Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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, Tbe Corner Etono Laid Yesterday in an
Imposing Manner ,
Bishop Hcanncll orConcordln , Kansas ,
OHlclntcs nnd n lmr o Con-
unurso Wltncni ( lie Inter *
ostlnjj Ceremony.
The corner stone ot tlin new hospital of St.
Joseph onUustollarnml 'L'OuXh streets wns laid
yesterday In a most Impressive manner Jn the
presence of fi,000 people. The spectators be
longed to ovciy class and calling Iti the com
munity , mid among them were many who , In
days gene by , Lad experienced the chnrlty
wblch the present Institution has for a loug
tlmo dispensed without regard to conditioner
or creed ,
Llttlo effort had been nitido to secure a full
attendance of the Catholic societies of tlio
city though it had been nnnounccd in tlio
press that such organizations ns foil so dis
posed would ho welcome to take part in the
Tim rendezvous was at St. Patrick's
church , corner of Fourteenth nnd Caatcllar
street' ) . At 2:45 : p. in. , the line was
formed nnd marched cast on. Cnstcl-
lar to Thirteenth , thence to Pacific , thcnco
to Tenth and finally south to the structure
wh Ich has been completed up to the middle
line of the llrst story. The following
organizations took nrtp Iu the display :
Union Pacific bund.
St. Paul's society of St. Joseph's ' church ,
72 men , with given und gold scurfs , nnd red
badges , John Marznh , marshal.
St , J Jetor'a society of the same church. S5
member * , with red bodges nud red , yellow
and green rosettes.
St. Joseph's socletyof St. Mary Mngdalc.i's
church , 1UO members , with blue scum's.
St. WcnecBlaus society of the Bohemian
church on Soutli Fourteenth , street , 40 mem
bers , with blue scarfs and Prokon Kruml
marshal , The association was sx > ccinlly dls
tlngiilshcd by a beautiful now Hag of red and
while silk on ono side iuul blue on the other.
On the former \vasnn excellent painting of
the patron saint of the society In rugal robes
mounted upon a charger.
- The Ancient Order of Hibernians division
No. ! i10 i , men , with their well known regalia
and a beautiful Hag of green silk.
Tlio Young Men's Institute with pretty
lavender badges , 100 members , Oeorgo J.
Kleffnor , marshal.
St. John's society from the Bohemian
church , red scarfs , ninety-eight men , and
James Kremsch , marshal.
The Cttthollo Knights , forty men , with
white and red badges anil silver shields.
Several carriages followed , bringing the
line to a close.
"When the procession reached the hospital
tbo several societies filed In front of the struc
ture. Behind them stood a. dense mass of
human beings , which tilled the street and
llowed into tbo yards nnd up the terraces ou
the west side of the street.
When the carriages cams to a stand the
clcrpy alighted and moved to the southwest
corner of the building , where the corner
stone rested. Among these noted wore
llov. F. Colanerl. Morinrty of South Omaha ,
Daxnchcr , chaplain of the present hos
pital ; Ilreitkopf , Barrett , Lambert , S. J. ,
Chokii , administrator of the diocese ; Fitz
gerald , S. J. , Bronsgeest.S. J. , Do Schryver ,
Smith , Glauber and Jcnncttc , who hud
charge of the ceremony.
These were followed by lUshop Scannell , a
tall , slight , austcro gentleman of ( Joncordin ,
Kan. , who had been specially requested to
At this time a number of gentlemen promi
nent in the city were admitted to the lloorof
the building , among them being John A.
Crcigliton , whoso liberality hnd suggested the
donation of the ground ; .Tami-s Crcighton ,
superintendent of construction ; JohnSchcnk ,
Georgu Kriig , Louis Schroeuer , Councilman
Bcchcl , Hv Itnyor , D. .1. O'Donahoe , Charles
Ogden , Henry vois , the architect of the
building , J. B. Furay. Thomas Swift , Thomas
Fltzinaurlce , Dr. RlclConna , Dr. Grossman ,
Commissioner L. M. Anderson , John Leo ,
Michael Donovan , Dunlcl Shelley , JohuL.
Miles , City Tieosurcr Itash , Commissioner
O'Keefe , Dr. Mattice , and others.
When the clergy had reached the corner
In which the stone rested Bishop bcnnncll
donned his mltro and a beautiful wulto satin
cope richly ornamented with a floriated da-
sign. The assistant priests , Fathers Dax-
neher nnd Morinrity , were attired hi dal
matics of the same material and ornamenta
tion , whllo Father Choka. the bishop's at-
tcnuunt , was vested like the other clergy , in
lace surplice and black soutuno.
The ritual of the Catholic church for such
cases was read by tlio bishop , ivotor ,
which was curried in n small font was
blessed , then some salt was blessed. Finally
both iho water and salt were mixed and
again blessed.
A procession was then formed nnd In the
following order marched around thq build
ing , the bishop the while using an aspergill
and sprinkling the unfinished walls.
first nn acolyte from St. Patrick's church
bearing n processional cross then three moro
ncolytes In various colored cassocks ; then the
clergy chanting psalms nnd finally the bishop
und his attendants.
licturnlng to the stone the bishop rend a
few moro lines from the ritual.
The stone was raised by the attending
workmen and as it ascended the bund played
an impressive air.
