Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1890, Part Two, Image 9

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Morse Dry Goods Co.
59 cents.
Silk Faced
Satins ,
Special ahsortmcnt of shades adapted to
fancy work.
79 cents.
Silk Faced
Satins ,
Worth $1.00. Extra quality and width.
25 cents.
Surahs ,
For Draping" , Sash Curtulns , Fancy
' Work , etc.
85 cents.
Velvets ,
Worth $1.25. Special value. Lnrgo as
sortment of colors.
t 19-Inch
75 cents.
Plushes ,
Choice assortment. Street and Even
ing Shades. Actual value $1.00.
Plush ,
"Worth 81.CO. The host value in the
It Will Bo Pitched Next Fall in Omaha , the
Convention City.
An Interesting nnd Assorted Collec
tion of Kccrot Society News Spe
cially Selected in Paris of
tlio LoilKO World.
Omaha is rapidly coming to bo rocognizce
As the center of the universe and the ono bcs
place in which to hold conventions. All gath
erlngs of Importance , composed of delegate :
wuo attend from all sections of the country
are becoming cognizant of the fact thai
Omaha possesses advantages equal to thosi
offered by any other city in this grea
and glorious republic , and they glvi
evidence of their appreciation of the strcngtl
of the argument by flxlne upon this , th
Gate City of the west , as the place for th
future meeting.
v The latest society to fall into line is tin
' - * Modern Woodmen of Amoi lea"which held It
bl-cnnlal session at Springfield , 111. , com
monchig on November 10 , This action of tb
head camp Is duo to the efforts of Dr. E. E
, „ _ Bloman , who during the absence of his col
leagues of the Omaha delegation , took I
upon himself to Invite the governing body t
hold its next session in Omnbn. nnd emplm
sized his Invitation by dwelling upon th
many advantages offered by this city. Whci
the matter was put to a vote Omaha receive' '
n large majority of the votes cast , the nox
place In favor being Madison , "Wls.
The next regular session of the head cam
will bo held In November , ISOa , but ill
highly probable that a special session of th
head camp will bo called during the Intorva !
in which case the camp will meet in Novon :
bcr , 1SU1.
A session of the bead camp means the
J,000 or 2,000 delegates will bo In nttendnnc
from all of the northern states for seven
days and It is reasonable to suppose the
these delegates will spend , on an average , f I
each , or an aggregate of 110,000 , which \\1
go into the pockets of Omaha merchants. 1
would seem good polir-y to entertain thci
well no that they may come again.
The matter of state jurisdiction was ono (
the most important brought before the hca
camp and was the subject of a great deal t
dobnto. It was developed during the cot
aldcration of the matter that the laws of U
state of Illinois , under which the soclcl
was organized , would not allow any dlvlstc
to asiumo the responsibility in the matter <
making assessments to pay death losses , bi
required that the head' clerk and a majorlt
of the board of directors should bo resident
of Illinois. It was therefore decided to ado ]
nsjstem of state Jurisdiction , in ovcrythli :
except the levying and collecting of asses
. menu to pav death losses and the board i
directors was ordered to make a thorough Ii
vcstlgntlon ot the matter and report to U
next meeting of the head camp a feasible pic
for state jurisdiction la all matters pcrtalnh
to the order.
Not As Americana Would Do It.
Our British couslus are very apt to tain
Americans with an over anxious greed fi
urnlug nn honest penny , says Iho Now Yet
Mercury ; still as far as Masonry has ly <
converted into money-making from the pr
fane , wo must acknowledge our inferiority
practical scheming to the bretbcrn of Sou' '
Australia. We have before us a progratnii
setting fortli the ceremonies nnd exercises
bo observed upon the occasion of laying tl
Qorucrstouo with Masoulo honors by M. V
First Floor.
Dress $10'
Worth § 15. .New goods ,
new styles , one pattern of a
Regular price $1.75- Come
in latest plaid and stripe com
binations. '
65 cents
Regular price 850.
75 cents
Silk Finish
Never gold under $ i. We
have a full range of colors.
