0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE/MONDAY , NOVEMBER 24 , 1890 , DEAR DEUCIIIS OF DRESS , Eoso Terry Cooke Tolls What Her Bex Should bo Thankful For , AS THE CROW IS TO THE SWAN , So Is the Man In Clothes to Woman tn AU Her Glory-Tlic Tower of llcanly "Woman nnd Politics. "Women ought to bo thankful that they nro women. Hut , ns a general thing , they nro not. How often wo hear women euy , "If 1 only were a mnnl" And when ono lias lived along life nnd undergone the distinctive troubles , losses , illnesses , disabilities of a woman , it requires boincthing beyond the limit of moro human patience and resignation to bo really , heartily thankful for woman hood. hood.Womanhood Womanhood , hns some material ad vantages. A woman is generally endowed dewed with morodelicate perception , keener appreciation , and moro inmate rolinomcnt than a man. She has a thou- Band trivial but pleasant sources of enjoyment - joymont not allowed to the other BOX ; nnd she IIIIH tlio keen joy of feelng ! in her heart , and sometimes speaking it in words , that she is really superior to tlio "stronger sex" in nil tlio gracious nmon- itics and spiritual exaltations of this life. How sweet it is to know that , for all the bciihted strength of man , ho can bo turned around and guided whither ho would or not by n woman's small white linger , if Hlio Is woman enough to know how. how.Then Then a woman should bo thankful for the dear delights ol dress ; she can clothe herself In exquisite fabrics and tints of beauty , while men are forced by custom to wear uncouth garments of dull and Bombro colors. "What help Is there for a man who lias to use all his lifetime the graceless trousers of the period ; the ghabtly , glittering , comfortless shirtfront - front ; the feeble and deprecatory vest ; the awkward coat , bo it Kith an abbrevi ated all-round or cutaway skirt , or the meek ludlcrousnoss of swallow-tnlls , in which ho cannot bo distinguished from hotel waiters or private butlers ? Placed beside ono of these absurd fig ures , this biped hnplumis , the bright shape of a woman arrayed in rich folds ot deep-colored velvet lit up with the flark sparkle of jot or the white fire of diamonds , Heated about with films of costly lace ; or in a ball dross of misty giiu/.e , with palo roses half hidden in its trailing clouds , and the white shoulders springing , from garlands or wreathed with tinted gems ; what a comparison Is lieroj A crow beside a stately swan or a flushing humming-bird. Kvou If the woman in a fit of caprice Imitate * the mini for the short space of a fashion , and appears in tailor-mado gar ments of severe cloth , with tiny plaits ot linen in front and u compromised jacket , yet what grace do her graceful round ed outlines impart oven to then mannish Enrmcnls ; fho ia "lovely woman" still , oven in undrapd tweed and ever but toned broadcloth ; only ono masculine bit of wear subdues and crushes her tlio chimney-pot hat ; a thing so utterly out of the palo of cither use or beauty that it would frighten the loveliness of the Mo- dlccnn Venus back to the sea where Auhrodlto was born. If tlio days of my great-grandftilhor ever should return , gay days of purple and scarlet and dove blue coats of Lyons velvet , great broad tailed coats with re splendent buttons nnd goodly breeches to match , buckled with brilliant buckles nt the knee , vast expanses of white satin waistcoats nil broldored with gold nnd silver nntl bespangled llko a glittering galaxy , throats softly swathed In the finest linen cambric ruflled with exquis ite lace , lace that fell from those deep -velvet ctifTs ever the strong white hands nnd lent thorn a feminine charm were these fashions to return , women might lese their prettiest prerogative ; but so long ns "a now French b6nnot gives ono moro moral support than the consolations of religion , ' ' just BO long women will bo thankful thnt they do not liavo to bo men. It is true that the case of motion , the convenience , the warmth with compara tive lightness , the physical freedom that masculine uttiro gives , its usefulness In dally llfo nil plead in its favor ; but why must ono always bo useful and free ? "Why not bo gay ami dainty , and sweetly. Insoinnllngly helpless ? Lot us enjoy being buttorlliesl Again , a woman should bo thankful that she is beautiful. I say , advisedly , a woman , for it is only n small average that can lay claim to real beauty ; but where do you ever bee n beautiful man ? "Wore Antinous or A'pollo to return from the ancient days they would bo relegated ut once to the rank of dandles or "dudes , " ofilciont , manful men no long er , but