8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , NOVEMBER 24 , 1890. THE CITY , Deputy United States Marshals Lyons nnil llopflngor returned from Nebraska City last night , bringing with thorn Charles Mount and Frank Clark , who were at once lodged in jail. The two men wanted to go to St. Joe , and , to help thorn along , slolo n go\ornment yawl and pro ceeded to iloat down the Missouri until they were overhauled , AN ASARCllisf'S SIGHT OFF , Kdward W. Townscnd In San Francis co Argonaut : "Patsy's going to dlno with the 'old man ! ' " This information concerning Patto * eon , commonly knoun to his friends ns "Patsy , " created u bonsation in the group of newspapcr-inon who heard It. _ They were nt supper the welcome two-or-thrcc-o'clock-in-tho-mornlng sup per of the day laborers in journalism , the men who grind wearily , wearily , and nro seldom heard of by the outside world. Patterson wns ono of the group mndo up of the "Into" men the telegraph- editors , night-editors , news-editors , two or three night city-editors , and men who had boon doing Into details , or writing Into on special articles men from all the morning papers. Patterson wns indeed n conspicuous member of the party ; it indulged him In his crankiness , and that cemented him in the circle. Patterson wns nn anarchist. There was no doubt abput it , for ho declared the fact pugnaciously ho was against government. However , lie could and upon instruction did write convincing editorials exalting the o\crlasting necessity of law and order. Ho generally nmdo himself anarchial- ly drunk after much of such writing , and so , as a temperance mcasuio , ho had abandoned editorial and taken up spec ial writing , in which ho rapidly nmdo himself popular on his paper. Ono day , after an especially good piece of work , the managing editor sent for him. Patterson affected a violet dislike of Mr. Rogers , the managing editor. In r the first place ho represented the pa- por's government , next ho received a Hilary of $10,000 a year ! acrimo in itself , Patterson contended. Little Tommy Pngot , a disciple of Patterson , and who did very good about- town stuff , argued that the story of Rogers' $10,000 a year was a manifest ilctlon , because there wore not so mueh money In the world. Ho had once scon the printers paid off , when a man from the business ofllco took $1,800 in gold and ellvcr up to the composing room , "and for any sane man to toll him that there is more money In the world than that , is absurd , " said Tommy Pagot. Besides ocing a governor anil a 810,000 n year man , Mr. Rogers was quite a swell ir clubdom , and popular In a vorv good sot In society. This was hutefu'l to the anarchist. ' "That was a very good story of yours this morning , " said Mr. Rogers , In the hearing of half a doron men. Patterson was silent. "Mrs. Rogers and my daughter both epoho of it nnd.likod it , nnd it's always pleasant to hoar the women praise the minor. Got the women of a household in uivor of your paper , nnd you there have a steadfast subscriber. ' 'Very kind of you and the ladies , " growled Patsy , "anything special for mo today ? " "Yes : I want you to go to Iho Moss estate trial and when the shorthand mnn's stuff is written out take it and lighten it up. By the way , Patterson , my wife would llko to have you up to dlno with us some Sunday evening. " ' Very kind of her , but " "But you novor'do the sociotvact' you were going to say. "Well , itMl do you good. Say a wee u from Sunday. " Mr. Ltogovs was smiling good-nn- - turcdly , a dozen men were waiting for orders on n hundred dozen things about the next day's paper , nnd Patterson felt ho would Itfok foollhii persisting In the refusal 01 such an invitation. Ho bowed his thanks and acceptance and left. "Patterson Is going to dine with the 'old muni' " else Nothing was talked nbout at supper that night A society editor swore ho would write it up in his "Notable Events ; " Grlggs , the paper's "ekotched-on-tho-spot" artist , exhibited a drawing of Patterson , in a Urcss-suit. haranguing a mob of wild-eyed nn- nrchlbts , and little Pagot roared with delight at his own suggestion that Patsy nhould wear a rod neek-tlo and handker chief. The subject of this chaff growled out that it would bo paying enough for the privilege of being near the throne to have to lose ono night's work , and ho'd bo hanged if ho'd wear a dress-suit oven If ho could got ono. "What the 'old man' wants , " bald ho. to his supper com panions , "In to exhibit a live crank , and I'll fool 'em. I'll ' just bo more of a crank than they like.