37'1A cents
Regular price
Morse Dry Goods Co.
the grnnd master , his excellency the right
horforablo the carl of Ktntou , of St. Peter's
cathedral , in Adelaide , ivo presume on Sep
tember 27 last , nt 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
A special communication of the grand lodge
was convoked to assemble nt the residence ol
the pro-grand master , from whence a proces
sion composed of all brethren desirous of dis
playing himself in regalia In the rear of the
grand lodge , would- pass to the cathedral.
That there might bo music lu the air , \ve are
informed that * 'tho ' police commissioner.
( Brother Fotorswald ) has kindly permitted
the services of the police band who will lead
the procession1 showing' that at the anti
podes , music has practical charms to soothe
the savage breast. Thus far good , but now
comes n very objectionable ami to our minds ,
an un-Miisonlc ! innovation. "Admission of
the general public to witness the ceremony
will bo by ticket , which may bo obtained
from the grand secretary at Freemason hall ,
price ono shilling ( twenty-live cents ) and
two shillings six pence ( sixty-two cents ) . "
In other words , the solemn ceremony of lav
ing the cornerstone of an ecclesiastical edi
fice with high Masonic honors degenerated
into an open air , financial exhibition.
\ IjibcrnlOflfter to the Ccrncau Bodies ,
The experience of the Ccrncnultcs in the
matter of grand commanders who succes
sively deserted them , has been bitter and
Instructive , says Colonel Thomas Picton in
the Now York Mercury. The founderHnrry
0. Seymour , n speculator in Masonic degrees ,
pressed by the pangs of poverty , transferred
for cash in hand tils self-assumed dignity tc
William II. Pcckham , who was unexpectedly
superseded by Ferdinand T. S. Gorgas , pre
viously under allegiance to Albert Pike and n
mcmucr of the grand lodge of Maryland.
Straugo to remark , author ot the resolutions
severing relations between that grand lodge
and the grand orient of Franco , Seymour and
Gorgas had once been members of legitimate
Scottish rite .bodies , i'cckhnra never had
been , and it was on this account that his
supreme council to a man passed over to the
Thompson Folgor revivalists , the grand sec
retary carrying with him his book of tnln.
utcs. Within two years last past negatta
tlons have been opened without success foi
an "honorable nmalgatlon" of the two bodies
claiming n similar tltlo and a legitimate
debcont equally from the grand consistory ol
Now York , as constitnted in 1807. Tills
movement for consolidation has been and
over will bo hopeless , inasmuch ns the Gor <
man supreme council , known as the Veteran ,
will sanction no stop towards union with w
organization they have repeatedly dcnouncct
as spurious in the extreme. Nevertheless ,
to rectify In nn honorable way the wrong ;
perpetrated upon credulous- brethren undei
fraudulent usurpation of their title , the su
prcmo council of the United States of Amor
lea often , should the Ccrncau rlto lodges dls
band to reorganize under legitimate author
ity , that they will bo granted warrants fro
of cost or charge.
Scottish ICIto in Iowa.
The committee appointed by the gram
master of Masons in Iowa to luvcstigati
charges against several of the members ii
various parts of the state for being member
of tbo Scottish rlto , United States jurlsdlc
tlou , has sent notice that they will bo I
Council Bluffs this wcok to gather tcstlmon ;
in regard to ono of the members there. , Th
law under which such proceedings are bcln
taken is a most novel ono in Masonry , an
tno attempt to enforce It is being watcho
with much interest by the craft This la )
makes it n Masonic offense to belong tether
other organizations unless they are approve
bv the grand lodge and the trial for sue
offense is still more peculiar. Instead Qf gl\
ing the local lodge the right to try auch
case It tukos ull right away from the loot
lodge and gives it to'u committed chosen b
the grand master , In selecting which Jurj
the accused has no voice , This commute
proceeds to take such testimony as It sees 1
und then reports to the grand lodge. J
teems that lnordor to carry out this Uw
Morse Dry Goods Co.
First Floor.
A bargain ; ages 4 to 13.
Wool Cape
Assorted plaids ; ages 4 to 13.
All Wool
Wool lined ; ages 4 to 13.
Cassimere $5.49
Reduced from $1.50 , wool
lined ; ages 4 to 13.
