r THE .OM F DAILY BEE JMQ&DAY , NOVEMBER 24 , 1890 , * THE OMAHA 11EE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OPFICK , NO. 12 PEARL. ST. Tfllvfrort bjr Carrier inuny part nf Iho rily , 11f , T1LTON . MANAOnit TELEl'HONEdi \ e. No. 13. Night Kdltor , No. Z ) . N. Y , P. Co. Council Bliiffs Lumber Co. . coal. H. Mlddlclon wns arrested yesterday for Intoxication nnd beating hU boarU bill at a rcstnurnnt. Ho wns locked up. Pat Duggan was found by an ofllccr last pvcniiig in nn advanced stage of Intoxication , lie luuUil.l. ' ) In his pockets and a largo Dot tle of whisky. The number of Intoxicated men on the streets yesterday Indicated some open saloons somewhere , but the entrances were guarded BO caicfully that the police failed to discover them. Three or four Indians were in town yester day , nnd nil wore In an advanced state of In toxication. They came over from Omaha where thoyhavo been attending the federal court ns 'Witnesses. The scenery , costumes and ealclum light effects in "Kllcen.Ogo" nro equal to those used by the travelling companies. The hay making scene in the second act is full of fun , singing , dancing , otu. A telegram wns received yesterday from Hov. L. H. Hall , nt Mason City , la. , an nouncing his acceptance of the call to the pastorate of the First IlnptUt church of this city. Ho will commcnco his labors on Do- comber 1. It Is reported that the stockholders of the American district telegraph in this olty nro negotiating for the sale of their plant and franchise. When the deal is completed the new company will reorganize and incrcaso the plant. The contract bus been let for'tho wiring on the new Broadway Methodist church nnd the work will bo done ns the building pro- cresses. Mr. Evans , the chief electrician of Iho elecrlo light works in this city , has charge of the work. The building will bp wired for all the different systems , Several new cases of diphtheria wore re ported yesterday. While there are a number of cases in the city they nro chiefly located In portions whore the dlsraso has had n foot hold for several months. The city physi cians nnrounco that there nro no indications of n disposition of tlio disease to become ma lignant or nssu mo the form of an epidemic , like it has in other cities. An absurd story was started yesterday by Rome wag , and gained n great deal of cred ence , that the Doclgo light guards hud re ceived telegraphic instructions from Gov ernor Holes to hold themselves In readiness to march to the front nnd light Indians. It is said that some of the members of the com nany themselves believed the story and wore flying around mnking preparations for n hasty departure , no ono seemed to know just where. "yesterday morning nt 0 o'clock death ended the sufferings of little Grade Corbaly , the only child of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Corbaly. A week ago the little ono was stricken with diphtheria , and despite the skill of four or live doctors , passed through nil the stages of the dreadful disease. She was eight years and nine months of aeo. Tlio funeral will take place from the residence , 200 Harmony street , thisnftcrnoon at" o'clock. The body will bo bulled in Fail-view. A teamster by the name of Smith , who lives In the western part of the city , was the victim of n serious runaway yesterday after noon. His team , consisting of a horse and a mule , got boyoiui his control nnd started on a wild run up Unloiravenuo beside the Union Pacific railway tracks. Part of the tlmo thov kept the street and part of the time they took the track. The wagon as n consequence was badly broken up by belncr dashed over the ties. Near Tenth street Smith was thrown from the wagon and the hind wheel ran over him , severely Injuring his lops , but not breaking any bones. The team broke loose from the wagon nnd left what remained of It near the electric light station. Smith was cared for by his friends. A company has been organised for the man ufacture of soap from corn , bv the now pro cess nlludcd to In Tin' BBE n few days ugo. It will bo controlled entirely by Council Bluffs men and capital. From experiments that have been made hero during the past weeK it has been ascertained that the now soap can bo put on the market for less than 1 cent a pound. It is made wholly of corn nnd nkall , and ono bushel of corn makes 400 pounds of llrst class washing soap. It is claimed by the gentlemen who contemplate embarking in the business thnt the lincst toilet soaps can be made by the process , and in many respects they will bo superior to the high-priced articles" now sold. The plant contemplated will have a capacity of twenty tons of commercial soap a day. Articles of incorporation will bo filed this week. Deputy Mnrthnl Fowler wns called to Omaha yesterday to look : nt some diamonds found on the person of a fellow arrested thcro'on Saturday night , who claimed that ho hud found them In Council lilufls. The fellow gave the name of Dwyer , and Fowler recognized him ns nn easy going character well known about the Uvcry stables In this city. The diamonds were n set of earrings and a breastpin. The pin was composed of three gold loaves , resembling oalc loaves , and in the center was a burr heavily studded with diamonds. The earrings were of the same design only smaller. Connected with the phi wns a chain four or five Inches Ion , ? nttached to a little gold Jug. The fellow claimed that ho worked for Miko'Wcatborby nnd Ex-Chief of Police Lucas at the barn on Broadway and claimed that ho found the diamonds In a wa- terclosot in the rear of Mlko Klldaro's saloon in the building adjoining. The Jewels are evi dently stolen , and the owner may bo able to rccognb-.o them from this description. The mountings are gold , and the set is apparently quite valuable. _ J. C. Blxby , steam hoatlnj , sanitary en gineer , UI3 Life buildm ? , Onuha ; 23J MOP rlum block , Council BlulTs. Gents' underwear In great variety at prices to suit all at Model Clothing Co. , L. II. Mossier Mgr. Dr. Soybort. Ucs. Ogden house. Tel. 140. Bcott House. 3T ct. meals , 25c. Lamps , lamps , lamps , lumps. Lund Bros. " 23 South Main street. Our line of cook stoves and ranges , from $7.fiO to f 15 gives you the greatest variety to select from , nt Mandcl & Klein's , 3:20 : Broad- , way. Mnkiiii ; Water Gns. The now works for the manufacture of cheap gas for fuel purposes which the Council Bluffs Gas company has had In process of construction for several months , were put in opern'ion yesterday , nnd the llrst water gas to bo made In the city was forced into the mains yesterday and last night. The gas that was consumed In the city last night was produced by tbo now process. The plant works very satisfactorily , nnd Manager Wright feels highly elated over the prospect of being able to compote with any new company that may como in hero. The price at which fuel gas can bo fur nished and still leave a satisfactory profit to the company has not been determined , but t the prediction Is made by the gas people that they will bo nblo to cheapen the product suf- tlclcntly to enable , them to compete with the coal dealers In supplying fuel for botli heat ing and cooking purposes , and in tlmo to do much better. The works will soon bo in operation to their fullest capacity , which will bo suf ficient to supply ull demands that cau bo made upon the company , \Vo will allow no logltlmnto carpet house to undersell us on carpets , matting , oil cloth , rugs , shades , lace ana heavy curtains , china silk , plushes , upholstering goods , etc. Try us with the cash , Council BlulTs Carpet Co. Lund Urns. , Lund Bros. , Lund Bros. , Lund Bros. , Lund Bros. , Lund Bros. , Lund Bros. , C3 Main itrcot. _ Great bargains in bedroom suits at Mando & Klein , 320 Broadway. The great blow-about heaters our would-be competitors nro making. Have jou seen a better stock of heaters and lower prices lliuu at M. & kV , 03) ) Broadway , THE NEK IN THE BLUFFS , TLo Remains of Colonel Sapp to Bo Buried in Mount Voruon , Ohio , HURT AT THE ELECTRIC LIGHT STATION , Ullllnin I'rrklnNltns a Narrow Kionpo from Death The John Iitinii War on A aiii--A Sermon to the Final nnd definite arrangements have been made for the funeral of Colonel \ . F. Sapp. The body has been embalmed , and will He in state nt the residence of W. V. S.ipp , jr. , on Oakland avenue , taday from 2 until 4 o'clock. It will then bo convoyed to St. Paul's church , where the funeral services will be held at 5 o'elocl , , Hector T. .1. Mnckcy oniclating , The casket will not bu opened nt the church , and the frlc.ids nnd the public will take the last look nt the fare of the dead tnanXwhdo the batly lies nt the rosldenco. N After the conclusion of the funeral services the body will remain in the church until shortly before the time for the departure of the IU o'clock train on tbo UurlliiBton road. It will then bo convoyed In the hc.irso to the city depot and put nhonrd the vraln and taki-u to Alt. Vcrnon , O. , for Interment. Mt Vcrnon was the old homo of Colonel Sapp , nnd It Is thcrolnn beautiful cemetery his wife is sleep- Ing. It lias always been his wish to bo hurled beside her , mid the wish will bo complied with. The escort of carriages thnt will accompany the remains from the house to the church promises to be very lar o. All of the civic societies of which the deceased was a mem ber , mid the number embraces nearly all in the city will inarch In full regalia. AVI11 Knlojrl/.n HH lM'4'Hltleiit. The members of the bar of I'ottawattamio county nro requested to meet in the north room of the court house this morning at 0:30 : o'clock for the purpose of taking suitable action upon the death of Hon. W. Ij1. Sapp , the lute president of the. association. WAL.TUI I SMITH , Scc'y. A HUSINKSS rilOI'OSlTION. We Ilnvo Ono to Talk to Yon About. BUSINESS TOR YOU AXD BUSINESS FOR US. Experience has proved to you and us that the tlmo to make hay Is when the sun shines. The sun Is shining for the buyer this season nnd tbo seller has to conic to tlmo nnd sell his poods in the season they are bought for. \Vo have an overstock of goods and right now is the time to sell it wo fcnow it ! The weather Is unfavorable for the dry goods trade , hut wo propose to sell our stock , If low- prices will dolt. Wo will offer tomorrow and during this week such attractive bargains in cloaks , jackets , wraps , misses' nnd children's cloak , underwear , and all heavy clothing nt such prices that it will pay unyono who studied economy to lay in their goods for the season. Ourstocklsull fresh and of the latest nnd best styles. Our holiday dupaitment , which is the ac knowledged center of attraction , will bo open to the publlu aftgtr Monday. It takes up our entire third floor and consists of the latest , choicest nnd rarest novelties that the Amer ican nnd European markets