The foreman then spread red nnd whlto
mortar beneath the block ns did also the
bishop. The stone wns then lowered nnd
placed hi position under the direction of Mr.
IToh of Drexoll & Foil , the stone contractors.
The trowell used by Ulsuop Scnunell was
of solid silver hlado with ebouy handle and
silver rings.
After It had served Its purpose , the bishop
turned toward Mr. Jnmos Crcighton , the
superintendent and handing the trowel to
that gentleman said :
" 1 have been requested by the sisters of
St Francis who are to have charge of this
hospital to tender to this trowel nnd ask you
to accept It in recognition of what you have
ilono toward the erection of this hospital and
.vhat your family have done toward it and
the cause of religion in thin community. I
hope that you may find your reward in this
llfo und that God will reward you with
" 'utcrnal llfo hereafter. "
Mr. Creighton in accepting the symbol of
Ills office ns superintendent said ;
" 1 accept this trowel ni an evidence of ro-
card and will use it honestly In the erection
of this building. "
The trowel Is beautifully engraved on ono
fildo ns follows : "Corner stone laying
Nov. KI , 18'.H ) , by Ht , llov , UichardScunnoll
of Concordla , Kansas. 1'ros.ontcd by the
Sisters of St. Francis to James CrclghUm ,
superintendent , "
On the reverse Is the following : "John A.
Crcighton in monioriam of the lato' Mrs.
Sarah K. Crelghton , foundress of Crcighton
memorial hospital , Omaha , Neo. "
The dedication of the stone , which was en-
pressed in Latin oil parchment , to bo placed
in the cavity of the stone , was then attested
"by Iho bishop , John A. Crolghton , Council
man Bechel , Commissioner Anderson , George
Kmg , iU'itry Voss. James Crcighton , John
Doherty , liovs. Breitkopf , Fitzgerald , DUK-
achcr. Jcnnotto , Choka.
Translated freely the dedication Is as fol
lows :
"For the greater glory of God , in the year
of our Lord IS'.X ' ) , ou the 23rd dr.y of Novem i-
ber , in tlio potlflcatoof our holy , father Leo
Xlllr happily reigning , in the absence of the
IU. Uov. James O'Connor , the first bishop ot
Omaha , who died on Iho U7 tu day of Mny ifo
this year , during tbo administration of the
Very Kov. William Choliu of the diocese ol
Oinnhn , und during the presidency of Benja till
min Harrison of the uunlted States , with
Hon. John M. Thayerws coverner of the
Btato of Nebraska , and Hon. lllchurd Cush'
Ing holding the mayoralty of the city asf
Omaha , nnd during the suoerlorshlp of the
venorublo Sinter Alphoiisa of the third ordci
of Franciscan * , tlio lit. Kev. Bishop Sran ,
ncll , bishop ot Concortlla , of the state 11Df
Kansas , laid the corner stone of this hospital. .
In the war of our Lord IS'.K ' ) , which hospital
in under the invocation of St. Joseph , tbt
epouso of the blessed Virgin Mary , and
erected by the generosity aud liberality of
Sarah E. Crclphton. deceased , nnd her hus
band , John A. CrulKUtou , "
Tlio stone contains tlio coins In use In th <
United States , copies of dally and wceklj
papers of tbUclty , a copy of THE IKB con
talulng the results of the late state election
"UblbheJ ha Uie issue of the 14th lost. , photo
Ills Hollnesi , the late Pnpa Plus
IX. , the present pontiff Pope Leo XIII. , the
late lit. Uov , James O'Gortnan. first vicar
apostolic of Nebraska , the late Ht. llov ,
James O'Connor. DD. , first bishop of Oinnhn ,
the late Very Uov. John Curtli , Very Hor.
William Cbokn , present administrator ot tbo
diocese of Omaha , the Into Kdwnrtl Crclghton
and wife , the late Samh E. Crolk'titon ,
foundtcss of this Institution , John A CrclKh-
ton , James Crelghton , superintendent , n fam
ily group , Henry Voss , architect , nnd other
At the conclusion of the ceremony Rev. T.
S. Fltrgarald , S. J. . president of Crelghton
college , spoke as follows :
' The occasion on which wo nro assembled
scarcely calls forany spoken tribute of praise.
The occasion itself Is lU own best eulogy.
The work in which wo nro engaged stands
not In need of the horowcd ctmrmof eloquence
( eveu had 1 It to offer ) cither to enlist your
sympathy or to awaken in you feelings of ap
preciation and support. This event , in which
wo are participating , speaks for Itself and un-
penl * In its own native worth , stronger than
utiy clo < j ucnce , to the purest and noblest Im
pulses of the human heart.
"lint though words of mine can add nothing
to the merit or excellence of the enterprise
which wo inaugurate today , they must not on
this account remain unspoken. The public
acknowledgment of a blosslnp is often neces
sary. On tbo present occasion it scorns n motl
nacrod duty , a compliance with which my own
heart urgei aud you 1-3,1 feel , exact.
