THE OMAHA -DAILY - BEE. TWENTIETH YEAR. OMAHA , TUESDAY M 'NOVEMBER 25 , 1800. NIBIBEE 100. V HOUNDED ON BY HUNGER , Famine Hfithor Than Koligioua Enthusiasm lias Excited the Indians , SCANTY RATIONS OF THE RED MEN , Troops Still Massing at the Antici pated Hcono or Trouble Settlers In the Northwest Growing Moro Confident. Hinon Aar.NCT , S. D. , via Uushvlllc , Neb. , Xev. 24.-Speelal [ Telegram to TUB Din , ] The Indians nro slowly starving to death. That is the real , the way down , deep cause of this war scare. "Tho Indians hero don't got enough to cat. Their government allowance , of rations Is next to n starvation allowance , " said General Brooke last night. "My eyes have been opened very wldo since coming hero , " continued the com mander of the department of the Platte In the presence of A gents Hoyer nutt Cooper and Tin : Bnn correspondent , "Thcso Indians cannot do farming In this loealRy , nnd I sco It. Ono good look nt the land is enough to show that. There is nothing for them to do to make extra money. They nor any body els6 can live satisfied upon the amount of rations that they are getting.1 "What are thoyl" lie nsltcd , addressing H. O.Pugb , Issue clerk'of the supply depart ment. "They nro gettlngthls , " replied Mr. Pugh : "Ten pounds of bacon , 8 pounds of beans , 150 pounds of bcof , 1 pound of baking powder , 4 pounds of coffee , 50 pounds ot flour , 52 pounds of salt , 2 pounds of soap , 7 pounds of sugar. " "This is the quantity allowed to 100 rations for 100 Indians per day for two wecUs , " added Mr. Pugh. "Too little , too little , entirely too little , " oxclalrired the general with much emphasis. "Who of us don't Unow that the people cannot live on that. I don't ' care \vhcthcrthoyarolndlansorwhat they aro. People can't bo satisfied , contented or any thing else If they don't have enough to cat and the government should bo finding it out pretty spon. " "For ono thing , " said Agent Royer , "they don't got nil the bcof that's coming to thorn. A bcof weighing cloven hundred pounds when It gets hero to us shrinks to seven hun dred before it gets to mo Indians nnd the Indians are the losers. " "Ilut It is not the hoof nlouo that Is short1 rcsu.ncd the general , "It id about everything else o.xccpt | ioap , and there scums to bo plenty of that , " Hero the subject was dropped by the talk ers , and with nn emphatic declaration that they wore excessively sleepy they retired. A little calculation shows how very much ground there Is for General Brooke's opin ion. AVhero Is the person who would like to try to Keep soul and body together the year round and expect to feel comfortable on less than two ounces of meat a day ! In nlno cases out of ton is not the reply that such an apportionment would la uro the answer "slowly starving to deathl" The little conversatiorrquoted above makes a reliable excuse and good backing ; for mo to sny Just what has been at the point of my pencil ever slnco my arrival hero and what impressed 1110 moro than anything else , the phost dance craze not oxcoptcd : TViur-llfths of the Pine Kidgo agency Indians , that I have seen , are poor as crows crows that have not had. carrion to pick for njmonth. Their hunger is continually talking to you out , of every feature of tbclr faces. There nro some few well-to-do Indians hero the Indian employes of the agency and'a few' others who earn regular wages which make It possible for thorn to keep their etomuchs comfortably full. But the great mass of them have no way whatever to earn a penny. Is It very much of a wonder , then , that thcso people In whoso nature suporstltu- tlou is the dominant factor , make haste to catch at so tempting a fantasy as that of anew now Christ , a new Messiah and the ghost dnnco , the accompanying ; Idea of whloh Is that , on a day near at hand the white man who has stolen their lands and Is now starving them to death will bo driven from the face of the earth ; that a now Messiah will coma and bring back with him the buffalo and all the varieties of wild garao In tbo old time plcnti- fulncsst General Brooke's eyes were opened no wider than have been those of many another person who has been called hero byrcasoa of this scare concerning an uprising. Tboovontof the morning-was the issuance of the scanty rations and the food ' 'j of thcso rod faced pensioners will bo Issued to thrco thousand peoplo. Tbo squaws como for It , bringing queer little tacks for each ono of the articles. They are formed in long rows or lines Just as voters form at tbo polls on election days. All nro togged out In very dizzy nnd different patterned blankets 3r i. and about a third have papooses on their backs. On Wednesday the beef will bo is- Bucdon the hoof , and It Is sola to bo ono of ' the most exciting scenes in the programme ot the Indian life of today. . A Sioux chief , named Big Turnip carao In this morning nnd reported that the Big Road and No Water dancers had deckled to come in nnd quit dancing , but scarcely anyone credits the report. Later In the day No Water and Little "Wound appeared at the agency In person. These nro tbo two chief * of whom the authorities have boon so very apprehensive , and who have noted as loading promoters of the dance. When they came In nearly everybody looked askance. Never before , perhaps , were two Indian chiefs nioro severely lot alone by white people among whom they had como than were these particular two , THE BEK corro- tpondcnt hunted up his Interpreter and con fronted the alleged Idugs of terror. Doth were la shabby white man's nttiro , nnd had eyes that made him wish ho was In almost any other place than within the range of their gaze. Uidlioaddld the talking , aided bywblsporod counsels from Little Wound , Hosaldt "Wo much think good of you. You print paper. Paper tells us what the great father want us to net. But tome papers sny wo Injun bad , No , wo not bad. Papers say bad , but they say not right. Wo will obey tUo great father In Washington. He toll us to stop dance , then wo will atop. Wo llko white man , but bo sny wo no llko him. Whlto wan wrong to my that. " "Why did you not stop dnnclng when Agent Koyor told you to , weeks nRol" ! asked. "Indian police toll us stop , wo no bellovo Indian 1'ollce. Great father say atop , wo atop. " "Do you still bellovo