Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1890, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Only n Fo'.v More Ilnys of tlio Great
Closing Out Bnlc.
Wo have been offering nnd are
now offering bargnino which .wo will
not duplicate this season. Our stock
must bo reduced In order to mnko more
room for toys nnd holiday goods wliich
are now coming in dally. On Monday
wo olTer CO pieces extra heavy dress
flannel , either stripes or plaids , at 2oc
yard ; they would bo cheap atlOc yard.
10 pieces of high colored basket flannel
50c yard. Choice of nil plain colors in
older down flannel now 36c yard. Pink
striped nnd plaid llannols for infants'
dresses only 60c yard. Choice of all our
fancy otripod nil-wool French flannel
reduced to Ooo yard. All-wool opera
flannels In nil the lending shades only 40c
yard. 20 pieces twilled or plain natural
wool flannels tit -lOc , ircnnd60c. ) All-wool
orange colored flannel 25c yard. Pink
wool mixed flannel , lOc yard. Hluo
mixed llannol , lOo yard. Navy blue
shirting flannel , 25c , < ! 0c , ! ! 5e , 40c nnd
CCoynrd. All wool llannol skirt pat
terns , $1.00 and $1.50 each. Now dark
styles In outing1 flannel , lOc yard. Newport -
port white blinker flannel now only lOc
yard ; this is a good bargain in shaker
llntinul. Whlto wool flannel , 15c , 20o
nnd 2V5c yard , Have you scon our special
bargain In yard wide all wool white llan
nol at 33o yard ? Compare our prices on
eilk embroidered llannol.
On Monday wo expect to clear outlets
lots of blankets nnd comforts. Wo need
the room and these goods nro very
"bulky and take up a great deal of epnco.
AVhoro can you go in Omaha
and buy a sateen covered comfort ,
elzo 72x78 , for $1.18 , except at
Haydcn's , and wo won't promise
you any after Monday as they nro nearly
nil gone. Wo have comforts at Me , 75c
nnd $1.00 each. Cretonne covered com
forts , $1.35 each. Our leader in com
forts is a comfort covered on both sides
with fancy llgurcd sattecn , size 72x78 ,
nnd clean cotton filling , only $2.25
each. Have you seen our down
comforts at1.75 each. Our
stock of blankets is too largo and
must bo reduced. On Monday you can
buv a 6 pound silver gray blanket at
Jlaydcn's for $1.00 a pair. That beats
them all. This blanket would bo cheap
at $1.75 , but wo have too many and they
must go at $1.00 a pair. All wool gray
blankets at $3.601.00 , $1.50 ,
S5.00 , $5.50 and $0.60 a pair. 2 yard
wide gray-mixed blankets at $2.23 a
pair. California- wrapper blankets at
83.60 nnd $3.00. Crib blnnkot6$1.60and
J2.60 pair. Wo have a largo line of
California blankets In white nt $5.00 ,
S0.50 , $7.60 , $8.60 , $0.50 , $10.00 , $12.00 ,
816.00 pair. Ilorso blankets at 7Gc ,
$1.25 , $1.35 , $1.05 , $2.00 , $2.05 and $3.35.
Lap robes at $1.05 and $2.60 each. Wo
shall offer our entire stock of cotton
flannels , ginghams , prints , shirting ,
denims , tickings , muslins , both bleached
nnd unbleached , sheetings and cotton
batting at special prices to closo. They
must go. Next week wo begin to tear
out the wall. IIAYDKN BROS. ,
Dry goods and carpets.
You never had a chance to buy silks
as cheap as at present. Wo are solo
ngonts for Omaha for C. J. Bonnet &
Co.'s celebrated silks , Givonough Broth
ers and John M. Stearns complete lines.
Our silks nro fully guaranteed ; our
black silks at SOc , G3c , 76c , 85c , Ooo and
81.00 ; cnn'Ubo beat. Examine our faille
francalso at Ooo and 85e ; mprvllloux at
C6o nnd 05c ; rcgcnco 65c , Goc and 85c ;
urrrtures 85c , worth $1.25.
Our stock of plushes , silk velvets ,
eatins , surah silks and colored silks of
every color and description is second to
none in this city.
Black dress goods of every style and
description ; wo are making some very
low prices on wool and bilk warp hcnri-
0-4 broadcloth in all colors at 95c ,
actual value $1.60.
200 pieces of all-wool plaids , the hand
somest styles you will llnd in Omaha , at
COc , 69c , OSc , 76c , 85c and up to $1.35 ;
there are bargains in this lot.
Wo have made some deep cuts in fine
nil-wool colored dress goods ; wo have
everything that is now in this line at
prices fully one-third less than six weeks
ago.A full line of flannel dress goods in nil
the plain shades and mixtures ranging
in width from 31 inches wide up to 54
inches wide and in price from IDc up to
D5o a yard. If you want a dress of this
description you will bo suited at Hnv-
60 pieces fancy wool mixed plaids re
duced to close to lOc a ymd.
CO nieces flannel back "Drap Do
Porao" suitings reduced to 7jo a yard ,
Avorth 15c.
2,000 remnants of dross goods of every
description and color ; remnants ol silks ,
black dross goods , plushes &c. , at about
ono half manufacturers cost.
Dry Goods nnd Carpets.
Wo must mnko room for our holiday
goods , and our stock of carpets and dra
peries take up such a largo space wo will
tnnho the biggest cut in carpets over
made in Omaha in order to reduce the
etock to got the required space.
Ingrain carpets 30c. 33o , 40c and 45c.