the by-word of their brethren , drowned in the laughter of girls. For beauty is not a man's ' trait ; vigor , ex pression , tlio ohm of a noble soul from clear eyes , the seal ol a strong and true nature on lira lips and implacable brows these belong to men ; beauty is for women. And what a gift it isl What a poworl A girl with cheeks of milk and roses , scarlet , curving lljis , sparkling or pen- elvo oyos.halr shining In coiled masse * or .catching the sunlight on mutinous waves nnd ringlets , oven if she bo a fool or a vixen , before .her men bow down and fall nt her foot they fall ; they lese their reason and their might , they worship , they follow to the death. Do not I ro- inombor Adolia , the fairest bloiulo , with long tresses of braided gold and llox- llowor oycs , a skin llko tlio blushing heart of a whlto rose , and lips of living scarlet , with slender shnpo of girlish grace. Adolia was a fool , a girl who had ficnreo wit enough to put on properly the delightful garments provided for her ; but lot her walk down the street with nn innocent simper on her faultless ( ace and every man she met stared at her as if eho were n vision. I never could abide Atlolia , she tired mo to the verge of do- Bpnir ; yet oven I , a plain , dark-faced plrl , was rapt into some artistic heaven in gazing ut hoi- beauteous countenance , though she never turned my head , for I wns n woman. Yes , had 1 been blessed or t'other ( hinged with seventeen daughters. I Bhould earnestly have prayed that they might every ono be beautiful nnd silly , so they should have made early mid happy marriages , been sure always of "Her sweet atxfo corner by the household Ei lire , " nnd been handed down to posterity in legend and picture , u forever delightful memory. So , my beautiful sister , give thanks for your beauty , and throw a glance of pity nt the anxious nnd aimless million of your BOX who are not only plain , but lament the fuel in daily bitterness ol coul. coul.Another Another thing thnt women have to bo thankful for that they always have the cnro nntl onrllor education of children. What would become of tlioso blosfcd juda if they wore given over to the inmllingof monl Think of thorough vords , the impatience , the hatred of do- nil that their smnll sorrows and dnlly needs would call out from the paternal funrdlan ; think also of the dlvlna pa- .icnco , the perpetual llttlo cnros , the gentle caresses , that feed thcso stnn.ll itrnngcrs in a world of woo fallen into , ho hands of women. Who docs not feel .n her very heart of hearts thnt a mother" to the ono sacrcil and faithful rlcnd llfo has to offer , the only ono vlio forgives and endures and loves .hrough . wunt nntl sin and shame down o the dark waters of ( loath ; surely bo- vend even Unit Hllontand forpotftil river. 3n thankful , then , foe motherhood. Women have- grant reason to bo .liankful for their gonorul ignorance ; , ho loss a woman knows the hanplor she B. Our heads nro not confuseu nnd dls- , rcssed with the mists nnd mazes of jiot- tlc'a ; wo , with a few painful exceptions , ire blessedly unaware that the country will bofhiinvreeked nnd the world ovcr- , umed If u is elected or C is not ; wo do not have to contend in caucuses or rant , n conventions ; wo know that the coun try lias pouo on and the Rovcrnmont endured though B was made its chief ruler nnd 0 disappointed ; the world wags in splto of tnrll ) ' or frco trade , and \vo do not mcddlo with its revolutions jccauso wo do not know how or why. Men have all the chicanery , the wire pulling , the bribery nnd corruption of Lho tnuchino in their linnds , and very dirty work It is. They toll nnd fret , wear themselves out , and disquiet them selves In vain , while wo , happy idiots , make thorn comfortable at home , mend their clothes , and feed them with , savory meat , whether they belong to the repub lican , the democratic , or the mugwump party. 4lTo each their sufferings , all nro men I" But to take the matter au grand serious , women should bo thankful that they nro the merciful and gentle part ol humanity ; that they nro the nurses of the sick ; with toft and fra grant hands they soothe the aching head and quiet the burning pains of ill ness ; they bring cool water to the fev ered lip * , nnd shod with sllonco make their presence felt llko a , shadow that dims the glare of day to wearied eyes. They know how to console ; they arc man's appointed comforter ; they fctay undaunted at the bed of the dying1 , and breathe for thorn the last fervent prayer of unshaken faith. There were heroes in our drondful war , heroes unnumbered ; men who caino buck maimed and exhausted and