that if you keep on dancing the buffalo and other game will come back as in the old duysl" , both of the chiefs sticcrcd , and No Water replied ! "J'o , no. Buffalo ho never como on pralrlo again ; xvhlto man shoot htm too much. " "Have your people stopped dnncingl" "All stop no dajico no more. " "Whyl" "Great father no like it" "Who told youl" "Wo know. You paper man , now tell whlto man just as wo tell you , Do not bo bad heart to Indian. Toll everybody wo Hko whlto man , This nil wo say now. " After the interview , I told General Brooke whit the chiefs had said , nnd asked him what ho thought of the declara tions of friendliness and that they had Riven up the ghost dance permanently , ills reply was , "Beltovo nothing of it , Bellovo nouo of It at all. " Companies II and G of the Second Infantry , Omaha , and Company D Ninth Cavalry , from Fort MclCiiiney , arrived nt the agency this afternoon and wo nil breathed , n great deal easier when they came Into camp. They were greeted In a subdued but a heartfelt manner. All are in peed fighting trim , Fronitbemlt wasloruned that the en tire Seventh regiment of cavalry passed through Valentino today en route to Itaebud agency. Frand Girard , the noted scout , came in with the cavalry from Fort AlcIClnnoy. Gen- cralBrooko and Agents Hoyer and Cooper all told mo today that there would bo no council between them and the Indians. They said they proposed to stand on the rule that once telling was enough. The Indians had been , ordered some thno ago to stop tbo .dnnco , nnd they ( the oOldnls ) didn't nroposo to do any pow wowing with them whatever. The arrival today of Tnr. BIB of Sunday con taining the exclusive news of the discovery of the plot toentrap General Brooks and his soldiers and Llttlo Wound's _ startling mani festo to Agent lloycr preclp'ltatcd a genuine sensation upon the camp and ngcncy nnd the enterprise of Titn BEE was complimented nnd In the wannest nnd most enthusiastic terms , The troops from Omaha , as well as these irom other points , nro getting along as well ns could bo expected under the circumstances. The Omaha boys received about a bushel of letters from their lady friends today , which brought to their faces some of the brightest smiles I have over seen In my life. An overly hilarious Indian last night gave us our first twinge of scare by letting forth a yell which old scouts pronounced , to have the genuine warpath strain in it. Tbo police captured him after an exciting chase , took him bcforo General Brooke and Agent Hoycr who finally ordered him released , It scorning evident that ho mount no harm. Things are Just at that point today where the Iking of a guu would undoubtedly pr clpltato a flght to the finish. 0. H , C. Ft. Illlcy Troops at Lincoln. Neb. , TSTov. 24.-Special [ Tele gram .to THE 13KE. ] Lincoln has been made the first stopping pluco of the soldiers en route from Fort Rlley , Knn. , to the Pine Kidgo ngcncy to light the Indians if neces sary. The first train reached .Lincoln about 11 o'clock today. On the twenty cars there were 150 horses , twelve nrmy wagons , six powder caissons nnd four formidable-looking field guns of thirty-two inch calibre. These pieces nro fully six : feet long from muzzle to breech. A small detachment of soldiery was in charge. Tbo second train from Fort ItUoy did not arrive un til 2:80 p. m. Llko the first , It con sisted mainly of baggage and munitions of war nnd horses. At 5 o'clock the soldiers nrrived. The martini preparations bavo at tracted largo crowds to the Union Pacific freight depot all day long. At. 4:20 : p. m. the llrst detachment of aol dlcrsarrived , tilling nine coaches , ono being reserved for the ofllcors. There were flvo companies , there being ono of artillery mid four troops of the Seventh cavalry. They were designated and commanded as follows : Light battery E , First artillery , Captain Cnpron , First Lieutenant Todd , SecondLleu ten-nit Hoyden , Second Lieutenant Haw- tborno. Troop A , Captain M , Maylun , First tenant Gnrllngton. Troop B , Captain Vnrnam , First nnt Croslmm , Second Lieutenant Bullock. Trooo K , Captain Wallace , First Llouton- ant J , D. Mann. Troop I , Captain Nowlnn , First Lieutenant Nicholson , Second Lieutenant Watriun , The soldiers were each armed with revolv ers and carried a bolt full of cartridges. They seemed to enjoy the trip nnd were ready for any little excitement that would vary from the monotony of camplifo. After remaining In the city about an houf the train pulledout over the Union Pacific for Fremont , where the cars will ho trans ferred to the Fremont , Elkorn & Missouri Valley road to go direct to Rushvillo. Be tween 11 o'clock and midnight the troops are expected. The entire regiment which Is the ono formerly commanded by Ouster , Is now commanded by Colonel Forsyth , Quiet at Rosebud , VALENTINE , NOD. , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele gram to Tun BEK.I No trouble was on- countered nt the Issue at Rosebud today and this ovcnlnir. Four companies of the Twenty- first infantry , Lieutenant Colonel Poland commanding , arrived hero and will start to the Rosebud agency tomorrow morning . , ninrcning through in ono day. This will strengthen Colonel Smith's command and place Hosobud completely in the center of the troops. No news from Short Bull's camp. At the War Dcpar mciit. WASHINGTON , Nov. 2-1. Several dispatches from General Miles were received at the war department this morning , The substance of them was mainly confirmation of the news already received from the west. General Brooke. In command there , reports that ho Is secure in his position , and .that friendly In dians nro coming to the agency In increased numbers. Ttie Hctiro Subsiding. Minn. , Nov. 24 , The Jour nal's Pierre , S. D , , special says : This Is ration Cay at the Cheyenne agency nnd the Indlnus nro congregating therein largo num bers. Tlio scare is subsiding- , Indian Agent Norvillo has just returned from the Bad liver country and says the Indium there have abandoned the dances. The aicssiuli Craze Spreading. KANSAS Cm , Mo. , Nov. 24. C. A , Painter , agent of tha Indian rights national associa tion , who bos been to the Indian territory re ports that the Messiah craze lins tnkcn possession of the Choyenncs and Arapahoes there