THE OMAHA DAILY BER : MONDAY , NOVEI\BER \ 24 , 1800. THE JDAUjY BEE. E. KOSBWATEU Kniton. 1'UHMSHED EVICRY MOHNING OK SUIISOKlt'TION , Dully unit Hunday , Ouo Year . tin 00 Klx months . . . > . ncn Tlirop moiitln. , . 3W Hntidny lire , Ono Year . 200 \\oolily Hoc , Olio Year , . . . . , . 100 O1TICE3 ! Oimilm , Tim Dee lliilldliit' . houlliOninliii , Comer N nmiaith Ptrcctv council lUiUTa. 121'rnrl Htroct. ( lilfatto Office , fll ? Chamber nf Commerce. N < < \r Vork.KodriUlll.HiitHl ISTriliUtielItilldlnz \Viiililiiglun , 6111 rourtuontli SticcU conursToNDKNon All rnmmiiiilcntloti1) ) relating to now * nno ril Hot-In I imitlor Hlioiild bu addressed to the J'MltiiHul Drpnrtmcnt. HUHINKSS LETTERS. All iHtRlnfts loiters unit romlttnncM ahontd lie Mill retM'd toThoDiMi PulilIshltiK ( Jompiiny , OniHliii. Draft * , check * and jKMtofllco orders to tituniido pnyablo to the order of tlio com The Bcc Publishing Company , Proprietors , Tl.e lieu H'lcl'd rurnam and botcnlconth Sts BWOltN bTATEMENT OK 01BOULAT1ON fatatcof Nobrnikfc. I , Comity of Douclni , ( „ Clrnriso ) l. Trscliuok , secretary of Tha Ileo rtiblMiInz compiinv. COM solemnly swear that the uctiml ciroulntion of Tn DAILY licit for the veil * ending Nov. ' . " . ' , 18'JO ' , vraj as fol lows ! Hiinilnv.Nnv.lfi . SI.085 Alomlny , Nov. 17. . . . . . , . Wff& Tw ( ! ny. Nov. 19 . 20.078 Wednesday. N'ov. It . -UKH Tliiirsdnv , Nov. 20 . SWIM I' . SOKB Avcrngo. . . ' . . . . . . 2O.771 GKOIKIK n. T/SCIIUCK. Ftforn tn r-eforo ma nnd nuhsenbixl In my prcscnt-o tnis tttd day of November. A. I ) . .1890 , IKAI.I a. P. I'EIU Notary I'ublto. Flnleof NolirnOcn , I. . L'oiinly of Douglas , Is flrwpo II. Trtchnck , bclnR duly swnrn , def - mound unys that Ho Is secretary of Tlio Ilco f 'nlillbliliiK ' Companv. tluittlin actual avorano dully clrciilntlon of TUB IAitv HER for tlio tnoiitli of November , IFftn , wnilO110coplesi ! fur Dorcinllrr , If * ! ) , 20,018 conic * ! for .Tnnunry , 1MO. ll'.r..V > copies ; for February. WOO. 1- ! ) 'M rot'c4 | ' : fur Mnreli. 1PDO , 0.815 copies : for April. IfOfl. ,6&l copies ! for Mny , 1800. 20.1SO rnplosj for June , 1HW , 20.J01 copies ; for July , HIO.i.'O.dKcnpJps ' ; fnrAueiist , IMP.SP.TiOcnplosi for rViilrmi cr , 18CO , 20,870 copies ; for Octoher , lt > ! 0 , So.i2 ( copies , GKOIKIK II. T/SOIIUCK. f-worntn b fore inc. n ml mihsiirlbcd In my picsence. this 1st uay of November. A. I ) . . 1691 N P. Fiir. : Notary Public. Tun Inaost edict of Dictator Burrows toi-euly suys : "Shell out. " Tim Pine ItUlgo Borinl grows in inter est with each now instalment. TIIK old Gould fruurd in thcso parts evinces Btrong1 symptoms of returning life. Tun pro willing color for signals of illitrosj on the Union Pacific is old Gould. TICK board of public works is con vinced that now brooms sweep clean , and acts accordingly. Il' a Ltttlo Wound throws the wlcrd wallzcrs into spells , a fatal wound would flnubtlobs produce spasms. The experi ment should bo made in the interest of pence. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A IIKSOLUTION of sympathy from the county commissioners to the board of publics works is in order , in view of the lattor's experience with the ox-contrac tor of the hospital. The commissioners know how it is themselves. 'Jim anxiety of the infant smelting combine to take in the great Omaliu plnnt recalls the story of the small boy who offered his father a half interest in his young but promising circus to sus pend tlio operation of the paternal strap. importation of a copyist iroin Plnltbinouth to work on the Omaha tax- list does not imply a scarcity of coin- potent penmen in this city. The trouble is the resident applicants did not plant tlielr insurance where it would do the most "ood. now Church Howe finds a con testant bold enough to dispute his sovereign eign rights on the murmuring Komalia. 'Jo accubo the famous farmer of buying his way to ofllco shows that even the truly good do not always escape the ma chinations of the wicked. E political plpo lines of the combine nrou source ol gniv6 mental anxiety to the plumbing inspectors. Their efforts to solder the lenks and caulk the docoui- jiosed joints have not boon equnlled since they accepted democratic boodle to fight tlio republican ticket a year ago. BUFFALO BILL will bo welcomed back to Nebraska tonight by the people of Omaha , who recognize in him the best advertised citizen of tlio stato. There nro several paths to fame , and Buffalo TJill has discovered one of them. Ho personifies the chivalry of the plains. IT IS evident the news of Brigadier General Colby's preparations to take the Held in person has not reached the camp of the Messiah. As soon as the thrilling orders to the veterans of tlio Nebraska. Pir&t breaks like a cataclysm on Porcu pine Creek , it is safe to predict the whole land will precipitately Sioux for peace. IN the long nnd lurid proclamation countersigned by Prittlo , Dech &Co. , there Is ono gaunt , gasping truth n thing of substance amid a mass ol lililoous shallows nnd wiord fabrications. 