_ - , s , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 23 , 1890-SIXTEEN PAGES. . 13 CONDITION OF TRADE , Ecporta Indicate Healthy Movement and Fair Activity in Most Linos. WEATHER THE ONLY SERIOUS DRAWBACK , t _ _ _ _ _ It IlaH , However , IJccn Favorable for tiiinibcr Trnilo in ( JrnccrlcH , Dry Oooils , Hnrdwnro mid Produce. ' Another week lias passed which the pessi mists were fearing would ho strewYi with many wrecks in the financial circles of Wall street and London. There have been a few failures among firms known to bo weak and trbank ortwo has been reported hard pressed , but , us a whole , tlio financial situation In the great speculative centers is much Improved , It will require tlmo for the money market nt the east to bo fully restored to n healthy con dition , Inasmuch ns the trouble was deep seated , but that tho. disease has now turned and the crisis la over , eastern financiers ngrco In declaring. Ono of the features of the week lias been the close at- attention paid to every move made by Daring Brothers & Co. of London , and It is generally admitted in Wall street that this firm was the "skeleton in the closest" during the recent financial troubles and , to n very considerable degree , the cause of all the disturbance. It naturally follows that tha lull extent of tbo trouble being known and ono of the prlmo causes removed , the denizens of Wall street can look with greater confidence on the general financial situation. Although the storm which has swept over * * "Wall street , severe ns It was , was only local , its effects nro likely to bo more extended. Ono. influence that will bo apt to affect speculation very materially for some time to como will bo tlio bankers' caution. The fln- unci.il straits into which some of tlio eastern banks have been' drawn have arisen almost entirely from a too great generosity to bor rowers. Naturally enough this tuis tended to caution money lenders against too great liberality in the placing of loans. Money Is very likely to contlnuo , dear at the great speculative centers at le.ist , through the balance of the year , even though the supply may increase , If for no other reason than because lenders will bo far more conserva tive. It Is a significant fact that during all the trouble In Now York financial circles money continued easy in the west and , so far as could bo seen on the surface at least , western hanks and western business were not per ceptibly affected. Tlio building up of largo cities in the west has , to a great extent , re duced the dependence formerly placed upon New York. Thus from most points In the west , and especially from Oinahn come reports of a fair business activity , no boom , but a good healthy movement In the various lines of commorcoj The only serious drawback has been the weather , which has been so mild ns to greatly retard the movcvcnt of all wintei supplies. A good cold snap Is what most every business man Is sighing for , to put new life into tracto and set the winter stocks of goods moving. It In nn old and true saying that what works harm in ono direction works good in another , and thus the warm weather , while it has been n detriment in some directions has really been favorable to the lumber trade , There Is considerable building for this sea son of the year going on in Omaha and the surrounding country , and the lumber dealers report n very fair trade for November , Prices on building lumber remain practically xiiu'hnnged. . The grocery trade has also beer good ( luring the past week , ir fact , dealers in that line of business have expressed pressed themselves , as being quite well satis lied with tlio conditions ever slnco the receni election. At eastern points of supply dca6rs ! nro rather inclined to complnin somowhnt o tho'situatloh. The buyers , it Is claimed , an adhering to the method of opening no nego tlatlon until compelled to , and taking onl.\ sufficient stock to satisfy immediate am clear-cut wants , und the majority of then seoin to have rather light wants just now Assortments nro probably qulto as good a1 usual for the bcason , some of them above tin ovci'ago if anything , and cost In few case ; is looked upon us out of the wa ; * even by eustofnors , out the attraction nro not sufllcient to Induce In vestment on the probabilities of the future Among the trade rather inovi * frequent re fcrencoto the financial situation , Is noticci and while commercial affairs seem to bi sound and healthy thus far , operators nr impressed with the probabilities that.papo and nil securities tendered for natural ac commodation will , for a long time , bo hubjcc to the most rigid und oven strained scrutiny and some claim to feel the Influence already "No ono can sell dry goods at this bcasoi of the year , while the weather is so warm,1 was the expressive way in which a Jobbe 'summed up the dry goods situation While the trade Is slow dealers fee confident that the orders which iir being hold back by the unseasonnbl weather will como in later and that tlioy wil then make up with a rush for lost time , j Now \orlc review of the state of trade say : that as a whole tbo market for dry goods wa dull and featureless the past week. Ttio 11 nancial crisis In Wall street was a dotrimen to business , and the week's transactions wei restricted in volume , but a lull Inttio domun nt this stngo of the season Is always oxpor cncod , and therefore causes no uneaslnes whatever. The actual condition of tli dry goods trade at the present tlmo Is o ; ccptlonally good. Stocks of merchandise i tbo bauds of commission merchants and i the mllU > continue in remarkably good shapi and this augurs well for the maintenance ! values for some time to come. The businos of the year now Hearing its close has bee very satisfactory to the majority of nmm facturcrs and merchants , uud collections in reported easier by commission houses an jobbers ultko tunnut the co : responding peric for years past. The metal market has been steady all tl week with no changes worth mentioning , mi the trade is reported fair by local Jobbers. Country produce has shown sdme changi ii those tnafuro decidedly unfavorable 1 the selllni : interest , but the trouble In th case also is charceablo to the weather. Pou try came In too frcelv , and dealers being ui nolo 10 hold It until the glut was over wei forced to sell at extremely low prices. J seine cases they were unable , oven at the lo prices , to unload and considerable stock w : lost. At the close of tno week the hltuntlo w as moro favorable , the receipts beh lighter und the market higher. With tt Coining of Thanksgiving there will bo tl usual largo demand and prices ought to I and doubtless will bo stronger. Tbo mark on eggs has been very firm all the week wll the receipts light and the demand good. Iu tor has been too plenty to admit of n vci btrong market und values accordingly 1m' had a rather downward tendency. Gan lias sold at talrly good prices , although tl weather has boon too warm to admit of i being held any great length of tlmo. .n. Hatnrdny , Nov. 2i , OATTI.K Estimated roculpt * of oattlo. MI n * computed with l.