and they hnvo commenced the ghost dances. He says the Indians are not ut all riotous or ugly , Canadian Indians at Ponco. OTTAWA , Oat. , Nov. 24. [ Special Telegram toTimBnis.J At mounted police headquar ters hero today advices were received that the Indians in the Canadian northwest nro perfectly- quiet und that no disturbance is an ticipated , A patrol extends nil along the boundary between tbo United States nud Canada. ItcasHurod. AnntinEBN , S. n , , Nov. 24. Lloutcnnnt Governor-elect Hoffman tonight says the river country has boon patrolled from I.o- bean north to Port Yutos and there are no signs of Indians on this sldo. The people are badly scared by fulso rumors , but nro now returning to their homes la the majority of Anxious to Go , KBAIIXBT , Neb. , Nov. 24. iBpcelal Tele gram to TUB UiiE.J-A telegram from Adjut- ant General Cole was received hero today , ordering the guns used by the Kearney City Guards sent to the military department in the northwest , nnd tjio guns used by the In dustrial school cadets were shipped this afternoon. The Kearney City Gunrds , forty- flvo men , were ordered to bo ready to inarch oa short notice. They are all anxious to go , A Chicago Awakening. CHICAGO , Nov. 21. Everybody about nrmy headquarters is busy. A larger force than has been mustered in that vlclnjty slnco the memorable campaign of 1870 will bo In the region about Pine Hldgc by Wednesday. Not only the Infantry nnd cavalry are being moved up , but also the field artillery nnd largo quantities of ammunition and sunplics. General Schohcld having instructed General Miles to Investigate the charge that the present dissatisfaction among the Indians is duo moro to n lack of rations than a religious craze , has sent Inspector General Iloyl this nf tcrnoon to the west. Ho will visit nil the army posts and most of the agency stations , Tlio li'lgJitVltioti JllilnU Conic. Bum- . D , , Nov. 24. In a panic Saturday night caused by the reported approach of a band of Indians great crowds o people massed in the hotel hero awaiting a flght which didn't como off. Two children seri ously 111 with scarlet fever were brought In and nil the people exposed to the disease hav ing been hudulcd all together all night. It li reported tonight n half breed was killed at Fort Bennett for not participating In tbo ghost duuo. Troops IVnni Kan cms. Four LEAVBNWOKTII , Kan. , Nov. 24. The four troops of cavalry stationed hero re ceived marching orders tonight to proceed Immediately to the scene of the Indianoxcito- incut in the northwest. COM.OXEL HUGHES' OFIXIO\ . Ho Tnlks nf the .Situation at Pine llldfjo Aficnoy. Colonel Hughes , chief quartermaster of the department of the Platte , returned yes terday from the Pine Kidgo agency , nt pres ent the scene of the Indian disturbance. Speaklnglast night to a BEI : reporter about the situation up there Colonel Hughes said : "Taero had been no real , warlike demon strations nt the time I loft tbo I'l nellldgo agency , by either tbo Indians or the troops. At the. Invitation of General Brooke the friendly Indians , or these who nro not under the Influence of the fanatical craze , bad como into the agency in very Inrgo numbers nnd were camped ad around in close proxlrqlty to General Brooke's ' headquarters. They wore to receive the monthly distribution of rations today. "In company with Colonel Ludington I drove from the agency to Hushvlllo , a dis tance of twenty-four miles , without an escort cert , 1 remarked to General Brooke as wo left that It didn't ' look much to mo like wnr times for him to permit the chief quartermas ter to drive over what Is supposed to bo dan gerous ground without a guard. But we saw no Indians after wo got a short distance from the agency. " "Do you think the ghost , dancers will have to bo whipped Into subjection before they as- sumoa peaceable disposition again ? " "Now you are asking a difficult question. It Is next to Impossible to predict or guess what an Indian will or will not do. It Is probable that forcible methods may have to bo applied , but I am of the opinion that when the troops , which were to arrive nt the ngcncy today , reach the camp and the In dians sco the ability of the government to whip them into good order if necessary , nnd when tboy have thno to consider the fact that winter Is almost upon them and-they must have provisions , they will quietly submit to the orders of the war department and gradu ally slip away from the camps wherq the ghost , dances uro in progress. They will , I thimr , grow tired of the dance pretty soon and fall back Into a more orderly state of be havior without the necessity of bloodshed. But you can not tell what may bo in the minus of these red men. " "Will General Brooke have troops enough at his command by this evening or tomorrow morning to compel the Indians to desist from the barbarous and fanatical craze which has taken such a hold upon thcml" "I should not like to answer that question. You bad bettor see tbo adjutant general , Colonel Sheridan. " "But what do you thtnkl" "Well , If you must know , I will say I think General Brooke will be master of the situ ation when tbo troops reach him that wore on the way last night and were expected to arrive at the ) agency today. " TO THE IlEGVlA.US. Interest Taken In tlio Indian Troubles by Men Outsltli ) the Ranks. The four companies , 33 , F , G and II , of the Second infantry at Fort Omaha who loft for Rushvillo Sunday reached their- destination yesterday. Lieutenant Henry E. Wilkins , of F com pany , second infantry , on leave , did not go with his company Sunday. Ho has how ever , thrown up his leave and will report Im mediately for duty. Lieutenant Sarson , quartermaster , is now in command at Fort Omaha. The members of the band now do guard duty , Albert Wedemeyer , the loader of the band who was on bis way to Europe has returned having abandoned the trip in order to bo with his associates In the event of trouble. The Omaha Guards hnvo tendered their services to Governor Thayer. They will bo nblo to turn out fifty men with a valuable ally their now galling gun. The tender was made on Saturday last. \ It has been announced authoritatively tha the Indians who have been reported as wan dcriug In the Wind river country are Young Man-not-Afrald-oMils-IIorso