Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEEn } ; MONDAY , NOYEMBER 24 , 1890. 11
Don. Qiojlj'iJ Presentation of an Interesting
Toplo to This Stito ,
Xlin Rainfall Compare * Fnvornbl ;
" \Vltli Knstorn States , Considering
Its Distribution A BtatelMic-
iionicnnl for Suiidlihtc
General A. W. Grco'y ' of the United Stntc
ilgnnt service has Issued nn claooruto rcpor
on 'Tho Cllmato of Nebraska , " In respons
to a resolution recently Introduced Into tli
RCnnlo by Senator Paddock , it la a 11103
interesting document for Nehrasknnt an <
onq which will do credit to tlio state abroad
The report trcata principally of the teni
pcraturo und ralnfnlland their Influence upo
the agricultural Interests of the state. I
furnishes nmplo refutation of ttio loiiR-stanc
ItiBHlandcrconccrnliiBthodaugorof cyclone :
Its colored charts ere especially striking , nn
the whole report is of a nature to commnn
great attention. Of the general character i
the cliiimto of the state Qcnerul | 0rco
With the geographical center of the Unite
States proper near Its limits , which moan
tjmt It Is nearly ono thousnnd six humlrc
miles from either of the Rreat oceans.reinovc
from the direct climatic influences of the gu
of Mexico , 800 miles to tlio south , and situate
BOO inllns to the windward of the great Amor
can lakes , It Is needless to say that the climal
of Nebraska Is thoroiiRhly contlnontal , ]
contradistinction to marino cllmnto this tcr
implies for Nebraska winters of consldernh
severity , summers of unusual warmth , rail
fall in limited quantities , marked and suddc
changes' of tcrpernturc , largo seasonal or
dolly tcmporoturo ranpcs , dry , snlubriot
atmosphere , with small percentage of cloud
ness and largo percentage of sunshine.
Fortunately the general configuration i
the state is such that despite the sinn
amount of aqueous vapor In the air , whlc
condition facilitates rapid radiation in wlnti
and a high dogrco of initiation in sumtrfc
yet Nebraska finds itself favored with c !
matlc characteristics remarkably constai
considering its remoteness from the ocean.
The rainfall is what may ho called acoldei
tal , rather than periodical , that U , it nrlsi
almost entirely from abnormal atmosphcr
movements In connection , with the passage i
low area storms across or near the state , t
gethcr with the alternating anti-cyclone
which , flowing In , as cold air from the Sacl
ctchownn and Manitoba-country , bring tiboi
sudden changes of tompcraturo fuvorablo i
rainfall. The molstura precipitated ovi
Nebraska comes almost entirely , clthc
dlrcctlv. or Indirectly , from the Gu
of Mexico. The warm souther
winds , which prevail In conncctlc
with the advancing low area storms , belt
drawn northward laden with aqueous vupo
deposit their vapor with more or loss fr
qucncy in advance of storm centers as th <
move toward the Atlantic. Following in tl
rear of these depressions , the cold , dry n
from the northward tends to precipitate sue
moisture as is left in the rear quadrants i
departing storms.
Considering its Inland situation , far fro
the Gulf of Mexico , the original source i
rainfall of that section of the country , y
Nebraska Is much more favored In this r
spcct than is usually surmised. The annui
rainfall of the stuto may bo placed :
about twenty-four inches. The avorni
annual amount for any entire stnto Is alwn ;
misleading Information , and. in exception
cases , the amounts which full over Clifford
parts of the estate may vary enormously , a :
for instance , in California from two Inches :
the Colorado valley to eighty inches on th
northwestern coast , and In the state of Wasl
ington from seven inches in tho. interior
ninety-four inches nt Neah boy.
The figures show rain-falls in the caste
states ranging from DO to 100 per cent aba
those for the points indicated for Nobrasli
but it would bo an error to surmlso that tl
disadvantages against Nebraska are as o
tonslvo and material as would seam cvidci
from a cursory consideration of these fact
Tlio great advantage which Nebraska ho
in the distribution of rain-full throne
out the year , particularly with row
enoj to the months of April , Ma
Juno and July , which may be called the cri !
wsl months , from the agricultural stand pot
of staple crops grown In Nebraska. Tal
the state as a whole , tbo percentage of nil
fall In each of these four months close
agrees , that for April Is about U per cent
the en tire annual ram-fall ; f or May. 17 p
cent : for Juno , 10 per cent , and for July ,
per cent ; or over DO per coat for the fo' '
months. In other words , threo-flfths of tl
rain-full of the year occurs most opportune
during the period when it is most beadle I
to the growing crops.
It appears that the average amount of ral
full during the months of April to July , incl
slvo , at Omaha amounts to 18.41 mchc
Yanltton , 15.58 Inchon ; Valentino , 12 ,
inches ; North Platte , 11.40 Inches. Itisi
tc.restlng to compare the rainfall during the
four months with that which occurs ov
what ore known as the eastern states. Sue
comparisons show that the eastern part
Nebraska has during these four months
larger amount of ralnfull than the oastci
states from Maine to Virginia , except pos :
bly along the immediate coast , and thnttl
western part of the state of Nebraska
favored with an amount of ralnfi
but slightly below the amounts record' '
In the eastern states. Taking Now York , t
instance , the rain-fall at Albany from Ap :
to July , Inclusive , amounts to 18.51 inche
at Rochester. 11.81 inches , a comparison I
vornblo to Nebraska. Jn like manner tl
records show that the i-aln-fall in Peiins ;
vanlu averages nt Plttsburg 14.2 inches ai
nt Philadelphia 13.03 inches for the mont
named. Those llpures show that the avera
amounts for Pennsylvania arc less than the
which obtain over the eastern half of N
braska , and but slightly greater than the
of the western half.
