that
skirmishing Is going on.
IWNTI'OMHt Till ; Mtt-Hi
A Change of Plans by iho Authorities
nt I'lne 111(1 uc.
PiNr. UiDfin Aocxcr , S. D. , Nov. 20.
[ Opcclnl Tele-tram to Tin ; Bin. | An order
wns Issued this morning , postponing the beef
issue until tomorrow and ordering all
Btrangcrs except newspaper correspondents
off the reservation.
There are about six thousand Indians
swarming in nnd about the ngeucy , but all
ficcin uncxcltcd.
Ono hundred moro Indian scouts nro being
sworn in nnd armed for service under the
direction of General Brooke.
The order postponing the beef Issue until
tomorrow set everybody to guessing what nd-
dltlonnl significance was nttatchcd to It.
Special Agent Cooper said that it wns
a move on the part of the war
department to keep six thousand
or moro Indians in sight hero
until tomorrow. Further thnn this , he , however -
over , declined to say. It looks ns though the
postponement was simply for the purpose of
giving the eight companies of cavalry and
two of infantry now en route from
Fort Ulloy , Kan. , tlmo to gat hero ,
they being expected to reach us before
daybreak tomorrow. When these arrive
there will bo about eleven Hundred soldiers
horo. General Brooke nnd Messrs. Hoyer
nnd Cooper are much moro non-committal
than over before. ' 'Keep your eyes and cars
open nnd your mouth shut , " Is
about the only idea they will
express to the correspondent , another
Hock of whom put In nn appearance today.
Tbo order expelling all but correspondents
from the rcservntlon Is playing havoc among
the many who are here purely out of curios
ity. Special Agent Cooper is busy making
out passports to newspaper men nnd
denying them to the loads of people who
are flocking hero from all points of the com
pass. Every time a strange face Is seen
among us now the owner of It Is Immediately
spotted by the keen eyed and very vigilant
Indian police and hustled before Agent Royct
or Cooper , where ho quickly hears the little
fact that makes the Ideal picture of disap
pointment orsatisfactton.
There now scorns to bo n good chance ol
effecting ft quiet arrest of those who are still
holding out against the order to come inu
the reservation , although no ono can really
foretell what Is coming. It scorns evident ,
however , that some sort of a settlement will
bo effected this week. It has
Just been learned that the ono hun
dred Indians enlisted this morning as
"nlllltary scouts will leave tomorrow on ar
overland march to Fort Hobinson under com
mand of Lieutenant Taylor , thcro to be
equipped nnd trained.
Dig lload , the chief who , with his band ,
has been rushing tbo ghost waltz for nil 11
was worth , appeared nt the atrency ofllco last
night nnd solicited n talk with Agent Hoyer.
Ills solicitations were acceded to In the pres
ence of UoyerCooperGcnornl Brooke and TIIF
Bun representative. The first portion ol
the "Big Injun's" sny was about the same as
when ho talked to Tur. BIG : man atone yes
terday , namely : That ho meant to do right ;
wanted to do right ; would do right ; wanted
the whites to know that ho was
their frtond ; that ho stopped dancing ;
would never do It ; wanted peace , oto.
Finally Agent Roycr asked tnls question
"Big Uoad , do you know of anything that the ,
Indians on this reservation are dlssatisflee
wltbl Speak right out plainly. "
After meditating for some moments the ole
thief replied , "Wo don't ' got enough to cat
not get enough to eat. Wo go hungry. "
When nsked wlictlfcr ho thought the com
fng of the troops had anything t <
do with the suspension of the danci
by his pcoplo flvo days ago , Big Roae
uns frank enough to admit that i
had , and that ho thought the dance wouli
bnvo continued , had the troops not nppearei
it the agency.
A couple of well known business men whi
tame in from Gordnn last night told mo i
good ono on Dave Moffatt , the well knowi
Wyoming oil land man who lives in Gordon
_ pave became badly frightened about thi
Indians the other day. Ho Is n great lover o
children and the thought seized upon hi :
fevered brain : "What If the Indians shquh
attack our publlo schools while the littli
ones wore nil there ! " And immediately hi
cct about to do what do you think ? Erect i
ted fortification nil around It. The Job wns i
big ono , ns the building Is two stories high
but David Is a great sod mechanic. With th
assistance of J.J. Joycoa merchant of the tow :
nna sevcrnl of the pupils ho kept at the Jot
day and nlgtit , until ho had reared a high so
wall all around the school house. Slnco It
completion it Is said that ho has been a con
BturU and trembling visitor to thatsam
school , ns ho says , for the purpos
of ascertaining the exact degree of prol
cloney being attained by the pupils. Bu
many people ore ready to swear that Davo1
solicitude for ascertaining the the proflclcnc
of the pupils is duo simply and solely to hi
desire to reap a big share of the fruits of hi
sod barricade.
I had a very urgent Invitation today from
certain chief local roast puppy with hli
a'lhnnksglvlug day , but a previous invltntlo
to dluo on canary birds prevented my nccop
luj. _ C. H. C.
IMtr.lXS JLOOKKlt O\ .
Al' the Troops nt Pine Itldto Have n
Afternoon Drill.
PINT. UinonAonxer , S. I ) . , via Hushvlll
Neb , , Nov , SG. [ Special Telegram to Ti :
Bm : . ] The first case of the Imprisonment i
nn Indian during this scare occurred this a
tcrnoon , when a bravo named Little , wl
drew a scalping knife on Agent Koyor usho
tlmo ago and then ran away , was captured I
the Indian police and locked up. Ho is sn
to boa bad all-round ghost pruncor , and h
attempt on Hoycr's life is likely to go ha
with him.
The signal corps under command of Lie
tenant Chrlsman put In the morning nt prn
tlco duty with very complimentary result
U'hcy cuu talk to ono another at a distance
forty-five or fifty miles , which is about thirty
miles better than the Indians can do.
All the troops stationed hero were called
out on the prairies today , nnd with some flvo
thousand ochre-fnccd and feather-bedecked
Indians ns spectators went through thocntiro
manual of fighting in n manner that wns most
interesting and nssurinp to witness. Double
quick runs nnd charges of a mile or moro
were executed with n spirit nnd earnestness
that made the red children of all nges hug
their blankets several yards tighter nnd glvo
bis ? grunts. The health of the entire camp
continues excellent nnd everybody is In
splendid spirits. C. H. C.
