THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 23 , 1890 SIX.1TEN PAGES. St Exceptionally 'Low Prices in Colored Dress Goods. BHO\ICT.OTI7S 8 , > c. This line of cloths reduced from $1. 85o HOC. HABIT CLOTH. Thirty similes of this cloth , $1.00 $1.00 EJtOAnC'LOTIT. Ilich nnd allk lln- inlied ulolh In tlic lutcst shades , worth 52 , now $ $ $ SBKGK. Fi'onch dorgo with a selec tion of over fifty shades , nt o. i r > f o r > 53 HENRIKTTA.Vo olTcr one case of imported Henrietta in now colors , oplundid finish , nt OfiO fifio fiBo TWEED CLOTH SUITINGS. 60- inch cloth , the 1)eight ) of fashion , sightly and durable , worth $1 , now MOu < IOo OUo HKNRIETTA. The best voluo in the market ; the Idlest bliudcs ; roetilur price $1. 40 inches wldo , silk finish , now 853 Una FLANNEL. All wool , SO inches wide , 12 l-ilo -13 M o SERGE. SHRGIi. SERGE. French serge , 40 inches wide , re duced from 05c to nee r.oo BOO ' HENRIETTA , HENRIETTA. Perfect dye nnd 'finish , worth 75c , at G5o 55o G5o CHEVIOT. CHEVIOT. 40 inches wide , stylish and durable , reduced from $ ] . ) to DUO 000 000 All wool , 60 inches wido. 11 ! J-lo -III l-lo 42 1-So BROADCLOTH. Reduced from $1.2" to 1.00 $1.00 $1.00 BRILLIANTINE. Ono case on sale Monday , regular price 75c , at 55o 55o KelleyStiger&Co. Cor. Farnam and 15th Sts. THE DAY OF THANKSGIVING , How it Originated and How it Has De scended to Our Time. THE GREAT FEAST DAY OF THE COUNTRY. Its Olmcrrnnuo by the Puritans 'JIic lilcas It SuirKCHls nnd the AITectiuiiH nnd Sentiments AVIiich it KiilaiKC8. On next Thursday the United States will celebrate the inspiring , elevating , homo- comforting festival of Thanksgiving. This feast day has suggested the following thoughts , which Hov. Dr. Duryca , pastor o ! the First Congregational church , has succ hilly contributed to Tin : BKE : As early as the middle of the sixtcontl century it was the custom of the civil author Itles In sos'ernl of the countries of Europe , ir view of events which wcro regarded as maul festlng peculiar divine favor to the connnun Hy or the nation , lo appoint days of publli thanksgiving , Inviting und exhorting the pco plo to unite iu the observance of appronriati services at their several places of rcligioui worship. These festivals wcro kept will deep earnestness and fervor by the pcoplo o Holland. The memory of them must havi been fresh in the minds of the compan ; which landed nt Plymouth from the deck o the Mayflower , and accordingly , naturall ; enough , after the gathering of the first harv cst. ( jovernor Bradford made provisions fen n similar observance In the colony. This was in 10'Jl. In the records of sue ) cccdlng years wo find notices of special day * of Thanksgiving sot apart at the call of tin authorities of the town or of the Bay colony Thcio was more than ono in a single year when special events scorned to call for siiecla recognition. The festival was kept at ullTer cut seasons in dfforent years , ca In like manner the Dutch governors of th Now Netherlands appointed occasional day of thanksgiving , after the custom of th fathers at nemo ; nnd later , following the ! example , the English governors of Now Yon Old tliOHJimo. During the entire period o ttio revolution , congress recommended th observance of the day ; and , upon the ratifies tion of the constitution , Washington mod an appointment nt the request of congress This he did again in 17'.r > . And Madison , u the request of congress , Invited the pcopli [ to give thanks for the restoration of peace it 1815. Since then , nt various times , and i several of the states , such days were sc apart , until the period of the civil war , whe President Lincoln proclaimed a nationc thanksgiving for signal victories. Of net cs.slty , this ignored the people of the south crn states , who were , for the moment , n ' gardcd as "out of the union. " Since th war the observance has been annual and ha : Dccoiro national. The early colonists who originated the cui torn in this land , and their dcccndants fc generations who devoutly observed It , wei thoroughly in earliest about it , They wci truly religious men and women. They b < licvcd in Uod , Ills moral government an providence over the affairs of men and m lions. They rccognl/ed His controlling an directing power iu the course and Issue < events. They humbled themselves under II mighty hand , when they worn conscious i their misdeed , und they gava thanks to HI ; gratefully , when they thought they were k Into the uuths ol righteousness , und cxper cnccd , in tnelr security and prosperity , win they Interpreted to bo tokens of His favo protection and help. It cannot bo double that they were moved to the keeping of th festival , and lo their manner of keeping It , I Ihelr regard for the ancient religious writing of the Hebrew pcoplo. which they constant ; ! read from the collection In the bibles , know ns the old testament Accordingly , follow Ir the example of the Israelites , they connect * , with the more solemn services of worshl the rites of domcstlo hospltullt and indulged In peed cheer at gave gifts to the poor , according to the pr ccpt , "Eat Iho fat and drink the sweat , ai : end a portion to him for whom nothing prepared , " The youth doubtless always gui to the cujoyincut of tut Sliger < Co. LACE DEFT. . ' 16-in Motissalinede Sole In black cicam nr.d dcllcala shades. Only $1.15 ; worth $1.75 JC-IN'CII Striped Guazc Draping Net Only 750 , worth $1.25 Chenille Doited Drapcing Xct Only $1.25 , worth § 2 Exqusitc Novelties in Clmntilly Point Gaii/c Fedora l'utteiilarly : miauled for neckwear. Latest Novelties in Veilings Latest Novelties in Ruchings Including Henry IV , I'ompadour , Queen Hev , etc. 11ARGA1NS IN LAM1S' - Handkerchiefs - 100 DOZKN Ladies' U.S. Pine Lawn Hdkf's With Corded Mi. 03 Only S' c , well worth i2jc ioo no/.rN Ladies' Lace Veined lldkfs Scalloped borders nnd f > lines wining Only 6 c , worth 90 , 100 DO/.IN : LA OIKS' Embroidered Lawn lldkfs With vclnliig , cordul HUM. t-te. Only i2l/2c , worth iSc : oo nox.r.N LA OIKS * Embroidered Linen Lawn Hdkf's Scolloped nnd It. S. borders , latest novelties Only 300 , actually worth 450 60 DOZEN 1/A.DIES' HNE Embroidered Linen Lawn lldkfs Very latest novelties. Only 500 , actually worth 750 SPECIAL SALE OF -FANS - FANS Fine Imported hand painted punzo nnd satin funs , Sl.2-5 , $1,50 , $1.83 , $ L'.23 , $2.50 and $2.75 ; worth almost double the price. All Silk Faille Satin Edge Ribbons - Ribbons In nil tliu new delicate shades , at Co , Id : nnd .sLK SA.TTN nnd 0. 0. IJIHUONS In o\ory loneulvnblo blincle. Buy your ribbons for art anil fancy work , wlillo the stock Is complete. J.OH tt prices In the city. _ KelleyStiger&Co. Corner Farnam and 15th Sts. outdoor nnd Indoor sports nnd pas times as were practiced by such a serious pcoplo in sucli austere times. If. on the whole , the Puritans wcro a sober lot , there was a good deal of human nature in them , nnd with their views of the moral au thority of the ancient scriptures , they would not bo at loss to find a sanction for occasional jollity In the convenient text : "There is a time * * * to laugh. " If , therefore , on the whole , the atmosphere of the time was such ns to niovo them to regard tlu > day as nn bolv day , there was something in the temper of the young men and women which nour ished the germ of the moro modern holiday as a time of social fellowship , amusement nnd recreation. The Dutch , from the beginning , were dis posed to connect with the service of Thanks giving the enjoyment of the good gifts of Providence , reasoning well that ono of the best ways of showing gratitude is the appre ciative use of these gifts In moderate yet restful enjoyment of them. Besides , their theology was nc\orso stern , and their relig ious discipline was never so severe , as the belief and regimen of the I'llgrlms and the Puritans. If wo would tuko pains to got a more intimate acquaintance with the latterwo likely find , however , evidence that there was a great deal moro of bonhomie in them than wo commonly suppose. There can bo no doubt that our early rulers wcro thoroughly In earnest In the appoint ment and sincere in the observance of the festival. They wcro men of deep and strong religious convictions. They acknowledged the agency of God in the forces of nature and the life of man. They wcro profoundly ro- spectiul to his moral authority and revealed will. Thov desired to keep themselves In ac cord with lllm , that Ho might work with them , to the furtherance of alt good nnd righteous cuds , and so in the defense and piomotlon of the welfare of the pcoplo and nation. They called the pcoplo to the service of solemn public thanksgiving because they thought , that thanks were duo to God for His succor and help , and ought to bo given to Him from the heart by the united voice of all the people. TUo fathers of this nation wore intelligent , wlso and able statesmen. Of this wo are moro and more confident as their work is proved by , the test cf a protracted experience and under new and complex conditions of human society which , it would seem , they 10 could hardly liavo anticipated. They struck I'S down deep and reached the fundamental prin 10 ciples on which It was safe to build for all Irk tlmo and all conditions. They wcro students Irof of human nature , nnd of the records of long of ages of effort to construct forms of social life 10 nnd by them to Insure the greatest degree of i- good and enjoyment to mankind. It is not loS. unlikely , therefore , that they perceived in the S. annual festival with Its accompanying play lit of domestic , neighborly , and patriotic ntfee- 0 tlons , sentiments , and sympathies , a powerful 0n means of strengthening nnd perpetuating the In national bond , without which civil institu otMl tions arc powerless for security , prosperity Ml and happiness. If so. they were very wise. Mlal Jf not , they "bullded better than they know. " The nnturo of man Is of such make nnd ll- mould that ho cannot live , satisfy his needs 'C- and cravings , perfect himself , and attain his lie happiness * avu in association and cooperation IS tion with his fellow men. He is a mcro fragment without real meaning nnd without is- complete functions , unless ho is jointed as a or member into n social body. He is dependent ro upon co-operation with his fellows for there ro growth , development , complain use , and per- 10feet enjoyment of nil the powers of his being nd without exception. From this it follows that iamen must ho drawn and hclu together , they nd must bo united in sympathy , In a common of aim , and in reciprocal services , nnd their en- Us tire sphere of action must bo so arranged of that every activity shall not only udvancotha lin immediate good of tint Individual acting , but ed shall aNo i overt dhcctly or indirectly to the rl- common benefit. iat The problem of all the races which have r. entered upon the gi-ound of history has boon cd to work out the best form of society possible ils for the time. And as soon as progress has by bcoii tnauo , the Improvement of the members gs of the society has developed new needs , ami ly the task has been taken up again with now vu energy nnd skill. And through all the gencr- ng aliens of endeavor , it has been known anil cd felt that thu llrst essential of the social oract ip , is n vital bond uniting each to each , and iy. or ch to all. Thcro has always l er nil such a tie or several such tics rofrom the state ot lowest savagery up to the ml highest grade of barbarism Just on thu vcrgi is of civilization , men have been hold togcthei vo by living bauds. The first , chief , suprerm tics have bccu kinship ana religion. Mei Table Linen. REAWAiVTS. REMNANTS. Wo hnvo n. bin lot of short lengths of tnblo linens , nil different qualities turn rnnjrini.'in length from 1 } to 1 yards. Wo offer them Monday at leas than manufacturer's cost. This is a uhnnco to buy table linens cheap. All short lengths of crash at less than cost price. In addition to this remnant sale \vo will olTcr 1200 dozen extra line damask towels , knotted fringe , als > o hem stitched , at 'Jou , regular price Uoo and lOc. lOc.Bed Comforts. Eiderdown comforts , full size , SO $8 , nnd $10. Special Lenders Sateen comforts at $1.60 , & 2 , $2.50 and 3.36 ; in now de signs. $4.98 $ a Pair , Wo have just opened and will * pl'lc ' ° on sale Monday the Hnest line of 10 and 11-1 white , scarlet , natural gray and steel gray all wool blankets that can bo found in the city. Wo have marked them for this sale $4.98 ; many of them are worth $7 , SKIRTS. SKIRTS. Wo show a complete line of Indies' and children's line knitted skirts , also ladies' ' sateen , mohair and satin quilted skirts nt popular prices ; also flannel pattern skirtsut 81.35 , SI.50 , $1.05 and $1.75. Suspenders , 50c. We place on sale Monday 60 doz men's black and fancy silk ilnishcdsuspondcrs , kid ends , well worth $1 , Monday 60c a pair. Ladies' Ribbed Vests , $ i. Ono case ladies' nnturnl wool Swiss ribbed vests , medium weight , $1 ; this vest would be good value at $1.50. Metis Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers , $ i. Ono case men's heavy natural shirts and drawers , a great bargain at $1 each , regular $1.50 quality. KelleyStiger&Co. Cor. Farnam and 15th Sts. were grouped In the family , the clan or gens , the phmtry or brothcrhcod. and the tribe , bv the bond of blood , the sentiment of race and stock , by common lineage and language. Those who wore of kin looked upon one as the children of one great family , nnd as they thought respecting one another , they felt. And from their af fections sprang their sympathies , nnd they pledged themselves tacitly and often form ally to keep truth , fidelity , and honor one with another. They were bonded to defend and help one another in all the interests dear to each and to all. No one who has not studied long nnd patiently the results of the marvellous labors of ethnologists and anti quarians can possibly estimate and in any proper degree appreciate the universality and energy of the uniting bond of kinship among men of all races , lands and ages , from the llrst to the last generations. Equal if not superior uas been the energy of the bond of common religious faith and its peculiar sentiments to hold men together in as sociation for thocommon defense and the com mon good. How true this is , nil these know , who remember that religion was nt llrst the worship of ancestors. The sentiment of kinship and the sentiment of piety was ono and the same. The religious bond and the race bond were identical. The common hearth was the altar , the head of the clan or family was the priest , the common meal was a religious rite , the common burial place "was a religious sanctuary. When the clans united in the phratry there was setup a common hearth , and community was made manifest by a com mon tneal. Ho who was taken in by adoption , was Initiated by partaking of the food from the common Uenrth. And this was the altar of united worship. Tlfli same was true of the tribe and of thoilcnguo of tribes. These all had a common speech nnd common religious rites. The religious faith gave sanction to the pledge of truth , fidelity nnd honor. For the favor of the ancestral spirits lingering about the hearths would bo kept or lost according to the loyalty or disloyalty of the kinsman to the bond of blood nnd tbo covenant of faith fulness. And when a propoundcrof faith In spired piety with n loftier range , and the gods , and finally the supreme Uocl , became the end and aim of homage and service , a no bler and moro powerful sentiment gave vigor and constancy to the tics of kindreu , of fatherland ana mother-tongue. All these ideas and their accompanying af fections and sentiments were enlarged , ele vated , purllled and glorified when Christian ity began to teach men of the fatherhood of the one only living nnd true God to all his off spring , to the men of ox-cry ruco and landand the universal brotherhooh of man with man. But it was then , and remains now , impossi ble , to remit the use of tbo ideas and senti ments In their narrower range and lower level. The Christian spirit must pervade the family and make it perfect , pass Into the com munity nnd make it a true brotherhood , suf- fuso.tho nation and make it a real confrater nity and then at last knit race to rare , pcoplo to iieoplo. until the limil achievement is reached , lltho parliament of mankind , the federation of the world. " Our fathers were mindful of these certain facts wiillo they worn at work in the found ing of a government and the making of a nation. They had respect to the moral law in their legislation , und they dssired the pee- plo to bo religious , nnd wished to use the re ligious sentiments to complete the bonds of fellowship in the community they wcro form ing. They wcro anxious that the solemn sanctions of religion should glvo force and consistency to the covenant of loyalty. They were solicitous that the spirit of true piety should Infuse fervor and tenderness n to the neighborly and national sym pathies of the people. And because of this nil them moro they deter mined to allow and protect liberty of relig ious conviction and practice , to the end that religion might be spontaneous and gmiuUo. AVe , their sons und daughters , and those who have come to us from other lands'nnd ' entered Into fellowship with us by adoption , will do well to attain their wisdom , imbibe their spirit , nud follow their example. We must tuko euro that wo shall bo knit together in true , strong and lasting bonds , and that these may bo invigorated by the interplay ol the noblest and most sacred affections und sentiments , that wo may Ifvo together in unity , accord and sympathy , respecting one another's rights , laboring for one another's gooJ and happiness , and together striving and sacrificing for the commonwealth , thai it may grow aud develop in might and glorv , the harbor of the pilgrim , the shelter of tin oppressed of every land , aud the house-roc ! Slip Co , SWCo. SECOND FLOOR-TAKE ELEVATOR. "We will offer this week special bargains in our Cloak Department-hundreds of different ; styles to select from. "We can't afford space to mention all the bar gains. We will only describe a few of the many yon will find here this week. Misses' and Children's CLOAKS In nil the Intcst styles for School and Dross Cloaks. 4 years , in Stripes , Plain , Plaids , and Figured Cloths , from $1,95 up. 6 years , in Plaids' , Stripes , and Plain Cloths , from $2.25 up. 8 years , in Plain , Stripes and Plaids , from $2.95up. $ . 10 years , in Stripes , Plaids , Figured Cloths , and Plain , from $4.75 up. 12 , 14 , 10 and 18 years , in Stripes , Plaids , Plain Blanket Cloths nnd llcr- urcd materials , nt dompnriUlvoly low prices. JACKETS. A lot of vest front English Cheviot Jackets , bound with mohair braid , worth $13.00 ; to-morrow $10.00. A lot of fine Beaver Jackets , with ap plique work on collar and sleeves , worth $15.00 ; to-morrow $11.00. A lot of Plush Jackets , satin lined and 24 inches longworth$15 , $ ; to-morrow $10. A lot of Walkers Plush Jackets , 28 inches long , satin lined and seal loop' ' fastenings , worth $25 ; to-morrow $19.50. ) One Hundred and Fifty NEWMARKETS , in all the different styles and cloths , UoavorsCho vlotScotch I 'laids , Stripes , Herlin Twills , etc. ; worth 83 , $10 , $1 nnd $10. To-morrow's prices : Commencing to-morrnw wo will sell iifly of those handsome PLUSH SACOUES quilted satin lining , seal fastenings nnd 4'2 inches long , worth $25. To-morrow Our exclusive styles in Novelty Reefer Jackets , faced 'with astrachan , mink , wool seal , cape seal and silk , at $19,00 , $22.00 , $25.00 and $28.00 ; very choice * and controlled exclusively by us. . Kelley.Stiger&Co. KelleyStiger&Co. KelleyStiger&Co. I KelleyStiger &Co- Corner Farnam and 15th Sts. Corner Farnam and 15th Sts. Corner Farnam and 15th Sts. Corner Farnam and 15th Sts. f a contented , peaceful , loving , Jovful pee ple. And "may the Lord our God bo with us as Ho was with our fathers. " Condition of the V. M. C. A. The Young Men's Christian association of .his city In 18S5 purchased their lot , corner of Sixteenth and Dougjas , for $ ' 23,000 , and on it , n 18S7 completed the erection of their bcau- .Iful and commodious building costing nearly $100,000. The property is now valued nt fully $200,000 , subject to a mortgage of $75- 000 at 0 per cent Interest. The rental from the ground floor pays the interest and other fixed charges of the building and leaves a margin of about $2,500 per yetr to bo applied to the reduction of the debt on the property. There Is an indebtedness of about ? 5.000 on Iho account of the building , not provided 1'or by the mortgage , and to the payment of this the building in come referred to will bo used for the next two years , beginning January 1 , 1891. The annual current expenses of the association are inside of $10,000 , about one-half of which is met by the membership dues , in harmony with the universal plan of these associations In placing their membership fees nt n rate within the reach of the young men who need the benefits of tbo association , and would otherwise be unable to pay for them. The membership fee entitling to full privileges , including gymnasium , with the services of trained instructors , bath rooms , etc , is placed at ? 10 per year ; nnd for limited priv ileges , nt $5. If the * associations were on the basis of a club , where the members arc supposed to pay all the expenses , the cost to each member , for the privileges furnished by the association , would bo fully $ J5 per year. This annual need of botwccn $ o 000 and $0,000 for the support of the association work has not been generally understood by the community as It Is In other cities , nnd thodlrcctors themselves havp made the mistake of expecting that the income- from memberships would pay a larger part of the current expenses of the association than has been proved by experi ence. Consequently at the end of the last fiscal year , May 1 , 1890 , there was a debt on the current expense account of $2,405.40 , ( two thousand four hundred and sixty-flvo dollars nnd forty-six cents. ) The following statement , approved by the board of directors , is submitted to the community : 1IUDOET OP CCIIIIEST EXPENSES Kor the year ending May 1 , li > 91. Acting guncrnl secretary $1,200 00 Assistant general scorolury COO DO Uymnaslum Instructor I , MO CO Membership secretory Ci2 so Janitor GIIO UO Hey , . 110 M Klrcmnn : . , 1100 ( K ) Fuel 7711 77 Light ; 700:10 : Water „ * feu M Headlnp room 117 flO Hath rooms 5IU : n Evening classes , . . , ; L' > 00 Hoecptlon committee i 313 19 Kymmislum il lu'l f-8 Stutu eommlttoo 300 OJ International cominlttt'Oii M CO Printing , , r 08.1 ui Stationery and postage v ; 1M.1 71 Incidentals V , 5XI ( ; Total s.V.i (9.8JU C5 CONDENSED FtWASCJXl * RTATKMENT. J Current expenses to May 1.1S31 J9.841 Rl To be raised by memberships , . , , < ,1 < V > 00 Amount to bo raised by'6nbs rptIons.sG78 ! : 15 Amount secured todiue , { ut ; : 00 - . i Itahmco to bo raised .v. M.COO CS l''or current expenses lust year t.ur > 41 Total amount to bo raised 17,103 , 11 International Secretary Ober ot Now York City , nnd Mr. Nash , Ino state secretary of the Nebraska associations , who are In the city , will assist the directors of the associa tion In bringing the r.ceds of this Important nnd most deserving enterprise to the attention of these who may give it ttielr support. The canvass will ho commenced Immediately and will bo continued until the last dollar needed has been subscribed , These who intend to contribute may help this present effort by Rending in their subscriptions of f.rjOO , $250 , $100 or smaller amounts without waiting for the eommlttoo to call. Subscriptions may bo sent to William Fleming , president of thu association. Olinruh Notox. llov. W. 1C. Beans of the Trinity Methodist church. In Kountzo place , has a very promts ing revival in progress , The address by L. O. Jones at the Y. M. 0. A. last Sunday afternoon drew a largo aucl- once of young men nnd proved to bo very in teresting nnd beneficial to those who heard It. On Sunday , NovemberTO , there will be a meeting , for ladles only , nt the Y. M. C. A. building. Mrs. .1. A. Dutnnictt , wife of the secretary at Lincoln , will address the meet ing on the subject of establishing n Young Woman's Christian association in Omaha. There is quite a number of prosperous asso ciations in the state , and an effort will bo made to organize one in Omaha This would bo the snmo kind of an organization for young women that the Young Men's Chris tian association Is for young men. The regular Sunday afternoon address at the Young Men's Christian association will bo given todav by Kev Jacob A. Clutz , D.D. , president of Midland college , Atchlson , Kan. , who is in the city assisting In thu installation services of Hov. A. J. Turkic , pastor of Kountze Memorial church. The football team 'of the Young Men's Christian association and the state university team nt Lincoln will meet and decide by he roic contest which has the bettor kickers on Thanksgiving day In this city. Mr. C. K. Obor , secretary of the interna tional committee , nnd Secretary Nash will begin this week the work of raising the debt of the Young Men's ' Christian association. The first concert of the stur course of enter tainment glvnn by the Young Men's ' Chris tian association took place last Thursday night and drew a very largo attendance. It was given by the T. K. quartette , assisted by Miss Wcsterman , pianist , und Prof , nud Mrs. Hrott. Br. Dexter , editor of the Boston Congre- gationallst , nnd considered to bo the leading light of the Congregational churrh in all matters of church government , missionary work , etc. , died last week of apoplexy. The Congregational ministers of Omaha were very much grieved by the sad news. Dr. Dunning , who formcily had charge of the Crete Ohautauqua , hut who has recently been assisting Ur. Dexter in the editorial management of the Congrcgationallst , will now become edltor-ln-chiuf of the most Influ ential publication in the Congregational church. The Methodists of Omaha scorn to bo quite strongly in favob of admitting women-ns del egates to the general conference. In the First Methodist Kplscopnl church the vote stood ! W for and 18 against. In the Hanscom Park church the result was 2S for and 1(1 ( against , and In the Newman church the vote was 13 for and % against. Kov. 11. II. Morse of Rockford , In. , has been called to the pastorate of the Hillside. Congregational church , Ho is spoken of as a very nblo end eloquent pastor. The State University foot ball team nnd the Y. M. C. A. team will play a game of foot ball at 11 p. in. Thanksgiving Day , at the base ball park , North Twentieth street. The game will bo played according to the Inter Colln- ijlato association rules. This Is the first tlmo n college foot bull team has visited our city and nn excellent game may bo expected. The Y. M C. A. team has several ox-college foot ball players In Its ranks nnd all have been doing good training in the gymnasium. Tickets may bo secured at the ofilco of the Y. M. C. A. Admission 23c. The first society of Progressive SpiritualIsts - Ists will meet over Sunday afternoon att ! p. m , , n't the Knights of P.Unlas hall , corner Twcnty-Hfth avenue und C'umlngs street , Collins block. All the churches in the southwest part of city will join in a Thanksgiving service in the Southwest Presbyterian church , cornci Twenty-eighth nnd Mason streets. Kev. G. M. Brown of Hanscom Park church , will pi each the sermon. Fremont is to have a Chautauqua assembly next summer. Tno Christian 1'nrk nnd As sembly association , which owns fine gounds at Fremont , has decided to open a Clmutnu- . Hon. Jacob Fawcett of Omaha. Is presl- aua. , and Kov. George M. Urovvn of this city , is chancellor. Mr. Henry M. Stanley says of Moham medanism in Africa : " 1 should say thai Mohammedanism Is decreasing very fast. I do not think there Is any possibility of Mo hammedanism over raising its head again in cast central Africa , und , as for the west ol Africa well , I knowcnouuh of what is trsns plrlng there , only I cannot tell it in public llut I can toil you sufficiently this : I wil guarantee there will not bo n Mohammedan south of the equator in the whole of centra Africa within 11 voyeurs from now. That is something gained surely if wo can drive them north of tbo equator. " Albright's Choice , suburban homes. THEY SHALL RECEIVE MERCY , treatment to bo Accorded PaMents in the New St. Joseph Hospital , EATURES OF THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE. low It Was I'Jstubllslicd null How It Came Into the Hnitils of tliu Present Bclf-SncrlHcinK SlHtera. This nftcrnoon at 3 o'clock the comer stone ) f the new St. Joseph hospital on South 'enth nnd Castcllnr streets will bo laid. The ofllcintlng prelate , Bishop Scaimel of Concordia , Kan. , arrived iu this city ycstcr- lay and will conduct the ceremonies pre- rilcd In the rltualof the Cuthollo church. The societies of that denomination und a nrgo number of other citizens will glvo testi mony of their appreciation of the proposed itructuro by their presence. On the completion of this now edifice , the old St. Joseph hospital , which has done ser vice for the last twenty years , will be aban doned. The present hospital was erected In 1870 by , ho Sisters of Mercy and remained in their charge until the year 18SO , when it passed nto the hands of the present Sisters of tno Third order of St. Francis. These good women have labored faithfully and industriously and under their manage ment the demands upon the hospital so in creased ns to necessitate the enlargement of ; ho building. In 18S2 a now wing was added to the structure. Its present c.ipaclty en ables the Sisters to accommodate and treat over seven hundred patients annually. These sisters of St. Fiancls emigrated from Germany during the religious persecu tion by lllsmarok in Ib7. > , and , since their ad vent to this country , have worked wonders In the world of charity. Their community in this country numbers 250 members. Thov conduct twenty-two hospitals , four of which are located in this state. Their patience and good works hnvo been watched with interest by the pcoplo of Omaha. To the late laircnted Mrs. John A. Crolghton is due the credit of proposing the founding of n more spacious building for these religious tollers. This lady bequeathed f.)0,000 for the pro posed building , and undoubtedly many of the afillctcd In the years to come will kindly re member her generosity. This now edifice will bo a fitting monument to the memory of her whoso deeds of charity while in llfo endeared her especially to the poor , who never asked in vain for'aislstanco in'tho hour of need. The proposed structure will bo built of Lake Superior brown stone , Uawllns gray stone and Omaha pressed brick. The founda tion has already been laid nnd the timbers have been put In plnco for the llrst Moor. The building is to boVii feet lonir with a depth of 100 lect. It will bo four stories und n base ment In height' and of Homnncsquo style of architecture. The hospital will consist of n main structure fronting on Tenth street with wings running east at each extremity and at right angles to the structure. In the basement , there will bo the room of the community , the sisters' dining room , guests' dining room , convalescents' room nnd the vault for records. There will also bo a room In which Indigent pcoplo may bo sup plied with food and where tramps may also bo kept from suffering the pangs of hunger. In the south wing will bo the several store rooms and kitchen , while In the north wing will bo located the bakery , linen , wash and other rooms. The stories above the basement will bo di vided into wards and private rooms. The wards will ho twelve In number , each 16x51 feet in dimensions. The lloors will bo con nected by elevators , a novelty In hospitals In tins part of the country. The main corridor * are eight feet in width , nnd from these the several rooms and wards optm. The latter will bo lighted by windows which open upon the street or court , thus insuring to thu pa tlent not only light , hut what Is not less vat uable , a supply of gocd fresh air. The exterior of the structure will bo corn- larativcly simple In design , in keeping with ho solemn nnd benevolent purposes to which ho building is to bo applied. And yet hero is something in it which is particularly attractive. The most ornate work appears iround the mala entrance , where the tracery n limestone is very pretty. On the arch will nnpcar the words "St. Joseph's , " nnd homo- [ lately above on the pediment the words 'Crelghton Memorial. " A nlcho has been lesigned for the facade immediately above he pediment , which Is Intended for a marble itntuo of the patron sulr.t of the hospital. The site upon which the hospital stands comprises ten lots , nnd was donated to the isters by Mr John A. Creighton , who , for imny years , has been the mostdevoted friend ) f the hospital. The building will cost $143 , . (10. ( Some of this money will bo donated by klr. Crulghton and some by other liberal cltl- ens , nnd these donations with the bequcstof Ors , Crulghton and the collections of the sls- ers will place the structure out of dobt. The mllding will bo completed on January 1 next. t was designed by Mr. Henry Voss nnd will ank among the finest structures of the kind n the country. The societies Intending to take part in the irocession this afternoon will meet nt the orncr of Fifteenth nnd Castcllar at 2 o'clock , vhenco they will proceed to the slto. After ho ceremony of laying the stone Hov. T. S. Fitzgerald , S. J. , of Creightoii college will deliver nn address. Spurgcon refuses to have any thin p moro to do with the Baptist Union. Arch deacon Fnrrnr has accepted the chop- aincy of the house of commons. The Oregon Baptists propose to establish a denominational collcgo at PoHland. The Congregational conference of Clove- and has decided that women may preach. U'ho Society of Pilgrim church , Lawrence , ICnn. , has been rcorgnnlzedvith , | n member ship of twenty-seven. Dr. Phillips Brooks celebrated the twenty- Irst anniversary of I. is pastorate over Trinity Uiurch , Boston , November S. The Catholic world Is already preparing to celebrate the Episcopal jubilee of tbo pope , which falls on February 10 , 18U3. According to the recent census of Swltzor- nnd , the icpubllo contains 1TUOOJ'J I'rotcs- .nuts , 1,200,000 Catholics , 8)00 , ! ) Jews , and 10- , 700 adherents of no religion. Chaplain McCnbo , the well known clergy man , is authority for the statement that the Methodist church is now building four churches every day ono every six hours. The Chinese government has recently in demnified the Presbyterian board to the ex- tout of $1,000 for property destroyed by a mob In 18S5 In the province of JCwoijtr Sal. Chlnn. Three Chinamen wcro baptized the other night in the Emmanuel Baptist church. Al bany , N. Y. . by the Kov. Henry M. King. Tliu is the first instunco 6f the ndmlHslon of Chinamen to a Christian churcli in that city.Tho The religious statistics of the British or my which have just been Issued , are inter esting. They show that out of a total of lli,47i ) : : non-commissioned officers and men , 117,07JJ ! , or 077 per thousand , belong to the churcli , The Deaconesses1 Homo , to bo established in memory of Mrs. Lucy Hayes , the Lite wlfo of .ox-President Hayes , will no located In Washington. The object of tbo institution will to to train and educate deaconesses la the Methodist church , Moro societies were recorded In the week ending October ! > 0 than in any similar period in the history of the movement , 1 10 In all , twenty of them In I ( cniiHyivanla , seventeen In Illinois , twelve in Now York , cloven In Maine and the rest scattered through varlou * states. A grand rally of Congregational forces for Nebraska nnd the Hluck Hills will bo hold at Chadron , Neb. , December iiJ. J. ThoClmdron academy will bo dedicated , Pastor K. L. Fur- goon will ho installed over the Cluulron church and these services will bo followed by a joint meeting of the liluck Hills and Northwestern - western associations. About two years ago the Sierra Buttes mining company bought the Uncle Sam mine ) In Hhustu county , California , and Htoppid alt work In the mines on Sunday , A Minday school was soon started In the Inardlni ; house , which led to a regular preaching ser vice , and a small Methodist church haa uovr been erected and dedicated. Albdyht'o Choice , manufactory Bltc