3t is the pathetic appeal for more funds. In the whole range of ink-soaked jim- jivms there is nothing so painfully touching. _ TUB affairs of the Columbian exposi tion appear to bo moving forward with u little more harmony nnd celerity than before Tills is well , as 1893'is steadily coming on without regard to the differ ences of real estate boomers or rival commibslons. It is high time that all preliminaries wore settled and actual work begun. The west would never got done blushing for Chicago is there fchould bo any failure ubout the world's fair. are in honor bound to repudiate the men who dollborntelj conspired to slaughter the ropubllcat ticket lust December. Ono of the most actlvo nnd vindictive leaders of the traitorous gang was E. P. Davis. Although Davis accepted the hospitality of the republican candidate for mayoi and pledged loyalty to the ticket , ho was ono of the first to turu traitor ant openly fought at the polls the party to whom ho owed his election to the conn oil , and rejoiced over the defeat of Jlfo long , reputable republicans. Are the republicans ready to reward such scoun < 1 roily work ? A iiioui-cl'HDtrxa MANIFESTO , In Mexico , Central and South America every revolutionary movement la preceded - ceded by soul-stirring appeals from fac tional lenders and 'would-bo dictators. For the first time In its history , Nobrnska lins had a similar call to arms. Throe valiant swashbucklers Imvo issued the following furious 'and fuming pro- minclamcnto as n prelude to the contest for the governorship nnd state ofliccs : To Frlenda of the People's Cause : We rongrntulnto you upon the part you have taken In winning on Tuesday , November , the mildest people's victory over won in Nebraska. The enemy wcro taken by sur prise , nnd tlio cause of the people won nil along tlio line , In places , too , whcra wo least expected such strength. Wo believe that that victory wns not n partial oao ; that the people of Nebraska expressed as their will that John H. Powers nnd the state tlcltot of the independent party , should hold the reins of state povcrmncnl for tlio coming two years. But the people wcro not to rulo. Never la the history ot a free people was ever such n perfidious , proniedltaU.-d nnd systnmatlo attempt to deleat their will. On November 4 last , hell was geographically located. Robbery , riot and rascality held fli carnival. Fiends , bullies , thugs , and cut-throats terrorized the populace , mid decent men were drivcu nwny from the polls. At whatever cost the will of the political harlots who managed the republican and democratic machines , was to be foisted upon n righteous people. A most unholy nlllnnco between the sycophant hirelings who have yearly fought cnch other like dogs for the power to plunder the people , was consum mated , and by spcclllu contract , a plan wns agreed upon to foil the just de mands of the people. Corporate rule was to perpetuate Its power by tbo election of a democratic governor ana a re publican corps of assistants. Alcnproinlucnt In both orgnnl/atlons.wci-o parties to the combination , nnd the most hellish methods Imaginable wcro summoned to execute the behests of that damnable conspiracy. Men who had the courngo of their convic tions , who attempted to assist the people's cause nt the polls , wore mobbed , knocked down , driven away or dragged oft to Jail on some fiendish pretext. Thousands of foreign ers wcro voted oa their first papers , paid for by tbo arch fiends of the unnatural conspir acy. Thousands more were falsely regis tered , ballot boxes wcro secreted , results changed , rights of the people trampled upon , and every dovlco.known to political chicanery was brought to play. Despite these desperate resources , It looked as though tlio cause of the people would still triumph. Corruption , fraud , Intimidation nnd violence haa not suc ceeded In overthrowing the determination of the pooplo. Alarmed at this , the metropolitan sheets , irrespective of party , Jointly en deavored to smother facts and results of the election over the stato. Mandate after man date was sent out from the headquar ters of the plutocratic combine , and the ser vile tools who held the sacred trust of the people , obeyed their commands. Ballot boxes wcro stuffed , returns padded , canvassing boards packed , hundreds of votes swung around to their opposite , and every right of the people for n public canvass , a fair count , and honest government , was arbitrarily do- nicd. The result was changed. Thopcoplo were not to rule. Jumos E. Boyd with , his republican lieutenants , wcro to prolong the reign of corruption. But wo bellovo the pco- plo , la the Intensity of their wrath , Incensed by every wrong which organized capital bas been able to foist upon them , will arise in the might of offended righteousness , and do- cluro with a force and power that capital will bo compelled to acknowledge that Jus tice shall rule , that tlio will of the people shall bo freely expressed and honestly counted , and that when so counted , shall bo our law supremo. "VVe.your state committee , propose to do everything within tno bounds of honor , as your agents , to see that right and honesty shall triumph , nnd with 3 our as sistance , wo know that wo shall win. Wo are mvuko and nllvo to your interests and pledge our utmost to establish the govcrmont which your ballots commanded. To protect the rights of our people np-ainst the frauds and intimidations us mentioned above , proceedings have been commenced for a contest of the state oftlccrs. Such contest will bo most stubbornly resisted by our com mon enemy and involves a very largo expense which must bo met at once. Wo , your com mittee in charge , ask you to at once collect and send as much money as possible to the undersigned secretary. A receipt for the satno will bo given. 