All Wool
lll , . - . < P . . ! >
Sold everywhere , and good
value for $10. *
committee of three will have to put In a
great deal of time , as one member Is tried at
a time , and thcro are seven or eight hundred
of the accused scattered over the state. The
cxpenso for services , mileage , etc. , will make
quite nn Item , and on account of many other
objections the law is proving tfery unpopular
among blue lodge Masons who object to the
grand lodge taking sides In nn Issue between
two rival Scottish rite bodies , in neither of
which the blue ledge Masons are interested.
The prediction is made that the law will bo
revoked at the next meeting of tbo grand
lodge , nnd the Scottish rlto bodies compelled
to settle their differences in their own way ,
without dragging In the grand ledge to help
one or the other out.
On November 28. Ararat temple ( Kansas
City ) w"l conduct a class of novices over the
hot sands.
Isls temple ( Sallna , Kas. ) held a session
for work the 12th inst. A largo class of sons
of the desert had their feet blistered.
Moila temple ( St. Joscsph , Mo. ) will confci
ho Order of the Nobllltv , upon a class or
November 20. They say Molla does gooc
work and lots of It.
General Albert Pike , grand commander ol
the southern Jurisdiction , Scottish rlto , is so
rlously 111 in Washington , D. C. Ho has boon
dangerously 111 but is believed to have passed
the critical point.
The Solomon chapter , n. A. M. , last even-
ng elected officers for the ensuing yean
Benjamin Crabb.M. E. H. P. ; W.H. Reader.
E. K. ; George E. Chllcoto , scribe ; Wlllard
L. Wheuon , secretary ; Charles L. Melssnor
treasurer. After the business meeting the
ledge enjoyed an oyster supper.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , who was born
January 27 , 1750 , ono of the grandest musl <
clans the world has ever produced , was n
member of the Masonic fraternity. On hi :
death in 1791 , the ledge in which ho held t
membership , paid a special tribute to hi ;
memory and worth by holding a ledge of ser
A Masonic temple is being spoken of foi
Birmingham. The Masons are rapidly in
creasing in Alabama , and the future Is brlgh
with promises for thorn. With 15,000 Mason :
in the state and the number constantly in
creasing , thcro is no reason wtiy the move
mcnt should not meet with success , it energetically
getically pushed. Ten dollars contributed b ;
each Mason lu the state would erect a $150,001
Odd Fellowship in Japan.
E. V , Theme , writing from Far East lodgi
No. 1 , in Japan , says that the ledge number
twenty and continues : "I shall do nil in in ;
power to advaifco the Interests of the order ii
every way. We ore running along harmonl
ously , but owing to the intense heat of sum
mcr are not growing as fast as I anticipated
As tbo cold weather comes on we expect several
eral applications. Wo hnvo had torojoc
Boino and I have considered it good policy t
hnvo several applications withdrawn , rathe :
than lisle a vote. Woaromado up of all nn
Uonalltlcs , and sometimes prejudices are ap
to creep in. As an evidence of the Intores
taken , I can say that wo have nearly a Ail
attendance every ledge night , Aa regard
the sentiment of the lodge on the question o
admitting Japanese into the order , it was decided
cided at our last mooting that , owing to tin
government being opposed to all secret socle
tics or meetings. It is too early in the hlstor
of Japan to admit the natives ,
"While many of the better classes woul
bo most welcome as members , there are other
that cannot bo relied upon , so that the nuci
tion of procuring their admission and sollcll
Ing the sovereign grand lodge in their bchal
was 'Indefinitely postponed. ' Wo close th
year with twenty good members , have tw
applications and p-omlsca of six more. W
doubt if many lodges can show as many flnt
( 11) ) for the same length of time , nnd whll
the absences are not creel liable to the officers
the collection shows that wo mean buslnos1
In Juno we shall have an elegrnt new ha
that no doubt will help us , our present qua :
tors being too small nnd out of the wayi
Knee PantSUITS
a suit.
A good strong school bull , ngos 4 to 13.
Knee Pants $2.89
WOOL a suit.
AgCB 4 to 13.
Ages 5 to 11. bargain. Former
price 84.76. -t
Heavy $4.49
Age ? G to 13. Assorted patterns and
colors , splendid school suits.
