Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    r i
UJV1AHA JJAiLl' UliJE MONDAY , NOV fiMBJtiit 24 , 1890.
' A m'HuTIBKMENTS for tlins * colutn wHl
XXlxi taken until 12w : : p. m , for the evening
edition nnd until 8 : % p. ni. , for the toornlna
fdltlon undBuNiUT Ilr.t ,
rpEHMS Cash In advance.
T > ATF.S Advertisements on this page ulllljn
JAchareod for t tbo rate of 1M cent p r word
for the first Insertion nnd 1 cent per word for
each subsequent Insertion , and 11.60 per line
per month , No advertisement taken for
\ If is than Vil oonU for tliu first Insertion.
TNITIA 1,9 , figures , syintaU , etc. , count encli
4-ns ono vrcrd.
rPHKSn advertisements must run consccn-
JL lively nnd undnr no circumstances will
they bn taken or discontinued by telephone.
T > AUTIis advertising In these columns and
JL. ImvliiR their answers addressed to n "niitn-
liernl Inttnr" In care of TllK IlK will receive
n numbered check to enable ; them to Ret their
letters. Answers'will bn delivered only on
present at lun of thlschcclc. Kncloso nnawori
In envelopes properly addressod.
A1I < ndvertKements under the head of
"Special Notltcs" are published In Ircth the
morning nnd evening editions of Tlic llEt , the
circulation of which aggregates more than
SO.Ooi ) papers dolly , nnd Rlvcs the advertiser
tbo benefit not only of the largo circulation ot
THE HKB In Omnhn , but also In Council HltitTs ,
Lincoln and other cities nniltownsin tlio west
Advertising for thesocolumns will tin taken
on the nboro conditions , at tlio follnwir * busi
ness houses who nro authorized totukespeclal
notices , at the same rates as can had ut tin
main office. .
2021 N Strcot , Mstcr Illock.
JOHN . llEIiL , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
GHABR & EDDY. Gtatloners and Printer *
113 Houth ICth street. .
O "if. FAUNSWOUTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
i Ing street.
J. IIUCIHE3Pharmacist , (24 ( North 18th
TO. W. I'Anit , I'harmnolst , Lcaron-
worth street.
s UG11ES' PHAHMAOY , 21th and Farnam.
for 'tatr _ * , etc. , tuioyol ' yagt.
A NTlUlt-As hotei clorii "or clerk In shoo
store , have had experience. l ) ( ' t refer
ences , will do anything. Address \V 17 lieu. (
for rates , ttc , , ret lop of fitl column
\\7ANTKD An active , energetic snlrs-nan
i > o * < Koutlumanly address. IIH agent In this
city for now article In general use , that on
Hi merits will conunnnd a largo and ready
Rale. Cull on S , Hamburger , at 1'uxton house ,
today between U und 12 or 2 and 0. Hofor-
ences required. M3U8 21 *
STKAM fitters and liolpors pay no attention
to spurious advertisements. Stay away
from Chicago ; strike Is still on. Committee.
. M3ii.21 : *
WANTED An actlvo , honest man , salary
? IK ( ) monthly if suitable , with opportuni
ties for ndvanco , to rcprc.scnt locally a respon-
ilhlu Now York house ; references , Mauu-
factincr , look box 15S5 , N. Y.
W ANTED Good ineclinnlcal dontlst. Dr.
A. Matthews. Itee building. 133 23
\\7ANTnn-Mun to sell line of ciKnrs : ? ioo
per month und expenses paid. Address ,
with stamp , Ulobu Uigur coinpiiny , St. I.ouls ,
Mo. 217 20 *
WANTED At once , nt Columbus , Neb. ,
llrst class barber , Call ut A. Lundelund fi
Co'a. , Oniuhu. 210 ' . ' > '
ANTED Teacher for nrlvnto lust ructions
W In English. Aildtcss 27 lice. 22,1 2:1 *
. ngcnts selling the paten tndlust-
GENF.UAIi are maUng froml,00i ) to $5.000
poryeur. Canvassers $1 to $7 per day. Kx-
cluslro territory Riven. Address with 2-cent
htnmp , Consolidated Ailjustublo Shoo Co. .
HulOiu. Muss. M 171-da'
DKTKOTIVB Wo want a man In every lo
cality to act as private detective under
our Instructions , Send for particulars. Wiibh-
liiKton Detective Agency , box 787 , Washing
ton , Iowa. Experience not necessary.
i V\7ANTKD Ocntlomen or ludy salesmen.
VY Call or address Wm.rirunlc , 1118 N. 17th st.
120 ' . ' -i *
WANTHD All parties desiring informa
tion nboiifctho now state of Washington ,
its climate , > oil , productions , resources. lunrtH
unontoroil , wages , etc. , sondfl for largo book
- to Htutn lluroauot Correspondence , Tncoma ,
Wnsh , betters of Inquiry of all kinds promptly
answeiocl for Mo encli. 111 ! M *
HalcHinen on salary or commission
sion to bundle the. nuw patent chemical
Ink erasing pencil , The groutcil selling nov
elty over produced. Erases ink thoroughly In
two seconds : notibraslim of paper. 200 toCOC
per eent prollt. One agent's sales amounted 1i.
to * < W ) In MX clays ; another $ .12 In two hours i.
\Vo want ono energetic general ugont for each
Rluteund territory. Pinnule by mull : J5 els i.
For terms unO full particulars address the
Monroe Eraser Mfjr. Co. , Lu Crosse , \\'ls ,
.P ! 1 Jl * 4
WANTEI > Men and women of ability hi
every city , town nnd village to uct af
ngcntM for the I/adles' Homo Journal. We
wunt the best attainable class of agents , nnd
to Riicli nnimunl terms will bo olvuied. Tin
Journnl Is the handsomest periodical for In-
ales anil the family over Issued , nnd has ncurlj
linlf a million subscribers. It will be adver
tised thu coming autumn und winter ou u
larger ncnlo than over litiforn , ci-eatlng a dO'
iiiiind that agents should bo ready to fill ,
Curtis Publishing Co. . Philadelphia. MKC1 27'
AI'KW trnoklnynrs and shovolcrH wanted.
Apply at the lioaidlng cars near the tiev
\Vliltu lead works , ICusl Oniuhu. Wood & Hun
croft. M CiU-TO
WANTED 200 laborers forstono and cnuh
work. Apply to r. H. Johnson , Unloi
passenger depot , Onmhu. 'XS
W Lf ANTED Men to travel for our Canndlai
nurseries. SUmc&Wolllngton.Mudlsoii.Wli
MEN or women wanting work , or person'
needing help of any kind , city or country
cun always be supplied ut Keith's ofUcc , Ulbl
K. ISth Ht , Batltfaotlon guaranteed.
OANVAS9EUS Wunted Correspondcnco so
IH'ltod with compotentcanvussers to sol
paper nlothlng. Gix l wages can bo earned
write' l'np < ar Clotblng Co. , Port Huron. Mleh
ANTKD 5Ion with good reference u
Metiopolltan Mfg. Co. . 1009 Howard st ,
_ _ _
"lATANTED Agents wanted througuout No
T T briiskn. Bend stamp for .reply. Jos. 1' '
M cgeath. Omuha. _ 7TJ
WANTED A llve.ctiergetlo party in over.
plncoto liitmtlucfunir goods , \\eliuvo
new linn that will neil nt every house am
agents ran reap a harvest botwcon now an
the holidays. Will nay a salary of 275 pe
tnontb If preferred and furulsli a team frci
Address nt onco. Standard Silverware Co
Hotton Mass. M KR-D 15 *
Forniter.ite. , Me Cop of fttvt column nn thla ungt
W 7ANTEI ) An experienced hoiiho niuli
Call ut 2005 8t. Slary'a uvouuo.
W ANTIOI--Glrl , German profurrod , ut. 22I
no ward st.