-'sT yu&totduy andTJU Sn unlay of lust week. Thu market wusactl niul Htrongoron tbo best grades of bcovrs ni Moudv on Ibbi deal ruble ones. Host hutch stoulc nlow ami btuady , and ilull and lower i others. Kceders did not tmprovo. iiltliou ; there went ) bomo Inquiries. Tlio rucoli | \vcro I holiest for several months. Iloos KsilnmtiHl rocelptx of bogs. 6,450. compared with O.UI7 yostunlay and 8&W Sn tirday of lust week. The market was aotl and steady to So higher nn tbo best , and Hti'ac test long on etbersi , The quality of tlio r celpta WIIN very good , tbo best durlnu sovur months. The ruiiKO of prices was H/iva.1 ! . ! the bulK selling at M-bOSlTO. Pigs. * . ' .Uaa.5 ) light. J.v uu ; hiMivy , CUMUttj mixed. 1,1 . CW.dl. The av iraiu of tlio prices paid w H. < w , as eoniimreil with &I.S2 yesterday ui JAW Saturday of last weulc. HIIKIH * There worn no fresh receipts Rbcon and the mnruut remains nominal steady. Natives , titl35JJ.- > ; westerns , fc-.CH 4 .00 Disposition or Stock : , Ehowlnn the number of head of stock pu rhancd on thU market , as roporto.l by tl VFulKluimntor ot the Stockyards company f November ' ! CATTLE. fiVTlft&CO . . . 1j , ( Jeorno 11. Hammond uucUltip company. . ' -Armuur-Omliihy packing company , , ( Bhlppers and feeders . Si lions. The Arinoiir-Ouduhy packing company . 2.782 Onmlia packing company . . . . , U.r > OJ Hwlfl&Co . ' " Uenree If , Hammond-packing company. , tM .1. P , Hijillros Ac l' < . . . . . 427 Shippers and feeders , , . . . . . . Wi The Week's Work. SHowlna the , iiunilwr of head of stock puiclmsed on this market ns reported by the wolttluimstcrH of tbo Stockyards ciiiiiiiiiy for tbv week cndtng Halnrday , November Zi : CATTI.I : . Swift & Co . , . . . . . . 2.IW TliMI. II. llatMtnimd Co . l.-r > lr > Ariuoiic-Uiidnliy Packing Co . . . . . . J > $ . * n Utnalia Packing Co . . " Slilpporshiid feeders. . . . . . ' . . . , , , . -,1C'J IKKIf" . Armoiir-Cuilahy packing coiniany ) , . < . . . ITK" > ,1 Oinnlin pHCklng conipanyj. , , , . . ' Swlfi.Vi'0. . . . . . . . . . . Thod. II. lliinniioiilpacklnicoiiipaiiy. ( Shippers and feeders . , . . > llGu fiwlfl&Co 700 Tlioll , II. Iliiriuiiondjiuekliigcoiniiiiiiy. IHO Hlilypers ami fei'ders. . ' , . . . . 2-TU Prevailing I'rlucs. The following Is a t.'ihlo of prices paid on this market for the grade ot Block mentioned ! Fancy steers , i.VO to Kfl ) Ihs , . . . . .JI.83 ( J.I.IK ) i'rlnio steers , ISiO to 1473 ltS 3.K ! ) 4.H ! Hood Htocrs , 1150 to 131J 11)8. . . . . . . . 3.70 { 41.00 llnlchers'steerslow tol3J01bs. . . . 3..V ) Kiitr steers , 10JO toll.Y ) Ibs. . , , . . . . H.i5 : Common,8JO to 1200 Ibs 2.75 ( & 'l.40 Kalrto .rood cows , 1.00 f 02 00 Oood tocholcocows 2.00 Choice to fancy cows 2.40 Hulfors 2.01 Yearlings . . . . , 2.00 Kppilers 2.20 StocUers 1.40 CW.4U rianners 1.70 05.00 Hulls 1.25 aw.oo Uxuu ' 2.25 fw.no .Stags 1.50 ( 'lilies , 1.50 Western t'ornfod steers 2.50 ftS4.r > o Western steers 1.50 K3.00 Western cows l.CO © 2.10 Average Cost , of Hogs. The following table gives the average cost of hogs on the dates mentioned ; OctnbiM-20 a 82'i ' November fi rl 70'i ' Octobur2l : t tMU November" 3 ffili Oclobcr'JJ. , a VIX Novcniborfl 3 77) ) % October 211 01 November 10. . 3 7'i October24 a Rl Novuinliorll . , 3 HI ! , Ootobor2.'i U 8 ! ) November 12. . , 3 7S Oclolor27..5. ) . . a 87J ! Novumbur la. , : i u7 October ttt 4 BJ November U. . , 3 CO Oetober2t. ! . . . . . it 7.'iK November 15. . , 3 58 OctOliorM 3 70 November 17. . , 3 58 Octoburai , ; i Ni\eniber J8. . i 57 NovRnilier J. , : ii' . November I'.l. . 3 44 No\cnilit'ra , . .1 75 November 20. . 34s rs'nvuinbcr I. . 3 81 3 52 NorctnberC. . . . ! i ) 86 Noveiulgr22. . . 3 OT Average Hrloe Sliowlns tbo nveraxo prleo paid for loads ot bogs on the days Indicated In 1887,1S88,1 M ) and 1MW : Dny. | Nor. 10. I NOT. VJ. I Nov. ' ( a. I X r. 'H7 Cotnparativo TalIo. The. following table shows the range In prices on hogs ! Monday , October23 3.40 ( rJJ.17'4 ' Tuesday , October 21 Il.r > 0 64.2215 Wednesday. October ? : 3.50 ( R > f.2. > Thursday , October St. 3.5J ftl.25 Krldny , October 24 3.50 1. 10 Saturday. Outober2'i 3.X ) Monday , October 27 3.53 Tuesday , October 2S , 3.40 4&4.15 Wednesday , October 20 3.UO 404.tr ) Thiirxlay , October 30 3.to : eti.oi KiUlay , October , UI 3.25 564. OS Kat m day , November 1 3.ir > ( tO I. ID Monday , November II 3,1. > Tuesdny , November 4 3.25 Wcdiii'Mlay. November5. . . 3,10 Tiiuraduy , Novemboi'0 3.15 ( M.li ! ! Krldny. November 7 3.00 © 3.l0 ! Saturday. Novpmberifl 3.20 ( SI.05 Monday , November 10 3 ! ! 0 463.0" Tuesday , November 11 3.00 (84.00 ( Wednesday. November 12. . : . : 3.10 ew.10 Tliursday.Novumber 13 3.0 f > I.H7 ! I'rlduy , ivon _ _ . 3.00 Saturday. November l.'i . 3.00 O3.0.- ! Monday. November 17 . 3.uo ( rr.-i.ft ) Tnesiluy , November IB . 3.00 . ) November 10 , . , 3.00 tl.i Thursday. November a ) . a.00 ( ( fr'J.70 1'rlday , November 21 . 3.00 Saturday , November 22 . 3.0) Stock Hecelpts. Estimated Today. Ollloial Vostcrnuy. Caltlfi. . . . 51 ears. 1.40J Cattle. . . 54 cars. 1.287 tlogs U7 cr.ra , 0,403 Hogs. . . . 81 ear.s. (1,017 ( 4. 1007 3 25 COWS. 2.ioa- oo 3. ,1000 1 50 10. . IH7 215 1. . l 0 1 15 1..U40 i a > 11. . D70 215 15 , , W2 200 18. . IW.1 215 00 , ! ! ! 817 i a ! ) 1. , MO 2 00 ' . ' 4..10I ; ) 240 ItVO o. . BOO i ; to 24 , , 84S 200 20 , .1118 255 VO 1. IttO 1 40 0,10-a 10 VOml , , 2 1..1110 300 2..12SO 1 50 irr HULLS. on Kb 1..KKO 12. . 1..1690 150 1..15IO 225 its 2..1IKW 1 M 1..1730 2 20 1:1720 S 40 I. . HBO i ao aoJIII.KKHS ns JIII.KKHS AND rillNCUil3. : itvo 1 milker . f-'W 00 vo 1 mlllcur . 24 00 ily 1 mllkur. . . . , . 1500 1 cow and calf . 20 00 ilya 1 cow and calf . , . 25 00 a CALVES. .as 8 , . .105 1 2,5 2. . : C0 ! 1 00 I. . KO 360 as 1. 370 1 75 nd BTECI1S. YEAUI.INdS. 0. . C2t 2 30 1. 070 2 22..1053 430 ot Ily OX Bf. 9..1410 1 75 STAGS. 1 ,123 0 S 10 COWS. ir- lie 1 . tt 1 10 113 , 000 1 70 1..1UO 200 ; i8. . wi 110 " " S10CKEI13 AM ) l'KKUEH3. 10 641 OH 19. . 1118 28215 WKSTEHN CATTtE , Nu. Av , 1'r.l 5'.W ' Dowling & Uush OW 1 steer 650 $335 2 m * c'i stcbw/ ; ; ; ! ! ! ; ! " . " : ! twi i f 110(18. ( No. Av. Sh. t'r. No. AV. Sh. I'r. i nee 40 woo 7o..24'i ' Roiaoo R4 , in : 40 300 r'i ' z t 40 act ) 107 17S 3211 * 42. . . . 274 N ) 300 8 107 JUS JIO. . . , . . . .273120 300 7n . .TO 250 325 115 274 .WO 300 42. 185 IfiO 325 OJ 241 5S > 0 3TO 4 ( ) 1S5 Ui ) 325 77..2IV ) 120 300 a 203 325 50 2 l 1 ) 'AW 114 iw : 32715 os aw 240 300 D7 170 240 SSW CD KU HO a 00 82. , . . SOO 240 330 78 . . . .2:11 : 8(1-3 ( 00 o : ws 40 asm w. . . .831 lee am 71 a 19 KM 335 02 300 ICO 305 82 103 S3 3i7' : { 7J 273 240-305 75 . . .r.-ae 2Ki ( 340 7o..2 < a lee ao- 72 IID 200 341) ) 81 2110 80 305 711 SOS 100 340 -57 302 IS. ) 8 05 7H 187 80 340 71 270 120 305 117 200 3 40 0.1 28 ? 400 305 1 410 40 140 50 2 ! ) > 3 (15 ( 73aw 210 a 40 KI ae : BO ans 53 Stl 280 340 1X1 2.VI 80 305 05 247 ' 40 345 50 317 120 305 84 102 41 345 ffl ! tt ) 210 305 70 215 200 345 M 2U2 40 305- 02JIO KiO 345 40 2IS 120 303 80 2JO 240 350 lid 2)8 480 305 70 232 200 a ) 4.rv 201 80 305 74 2.10 320 350 M 301 200 307 ! } 1 ICO 350 40 314 307'i 72 244 350 58 300 80 370 01 210 120 3 fid 5C > 31 ! ) 80 370 1 28 ! ) 120 350 52 101 370 72 221 120 352 > J 00 30V 100 370 7 , ' 2.P ) KiO 352'i Kl 310 40 it 70 77 24S 210 355 Kl i4l ! 100 370 00 242 40 355 til 33.1 ! 120 370 78 240 2sO 355 4i ( 3Ti 200 370 71 241 2SO 355 63 328 120 370 ft 222 KiO 3 AS 01 HH 12J 370 0 < i 248 40 355 5.1 327 200 70 05 241 ICX ) 305 07 40 3 7U 01 241 240 355 Ot SW 100 370 71 24.1 80 355 5C. 321 81) ) 370 75 an 10J 355 49 3215 120 375 82 210 120 3 AS 5' . ' . . . .317 375 02 1(1) ( ) 80 355 M 330 80 375 5'J ' 278 200 355 . 0.1 318 40 ! l 75 70 ail ) 280 355 3f. . . , .28fi 375 50 2(18 ( 120 355 00 2H4 40 375 07 2.V > 40 300 0.1 338 200 1175 04 SO 300 4 284 40 375 5 270 300 6 | 323 80 1175 07 312 280 300 50. . . ISO 80 375 m 278 100 300 OS 307 380 5' ) 270 ilOO m 312 380 5 20(1 ( 40 3 ( in W ) 314 U 80 0 ! ) 282 40 3 00 I'KIS AND SKU'g. 4 117 150 ' 21 142 80 2 BO 27 173 -2 05 2 , " > 1111 275 22 103 215 8 140 275 10 138 . 225 i The Stock Ynrd'fl I'roHpernun Vonr. The ofllolul stock yarn year closes Novom- bur30. While the figures are not yet complete , tbo lecord s > o far shows the year to hnvo bi > on n "recoid breaker. " This Is a source of satis faction to dealers and whllo It Is duo In a great measure to unusual circumstances causing an unusual tnarUetlii ! ! of stock the liberal oral nml energetic course of Ucueral Man ager llabcook n 1th the hoirly co-oporatlon of the live stojk cxchanto will account for the marked Increase In the business at this point. KsthniitliiK Iho receipts for November at 52,000 cattle , 11)0,000 ) hogs. 20.009 sheep , the total receipts for the year are 014,000 cattlo. J.(178,000 ( hogs , 1(12,000 ( sheep , agalnsc407,310 cattle , 1,200- 1U5 ho s , I50.V)3 ( sheep last year or an In crease of 147.000 cattle , 471.003 hogs and a de crease of 7,000 sheep. There Is no telling what a'day may brine forth but the olllclalMlKiiros will not materially alteot this conclusion. Al most all previous recouls ot largest receipts aio broken as the following table will show ; I < A110K8T IIKLT.H'TS OP STOCIC IN ONU DAY. riiKviocs iiKCoiii ) . 1880-OC Cuttle Sept. 10,1887 5,802 May II 5,814 Hogs , June 12. W8.12.OfiS August 12 10,72) Hheop , Sept. 21,188S 5,502 Horses , Juno 0,1883 718 I.UltinST IIKCKII'TS Of STOCK IN ONE WEEK. Cattle. Oct. Ill , 1888.18,550 Oct. 31 22.3T > Hogs , Juno 8.I8SS..47.8H July 31 75,71)7 ) Sheep , bopt-13.1888.10,070 Sept. 30 12,817 Hort.es , Juno 7,188' ) . 801 LAIIOKST HECKIl'TS OK STOCK IN ONE MONTH. Cattle. Sent. 188 . 52,003 October 00,270 Hogs. Juno 1HS8. . . 170,903 August 25J.322 Sheep , Oct. 18s8. . . 3I.S20 Horses , Juno 18JI ) . 2,073 OMAHA. AVUOIjKSAMiT MA.KKKTS. Provlfllons. SMOKKD MKATS Sugar cured. Hums. 14 to 10HiuvcriiRo.0Jc ! ; hams,20to 23 Ib avoraeu. UUoiliuiiK 13 Ib avergo. Jo ; skinned hams lOc : hams ( No , 2) ) , S\o \ ; shoulders , Gu ; clear breakfast bacon. So ; boneless bieakfast bacon bucks , 04'ol ? fatuous boned ham , He ; California , or plunle hams , 6Uoj boneless ham 8J c ; dried beef hams ( bets ) , 7io ! ; ilrlcd beef clods , Oc ; short snlcocl rolls or ham roulette , ' 7 ? o ; .smoked ncof tongues , per doz , } J.5'J ; special bland hams , 12 to 15 Ih : ivoriglUic : ; peilul , brand boneless breakfast biiconMlKe ; sulectc-d dried beef hams iiuldcs and knuckled , ' ' lOo ; selected wide clear bieakfast bacon , UV4c. Diiv SAIYT MKATS Fancy light weight short eloars , ( liie ; long clears , 5yo ; shore oloars , lie ; short ribs , 5 > fe : shunldcrs , 5c ; clear bellies , 0ic ! ; clear bucks. Of. HMOKKII MKATS Dry salt cured Fancy light weight bacon short clears. 7c ; " bacon liort ribs , UUo ; bacon short eloais fiS-io ; bacon long clears , li'ic : bacon clear baeka , O iu ; bacon clear bellii'S. 7o ; Dacon shoulders , oye. SWKET 1'iCKi.Ki ) MKATS Hums , tierces. Do ; shoulders. NowYork cut , tlurccs , 5io ! : Califor nia hams , tierces , sycs bout hums , bbls , J12.00 ; 1'ii'Ki.Kl ) HKKK TONOITBS Half barrels , lee lbs10.f > ) : ( inarlfr barrels , 50 IDs. , $0.03 ; eighth bariuls , 2. > Ibs. , St.50. H\VIKT I'ICKI.KII SPAIIK Rins Tierces , 300 Ibs. , net weight , J13.5J ; barrels , 200 Ibs. , not weight , $8.00 ; half bancls , 100 Ib3. , net weight , i/A'nn I'nroleaf , per Ib. tlerco basts , GHc ; compound , per II ) . tierce basis , 5te } : pure leaf lard , porlb. tlorco basis , C'io ; .swoclal kettle tendered leaf lard , peril ) , tierce basis , 7o. IIAUIIKI.KI ) 1'OIIK AND llKKF MCSS ] )0lk , 1IOVV , if 11.5) ) ; family pork , $11.25 ; short cut clear pork , j 11.25 ® 12.50 ; boneless plv ? pork , fancy , * 14.U ) ; e\tra mess beef , JO.OO ; plato beef , J7.UO ; oxtui pliito beof. lfS.00 : extra , family beef , boneless , KUU ) ; rolled beef , boneless , Js.50 ; rump butts , $8.50. , 50.MO I'oiiK Honoless Bbls , 200 Ihs , each $14.00 ; iibl , 1IX ) Ibs , each $7.50 ; 'i bbls. 59 Ibs , each 4.00 ; ! Dbls. 25 Ibs , each Ji.25. OANNKK ) JlKATS ( Jornud beef , 1-lb square cans , 2 doper ; case , 11.10 ; 2-lb , 1 or 2 doz per case , J1.80 : ( l-lb. 54 doz per case , $5.75 ; lunch tongues. 1-lb round cans , 2 doz per case , $2.115 ; brawn , 1-11) square cans , 2 doz per case , $1.20 ; tongues , m-lb round cans , 1 doz per Cii.se , $5.25 : chipped beef , )4-lb ) round cans. 2 doz per case , $1.25 ; roast hoof , 1-lb round cans , 2 d < u per case , $1.10 ; potted ham. U-lb iciunil cans , 4 duiporcasc. OOo ; dovllod ham , U-lb round fcanu , 4 doz per ease , GOo ; p\tted ) ox tongue , } - Ib roiinil cans , 4 do/.porcuso , OOu ; compressed ham , 1-lb suuare cans , S doz per case , $1.XJ ( ; tripe , S-lu round cans , 1 doper case , $1.80 ; minced collops,2-lb round cans , Idoz pur caso. J2.20 ; boneless pigs' feet , 2-lb square cuns , 1 dot per case , fcf.50 ; roast boot ( Altmuulra bnina ) , 1-lb. 2 doz per case , $1.00. OILS Prime lard oil ( winter strained ) 4fto ; extra lard oil ( winter strained ) , 47ei extra. No. 1 lard oil , 40o ; No. 1 lard oil , 3lo : No. 2 lard oil , 3lc ; extra noat's-foot oil , 43o : tallow oil , 45o. BAITSAOK llolo&na. 4ci smoked sausage , 7oj blood sausage , 4"-4Oi llversausase , 4io ; head cheese , 4 ! c ; fresh pork saiisago , links , Gc ; fresh pork sausage , bulk , r > ! ; c ; smoked purk sausagi * , Be ; fr.inufurt sausage , 7c ; smokud hcadclicesg , Gc : Polish sauHage , 7o : ICnob- lauoh sausage , 7o ; tongue uausago.Bo : summer sausage , 18c. Country I'rocluoo. Potir.Tiiv The cooler weather has placed tin ) market Inbetter condition and frcsli drcscott chickens can bo safely miotcd at tvillv turkeysB'Jc. ' On Blontlay andTuesdiiy there will bu u good demand for turkeys for the thanksgiving trade , nml as the glut of the past few days has boon cleared up. prices ought to ho good. HrtTTEii The market Is slow and weak. Oood country rolls. 14@17e : choice. 17 < 0 > l'Jc ' ; Inferior , 7llc ) ; good country solid packed , IG17c : choice , solid packed , 1710uj good creamery , 2123o : fancy . 25c. Ecios 1 nuro are a good many selling at 21b , but strictly fresh stock Is being held largely at22c. GAME I'rnlrlo chicken1 ! , per dozen , $3.00 ; mallard ducks , $2.7vU)0 ) ; teal ducks , $1.5 % 1.75 ; mixed ducks , tl.50 ; quail , 11.00 ; Jaolc rab bits , JMSffMOO ; small rabbits , 75cal,00 ( : di-ei and antolopn carcasses. 7Sc ; saddles , lll''c , PIQEONB There Is no demand , Flour , Jlran , Etc. Davis' high patent No. 1 and Cream $2.70 ; llluo D. full patent , Ji.M ; Hawkeye - eye , halt patent , ? - . : ) ; Davis' specla Itovul patent No. 10 , $2.85 ; Minnesota patent ? 2.75 ; Kansas hard wheat patent , $2.55 ; Ne braska spring wheat patent. $2.00. S. F. Oilman's KOlrt modal. * 2.80 ; Snow Willie J2.40 ; Snow Klnko , K2.10 ; low urartu , J1.8I ) . llrokcu llow Holler Mills' Cream. $ . ' .85 ; Myr tie , $2.4)Jiulm ) ; ( , JJ.20 ; Kldollty , 12.00 ; Mliiiio- sotn Chief. $ , ' .45 : 1'ateut.7i. ( . Oskamp's ready to raise buckwheat flour (1.50 per ease of 50 2 Ib packages ; buckwheat hi bills , N , V. , fci.WJ ; Excelsior brand. $5.50 ; Blai Jack meal , $4.00 per case of 50 2-lb packages , 11 run , sacked , per ton , (19.00 ; chopped food $ * ! .00 HAV On track at Omaha Upland , No. 1 HUO per ton ; coarse blue stem , $7,00 ; oati straw , fu.OO pur ton. Vegetables. I'OTATOKs-Cfir lots of potatoes are quutec at 85tOo with cbolco stook selling In a uninl way from store at l 5o. Colorado stock. ILI5. O.vioNS-Ked , * 1.35 porbu. ; yellow Danvors ll.3.- > ® 1.50 ; Bpanlsh , $1.75 Per box. SWEET I'OTATOES-Uood stock , . ( XXa4.50 no : bbl. HEANS-Supply not larso and tliDlfeollui strong at * 2.5.Vfc2.7S. OKLEIIV 35 < ft40o per doz. CAuiiAne-1'er Ib , 2ic. ( TunNii'8 Hutabasas , choice , 6So pur bush , white , cholco. Wo. LBTTHCE I'er doz , 3So. Flshi FHESH Per Ib Peroh. 80 ; buffalo , dressed To ; pickerel , Oo ; plko , Oo ; white , lOo ; croynio Ilo ; catfish , llo ; cod steak , r.'o ; flounders , Kk ) Oregon salmon , 15c ! llacKO'iss , Uoj lobsters , 18o ; blue fish. Me. . „ JJVl Salt and iilcklrd CodfLsli , extra Goorftcs nafttlUit'iKraiiil bank , ii w , 4'iui silver , 1Mb bltH'ks , AVic : HIIOW vrlillivU'ltt bricks , now , 7',4o ! turkev coJ , largo nild IJi | | brli-Ki , Ocl snow whiles , crates , 18-5 Ib RfMcs , 7'ics iiiedltiui sealed herring.2Joi No. railed horrhig , SOoi doniestla Holland herrtwe , 40c ; Iliuntmrm Hplci'd herring. Wo s Uns liui suulliioi. spiced , ( toci Hiisslun Mirdlnos .Plum. Moi Imported Holland herring , I'rtwulnrimd , 80c ; do fancy milkers , JI.OJ ; ninokori'UMd. 1 shore , halt bbl $12.50 : bloaters , half hhls.t'ft.ooi whlto fish , hnlf bbl , J0.75 ; trout. Iiair.ijbK $ j.so ; family whlto flsli , M.dOj Milinnifi W.V ) per half bbl ; ! ! -lli broiled iiuickoiolif&nii 3-lb In mustard , 13.001 j.1-lb In tomato sailing JJ.OO ) fl-lb Mnyn ini > s mackerel , J'.oot ' ' 1-iU Drook trout. $1.2,1 ! 1Mb brook t rout. $2.2.1 | l4IU'4.ilimm , tl.SSi 2-lb \vhltu ( Uli , J'J.'J.'i ; 1-lb whlttxttth , (1.35 ; 2-lb loll- Hters. $2.30a-lloystcri ; ) < , , l3)H/ ) . . .M ) ; 2-lh ovs- Ilaratnrla' , l'o or. f2.10 ; r-lli HaratnriaY f"w. , f 1.10 ; 1-lb clams , lltllc ucdki , $1.31 ! 2-lb cliuiH , little necks. Jl.73 ; 3-lb clam chowder , J'-.GO ; 1-lb crubs , ts.23 ! 2-lb crabs , ti..5o. Oroucrles. AMMUNITION Hlflo powder , per keg , J5."iO ; per V ki-g , 12'/4 ' Ibs , M.oo ; rlllc , prr * ki'it , fl'i Ibs , Jl.fki ; blasllng. A. porli'B , tlJKi ; blasting , . 11 , per keg , $2.15. Shot Drop , iicr bad , $1.7n ; buck. tl.Ki ; chlllod , ifl.l > 5. Caps-a.lUd'iO per M , IIAKIMI I'HWliK.u Itoyal , illino cans , per dor , tMi'l U Ib cans. $1.45i ; Ibeans , IJ.05 ; lib cans , $5.00 ! Price's , dime caaa. DOci \ \ Ib cuns 9lMl ' 4 Ib cans , W.Aiij 1 lbcnn , JI.75 ; other Uliuls , 1 ib cans , per do/ , H.ooa.1.85. JlAi'i.r. SUdAH I'cr Ui fie cakes 30-lh boxes ] 3e ; lOo cukes , 30-lb bo\cs , 12iei ! 1-lb bricks , ; His In bov. pure , 14e. TWINKSI , COIUIAOK , KTP. Cotton twine , "Itlbb. " very line , ! 4-lb bales S2ci cotton twine , XX brand , U-lb bales 18o ; hemp twine , ! t-lb liilos 18c ! mill twine , SOoi candle wick , ? 'e ; 40-foot cotton clothes line , 11.40 ; 00-foot cotton clothes line , $ tV ( ) ! 00-foot sisal lines , $ l.75 | 00-foot jute. $1.00 ; wool twines , mo. Manilla rope All Hl/es from7-10to 1 In , Me ! sisal rope , all.sizes from 7-1G to 1 In , OU ! "new piocosws , " all sl/es from 7-10 to 1 In. BC | cotton rope , J In , , ICc. ICc.HHOOMS 5-tle , parlor , J.1CO ; 4-tle , $2.75 ; n-tlo , $2.21 ; 3-tlc. plain. fIJit ; wurehouse , JJ.OO ; toy , J1.83 ; wlilslc , j.ooai.'S. | SoAl' ( 'listlie , mottled , per Ib , lOc ; do white , per lb,14e : lauaUry soup , per 100 bars , KU.V&5.00 : shavhiK soap , 603750 * per doz ; toilet snip , 3 cakes per bet , per < lo/ . 5iic2.2. * > . ClDEll-rerbbl , rollnpdii.50 : half bill , $3.50 ! hard elder , pure , per bbl , JD.OO ; orange elder , half bblW.BO : pear elder , half bbl. JuW. NCTS-1'er Ib. , Almonds , lOc ; lira/Us , 21c ; filberts' , 14c ; pecans 15e ; walnuts , 13c ; pea nuts , fancy white , OSJe ; roisted. 121-So. Oi.tvKS Quarts , per do(4.00 ( ; pints , per doz , $2.50 ; bulk porgal.ftV. Who oil , .i pints , 2 doper ea&o. f LGOfftMS. llAds Am. , per 100 , $17.30 , bArT-Ialrv,2801bs lii.bbl. bulk , 8J.10 ; best ( trade , ( id5s , $2.110 ; best KraU ( > 1003s , $3.10 ; best grade 28 10s. J2.25 ; nxjk salt , crushed. 81.80. MOI.ASKS Ilbls , N. O. fancy , per gal , 5255o ; oholce , 4' > 2 > 47o ! good , ' to&Ku ; Cuba , baking , 28 O.10o ; blaukstrup , SOQSSo. SonA-1'kjis , co Ibs to but. Bjjci kegs. 4Uc. fiArsoiA--Kegs , 17 operlb ; bbls , Utdgrunii- lated , 100-11) boxes , 2c. CANNKi ) VKOKTAIILES Tomaloos 3-lb , $1.10 ® 1.15. Corn Very line , CI2.V91.35i 2-lb susar , $1,15 : 2-lb standard western brands , 91,10. Alushrooias 1-lb rrenoh , extra fine , 222ic ; 1-lb Krench. line. lS@23c ; 1-lb Kreneh , ordlnury , lC@18c. Pens , 2-lbeaily .tiino. $1.8. % : 3-lb mar row , standard brandsUO ; 2-lb soaked. 70e. l''ri'nch peas , per case of 100. $15.00 .22.00 : Strlnn beans 2-lb high grade. $1.00 : 2-lb wa\ beans , 8T > c : 2-lb string beans. H5c. Lima beans 2-lb soaked , 85c. lloston baked beans 3-lb , $ l.ijl..V ; ) . Sweet potatoes 3-lb Now Jersey , $ I.GO ; 3-lbokra und toiuatims } l.i5 ( : 3-lb okra , $1.00 ; asparagus , 1Mb. $2.K > a3.75 : rhubarb , 3-lb , $1.40 ; succotash , $1.20Q ( > I.25. Fresh FrnitH. GUANOES Florida stook. Jl.2jQI.GO. Ai'i-i.KS Pcrbbl. $ J.2.vai.f)0 , according to the quality and variety. J CIIANUEUHIES l ancy 'Capo Cod , $10.00 ; bell and cherry , * 8.00. on UiiAi-ES Concord , per basket , Me ; Catawbas , 40c. ) CAMFOIINIA I'litirrs I'ears. per box. S2.75 ; Muscat ( trapes , $1.50 per 2D-lb crates ; nut ncos , $1.752.25. TL HANANAS Yellow. $2.255 > 'I.OO per bunch. LEMONS Choice stock , f jj.Wiiii.OO. Miacellniibous. lir.ACK WALNUTS 1'orliusliol , 75Jl.flO. HICKOIIV NUTS liurgo. ; .per bushel , $1.25 ; " small , JI.75O2 00. 1'oi'CoiiN Cholco last usoa's stock , 22o ! per Ib. COCOANHTS Per httiidrfd , sacked , $5.00. Goal : On Board Cars at Omaha Anthracite Chestnut , range and eKgiJ.'i.2.'i nor ton ! grate , $800. Soft coal Walnut block , $3.75 ; Iowa lump. $3.50 ; Iowa nut. $ XU0 , . Paints uud.OIIs. LEAD WHITE IN On , Carter , In SOO-lb lots $7.50 : In l.OTO-lb lots , per cwt. $7.20 ; Southon Co. St. Louis , in BOO-lb lots , $7.50 ; In 1,000-11 lots , pur cwt , $7.20 ; lied Seal , St. I.ouls , In 50U-Ib lot , J7.50 ; In 1,000-11) lots , per cwt. 47.VO. WIIITK Dnv Qlldi-r's Wilting , i > er Ib. 1 , 0 ; Cntiitnorcliil Wliitinir. per Ib. Ic ; Kngllsh C. S. Paris Whlto , per Ib. life. HKU Diiv American Venetian red. l'jo Oliattnnooira , 2o ; Euitllsh Venetian , barrel J.1I5 bs , ' /c ; Indian , No. 1 , 1''c ; Tuscan , KiiRiUh 20c. 20c.VEI.I.OWS Chrome yellow. 0 to lOc ; ocher nochelle , 2'ic : ocher , washed Lutch,4c ) : ocher washed Flench. 'Jiic. PUTTV I'ure , In barrels , kegs and tubs , 2Jc in bladders. 2tfc ; In50-lb tins , 2 > , ie. VKnKTAiu.K OILS Mnsecd , .domestlo raw , h barrels , per gallon , 02c ; lln ced , domuUlc bulled , In barreN , per RiilUin. r > 5c. ANIMAL AND KIMI on * Whale , bleuehe < whiter , per gallon , . ' > 5c ; whale , e\tra bleiichi'i winter , ( We : sperm , blo.iehed winter , $ I.K ( ) . liNOlNEOn.s Ulaiuonu orosecut engine oil pcrKallon , 40c ; perfection engine oil , 5to ) : sloe Inn ? enslno oil. 45c ; Hercules ennlno oil. Me. VAIINIRIIKS Kurnltnro , No. l.UOu : fuinlture , extra. $1.03 ; coach , No. 1 , $1.10 ; coach , oxtia , $1,20 ; hard oil finish , llRhl , } 1.20. Hides , Tallows , ! Ctc. HIDKS AND PELTS Green salted hides. No. 1. B'jo ' ; No. 2 , 4ijc ; dry Hint hides 7 ® 8o : calf hides , 8.U8o : darnngi'd hull's , l'o ' lesi ; bheop pelts , gicen. each , a.va.I.2. > r sheep pelts dry , ppr Ib , 1014e , TALI.OW A No. 1 , 4J.o : No. 1 , 'KWiiC ; crease whlto , 3).J@4c ) ; yellow , i'/iliji.'lo ; stoarlne.filic. HONKS Vuotatlons are for delivery In Chicago cage Dry buffalo , per ton , $10.00aiB.OO ; dry country , moachod , JIO. 00313.00 ; country , dairp and meaty , $3.00310.00. % Ijnic | , Coinnnt , Klo. On board cars lit Omaha I'or bhl Ash Orovo lime. OOo ; Champion llmo. Hoc ; Qulncy white , 80 ; Louisville ccmcut. $1.50 ; illlwauKue cement , $1.45 ; Utlca rcineut , $1.40 ; GnglKh Portland cement. $ .1.45 : New York plaster , $2.25 ; Michigan plaster , $ . ' .00 ; I'ort Dodge plas ter. $1.75 ; whlto band. $ . ' .00 ; P. I' , hair per , bale , $1.00. _ Metals. UOFFINO Cluirco.il , I. 0. . U.\20 , 112 , JC.OO ; I. X. , $7.50. SlIEKT IllON-No.Sfl , $3.M ; No. 27 , fct.GO. SOLDKH Strictly half and half , 17c. STKEI , WIRE NAII.S liuso Jj.iio : stool nails , base. $ . ' .15. TIN l'i.ATE-1. O. , 10\24 , $ T.50i I. X. , 10vl4 , $9.2.-i ; coke. 4x130 , 112 , $0.75 , KlIKET/.INO SO. Coi'pKit I'laulslied bollor sl/es. 3.o ! per Ib ; cold rolloil. 30o perlb ; shi'utlng , 2Sc per Ib ; pit and Mats , : iOu per Ib. WiitE-Jap. barb , $3.25 ; 'mil. , JARS. HI.OCK TIN Small pig , 30o per Ib. , bar , 30c per Ib. t GALVANIZED SIIEKT TIIOX Discount 50-10 poi con t ; pat. plan , iron , Nod. 24 and 27 A , 10ic | ; U * THE KKYljT ntAUICBT. TNSTRUSIENTa piaoud on rucord Novoia- J. borSi . WAIUUNTirVIEEnS. W9 Arnold mm wlfo to .P'O Cortclyon. nKofwHlot 11 , blluliUiiHiroveinenb association add . , , , ' , . , . $ 3,70 ( Anna Armbrust to 3 B llOnewull , , ' na nw 27-15-12 . f.1) ) , ? . . 4,00 ! Chui'lcs Anderson and ivtfo to tl 12 James , Iot2. . blklO. Urlfxa Placn . 8,00i ! ' N Connor ami wife to Abblo A 1111- llngs , undHlot 1. bltf W lot 10. blk4 , lots 8 , to 1' . ' , blk ! ! , Doyd & Sharp's add to South Omaha . l.- . 3,00 M T Dyer to I ) V Sholes , ) ft of o 101ft lotM. Hartman'siidd . . { ft . 5,00 < Gate City liiinit Co to W TiUrahum , lots 1 to 3 , blk 0 , lots 0 to 7 , i 111 k 3 , Ilonllng Green . < . O Howland Ac Bradford towl * Jensen , n4 ! lot 1' ' , blk 10 , first addition to South Omaha , . , tn < . 52 0 M Hitchcock uiul wlfal/Yilacob / Jonscii. lot 10 , blk 10 , llllchcocUMflrst add . 45 John Hoar and wife U > tfeM ( lajiiiulii Interest In lots 11 and r.'iiP" < ft' . South Omaha . . . 1,33 Johnson and wife to O'flPWebcr ' , lot 11 , blk 3 , Horbaoh'sseconrtlMld . 10,00 1) U Knight to Ulchard M llradloy , s'i ' of w 'sw2S nndMo2l10lS . 13t,0 , 0 W Loomls und wife to 11 VH Reynolds , lot W. Windsor I'laco. . . . . . . 4,10 W N Nasou and wife to A .T Olscn und wife , wKlotll , blk 11 , Patrick's second end add . 1,35 , Theo Olr.on et al to M M KonUcld , lot 15 , blk 3 , South Omaha 1'ark . . . 42 1'Bl Potter and husband toGL Miller , lots 20 and 21 , blk 4 , 1ake Vlowndd. . . . 1,50 J II Hudorsdnrf und wlfo to 1' J Lcpsa , Hlot U , oik 7 , b'outhOmaba . . . 00 Allharoso llleo and husband to Otis Wlekunbcrg , lots 11 and 12 , blk 20 , lota 1 toB.blk3Mlllard . . „ . 6,50 John Wiley and wlfo to llortha liryant , Iot82niid3 , blk2Itrennan 1'lnoo . 4CO K J Wohlersot ul to liana Lumbers , lot 18 , bile 1 , Gate City Turk . . . . . . 40 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. John Armliriist to Anna Armbrust , o' { wM. nw sw , and BW sw o of Creole In 27- 15-12 . . . u 0 R Warner and wlfo to 1' I Timnius , lots 7 and 10 , blk 20 , Orchard Hill . T-'tuI anioudt transfers . , . . . $70,03 TIIT PTipfliTi i Turn nrnirr'Tr THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Dcspito Several Obstacles Wbcat Again Dhows Substantial Gains. CORN CUTS A FIGURE AND CLOSES HIGHER Onls Follow ttio Iicnil In Iho Ad vance mid I'rodnutfi Como In on the llaco Mrc Stook and Financial , CiitcAno. Nor. 23. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; DEC. ] Tlio wLo.it . market met with moro or Ies > 4 obstacles eaily In the day , but before noon everything WHS left behind and prices were up to Ol'io ' for December and 11.01 for May , orlKlo tolo ! over the cloao last night. Local receipts were inucli over the estimate at 187 cars , and theto was nn early effort to start a break In prices. Mtiy opened almost steady ut IMJic. and on a Httlo drlvo went to W-jc , causing first sales for Decem- borarouad 02c. ! ( Liverpool cables wore firm ; Now York cleared 112,003 bushels of wheat ; silver was quoted higher ; iccelpU at the northwestern markets were moderate ; good local buying set In and prices responded. New York dispatches gave a continuation of the very much Improved conditions thnrc , with standard stocks advancing. On these repre sentations pilccs moved toOGJio for December and JI.03V for May. At this stage of tlio advance the failure of the rollIng - Ing stock company was made known. Tlicro were wild rumors of liabilities amounting : to $1,003,003 , This caused a sharp break and the prleo ot May , the active month , dropped to Dtl'to. The Hurry lasted but a few minutes.Vclladvlsod houses claim to know that the failure at Ilogowlsoh was not so bad as roDrcscntcil and no tot a character to cause other comulloatlons , and a recovery started In atonco. In thirty minutes prirpi were at the ton for the forenoon ut U4Ue and $1.01 , A dull market In wheat continued the last hour. Liverpool closed U < 1 to ' ,4d higher. The In crease In the visible supply was estimated at only 750,000 bushels for the wock. Milwaukee tlgnrod out a decrease In receipts at primary points of 1,000,000 bushels from last week. Cash wheat was quoted ilo up from voHterday nt Minneapolis and as much at Kansas Ulty. Kngllsh homo grown wheat was Id up. 1'our Atlantic ports showed 270,000 bushels of wheat and 180,000 packages of Hour cleared for the wook. The advance currlotl December tofllJic , or 2c over last night , and May tn tl.oi'i. There wns , naturally , piottv free realizing the hist ( lfttoii ; minutes and the close was at MUo and $1,01. November , oijfo to OlSJe to Kl' e to ftl.Uo nominal at thoolo-w. The corn market ROtapood deal of atten tion todi-y. It opened ! .io up at Xta for May , pot a sot-back of Mo to ft'J 'c , and then went slowly tip with wheat to 83 } jo. At this point the Hegowlsch failure or assignment wus cir culated and Iho corn market broke back close to tbo bottom prices early , The strength soon returned and on general buying the price rose to.MJSc. After a little react Ion from this prleo there , was icimirkablo buying by Mc- Doutrall & Co. , Schwartz. Diiprco und others , and the traflocallcd It covering for 1'ardrldgo. On this buying May sold at Kfio before 1 o'clock. There was no special MOWS In corn at any time. When I'ardrldgo ceased buying tliero was enough offering to put the price baok Me to-53io at the close. 1'lgures on early months were : November. Bl * o tnfiHau to52j8'oto ffiisjo to close ; December , 507ic to fiOJic to517 u to 51io ? toclose. May corn priv ileges sold , nt 2:30 p.m. , at 5-Jio ! for puts and S4Jc ( for calls. The oat market did not las when other prices advanced. Slay oats sold at 44ic early and up to 45J.ic , closing ! { o up for the day nt 4"i1..ic. November and December wore quoted together f ion ) 42io ! to 43c ! , closing at The first bull news in the provision pit was a stockyards dispatch giving the leeulpts of hogs at 10,000 and prices So to lOo higher. On this the first prices In the pit were 5o to lOc up. When corn and other cereals acted strong , the buying of pioducts Increased and prices moved tin slowly. The best prices touched for pork were $11.25 for .Tnmmry and tr.,0Ji ! for May. May closed at $12.00. Lard was up lOc for January at SG.27'/j , and ribs u p lOc ut J5.G5. The gain for May In both prod- ducts was 7'iO. WHEAT. Mo. . Open. High. Low. Close. Yost. Dec 8 l)3 ) 4 $ 01 J 02'J $ lU'i $ 1)2' ) May. . . . . OOlf 1 Ol'/i IW.'i 101 OU ? cons. May 53 D37 52 , ' 53a 52Ji OATS. May Wi iSy 44i 45 , 44 I'OIIK. JFIXAXCIAL. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 22. ISpoclal TcloRram to TUB DEE. ! STOCKS The day.'opoiicd In stocks with nothing to cause u set-back fi-om the splendid advance started yesterday. Each day maUe.4 It clearer that powerful parties mvu had much to do with tbo recent depies- fclons. and that at the low prices reached 1m- lortant traiiijfors of stocks have been made , which , with expressions from Mr. Gould and others , Indicate Important consideration In iniiscontlnoiital properties. All this goes to assure tbo btrent that the dainaslns rate wars arc near the end. and Investors onn now take itocks on their merits. Continued Im provement wns noticed In all parts of the list. li"lrst prices were sill ilghcr , the Rains boliiK fractional In all except Missouri 1'aolflo and Canudu Southern , oauh of which was no IVt per cent From lust nlRht. There was great animation shown-especially In St. Paul , Union 1'aulflc , S'ortlioru Puclflo preferred , AtcbUon , Hleli- moiul & West Point , and lioelc Island' and all it theio stocbs , wltb tbo exception of Missouri I'aclllc and Nortbora Pacific preferred , showed material advances before the end of the hour. Lackawanna and Hock Island each ruse IV per cent , Union 1'aclflc li ! , Louisville & Nashville and Su ar Koflnorlea each 1U , Colorado Coal Hi , Ulchmond & West Point preferred 1 per euut , St. Paul 7 , and others generally largo fractions. The urgent de mand of early trailing slacked away toward It o'clock and there was a partial reaction , while the Ylllards bbowcd considerable weak ness , Northern 1'aclflc common retiring nearly 1 percent. During the last hour tbero was 11 heavy fueling , which was rellovod before tin close by nearly $1,000,000 gain In resource- ny banks , Tills gave buoyancy U tbo market asalu and the close was strong with Kalns consnluunus In St. I'nul. Mlssouili'acllio , Union 1'aolllo and Leiickiiwunii. Sales of stocks for the half Uuj woroi.UTO.oa shares. 'L'bo followlns were the closing quotations Tlio Weekly llanlc Statement , NEW YOIIK , Nov. 2J. [ Special Telegram ti THU Ilii : . " ] The weekly bank statement suow the following changes ; Reserve , increase . . , , , . $ 0 ! ,03 Loans , decrease 0OSU,70 , Specie , decrease , Ht,2t ) ) Legal tenders , Inercusu , Ml.Ni Deposits , decrease 4,880,80 Circulation , increase 08.20 The banks now hold $87,750 In excess of tin requirements ot the 25 per cent rule. KxportH of upeclo from th port of Now Vorl last week amounted to 50S , 4vJ , of which$73r > fi was In gold and (131,02 * silver. The Imports o bpoclo unioimti'd to &LI2,3ir . ot which JJ03.TJ was la gold uud f. 0,8U5 in silver.- Tlio Co ( Too Market. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 22. [ Special Telegram t TiiEllKB.1 C'OPME-Optlons opened steady am unchanged and closed from 5 to 15 polntf ui MiirUet dull , Sales , 5,000 bugs , lucludlu December , 117.05 ! .Tnuuary , ftO.IMlt.31 ( | Kobr- iinry.f 15.011 March , 115.13 ; April$1551. Hpnt lUo. dulljfulr cargoes l .33i No7,117 1617,75. cnw.t do OHICAOO , N'ov.Si. tpcclnl Telegram to Tim Hr.r.,1 OATTI.K Thorownsxcarcely u Huftlalont n u mho r of good cattle on s.ilo to timko ( ( nota tion * , but such as wore ofTered sold readily nt the closing prices of yo'terdny. Tholiulkof the receipts were Texans , Incluilliii ? a few rangers , Texan1) ) .selling at stronger prices The nccutnulatlon ot old cow stock and butchers' stock generally that congested the market dating the ourly pnrtot the week ha-4 lieou worked ofT mid the outlook Is tlmt this class of stock will soon sell at bolter prices. The receipts of To.xiins for llio week were light nml prices uro higher on all grades , with pioipcclsi for butter prices the coining week. Quotations : 1'rlmooxport and fancy stoer.s $4.8095.21 ; good to choice , $1.2531.50 ; common , J3.7331.00 ; Tu.xam , 12.25 < ai.oo : , lions Iluslneis nctlvo and. values So to lOo higher , making an advance of lOo to 15u for the past two days , regaining the loss of the early part of the week , Values.on account of the unsettled condition of finances during ( he early part of Ihn week' , dioppeil below any thing anticipated by the trade , hut the fears of a patiloliavoglvoii wuy to a more confident feeling , as all speculative articles , Including stocks , grain and provisions , uro higher. Con servative people now think the murkut , has seen Its lowest point for the season' of 18'.W-9I ' , and whllo many do not piedlct any sudden and r.ipld advance hi prices they do not hesi tate to ndvlso thu purchase of hojs to sell on the basis of last week's prices In Chicago cage ; and It u bltnil rush of farmers to sell Is not again resorted to , as was tlio case last week , values must rule higher. At thu close of tliiimnrUct today rough und common sold al * 1 floWUdi ; prime mixed ami pacMiig grades * 3.ixiii.80 : ; prime heavy anil ( mtchor wolghKi.7.vai.llO ; : ! regula tion assorted light , M.G.Vjf 3,70 ; light light , W2o © 3.BO ! pig * , 82.50fl2.10. _ J' f ItVCJ ! JJJTtKKTtl. , Nov. 22.-1 t ) . in. closo. Wheat Kaslor ; cash.OJS'JJHe ; Uccenibcr , OIUo ; may , Corn Easy ; cash , SS'oC ! December , May , KJVe. Oats Frin : cash , 43Uo , December , 43Mo ; May , 45V. e. Mess I'ork rir.n ; cash$9.00-Ifl.2.'i ; January , $11.23 ! May. $12.01) ) . Ijtird linn : cash. $ fi.002iG.02j ! ; January , l.27 j ; May. $ 'l.7.'i5iil.75. ' Kvii - Firm ill 07f t071Je. Ilarloy Nominal atilXiJ' 1'lax Easy nt 11.25. Tlmothy-WiMik at $1.20. AVhlskv-81.14. I'lour Steady ; spring patent * . W.5ftJ.f,75 ; winter patents , $4.0W.VOO ( ; hiiueis1. fl..va.'l.N ) . llnlic MiiatH-aiioulders , J4.H7 ; ® T .OOi short clear , tT 8'WT 5.IK ) ! short ribs , $ . " > .40a-.r > ) . llutter Uiichangoil ; uroiinory,2J2Sdi : dairy , Clu'oso Unchnngeit ; full cream Cheddars. SWilOc ; Hats. B'itiiUoi Voting Americas , tk&'Jlic ' , Eggs Unchiingi'd nt 22@-'fc. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , ) ® 4He ; No. 2 , 3ic ! ; cuke , i'l@lio. ! Hliles Kaslorheavy ; gioen salted.n o : light croen salted , 5 ic ; greun i ! ; snltod bull bhlos. 4Uc ; preen halted calf. 7i ® u : dry Hint , t tlcdry ; salteil hides , G7c ; dry calf , 8lo ) ; duacons , each , 25c. Ilccolpts. Shipments. Flour , bbU 25,0,10 22.000 Wheat , bu 71,00) I'.l.OK ' ) Corn , bu OS.IO ( ) f > ' ) ,000 Oatsbll 200,000 223,000 NEW VOIIK , Nov. 22. Wheat Receipts. 44,0.10 bushels ; ovports , 1I,2H , ( ) ; spot , ! iU2'iO higher ; markiit HtroiiKor : No. 2 red , $ l.Wi ( > 1.02JJ In elevator , tl.ttHtfil.UI'j alloat. $10l > i © l.OfJi f. o. b. Options advanced ? iB'i'atand ( closed strong ; No. 2 red , November closing ut $1.02. Corn Receipts , SO.SOO bushels ; exports , : U.V ) bushels ; spot higher and strong ! No. 3 , white. 51 ® 5i1/i : ! mixed westi'l'i. , 4i50o ( ; white western - ern , f > 057 ; options stronger ; January closing at fiOc. Sugar Haw dull and easy ; refined quiet. 1'utrolcuni United closed fur December at CJo ! ) Eggs Fancy , firm ; western. 2VJi2Gc. I'ork Steady ; mess , J10.MO12.00. Lard Stiongor on bettor money alValrs ; western stiiiini , ffl.25. Huttor Kusy ; western dalrjll20c : cream ery , 142tl' ) : Klgln. 2'lc. Cheese Easy ; light skims , 4i@7o. ! * ST. T ouis , Nov. 21. Wheat II iRlicr cash , Klo ; Uecember , lll.'ie : May. IMj ! ; July , HH"c. Corn lllgher ; onsli , SSiUSJlic ; luivomborD'Jc : May. 5P'c. Oats Higher ; cash , 43c ! ; May44ic. ? I'ork I'lniij J10.75. Lard-Ill , her ; $ : > . . Whisky-Steady ; JI.14. Hatter ITiichnngcd. KANSAS CITV , Nov. 22. Wheat Illghor ; No. 2 hard. cash. Mo bid , November 80c ; No. 2 red. cash. H5c bid. Corn Higher ; No. 2 , cash , ftl.'ic ; November. KliiO-VlVr. Oats Slcudy ; No , 2oasn , 44)o ) ! bid ; Novem ber , 44io bid. _ MII.VTAUKKK , Nov. K. Wheat-Firm ; No. 2 snrlng , cash , STfSSrff ; May , lilc ; No. 1 north ern , OOc. Corn Klrm ; No. 3 , eash.53'4Q,1lc. Outs Muncly ; No. 2 white , cash , 44'Ji6IO ( ( ; , I'rovlslous l islcri work , Jiinuur , $ tl.02J. ! CINCINNATI , Nov. 22. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 red. lUo. Corii-l'lrin ; No. 2 mixed. Me. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 48c. \Vhtsky * I.U. _ " LIVE .STOCK. CltirAflO. Nov. 22. Ciittlo Itocolpls , 4,000 ; unchanged : fancy steers , iM.flK&.V.Vii others. $2.75 4..riO ; Texans. J. yyi t.oO ; rangerW.03 (3'l.7j ( ; cows , * . ' .Wii2ra ) ( ; stockers , $2.wai2.DO. Hogs lioeelpts , H.UOO ; market active and hljher'rough and coinmon , f. ) ( i'l.0. ( ) ' > ; pauk- ois , W.7Jf'W.wO ; prlmo hn.ivy and butcher weights. $ J.Wa3.0J ) ; light , WU.VS3.70 ; pigs , 'ii ) : Hhoop Uocelpts , 1,500 ; innrKct steady and iinclmiiGd ! ! : natives , $ l.oo < ? 44.hO : weslcrns. ( i.i.'i 4J4.M ; fed Te.Mins.irl.OQi34.)5 : ) ; lambs , tl.&OQI.fX ) . ST. LoUis , Nov. 2. . Cattlo-Kccclpts. 400 ; shipments , l.gM ; market strong ; fair to fnney nnllvo steers , fUKSJ.OO ) ; alockers and feeders , Hogs Itecelpts. MO ; hlilpmeiits , 0,500 ; market higher ; heavy , KI.UVQ'J.IM ) ; inlxod , JI25 a.70 ; llKht , W.a'/i3.50. _ KANSAS CITV. Nov. 2. . Cattle-Receipts , 350t shlpiiicntb , 2.200 ; niaiKet steady ; steor.s , $ .l.ooa4.u' > : cows , $2.W512. ( 0 ; stookers and feed ers. 2.0iva.'t.2 . Hogs llocolpts , 8,700 ; shipments. 2,100 ; market steady to strong : nil grades , ? 3.00 < 0i Another Grain lOlevator. J , A. Connor , ESIJ. , of I'lattsinouth , a well known grain and clovatoi * man at many points In Nebraska , is contemplating In company with several Nebraska capitalists the erection of n half million bushel grain elevator In Omaha. The plans nro all ar ranged for tlio project , and their consumma tion is contingent upon the action of a certain railroad company. In connection with the enterprise , Mr. Connor is agitating the prop osition of State Doard of Grain inspection , and like very many other Onmlia und Ne braska men ho Is enthusiastic over the iaovo- meat toward the enactment of Such n law. In the event It Is passed , Omaha's elevator holdings can bo sold in eastern bcaboard cities on the Inspection it bad received hero u' the board. Albright's Choice , beautiful lots. Tlio Hulldini : Outlook. Building Inspector \Vbitlock speaking of the improvement outlook said ; "Tho indications point to n season of activ ity greater than has ever been known before In the history of Omaha. There 1ms boon moro building done during tlio past year thai thu average citizen Imagines and moro plan. are being made no\v for buildings next vcai than I could make you bcllove. Every bif property owner in tbo city is planning semi improvement more or loss extensive iindun less some unforscca circumstance or condl tlon which I cannot now Imagine prevent. * there will bo moro big buildings creeled ii Omaha next year tbau In any other year o her history. Albright's Cholco , buro money. A. Depot Hotel. Negotiations nro pending for tlio purcbas by Chicago parties , of tbo Elgutter proper I ; at the southwest corner of Tenth and 1'acill streets. . The property U very desirable oa ticcoun of its location near the now Union depot am the prospective purchasers contemplate th erection of a flue six-story lire proof hotel. Albright's Oholco , torius to suit. "My young friend , " said the kind old gcr tlomau with the bundle o ! tracts , "does I over occur to you that you are spending yon youth In the scrvico of a hard master ! ' 'Lord , yes I" answered the young muu In tli blue uniform , hurrying on , "I'm ' ono c Ycrkos' North 31do conductors. " Albright's Cholco , junction all U. 1 BIG ENTERPRISES ON TAP , Some of the Projects Bolug Pushed for Omaha's ' Advancement , A BIG BOOM IN BUSINESS BLOCKS , Tin ; Kiiultahlc'H IMnns A.NPW Asplmlt JMimt The Demand fl > r llesi- ilcttccN The Iluildlni * Out * loalc for Nt'M Vonr. Encli ilny of tlio week Just pint litul Its on tcrprlso. Deals nro bclnp niailo lor Improve- incuts tliut will mnkp next yenrs growth n marvelous one. Hcnl estate transfers huvo been larger tluin for months past mut unusual activity has been displayed In nutters er- lalnlug to InmrovemctitR of nil kinds. Tliu following llguies aliow the totals of realcstato transfers , building permits uiul banlc clearings for the past woclc : WIAI. t'STATK TIIANSFKIIS. Monday. . . 12nll Tlli" div : , , 22.751 Wednesday , 70.725 Thursday 31.tM 1'rlday ttl.ttfi Satuulay 70.0V1 Totul .tS , IM JIUIU'IM ! rllllMIT.M. Monday I ! : .SM Tuesday , 10,1175 Wednesday 2S.fi50 Thiusclay O'-MOI 1'rlilay 2.VM ( Sutimluy 2.075 Tola ! , UKI , : I ) HAMt CI.KAIIINdS. Moinlny $ I , ( 7,7.1I Tiu-sdiiy HIVH2.MI Wcdnrsdiiy 7W.HW.Sl Thursday. lHl.r.lrt.St Friday ( J70KH.8'i ) batiuday Mt.iH8.4l Total W.orj.OTX''il An laureate of0 PIT cent over the eorro * spondliiB week of last year. A New A-i > linIt Company. Tltcro will bo nu nctlvo competitor of tha Hnrber asphalt paving company In ttio fielil In Onmim next yoar. The Harbor company tins lind n monopoly of thoiisphnltuinpiiviiig business In tbls city for years uiul has done nn Immense amount of woik. for the city. A new company has been formed , however , with nmplo capital til moot tbo Harbor people In n contest for busi ness In Oinahn. ' 1'ho now company includes Mr. ( ! uy llarton ami other local capitalists with Mrr John Grant as active innnngcr. The company re.ioh tfO.OOO , whllo the capital re quired lof the operation ot the business will bo many times that amount. The machinery for the plant lias boon ordered - dored and the buildings will bo erected ami In readiness for operation at the opening of the next paving season. The Harbor company linn purchased twelve lots In East Omaha ami will rebuild mid en large Its plant. The Equitable' * * AVcHtern Itnniu. Ono of the biggest impravonicnts in llio long list premised for Omaha in the near futuio is the proposed investment by tha Equitable Life Insurance company of $100,000 In an ofllco building in Omuha. The cotnp my is nn Imnicnsclj- wealthy one , having assets ut over 00,000,000 , and a sur plus of more than $20,000,000. This surplus , It has boon decided , will bo Invested III sub- stnntlal improvements in ( jro\\tng western cities , and Omaha has beoii solcctod ns the lo cation for ono of the finest buildings to ba erected by the company. The resident agents hnvo boon negotiating for n site for the proposed structure andhuvl a number of locations in prospect and 01111 under option , butaronot Inn position to giva further details of the company's plans. Tlio Demand for Iteslilenees. Some of the cioiikers viewed with consternation - nation the erection in this city last year of a Very largo number of residences , cottages and tenement flats in portions of the city at some distance from the business center , nml more ou less removed from the car lines , They predicted that the houses would gn tonnntless and that the men who \vero put ting their money in the enterprise's would reap financial disaster. The result of tlth enterprise has boon a snd blow to the croak ers , ns there is at pi went but very few nvnlU able residences in Iho city that are unoccu pied and nt a very fnlr rental. This matter was discussed atn meeting of the re.ilestate exchange the other day nml the expression of n dozen or more of the bf ! | realty and rental agents disclosed the fuel that they cro buffering from n house famine , having calls from prospective tenants that they were unable to supply. President Harlinan of the exchange said : "Our lirm had thirty houses on tholista week ago and today wo huvo them all rental and calls on hand for mom" Mr. George 1'aul said : "I am renting houses ns fast as I can secure them , and ono noticeable feature of the tenants is that they uro nearly all strangers In the city. Mnnv of them do not know the streets n few blocks from Fiiriiain , mill oxixjrienco sotno troubln in finding houses that are not located nuar the principal streets. " M a < tinil > cr's Now Itlnuk. The heaviest suffer11 from the lire that de stroyed n number of buildings at thotcorncr of Sixteenth and Chicago streets early In the bu minor was Ed D. Meadlmbcr , whoso car riage factory was completely consumed , en tailing n heavy loss upon the owner above tha amount covered bj * the Insurance. Mr. Meadlmbcr possesses the kind of grit and enterprise however that builds great cities and buforo the ruins of his former fac tory were cold ho was figuring on the coil- Btruction of a new building , which lias since been completed'and Is now occupied as n fac tory In the rear of the old site and facing on Chicago street. Thp corner on which Iho former factory stood was too valuable to holtt only a mass of ruins and Mr. Meudlmbor has decided to orcct a live-story store and olllco building on the corner of Sixteenth and Chicago. Plans nro being prepared and the ruins of the old build ing are being removed to matte room for Iho improvement. The now struciiiro will bo live stork's ill height and will ho Imiltof pressed brick , \\lth stone trimmings imd sup plied with modern improvements. The first floor will bo used for store rooms , the second for olllcos and three upper floors for tenement flats. The block completed will cost in the neighborhood of 8100,01)0. \ Dry < -oo < lH I'ulauc. The Folsom property nt the northwest cor ner of Sixteenth and Douglas stiects that has been occupied by a green house for years Is to bo adorned by n dry goods house which , It Is promised , will bo the finest store building In the city , Local parties nro interested In the building which will bo built exclusively for the pur pose for which It will bo used , and a Chicago linn will occupy It. The ground lease has been secured for twenty years , the consideration being § 10,000 a year. Plans nro noiv being rnado for the structure ) and work will bo commenced on the building In January. The New HruworloH. The construction of two mammoth brew eries Is assured. Mr. Krug has architects at work on the plans lor his brewery , the ground fov which has been purchased wostof Twenty-fourth street between the Union I'a- cifioandU. ft M , tracks. The plans will bu completed and considerable work done on tha buildings yet this year. The Omaha llrowery company , which Is tbo enlarged Incorporation of the Btorz &llcr plant , is still looking for a suitable location und uns three Bites in prospect , till of them available for tlio puriioso. Plans will bo drawn and arrangements nrndo to commence work early next spring. A big Chicago brewery that has never had nn agency lit Omaha has a representative hi the city looking for an available silo which will be purchased und adorned with a tlna warehouse. This city will bo made the -wost" ern headquarters of the concern und invest incnts will bo made la real estate and build ings that will aggrcgaca $200,000.