Government standards , all wool , 55c ,
COc , 05c , C8c ; 3-ply , 75c and Ooc , worth
, Tapestry brussels , 50c , 'COc , 05c , 75c ,
worth from 75o to $1.00 per yard ; $12.00
portion ) for $0.50 ; $15.00 portiors for
17.50 ; $18.00 portion for $9.00 ; bordered
top and bottom , fringed ton and bottom ;
scrim , 3c per yard ; lloor oil cloth , 25c
per yard ; table oil cloth , 17c.
Holland shades mounted on spring
rollers , lllo.
Visit our furniture department and got
our prices on chairs. Wo are receiving
a nice line of chairs for holiday presents ,
nnd wo can save you money. Chairs at
ull prices and of every stylo. When you
visit Hayden Bros. ' store visit their fur
niture department.
Dry goods and carpets.
Special for This AVcelc.
Children's natural color wool vestsor
pants ; sizes from 1 to 8 ; price , 25o to 38e ;
flizes from 10 to 15 ; prlco OSc.
Part wool , size 3 to 8 years ; prlco , 75c
to $1 ; sizes 8 to 14 ; price , $1.23 to $1.60.
Wo have just received some moro of
those beautiful Egyptian cotton ribbed
union suits and vests in extra size.
la crowded with now goods. Handsome
drapes , 25c.
A great many now designs in stamped
Araslno. Oc doz.
Cornish &RobortBonnttornoyshavo ro
ta oved their ofllcostgR&tto 67 , Barker bk
No generator , no gasoline to generate ,
gas lights instantly like electricity , no
machinery , tank containing gasoline can
bo removed instantly , thereby removing
all [ danger , the improved now process
gasoline stove , the Quick Meal. Stool-
col , agent for Nob. , 1621 Howard.
Guitars $3.00 , cheap at $5.00. S. Bank ,
GOT N. 10th street.
All the latest novelties in jewelry at
liulf jeweler's prices tit llayden Bros.
Almost ( ho Imat Cnll He/nro
"Wo take out the buck wall to connect
the now edition this fall. Never was
such low prices made on good goods be
fore , will hold this sale Monday ,
Wednesday and Friday. 10 pounds gran
ulated sugar $1.00 ; 1U pounds oxtrn 0
sugar $1.00 ; this is almost white. Im
ported Valencia raisins 8jc ; those nro
: iow and worth 16c , but wo have a car
load and must sell ; evaporated blackber
ries lOc ; evaporated raspberries 35c ; im
ported now sifted currants 7jc , tlioso
would bo cheap for 12jc ; imported now
prunes 7Jc , you can not buy thorn for
loss than 12Jc ; 8-pound can solid packed
tomatoes Oc ; 2-pound can best sugar corn
3c ; 2-pound can blackberries lOc ;
2-pound can blackberries , put up
in heavy syrup , 15c ; 2-pound
can best raspberries , packed in
'ranulated sugar syrup. 17jc , worth 35c ,
iluso are a great bargain ; oil sardines ,
ic ; mustard sardines , lOe ; Columbia
river salmon , 12Jc , 15c nnd 17jc ; 3.1b can
of all kinds of California plums , 17c }
ouch ; egg , Dawson , green gage , golden
drop and all this class : 1Mb can apricots ,
15)c ) ; largo pall of nil hinds of jolly , 85c ;
evaporated apples , lOc : soda crackers ,
5e ; oyster crackers , 60 ; King's ' rclf rising
buckwheat Hour , 3o ! n pound or 7jo for
2-pound package ; Jleckor's , the same
price ; strictly pure buckwheat , 8e ; .all
duds of pancake Hour , ; i2o per pound ; 7
liars best laundry soap , 25c ; sapolio , 7jc.
Wo have just received a largo consign
ment of Monior's French premium
: horolato , 17jc. This chocolate is made
in Paris and is the finest made on this
earth , you can not buy or got any hot
ter if you pay ten times
this prlco. Imported chow chow ,
15o per quart : pure maple
sugar , 12c } ; 21-pound stone jnr of all
kinds of jam , lOc ; headcheese , fie ; bo
logna , 5c ; liver sausage. 6c ; picnic bams ,
Oj ( 7c ; sugar cured hams , lOc ; full
cream cheese , ISc ; very best creamery
butter , lOc to 22a
Imported apple butter , 7jc.
AVe roast our coffee every day and can
Drive you the best Mocha and Java cof-
Tco , Hoc ; wo are the only house In this
city that keeps thogcnuInoMocha coffee ;
wo sell a good Rio colloo , 25c ; Santos ,
27(230c ( ; tea wo boll the best uncolorcd
Jap ten , 35c , 50c ; you cannot got such a
good tea in this city only at
Dry Goods nnd Groceries.
Handled cups nnd saucers , ! ljc ; dinner
plates , 6o } ; tea plates , Se ; pie plates , 3c } ;
meat platters , 5c ; vegetable dishes , 5c ;
nappies , sauaro and round , lOc ; wash
bowl , largest size , , 20Jc ; pitcher , largo
size , 20Je ; chambers , covered , 45c ; un
covered chambers , 35e ; sauce boats , 16c ;
slop jurs , 05c ; soap dishes , 5c ; square
and round fruit dishes , lOc per
sot ; fine decorated toilet sots , $2.13 ,
worth $0.60 ; line decorated wash
bowl and pitcher , $1.33 , worth )3,00wino ) ;
glasses , 2o ; goblets , 5c ; tumblers , 2Jc.
