Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1890, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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Doings of the Smart World the Past
ncntitlCiil Itccnptlnn at the Mlllaril
Kensington TcnH nncl Kettle
drums With n MnrnnKC or
Two to Lend Interest.
The week Just closed wns ono of events on
magnificent scale. Weddings flt for prln
ccsse < have been BolomnizcJ , Moahtes , Ilor-
Isls , caterers nnd decorators have hod tliclr
Ingenuity taxed to the utmost. The most
Bplcndlu effects , the most novel designs , the
rarest fancies and fabrics have been sought
nftor and the question of expense not so much.
ps hinted at.
Seldom has society been kept so ' 'on the
go. " How it wag rushed toattondMlssLarl-
Mcr's marriage nnd the muslenlo at the Lin-
Jngcr gallery , both on the snmo evening !
Then the next dny was the Motz and 1'otny
tuptlnU nnd in the evening the Barton re
ception at the Mlllard , which brought out the
big wigs of the Boclul world. Truth , society
Will need Sunday to "rest , up" in , as the
dnrltles say , for the present week will bo
nvcii nioi-o crowded with big events than the
past lias been.
Host is necessary , slnco the ball sot n-rolllng
so rapidly snows no sign of abating Us ve
locity. Knu contratro it may bo expected to
Increase ns tlio season prows older.
Perhaps the more brilliant of the wed-
flings arc over , but there nro several still to
come in which interest is ou the qui vlve ,
Which \vill bo consummated with the dawn-
Infj of Eustcr Sunday.
In tlio meantime the smart world will find
i bunrtnnt opportunity to enjoy Itself at biff
receptions , afternoon parties , kettledrums
find card seances which arc promised for the
immediate future. >
An enthusiastic woman champion Insists
X * that the youtiR women of our day uro much
rt superior to those of our Rrnndmothcrs' rtny ,
nnd to illustrate one phase of her meaning she
relates an Incident that occurred at a popular
casldo resort last summer. A party had
\yandercd out on a rocky headland that
pushed into tlio sea. It was m do up of Irreg
ular masses of rock , separated by gaping
chasms , into which the incoming tloo swirled
.angrily , Ono young woman , who was just
thonvcrngo American girl , bright , pretty nnd
pleasing. Blood on the edge of ono of these
chasms nnd announced her Intention of jutnn-
las * across. It measured four or llvo fcot In
Width , and ten feet below the tide wns boiling
vor submerged rocks. One of the men who
| md begun to nssume protectorate airs over
her , expostulated. She merely laughed ,
dared him to follow her : there was n plimnsc
of white sltlrts nnd a pair of trim ankles , and
then fiom the other side of the chasm she
faced about smilingly and repeated her chal
lenge. "Would the young woman of other
lays , who were clustering ringlets , who
twisted their necks and stooped at the waist ,
linvo done such things } They couldn't If
they had wanted to.
Is there a field in Omaha for a woman's
flub ) For some time past the question has
been discussed In the literary circles of the
I city and while there is n , great dlverganco of
i opinion the majority of the ladles who huvo
* --uid the matter broached to them have
thought the field sufllciontly Itirgofor such an
I Some evenings slnco Mrs. W. H. Hanchctt
Who Is directing the work of four classes In
.tho city , brought the matter to a focus by
proposing to her class in English literature
that If the members would pay $1 per month
toxvard the renting of n room centrally lo-
fated , nnd would , in addition , present to the
club ono boolc a month , insldo of n year the
organization would have a verv creditable 11-
Imirynnd nt the same time h place v hlch
Would bo distinctly their own. The proposl
tlon was received very fuvnrobly , but as yet
no definite action has been taken toward the
formation of such a club. Several of the
ladles in Mrs. Hanchott's Wednesday class
which Is engaged in the study of English
history nro enthusiastic upon the subject and
will lend their asslstanco in a substantial
ID an nor.
While It is simply a matter for pleasant
discussion , there is u growing tendency on
the part of many philanthropic women to organize -
ganizo n club which shall contemplate all the
(1 ( vantages enjoyed by the sterner sex.
lt would bo very pleasant for ladles on
pnliiK expeditions , who could not get back
to tnotr homos for luncheon , to drop Into
their club with the certainty of meeting congenial -
genial people , who for a brief time would
forget the delights and charms of dress for
"Sj the additional delight of a pleasant discus-
\ y ion on Slinhosncnro , Browning , Swinburne
or the latest fads of the hour , which literary
people so thoroughly enjoy. Theosophy ,
Christian Science , and may bo Dr. Koch's
great discovery might find herein warm ad
vocates or enthusiastic antagonists. It could
bo made an educator , u power for good lu
the community. But the question naturally
suggests Itself , Is there u Held for a woman's '
club In Omaha )
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Entertain.
So ninny card parties have been given this
jBcason that it would bo impossible to decide
Which one dcservos the palm for the greatest
success. But In the matter of delightful
pavtlcM , that given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles
A. Dean , 309 Jones street , Tuesday evening ,
leads by reason of its unronvcnttonallty and
tlio genuine hospitality shown by the host
net hostess.
The house was very nicely decorated In
toner of the occasion mid a cheery air per
vaded it , which was very refreshing to the
guests , many of whom , slnco the se.isoti
boRim , 'liavo been constantly "on the go. "
The llrst prize for ladles was won by Mrs.
S. 1' . Morse , a very pretty silver bon-bon
dish ; the second Indies' prize , a hand-painted
. tray , was won by Mrs. William O. Sloan.
2Mr. Augustus Pratt , n famous high-ilvo
' pluycr , who spent most of his tlmo while nt
Bpiilt Lalio last summer solving the Intrica
cies of the gnmo , won the first gentleman's
prl/e , a drlnlcing flask ; the second gontlc-
man's prlzo was won by a Mr. A. Bosche , a
very pretty hand-painted photograph case.
'J'ho following were the guests present :
Mr. . an il Mrs. Charles A. Coo , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Kirkcndull , Mrs. Barber , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T.
Brudy. Mr. and Mrs. Schneider , Mr. and
Mrs. Euclid Martin , Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. Mont
gomery , Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Nichols , Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. O. SloanMr. nnd Mrs. J. 1 .
Johnson , Mr. and Mrs. J. I1. Williams , Mr ,
nnd Mrs. J. C. Howcll , Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorco
W. Ames , Miss I'ounsford , Dr. nnd Mrs.
Stone. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Haymond , Dr.
nnd Mrs. Moore , Mr. and Mrs S. S. Curtis ,
Air. nnd Mrs. L. J. Drake , Dr. and Mrs.