$549 ;
a * suit.
Ages 12 to 18.
Morse Dry Goods Co
shall dedicate the hallrpublicly , and arc al
ready working to make the ceremonies im
pressive nnd interesting. Brother C. E.
Miller , our outgoing vice grand , was com
pelled to resicn , having removed to Kobe. Ho
writes that ho will shortly start a lodge , hav
ing already the support of the leading citi
zens. Ho will undoubtedly get up a strong ,
healthy lodge , which will soon outnumber
Fur East , as Kobe is a bolter llcld to work
in. "
I. O. O. If.
About $01,000 has boon subscribed for the
Oddfellows' homo at Worcester , Mass.
"Tho Oddfellow who s'pcnks of the Re-
bekah degree otherwise than with respect Is
inexcusably ignorant of the influence of
woman and what it bas-dono for the order , "
says the Chicago Odd Fellow.
According to a table published in the Do
minion Odd Fellow the growth of the whole
order during the" vcar J889 was 0.1 per cent.
Of tbo leading Jurisdictions Missouri stands
nt the head with O.'J percent. Indiana fol
lows with 5.0 per cent , Ontaiio with 5.4 per
cent , Illinois with 5.3 per cent , Pennsylvania
with 4.0 per cent , Iowa with 4.8 per cent , and
so on down to tow " Jersey with 2.0 per cent
of growth.
G. A.'lt.
Alexander Hamilton post ( , 182 , of New York
city , has introduced a now ceremony nt the
opening of the post whicjh they call "saluting
the flag. " The color sergeants , ono carrying
a regulation flag , the other the post flag ,
under escort of the color guard and com
manded by thoofllcor of J.hodny , are admitted
o the post-room. The commander calls up
the post. While the comrades are singing
ono verso of the "Star-Spangled Banner" the
color guard nnd bearers advance to the altar
and thcro halt.Vneu the singing ceases the
post commander orders "present arms. " All
present salute , the color bearers dipping
their flags. At the order , "carry arms" the
color bearers pass each icthpr right and loft
and advance towards sthe commander's sta
tion or headquarters , and plant tbo
flags at tbo right of the post commander nnd
return to their position , i The post is then
seated , and the color-guard , under the com
mand of the ofllrer of tbo.1 day , in then dis
missed. As there is no patent on this little
ceremony , it Is worth w.hilq for other posts to
see whether it migbt not bo made an attract
ive feature in all camp tires.
There is to bo a monument erected in Wash
ington , D. C. , to the memory of the men who
fought for the union andj were captured and ,
died in rebel prisons. Tbo.undertaklng is a
big one and will rcnuiro a good deal of hard
work on the part of the veterans to mnko it
successful , but it is belioycd that it will bo
finally accomplished. ! .Tho project Is the re
sult of agitation by members of the Army of
the Potomac ussociatipn , which appointed a
committee at its meeting in 18S9. This com
mittee , after spending some time upon the
proposition , decided to make the movement a
national ono , so as to include the dead neroes
that lie buried la the rwbol prison-pens of the
south from every nortUfcrnanny in tbo honors
to bo paid through the ( memorial.
it. or'r. '
The journal of the late session of the
supreme ledge will bo oui early in November ,
and ono copy will bo sent to each lodgo. It
will bo a volume of some 450 pagei.
The supreme lodgp bos given its sanction
to tbo Pythian college which will bo estab
lished at Gnllatln , aVnn. , under the manage
ment of the erand .Jurisdiction of Tennessee.
A circular that created much comment was
read in the Catholic churches of the Covlng-
ton ( O. ) diocese on Sunday , October 5 , It
was In off cot that Oddfellows , Knights of
Pythias , Knights o.f Honor and other secret
societies , excepting the , Masonic order , are no
longer barred from tno Catholic church.
While no explanation is given , it Is learned
that this was the principal topic discussed at
the council of bishop ! In Boston several
weeks ago. It WRS considered advisable ,
however , that as little publicity be given the
matter as possible.
All the Knljht of Pythias lodges in the
85 cents.
Damask A YARD.
Worth'$1.16 ; 08 inches wide and grass
Bleached 98 cents.
Damask A Dozen.