- ' "Tho red tie ! " The red liol" bhoutod PagoU "Yes. the red tie , and the wildostkind of anarchist tallc , " continued Patsy ; "if I am played for a freak to make an old man's holiday , I'll ' just go him ono more than ho expects. " Patterson thought over this deter mination ns ho climbed the hills to his room that night , and it did not please him. After all , ho would be doing only what was expected of him , and thoio was very little independence in that. Ho took out his olu drces-suit and put it on. The effect wns more amusing than satis factory. Not only was it a bad lit ana inussy with the strangely mixed service it had scon in Patterson's two years at the Berkeley university , but it' was BO llko the Tivoll WHitei-a * in cut that Patterson - * torson throw a towel over his left arm and served himself with a bottle of beer to complete the likoncbs. "It would bo so much moro fun to fool the 'old man' the other way , that if I could , I would. " The next day Patterson sought a man Jio had bccomo acquainted with through interviewing him , and had afterward como to know well , and like , despite the man's misfortune of wealth. Newspaper men have few acquaint ances outside of tholr own ranks. Tholr hours of labor and leisure would make it diflloult , even if their inclinations were less intensely clannish. Still , Patterson did meet nnd dlno with the millionaire llarkcr often enough to keep up a friendship that had considerable warmth. During tholr acquaintance. Patterson lind asked for no "favor" such ns a millionaire was accustomed to grant with perfect good nature and great fre quency to scores of companions less agreeable than Patterson. Patsy nlways enrncd good , pay. Ho wrote on sonco and having tremendous facility nnd BOIUO ability , ground out v U quantities of copy nnd bold most of it. So ho did not have to borrow , yet there never cnmo a pay day when ho could buy his dinner without first col lecting for his week's work. It never occurred to him that thcro was evidence of faulty economics In tlio fact that his financial condition \vna exactly the same now ns wlion his earnings were not ono- fifth ns much. His was the case of nearly every ono of his companions. Mind you , I am not speaking of the pi-cut men on the newspapers , but only o ( the unnamed , the noUUurs in the ranks , the multltuilo oflmporsonals , who Imvo not been long In their beds , when you sir , over your coffee , are reading tholr work and giving the prulso or blntno for It to "iho paper , " not the man. man.But this has nothing to do with the story. I felt In the mood for explaining that my friend Patterson was no inoro improvident than his kind. Do not be shocked the next day ho asked his friend Uarkcr for credit with his tailor. Unrkor ho was n young man wrote something on tv letter-head , put it In an envelope , addressed it to his tailor , and handed it to Patterson , with the ro- miirk : "Going to got married. Patsy ? " "No , " ho an&wcrotl ; "perhaps homo of us do get married when wo Imvo to trot credit for the clothes to do it-in , but I am oven inoro to bo congratulated ; I'm going to dine with the 'old man , ' and I'm going to fool him. " "Fool him ? " ' 'Ycsjho wants to show his set a crank , and I'm going tlioro ns u drawing-room model Sunday wcok. " Barker laughed. "Then I shall see you , for I'll bo there. " "will you ? O , by Iho way , you dine there often what'a their pamoV" Patterson talked a. long time with his friend about the Rogers' dinners , and went away thoroughly posted on the people ho would probably meet , what they talked about , and their present fads. Ho learned , for ono thing , that that sot was just then interested in hypnotism , which ho considered a fortunate acci dent , ns ho hud n raodlual friend who wns making a special study of it , and ho could cram on that conveniently. Ho wont in to seine theater every night for the double purpose of supplying himself with small-talk of the shows and study ing the dress of the men Jio saw como in with theater pai ties. ' Ho gorged himself with recent novels and magazine discussions , and , in fact , put in ten days' hard , uort > istcnt work