"As a text for my remarks I can turn to
nothing more appropriate or suggestive than
the silent legend Inscribed on the cornerstone
which wo are placing today. It is the best
panegyric of tno spirit which you have como
forth lo honor : it is the truest eulogy of the
name which is adding ono more glory to your
fair city of Omaha. The corner stone of a
Crelghton Memorial and a St. Joseph's ' Hos
pital of the Franciscan Sisterhood could have
no more fitting epitaph than the Christly leg
end which Inspired It : 'Blessed are the mer
ciful for they shall obtain morcy.1 Thcso
words died away centuries ago on the blllsldo
of Palestine , but the spirit which prompted
them came to nbldo in the world and to live
among men In order to make the world bright
er and men better by lust such monuments
as Chreighton Charity and Franciscan
Sacrillco are rearing in our midst.
This Btono Indeed His legend fittingly con
secrates , whoso beatitude it is that Inspired
tbo charity of your saintly townswoman ,
Mr.-i. Emma Crcightou , and her generous
husband to create this memorial , und that
will prompt and sustain the sacrifice of the
daughters of St. Francis In carrying it to a
complete and crowning success.
"In your name , then , and iu tbo nntno of
every resident of Omaha , Irrespective of race
or class or creed , I bespeak grateful tribute
to the authors of the noble Institution , which
Is soon to grace our city. Hero class distinc
tions nnd race prejudices have no place , nnd
hero warring sects may rest in the truce of a
common blessing. Neither race nor class
can withhold their tribute no moro than they
can Ignore the ills to which humanity Is heir ,
nnd to the relief of which this structure Is
reared. No creed need scruple or hesitate to
offer Its meed of praise , for the corner-stone ,
which wo nro placing today , Is as broad ns
our common humanity nnd affords a platform
on which Jew and Gentile , saint unit sinner ,
tbcist and atheist alike , may stand. Hero
belief nnd unbelief may accent a common
religion und kneel iu the profession of a com
mon faith. In a ccrtuln sense , or in different
senses , wo nil profess a religion of humanity
aud espouse a creed , whoso evangel is hu
manity's weal. ,
"Tho building , whoso inception wo nro
commemorating , is this religious temple , and
the corner-stone wo uro laying this religion's
altar , where ull mnv come and offer the com
mon worship of gratitude and praise to these
whom Christ's beatitude inspired to bless
our community with this majestic monument
of their love of humanity and pity of human
J'Thorc are these , I am aware , who profess
a religion of humanity nnd who boost that its
shrine is the only ono at which they kneel ,
but who , by a strange Inconsistency , affect to
sneer at a worship whoso prerogative
It Is nnd whoso timo-nttestcd privilege it
has been to Inspire sous and daughters
to found just such temples of huuianiiy as
this Croigbtou memorial and Franciscan hos
To such religionists the temple which wo
nro erecting will always bo a silent rebuke.
It will , perhaps , suggest to them that If there
bo such a thing ns a true religion of human
ity. Ho must have been its founder whoso
beatitude of mercy Is inscribed on today's
corner stone nnd whoso spirit , in every land
nnd clime , in every ago from His to ours has
created refuges for every species of human
sulTorlntr. It will , probably , suggest to them
that if a true religion of humanity exists in
the world , none hold stronger presumptive
evidence of its possession than tbo noble and
generous souls , who , nt the instance of
Chiist's Beatitude , are leaving this splendid
heritage to the poor and unfortunate of our
common raco. That our race needs a religion
whoso profession creates institutions like
this , few , I think , will venture or care to
deny. The true religionists of humanity , cer
tainly , have many occasions for the exercise
nnd practice of their creed. In the llorco
struggle which men nro waging for existence
and in their still wilder rush for prominence
aud superiority , wo meet alasl with too
many Instances of what bus been aptly styled
"Man's inhumanity to man1"
The atrocities which the selfishness of our
nature cither perpetrates or permits uro often
fearful indeed nud almost sufficient at times
to make us aoubt if after nil. there bo any
such thing as innate nobility of the human
heart. In the race for wealth and position
are we not seemingly at the mercy of a ruth
less nnd relentless law , elsewhere known as
"Survival of the llttoat , " which like the
fabled cat of the Hindoos , crushes and man
gles thousands for the few it carries to tbo
poallTbo quality of mercy1 often
iudeail seems 'strained , ' nnd its quantity In
many places sadly stinted. When
wo witness the ever-recurring in
stances of man's Inhumanity to man ,
when we sco In bis pitiless quest of gain tbo
perpetration or almost every cruelty to his
fellow beings , the belief all but forces itself
upon ns that the religion of humanity has
long ilnco passed with the masses into the
idolatry of self. This Idolatry wo know
obtained the world over before Christ came
upon earth. It obtains today wherever
Christ Is ignored or rejected. It Is fated al
ways to lw the issue of every religion of hu
manity which Is neb founded on Christ and
Insplred by Christ's benutltudes.
Omaha , doubtless , mourns her share of this
wretched und cruel Idolatry. Ttmt this
blight , however , Is neither universal nor
widespread wo need no better assurance than
the happy event In which we nro participat
ing. Wo are bora today at the instance not
of an Idolatry which Immolates fellow beings
to the idols of wealth and pleisure : , but of o
religion tlio true religion of humanity
which prompts the sacriilco of fortune and
InsDlrca the immolation of self on the ultar
of Christ's beatitude , for thn weal nud wel
fare of Christ's suffering members. Hero In
this Creigbtou memorial und St , Joseph's
hospital , Christ's true religion of humanity
will jnako large atonements for tbo atrocities
of n pagan idolatry of self.