Napkins ,
100 dozen ; worth $1.26.
Bleached Damask $2.49
Breakfast A DOZEN.
Napkins ,
Worth $4.50 ; 20.\20 inches ; beautiful
Red 43 cents.
Damask ,
CO inches wide ; regular COc quality.
Hemstitched M
Homed HflA
' AND 25 cents.
Unexcelled value.
state will elect ofllcers during the coming
wcok. These onleers will bo installed the
llrst meeting night in January.
A. O. U. W.
North Omaha ledge No. 159 of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen held a very
pleasant social session at their hall last Mon
day evening. There was a very largo attend
ance of members , who were in most cases
accompanied by their wives and children.
A highly entertaining programme consist
ing of speeches , recitations and music , was
very successfully carried out and the refresh
ment's , which were supplied during the
evening were much enjoyed by all present.
Among the many pleasant features of this
entertainment were the recitations given by
Miss Bertie Casadav , Miss McKenna and
Miss Dot McKcnna , the latter being but six
years of age. The musical portion of the
programme was very effectively supplied by
Miss Michaels and Miss Smith.
Mr. James B. Carr delivered an Interesting
end exhaustive address explanatory of the
degree of honor , which was listened to with
marked attention by the members of the
To the hard and persistent work of the
committee on entertainment , and more es
pecially to its chairman , Mr. E. W. Kcrr , is
to bo attributed the success attained.
What relation Is worse than a mother-in-
law ? A carb-unclo.
Marriage , unfortunately , sometimes proves
to be an nntl-dote.
Thirteen is always an unlucky number.
Adam's thirteenth rib was the cause of all his
The fear that a woman has at night of n
burglar breaking In , a man has of the baby
breaking out.
Golz : Ho who marries once may be
Pardoned his Infirmity :
Ho who marries twice Is mad.
A woman in Philadelphia says that she has
had more than forty offers of marriage. And
yet they call Philadelphia a slow-going town.
Even the man who grumbles most at his
wlfo's extravagance smokes Just as many
cigars now as ho did before the McKlnloy bill
increased their price.
A woman In IPlttsburg grappled with a
burglar the other night and throw him out
of a second-story window. Such a woman is
a treasure to any husband.
"What would the world do without but
tons ? " asks a prosy writer on tne McKlnlay
bill , and tbo voice of mankind respondent in
a mighty chorus : "Use pins. "
A woman in Colerain , Pn. , kicked her hus
band out of the bouse because ho did not vote
to plcaso her. But nothing pertaining to
election is surprising this year.
Women-hater I wonder why more bache
lors than married men commit suicide ! Con
tented Wife Because they are crazed at the
sight of sensible men's happiness.
Heine Every man Who marries is like the
doge who weds the Adriatic t > oa ; ho knows
not what ho may lind therein treasures ,
pearls , monsters , unknown storms.
Hotel Cleric See that couple there 1 They
have Just been married. The brldo Is from
Boston and the groom from Chicago. Friend
That so ! Sort of pork and beans , as it
wore , eh I
A grand jury In Philadelphia found a true
bill of indictment against Uov. Thomas B.
Bott , charging htm with committing nn
assault and battery on his mother-in-law ,
Annie Younger ot sfcai Mather street.
A man's Idea of married life is having a
wife who will devote all her energies to so.
cure his comfort. A woman's idea of mar
ried happiness is having a husband who will
love her alone and tell her of it once lu a
Moil Wai is a Chinese cook of San Fran
cisco who went to Wrangol Island to work In
a cannery boardintr-houso , There ho met
Annie Johnson , an Indian tnald , with whom
ho fell in love. Ho brought her to Astoria
and they were married.
Mrs. Undun ( of Chicago-Mr. ) Quillet , I
Sale , will be continued during Monday , Tuesday ami Wednesday.
Ihc following low prices arc quoted on the above uc\V
shape in
To introduce them we have marked every piece at 33 J ( ( per
less than regular price.