in piopnring to fool the "old man. " * * * * * * "Emma , " said Mr. Rogers , on that Sunday afternoon on his return from the editorial rooms , to which ho had just run down to boo how things were going ' "Emma , I am a little worried about Patterson. I know from the way ho lives " that lie saves nothing , and "I'm half afraid ho has no dress suit. " "Then , " replied Irs. Rogers , decid edly , "ho won't come. I know his people ple very well , and they wcro very nice. I wont to school with his oldest slbtor , who married that Now Yorker , and if ho has any of the family traits , you need not fear about his dress. . " "But they wcro rich then , and now Patterson but from some jokes going around the cilice , I fancy ho will try and show off bomo of his crankiness , and to tell the truth , I hope ho will. Ho amuses hlnifaolf by pretending to bo an anarch ist , and " "Prank , deaf , you dress for dinner. If lie is a crank , ho is a well-bred ono , and ho will merely nmuso us all. " Mrs. Rogers wns woll-bred herself , and put great stress on that plmso of for tune. She also had an independent income - como equal to her husband's biliary , and adopted a little air of authority , which you .may have observed in wives who have independent incomes. The "old man , " the terror of his staff , obeyed the order to dress meekly enough , btnying only to say : " \Vhom will you send Ptittorbou in with ? " "Piinnlo. " "Fannio ? Really , dear , don't you think that Barker " "Mr. Barker needs a little discipline to remind him that ho has not yet asked for the right to bo always paired oil with Fannie , and she can bo trusted to keep your anarchist within reasonable bounds. " * * * * * * If Patterson's name had not been an nounced so distinctly , Mr. Rogers would not have known him when ho entered the reception room. The wild , weird heard had gpno with the mustache in the transformation , and the anarchist stood confessed In clean-shaven , strong , hand some face , in faultless dress from tie to hhoo fcelC-pOfabcsscd , quiet , buavo. Mrs. Itogcrs gave a quick look of surprise from Patterson to her husband. The anarchist saw it and grinned inwardly &o fur , he had fooled the "old man. " Ho was' introduced to Fannie by mamma , and oven before dinner was an nounced ho and that charming young lady were in a most animated conversa tion about nothing. Ho wns progress ing finely. Barker , from Mrs. Ropers' .sido at dinner , was amazed and delighted. Ho had hoped to go in with Fannie , to bo sure , but ho toolc consolation in regard ing Patterson somewhat as his protege , and when ho noticed the over-widening circle included in the listeners to Pat tor- son's rattling small talk , ho determined to ho wholly unsollish and assist the success. Barker was a clover man , and , besides , had an intimate knowledge of Patter son , so ho was nblo to adroitly force the outside talk into the anarchist's circle , and had the satisfaction of finding that surprising young man the acknowledged center of the whole table's animntteu. Rogers alone scomod outside the charm. As ho observed his daughter's manifoftt delight in the now guest , ho glanced with furtlvo alarm at his wife and Barker. Everything appeared serene - rene in that quarter , vet Rogers felt resentful - sontful at what ho hardly know. Ho tried once to trap Piitton > on Into turning his crank , by an allusion to nnarqhy , made directly at the young man. "Oh , I went In for anarchy myself once , " said the Intrepid Patsy , ligntly ; "but the dllllouty f llndlng any ono who understood what I was after bored mo , and I dropped it Anyway , fads should bo treated only as temporary expedients for entertainment , and when they are in the nature of an itm , they should not bo given much soiious thought , unless , by the wiijvlt is hypnotism. Now , a medi cal friend of infno " and in a moment Patterson had the whole company lis tening with undisguised interest to stories of strange experiments in hypnotism. Ills success lasted all the evening. After dinner tlioro was music , and Patterson sung with Fannie the beggar had a molting baritone voice. Ho even managed a toto-a-totowith that winsome young woman , and the exhilaration of ills success gave a tender tremor to the nothings ho said , and well , Fannie was young , and I have said ho was hand some. * * * Poor Patsy 1 Ho sat a long tlmo In