Brown , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Clnrlto , Mr.
nnd Mrs.V. . Pratt , Mr. nnd Mrs. George
Kollcy , Mr , nnd Mrs. Robert Purvis , Mr. aim
Mrs. S. I' . Morse , Mr. and Mrs. O. Hurtnnn.
Miss Ilartnuxn , Mr. W. H. Williams , Mrs.
W. H. Homlngton , Mr. iwd Mrs. W. I.
Hawks , Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Tutum , Mr.
Barnard , Miss Tutum , Air. and Mrs. Key-
nolds , Mr. and Mrs. D. Tor Sholos , Mr. and
* Mrs. U. II. Goodrich.
A Delightfully Appointed lainuhann.
' Mrs. J. M. Motcalf followed up her triumph
or week before last by giving Wednesday
afternoon a perfectly appointed luncheon to
nbout sixty of her lady friends. The house
wai decorated throughout with cut roses and
pots of chrysanthemums , while the conservatory
vatory presented n beautiful appearance with
its blooming Ilowors. Musio was a feature
of the afternoon Mrs. Cotton singing thrco
selections which were rapturously received
hy the appreciative audience. Miss I'usoy ,
, . < \'Iio umda such an Impression at u previous
entertainment , who was handsomely attired
In a French costume of gray fulllo , sane
( "Dear Heart , " which showed the beautiful
Quality of her voice to advantage. For an
encore she gave "All in a Garden Fair , "
ijvhlch was beautifully rendered. Mrs.
'Xloaso ' gave two or throe piano solos , much to
( the enjoyment of the ladles present. The
Ufalr weather enhanced the line view from
* ho residence , which occupies a command-
> . 4n position on South Tenth street , nnd
-l tbe river nnd the little sister city to the cast *
ifvard recalled reminiscences of foreign travel
fo many of the guests. Mrs. Metcalf was ns-
Jilted oy Mrs. Loc-wood , Mrs. Ilullor , Mrs.
Cornish , Miss Pusoy , Miss WaUoley , Miss
pmlly Wakeloy. Those participating were *
Mcsdames Ulnlngor , llaller , Lockwoo < 1 , Cor
nish. Allen , Joseph Darken Burns , llnboock ,
3rady , Hroolio , 11111 , Bopirs , Baum , Edwards ,
3urt , Co'petzer ' , Du Bols , Carter. CuitH ,
fwcph Mlllnrd , Ucnl-jo , Dohcrty , Windsor ,
311bort , ( lallnphcr , Kitchen , I'nrmelee , 1'ax
on , Parker , Thurston , Huitln , Wlicaton ,
Stonton , Hurt suff , Dunham , 1'ortor , Sarsoy ,
Jcall. Turner , Llonborgcr , Wheeler , \Vnko-
ey. Wcssels. Webster , Cole , Cotton , Lncey ,
Williams. MrClinlock , Moore , McICcnna ,
Inymond , Fitch , Cushlng , Jensen , Swobe ,
Wakeloy , Kmllv Wnkcley. from Council
31uffs. Mrs. Pusoy , luisa I'usoy , Mrs.
Bloomer , Mrs , Plnnoy , Mrs. Macrae.
The Week's Wo < ldln s.
Awedilipg which will Interest many Omaha
people was solemnized in Kansas City Wed-
icsday evening , the contracting parties being
3. L. Itochstctlor of this city nnd Miss Nina
Martin of ICansas City. The mnrrlago oc
curred nt the residence of Mr. Charles Hoch-
stctlor , and was attended by the relatives of
the contracting parties only. The groom is
a well known business man of Omaha , ono of
the members of thoflrm of Hector , Wllhelmy
& Co. , the bride being an estimable member
of the social circles of the city by the Kaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoehstetlcr will bo at homo at
5019 Chicago otter January 1.
One of the prettiest homo weddings that
lias occurred in Omaha this season was
solemnized Wednesday evening at the f uturo
residence of the brldo and groom , 820Oeorgla
avenue , the contracting parties being Mr. J.
W. Woodard and Miss Nell Larimer.
The house , which is exceedingly pretty , nn
Ideal homo iu which to commence the joys
nnd delights of'marrlcd life , a gift from the
bride's uuclo , Judge A. V. Larimer of Sioux
City , was profusely decorated for the oc
casion. Beautiful vases tilled with the
choicest. American beauties , occupied prom
inent places in the corners of the rooms , on
the mantle pieces and on the landings of the
stairways. Handsome palms were placed
advantageously in the parlor , dining room ,
library nnd along the square hall. Chrysan
themums added their beauty throughout the
House giving a kaleidoscopic effect to the
scene which was charming in the highest
degree. The bow window on the south
in which the ceremony was performed was n
veritable bower of beauty made so by the
artistic work of the decorator nnd the florist.
Above , ropes of smtlax were Interlaced while
on the sides of the deep embrasure palms and
ferns were placed with hero and there u
stand of chrysanthemums to given touch of
color to the room. In front of the bank of
grcori stood the prledlou covered by a beau
tiful white Persian lamb's nig , nn effective
contrast to the deep tone of the background.
A very pretty innovation and ono which
will grow in favor , was the presence of the
mandolin club , which played tlio songs of the
troubadours , nnd ushered in the bridal party
by rendering in a very effective manner the
wedding march from "Lohengrin , "
A pretty incident of the ceremony was the
part played by two little cousins of the bride ,
who , ns ttio bridal party entered the room ,
formed nn ahlo up the center by long stream
ers of bronrt white ribbon. The procession
was led by the officiating clergyman Dr.
Louis Zahncr of All Saints church , followed
by the groom nnd his best man Mr. Herbert
N. Jcwett , then the bride and her
maid of honor , Miss Alay Dundy.
the bride , who is exceedingly pretty on this
occasion looked radiantly beautiful. Tall ,
with n complexion suggesting a brunette.
dark brown hair and blue eyes , she rellcctod
the lines of the poctJ ,
A perfect woman nobly planned
To warn , to comfort iinil command ,
And yi'taii anxol Mill and bright.
With aomutlilni ; of utiRcllo light. "
She was gowned In white corded slllcs ,
trimmed with mousollino do solo and ostrich
fcathcn. The costume was madohigh In
the neck and long sleeves , the conventional
veil giving a heightened charm to the very
pretty toilette.
Miss Dnndy , who is n strikingly handsome
woman were a town which became her
beauty nmnzlngly. It was made of holitropo
crepe ; decollete , nnd dcmi-train , the neck
being relieved by an effective draping of em
broidered cicpo : Dorothy Trnnnnt Shoes.
