THE OMAHA'J ' DAILY BEE. TWENTIETH YEAH. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , NOYEMBER 21 , 1890. , V : NUMBER 159. SURROUNDED BY REDS Indians In Sight on All Sides of the Pine Ridge Agencyt EXCHANGING OLD V/ARPATH / SIGNALS. A How Oode Adopted Which Old Scouts Are Unable to Read , GENERAL BROOKE AND OFFICERS CONFER. The Ghost Dances Oontinuo in Various Places With Inoreascd Wildness. ALL REPORTED QUIET AT ROSEBUD , The Bavngcs Gnthcrini ; for the Ilcunliir Beef Issue , Which Will Occur Today Situation of Affairs in the Nortli. PiNRllmnr AOEVCV , S. D. ( vlallushvlllo , Neb. ) , Nov. 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB Dnn. ] By the early light of as beautiful a Bubbath morning as ever dawned upon this wild nnd now turbulent country , vvo llnd our selves in the midst of n now and complicated cause for deep anxiety. Whether puiposely or inadvertently nnd most piohably the former , so the ofllclals thliilc the Indians linvo completely surrounded the camp and agency , In the opinion of Diookc , Agent Uoycr and Special Agent Cooper this fact is alarming. Big Head's ' band of warriors are sighted nt the uoith , the Chcyonncs in the south , Little 'Wound's biavcs are to the cast of us and old lied ClouiVs fighters are seen to the west. Scouts have Just como in , and they tell us that thcso bands are spreading out a fact which wo can pmllally discover with our own eyes and thut there are many ghost daacors mixed up with the filendlics. "What nro you going to do about 1U" I asked Agent Hoyer nnd Special .Agent Cooper , General Drooko not being accessible. "Wo aio going to immediately insist upon tlio Indians changing their positions , " said Agent Uojcr , "and if they don't accede to this rcnucst . wo will rrako them , nnd without any loss of tlmo whatever. We have fooled with them long enough. " "Yes , sir , that's it , exactly,11 said Mr. Cooper. ' ,1 hnvo had too much experience with Indians to bo otherwise than deeply concerned when such a move as this ] vvohavc Just discovered is in plain sight. It has n bad look to it viewed In any light. Theic must bo a move made instantly to break up the elide , and UenornlBnoolco with his keen- Ono interpretation put upon the "presence of the disturbing element Is that they pro pose to como up and demand tholr rations to morrow , which is the day for issuing sup piles. Another idea Is that they are simply holplng Jack Ked Cloud to do bpy work nnd will icmalu to help in whatever lighting de signs they may have. Both of those ideas nro those of lloycr , Cooper and oilier ofll clals , Another now disclosure tint his an vin- satisfactory significant ' ok to it is that these bands which have hemmed us In arc dlscoveicdhy our scouts to bo exchanging old warpath signals , but in a minnor that cannot bo read , as a new cede seems to hav ( been adopted. Still another thing that looks bad-- and very bad is that the Indian : who have encircled us are principally the squaws , children and old decrepit men The joang bucks , who foim the great fight ing clement , have not as yet appeared am nro reported to bo massing in their respective lands in the background. General Broolco nnd Messrs. Roycr am Cooper , tOROthcr with ono or two othci officials , have been in secret council for hour mul no onocan got thoslightcst inklingdircc from the council room as to what Is going on It is most probable , however , Judging fron certain reliable pointers that I have had , tha they are arranging details for an armed en forcement of an older to break tlio menacing circle by which wo are now hemmed in am which has aroused moro real fear among us generally than almost any previous dls covery. The ghost dances continue in various locnll tics with ineioased wildncss and vvlthou diminution as to participants. Agents Uoycr and Cooper are undecided ate to whether under the circumstances thoj will issue supplies to the hostile onea tomorrov in case any of them como in and ask for thorn , Should the decision bo against doing so it \ \ thought it w ould precipitate a deadly light 01 tha spot. The question may suggest itself to peopl nt n distance why nro these few ghost dancer who came Into the agency not ni rested ! Tin reply scorns to bo that General Ilrooko doe not consider his force of troops now hero suf flcirntly strong to risk provoking an uprb' Ing. And light here it is about right to sup pose that no effort will bo raado to enforce nny rule , order , or anything clso until rein forccmouts appear , which the host in forma tlon shows , as I telegraphed last night , wll not bo longer than today. Nothing U plaino : than that General Drooko Ishci at this moment mont that moro troops were hero , nnd wll not feel comfortable until they conio. All these Indians whom the agents 'loob uiion ns being perfectly friendly ana as to bi depended on to help the soldiers in case o trouble or nt least remain neutral , may no disappoint the conlldenco placed In them , bu after four days of private talk among thoin bcliavo that a disappointment to some oxtcn is surely In store. Ono fact ab out tbo sltun tlon leads mo to this conclusion. Tuli the pollco force of the ngenc ; and the llttlo army of cmplojci. Many o them have near relatives among tha drcndci ghost dancers , nnd blood relationship ainon rcdsldns means mucli moro than ainon the clash comes and al agree that It Iscomln ? will thcso supposedly goodee-goodeo Indians flght tbelr relatives or even the warm friends of their relatives ! If they do then the history of Indian nature , action , etc. , will sco a precedent , the pos sibility of which has always been ridiculed and stamped ns unheard of by the oldest and best of our government scouts and wisest students of Indian natuio. Hed Cloud nnd several of the Omaha officers attended divine sen Ice this morning , accom panied by Mnjor Ilurka nnd his fifty w ell dressed , fine appearing Indians of Wld West show famo. U hcso show Indians , by the w ay , nro doing even moio than was anticipated they could do In the interests of peace. For the first tlmo