Suotty Plillllp.s' lleport.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 20. General Miles tonight
received n telegram from Governor Mcllotto
of South Dakota , conveying Intelligence
brought in by Scotty Phillips , n ranchman
who was nscoutln IS'ii and ISrO. The gov
ernor vouches for his good character nnd
judgment. Phillips reports his opinion thcro
will bo nn uprising pretty soon. A few days
ngo twelve bucks , well armed , stopped at his
house on their way from Hoscbud to the
camp on South Pass Creek. They were very
surly nnd made vague threats. Phillips
knows all of tbam , Yellow Thigh being the
leader. A ranchman named Wald-
ron also reports to Governor lellotto
that Indians killed quite a number of
his cattle recently. Phillips says everybody
who has been among Indians any length of
time expects an uprising soon. Snort Bull's '
headquarters are at Pass Creek where a
dnnco has been going on for months. Phillips
ind Waldron think It Is the point fixed for
! onccntratlon. Fifteen hundred armed war-
lors are there , and they say they won't ' give
, ip Short Bull under any circumstances.
Short Bull Is teaching them that they may bo
made Invulnerable against the white men's
'lullets. Indian runners carry the news of
11 movements of the whites to them with In-
Tcdiblo swiftness. The governor promises
'urthcr information nnd renews his npnlica-
ion for a thousand guns with ammunition.
Alarmed at I'll 1'llps' Rep < rt. , Minn. , Nov. 20. A special
rom Pierre , S. 1) . , says the statements mndo
> y Cattlemen Phillips and Waldron , the sub-
tnnco of which was telegraphed General
Allies by Governor Mcllotto tonight , created
much excitement thero. HiilHps nnd Wal
dron nro known to bo Intimately acquainted
, vith all the prominent Indians nnd their
ivnys , having married Into the tribe and
prcat reliance Is placed In their assertion
that trouble is coming. What makes the
matter more serious is the report that army
> niccrs have been ordered to capture Short
-lull and some other leaders. Phillips nnd
Waldron nro sure such an attempt will pre
cipitate bloodshed. In case of nn outbreak
grave apprehensions are felt for the settlers
in the countries to the north , as roving bands
of Indians can scatter up there nnd destroy
everything long before troops can eaten
A Hopeful View.
RosnnuD ACIESCY , S. D. , ( via Vnlcn-
tine , Neb. ) , Nov. 20. [ Special Tclcgran
: o Tin : Bii.j : Four companies of the
Twenty-first infantry arrived nt 9 n m. Lnsl
night the entire command turned out in thi
light as a largo body of mounted mei
seemed to bo approaching. It turned out t (
bo a herd of ponies. Nothing further concerning
corning Short Bull or his forces Is knowr
now. Probably intelligence will como to
morrow through the scouts. All danger n' '
the agency Is over. The rebels seem to b (
moving for some place in or near the bai
.unds. Every available house and room ni
: ho ngenoy * is occupied by the soldiers. The
telephone between Hosobud nnd Valentino is
in bad shape , and in case of a high , vind V.
ItuBlivlllc Sees tlio Sojtjrs ,
Neb. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bic.j : The Seventh regimen1
of cavalry nnd ono company of artillery undei
the command of Colonel Forsyth , from Forl
Hiloy , arrived hero this morning and will de
part for the agency this afternoon ) This is thi
finest nnd best disciplined body of soldier )
that has yet arrived , and the town is
thronged With people from the country nm
nearest towns witnessing the sights. After
viewing the arrival of the soldiers during th <
past few days the last vestige of fear of thi
Indians has apparently departed from thi
settlers of this vicinity and it is believed tha
the impression made on the redskins will b <
equally subduing.
Stuart Uneasy.
STUAUT , Neb. , Nov. 20. [ Bpccinl Telegrnn
to Tin : Bnn.J An uneasy feeling pervade :
the inhabitants of this place , especially thi
female portion , tonight over a rumor whlcl
floated into town today that a band o
Indians Is moving down the reservation fron
the direction of Hosebud. The rumor i :
doubtless false yet the town bolngontlrcli
without a means of defense and only twenty
two miles from the reserve it does cot taki
much of a rumor to causa a fever of excite
mont. Application has been made to Gov
crnor Thayer a couple of times for arms bu
it seems that uono are to bo had ,
GoUlnglOvcr the Fright.
Annnnr.KN , S. D. , Nov. 20.-r-Goneral Car
pouter of Watertown , chief of supplies fo
the state militia , returned tonight from nn ex
tended trip through the sections affected b ,
the Indian scare. Ho organized voluntcc
companies at Mound City , Vermont City
Bnnuor. Eureka , Fnulkton , Gettysburg
Forest City nnd Lebanon ana equipped ther
with arms and 500 rounds of ummunltlo
each. Ho found the people badly f rightcne
but confidence is largely restored and the ,
are returning homo.
Bones lor Cartridges.
CHICAGO , Nov. 20. A dispatch received n
army headquarters from St. Paul says tha
General Uugor has no knowledge of Youn
Bull leaving Devil's Lake. The Indians n
Ft. Peck agency have 40D Winchester rifle
nnd ( X ) rounds of ammunition to each bucli
The Indians have been gathering and sollln ,
bones for cartridges.
White Mountain Indians Itestlcss ,
Tiscox ; , Ariz. , Nov. 20. An authenticate
sumor says thi Indians of the White Alour
tain reservation are growing restless and tb
ofllcefs of the agency nro apprehenclvo. Met
Icinomcn are endeavoring to work up the r <
Hglous dances. Lieutenant Johnson nrreste
four of the most turbulent ones. The ii
forinaut believes that emissaries from tli
Sioux nro endeavoring to foment troublo.
The Sixth Ordered Out.
LAsVodAS , N. M. , Nov. 20. The Sixt
savnlry has been ordered to Join the tree ]
now preparing to leave for South Dakota.
Tl.o Alleged Clmrllo Moss.
BOSTONNov. . -Charles McChrlsty. wl
Is believed by some people to bo the mlssin
Charllo Hess , and who has been in tl
Charles street Jail since November S nwnlth
trial on charges of larceny , wa released th
afternoon In f 1,800 ball , two well-known new
paper men becoming his * bondsmen. H
whereabouts are not made public.
TiiK nntit f.inii jtrxE.
A Distressing Experience CanseH tl
Work to lie Abandoned ,
SCOTTIUI.U , Pa. , Nov , 24 [ Special Tel
gram to Tin : Bti : . ] Tno worlc nt the III
farm mlno has again been abaudono.l , nn o
pcrlonco yesterday nearly losing the lives
ten workmen. They had been making splo
did progress In their task of entering tl
mlno to recover the bodies of their fcllo
workmen when they roaohod n place who
black damp was quite plcntful , Two wor
men were qnlcitly dispatched for some brt
tlclns and on their return thov wi'rohorrllli
to see all of their ten coinpaulous btretch
out on the ground unconscious. Tlio alarm
wns Riven nnd the men were carried out of
the mine , many nf them In a half-dying con
dition. A liberal rubbing revived tncm , but
some nro still quite 111. The exploring party
considered It an utter impossibility to pro
ceed any further and the long-deferred hopes
of the wives nnd mfithcM nro finally totally
dissipated. The opening to the main entry
was closed up today and operations Indefi
nitely suspended It is believed that all of
the bodies of the minors have been cremated.
Many of the families are In n greatly dis
tressed condition , with the additional Horror
of winter starlirg them In the face.
THE JtK lit /C 1SG.
Ills DcintHo Olllutully Announced to
the Dutch Parliament.
TiiBllAaunNov. 20. [ Special Cablegram
toTiiu BEI.I : The royal messngo announc
ing the death of King William III. , and the
accession to the throne of Princess WHhem-
Ina was read yesterday In parliament. The
members rose to receive the message , after
the rending : of which the president of the
chamber mndo n short nddrcss , Ho oxi
pressed the profound sorrow felt over the
country by the demise of the king , who , tie
said , had never failed to maintain the consti
tutional rights nnd liberties of the people. Ho
knew tbat parliament would honor the king's
memory by proving its devotlo.1 to the young
qilcen nnd her mother , who baa been be
queathed 03 precious pledges to the nation.
Let the national union ho shown by a com
mon reconciliation and let the legislature en
deavor to smooth the path of the two ciueens
nnd do all In Its power to make the perform
ance of their duties nn easy tut if.
Upon the conclusion of the president's re
marks the house adjourned. The body of the
king was placed in a coflln last night. The
queen wns not present. The funeral will take
place on December 4.
Nebraska , Iowa niul Dakota Pensions.
WASHINGTON , D , O. , Nov. 20 , [ Special
Telegram to THE BcB.J Pensions were
granted Nebrasknns ns follows : Original
Invalid Henry Simons , Hod Cloud ; Fred
erick P. Ballloy , Hay Springs ; Frederick
Nc\v , Swift. Increase Ed Schaubls , Hardy ;
Andrew J. Taylor , Newport ; John H. Sex
ton , Lincoln ; John Ewlug , Manchester ; Ed
ward Clear , Fullerton ; George W. Carter ,
Valparaiso ; Jonas Bnumann , Omaha ; Wil
liam Oswnld , Salem. Iowa : Original John
C. Ford , Greenfield. Increase Benjamin F ,
Wlro , North Branch ; Dan-is 11. Smalls ,
\Vebster ; Madison Dnnboe , Hopevillo ; Phi-
letus E. Leacn , Hnrlan ; David Mungor ,
Knoxvlllo ; Vlnson II. Edslll , Laporte City ;
Frank Bartclls , Manson ; Benjamin F. Bru-
baker , Orilllal Noah French , Anita ; Hobert
A. Wilson , Llncvlllo ; Theodore Clothier ,
Olln ; Joseph Florsteln , Enrlvlllo. Ueissuo
Thomas Brook , JIuscatlne. Ucissuo nnd in-
crcass Jefferson Gow. Gttawa. Original
widows , etc , Mary F. . widow of Charles
WilUins , Algona ; Clmrlotto , widow of Alex
Obort , Council Bluffs ; Mary E. , widow ol
Adam Arnold. Jessup ; Sarah , widow of Gid
eon Jncoby , Olin.
South Daltota : Increase Julius Gregory ,
Bank Failure at Duliith.
MiNNEAroi.if , Minn. , Nov. 20. A ellspatcl
from Duluth says the banking house of Bel :
& Eystcr has failed with liabilities amount
Ing to ? T15,000 nnd assets of ? 1,200,000. The
bank was on the bonds of Forrcstol Brothers
a big firm of St. Paul contractors who failet
a short tlmo ago. This led to distrust thai
weakened the credit of the bank and made il
impossible to secure ready cash to incel
accruing obligations.
The bank announces that a statement wil !
bo made In a few days and all deposits wil
bo met in full. Tbo bank had a capital o :
The bank's attorney said tonight the fan
uro was occasioned by the fact the Una of dis
counts nnd rediscounts which tbo bank was
carrying proved too large fortimos of sucl
extreme financial stringency.
Bell's West End bank also closed. The
Bell and Eyster bank was the depository o :
city nnd county funds , but these are secured
WEST Surcnion , Wis. , Nov. 20. As a con
sequence of the failure of tbo bank at Du
luth thcro was a run on tbo Bank of Commerce
merco hero today and depositors drew out
$30,000. Other banks came to their assistance
anco tonight and confidence Is restored.
Robbed and Shot.
MnniDEX , Miss. , Nov. 20. An old mai
named Gough , a citizen of Neshoba , county
accompanied by a fourteen-year-old son
came to town yesterday to sell two bales o
cotton. KeturninR they were nccompanlci
by another man. During the night two negroes
groes wont to their camp and demnndei
money from the men. After getting all the'
had the negroes fired nt them , killing Gougl
and seriously wounding his son and , compan
Mniiy Millions for Pensions.
WASHINGTON , D. D , , Nov. 26. Commls
sloncr Rnum told the sub-committco of th
house appropriations committee the pensioi
deficiency the present fiscal year would b
nearly thirty-three millions. For the nox
fiscal year ho Estimates something over om
hundred nnd tb.lrty-tb.rco million dollars wil
bo required on account of pensions.
A I-mbor Sensation.
Pjiisnnna , Pa. , Nov , 20. A sensation wa
created In labor circles by the announccmen
that the window glass works assemblyono o
the strongest organizations In the country
proposes to take action to withdraw from th
Knight ) of Labor , should that order joi
bauds with any political party whatsoever.
Bluffed the Bush.
SAN FUANCISCO , Cal. , Nov. 20. Advice
from Victoria state thnt tbo scaling school
ors Triumph and Adclo have returned fror
Bohriug sea with n cargo of sealskins. The
report having bluffed the revenue cutte
Knsh nnd thus settled all fears at the hand
of the United States.
Tlio Ann Arhor Sensation.
Aimoit , Mich , , Nov. 20. Grcato >
cltcmcnt was caused this afternoon by th
arrest of five young men concerned in tbo r (
cent row which resulted in the death of Sti
dent Dennlson , on iho charge of munslaugl
ter. The case will bo pressed.
The Situation Altered.
DDUMN , Nov. 20. United Ireland says tb
decision of Gladstone and other faith fi
friends of homo rule niters the sltuatloi
Only fidelity to Ireland overrides fidelity I
Parncll. The defection of the liberals woul
indefinitely postpone the triumph of tbahoir
rule movement.
At | > lnst airs. I'nrncll.
, Nov. 20. Tbo court of con
mon picas today dismissed the equity sull
brought against Mrs. Pnrnell on behalf i
certain relatives for whom she lost $7,500 , 1
speculation. _ _
The Country' * Population.
WASHINGTON , ftov. 20. According to tl
corrected count , given out tonight by Supc
Intendentof Census Porter , the populutic
of the United States In 18 'JO is fixed n' , 0 ;
Now Italian Party.
LONDON , Nov. 20. The Rome correspo
dent of the News says the Catholic leadc
have Induced the pope to permit the form
tlon ol u Catholic party in the Italian parli
A Briton K.xpcllo ; ! ,
P'AHIP , Nov. 20. The prefect of the d
partmeiit of tno north has expelled a Britis
tradesman named Plack for attacking tone
ors of the lay schools In that department
the papers ,
French Opposition ( o 1C' oil.
Br.uu.NNov. . 2) . French ofllclals on tl
frontier refused to admit the lymph sent 1
Koch to Pasteur ,
Charles Pranois Adams' ' Resignation Ac
cepted as President of the U , P ,
ay Gould , Busscll Sago nml II. If.
Ilyilo Tnko Tliclr 1'luccs S. II.
II. Clark Mentioned for Gen
eral Manager or the Kmxil.
BOSTON , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram to
'in : Bnn.j The board of'directors of the
Union Pacllic mot at their ofllco In this city
oday. There were present the following dl-
colors : Charles Francis Adams , Edwin F.
Uulns , Samuel Onrr , F. Gordon Doxtcr and
ohnP. Spnuldlng , Bosiont , Sydney Dillon
nd Henry H. Cook , Now York ; Marvin
lughltt , Chicago ; MarctiaA.-lIauua , Clove-
ami , O ; Joseph II. Milliard , Omaha ; James
. Itcmrill , Springfield , I\Iass. Tlio govern-
nent directory was represented by' John F.
lummorof Now iori { .
Aftej ? the preliminaries of opening the
mooting had been completed , President
.dams resigned hls'ofllco and made a forcible
.nd characteristic nddross. Immediately
'allowing President Adaint' speech , Mossrs.
ohnP. Spauldlug , Samuel Curr and James
A. . Uumrlll tendered tholrresignatlons , which
ivcro promptly accepted , and the four Massa-
iCtts managers of the great road at once
f , Ithdrow from the room. . Their places were
Hied without any dissent , nnd Jay Gould ,
liussell Sage , Henry B. Hyde and Alex U.
Orr took their places in the directory as soon
as they were elected. Their llrst business
ivns the oloc.t.lon of nluccessor to Mr. Adams ,
ind Sidney Dillon , a former Incumbent of
' , ho office and ex-president of the Gould in-
.crest , was elected.
The altered complexion of the board necesl-
atcd , of course , a change , in the niako-up of
.ho committees , and this was the business
next in order. On the executive commission
Mr. Gould succeeded ox-President Adams ,
nnd Hussell Sago toolrtho place of James A.
Humrill. That committee as now constituted
consists of Jay Gould Of Now York ; Fred
erick L. Amos , Edwin F. Atkins nnd F.
Gordon Dexter of Boston ; Sydney Dillon ,
Hussell Sago and Government Director John
F. Hummer of New York , Henry B. Hyde
and Alexander E. Orr replace Messrs. Hum-
rill and Spaulding on the fin unco committee ;
Messrs. Sago. Orr and Government Director
George K. Leigh ton of St. Louis succeed
Messrs. Adams and C.irr nnd Into Gov
ernment Director James W. Suvago of
Omaha on the land committee ; Mr. Gould
succeeds Mr. Adams on the committee on
connecting roads ; Mr. Hyde succeeds Mr.
Adams on the committee'on bridge 6ver the
Missouri river , and Government Director
Jesse Spaulding succeeds Mr. Savage ou the
coal lands and coal department committee.
Second Vice-President Gardner M. Lane ,
when the fnshion of resigning was in full
swing , sent in his resignation , but it was no ]
accepted. All the business was transacted
without the least discussion and without
any indication of friction , beyond that whicl
appeared between the llncis of Kotiring Presi
dent Adams' speech ,
At the meeting ofo \ \ executive committee
the name of S. H. H. Clnrkj- vice president ol
the Missouri Pacific , was mentioned for thi
position of general manager of the Unloi
Pacific , but no action1 w& taken and tin
committee adjourned without transactlnjjnn ;
business. ) * '
"President Aillun's * Farewell ? *
BOSTON , Mass. , Nov. 20. Presiden'
Adams , in his address of resignation , said , ii
part :
"As you are all aware , changes , both lurg
and significant in character , have , during th
course of the financial , complication nov
oing on , taken place in the ownership of th
company's ' stock. Interests with which
have never been in sympathy and whoso confl
denco I fall to command , have become lead
Ing factors in the situation , and , as u result o
these changes , my position has been rendere- -
false and embarrassing. The continuance o
such a-stato of affairs can bo for the best in
tcrests of no ono , nor personally am I wllllni
to occupy a position of diminished contidcnc
a moment longer than tlcccssury. From a pc
lltical point of vinw alone , with congres
about to assemble , It is above nil essential
with a proper regard fo'r the peculiar posl
tlon occupied by the Union Pacific , that whoever
over represents it should bo understood t
represent clearly and unequivocally Its wholi
ownership. This I no longer do. Accord
Ingly , I feel assured that 'political and mos
probably financial disaster.also should hurdl ;
fall to result from the mutual lack of conli
denco existing at this time between the hciu
of the company and any considerable nnd in
lluential Interest among the stockholders. "
A Matter for Congratulation.
CniOAdo , Nov. 3. ISpecial Telegram t
THE BEE. ] Chairman A. F. Walker of th
Interstate Commerce Railway association
speaking of the cnangoin the Central an
management of the Union Pacific said today
"It is , in my opinion , ono of the best thing !
that could have happened for the roads cus
of the Missouri river. It also vindicates m
in my decision concerning the traftlc contrac
of the Union Pacific and the Chicago < !
Northwestern. I have no doubt that th
Union Pacific will hereafter treat all its easl
orn connections allko and harmony will bo n
stored. This will enable the roads to roduc
operating expenses and save money In
thousand different ways. I look for a groo
Improvement In the western railroad situotlo
as a consequence of the deal. "
President Dillon's Policy.
BOSTONMass. . , Nov. 20. President Dillo
said in an interview that his policy would b
to harmonize all conflicting interests an
build up the road.
Gould Almost Hovcaln Sniiiot'iing.
BOSTOX , Mass. , Noif. . Sft.'J-Jay Gould , In n
interview today , said : "Th details of m
plan are not yet worked out. The Norther
Pacific , Northwestern , Atchlson , Mlsson
Pacific and Wnbash nrfl united In Its fuvo
nnd Mr. Orr , Just elected to the Union Pacil !
directory , represents David. Dow's estut
which bus a largo interest in tbo Hoc
Island. I have not yet scea the Burlingto
people. Actual consolidation would bo
good thing , hut that Is , not possible undc
tno laws. The stockholders must assei
themselves. A very sJlaHl Advance In rate
and a union of tralllo nltairs will make n hi
difference to railroad stockholders. Thei
nro railroads enough in the " western countr
for the nextllvo ycais. Wo want now t
intelligently develop tha country nnd have
grow up to the capacity of the roads wlthoi
ruining stockholders by oompctitlvo raU
which nro an advantapsto nobody. "
In another Interview ; Mr. Gould , who
asked what his plans wore In regard to tl
western branches of the Union Pacific , sal
an effort would bo mndcf to make them cat
something. This could bo done by a Mlgl
advance In rates. Up disclaimed lno\vlcdj
of n deal wltli the Northern Pacific , I !
said : "There seems Io1 > o an imr rcsslonthi
} am mixed up in everything , but the new
papers would bo sunr's ) ' ° d If they coul
see my books nnd sco where riiy li
vestments are. 1 don't scatter my ii
vestments. They cV.ver a very sma
amount of ground. " It was not pm
of his Bchenift to obtain control of tbo llu
llngton and UOCK Island. Ho 1'os confine
hhnaclf to a certain line of policy and fac1
shorn ot omliollbUoientliullcato pretty clear !
what that policy has ha ) been ,
"Tho papers say , " bo continued , "that
went KUiuunK for Wannmakor. but there's t
truth In it. 1 hnvcn't bought any Kcadh
stock. I have nil I ran elo to take cnro of n
ouu affairs without squeezing \Vununmk <
by buying Heading. "
Grw'd ' said no steps have been taken as y
n relation to any removals or appointments
on the Union Pacllic. Ho concluded with an
emphatic prediction that the financial pros-
iccts of the country would bo better than
svor. _
'Xlio Hill Mory llnvlvnd.
CHICAGO , Nov. 20. The Journal this even-
tig revives the story thnt Hill has secured
joutrol of the Pacific Short Ltuo nml will
nakcit a part of the Great Northern sys-
\VII1 Dc'nnlt Intercut.
Nn\v YOIIK , Nov. M. The Oregon Improve
ment company today Issued nn oRlelnl state
ment that It would default on first mortgage
ntercst duo December 1 , and would bo una
ble to comply with the sinking fundprovls-
on. The floating debt amounts to $3.000,000
n demand loans , with now Consolidated
bonds as security.
IJcjfy Chairman Klnloy'H
CmcAao , Nov. 2V ( [ Special Telegram to
fin : line. ] Oftlclnis on the Atchlson say
hey will litnoro the ruling of Chairman ITin-
oy thnt mileage boolts must be redeemed by
.ho roacls Issuing tliom when they nro found
n the hands of parties other than
: hose to whom they nro issued , if
.hat ruling Is meant to apply to the case
brought against them by the Kock Island
road. They do not bellovo the decision is
noant to apply tb their case , as they have
not concluded their defense. The decision
provides that such tickets must bo re-
loomed , oven though they have previously
jeen bulletined by the company Issuing
.hem ns having fallen Into the hands of
Dirties who have no right to them.
T/lfi C.lllTOIt NQUAHK C.ISJ- ; .
Reversed niul ICcniandod by tlio State
Supreme Court.
LINCOLN , Neb. Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram
; o Tun Br.n. ] The case of Whltlock vs the
school district of Omaha was rovorseel and
remanded , by the supreme court today.Tho
opinion was by Judge Maxwell. The sylla-
jus is as follows !
"Under the act of 1S09 donating 'capital '
sduaro1 to the city of Omaha the grant pro
vided 'That tlio said property shall bo used
jy said city for the purpose of u hlirh school ,
college , or other Institution of learning , nnd
'or no other purpose whatever.1 Held that
Una does not Include the mere primary de
partment of the common schools.
"Tho substitution of the board of cduca-
Ion for the boarel of regents of the high
school mndo by the net of 1ST1 did not cliango
.ho character of the trust but merely of tuo
jody which administered the same.
"Tho words 'hlgii school' as used in the
ict may bo defined as a school where the
highest branches of a common school cducu-
.lon are taught. "
transactions of the Annual Session
at Huron.
IIuitON" , S. D. , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram
: o Tun Br.n. ] The annual session of the
state farmers' alliance was addressed last
evening by National Treasurer Ashby of
[ own. lie took occasion to express himself
widely at variance with leading alliance men
of this state. Ho told them plainly thnt ho
Was not In harmony with the alliance being a
political organization or having any implied
political test of membership. Ho was op
posed to the sub-treasury whins , or that of
covcrnmcnt loans , nnd suldVo : must not
demand that which , wo condemn in other
class legislation. " His remarks did not take
well with some of the independent party
The following nro the committees in-
pointed : On revision of the by-laws H.v. .
Smith , A. U VanOidell , A. Dye mid S. J.
Hoffman. On legislation F. A. Lcavittc ,
Isaao Landers , S. W. Cosand. Z. D. Scott
and Isano Howo. On resolutions W. II.
Curtlss , I. Converse , J. K. Cohnson , D. A.
McFarland and J. G. Jones. All these com
mittees have mudo their , reports , but only
portions of them have been acted upon by the
convention , as the reports are /oted upon
section by section , entailing much discussion.
The election of olDccrs for the ensuing
year , which occurred this afternoon , resulted
us follows ; President , II. L. Loucks ; first
Vice president , J. R. Lowe of Huron ; second
vice president , A. T. Adams of Lawrence
county ; secretaryand treasurer , Sophia M.
Harden of Huron. The president's address
will bo delivered this evening.
Some lively discussion relative to nllianco
newspapers occurred today. All sessions ex
cept that of last evening have been done in
To Contest the ISnt'ro Ticket.
MITCHELL , S. D. , Nov. 20. [ Special TeU >
gram to Tun Bun. ] In the alliance session
this afternoon S. W. Cozand called upon the
members of the alliance to contribute money
to send Chairman Goodfellof the independent
state committee to Pierre , to bo present
when the state canvassing board shall do Its
work , and bo stated it was the intention there
to iilo a contest against the entire republican
state ticket. Ho alleged that the republicans
used $100,000 in the late campaign , whllo the
independent party committee used but W,200.
Tlio South Dakota tiuglaliitnrc.
YANKTON , S. D. , Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BKC. ] At a special election
for the legislature to fill the vacancy whore
there was a tlo in Lake county yesterday
B. B. Bowcll , supported by democrats and
Independents , was elected , which guarantees
n majority of llvo at least on Joint ballot in
the legislature for the fusion of democrats
and Independents , nnd the house will sm'elj
seat three independents from Brown county
thrown out by county boards. The sena
torial lipht will bo hot , but the general inv
prcsslon is that Judge Tripp will bo elected ,
Illinois Counted.
LTi , 111. , Nov. 20. The onicial
count was completed today. The votes wer <
as follows : For treasurer Wilson ( dem ) ,
831,837 ; Amberg ( rep ) , 821,900 ; Link ( pro ) ,
2200. : ! Wilson's plurality , O.&U. . For super
Inteudontof public Instruction Unab ( dem )
345,912 ; Edwards ( rep ) , ail.SUO ; Jobani
( pro ) , 18,200. Unab's plurality , 84,052. , Foi
trustees of the university Morgan ( dem )
840,727 ; Graham ( dem ) , 33I.8S7 ; Bryan' '
( dem ) , aBOll ; Necly ( repi ) 823,720 ; Alans
Held ( rep ) U'J2,4'J1 ; Bennett ( rep ) , 813,805
Gibson ( pro ) , lU.Il'J ; Edwards ( pro ) , 18,033
West ( pro ) , 19,2i5. ;
The constitutional amendment to cnabli
Chicago to Issue additional $5.000,000 bond !
and the amendment to t.ho bunking law cur <
ricd by n largo majority.
The house stands 77 democrats , 73 repuhll
cans , 3 Farmers' Mutual Benefit association
Senate , 21 democrats , 27 republicans ,
A Serious Horse Disease.
NASHVILLE. Tonn. , Nov. 20. A fatal dls
ease now prevailing among horses In certnli
localities of this state Is becoming a vorj
serious matter to horse owners. The genera
Impression is the disease Is caused by rottei
corn , Horses dlo in several hours ufte :
being affected. The symptoms nro like thosi
of blind stagaers. Sovonty-livo horses dlec
in ono neighborhood la AVilsou county.
Unfit for the IMibllc.
CHICAGO , Nov. 2fl.i-Tbo divorce suit o
Mrs. Emma C. Ilathbono , nleco of George M
Pullman , the nnnouncomentjot which crcatci
n sensation n short tlino ago , was heard b ;
Judge Shcpard this morning and tlio dccrci
granted. Mrs. Itathbono told the story o
the Indignities she had suffered from' ho
husband , most of which is unlit for publlcn
The Death Uoll.
PiiiLvnF.i.riiiA , Nov. 20. John U. It. Me
Elroy , professor of rhetoric and Engllsl
language at the university of Peiinsylvunl
died tills morning of consumption.
Klng't * Cole ! , o Hospital
Losnoy , Nov. "fl , [ Special Cablegram t
Tins BUB.An ] interesting series of oxpon
inents wore Lcguii today In the use of Prc
'essor ' ICoch's curative lyn . nt the King's
College hospital. IJr. Ch\r. ono of the
ihvslclans attaehed to tlio5 'ital who Is a
'rlend of Professor ICoehl " * - } succeeded In
procuring n quantity of l.v " h ami today
-avo the llrst Injection to fo\ \ * patients , olio
) f whom wai sufTorliiK frouU ' erculosls of
ho hip , another from tube1 , losls of the
'oot.another from luims In i , severe form ,
ind another from phthisis. V tellers have
icon selected who will tnko tuv " Jn noting
ho effects of tbo Inoculation , a u'co num-
jor of doctors and students were close ob
servers of the method of treatment.
T1IKY IIA VM : A t > Jlt UllXJIW.
The U'orlil'.s. Fair ConmiisHlonlll
licit Till Spring.
CiiiCAno , Nov. 20 , The world's fair nn-
.lonnl commission this evening ndjourned
until next April , leaving everything
n readiness for a communication
, o be sent to President Harrison notify- '
ng him of the acceptance of the site nnd
iluns and specifications of buildings for the
World's ' Columbian exposition according to
ict of congress , Ono thing only now ro-
natns before President Harrison Issues his
u-oclaiimtloii to the world fixing the date for
.bo opening nnd closing of the exposition
.ho formal notification from the local dlree-
ory that the world's fair corporation has at
command funds to the amount of
.en millions. This notlllcntlon from the
llrectory to the president Is expected to bo
iiromptly made. The commission had rather
in acrimonious dcunto this morning over
uloptlng the report of thucommltteoon build
ings nnd grounds , Commissioner Do Young
of California pointing out thnt the plans of
the bulldiuRs merely in verbal outline with
out working plans nnd declared a loophole
was left through which the local directory
might como out with n lot of mcro shells. Ho
moved the buildings bo nuido of glass , steel
and iron nnd lire proof. After a lengthy dis
cussion , however , the suggestion that
iho buildings bo fireproof was adopted.
Martindalo of Indiana snld thcro had
not been time slnco the selection of the silo to
prepare working plum for such nn array of
structures. The report of tlio committee wns
flnnlly adopted.
Chairman Waller of the foreign affairs
committee today telegraphed Mr. lilalno re-
Knrdlng thu incident of the day before yo-
lerdny assuring him that neither ttio commit
tee nor the commission considered the state
lepartments movement in any bcnso n polit-
cal one. "Somo people , " he added , "can dis
cover politics In Iho Lord's ' prayer , but they
are , fortunately , neither numerous nor lu-
lluentlal. " Governor Waller ndded the re
port of the committee had bean unanimously
idopted. Secretary Bliilno teleyraped thanks
in return.
The discussion of the Sunday closing pe
tition was postponed until the local directory
prepares a draft of rules for the government
of the fair. The lady malingers also ad
journed subject to call. They received a
communication from the executive committee
of the commission. Informing the board It
might adopt such measures nnd hgcncies to
carry out its worlc ns desired , subject to ap
proval of the commission. The committee
ngrccd to recommend the placing of n sepa
rate building or pavilion under tbo control of
Iho board and asked tlio members of the
board join the commission in interesting the
people of their states in the exposition.
The I/miles.
CIIICAOO. Nov , 26. The world's fair lady
managers this morning requested the man
agement olllcers to close the show on Sunday.
for the Great Demon
stration In Cliicaco.
CIIIOAOO , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Bui : . ] Governor Flfor of Illinois will
preside nt the Dllloii-O'Brlen demonstration
hero Saturday night and , besides the regu
lar speeches of the evening , addresses \\111
also ho delivered by ex-Governor Palmer and
Oglesby. The executive committee has de
cided to wlthold the sale of seats until the
nlghtof the grand meetings , Jthus giving first
coiners the best opportunities to get chairs.
Three thousand chairs in Battery D and
nearly as many in trie armor1/ will bo re
served , which leaves standing room foi
about twclvoithousand people , nnd nil above
that number will not bo able to get Into the
building. For those outside a platform will
bo erected on Michigan avenue , from which
speeches will bo addressed to the ovcr-tloxv
meeting on the outside. It is claimed that
50,000 people will bo In attendance alto
The finance committee announces that sub
scriptions are coming in very rapidly , anc :
that Chicago's proportion of the fund wil
approximate W,000 and exceed by scvera
thousand dollars that obtained in any othei
city. _ _
Attempt to Wreck a Train.
"WiLKESDAiiiiE , Pa. , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tin : Bni3.i An attempt was made t <
wreck the fast mail on the Delaware , Lackn
wanna & Western railroad near I'lymoutl
this afternoon. William Cremer and Join
Grump , engineer and fireman of a coal train
detected two Hungarians acting suspiciously
on tbo track. Getting a little closer thio :
saw that the Hungarians were trying t <
fasten two largo coupling pins to the rails o
the main track. Before they had time to fin
ish their work the trainmen Jumped fron
their hiding place nnd arrested them. No.
passenger , the fastest on thu road , was nboii
due , and If the Huns had succeeded in then
design nn awful wreck might have occurred
The prisoners , who pave their names as Mlki
Hordwick and Dennis Cho.snn , were loekci
up In default of ball. The motive for the nt
tempted crime is a mystery.
Tlio Pacific NorthwoHt I
SIJATTI.B , Wash. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKH , } The annual meeting o
the directors of the Pacific Northwest lengir
adjourned at 2 o'clock this morning. Thor
was a full attendance. The salary limit fo
nejft season was put nt $1,200 and eno-hnl
the salary of the players' managers will b
included in , this limit. Kfforts will bo mad
to get Port Townsend and "Victoria Into th
league. The newly elected ofllcerviara : W
B. Bushnoll of Tacomn , president ; H , T
Hudson of Portland , vice-president ; W. E
Rockwell of Seattle , secretary and treasurer
The directors are C. B , Ozabrisulo of Tu
coma , S. Ounst of Portland , M. Oppen
holmer of Spokane Falls and W. E. Hock
well of Seattle. The secretary will selcc
umpires at n salary limit of $200 n month
The season will open April , ! ! ) nnd close Octc
her 31. The pennant was formally awarded t
the Spokane club.
Not Talking f. > r NowHiaporn.
ATCIIISON , Kan. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bnn.l Senator thgnlls waste
day shown the letter ex-President Clovolam
is sold to have written to ox-Collector of In
ternal Hovenuo Nelson F , Acers about th
senator and iho probability of some dome
cratlo members of the legislature voting fo
his re-election. The senator had not.secu th
letter before , nnd utter reading it carefully h
said : ' . 'So Cleveland Is mad because Acoi
gave it , to the newspapers , is hoi Well ,
don't ' blame him. "
Asked what bo had to say on the subjee' '
the senator said : " 1 am not talking for th
newspapers Just now. "
AVndo Hiiiiiptoti Shot.
COLU.MIIIA , S. C. , Nov. 2(1. ( A telegram wr
received tonight that states Senator Wail
Hampton while out hunting In Washlngto
county , Mississippi , was accidentally slu
by his son. MelDuillo Hampton. Thubhoi
struck him in the head , inflicting plalnful hi
not sot Ions injuilcs.
Lost nt Ken ,
LOXDOV , Nov. 20.The British stoamo
Woatbourno , has been wrecked in the Blue
sea , Six of the crow were drowned. Tweh
died from exposure. The British ship Sui
bourn has nuiik In a collision oft Uungcnos
Eleven of the crew uro missing.
The Horrible Experience of Abuer L ,
nil Iowa War Veteran.
V SI ran go Turn In tlio Oes Molncl
Hoodie CMS OH Horluim
Near MiirslinHtowii
Other town News.
Bfiu.iNOTON , In. , Nov. IV > . [ Special Telo ,
nun to Tun liii.j Aimer L. Dunn , nn old
vur votornn , Is dead nnd burled for th
econd time. The hitter's funeral occurred
lot-o this afternoon. Death enino to him
ovonil days ngo , but by hl.s request hU body
vns held us long as possible. Ills rcnsoui
'or this request .ire Some tlino ago
Mr. Dunn ( llcil to nil appearances , The
) hyslclans declared him dead and the under *
nker prepared his body for burlnl. In thq
niilst of the services Dunn came to'nnd was
entirely revived by pliyslclnns wlio wore has *
lly called. Mr. Dunn's experience was torrl-
ble. Ho was perfectly conscious of all that
ook place about him during Ills death steep.
le coulil see tlio forms of his loved ones unii
icnr their wonU , but despite the terrible en.
jrgyof Ills thoughts ho could not ilvo them
i sign , Ills body was dead a ? marble. The
tours spent In the colllii with ttio knenvledga
if cerium burlnl iillve were full of terrlbla
lorror. Suddenly , as the lust rites were bo
ng perfonncd , bis agony proved , ton nmoU
for the deathly grip holding his muscles , and
10 moved his arm. The horrllled mourners
cried aloud that ho was not dead , and physicians
cians eumu nnd rosusltated him. Ills 'Ufa
ilnco bus been ono of horrid dread Of death.
lo begged that they should not bury him
his time until ho win undoubtedly dead ,
riio thought that haunts many mind * tonight
s , "What If ho be not ele.ul now I"
Drndy Acquitted.
Dis : MOINIS : , In. , Nov. SO. [ Special
, o Tin : HiiJ : At the closoof tlio taking
of evidence in the case of ox-Alderinari
: > rndy hist evening , the attorney for the do-
enso moved the court , to direct the Jury to
Ind a verdict for the defense on the grounds
lint the Indictment Is Indctlnlto us to the per *
ion or persons deceived , because It specified
10 persons were entitled to audit , or allow
bills who were deceived ; that the evldcnco
vbolly falls to show that tin uttonipt wr\i
nuuo to deceive the city authorities in re
spect to the purchase of the alleged bill ol
umber ; thnt there Is no evidence to show
the city council was deceived , or that any
? ommittca was deceived , or that anybody
mvliig connection with the euso was deceived ,
ill having full knowledge of Us real nature.
Arguments were made for nnd ncalnst tin
above motion by counsel this morning , the
time being consumed till noon. Tlio burden
of tlio defense was that no one wns deceived ,
nnd therefore Unuly obtained no money by
[ ulse pretenses , as charged in the Indictment.
Jounscl for the state claimed that the par-
.icular bill in < iue3tlon was n fraud ; that
; hcro was a conspiracy among the aldermen
.0 obtain money , and thnt every ofilinl
: h rough whose hands tlio bill passed should
invo known whether It was correct. Judga
Ltlshop hi passing upon the motion said
that in ttiu evidence before him tha
constituent points thnt go to nmUcnpa casa
as charged in the indictment do not appear.
a nil iie directed the Jury to bring a verdict ol
The case of the state against cx-aldermoti
Drady , Sheldon , MorojvKgan , King , Woitz ,
linker and Morris was then called , wherein
these men are charged with wilful miscon
duct In ofliee , and the work of empaneling i
| ury begun.
An Al'p-ed
fVKiiNn , In. , Nov. 20. ( Special to Tn
But.This ] vlllngo Is coiiHldernbly excited
cr nn alleged case of bigamy. A young
man named Van Vorst came hero two yean
ngo , nnd two wcoka ngo married a ( laughter
of Leander Barton , without his consent. II
was a runaway match nnd has already comate
to grief , as mi investigation shows that Van
Vorst was once married and no record of a
divorce is to bo had. Van Vorst claims to ua
acting in good faith , nnd says ho was notified
of divorce proceedings by his wife , nnd sup
posed that the divorce had been granted ,
The man who has employed him In thii
county speaks highly of him , nnd his new
wife is confident of Ills innocence. All the
parties connected with the affair uro highly
respected in the county.
A Serious Wrcolc.
M MISU U.I.TOWN , In. , Nov. 20 , [ Special
Telegram to Tun BIB : , ] An extra freight
train collided with an accommodation on tht
Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City a nillo and
a half north of Vulorlii at (5 o'clock last even
ing. Both engines were badly wrockc.l nnd
a number of cars demolished. The engineers
nnd tlremen Jumped off , one of the former
having 11 log brolccn and ono of the latter a
fractured arm. ' .Their names have not been
learned. The accident was caused by a mis
understanding , nnd is ono of n series that
Imvo recently happened on the same road
from similar causes , s
Tlio Prisoner Knenpcil.
GMNWOOI > , In. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tclo-
gram toTiuBEK. ] Frank Jackson , depot po-
llccmnn , arrested a suspicious character at
Pacllic Junction last evening , and taking him
before ti Justice , ho was given twenty days In
Jnll for carrying concealed weapons. Jackson
broughthls man to Glenwood , bullet him get
away us they were entering a buck for town.
Several shots were fired , but the prisoner es
caped. An express package which he carried
contained opera glasses , knives , razors nnd
revolvers , all now and evidently stolen. The
package was billed to "J , J. Cox , Puclftg
Junction , In. "
Fleecing ; the Farmers.
BOONK , la. , Nov. 20. ( Special to Tnn
BKE.J For some time a stranger has been
going through this county asking farmers to
pay him $11.59 for procuring their govern
ment patents lying in the United States land
oftlco in Dos Moines. Ho takes thorn in by
the score , whllo attorneys and real estate
men in their own county * would willingly do
the snino work for ono-llfth the cost. Tbo
farmers themselves can get their own pat
ents without cost by making the proper ap
plication to the register of ttio hunt u.'Uco laDes
Dos Moines.
A u oiriiiint.
Four DOPOB , la. , Nov. SO. [ Special to Tun
BIIB.J A grand wolf hunt has boon arranged
by sportsmen In this vicinity , to bo held im
mediately after tlio first snow. Largo timber
wolves have become so numerous us to be
come troublesome of late , and the hunters
expect to do some good as well ns get some
sport out of the hnnt. About two score of
hunters and us manv dogs will take part la
the affair.
A JMoincntiioiiK Question ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 20. Charles E , Johnson thlf
morning turned over to the Jennings Trust
company ns assignee of the Prettyimm hank
nil the securities , documents nnd combina
tions of the safes of that Institution.
The opinion prevails in shipping circles
that upon the llnal decision ruling mads by
iludgu lllodgctt rests not only the fate of tha
interstate commerce law , but also whether
the grain business shall bo controlled by a
few big men on the Inside.
TlioVeatlior Forecast.
Foi Omaha nmt Vicinity Fair ; slightly
For Nebraska : Fair till Friday iiljut | ; W
cbangoia temperature : variable winds.
For South Dakota : Fair ; stationary ten )
iwaluro , southwesterly winds ,