A reception followed the ceremony which
was attended by many of the prominent people
ple of the city.
At 0 o'clock the bride reappeared ready
for the wedding journey , which will include
0. visit to many of the eastern cities , Chicago
being their llrst objective point , the Burllnc-
ton train being held a half hour for the bride
nnd groom. The bride's "po away" gown
was also a model of the modiste's art being
a brown homespun striped in two shades of
brown , with n largo bow of ribbon nt the
back. She also wore a natty jacket lined
with sllic , while a close fitting
toque adorned her head. Bho car
ried a Paris coat , making a per
fect ensemble. A shower of rico followed
them to the carriage while all the small boys
in the neighborhood made the welkin ring
With the noise from every conceivable in
Judge Larimer nn undo of the bride and
Dr. and Mrs. Larimer , her cousins , with
whom the brldo has made her home , received
the guests among whom were : Mr. and Mrs.
Hedlck. Judge nnd Mrs , Uundy , Judge Cnld-
wcll , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. II. Wheeler jr. , Mr.
and Mrs. Charlton , Mr. and Mrs. Pusoy.
Miss Pusoy , Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. J. Brown and
Miss Brown of Council Bluffs ; Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis of Ashlana , Kansas ; Mr. and Mrs.
Howcll of Atchison , ICos. ; Misses Bubcock ,
Mr. ana Mrs. Wiucotc , Mrs. J. M. Woolworth -
worth , Mr. nnd Mrs. George Kelley , Mr. and
Mrs. William Clarke , Mr. and Mrs. Mvlford ,
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols , Mr. nnd Mrs. Tutum ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clement Chase. Mir. and Mrs.
Hussey , Mr. and Mrs. S. S.
Curtis , Miss Curtis. Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Balbridgo , Mr. and Mrs. Ames ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Brown , Miss Nellie Bcnuctt ,
Mrs. Sclp Duudy , Frank Hamilton , A. S.
Patrick , Charles Offut , Albert Offut , Luther
Drake , Miss Yost. Miss Hoagland , Miss Mar
garet Williams , Miss Nichols , Miss Shorn ,
Miss Ida Sharp , Miss Jessie Millard , Messrs.
Will McCaguo , Koss , Uiloy , McDougal ,
C'altan , Dudley Smith , Major Potter.
pciiounvt. ASH KI.IXDT.
The wedding of Mr. A. T. Schoubal nnd
Miss Marie Kllndt took plnco nt the residence
of Mr. L. C. Enewald , W19 South Thirty-sec
end street , November 19 , Hov. Bodholdt
onicintlng. Miss Theresa Kllndt nnd Miss
Marie i'otcrson were the bridesmaids , Mr.
Iians SchouAml and Mr. L. C. Enewald
groomsmen. Tlio bride was dressed in white
brllliantlno with myrtle nnd white rose
trimmings. After the ceremony a reception
nnd banquet was given in Washington hall
by Mr. Huns Schoubal , father of the groom ,
In honor of the voung couple , nt which nbout
two hundred of their friends took part , and
many were the well wishes spoken for the
young couple , and a most cnjovablo time was
had by everybody. At 3 o'clock a. m. the
groom nntl bride retired to Cleveland place ,
where Mr. Schoubal lias just erected a fine
Last Thursday afternoon there was a Join
ing In wedlock of ropresaiitativos of two of
the leading Gorman families of this city. The
young people had been acquainted with ono
another from childhood. The bond , there
fore , which was cemented on Friday was but
the natural consequence of a reciprocal af
fection which became more heartfelt as the
couple npproarhed maturity. Thogroom was
Mr. Charles Metz , son of Fred Motz , the ro-
tlreil nnd well known brewer. Ho ,
with his brother Fred , as was formerly
the case with his father and uncle , now con
stitute the well known brewing linn of Metz
The bride was Miss Augusta Poray , daugh
ter of Mr. Gustavo Pomy , the senior member
of the well known soda and mineral water
manufacturing firm of Pomy & Segolko of
this city. The interest of nnd best wishes of
many friends have been centered In and en
tertained for this young woman who , on the
day of her bridal , was to bo envied because
of the gifts nnd accomplishments which both
nature nnd effort had secured to hor.
The mnrrlngo ceremony was performed at
the residence of Mr. William Segclkc , the
business partner of the brido's father ,
and greater Interest lu the event
could scarcely have been taken oven
by the parents of the brldo. It
was a great day In the Scgolko
household , the host and hostess leaving
nothing undone to cause the event long to bo
remembered. As a consequence the parlors
were hung with flowers , and ntuld the frag
rance of the Juno time the twain were made
one , Itov. Turklo , pastor of Kountzu Memo
rial Lutheran church , odlclatlng.
After the ceremony there was a short fes
tal procession to the residence of the bride's
parents , adjoining , where the bridal banquet
was spread.
Several hours were consumed in discussing
the , imporinl menu supplied by Mr. B. Mauror.
the while between courses , wit , laughter ana
congratulations. Prof. Steinhuuser's admir
able orchestra discoursed sweetest music ,
playing as the introductory an an-
lanio sostonnto by RubonMotn ,
Among the numbers was a beautiful
lolcction from "Lohcugrcn. " Interest In
ho musical1 features centered In "Tho Metz
Irothers" march , composed by Prof , Stcln-
muscr csi > oclnlly for the occasion. The
> lcco is n beautiful ono nnd Its Instilling
strains will lone bo reminders of the nappy
occasion on which It was played ,
Owing to the wide acquaintance of the conj
ractlng parties , it was necessary to conllno
ho festal features of thq occasion to their im
mediate families. Accordingly , only the fol-
owing were presents Mr. nnd Mrs. Gustavo
'omy , parents of the brldo ; Misses Annnand
dn I'omy , sisters of the bride : Mr. Fred
Hetz , sr. , father of the groom ; Mr * . Fred
Motz , sr. ; Mr. nnd MM. U. Pomy ; Mr. nnd
Mrs. Fred Metz , jr. , brother nnd sister , nnd
Mr. A. Mctz , another brother of the groom ;
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Scgcllto , Mr. and Mrs.
George Helmrod , Mr. and Mrs. Louis Helmed -
od , Mr. nnd Mrs. I'red Suhbrndorf ; Miss
Dora Ilclmrod , Miss Alice Linden , Miss
Hinma Brandt , Mr. Edward Hutch , Mr.
August Busch and. Mr. Theodore Lemberg
of St. Lot Is , Mr. Theodore Baumer nnd Mr.