1'lcnso lot this appeal bo personal to each lover of justice , and act at once. C. H. PJUTJ.B , Seo'y , 1034 P Street , Lincoln , Neb. W. II. Ducn , W. F. WIUUIIT. Now it is eminently proper for any candidate who believes himself to hnvo boon corruptly deprived of an office to which he was elected to use all legal means for asserting his rights. It is right and proper for any citizen or any campaign committee to invoke the power of the legislature and the courts n gainst any party or parties that are known or believed by thorn to have wickedly and lawlessly contrived to count out or count in any candidate or candi dates. It is perfectly proper for these citizens or committees to appeal to their party followers or the people for funds to enable them to carrj * on a contest in duo form. But no man or sot of men have the right to appeal to tlfo passions and prej udices of any class of citizens or of any section b3' n distortion of facts nnd downright inventions of alleged crimes and a reign of terror that had no place except in their own fertile imaginations. It is a disgrace to Nebraska that there is no law that will punish men for send ing out such annrchistio firebrands. The wildest ravings of professional dyna miters and socialistic agitators can pro duce no greater harm than such slander ous screeds against the good name of our state and its law-nbidine citizens. They assort that "robbery and riot hold high carnival on election day , " nnd "fiends , thugs , bullies and cut-throats terrorized the „ populace. " What an infamous fabrication. Thorn never was a more peaceable election hold in Nebraska or any where olso. There was no robbery , there wnsnorlottherowos no'bloodshed. Nobody was terrorized nnd not a man who desired to-voto and had a right to vote was kept from voting anywhere , so far as wo hnvo lonrncd. No voter was driven away from the polls before ho voted nnd nobody who Wanted to vote the independent ticket was molested in the loast. This raving trio assorts that "ballot boxes wore stuffed , returns padded nnd thousands falsely registered. " For this assertion they have no proof whatever outside of the malignant , gang of professional prohibition ngita- tators who plotted to throw Douglas county out because her vote was known to bo almost unanimous against the pro hibition amendment. All their energy and argument wns exerted to create the mprosslon that Omiiha was organizing a raid upon the ballot box and import- tig vast hordes of non-residents to do- 'eat prohibition , when as n matter of 'act , every precaution wns taken by the authorities and citlzcnH to have a quiet ind fair election and an honest count , regardless of consequence ? . A1IHOAD. Ono of the suggestions of Secretary Rusk which should receive the prompt attention of congress and the general support of tlio farmers of the country is Iho desirability of adopting some method t > y which , as occasion requires nnd with out long 'delays , the department of agri culture shall bo enabled to send repre sentatives to foreign countrlo3 in cases where only personal visits can bo rolled on to secure much needed information. Our farmers are met by an actlvo compe tition in every market where I heir pro ducts nro offered for sale , and the com mercial side of this condition of things is well understood , but the secretary re marks that it docs not scorn to bo so clearly und orstood or so well appreci ated that there is an intellectual compe tition which is oyon more serious than the other in tlin't it is the basis of the other. There can bo no question as to the soundness of the proposition that if the attainment of the highest.results in ag riculture is sought wo must bo prepared to learn nil that is to -learned else where and then wisely adapt the information mation to the conditions of the Ameri can farmer. Obviously such information must bo acquired by men who are them selves familiar with our agricul tural conditions. Our consuls may , nnd ninny of them do , furnish most val uable information regarding agricul tural conditions nbroad , but there Is a great deal of practical and technical knowledge to bo obtained which cannot come within the scope of the observa tion of these oilielals , and to the a&cer- tnlnmont of which they could not devote their tlmo were they specially qualified for such a work. The men needed for this service , in order to give it any value , are such as have had a thorough practical experience in farming or given agriculture comprehensive scientific study , and who are also well informed us to the agricultural eondlttons of this country. Mcti of this class , having n deeper interest in their work than the mere remuneration it would bring , could unquestionably acquire a great deal of information in studying agricul tural methods abroad that would bo of tlio greatest value to the American farmer. It must not bo supposed that farming in the United' States has attained its highest possible development. Wo have yet much toJoarnof these methods by which the most advanced agriculturists of the old world obtain the maximum of production at the minimum of cost. And wo are far behind the other nations of the world in our efforts to acquire larger knowledge on tills subject , Un questionably wo are advancing in this respect , but there is hardly a European country where more careful attention Is not given to the study and investigation of agriculture than Is bestowed upon it hero. Important gatherings of men devoted - voted to agricultural science are con stantly being hold in various parts of the world at which this country is never represented. Last year at the great in ternational agricultural congress at Vienna , at which more than a score of countries were represented , the United States , the greatest of all , had no repre sentative , although especially invited by the Austro-Hungariau government to participate. Hero is a practical matter to which the farmers' alliances may properly nnd advantageously give their attention , nnd if they will support the recommendation of the secretary of agriculture there can bo no doubt of a favorable response Jroin congress , with ultimate results that cannot foil to bo beneficial to the , coun try's agricultural interests. ir-LBO.