Wo have just received the biggest bar
gain in lamps over placed on sale in the
west. Wo have a genuine bisque , hnnd-
nainted vnco lamp with shade to mulch
for $1.95 , worth $5.00 ; 100 different de
signs to select from ; an all brass pinno
lamp for $4.75 , worth $15.00 ; hanging-
lamps from $2.25 up ; winosats , six wlno
glasses , a Fine enrgossed decanter and
Lrny for 03c , worth $3,50 ; all sizes and
kinds of lamp chimneys for 5c ; line col
ored and decorated cuspidors , 15c ; Inrgo
milk crocks , 5c. In wooden and tinwaro
our stock is the largest and the prices
the lowest. The finest wash broom made ,
lOe ; towel and hatracks,5e ; wooden bowls ,
5c ; wash tubs , 50e ; pails , 6c ; wooden
spoons , 3c ; ironing tables , 95o clothes
baskets , 65e ; large rolling pins , 5c.
\Vo have 5,000 dilToront arti
cles wo sell for lo each. The following
are some of tnom : 1 doz clothes pins ,
package stove polish , teaspoon , table
spoon , 2 boxes of tacks , bed castors ,
mouse trap , milk pans , pudding pans ,
hooks , hut hooks , nutmeg graters , roll
ing pins , steve lid lifters , flower pots ,
mustard spoons , gimlets , harness snap ,
screwdrivers , picture , hooks , brass-
headed tacks , rubber gns jots , etc. Wo
nro the leaders in cutlery and spoons.
Wo have a stcol knife and fork , solid
malleable handle , for 39c per sot , worth
$1.50 ; a cocoa handled knife and
fork for 25o per &ot , a solid
bono knife and fork for $1.25
in spoons a silver plated tea spoon 25c
per sot ; a silver plated table spoon 60c
per sot ; a solid nickel silver tea spoon
for SOc per sot ; a solid nicklo table spoon
for $1.00 per sot. Those goods are war
ranted. Carpet sweepers , $1.25. The
latest thing in lamp shades , the Pyrono ,
it is a porcelain shade with silk curtains ,
the curtains can bo drawn opened letting
ting the light in the room and when
closed throw the light down. Wo have
them at all prices. Coal hods , lOc ,
household timonla 5c.
Dry Goods nnd House Furnishings.
Paino's celery compound 75c , regular
price $1.00.
Dr. Sanford's liver invigorntor 75c ,
regular price $1.00.
Vinegar bitters' 75c , regular price
Baker's emulsion cod liver oil 75c ,
regular price $1.00.
Poor man's porous plasters 6c , regular
prlco 25c.
Hungato mntyns mineral water 25c ,
regular price 35c.
Distilled extract witch hazlo , 1 pint
bottle , 25c.
Toilet soap , 4 cakes in each box , 15c.
Genuine Gorman caudo cologne , 4
ounce bottle , 29c.
Perfumes at reduced prices , gold paint
for gilding nnd decorating containing C
dilToront shades , lOc.
French enamel paint for decorating ,
lOe a bottle. IIAYDEN BROS. ,
Dry goods and drugs.
Important toGontlcmon.
Intending purchasers of Christmas
presents will do well to visit the
if they wish to secure desirable presents
without having to pay fancy prices.
to call.
Wo have a nice line of fur coats , nnd
fur lined overcoats which wo will offer
at a great sacrifice.
Remember the place the
Southeast corner 15th and Harnoy sts.
Water Color Display.
A fine line of original water colors.
Fno simile water colors uro now dis
played at Hospo'a art rooms. They nro
the works of Frank Enders , A. ' P.
Bricher and other eminent artists which
nro for sale and exhibition.
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
1513 Douglas street.
Shoot music lOc per copy at S. Bank'
607 N. 10th.
Attend Jonnson's auction jewelry sale ,
Farnam and llth street. 2 and 7 p. in.
Grand thanksgiving evening assembly
at Mornnd's. Admission , lady and pen-
tloman , $1.00.
All the latest novoltlou in jewelry at
half jeweler's prices nt Hayden Bros.
Motonnon , gripmen , street car drivers
nnd others exposed to the cold , will find
it to their advantage to examine our now
line of fur coats , just opened at the
People's clothing1 house , 1303 Douglas
Will Glvo Possession of the Lower Store to
its Now Owners.
Tlio DrcNS Goods Block Is So I < nrjjo
That Superhuman KfTorts ami
Fearful Ilctliictloiia are
This wanton destruction of prices will
bo found nil over the whole of our vast
establishment. The remaining stock
Into the next room , so that finally the
whole business will dwindle from 11
combined stores to 1 , and then from that
to nothing.
Meanwhile for tomorrow , or as long ns
these iroods may remain It may bo
hours , It may bo minutes according to
the rush , which will bo grout , wo alter
8 yds. cnblo twilled , double fold suit
ings In black and colors tit $1.00 per pat-
8 yards of double-fold , nil wool tricots
and llannol suitings at $1.50 per pattern.
8 yards 42-inch wide all wool imported
diagonal twills , Jamestown novelties in
plain and stripes and combinations , line
English cashmeres , all at $2.00 per pat-
42-inch nil wool English ohovlots in
now plaids , two-toned stripes nnd nil
wool French cashmeres , at $2.50 per pat-
Your choice of 60 different styles of
the finest kinds df dross goods , that sold
up to now as high as $1.00 n vnrd. Your
choice of these in full 8-yard lengths at
$3.00 per pattern.
Wo close our entire stock of line all
wool honrlottas.sllk mohnlrbrllllnntincs
In black and colored English Amazon
cloth that will not rough up. Any and
all of them at $1.00 per 8 yard pattern.
Following these great bargains in
Iress goods , wo offer you the choice of
the latest styles.
Those nro made with reveres and the
most elegant iiTckots of the season.
55 nowinarkots reduced to $1.50.
$12 nowmarkols reduced to $5.
$15 newmnrkots reduced to $7.50.