his room that night , still in his soft , cling ing dress-suit. Ho hated to tnko it oil , ho was another man in it ; ho almost felt that ho had a right to think of Fannie , so long as ho retained the conventional garb that was a part of his ovonlug's ox- porionco. Ho changed his dross slowly and wont down town to supper with the boys. When Pngot heard the story of how Patsy fooled the "old man" there was no mention of Fannie In the story the little clrap yelled with delight anil de clared It was a bettor fake than the rod nccktio. * * * tv ' You BOO , Frank , there was BOUIO wis dom In my sending Fannie in with" your reformed anarchist the handsome young anarchist Instead of with Mr. Barker , " Bald Mrs. Rogers , when the managing-editor came homo shortly after the following midnight ; "it brought Mr. Barker around hero this availing , and ho will ask you for Fnnulo tomorrow. " "And Funnlo ? " "Oh , she has been talking sentimental nonsense today about that Mr. Patter son , but wo need not ask him lioro any more ; lot hlui return to anarchy. " "Aren't ' you over going to grow old , like the best of us1 : ' naked a man of nn acquaintance lie hadn't seen for some time. 'Well , not so long as I can purify my blood with Ayer's SarsnpaiUla,1' was the npt reply. This man know what bo was taking nbout. I'USIHNQ Til 10 01112 , VI' OAXAh. 13vor.vtlilii ls In a SutUfaetory Posi tion and the Work In Progressing. Senor Don JF. . Medina , minister of public works , has advised the general agent of the Maritime Canal company at Managua , Henry C. Hall , that the com pany has more than fulfilled its obliga tions as to expenditures upon the work under the requirements of its concas sion. sion.Tho The government of Nicaragua has sent congratulations to the company on- account of the satisfactory results and mvomblo prospects , savs a dlspath to the Now York Herald from Nicaragua. The company has expended upon the work Jn the post year over $11,000,000 and has now , by the terms of concession , ton vcars during which to construct the canal. The present status of the work Is as follows : The pier at San 7unn del Norto Is extended about 700 foot , and where in May last there was dry land thovo is now reported a depth of ten foot of u utcr I u the channel. Of tbo plant bought from the Panama contractors there are now six dredges and ton lighters in the harbor , in addition to an Immense amount of machinery , tools , supplies and material delivered on shore. There are al&o the two largo suction dredges which wcro sent from Charles ton , S. C. Two of the dredges are en gaged deepening the channel and with in thirty days will prlyo nsulllciont depth of water to allow the entrance into the harbor of the regular steamers plying between Now York and San Juan del Norto , where they can discharge in quiet waters. The route of the canal has boon cleared from the harbor to the divide cut. The railroad to the divide cut is completed for ten miles of the distance. The machine shop , equipped with the best modern machinery and tools to meet the requirements of the work Is rapidly Hearing completion. Payment has been made for the right- of-way between the lake and the Pacllin ocean. The work , of clearing the route on that sldo of the lake has boon com menced and a party of engineers has been engaged locating the railroad thoro. The force of canal employes numbers at present 1,600 men and the chief surgeon's report shows a most sat isfactory operation of the sanitary ser vice. Albright's Choice , 521-U-3 N. Y. Life. The Eiiijllili Soldier. Recruits , when they join the British army llrst , cannot bo too well fed , be- caiibo , coming ns they do from a class uhich , as a rule , is irregular in its ha bits , after undergoing a regular svstem of drill and a regular manner of living they are inoro hungry at meal times than they would otherwise bo , says the New York Sun. In fact , they nro al ways hungry , and of this btato they are often reminded while on drill , but it is a favorite saying of every drill sergeant when ho is instructing the recruits how to stand : "A boldior should always have a full chest and an empty stomach. " "Bogorra , " said a vivacious Irishman ono day , "sergeant , there's no use ro- mindin' mo o' that , for since I 'listed mo chest has always been fuller than mo stomach , glory bo to God , an' if I thought the queen was so hard up I wouldn't have taken her shlllin' I'd have given oncf. " The English ser geant , though , appreciated the man's mirth and said to him seriously : "Then' you didn't enlist from want1' "O , no , sergeant , " ho replied ; "I had lashhis o' that before I joined the army. " Albright's Choice , buy early. 