Arthur F. Smith , Omaha , The gifts were
mmcrous nnd valuable. Ono especially was
most beautiful , n solid silver punch bowl
with gold lining , beautifully embossed wltli
six accompanying ladles equally ornamented.
The gift was valuable. It was after the
style of the punch bowls when such tilings
lesccndcd from generation to generation. It
was with the Idea of tills descent that the
father bestowed the gift upon his son.
The bridal couple took the afternoon train
and will return December 1 , visiting in the
nenntimo Chicago , Milwaukee , Now York
and St. Louis.
The guests danced till midnight In honor of
the happy pair. .
'Iho Barton lU-ccptlon.
Society had on excellent opportunity to
display Us fine clothes Thursday evening.
The reception given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy C.
Barton in honor of Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Hol
ing , Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Mlllard and Mr. K.
C. Barton , at the Mlllard , being on a scale of
magnificence seldom equated , in this quean
city of the prairies. The reception proper ,
extending from 8 until 10:30 : , brought out
ho smart world In great numbers ,
500 invitations having been issued ,
although occuDylng a beautiful homo in the
heart of the city , Mr. and Mrs. Barton right
fully considered that the Millard , with its
nany facilities for party-giving , was the
iropcr plnco for a reception and dancing
mrty , and their wisdom was universally
; > raised , for no house in Omaha could have
.akcn care of the crowd of beautifully
Downed women and the hosts of won who
were present Thursday night. The reception
really inaugurated the season's round of
pleasures and from this on , until Lout.brings
blessed rest , the 400 will bo in the thick of
society warfare. The series of rooms on the
[ jurlor floor were beautifully decorated for
iho occasion. Banks of hot house plants
were arranged along the wide hallway
leading to the ball room which
on this occasion was the dining room , the
receiving party being stationed in the west
parlor. The chandeliers were heavily hung
with smllax , while jardinieres filled with
roses were placed throughout the suite of
apartments for tlio occasion. Refreshments
were served in the rooms off the ordinary on
Lho cast sldo of the house , which prevented
any hitches that even in tlio most perfectly
appointed houses are liable to happen.
Mrs. Guy Barton were n beautiful now
gown of Lyons velvet , trimmed with hand
some passamcntcrle , the corsatfo orna
mented with many pretty pins which the
loading Jewelers display to excel
lent advantage In their bulk windows
dews , and her hnndsomo diamonds.
Mrs. Will Millard was gowned in a pretty-
pink striped tulle , which became her well.
Mrs. Rollins were a handsome white crepe
nnd carried a huge bouquet of flowers. There
were many strikingly pretty and now toil
ettes worn , opinion being varied as to whoso
gown attracted most attention , but it will bo
quite generally agreed that Mrs. Clark Wood
man's costume was charmingly artistic ; a
deml-traino princess robe lu Louis XIV style
made of noir peando solo ; demi-dccollctto ,
the corsage trimmed with possomentcrio and
| nuno bongnlinc , tbotabliorof brochotrimmed
ivith a niching of bcngalino. Mrs. Dana
Lander was much complimented upon her
very striking gown of gray and whlto , pro
fusely trimmed with steel passementerie , cn-
traino. Mrs. Arthur Ucmlngtou also ap
peared in a handsome costume of lemon col
ored silk , cntralno , nnd as ornaments were
iho costly McCormlck diamonds , which hav
been much talked about. It was Mrs. Item
ington's IIrat appearance in reception cos
Luuie since death cast his dark mantel over a
happy family Mrs. Harry AlcCormlsk was
radiant In rod crepe nnd were a number of
pretty diamonds. Miss Delia Chandler , who
lias come to make her homo with Mrs. J. J.
Brown , were a dainty gown of old rose crepe ,
and hugo red roses , a combination which was
strikingly pretty. Miss May Dundy , received
many compliments for her costume which
was a uellotropo crepe made very
plain. Mrs. Wcssels , eloctrio blue
velvet and black lace ; Miss Margaret
\Vllllams , white net with gold trimmings
Grecian in suggestion , made severely plain ;
Miss Clara Brown , pink crepe ; Miss Kmmu
Hoaglaud , a beautiful Vienna gown of yellow
faille with jewel trimming , which was pur
chased during Miss Holland's ' tour abroad
last summer ; Miss Jessie Millnrd , also were
a costume of Viennese manufacture , n whlto
crcno with stripes of tiny flowers ,
which gave It a very fetching
look ; Miss Ijnms' white silk and
tulle ; Miss Emily Wakeloy , a "Duo , ' ' were a
pretty pink crepe costume with yellow roses ;
Miss Daisy Doauo , another of the season's
debutantes , were a handsome blue crepe ;
Miss Bessie Stewart of Council Bluffs ap
peared In white ; Miss Nelllo Burns were a
dainty blua crepe nnd wblto brocade ; Mrs.
Hills , whlto silk nnd tulle ; Mrs. Metcalf ,
whlto silk wltu gold brocaded front ; Mrs.
Balcombo a very handsome black velvet ;
Mrs. Yost , yellow crepe ; Mrs. C. B.
Smith , very pretty white crepe which be
came her well ; Mrs. W. S. Poppleton , an ex
ceedingly dainty gown of green brocade
trimmed with green ribbon ; Mrs. Frank
Colpetzcr , blue silk trimmed with n profusion
of duchcsso lace ; Mrs. Arthur Wnkcloy ,
hlllotropo silk , ontraiuo ; Miss Leola Carter ,
blue crepe cntraluo.
Among the very largo number of guests
preson t were : Mr. and Mrs. George
W. Ames , Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Allen ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Adams , Mr.
and Mrs. St. A. D. Balcombo ,
Miss Balcombo , Miss Mora Balcombe ,
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Barkalow , Mr. and Mrs.
Balbnch , Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Barker ,
Mr , Biirlmlow , Mr. nnd Mrs. B. H. Barrows ,
Mrs. Beall , Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Bierbowor.
A. H. Bishop , Mr. and Mrs. Boggs , Mr. an d
Mrs , Louis Bradford , General and Mrs.
Brooke , Mrs. Hill , Mrs. C. H. Biggs , Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Brown , Miss Brown , Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Burns , Miss Burns , Mr. and Mrs.