The state , however , is more favored in tli
rcsj > cct than some of these to the westwa
and southwcstwiird. While this doviatl
exhibits a liability to drought , yet , on tether
other hand , it shows a constancy of rain cc
illtions which is not usually credited to IS
It is still a mooted question as to whether
or not the rainfall of Nebraska Is Increash
From the amount and character of do
at hand It can bo said tin
contrary to nn Impression BOincwli
prevalent , there is no increase In amount
precipitation shown. Kccont Invcstlgntloi
have brought out nn Important feature , vli
that the rainfall has been better dlstrlbut
throughout the year , ns shown by anincrcii
f the number of r.ilny days , and that t
breaking up of the hard 'pralrlo land h
checked evaporation and enabled the rulufi
to penetrate tno earth and thus increase :
vuluo to grdwing crops.
If this characteristic brought out fn
later records is to DO accented as a fact , su
increase may bo accounted for as resultl
from Increased cultivation , breaking up
the soil , and , not the least , perhaps , from t
fact that the planting of trees hu * been
greatly stimulated by the observance of J
bor day , which the people of Nebraska iuai
united and have been most faithful In tna
talnlng. It is noteworthy that the increo
in frequency of rainy days has been i
served in these portions of the state whi
tbo surfuco of the country bos undergone 1
greatest transformation through the labors
the tanner.
An important element in climate o
weather , in relation to health or ngrlcultu
interests , is the relative amount of sunllg
The observations of the signal service g
this daU indirectly aid | conversely by I
presence of cloudiness. The average clou
, ness in percentages for the stations of Oms
North Plutto , Valentino und Yunkton ah
that Nebraska is a favored state as rega
the amount of sunlight , particularly dur
thut season of the year when this coudit
has on important and favorable bear
upon the growth , ripening and harvest !
of the staple crops. It is most :
portant , us the crop grows , to have
gradually dccrcuiiug number of rainy d
and of cloudllness with u corresponding
crease in sunshine.
The average annual cloudiness for the st
la to per cent , with its maximum in May ,
per cent , -with which U conjoined an over
pf about ton rainy days , and ihowera of nb
0.80 inch In amount during thnt month. The
average cloudllness diminishes , ns the tnblc
shows , from Hi maximum of 6 ( pnr cent In
May to the minimum , 07 l > er cent Jn BcpUinv
uor. while nt the same tlmo the number ol
raldy days tn the latter month Is only about
one-half of these which obtain durln ? May ,
The rix | > nin * and hnrvostlng of the various
crops , then"occur in Nebraska under mon
favorable conditions thnn nro prevalent It
casocrn states.
In the minds of many persons the whole
trans-MIislHslppl region Is considered to hi
peculiarly liable to violent atmospheric dl *
ttirbancos. known under the nnmo of tor
nndocs , It it dinicult to pass with gren
dctlnltcncas upon the frequency of thesi
phenomena , slnco thoi-o Beams nn Inhcrcn
tendency in mankind to exaggerate the 1m
mrtance or violence of local phenomena , nm
bus to class an n tornado thut which Is enl ;
i severe thunder or hull storm. Wlillo un
oubtedly the winds nro violent In man ;
bunder and hall storms which nro not tor
nndoos , yet these very high winds nro not ii
ho shape of violent whirlwinds with cur
rente more nearly vertical than horizontal
and consequently do not work the greater dc
truction and Injuay wiilch- result from tor
nndocs ,
The Btato of Nebraska Is rarely vlsltod bj
ornadocs , and when they hnvooccureed the ;
invo been almost invariably contlncd to thi
extreme eastern portion of the slate , nloni
ho Missouri river. Destructive tornodoe.-
iavo very rarely vlsltod the state , and It i :
within bounds to sav that suchviolcnt meter
olcglcal phenomena occur BO Infrequently
over such limited sections of country ns t
make them n matter of minor importance
As far as Nebraska Is concerned they may b
pronounced less destructive to.llfo and prc
) erty than thunder storms. This Immunity
if Nebraska from tornadoes occur :
jccause , first , a considorabla par
> f tno ntiito U rarely sub
ccted to meteorological conditions fivorabl
'or such storms , which demand u plontcoti
supply of aqueous vapor and sharp and dc
elded contrasts of temperatures , dew point
nnd barometric pressures ; second , and per
taps n more satisfactory rooson , In the local
ty of the stnto with reference to the passng
if low area storms across thu United States
I'ho researches nnd compilations of Lieutcr
nnt Finloy of the signal corps and others
iavo clearly shown that tornadoes do no
occur in the immediate vicinity of the ccntc
of oyclonlu storms. They bear , however ,
definite and tolerably llxcd relation to tli
storm center , but ttioy occur at a distance c
several hundred miles to the southeast c
such center ; consequently tlio areas of lei
irossuro , in connection with which thoa
violent storms occur , nro situated to th
northwest of the tornado region. Fortunatol
'or Nebraska , the greater part of the stat
Inds itself in tlio westerly quadrants of loire
> ro storms , and so It almost entirely escape
.ho devastating effects of those violent whirl
Ono very Important point in the report 1
.ho distinction it draws between tbo rcllabl
rain-fall in various sections of the state. 1
shows that the greatest precipitation Is i
the southeastern portion , the next greatest i
.ho tniddlo nnd northern portions , and th
east in the southwestern nnd western po :
Jons. The maps and colored charts nccon
iinylng the report are very valuable. Amen
) thor things they show the average nnnu :
temperature to bo between 4(1 ( ° and 00 ° , hi
slightly above 50 = In the extreme southeas
ern portion. The temperature during July-
iho critical mouth for ripening purposes :
between 47s and 77 ° .
General Orecly ought to have n largo di
mand from Nebraska for n document so into
osting , Important and creditable to the stat
Judge Savage's Funeral.
Tlio funeral services over the remains t
the late Judge James W. Savage will bo helen
on Tuesday at 1 o'clock p. m. , at the famll
residence , No. 413 North Twenty-secori
street. The services will bo conducted I
Rev. AV. J. Harsha , pastor of the First Pro
byterian church , ana Hev. Newton Man :
pastor of the Unity church. The remuh
ivlll bo Interred at Forest Lawn comoter ;
The Loynl Legion , of which Judge Savnf
was an esteemed nnd honored member , nr
past commander will take charge of tl
ceremonies at the grave.