Our entire stock of novelties in ladies'
winter * wraps and plush fur-trimmed
quilted silk lining'garments that wo
sold as high as $00 , to bo sold out tomor
row at $15.
Heavy gray and brown wool beaver
bhawls that wore $2.50 , now $1.26.
Our finest grade of $7 beaver shawls
reduced to $3.50.
Fine all wool breakfast shawls now go
at 2oc.
Our finest grade of children's all wool
scarlet underwear at 12Jo for first si/.o ,
rise 5c a size. „
The very finest grade of children's
y.oph.vr knit underwear in all sizes re
duced to 35c.
Ladies' fine natural wool swiss ribbed
underwear reduced from 81 to SOc.
Our finest grade of Imported Indies'
hand knit vests reduced from$1.60to75c.
Honeycomb bedspreads with colored
borders at 29c.
Full sizomargoilles bedspreads reduced
from $1.50 to 75c.
Wo will close out our entire stock of
genuine Bates $1.75 bedspreads at $1.00
The finest bedspread retailed all over
at $6.00 to close for 83.00.
Turkey red table linen worth 30c , 45c
and Ooc , go forIOC
IOC , 25C , 350.
Very wide table damask with colored
border at 2 lo , 29c , 39c.
Full bleached table linen at 25c , 35o ,
50c , 75c nnd 81.00. .
Turkey-red fringed napkins , fast col
ors , 8c , 6c and lOc each.
Blenched napkins go at 75c , $1.00 ,
$1.50 and $2.00 a doz. , worth fully
To close out the Immense stock of cor
sets we are obliged to cut pric.cs almost
in half.
75c sateen corsets , 39c. These ore in
black and all colors.
Our entire stock of $1.00. $1.25 nnd
$1.50 brands of corsets will cloao out at
75c. ,
Wo offer the choice of our whole stock
of high priced novelties in corsets , some
which sold ashighas$3.50at$1.00each.
On all muslins , bleached and un
bleached , apron ginghams , dross ging
hams and tickings. Everything goes.
Wo make those astonisliing prices to
close out those goods in a hurry ,
and at these prices you must
bo ono of the early ones
to take advantage of the occasion. Don't
wait until the very last minute.
602 , 601 , 500 , 60S , 610 South 13th street.
Knrgnlns in Misses and Children's
The greatest bargains over offered to
the ladies of Omaha in childrons nnd
mlbsos clonks ; all sizes in stock. Thou
sands to choose from. Prices fully 50
per cent less than similar goods are to bo
had for elsewhere.
Wo simply defy competition in. our
children's department.
The only exclusive cloak and suit house
in the west.
Wo carry the largest stock. Our
prices are the lowest.
Come , see and bo convinced ,
S. E. Cor. 15th and Harnoy streets ,
Ramgo Building.
Samuel Hums
Announces to the ladies that Havilnnds'
agent will bo hero next week , nnd ho
will bo glad to have them meet him and
see his samples , whether purchasing or
A. Jtlnmlclbcrg.
Formerly with Max Meyer & Bro. ,
Is now with the
013 , 015 , 017 tind 019 N 10th street.
The finest stock of jewelry and novol-
tles at S. Bank's 507 N. 10th.
All the latest novelties in jewelry at
half jowolor's prices at Haydeu Bros.
Bargains in Clonks
At the Parisian Cloak-and Suit Co.
Jackets from $4.50 up.
Nowmarkots from $5.00 up.
Fur rapes from $3.60 up.
Children's cloaks from $2.00 up.
S. E. corner 16th and Harney ,
Ramgo building.
The improved Now Process gasoline
etovo the Quick Mcnl , has no generator ,
lights Instantly like electricity , no more
danger. Cnll nnd BOO it , It is simply
wonderful. Stootzel , ngontfor Nebraska ,
1021 Howard.
Buys a Carload of Remnants of Cotton
I Goods.
The Kntlro Accumulation of Item-
natits ot'MusUrt SlioollnuH , Calicos ,
Finnncls , Drorf * floods atitl Tnblo
ofnXJonncoileut SUM.
The whole top fioor of the mill was
filled with remnants.
Our eastern buyer odors 2oo on the
dollar and procures the whole lot.
Thousands of remnants of good
bleached muslin In lengths of from 2 to
10 yards go at 2o ] a yard.
1,600 remnants of calicos go at 3jc per
500 canton llannol remnants go at 4Jo
a yard regular 80 quality.
700 remnants 9-4 sheeting , very best
brands such Popporoll and Amoskcags ,
go at 17Sc per yard ; in good length rem
Remnants of Lonsdnloand Fruit of the
loom muslins go at 6o a yard.
Remnants of Turkey red table linen at
21c per yard.
Wide pillow casing muslin , the best
that is made , Ojc per yard.
Cheviot shirting remnants , 60 differ
ent qualities , go at Ole per yard.
All linen crash , in short lengths , from
the mill , 3jc per yard.
Remnants of fancy striped skirling
flannels at lOje per yard.
Mill remnants of heavy shaker flannel
goes at Oc per yard. In this lot is also
ono case dress patterns , 12 yards to the
pattern , at 75o per pattern ; worth $1.60.
To make this sale day long to bo remembered -
membored by the people of Omaha , wo
have decided to throw our entire stock
of dress good on our counters at a low
Double-fold cashmere do beiges at 12jo
per yard ; regular prlco 25c.
Our all wool , double-fold tricots go in
this sale at lOc per yard.
30-inch wool llannols , In plain and
fancy , at 25c per yard.
38-inch all wool , fancy checked flannel
suitings ut35o per yard.
38-inch Jamestown suitings , in plaids
nnd stripes , go Monday at 2io per yard.