\\MNTEn-At llniwiioll Hull , young ladle
TT boarding hchool , two good a lulng riioi
WANTED A strong woman for luundrrs
and uhnmbormnld in family of U grow
people , lilsh preferred. Mrs , J , R , llrmike , i
K. cor. St. Mary's uvu uiicl iiltb st. 11 1-2. %
" \7l7AN rED A computunt girl for ( -enort
VI honsnwork In snmll family. 512 S , 2Mhs
\A7ANTEU-Agoodglrl.Mw. W.R. Vutitshu
T > ! 7 I'opplvton nvo. 2I SO
FO iT" it K jTFK u it NISI i i : Tto oriu
Fvrrntc * . etc. , M top of flrtt column o i ffili jxw
furnlshiHl room with t
without board. 22Ui ) Dodgo. 118-22'
VT'lf'KIfY funilsiicd riKim , ciut front , wit
good board , modern convenience : tern
' ' 708N. IDIIist , MU-23'
FI'KM.SHKI ) ro IIH , steam heat , I1S Doui
lus. 270-2
furnished rooniH. flrst-cluss tub
-i.1 bourd , The Murrlum , 23th and Uodgo.
T710 KENT P.onsftn furnished rooms , pr
JL' v i o lioiuo , lo utlou ( . uiitrul , Uin N. 20th b
MIU7-2I *
NICK furnished fro t rooms with use <
piano. Oil N. I8th. l&l 27 *
TjlUltNIHllEII roonu In Ptlvuto family , lion
Y J- comforts , HO b 'Mbt. \ . 11)1 ) 23 *
1/OU IUINT-A Inrgo furiiUhed front roon
JL , : down dtuir , south front , in private IIOIIK
Oheup rental. 1818 Ihiwurd gt. HIOO-J )
O VlIUMHIlKli front rooms with KOB , hi
- < uud cold water lu the rooms , prlco lift. 11) )
076-21 *
for rat rt , etc , , ve top nf tni cofurnn mi fiU
DKSlHAllIj ; room , modoru conveniences
iTOl fflpllol nve. 77i
IIOOM9 light housekeeping. 12J3 N20th.
M52i :
fjlOH HKNT rurnlslind rooms ; gns.butli and
J-1 stonm , l.rill ) Howard. 279
" \rnWLY furnished rooms , single or en suite ,
J-i trltli board , lirat , R 4 nnrt bath , 2W nnd 212
N. 17th , opposite now postofllco ulte 025 N22 '
room , heat , bath and gas , now
home. M9 North ISth strcot 311 15 *
MlNTsTfniJ itooms , sleam heat , 0174 South
mil si. CU7-20 *
iV furnished rooms. 2011 Harnevst ,
I7IOU KENT-l'urnlshed rooms. 100J Uoiuiasi
13 2 o
T710U HKNT Two nicely furnished front
1 } rooms. 'jolO iJavenport st. 207
Fcrtntet , rfcM let ley ut flint column n Wits paaa.
rp\VO tinfurnUhed rooms , eontral location ,
JL liiodern eonveiilenec-s , prices rcasomiblo ,
ladles or Rcnls. 1K11 llarney st. 20S-20 *
rp\VO unfurnUhod soutlt rooms , ( TO 8. inth st.
JL MlfkV.'l *
T71OU HKNT Hultof 4 unfurnished rooms to
JL1 family without children. I'rlco 1701
\Vobsterst. - JlfoT
- . HKNr-3unfurnished rooms.SION.Kltd
st. M 7M
rata , etc. , tee top of fret column on tlttr page.
DKHIHAHIiK rooms with board In private
family , nicely situated hi modern resi
dence , pleasant home , terms reasonable , -ll0 !
liarnoy. 307-2S *
TJOOM nnd board , also table board. 201 South
i 2oth uvcmio. 2.3 IS *
K OOMS nnd board at Gil ! B ITtli st. 100 21
T7IUKNIP1IK1) ) rooms with board ; references
J-1 SM4 r'nrnain. 13226 *
"VT1OELY furnished front parlor with good
J- > board ; ull inoduru conveniences. 010 N 17th
TI1OU HKNT Nicely furnished roons. steam.
JL' ffas nnd bath , with or without board. 1723
Davenport. 030 *
ST. OLA IK European hotel , with dlhlns room
steam heat In ull rooms. 13th and Dodge
Special ritcs : by week or month. 281
T71OH coed board , nice rooms , modern con-
13 vunloncps , rated and locution , the I'ultman
house , 1310 Dodge bt , . eannot bo oxcollod.
M 2.W N 2-J *
Fnrmtct , ttc. , see < oj > of Jlnt column on thin page.
FOH UENT 7 room furnished cottage ; all
modern conveniences. Apply at loom 3 ,
Chamber of Commerce. IW2-
TTIOll UENT My 0 fine brick dwelling * , some
JL' finished , others to bo llnlshcd Insldo It
days. Kuuh housn 7 rooms besides pantry ,
bath rooms , 1 in in dry , furnace nnd all modern
conveniences. They uro wortliRW.OO cnuh , but
I want to rent thorn and It Is Into In tlio son-
son. They will bo runted for J25.CO. These
oluznnt houses nro situated on 2-Hli and Izard ,
one block from the Walnut 11111 motor , 20
minutes walk to P.O. Thco. Olsen , 20 N. Y.
Llfo. 211-24
TI1OH ItKNT Furnished 7 room house , nil
JP modern conveniences , for 3 or 4 months , $20
to responsible parties. Address W i0 ! Hcc.27J21
27J-21 *
JL' borlnoxt.myresldcnco.fiirnlshod.ll rooms ,
gas , sewer , bath room , furnace , stable for 4
horses und carriage room , William Pieston.
2Ist and Howard streets. 2.VT-25 *
Hot for rent ; ten rooms , modern con-
enlcnccs. 621 iio. inth st. 2IH 21 *
ELEOANT now brick 8-room house , nil
modern conveniences , choice locution , only
& 2 > per month. II. E. Cole , Continental blk.
mO KENT Modern desirable house. & per
JL month. 0. V. Harrison. 1)12 ) N. V. Life. 177
OHOIL'E corner residence , 10th nnd Pacific. 0
rooms , nil conveniences ; rent (45. Smcaton
& Allen , 1007 Karnam st. JI10J-27
FOU UENT A dctnchod.oleht-room house ,
nlmost now , with ovorv modern conven
ience and within walking distance , at u cheap
rental. Smcaton & Allen , 1607 lc'urnum st.
ftl 10J-27
TTIOU KK.NT Coltugoon motor lino. Largo
JL1 eromids. $ JO per month. 11. C. Patterson ,
N. Y. Life. 15020
SO. HKNNETT , moving express otllco with
. Ncul Ac Conrad , 1413 JJodgo st. Tel. 127.
M828-D14 *
. -
T10H UENT A 21-rootn house cor. of Uth
0 JL1 nnd Jones , suitable for a hotel or lurRO
bourdlnt : houso. All now and In llrst class
. ordor. l.'ull on Miimatigh & I'ltohctt.'reiil os-
lute agents , cor IStli and Howard sts. 157-20
i.o T7IOU UENT-Ono ( Ivo rojm cottnco on North
Ju1 20th ut. , No. 1331. ) . $15 pur month.
SI ( V.0-24 *
ELKOANT apartmVMits of 8 and 0 rooms
Including bath room , ranges In kitchen ,
muntlcs. alludes , carpels on stairs , ulectrlo
bells. Now ready for oceupuny In the llio\rn
bulldln ? . corner 21th und Cuiiilng sts. Apply
Citizens'bank. 152 20 *
FOH KENT Ono block suitable for a lurpe
hoarding house within 11 vo minutes' walk
of the post olllco. O , P. Davis Co. , l.Wi 1'ar-
nnm st. 135 20
HOUSE for rent at G2I Pierce street , con-
. vonUmtto depot. Nice cottugo. Inquire
of T. .1. Lowry. 134
FOK KENT Small IIOUBO on Eramot St. ,
west of SHh , $8 per month. Also 7-rooru
house , city water , bath , on Caldwell , between
! th and 27lh. * 25 per month. Q. L. Oreeu ,
Itoom 39 , Harkor block. M787
ilOtt KENT l-rooiu house , 1917 California Bt.
THOU RENT-2223Mapio st , W block enst 24th
JL'bt , motor , ft rooms and unfinished / story
' above , full lot , well , cistern and collar , good
nclghboihood. $17.50 per month. Q.G.Wal
! lace , Drown block , 10th and Douglno. OSS
IV YOU wish to rent a bouse or store see II ,
E. Cole , Continent ill block. 27U
OU UENT To responsible purtlcs only ,
those fine now brick and stone houses on
Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms und alcoves ;
moro conveniences nnd bolter finished thun
any house for i ant in the city. II. II. llender-
it soii.40Q Pu\tnn block , city , 274
JT-HOOM house with larn ) ; iiomlnul rout. O.