8. A. Orchard. Carpet , furniture and drapery. Albright's Choice makes money. Poisonous F The Berlin police have issued a "cau tion" against the indiscriminate con sumption of dried mushrooms , which nro largely used in SOUDS , stows , etc. It is assorted that packets of those dried mushrooms frequently contain poisonous fungi , and the public is warned that edible mushrooms when dried remain white , whereas the poisonous species ac- qulro u bluibh tint. All Music nt Unlf Price. „ 0,000 pieces only lOc a copy at Moln berg's , 10th st. bet. Capital uvo & Dodge. Through coaches Pullman pnlaco sleepers , dining cars , free reclining chair cars to Chicago Tind intervening points via the great Rook Island route. Ticket olllco 1002 , Sixteenth ana Parnain. Albright's Choice , in South Omaha. "Weather Probabilities. For November Indications point to cold , frosty weather. That , however , will rnako no difference to thobo who travel in the stcam-hcatod and electric- lighted , limited vestibule trains whtoh are run only by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. between Omaha and Chicago. City ticket olllco , 1C01 Far- nam pi. , Omaha , F. A. NASit , J. E. PUKSTON , General Agent. City Passenger Agent. Albright's Choice , safe investment. American Curs In Germany. It is reported in Germany that the emperor is going to introduce American cars for the passenger service , Bakin Psea la Ullllcna ot Homes oXcar § the Standard. Albright's Choli * , line of development. The only rnllroall train out of Omnhrv run expressly foftho nccommodnllon of Oinnhn , Council UllufTs , Dos Molnos nnd Clilcngo business ! Is the Hock lelnml vcs- tlbulcti limited , lehvlng Omnhtv nt 4:15 : p. in. dnlly. Ticket olllco , 1002 Sixteenth and Fnrnnm B Dr. Birnoy euros etitixrrli , Boo bldg. in tlio Army. Swimming exercises , it is bollovcd vto Imvo boon decided , tire In future to form part of the army training a stop taken ns a result of a few exhibitions ol swim ming made during the recent ciwnlry mtiiiojuvroa In Berkshire. When. , the mnnojuvros were originally arranged It wits decided Unit swimming should bo tin especial feature ot thoni , but this portion tion of the programme vms afterwards abandoned , llowovor , u few troopers and several ofllcors attempted to cioss tlio Tlmines at .Moulsford , a few miles from the Churn camp , but Itvns found that but a Biiiull minority were able to sustain themselves inn tolerably swift current , while the horses were almost panic-stricken. The sequel , It Is trusted , will bo the establishment of swimming schools In the army , both for hor&os and men. The commandor-in-chiof is known to greatly favor the Idea , and the only wonder is that such a neeessarv portion of n soldier's education should have been so long neglected , and that army horses should not also have been properly trained In this respect. As a Rule , His best not to attempt to icmctly costive- ncsi by the use ol saline or drastic ptnga. tvcs. Wlicnacntliartlcmcillcliiolsnecilcii , Iho most IIP' .ipt and beneficial Is Aycr's rills. TincUtcf Is to restore tlio regular action of Jio bowels , \\ltnout weakening them , llelng sugar-coated , thcso Pills ictaln tnclrmcdlcln.il virtues for a long time , ami nro easy to take. " I can rccommcml Ayn'a rills above all others , having long iiro\cd their value ns a catliaillcformyscUnnUfamlly. " j.T.IIess , Lelthsvllle , I'.i. " In 1858 , by the mlvlccof .1 frlcml , I began tno usoof Ajcr's Tills as a remedy for bil iousness , constipation , high fcvws , and colds. They solved mo bettor than nny-t thing I bad jucvlonsly tried , ami I liave used them la attacks of that sort ever sluce. " II. W. Hersh , Judsoala , Ark. Ayer's Pills , nv DB. J. C. AYER & CO. , Z.owoll.MasB. Sold by all Dealers In Medicines. DrsBetts.