38-in. English cashmere in black and
all colors at 2o ! ! per yard.
40-in. imported honriotta at 3Cc per
60-in. wool flannel suitings , 0 yards
makes a dross , goes Monday at 49o per
60-in. finest quality Indies' cloth , nil
the now desirable colors , Monday 6'Jcpor
Wo must have room on the second
lloor , so our millinery will bo sacrificed.
Trimmed hats for He that you cannot
match in this city'for $1.
All of our fur felt hats that were 60c
nnd 75c go Monday at Oc apiece. They
are all now shapes.
Fancy feathers lit Ic each.
Fancy wings In all colors at7c each.
Immense hue of line birds and tips nt
regular Boston store prices. Must have
At $1 wo offer you choice of 50
trimmed hats that wore made to seU at
from $2.50 to $3.
At $2.50 wo give you your" choice of 23
trimmed hats that can't do matched in
this city for $ o. This includes our fine
fur walking huts and made velvet toques.
At $3.98 wo give .you choice of our * im
ported pattoriii hats that are worth up
to $10.
All hats trimmed frco of charge while
you wait.
Don't buy a cloak until you have seen
Misses' and children's heavy winter
cloaks , nges 4 to 12 years , for $1.10 ,
worth $3 a piece.
Ladles' cloth nowmarkots for $2.50 ,
worth $7.
Ladies' cloth nowmarkots for $4.98 ,
worth from $8 to $10.
All of our $15 and $18 plush jackets go
Monday at $9.08.
Our $25 real seal plush sncqucs with
fancy quilted satin lining , genuine seal
ornaments , go Monday at $15.
Just opened a sample line of cloth
jackets , all the latest styles. Wo will
place them on sale Monday ut $2.50 ,
$5.50 , $7.50 and $9.00. They include all
of this season's novelties and are worth
up to $25.00.
Gray fox fur sets of capes and muffs ,
very stylish and worth $10 , go Monday
at $5.60.
Monkey mulls 2oc , worth $1.
Ladies' small seal boas , a now thing ,
just out , they go at 2oc and are worth , $1.
114 S. 10th St.
Special and Important for the Ladles
Clonks for the Million.
Only exclusive cloak and suit house
in the .west.
Wo can suit the most economical as
well as the most fastidious purchaser.
The best goods for the lowest possible
15th and Harnoy , Rnmgo building.
Albright's Choice , extra inducements.
Samuel Burns has just opened 30 piano
lamps for $0.50 to $28.00. Call and see
Sherman & McConnell , proscriptioni&ts
and family choini8tsL1513 Dodge.
Fine carriages , Seaman's repository.
Planta Beatrice preparations Sher
man & McConnoll's , 2d door west P. O.
All Mnslomt Hair Price.
6,000 pieces only lOo u copy at Moin
berg's , 10th st. bet Capital ave & Dodge.
Albright's Choice , prices reasonable.
Formerly with Max Meyer & Bro , ,
is now with the
013 , 016 , 017 and 019 N. 10th street.
An endless voHoty of guitars , banjos ,
mandolins , violins , accordeons and all
kinds of musiuul instruments at S.
Bank's , 607 N. 16th.
All the latest novelties in jewelry nt
half jowolor's prices at Huydon Bros , j
Mount & Grlllln's Newcastle coal ; best
soft coal in the market. Guaranteed
equal to Rock Springs.
Albright's Choice , best track'ngo.
To Contractors.
Bids are requested for the erection
nnd completion of a residence for the
Rov. R. Doherty in accordance with
plans prepared by J. II. Kent , architect ,
which can bo seen from November 19 to
29 at the olllco of S. E. Maxon , 008 N. Y.
Life building.
The play nt the Gonnaniu hull toil up
is for tlio bonollt of the Gormania asso
ciation building fund.
Stonohill Secures the Balk. Unknown ,
Unheard of , Unexpected Bargains.
niolmrd O'Xell & Co. , ClilcnRo'a
Greatest Auction House , Auc
tioned OITby the Sheriff nnd
Btonolilll IInls It In ,
No matter what my competitors say
to the contrary , I secured more of this
stock than any firm outside of Chicago.
Those who imagine that this is a sham
advertisement , please read the Chicago
papers of Sunday nnd they will flncl parts
of the stock advertised by loading
Chicago firms. Now to the point , I
leave for Chlcngo Monday night to try
and purchase the stock of LoBaron , Hol't
& Co. which Is to bo sold by the shorltT.
In coiibcquenco I want to got rid
of the Richard O'Noll & Co. entire
stock Monday nnd shall , well I
hardly know how to express it ,
But come in for the greatest bargains
of a lifetime. Boar In mind this is no
ordinary sale , but a sale of sales.
To begin with wo offer 500 pair of
ladies' , misses' and children's all wool
hose in black and colors in plain and
heavy ribbed at loc.
Ladies' full regular made hose ( no
seems ) at lOc , worth up to 50c.
6,000 doxon handkerchiefs at Ic , 3c , 5c ,
Oc , 12jc , 2oc and 35 , worth up to $1.00.
Gent's mufllors from R. O' N.'s stock
aflOc , 2.5e , 39c , 5 c , 80c , OSc , $1.19 , $1.49 ,
$1.09 , worth from40o to $5.00.
6,030 gross of buttons worth 25 to 50c
nt 2o a dozen.
100 gross of buttons worth from $2.00
to $1.00 dozen at lOe , think of it.
2,000 pairs of kid gloves at 25o a pair ,
worth up to $2.00 , in fact all the gloves
from the Richard O'Noll & Co. stock.
6,000 pounds of Germantown yarn at
40c n pound or 5c n skoln.
Saxony yarn at 7c a skein.
Children's underwear , shirts and
drawers , up to size 34 , at 25 : ; small sizes
from Oc to 19c.
All our remnants of dress goods ac
cumulated during the present season
will bo placed on sale Monday.
Ladies' underwear at 29c , 45c , 49c , 59c.
75c , 99c , $1.25 , worth from 40c to $2.25.
Gents' ' all wool ribbed uudorwoar , ,
worth $1.50 each , at 75c.
About 300 suits of children's genuine
camel's hair underwear at 19c , 25c , 35o
and49c , worth Uoc to $1.00. Extra qual
Best unbleached muslin 10 yards for
30,000 plush ornaments 3c each.
Millinery at half cost.
If the weather is unfavorable this sale
will bo continued Tuesday. In fact , all
that is loft over will bo sold then. Any
persons reading Chicago Sunday papers
will flnd all the goods advertised in them
from the Richard O'Noil stock on sale
by us. Rear in mind this is a compul
sory salo. The entire stock must go
TJio 00 Cent fctorc , 1319 Fnrnnm
Has in place their elegant now holiday
stock. Complete in assortment , splendid
in quality and overflowing with gen
erous bargains. The doll stock , a par
ticularly attractive department at this
season is crowded with the newest and
most desirable of the Gorman and
French makes. Wo have boon very
fortunate in selections of our dolls for
this season and can truly claim the
largest variety of styles over placed before -
fore the Onmna public. Our stock of
toys , books , novelties , fancy goods ,
albums , etc. , etc. , is complete in every
detail , both as to quality and price. For
Monday and next week wo offer some
extraorainary bargains. in our
different departments and those
out shopping should not fail to give us a
call. Goods bought now can bo laid
away until needed. It will pay you to do
your trading atTHE
in Ladles' Cloaks.
Now store.
Now goods.
Thousands to choose from.
Southeast corner 15th nnd Hurnoy sts.
Something now for ladies A now line
of llowor-pot shelving at low ligurcs ,
flower stands and trollissos , storm windows
dews and . storm doors manufactured ,
weather strips fixed. W. Evcritt , 2102
Parnara street.
Moody's windows nro filled this week
with the handsomest decorated dinner
sots and toilet sots to bo seen in the city.
Call nnd see them at Moody's china
store , 302 N. 10th street.
Goods sold at cost at private salo. S.
Jonason , llth Fnrnam streets.
A meeting of the Fifth ward demo
cratic club will bo hcla at Judge Shaw's
ofllco , 10th and Cass , nt 8 o'clock Mon
day evening , November 24. Everybody
invited. C , S. WIIITXEY , Scc'y-
Seaman's wagons best and cheapest.
Today , Oukol Brcsig , at Gormania
Furs ! Furs ! Furs !
Bargains in seal jackets.
Bargains in seal sucques.
Bargains in seal capes.
Bargains in seal muffs.
Muffs , bens , collarettes and furs of
ovorv description at the
S. E. Cor. 15th and Hnrney streets.
All the latest novelties in jewelry at
half jowolor's prices at Hayden Bros , u
It will not cost you any thing and you
will certainly got a vast amount of in
formation by calling and seeing the im
proved Now Process gasoline stove the
Quick Meal , it has no gaso
line to generate , the gas lights instantly
like electricity , has no machinery , tank
can bo removed instantly thereby re
moving all danger. W. F. Stootzol ,
agent for Nebraska , 1021 Howard.
NovcltlcH In Jackets ,
15th and Hurnoy street.
A IMcnsnnt Hoelnl Party.
Enterprise ledge , No. 79 , Knights of
Pythias of South Omaha , pave tholr first so
cial of tuo season last Thursday evening.
Tlio entertainment consisted of a ball and
banquet , nnd was a pronounced success so
cially and financially. About onn hundred
and llfty couples wore present and the per-
sonel oi the gathering rolloctort great credit
on the order in the MiiRloClty. Amontf
tlioso present wcro Mayor Sloan and wlfo , A.
W. Saxo und wlfo. U. 13. Uroclt ur.d wife , U.
1' . Hedges and wife , J , II. Bullu and wife.
T. C. Marsh and wife , II. A. Carpenter and
wlfo , E. L. I'urrv , Albany , Mo. , O. K.
Walker nnd wlfo , w , 1' . Morton and lady , H.
II. Vcno and lady , D. A. L. Jioblngur and
lady , Messrs. Walters , Col ton , JIaycs , KobLn-
sou , Hanson and Vincent , South Omaha , nnd
Messrs. Plnuoy , Drodcrluk , lllbbs and Sack-
ett , Omaha.
Prices Tor Monday Are Down to Ilcd
60 pieces fancy pluld dross goods Co a
100 pieces standard dross prints 4Jo a
Gorman wide indigo blue prints Ou n
Rod twill flannel Monday lOo a yard ,
worth 25c.
1 bale fine unbleached muslin 3Jc a
60 bales snow white baits 3 rolls for 2. > c.
. 100 pieces largo llgurcd comforter calico
ice -ic a yard , worth 7c.
Hoys' all wool flannel shirt waists G9c ,
worth $1.00.
50 dozen gents' suspenders at 35opalr ,
none worth less than COc to 8oc. A lot
of gent's wool socks , lee pair. 60 good
comportors .Monday ut b8c each , just
worth today $1.125 ; another lot worth
$1.60 go Monday at OSc each ; another
lot largo slzo comforters worth $1.76 ,
you can got thorn Monday at $ ,1.80 ; also
$15.00 fine down comforters still go nt
$5.00. Don't fall to s-oo these comforters ,
they are away below regular values.
Great slaughter of all wool black
goods worth from 75o yard to $1.113 , Mon
day the prices will bo oOc , G5c , 76c yard ;
also choice of 50 pieces all wool dross
goods in fancy plaids , stripes , serges ,
Henriettas , etc. , all on one coun
ter , choice SOc yard , worth from
76o to $1.26 ; midnight Gcrmantown
yarn , all colors , no black , lOc skoln ;
Imported Saxony , Ojc skoln ; a line tollot
boup , just as good as Cnshmoro Boquet ,
only lOc Cake. Wo are offering great
bargains in gloves , hoslcrv , undcrwcnr
for ladies , gents and children. Still
cutting the prices on carpets , curtains ,
oil cloths , shades , etc. Great cloak sale
all next week.
Cold weather is coining ; got your
cloaks now ; you cannot buy any cheaper
Moody'H China Store.
The cheapest and the most reliable
crockery house in the city. 302 N. 10th
Santa Clause Coming.
Word has been received from Santa
Clans' headquarters , ordering Hayden
Bros , to clear their shelves and make
room , as ho is now very busy packing
and shipping and expects to bo hero in a
few days with a much larger stock than
last year , and that ho will make his
homo at Uayden's.
You should try our Newcastle coal and
bo convinced ; it is equal to Rook Springs.
Mount &Grlllln.
On Sunday evening , November 23 ,
Rov. A. A. Lambertformorlyof ( Crolgh-
ton college ) will deliver a lecture at the
Holy Family church under the auspices
of the St. Vincent Do. Paul association
for the bencllt of the poor.
Through coacnes Pullman palace
sleepers , diningcars , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago and intervening points
via the great Rock Island route. Ticket
ofllco 1002 , Sixteenth ana Fariiam.
Seaman's carriages best nnd cheapest .
A piano examine the now scale KImball
piano. A. IIospo , 1513 Douglas.
Salesman Wanted.
Thoroughly oxparienccd real estate
salesmen wanted. To right party liberal -
oral inducements ; must bo experienced.
1507 Farnam street.
Grand opening of stage nt Germanla
hall , Nov. 23d.
Formerly with Max Meyer & Bro. ,
is now with the
013 , 015 , 017 and 019 N 10th street.
The now ofllccs of the Great Rock
Island route , 1002 Sixteenth and Farnam
streets , Omaha , are the finest in the city.
Call nnd see them. Tickets to all points
oust nt lowest rates.
Omaha will this week have an opportunity
to see the greatest curiosity of the world.
Manager Lawlcr of tbo Eden Musco has ,
after incessant work , much delay ntid the ex
penditure of n Inrfco sum of money secured
for nn week this wonderful frcalc or rather
freaks. It Is MnRgic , the midget mother ,
her tiny 'baby. MngKlo Is scarce two foot
hlph welching hut thirty pounds , yet she Is a
wlfo and the mother of the cutest , prettiest ,
tiniest , most charming bahy over put on ex
hibition. The baby Is the llrst over horn to a
midget mother ; the first In the kingdom ot
Lilllput nnil In consequence the ircntcst
curiosity of the IIRC. Maggie herself Is a
mere inlto nnd the baby but nn atom of hu
manity. With her pretty baby in her arms
she looks like n child with its doll. The babe
is but 0 months old yet it Is cunnlnt ; nnd is
able to lisp a word or two. Mothers go Into
ectnclcs over tins wonderful little baby nnd Its
handsome midget mother. In the Bijou
theatre a strong entertainment lias been
secured. Doive's Hoyal Marionettes nro one
of the leading features. .Tohn and Olllo
Lav 1 no , the famous acrobats in tlioir original
specialty and clown nuts , introduce some
fancy and trick tumbling that is astonishing.
The entire show this week is strictly first
1602. Sixteenth and Fnrnnm streets is
the now Rock Island ticket olllco. Tick
ets to nil points cast at lowest rates.
All the latest novelties in jewelry at
half jowolor's prices at Iliiydon Bros.
Physicians can always find the most
recent parmncouticuls nt Sherman &
McConnolls , 1513 Dodge.
m -
I'ho only railroad tram out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Molnos nnd
Chicago business is the Rock Island vos-
tibulod limited , leaving Omaha nt 4:15 :
p. m. dally. Ticket olllco , 1002 Sixteenth
and Farnam sts. , Omaha.
Dancing classes for * beginners now
forming at Morand'a. Lessons Tuesday ,
Friday and Saturday.
Dr. Matthews , dentist. 350 Boo bldg.
Chas. Shlvorlck & Co. , 1200 , 1203 nnd
1210 Farnnra st.
CurlnliiH nnd Oarpory.
Dewey & Stone Furniture Co.
Olir Newcastle coal comes from Ohio.
Guaranteed to bo equal to Rock Springs.
Mount &GriIin. (
Drs. Glaslor & Dodge , 407 Paxtonblk.
. Not Much UHO Advertising.
Except for the benefit of strangers ,
because everyone living in Omaha
knows the great Chlcngo & Northwest
ern runs four pissongor trains every
day to Chicago , and that the 4:30 : p. m.
and 9:10 : p. m. accelerated vestibule
trains with now sleepers and free parlor
chair cars run direct from tlio U. P.
depot , Omaha , thus avoiding the annoy
ing change of cars at Council Bluffs.
Safe , sure , sumptuous , speedy , satisfac
tory. The city ticket olllco is at 1401
Funmin St. Baggage checked from
residences. Sleeping berths reserved
to Chicago and all points beyond on all
lines. II R. RITCMIH ,
G. F. WICST. General Agent.
City Pass. Agt.