< ! ' . Harrison. Ull N.Y. Life. 275
TTIOU UKNT The beautiful 7 room cottages.
Just finished. Hath und modern Improve
nts. Only 2 loft. C , 8. ElBiittor , 407 I'll
Nat'lb'inlc. 453
TTOH HENT 8 room house , nil modern Im-
JD provcmcntH , 2220Chlcago St. , J41.07. Itlng-
wult llros. . Darker block. 314
TTIOU RENT 7-room cottage , convenient to
JL' wholesale dlttrlct and business. Apply
1112 8.10th tt. im
FOU RENT R-roora modern house with nice
burn , 1701 N 21st ; also It-room house nnd
nice barn. 220fi Miami , by Crum & IlUhop , U 51 ,
Uonnlof Triune. 12U
FOU RENT ijovon-room cottage , cor. 28tli
uvu. and Cap. avo.lnqulro 2U1S Doilgo. M-OUl
m tr mte , tre. , tt tap ofjlivt cntumnnii tht
25 FOURENT-Koronico or store. 201 gouthUltl
st. ZX 26 *
1JHU HENTorSalo-rino , heavy brlok IIvo-
JL'story corner warehouse with most centra'
truckage Inelty ; lloorsnro ii,500snuuro : feet
al Btrlnger.t. Icnny , HurKor block. 183
it. T71OH HENT brick
rho4-Btory bulldlnif.wltli
JL' or without power , formerly occupied by tin
lieu Publishing Co. , 010 Kurnum st.'
Ing has u tire proof cement hHsoment.complou
ttuam heating llxtnros. irnteron all the doors
gu > , etc. Apply ut the olllcu of Thu live. 1)15 )
STORES ut 700 SlOth. 20x0' ) oiioh. largo show
windows , bttnim hcut fiirnlshoa , Thos. 1'
Hall , 311 I'a.xlon blk. au
LOOK I1EHE Winter is coming , tl.oro are r
few gM ( > d olllces for rent In the Hamgc
111 bld'g , with first clukK hcatlnz nnd best of elevator -
vator services. Inquire t'runk J. Humgc.
"J 1 < ' ( > U ItKNT-\VAIIKI1OUHKS.
iio For rar ( , rf. ( , tee top of f nil column oil < _ thji pagi
J3 hlith , basement , hydruiillo clo'vixlor. trnok
rl- use ; bckt location In the city , A. U. Powell.
bt , 807
HENT Ilrlok warehouse , two storle
, and basement. 37,000 iwitinru feet , with 10
° rot feet of double track on U. P. Hnllway. Houtl
20th and I'leruo atrcota. Address U. O'kump
Omaha , Nob.
forratft , flft , * ' top offlnt column cm thn } KIQ
ANTED-Twoor timB furiilshrd or u7i
ot f urnikhttd roomi fur housekeeping , bco !
otU oud floor preferred. Addr * W. 41 , lire.
Ferrate * , tie. , ret tup of flrrltiAumnm t/iU /
' '
TOK AiK f ho host In city , clean. ! ! ry , saf e
and privately stored nt reasonable term * .
Omaha Stove Repair Works , 12U7 Douglas. Tel.
rnHAOKAOn.slorngoM lowest rates. W. JL
JL Hiishman , nil Lc.ivcnworth , 285
" "
"Toll nnl Trackago-I > ftvld Colo.81J-
817 H ward st. 7ii :
I'nr rnttf , ttc. , fit ( op of firtl ( vJumn on thl *
\VANT moro houses and stores to rent. List
> T with Parrtitto's rcntnl agency. _ SJl it
STAH Land i Loan Co. llcul estate , loans
and liisiintnco rental agency , 075-iH7
LIST your houses with the UeM IMuto In-
formation bureau , 17 Hoard Trade.
'Hill 20
n.lltnY & llro.rontal agonts.203 N.Y.LIfo
. 287
I have a customer for a 10-room
house , all modern Improvements , must
ho welt finished ; will utsumo inciimbrnnces If
necessary. M. 0. Maclood , 015 N. Y. Life bltle.
224 21
TT E. Cole , rental ascnt.ConUnetituI blk.
LIST your house" lo sell or rent with C. F.
llurrlbon. till N. Y. Life. : l
For rate * , ttc. , ret fop of Jint column on f/ita / jtage.
mon1h7"w7o ; llee
3011 2o *
OMAHA Fencing Acudemy-N , Y. Llfo
building , basement , room "C. " Health
nnd pleasure combined. Exercise advised by
the medical fraternity. Now Is the time to
arrange for lesson' , slnuly or In pairs ,
Kusclnutlng sport. Prof. ICngul. MI01-2S
MASSAaEtreatmont.elcctto-thermal baths ,
scalp and hair treatment , muiilourn un < l
chiropodist. MM. Post , tl S3-21 , Wlthnoll blk.
T ADIE3& Rents tobuy the Plnnior reclining
J-Jchalr ; unsurpassed for comfort. 821 N. IMh.
819 1)13
rpYPEWUITEUS for rent or sale. Btenoir-
X raohcrs supplies. JP.Mcgcath,1007 Furnnin.
DON'T forget Jos. P. Mejjcath. 100 J I'nrnum
St. . when you want to buy , rent or sell a
typewriter. 772
UPIIOLSTEHING nnd mattresses renovated
I13G N18th. E. Peterson. 712-dl
TyTASSAOE , Madam Delzicr , over U10JJ ISth.
4C2 d2 *
Forrate * . ttc , tte top of flnt column onthts
LOST Dark brown horse , large sear on left
shoulder ; weight about 1,100 pounds.
Please give notice to lly Todeus , 0. P. car
shops. . 2411-24 *
STRAYnD Last Saturday morning , large
Jersey cow , fawn color with white spots.
Ueturn to Cor. Mercer and Lowe arc , anil re
ceive reward. Mi Hlomnn. 11 24
Ferrate * . ' ' tc , , tee top nf flnt column on Oito pane
Council ItlulTs , Iowa , a sum ot money ,
Owner can secure same by proving property
and paving charges. F. D. Urowu , local treas
urer U. P. Hy. Co. 21)024 *
Forratft. etc , , tte top of flnt rniunm on ff > f < pit ] .
FOH SALE A largo parlor steve and 2
small stoves. J.V , llarrls , IWth and Cass.
TjlOH SALE A now Emerson piano , first class
JL ? , In overvpartleufar , prlco very low , llest
of reasons for selling. Address W 0 , lice.
U19-25 *
7''orratfji , etc. . . Me top of fr t column on this page.
T7IOU BALE Cheap , u now Columbus side
JL1 bar buggy used but one month , munt bo
Cold soon nsowncr Is leaving the city. Can bo
seen ut tlioumnhn boarding aud livery burn ,
corner of 14th nnd Howard sts. 242-24 *
FOH SALE Delivery wagon. 1507 N. 10th st.
Si 800-IJia *
WORK horse WO , two horse wagon S20. dou
blo work harness $15. Or will trade for a
good light side bar buggy , II. E. Cole , Conti
nental block. 271
"TjlOUSALE 2cood work toums. Inquire , at
JP 018 Puxton blk. 289
Ferrate * , etc. , tee top of Jlnst column on Uili pags
FOR HALE Two iron sufes , also two stores
and gas fixtures at our old office , Homo
Fire Ins. Co. , Now York Llfo llldg. , 2d floor.
FOR SALE cuenp A 10 horse power Now
York sufoty btuum cnglno Jn Hrst class
condition. Kestuer Printing Co. , 1M7 Howard
at. M 127
"VTEW callgraph , prlco reasonable , H 05 , lice
J-i olllco. 772
Forrate * , etc. , tee tup of , first rnlumn
ANTED i to nny-A peed panoas tjart
payment on clioloo lot at Thlrty-fclxth
and Leavenwortb. Price lower than any ad
joining property , Address W 15 , Hoe.
M.1K1-20 *
TTIUUNITnilE. household poods , etc. Highest
JP cash prlco. Wells. 1111 Farnam. 2ir.
SncOND hand typewriters. J. P. Mogeath ,
1 07 Farnam St. , Omaha. 772
WANTED Hprses , wugons , etc. . to sell ut
auction every Tuosduy and Friday , 10 a.
in. Pioneer stables , Uth , between Hurnoy and
Howard. U97-U1
ANTED-IIorso and buggy.f J.Paul ,
1009 l.'urnum. . 18
Foi ratet , etc. , tee top of'flrtt column on t f page
ow rataknor t
feed of grain pur day and plenty of liny , 15
lior month. Good euro will be taken of them.
Leave horse with N , E , Dlllrauco , stables 414
South 17th st. Telephone 804. _ MMU'l
OHSES wintered. Wo have the best ac-
commouutlons In the etuto for wintering
horses , llox or single Htalls , with paddock.
Apply to Windsor. Kemp & Co. , 203 Now York
Life bldg. , or to Chris Novlns , at the stables ,
Irvlngton , Neb. MtWI
"LfOHSES wintered No hotter place to wln-
.ITLtor horses than the Stlllwater stock farm ,
Ft. Calboun. Prices low. best care. H. J.
Kendall , propr. , room 30(1 , Urowu bldg.OmnUu ,
574 ( ID
HOUSES wintered nt Omaha fair grounds.
Icun winter 200 horses , each horse has a
lurgo warm bovstall , feed all the grain the
owner wants , large yards for exorcise In One
weather. A , Thomson. M2U1 N2D
Ferrates , tte. , tee top of flivt column on ( nl * jxifls.
f * Rlli Clayton , clairvoyant , can hy her will
JUpowor grunt uny request. 010 N , Jtfth st rent.
2U7 20 *
AnUIVED-Olalrvoyant , naturally Klftctt ,
tolli past and future , love troubles , ab
sent friends , change * , travels , business , Hutls-
faction given. Mrs. Wallace , 1308 Farnum st ,
703-21 *
US. NANNIR V. WAUKKN. clairvoyant
trance , speaking , writing and reliable bus
iness medium , 4 years In Umnlia. HI ) N , 10th ,
MASSAGE. Madam Delilor , over 610 S lath.
J02 d2 *
For ratet , etc tee tc.p ot Ktrit rnfmn out/it *
MISS H , J. Miles , experienced teachers nf
voice culture , pupil of Mudam Kdnu Hull ,
Hoaton , JIuss. Itoom [ JOK , llrowu bulldlnz. cor ,
101H and Douglas ttrout * . 222 1)31 *
JltKOHK buying a piano e\umlnn the now
. .lculo Klmball plano.A.llospc , IMIi Douglus.
GEO. V , oniiLENIlCCK.toucuer of the banjo
with llospe. 15111 Douglas , S4i )
PHOl'.Chai , I'otunon , piano , organ , violin ,
timer , vocut instructions , Mi miocly bile ,
Fcrmttt , tte , , tee taiiofflrfl column onil ; < (
1 > ESTI/lnolmlr / goods lufc8ti iiurrdressinif
.n 'wlcs , s luhcs. bangs , hair chains , otcM a
specialty , Juvlos , hair goods and milliner
opposite po&ioftlce , HI B Uth st. Omuha. 2U >
Fbr ni < < , ttc , ut top of tnl folumn on t/ifi IKIQ ? .
* I TDATENT lawyers & solicitor * , a. w. HUM &
JL Co. , Uev building , Umuha. ilrunch ofllceut
Waihlujtou , L ) . U. Consultation free , UH
For ntn , tte , , tee ( oi/y folmim an thu paps
rpo UJAN-M.OJO prjvalo tnonVy" " tT"iier
-L cent on real estate , tTiU soon. 0 , I' . liar-
rl oj l)12 ) N. V. Life. _ ° ! _ 17822
M ON K'V to loan on Jmlirovcd elty property
nt current rntc : f unil * ou Imndi no delay.
Oco. ! ' lllust V C'o. . aaiBiUnxo bldg. HOI-dlS
TAll l.nnd ft Loan ( - estate , loans
nnd Insiiraiico-roiiIlM agency. o5-dl7
made on choice 'city ' property nt lowest
rates. Hums of &VOJai'd upwards porforred.
Klmball. ( h mu A. Ilyuii ,
1TO Fnftintn street. MO-D13
MON11V loaned at low ratei on furniture ,
horses , Ac. , without publicity. Hawlioyo
InrestmcntCo , XI Doughs blk.lGth and Dodgo.
. 1)19 )
_ _
T17ANTKI-fl ) per rent real estate loans. O.
YV r. 1 1 iirrl'oii. 1)12 ) N. V. l.lfo. : 7
ON EY to loan on - < econd mortgatrp. W. S
Wynu , Hoom Et Omaha Nut , Ilk. Itl'de.
M 724
_ _ _ _
\\7ANTKD Flint-claw Inside loans , lowest
rntcs. Call nnd sco us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1501 ruriium. 303
ON KY to loan by 11. P. Makers ou chattel
and collateral securities for any tlmo from
one to six months In uny uniount totmitbor-
l.ouns made on household goods , piano * , or
gans. horses , mules , houses , lenses , warehouse.
receipt' , etc. , nt Iho Iowc t ix slblo rates.
without publicity or removal or property.
My loans lire M > arranged that you cnnmnlio
n payment ot any amount at any time and ro-
ducu both prlnulplo and hit .rest.
If j'ini owoabaih" " " " * your property or
have n loan you wlsb c.ii'uiKod.1 ' wilt pay it off
and curry It for yoi % If you Hud It more con
venient , cull up tcldpliono No. lirji and your
business will bo arranged at homo.
. Money always on baud. Nodoluy. Nopub-
licit v. Ixiwost rates.
. I' . Masters ,
lloom I.Wlthnoll blk. , Uth and llarney sts.
0 UKAl * eastern moncr
1'hllndelphla MortRURO and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan and pay promptly llrst
mortRaccs wanted. Geonjo W. P. Uoutcs , rop-
rescntntlve , room7. board of trado. S'M '
STAH Land ft Loan Co. Heal estate , loans
and insurance lontal agency. U75-dl7
KKY8TONE Mortgage Co.-Irfians of HO to
$1.000 ; pet our rates bo Torn borrowing nnd
suvanioncy ! loans on horses , furniture or any
ipproved security without publicity ; notes
joiiRht ; for now loans , renewal of old and low
est rntos.cuH H.-20S , Bheoly blk.l5th & Howard.
BXIILDINO loans. 8 to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional chsrRos for commltimonor attorney's
'ccs. ' W. 11. Melklo , First National Dank bldg.
KKAL Kstato Loans Onsb on haml. Qlobo
Loan < t Trust Co.'JUTS. 101 li Bt , No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent. Rood list.
OE. < t O. M. ANTHONY , : I18 N. Y.LIfo uulld-
hie , lend money on farms In cholco coun
ties of Nebraska and lowi ; also on good
Omaha residence propel ty ; lowest rates ! host
' .emu . ; no ilol'iy : money ready. Titles and
allies passed on hero. . 301
MONBY to loan on any security
for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgages Investment Com
pany , room 400 , 1'axton blk. 21)7 )
/"IHATTELbank , : il'JS. 15th st , loans money
won chattels or collateral at reasonable rates
"EUHST& second mortgages on vacant & 1m-
JL ! proved city prop. County warrants bought ,
ilotioyon hand. F. M. Ilchardsun,813 N. Y. Llfo.
EASTERN money to loan on elty proportr ;
mortgage paper uotighu H.H.Iroy.N.Y.l.Ifo ,
/1I1ATTEL loans nt lowest rates. Ilomovcd
to021 N. Y. Llfo bill * . J. U. Einiiilngcr.
MONKY to loan on i-lty and farm property.
W. M. Harris , 20,1'ronzor Ulk , opp. P. O
MONEY to loan. Correspondents of Lom
bard Investment company. Shrlver &
Ilurus. Krenzar block. 891
For rates , etc. , ttc toji ofiflrtl cufumil on ttiti page
FOU SALE nilllnror ititnt. Two billiard
and two pool tablcf. ' Ilrunswlck-Dulkti tc
Co. maniifucturoi Una finish of Inlaid work ;
standard Hlzo ; will bo soldat a bargain. Ad
dress 073 Huron , S. D. ' 14722 *
FOU SALE A "UncUet" stoio in'clty of 5,000
Inhubltunts ; fine location ; paying busi
ness ; stock about $800 ; must l > o cash ; best of
reasons for selling. Hot G33 , Falrbury , Kcb.
240 25 *
FOU SALE Fiirnlshlnes for in-ioom house ,
for roomers nnd boarders ; house full ; nlco-
ly furnished , deslrab'o locution , near new
postofrlco site , lieason for soiling , poor health.
1'or icfprciico address JumesNovllle , 111 S.f7th
street , Oniuhu. Neb , 282 25 *
$ J tl.ClOO Stock M'd'so , Nice desirable goods to
n exchange forOmaha proiierry 1 cash or notes.
J. II. Purrottc , 21 Douglas blk , Omiili a. 220 21
WELL established manufacturing business
( Incorporated ) , requires JIO.OOO to JJO.OOO
additional capital to Increase the business ;
nbsoluto guurant o of a good percentage on
Investment : highest references given und re
quired. Apply to
Amos Heal Estate Agency ,
1537 Farnum street ,
Solo nccnts ,
USINESS Chance A competent nnd reliable -
' liable party with W.OOO wishes to organize
a manufacturing Joint stock oomp.iny for the
manufacture of u No. 1 salable goods. Net
profits from 15 to 20 per cent. Capital re
quired from $00,000 to Jw.OOa Wish to correspond
spend with liuslness Men's'ass'n. . Address ,
JV24 , Deo. M10S-24 *
FIHST-OLASS cigar store on Parnain st. ,
stock nnd fixtures , only 11,500. Must bo
sold. Suitable terms given. Smoaton & Allen ,
1007 Furnara st. SI1C7-27
TTIOU BALE Or exchange , clean general
JL1 stock of merchandise , doing good business
Good reasons for sellluj.Vlll take part In
( rood i en 1 estate and some money. Address ,
llox 70 , Frankfort , Ind. 145 25 *
MEAT MAIIKET for salo. Fitted tip first-
cluss in every particular. Good business.
Will bcur the strictest Investigation. Address
look box 400.Councll IllulTs. In. 104-d a
FOUSALE First-class hnriind restaurant ;
long lensc. Address II. llornborger , 1321
Douglas Htreot , Omaha. M C02-24
ITIOH SALE IB barrel steam roller mill.
L Thos. Crouch , Tekamah , Nebraska.
nu dii *
FOU SALE At a bargain , GCxl20 on Daven
port , near 17th , onu block from new post-
office , very cheap , 420,000 ; Mxl33 corner 20th
and Parnam , $30,000. 0. L. Ureon , room ! i9 ,
IlarKer block 081
WANTED A competent newspupor man
with live or nix thousand dollars hi casher
or security , to take olmrgo of the Jcmocrat ,
as I have Important business that will rcqulro
my time east nnd south for the coming year ,
We will pay the right kind of n man u nlco
salary. Uecoiumendatlons ronulrod. Ad
dress W. IS. Vaughun , Omaha. Neb. M 313 N 30 *
"I71OII SALE Ono steam power eraln elevator
JL1 building with brick addition and olllco
building , complete , and all personal property
therein , situated at Uls Ings , Nebraska ; onu
frame horse power srCo elevator building ,
complete , und all perfcwial property therein ,
nna four corn cribs. Minuted at Inland , Ne
braska ; ono frame horsojiouor olovutorbulld-
IIIR with frame omce/t Anptctu , with all per
sonal property thewiwund four corn cribs
nnd the land on which the same uro situated ,
bolng about ono 'id re. nwro or loss , situated at
llrlcton. Nebraska ; thK property h sold under
order of the court ; blcfi.tobo made for cash
nnd may bo made for wre , two or nil nt said
elevators ; must bo : nijtret > scd to Uobert K.
Koot , receiver , Denver , Colorado , bo.\220U ; all
bids to bo opened Decembers , and to bo bub-
jeot to the approval of the court. Kabert E.
l' x > U reculver. DatoJr-Denver , November 8 ,
Hr.'l)4 )
_ _
T ) HbTAUIlANT for r tor ulo. T. Murray
fi 1)77 )
niOU SALE One of tlif Jnost desirable hotel
JL' properties In the stuit-tltiialed In liuneroft ,
Cumlngcounty.Ncb. lliu house has u good payIng -
Ing patronage und Inn an excellent livery
stock and feud stuVlTrl" connection. The
town Is the end of a pal'&ngcr division of thu
Chicago , Ht , Paul , Mliinu.anntls & Omaha rail
way , It Is a centering point for hunters from
ell over the t > tute , as bhols surrounded by
lakes , marshes and vast pnUrlos , where ducks.
gccso , prnlro chickens ; and other giimu birds
abound In great nuinbcrs during their
season. For further rufereiiuo apply to rj
Doluey. Hancrott. Neb. MlftO-NCT
Pbrrattt , tte , fte top > at f-rA fli'mii nil tM * iinae.
WANThD City property in exchange for
good Incorporation Mooks. Invvstlgu-
lion solicited. Addrcjti , llox 018 , City.
M 200-24 *
GIIAIN elevator wanted In exchange for
uood Incorporation stooKi and land , Address -
dress , llox 018. Oiimhu. M20I-24 *
rpo oxchungo Improtod propnrty nearUhor-
JL nign ove. , for land or lots , BUuw.UCWBhcoly
blk. ' vu
FOK EXCHANOn WxTuoro runchc. with
stuck , for general mtdo , xrocertea or hard-
ware. Addrc V. 43. Iteo. 715--T
rcm HAM -nr.ATi ESTATH.
Fbr tvtn , tic. , wt loj ) ofr t rui ! < mr on iMi
B1 .SS Property 1'or Sale.
No. II. On Saitndfrs street ,
Decnntur. Sited $ .1.00000
No. 12. timno art above. . . J.Ooo W
Ku. 1.1. "annum above MXJO 00
Xo. 14. I'llnilngHtrcot , between Thir
ty-first anil Thirty-second , JSfjU.V )
feet 6,000 W
No. 15. llHwntilBtri'Olt between 1'oiir-
tcentli and 1'lf iccnlh street , XI tcct ,
per font. . . . . . , 5300
No. 10. I'limnm street , corner Tneu *
ty-nltilli street. lir > feel , per font. , . . MO 03
No. 17. I'nrnntn street. betweenTwcn-
ty-olghlh nml Twenty-ninth streets ,
dill lot , tier foot. 20000
No , 18. rariiuin Mi eel. between Twen
ty-sixth nml Twenty'sovcntli sts. ,
ISO foot , per foot 30000
No. in. Karnumstrcct , between Ninth
uuil TcntKstreets , 41 foot , per foot. . TM 00
No. 8. riiriintii street , corner Klplit.
cunth street , d ! feet , GGOJO 00
No.0. Famum street , corner Twenty
eighth street , three Btori's niul jl.ils.
brick. Investment property. I'rlec SI.ROO 00
No. 7. Tenth street , between Douglas
IUH ! IfcxlKc , cnstfmnt , full lot , prcs-
ent buildings rent J.1,000 per jcar.
I'rlep 40,00000
Nd. ( i. Northwest corner , .louos and
Tn-oUtli streets full lot , present
bulldincs rent at $1,100 j > cr your.
Nn. 4. Southeast corner Twentieth nml
I/oavcnworth streets , lot MxM ) , brlolc
stores and Huts , ln\cstincnt prop
erly , pnysO per cent. I'rlop. 13,00000
No. 1. Corner of Ninth iintl .lanes
Btrei'ts , trncktiBo lot , formerly used
by the Consolidated tnnk llnu com
pany : valuable property . . . . . . . . ! M,003 09
No.f > . Djduo street , liotwrcn 1'lf-
tpcnthnnil Sixteenth streets , frontn
south , full lot. picscnt buildings
rent f3,00 < ) to H.ono per year ; very
choice , prlco onlv 70,00000
Houses : inl ( l-ol" .
No. 12. Thlrty-tlilid street , north of
Loavoiixvorth street , lot 4U.\12.I , tlnco
room houseprice $2,00000
No. 2. North Tlilrt.v-elKhtliMrcet.near
Amesiivonue , four-room house , full
lot , prleo 1.40000
No. 3. iSiiino location , nlne-rooin
house ana burn 3,50000
No. 4. Twenty-eighth streetbetween
1'iminm und Douglas , ten-room
liouso , for two families 3,00000
No.ft. I'arki'r streetbetvcenTwenty-
ilfth and Twenty-sixth , siiulli front ,
very cholco four-room liousu and
burn 3,10000
No. 8. llurdetto sticct , between Twcn-
ty-clshtli und Twenty-ninth. Kouth
front , eight-room hoiivo and barn ,
In perfect order ; u bargain 4.000 00
No.O. Hcwurd street , very clioloo
seven-room house , perfect order ,
good barn , cheap ut 4,25000
No. 10. Corner Ijowoavcniio and Hum-
llton struct , five-loom modora
houseurlrwonlv 4.000 00
No. 11. fourteenth street , between
Center nml Dorcus , two small
houses , half lot 4,00000
No. 10. 1'urnam street.between Forty-
lirst and Forty-second streets , per
fectly modern ton-room house ,
very choice , fine locution 10,000 , 00
No. 7. 1'ark avenue , north of leavcii-
vrortli street , two-story uiglit-room
house 5,50000
Nn. 0. Twenty-ninth street , near
Woolworth avenue , seven-room
lionscmodern , full lot , price. . . : . . . . 7,00000
No. S. Jones street , west of Thirtv-
savonth htroct , opposite llolconiu ,
lot 47x177. 7-room house unil barn. . . 6,000 00
No. 4. Konntrc 1'liicc , 10-room brick ,
modern. Kood bain 11,50000
No. 12. 1'ark avcnno iienr Popplo-
ton. 8-room lionsc. modern 0,000 00
No. 14. I.ako street near Thirtieth
street , full lot , two good houses and
choaput 5.03000
No. II. llarney street near Twenty-
fourth street , peed 9-rooiu house
with barn. 1'rleo 11,00000
No. 10. I'arkuvenuonortli of Leaven-
worth street , -nlnn-room modern
lionse , choice locution very easy
terms . 7,50000
No. 13. 1'oppleton 1'ark , two blocks
from motor , 9-rooin 2-btoiy liousc1 ,
full lot , strcot mruled , special rea
sons for selling , and are offering
property very much under value ;
will repnv Investment. 1'rlce 4,00003
No. 4. On Twenty-eighth uveiuie , be
tween Furnuni und iJouglus streets ,
fronlH eiBt : , 10-room frame house ,
suitable foi 2 families , icnts for $30
per month. I'rlcu 3,00000
No. 12. On tfld Rt. , north of Leaven
worth St. . small house and lot , blzo ,
40x12-1 , prleo 5.000 00
Ucsldencp Lots.
No. 24. rmh st. and Ives. : ! lotsf renting
on a streets , easy terms , pi Ice per
lot 4,50000
No.21 Slots. Furiium , let. IlDth and
40th streets , each iUOO 00
No. IL 34th Kurnnni and Dodge ,
custfiotit , corners on alley , very
choice , present prloc 3,000 00
No. 10. Sttli Bt , , 70x140 , on grade. paT-
ing. grading , soworlng and ButterIng -
Ing , taxes all puhl In full.ury
clioico property for residences or
houses to rent , a fuw feet from mo
tor , growing property , eufcy terms.
prleu per foot only 12500
No. 2. SSth St. , lot V-J-CI4U , cholco nolgli-
korhood , doslrablu for uozy homu ,
porfoot 12500
No.5. North 10th st. , corner , 4i\170 : ,
desirable for businessllatsorstoros ,
nbarKiln ut 4COO 00
No.B. ( IstHt. . bet. Farnum uud DOUK-
las , full lot l.fOOOO
No. 10 , Ilurdctto mid 3tli sis. , corner ,
sultiibla for hiislnois.for Hats or for
uchnreb , lot 0.\8ll , very cheap at. , . . 3000 00
Nn. 12. Mason St. , bet..list and IMd sts. ,
Soft ho choicest building lots In tlmt
popular locution , nothing liner In
the oily , ousy terms , prleo per font. . CO 00
No.21. 41st st , i\ost front , bet. Dodco
and IJavonport , full lot , H y terms. 2,000 CO
Amen Heal Kstato ARonoy ,
1507 rnrnam Street ,
Olflcc open evenings. Solo Apcnts.
OK SALE or trade a nice lot 40.x1.1S , south
front , on grade , city water , lij blocks
southeast of 20th und Yinton sts. , for sulo or
trade fora good horse and phaeton. Price ,
81250.00 ; oncuinbrunco 1100.00. Address. W 1 ,
Dee. 005-22 *
XTOW is tlw tlmn to buy your lots In Snr-
i. > moiir'.s nddltlon. On 24th and Garllold
streets at * JOO eaoh on very easy tornis.
Houses and lots on UOth and Charles bts { 1,250.
125 cash and balance monthly. A flue six
room house , well , cistern &c. Ohio near d st.
only 12,200 on easy terms. An otcgant lot r.O-c
17U feet facing two streets , Hamilton near : cid
f2,500. Those fine lots on lllondo street be
tween 21th and.27th . streets are now on the
market at from J.1,000 up. Wo also buvo a
largo list of business propnrty. Houses to
rent. Money to loan. Oeorge J. Paul. 10)1) ) )
Farnniii. 237-2J
> 2 foot lot Inside of the mlle circle , near
Virginia uvu. , for 8J.500 , all cash. M. A.
Upton Co. 227 24
A ALBRIGHT'S Choice-Prices reasonable.
J\ . M Iff !
GUEAT BAUGAIN A J5.000 rcsldenco and
full lot at Cuss nnd 42nd sts for 1,500.
Terms very easy. Inquire of owner. E. O ,
Merrill. 42nd and Cass eta. M158-D JO
d 3.500. all cash , will buy lot 10 , block 1 , Hed-
tDlck'.SiUib. , cheapest lot la Omahu. M. A.
Upton Co. 227 24
' Choice-Terms easy
SAY , what do you think ? If taken ut once
wo can sell lot 10 , blook-1 , Hodlck's sub. , for
iWOO.rall cash. It isa2 feet lot aud worth
4100 per foot. M. A. Upton Co. 227 24
YAN 1IEUUEN. 1101 Douglas st. , sells Ifith Bt.
addition lots , MOO ; Yaii Jlenren Heights.
$300. Terms , J25 cash. 110 monthly , KJxlW , well
Improved , California bt. $7,500 , will
trade. Ht-ao
KEAL ESTATE for sale Keep your eye on
Poitlund , Oregon. Her jobbing and whole
sale business exceeds that of Kansas City ,
Denver , Bt , Paul nnd Minneapolis put to
gether and double that of Omaha. Her water
power exceeds that of .Minneapolis by 25 per
cent nnd never freezes la winter. 21)1-24 ) *
, for homo on Chicago st. near 25th. tP ) ,
$0,000 . 012 N.Y. Lite. KIT
_ _
"ITlOU lots In Potter & Cohh's 1st and 2nd art-
JU ill lions to B. O. ceo M. G. Maclcod. 015 N. Y.
Llfo bldg. 224 2t
IOOKI Look ! Lot 10 , liloek 1 , Ucalck'R
Jiub. . : jMW ; ull cash , worth i3WM. M. A.
Upton Co. _ 2J7 21
7UOOM cottage , full lot , Hiinsoom Place ,
east front and a great bargain for a few
day . Kmull cash payment and halnnco ou
longtime , 1' , 1C. Diirllni. liurkur block. : l
tfiO.500 Only JO.SOO Dr. Chainbors' resldoiioo
P on ICth und liurdetto ut. , owuor going to
leave city. Host bargain in Omaha. I ) . V.
agent , 213 Flrnt Nat. bank. M U34
A LHItlGIIT'B Cholco-Hpoclal Inducements.
J\ . M 1K
REAL estate for sale Keap your eye on
Portland , Oregon Her lliherh > s yield two
million dollars annually. Her lumber forests
exceed those of Michigan and Minn , Her
Willamette valley U thu most productive
fruit und grain valley lu the world. Her
mouiitalns of mineral and coal uio Inoxbaiut-
Ible. WI-SI *
rplIKOld Uelluble Wo uro solo agents for it
JL large amount of property of ull kinds thut
we onu control nt present prices for the next
UOorOOdnyb. After thut prlcos will bo ml-
vaniod aiirt- . Now Is thn time to buy Omahn
realty und sell out ut a h ' 1110801110 profit next
year. U. A. Upton Co. , ICth and Kurnuni.
