Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1890, Image 1

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Au Exchange of Signals Between the
Friendly and Hostile Indians.
They ICxolto the Indiana In On nip nt
I'lno Itldgo AVIth Stories That
Their llrothnrn Are IJcIng
Uiitohcroel I lko Cattle.
PINT nitmn Aor.scr , * S. D. , Nov. 2rv
( Special Telegram to Tin : BnE.J When tin
bugle Rounded for lights out lost night Ocn
oral Brooke nnd Agents Iloyer and Coopei
were anxiously discussing the degree of se
riousness to bo placed on a complicated scric1
of brilliant tonh signals being Indulged In
greatly to their surprise , between the friemllj
and the unfriendly divisions , n complete
separatloa of whom had been effuclcd only i
few hours before. "
"It looks very bad to sco these two faction.1
exclmnglng fiery messages with so mud
persistency , " remarked Agent Koyer.
'Xo , sir , " exclaimed Special Agon
Cooper , "you may well say It Is not the thhif
nnd my ten or llftccn years' experience o
Bucli display tells mo wo should get to tin
, bottom of the signals If wo can. "
"Do It sure , if possible , " said Gcnorn
Brooko. Just then an Indian scout tlashoi
up and sold that the signaling was betweoi
the lending chiefs among the fricndlics am
Hed Clotul's warriors , The scnut went on t
say the frlcmllics wcro telling Hed Cloud'
band their opinion ns to what tlio troops wcr
going to do and that they , tlio fricndlics
would let them know If the troops made i
start to march agaiast them.
"Then tlio fricndllos , or nt least some c
them , nro not , so friendly after all , " rcmarlic
the general
"No , " replied Cooper , "they must b
\vatched with increased vigilance. "
When I called upon Agentitoyor this mon
Ing his first remark was this : "I'm not In
good humor this morning , I'm mad. lopcnc
my eyes this morning to find ono (
our Indian police at my bedside. Ho It
formed mo the Indians whom wo ba\
thought all along could certainly bo dopcm
cd upon as friendly , Indeed all of those whoi
wo have put on the friendly side of the cam ]
have their horses all fixed up to go on tl :
warpath , while the ghost waltzing gang :
ditto. It docs beat the very devil. An
when I asked the policemen what the caus
was , ho said that the fricndlics had been li
formed by some ono that n detachment of so
dlcrs had been sent to Wounded Knco ar
wcro shooting the Indians down as thoup
they wcro animals ) Now what can wo do
sucli mischief makers will carry their woi
to such an extent. But I know pretty we
who did it. Some of lied Cloud's ' people pro
nbly. They have done so Just to g
the frlcndlies over to their sli
nnd It looks as if the scheme would bo
success , if wo can't disabuse the minds
tlio frlondlics. It begins to loolt as if v
can't place reliance In any of them nnd th
( springs the worst feature of the whole bus
ness on us. Our great hope is.In keeping tl
friomlly ndlafSi ln oM'fiicnaiysUite ; but'
they are going to uollovo such lies on tl
moro llrst hearing of them the thing lool
mighty dubious , The arrival of more tree
has made it necessary to , this morning , mo
the camp a mile south of the agency in ord
to get a sufllcicntly largo area to bunch tl
tents and horses. This moans moro hludran
io the correspondents and no moro sccurl
to the troops. As the camp is bcii
moved the circle of hills all around '
is the stage of unwclcomcd pantomli :
consisting of Indians wildly signalling fro
crest to crest ns they call each other's atto
tion to the movement of the troops and coi
incut thereon.
An ofllcerof high rank has just told n
that in addition to the troops now hurryii
to this spot as ordered by General Broo'
nnd noted la my telegrams yesterday , sovi
companies of the Seventh cavalry that wo
ordered to Hosebud are coming hero togoth
with three companies of light Infantry fre
Fort IHloy , Kan.
A government courier arrived hero tl
afternoon with the information that t\ \
hundred lodges of Hosobud Indians we
raiding the homes of many Bottlers In t
vicinity of Porcupine crook , twcnty-ll
miles north of here , and wcro driving off a
slaughtering the settlers' ' cattle. The si
tiers themselves had llown in terror n we
ago. Had they remained behind no ono c
tell but that they tea would have fallen v
tims to the marauding reds. In their tori
the settlers loft all their household gooc
supplies , etc. , together with their stoe
They will find n sorry state of affairs up
their return , When this report reached t
oflicers here n consultation was immediate
held , but with what result cannot bo doti
mined nt this writing. An Indian ledge wh
traveling numbers about six Indians. The
fore thcro arc about twelve hundred in tl
band from Hosobud committing doprcdatloi
Whether for effect or otherwise , the two h
tles ( who have came In for supplies and (
now encamped'only a imlo west of the agen
nnd are hero for rations , hold a pow wow
day and voted not to dauro any more. But t
luformatioa elicited only a sarcastic sm
from the onleors.
General Wheaton and his command , cc
slsting of four companies from Fort Omal
arrived in camp this noon and were- given
hearty welcome. They are nil In splent
trim. On their arrival It developed wo i
to have the Infantry eomo hero at the agen
and that only the cavalry will be stationed
the now camp established a mile sou
Moro gntllag and Hotchklss guns were
dcrcd this afternoon , but the mnnbor can i
bo ascertained. Everybody is looulng 1
wnrd with great anxiety to tomorrow , wli
the most oxeltlnu event , of reservation 1
will occur , that of issuing beet to the In
nns. C. H. C
I'oat Trader 1'nildook Describes t
Strange Ceremony.
Pw : KinoE , S. D. , Nov. 25. To the Edl
of TUB DKK. I have Just returned from
only ghost dance that Is going on within
limits of tins reservation. Starting frotnli
wodrovo twenty miles down White C
creek to the camp of No Water. On the \
wo met ninny Indians going toward
ngcncy to try to 11 ml out what was going
Many lies have been told them , and they I
it impossible ) to get the truth. Lies nro I
to the Indians and lies are told to the n
tnry , Wo met on the way Jack Ued Cl
and Joe lllcuard , who had heard that J
Cloud and several others had been pu
Irons at the agency. The Indians wcro
on their farms and cou'.d bo seen all along
road hauling wood , hauling hay , attcndiii !
their stockt just as If they had never hear
the winy at Pine Itldgo agency.
Oa arrival ot the scene of the dance
found a crowd of perhaps ono hundred
Qfty daocura around a polo upon which
been tied offerings of bright calico In strips
of two yards. The dancers advance toward
this sin-Inn with uplifted hand& , in supllca-
tion to God to keep them good and healthy ,
A prayer Is then offered by thohend medicine
man , and a-plpo li held out with a prayer to
God to smoke with them the pipe ot pence ,
When It Is discovered that the plpo is not
smoked the dancers Wall and sol ] aud then
commence dancing , holding hands , The
diniccri form a ring anil dance around the
shrlac , their feet keeping time to n wlcrd and
morotoiiou1 * cry.