Levi Carter , Mr. and Mrs. Chase , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Victor Caldwcll , Dr. and Mrs. Coffman ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Colpotzor , Mr. and Mrs. Cout-
ant , Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyle Dlckov , Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Dickey , Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlotz ,
Judge and Mrs. Doano , Miss May Dundy , Mr.
and Mrs. II. D. Estabrook , Dean Gardner ,
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert , Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Gray. Mr. P. C. Hall , Mr. Hall , Miss Hall ,
Frank Hamilton , General and Mrs. Ilawloy ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock , Mr. and Mrs. Hop
kins , Miss IJams , Dr. nnd Mrs. Jones , Judge
nnd Airs. Lake , Mr. and Mrs. Dana Lander ,
Mr. and Mrs. I'red McConnell , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Mclntoeh , Mr , and Mrs. McKcnnn , Miss Bot-
kln , Mr. ana Mrs , Markel , Dr. and Mrs.
March , Mr. and Mrs. J. JI. Mlllard , Mr. and
Mrs. W. V. Morse , Mr. and Mrs. Nichols.
Miss Nichols , Mr. nnd Mrs. Parker , Mr. nnd
Mrs. John H. Patrick , Mrs. IJohort Patrick ,
Mr. John Patrick , Mr. and Mrs. Poppleton ,
Mr. and Mrs. Heed , Mr. nnd Mrs. It , U. Hlng-
wait , Mr. and Mrs.T. J. Rogers , Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Squires , Miss
Summers , Dr. J. K , Summers , jr. , Mr. and
Mrs. Swobe. Judge and Mrs. Wnkcloy , Miss
Wakeloy , Miss Htmlv Wakeloy , Mr. and Mrs ,
Wallace , Mr. nnd Mrs. WessoU , Mr. and Mrs.
Wood , Mr. and Mrs. Clark Woodman , Mr.
nnd Mrs. II. W. Yates , Mr. and Mrs. 0. IS.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tlio West Kiul Club Disbands.
Monday evening the members of the West
End card club mot nt the residence of Mr.
ana Mrs.V. . G. Sloan on South Thirtieth
avenue to perfect the organization for the
winter. For thrco yearj Mrs. Sloan has been
the eflldont president of the club , hut per
emptorily refused to take the position again.
This action on the part of Mrs. Sloan was
very unexpected nnd precipitated a general
dUcusslon upon the question of keeping the
club allvo. No ono would serve as president
Mrs. Sloan having been so signally success
ful that the lady members felt that It wouli
bo impossible to ml the place In tbo highly
creditable manner which distinguished Mrs
Sloans administration , and the members
voted to disband. This business over , th
rucsts Indulged In apriStHg game of cards ,
hose participating * in the flunt meeting belag
dr. nnd Mrs. Nichols , -Mr , and Mrs. John
son , Mr. and Mrs. Coo.iJSfrs. Bnllcer , Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. M. Schneider , Mr. nnd Mrs.
leorpoVV. . Kelley , Mr-VJii'l ' Mrs. Clayton ,
Yank Brown , Sir. aud Mrs. George W.
A I'lcasnnt 4tur | > ri c.
Ono of those ngreoabW and happy events
vhlch cause us to lay 'Cj ldo the care , worry
and troubles of business , and when lava nnd
ricndship assert their.claim , occurred on
Sunday , November 10 , thd'occaslon ' being the
crystal nnn'lversary of t'fib wedding of Mr.
nnd Airs. S. W. Croy. .U/jknown / to cither pf
horn , the exact date hna .been obtained nnd n
argo nnd exquisitely cub crystal rose bowl ,
ogether with a most nppropalato
md unlquo mirror base , accompanied by n
mndsomu bouquet of roses and chrysyan-
hcinums , was presented to them at their
Peasant homo , at No. . ' 1003 Mnsou street , by
ho employes of the Molino. Mllburn & Stod-
dnrd company , of which Mr. Croy Is score-
.ary nnd treasurer.
It being Impossible for all the employes ,
many of whom nro traveling men , to ho pres
ent , the gift was accompanied by the follow-
ug note :
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. W. Crovi I'lrnie nccrpt from
the employes of the Jloilnc , Mllburn x tod-
lunl company of Umahn , Nob. , and DCS
MolncH , la , this memento of your crystal an
Mny your future uonsbrlzht as thocrvMals
if wliloh His rompo rd. ana may you always
bo mirroundi'd by f tlcnds with faces us bright
nnd cheerful as the o ic Hooted from tlio mir
ror.Wo all join in wishing you many happy re
turns of the duy ,
Tlico. fcl.irl < s , George U. Elliott , G. D.
Olnrk. U.V. . Kislt , H. Iliurthorno , 11. 1) . Onrd ,
J. O. White , Olmrlos Cross. MM | llcrtn DeOau.
Miss Kittle Thomas , J. D. btiiuts K. L lluclm-
nan , John 1' . Vogol. Charles ( 'nllclim , Thomas
In addition to this gift they received ollior
tokens of romcmbrMico from some few
friends who had been admitted to the secret
of when the anniversary would occur.
They were taken completely by surprise
nnd could flnd no words in which to return
thanks , but wish to assure nil the generous
loners that their kindness has irarkcd tliclr
Iftecnth anniversary as n particularly bright
oasis in the journey through life.
An Old-Fasliloticd Kensington :
Mrs. C. E. Squires gave a perfect IConslntr-
; on Tuesday afternoon , tbo day being nil
: hat could bo desired. A pleasant feature ol
.ho afternoon was the music furnished by a
quartette under the direction of Prof. Hoff
man. The ladles brought their fancy , and
oven several were engaged upon the same
dnd of knitting which their mothers nnd
.heir grandmothers were in the habit of
doing. Conversation took the plnco of
cards , and It. was delightful ' to
nivo the real , old-fashioned Kensington
revived , which innovation has so pushed into
: he back ground. The puosts who were pres
ent to enjoy Mrs , Squires' well known hos-
iltnllty wore ; Mesdaraes Swobo , Drake ,
Wnkcileld. Or. Moore , Vunkuran , Coe ,
; Clrkendall , Boggs , Clayton , Cotton , S. S.
Jurtl ? , Pratt , Powell , Alexander , Hartman ,
Brady , Wllkins , Lockwood , Ames , Raymond ,
Kogers , Tukoy , Boscho , S , 1' . Mono , Babcock -
cock , Brunuer , Stigcr , Igoo , Parker , Barker ,
Uickoy , Woodman , Grot , Dcltz , Hopkins ,
Mine. Hopkins , Tabor , Klcliardson. Tumor ,
rilden , Burt , Locke , Harris , Llekworth ,
Cypher , Stevens. Wool worth , Coburn , Crandall -
dall , Griswold , Halncs , Miss Kellcy , Mes-
lanies Babcoclc , Kendall , Sprague. Max
vloyer , Adolph Moyrj , Moritz Meyer ,
Kelloy. (
A Delightful "At Home. "
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A > ' 'Gardner of 4130
Nicholas street , WalnutlEIIU , pave adollght-
'ul social entertainment ttt their homo Tues
day evening to a largo , Dumber of invited
jucSts. The hospitaHtyjthoy dispensed will
eng bo remembered by tnoso present. The
social feature of the evening was nicely ar
ranged. The literary and musical talent pres
ently contributed largclj to the enjoyment.