and companions They are accompanied by Indian police unc are on a visit to the Crows with the permis slon of the Indian bureau. They nro penca bio and the settlers in that section of coun try have nothing to fear from thorn , ' Oeorgo J. Stoney of the quartermaster's department has been ordered to proceed to Hnshvllle , Neb. , nnd report to Captain John Simpson on duty us quartermaster and com mlssary ofllcor at tnat point in connection with the supply of troops in the field. IIJESIGXS. Wyoming's Gubernatorial Clialr Is Now Vacant. CnuTENNE , Wyo. , Nov. 24-Specal [ ! Telegram gram to TUB BEE. ! Francis E.Vnrre today formally resigned ns governor of Wy oming , his resignation being directed to Secretary rotary of State Barber. Warren is no\ United States senator , nnd therefore hns n further use for the governorship. It Is no believed the legislature will call a now elec tion. Secretary Barber becomes the nctin governor and , unless a now election is lick will remain so for two years , when a supreme j uclgo will also bo elected. Germany and Liiixcitibotire. PAHIS , Nov. 24. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BEE. ] Lo Temps holds that it would bo nn Insult to tho'Duko of Nassau to suppose that ho would allow Herman interests to overtop these of Luxembourg , and further that It would bo n violation of international law to nttompt to draw Luxembourg into the orbit of Germany , Two Urothers Drowned. Tuor , N , X. Nov. 24. [ Special Telegram to THE HER. ] Two brothers , Samuel nnd Edward Wellor , were drowned in Moody pond , near lake , this morning , Tbo younger went upon the pond to sknto and broke through. His brother attempted to save him but the Ice gave way nnd both losi their lives. The Dead ItltiK oMhcNetliorlamlH. TUR HAOUE. Nov. 21. [ Speoial Cablegram to THE KEE. ] The remains of King \Vllllan attired ia military uniform , will bo In stat n Iho chamber In which 'ho ' died prior to heir removal to the yftult. of the Orange ntnlly. Queen Emran uu. * . evening inld n nrgo pnltn on the deathbed , on which the body lay. The palace officials then dcfllcd last the remains of the king. A chemical ircscrvlng fluid has been injected in the icck. The president of the nigh court , on adjourn- ng that body today1 out ot respect to the chip's memory , recalled his ir .Jasty's service o the state nnd laid particular stress upon ho Impulse ho had given to the movement for .ho abolition of capital \nmlHlimctit \ , vxAiirE ra"J\i v LOAXS. Iho Orcjjon Improvement Company AppIlrB for ftVllcoelvcr. NKW YORK , Nov. 94HSpcclal [ Telegram , oTnrsBKK.J It was stated today and not denied nt the company' oftlco that the Oregon Improvement company. ' would tomorrow nnply to hnvo Joseph jjinon appointed re- , cclvor. The appointment will bo mndo nt' Portland , Ore. It Is also stated positively nnd not denied by the treasurer that the In terest due December 1vtll \ not bo paid. The company's trouble Is sniil to bo duo to the 'act that loans which it.procurod to cnrry on work on Its extensions hdvo booa called and the company is unabiotto pay them. Tbo president of thocompdiy , Elijah Smith , Is inld to ho seriously ill and confined to his louso. Fred L. Anicrf,1 "who is understood , o hold n largo blockbf Union Pacific , s ono of the directors ot. the company. Tim properties controlled to" the company com prises the Pacific Coast steamship company , Derating fivosteninshliUiiicsou the northern E'aclflo const , several rfiilroads and n largo nmountof coal lands nnft , real estate. At the close of the last Ilscal jcar the company's ' lia bilities ntnountcd tonbijut $18,007,037 , offset on the bnlanco sheet byjan equal amount of usscts. Since then the company has author- i/ed nnd executed a ccirolldated mortgage of fl5,000,000 , , of which W > 14,000 were reserved to retire prior Issues anfl the preferred stock. In 1SS9 It paid(7 \ ( per cent on the preferred stock and4Von [ the common , Tlio common was then telling at above 70. The last dividend was plisscd and today the stock sold at ! ! } ) . Edward Brandon , whoso Failure was announced today , was a largo holdorof it. Tlioflrst , i,000,000of the con- colidatcd bond's ucro issued ou April 9 , 1890. Tho. 'authorized ' issue is $15,000,000. It Is stated that the company Is solvent , but owing to "tho condition of the market- the onicors deeM it best for all Inter ested to have a receiver appointed. IlEAW COAL F\IIVHK. Thomas Fawcctl AHoiifl of IMtlsbnrg Forcctl tOjAsslun. PmsBuno , Pa. , Nov , Wt Tnomas Fawcctt & Sons , one of the lar'gtt ? coal firms In the city , assigned this morning. Their liabilities nro estimated at ' $100,000. The mem bers of the llrm ' 'say the assets will exceed this noiouut by $150,000. The senior member ottu'O'llrm , Thomas Fnw- cett , is president of thoCcntral bank. Judg ments aggregating 8100,000 were entered by the Central bank this morning1 , nnd all the property of tho' ' firm was levied upon to satisfy claUns. The flrm has been carrying a' large amount of paper and for two months it has been known that the members were about to give up. The failure will have 110 effect upon the Central bank , ns it Is amply protected. The failure Is attributed to the lodiwontlnucd " depression of the river coal trade ; . , An Old Itroker GeoM Broke. NEW YORK , Nov. 21. Edward Brandon , who has been a memberp" the stock1 ex'chango slnco 1S53 , announced ) M-suspension.this morning. It Is said thut Braudqn carried largo lines of stocks i > i $ ugh the recent de cline , ' and' ' after losing un" Immense amount of money on the bull sldo.ho turned boar and sold the stocks short"nn t was caught in the rapid advance that followed. Later in the day an assignment was made to Robert S. Miller with , preferences aggre gating 8175,000. The Hank { { tin Over. NEW YonK , 'Nov. 34 , The run on the Citi zens savines bank herowljloh , lasted six days , Is practically over. ' TIIK QVJZKX'S SPEECH. It Time I'crmltH tlio Local Govern ment of Ireland \vlll Como Up. LONDOK , Nov. 2l.