since thclf arrival the roops , fully armed , went as n guard for the lavnlry horses to water this evening. As .ho formidable appearing body moved iff to the creek , a quarter of . mlle fiom camp , nn ofllccr ngh in command nudged Tun BCD coi respondent nnd remarked , "There's a good pointer for you , and you'll ' have it light along low until wo leave hero. " At about dusU ono of the government scouts flow into camp and reported to eneral Brooke that over two hun- Urcd more lodges of Ilosobud ghost dancers had appeared at Corn Crock , 'orty-flvo nilloa northeast of here , nnd wcro making for this point as fast as possible. They arc alljarmed with Winchesters , navy i cvolvcrs and knives. An order was Issued todiy by General Brooke foibiddlng any nnd all Indians whether friendly or sus pected , from coming within the camp lines. Several hours wcro spent by General Brooke and staff this1 afternoon in pooling at suspicious bands of Indians thiough field glasses. The moro the glaBsei wcro used the blacker grow the brows that pressed them. It was finally learned that the figures seen gliding along the far-away hill tops wcro ghost dancing spies , but nothing was done about them. The breaking of the threatening clrclo was partially accomplished by d"ark this evening , but not without scowls appearing tipon many of the bronzed faces. The ma jority of the peaceably disposed ac cepted the order to move in n perfectly good nnturod manner. The ghost dancers didn't like it a bit , but they vvoio too few in numbers to warrant their making any very gicat kick. Wo had a suicldo nnd a wedding In our midst today. An eighteen-year old Siout mildcn named Grazing Gazelle hung herself by a strap in the family tepee because her mother had scolded her. In the affair do nuptial , Spotted Eagle and Womiu's Foot , the one a brave of tvvcnty-llvo years and the other a good looking young squaw of twenty , were the principals , Agent Royjr officiating. The remainder of the night promises to bo quiet , but tomorrow the excitement Is sure to bo revlvcd'and wlU probablylncrcaso'ln intensity until the uncertain llnalo to which every ono is look ins lonvnrd comes. C. II. C. ALt , OVMET AT KOSEUVJ ) , The Indians Gntlicrliifr for tlioKcgulnr Itsct' Issiiq Today. RosniiUD Ancxcr. S. D. , ( via Valentino , Nob. ) Nov. 2J. Two tioops of cavalry anc thieo companies of infantry are in camp at the agency , Lieutenant Colonel Smith comm - m indin ? . The Indians are very quiet anc arosurpilscdattho pioscncoof the troops They are gathoiing for the hoof issue , whicl occurs Monday. Any trouble from them seems out of the qncition , as they have no rations on hand nnd no place to leave their wives nnd children Enoch Unymond , who has been In this country over foi ty years , savs : "An Indian doesn't ' go on the warpath in a winter. You need not fear any lighting. " Mr. Raymond has been In every Sioux campaign since Hariioy first ca'nio out to this country. "Bill" Huston , another old scout , says the same thing. The Indian pollco are not strong enough to put down the oancing , noivover , so it maj have a good effect on the Indians to see tlic soldicis A little target practice with Gat- tling guns would glvo them an exalted ide : of the soldiers. In the absence of Agent Wright , Spccia Agent Reynolds is in charge officially. Short Bull nnd his follovvcis aio said to be at Pass Creek. No one seems to know how big a following no hus , nnd as ho has commit ted no ci line worse than prcachinif asccom comingof Olnistho is hnidly an object o pursuit. The Indians had no crops this jcar and arc In a hard pljco. They are gathering ovori bone on the reservation nnd scllini ; them h Valentino. Thovaro not well armed. The riilcs are mostly old style nnd worn ou Springfield oai bines , miny of them relics o the Custcr fight. However , they nro wel tiaincd in the use of them , asthegovcrnmen his fuinishcd them good , tough live steers twice a month to practice on It would bo bad policy to attempt to nrrcs Shot t Hull , since ho has not committed niij crime. It would only dignify him as t martyr , However , if some check is no placed upon the wild fanaticism there is nc telling vvhcio It will end. 'Ihoronro a lnVg ( n umber of white men and industrious mlxcc bloods who have a good many cattle , the earnings und savings of years. These nro f prey for the Indians , who nio disposed to re slst the Indian pollco. But the presence o the tioops will convince them that resistance is useless , nnd any attempt at lawlessnos will bo promptly punlshe8. There Is n place of refuge for any hostilos. The Bai Lands are almost inaccessible , but there i llttlo game nnd no water , so that nny larg number could bu starved out in a shor timo. Shott Uull'a Ilucki. VAI.FNTISB , Neb , Nov. 23. ( Special Tele gram to TIIR Bnr. ] "Word has been rccclvec nt Uosebud agency that four hundred buck fromShoit Bull's camp would bo nt th ngcncy to attend the beef Issue tomorrovvbu what will take place remains to bo seen. Shor Bull has taken lefugo at the mouth of Pas crock , about fifty miles north of the agency nn-I on the very verge ef the bad landsvvhen it is supposed tbo Pine Kldgo Indians wil Join him. Ho has with him Crow Dog , wh killed ihief Spotted Tall In 1881 , nnd Tw bti Ike , both old timers on the trail , and several oral other almost as noted chiefs , to all o whom the joung bucks have been taught tc look as ox urn pica of Indian leadership , am each exerts a powerful influence ever th whole tribe , Tlioy send out runners tc thosa vvbo hava not taken u ; tholr cuuso and nro dally cnlnini recruit' . Those 400 will go totbongono ; nnd attend thoboef issue and it is supposei will demand their regular ration , which wil bo refused. The boot are corralled , nnd a the bend of each llttlo band's ' name Is cnllei its sh ire Is turned loose on the nralrlo un < dilvcna Bhoit distance , whore the beovc , < are shot down , The corral Is about two mlloa from thu agency buildings and out of sight Colonel Smith's command is at the agcnc ; and the disposition li to uofend