The pall bearers will bo selected fro
among tlio companions of the deceased in tt
Loyal Logioti and the names of the gcntl
men will bo announced in this evening
paper. A call for a meeting of the Loy
Legion will bo seen olsovvhoro in this pape
The Queen at the ncilsUlo IVlion tli
Entl Camp ,
THE HAGUE , Nov. S3. Tbo king of Hollar
died atO o'clock this morning. Last evcnir
thcro was a sudden change for the worsi
the symptoms being these of uralmlu. Tt
queen was Immediately sent for nnd stay *
at the patient's bcushlo during the nigh
Life ohbed away quietly. Public buildlnt
are closed and all amusements suspendc *
Flags are at half mast.
Severe Electrical Shock.
SAJJ FHASCISCO , Cal. , Nov. 83. [ Sped
Telegram to Tnr. Bun. ! L. W. Morgan , i
employe of the California electric compan
last night received the full force of 1,000 voi
of electricity. He was repairing a wire <
Kearney street nnd was forty-three feet fro
the sidewalk. Ho clung by his hands to tl
wire and when another workman tried
bring him down his grasp on the wire con
not be broken * Ttio wire was finally cut at
Morgan dropped unconscious into the arms
bis rescuer , who Drought him safely to tl
ground. The palms of Morgan's hands we
burned to the bone , nnd nftcr regaining co
sciousncss ho suffered Intense agony. Thou
ands of people were on the streets at the tin
and the accident created intcnso oxcitemet
Morgan will recover.
A Noble Woman Milclilos.
NEW YOUK , Nov. 23. Mrs. Sarah .1
Henwslor , a well known church member ai
active In charitable works , suicided today i
her homo in Harlem. , Ill-health for sot
tlmo'past superinduced melancholia. S !
was the widow of Frederick Henwslor , K ;
professor of music in the Now York Instil
tlou for the blind , nnd was a daughter of t
late Prof. Cuttou of Hamilton college.
Two TliuuHuml Out.
INDIAXAI-OLIS , Ind. , Nov. 23. A Scntlr
special from Brazil says : The demand
the drivers nnd day men in tlio Block imn
for { 3 a day has not been granted yet ai
more men are striking , .About two thouau :
nro now out. The mines in the southern pu
of the county aro' ' reaping n harvest durli
the suspension of the others.
The Weather Forecast.
Foi Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; statlouu
For Nebraska and Iowa Fair till Tuesdi
night ; no chnngo in temperature , oxco
slightly warmer In extreme eastern porti
of. Iowa ; southwesterly winds.
South Dakota Fair : no change in tempei
turo ; southerly wiuds.
Salisbury TlilitUa the Tlmo Opportuii
L.OXDOX , Nov. 23. A rumor current n
credited ut conservative centers 1s that Sal
bury , deeming the time opportune while t
Piirncll scandal is fresh , has decided to d
solve parliament lu thu spring. Advice * ui
lug conservative associations to improve tin
local organizations Immediately have bo
A. llirtlulay Party.
A party given at the Tremout kou&o li
Saturday night In honor of tbo seventeen
birthday of Miss Mary Iteuland , daughter
the landlord , was a most enjoyable affa
Progressive euchre , music , dancing- and
elegant lunch made up a delightful evenl
for the numerous guests.
Military Order of the Lojrnl Legion
tlio United States.
OUAUA , Nub. , Nov. ii3 , 1800.
The funeral services of our late compan !
and ex-commander , Colonel JAMES W. K ;
AUK , will be held at his residence , No. 4
North Twenty-second street , Oinuhi , Tu
day 25th Inst. at 1 p. m.
Attendance of ull companions is request' '
By order of
tfJvT. BRIO. QBX. AMASA Conn , U. S. V.
Major and Surgeon , U. B. "V. ,
Installation of tlio New 1'nUor , Itcr ,
A. J < Turkic.
ICountza memorial church , at Sixteenth
and Harney streets , WIM well filled yesterday
morning , the occasion being the Installation
of Hev. A. J. Turkic , the now pastor of this
Hev. II.V. \ . Kuhus presided , nnd lluv. J.
C. Jncoby , president of the NcbraiUft Synod ,
and Hev. J. A. Clu tz , D. 1) . , president of
Midland college , Atclilson , Kan. , assisted.
After the usual opening services Hov.
Jncoby addressed the pastor of the church ,
clioollng as Ills text II , Timothy , lv. , 1-5 ,
Paul's chnrgo to Timothy , the first bishop of
the church of Pphcsus.
The speaker said the text gave a clear Idea
of Paul's conception of the importance of the
church work. The ministerial office , 'ho snld ,
towers above all others ns do divine things
nbovo things temporal. It was the purpose
of the ofllco to point out the dlvlno way nnd
lead the people along It. With this high ideal
Paul had delivered his charges to Timothy.
The attention of the now pastor was called to
this charge and ho was ndviscd to study It
veil nnd follow Its teachings.
A prominent feature of this charge , the
peakcr snld , was the direction to preach the
ford , preach it to nil moti nt nil times. Oed
ad given the ministerial ofllco special proml *
cncc and also the Injunction to preach the
vord , therefore , the thing of greatest im-
Kmanee was to spread tliu gospel. To preach
ncant also to tench , therefore the duty of the
mstpr was to teach the word.
The speaker drew many examples from the
crlpturcs of ttio preachers of old us showing
ho proper course to be pursued in carrying
out the duties of the ofllco.
Ho then wanted his brother of the many
ifllcultlos to bo encountered. Human na-
uro had not changed slnco Paul warned
Timothy that the people woula 'grow tired of
religion , hcn'eo tno necessity of 'continued
The minister of God had the physical ns
.veil as the spiritual we f uro of the people in
ais charge and they heeded his prayers to
sustain them. The pastor wua reminded thit
God had set apart ouo day for the preaching
of the gospel , out ho had also set apart six
days for visiting the stole and destitute.