-iTho queen's speech , which will be read In parliament tomorrow , alludes to the negotiations with Portugal and with Italy concerning.East : Africa , not yet brought to a successful conclusion. The hope Is expressed that tbo negotiations now progressing with Franco wlll soon lead to a satisfactory settlement of the Newfoundland fishery matter. Alluding to the threatened potato famine In wcstv Ireland the queen expresses - presses regret nud trusts measures will be taken to mltignto the people's distress. Dills will bo introduced relative to the Innd pur chase in Ireland , tithes , assisted education and the reform of private bill legislation for Scotland , and the extension of local govern ment for England. If the work of the session permits the bill relative to the local government of Ireland will also bo introduced. A Forger TrleHto Suicide. NEW Youic , Nov. $4. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.j-Albe4 H. Smith , the Wall street forger , who .Is In thoOtonibs nnd who is to bo placed on trial-la the court of general sessions tomorrow , i& reported to have at tempted to commit nuicide Saturday night. Smith was In a cellwith Charles Webster , the actor who recently Killed a man , and Forger Lyons. Tueso two prisoners discov ered the purpose of the desperate mun and culled assistance. Sfnlth toro up a blanket , twisted It Into a rep , nnd making It fast to his cell door endeavored to stranglohimsolf. In a minute or two more ho would have boon dead. Ho was resuscitated and placed under closer surveillance ) . Disasters oil Rutland's Coast. LONDOS , Nov. 24. Atvlolont gale prevails ou the coast of U rent Britain. The British steamer Upplaghamtl * ashore ut Hartlnnd. Twenty-one persons wwarcscuod from the steamer. The first ofllccr was drowned ana a boat containing flyo. < > ( ( ho crow Is missing. Tbo Danish schooner Itcglna sunk in col lision with the steamer Primate and flvo members of the crew jvisrp drowned , HALIFAX , U , S. , Nay.124. The news comes from all along tbo coa tot a terrible storm. Several small craft are wrecked , Captain Snow , wife and a sailor were lost m a wreck off St. Francis. T\vo | sailors were drowned in a wreck oft Exploit bay. Trouble About a Will , Hr.i.nNA , Mont. , Nov. , 24. The state supreme premo court today atunaed the decision of the lower court making , Joha A. Davis ad ministrator of his deceased brother's ? 5OOQ- , 000 estate. The contit over the will snUUto hnvo been made in ISOJi nnd found after the case was settled in tho'lower ' court , is not yet decided , > A Jlniilnu Murderer. FALKVILLK , Ala , , Nov. 24. Dr. A. M , Tur ner last niuht killed his wlfo nnd little daughter. Honasbcon twice la the asylum nnd was only recently released. Ho was in a wild frenzy when the neighbors found him nnd claimed ho had acted in self dcfouso. lie Got Off \Vlth Ono Vear. JACKSONVILLE , 111. , Nov. 21. Miss Keener did not appear today ngalnst Fostcn with whom the had the shooting scrape several months ago. Ho pleaded guilty and was let off with ono year lu the penitentiary. A DymnnitQ Hxplnslon. NEW YOHK , Nov , 24. A. pack-ago of dynamite - mite cartngeg exploded In an excavation at Sixty-third street and Tenth avenno today , killing two men and seriously injuring thrco others , All were Italians , STORED IN THE STOCKINGS , Millions of Dollars Secreted by People Who do not Trust the Banks , WANAMMttR'S ' FORTHCOMING REPORT , lie Wilt Advocate the l'ontnl Savings Hank Ao I'ariny I'oHtago 1'or Seine Thno to Come Scores or Factories. WASHINGTON DHIIKAO Titu OXIATIA ' StUKp.r , > WAWUMOTON , D. O , , ir.M. ) Postmaster General Wauamakcr has much faith In postal savings banks and ho will tfivo evidence of it in his forthcoming annual re port. Ho believes that one of the secrets of the causes of there not being money In circu lation lies in the fact that In many sections of the country millions of dollars are secreted under carpet1) ) , in bed clothing nnd elsewhere or buried ia the ground by persons who are afraid of the stability ot the banking Institu tions or who , having but u few dollora , are timid about opening accounts of deposit with banks. Mr. Wnnamakcr says bo will not nd- vocato a system of postal savings banks which , will bo lu the way of private Institu tions , but on the contrary they will bo a help to bankers , Ho thinks the establishment of postal savings banks will provo a great bless ing to the poor pcople'.who have never learned the fact that there is more tu saving ; than In making money nnd the latter gener ally roiuiros the ability. Ho be lieves that It will cducato people into the wisdom of saving by means of banks aad especially got them into the habit of making deposits. Tbo banks are to bo established if Mr. AVannamakor's recom mendations are carried out nt past ofllccs for small places and not whcro they will compete with any character ot savings institution lllio building loan associations. The localities will determine themselves where and when the savings accommodations shall bo added to the postoWccs , for there are no banks to bo established but deposits facilities In con nection with postolllccs and the petition of the patrons of olllcos are to determine the lo cation. NO PENNT rOSTAOE. The postmaster general does not bollevo that penny letter postage will bo a fact under several years , as there exists a feeling oven among the advocates of the proposition that the postofllco department should bo self- sustaining- , and already there Is n ro > fular annual deficiency amounting to about fcl.OUO- 000. The receipts from letter postage Is about fc)3,000,0l'0 ) ' n year , and of course this would bo cut in half If penny postage were adopted. Tbero would bo a partial recovery of receipts by un Increase of letter wrltiug , but it Is thought many years would elapse beforohalf the decrease of 31,000,000 ! ) annually would bo returned by the Increase. There is now sustained by the department nn annual loss of about $ iy,000,000 by the cheap transmission of printed mat ter , then the dead-head matter from the federal eovernmcnt would amount to 8,000,000 u year. If paid tor those two items alone would inoro than make up the loss from the adoption of penny postage , and yet their change to any other .system would bo unpopular. ' Congress gives very stint- Incly tao Uotlconcy | which already accrues , thus showing that the constituency of that body contends that the postal service should bo self-subtalnlng. Jlr. Wanamakcrbas beep working for a year * to perfect arrangements with England , Germany and Franco