llfo-weary , men who never caino back ; but there wore heroines also who in hospital wards , on the battlo-flold , on crowded transports , with no exultation of conillut , no intoxi cation of victory set their hands and their souls to works of mercy , dauntless and calm before wounds , fever , groans , onizliiR terrors , and abounding death. They had the "pang without the palm , " and ' 'endured us seeing Him who is in visible , " for women are the religious sex ; with them the spiritual predomi nates , they are faithful to God as well as toman , , Lotus thank Him with humble adora tion that wo are , as over were , "Last at tlio cross and earliest at the grave. ' ' ROSK TKKRY doom : . For Colds , Croup , Asthma. Bronchitis and Sere Throat use Dr. Thomas' Eclcctrio Oil , and get the genuine. Hand-Painted Shirts. Hand-painted dress shirts are the lat est novelty devised b'v Paris for the Now York young man. The design is to bo In Rpnborunco with the wearer's predi lections. A miniature regatta In water colors will adorn the manly front of the yachtsman. Dogs and horses will dot themselves over the shirt front of the sportsman. Bicycles of Liliputian dimensions will appear on the bosoms of those who bestride the real article. Albright's Choice , best trackage. 1'iiupcrs. A paper read at the recent mooting of the British association described graph ically the paunor population of England as being sulllciont to form a procession of four persons abreast upwards of ono hundred miles long. Arranged in single fllo the paupers of England would , ac cording to these figures , forma lineup- ward of four hundred miles long. Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldg. YnnilnllBiu in Kgypt. An astounding uieeo of vandalism is reported to bo in progress in Egypt' with the connivance of the native olllclals. Three- pangs of workmen. under two local sheiks , are dally ex tracting blocks from the lower course of the two largest pyramids of GIzoh These are broken on the spot and carrie away on camel back for building pur. poses. _ _ Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh , Bee bldg. Juvenile Vici ) In Now York. Thcro Is a great wave of juvenile crime in Now York city just now. JSomo philosophers attribute it to the fact that so many children are out of school. Albright's Choice , prices reasonable. COJI3IEKCl.lIOTE8. . Glue from whale refuse It a now article of commerce In Ku&la. The United States , with only one-twentieth of the earth's Inhabitants , consumes from a quarter to a half of the earth's great staple's. The production of pig-Iron In the world Is estimated at M.OOO.OOO tons , of which the United States wlllproiluco this year 10,000,000 tons. John TMnlayson , a prominent wine man ol Hoaldsunrtf , estimates thnt between 1S.OOO- 000 and 20IWO,000 pillions of wluo will bo pro duced In Culltomla this year. Philadelphia produces moro carpets than all EnRland does , and now has in operation 150 mills , operated hy 17,000 persons , pro ducing 40,000,000 , worth 01 cnrpots annually. Thq San Jose fruit packing company shipped on September KJ7,0XI ( cascsof canncc poaches direct to London. It took a train ol twenty pars to convoy the shipment across tlio continent. It li asserted hy French vintagers that the prnpcs gathered at sunrlso always produce the lightest ami most limpid wine. Moreover , by plucking the crapes when the early morn- lap sun Is upon them they are believed to yield a fourth moro julco. The last ten catlonda of dried prunes from the Pomona valley. In California , are on their way to New York. The season has boon the most prosperous ever known there , and most of the farm mortgages huvo boot : lifted by the proceeds of the crop. Severn ! attempts have been tmilo to estab lish the tack Industry In the south , hut they have failed from difficulties In handling the material. This branch of the Iron trade Is In the hands of New Knglaml manufacturers and Is particularly contincd to Massachusetts In the United Kingdom 20,000,000 hens lay ou the average ninety osBsench per annum of wlileh ten nro reserved for hatching. I follows that the homo product Is 1 , (500,000. ( 000 which , added to the number imported , plvoi L'.TO OOO.OOO , or Boventy-threo per Inhabitant The Michigan state department reports thnt the urea seeded to wheat this autumn la that state amounts to 1,500,000 acres , an In crcnso of (14.000 ( acres ever last year. The average condition is much bettor ihim at the correspondlnB date for a number of years. 1 Is 100 In the southern , 100 In the central. 