produce. A trip through our house ana the various depart ments will convince every loyal citizen of Council lUuiTs that our institution is not be hind the times , but the leader of nil estab lishments in the nortnwcst. Everybody coi dially Invited , Call and sen us. Hiixiiv ELSKMAX & Co. , Broadway and Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Hurt by n Dynnmo. A serious nnd distressing accident occurred nt the electric light station last evening , that resulted in some painful Injuries to a young man connected with the works. It occurred just as the machinery wns being started for the long night's run. Chief Engineer Cor- rothers was speeding up one of the largo V/ostinghouso engines which drives several of the Thomson-Houston dynamos. The pul < loj' on the dynamo is eight inches in dameter and is surfaced with paper. Moisture fre quently collects on the surface of the pulley and is liable to cause injury unless it is re moved. The big engine was running at a speed of about ono hundred revolutions minute , nnd William Perkins , ono of the helpers around the station , was directed to take an oily rag nnd hold it on tlio surface of the pulley between the belts. Ho hail been at woik at the station about six months , and had performed this duty almost daily during that time. This time he became a little cure less , and permitted the belt to catch tbo end of the rag. The pullov was bring driven at n speed of between live hundred nnd sovca bun dred revolutions a mlnuto. The instant th' ' rag was caught the jerk drew Perkins' ' baud under the bolt. Ho wns standing beside th machine holding the rag In his loft hand and that hand nnd arm wore drawn around th pulley , It was over in a fraction of a second , but the young man was badly hurt. The violent lent jerk burled him with fearful force against tbo side of the buildingInllictlng additional severe bruises. Thonclt it eight inches in width am nearly thirty feet long. It is drawn very tight to prevent slipping.around the small pulley and the resistance offered by the arm of tin unfortunate young man as It passed arouni the pulley slowed down Iho immense enphn until Mr. Corrothers noticed that some thing was wrong and shut oft steam. When he ran back to the machine Perkins was lying bosldo it motionless , and his fneo of a deathly pallor. Carrothers picked him up and found that ho was not killed. Ho hurriedly conveyed him to the Tromont house , wheio the young man boards , and Dr. Waterman was summoned. An examination revealed the fact that while none of the bones of the arm wore broken the llcsh from the wrist to the shoul der was lacerated , and the shoulder was dis located. A further examination also showed that the breast bone nnd some of the ribs wore torn from the sternum. The Injuries worn skillfully dressed nnd the sufferer made as comfortable as possible. Perkins Is a young man about nineteen years old. His father Is operating the Perry Heel flouring mills at Keel's station. The young man has been around machinery nearly all of his life , and escaped injury until the present time. Unless there nro some in ternal Injuries thnt are not apparent now the physician thinks ho will brine the young man through all right , but ho will bo couilncd to his bed for a long time , it wns n remarkable accident and n very narrow escape. If It hud occurred n second or two later the machinery would have been running at full speed and the young man would have been instantly killed. A Christina * I'uzzln. What shall wo buy for the holidays 1 If this puzzles you coma in and see our holiday attractions ; brilliant diamonds ; gold and silver watches nnd chains ; quaint , novel , new patterned Jewelry , rings , bracelets , necklaces , lockets ; gold-bonded canes ; solid silver and plated ware ; too ninny novelties to name ; you must see them to appreciate them , they nro so nrtlsllo aad beautiful ; visitors AVOI- eomo to BOO our display. C. B , Jacquemin & Co. , No. li'Maln st. Dinner sets all prices. Lund Bros , Attention OdtlfellowB. Members of Council Bluffs Lodge No. 49 I mil pendent Order of Oidfellors ] are hereby notttled to meet nt the lodge room today at 3 p. m. , for the purpose of attending the funeral of Brother Colonel W. P. Sapp. Members of Hawkeye mid Ilumbolt lodges and all other oddfellows in the city are invited to partecipato. James McNjU'GiiTox , N. O. Money to loan nt straight 5 per cent per annum , K , S. Darnell , agent. The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413 Broadway. _ Dr. PhclpH AddrcNSCH the Veterans. The military mooting nt the rooms and under the auspices of the Young Mon'a Christian association on Sunday nftornooa was largely attended and deeply interesting. Abe Lincoln Post Grand Army of the Repub lic , representatives of the Union Veteran Legion , Sons of Veterans nnd members of the Dodge light guards were present Afto : a brlof BOOB service , the meeting was ad dressed by llov. Dr. Phclps who ipoko not only eloquently but feelingly of the great army of the union which had been so Instrumental In preserving our free Institutions and saving our civil nnd religious liberties for ourselves nnd our posterity. Then ho directed their attention nlong the line of comparison to the army of the Master and plead for enlistments under Iho banner of the Prince of Peace. The old army vet erans were much impressed nnd if they could attend such a meeting every Sunday nnd listen to such earnest nnd imictlcnl prcscntn * tlons of bible truth , would feel that n bless ing had descended upon them. It was truly a great meeting and the seed sown will bo recognized in the harvest. The TJnlon Pacific ticket ofllco U to bo re- mo\cdtotho Wnbasholllco In n short tlmo , nnd placed under the chnrgo of Agent Mitchell. The change Is made necessary by the reason that the Kock Island nnd Union Pacl'lc ' have become competitors for Ne braska. Scott House. Best 61.00 per dny house in the city. _ For stout mea's clothing call nt Model Clothing Co. , L. II. Mossier , Algr. Threatened to Kill. The trouble between John Dunn , scntornnd Junior , nnd the Henrys , which tins been occu pying the attention of the police for several days , is still on tap. Saturday night about midnight It cnmo very nearly furnishing some work for the coroner. The row occurred in a saloon near the comer of Broadway irtid Sixth street , kept by n man named Thomas 1 < \ T , Mooney , a friend of the Henrys , who took n hand in it. Mooncy entered the saloon while Ills partner , G , A. Henry , remained outside , Mooncy drank nnd then tried to pick up n row with a negro who was in the room , The bartender , John Dunn , jr. , Intorforred , nnd Mooney struck him. Dunn's fatherwho was in the saloon , went to his son's nld , and Jloonoy struck at him. Then grab bing young Dunn's watch chain ho Jerked the watch out of the bartender's pocket nnd ran for the door. The bartender nnd his father followed In hot pursuit. Just as Mooney reached the sidewalk the. bartender knocked him down and recovered his watch and part of the chain. Henry , Moonoy's partner , saw Dunn's father , and drawing a revolver ho ran towards him. The latter saw that Henx-y meant business , nnd ho disappeared through n side door of tbo snlooa. Henry then turned his attention to young Dunn , nnd covering the bartender with his "gun , told him to clear out or ho would kill him. Tbo bartender obeyed the warning nnd re paired to Justice Uarnett's ' court , where ho swore out warrants for the arrest of both the men. men.The warrants were served yesterday by Oftlccrs Wlatt and Murphy. Henry was charged with assault wil h intent to commit murder , and Mooney will have to answer for nn assault with intent to rob. The bearing will be had today in Barnott's court. In the meantime the police will proceed with their determination to close up the places where the disgraceful rows have occurred. This week will bo a memorable ono In the heating stove trade.V'o ' just received another carload of the Peninsular stoves and will quote bottom figures to purchasers. At M. & IC.'s , 320 Broadway. Sco our new fall patterns of carpets , rugs , shades at all prices. At M. & IC.'s , a20 Broad- "way. Buy your coal and wood of G. B. Fuel Co. , 53'J Broadway. Telephone 13J. Crockery and glassware. QLund Bros. , 3 Main stieet. An elegant line of Melton overcoats at ra duccd ratcsat Model Clothing Co. Tea sots. Lund Bros. Attention Comrades. All member of Abe Lincoln Post G. A. R are requstcd to assemble In Grand Army hall this afternoon at 3 o'clock to pay'their last respects to the memory of their late comrade Colonel. Vf. F. Sapp , whose funeral occurs today from St. Paul's ' church at 5p. m. All old soldiers in the city arn invited to join with us In the proformanco of this sad duty. H. C. HuiniMii ) , Post Commander. For boys' and children's suits durably made and nt lowest prices , call at the Model Clothing Co. v A fresh Invoice of line cheviot suits for ypung menjust received ut Model Cloth , mg Co. ; CODV Sl'AHTS THE RACE. RufTuIo 35111 Will Send the Scullers F.ylnj ; nt the Coliseum. Dennis Cunningham received a telegram from Hon. W. P. Cody ( Buffalo Bill ) las night stating that ho will arrive In Omaha today nnd start the great land boat race a the ColiJoum. Colonel Cody nnd Captain Paul Boyton are old-time friends nnd fellow Elus , nnd at the request of Boyton Colonel Cody left Chicago ono day sooner than ho in tended , so that ho might bo hero to start th race. All the oarsmen entered for the race have arrived and tbo contest promises to boone ono of the most interesting and exciting ever held in Omaha. Yesterday morning all the men made a run of fifty miles around the track in the Coliseum , and during the after noon they were all over the city and they made n trip to Council Bluffs for exorcise , This is the lirst race of the kind ever run In America , and the men who will enter the contest are all jvell known throughout the world. The great race will begin at 7:1)0 : ) this evening. Never neglect a constipated condition o the bowels , or serious results follow , such as piles , impure blood and many chronic conv plaints. Burdock Blood Hitters is the rem cdy. A Fight With ( tccr Bottles. Mike McCoy engaged in a war of word : with John Norris , who runs a .saloon at Forty-second and Leavenworth streets , yesterday afternoon , and concluded the en gagement in a go-as-you-plo < iso tight with beer bottles. Norris received a blow on the side of the head which terminated the dis turbance and loft him with an u ly scalp wound about three Inches long. McCoy was arrested. The greatest pain-nnnihllator of the ngo is Salvation Oil. Price only twenty-live cents. If you value your children's health nnd comfort , you must guird them against croup. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is the best pre ventive known. It is an infallible euro and costs but 10 ! cents. George Cnnllcld Injured. Mr. George Canfleld , who lives at 211 North Eighteenth sheet , met with n very painful ncccident yesterday afternoon. Ho drove out west of the city to meet some of his employes who were coming from Lincoln , with teams , Mr. Canflcld was drivinu' a single horse In n cart. The animal became unmanngablo and kicked over the traces. The cart was over turned and Mr. Cnnllcld/was thrown violently to the ground. Ills right collar bone was broken. Ho was taken to his home nnd medi cal assistance summoned. The Injury will not bo long In healing , but Mr. Canllcld was suf fering u great deal of pain from It last night , Gesslcr's Magic Headache U'afors. Cure"all headaches In 0 minutes. At nil druggists , WorM'rf Fair lluslnesi. CHICAGO , Nov. 23. The national world's ' fair commission special conference commit tee had a discussion tonight regarding the action of the local directors on tlio question of jurisdiction , Tliey practically decided that to maintain the national and Interna tional character of the fair the commission must have charge of all lutorcourso with the exhibitors , whether at homo or abroad. The soliciting of the exhibits must bo done with thn consent and approval of the national commission. The 1'ureau system will bo rec ommended , with the proviso that the chief of each bureau must bo appointed by the director general , bo improved by the com mission und bo responsible to it. Albright's Choice , terms to suit. Dr. lllrnoy euros catarrh , BBD bid g Albright s Choice , auro money. A JILKSSlXa IX JHHGUINE. The Ucstllt of the Ucocnt Elections to tlio Ilcpiititjcnii I'nrty. WAsinxoTOX , N'ov. S3 , [ Special to TUB BEE , ! Although there was n tendency for n few days niter the recent , flection to holil the administration In n measure responsible for the republican defeat , there can bn no tloubt thnt the present management of nntlonnl affairs will In tliocnd n'eeivo ' Rvcntor credit thnn any other clement Ui the rcpubllvan pnrty. Republican senators nnd rcprcscnto- tlvos from every section of the country who nro now nrrlvlm ? from tlio fields of conflict nro praising the president for the wisdom ho has displayed in maintaining pnrty policies , nnd managing1 business Interests of the pcoplo through the federal government in n financial crisis. They accord the president much more ctcJll nt this tlmo for the wUtlom lie has dls- plnycd In the management of affairs than they have ever Riven him. It scores that n defeat is occasion ally necessary iu order to btlng out tbo merits of lenders , Sometime it Is necessary for a brilliant mind in congress to bo relegated to private llfo In order to bo ap preciated , and It Is not often thnt they nro so fortunntoas to bo surro.indeil by circum stances during tholr ofllclal careers which will impress their constituents with their real worth. The recent elections nro there fore regarded by the republicans arriving from the west nnd northwest as a blessing In disguise for President Harrison. Those men have Just had n lively experience In trying to harmonize tlio various elements \vlthln tholr party and marvel now nt the sltlll which General Harrison has displayed In conduct ing tlio general Interests of the party. Sena tors Mnwtcrson of Nebraska , Spooner of Wisconsin nnd other Influential republicans located in states which reverted the order of political majority , nro among those who re gard the recent republican defeat as whole some In n party way , although to the country a calamity In a business view. The dcfe.it of the republican management in the house of course puts an end for tbo present to the progress which the party Is ranking in econom ical enterprises , but it will impress the couu- ry with the wisdom of republican manage- icntas coulil bo done In no other way. These ion say the effect upon the country will bo omothing like that of a wayward son who oscs a provident and a Jealous father. It vlll impress the country before 189) ) tbo fuel hat the peoples' ' Interests are only cared for y the party which legislates for the future ustcad of for the present nnd past. The scn- to will undoubtedly follow the example of tie house In the adoption of vigorous repub- , can measures Intended for the betterment of ho country's Interests , and n great deal of rood may bo expected In the short session vklch convenes December 1 , President Hur- ison will stand flrmly behind the republican ougrcss and back it up with prompt action nd all of the courage which a thorough mod- rn republican should possess. There Is nothing Hko Dr. Thomas' .Electric il to quickly euro a cold or relieve honrse- icss. Written by Mrs. M. J. Fellows , Burr Oak , St. Joseph county , Mich. Negro Riot In South Corollnu. CitAiii.FSTON , S. C. Nov. 2) ) , There was a icgro riot today at Bishopville , Sumter ounty , caused by the arrest of a disorderly icgro. The only particulars learned are that two icgroes arrested yesterday were released oday by friends , who battered down the cal- iboose. The sheriff reported to the governor hat the situation wns serious , and a com pany of mllltln was ordccwd ready at Sumpter. i'hls evening1 tbo commander of the company clegraphed the governor that he had na nces from the sheriff that the white people were greatly nlnrmed , there had been light- ngand the militia would , goat once. Nothing Ise Is known. Advices at midnight state that the trouble at Blshopvlllo Is but a score caused by negroes reslating ofllcers. Nobody was killed and all is quiet. Albright's Choice , beautiful lots. Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Bco blilg. Assaulted lor Denouncing Parnoll. LONDON , Nov. 23 la the Italian Catholic church nt Hatton Garden today Kootor Ban- nen took occasion to denounce Parnell , whereupon several members of iho congrega- , lon left the churc' > . A scene of great disor- ler ensued , people shouting , "Mind your own justness. Leave politics nlono , " etc. On caving the church Father Banncn was at- , acked by a crowd and struck several times EIo was escorted homo by the police , who hail great difficulty la protecting him. Dr. Eirney cures caturrh , Boo bldg Mills Needs Pcttiii ? . WASHINGTON' , Nov. 23. The Post will say tomorrow that Mills of Texas has decided to retire nt the end of the Fifty-second congress unless tbo legislature elects him to succeed Senator Uoke. Albright's Choice , best values. Illation Uockwith On ml. ATLANTA , Ga , Nov. 2. ! . Bishop John Vf Beckwith of the Episcopal diocese of Georgia died today. Albripht'a Choice , Albright L. L. Co. Kniporor William Sympathy. BEHI.I.V , Nov. 23. Emperor William sent a telegram of condolence to the queen of Hoi land , Van Houten's Cocoa Delicious , made in Btnntly. fJittStty.tt , j'tltAdJlAPMIS. L. C. Johnson of Salt Luke is at the Pax- ton. ton.J. J. M. Hunt of Chicago was at the Paxton last night. E. P. Smith of Memphis , Tonn. , is at th e Murray. Harry Strangway of Lansing , Colo. , is at the Casey. E. B. Forsyth of Grand Island is nt the Merchants. H. C. Palmer of Denver was nt the Darker last night. S. J. Davis of New York Is in the city , nt the Paxton. S. D. Emerson of Denver Is in the city , at the Barker. E. S. Lestet- and wlfo of Creston , Ia. , nro at the Barker. P. M. Howe and wlfo of Kansas City are nt the MUlurd. E. A. Brown of Nebraska City Is a guest at the Merchants , G. E. Myers of Children was at the Mer chants last night. ' ' Nelson T. Brooks olTBostonwas at the Murray last night. * + C3 E. G. Carov of Oswego , N. Y , , Is In tno city , at the Mlllard. J. A. Elliott of Burlington' was In the city , at the Paxton last nltiht. GcorpoM. Savage rnd wlfo of Olympia , Wash. , are at the Aliiliird. Judge Willis Swept. , of Idaho , member- elect of congress , is in the city with his fam ily , onrouto to Wa ulrigcon. Mr. Sweet was formerly of Lincoln and about ten year. ! ago was an editorial ftrl erou THE BEE , "IS THEWOMEN ARETHE LARGEST CONSUMERS OF S. 3. S. IT NEVERFA1LSTO RESTOrtE BROKEN DOWNHEALTH WHEN CAUSED BY IMPOVERISHED BLOOD OR THE CARES OF THE HOUSEHOLD. OVER TEN THOUSAND OF THE BEST WOMEN OF THE COUNTRY TESTIFY TO THIS. Don't fall to send for our book on Mood diseases. Hailed freo. SWIBTT Snccmo Co , , Atlanta , Ga. "JVb other Wttllu toper ylatt tuck n 1'aritty < tf XntertaMng Hauling nt to leu a ) > H . " Specimen Ctpta and full rnlftetnifor < V rotumtfor If PI unt on Application , Double Holiday Numbers. Thanksgiving , Christmas , New Year's , Easier , Foorth-oMulj , Twenty Pages , Profusely Illustrated , Colored Coiers , Attractive Stories by Favorite Writers. | I To nny New Hntucrlhcr who will nonil SI. 7.1 now , no Mill mull The 1 f\g\ Lrail Til Vouth' * CompnnlonFnr.i : to Jnnunrr. 1SI11. nmt for n Kiill Yrnr from | Q | | IKUI rl till III that nnte. TlilxnirrrlncliiilrHllin T-MVK nOIIIll.lillOMDAYNIMIlinUH JnlB , . I ( j RI | ' W tV nnd nil tlio IM.Ut9TKATii : > WI'.KKIA * SIU 1MEJ1BNT . . < c < Jr , Miiif 1 WV I THE YOUTH'S COMPANION , Boston , wioss.1 I'nrnnll Cnnc Discussed In n Sornimi. LONDON , Nov. 28. Itcv. Dr. Hughes dis cussed the Parnell case In a sorinou in St. James hall today. Ho declares thnt non conformists will never support the party led by Pnrnell , und unless ho bo abdicated , the liberals will certainly bo defeated at the next general election. Ho said thnt ho had high authority for the statement that I'ar- neil would accept Gladstone's decision on the matter. Albright's Choice , manufactory sites. The now offices of the Great Rock Island route , 1GOU Sixteenth nndFurnam streets , Omaha , are the iinost in the city. Call nnd BCO them. Tickets to all points east at lowest rates. Albright's Choice , junction all R R. Italian ROME , Nov. 21 ! , At midnight there were returns from thlrty-nino districts , In which the government has a largo majority. Oov- rnmont candidates defeated the opposition : i several places now held by the latter. Albright's Choice , suburban homes. Tickets at lowest rates nnd su porlor ccommodations via the great Rook sland route Ticket office , 1C02 Slx- .eontli und Farnain streets Omaha. Albright's Choice , call and BOO. Dr. Birney cures catarrh , Bee bldg. Albright's Choice , terms easy. More Irish Police rrnta'lty. Dunux , Nov. 23. The pcoolo of Ennis Bounty attempted to hold a Manchester inar- , vr meeting last night. The police charged , ho crowd on its refusal to disperse and a. umber of pcoplo were Injured. Uald heads are too many when they may be covered with a huurlnnt growth of hair by using the best of all restorers , Hall's Hair Itcnewor. Refused the lloqucBt , Conic , Nov. 23. At a public meeting today , o demand the release of John Daly , Messrs. Henly nnd Lane , members of parliament , de- ircd to put to n vote resolutions expressing confidence In Pnrnell. tmt tbo promoters of ho demonstration refused. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup fox- chil dren teething relieves the child from pain. 25 : ents a bottle. Cold Along the Upper Hudson. KINGSTONN.Y. . , Nov. 23. Winter weather prevails along the upper Hudson valley. Snow fell throughout the night and the ground is covered from two to four inches deep. The thermometer is hovering around zeio. SIR MOMEli MACKEB Z1E AND' DR. KOCH OFLEiPS IB SPEAK IN GLOWING TOUtS OF SODB.NT MINERAL PASTILLES ( TROCHES. ) Hoarness , Coughs , Colds , Pneu monia and Pleurisy , Whooping Cough , Indigestion aud nil Throat Irritations are prevented und cured by use of these pleasant Troulies , Obtain the genuine article only lilcli must have the signature and recommendation o ( Sir Morrell Mackenzie With each box. IT PA.m T < JM'ESTIGATE , People wlio liavu Investigated the licutlnc problem the most nro tliosu who como thu nearest solving It. This Is the nge of Inven tion und illsoovory. Appliances for Rciicrat- InK nml distributing liuat toiluy cons u mo loss than haltthu fuel used by tliooul oxtruviijciuit methods. Manufacturers nf uliarnctur , lllco tliumukcrs of the AHT OAKLAND stoves , who have vast hums Invested In tlmlr iiiiin- uftictory , put nothing upon the maiKut until tlio prlnclplo nvolvcd hut i cached tlio lik'host stiiRoof ( lovoloncmont. Thou they minr.mtoo the Roods to be just wliut Is claimed fnrtlium , TIIE1WV ) AUT OAKLAND HKATKUS rcnllzo tlio highest pcifuotlon In tlio btovo milker's art , and Kouemto and distribute the KreaU-st amount of lieut for the fui'l i'ii- ( Hiiiniid of any steve Iu the world. This Is obtained by the now system of hot air ducts and revolving llropot that prevents the accumulation of aslius between the tire ami the heating Hiirf.ieos. Oomo and BOO cue nf them In operation ut my hardware store , Ml Itrouilway. Investigation will convince yon that It Is the host us well as the handsom est steve over nmtlo. Tlio NEW OKANO OIL HEATHUS are.just the thliiK for ho i thu hcd oluunbcrs and rooms seldom used ; clean , quick ami or namental , 1' . 0. DuVUU DOl Broadway , Council IllulT.s. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,003 SURPLUS AN D PROFITS 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,000 niitECTOlts I. A. Jllllor , I' . O. Gloason , K. I * Bhuzart , K. K. Hart , J. U. ECdmundsoti , Chariot U. llunrian , Transact general banldiu Ijusl- nvsH. Largest capital und surplus of uny bank In Houthwoatorn Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and U roadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. .Dealers In foreign and domostlo oxofun t. Collection tuado uud interest paid oa tlmo deposits. ALL , COAL UNUEtt COVER. DIIY AND CLEAN AT ALL TIMES. OA.RBON GOALx CO. Wholesale ami 1-ioln.ll Ooalors In HARD and SOFT COAL The above cut shovvs our new self-clumping retail delivery wagon , by wliicli three tons of coal can bo unloaded , in a minuta and carried into the cellar OP coal house if it is 2O feet away. N < > coal left in the wagon. None scattered on the ground. Used ex * cluslvely by us. OFFICE , 10 PEA.RL ST. Ynrd , 10th A.ve & Fourth St. J. II , E. GlAARK , Manager. COUNCIL EJ1OJFITS. la. Telephones : Oilico. 300. Yard , 310. RfllLWflY TIME GHRD ClIIUACiO , UUHUNOTO.N * V ArrUeJ Omaha. Depot IQlhiuul Maiun MrooH. I Omaha. U.STWVAUi flu T ArrtvcT Omaha. Dapot IQIIi and Marcy streets. I Omaha. 2.60 pm Overland Fly or I O.O.'i p m 7.30 p ra . . . . . . .Pflclna Kxprusi. . , . . . . . . 11.4511m O/JU a m Denver KipreHS , , . . 8.65 p m U.OO am Kniuu City KxproH 12.05 a m 0.16 a m . . .Fall-Mold KXD. ( eicoiit Sim. ) . . l.n : p m Leaves A ii.'iT . : . TArTroj Omnh.v U. l jlpppyoth nil Mircy Hta I Omaha. 6.10 p m 'Nluht kipress. , 10.05 a m 9.05 a in Atlantic Express. 0.30 p m . : W p m . . . .Veitlbulo Limited 10.45 a ra I HlOlJXTi'l'Y * 1'XUf'IL ; . Arrive Omixha. | U. 1' . ilopot , Utli nnJ Marey 8U. | OmVit 7.16 n ml . . . .Sioux City I'amcnger. . . . . { 4.BOpml Ht.l'nul Kipros 110.10 a m SIOUX tl'l ; A I'AUl'lO. i Arrlvoi Omaha , j " Depot lilli and Webster Sta. Omnha _ Ti.OU | > m | . . . Ml.l'itul Llmlteil I l > .2i iijn. Ix-nvoi IIMHUAIJO4 NOUl'llvT5VTHfK.N Arrive" Jmnho. I U , I' , depot , 10th nnd Murcy SU , Onnh . 0.15 A m Chlcnuo Exproi B..tJ p m 4.30 p m Vuitlbulo l.imltol 11. M a m 0.15 p m Iowa Accommodation ( IJic. Sun ) 7.03 p m D.10 p iu .Eastern Kljrer. , 2.45 p m 11.45 u m . Fast Knstorp KxproM 8.01 a m J oavoi icillCAlitl , Mlti , * ST. 1'AUij.i ArriTO * Omaha. U. 1' , dupot , 10th unit ilarcy St . | Onialm. 8.10 p ml Chlcnuo llipri'ij. , 11.M m | . . , ChlciiKO Kiurcn T O.MAllA AM' . L.OUIH , jArrivo * Omaha. IU. I * , depot , lUth and AlarcySti. I Onialin. 4.bO D ni . bi. lml Cnnnon ! ! ! ! . I12.3U p ra l.ci ve I1. , 'K. * MO. VAT.l.EV. I ArrlMI Omaha. Depot 15th nnil Wulxtor ritv | Uunlil. U.OO a m . lilack llllli Kxproii . 6.2U p m 9.00 , a m . . .Hastings Bxp. ( Kx. Sunday ) . , . 5.20 p m 6.10' p m \VahnoAMncoln 1'as ( Kx.bund'y ) lO.a ) a in 6.1U p m . .York A Norfolk ( Kr. Similuy ) . . Ixmvei c , , r. i' . , M fc o. I Arrlvm J Omaha | Depot lith mut Web nor Htv | ( Jni iht. j 8.10 a m . . .Sioux Cltr Accummndntlon. . . f.Ui p m 1.00 p in . . ( iloux Cltr Kiprc'n ( Kl , Sun. ) . . 12.40 p m 3.00 p m St. 1'aul Limited U.M a m 6.15 D m .ll ncott l' isonirar ( Kr , Hun ) . , ) 8.4S a m Ol.eruos 1 Ml&SoUltl I'AUUlU. Arrlvei DOmaha. nepotist ) ! nnd WutisUr Sti. Omiha. 10. : a ni . . ,81. Louti A K.C. KipreJ3. , . , | 4.W p m V.16 p m . . .St. TxUl A KC. Kiiire . . , . | n.nOjiLra 1.OIXT6I "CIllOXUGT ST'I.'S I'M-TFTu T AfrtToi" Trnnifor Union Depot , t'nnimii lllutTj. iTrnmfer 6.50 p m Night Kiprui J. : a m 9.30 em Atlantis Erpreu 6.M p m _ B.OUpjn Veitlljule l.tmltail 10.33 a m "L.oitcT t" " "ATriveT" Trmufcrl Union l > ei > ot. Council HIuITj. Transfer U.U a m CblcnKO Kxpren ti.lU p ra 6.00 p U ) Veilllmlo Limited S1. : J a m JO.OO p ai Kaatern Klyer 2.00 p ra I."a p ui Atlantic Mall 7.30 a in i.0lJl : ! Inwn Arrutuinoilitldii ( ICyr. Sun ) ] 0.40 p in i * ves TUllTUAaOT AllL. , i 'HTTl'AlJi. Arrlv" Trnnsferl Union Depot. Council Hlurta. Trnnafor 6.80pmI ChtciiKO Kipron I ! U5a ' iii 18.JX ) p . . . . . . . . . Kiprcs' _ . . „ . , ] litx ) p m Leiifei T K. 'iJ.'bT. JIK ( & ft II. T A rrlvcs Tr n rer | Union llapot. Council lllufTt iTrmntor 1001 n ml. .Kniiani City Par Kipreis . . . 643 p m 10.25 Pjnii JvjJVMl City IilKlit _ Kipra5 i , , G.'ii a ui l ear i 1 "OMAllA A Si' . l.OUlH. ! ArrifoT Trunnfer | _ Unlq20 potttmnrlUl ! _ [ uffi JTrnnifor i.tXI p inH. . . Mt. l < JiiNJjiiiqn JWI..jj J2.'j5ii m I.7a IL'lllCAlUO.UUUI.'K A QDINO ? | ArfFeT Trnnifer I Union Jicpo CoimrlJ Illnira , Trnr. < fnfc U.4II a in I f''M p in 10.00 p m i Ktir ii U.IO a m T .05 p m BtonIxiCftl , 'll.VQaju ' "l eatei "BJOUSTMTlf A I'ACI 7 ArtTfet Trnnifer Union ligiot | , Council Illuni. I'l'miiifor T.45 a in TlBloux Cltr Accommodation , . , ! ! Ul ) am li.oj p m rit. PaulEiprtn , . | lO.OOp _ ra FA < .IHC bUllUUUAM TIlAlftS. Kutward. V ia P m. I'ortal l.u : Heywour I'ark. . I.W U.2U 1.44 MKicot l.'l U.JJ 1.47 Unwo . il.lU l.rxi West Bklo ! ir , iiii i.Oi P. 10 l.S ) Uuniloo IMace , . O.Ii 7.18 M.fiTJ.Uf V.fi 1.57 Walnut lllll. . , . ii.ao i.Ji 9.0U i.U U.45 3.UO J.nko Htrcot , , , . U.Ui.0j t.l tl.46 2.UJ Urulil lllll . .0j.Of l.l.i 9. MJ 2.UJ Oak Chatham , , . . .Of.iu I.U 0.53 l.'Ji Webiter titreot. .iu lU.Uu I.J < 1 H ES iNtlftliLETUllllAR Ut QUSHIOHS WHtp.r.k r < lrtlill.ellComforubU. . emtdU. .iu lllgiir.i.dlc 4 iroof. SPECIAL NOT1OES. ' COUNCIL BJ-UFFS. FO1KND On depot platform , Union depotw Council lllulTo , In. , a mm of money. Ownef enu secure sumo by niovlng property anil u > iiiFuiiii.Ki--i. I' . I ) , llrown , local treusuiojr Jnlon I'nulllc railway company. PANTRD Girl for ( zeni-rullionspworltj W Mrs. D. W. Arcbur , CO. ) Second avouiie. MENWANTED-COO Inboiors nnd leamstora for It. K. work In Wyoming ; fruutnuiHpur * tut Ion. O. T. Hniy , Scott St. . Council ItlulU. OA linADoflioisos tonxclinnxo forclenrlaud Ov7 orcltyptopurty. Johnston .Si Van I'atlcii , Dveictl Ul ocx. Af \ rAUMS III southwestern Iowa for salorf TtV/ terms easy. Also siniillfiirms and jjui.lerl land nrmiiulL'onncIl liluflf . Johnntim & Van I'atten. Hvorett block. T > AIK of mules , linrnoss und wngnn for Mile ) -L on a year's time. Johnston & Van L'atlun. Kvcretl hlock. _ iH. ! A..M1.M A NII3I.SOX , M.D. , Miecln L wlfo. M-Ti-S nvo. Con null lllii Irs , In. l'ECIAIj HAKG.UXS In housm for snip ori rent ; ulso two Snundurs street loti , N Omiihu. J , II. Diivldhoii , OTi-fttli live. W AI/PEU hi/iiN , Marcus Notary Public , collections , typuwrltl \T17ANTKI ) Kncructloyoiin't Inrty c VV Will tiny flSjior uoU tci rltlit party , 0 , p. , 007 Willow nvo. , Council 'llniTti. FOltSATiK LCIIMI nnil furnlturo of Sootb llniiso , Council KltilK 'J. > looin.s. Olionp ; Ok Address J. H , Jortliin , Couni'll lIlulTa. FOU UKNr 'Iho MoMuImn tliruo-story lirlck block , No. 115 S. Malnst , wltliolovatof , J. W.Sqiilm. ' ' FOKUKNT Acholco ploco of Kurd on laud tii-iir Coiiuull lllulls , with KOOU now bttliiH lux , luiiiicUl.ito i > osao39lon It tliialrcil. JV , bqu Iros. FOHKALK Coninloto hot of tlnnurs tool's , und Hinall Htouk of tliiwaro nt a bargain. Iiiqulio tit uiDin : ) H Mcrrlani block. ( rp\V080-ncio fnrms for suln near the clly ut Jji bargain. .W. A. Wood A Co. . SIX ) aiitln st , POK SAliE or Ilont-Qardon land , riltt * houses , by J. II Klco. 1W Mala at. , Counoll BlulTi L. G. Knotts Fuel - Merchant All kinds of the best nnd cleanest fuel in stock and under sheds ' People who desire cheap nnd clean fuel for cooking will find it by ordering n load of cobs , I hnvo a large supply thnt are clean andL whole not broken up. Good hard wood cheap , either in cord wood lengths or stove * wood , delivered promptly. All sizes of hnrd coal , clean , bright nnd well screened , < Tlie black peerless lump coal conlnnes to be the favorite FOJ ? domestic purposes. - : - No. 29 Main Street. Call Telephone 203 : - : - . | - . react ) . Onioo ovcf . iHIUIlt Anicrloaii Hxprcrts , No. 4'J ( llroadwuy , Cottncll KlulTs , lowu. Sims & fodonil courts. KtuiiiH , 4 utid 3 Hhugartt Itoiio Ijlouk , Counoll Illuiru. luiva. ATTEND Strlctlrto builnosi" 11 n uplomllj motto. ent iiiccunfl In UVLTT line of human onornr 1 4 tyhlra wlialinldi to noiiio alojitol nt > alulty , WESTERN I'd plo nroprovroiilvo , full of onirij , and mouaf niukliii BChoiaua. They noo.l ipodUl training ( o > UUSIUJ3. | ) IOWA Ixsiirti In popnlnr education. Her plMlo JOhoQlJ am dolnif urnml work tor uur ncro.'iiluf ml Illoujk \Vf tuni luvn. COLLEGE , Conimoncoi full tsriu rtopt. lit , 3Ui il3ti tftf H'nllr pructlctil for liar stu Iu | ' < . .Nl.u tl. HiitU noii,8liorlliini | mil I'e.i-ni MliUoocirin. wall or , linnliol iiinl carefully oon-luorjl d'.ll3lti ta\f imter utnny thuu.Yrltuforfurtliar turUujIt l \V. B , I'aultoa. Council Bluffs , Iowa.