The cxqulsjte music , by , lllss * Haines , JNIlss
Clitgsbury and Mrs. Wickcrsham , the utnus-
ng reo ' .ations by Miss Qrlo Brown , with
? rof. Gillespie's song rendition in the beuuti-
ful language combined to instill a spirit of
congenial friendship which seemed to pervade -
vado the entire party. Delicious refreshments
were served.
The guests were : Prof , and Mrs. Gillespio ,
Mrvand Mrs. Gowglll , Mr. and Mrs. D. L.
Johnson , Mr. nnd Mrs. G.V. . Wickersham ,
Vlr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart , Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Van Tuylc , Mr. and Mrs. J. 1C. Flem
ing , Mr. nnd Mrs. Dr. McClannahun , Mr.
and Mrs. John Eponetcr , Mr. and Mrs. Hales ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Hewey , Mr. and Mrs.
Mnrstin , Prof , and Mrs. Taylor , Rev. and
Mrs , Palm , Mrs. Campbell , Mrs. Rico , Miss
Stella Van Horn , Hoio McUmber. Miss Orio
Brown , Miss Julia Carter. Miss Ella Kmgs-
: uiry , Miss Kato Van Tuylo , Miss Kunolton ,
Vliss Eaton , Miss Gardner , Miss Rico. Miss
Itay , Miss Overtoil , Miss Covey , Miss Halns ,
My. S. S. Campbell , Mr. Charles Fleming.
Cards Were lu High Favor.
Dr. and Mrs. F. N. Connor gave a thor
oughly enjoyable high-five party at their
beautiful home , No. 533 South Twenty-fifth
avenue , last Friday evening. The interior of
the residence was very tn tofully nnd prettily
decorated , and the drawing rooms presented
qulto a brilliant scene. It proved to bo one
the most delightful parties of the season , and
the refreshments were delicious and tooth
some. The following were the guests :
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shields , Mr. and Mrs.
Augustus Pratt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph E. Gaylord -
lord , Mr. and Mrs. Frame Cross. Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Wilbur , Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Purvis , Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred W. Gray. Mr.
nnd Mrs. George Kelley , Mr. nnd Mrs. James
Brown , Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Moody , Air. and
Mrs. George Tlllson , Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Wheeler , jr. , Mr. nnd Mrs. J.V. . Griffith ,
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Barrows , Mr. ana Mrs.
Clement Chase , Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Raymond
mend , Mr. nnd Mrs. E. B , Tulmage , Mr. and
Mrs. David Baum , Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Hitchcock , Mr. mid Mrs. E. S. Dundy ,
'r. , Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Tulmngo ,
Hr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Dickey , Dr. and Mrs.
John Clark Jones , Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Rock
well of Council Bluffs , Dr. nnd Mrs. A. S.
Billings , Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyle Dickey ,
Juduo and Mrs. W. C. Ivcs , Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Webster , Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Goodiicn ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Pntcrsou. Mr. and Mrs.
D. .V. Sholos , Mrs. Sickle , Mrs. Dundy.
Misses Luna Duudy , Rockwell of Council
Blurts , Morton , McCarty , Boulter , Gcorglo
Boulter , Wilbur , Pratt , Hon. W. J. Connell ,
Dr. W. O , Bridges , Messrs. Downs , Squires ,
"Clnuli" Still 1-iendH.
At the .residence of Mrs. R. "W. Dryball ,
Friday evening , was held' ' n most enjoyable
high-live party. Among Woso present were
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Kort0Ir. * * and Mrs. A.
J. Yiorling , Mr. and Mrs , H , M , Uheom , Mrs.
Paris , Miss Roblnsou.i , > j Chicago , Miss
Broen of Fort Dodge , la. , Misses Paris ,
Craig , Manchester , Folfiy , ' Standlsh , Lari-
moro , Gostioy , Donaldson" , Lawrence , Mc
Donald , McAuslnnd , EllfoT , Margaret and
Klttio Nugent. Mr , lln 'Donald , Knouse ,
Gosney , Hake , Ley , Bradley , Lawrence ,
Sutton , Manchester , HtU > n , Stundisu , R.
"W. Dybnll , jr. . George B. Dyball , Charles G.
Uvball mid Edgar S. Dybil ,
The house was tastefully jjlocoratod and the
eight tables were allvo wljtJi merriment.
Mr. Hay Donald won tUQ..gentlemen's first
prize and Miss Eva Foloj Uio ladles' . Mrs.
Frank posnoy the gentlemen's boobv " prize
and Mrs. A. J. Viorllng ffloWlos' .
rrn ,
The Week's Elitegtalninents.
Mr. and Mrs. William Xi Paxton havo' Issued -
sued Invitations fora dancing party in honoi
of Miss Clarke Tuesday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. M. Carter , a reception
Monday evening. '
Mrs. W. L. Adams , jr. , Twentieth ant
Chicago , a reception from 3 until 0 , Tuesday
Mrs. W. F. Valll , luncheon NVodnesdav ir
honor of Mrs. Arthur Wakoiey and Mis ;
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur M. Pints , a cari
party Tuesday evening , 25 0 Callfonih
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Valll , a card partj
Wednesday evening for Miss Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hamilton , a can
party Wednesday evening.
Onrda in Hniintze Place.
The Dundee Place high llvo club gave om
of their enjoyable and recherche- entertain
incuts on Friday evening at Mr. C. W
Keith's residence. There was qulto a largi
attendance nnd at linlf past ton the
voro Invited to pui-tako of refreshments p-
iroprlnto to tha occasion ,
Amongst those present were iho tallowing t
Mrs. Tnjrlor'of Kansas City , Mr. and Mrs.
2. A. Benson , Mr. nntl Mrs. M. A. Upton ,
ilr. and Mrs. W. II. Huncock , Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Murphy , Mr. nnd Mrs , _ \ A. Smith ,
ilr ntid Mrs , W. 1C Kurtz , Mrs. Hamilton ,
.Hss . Hamilton , Mrs. George D , Keclor , Mrs.
I. II , Hcnioii , Miss Oraco Bon on , Misal'er-
cins , Frank Cannichaol , Mr. Hamilton , Mr.
Neager and Mr. It , C , Patterson.
P'vcut ' I lorciice.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H , G. Clark entertained a
nrgo high llvo pnrty very successfully nt
heir beautiful and roomy residence on
Thursday eveningAmong these present
vero Mr. nnd Mrs. Hall , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Vnlkcr , Mr. nnd Mrs. Reynolds , Mr. niul
.Irs. ICliifr , Mr. and Mrs. Simpson , Mr. anil
.Irs , Chapman , Mrs. P. Chapman , Rev , Mr.
.IcCrncken . , Misses Kato Gmillner , flcrtn
iondesson , Mamie and Lizr.loVemii , Llzzlo
. .esllo , Jessie and Dimnn King , Nettle Mc-
racla-ii , Mmid and Pauline Lnntry , Mrs.
Thompson , Messrs. Weber , Bondes on , Nol-
nan nnd Lautry , Miss Leslie curried olt the
Irst prl/o , while Mr. King succeeded In
arrylng ore the boobv , which was a eanillu-
tlck filled with camlfea to give moro light on
he subject of high llvo.
MfivcmtMitB nnil Wlinrcuboutn.
Mr. N. B. Sherwood Is visiting in Detroit.
Mr. Henry Nexvmun will visit friends In
) maha this week.
Friday evening Mr. nml Mrs. Dalley cnter-
tuincd a number of friends nt cards.
Mrs. Dr. Moore will le.tvo shortly for Cali
fornia , where sue will spend the winter.
Mrs. S. S. Caldwcll left for Ttogn , Pa. , on
Wednesday to remain untllnftcr theholidays.
Born To Mr. nnd Mrs. Georito R.Crnnilnll
on Thursday last , a little "Ruth Louis Crau-
unll. "
Miss Laurn Hoagland , Miss Besilo Yntos ,
Ulsi Mnbol Orchard nro the guests of the
Misses Steele of St. Joe.
Mrs. T. C. Hargravo of Moint Pleasant ,
Iowa , is la the city visiting the families of
li. 11 Alien und C. W. Lyon.
Mrs. C. H. Briggs will shortly issue Invita
tions for a largo reception and dunchifc' party
at the Mlllurd , December 5.
Mrs. C. A. Caldncll , wife of a Vv'llbor
jankor , is visiting- her brother , G. W. Shaw ,
clcgraph manager for the B. & M ! . , for a few
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. George W. Lin-
Ingcr and Mrs , Frank Haller gave a delight
ful kettledrum at their residence , Eighteenth
and Davenport.
Mrs. A. S. Paddock who has been lying 111
for several weeks at the residence of her
daughter , Mrs. O. J. Collraun , will leave uoxt
veck for Washington.
Mrs. W. J. Hayes of 1308 Sherman nvcnuo ,
gave a very pleasant high live party Wcdncs-
lav evening in honor of her sister , Mrs. A C.
Wllcox , of Springfield , 111.
Judge Caldwcll , the no\v circuit court Just-
co , who has bcoti sitting in chambers with
Judge Dundy , has been the guest of the latter
xt his residence on South Twenty-eight avc-
1UO.Mrs. . E , S. Dundy , jr. , who ha very charm-
ng hostess , gave n very pretty luncheon Fri-
lay to the following : Mr. und Mrs. U. C.
3nyilor , Mr. and Mrs. T. 1C. Button , Mrs. A.
H. ilamiK
Captain W. Young , of the engineer corps
of the United States army , wife and family
nnd Miss Cora Hooper uru the cuests of Mr.
md Mrs. D. C. Dunbar , 2010 Binnoy street ,
en route to the west.
Mr.V. . B. Annln , private secretary to Senator
ator Paddock , left yesterday for Washington ,
3. C. Mrs. Annin remains with her parents
at "Grovcsldo , " the suburban residence of
Major J. W. PaddocK.
The ' Kountzo Plnco Social club gave their
Irst party of the season Friday evening at
Srflln hall , which was well attended nnd
thoroughly enjoyed by nil present. The par
ties will occur every Uvo weeks.
Mrs. John Horbach pave a beautifully ap
pointed luncheon , lost Saturday , in honor of
Vliss Wallace , her sister. The guests present
were Mesdatnes Yates , Lncoy , Hanscoin ,
Benll , Caldwell , Nichols , J. II. Millard and
Miss Hanscom.
The "Innocents Abroad. ' . ' ono of the lead-
ng so'clal organizations of this city , although
only a year old , gave their llrst nartyoftho
season Friday evening nt "Washington hall.
: lefroshinonts were served during the evert-
tig , the entire entertainment boingoti u very
delightful scale.
Mrs. W. S. Seavoy gave a delightful hlgh-
Ivo party last Tuesday evening at her homo ,
1SOS Grace street. The guests were Judge
ind Mrs. Helsloy. Dr. aud Mrs. Gapcn , Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Coon , Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
2hnucv. Miss May Richardson , Miss May
Fitch , T. J. Mahoney , Victor K. Bender.
Mrs. J. J. McLaln of 2209 Spencer street
gave a missionary tea Wednesday afternoon.
Although a great deal of talking was done ,
-he tin gois kept pace with the tongues , and
.ho tying of two quilts for the poor was ac
complished. Those present were : Mcsdames
Fnweott , Wcllcr , Cost , Getticr , Jones , Robin
son , Lemon nnd ethers.
Mrs. Maud Shnw gave a highly entertain-
ng progiessivo high-five narty last Wednes
day evening- her residence , 023 Mynstcr
street , Cujinrll Bluffs. Among the guests
iresentworo the Misses Gertrude and Mlllio
Jrhinnn , Van Dyke , Carpenter nnd Bunco.
and Messrs. Brown. Foster , Williamson ,
Elnndthotn , Reif and Drew.
Last Monday evening Mr. II , Blath gave a
irogrosslvo high-five party In honor of his
jlputcctith birthday. Mr. R. 1C. Nlsbot won
; ho llrst prize , which was u handsome sou
venir , the booby prlzo was won by Mr. Oi 15.
ICInnoy. Refreshments were served and nt n
Into hour the guest * departed after ninny
thanks to the liont and hoMesi. Among- these
invited were H. Blnlh , W. 13 , SlonnV , 11.
Moron , 0. 12. Kltmoy , il. 1C. NisboN C. O.
Westonlal , C. 8. Butler , Halnor , C. Dutton -
ton , G. W. Westcrdal , and Mr. Wtialen.
The members of tlio Social Hour dub were
pleasantly ontortalncd by Mr. and Mrs. ( ! co.