103 iu the northern , and averages 105 In the state Dr. Dirnoy euros catarrh. Hoe bld.g * 1002. Sixteenth nnd Farnnm streets U the now Rock Island ticket olllco. Tick- eta to all points east at lowest rates , Mats to bs considered in Regard to the Wintering of Oattlo. THE FEEDING OF HOGS FOR MARKET. Too M'tlo hcnn Moat nnd Too Fnt Is the Poultry Profitable Dlwcases of the Horse. In wintering cattle three objects should Ijo secured ; they are , profit to the farm er , health and growth in the animals , and economical feeding. Properly man aged the last two will give the first. Tlio. liealth and thrift dopands upon the food and the mnnnorof supplying nnd thocaro given , writes N , J. Shepherd to the Ne braska Farmer. At the start in winterIng - Ing cattle economically it will bo quite an [ torn to have them in a good thrifty con dition before cold weather sots In. They will make a much hotter growth on less feed if they are kept thrifty than if they are allowed to run down late in the fall or early winter. Before cold weather sots in a comfortable shelter should be provided where they can bo Icopt nt night and on cold or stormy days. Those are essential in order to economize food and nt the snino time maintain good liealth. Good feud and comfortable shel ter will not only aid materially to main tain health but also lesson the cost of wintering. The less feed required to keep cattle thrifty and the loss tlio cost nnd the hotter the profit , and nt the start it will pny to make arrangements ahead so that the eattlo can bo made as coin- fortnblo as possible. Grain feeding is always moro expen sive than roughness or 'forage and ono item in feeding grain during the winter Is to maintain animal heat. If tlio cat tle nro unprotected moro grain , espec ially corn , will bo needed to keep warm and this is adding tothooxponso without anything to put on the credit side. Cattle can bo wintered and kept grow ing on hay , corn fodder nnd straw , with bran and a very small quantity of corn , if they nro in n comfortable shelter. Corn is ono of the best foods that can bo supplied to stock of any kind to main tain animal heat. It is also ono of the best foods that can bo supplied to fatten. But it is not always the cheapest food that can bo supplied for growth and generally the .bettor plan when feed ing for growth is to use a eombination'of materials in order to lessen the cost. With low prices oyery effort must bo made to lesson the cost. . "With cattle , ns well as other stock , the principal item in keeping- them Is for profit ; to convert the grain nnd forage crops into a valuable product , securing better prices for them than to sell in the market. In many localities straw and corn fodder der can hardly bo marketed at any price. Hay can generally bo sold , hut if away from market the price must necessarily bo low , and with these especially bottcr prices can bo realized by feeding out to stock than to sell , but souic grain must bo added , nnd oven with grain if care is taken to feed to good stock and under proper conditions it will bo moro profitable to feed out than to Boll. But every advantage must bo taken to lower the cost , and it is during the winter that the most care is necessary in order to Issseu the cost. But lessoning the cost must not bo done at the expense of growth. A steady gain should bo secured - cured as well during winter as in the summer , securing it , however , at as low a cost as possible. HORB for market. Although every rann that feeds hogs for the market has his own idea and plan , there is no doubt but that , in a ma jority of cases , the hogs that are now being sent to market have a preponder ance of fat over lean moat , writes W. 13. McCoy to the Kansas Farmer. There fore the system generally adopted by the feeder has transformed the hog into an invariable lard keg. It is true that a hog should bo well fattened before taken to market , but there is n vast difference between a fattened hog and a well fed hog. "When a farmer is feeding for his own use ho has only himself and family to pleasb in taste ; but when feed ing for market , it will pay him to supply that which the market demands. The Intelligent feeder will have noticed that there is a growing demand for a bettor class of pork. Bacon , hams and shoulders that have the most lean in proportion to tlio weight are what are needed , nnd good sized young hogs that can supply this want will invariably bring the best prices. The excess of fat of which wo spcalc is duo in a very great measure to the continual feeding of corn.Vo do not overlook the fact that , in some instances , it may bo attributed to the method generally practiced in breeding by the average farmer , and the kind and quality of feed is