the ngcno , mlldlngs nnd employes , but he can bo of no ssltancolf thohostllcs goto the beef corral , et the cattle out nnd drive them off , Ho has ess than two hundred nnd fifty men ngainst licso 400 warriors , therefore ho cannot nfclv divide his command and cannot fford to leave the agency buildings ind employes to enforce obedience nt the beef issue. Ho mav bo found to bo in the > osltlon Chief Joseph of the Utes told Major rhomburg on his march to the White river n 1810 , which a day or two thereafter was criflcd , "that ho hud too many soldiers for > eaco , but not enough for war. " In other vords , some ono may have blundered in not ending reinforcements to Smith , who has lone admirably in maintaining pcnco so long. Torty of the ono hundred guns nskcd of Gov ernor Thnycr have nrrlveu , but for each gun hero vvoro three farmers , all begging nnd al most ready to light for a gun. They wore vllllng to go back to their claims and stand oft iho whole tube if only given a gun. Fin ally the town divided its small allowance. Everyone goes armed , hut the bestof order > rovalls. There have been no Indians in own since Fiiday. ADVICES. itiporlant News Ilecelvcd From Cnp- titln HigcliiH nt I'oplnr Creek. CHICAGO , Nov. 23 - General Miles this af ternoon received n telegram from ouo of his ofllcors at Rosebud , saying information had been received 'that the hostile Indians ire moying from Pass creek toward I'ino lidgoin two parties. This news conies from Indians who have returned from Pine Hidge , nnd is believed to bo reliable. It is reported that they nro going to Pine Illdgo agency to get the Indians there to talk to the coni- nandlnp ofllccr in tholr behalf , tbo Intention being for chief TwoStilko to stab the gen eral as a signal for a general attack by his band. The ofllccr adds that there seems to bo no doubt that the leaders mean war nnd are only using the prophet , Shoit Dull , as a pretext to keen the Indians together. General Miles says the troops have boon fully advised of this and other reports and duo precautions taken. , General Miles also received this evening a letter from Poplar Creek agency , from Cap tain Hugging. The Indians nt Poplar Cieok , ho says , are bettor armed today than over before. Sitting Bull's messenger , White Gut , stopped tlicio a week ago on his way hack from Canada. Ho reported to the I'op lnr Cicc-k Indians that the Indians north of the line vveio richer and moro piosperous than those who had come back to this country after the Custor affair. White Gut also gave orders there that If a hostile shot was lircd at any tlmo in Daftota or 'elsewhere all the In dians everywhere must rise and do what damage thev could and Join Sitting Bull and Kicking Bear in the Black Hills. White Gut furthermore told them tint the conditions now were more favorable foi an Indian war than over before , as there are great droves of cattle through the coun tiy vvhero the buffaloes used to bo. A scout told the captain that ho thinks Sitting Bull wants to assemble as laigo a force of war riors next spiing as possible , thinking that oen if the expected div Inc. assistance Should not como ho could stand the tioops off for a while , possibly win some battles and then es cape into British Columbia ns ho did before , vvheio ho would ho sate and could make u Ucaty with the United States again. Cap tain Higgins says rcpoits from Port Bclknap agency indicate that tbo Indians there are also in a very excited stato. "Will Join the Ghost Dancers. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Nov. 23. The Pioneer- Press , Plono , S. D , special says : A cor respondent Just returned from Fort Bonnetl reports that the officers say that no Immedi ate trouble Is feared. Indians nrosUrmlshlng around in small parties and are going to Join the ghost dance. The towns of Lobcau and Fairbanks aio ab solutely deserted , but the leport that seven whites hnvo been killed near the formei place Is groundless , A special from Blunt , S. D. , says that General Bovvers and mem bers of the Midland Pacific survey at work eighty miles west of Pierio , reached there this afternoon. They say the Indians are in a ficnzied condition nnd liable to commit murder at any time. Friday night fifty Indians sutrounded the survey camp , burst into tno tc.nt anc took possession. All vveio wel aimed and could have masacred the whole outfit , but after a povv-vvow left , telling the whites to bo many miles away before the sun rose. The Indians on the Winnebngo reser vation have left to Join the ghost dances at Hosebud. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Colonel Henry Arrives at Iliislivlllc. Uusnviu-B , Neb , Nov. 23. [ SpecialTele gram to THE Brc. ] Another dotnchmeni of cavalry arrived hero this evening from Fort McKinney under command of Colone Henry , and reliable news is at hand tha' ' several companies of infantry and a hatterj from Fort Riley will nrrive at C o'clock to morrow morning. The further massing o ; troops is generally believed to mean that a tight is Imminent , and even the most skep tical persons heretofore now think that the coming week will witness scenes of blood shed at Pine Kldgo. The belief is inducet by the continued bold uollnnco of the Indians and the fact that moro troops are arriving. Practically Unprotected. BUFPAIO , Wyo. Nov. 33. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. | The country Ijing bo tvvcon Wind river nnd the lloscbud Indian reservation has been loft entirely unpro tected save by ono small Infantry company at Fort McKinnoy. Scout Grouard is of the opinion that the Big Horn mountains will be the objective point of the Sioux. There is a great scarcity of arms and ammunition in the countiy , A mass meeting of citizens was hclct here last night nnd a committee o safety nppolntod. The United States gov ernment authorities have been applied to for troops and aims , Small bands of Indian : ore icportcd in the vicinity. All Favorable nt htandlng-Rook. BISMAKCIC , N. D , Nov.23. Today's advice from Standing Uock continued favorable Kations wcro Issued yesterday and Agent IMcLaughlin reports that only a small nura bor of bucks weroawav. The military officers count shows that a largo number did no appear , however , und today a scouting part' crossed the rlv or to the east sldo to look J ] wandering Indians. All the schools at tin agency are closed nn account of the excitct state of the reds. At the council yesterdaj the friendly chiefs avowed allegiance to the agent and reiterated their opposition t ( Sitting Bull and the Messiah doctrines. General Cole to the Front.x LINCOLN , Neb , Nov. 23. [ Special Telegram gram to THE Bcr , ] Adjutant General Cell bos donned his regimentals and will Icayo foi the scene of the threatened Indian outbrcal so as to bo nblo co more thoroughly Judge hey largo a force of militia may bo needed in case of a crisis and also to bo icadv for immediate action. It is possible that ho may take a de tachment of militia with him. Ordurs have been issued to the oftlceis ot the various com ninles to have their meu ready to march at o day's notice. Seventh Cavalry on tlio Movo. ST. Louis , Nov. 2J. General Merritt , com mandmg the department of Missouri , in nc cordtuuo with orders received from Wash ington today , started the Seventh roghncni of cavalry nnd u company of artillery with i battery of four guns from Foi t Ulloy to thi scene of the troubles In Dakota by spccia train. JU-iiiforcemoiils of Cnvnlry. LINCOLNNeb. . , Nov. 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Enr. ] It is reported hero to night that some tlmo in the morning betvveer 5 and 8 o'clock eighty cars will poss througl Lincoln over the Union Pacific loaded witt avalrynicn from Fort plloy-who have been rdcred to the front , Two trains of about ucnty cars each wilt leave Manhattan about 0 o'clock tonight nnd two moro will follow about 2 u. in. or later. A Hnthcr AVlltURnmor. ST. PAUI , Minn. , Nov. 23. Tbo Pioneer lrcss has the following somewhat Improbable pocial from Wnshhurn , N. D. : It is re ported that Indian warriors numbering 0,000 uivo cut loose frotnUho reservation below us and are heading woslwjlnl. Considerable ox- itcmcnt exists throughout the country. Company C , Nt , N. G. , llondy. NrmtAsKA Cttr , Nob. , Nov. 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bfcu. ] Company U , Ne braska National gnaids of this re ceived orders from military headquarters to Jo in readiness to march to the front nt a notncnt's notice to pubduo the redskins. Many of the boys nro rtlrcndy In uniform nnd anxious to take the field and glvo the regulars a point or two on vvnrf&ro , Ninth Cnvnlry < 3olfi to I'lno Uliljrc. Douai.Af < j Wvo. , NO ? . 23. [ Special Tele gram 19 fllti Bin. : [ Troop D , Ninth cav alry , Coipuol Guy V. Ilonry In command , ar rived from the north about 12 o'clock today and loft for the cast ntfout 1 p. in. by a special train. Frank Orouanl , the famous scout and interpreter , is with tlvp party , which com prises about sixty men/ They go direct to llushvilonnd expect to reach Pine Uidgo somo-tirao tonight. \ Itclnforcemoiits Rolnjj Forward. SinsT.r , Neb , Nov. 83. [ Special Telegram to Tnc Bn.J : The twenty-first Infantry , IfiO strong , commanded bvf Colonel Poland , loft here for Kushvlllo. Much excitement prevails - vails hoie , caused b } a report that Indians wcro seen about seventy miles north of here , headed south. The pL'oplo in town are thor oughly armed nnd leady to defend their homes should necessity , require. The garrison risen will also bo In Sjeadmcss in case of danger. M Colonel Cody Coming. CIIICAOO , Nov. 23.-Colonel Cody , "Buffalo Bill , " loft tonight fgr Omaha and will go thence to Kushvlllc. Before leaving tonight ho said the question of an outbreak was problematical. If the grass was four inches high ho would expect It every night. As it is the season is against * an uprising. How ever , with the fanatical bucks dancing the ghost dance there was no tcllln'g into what fever they may work , themselves. Thoio will , It appears , certainly bo tioublo unless the dances are stopped. On the other hand , the Interference of the sctdlers may precipi tate war , so it looks bed either way. Probably Means , Treaohcrv. CIIIOVGO , Nov. 23 , * Late tonight Gcnoial Miles said ho had -advices from General Brooke saying thatthe turbulent Indians had evidently changed their minds , and , instead of making an attack , arc moro submissive. What this meant could not bo told , but the natural ticachery of the Indians is not being lost sight of b ) the officials. The loneor they refrain from hostilities the- better it is for the army , which call bo concentrated to hotter advantage. Tbo general also received a dispatch to night from tlio shoiill of Nelson county , Noith Dakota , saying that a friendly Indian hud brought information that two hundred bucks had loft the Dovll's. Lake reservation. Tlio Sixth Regiment Ordered out. WASIIIV TOV , Nov. 23. Secretary Proctor has received no information .from , the Indian troubles other than th.\t ijlrcady made public. Besides the Sovouth Ttklment of cavalry , vvhjch has been started friJtn Fort Illley , the Sixth rogltnPiit , now ciittwed in Oregon and New Mexico , has been ordered assembled nnd forwaided to Plna liidgc. During the day the secretary received a tclegiam from thomayorof Buffalo , Wyo. , complaining that there was only n small company of infantry in that vicinity and that frontiersmen were certain that if the Indian * broke away from the reservation that tlmt would bo one of the first points they make for. Ho demanded arms and amunition or other protection. The secretary oidered the matter looked into. The agent at Pine Hidgo. who josterday requested authority to employ an additional lot of Indian police , has been authorized to employ fifty-five as scouts for the same duties , the limit of the Indian pollco having been reached. _ Assaulted Iiy an Indian. BISVAUCIT , N. D. Nov. -Considerable excitement was caused last night by an as sault committed by nn Indian on Miss Wright , a stenographer employed in the cap- itol. While ou her way