W. Nnllo last Tuesday evening , Progressive
hijth-Uvo was played until n Mo hour when
refreshments wore served. The prizes were
won by Mrs.V. \ . I , . Monroe iinil Mr. J.
Drlscol , the ladles prl/o a hand painted rollu-
'lold pntii'l , and the gentleman's an Ivory pa
per knife.
Mrs. 1) ) . V , Sholcs gave what many con
sider ono of the most delightful ladles' recep
tions of the year nt her now Tai-nani street
reslJenco Wednesday afternoon. She was
assisted by Mn. Goodrich , Mis. Walker and
Mrs , Scott. Tlio punch bowl was presided
over by Miss Lolta Alexander ntul Miss
Mabel Pratt , the coffee being poured by Miss
Nelllo Hall nnd Miss Iniogno Alexander. The
decorations were very cUborato , the nftor-
uoon being one of special delight.
The residence of Mrs. Ratckln , 2HO.T Far-
Dam street , was the nccno of a social gather
ing Tuesday evening , the ibth hint , , the oc
casion being the opening party of iho Mid
night club. The house w.w bei utlftillv decor
ated with flowers nud smllax for the occa
sion , The evening win very pleasantly
spent -with cards , gmiHM , nnd terminated
Engagement Extraord inary
Mrs. Frniuls lloilg'on Ilurnclt' *
llenutiriil Drnmnllc Hjl
Little Lord Patlntleroij
- Presented y the -
PlMCKs for thin Ofpnlnif nro lower
than tlio compnnr over ployed to before nnrt wcru
ron'cnttMHo bjr tlit * luntmicemotit uii nccuutit of Iho
tlio lory Inrco ivatlriKcapiiclly of tlio tlieaton
1IOXSKATS. - - - 11.00 inU 7Bccnt
ALT , OKCIir.STIlA SIIVTS , - - Mcuntl
ALL IIAU'OSV bUATt ) , - - - Mccnts
UAM.KUV , . . . . . . . -Jiit-ntl
'p Opera Ho pg.
America's Artistic CornoJInn , Mr. lltury K.
nnd lil merry company of rl yor . uniltr the direc
tion ut.Mil. 11 AUCLAVll. WAKllUllTON ,
liUdlos' i\rvrt Ohllclrori'p Mtilluoa To-
duu. SaturilMii mill ButuUxu
Farewell Productions of
At the rcniicit of ninny Omiha : admirers ,
Air. Dlxcy hits consented tn glvu liU ruinous
Imitation of Henry Irvlug at each of these
M.itineo prices , 25 cents toJl.OO ; Evciilnc ,
25 cents to 81.50.
with n storopllctnn exhibition which wnt cm <
Joyed Inmicnsiy. Durlnir the evenlii-dainty
refreshments were ROM cd nnd nt midnight
tliofuiests ( tcMrteil ) ulsuliitftho club succosi
in Its future uitdoilaUlngg.
A. MU ai : iM UN T S.
H25 ( and 26.
, I
Second Kdttlon of
motion * Ihllot Spectacle , tlit
CHAIII.KS II. VAII : , Jtimnpor.
With 100 iwopla oiiKKiml. Tliodninil llallot' . Tin
lUxtltclilnir IMiiii'r * . 1\n \ * l < orv\r \ I'rcinlpr * The Won *
dordit fwlnllli" | . The .N'ovelly ot Iho Mcn'on.
Tlilrlr II TO In Ilia till tit. Tlio Mn"lr Puniory ,
The ( JurkTOii * l'o liiino The ChnrmliiH .Mnilcv
TliemoTlint pniiorniiii. llln < C3tofbi > ctlnclci. b l
o t ir.its nru nun open ,
/4 + * + * + * * * | 44
\4 * t4 * * * l * * * 4/ /
Commencing Thursday Matinee.
Mr , GBO , H , Marion
And the Stronscst Company over Engaged
for this comedy.
1 ox Ehiet fa open WcdneaJay.
Commencing Monday Eve. Nov. 24 at 7:30.
For the First time in the United States.
Great Mating of the Most Celebrated Oarsmen
In the Most Novel and Exciting Land Boat Race.
Ono thousand dollars anil two thirds of the gross receipts to bo divided into
three prizes for the first , second .md third racif in the r.ico.
The Champions of America , England and frclcind will Compete.
The names of the men ontcrod are famous throughout the world : Captain
Paul Boyton , William O'ConnorVuUnco \ Rosa , Goer o W. Lso , Fred P'.nlstod ' ,
John Lai-Ran , E. Rogers , John Kennedy , Harry Vail , George Whistler and a host
ot trainers nnd athletes , making the mooting one of the largest nnd most noted
ever hold.
The race w'.ll start Monday evening at 7,30 sharp nnd continue during the
week , every afternoon from 2:30 : to 5UO : and every ovoniiip from 7:30 : to 10:30.
Concert by Seventh Ward Silver Cornet Band.
HDMI881DN - 25c
Corner llth and Farnain Streets : Omaha. Week of Nov. 24th.
The Midget Mother
Sue is a mere mite of humanity , aud yet a wife , and the
mother of the smallest , cutest , most cunning baby tlat
was ever born. With her baby she looks like a child with
her doll. 8ho is the greatest curiosity of tne agf , So is
scarcely 2 foot tall nnd weiglis but 30 pounds , The laby
is the first born in. the Kindom of Lilliput ,
ThB-Gzarof Strength
The most powerful man of all ages. Ho bends heavy iron
bars by a Binglostroke of Lis powerful arm , By the expan
sion of his chest ho rends asunder steel chains , heavy stcol
cables ) wire ropes and banda.The wonder of tlialOthcentnry.
Deaves' Royal Marinettes.
Miiuio actors on a mimio stage , A pleasing , entertaining novelty.
John. LAVINE BROS. Ollie.
The funniest acrobats and knockabout clowns traveling. Fancy and trick tumbling.
DOLAN BROS. , Irish Comedians , '
The FrlinQP Omrtpt-h
ine jcnse uanetcc , PA.YNB.
In their original farce , entitled , "Wash Day , " introducing sales , quartettes , fancy jigs , clogs
and reels.
SLHBKINB , King of the Silver Thread ,
The best wire walker of the day. He accomplishes the hitherto unheard of feat of walking
on a wire on stilts ,
A Grand Comic , Bright Crisp Exhibition.
With tie rarest curiosities and freaks obtainable ,
On Saturday the Children Have the Best Seats Free.
Don't ' fail to see the colossal aggregation of talent , as itis voith ten times the n ] \ | p
price of admission , W U lLi