&Betts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14OO DOUGLvAS STRELELT OMAHA , NED. The moat widely ana fnvorinly known spec ialists In the United Btntos. Tholr Ion ? ox- perlonco , remarkable skill and unlror-nnl suc cess In the treatment and euro of Nervous , Chronic and Surgical Diseases , entitle tlioso eminent physlchuH to the full confluence of the aflllciod everywhere. They Kunrixnteo : A CERTAIN AMI ) POSITIVE OUKE for the awful effects of early vlco nnd the numer ous evils that follow In Its train , 1'KIVATK , BI.OOU AND HKIN DISEASES Bpcedlljr , oomplotoly nnd pormnncntlv cured. NERVOUS F > K1III,1TY AND SEXUAL UIS- OKUEKS yield readily to tuolr skillful treat- tnout. PILES , FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCERS guaranteed cured without pain or dotontlon from hualneii , HVUROOELE AND VAUICOOELE.porma- nently and iucceifuuy cured In every caso. SYl'lIILIS. QO.NOUItllRA , GLEET. Hpur- mntorrhoa , Botr.lutU Weiknoss , Lost Manhood , NlRlit Emissions , Doenjed Faculties , Female Weuknesi and all delicate disorders peculiar to either BOX positively cured , ns well uo all functional disorders that result from youth ful follies or the excess of inntureyeuri. STRirTIIPn Guaranteed permanently 01 IMV/i U1V.L , cured , romo\al complete , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures iffoctcd at homo by patient without a mo ment's patn or nnnoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. The awful effects of early vieo which brlnRs orpanlo weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all its dreaded Ills , permanent/ cured. FlPQ RPTT9 Address these who have Im- IJ1\J. L * jl to paired themselves by im proper Indulgence and solitary hnblU , which ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for Dullness , stud v or marriage , . MAUUIE1) MEN or these entering on that hnppy life , awuroof physical debility , qulokly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is bnssd npon facts. First 1'ractloal experl- encs. Heoond Every case Is specially studied , thus itartlnR right. Third-Medicines are prepared in our laboratory exactly to suit each caie , thus rflectlngcuroswUhout injury. Drs , Belts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. NEB. AMUSEMENTS. NOV. 24 25 and 26. Tl'KbDAY. . , , . WKIJM&DAY : , Second Edition of WM , J , GILMORE'S GlorloUB'Btllct Spectacle , tlio -TEMPTATIONS - J2. CiiAiu.iSiir. VAI.K , Munnuor , With 100 people CDKncod. Thofirand lialleti. Tlio IleiTlulilMtfllmocri.iThoI.ovolyt'romlers. The Won derful Specialties. Tlio N M'Uy of the Season. Tlilrtjr-livo In tlio 'lilil'et , Tlio Miisulro Secnory. Ill3 Oor/cous Coituuiei. The Clmrmlnc .Music. Tlio nuivliiK li.inonim.-u lllireeitof S pcctncles. Hulo of scut ! nro now opun. DIME EDEN MUSEE WILL HLEU , - M.\KAG IL VfKKK OKNOVKMIlEn SITU. MAGGIE , Tito MIIJGiaTMOTii3R The only ul Jcol wlfo and mother n Itli her tiny bubo luvcr known , IniTKK. SAMPSON. The itronKcitmanoI tlio century. Jio ronrts nann- clomlcsl vliulns , cnbld * . ropes anil wlroi. nnil Lends tlenl linn by a stroke of his pontrfularm. bl. ACKi : V , King of ( lie Uulitun Throat ! . John UAV1NB 13IIOS. Ollio Acrobat ! In Comical Attlluiloi. Tumblings anU Fonts ot Anility. TIIH ECmiPSB QUATiTHTTEJ , In thslr original eomrclr , WASHDAY , Introiluc'ng Novultjr Dnmoi , Ujiulc Songs , Ducts , and 1'lantntlou Melodies. ttonvoa" noual MurlonoLtos. Tlio ( Jioatcit , Grandest , Ilcst Show of the Your. ONE DIME ADMITS TO ALL. * " " " ' DR."I UL E"Y' GRADUATE DENTIST A mil i-ot of Tooth en Itubbor , ( or i'lvu DIII.I.MIS. A perfect fit Rimrantccil. Tooth oxtnotofl . without juln or dunwr. nmj wlUout uiwos. thotlcs. Gold and silver Hn , lit lowpst rules. nrldRonml Crown ttnrk. leothwitb- nutiiliUoi. All work warranted. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TII AND FARNAM Entrance , JOtli street elevator Opouevon- Bgs uutll 8 o'doolc Is the difference between our five cent hat the hat usu- ally sold for two clollors ? Sl.OS , that's all ! i The prevalent-warm-weather throughout the country ; mud whorpr you'd expect snoftr ; warm where you'd expect cold ; spring , gentle spring , -where you want to look for -winter , have combined against the man who makes clothing and left on his hands great big piles of su.ita which should have been sold a month or six weeks ago. The season is over for tiie maker , its the wearer's turn now , manufact urers literally tumble over'each other in their efforts to unload their surplus stock. Our buyer , ALWAYS ON THE SPOT PICKS UP THE "PLUMS. " Every train from the east is bringing us suits bought for $2 or $4 