227 24
A MllilOHT'S Choice-Junction ail M1W H. U.
Uden vifch
Front the.golden gaTe
To lands across 1i
I cd.rry sweet hope
As & ca rgo
' L clear as c n be.
only by
roil S/VljK lU3AIi ICSTATK.
For raits , rtc. , fee ( oji < i/Jlry > tfflfn iil nil Hit * jxi ( ; < -
UIOGS riaco-rc. of the choicest lots In
lUlggs Place. poslt\cly | the best In Urn ad
dition for hicut Ion. price , terms and future
value , Tonny responsible man who wlhhesln
puicbiise u lot of us In this addition and \\111
agree so build thereon a suitable house , with
in a cettuln time , und him money enough lilin-
self to do so , wo will sell his choice of these f > "i
lots without n payment to us of onu dollar In
cash , and after the liousu U fltilihod no will
plvo him a deed for the lot nnd t Uo a long
tlniQ niortgngu to secure our payment. To
those on thootlier Imnd , who wish to buy tliolr
lots wlthoutnny agreomontas toImlldtnjr , wo
will sell tliHrcnoleo ofoiirTiTi lots upon n com
paratively small cash payniiMil mm give most
liberal terms upon deferred piivmenls.o
lia o thn choicest line of lots toolfer on tlicso
o\ccedlmly liberal terms thnt can be foiiml
In liny olllco or In thu minds of anyone In the
city of Umnlia , This Is u special niinouticoinent
bccan c wo have an especially good line of lots
to olTcronospnclully easy terms and If you
wish to investigate- those lutumcnts c Mmll
"jo pleased to have you do so at any tlmu as
ndrcrtlicnicnt Is mnclo to ututo only facts
yhton we wlllilonion trato to yon whenever
on Rive us the opportunity ; Inotberwords
ru mean that these fu lots nro just \\luit they
roropresonted to bound that thoprlces rang-
ng fnim 81,500 to J2,5X ( ) are very low nnd morn
.bun that Komnof the \ery choicest lots are
mly hold at Jl.SOO , JJ.OOJ und 8W.250 , and when
'ou look Ilia ground over and f-eo thegronth
if this locality and the eluss of houses that
ro constantly being built there , you will
Krco with us In our statement Hint no ono
Ise has an equally Uim line of Itrlcgs Plaeo
iropeitv on Furnivm , Douglns , Dodee and
itheir streets , Karnuni street bolug pa > cd.
onico open evenings.
Ames Heal Estate Aconcy ,
1507 riirnnm Htroet ,
Solo Agent1 ; .
REAL estate for siilo llio Conservative
Heal Estate nnd Trust Co. of Portland ,
Oregon , 14 the most reliable real estate firm
In the northwest. It has more trust accounts
ivltli custom people tlmu anv other firm west
if the Itocky nimmtalns. This linn guaran-
ecs protlts to nil people tiustlng entlrelv to
heir Judgement to select , projiorty. JSM-24 *
ALBRIGHT'S Choice-Safe hi vestments ,
M 1 !
WE buy , sell and exchange rent estate ,
llurgulns alwnys on hand. Improved ,
unimproved or acreage. Houses sold on
monthly payments , timuuton & Allen , 1007
1'urnam , M Ifil-lM
ALHUIGHT'B Choice Jlakes money.
M 103
Lund & Loan Co. real estute. loans
and Insurance rental agency. 075-U1"
LLIIUICIUT'S Choice-Albright L. L. Co.
Jl 1KI
BUSINESS Property I liuvo concluded to
eilTcr the tiulldlns and lot bet ween the N.
Y. Llfo nnd Morse's for Hale at the low prlcn
of ITiO.OOO , now paying over U per cent on this
figure with front halt of 3rd floor vacant.
This propeltr Is worth $00,000. David ( ! . Put-
tcnon , niuFiirm . 1)42 2U
rniinOklHellable Wo uro solo agents of a
JL InrKcnmountof propertyof nil Muds that
We can control at present prices for the next
30or fl < ) days. After that prices w'll be ad
vanced.sine. Now Is tlio time to buy Omaha
realty unil sell out nt ub'inrtsomo prollt next
year. M. A , Union Co. , JUli and 1'urimin.
LHUIOlll'S C'liolco-In South Omaha.
REAL ESTATE WRiilud to hnlld u house
and take horsound buggy , vucunt lot , or
piano for pay , K. U. Merrill , contractor , 42nd
and Cuss bts. M IM O 20
fTUIEbcst lot on Hamilton and Lowe avenue.
JL Knqulieat 40J3 Hamilton st. nM ) dl ! *
ALUUIOIlT'ri Choice-Terms to suit.M103
GREAT Hargaln A W.OOO residence nnU lot
on Chicago and 42nd for sale fur the Inciini-
brance , $1,000. For terms. tc..bcof. . W. Hln-
baugh , attorney , 1)19 ) N. V. Llfo , OH 23
ALBRIGHT'S Choice Line of development.
fTUIE best coiner on upper Knrnam street ,
JL fnitago on a streets ; splendid corner ou
I'arnam HtrecU close tocoiirthousc.n bnrgnln ;
corner with truckitgo in H. 1C. part of oity ;
good losldoncos and low-priced cottages , good
lots for building , someus low us SlOe , liisldu
acres , farms nnd unimproved land.
We will sell any of this property , of which
woliutueiitlro control , at prices way uolow
what you can liny at elsewhere.
Stringer & Penny , Darker block , 15th and
1'amam. US
ALIJIUGIIT'S Cholco-10 per cent cash ,
S HOLES to the front , f have six clognnt
houses on 44th nn'l rarnum , with every
modern convenience , Including gas and gas
fixtures , now nearly readv for oioupaney. Sou
them nml mnko your cholco. Prlcu , * f.7M to
f4,2.V ) . ; KKJ to J500 cash , balance to suit at 7 per
cent Interest
Carriage always ready to show customers.
Furnam Mr cot motor within four blocks.
liny u house quick , and take a hand in the
cruiid shulllc. This Is at rulght goods. I ) . Y.
bholes. 213 I'lrst National bank. M US2.
A LIllliaUT'S Cholco-lluy euily.
A. M103
1 20 acres fine farm Irani adjoining good No-
JL braskn town ; nearly clear.
ICO ucros finely Improved land 211 miles ( mm
county sent In Ncbrasln : ; lightly ciiciunboied ,
120 acres good land InNobiusku , Jl miles fioni
county sent ; 2,500 Inhabitants.
House nnd lot In town in Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nebraska town ,
4 room house and lot , burn , well nnd cistern ,
JOth Mrcnt.Omulm ; slightly Incumliered : will
trade for Oniuhu propoity and assume Inciim-
br.inccs. II , E. Cole , Continental block. l H )
A LmtiairrSCholcu-IlCJt truulcugo.
REAL ESTATE for sale-Keep your eye on
Poitland , Oicgon , where the deep sen goIng -
Ing vessels of the world meet the railroads of
America to exchange Heights. i.lH-24 *
niHEOld Kellublo Wo unibolo agents fora
JL largo nmount of property of nil kinds Hint
we can control ut pro-soul prlous for the next
IlOorliOdnye. After that prluci > will bo ad-
vuncedsuro. Now is thollmo to buy Onuilia
realty und hell out at u hundsomo profit next
year , M , A. Upton Co. , IGtb and I'urnain.
ALIIHiailT'S Choice Jlanufutorys cites.
O ELEGANT homes In Kountzo place from
OT.UOO to ! 0,500 : MX ! cash , balance 4 years , fX >
per month , U percent Inlurost. Oilier good
Homes In same uddltlon to uxohnngo for city
property. 8-room modern house , ' - ' ' , ! blocks
wet of 24th. on Uuldwwll st , , for moo : J.VW
cash , balance SK ) per month. U per cent Intar-
Ubt. J , J. Ulbson , Bolo azent , Kuuntze plnco ,
A LHHIOHT'301ioIco-521-S-3N. V. Life.
rilllEOldUoliahlo are solo agents for u
JLlarno amnuntof property of all kin In that
ua cuncontiol at pruMmt prices for the next
M oriwduya. After that prices will bo ud-
va-icod Hints Now Is the tlmo to buy Omaha
realty nnd soil out ut a handsome profit next
year. M. A , Uptou Co. , Itith and Furuuui.
A BNAP { 2,750 will huy a nlcoB-room liouso
und lot. with oullur , cistern , city witter
M'wer und burn , centrally locuted ;
easy , J. D./lttle , 014 N. Y.Llfo.
A I.HHinilT'S Cholce-Ucst vuluos. MliM
I'Olt SAM3 llKAIi IW
Far rattt , tte. , tee top nf Jant tniuinn < m this pig * .
I"1OH SAM ; : i lots Inoludlng corner , oust
fmuts , one of the Insldu lots Is Improved
with u ID-room lionsti Mihstnnt I ally built , with
conveniences of city wulor and seweru/te. Will
soil Clio lot 01 nil at n discount from value fur
half cash , balance tlmu to Hull piirtihuser.
Willis M , Yatcs , s. v. corner ItJnd ami Califor
nia htreets. X1724
"VTIIAH motor lines , psveil sl-octs , at crude ,
nW-foot lot Inside of the mlleclrcln for
M. A. Upton Co. 22724
No. IS. IMontlo st , , between Twcnty-
plRlithitnil Twenty-ninth sts. , KK > d
H-room S-story IIOIISQ , excellent
order , prleo $3,00000
No. 17 , H-rmim modern house , rlne ru-
ctiptlon hall. Km met Ht. , hctwucn
Simndcrs nnd Twrnty-sptciitli st . ,
lot 100 foot front , oasv Uirms , price. 4.COO 00
No. 10. On C'orby St. , No. 't'ld , 7-roorn
liousp , full lot , fruit und simile tieos ,
very easy terms 3,00000
No , 1. ' . On GiMirsIa ave. , second lot
north of Slilfley. 50xlM , small honst1 ,
Rood mini 3iOO ; 00
No. 20. Thirty-ninth St. , In Stewart
I'laee , pressed lirlck. sluto roof ,
| l-room , modern bouse , beiintlful lo
cation . . 8,50000
No. 19. On UoiiRlni St. , between
T'WHiity-llflh uud Twenty-slvtlists. ,
double house , each 10 rooms , inoa-
crn.good Invontnumt 16,000 00
Amcb Kcul Kstiitn AKuney.
1507 Knriinm St. ,
Olllco open evunlngB. Kolu Awn Is.
_ _ _ | M 110
RHAIi ESTATE for salr > ICcL-p your eye on
I'ortlund , OreRon. The third wealthiest
city In the world In pioportlon to population.
It has not yet had a real estate boom , but
giiruly will very soon. an-24 *
LHIUGIIT'S Choloo-Suburban homes.
rpllKOld Itellablo Wo lire solo aKentn fora
JLlurue amount of projiurty of all kinds that
wocuncnnlrol ut nresent prloes for the ii x
iJ ) or GO days. After tliut prices wilt bo ad
vanced sunismv Is thn tlmu to buy Omaha
realty nnd sell out ut u liandFomo prallt next
year. M. A. Upton Oo. , lUtli and Fauium.
2-J7 24
room house , lotiVlxR'J. $1.71)0. )
0-room IIOIIHC , stable , lot K4VixB2 , $2,000.
11 rick house , and American hoiiue , lottlOxOON.
1 * . corner JOtli and Dougliw. Kiujulro 2121 8
inn. ni
UlTONHlll und Halter 1'laco liavo tha
motor , hut If you want n iKI.nod liousu and
full cor.lotfofKi.10U and a J-.OOO boiiso tind
full lot for JI.MKlyoii cun cot It on very qasy
tprmshy callliiRon oruduressliiR the owner ,
I" . O. Merrill , 42nd and Uuss bts. M 159-1 > 20
EiuniGirr S Oliolco-Oall andsoc.HI
$9.509 buys the Dr. Chambers residence and
veterinary burn on ICth and Ilurdctto sts.
This H SJ.1WO less tlinti cost. 1) . V. Sholos. Kola
agent , ? KI 1'irst Nat. bank. M IW )
A LlllUGUT'S : CJiolco-Suro money.
money.M 1K1
ELEGANT resldonco In Kountzo 1'luco ; II
rooms llnnly finished and all modern con-
'enlenees ; Wirt st. , near 20th. Can soil on
onc-qiinrter cash payment and balance tlmo
o right party. 'IIlls Is no clioap all'.ilr pf a
louse , but a romforubli ! home fu every scm emil
mil a big snap bargain. F. 1C. Darling , darker
Hock. Jl.TO.'I
FOU HALE Lot 28. block 5 , Pmhloek Pluco.
nnd lot 15 , 111 , Houtli Omnha. Will
sell cheap. Address L. 1C , Schounlober.C rf > Hco ,
Neb. 730 *
Korratw. etc. , rrelnp nf Jlnst cotmnn on tins jut'js.
rnYl'UWltlTEHS , all mnkes.bouglit. noKl.ev-
JL changed , runted. J. 1' . Mogoath , 1(107 ( 1'ar-
: iuni struct : . ' 115
13. WHEKLKK. gonorul stenographer nnd
-.notary. Depositions .and court work a
specialty. Tol. 10'JI ' , room 1002. N. Y. Llfo llldg ,
For raleKcte. , * ee lt > ) > of ftnsl coin oil < 7tl *
ENGAGEMENTS tododrensiunUIng In fami
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy. 2U1U llamny st.
Korntlo. ttc. , nejfop nf first column tin t'tii
TflUEOMOlILEloans money on diamonds and
JL1 wutchcsjuwclry.otc.S.I .cor. rarimnuVllth.
l ! ; , 1' AT I IS KIC.
For ratrr , rtc. , tee ( op nf Jirvt nlnini im Ih
ASSAUE , Madam DeUlcr. over 0108 Uth.
407 OS *
t'orral't. ttc. , tcetop of Jtrt ! c < ilitin > i un Uifupijt.
PENSIONS The Cllncnian Pension Agency ,
1 Kreiuer'block. Informillon fioo 'J17
Notice to Contractors and lliilltlrm.
Notice is hereby given thnt sealed bldn will
bo loculved by thu board of dhecUirs of the
Tarmcrs Gruln , t ritock ( [ 'oiupany. of Hooper ,
Nebraska , until 2 o'cloisk p. in. , Nov. 211 , ibOU ,
for plans and specifications and building un
elevator. In Hooper , Nub. , of 25.0UO bushels
cunuclty complete with twenty liurw power
stcum englno and Hxtiui'S and Hist clu s mu-
chlnery throughout , an otllco 14x22 , 10 ft. high
divided into two rooms and u U-lon I'uli bunds
sculo8x24ft. TheDourd reserve the right to
reject any or ull bids , JAUOII HODKWIU ,
Hoopor. Nebraska , Nov. 18,1800. NovZlaStm
To the Stockholder } of tbo Ognlallu Land
unil fat tie Uo. : Notice is liernby given that
tlio annual meetlnu of the stockholders of thu
Ogalalhi. Land neil Cuttle Compuny will bu
held ut the company's olltco , N'o. 211) ) Snath Uth
street , In the city of Omuhu , Noli , , on Wednes
day , Dooomborlird. 1MK ) . ut U o'clooU p. in. , for
the election of directors for the ensuing year ,
u nil the transact Ion of such other bniltu'ss ai
iiiiiy come before the meeting.
November 17,1SU > .
nlSdlijt JosEi-il 1'itANK , SocTPtary. nOootl lint.
Iloro Is n rut story /rom tlio Gordon ,
On. , Press : "A gontlommi wlioio , vo-
niclty is unriuostlonublo roltitos the foi-
lowing : ll Imd Iwon picking cotton in
my Held very' huril nil mornlngt nnd
when dlnnoi1 tlmo cuino I Iny down lu
the gin hoiiHo , and must have ild/.ed olT
to Hlei p , when till ut once I foil a uhurp
jirluk on the end of my linger. I jumped
uj > und saw u lUr&o rat looldng ut mo In
tently , nnd ho kept running backward
und forward , but coming buck at the
s.-uno pluco cacli tuno. I picked up a
nut uud throw it so ucctiratoly that it
killed the rat. About that tlmo I flla-
covered some cotton on flro , which I believe -
liovo caused the strange notions of the
rut , and I bollovo thut I. as well us thu
pin house , would huvo boon burned hud
it not boon for the timely blto of th
rut. I shall huvo him BtulToil. ' '
Albright's Cholco , 10 per cortt cash.