-lZ , EXKill'XlOXS. The state constitution explicitly defines - fines the classes of property exempt from taxation. Besides public property it ex empts "such other property ns may bo used exclusively for agricultural and horticultural purposes , for school , relig ious , cemetery and charitable purposes , but such exemptions shall bo defined by general law. " Tlio general law copies tlio words of the constitution , tind vests no discretionary power in state , c ounty or municipal bodies. There is no mistak ing the language of the constitution. It specifically confines exemption to classes of property "used exclusively" for the purposes mentioned. But the city council of Omaha con strues the constitution to suit the fancy of the combine , nnd without warrant ot law exempted the following property from taxation : Keystone Independent Order of Oddfel lows , north 155 feet of the south half of lot 4 , block 215. Oinaim ledge No. 2 , Independent Order ot Oddfellows , north halt of lot 8 , block S3. Masonic temple block. Young Men's Christian association block. Gorman association , lot C , block 122. Danish association , 71)4x109 ) , block 141. Omaha driving park , ! 17 acres. All this property , its value running into hundreds of thousands of dollars , was placed on the free list , notwith standing the adverse opinion of the legal adviser of the city. City Attorney Popploton declared that the council had no authority to exempt this property. It was not "used exclusively * ' for the purposes named in the organic law , therefore the council could not remove it from taxation without violating the provision of the constitution. It is a mntlor of general notoriety that the Masonic , Oddfellows , Young Men's Christian association , Germnnia nnd Danish buildings afford sources of revenue , yielding from thtvo to ten thousand dollars annually. They are not "used exclusively" for religious or charitable purposes nnd tholr total exemption from taxation is not only illegal but na injustice to the taxpayers nnd a discrimination against poorer organizations. There nro sixty organizations in the city , all of which are as much entitled to the favor of the council as the societies owning build ings. Why nro not the buildings , parts of which they occupy , exempt from tax ation and the money thuseavcd tlio own ers'applied to the rent ? Suppose each of thcso slxtjTTJrgnnij'.atlong erected a building , wo fvpt ld have sixty-five val uable blocks TM ) from taxation while the organizations waxed opulent on the Imndsomo royouuo derived from rents. It requires a wild stretch ol imagina tion to class tno Fdrlvlng park as prop erty "used exclusively" for "agricul tural and hdrlYcultural purposes" in view of the fact that it Is occupied loss than ton days .tin the year as n fair ground. It In neither owned nor con trolled by agricultural or horticultural societies and typars no closer relation to these objects than a prohibition colonel to the apostle of'truth. ' Where will this species of Illegal favoritism end ? There is practically no limit to the policy adootcd'by the council in ignoring the ulnln letter of the luw. Followed to Its logical conclu sion , nil property controlled or partially occupied by benevolent organizations must . bo placed on the frco list. Tlicro is no middle ground. It opens wide the door for tax shirking on flimsy pretexts and perverts the generosity of the state. Tho&o who urged and inaugurated these illegal exemptions placed an effective weapon in the hands of the swelling army demanding the taxation of 'nil classes of proxsrty | , regardless of the purpose for which it is used. ic.i AXi ) nw Ktu Western jwoplo hnvo several good reasons for regarding the recent gigantic railroad combine withapprehension. . Aside from the rate question , winch to a considerable degree is amenable to state legislation , there is another vital point where it will touch the problem of western development. hi all the newer slates the matter ot getting now railroads and extending these already established iss of fit-fit im portance. Nothing is more closely re lated to the growth of cities us the com plete and speedy development of sections no.v sparsely settled. Heretofore the most powerful inlliionce in this direction has been the rivalry of competing lines for profitable and promising buainess. Under the new era of absorption of great railroad interests in the hands of a few , and under the treaty ot pence agreed upon by sub stantially nil western roads , the element of competition must largely disappear. Unless the policy of the trust is more liberal than Is so far Indicated , it will bo a much more difficult matter to in duce the railroads to extend their lines than it was when the old spirit of rivalry flourished. More than half of the state ol Ne braska yet remains to bo developed by railroad construction. A line drawn from north to south , and passing through Grand Island anu' Hastings , would mark the western limit of anything like adoj quato railroad development. Beyond that line lie nearly two-thirds of the state. Except in'tho ' extreme northern portion , only tw6 lines of railway run through this vast'territory from cast to west nnd none whatever from north to south. And yet it is to this section that Nebraska must look for the larger portion tion of the growth she hopes to attain in the next ten "years' , Twice as many people as now live in the whole state could bo comfortably accommodated be yond tlio point where railroad extension has temporarily ceased. The natural competitors for this rich field are the Union Pacific , the Burling ton , the Missouri Paiific , the Atchison & Santa Fc. and , possibly , the Rock Island. But if those roada are no longer competitors what will bo the effect on * our undeveloped empire in the est ? This is ono of the several lights In which tne now railroad trust is soon to have an important relation to the future of Nebraska. IT is pleasant to bo able to record that no person who has been notified that his election will bo contested has yet said that ho feared an attempt to cheat him out of his office if the returns show ho was elected. If this spirit continues on both sides the outcome of the contest , whatever it is , will bo accepted by the people of Nebraska without a murmur. THIS success of Gordon in Georgia demonstrates that it is ono thing to elect an Alliance majority to the legislature ) and quite another thing to handle it a ? a solid muss. The Alliance man was defeated nnd the railroad man elected. All is not victory that glitters in the returns. THE bloody scalpers now surround PimTRidgo agency clamoring for their rations , but the country is safe. General Colby is marching in dress parade order with his untalllon and Buffalo Bill only four hundred miles away from the scat of war. AliltAM S. Ht'.WiTT is the latest sug gestion for the democratic senatorship from Now York.It t is likely , however , that the man who gets the plum will bo much more of n politician nnd much loss of a statesman than Abe Hewitt. - two companies of soldiers are left at Fort Omaha. What would the metropolis of Nebraska do if the red skins should decide to take nn excursion down hero ? B\i't't'non \ , thoro'a General Colby and the Omaha guards. TIIK now agricultural implement trust still insists thatit'i ' will sell its wares cheaper than formerly. If they do , the farmers will kilobit , and wo shall see a curiosity in the shape of a trust that is popular. TIIC Illinois democrats now claim that they can got alorW'without ' the throe al liance men in th'p ' jigislaturo. If that Is the case , throe more senatorial ambi tions have gene glimmering. N Fortunate Escape. TupfJkn JffjiiiMf < vii. The prohibitionists of Nebraska on election day sent telegrams ull over the state saying that those who were attempting to vote for tlio amendment in the city of Omaha were being driven away from the polls , boatoa and largo numbers killed , and thnt ono bravo pro hibitionist wns keeping count of the slain nt the risk of his own life. The people of Ne braska , however , wcro prepared for Just such news and not ono vote was made for the amendment by these lying talcgrnms. When the whole thing was simmered down after the smoke of battle cleared nwny , it was found that all the truth there was in the tola- grams was in the fact that cue prohlbit.onist Imd lxwn knocked down , but that ho was the aggressor nnd deserved the punishment ho received , having grossly insulted a man who was handing out tickets against the amend ment. Nebraska in to bo congratulated on having escaped the ordeal ot being mtod by such lying fanatics as nro well represented by the outhori of those false dispatches. The Cause of tlio Indian Trouble , C/ifcat/o / / fftin , The incarceration of Bitting Bull would probably take out of the way all the really dangerous hostile Indians llvi'tig , If ono-bnlf tbo energy thnt Silting Hull has expended In consummating mischievous enterprise * had been devoted to the civilizing of his race there wouldn't ' be a troublosotno redskin In North America. Paradoxical Position nfPnlntcd Horse I'MhiMtfita I'reti. Painted Horse complains that while with Dr. Carver's WllU West show In Europe the Indians were given too much whisky to drink nnd too little food to cat. This is the first tlmo on record where nn Indian bas been known to complain over mi overabundant sup ply of llrovvutcr. Colonel WnttcfHon nn Wine. Katumi ( 'II u Jonnidl. "No , thank you , no California wine this evening , " says Mr. Wattcwou in tbo Cour- rlcr-Joumal. Doubtless Mr. Watterson pre fers the wine after it has been returned from Franco with n French label. Or else ho is simply voicing the Kentucky prejudice against mild drinks. _ _ JVJWS OF 'JTilli ISO ItTil WEST. The location of the Ulysses postoflleo lias been changed and a now outfit purchased. Hov. Mr. Queen of Oxford 1ms accepted a call to tlio Baptist church \Vettnorc , Kan. The finishing touches have been put 011 tlio now Episcopal church nt Wllber nnd it will bo consecrated today. The citizens of Cambridge are subscribing funds to purchase lire nppqrutuu and a lire company is being organized. Kov. C. It. Fnullc of Strotnsburg has ac cepted a call to the pastorate of the Swedish Mission church nt 1'lattsmouth. The new plpo organ for the Presbyterian church at Plnttsniouth has been set up and na organ recital will soon bo given. The new city hull at Wahoo is progressing toward completion , nnd the lira boll which is to surmount the structure has arrived from Troy , N. V. The school buildintrs at the San too Indian agency have no protection against lira and an appeal has been made for funds with which to build u water tank , The annual winter .meeting of the state board of agriculture willbo hold at Lincoln , beginning January " 0 at the same ) time with the wintern corn exhibit. A Nebraska City young man nntnod Ever- liars took n big dose of horse limmcut bv mis take for whisky , and is .now suffering from a burned throat und stomach. The old settlers of Adams county will meet at Junlata DecembcrlS to celebrate the nine teenth annivcarsnry of the county. They in vite. nil old settlers to meet with thorn and * participate. A gang of Oscoola boys raided the mills nt that pluco the other night nnd broke thirty- six panes ot gkus. Their names have been learned and they have been taxed fil.CO by the proprietor. The county attorney of Jefferson county has commenced suit against John Curtin and Michael Higglns for $1,180 und costs in the muraer trial of Patrick Sbtcl. They were Sbicl's bondsmen. Two Friend boys , twelve and fourteen years of age , named Ad Dine nnd Ham Dil lon , quarreled , when the former drew a knife nnd slashed the latter throe times , ono cut , across the face , being quite deep. No arrests were made. _ _ _ Iowa. Union county is talking of building a now Jail. Orange City is to have a system of water works. The Pony Methodists have decided to build a $10,000 church building. A big beaver was killed in the Sioux river near Sioux Hapids the other day. Creston has twelve saloons , from which $75 per month each is collected as license. A mysterious disease Is killing largo num bers of cattle in the vicinity of Lawlcr. John G. Smith of Algona , president of .tho State Sportsmen's association , has presented to the Highland gun club of DCS Moines his collection of birds. It contains 125 specimens , mostly fowa game birds , and is very valu able. able.Mrs. Mrs. Mollie Cloud , wife of CJoorgoU. Cloud , has brought suit against six Carroll saloon keepers for selling her husband liquor , claim ing of each the sum of P5,000. Cloud was formerly n member of the Carroll county bar and in 18SG was a candidate for district judge on tbo democratic ticket. George Bnwden of Sibloy , has been bound over to tlio f rand jury of Occola county on a charge of seduction preferred by Katlo King- lor. The Uinglers are notorious anarchists , the father of the girl being an undo of August Spies , who was hanged at Chicago two j'cars ago. Bowden gave bonds nnd was released. Piof. Stalker made some careful tests nt the State Agricultural college as to the rela tive value of raw and cooked food for stock. Ho was astonisiicd to find "not only no gain but an actual loss by cooking for hogs. " I'rof. Henry nnd others make the same re port , and so fur as experimental stations prove anything it stands that raw dry food gives the best results. Mrs. 1'robus Eborlo of East Dubuque , Is probably the lu&t survivor of iho BlaclcHinvk war. She is a full blooded Sac Indian and when a little girl was picked up on the bat tle field of Bad Ax by liun Jordan , a son of the llrot settler of East Dubunuo , by whom she was afterward adopted. She married a porman farmer named Eborlo In 1854 , with whom she lived happily until his death , a few years ago. She will shortly leave East Dubuque to pass the remainder of her life with ttio family of her foster brother , ( Jeorgo Jordan of Wiota , Cass county. Tlio Two Unkotas. Another artesian well is soon to bo sunk at Madison. A merchants' carnival will soon bo hold at Doadwood. There are eight patients in the hospital at Aberdeen. The HomestnVo 'and Associate mines of Deadwood shipped out $150,009 , in gold last wtek. The cloitrlo light plant at Sioux Falls Is to bo Increased from n capacity of 1,1300 incan descent lights to ! l,000. , Seth Clifford , sheriff of Fall Hivcr county , has offered a reward of SJ03 for the arrest nnn detention , of Silas nnd Houbon Short- ridge , two brothers who loft their homo sev eral wcolcs ago , and whoso whereabouts is a mystery. The Northern Pacific railroad company will put down six artesian wells along their Dako ta division , the first ono to bo drilled nt Buf falo. The sinking of those wells will bo bene ficial , ns it will show fanneas where llowing wells cun bo found , besides furnishing the road with n moro abundant supply of water. which is much needed owing to the increased trafllo. Information comes from Blue Blanket that fl vo deaths recently occurred in n family of , Uio name of Hanson , living in southern Camp bell county , and four deaths nro also said to hnvo occurred in nnothnr Hanson family nclghborim ; und related to the former , in ono night. No explanation can bo found for the mysterious fatalities. The little two-year-old boy of George Puttie of Turtle Mountain disappeared Oc tober 18 and It wiu supposed ho had been stolen. HcccnUy a couple of boys found the dead body of tno missing boy. It lay in u clu nip of dry bush about three miles from homo and about twenty foot from Willow crock. The flesh was nearly all eaten oft from the face and neck , no doubt by mink nnd bird 3. The Moody county bank has secured n temporary injunction restraining the county auditor from delivering the tax list to the treasurer for collection against said bunk on account of the doubling of the assessment by the state board of equalization , This injunc tion is ono of.tbo steps in a proceeding to test the legality of the action ot tno stttto board nnd the constitutionality ot the law under which the board acted In doubling tno assess ment of all moneys and credits In the state. APPEALS FOR AID AND ARMS , Governor Thnyor Besieged With Petitions for Protection Against the Indian ! . COL , BILES' REGIMENT READY FOR ACTION , Mickey Once Moro IimntiC'-Tlio Cnpl tal Hotel lliillilliit ; Changes llnnili A Theatrical Company In Hard Ijtiuk. LINCOLN , Nob. , Nov. 2JI. [ Special to Tits UKE. ] Slnco the publication in TUB 11 KP. ex clusively this morning of thojproposcd plot of the supposed friendly Indians to murder all of General Brooke's forces a panic seems to have seized the settlers living near the Pine Iltdgo agency. All day long telegrams have come pouring Into Governor Thnycr's ofllco appealing for military aid and .inns. Among some of the telegrams received arc the fol lowing : Conr. Neb. , Nov. Zt. [ To hli Excellency , John M. Thayer , Uovomur of Nebraska ! \ \ o earnestly request you to mini us ImniucUatcly Iltly rlllos nnit aninnlllon fur dcfonso against Indians. Please nniwor , A. 1) . C'or.p. and Other f'ltlrcns. ' OnADIKIN , Neb. . Nov. SI. [ To his KvcollPiioy , John M.Thuyer , Governor of Noliru ku.l fn view of the fact Dial an Indian outbreak at 1'mo ItldRn rnny ullcct us , 1 , ns mayor of Uluul- ron , request that yon bond us .MO aland of nrins and supply ammunition. Answer. O. II. IIKHMDII , IlKADOUAUTESRr.CONnKKniMKVT. N. N. 0. . PAiniiuitv. ITohls i\tollciicy ; ! , John M. Tliny- ur , Rovornorof NubrnsUn.l Hnvo notified all companies of my ri'xlmcnt to bo In readiness for inaruhlni ; orders nt one day'x notice. Wo nirnlt your nullioronU'rs. C. J. Uiu : . , Colonel Commanding Hccond Hugltuent In fantry. WIUTKKV , Neb. , Nov. 2) ) . [ ToMs Excellency. John M. Thayer , governor of Nebraska. ] fend L"00 stands of iirins and ammunition to Whit ney. Settlers have no mount of pr.ilcctlon. I'lcaso answer quick. K. J. OAIU-UNTCII. Olmlntmn Village. Hoard , SraiwnFint.D , Nob. , Nov. ' ! . [ To Ills Excel lency. John M. Tliuyor , govui nor of Nebraska , ] 1 bollovo tlmt tbo people of my county am in danger ( rum the Indians on tlio reservation nnd I request tlmt you ciiuso tti lie sunt u > ns cither u strong dotnehniont of mllltln or at least a Imndroil KOOI ! rllh'H und 4,000 rounds of cartridges. We fool that wo necil help and lit oiico. Ilitnu Iloorn , Sheriff Koyu I'aha County. Unfortunately ail tbo available arms and ammunition have already been eent , out in re sponse to calls and none are now loft in the capital. Adjutant General Cole , however , is making arrangements to get the state militia in read- incss in case of nn outbreak und ho is busily engaged sending out notices to the state guards to inako immediate reports as to how many men are available for immediate service in case of necessity. It is therefore possible that the state militia may yet have n chance to see active service and nrovo that they are worthy of a better epithet than that of tin soldiers. M1CKET ADJUDGCU ISSANK. James B. Ailckoy , the wcllknown and well- to-do farmer living six miles southwest of the city , was adjudged Insane again yesterday ntid will bo taken back to the asylum once moro for treatment. It appears that the last tlmo ho was at the asylum he was released too soon "and overwork bos since then brought on a rcpitition of bis former i isfortuno. rnorosEu CAPITAL noini.iMrnoviMF..sTs. : Now that N. S. Hnrwood nnd .T. H. Amos have bought the Capital hotel building from J. B. Kitchen it is rumored that the purchas ers intend to enlarge and improve the hotel by adding another story and by extending the building to the south so tlmt it will cover an entire quarter of a block. It is also rumored that an opera house may bo Incor porated within the now structure. IN H.uiD 1,1x1:3. The present season is a pretty tough ono on theatrical enterprises , and Hieo'a "World's Fair" company which appeared at Funko's last nipht is no exception. The company ad vertised eighty people in the cast , but there was hardly ono-fourth that number. It was no fault of Mr. Rice , however , that such was the case , but simply an example of very hard lucic. When the company shewed nt Kansas I City two weeks ago there were fifty people In the company , but the week's business brough Rico out & 100 in the hole , nnd Manager Crawford of the Warder Grand , to whom this was owing , advanced enough to get the company to St. Joseph , sending along a representative to preside over the box odlco. Ill luck followed the company , and it wns necessary to dispense with tlio services of nearly two-thirds of the company , nnd the Crawford representative came with the com pany successively to Beatrice and Lincoln. Last night Mr. Elliott , Crawford's agent , attached the scenery and costumes of the company to satisfy a claim of $5K ( > . CAPTUKCD THE IJIIIDOU. It seems that the Lincoln street railway , anticipating the intentions of the Lincoln olootrlo railway company to crosn Bnlt crooc ! nt A street mul build ( i line toward * Cushmaii imrk , Ims ijulotly taken pfl simlon of tlio DMrtgo hy nuttln ? down double trnclt * , thereby - by completely shutting out the elrctrlo com- jinny. As the Lincoln street rnllway com pany promises to soon run Its curs l y elec tricity , the failure of tlio otcctrlu Rtrcot mil- way to capture the brldpo docs not create tlio focliug ot regret that It otherwise would , i. TIIK ( Xmr.ST. Neither Stito Treasurer Hill nor Auditor Detiton , both of whom were notillod yoslcr * day by tlio alliance luwvort of tlio proposed S contest , nppoar to hrlu tholcnitroucurnctl f concornlnK the outcome of the uffuir. \ \ lint f both gciitlcmun dread is the expense it will Incur , and botli bnvo hud to ninko heavy drafts on their pockets during tbo late emu- IKligtl. onus AND Kxnj. Tbo grand march at tbo charity ball on Thursday ovcnlng U to bo led by Governor ntid Mrs. Thaycr. The Lotus club , which I * com | > oscd of Knights of 1'ythliw nnd tholr laclloi , will plvo Its first ball tbo present soaion nt Mil- sonic tump'.o ' Tuesday evening. Ills Head AVim Swulled. . I witnessed a strange and ludlcroui scone several afternoons Blnco on one ot the East Side streets , nays the Providence ) Telegram. Some laborers , who wcro re pairing a portion of ono of the side walks , - nnd deposited a pltchor of thickened * * * wntor notir n tree , visiting it whenever * their thirst beciuno annoying. "Whllo they were busy ever the job a hound trotted ulonir " , nnd spying the pltolier lit once sot out "to investigate it. Ittsortin his sharp mmzlo into tlio Interior lie < lin- covered the doll.ciousnossof the contents , tind begun to inp vigorously. Of oourno the moro ho transferred to his stomach Iho lower lie was obllpod to push his juws in order to keep the rofrutihing compound B rnnjro of his tonpuo. Finally ho exhausted tlio bovorngo and started to oxtrlcato his head. A dllllculty ho had not reckoned on here presented Itself. Ills cranium , some how , was too largo to bo drawn bade through the opening into which it had slid so nicely , nor could ho by tlio fierc est of jerks or shaUes pet free. Then begun aii oxcltinp performance. The animal howled lustily nnd sprang in all directions , rolling and pawing till it soeinod as if lie would work himself into madness. Bits of the pltchor were broken now and then , und orifices created in its shining sides , out of which burst , like echoes from n dccp-stinkou cave , sounds of tlio frightened fellow'H torrillc cries. Fearing tlio consequences of a hydrophobia lit , the workmen , who had watched the ludicrous spectacle from the beginning , siozed the dog and smashed his clay prison into fragments. The Woman Napoleon Hated , The lady whom the Emperor Napoleon III. hated most on earth has just died. During the brilliant days thai followed the coup d'etat Napoleon made count less efforts to live on peed terms with the old nobility. There was no limit to the bribery , cajolery , and oven threats to which ho resorted in order to induce thorn to frequent his brand now court. The Marquise do Castollano , whoso death is just announced , took the lead in bidding him degunce. She not only refused to go to court herself , but she out any of her acquaintances whom she know to meet with favor there , nnd as her salon was the most charming in Paris chance of being excluded from it was not so lightly encountered. The marquis was a grandniecoof Talleyrand , and it was through her influence that the great diplomat signed an act of retraction - traction and became reconciled to the X church of Rome. For some years she - lived in retirement , but in earlier days she was ono of tbo moat brilliant and powerful of the grandcsdamos of Paris. riillalitliropliy Doesn't Pay Nownilayn. Verily this is a. "perverse and unto ward generation. " This latest bit of news concerning Sister Itoso Gorttulo is that she and "her male carrier of possi ble germs of leprosy ( Dr. Lutz ) should not 1)0 allowed to land in England , " and that "thoy assumed a post which nobody thrust upon thorn , and now , being ap parently tired of their gratuitous atten tion to unfortunate wretches who never sought thorn or their medicines , they nro returning- civilization moro or less filled with the germs of the filthy curse. " So.much for heroism , solf-sacri- fice and devotion to a repulsive cause in the year of our Lord 1890. " " " " - * gB GJ L - - - " " ' " " " ' - _ _ _ _ _ HARPER'S MAGAZINE PROMINENT among the attractions offered in this number are EDWIN A. ABBEY'S illustrations of Shakespeare's com edy "As You Like It , " accompanied with comment by ANDREW LANG , and including a frontispiece , printed in tints , entitled " In the Forest. " THEODORE CHILD , in an article copiously illus trated from paintings by D. G. ROSSETTI , BURNE-JONES , and G. F. WATTS describes the interior of a famous " Pre-Raphaelite Mansion " in London. " Japanese Women " is the title of an entertaining article written by PIERRE LOTI , and illustrated from paintings by H. HUMPHREY MOORE. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER , in "The Winter of Our Content , " continues his scries of illustrated papers on Southern California. The fiction of the number includes "A Christmas Present , " by PAUL HEYSF , illustrated by C. S. REINHART ; " Flute and Violin , " an old Kentucky story by JAMES LANE ALLEN , with twenty illus trations by HOWARD PVLC ; " P'laski's Tunaments/'byTiiOM. AS NELSON PARE , illustrated by J. W. ALEXANDER ; " Gibble Colt's Ducks , " by RICHARD MALCOLM JOHNSTON , illustrated by A. B. FROST ; "Jim's Little Woman , " by SARAH ORNE JEW- ETT ; and "A Speakin * Ghost , " by ANNIE TRUMDULL SLOSSON. The usual editorial departments conducted by GEORGE WILLIAM CURTISWlLLIAM DEAN IIOWELLS , and CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER , Subscription Price , $ d 00 % > cr "Year. FRANKLIN 5Q.UARE N Y 1690 PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1303 Farnatn Str ) ) * ; . HARRY P. DEUEL , Olty Pasaongor anl Tiolcot Ajont OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Subscribed and Ouarantoort Cni > ltal."iOO.OOO 1'nld in Capital y > 0-0W ( lluys nnd solli stocks nnd l > ondsi negotlHloi coinniorolul pnpors receives and oxoculcs trubts ; nctsns transfer ugcnt and trustee of corporations , tatos chario ot property , oul- loctstaxci. Omaha Loan&TrustCo \ SAVINGS BANK. S. E. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. 1'nld In Capital , t 51.000 Huliscrlbod and Guaranteed Capital. . . . 100,00) Liability of Stockholders 90,000 6 I'cr Coot Intaifit 1'ald on TlnposltH. r'UANK J. IjANUK , Uuahlor. Officers : A. U. Wymun , president. J , J. llrnwn , vloe-prcaldunt , W. T. Wyinnn , treasurer. Dlrcctorii-A. U. Wjrman. J. II. billiard , J. J. lirovro. Ouy O. Ilurtup , G. W. NuiU , Tliumo * L. IClmbklC Gcorgo I ) . LuVc.