Soup Tui'eens , complete . $2. OS
Sauce Tureens , complete _ . 79c
Covered Dishes . 6Oe
Tea Pots . 42c
Sugars . QQQ
Creams . I8c
Dinner Plates , per set . ' . 4Bc
Breakfast Plates , per set . 39o
Tea Plates . 33e
Pie Plates , per set . 27c
Tea Cups and Saucers , per set . BOc
Coffee Cups and Saucers , per set . 6Oc
Tea , Sets
Handsome shapes and decorations , 56 pieces , regular prica
$4.18. For this sale $2.99
Toilet Sets IS IPiecee
Regular Price $5.5O. For this sale S3 09
IDIziaaier Sets OS Pieces
Regular price $8.49. For this sale SS-99
All other goods at the same , low figures in this Dep't.
Nutmeg Graters.lo. Japanned Pepper Boxes , > c. Pcarline , 3c.
HardwareTinwaieWoodenwareChinaGlasware , , ,
c to ISc ELaLGli.
Worth and usually sold for double.
Entire , basement' salesroom 60x110 feet devoted .to the
Isa'len5f < every article in- Dishes , House Furnishings , . Tinware ,
Woodenware , Wash Tubs , &c. , &c. We have also some bar
gains in Haviland China , in Earthenware , in Royal Worcester
want you to file n petition for the annulment
of my marriage. Lawyer Quillet Upon what
; roundl Was there any deception } Mrs.
Undun Deception 1 I should think bol The
wedding ring Is paste.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Dee
Some of the now round hats are very ele
gant and picturesque in effect.
Victor Hugo Women detest the serpent
througn professional jealousy.
Thackeray A good woman is the lovelist
flower that blooms under heaven ,
Balzac Woman Is a most charming crea
ture , who changes her heart as easily as she
does her gloves.
White ermine shoulder capes are imported
for youthful wearers , to bo used as If ht opera
nnd theater wraps.
Silver-wrought kid straps , with gem-set
silver buckles , fasten many of iho Parisian
tea gowns and reception toilets.
There ore flvo female stevedores In Now
York city who earn their living along the
docks lifting or hauling freight.
Tea balls are bidding for favor. Ono little
moss-like marble is tossed Into the tea-pot
nnd hot water poured In. In a jiffy thcro is
tea for two.
Portia fans of rose-colored or pure snow-
white marabout feathers , with rose or water-
lily centers and jewelled handles , will bo
carried with ball or opera toilets.
As for the women , though wo scorn and flout
em ,
Wo may live with , but cannot llvo without
Plain India cashmere gowns in Russian
btylo hnvo the open rcdlngotes trimmed with
very lovely iwisonienterio4 in Persian pat
terns , outlined with gold threads , with fur or
feather bands at the edge.
The llrst lady at the German court is a
former New York girl , Miss Lea , who Is now
( Jountess Wnldcrseo. She Is closely related
to the emperor by marriage nnd the empress
is particularly attached to her.
Mrs. Harriet Hubbard Ayer has an Ivy
plant growing in her dining-room that once
trailed In branches over the grave of Thack
eray. Another souvenir m her pretty salon
Is a painting of the "Old Curiosity 'Shop
done on a pleco of wood taken from the main
Mrs. H. 1. Stone , the leader of the Chicago
cage "Four Hundred , " has in her possession
autograph copies of George Eliot's works
and some letters from the real "Maggie Tul-
liver , " written about the time her "Dc-
ronda" was published.
Princess Beatrice Is mailing German translations -
lations ai she rocks her snub-nosed but sil
ver-spooned babies to sleep. The book , which
deals with the advcntuim of seventeenth-
century knights , will be handsomely bound
and illustrated and published by the famous
house of Murray. '
A movement is on foot in Denmark , cor
responding with the needlework industries of
Kncland and Ireland , to ndvnnco the farming
nnd dairy interests for the bonollt of women.
Llttlo girls are being trained to ralso poul
try , mnko cheese and butter und brand them
with the badge of excellence.
Ucul butterflies uro tacked on the evening
fans. It goes without saying that those nro
not good lllrtlng fans , although showy and
pretty. The most composed and accomplished
fashionable could hardly maintain the even
tcnpr of coquetry with a mouthful of wing era
a pair of unionmu In her eyes.
Like time the watch Is going the rounds.