"I need not delay to speak a panegyric of
the lady and her husband whoso names
henceforth will be associated with this torn-
plo of Humanity. Better , fur bettor than in
words of mine will their eulogy bo told In the
silent tears of gratitude , in the holy prayers
of thankfulness and blessing which In after
yours the victims of sickness und disease will
offer hero to their memory. Why should I
linger to pay them the poor , passing tribute
of human praise , which t know they do not
covet when they possess in this memorial
the sweeter und thrice dearer assurance of
His blessing aud rccompcneo whoso
beatitude it was that inspired
them in this noble undertaking I
Xor need I tarry to eulogize that band of
hcrolo women on whoso devotion and sucn- *
llco wo rely for tlio happy and successful
issue of the good work so auspiciously Inaug
urated. Tnulr deeds are known to you , nnd
the beauty of their lives you have had occa
f sion to witness. Theirs is a spirit which
brooks not human praise , which prevails In
spltoof human recognition and which at
tempts arduous enterprises only to succeed
and triumph. In their bauds Crcighton Me
morial is tn safe keening , and in their sweet
and true religion of humanity St. Joseph
- hospital , wo are confident , will grow aud
If I were to detain you longer it would ho
to speak nword personally to J'ou who are
- here , and through you , to every Christian
and every sincere friend of humanity In
Omaha. It would bo to venture the thought
that the glory of this institution ought not
to be loft to the Crelghtoiu alone , or to the
Franciscan Sisterhood alono. livery human-
Itv-lovlng resident of Oumtm this Institution
- has a right to claim us a iwtron uud a friond.
These walls are roared to shelter the victims
of misfortune , which recognizes no distinc
tion of persons. Tlio uiorcy and charity that
- will be dispensed here will bo tbo mercy and
charity of Him who came to save alL who
- dlod to redeem all and who promised Ills
bcntitudo to the merciful unqualified or un
limited by accident of race or class or creed.
" \Vhllolt appeals for support It Is true , in n
special manner to the Catholics of Oinnhn , it
foregoes not its valid , and just claim on
Christians of other denominations who must
recognize In It the spirit of Christ whom they
profess to worship.
"It appeals also to tboso who know not , or
pretend to know not , God or Ills CbrUt ,
but who profess u religion that be
gets /mcriflco hnd throws the innntlo
of charity nnd mercy nnd pity over t&o dis
tressed and nflllctod.
"In behalf , therefore , of our common hu
manity ; In behalf of tbo human suffering to
the relief of which this memorial is erected ;
In the name of tbo Christly spirit which
originated it , ana the dlvlno sncrlllco which'
will sustain and perfect It , I call on all lovers
and friends of humanity to give their aid to
the good cause. "
"Tlio burden of an institution which re
flects honor upon our city , ought not to bo
left unrelieved on the shoulders of a few
oven though they were willing to assume It.
No citizen of Omaha who is concerned for
his city's honor , who Is proud of his city's
growth , who is Jealous of his city's ' Christian
nnd huumiio repute , can refuse his substan
tial and practical support to an Institution by
which all these interests are subserved. "
Governor John M. Thayerbeingmtroduccd
with a few appropriate words spoke substan
tially as follows :
"Fellowcitizenslam : taken by surprise
In belt ? asked to say anything on this occa
sion and I only appear now to acknowledge
tbo most friendly call of the bishop. I WM
denied the pleasure of being hero at the com
mencement of your exercises , having on en
gagement at another plao to attend a meet
ing called for the purpose of making an ap
peal in behalf of the destitute people in the
western part of this state. After sneaking
there the mayor nnd myself hurried here to
show our appreciation of this most interest
ing occasion and to show by our presence
that wo feel a deep interest in the Institution
tbo comer stone of which has Just been laid.
"I congratulate the city of Omaha upon the
erection of a building hero which will indeed
prove to bo a homo for the poor and unfor
tunate and ufillcted. I have iu in years past
learned and appreciated the benefits of St.
Joseph's hospital. I have felt that wo nil b ad
reason to thank God that ho put It into the
hearts of these good women and others in
charge for establishing and building up that
great institution.
"It required a now odlflco and through the
mumflccnco of tbo noble Crelgbton family
this institution has been inngurated : In the
future all who may be nfllicteu will find nn
asylum hero whotbor tkov are able to pay or
"I dcslro to publicly pay this tribute to the
noble women and men who have aided In
maintaining St. Joseph's ' hospital iu the past ,
nnd I bid them God speed. In their work of
humanity'and of mercy. Their ambition is a
noble ono to lessen thosufferingand increase
the happiness of their fellow-beings , doing
what our Savior commanded his followers
to do.
"I wns not at all prepared to address you ,
but in the interests of humanity I was willIng -
Ing to bear public testimony to the blessing
which this Institution has proved to bo in the
past nud the still greater blessings which it
will confer in the future , not only upon the
city of Omaha , but also upon the surrounding
country. "
My physician said I could not live , my
liver out of order , frequently vomited green
ish mucous , skin yellow , small dry humors
on face , stomach would not retain food.
Burdock Blood Bitters cured mo. Mrs
Adolnldo O'Brien , a2 Exchange St , But
ffnlo , N. Y.
A David City Man Makes
Regarding English Manufacturers.
DAVID Cur , Neb. , Kov. 23. To the Editor
of THE BCE : Recent cablegrams from Eng
land , announcing that representatives from
the leading slhc plush linn of Lister & Co. ,
Bradford , had sailed for New York with the
ibjcct in view to look up a site for building
mills to manufacture their line of goods in
the United States , recalls to my mind a visit
f a few weeks to Bradford during July last
md the conversations I had with' leading
manufacturers In that vicinity.
Leeds , Bradford , Halifax , Manchester and
ShcRlcld are located in the very center of the
district of manufactories in England , and al
most connected with smaller manufacturing
owns and settlements. It wns quite in
keeping with the vast industrial interests of
this district that the McKluloy bill should
produce a stuto of feverish excitement nnd
great anxiety , because the main markets for
their manufactured products are iu the
United States.
It wns expected that these men should express -
press great hostility towards measures that
threatened to paralyze their business in
which their millions were invested , but on
quietly reasoning with these men I found
them to take a practical view of the matter
und talk very sensibly in a business way
after ventilating their free trade opiuions
quite freely nt first. The manufacturers differ -
for greatly from tbo notions Americans , generally -
orally form from tbo expressions of English
politicians nnd free trade agitators. An
English manufacturer is somewhat similar
to the typical westera man of America ;
creator of his own fortune and gen
erally springing from an humble
origin , but with industry , energy , push nnd
enterprise they have nil achieved remarkable
success and gained wealth. They are moro
practical in their ways of thinking than theo
retical , nnd would assimilate quito readily
with western Ideas and the progressive con
ditions. To solve the now problem confront
ing them in the McKlnloy bill many hnvo ar
rived at the sensible conclusion that the best
way out of tbo entire difficulty- to locate
their factories in the United States. I never
lost nn opportunity to direct their attention
to Omaha us a most suitable place to locate.
Doing near the center of the continent , with
railroad lines radiating to all parts of the
compass , and main through lines nt that , and
bidding fair to bo a great center of population
in the near future. All these matters they
took into serious consideration , but they are
similar to nil other men and will try to make
the most of their opportunities , and will be
pleased to consider Inducements offered by
the different localities. It will bo well for
Omaha business men and property owners to
bowldouwuko nnd secure some of the very
first to locate nt Omaha. The moral effect
of having tlio first factories located at Omaha
on the others remaining abroad will bo very
great nnd bear good fruit in drawing them
also to this eamo center when their time
comes to move. Hcprcscntativcs of Omaha
should bo placed at once in active communi
cation for these enterprises with the repre
sentatives of Lister & Co. , as well as other
leading firms throughout the manufacturing
districts. Tbo Munningham mills employ
about a thousand bands alone , and there are
many other establishments at and around
Bradford nearly as important.
My interest in Omaha's prosperity and
welfare nlono prompts mo to call attention to
these important matters. Any aid in my
power I can give will bo most cheerfully ren
dered. Wbatevoris done must boilono with
out delay in this direction.
"Xbc Girl with it Taste for Music. "
This attractive scries of papers to bo pub
lished In The Youth's Comimnlon will inter
est every girl. The contributors Include the
famous singers Madame Albaui.Mlss Emma
Juch , Madame Lilian Nordlca , Miss Emma
Nevada and Miss Marie Van Zandt.
A Lecture by Dr. Cliitz.
One hundred nnd nincty-tbreo young men ,
seine old in yours , but all young in heart ,
assembled at tl0 | concert haU of the Young
Men's Christian association building yester
day afternoon to bear the address by Itev.
Jacob A. Clutz , D.D. , president Midland college
logo , Atchlson , Kas. The speaker took for
hU subject "Walking Worthy of Christ , "
and dwelt upon tboso things in a young man's
character which wore , and tboso whlcn were
not , worthy of Christ. Tbo address was
forcible and full of good thoughts well put.
Miss Frutiecsui Uocdor sang the beautiful
solo , "Ashamed of Jesus. " Owing to the
absence from the city of ono of its members.
the Leslie quartet did not sing. They will
bo on hand next Sunday.
In an after meeting four young men naked
for the prayers of Christians ,
On next Sunday Mr. O. K. Ober , secretary
of the IntornatioDul committee , who is spunif.
nig sonio days lathe city assisting in the
financial canvass , will address tno mooting.
At the same hour , in the lecture hall , a meet
ing for women only will bo bold , addressed
by Mrs. J. A. Uummutt of Lincoln. All ladies
_ _
Dr. Blrney cures catarrh , Bco bldjf
Study of the Qualltlbs That Constitute Good
Salesmen a'nii , Collectors.
Entente Ttmt Piracy on the Urmtunor
Is licKltlinatcr Ueonuso "Tho
House I'njrsfor It" Carry-
Ins Dlnmbild HainplcD.
When the monls of'saloamcn ore being dis
cussed , how frequently wo hear the criticism ,
'Gcorgo ' Is a peed salesman , but a miserable
collector. ' ' It is /act that tbo ninn who hns
the qualities to make friends of merchants
and sell them the Roods U seldom a passably
Rood collector. Tills is because , says th'o
Columbus Journal , it requires a complete
inctnmornhoso of the individual to emiblo him
to succeed In the two c.iiwcltlps. * Mnn has
two potent factors in his nicntul unatotnv.
The liret Is styled attractive force , which Is
not otily able to draw men to hltn , but to
hold them in sympathy with Ids will. This
Is not nn npRrosslvo quality , but yurcly gym.
pathetic. The other is known us the
repollaut force , which forbids familiarity
nnd frequently friendships. This last quality
is void of sympathy anil Is the forceful elo-
incut in a good collector : hut the exhibition
of It in attempting to Bell poods would be fatal
to the enterprise. Another reason why a
Rood salesman is a poor collector is that by
frequently associating with hU customers ho
is very opt to get to looking at matters from
tholr standpoint , and the oftcner bo sees bis
trade the less likely he Is to notice any stuns
of disintegration in or about the premises ,
which , to a loss frequent and unprejudiced
observer , would bo apparent the moment ho
entered the door. Perhaps the stock has
been running down , but It has been so
gradual as to nave escaped the notice of the
semi-monthly visitor , yet to ouowho had not
seen tbo stock for perhaps six months it
would bo in such shape as at least to arouse a
spirit of inquiry , if not apprehension.
The financial man writes : "John
Thompson requests ma to hold our
draft for bill duo on the 10th , and
as this Is the third request of this nature
within the past six mouths , wo would ask
that you would look him up very carefully
when there next. " How natural It is for a
salesman to edge around John with , "How
are your collections nowadays , Johnl" mid
accept any explanation mauo as a good and
sufllcleut reason why the house should ex
tend his time and help John through the
tight places.
The small dealers may not bo aware of the
fact that the friend who stands between him
nnd the ragccd edge is almost invariably the
salesman. The standing he has in the trade ,
the credit ho enjoys , nnd tbo favors ho re
ceives in the way of little extensions , en
abling him to do business on a limited
capital with comparative comfort , nro In
most cases the fruits of a personal appeal on
the part of the salesman made to his llrm in
bcnnlf of his customer. A small merchant
with a limited capital wants to bo the stead
fast friend of the salesman who visits him.
for if ho gets hard up that salesman will
stand between him and his firm , elton to his
own serious disadvantage. While the pros
pective loss stares him m the face , ho stands
as between the living and the dead : when
the prospective has crystallized into the
actual ho Is "between the devil and the deep
blue sea. "
The UoiiHO Pays Tor It.
Wo bad finished our lunch of eggs , biscuit ,
cold chicken and coffee at the lunch stand ,
says a writer in an eastern paper , and asked
the man across the counter how much wo
owed the establishment , nnd ho answered by
asking a question himself , and that was ,
"Arc you a railroad man ? " Of coursawo
said no , when ho meekly replied , " 75 cents. "
Now , suppose wo wore railroad men , how
much would this same food have cost us )
After glancing over the empty plates ho re
plied 40 cents. Tbo same day wo wore In a
barber shop getting shaved und were handed
a 15-ccut check , when a man living in the
same city nnd shavcd'ht the. same chair onlj'
paid 10 cents. It was the writer's privilege
to overbear a conversation between two
liverymen who had been consulted by a
traveling man that day about taking him
eight miles , when ouo said , "Charge him
Sl.50 , for ho's a traveling man and his
house pays for It. " The man who wanted to
make the drive % vas posted nnd another more
enterprising nnd less mercenary innn took
him for ? , ' . Now in this-connection wo want
to ask why nro the traveling men discrimin
ated against nt every point } Why do hotels
charge him from 20 to 60 per cent more than
they do other people who eat as much"or
more } Have the hotels , bus men , restaurant
men , livery men , barbers and the public gen
erally combined to rob the traveling sales
men nnd charge them moro for the same ac
commodations than they do others and then
ease their consciences , if they have any , with
the statement that his house Is rich nnd pays
the bills ) If so , it Is unfair , mean and unjust ,
and deserves the condemnation of all fair-
minded people.
If those same pirates who stand with
ono hand oa the traveling man's throat
and the other In his pocket , would only stop
lo think and bo fair , they would sea that in
stead of taking It from his "rich house" they
are taking It from the poor salesman , they
might bo mnro lenient , wo say they might bo
moro leniout. Every salcsmanno matterwhnt
his Hue , has his salary based on the goods ho
sells and the cost it is to sell them. Tobacco
manufacturers count cost per pound , soap
men cost per box , iron men cost per ton ,
starch men cost per pound , and many others
on the net proiit of the salesman's labors. If ,
for instance , a salesman had passes over
every railway , for board at every hotel , and
luul no expense account at all ho would bo a
desirable man for any house , and they would
pay him a larger salary than otherwise , because -
cause ho would cost them nothing
to travel. So , on the same principle ,
his house figures expenses salary nnd
net proiit , and if his profits ere light
at the end of the year ho gets no increase of
salary , If indeed ho retains his position.And
you wuo have charged him in excess of others
on the supposition ttiat his house pays for it
are the cause of his discharge. As a class
wo nro willing to pay for what wo tret , but
want what wo pay for. Wp wan t no farmer's
rates at hotels , no theatrical rates on bag
gage , no passes on railways , but wo want
just the same as others pay for like accommo
dation , and it's only fair wo should have it.