answerable for a great deal. " During the growing period , at least , oats , clo ver , milk , rye and a llttlo corn , or a combination of any of them , should bo used to create a tendency toward the production of loan meat. While constant feeding of corn on the other hand , is certain to produce an adipose condition. Tlio wisdom of discreet feeding will bo apparent from this , and the aim should bo with every feeder whoso doslro it Is to make the most out of his hogs , is to .start in , first , with loan-producing food , and leave corn to finish ofT on. Another important thing to bo considered , in connection with this excess of fat , is the liability of hogs to disease when in such a condition. It is a known fact thnt any of the im proved breeds will lay on fat moro read ily than common scrubs. Therefore the policy of feeding muscle and lean- pro ducing food at the start will bo readily seen. And n healthier condition will bo , promoted , a liner quality of meat pro duced , better prices ohtalncd and in the long run a larger profit will bo made all the way 1 hrough. IB I'oullry Profitable ? Any person who takes up poultry- keeping should have some end in view ; should either keep fowls for showing and prize taking or what money can bo mndo out of thorn , writes John 13. Goll in the Practical Farmer. It is not es sential that ono should start in with any largo number , ns persons nro supposed to creep before they walk. The number of hens I would allow to each cock is as follows : Leghorns , twelve ; Brnhmas , eight , Plymouth Rocks , Langshans , BX. ! I give only the above breeds as they cover the ground pretty well. The readers of this paper in n recent iesuo had n a cut ehowingancxcellentmnkoup for a hen house , and I propose to lot well .enough alone in that respect. A person with any dcgreo of ingenuity can , with a llttlo study nnd persever ance , put up a tommtablo plucoasa tem porary quarters , until ho notices where an impiovomont can bo made hero and thoro. It is a mistake to cramp fowls. 13ottor by far to have a small , healthy amlly of pultry than a largo , sickly ono. from want of space or want of money t hou can only keep a few fowls , do no , yo diacouragod , as n cock and three our or six will not cat much , but on the irlnciplo of "every llltlo help ? , " tlio eggs and twoorthreo broods of chick ens from them ftj'lho year will bo Botno- hlng ; if youdd nolBoll , hut merely cat ho eggs and chickens , they will help out the houiqhrtVl hills nnd pny for ho extra food you will require. With above number , Ijousobold scraps. If care fully economized , and a llttlo grain Inily.il \ bo quite enough to hoop them lioallhy. I do uot advocate poultry- ' an o.xlenslvo plan , but gen- srnl fowl-keeping. A good house for a loglnnor should uo about eight of iilno 'cot ' square ; the roof should slope from ibout suvon to ilVo feet ; the house can jo constructed ; f-oni rough boards ; the leer must need bo dry ; tlio lioloj for ventilation wanttobo so placed that the jirds can feel no coin nlr on them whllo roosting , Porches should bo round Doles not moro than two or three inches .11 diameter , and should not bo sot too high up ; three feet from the floor or ground is quite high enough for the up permost porch , and there should bo jthers lower two and a half and two Foot from the ground. In my next article C will mention the brood preferred by me , giving my reasons therefor ; also concerning the food and care of fowls. Diseases or the IIornc. The department of agriculture haq now in press a bulletin prepared under the direction of Dr. Salmon , chief of the bureau of animal industry , on "Diseases of the Horse. " Ills stated in the letter of trnnsmittal thnt "tho need of a work on the diseases of the horse which could bo distributed to farmers as a eafo nnd scientific guldo in the treatment of this species of our domestic animals , cither when affected with slight disorders or serious Illness , has long boon folt. This obvious want has led to tlio preparation of the present volume , which is designed as the first of a series to cover the dis eases of all varieties of farm animals. " The authors ot the various articles were duly advised of the popular character - actor it was designed to impart to the work , nnd an ollort was accordingly made by them to present the matter treated of inns simple language ns pos sible , Dr. Charles D. Michonor con tributes three articles on "Methods of Administering Icdicines , " "Diseases of the Digestive Organs" and "Wounds and their Treatment.1 Dr. James Law writes on "Diseases/ ) ? the Urinary Or gans , " "Dihcasos of the "Generative Or gans , " "Diseases of tlio Eye" nnd "Dlsr oases of the Skin. " Dr. W. H. Har- baugh contributes an article on "Dis eases of the "Respiratory Organs , " and Dr. M. R. Trumbowor writes on "Dis eases of the "NervouH System" and "Dis eases of the Heart and Blood Vessels. " "Lameness" is treated of by Prof. A. Liautard. The other articles are "Dis eases of the Fetlock , Ankle and Foot" by Dr. Ilolcombo ; "Contagious Dls- ca es" bv Dr. H. S. Huidokopor , and "Shooing" by Dr. William Dickbon. The work will , bo illustrated with forty-four carefully prepared plates. An extra largo edition will be issued of this bulletin in anticipation of n very largo call for the work. " ' At the same tltno ex perience in reference to the bullntin on Parasites of Shebp. of which a second edition has already been called for , in dicates thatthoso who are anxious to obtain a cow of "Diseases of the Ilorbo" at an early date , should apply for it at bnco , addressing' either the secretary of agriculture , or Dr. D. E. Salmon , chief of the bureau of animal industry , Wash ington , D. C. The Quality of "Wheat. An excellent suggestion is contained in the following Item found among some clippings : . , "For a numborof years it has lohoovcd farmers who grew wheat to consult lead ing millers frequently as to the kind of berry preferred. To a superficial ob server It might seem that wheat good atone ono time would bo equally in demand at any other. This , however , is not the fnat. Fashions change in Hour , not quite so often as they do in apparel , but with equally momentous results. Twen ty-five years ago whlto wheat us full of starch as the kernel could hold commanded 10 to 20 cents a bushel more than any other. The demand then was for a nearly pure starch Hour , nnd others materials were run through ns waste products for hog and cattle feed. After a while the fashion changed. Now processes were devised for making flour with a larger proportion of gluten , which is the most nourishing and strength piving part of the grain. Then jor a time rod wheats commanded as much premium ns white wheat formerly did. At present the best flour requires a mixture of red and white wheats. The more htnrch the bottcr for plo and pastry. The moro gluten the bettor the flour is for bread. Many first- class modern mills use both the old buhr stones for grinding , nnd the now iron rollers for making the roller process flour. The latter will always bo best for breadmaking , and is always dearest , while the cheaper whito-whoat flour , mainly starch , is not only as good but much bettor for other purposes. " the Quantity of Food. A hen is said to consume five pecks of grain food in ono year , or 40 quarts. Hence , if ono hon oats 40 quarts of food in 305 days , then 805 hens should oat 40 quarts in ono day , or abou f , ono quart a day to nlno hone. Bays the Farm nnd Flrosldo. It has nhvnyn boon the rule that ono quart of corn is itho proper allowonco for ton hens Is ono day , giving a pint ih the morning nnd n pint at night. Tli IB , however , is the esti mate of total quantity of food re quired. If green food or meat is clven , the amount , of corn must l reduced proportionately. How can this bo done , as It requires very nice cal culation to equalize the difference bo- twcon a pint of corn and a head o ( cab bage , there being no standard by which the two foods can bo compared , to Bay nothing of the fact that in BOUIO flocks ono hoii will cat moro than another , nnd ono will oat largely of ono kind of food whllo another hou will prefer some other kind. It is a wlso poultrymnn wlio can estimate in advance the exact quantity to glvo , as the lions may cat moro today nnd less tomorrow. A urlcultitrnl Hint IVom OlndHtonc. A few years ngo ! Mr. Gladstone , speak ing to the formers In a Scotch district whorongriculturo was greatly depressed , asked them why they did not try the production of jam for the city markets. Ho pointed out that the small fruits from which this luxury could bo com pounded would grow well in their soil , and that for such goods there was al ways a good market , writes Washing ton Gladden in the Forum. Tlio tory editors laughed at Mr. Gladstone's kltchon economy , but the Scotch larmors took the matter seriously and have found their profit in It. A largo and product ive industry has sprung from the old statesman's ' suggestion. It is along some such lines as these that the farmers will most surely draw to themselves a larger share of the surplus wealth of the coun try. That surplus is abundant , but all sorts of people with keen wits and strenu ous energies are competing for it. Those who have it are ready to ox change it for gratifications of various sorts. The prob lem is to please them. AVlthln the bounds of Innocent hnd wholesome delec tation tlioro Ian wide rnngo for the exercise - orciso of invention by the food producers of 3hQ nation. If they conllno thorn- solves to the business of raising corn and wheat , and pork and beef , their market will bo narrow ; they can widen it , almost indefinitely , if they will devote to their business the same kind ol ingenuity that manufacturers of all classes are con stantly oxercihlng in their efforts to at tract to their coffers the ahandanco of the land. IS lit Planting. Nuts for planting , says the pomologist of the department of agriculture , should invariably bo selected for superiority of si/.o. flavor , or thinness of shall. As early as possible after their maturity they should bo placed in boxes of soil , the conditions of moisture and depth which are provided , being closely pat terned after tlioso furnished by nature in the forests. The chief object of tlio box is to prevent mice and moles from disturbing the nuts before tlio tnp-root 1ms bo- its growth. The boxo.s of imbedded nuts should bo sunk to the level of the sur face in some place protected from pigs , squirrels and chickens. In the spring , when bursting open with the growing germ , the nuts may bo transplanted to the nursery row or to the spot in which the trees are desired to stand. A bulle tin on nut culture is soon to bo issued by the department. Concise reports -on matters kindred to the subject will ho acceptable to the poroologlst and will insure the sender a copy of the bulletin when published. _ _ _ _ Ilnlso YourOwn Cnlves. It Is hard to find a theory on which all can agree. Mmy ot the leading author ities now advise dairymen to raise their own calves , but the American Dairymen Bays : "Thoro are too many risks , delays - lays and bitter disappointments In try ing to got cows to breed just as you want them to. Dairying properly speaking , is ono thing , and breeding quite another. A man may succeed admirably In ono and bo a miserable failure in the other. To mix the two Is to add to the chances of failure. Wo warn dairy men against attempting to run a breed ing herd and trying to compel the cows to all breed in the fail or winter. There is plenty of room loft to exoreho your skill in breeding from a few choice ani mals in the herd , while the heifers pur chased can illlup the gaps. " Ivnrly Breeders who have the mutton breeds of sheep and are properly prepared for breeding early lanilw have bred their ewes in September to como in in Janu ary or February , or if bred this month the twonty-ono weeks will bring the lambs in April , when the weather is warmer , sayntho Western Agriculturist. Spring lambs have made sheep breeding more profitable near good markets , nnd with liberal feed for any of the mutton broods , aad good shelter , the lambs sell for as much as the sheep. A crop _ of lambs and a crop of wool is improving the profits of sheopbrccdingnnd making sheep more profitable on every farm. CoiulonBccl Tea , Some practical German lias mndo up a compound of sugar and condensed milk and tea , from which a cup of tea can bo had by simply pouring on boiling water. Fair white hands. Brightelear complexion Soft healthful skin , . "PEARS'-Tlie Great Enslish Complexion SIHP.-Solil Evipwliiite. " " "National Bank M.i TT. B. DIFO3tTC RY , O11A.HA , UTEB. Capital- . . . - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 - B7.DOO Offlctrs and Dlrectori ; Henry W. Tatfs , President ! L4WU9. UMd , Vto .Pro.Went ; J me. W. Bioraji" , W. VTMorsi. JohnB. Coillm , H. U. Cinhtna , J. H. M r Uloi , W. IL B. lingoes , cashier. THE ! IR.ON BANK. Corner 12th and Farnam ats. A General Danklna Duiloeii Transacted. FOR MEN ONLY IHPIP rilllK 1'orr.OST or KAIUNO MAN- MAblt liUUli noon : UoncriU nnU NKH- VOU9 DEIIILITy. Weaknci * of llotly mid MlnUl Utructsot Erijira or iixcosbcjiii OUJ 01 Younir , Hobust. Noble MANHOOD fully ro- itornlVo Kunrnntco every ease or munuy rctundnd. Huiuplo courtto. ilvo Uays * treui- nionl.ll ; full couri.c , 13. bcouroly seiilod rrom itervutlon. Cook lluinedy Co. . Omaha , Neb St. ClulrO ffl tcHotel , Cor. IL BONDS Total WANTED ls los of CITIES , I COUNTIES , SCHOOL U * VI 1 hr W DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , BT.R.R.COMPANIES.ctc. Corrcupondcnce solicited , N.W.HARRIS & COMPANYBankers , 103-183 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 15 Wall Street , NEW YORK. 7O State St. . BOSTON. OMAHA ' and DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. BOXE3. The Brtmswlck-Eilko Jolm L. 'Wilkie , Oollendor Oo. llllllard merchandise , Oiunlmi'iip r box fitctorr , Hnloo n fixtures , 1317-1319 IJjllglal. (07. ( 4003. lOllistreet , Uninha. Orders promrtlf lllloil. BOOK BINDERS & STATIONERS. Omaha Republican Printing Oo , , Lair briefs , bank mippllcM , m.l cner/llilnj In tlio prlntlnc line. lOtlinml Douilai strccti. Aokerinann Bros. & Heintze , rrlntcr * , binders , doctrotrpors , liliuik book innnil- facturori , HUIIownrJ direct , Omalin. H I DES , F UR _ , W POL , TA L LO W , Qco. Oborno 4 Cb. , J , 8. Smith & Co , , (13 S. Ulli Mrcot , lOS-UH Omaha , Omnlm. IRON WORKS. Paxton & Vlcrltog Omalm Safe & Iron Iron Work , Works \Vrouchl nnil fust Iron , Imllillnn work , engines , Mnmif'rn IIround lin t > rn s work , general proof info * , inlllK , jnll foundry , inncliliia nn.I work , Iron rliuttcrsnna til ok nilth work. U. P. lira i' onio . ( I , An- dreon.lltli AJnck on t Acme Iron and Wro Wiltou & Drakc ( Works , M'f'c tubiilnr flue * , flr Iron , wire nnd brass TT'I . lux bollcra , tnnki , ( to. M''S ICtli Ktrrot. \V. lloohl , Proprietor. 1'lori-onnl 15lh olrcots. IiITHOCJR APHING. Rces Printing Oo , I.llhogrnplilnx , Printing and Illitnk Hooks , Illh aud Howard ytv LIQUORS. 'Jl. Her & Co. , Willinm Darst , . I.lqunr Merchant * . U'lncB , Liquors nnd CM llli It.tinoy Mrri'l , Maniifuctur'rn lioiuicilr'.s . Kms. KnBtlmlln Hitters. 1311 1'nrnnm St. . Omalitf W. B , Grotto , Frauk Dollono & 0o.r Jobber of Importer unit Minors nml CcnnlnoKo Wine * mid I.Uiuor.i fill iiinl I.c.ivi'iiwurih SK < ailn Cigars. 1'iko Hots on nrii > llcntlon 120o lou ) lai Street. E , Kirsoht&Oo , , A. Frickit Oo , , Wholesale LtquorDonlers \Vlioles.ilo I.lquorDolcrd < 0 : ntul 1008.10th 81. SOI KS ) S. lOtli St. LUMBER. G.V. DougltiS3& Oo.i John A. 'Wakcfioltl , ImportedAmcrlcnrU'ort- Hardwood Lumber , Iniul Co inunt.Mllv alike * Hydraulic Ccmunt nuJ ff H 1310 North lOtli Street. Qulncy Whlto l.lnio. < > w Oharlcs R. Leo , Wycitt-BullardLum * Hardwood lumber , wood carpcln anil | > arquct bor Oo. tloorlnir , 8th and Douglas. 20tli nnd Iznrd Strcctf , Fred W. Gray , Louis Bradford , Uroo , Cement , Kto , Kte. Lumber , Iluicccmcntct4 , Cor. Oth and street. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stonohill , I. Obcrfeldcr & Co. , Millinery , Notions Importers nnd Jobbers la Cloaks , IHo Millinery ! 0310aml 212 South llth 1IO-1IS S. ICth St. , Omaha direct. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , ETO. Max Meyer & Bro , Oo. A , Hospe , Jr , , M'f'K Jewelers , clcftlcrs In I'lanoi , Organs , Artist * " musical Instruments , etc. , Materials , Klc. , Karnnni nnd IGtb. IMI : Donulas Street. OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo. Itcflncd nnd lubricating Olio , nxlo Krcasc , ct3. A , II. Itlsliop , Mnaagor. OYSTERS. A. Booth Packing Co. , Platt & Oo , , Ortturv.llsh . nnd canned "Tiger brnnd , " fresh 07 * * , tors . goods. branch Omnlm , 130S Lcavonworth. 815 anil HIT Howard. PAPER. PLATING. Carpenter Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'ks ' Carry a full Ktock of Gold , tllrer and nickel printing , wrapping and phitbiK on all metals , tnlilcivnro , ctc.rcplntc < ] > writing pnpcr , card pa I'ollililnc brass A than * per , etc. ilolierwork. 1 PRODUCE , COMMISSION. EUBBBR OOODS. ETO. Omaha Kubbor Oo. , Mmiiifnotnrlna and Job bers all kinds rubber uoodj , 1003 Karimm street SAFES. I SHEDS. A , L , Deane & Oo. , Emerson Seed Oo. , General intents for Hall's ficcd growers , do tiers In t-nfis. pinion , wrass , uraluand 821 and 32J South 10th St. , tree si'Od i , Omaha. 42II I South IMh. SASH , DOORS , IT. A. Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Bash & Door Oo. Jlanufactiirorit of lash , Manufacturers of moiil 1- doom , blinds and Ings , blln.U , doord , Jloillillw. llrnnchof- etc. Ilio , mil nnd linrdnts. inth and Clirk Htrect SYRUPS. STOVES. TEA , OOPPE0 , SPIOBS , OIGAR3. Consolidated Ooffao Company , Hit nnd Ull ! llarnoy st. Omahn , Neb. STEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES ! U , S. V7ind Engine & A. L. Straug & Sons , Pnmp Oo. , 10U2-100I farnam trco , , _ llnlllday wind mills. 018 and VJil Jones st. ( I K. Omaha , Nob. ] tot , actlriKmanager. Orano Oompan7 , Mono beltlnit , pafklnK , ftcum IIIIIIIIIH , | iliiiubliiK Koods. K2-JIFarnam street. TOYS. I TYPE. H. Hardy & Co. , The Omaha Typa Foundry , Tuyn , dull * , nltiumsfancy ' . Printers'Supplies. Kootls , hou > o furnishing Now and ccunil-hanJ > . Kooila , children's car- umcldnury. M rlauca. 111) Howard street. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PAHU EXPOSITION , 1880. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. DR. CLUCK , Eye and Ear. eck litb ked ruatm.