whereby there will bo seaport ofllces established on the inter-ocean ships , that all foreign mails may'bo mailo up similar to that prepared by domestic postal clerks , which will enable the postal authoritici at the seaboard to Immedi ately forward all foreign mail as soon as it Is received In this or other countries. Ho will show in his report that ho has almost perfected these arrangements. nxrr.mMEXTiNo ix SUOAH. Professor Smart of the Indiana university of agriculture Is In the city and says the In stitution over which ho presides Is making practical experiments with sugar beets and llnds from the analysis already madotbnt the Hooslor production contains from fifteen to eighteen per cent of pure sugar. This is con siderably above the per cent of sugar found in the beet grown in Germany and Franco , the greatest beet sugar producing countries of tbo world. It has been ascertained at the department of agriculture that those experi ments nro being made at the agricultural col leges in most of tbo status , and in nearly every instance they are giving satisfactory results. It Is bellovcd that should the products of the coming season provo as satisfactory there will bo scores of beet sugar factories estab lished within a year thereafter. AUMV OKDER9. Lieutenant Creston of the Ninth cavalry who has been detailed at Fort Mycr in this city for some tlinowill shortly return to his home. Lieutenant Crostoa has become very popular ia army circles hero. Lieutenant Edmund S. Wright of the Ninth cavalry lias been detailed as a member of the court martial to meet at Fort Leaven worth. Kos. , November 'J4. Tbo commandant of the Leavonworth mili tary prison having , pursuant to the rcguln tlons of the prison , recommended for clem ency , to take effect on Thanksgiving day , James O'Connor , loto private company H , Twenty-first Infantry , and August Doliron- dorf , Into private company A Twenty-tlrst Infantry , as having the most favorable re cords of conduct at the prison , so much of their sentences , published in court martial orders , department of the Plntto , November 30 , 1888 , nnd general court martial orders , di vision of the Atlantic , January 21 , 18811. ns shall remain unexecuted November 27 , 1890 , is remitted. MOODT MAT W1X. South Dakota republicans In Washington suy all the republican and some of the farm ers alliance members of their legislature are very strong for Senator Moody nnd that ho may be re-elected. TUG Bun correspondent is in receipt of republican information of the highest possible character from the state to the effect that republican organization h South Dakota is solid for Senator MooUj and that not a republican will refuse to sup port him , besides several farmers alliance members have expressed themselves aj bo- lag favorable to the senator's re-election , so that It makes his outlook quite bright. Son ntor Moody raado a strong flght for the in torcsts of his constituency during the lus session and succeeded In getting through a good deal of , advantageous legislation , cs pcclally o ally , to South Dakota. TO MARK IT I'OrULAIt. Considerable talk has been occasioned by the proposal of Secretary Proctor to throv open to the enlisted men the competition fo vacancies In the gradcsof second lieutenants It Is ono of the most notable stops taken ye for making the mllltaryservlco popular. The law already provides for the promotion o enlisted men who have served two years 01 their passing a certain examination but Sec retary Proctor declares that It is now possl bio for company commanders to glvo these valuable appointments to young men who buvo enlisted for that solo purpose and wh have not rendered any meritorious scrvlco except to qualify for the examination tbu excluding bona lido soldiers. This poss ! bllity arises from the provision in the preson law requiring that the company commander shall nominate the non-commissioned ofllccr or privates as candidates for examination While many enlisted men have been pro motcd on absolute merit and on the strongtl of tbo services they Uavo rendered I Is still possible for n man to enlls under the practical assurance of nsslgnmon to a particular company and of a recom mcndutlon for a commission as soon as th law will allow. What the secretary pro poses is that In order to Insure exact Justice io all the initiatory steps should bo with the men themselves , With the war dopnrtmcn urging the now plan of competing for com missions it may b fairly expected that there will bo aa Increase In the uuiabor of recruits who intend to try for commissions after the prescribed service In the ranks. MISCBU.ANKOUS. W. H. Waterman was today appointed > ounnutor at Thol * o.ii. Knox county , vice j , A. Swanson rcsll i .1. H. Hyatt , vyhd been in the census lold of the sceoiid . ikn district , arrived hero today nnd will " * n place In the con- usoftlco In thlso ; 1 Ir. Hyatt is a rosl- dent of Alma. H The comutroller currency today np- irovcd the selecl the First National wnlc of Omaha ervo agent for the Jltizons National Norfolk , Nebraska , and the Comnie : atlonal as reserve agent for the Firs mil of Hot Springs , South Dakota. KIUIY S. HEATH. tuavsT ! > . , . tt XT J > KAI > . Tlio New York Hanker ami 1'olltlolnii Nr.w YOHK , Nov. 24. August Belmont died early this morning. August llclmont was mo of the most prominent men In tbo Ilium- lal world of Now York. He was born at M/cy , in Germany , in 1SU > , and emigrated to Vmcrica in 1SU7 ns the representative of the { othschllds , He bccatno nn nctlvo politician of the democratic party and was chairman of ho executive committee at the national democratic convention at Charleston In IbOO. lo had not been active In polities in recent cars , but his son , August llohnont. jr. , had. The cause of death was pneumonia , result- ng from a cold caught during the recent horse show. The Junior partner of the linn nld today : "Tho business of the great banking house vlll bo continued. Bclinont's loss will bo felt n racing circles ns much us in the tlnaia'ial ivorld , ho always having been an enthusiastic over of thoroughbreds. Asa politician Bcl- mont was active in the councils of the demo cratic national party. Ho was born atAlzoy , Germany , in 1810 , and came to Now York as agent for the Kothfchllds at the early age of , wenty-one , establishing the great business which has continued ever since. KI.K POINT , S. D. , Nov. 'J4. ( Special Telo- ram to TUB Ilnn , ] State Senator ISlcct .ouls N. Crlll of the First South Dakota dls- .rlct , died this morning of apoplexy. Ho was stricken Artvn last Thursday while working lu his mill and has been unconscious slnco Saturday. Ho has been a resident of Jiiion couutr slnco 18(15. ( Ho was elected ns an Independent at the late election. His death will necessitate a new election. T11KI11 IMOXOIt rj\I > lCATKl > . Two Johns Hopkins Students FlglH n HIoodU'SH Duel. BXMIMOHE , aid. , Nov. 2-1. [ Special Tclo- ; ram to TIIK DEI : . ] Two students of Johns ilopklns university met early Sunday mora- ng in a grove near the country place of the ate P. Harrison Garret , Just north of the city Imlts , to light n duel. Ono of the principals , vho Is a Virginian nnd a post-graduato , had at the beginning of the season salu something about the sister of the other , who is younger nnd n Baltimorean , which the latter construed ns n Insult. A demand for an apology re sulted in a challenge , which was accepted. On reaching the ground the duelists divested homselves of their coats and then took their ilaccs. The seconds stopped well out of range. and ono of them. Van Tyne Barnell. ono of ho natives of Orange county , Virginia , guvo , ho word : "Take aim ; fire. " Two reports rang out simultaneously , but when everybody , including thcprinclpals.lmd recovered from the shock , it was found that .ho bullets had sped harmlessly into space. The duelists , who had shown visible signs of mental distress before the signal was given , appeared much'reliovcdbut each was unwil ling to b .braiidcd a coward , und once moro ; hey presented front toward each other and llrod a second time. Ono bullet paused near .he head of a negro valet whom 0110 of the seconds had taken with him and who was .coking on from behind u tree. The other Im bedded Itself in the trunk of a tree Just in the rear of the Baltimorean. A third round was flred. The southerner winced , for the bullet ranged unpleasantly near him. Things looked serious and the two seconds drew a few feet asldo and discussed the situ- : ion. In about live minutes they returned to the battle-ground and Informed the principals .Hat in their opinion the honor of both had been vindicated. _ _ Report of the Master In Chancery In a Famous CRBO , ATCIIISOV , Kan. , Nov. 24. [ Special to Tun Bii : . ] Ills reported in Missouri Pacific clr 'les ' hero that Master In Chancery Towle of Falls City who has been taking evidence In the famous suit of the Fltzgeruld-Mallory con > structiou company against the Missouri Pa > clllo railway company , will recommend to Judge Caldwell of the United States circuit court.that a Judgment for 8180,000 bo entered up against thoconstructioo company. This suit was originally brought for un accounting , the plaintiff claiming $1,500,000 for work done on the Missouri Pacific's Pueblo branch. The railroad company tiled counter claims , nnd but In other defenses , nnd the case has been partially tried In the courts of three states. The contest has been a stubborn one , and will not end with the report of the master In chancery.Tho light will bo resumed this week , when the motion to confirm the report comes up in-iho circuit court , iiigalls Will Stay In AtuhlHun , ATOHISO.V , Kan. , Nov. 24. [ Special to THE Senator Ingnlls Is in consultation to- dny about putting up a $30,000 three-story building 80x133 on a business corner In town. Ho bought tbo ground several months ago. In conversation with TIIB BEE correspondent today hofaid all stories that ho has any inten tion of aCiCntlug a newspaper position In the cast or leaving the state for any purpose incase of his defeat for re-election case - are unquali fiedly fulso. Should ho bo defeated , which ho thinks is not probable , ho will continue to bo a citizen of Kansas , and his homo will bo In Atchisoa. 'Hero ho has spent the best years of his life , hero ho was married , hero his cloven children have been born , hero U his home , and hero ho will dlo and bo buried. Trouble \VlKConnln. . MII.WAUKKK , VVls. , Nov. 24. An evening Wisconsin special from Shofano , Wis. , saysi News reached hero today of an outbreak Sat urday afternoon on the Mcnainlno reserva tion. Ono hundred and fifty armed Indians surrounded the logging camp of Henry Sherry near Evergreen river und burned the camp after the men had retired. Eleven borsos'iinU fourteen oxen and the camp outfit of sixty-live men were destroyed. The men lied for their lives ns they worn unarmed , The Indians assert they wtro trespassing , al though the section belongs to the state. The Wcatlier Forecast. Foi Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; slightly cooler. For lown nnd Nebraska Fair ; slightly cooler ; westerly winds , For South Dakota Clearing ; cooler ; northwesterly winds , . the Trust. NK\vYoiiK , Nov. 21. Judge Pratt of the King's county supreme court this morning denied the motion for the vacation of the in terlocutory decree in the cases of the sugar trust trustees against the corporations form ing it. Athletics Gone. I. omsvH.LE , ICy , , Nov. 24. The American Baseball association this morning ro-clected Xacli Phclps president. The Athletic fran chise was declared forfeited and petitions were recolvod.from Buffalo and Washington. 1'nnt Mull. BEituy , Nov. 21. The postofllco authori ties have Just completed arrangements with the United States for sorting malls whllo In transit on ocean steamers , greatly facilitating delivery atthe end of the route * , DRAGGED THE COBPSE HOME ; Horrible Death of a TwelveYearOld Boy Nonr Grand Island. QUASWUDGE BATES AROUSED TO ACTION * Ho Will Institute I'rocoeillngs In the Supreme Court PnHSCiiKor tl'rniu Diluhcil Nonr AVymoro Kta to .News. ISLAND , Nrb. , Nov. 24. Special Telegram to Tin : Um : . ] , the twelve- year-old son of .1. II. Lamb , living four mlle north ot tills city , was thrown fromnhorstt nnil dragged to death today , Ho WIM herding cattle nnd the horao bcouino frightened nua threw him. Onn foot caught In the stirrup nnd lie was miulilo to extricate liliusulf. Tap liorso ran to the liouso , a half mile uway. dragging the dead boily of the boy with him. The heuil anil chest \voro \ mangled boyoail recognition. A Krlxlitful Accident. Qnvxn ISLAND , Is'eb. , Nov. 21. . [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hii.l : : Freight train No. 20 on the St. Joscpu & Grand Inland road left hero this morning atfii.V ) and ran through an open switch at Eddy street crossing. WlL lain F. Orollmunt , a machinist , who had Just got on the engine , JuinpoU when the onglno struck the ties nnd broito his right leg bulowr the hnoo , both bqnos protruding through his clothing. Ho is single and lives in Creston , In. , and was going to St. Josot > h , Mo , , to han't work nnd visit relatives. Ho was linmcdf * ntely taken to St. Francis1 hospital. A "Woman of Nnrrc. CODV , Neb. Nov. St. [ Special Telegram t'o > ' Tun IliE. ] AVIth nil the oxeltoiiicnt and Indian scare there Is ono bravo woman la our midst. She drove thirty mlles today from the south. On the way she n.ct several men llcelng forjhclr lives. TUi-y advised ho to turn back for safety. She coolly told them ) she did not fear any danger , and proceeded oa her journey , She intends driving to Chndron and there join her husband. Pnssoiiijer Train Ditched , WVMOIIE , Neb. , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele gram to 'Jin : BIB : , ] Passenger train No. 19 on the 13. tt M , from St. Joseph wn ditched In a cut nbuut-thrco miles east of town this afternoon. The engine , tender and thrco of the coaches were thrown fromthu track. Thq passengers and mail were transferred and went from hero on a train made tip In thb > yards. The accident was caused by the breaking of a journal on the tender. No ono was hurt. _ For the Relief of Destitute Settlors. IlASTiNfis , Neb. , Nov. 2-1. [ Special Tolo grain to Tin : OKI : . l Mayor Clarke , In pursu. anco to the recommendation of Governor Thnycr , has called for a moss meeting of nil the churches in this city , to bo held nt tha Presbyterian church tomorrow evening , fo * the purpose of orp.ml7.lng mid taking stops toward raising u relief funii forUcstltuta settlers on the northwestern frontier. Hun Over by the Train. LINCOLN , Nob. Nov. 24. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEIS. ] Whllo the fourteen-year-old son of John Dole , living at Fourth and Q streets , was stealing a rldo on the cars this evening he fell off the car to Which ho was cllnglnir nnd the tram i-asgotToVcr'his loft leg , crushing It above the Icneo. The log will have to be amputated. Ttio accident 06- cut-red just this sldo of Uaymond. Arrest of a Hoimobreiikor. BIUTHICB , Nob. , Nov. 24. [ Special Tele gram to Tan Iii ) : : . ] A man giving the nam * of Llndley was arrested hero this afternoon on a charge of bru.iking into a farm house ! near nurclnml last night , anil gathering In a quantity of valuable plunder. Ho U held t'a await the arrival of the Ilurchard authorities. Arrested for Stealing \VntoIi. . WVMOHI : , Nab. , Nov. 31. [ Special Told , gramto Tin : Ilnn.J Charles Ellis , whelm * been around the city fur several wouks , wa arrested for stealing a watch Saturday nlcht. lie waived -examination this morniuir and was sent to Beatrice to appear at the district court , now in session. ItiiblncsH Failure. NKHHASKA CITY , Neb , , Nov. 24 , [ Special Telegram to Tun DRR. ] U. R. Ilnbn , hardware - ware and Implement dealer of this city , has turned his stock over to E. S. Hawley ot Lincoln to cover a mortgage. All liabilities will be met and no 0110 will lese much by tha failure. A. GAME OF FilKJiZE.OVT. , Hehoiiie for Rooruanlzatlon af ttfa AVrHt rn Association. ST. PACT , , Minn. , Nov. 24. ISpeclnl Tele. gram to TUB Bcu. ] The Wostcm association magnates ttave aschomo which they will spring as soon as the Natloual Icaguo and American association have selected thoi cities and the Players' league is officially do * clarod dead. Henry L. Ilaoh , owner of the Minneapolis team , says : "The Western will bo the thirl Rrcat Icnguo of the country. It will bo mnda' up of the Detroit , Toledo , Indianapolis , Mil waukee , St. 1'uul , Minneapolis , Kansas City and Omaha tcums , Five or these cities nro la the present Western nssojlntlon , but they1 can get out of It by resigning nnd going to * gethet'to form the now league. " It is apparent from those remarks that Den ver , Lincoln and Sioux City are to bo uncero * monlously fro/.on out of the Western ussoclic tlon and larger eastern cities substituted , Where is the Money ? , PKOIIIA , 111. , Nov. 24. Frank P. Stubea. rauch , for seine time cashier , of the Chicago , Rock Island ft Pacific railroad , this city , wai arrested yesterday charged with being short in his accounts. It is assorted the npprosW roato estimate shows a shortage of $18,000 , but a careful examination may change these figures greatly. Stubenrauch Is confined toi his house by nervous prostration. Ills attor ney insists the cashier does not owe the com pany ono cent. The railroad people will nol talk nlxnit the matter , The affair is a grcai surprise to the friends of Stubcnraucti. Ha never led an extravagant lift ) and If the alleged embezzlement proves true , It Is a mystery what he has tlono with the money , ' Xlio Cost of WASHINGTON , Nov. 31. The annual report of the lighthouse board bhows the number ol lighthouses Increased during the year from 783 to S3.'J. Three now light-ships uro nearly ready for service , and designs are preparing for four more. The board says that It cannot enforce the law providing the proper lighting ot bridges over navigable rivers , us no penalty Is prescribed , The total expenditures of tha past year nro rV-'OO.OOO. of which $1,017,000 1 * for special works and tiio remainder for the maintenance of established ones. The cstU mates for the llscal. ; year 18W are. $5,835,058. , of which $1,194.000 is for tbo malntcnaaco un4 the remainder for special works. The < Tnp'n Kloolroontlon , WASHINGTON , Nov. 21. The supreme court' ot tbo United States alnrmcd the Judgment of the supreme court in Now York In tha case of Shlbuya Juglro , the Japanese mur derer conik'mncil to bo executed by electric ity. The court merely held that the case waa similar to that of ICommlor. An Influenza KpMmnln. Pmir , Nov. 24. An epidemic of Influcnz * prevails at Frcnklrcbon , Hungary , and f ) thousand persons uro suffering from the dlih ease.