or even $6 less than we could buy the same suit a month ago and YOU'LL. GE.T THE. BENEFIT. Today we place on sale three great lots worthy the attention of any man who needs clothes : And still there's more to follow. NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO. Open evenings until 8 o'clock ; Saturdays until 10 o'clock. WOONSOCKET & RHODE ISLAND We carry the BIG STOCK of the west , quote Eastern prices and are 50O miles nearer you than any other market. Correspondence solicited. American v . OMA.HLA. NEUB. Try our Leather Soled Rubber Boots. FOR "THE FOUR' HUNDRED" AND MANY MORE FUHDressStiirt Fine Neckwear AND- A complete assorment of Men's- ; : Furnishings SOCIAL FUNCTIONS ARE NOW IN1 ORDER "THE PILLARS OF SOCIETY1 AND LESS IMPORTANT MEMBER AS WELL , SHOULD EQUIP THEMSbLVES EARLY FOR THE COMING SEASON OF BALLS AND DINNERS. ? > Look at our supply of FINE SHIRTS and artistic collection of NEGKWEHR "Ward McAllister himself would take delight in them. TO euro nillousness Rick Headache. Conjtlpalloa , MaJartti. l.lver Complaints , tnko the aalo and certain rcniojy , SMITH'S BILE BEANS UeothoBMAM , filZK < 40 little beans to ( ho bottle tle ) , lltey am the mobt convenient : bult oil Otfua. 1'ilcoot either ilio , 25 cent * i > er Lottlo. KISSINC Knft&oM&OTft cents ( copptnt or fctamus ) . J F. BMITHACO. linkers of' llllollcaju , 8L Louis. Mo. NO CURE , ! NLO F > AY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omalia , Neb. Seventeen years experience. A rogulnr Rr < Ju to In medicine , as diplomas show , Ii atlll trentln.7 wltlj Iho Krt'Me t 8UCCPB9 , nil Nervous , C'lironloauU i'rlvnlo Diseases. Apernmnent euro uiinnmtccd for Cutnrrh , Hperiniitorrlitim , Lust Manhood , Pemtnnl Weakness , Nlftlit Ixmot , linputcncr. Vyilillls | , Stricture , and nil ( list O.IHOS of the HlooU , Skin nnJUrlnirr Organs. N. 11. 1 Kimrnntco J.VX ) lor crcry enrol umlurtnlto nnd fntl 10 cures. Consultation frco. Ilook ( Mysteries of Life ) tout Xrco. OnicoUours an ra. tof p. la Humlaya 19 n. in. to li in. C.8 ; WATCHES. DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo Agent in Omaha forGorham Man ufacturing Go's Sterling Silver MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH CUT GLASS and CHINA. Our Stock of Fine Goods is the Largest and Our Prices the Lowest Como nnil sco us. Cor. Douglas & 15th St MANHOOD RESTORED. 'ftANATIVO ' , " th AVomlerful Bpinleb Itcraedy , cnres all Wvnous UUcaees , ouch na W'cnk Mem ory , Loan of Brain 1'uwcr , Headacho. \Vakefulucff , Lost . . Manhood Nervous. - * - * : * tn * .u , loforo & After Use. tics * , Lassitude , all i'uulugraimeu troiu Lite. drulus &ud lots ol power of tbe Generative Orcans , in either ecx , caused by ovcr-cicrtlon , youthful Itidlncrct'onn ' , ot the exceptive iiKeof tobaccoopiumor etlmnla.it ! ' , which Dltlmately lead to Infirmity , Consumption and Insanity. I'lit tin In convenient form to cnrrj In the vc t pocket. I'rlcc gin pacUoco , or C fur 5 Bentby mall to anyaddrcee. Clicularfree. ilct > tlon thin tinner. Address MicsiDCiunltULCO. , illDc rboroBtChlc goIll. I Ult HALh IN OMAHA , Niil : , 11V Kulm & . Co , Cur , ISili & , DouKln * Btrrcli. J. A. I'ullcr ft O ) , Cor. Ktli A liouflmfitrccta. A I ) l'ii lfr it Ca. Council Illiilin. ln i \iVE \ CURE MEN" - - - lirtail of i OUR NEW BOOK 'Ihoueunili ul ( luurunlud 'Jtstlniuiilula thai "MEN STAY CURED. " IHTHCWOnLO WILL 'RETAIN A.nupTURC orKlYo relief llko" Jr. I'ldrou'sMatnttlu l.lmtlo Truia. " Itliaaruntltliautanilil Jf > on wunttlio llhl'iBonillolnitaiiiH { | < orfreol'niiiiilil < tti > ii. I. Alogucllo liUutlo'lriui t'u , , bau 1'roucl.co , C l SYPHILIS.CORED : ' We guarantee to cure any case of Syph ilis no matter of how long standing. And we have the only rem edy that will cure the disease. You hava tried everything else" and wasted your money , -why not no ; : try us. We guarantee to cure or refund every dollar. When it is nec essary for patient to come here we agree to pay railroad fare looth ways , all hotel bills and refund your mon ey if we do not cure you. "Write for partic ulars ; do not be hum * bugged any longer . We are financially re sponsible with $300- 000 capital. COOK REMEDY Co. , Omaha , Neb. , Rooms 39 & 40 , 13th and Dodge Sts. DR. RI8HARDS , Practice Limited to DISEASESiMLUKGS AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. Rooms j/6 to 320 Bee ttldg Omaha.