homo at 0 o'clock in the evening she was accosted by an Indian and when she tried to cvhdo him ho struck her on the bead nnd knocked her down. The scoundrel then fled No motive for the as sault is know n and probably ho was drunk. Miss Wright's injuries arc not serious , jaone TJtooifi OMIDERED. Eight Companies Front Omaha antl Sidney l < 'lylng to Ituslivlllc. Yesterday a rumor , vvos In circulation in this city to the effect tjint a fight had taken place between the troons and Indians at Pine Ilidge Agency , but the Jtolegrams of Tin : BEE show that it was unreliable. It was doubtless occasioned by the fact that General Brooke hod o rderod companies E , F. G and II of the Second in fantry m Fort Omaha to Rushv'lllQ , as also four com panics of the Twenty-first Infantry stationed at Tort Sidney. The order was issued cnrly in the morning , and ut 11 o'clock last night the men were to movo. They will travel on the Union Pa cific to Columbus , tliEnce to Norfolk anc thence on the Fremont ; Elkhorn & Missour Valley to Kushvillo. It could not bo ascertained last night who was to command the battalion. It is ccttaln however , that it will not bo the reglmcntii commander. Colonel Mcrrow , who has boon on the sick list for some time. Companies G and H of the Second infantry loft Omana yesteiday rnornlng ever the Fre mont , iililiorn : & Missouri Volley , und wll report nt Uushvillo. Tljoy are commanded as follows : G Company Captain Keller and Llcutcn nuts Waring and Pojvelli II Company Captain Clark and Licutcn ant Webster. Last night at 9 o'clock companies E nnd T ? also left for the sceuo , wth | the following of fleers : E Company Captain TA.mcs nnd Lieutenant ant Howell. F Company Captain UlloLlcutcnant Ben ham. ham.Theso These vveio accompanied by General When ton , commander ot the1 regiment , und Hegi mental Adjutant Klnzio. Lieutenant Hoe , soniot ald-do-camp to General oral Btooke , also left on tno same train lie returned on Friday last ) from Leuvenworth where ho had appeared before the board fo examination for promotion to captaincy. He tclcgrapnod General UIOOKO on his prrival In this city as to whether or not his presence was desired in the Hold , and was wired to report port immediately at hczdqjaitcrs ut Pine Uidgo. ; Whites Terrorizing the Negroes. B 4TOX nouriE , La , Nov. 23. Exclteraon in this vicinity caused by the tcriorizing anc abuse pf negroes oy certain whites In the par ish tha past week is. still intense. Many col ored people are leaving their farms and com ing to the city for protection. This morning ono of them informed the sheriff of the name of some of the vvhlto men who came to hi house and shot at him. Some arrests hav been made und many moro are expected to morrow. Helping Aloni ; facial Jlffcnerntlnii LONPOK. Nov. 23 , The carl of Derby ha subscribed JE1,000 , for General Booth's soclu regeneration. The marquis of ( Juconsbuo sends JCIOO and promises a yearly donation Ho desires it distinctly understood that ho i opposed to Christianity , which , ho says , baa failed to help the poor. WORK OF THE NEXT SESSION , A Forecast of the Result Upon the Most Im portant Legislation. PROSPECTS OF THE ELECTION MEASURE , A Free Silver Coinage Bill Stay Do Passed ntut Homo minor Moillll- cations Mndo in tlio Tariff. WASHINGTON BunEAU Titr OMAHA ) BKE , 1 ! 613 rOUUTEFNTlI i STItEf.T , V D. 3. , Nov. ' . ' 3. Washington will not 1111 up to any appre ciable extent incident to the convening of congirss till the end of the week. Tonight there are less than llfty senators nnd repie- Bcntntlvca in tbo city and few of the officers of either house. So far theio has been no caucus held nnd no preliminary work is ox- looted , so that it is only necessary , In order : o conform to duty to bo hero ono week fiom ; omorrow nt noon. There is every prospect of n very lull attendance in both houses fiom the first to tbo last day. TUB Bi B corre spondent has been assured by the best au thority that tbo president will have a vigor ous incssngo and that ho will make rccom- nondatlons for much important legislation , As the session will bo of but ninety dnj s' duration , closl ng March 1 , there w ill have to bo quick and determined work. A strong off011 will bo made to pass the election bill , but it is extremely doubtful if it car. get through the senate in any form. The house has est none of its faith in the measure , but there are many republican senators who doubt the propriety of the adoption of the measure. They argue tint the conditions which result in a practical dlsfranchlsomcnt of the negro south nnd also the poor whites who would vote the republican ticket will adjust themselves if left nlono. Tlio stringent money market and the flurry on Wall street have combined to defeat the possibility of the adoption of a bankrupt bill. It is feared that If them was such a measure t would iuvlto many business falluics at sue h times as these. Something will bo done to enlarge the cir culating medium. Probably national batiks will bo given circulation to the full value of bonds deposited with the United States ttcasuior. This will enlarge the ciiculation about $14,000,000 , and If the redemption 10- serve Is given Out will increase it to about $ JO,000,000. A shipping bill \\illbo passed nnd some thing done towards the immigration question. Piobably the bead tax will bo passed , but no law will bo passed \\htch will make it more dlfllcult for an honest iutcntloncd fmcigner to enter our portals. It is possible , although not probable , that n fieo silver coinage bill will bo passed , but since the impression is stiong tint the presi dent would veto such a measure , it is not likely that it could get out of the house com mittee on coinage , weights and measures. A congressional reappoitloumout bill o will bo passed. Senator Paddock's pure food bill will piob- ably bo passed as a substitute to the Conger lard bill , the former being free from the out growth of business rivalry , general in Unms and far superior to the latter. In .short there will bo much of importance to do in this