That Great Word Progress Written ofl
- Everything at the "Miliard. "
The Mlllnril , Omalia'H I/cndlnu
tclry , Newly Decorated nt an
KxpoiiHo of Over Twenty
Tliottgnml Dollars.
Mother Bomblo , who lived long lonrr
before our time , is reputed to have snla
"a tavern is the rendezvous , the cn
change , tlio staple of good follows. I
have heard my grout grandfather tell
how IIB ( great grandfather should pay
that It was an old proverb , when hi *
great grajidfathor was a child , Unit 'it
was a good wind that blow a man to th
In those reminiscent times tnvcriw
were the rendezvous of the bright minds'
of the country round about. Tlioro over
their mugs oi boor , then winu nnd their j
long pIpoHtho wits of the country \\oulu \
amuse themselves and the country
bumpkins with droll tales , bright bits of
repartee nnd an occasional song to give
the evening splco. Then the cookS
would cry "hot rlbbos of hoof roasted ,
pics well baked and other victuals !
there was clattering of pewter pots ,
harpo , plpo and miwtrlo. "
Alasl how sadly is the scene changed
since the roaring days of FalstulT and
old Stowol The madcap rotator has
given place to the plodding tradesman ;
tbo clatter of pots and the sound of
"hnrplo and sawtrlo , " to the din of oartg
nnd the accursed dinging of dustman's
boll ; and no song is heard , save bapily ,
the strains of some bircn from the kitchen
chnntlng eulogy of deceased mackerel.
No more do you see the altrn boarV
swinging in the winds with a beautiful
red horse painted on both sides ; the
Boar's Head tavern has gene the way
of all flesh ; tlio Pig and Whistle is read
of only in Shakcsporo ; the lied Lion is
but a memory , while the White Swan
died with the dawning of the century.
Progress , the moderns call It , is written -
ton upon everything. "Our fathers , "
says Sir Thomas Ilrowulo , "find their
graves in our short memories and sndly
tell us how wo may bo buried in our sur
vivors. "
But tills Is the only introductory to a
short description of tlici changes that
Markol fc Swobo have boon making in
the interior of the Miliard , wliich is , be
yond a doubt , the loading hotel in
Omaha and the west.
Without the flourish of trumpets , but
quietly and unostentatiously , the popu
lar proprietors have changed the
ofllco and the dining room , until former
guests would not rccognUo the place as
being the eamo.
The former dingy , dark rotunda ia
today light as day. The coiling has
been raised quite considerably , the dome
greatly enlarged , a beautiful now desk
lias been put in , while tlio olllco ohaira
shine with newness , beckoning the
guests to indulge themselves in thoi
luxuriant depths.
Then the decorationsl Hero may
scon the best decorative work of any
place in the city , done by a former resi
dent of Chicago , who has como to
Omaha to try his fortune , A. L. Dev
witt. The olllco is in a gray V
tone just verging to brown. Tlio
color is especially well selected and
shows the artist at his best. The dome
is ornamented by a borios of "horns oi
p'lonty" from which beautifully drawn
roses and grasses fall out , the corni-
copius being connected byconvontionally
drawn lines
The wainscoting is in oak , to match
the desk , and is especially rich and
handsome , the work of Prod W. Gray.
But it is in the dining room the great
est change has been made. Over the
windows beautiful art glass has been put
in. Now electric lights have been placed
on tbo chandeliers , wliilo two of the js
handsomest side boards ever sconSir \
Omaha ornnmcnt the spaces to flK *
right and loft of the entrance to the or
The decorations are the same ns in the
rotunda , a gray with a suggestion of
brown running through it. A beautiful
frieze has been executed while the conivv-
tral panel in the ceiling ) an excellentx-
bit of art by tlio way. bus a distinct
claim of its own. . The Hold is blue , with
bright hucd birds flitting hither and yon
giving an airy grace to the handsome
room. The wainscoting is in oak and
throughout the greatest taste has boon
displayed. Tbo changes that have been
wrought , including the dining room , the
barber shop and the rotunda cost $20,000 ,
but an inspection will show how wisely
that amount of money bus been ox
Why not go and see these changes for
yoursolf'i' ' On Thanksgiving day the
Boyd oporn house prchestra will play
during the dinner service , and with the
excellent music to lend additional
piquancy to the meal , no pleasanter
place in the city can bo found to spend
Thanksgiving unless it is at your own
ingle side surounded by the members of
a happy family.
Tickets at lowest rates nndsti porior
accommodations via the grout Rock
Island route Ticket ofllco , 1002 Six
teenth and Parnam streets Ouiaho ,
filup Jack
Is a now preparation , ready to raise , re
quires no yeast , no baking powder , no
eggs , no salt , nothing but a little cold
water to make a butter. It makes Tlio
finest cakes in the world. Any grocer
will sell you a two pound package of
slap jack for ten cents. Clemens Os-
kamp , solo manufacturer , Omaha , Neb ,
A. Max HoUliclnior Co.
Fine watch repairing ,
1413 Douglas st
"A Touch ol1 High lAfc. "
Anticipating the rise in prices of
cigars , "Robertson Bros. " 210 South
Fifteenth street , have purchased over
600,000 of the choicest imported Key
West and seed huvana cigars over
offered to the lovers of the bcductivo
Is now onon , money for nil , no advanca
price. Box trade especially catered for .
llanlman ,
Decker Hros. ,
Fischer and
Pianos ,
BARGAINS Llnderman < &
Sons , Mnthusheck , W. P. Emer
son , Henry F. Miller and Hallofc
& Davis.
Mueller & Schmollcr. 107S. 16th.
11B8 North 10th Street.
Stills Krcih Cut Klowurn at lowobt nrlcci ,
i and Uucorutlunb a j > cclulty.