In circling around with their eyes closed
they become dizzy , -mid when they cannot
dance any longer , fall out on the ground and
remain lying there until they regain their
consciousness and thca they toll the medi
cine man what they saw when in sphit land.
Thcso men were offered SS.OO each if they
would tell a Catholic priest what thov saw ,
but they saw nothing und could tell nothing.
Outside of tlio fainting net , which h
notning but pretense and acting , the dance
Is nothing but n quiet religious ceremony ,
with lesi excitement than is often seen in a
Methodist revival.
The Indians had no guns nt nil and had
none in their tcpeef. They have no idea of
being war-like and never had , and are sur
prised that any objection should bo made to
such n dance.
The Indians dance with their clothes all oa
nnd with no ornaments whatever : They put
on a cotton shirt with n big eagle painted oa
the back to tuuo them to the spirit land when
they faint.
Whllo the dance was In progress fifty
mounted Indians came over the hill from
Porcupine creek. They cuino in two abrost
nnd then lined up In front of the danco.
While they were in this line , nnd before they
dismounted , wo went down the line and
gave each Indian a cigarette. This wo did to
look close for arms. We found absolutely
nothing in the sliapo of-guns or knives and
am sure they had none. When Indians como
from a distance of ten miles without guns the
indications nro that there Is no war.
He Thinks Tliero Will Ho no Trouble
with the IndlniiH.
Ufsnvii.M1 , Neb. , Nov. 25. [ Special Tele
gram toTinBKi : . ] Today , or , at the farthest ,
tomorrow , is tlio time set for a
bloody engagement between the soldiers
nnd Indians at Pine Hldgo , but advices up to
noon today report all serene on the b.ittlelleld.
Your correspondent interviewed Baptlsto
Courier , a squaw maa now living on the
Sioux rcservrtlon aud having an Indian wife
and many children. Ho Is called Big Bat'by
the Indians , has lived among them for thirty
years , and Is intelligent , wealthy and of
wide influence among them. Ho stated in
substance that no outbreak or depredation of
any unturo would occur.
"Tho Indians have been dancing , " said
Big Bat , "but that docs not signify that they
want to murder white settlers or fight sol
diers. "
Being asked If the Indians would peace
fully stop their dance and surrender their
arms , hosaid they undoubtedly would if it was
demanded of ttiom.
"I don'tthinktbi-ycaro much aboutglvingup
the dance , " sum he , "but they would klcn
some on giving up their puns. They would
not- light for tholr guns , though. "
"Aro many of them armed < "
"Yes , about two-thirds of the males , but
they do not want to fight , lattcnded a coun
cil of the dancers night before lustwhen they
discussed all thcso matters and the leaders'
speeches to the young bucks wore
f all to the effect that while
they could easily wipe out the troops now or
hand , if they did so there would bo ton sol-
ellers thcro next day to whore there was onlj
ono the day before nnd it weak
bo only a question of days ilnti
-tho-last Indian would die.'Besides , ' thej
bald , 'where would wo go to.Vo are sur
rounded on all sides by soldiers anel settlers
Wo have no provisions for a campalgi
and would surely starve nnd oui
squaws and papooses would perish before
our oycs. ' The whole council united in ad
vising and agreeing to submit peacefully te
whatever tlio government demanded "
Big Bat urged the necessity of takingnwaj
from the Indians nil arms and ammunition
not because ho thought an uprising probable
Iff nt any time , but to maho them less rovini
IS and shiftless and feel moro dependent ot
10 manual labor or civilized pursuits.
Many Tribes In the Territory Bcgli
the Ghost Dunce.
LjAwnrcxcR , Kan , , Nov. 25. .Too Abncr , :
COin Cheyenne Indian from the Cheyenne nm
reservation in the Indian
in Arapahoe territory
ro says the Messiah cnue has takei
sr hold of the Indians dowa tucr
srm and they are arming thcmsclve
nnd becoming very restless. A Sioux In
is dian , acting as a missionary , has como froi
isro the north to teach the religion to the south
ro crn tribes. The now religion has nlso sprcai
ro to the Kiowas , Conmncbcs uud Apaches
1C whoso reservation adjoins that of the Choj
enncs and Arapahocs , and the diffcrcnttribe
all join in holding ghost dances aud are raj
idly becoming moro restless and desperate a
itk tno tlmo for the coming of the now Measm' '
itm draws near.
m Harrison's Homo Guards.
cor ; HAIIIMSOV , Neb. , Nov. 25. [ Special Tele
or grmntoTiiK Bun. ] On Monday C. H.Wllei
b , chairman ot the village board , received fort ,
k. guns and n thousand rounds of cartridge
from Governor Thayer. The guns werogladl ,
lie received , as with them the citizens felt groate
iyr security. Last evening the orgnnizatioa e
> rile - the homo guards was effected by the cathus
ilo astle election of Ed Satterleo as captain , I ]
iloo W. MoLahlan llrst lieutenant nnd Miclmt
Brick second lieutenant. Captain Satterlc
was Instructed to appoint noii-commissionc
ro Indefinitely I'ostpnnoel.
cy Hmios' . S. D. , Nov. 25. [ Special Ten
cyo gram to Tin : Bin : . ] No arms nor ammuii
: o-
ohe tion have been sent from hero to the settler
lie along the Missouri river as reported. Th
guns and ammunition remained undlsturbc
In the armory hero. Governor Mlllotto wt
il 1 here tills afternoon and says the Indian ou
ia , break has been Indefinitely postponed.
Id No Dnnucr at Fort Bennett.
; ro i , Minn. , Nov. 25. The Jon
oy mil's Pierre , S. D , , special says a party i
oyat Plorro people have Just returned from Fo :
th. Bennett where they witnessed the issunne
th.ot of rations to the Indians. They emphatlcall
, ot deny there Is any danger of an outbreak i
the Cheyenne agency , although the gho :
oren - dancing still continues ,
Ifo To Keep Out of Cnnndi.
dl- "Wixxirco , Man. , Nov. 25. Private Info
mation lmsbeen , received from the Dominic
capital that the military forces hero km
been ordered to bo In readiness to proceed
lie the international boundary to prevent m
American Indians who nro thought to i
about to go ou the warpath from crossli
tor Into British territory or inciting the Brltls
the Indians to join the uprising.
Xo Sunro nt Hot Springs.
MINNKKAUATA , S. D. , Nov. 25. [ Spec !
Telegram to Tnu Br.B.j The reported I
, . dlan Invasion at Hot Springs consists of tv
Indians who had been summoned as witness
? nj in some trivial liw case. Closest mqul
I , falls to discover any excitement . . . . or . scare. /
old h quiet and prosperous at Hot Springs ,
md A Knvorixblo Sign.
ted WASHINGTON , Nov. 23. At the request
: in General Miles ho has been ordered to repc
nn hero for personal consultation with Gonei
the Scholleld. The fact that ho Is coming hero
fto regarded aa Indicative that thcro is uo linn
lot ncnt danger of nn Indian outbreak.
wo Sitting Bull Ogly.
STANDING HOOK , Nov. 25. Two scouts i
liad turned today from Fort Yatcs from a visit
Sitting Bull's camp. They found Bull nnd
lib ad liorenU very ugly. Ho told them ho
understood tlio soialer * wcro coming to tnko
him , but that ho had his runners out and on
the llrst news of noldlcrs ho said his peopla
would lenve. They have abandoned the
white men's houses , said he , and will not re
turn to them or the agency. The supposition
hero Is that If Sitting Bull hears of serious
trou bloat Pine Hldgo or If the military at
tempt , to take him he mid his followers will
make nt once for the lower agencies , thereby
dcclnrlng war. *
. 1 XA TVMIA ! Tit. 11' .
Itoscbiul Agency Is Just the Place for
nn Ambush ,
Rosr.nuD AonxcT , S. I ) . , ( via Valentino ,
Nob. ) Nov , 25 , [ Spcclnl Telegram to Tin :
Ilnu. ] The beef Issue passed quietly. No
ono was refused bcof , oven those
coming from Two Strikes , Crow
Dogs and "Whlto Horse canitis. No arrests
vcrc made. Short Bull nnd the rebels havei.
moved to Corn creek , about bovonty-clght
miles from Hoscbud and Pine Hldgo. Some
have taken their wives nnd children nud are
driving all the cattle they can pick up. No
attack is anticipated at Hosobud. Pine Uldgo
agency Is nf 011 while Rosebud is just the
place to nmbush troops. Tlio agency Is situ
ated In n hole having six deep winding
canons lending to It. Anyone of these would
hold 2,000 Indians mid their approach could
not bo seen. Colonel Smith said : "If
I indict and guard this agency as it should bo
I imvo not su indent men. Old Spotted Tail
picked this place out for the Indians not for
the convenience of any one else. "
No Dlaco short of the bad lands Is so dlfll-
cult to get out of. At present companies
A , B and II of the Eighth Infantry nnd A and
O of the Ninth cavalry are holding
this hazardous situation. One company
Is entrenched on a high hill that
commands two cannons. The rest of the
command is encamped near the agency. The
encampment is on the only spot where the
agency can bo protected , but as n camp
ground it Is awful. During the whole year
hundreds of teams stand thcro dally ,
Said Captain Porter today l'Wo are per
haps sufllclenb for defense out ns for eloing
anything moro even making a demonstration
wo can do anything. " However no attack Is
anticipated at present. But in case
the force is ordered to raovo after
the rebels then where will the agency boi
Just the lighting force of the rebels is now
unknown. Many of the Indinni ran toward
the rebel forces on the arrival of the soldiers
from fear alone. When these nro glvea to
understand no harm' will bo done those at
homo many will roturr. At Itosobu d the
trouble Is complicated , Crow Dop , "White
Horse and Two Strike seem to bo pu'hing
matters on and urging Short Bull
as a tool. The Indian police ore on the alert
and active , and a largo force is added to pro
tect the government herd. Many of the
mixed bloods knowing the country thoroughly
are rendering good service , and all can bo de
pended on as loyal. Everyone ut lioscbud is
pleased with the reinstatement of Agent
KctiuMiliic ; to Their Claims ,
VAI.BXTIXE , Neb. , Nov. 25 , JSpecial Tele
gram to Tin : BED. ] Thcro have been no now
developments within the last twenty-four
hours. Everything is quiet at Rosebud. In
dian freighters nro said to bo camped noith
of town tonight and will load and start back
in the morn i up , and ns this Is the first tlmo
bincothe troops went to Kosebud it gives the
appearance that the excitement la subsiding.
Men with tholr families are returning to their
'Would Hcwltch tlie Onlis.
BOSTON , Mass. , Nov. 23. The American
Missionary has a letter from Miss Collins ,
.whoso station , is on Grand river , Dakota ,
dated November 15. She tells ot the ghost
dance nnd of Sitting Bull's tactics. She
says when she talked to him his replies wcro
unsatisfactory. Ho means-war. She adds :
Ho told his followers to pay no attention to
the military or agents , that ho would bewitch -
witch the guns of the soldiers.
Cnpturoel the Herd.
Mixxniroi.19 , Mian , , Nov. 25. A special
from Pierre says everything Is quiet at the
Cheyenne agency. At the hostile camp on
Cherry creek , however , yesterday several of
the turbulent Indians captured the entire
herd of cattle which was to be slaughtered
for monthly rations , and talcing them to tholr
village , issued them to ault themselves. The
whlto man m charge dared mulio no resist
ance and reported to the agency today ,
Another Ghost Danco.
r , Mo. , Nov. 25. A special from
Arkansas City tells of excitement among1 the
Indians in the territory of the Messiah crezo ,
A delegation of Ponchs , Otocs , Missouris
and lowas returned to the reservations today
from their pilgrimage to the Cheycnncs , where
they learned all the latest news of the Mes
siah. The Indians dwell on adjoining reser
vations and will inaugurate a ghost dance
Everything Quiet at Cody. ,
Cony , Neb. , Nov , 25. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bic. ] Fifty guns and ammunition
was received tonight. Everything is quiet
here , and there will bo no occasion to use
them. , The frightened settlers can- now re
turn to their homes in safety ,
Moro Cavalry.
N. M. , Nov. 2rTho Slxtr
cavalrj' Is ready for traasportatton to Soutl
Dakota , A special tram has been ordered.
A. Variety nf Comments On tlio GInel-
stonc-l'arncll Trouble.
LOXDOX , Nov. 25. All the papers common
freely on the i'arncll .matter , The Dallj
News says it Is with the deepest regret i
places together probably for the last tlmi
the names of Gladstone anel Parnell. Tin
latter will tlnd Englishmen are not to bo per
suadcd out of their convictions. The Pos
says Parncll's action threatens to dissolvi
the homo rule alliance inorp suddenly that
it was formed. The Times makcsasavagi
attack upon Gladstone , saying nothing cat
conceal the fact that exists entirely with thi
chief of a criminal conspiracy to close tin
career of the quondam liberal leader with i
most ignominious fiasco.
The Standard says oven If Parnell decide
to temporize , the sting will not bo icmovei
from the minds of English home rulers.
The News also says Parnell hns trcatci
the illustrious Englishmen with a latnentnbl
want of courtesy. Whatever happens to tli
Irish leader the liberal party must bo saved
Gixll'roy "Wins the Fight.
NEW YORK , Nov. 25. The loag-oxpcctoi
glove fight between George Godfrey , colored
of Providence and Ed Smith of Denver tool
place tonight In lioboken undcrthe auspice
of the Puritan ntnlctlc club of Long Islam
City , and resulted In a victory for Godfroj
Jcro Dunn acted as referee and held the (2,00 ,
purse clven by the club. From the start I
was plain Smith was overmatched. Ho mad
a game light , however , and several times re
sumcd his work after ho was apparently don
for. Godfrey gained an advantage i
nearly every round and in the twciitj
third landed a heavy right-hander o
Smith's ' oaT. Smith staggered und ncarl
fell and as ho was making an effort again t
put up Ids hands Ucferoe Dunn stopped th
light , giving It to Godfrey ,
The riooelH Subsiding.
of Vir.SN'A , Nov. 25. Thcro was a sharp fro ;
rt throughout Bohemia. The floods general !
. rt.d are subsiding but the Danube and blue at
.dis still rising. Two violent shocks of cartl
il- ( Hjuke werofeltat Prcssburg today.
ATI AniTloan Vrt | r.
Srnxnv , NOP C5. Chojnskl , the America
oto pugilist , today defeated Fogarty , tbo Au
to trallaa , in a prize tight.
Judge Maxwell's ' Boolsiol In the O.uo of
Totld vs Oasa County ,
Fire Destroys $25,000 Worth of.
I'rnpci-ty at Arcndln
A S , OO ( Fire at Hcatrioo
LIXCOLV , . Neb. , Nov * , 2.1. ISpcclal Tclo-
gmni , io Tun Bri ? . | Tbo following opinion
was handed down by Judge Maxwell at a ses
sion of the supreme held thin evening , and It
will prove of extraordinary * latorcst hi tlio
great contest pending concerning' thostato
executive ofllccrs-olocC The case Is Imown
as Teed vs Cass couuty , nnd is aa tippeal
from Cass county. Th6 case is revorsbil nail
dismissed. Justice Maxwell's decision Is as
follows :
1. In order to establish the fact that Illegal
votes wcro cast at an election In a specified
voting precinct , proof must bo offered by one
or more witnesses havlpg actual Imowledgo
of such fact that persons who wcro not legal
voters did actually voto'at such elections , and
such witness -witnesses must designate
such illegal voters. WJioro ttioproof merely
tends to phew that the Witnesses do notknow
nil the legal voters la taoprechiot , and there
fore fails to dcsitranto certain voters as
illegal , it Is insufficient to authorize the rejec
tion of such votes as Illegal.
3. In contesting aa election in court the al
legations of the petition an J proof must cor
respond , In other words , the plaintiff must
sot foith in his petition the tmincs of tbo per
sons whoso votes are claimed to bo illcirnf , In
order that issue may bu taken thereon. If
such names nro unknown ut the thno of bring
ing tlio action , the 'contestant afterwards
should obtain leave of the court to amend his
Volition , giving a list of the names of voters
claimed to bo illegal ; and It is the duty of
the court to designate from the evidence the
particular persons who have voted unlaw
\Vhero ballots hayo been cast In th <
mode provided by law , tbo presumption i
that they are legal , and this presumption ,
cannot bo overturned ] by vague , iudelialto
and uncertain testimony.
DIsnstrouH Fire at Arundln ,
AnoAniA , Neb , , Nov. 2C. [ Special Tele-
pram to TIIK BEB. ] Firoj Iroko out on the
north side of the busliiois.portion of the town
at 1 o'clock last nigli ( , and despite all efforts
In three hours itwas a heap of ruins. The
actual loss Is about 35,000. About half the
buildings burned were insured. The Com
mercial hotel , postoWce , a hardware store ,
general store , saloon , barber s > hop. meat
market and billiard hall' are burned. Tbo
origin of tlio flro is a mystery.
iMr. Dornoy licavca for Washington.
FiiExtONT , Nob. , Nor , -V [ Special to Tin :
BEE. ] Congressman add iMrs. Dorsoy loft
this nf tornooa for Washington , nnd Mr. Dor-
Bcywill bo in his seijfc ready for business
when congress opens. In aa Interview this
afternoon ho said ho" hail not heard of any
conference of republicans , but supposed tnat
when the members reassembled at Wash
ington there would > bo a consultation
for the purpose of fqrpnu' ' tlng a plan of worh
for the closing sessioli ot this republican
congress. .C ,
- i'l gobcclc.'i ' , sal'vhci'prepnrcde > tosworl <
tweutv-fourhoursa tiny till Match 4 , if it is
necessary. During this short sessloa it will
bo necessary to finish nil the legislation
planned for President Harrison's entlro ad
ministration. Mr. Mills , who speaks by the
Lord , has given it out that the Fifty-second
congress will do nothing but pass a free
silver coinage bill mid some appropriation
measures. Thcreforo'tno work the country
demands must -completed hiforo democ
racy takes control of the house. No , there
will bo no ittompt to repeal tbo McKinley
bill. 1 do not think , either , that it will bo
modified just now' . It cannot be Intelligently
done until the measure ha ) been la practical
operation for some time , when it will suggest
its own modilicatlons. I urn satisfied the re
publicans will put themselves in good light
ing Miape for the contest in 1S03 , 1 am not n
bit discouraged over natty prospects. Land-
slluos have occurred bofoio. "
Just before leaving for the east Mr. Dorsoj
received a telegram frbm General Allies at
Chicago asking a conference with him on
matters of "vast Importance to the people ol
your district. " Mr. Dorsoy will atop in
Chicago tomorrow when the consultation will
bo held.
Hntcs Will Fight for Oflice.
Lixcoi.y , Neb. , Ifav , 2o , [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEE. ] This morning In tlu
supreme _ _ court Edward Batai , the roeonl
democratic candidate for judge of thoSixtl
Judicial district , tiled n writ of mandamus
asking that Governor Thayer , Secretary
tary of State Cowdery Auditoi
Denton , Treasurer Hill nnd Attor
uey-Gcneral LocbO , the members ot the stuti
canvassing board , bo compelled to canvas1
tbo oturn for that district , evea if the cal
for such election was omitted fcom the ROV
ornor's proclamation. There wero7,011J vote
cast for Bates and only 4,4-11 for Smith , nmk
IngDates' plurality " ,771. The caavasslni
boa'rd announces its Intention of filing at
answer. Oa Friday the case will huvo i
hearing. '
Ortlinatlon Services nt Onto.
Clinic , Nob. , Nov , 25 ; [ Special Telograii
to THE BIB. | The beautiful and impressivi
services of ordination wcro celebrated Ir
Trinity Memorial church of this city , Rev
Brady , pasto'r of the church , Icing 'ordalnei
as priest of the Episcopal church , with Itev
Bishop Wortliliigton U9 celebrant. Ilov. D
Doherty of Omaha , preached the services
Among the attendant ministers wcro Rev
Williams of Omaha , Uey. Hewitt of Lin
cola , Hoy. Scott of Beatrice , Uav. Holgato o :
Wymoro , and Itev. Bennett ot Geneva.
A $ flOOO , lloolrtciico liariiod.
DUATHICE , Nob. , Nov * 25 , [ Special Telo
grain to TUB BEK. ] Tlio elegant and Jus
completed residence of TJLrs. Anna B. Miller
located in the BrumbacU ! A Spencer additloi
south ot the rlvcrt was completely ilcstroyci
by llro last night. The structure \fta ono o
the handsomest In the city and coat Jli.OOC .
Mrs. Miller is at present.rcsidctit ( of Ouiilio
but had expected to take possession of th
house within a few days. The origin of th
llro Is unknown , but Is supposed to bo inccn
diary , The house was insured ' In the Hart
ford for * 4XX ( ) . i
Rhotirun Aucldctit ,
SIUAHT , Nob. , Nov. 25. [ Special Telcgrar
to Tun BnE.J Quo Blmmcra , a butcher li
Maukato , a now town On the Nebraska strl
of the reserve , accidentally sdot himself las
Saturday evening with a lU-callbro AViuchc ;
tor ilflo. Ho was returning from the Nlr
brara river with a loact ofwood , The gu
sllpixid from Ills hand and the hammer , struc
011 tlio dash-board. The ball entered th
armpit and lodged In the shoulder. He is nc
expected to recover.
AMIFOIIH , Jv'ob. , Nor. M. [ Special to Tn
BKK , ] Tno BannerBtoro , nine miles west <
hero , -was closed Frlany on achatMo mor
cngo in favor of n sister-in-law of A. P. Rol
Inson , the manager , tosecurg a note of f'JOl
Li , AV. lilckel is a loser to tbowctent of JV.
and A.'II. Amos ' 175. The mortgage \\i
drawn tbe day before the failure.
Took tlio Paclcina Compniiy Ira ,
NCIIIIABKA CITV , Neb , , Nov. iJ5 , [ Specii
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The city council la ;
uluht passeu un ordinance extending the clt
limits so as to brine the Nebraska City pad
inR plant Into the elty corporation. The com
pany is one oC the plaintiffs in Ihobiideo
bond ciwo and , being outside of the elty
liinlU , luis hceti coaiplitlnlng ngalnst being'
taxed for the benefit of the city.
ClmrjieilVitli Forger- .
NnnnASKi CiTr , Nob. , Nov. 2S. [ Special
to TUB BEE. " ! Fmitk IJcboutwos arrested
today foe fot'Rcry upon information of Al
McCord , Ha vlll have a hearing tomoirow.
lilbcrty Vnlci AVnterwurUs Hondo ,
IjiiiEiiry , cb. , jN'or * 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : llnnj At the special election
held today bonds wore voted for tlio eroutlon
of waterworks. The amount of the bond Is
I'Jvoludcd From the
K"IIIKAIKA : Our , Nob. , Nov. 2. ) . [ Special
Telegram to Ins Br.n.J Tlio postmaster and
K veiling News ai-o at war owl n ? to the ex
clusion of last night's Issue of the latter from
the mails because it contained an advertise
of a local firm offering prizes to customers.
The News claims it Is a plcco of spite work
anil that two other papers containing tiio
same advertisement were allowed to go
thiougli , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
For tlio Holiof of DlHtri-ssi-il Sett lorn.
n t\TincE : , Ken. , Nov. 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BnK.J-.A. potltloa Is bcinj- cir
culated 111 this city , and is being almost uni
versally signed , pr.iylng Governor Thayer to
call the legislature ) In special scssioa at once ,
to take linmod late stop * toward the relief of
the distressed settlers in the southwestern
and western part of the state. A public
meeting will bo held nt the auditorium to
morrow night to tuko Immediate measures
toward shipping feed ana fucl'to the ijfllicted
iX THE Jt.l\JtN.
A. Promotion Tlmt I3\eited tlio 1'ro-
tcst oC an OMlecr.
Sw AXTOXIO , Cal. , Nov. 23. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BKK. ] Something of a sen
sation In array circles threatens to develop
hero shortly , growing out of the recent pro
motion of certain enlisted men from the ranks
to second llcutcnaushlp. A case in point is
that of young Gnrusho Ord , son of the late
General E. O. C. Onl , A few weeks ago
Ord was examined by the army board hero
and promoted from second sergeant to second
lieutenant mid General Stanly assigned him
to n company of tlioElghtroiith infantry , sta
tioned Bt Fort Clark. Colonel Lascllo , com
mander at that post , is prcpaiirg a , pro
test against the reception of Lieutenant
Ord as commissioned ofllcer In lilt
regiment on the ground that his promotion
was the result of 11 species of favoritism he-
coining too frequent in the United States
army. It Is claimed by a cnruilti clement of
army oflicers that the sons of rich men , poli
ticians or army officers who full to pass the
examination for West I'oint are enlisted in
the army with the understanding ; that after
serving a short tiaio in the ranks they uro to
be irivcn undue preference over the ordinary
private in tlio matter of promotion.
I'jirncll Will ICcmniii Leader.
LON-POV , Nov. 25. The Irish homo rule
members of parliament mot today and n
motion made that I'arnellbe re-elected chair
man of the Irish parliamentary party carried
unanimously. It was announced taut Par-
nc'H will retain the leadership at the express
desire of his followers.
1'ariiell had a conference with Justice Mc
Carthy this forenoon , during whiish he
Imndcil i McCarthy n bundle of papers
containing memoranda for bis guid.mca
as sessional cholrauni of the Irish party.
' 1'araell adilres&InK the meeting' said nota-
ing but the conviction that his colleagues de
sired , tp still , utilize * . Ms services in the com
mon cause induced him to "remain In the posi
tion , which under his altered circumstances
exposed hi S3 and them , through him , to the
attuclis of opponents.
Ho JUtiMt Answer.
CHICAGO , Hov. 23. In the case of Charles
Counsolman , head oE agrala firm of this
city , who refused to answer .question before
the grand Jury regarding tlio alleged
receipts of rebates nnd cut rates
from western railroads , Judge Blodgott In
the federal court this morning rendered a de
cision under which Counsolman will bo com
pelled to answer.
Ho was tolccn before the grand Jury again ;
again refused nnd was taken before Judge
niodRCtt ; fined $ , V)0 ) and was onlered into
custody till puid. Ho will demands-dense
under n writ of habeas corpus audit refusud
Will appeal to the supiemo court of the Uni
ted States. The point involved is of much
moment as , if witnesses cannot bo compelled
to testify , tlio interstate commerce law has
become practically a dead letter ,
To Make Sober Soldiers.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 25. A committee ol
ladles , of which Mrs. Hughes of Arizona was
chairman , appointed by the national conven
tion of the Women's Christian Temperance
union , culled on the president and secretary
of win ? today and urged an order forbidding
the s.ilo of beer and light wines at military
garrisons. . ' _
The Weather Forecast.
Foi Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; colder.
Ji'or Iowa and Nebraska Fair till Thurs'
day night ; no change in temperature oxcopl
slightly cooler iu southeast Iowa ; variable
For Dakota Pair ; warmer ; winds bcconv
ing southerly.
Five I'orsniis Drowned.
BnniiN , Nov. 25 , A dispatch from Elber
field says the Wuppor river has risen and Av <
persons wcro drowned , Great damage -was
donoia the vicinity of Barmen , ALIJostocl
nnd other points the timber yards and nunj
streets were su umorged.
Quotations Stopped.
PAHIS , Nov. 25. A dispatch from Buenoi
Ayrcs states the president issued a docrei
suppressing tbo publication of the boursi
quotations of the premiums on pold am
obliging bill discounters to quota paper ex
n ICuropo.
ItlotoiiH Demonstration In
UOME , Nov. 25 , fSpecial Cablegram ti
TUB BEE. ] A riotous Irredentist dennoastra
tion occurred hero lust night , during the progress
gross ofwhich a young man was allghtl ;
wounded. The pdllco arrested several of tin
- . -
A Caution by Dermnau.
BEHI.IN , Nov. 23. [ Special Cablegram t
TIIK HEK. ] In Ills clinical lecture , dellvcrci
today , Pro f , Bergmanu cautioned hla patient
that us yet no absolute cure had been effects
by the lymph euro ot Dr. Koch.
Novak itoprlevod.
JOI.IET , III. , Nov. 25 , The state suprem
court granted a supcrsodcns iu the case o
Joseph Novak , who was to hang Friday , be
cause certain ovldoneo was ruled out In Ih
lower court.
Ktcamstilp Arrivals.
At Now Yorlc The Holland , from London
the Elder , from Bremen ; tno England , fror
Liverpool ; tlio Lydlan Monarch , froi
Tltlrty-iiino IM'invnrd.
Emu : ; , Nov. 25. Latest dispatches coi
corning the flooding of tlio mine at Ischunsc
show a loss of llfo of thirty-nine persons ,
llomnn ICIcetloiifi.
ROME , Nov. 2J5 , In Sunday'u ' elections th
government secured 3'J5 seats ; the opposltio
41 ; the radicals 30 , and doubtful , 0.
Help for the
Nov , 2o. Thomas Baring1 ha
placed his largo fortune at the disposal of tl
reorganized Uarlnplcotiipanv n * reserve
liability. By the nrtlcks of ns < , lon the
company agrees , on sic tnontl t _ tlco any
lima before DecemberH ! 1S05 a . transfer
tuiivj u * v usw\uutu\\ : "i , ioiri , * i t. u * uotv
tlio business to transferors or th _ U'vLvors
on payment of asum equal toU'O. z. ccntoC
the company' * paid up capltnl , | < vlll con
vert the then existing slinro cnpl , 7. ' Into de
ferred shares for the tnmsferrcr * , tl per
cent prcfrrcnco shares at the r.ij 1"0 for
each 10D for tlio now shareholder .
tirK jiooitK JiriinKit vr.
Five iluryiiicn Clioscii for th > . Trliil of
CluirlcH li'oi-d.
OTTAWA , Ills , , Nov , 23. [ Special Te'leeram
to TIIK BKH.I The trial of Cliailes Tonl , ao-
cused as tlio principal In the widelycclcbrat -
cel tnurelcreuse of David Moore , the Omaha
traveling ; man , In Allen 1'ault la thl * elty In
Juno last. Is getting under way. Ford lion
trial before Judge Stlpp In the circuit court ,
and live jurymen have been chosen up to to
night out of a panel of forty. It Is oxpcctoel
thatn jury will bo seemed by to-morrow
ovcnlapnml that the opening statement ? will
bo made oa Friday. Clmrllo Ford , like Hill
O'Brien , who was sent to Jollot
for llfo nt the August session for
tailing a secondary part la that
great crime , li.w stud not , a word during the
entire lima of Ids -walling behind the bars of
the county jail , Though ho win terribly
frightened by the conviullon of Bill O'Urlcn ,
ho stoutly maintained liU silence , knowing
that his wife , Kuto l'\nxJ , who acted JH a
decoy to Inro Alooroto liis death , onil who by
licr confession on the stand placed O'Brien
in Jollet , cannot , according to law , testify
ngninstblm. Kate Ford was the principal
witness of the prosecution nrnlnst 1)111 )
O'Diien , but against Ford , other nndctico
that of Minnie Vtlntorling , who also wius
present at the murder mid evidence
showing that 1'ortl , O'Brien and the women
wore together on the niplit of the murder and
crosseel the bridgeto the pivrlc , will sustain
the evidence of the Wlntcrling woman. 1)111 )
O'Brien attempted to prove nn alibi , but
failed , and it is ivcu out thatClmrlio Ford
will attempt the satno tA : tlcs.
The excitement of the people of this part ol
the state over this murder has not subsided.
It is still the tuple of conversation every
where nd the demand Is that Ford bo given
the rope. Slates Attorney lllaVo and ox-
States Attorney Maloney are prosecuting and
F. G. Allen aud W. II. Hoys are defending.
Tlio Oregon IniproYcmeMjt
In n Receiver's Han da ,
Sn VTTi.n , Wash. , Nov. 23. The rcorganlzn-
tion of the Oregon Improvement company
was completed yesterday , Resident Mana
ger McNeil issued n circular announc
ing a number of changes In the heads
of depaitmcnts. Manager McNeil bhowoil
considerable surprise when Informed
that an application imd been made
today and. Jotcph Simon bad been
appointed receiver for the company.
Ho simply said : "I don't Itnow anything
about it , und have nothing to say about it. "
Froui a well-informed quarter it h lenriied
that the trouble dntos back to
the ' close or Villard's management
of the company. When ho left the company
there was a floating debt of several million
dollars in existence which could not bo ex
plained. U'hls debt lias never been cleared
off , AVhuti the llrst mortgage on the
property was issued the bunds wove
not Immediately sold , but weio hypothecated
to raise money and the company was on tlio
verge of defaulting In the payment of tlio
money and going into tliq hands , of n receiver.
A second mortgage lorMS.OOO.OOO .
was plven hut sprint ; and bonds
\7erc'issued. These bonds vere never sold ,
Imt hypothecated in the same way as the llm
issue , Loaus are iio\y f jlluc | due anil ore un
derstood to bo the cauio of tlio trouble. * ' - " * '
The application for a receiver was inndo l > y
President Sniltli through his attorney. It
stated that in order to seenro the credit of
the company under the present ihi.mclnl sit-
tuition it was neccssniy Hint a receiver bo ap
pointed. The application shows all tbo prop
erties of the company subject to liens. The
interest on outstanding first moitgago bonds
3 per cent on four nnd ono-hnlf millions , is
duo in December , and the company was un
able to meet the p.ivmcnt . unless the court
takes posseasian. The Farmers' loan and
trust company is the principal creditor.
General Attorney llutnes snld the manage
ment wanted to preserve tbo company from
being broken up Into fragment * and sold
under attnclnnents. If bo can keep business
goinguntil the financial stringency is over
there will bo no trouble meeting all obliga
tions. Tbo company's property is woith
fully ten millions , while the total obliuntiona
will not exceed seven millions. If the com-
panv Is not disintegrated every dollar will bo
paid off.
Cotton Factors Pall.
MCUPIIIP , Tenn. , Kov , 23. Thomas H.
Allen & Co. , cotton factors aud commission
merchants , assigned this morning. Tbo
linn is ono of the oldest In the south it hn * a
branch cilice In How York , The announce-
mentof the failure causeil a sensation. Ono
of the members of the firm in an Interview
with an Associated press reportrr snld !
"Our assets are largely in excess of our
liabilities and with time the linn can ya\
dollar for dollar in settlement of its indebted
ness and have a largo surplus left. "
A conservative estimate of the tlrms liabili
ties us made by ono of UK members la about
$ r50,000 with assets of (1,500,000.
The Company Solvent.
PoiiTi.Axn , Ore. , Nov. 25. In the United
States circuit court today a decree was
granted appointing Joseph Simon receiver of
the Oregon Improvement company. Bonds
were fixed at 8100,00. J. C. Hallos , general
attorney for the company , says the company
is solvent and that its property Is worth
A. .Million I > ell r Kail it re.
New YOIIK , Nov. 23. Richard H. Allen &
Co. , bankers and commission merchants , as
signed toilny , Richard II. Allen also made
an Individual assignment. Liabilities esti
mated at $1,000,000. , ,
Another Wall Street Failure.
Nuw YOHK , Kov. 23. U'ho suspension of J.
C. "Waldronhas been announced on tbo stock
Must Kcdrem Sculped .Ml I en-je.
CHICAGO , Nov. " 5. In the matter of the
01,000 miles of editorial -transportation c-vci
the Atchison road bought up In bcalpors' '
offices by the Uoclf IsUtid road , Chairman
Flnlov hns decided that the Atchison must
redeem It , All tlcVets fountton tbo markol
disturbing rates inuit bo redeemed \vlictlici
they have been bulletined for dhhoncriin ; DJ
conductors or act.
Wreck on the Hock Inland.
CHICAGO , Nov. 25. Tlio Hook Island Urn
itcd train leaving hero tonight forlCanso !
City collided iii the suburbs with a frelgh' '
car. Ono man tiding on the platform wa <
Idlled and n number of nasbcnpera " , vor <
badly shaken up but not seriously Injured.
A DcfnnltcrCaiiicht.
CHICAGO , Nov. 23. L. SI , Noycr , late post
master of Akron , Ind. , was arrested at tin
Young Men's Christian ' association bead
quarters today charged with forgerio :
amounting to several thousand dollars. H <
disappeared from Akron two weeks ago.
Tlio New WiilinBh Iilue.
BT , Louis , Mo. , Nov. 23. The Wubasl
stochholders today voted M.DOO.OOO in bond
tocoinpleto the now line from Montpcllcr
Ohio , to Ilaminoad , lad. , giving tlio wnbasl
an Independent line of its own to Detroit am
Chicago , _
J , O. Frederick Head.
NEW O w.E\S8 , La , Nov. 2.1.-A slcamshl
from Blucfielcls , KIcaraBua , bring * news o
the dcatb of Jonathan Charles
chief of the Mosquito reservation.
Interesting Figures in the Rojort f th <
Oomniisslonor of Internal Hovcnue.
Ho Hnj.s MH lloantlrs Will Uo Apin-cx
elated ns Tliuo U ! ln On Tlio
Tlircn Oeniiicralie Hiighonrb
Clianco. .
WASIIIXOTOV tUmcvtrTiin OUMII nnr , )
f > U t'otJuriiBVT i Srmir ; , >
WASHINGTON- , L > . O.'ov. . W. J
The report of the commissioner of internal
rovciiuo for tlio fiscal year ended Juno . ! ( > ,
IS'.O , Is at hand and contains some Intomu
Ing local Information ,
Tlio total receipts from internal revenue
wcro $14r ! ! > 37iSS. Of this Nebraska wild
$ i,0ffilr . This is more than svns paid by
Culiforuin , Massachusetts , Michigan and
other largo states , California's amount wa
* . ' , ( ) ! I.IMI , anil Colorado' _ only fclKV--l. Illi.
neb * paid tlio largest amount with 8ll.Sbti01. !
The Nebraska district iucludcs the t\roUn <
Ono man vas killed In Florida , Uemity
Collector Frank Miller , while attempting to
enCorco the revcnxiolaws unit onu was hilieil
In North Carolina , Itcvonuo Agent Kirkpat-
rlclc. This Is tlio snullost casualty list In
years. As to thej payment of Iwuntlos to
producers of beet sugar , the commissioner
says It Is an entirely now fe.ituro width hit
ofllrollick * the machinery tocarryon. Tlieof-
flco is simply n collection ofllce. Itwlll bonee-
cstnry to make a chemical analyst * In all c.tsi'a
where bounty is claimed. It I * nen elecmcil to have samples sent hero and re'ly
on the tests on thcso as to the entire produc
tion. The tests -with polurioicopo will re-
( Hiiro a large force of chemists , as the de
partment of agriculture had these chemists
and Is conversant with the beet sugar iniltis-
try. Th coinmis'iloner urges that coiu-ros- *
transfer this entire matter of bounties to that
Now York stands at the head of the list iiv
the maiiufaiMuro of clears and cigarettes ,
Pennsylvania hocomi , Nebraska useii . ' ! " > , -
Hlli pounds of tobacco ami iiianutnctuicd
9,09 , : tlil clems. There are ' Hri i-igar 111,11111-
iicturcrs in tlio states of Nebraska Tlio
late also has 4 rivtillers , 1-115 retail liquor
ealcrs. III wholcMilc liiiuor dealers , 2 do.ileis
n leaf tobacco , 11,511) ) d fillers iu maimfnctuicd
ob.icco , 9 pc lillois of tobacco , 2. ) brewers , -14
ctall dealciH in malt liiiuorI' ) wholcsala
lenlcrs in mnltliiiior | , 11 retail dealurs in
leomiirgarlui' . 4 wholesale dealers in oleo-
iiargavine , showing , i grand total of
1,314 dealers wlu > pay Internal revenue taxes.
"here Is no oleomargarine innmihictnucl
n Nebraska but the state paysW-l on wtnll
ales andSl.tX'O ou wholenlu sales. Thcro
irotliirty-nliia retailers ot oleomargarine ; ih
ho state.
Till ! ll' VV TlllfMVIKATi : .
orMcICinlcv stepped Into town this
ng looking , is biitisllcd with the world
, nd ns hopeful us ho ilia when ho left the
i.ipltol n lew weeks ago. Throughout Ilia
ay ho Avtis besieirod br the fongiosiiiiGii who
ire already here , uul by nowspapcr con-es- ,
londents. To voiir representative he stated
hat his faith in the tarifl hill was as strong
xs the day ufter it passed. Tlniej-would dciiif
: tistrato its value ami when that demonstm-
Ion came as It surely would , the people
voulel sco the -wisdom of 4ho measure mid
rould endorse It. Ho doits not be > -
loye } . . | n retreating a single step.
Pho tunlT policy"sirould 'ber"eT6iltIliitd ( ' < n
hosamo lines as it has begun and the 1-0111-
iigsession will notice any changas or mod-
llcations of the HHMSUIV as it was llnull.V
Hissed. As tuliver , Major McKlnley says
lotldiiKs thcro will bo no further legislation
itthoconiiin..sesMon. Iludoes not believe
n listening to the cry of free sllicr , ut tbo
irosentsilvor bill will give an ample volume
of currency. His view ot the progr.imino
of the coming session is the passage of the
appropriation bill. Ilia apportionment liill
mil ono of the .shipping bills which give a
tounty to American ships , As to the federal
election bill , be expects to .sco the bun a to
> ass it. Speaker Hoed is expected Ueia
omoinw and with his arrival the triuin-
rlrato Heed , MoICinley and Oaimoii- who
invc caused so much democratic uncislne s ,
will again bo in session ,
itr. xr.vuu WEAHS socics.
Hopresentatlvo Peters c > f Kansas has nr-
iveel In Washington and says that JScnatcr
'ngalls still has a chance of re-election.
There will bo seventy-one republican vote * in
.ho Kunsas legislature on joint b.dlot , whli'h
ara sure to go to Ingalls , eighty-seven fiiuu-
eiV alliance votes anel .seven democrat io
votes. Of the eighty-seven alliance members
sixteen are unpledged against IngitlU and
will-vote for him If ttioy uro allowed to ex
press their preference. It requires eighty-
Lbreo vote * to elect. "If the alliance ) mem
bers po into the caucus , " suys Mr. 1'cUrs ,
"and concentrate upon oao member Iiig.ills
will bo defeated , If they full to unite , ho
will bo elected. My own opinion is that ho
will secure enough votes Irnm the fannors , '
alliance to elect him and E do not think they
can nnlto upon any man. " Mr , Peters tejl !
some funny stories about his succession In
congress , ono Jorcy Simpson , already famous
on account of thu report that he iiovur wt'itii
socks. Mi- . Peters will not vouch for tills
statement , but say * that ho is n queer
Hort of u fellow nud liasifcn
city marshal o [ Mediclno Ledge for some
years. Ilu owna a fui in , but is rarely upon
it , and has a pronounced uver.-iion of all kinds
of Work. Simpson is a frequenter eif the vil
lage stores audbar rooma , a great story tel
ler , has great native shrewdness , a glib
tongue nnd a siifllvieutdisiTgnid of f.ieU tote
to make ) hl.f talk interesting , Mr. Peters , pi-e-
diets that ho will bo at famous in the next
congress as Mr. Martin ot Texas \\as tliico
years ago , und for similar rciusous.
Postinnstcis worn appointed today ns fol
lows : Aycrshlro , 1'alo Allo county , Io\va ,
W. Dniiton , vice D. L. NVallter , r Mlle cld ;
, ,
Jowa , 0. A. Miibli , vice J. D , Barlow. 10-
slgnfd. I'KiiitTb. HKAIH.
lOnipornr William ' : alk I'olltlcii.
BKIU.IS , Nov. 25 , | Bpi-cial Cublegrinn to
TIIK line. ] Kmperor William , in the coinso
of o convereation after tlio parliamentary
dinner given last evening by Ctmncellor Von
Caprivi , condemned all the dogmatic discus1
slons ana anlnadverlcd upon the futility of
social democrat conB' Ilia majusty
m-idoanuinberof pointed romarlca losnvct-
hi ( ? polltiulunswho did notlihig but crltiflze.
It Is as-tumml that tie alluded to a proinliii'iit
crltio of tliu measures Introduced In the
reichbtag and Umtai ? by this government.
The emperor advocated the Improving of
canal and river communications , which work
ho Bald , wan an important onu from both a
military and commercial .stand point.
I.lvo SuvltijHorvlco. .
WASH ISOTOT , Nov. 2."i. The annual rerri
of ( Scnornl Superintendent ICimball of t no llfo
saving service shows the numbcrof dlsnMcra
to ilocumcntod vessels within the Held ol sta
tion operations during the year was ! tSI , Ou
board those were ! IH , > 7 persons , ofvhoita
a , l.VJ wore saved ; tlioostlniatotl value of ves-
seU and cargoes * r.5lV.iOS. Of tbia W , ! > ! , -
84Uvoro saved. Tlio number of vessels to
tally lost was 7 ft. Jn addition thcrowoinUS
casualties to smaller craft on which
persons , of whom liSO were saved ,
Accepts the Crown.
Nov. 25. ( Special Cable iatn
to Tun HEK.J The oniclul acceptance by tlio
duke of Is'ussnu of the crown of Luxemburg
has been puolUhed , Inhlsuccoptancu tba
duke prays thntUvd will bless his rclfo eve >
the country.