The speaker then dwelt brietly oh' the re-
ponslblllty of the pastor. His temporal re-
ponslblllty was great , but his responsibility
'or the souls of the people under his charge
ivas far greater. Ho would probably ilnd
many members of Ul.i congregation who
would need spiritual consolation and ho was
directed to afford them all the assistance they
required , with the certainty that God would
ecelvo him ns a faithful steward.
Kev. J. A. Clutz then addressed the coiv
grciration ou their duties toward the pastor ,
'nking ns his text , Nchomlah iv , 0.
The text related the building of the wall
.bout Jerusalem by a man called ef God ,
Tlio pastor of the church was
also called of Oed , und the
speaker said that ns the builder would bnv <
been helpless without the assistance of the
people , so would the pastor bo helpless with
out thu co-operation of the congregation.
He referred briefly to what was meant bj
, uccoss in church work. It was usually un
derstood to mean ability to draw a crowd , bin
this was a false Idea. Again it was taken t <
mean that the churcn had plenty of money 11
the treasury to pay all expenses. This wn ;
also a wrong Idea. Success , ho said , was tht
accomplishment of the end of ouu's being
and a church Is only successful as it nccom
pllshes the end of its being the salvation o :
Tbo congregation was reminded that I
must not leave everything to the pastor
Each member of the church was responsibly
for some work according to his ability , ani
would have to answer accordingly.
The speaker advised that all organization :
and societies In the church ba un dor the dl
rection of the pastor , in order to avoid con
fusion and the Interference of ono with thi
other. In order to bo successful all mus1
work together nnd under the direction of on <
guiding hand.
The congregation was enjoined to keep uj
n hopeful spirit nnd speak encouragingly o
the church and its work and show a.hopcfu
spirit which would Induce others to bcconn
Following the delivery of these charges
Rov. Jncoby Installed the 'now ' pastor , whi
then made the usual announcements and con
eluded the services.
This evening the engagement of Qllmoro'i
great spectacle , "Tho Twelve Temptations , "
will open a three nights engagement at tin
Boyd. The production will bo ono of thi
most notable ono of its kind that has eve
been seen in Omaha. The company compri
scs sixty people , aud it requires two largi
cars to transport the scenery and stage ac
cessories. The play has been excellouU ;
commented upon by newspapers of repute
who claim it to bo the most magnillcont prc
scntatlon of spectacle over seen. The stor ;
is said to be interesting while the comedy J :
very strong. The scenery , which 'Otnbrace
three solid acts , is by Chnrlcs'H. GeU' Har
ley Merry , H. L. Held and Homer Kmons
wnoso brushes are famous. Some 2SU differ
out costumes designed by Baron do Grimm
huge mechanical figures , , wlth Jnlrlcs
cnomes spirits etc. , abound in profusion
The corps do ballet composes forty' dancers
who are led bv three famous premiers. Th
numerous battels are very novel.
The Thanksgiving attraction nt the Boyi
will boHdyts. "A llrnss Monkey. "
A Uny of Fires.
'The firemen had little reason to regar
yesterday as a day of rest.
Shortly after ono o'clock tin the morninj
they were awakened by n telephone call fron
South Omaha , stating that there was a fin
at Swift's packing house , aud asking thor
to hold themselves In readiness to render as
slstaneo If the local department -was unnbl
to cope with the flames. In half an hou
word was received that the nro was ucdu
At 4:15 nn alarm called them to tbo iowc
Union Pacific yards , whom n box car was li
lliunes. The car was nearly empty , nnd th
floor was littered with .hay and other rubblb
which was burning fiercely , The origin o
the tire was unknown. Loss ? " .r > .
Ablaze ino two-story fmmo building o
Sixteenth street between California nut
Webster , accasloued another run just uftc
noon. The building is rwned by Mi
Andrews , and is occupied by.T. 13. Borne
as a stow aud dwelling liousi
The fire was extinguished by No. 3 chemical
Cause , a dofcctlvo lluo. Loss , 25.
Another alarm was turned In at 2:30 froi
Nineteenth and Cuminc , whcro a blnzo di
100 damage to Ilarding's junk shop. Th
building is owned by Potter & Co. Tb
flames were gotten under control by No.
hose company und No. 2 chemical.
At U30 ; the department was again called t
the Andrews building on Si.xUxmtu stroo
where the flames hud broken out
The insurance men hud ordered the buildin
locked up , and burning embers had fallo
through to the cellar , Quito a blaze we
under way when it was discovered. No.
hose extinguished the ilro without much at
dltlonal loss.
Tlio French Tariff BUI.
PAHIS , Nov. 23. [ Special Cablegram I
TUB BEI : . | Tbe subcommittee of th
deputies , which Is considering the Inipoi
duties on certain articles of food included i
the new tariff bill , raises the rates , propose
by the government as follows : Ou bee
from 20 francs to 25 francs per double 1 (
weight ; ou mutton , from M francs to S
francs ; on fresh pork , from 10 francs to ' .
francs , aud on salted beef and other salu
joeuts , except pork , from -i francs to ' ,
francs. The question of the duty on saltc
pork : the subcommittee lias reserved for dl
Albright's Choice , extra inducement
Actoii-Lowls AVrcstllnjc Match ,
SAX FnAscieco , Cal. , Nov. 23. ( specl
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Joe Acton ai
Evan'Lewis wrestled here last iilgbt for 831
a side. The cxmdltfons were that Lewis wt
to throw Acton twleo In an hour or lose tt
match. In the event of Anton obtaining 01
fall Lewis was to be declared tbo lose
Acton scaled 102 pounds and Lewis 19
.Lewis obtained the first fall in tUlrty-tM
uilnutes. Ho struggled desperately duric
the remainder of the hour , but wai unable
throw Acton again Aud the latter was d
dared the vvluuer.
Dr. Birney cures catarrh , Boo Bldjj.
7 -
Suloldo ofa UinliiM Mnn ,
GRAXT , NcbnWov. M. f Social Tolofrnr
to Tun DcK.Ji'fli'ls ] city-Wai thrown Into i
state of Intense" excitement this morning b ;
.ho report tlmf\V. ' J. Eckel , n member of thi
3m'nt Improvotfl'ilt company , had committoi
suicide. After1'n'rtcndlni ? to his chorea nn <
getting his mftll/'Gtkel went to his stable
sat down In thoootrncr of n stall , nnd with i
W-cnllhro rcvo\vpr blow a hole through hi
lead. Eckel lived about two hours , but wn
unconscious. No fcnuso is known for th
docd , as his flnutic'es wcro In flno shape.
HASTINGS , N'jb , , , Nov. By.-Spcclal to Til
QEE.I Editor Merrltt of the Dally Ncbrns
can has been selected to read a paper bcfor
: ho Nebraska Editorial association at Be
nlrlco on the subject of "Tho llclatlon of tn
Press to the Railroads. "
District court convenes In Ihls city Dccoir
bor 15.
The Adams county agricultural society wl !
convene in the courthouse Saturday , Nc
vcmbcr 29 , nt 2 p. m.
Corn Is selllnc In this mnrkot for 55 cents
At the annual meeting of the Ladles' AI
society of the Presbyterian church , held n
the residence of Mrs. S. Alexander , Mrs. G
tl. La Monte waJ elected president , Mr ;
Charles Hutton secretary , and Mrs. H. *
Hicks treasurer. The ladles have paid 01
the last obligation on the Inrgo church pip
organ , and in cousoq.cuco are in a happ
fmmo of inliul.
The Old Settlors' association nro nrrnnghi
toobiervo the nlnotconth anniversary o
Adnins county , which occurs December If
1800 , at Junlatn. Sottlfira who came to th
couuty prior to 1ST7 are invited to attend.
Continuation of this flno weather for thrc
weeks longer will find Hastings citlzdns
Joying benefits of soworago. Seven sowu
districts will bo ready for use by that tlmo.
A new hotel schema is bolng freely ag
tatcd. The right kind of a hotel man wh
will como hero und put up a four or ilvc-stor
hotel will receive proper financial encourage
meat. The cll.v needs another hotel badly.
Central Nebraska Tcaehers.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Nov. 23. [ Special to Tn
BEE. [ Following la the program mo of th
Central Nebraska Teachers' association to b
held in this city Friday nnd Saturday , N (
vomber 28 nnd 29 :
Friday , 8 p. in. , at Congregational churc
-Lecture , "Tho Valno of Books , " Mr. L. t
Austin of Lincoln.
Saturday , 9 :80 : a. m. President's ' address
Prof. W. E. Andrews. Paper "Good Moral
and Gentle Manners , " Mr. C. VV. Mill ;
Harvard. Dlscusslon-Mr. L. "W. Fikc , No :
son. Paper "Wasto ot Energy in Educ ;
tlon , " Mr. J. 11. Thornton , Blue Hill. DI ;
cusslon Joseph H. "Wllkorson , Hastings.
Afternoon Session Transaction of bus
ness. Paper "Man the Hosultant of Thre
Components , " Prof. F. H. Wagner. Discus
slon-W. A. Julian , Mlnden. Paper "Ei
iinlnatlons , " N.'iDaum , Ked Cloud. Di !
cusslon H. U. Corbett , York.
Tlio HridKo Ho ml lit junction Cnso.
NEBRASKA Cnrr , Neb. , Nov. Sit , I'Speck
Telegram to TIIK BKK. | The somewhat fun
ous bridge-bond injunction case , which wn
brought to provcntJ.'Nobraska City procim
from Issuing $100,000 In bonds to aid In buiU
Ing a highway , wagon bridge across tb
Missouri river , , wlll bo argued bcforo Judg
Dundy tomorrow. r Largo Interests hero o
both sides of the case anxiously await th
Bound Over 'to the U. S. Court.
NEBRASKA Cii'r ' , , ! Neh. , Nov. 23. [ Spoclt
to THE BEB.I * f ! > vo tramps named Fran
Clark and Chadesj Mont pleaded guilty lai
evening before United States Cominissionc
Seymour to the charge of stealing a row-boc
from the government and were bound over I
the United States court. A marshal took tb
men to Omaha this 'morning.
The ttlbttllnry in Operation.
NEnKASiaCitri Nob. , .Nov. 23 [ Spool ;
to Tuc BEE. ] Tlrt ) ; dlstillory commence
aotlvo operation's1 ht" l.o'clook tonight with
complete forcd arid7wiH run to its fullc
pacity within a few days. Over one hui
dred men are employed.
Tlielr Enormous Majority the Sourc
off rouble to Democrats.
WASHINGTON , Nov. , U3. [ Special to Tn
BEE. ] The democratic inombers elect of tli
Fiftysocond congress nro apprehensive o
much trouble growing out of the cnormou
majority they will have in that body aud wl
take all of thu precautions possible to put tb
management of affairs into the hands o
skilled men.
The great trouble will come In thoselectlo
of speaker. Un fortunately most of the Icai
ors on the democratic Ride are hot headci
This is the weakness ofboth , Mills of Text
and Springer of Illinois. Especially the Uv
ler is flighty , ' and so full of projudic
that ho would bo "continually getting b1
party Into deep water. A conference :
talked of for an early period during the con
ing session , with a view to agreeing as far a
possible upon tin selection of a levcl-bcadc
democrat for the sixialccrshlp , with a view t
cutting off the various campaigns for tli ;
position , nnd therefore preventing the strli
which may result in a split In the party. Th
course of the democrats In the nouso he
always been , oven when they nro in a ininoi
ity , that they cannot stand together. It i
feared that if prolonged campaigns for th
speakorship : should bo permitted thcro woul
bo 111 feeling engendered , nnd not only a spl
in the party , but , the election of an Incupabl
man result.
After the democrats have selected thel
speaker , mid bo ho over so wise , the greatcs
dinlculty will ensue in keeping down plans
bio measures which should not bo thru :
upon the majority. Every man who is nc
known ns a straight republican , will , c
course , try to co-oporuto with the majority
und every sort of wildcat proposition will u
thrown upon the democraticorganization. . 1
will bo interesting to watch the movement
of the prohibition members \vbo will hav
seats in the Fifty-second congress. As i
well known the prohibition party is backe
by.democrutio managcra , and whenever ' it I
in the ticld in ainixed race , ilciuocrutio'inone
and democratic brains guido it , notwitl
standing the fact that republican votes givi
it positive encouragement.
No ouo fears the work which may be don
in the next house of representatives by tb
fanners' alliance members. In point of fat
they will bo given the greatest leeway , un
their suggestions will bo welcomed by over
ouo. It has been puay for mcu out of con
press to rriticlso these who are in it for IK
taking some stcijs to relieve the dcpresso
condition of the farming comnnmity.but 11011
have bcnji ublo so far to offer any real and d
rect remedies. The'sueKostions of theme
who will move into the Fifty-second cougrcs
direct from the farm will therefore bo ri
freshing , and it is believed thatsomo of the :
may propose something which will prove c
lasting benefit. > The trouble in tl
past has bcouu with faruws" nil
nnco proposlt9ii ( tlnit they hav
been the Inception .of politicians and profe :
sional organizer within the ranks , aud lm\
therefore partakeju'inore of less of the In
practicable worK oCllfe. As Senator She
man has suggostcjfl 'iho republican party wl
be glad to take uWdfiy safe proposition mae
by tbo fanners liwkiug toward the enlartfi
tncnt of the clrclifuug medium , but tiiei
iuu t bo nothing1 Issacd by the consent of tl
Koverumcnt wulpb Unot redctmablo l > ytl
Uuttod States gdvtrnuient ultimately. Th
puts the warchoiMtqwceipjt , proposition In tl
light of bolng a matter for tbo federal go
eminent to deal with solely.
It is very likely , that there will be mo
caucuses held during tu'o first seasiou of tl
Fifty-second congress than were over coi
vcned by any party , nnd the bent of the co :
fcrcnces will bo tlio disposition of the prop
sitlous of thu new aud fruitful minds.
Fish Cnimuliitjloncrs Mct.
Cuiciao , Nov. S3. Fish conimissione
from various states aud representatives
the United States conitnissiou held a mo <
ing this afternoon to discuss the question
the exhibit at the world's fair. Although i
formal action wns'taken , a plan , forun uqu
riun exhibit of ull etuLes , each scparutu , b
all under one roof , was eriduntly regarxlod
the boat. A committee AVUS appointed
meet in Detroit on December 4 to draw ui )
statement of the nwds und usk congress i
an appropriation if necessary ,
Stopn Toward Their llollof Tnkcn by
Oinalm Cttlzonn.
A fair slr.od nudlcncovns at the Boyd yes
tcrdny afternoon to hear the story of the con
dition of the unfortunnto farmers in the west
ern part of the state.
Mayor dishing presided , and , nftcr calling
the meeting to order , said : "It U painful to
think that relief meetings must ba held , but
they must , nnd there must bo something
more thim simply meetings. Wo know that
la our own atuto there nro many persons
who nro In need of fuel , provisions nnd cloth
ing. Omahn has always had the reputation
of being ono of the most charitable of cities ,
unrt there Is no reason whv slio should not nt
this time eoino nobly to the front and help
sustain the tmfortunnto cltlions of the stato. "
Governor Tlinyer said !
"I regret nuiru than you ran Imnglno that I
am called upon to appear before you nnd ask
nld for twelve or ilftcen of the counties in
the western part of the stato. In many of
the counties the psoplo have nothing ou
which to subsist. It.was my duty to take
bold of tlio mutter because , as governor of
the stuto of Nebraska , appeals anne to mo
from the peonlo of the counties where crops
failed ou account of the lack of rain and
the visitations of the hot winds. During the
post three wccljs these appeals have beconio
more numerous , nil telling the sumo tiilo , and
lean hardly trust myself to speak upon this
subject. They wrlto to uio saying , 'Can you
help us I1
"In order to ascertain the amount of help
required , I selected Dr. Martin and Mr. J. if.
Hartley of Lincoln to visit these counties.
The gentlemen went and found that what Is
written Is truo. These farmers who are so
nflllctcd nro honest , Industrious People , but
they cannot help themselves. Tlio question
now Is , will yo'u help ttioni , or will you let
them dlo of hunger and cold I
"Slnco I was In Omaha last Thursday night
I have received many lcttcrsshowlngn worse
state of nffulrs than I sui > | > osed could exist.
I Know Ui at thcro are thousands of people in
the western part ot tlio state who uro suffer
ing today for food , fuel and clothing. "
The governor then read a number of letters
from residents of the nfllictod sections , showIng -
Ing that they have been left do.stituto and
without the mans of support. Continuing ,
tbo governor said :
"It is on account of such appeals as nro
made In these letters that I appear before
you. To the business men I sny , what you
giro today you will reap back in two years ,
with ton and twenty/old / added. A storm
now menus much. Let a blizzard como and
ton. twenty , yes , scores of these people will
pcilsh. I do ask the people of Omaha to give
liberally , for Just as sure ns cold weather sots
In the news will go abroad that people In Ne
braska have frozen aud starved to
death. Wo cannot kocp this from the
public , and I nm of the opinion
that it Is better that the facts should now bo
published than to wait until It Is necessary to
send abroad the names that the people of Ne
braska have frozen to death tn their own
"Tbo county commissioners of the various
counties have been instructed to distribute
the supplies to the needy and I have tssued
most stringent orders that no man who is
nblo to support himself shall have any of
these supplies. In addition to this 1 have In
structed ttio distributing ofllccrs to kocp nn
accurate account of every pound of coal and
flour sent out. "
Dr. Martin of tbo Kearney industrial school ,
who has traveled over thodlslressetl country ,
said :
"Mr. M lyor and Citizens of Nebraska I
am not hero to make a speech , but to give you
some facts. For two weeks I was among the
people , visitlnpsovon counties , to see Just the
exact condition of the scitlcrs. There nro
gentlemen hero who know that the soil of
these counties Is as fertile as can bo found
anywhere in the state , but this year no corn ,
wheat , oats , potatoes or grass grow. It was
not on account of lock ot industry , but the
hot winds came and in a few days the
prairies were as brown nnd bare as a floor.
Those peonlo have no crops to sell and noth
ing ta eat but com bread , nnd very llttlo of
that. They are now on our bauds and we
have them to feed and keep warm during the
next nine months. A cnroful estimate shows
that at least eight thousand people are in this
"Wo do' not need to sea tier the news that
Nebraska Is in need , for it is not. There nro
a few counties , but the state is ono of the
richest in the union and she can take care of
hero needy ones. "
Thomas Kllpatrick urged upon the meeting
the Importance of speedy action. Ho also
stated that ten carloads ol coal nnd 5,000
pounds of clothing had already been shipped
to the residents of twelve counties.
M. V. Gnnnoii said ;
"In my younger days my eyes looked upon
many scenes such as Governor Tnayor and
Dr. Martin portrayed. As I listened I had
all I could do to keep back the tears. Tnis is
a time for writing bank drafts , and not
poems ; this ia a tlmo when tbo people of
Omaha should stretch out their hands. If
they do not , nnd they let their brothers die
upon thoAvestern plains , they nro not worthy
of being called American citizens I trust
that Omaha will demonstrate to the world
that she will do ns much , proportionately , as
nny people In the union. It will then be said
that Omaha did her duty nobly. I bogof
you , I demand of you that you come forward
nnd help the people ) of western Nebraska.
Too much credit cauuot L > o given to tlio grand
old man who , ns your chlof executive , told
you of toe condition of these peoplo. "
Kov. Dr. Duryoa said :
"After looking over this audience I might
bo induced to believe that the Omaha census
was padded. I suppose this small house is
positively caused by the fact that each
man thought his neighbor would bo
hero and wanted to prevent crowding.
If you could gel face to face with these suffer
ing /armors in the western part of the state
you would give freely. Uo home and sit
down , think of the little god hut without a
flro to warm its occupants , the empty cup
board without oven a crust. Make this
picture and then gaze at your own homo , fin
ished lu oak and mahogany. Let the ruin
como to you. 'you must give.1 Shall a score
or a hundred people die of huuner and cold in
Nebraska while our larders and coal bins are
full ? You never go to a reception until most
ol the decent people are ready to go home ,
you never como to church until the sermon is
nearly finished , but I will fool you some time ,
for I am going to preach my sermon and
hnvo the rest of the sorviecs afterwards. But
I want to. toll you that you must help the
farmers of the wust , and now Is the time. "
Today the committee from the board of
tnuio will visit tlio business men for the pur
pose of taking their contributions , and ia the
meantime , these who are not call oil upon uro
requested to call at Secretary Nuson's oflico
in the Exchange building , where subscription
books buvo bCL'n opened.
When you are constipated , have headache
or loss of appotlte , take Dr. J , li. HuLeaii's
Liver and Kidney FilleU ; they uro pleasant
to take and will euro you.
Funeral nfWilllnmVliltoliousi > ,
The remains of William J. Whltehouso
were laid to rust in the family lot In Prospect
Hill cemetery yes terJny afternoon. The fun
eral was unusually large , bolng atto.idcd by
sixty carriages , all filled with friends of the
deceased , t-'ervlcos were held at the resi
dence , Ji522 Bristol street , after which the
procession wended Its way to the cemetery.
The services were conducted by the members
of St. John's chapter , A. F. & A. M. , of
which the deceased was a member.
Drolco HI * Arm.
Mr. M. T. .McMttbon . , for many years Iden
tified with the clothing business of this city ,
stopped accidentally off the first story of at.
Joseph's hospital yesterday during the laying
of tuu comur vtouo. fell to the ground , a dls.
tnnce of clght'fect , breaking his right arm.
The fracture was reduced on the ground
and the sufferer takeu to bis home em Cuss
street , neurTwelftbt
Tlio Tenth Street Viaduct.
Work on the Tenth Mreotiaduct is being
rushed rapidly to completion. By December
10 , If the weather holds good , the Jron work
will all be paintoJ and the lioor will bo all
down. Another wouU after that will coin ,
ploto tha banister , und the structure will ba
Today' Tip * .
First Race Hen Harrison , Vasbunr.
Second Uaco Humpui , Biddy Doyle.
Third Icaco-Bulllu HariMjr , liulis.
Fourth Ituoc Bailyo. Outbound.
Filth Ituou-Nuunle It , 1'rluco Juiuc * .
Sixth Ituco MODSOOL , tit. James ,
At the head
of nil Wood-purifiers is Jr. Piuruo'a
Golden Medical Discovery. But it's
different from all of them. What
ever is claimed for this , it's gitanvi-
tced to do. Tlio money is refunded
in every cnso where it "fails to bene
fit or cure. It's because it is differ
ent that it can "bo sold so. All
diseases originating from a torpid
liver or impure blood yield to it.
It cleanses nnd purifies the system ,
freeing it from all manner of blood-
poisons , no matter from what cause
they liavo arisen. For Dyspepsia ,
Biliousness , Scrofula , Salt-rheum ,
Tetter , Eryaipclas , or any blood-
taint or diHordcr , it is an itncqnaled
remedy. Nothing else can take its
" Golden Lledicnl Discovery"
contains no alcohol to inebriate ,
and no syrup or sugar to derange
It's a concentrated vegetable ex
tract ; put up Jn largo bottles ;
pleasant to the taste , and equally
good for ndtilta or children ; works
equally well all the year round.
lie ConfcflSCfl to Having Stolen the
DininnmlB anil Money ,
E. A. Hulstcad of the Don Carlos lumber
: oinpany is in anything but nn enviable
> HRht. When arrested in Council Bluffs
Saturday ni ht for beating n $200 board bill
it the Barker nnd stealing $1X ( > in money nnd
! Ti7U worth of diamonds from n notorious
voinan of the burnt district , ho Indignantly
lenlcd his guilt In cither case , but ho hns
vcakoncei , nnd admits that the charges are
tot ns fur out of the way as they might be.