session and. there will bo prac tically a full attendance from the first to the last day. in answer to an Inquiry , Representative Dorsoy writes THIS BFR coirespondent that ho and Mrs Dorsoy will nriivo In Washing ton the latter part of this week. Senator Mnnderson is hero now and Senator Paddock Is anticipated with Heprcsentatlves Conncll nnd Laws during the week. now THEY MP.D AIIOUT TIIR TAinrp. Every day tuoro como to Washington , through returning politicians who have been on the hustings in the recent stiupglo , stoiles Illustrating how well the people wore de ceived in the operation of the taiiff law , The deiriociatlo trick of placing tin peddlers In McICinley's district to offer goods at two or throe prices and leport that those were to bo the figures of the future , owing to tha now low , was not the lamentable feature of the general misrepresentation. In some of the most enlightened communi ties small storekeepers , laboring under the impression that the law would foico up prices on every thing'simply marked up their goods at from 10 to 25 per cent , indiscrimin ately. They , In most instances , put up the prices on articles which were not affei ted by the now law or which wcro to bolmmedlatcly reduced by the operation of the law. They acted in haste and without Intelligence. Then there came from the importers nnd whole salers at the great commercial centers deal ers who arc democratic partisans circulars , worded by democratic state central commit- tecrocn , announcing that the now tan ft law would rniso the prices upon everything in roost common uso. Democratic dealers who have drummers on the road wcro prompt in instructing their representatives to scare the retailers , and of course the latter acted with vigor in talking to customers , as it was to their interest to impress the consumers with tbo idea that they were procuring bargains every tlmo a purchase was inado. Before the snows of the coming winter melt away It n remote neighborhood where these misleading tricks have uot been exposed , to the detriment of those who prompted them. A. IUNK1 INCIDENT. Representative Carter of Montana , who has Just returned from nileld of defeat , tells of n humorous meeting between Representatives Cannon of Illinois , nndMcICinlcy of Onto. It was in Chicago a very few dav s after the re cent election , when it was definitely know n that both these old and distinguished repub licans were to be retired to private life. Af ter the greeting on the street Cannon , McKinley - Kinloy and Carter lopaired to a icstauiantto cot some lunch , during which each attempted to explain away his defeat. When Major McKlnley had told of the gallant fight ho made , the great i eductions ho secured in the demoorutio majority and Impressed ills two friends that piactlcally ho had won n victory , as the majority of his opponent was nominal , bo bald : "Well , I am heiirtHy and honestly glad that I shall not bo in the next house , for the democratic majority will bo ao largo that it will become u disgraceful , howling mob. " At this Undo Joe Cannon solemnly put on his spectacles , and , looklug the llttlo Napol eon hard In the face for some tlmo to see if ho was i cully in earnest , poked him in the ribs and observed : "Mao , that Is exactly what I told try filends down at Danvillo. Hut como , now , for heaven's sake don't let us lie between ourselves. " Mr. Garter says the stiver law docs not touch the sides , top or bottom of the silver question in Montana , nnd that the people want free coinage. lie thinks there will be no change made in the law at this session , although the Fifty-second house- will early pass it and will have the necessary two-thirds to pass it over a vote ; also that the senate , with the accession of Idaho and Wyoming , will have a good two-thirds in favor of free coinage and will adopt it over the veto , NO Nnri ) FOlt ALA1IVI. According to the best Judgment of the ofll cors at the treasury dcpaitmcnt there is nc need of alarm over the recent slump in the price of slU or bullion. It is destined to ap- prcclato 0,3 soon as the scttloments in the caily January are complete and the demant for money Is loss than ut present. Withoul reference to the subject OK-Comptrollor ol the Currency Knox the other day explained the closeness in the money market as it bears upon the bullion question by saying i greater amount of money w as needed at present ont to move the products of the country that over before , and the returns from sales n slower coming in than at any time In thi past , The demand for scttloments on tin part of persons who have been and are now holding largo blocks of bullion has compelled them to offer thu bullion In Immense quantl tics , and thus the market has been foicci downward. If the banks could have curmc the bullion boars h r the slump would uot j ct have como. \ A similar result ) ows In almost every branch of trade vv\ a stringency In the nonoy market onsua Most dealers in pro- lucts , ho they cornwheat or gold nnd slher , boirow. They borrow of banks , When the latter get ba'rd up they demand of heir shot t tlmo or call borrowers n settle- ncnt , and the latter , being unable to tlnd 'urthcr accommodations , arc compelled to sell heir holdings. Sometimes soilous breaks iccur In the pork , corn or wheat markets by ho heavy dealers having to sell to meet their lorrowlngs. This is true of the decline in ho bullion market nt present , nnd it Is ex- wcted that It will recover as soon as the do- nand for money is over. In connection with the clamor for free nnd mllmltcd colnngo the proscct decline In bull- on prices is important. A ttcasury ofllclnl snld to this point ! "If wo have free coinage mdcr such times as wo have at picscnt the talornl government would have to shoulder the ontlio responsibility of the linanclal con- llllon of tlio w hole people , for there Is a con- : rolltng balance of money nlwajs in the lands of those who deal In silver. The volume - umo of the commodity is so largo than nn nmplo amount could bo hypothecated at any time to tide over the stilngency in money matters. If there wci-o nt hand now n hun dred million dollars' woith of bullion , on which no loans wcro made by banks , or it was in the hands ot bankers and wo hod free coinage , how easy It would bo to sell it to the government at tnaiket value fixed by the world and relcnso the closeness of finance. AVcM , that scorns llko nn easy way to avert n panic , but it would bo a hard thing on the government. lt.would nccossltnto the keep ing on hand of n large surplus , idle , to meet the emergency , and therefore either a larger circulating medium or a less amount of money In the hands of the people. "It would seem nn easy matter to cnlargo the volume of money through the silver problem , bv means of certificates upon bul lion deposited , but nssoon as wo had free colnngo so soon would there bo commenced a hoarding of bullion fora Using minkot. Then when there cnme the stringency it would bo n flood of sliver nt increased value. It would operate something like the withdrawal of de posits in a bank In close times by the heaviest customeis of the institution. With fico colnngo the govcininent could in iko no calcu lations for on eincigcacy. \vouldsimply bo necessary to keep a hugo Idle surplus ulvvajs on hand. " rare nixunn TWINE. It is likely that the house will at an caily ilay pass a bill placing binder t\\itio upon the [ tee list. This much scorns to bo the deter mination of the west , south and noithwcst , If nothing moio is accomplished. What the senate committee on finance will do with such a measure can only bo conJcUuied , but it Is the belief of ono or Uvo of the republi can members of that body that it will iccoivo piompt nflhmatlvo action. This they sav will probably bo the only thing done tow nrcl changing the tariff law , with the possible ex ception of some minor changes relating to re bates , Interpretations , nnd so foith , hut In nowise altering rates of duties.rlho more the measure Is discussed among republlcaus In both houses thu moro firm glows the conviction that it should bo given n good test before being tampered with , The gientost tioublo with the taiiff laws which have been enacted in the past has been that fear has constantly been enter tained that it would bo earlv changed. The greatest advantage in a tariff law for motoc- Lion lies in the fact that it attracts invest ments of foreign capital and Inci eases the volume of money in the hands of the people and at the same tlmo It decreases the prices of manufactured goods by homo competition "n production. TIIR SOUTH AMIUCVN MrssiAit CUAZE. It fs an interesting coincldcnco tint the Indians of South Anieiiea , in the upper portions tions of Bolivia ami Peru , in fact through the whole Andean bnsin , stretching from Ecuador to Chili , have for years had a super stition similar to that of tno Sioux about the coming of the Messiah. This redeemer , they believed , would exterminate the Spaniards and resloiollio countiy to those to whom it ilghtfully belongs , nnd there were similar legends about the upheaval of thoenithnnd the swallow Ing up of the cities inhabited bv the whites. Thlscrazo broke outln its gicat- cst fury about IbOO , nnd thoio was great dan ger of a resolution through the whole of the Andean country owing to this cause. The mostcuiious incident of all is that the ven erable Hinton U , Helper , the author of that cclebnted book known ns the "Impending Ciisis" and the projector of the intercontinental nental railroad , w ho was at that tlmo travel ing on horseback ttuough the intoiior of Bolivia and Porn , was everjvvhero wel comed ns the Messiah and worshipped by the people , who thought ho had como to redeem them. The traditions of the tribes \ver ithattho Alcsbtah would bo a man of long , white hair and flowing vvhlto beard nnd that ho would bo of some other race than the Spaniards. Mr. Helper's ' personal appear ance answered this description. Ho found himself in the most ombarassing situation , in danger on the ono side of being ovei whelmed with the attentions of the Indians and on the other hand of being tiriested for conspiracy by the government. Ho succeeded in mak ing his way to a settlement , vvhero ho . re ported himself to the governor of the prov ince as an American citizen and asked to bo absolved from any responsibility in connect tioa with the icllglous uprising of the In dians. , UESIOCIIATIO ATTACKS on WA > ; iAirn. Democratic- newspapers hero are trIng \ to make much adoovor the fact that Postmaster Gcncial Wannmahor has given n deed of trust of $50,000 on his residence in this city. It seems that Mr. Wonnmakor is being at tacked from every democratic soilico and upon every turn on account of his icpubll- canism and work for postal telegraphy. Cvery effort has been made to break down his financial cicdlt , but his filends in Phila delphia nnd elsewhere have given assurances of their faith in his integrity and icsponsi- bilitles by offering him all the financial assistance ho may need. Primi S. HEATH. Ihc Democratic Campaign In 181)1 ! . WASHINGTON' , Nov. 23 [ Special to Tin : BBC. ] The belief prevails among people in Washington that cx-Piesldcnt Cleveland will beyond reasonable doubt bo the next democratic nominee for the presidency nnd that his nomination will bo forced by the south and west without the consent of New York. This will make a novel democratic campaign , and a good deal of cuiloslty as well as anxiety will bo felt by every ono as to the outcome of a democratic campaign with Nmv York loft out * Unquestionably the democrats bcllovo since their recent vlctoiles that they can elect a president without New Yoik. They bullevo tlmt their turlft policy has become sufildently popular In Indiana , Wisconsin , Iowa , Nebraska and other west ern states to show thorn some now fields ol conquest sufficient to give them a majority In the electoral college without the Hmpiro state. Strenuous efforts have recently been made to bring the whips of the democratic pai ty in Now York together , but it ia thought thai should Mr. Cleveland bo nominated ho will bo knifed by the Hill faction , while shouli the present govoi nor of Now York rocclvo the nomination , the Cleveland wing vvll mugwump and may put up nn independent candidate. It was believed that among the .probable things was the nomination of Gov ernor Campbell of Ohio , with a view to har monizing all elements of the democratic party in New York , but it seems that the lesnlt ol the recent session of the Buckeye legislature has been disastrous to the chief executive o that state. Ex-Governor Gray of Indiana , is clear outside of possibilities for cither place on the democratic ticket. Ho is not now li any scnso regarded a national character. I is Just possible that nn elTort will bo made to take an extroino western man for the head o the democratic ticket by the Now Yorlc con tlngcnU but the strongest domociats in congress gross from the west and south say there la nothing but death that can prevent the ic nomination of Mr. Cleveland , and in the event of his election they expect him to or gnnlzo his cabinet without his usual icgau for his native state , since hU nomlnatloi would bo secured without the help of tba omplio. TO FIX THE BODNDARY LINE , ? Lo Ncbraskvlowa Controversy in the FoJeral Supreme Court. A HEARING TO BE HAD IN JANUARY. Cut-Off Inland's Indention to Ho Set * tied at Last Another llund AttcinptH to Dodge the Now Hates. Drs MoiNfo , In. , Nov. 2,1. [ Special to Tim Bir.1 An impoitant legal document has Just been locclvcd by the gov ernor. It boars the seal of the United States supreme couit and summons the stnto of Iowa to appear before that com t ns defendant against the complaint of the state of Nobiaskn In rcgaid to the houndaiy line between the two states. The question Involv od Is whether or not thafc p.nt of the country Ijlnc near or In the vicinity of Omaha , and cut off by the Missouri rlvor , shall bo subject to the regulations of the stnto of Iowa. The complaint states that the region in controversy was formoily a pirt of Nebraska ; that the ilvcr In the jcnr 1877 so cut the bank on the southwest of the liver bed that n new chunnol was made ; that Iowa Immediately took possession of It and began to maintain active police regulations , while Nebraska never lelcasod her claim ) that the land In dispute is inhabited by a , lawless population , who take advnntigo of the pollf o differences to not obey the laws , and that therefore Nebraska pleads for settle ment of the difllculty and the cession to her by the order of the United Stales supreme couit of thoroglon in dismito. The sum mons bears the usual winning to "Pail notnt your peill , " and the case Is called for the third Monday of January next. Tlio New Olioeso llnto . Drs Moi\r , la , Nov. 23. [ Special to Tun Bu' . ] The Chicago & .Northwcstein railway company has refused to put in the chccsa classification ordcicd by the Iowa commis sion some tlmo ago Thocomplalnt was made by a Cedar Haplds film , whcicupon the com mission telegraphed to the company for In formation. The compiny icpliod that it hoped the commission would not Insist on the new rates , as the road was attempting to get into line with the national unlfoim classi fication. This was a palpable snffiaKO , as the order of the commission is itself in line with thopioposcd unlfoim classification. So the commission again toleoinphod the com pany that it would bo expected to obey the order of the board forthwith. The board will also demand tlio immediate compliance of all the roads with their order regarding ehoeso rates , which was made to biing them down to a level with those east of Chicago and put the Iowa dairyman ou a piano with eastern mauufacturcis. Confidence Money. Dr.s Moijr , , la , Nov. 23. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] U. P. Shivers of Oak- wood , near this city , has had a rather re- maikablooicpeiicnco lately , which goes to show that the doctiino of total depravity ii not without its exceptions. Ho has iccclvccl two letters , both contnlnlnK conscience ) money. Ono contained ? 30 from a man in Ohio who had ovved that sum to him for twenty-nine jcars for the maintenance of some sheen. The writer explained that hu had pot icllglon and wanted to bet his world ly matters right. The other remittance vv as for only $1 , In payment for nn axe which had dlsnppoiied from Mr. Shiver's sugar camp some six years ago. THE C'l Financial Transactions of tlio Coun try During the fjnflt AVcclc. BOSTOV , Nov. 23 [ Special Telegram to Tun BPE. ] The following table , compiled fiom disp itches from the clearing houses of the cities named , shovvM the gioss exchanges - changes for last week , with rates percent of increase or , as against the several amounts for the corresponding vveeli in 18SU : 03tAHA An Indiana llnllroad Strike. Tnitui : HAUTI' , Inrt. , Nov. 2.I. Several days ago , owing to n strike of day laborers in the Clay county coal mines , Chicago & Indiana freight crows vveio called upon to help in the rush of business on the Eastern Illinois road. On the local road , owing to heavy grades , etc. , the trains have three brakomon. On the l ajtcin Illinois loud they wcio allowed only two. Oil this account the coal load men struck last night and today all the regular crows ( juit also. They demand thice brake * men und the roinoval of Trainmaster 1'ovv man , The ofllcluls uio iu conference. Donth of ix AViiHliliiKton ilnnrnallRt. 'vVASHINQTOV , NOV. 23.--E. W. Fox , a well known Journalist , died today. Ho was born in Buffalo. Went to St. Louis In 1850 and was the first piesident of tliu St. Louis bouid of trade. Ho cm no to Washington in 1B3T and with Hon. Jeff Chandler bought tha National Republican , of which ho was man * aging editor uutl it was mcrucd * into tha l > oat. A 1'ictty Sovcro Ilnllatorm. AtiiuQuniquK , N. M , , Nov. 2:3 : , Word has been received hcio from Seven Lakes , in tha G.dllnas mountains , that four sheep herders wcio killed recently by a hall stoim. Sixteen othcis and 10,000 head of bhocp aio tnlssluir. The inosscngcr savs It was the severest hatl < storm in the mountains over kumn ,