Every man has his hand In the traveling
man's pocket and ho pets no favors or special
rates from anybody. Ills customer expects a
dinner , theatre or good cigar , "because the
liouso pays for it ; " the waiter on extra
quarter , "because the house pays for it ; " and
to go along pleasantly with his friends nnd
tnulo there nro a hundred llttlo expenses in
curred , and the house don't and won't pay for
it. Woean'tcutdown expenses if trade is dull ,
ns railways , hotels nnd our houses do , for on
wo must go , huntingbegging , scheming for
business , and at the p -'round-up" ' our
employers tell us our expenses aru too great
for the condition of trade and are laid oft to
further retrench their.pxponses.
\Vo inako the statement hero , and wo can
almost substantiate it by dozens of men , that
there Is not ono man initltty who docs not use
a part of his salary fou-oxpenscs of his house :
nnd this is partly atleast , duo to the laol
that , as wo before staled , every man wants a
whack nt the money ho thinks belongs to the
house , when It really , Belongs to the sales-
man. Place us on an equal footing witli
other of your patrons -and share us the chlllj %
cheerless look of our employers at the cud o
the year ,
Carrying DlnAWiU Samples.
"Po I carry any great sura of money in dla
mondswith mo on mr < ( trips turough the
country ! Do you call $100,000 any great sum
Well , I have frequently 'carried that funoun
inside my vest in looso' diamonds , " said i
salesman of ouo of the largest wholesale dla
inond houses in tbo country to a reporter
"Toll you how I carry such valuable stones
Well , I don't know as It makes any particu
lar dmeronro , although it U a subject abou
which few diamond men like to talk.
"I have been In tbo business now over flf
teen years , " continued the salesman , settling
himself comfortably in a big nrm-cbnlr
lighting a cigar nnd sending graceful cloud
of smoke curling towards the celling , "
don't think Its n very hard life , as living
goes , though somewhat of a dangerous ono
us you uro Icuown to many 'crooks
and frequently run the risk of
dtwporuto attack , through the mis
taken notion that you go about the city n
night with diamonds on your person. I hav
bad several llttlo bcrlmmages , but have n
ways managed to save my diamond * .
"Now , in telling you how I carry loose dla
inoncl * I am speaking only of unset stones
Men who have set stones have trunks am
boxes made especially for that purpose , am
How to be a Happy Wife.
"How many a young wife , if she spoke the absolute truth , would say : ' While I love my
husband , my marriage is a great mistake , for I am brought in close contact with people with
whom I have no thought in common , and who make me wretchedly unhappy. ' A homely
old proverb says : 'For the want of company , welcome trumpery. ' The girl who accepts Ned
because no one else has asked her , and she docs not want to bu the only old maid in her set ,
turns hex marriage into a make
shift. She is conscious at times
that-she deserves a better fate ,
but her friends have teased her ,
about him , and almost before
she knows it she is his , by the
appropriation of public opinion , " .
So writes
Ladies Home 'Journal.
+ J
( Pull Half a Million Copies Printed. )
YOU should place this JOURNAL in the hands of your growing daughters , if
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IS'E ' E IS ISK * !
* " FORRAIff * f
Colds Sore Throat Bronchitis Rheumatism
, , , , Neuralgia ,
nftammntlon of the Lumrs , Kldnoy nnd Bowels. Sciatica , Chilblains , * 'ro t Blte , Toothache. HeadBClie ,
'alas In the Hack , Cheat und Llrabi , und all tbo
The application of UADWAY'S 11EADV IIBT.IKF. to the parts affected , will Inntanllr relieve and won
cure the nuflrrer Internally In doiosof from thirty to sixty drops , In hnlf n tuuiulur of trntorjt will cure in
n few moments. Crampi , Hpa m , Sour Stomach , Uollo , Flatulence , Heartburn. Ularrhocn , Slclc llcndacho ,
> fauiea. Vomiting , Cold Chilli , Nervounncss , Sleeplcaineu , nnd all Internal pains. CO ccnti a bottle. For
ale at Druggist * . UAUWAY 1 Co.lS2 Warren St. ,
nro tolerably safe , except In hotels where
bticak tUloves can got iu or crooks follow
, -ou , talcing the udjomirig room , nnd coming
nto your bedroom wullo you are asleop. Vou
tuv.iko to flnd n revolver against your head
nnd n ftloved hnnd over your mouth. A con
federate goes tlirougU the trtinlcs , ns such
thieves nearly always work In pairs , nnd be
fore you can extricate yourself from the
well tied cords nnd gag uftcr the thieves have
gene they have too much the btart to bo
"When I first began on the road I used to
carry the stones In a chamois bolt lined with
sills around my waist next to the slcln. This
was not only uncomfortable , but troublesome
to got nt when I arrived at n hotel und wished
to deposit the stones In a safe. Now iry
tnllor always Hues iny vests after a peculiar
fashion of. his own , " continued ho , opening
his vest and showing four larpo pockets at
tached to the lining of the front of the vest.
"You see the lining is of very strong material
nnd sowed to the first lining of the vest with
the best of thread. The four pockets are
simply the two usual pockets with double
scam in the middle dividing them. Of course
they nro made somewhat larger so that the |
poclcotbooks holding the diamonds will ex
actly fit them. The pocketboolcs are hooked
with a spring to n closely-woven , fitiely-totn-
pored stool chain that Is attached to a light
but strong belt around the waist. Even if a
pickpocket succeeded in getting hold of ono
of the books be could not go ofl with it on ac
count of the cbaln. Some mt > u have pockets
put In the lusldo of the front waistband of
their trousers , but I prefer these in my vest
Tlio whole secret Is to get the books ns near
the person ns possible , so you can feel thorn
all the tlmo.
"Now for the pocketbooks that hold the
papers of diamonds. Hero Is ono. You sco
It is two pieces of close grained , rntbor stiff
leather , Joined by a more pliable piece of
leather , so ns to admit of doubling one over
the other. These two thlu strips ot steel
across the back , nsvo will call
them , nro finished 'In the front of the hook
with two holes to admit of the hook on the
steel chain catching through them nnd so
holding them strong nnd safe. The inside is
of Uusslan leather , twice as long ns the back
of the book , so ns to double over tbo papers
of diamonds. Each side of the pocketbook
will usually hold four papers , but 1 have mine
made so that they will hold slx.ns I frequent
ly have extra largo quantities to take with
mo. ,
"Now , last but not least , " said the sales
man , opening ono of the pawn of diamonds
by unfolding it twice , opening the ends , and
then lifting the last fold off of the third fold ,
on which rested the ilinraonus , in much the
sumo way us n druggist folds papers for pro
scription powders , with tlio ex
ception of turning the ends In
before taking the second fold , "this outside
paper is , as you BOO , of the very boat quality
of linen paper , but not too stiff , nnd an eighth
of an Inch larger than the Inside sheet of tis
sue paper thai holds the diamonds ,
"Tlio regulation sbo for the outside sheet Is
8x10 Inches , which when folded up makes a
package two nnd ono-bnlf inches loug and
ono nnd one-half Inches wide. As I place the
papers iu the box n rubber band holds each
Individual paper In Us place , and a second
and Rtrongor band holds the two ilnp cuds of
the Inner book over the paper * .
"Pretty dangcrousl Well , not n bit morose
so than hundreds of other cnllluirs. Tlio pay
U good , the company is good , and K you keep
your weather eye open it Is an easy , pleasant
Bpoclflfl for Hysteria. Dl lneM.rt ! , KiiurnllaWiVe- | (
( ulneu , Mental Iwpraulon , pri nlnR o ( the Drain , re-
BUltlnir in Inianlty nnil l ttln r to mUory derar ana
death , Premature Old Age , Uaircunes . Los * of lower
Inolthor eei. Inroluntnry Los-cs , mid BixrmitorrLaea
cauBwl lir OTeroxurtlon of tlio brain , nelf-buae or
orer tndulgcnre. ach box contains one month's treat
ment SI al > ox , or eti for * 5 , tent by inftllprepald.
With each order lor felx bozrs , will eenti purchaser
( niaraoteo to refnnd money If the treatment faiU W
un. u uaraut e > l u U wiU genuine told onlj br
Street , - Omaha Neb ,
C. L. Erinkson , Local Agt.200 N.lGth St
G. A. Lindquest
Merchant : - : Tailoring
business und invites Ills old friends nnd pat
rons , OH well us the Ronornl publlto cull and
Inipict hUuiowitnokoMinuoited od domostlo
woolens. Everything
ESTABLISH ED 1874. 316 S 15THS
It n be l en In > rup of toffee or ttm , ar In ar.
tlelM of fuou , without ( be kuowlodgeor the patient.
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Ti/nUAHDHOfl nUUO ) COMOmnha
leading remedy ( or all tb
unnatural dlnc'liuriien and
I prl > atuiUnrusc' if nipii. A
certain cnrn ( or ttiv dclilll-
1 tatlng v.tukutia jiecullor
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lTHEt NSCltMir. lCo In rmiiunii'iminc H to
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, nil pregnancy. Am. rill Co. . llornltr 1'roiu. , Bpen-
oer.Clar Co. , la. Genuine br Hberiaan k , McConnall.
UodzeaU. near 1 * . O. , Uiuaha : U. A. Uulchor , South
Owaliu ; M. I' . Hllli. Council illuffi. l2.orS ( urW.
Morotlmn ISycnrs' oxporlencoln tlio trcntmentof
A cure Ktinrnntood In U to flru dars without tbgluj *
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iiittlriii : no dllatlnx. The must irmnrkablo rcmoJ/
mown to modern pclcnre. Wrlto for circulars
Dr. Mcruw' ( ! Iruatniont for tlililerrlljlolilooildls-
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euro of this dlBo.ixo. Ills nucccss with tlil dUcaio
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thoinoit conipoto nnd convenient remodr urer of
fered ( or the tD'iiliucnt of female ill i'iisu . U It
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army of jinUent * reaches from the Atlantic to Ilia
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hoxplUd prnrllcp. and U cla wl niuimz tlio leading
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epondenoo. WrlU > for circular * about each of tin
above rll enei ,
Office , 1 4th and Farnam Sts
Entrance on cither utreiiU
Corner Oth ai.aHarnoy Streets , Omaha.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , Prosidont.
Founded by Dr. J. W. MoMenamy.