It has been at the belt and in the belt , in the
parasol and umbrella bundle , In the clasp of
the purse , in the I'lug , locket and bracelet , in
the stopper of the vliilagretto and in fanv ,
plaques , panels , .caskets and toilet cases.
Now 'it has been placed In the hnndlo of the
One ot the greatest annoyances that * tbo
"ladies' aid societies" hnvo to contend with
is the evil influence of the pawnnhop. In
Mulberry Bend this habit of pawning chil
dren's clothing has come to uch a detriment
that the ladies in the Indus trial nnd aid socle ,
tiosporsonully visit the money lenders and
alternately Importune nnd threaten them
against buying misslon-nmdo garments.
Miss Elizabeth Marbury.a nlfteel Now York
lady dramatist , farmer , critic and traveler
who has had the icfusal of a score of suit
ors and never the time to consider or investi
gate the offers , believes that the source ot
youth nnd beauty , health nnd pence of mind
.s hard work a few removes from slavery.
Provided it is congenial and the heart of the
laborers is in the task , she can club her brain
nnd physical forces half of the twenty-four
hours nnd still bo young.
nose-dyeing Is becoming quite a remunera
tive branch of industry with florists and horticulturists
ticulturists , who uavo solved the problem of
producing now and fashionable Hhiulun in a
peculiarly 'scientific" manner. Instead of
growing now varieties of roses , which is a
process of years , they simply grow ordinary
white roses , and din them iu a chomlcal solu
tion , which , In a single hour , converts them
into the most magnificent yellow ten roses ,
the scarlet red or the peculiar shade of bluish
violet which has been one of the favorites of
the season.
The Harvard glee club has boon granted
the privilege of taking a Christmas trip by
the faculty.
The university of South Dakota has added
a chair of Scandinavian to its faculty at a
salary of $ lrX)0 , ) a year.
The Amherst gymnasium Isono of tbo most
complete In the college world. A base ball
cngo has just been added to its facilities.
The Yale Co-opoiatlvo society sold $11,000
worth of goods to tbo students lust year , and
had a cash balance of $1,000 , at the end of tbo
Professor Motschlnhow , an eminent zoolo
gist of Odessa , has gene to Purls to take
charge of the Pnstoiir Institute there , under
the direction of Its founder.
The now building of Grand Traverse college -
lego nt Bonzonlu , Mich. , is now practically
completed and will bo formally dedicated and
named on Thursday , Novobmor 27.
A second gift lias been made to Bowdoln
College by Uov. G. W. Field of Uangor , to
enable another student of Banger seminary
to secure a special course at the college.
Tbo notices of the semi-annual convention
of the Central Intor-colleglato Press assocla ?
tion on Saturday , December 0 , will bo sent
out lu u few days. The meeting will bo hold
at parlor "C" of the Continental hrtel , Phila
delphia , commencing nt 11 o'clock.
Tno now Baptist university at Florence ,
Ala * , is receiving the finishing touches , It K
a line brick block , with two largo wings , and
presents a noble appearance. It will bo
opened before Christmas. This makes Flor
ence second only to Nashville lu educational
facilities in the south.
At a roccnt meeting of the association of
Alumni of Columbia college It was decided to
purchase a tract of land at Wllllumsburg , on
the Harlem railroad for a new athletic Hold.
Eighty thousand dollars Isto bo raised for
the now grounds , and the corporation IB ex
pected to give $2,500 annually for the running
The American Protective Tariff league
again offers prizes for essays on economic sub
jects. There are three prizes this year ot
$150 , $100 and > 0 , respectively. The compe
tition Is open to seniors of all colleges , and
the subject Is "Effect of Protection on th
Purcliasing Power of U'ago&lntho United
States. " Last year Cornell , Bwartbmoro
and Bowdoln secured the prizes.
Bnrlelgh Joseph H. Burlolgh , LL. D. ,
once the president of Newton college , Balti
more , and who Is hi the Philadelphia almi-
house , is ninety years old. Ho tiavolcd
through the country and lectured on electric
ity as a motive power , and was ono of the
first to inuko u movement In this direction ,
and also In cloctrlo lighting , Ho has no rela
tives living and says ho Is contented wbcu
ho is ,
Dr , Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo