Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1890, Part Two, Page 16, Image 16

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"our Hundred Thousand Dollar Inventory Sale ! A
'An Unexpected Move. The Mild Weather Had a Depressing Effect on Business. Heavily
Overstocked. Prices Greatly Reduced in Order to Move the Goods.
The greatest cut price sale that ever took place in this or any other city , will begin tomorrow , Monday morning , Nov. 24th , at the People's Mammoth Installment
House , Goods will be offered to the public at almost absurd prices , but the goods must be sold without regard to what the loss may be. No further comment is ne
cessary , but a personal call will suffice to convince any one that goods arc being sold for less money .than they were ever sold before in Omaha.
Woven Wire Springs $1.2O. Cotton Top Mattresses , $2.1O
I7or this Dandy Heater ; worth
' $7750. This week only ,
For this Grand
Wardrobe , polished
antique finish ,
Worth $20.
This week only ,
For a single Lounge worth $8.50.
Polished oik ; and walnut.
For this Bed Lounge , worth $13.00 ,
This week only.
1 FlfflllE FOR I
Parlor Suits Regular price $ 4O.OO ; This week only $19.23
Parlor-Suits Regular price 6O.OO ; This week only 32.8O
Parlor Suits Regular price IGO.OOj This week only 6O.OO
Plush Divans Regular price 16.OO ; This week only 8.0O
Pluah Rockers Regular price 16.OO ; This week only 8.0O
Plush Rockers Reg'ular price 3O.OO ; This week only 1O.OO
For this 1 lard Coal Heaterjworth
double. This week only.
For a handsome
It is a beauty ,
For tliis
In walnut or oali.
For this
In polished oak or mahogany ,
Stoves For a 8ono
Keating Stoves. .Regular price $7.50 ; This week only $3,50
Heating Stoves .Regular price 10.00 ; This week only 4.90
Hard Coal Heaters Regular price 18. oo ; This week only 8.75
Oak Heaters. . . .Regular price 16.00 ; This week only 8.2O
Cook Stoves . . . .Regular price 13.00 ; This week only 7.10
Ranges Regular price 37.50 ; This week only 22.0O
Holiday Presents
To start trade on holiday prc'cnts wo liavo
llio finest Hue of goods In Omaha to select
ftoin. Wo will reserve any present. All Roods
Ixmght ( or holiday presents vlll bo dollcrei\
December 24. Extr.i learns engaged In antici
pation of a largo holiday trade. *
Rockers Regulqr price $ 2.5O ; This week only $1.83
Rockers Regularprice 6.OO ; This week only 3.BO
Decorated Lamps Regularprice 10.OO ; This week only B.OO
CenterTables Regular price 6.OO ; This week only 3.0O
Extension Tables Regularprice 7.BO ; This week only 3.9O
Breakfast Tables Regular price 4.OO ; This week only 1.85
Free This Week
Curtain poles free with all Inco curtains. I'lpo
8 extra joints free with all Btovcs. ' Carpets
made and laid free this week. Car tickets fur
nished tlioso living at a distance free this
week. A set ot silver tea spoons with , each
purchase of J10 or over this week.
Our Easy Terms
f 15 worth of goods II a week or W a month.
J.10 worth of goods $ l.50n week or $0 a month.
fCO worth of goods f2 a week or $8 a month.
(00 worth of goods t'l.M a week orJIO a month.
} 120 worth of goods $ . ' ! n week or * 12 a month.
$200 woi tli of goods J5 a week or $20 a month.
Blankets ( .Regular price $ 2.60 ; This week only $ .90
Pillows Regular price I.OO ; This week only .30
Comforts Regular price 3.OO ; This week only l.BO
Lace Curtains Regular price ii.80 ; This week only .90
Book Cases Regular price 1O.OO ; This week only S.OO
Bureaus Regular price 18.OO ; This week only 9.BO
Ladies' Desks Regular price 1O.OO ; This week only B.OO
Ms For , a D PiMiIre For a 801
Ingrain Carpet . . Regular price 35c ; This week only 13c Chamber Suits. .Regular Pricci7.00 ; This week only $ 8.25
Hemp Carpet , . . Regular price 400 ; This week only I6c Bedsteads Regular price 3.50 ; This week only 1.15
Stair Carpet . . . . Regular price 400 ; This week only 15c Springs , . - Regular price 3.50 ; This week only 1.20
Brussels Carpet , Regular price gi.oo ; This week only 43c Mattresses Regular price 3.50 ; This week only I.T5
Window Shades . Regular price i.oo ; This week only 23c FoldingBeds . . . .Regular price 17.50 ; This week only 7.T5
Portieres . Regular price 10.00 ; This week only $ 4.T5 Upright Folding lleds Regularprice 60.00 ; This week only 35.OO
Write For Our
328 page Illustrated catalogue. Issued at
nu enormous expense , bo Unit those residing
at a distance can tlicmsohcs of our
low prices.
Mammntli TMfallmmit WmiQA Largest Furniture , Carpet and Stove House in the World.
IdllUllOLll lllbldlllMU flUUbtJ , 613,615,617 and 619 North 16th St , Between California and Webster Sts.
) f ) f- Open Evenings Until 9 o'clock. Make no'mistake. Look for the White Front , Located. Directly Opposite H'otel Esmond. Jf c
Borne Suggestions \7hiou tire Appropriate
for Thanksgiving.
FifHtYon Get Your Tirrt ami Hero
Are Directions for Cooklne it-
Homo TliniikHKlvliifj Me
nus The Dcbscrt.
So few persons have the privilege of a
perfect Thanksgiving dinner , for the
lm pie reason that the majority of in
dividuals live at a distance from the
abundant markets of our lurgor cities
writes Mrs. S. Y. and Miss'Anna Rorer ,
In the Ladles' Homo Journal. I3ut for
nil this , the succobs of a dinner depends
greatly upon the tact and talent of the
housewife. If she has the power to hold
the appetite of her guests until the end
of n thoroughly good dinner , and can
assure them getting up from her table
In u comfortable state of body and mind ,
she is indeed nn artist , and would prob
ably have the power to servo a lovely
dinner , oven in the midst of a forest.
Do not attempt a grand dinner , but
liavo a satisfactory ono. Begin your
dinner , if it is convenient , with throe
oysters to each guest. This may scorn
a small allowance , but it Is preferable
lo the conventional six. Have the
plates filled with cracked ice and nicely
garnished with water crest , the oysters
in tholr deep shells , neatly disposed of
in the ice. Lot your tnblo bo well laid
with the best china- you posses , and a
Spotlessly whlto table cloth. Allow no
ilngylooking goblet or dull silver to do-
stroy the whiteness of the linen or the
brightness of the table. Carl Benson
tells us , ever and ever again ho has had
generous feasts transformed into bar
baric meals by hick of clean plates , clean
forks and clean glasses.
On Thanksgiving day every American
family makes an effort to dine on tur
key. The turkey , being a gift for which
all Americans should bo thankful , seems
especially appropriate lisa Thanksgiving
offering. If you are a town dweller you
must secure your bird from a poulterer ;
and lot mo whisper to you not to rely
too implicitly on his judgment. Tastes
dlllor , and upon this occasion you wish
to suit your own. Some persons prefer
a gobbler to a hen turkey , but I will
advibo you n hen. The moat is whiter ,
sweeter and more tender. The bill and
toes should- soft , and the ilosh have a
bluish-White east , twelve pounds being nn
exceedingly good weight. The fortunate
country dweller has his own turkeys , or
should have at least , and can mold them
at will. The feed can bo so managed
that the meat will bo white , tender and
of a dollcato flavor , or the flavor may bo
greatly heightened by a change of diet.
Chopped turnips , cabbage and parsley ,
varied with corn meal , boiled rice and
chopped celery tops Impart a peculiar
gamoy flavor , which to many persons is
very uosirablo. This food may bo given
three or four days before killing.
Select a largo , fat , tender turkey , and
have It nicely dressed , drawn , washed ,
wiped dry and well singed. Rub it allover
ever insldo and outside with popper and
salt. Make a stulllng of the following
ingredients : Ono pound of light bread
crumbs , half a pound of butter , n , heap
ing tablespoonful of finely minced onion ,
salt and popper , ono raw egg and enough
water to inlx rnthor soft. StulT the
breast first , and sow it up , then stuff the
body. Rub'tho turkey all ever with
molted butter , and dredge well with
sifted Hour. Lay It in the pan on its
breastand pour In a quart of cold water.
IIuvo the oven well heated but not too
hot , as the turkey must cook slowly to
bo done. Allow a quarter of an hour to
encli pound. Hnvobomo butter In a plate
with u lardlug mop. Frout time to tlmo
baste the turkey with the gravy in the
pan , rub ever with the larding mop and
and dredge again with Hour. As it
browns turn from side to sldoand last of
all brown the breast. Frequent basting ,
dredging and turning will insure uerfoct
cooking. When done it should bo a
rich , dark brown all over , and when a
fork is stuck deep Into it no red juice
should run. Remove it to a hot dish
and , if the erravy is not qulto thick
enough , add a tcaspoonful of flour
creamed smooth with some of the grease
skimmed from the gravy. If while
cooking the gravy in the pan boils away
too much , more water should bo added ,
when the turkey is done there'should
bo about a pint of gnwy ,
The following menus are simple , and
composed of dishes easily procured , by
all people :
Oysters on the Half-shell.
Clear Tomato Soup.
Salted Almonds. Olives. Ccjery.
Tlinbnlo of Salmon. Sauce llollandalso.
Potato Balls with Parsley Sauce.
Turkey. . Cranberry Sauce.
Boiled Uice. Pens. Sweet Potato Croquettes.
Sweetbread Salad ,
Choose fingers.
Pumpkin Pie. Mluco PIo. Crauberry Tart.
Nuts. Ualsliia. Fruit.
"Whore game can bo produced itmakes
n nice coun > o to follow the turkey , es
pecially If they are separated by n
sherbet or punch. If the giuno bo wood-
coeksorvo , with it macaroni ; if it chance
to bo dueksour-grapo jollynnd a potato
croquette are agreeable necompanj-
mo n't s.
The following is also n most excellent
menu which will insure a perfect dinner :
Koast Turkey Boiled Ham
Chicken Plo Hoast Beef
Cabbage Pudding Stewed Salsify
Macaroni Hlco
Creamed Potatoes Sliced Sweet Potatoes
Cranberries Stowed
Celery Pickles Wuluut Catsup
W Into Bread Brown Ih ead
Raisin Cake , Iced Mluce I'io Apylo Pie
Pumpkin PIe Squash Pudding
Orange Jelly
Oranges Bananas Raisins Nuts
Olives Salted Almonds
Co ( Tee.
The dessert of a Thanksgiving dinner
which , if * properly managed , can bo
made the most attractive feature of the
dinner , should bo arranged with skill
and good tasto. Arrange the various
fruits on high glass dishes , decorate
them with nn abundance of lovely fresh
leaves , and have them placed on the
table from the commencement of the
meal. These , , with the addition of
plenty of carulully selected flowers
placed in small yases and mixed freely
with some delicate ferns , will impart a
most dainty nn'd artistic appearance to
the whole.
A Win no mo Missouri Girl.
Ella Ewincr , a-.timid country girl from
Scotland county , Missouri , poked hot
head through the transom of her room
at the Commoroial hotel the other night
and called to the porter to put more coal
on her fire , sn.ys the Chicago Times.
Miss Ewing wasn't ' standingon a table era
a chair when she did this , but on the
lloor. She is weight foot high in her
stocking feet and weighs 234 poundsand
is not yet dono- growing or fully devel
oped. Her fath'or can walk , with a plug
hat on , under her outbtrotohcd armsand
her mother can hldo beneath the gen
erous folds of her skirts. The girl was
brought up to agriculture and is a model
farm hand. Two years ago , Mr. Ewinp
says , she raked thirty acres of hay with
n sulky mko , and there are very few
young mon'of her ago in the northern
part of Missouri who can more skillfully
handle a team of horses. Louis I. Ep-
stean visited the Ewing mansion a num
ber of times before ho finally succeeded
In securing1 the girl for exhibition pur
poses. She is now holding daily levees
at Epstein's Randolph street museum.
Her father and mother accompanied her
llio liciiKtli nrthoMU ; .
Stanley makes the length of the Nile
4,100 miles.
Dr. Blrnoys.ourea catiiiTU , I5cobldg'
Games and Amusements for the Chil
dren to Cclobratn It.
If you can't make "the children's
hour" happy every night , lot something
go by the board and do BO on holiday
nights. Lot Thanksgiving bo a night
of rollicking fun for the children , little
and big. In after years when they are
away from homo its Influences will linger
around them still , says .the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch. Your son or your daugh
ter may bo kept "in the straight and
narrow way" by the remembrance of just
ono happy homo night.
A simple game that oven the baby can
almost take part in is called "Pish ,
flesh or fo'wl. " The loader must stand
and to "Fish Ilosh fowl "
say ono , , or ;
then , if before ho has counted five , that
ono does not give the numo of some
fowl , lie must pay a forfeit. Tlioro islets
lots of fun in this game , for , in his ef
fort to think of some fowl quickly , ono
is likely to got confused and cry out
"eels , " or "elephants , " forgetting that
those are unlikely fowls , The leader
must talk rapidly for the older folk , but
more slowly lor the little ones. It will
incite the latter to look up all the avail
able names of fowl when they know this
game is to bo played.
If there Is a largo party of boys and
girls , if cousins or neighbors have boon
asked In , "Tho .Tolly Mariners" is an
enjoyable game. liavo the pallor doors
opened so as to pass throuph ono door
and out at the other. The boys all
march around , the ono who takes the
load with a handkerchief ever his
shoulder , and all singing :
Wo are a set of jolly , jolly lads ,
Who have Just arrived on shore ;
Wo spend our days in many merry ways ,
As wo have done before.
And no will turn around and 'rounil ,
Anil ho who llnds a very pretty pirl
Must kiss her- kneeling down.
Having chosen his "very pretty girl"
and saluted her , ho sprcaus his hand
kerchief for her to kneel upon , while
the girls sing :
It's a bargain , ix bargain for you. young man ,
It'sabarBtttn , a bargain for you ;
You've ' given your word , now keep It true ,
Aud love her ull you can ,
For this
Fine Cook Stove ,
Worth $13.00.
Then another lad takes the load and
the song is repeated until all the girls
have boon chosen.
There isn't much to bo said for the
motor or rhym of thnso vor.scs , but the
boys and girls will not bo too critical
about that , and those who object to boys
and % girls of tender years kissing ouch
other may loach the former to make u
ourtly bow instead.
"My father's got homo from India , " is
a game thnt never fails to briny down
the house. Seat the children on three
sides of the room , and let the loader Bit
so that ho can bo facen by all. Ho must
then say , ' 'My father's got homo from
Indiii , " "What did ho bring you' ? " one
must bo inbtructed to ask. You reply ,
"A fan"and , then begin to fan yourbdlf
with your hand , which all must imitate.
Then you repeat the remark about the
return of your father and another
nsks , "What did ho bring you ? "
'Two fang , " fanning with both hands ,
which all must imitate. To the next
question the answer is , "Two fans , n
boot and a shoo , " which necessitates
that both hands go through the motion
of fanning , while the foot tap the floor.
To the next you reply , "Two fansa boot ,
a shoo , anil a hat , " and then the head
must ho nodded. The first one who
mthsos nny motion muht imy a forfeit ,
and it lo neediest * to say that the for
feits arc many. Jt is really good exor
cise , and nltor the little ones have boon
thoroughly instructed in gnmes'of this
kind , they will relieve you of tholr care
through many a busy playing
them among themselves.
An impiosslvo ceremony that can
scarcely bo called a ( , 'iimo , in to ask each
one what lie has had to bo thankful for
through the past year , beginning with
the youngest. I do not need to dilate
on this , it will harm none of us to re
count our mercies. Tlwt yours may
have been , and may ever bo many , is my
sinccro wish.
ThlnkB the Mormons Mean It ,
"I bollovo the Mormons really mean
this latest revelation against polygamy , "
said theHon. . 13.1J. . Ferry of Park City ,
Utah , to a reporter for the Chicago
Tribune. "Wo'vo ' got to take It in good
faith. Of course all this stuff about it'/
being a revelation is nil bosh , but it
means t&at the church has seen that it's
time to stop. The saints carried the
state , but the liberals run tliroo cities-
Salt Lake , Ogden and Park City nifiT
came pretty near to a majority iu
Provost and Corinno. It's only nquosi
tion of tlmo when the liberal party-will
bo In the ascendancy. Then It will bo
time to talk about Htatohood. It isn't
that wo object to the church BO much.
You people in the east don't scorn to
BOO that it iin't ' a question of religion nt
all , but the thing wo kick nguinst is the
hierarchy. Why , the Roman Catholio
church in the palmiest days of the in-
qulsition never so thoroughly controlled
every member as lees the Mormon
church. The bosses of that organisa
tion can swing every man. The church
has got a great hold on the first genera
tion. The church runn a sort of immi
gration agency. It picks up the com
mon peasantry ever in England , Wales ,
Norway , and Sweden ignorant folks -
who have never had n foot of land or a
glass window in tholr houses and
fetches them ever hero and lots thora
have land pretty cheap and on long
time. They go to work anil pay oil the (
debt. They swear by the church. 13ut (
if their children got into town and llnd t
out how rosnoctablo folks live and that {
it Ibn't fashionable to marry ono woman
because she's a good cook , and another
because she can do the up-hlairs work ,
and another to tend to the hurnes , then
they break away from the church , ThaS
second gcnoration is largely liberal , and
it nlbo dochii't ' believe in anything nbova
the roof. It is agnostic. Thatlsth <
way Mormon Urn works. "
Tlio nrocm ami tlio Itnroinatci- . '
Dr. G , Mayor , a Gorman molcorolo *
plst , has made a study of synoptic charts
muron eliminating local influences , has.
found that the moon from September to
January lovers the height of the kirom-
otor when ivt llio full , and raises It during -
* ing her lit ht quarter. This , or any other
effect , is not observable In other liiontlia.
Dr. Dlrnoy curcb catarrh , Hue