Chief Detective Haze found that Halstead
md pawned n gold watch nnd diamond pin
'or $100 , nnd that he had redeemed them Sat-
irday evening. " The money Unit he paid the
mwnbrokor corresponded with that lost by
.ho woman. When "confronted by this ovi-
lencc , Ilalstcnd weakened a llttlo , and said
jo would see that the woman recovered her
liamonds. The detective then began a close
icnrch through Hulstoiul's clothes , nud dls-
: ovcrcd thu diamonds that hiid been n part of
, ho breastpin concealed under the lining of
ais ovorcont near the end of the sleeve. Hal-
itead saw that the Jig was up , and then
tliowed the ofllccr where tlio two earring
llnmonds wore hidden under tbo lining of
.ho lapel of ono of tlio overcoat pockets , one
itonc beliiK in each corner.
The pin itself and parts of the earrings
ivoro found in a dark corner whore they had
liocn thrown by Hulstcad. The $ .18 that bo
: ind In his pocket was all that was left of the
M50 that remained nftcr redeeming his prop-
jrty from the pawnbroker. The breast pin
ivos valued nt JOO nnd the carrincs at $ itO.
Halstead figured ns the principal witness
xgalnst Charles E. Uhizlcr , who is now under
ndictment for forgery and obtulnlnp money
indor false pretenses. Immediately after
rUdzler's indictment ho proceeded to have
[ Inlstcad arrested for adultery , but the case
, vns dismissed for want of prosecution. Ilnl-
itouds family is at the Barker , but for the
.hTco days proceeding hh arrest ho remained
it a notorious resort with the woman from
, vhom he stole the diamonds.
Children Knjoy
, ho pleasant flavor , gentle action and snotb-
ng effects of Syrup of Figs , when In need of
i laxative , nud if the father or mother be
: ostivo or bilious tlio most gratifying results
'ollcnv its use , so tlfat it is the best family
omcdy known und every family should have
i bottle.
Seventh Ward Dciuacratn.
In the Seventh ward the democrats have
) ut up a mini for councllmantc honors. Yes.
.erday there were three candidates in the
lold Phillip Smith , Ed Howell and James
Schneielowlnd but now , Uvoof them have
icon forced to the wall. Yesterday forenoon
, ho three candidate ; ! and n few of their Intl-
nato friends hold n secret meeting at Rolph's
mil , Twenty-sixth ana Walnut streets ,
vhcro , alter discussing the staying qualities
> f the tlircu men , Smith was selected as theme
mo to make the race und the others wore
lulled out of the field.
Military Orrt or of the Ijoynl Legion of
the United Hinted.
OMAIIA , Nob. , Nov. 23 , 1800. )
A grnciAi. MKfjTixo of the COMMAXOKHV OF
riinBTATK or NcuiiABKA will bo held at 2 p ,
n. Monday , IMth Inst , in room 50 , " > , BRE
mllding , Omaha.
By order of
BVT. Biaa. OUST. AMASA Conn. U , S. V. ,
Major and Surgeon , U. S. V. ,
Colonel \V. F. Coily , better known ns Buf.
"alo Billtlio , famous scout and Indian lighter ,
, vlll arrive in Omaha this evening. Ho will
no received at the depot by a largo crowd of
idinlrlng friends , headed by nna
Dennis Cunningham , und will be es
corted In a carriage to the I'axton hotel ,
where a banquut will be scrvod. All of the
jx-scout's friends nro invited to talco nart in
Lho welcome.
When , from nny cause , the dlnestivo nnd
iecrotory organs become disordered , they
may be stimulated to healthy action by the
USD of Ayer's Cathartic 1'ilU. Theuo pills
are proscribed by the physicians , and are for
sulo at ull tbo drug stores.
Welter AVclfthtH Fight.
Siicmni.t ) , Ind. , Nov. 23. EdBartlettof
Chicago and Tommy Kyun of ( J rand Hapids ,
Mich. , welter * weights , 'fought to a finish
with skin gloves thU morning. Kyan won
easily In thrno rounds , Hnrtlett being outclassed -
classed and whipped from the start.
Herman Anderson of Sioux City eallc.d upon
TUB BKB yesterday.
Absolutely Pure.
A. creftm of tartar baklnc powder.
of JouvanlnKitreiiBtU U.B. Government Uo-
port Aug. 17.189X
That'II Fit Any
And Prices That'll Suit
have a cork
er. 2 lines in chin
chillas and Union
beaver coats for
the coldest day in
the year.
We'll giveyou a
durable chinchil
la , or if you prefer ,
a good storm uls-
At this figure we
show some extra
values. There's
the beaver or com _
fortable chinchil
la , plain or fancy
$10 T he popular *
price. The assort
ment at this literally - .
ally includes ev- \t
ery thing.Beavers ,
rneltons , chinchil
las , kerseys and
all the famous fab
rics. Plain & fancy
lined , nvake & fit
we can
please any taste.
The cheviot , the
beaver , the chin
chilla and many
others. Then for
$12 we have the
Eureka ulster for
men exposed to
the weather , an
ideal storm coat.
Now we can
please the stylish
dressers. We will
show you every
style and fabric.
The box coat , the
top coat ( now so
stylish ) , the gen
teel kersey and "
many more.
§ 20 Tne perfection
TO of the tailor's art
$30 , is here. See our
best overcoats &
compare with
custom tailors'
make. Our over
coats in the very
fin e s t ke rs ey s ,
meltons and chin
chillas at $2O can
not be matched
by any tailor un
der $4O ; and ours
at $30 are better ,
than most made
to measure gar
ments at$8O , yes !
Hellmaris ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam