n 1 S 14 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY/J / OVEJNIBER 2H , 1800-SIXTEEN PAGES. 1 I " " M M 1 - -a M - " " " ' " " " ' " 1 - A nt\n RiimenHlc Juiintal , Tlio rnln beats on the window pane , The wind , with sob mid monn , Makes tlio nlglit mournful , ns 1 sit Hero by my lire nloiic. I cnnnot rend my novel lies Unnoticed on my Knee. Into the dyliip IIro 1 gaze In lonely rovcrlo. The night wind * sob and monn without , The ilrcllKhtM Iltful gleam Casts mocking shadows nil about As In some liorrld dream , The flro Is ( lend. With sudden start I wnlco , weary and slclt at soul To think I haven't paid the bill Fur that lust cnnncl conl. HER HUSBAND'S ' MOTHEll. Story. Kvtt Best In the Detroit Frco Press : "And what do' you cull this , Mrs. Van IlninmV" "JI-h haul ! , Leonard. " "O , lli h-hiiHh , ' Is it ? Of all the vile concoctlnnH take it txwuyl" "But I thought only to bo c o econ omical " "Vou thought only to poison your husband with food not lit for beastsl Take it away , will you ? " Into tlio sjivory compound half a dozen bright tours full us Mrs. Van Iliunin c'urrloH the dish out Into the Icltehcii , A tf rout lump Hwolls in her throat , a great weight tugiiiit her hoiirt- strinjfH , und , tliouph the room grows dim with the briny mists in her tlrod cyoH , olio knows 'twill never do to lot thoin full until her lord und master IH out of the house. And once ho Is gone once the front door hus tanpcd its wooden oath buck nt her Bho thiows , horbolf upon the chlntx-covcrod lounjjo and cries , und cries , nnu cries ! O , that she wcro tload that flho hud dlod before she ever saw the hundsomo fuco of I.oonurd Vtvn Ilnmnil If only Madeline Waters had BUecccdcd in capturing him if only she hud ! Somehow , after n while , the thought of that possible might-huve- leon ) hegiiis to Interest her mightily ; ntl wliat with her own sunny nature and the queer pictures her fancy draws , nho actually begins to grow amused , nnd the pretty , woo-bcgono lipo tnko uion | thcmsolvcH curves of an upward ten dency ! She is so sweet tempered -so gonllo ; BO full of life's gladness and the pout's tender appreciation of all earthly beauty , seeing in It but a rellox of thut inoro heavenly loveliness thut shall come with the perfection of self , thut bo ho , her liusband , never to unkind or inconsidor- nte , she can always , of tor ho has left the house , throw on" the gloom with which ho has surrounded her so continually of lato. lato.When When they wore lovers so short a while ngo it Is in reality fco lonir ago in seemliif , ' , no smallest hint of what was to corao to her after the honeymoon had showed Itself. She knows now that his real affection is unchanged thatdlduny great danger ns&nil her his heart would respond to hers as quickly und as warmly as of yore. 13ut ever all this hidden loyalty there has grown an ugly crust of selfishness that transforms his line fuco in her eyes und makes his presence , llttlo less tlinn a torment to hor. Though she tries , nothing that she can do seems to please him. She has had llttlo experi ence to bo buro very little. The eldest daughter of wealthy , indulgent parents , who thought that to give her mental culture were enough who looked not to the woman's life ns wife and mother that she must afterward lend , but to the brll- linnt social position In which they placed licr , and joyed to sco her shine therein like a facetted diamond. Out of this bright world Vun Hamm hnd taken her , out of the clash und clatter of social cir cles , right home , at once , to the house ho htul juniishcd for her in a distant city. All wont smoothly enough ut first. There was n round of delightful evenings - ings at homo , when she busied herself with something she culled drawn work and ho read the evening papers , or some entertaining magazine , aloud , both oc cupations often interrupted during the curlier changes of that quickly waning jnoon by fond expressions nnd caresses innumerable , But gradually the gib bous planet brought u chilling atmos phere with its dimmed radlunconnd now it had come to pass the dark of the honeymoon being - upon them that fretful expressions , fault-finding , aye , and oven worse things than thcfeo wore filling ho orst happy horizon. If only Madeline Waters nnd captured him. him.Ono Ono hour later the postman cnmo fetching a letter that makes her earlier worries seem us naught. Leonard's mother , whom she hud scon but once .and thill for ono llttlo hour at their wed ding , is coming Leonard's ' mother is coining to spend Thanksgiving with them Leonard's mother. The words ring in her onra And not only will she spend the national holiday with her son and duughtor-in-law , but she will como two weeks before in fact , ns the daugh ter. I n-liiw realizes with a quick glance nt the missive in her hand , by the date mentioned , she .will arrive that very duy , And Leonard 'smother comes. Comes with a noisy clamor that seems to mean neortof usurpation of all rights re served by the daughter-in-law. But she kisses her maternal rolatlvo-in-luw , nnd allows herself to bo hugged an ejaculat ed ever , and never once does the smile eho puts on a mask , silo from bar fea tures. "Well , Leslie , dear , hero I nin. Re ceived my letter , did you ? And how's Leonard ? " "Hols well , mother ; quite well. " "As much in love as over , I suppose or is he ? " " 1 must leave you to deeldo from ap pearances , mother. Sit hero , please , be- lore the lire it's quite sharp and frosty out hero this morning. " "Thank you , Leslie ; will Leonard bent nt homo for dinnorV" "Oh , yes , indeed. And now if you will excuse mo , mother , I will go nnd eeo about it. " "Keen a hired girl , of course ? " "Well , n-o , not jut > t at present. You ECO Leonard thinks that for just two a eurvant is u bit of extravagance - " "What , Leonard turned economist my son Leonard ? " 'Does it really surprise you ? Oh , yes. indeed ; ho hus grown qulto econom ical of late.5' "Oh , hus ho ? Humph ! Wall , go along , Leslie , but you iniibt lot mo fol low you. I am inoro at home la tlio kitchen thun in the parlor unv day. " " Oh , if she wouldn't If "sho only wouldn't ' ! Hut she does , nnd , somehow , before Leslie knows just how it comes about , Mrs. Van Ilnmm , sr. in quarterIng - Ing apples for suuee , pooling potatoes and deftly doing all the little things that Ho In her helpful way towards get ting dinner. She is standing behind thokitchen door wiping her hands on along white roller towel when her son miters the side door leading Into the dining room where Lobllo is busied about the table. ' "What in the name of all thnt is con founded is that front door locked for ? Didn't I toll you never to lock it so that i couldn't uudo it with uiy night key V Are you losing your senses Mrs. Van Hamm , or " "Leonard ! " "Mother ! " 'Aren't ' you surprised , Lcn1 With hands outstretched and a grnclousjgnor- ing of the harsh words accorded Losllo the mother u'oos forward to meet her son. Leonard , kissing her hastily , crim sons a llttlo guiltily .ut remembrance of what1 she makes no sign of having over- hoard. " "Well. Leonard , I thought I'd surprise you nnd I'm sure , now , that I've suc ceeded. It's a long journey from homo hero , but , tut I'd never visited you , I inado thoofTort to conic , and I slum stay until iiftorThankrit'lving. You've much to irlvo thanks for , Leonard , much. " "Glad you think HO , mother , and it's a real trout to son you. Leslie , ain't din ner ready , yet ? " "Y yes , Leonard that Is nearly. " The hesitating , half-frightened voice of the young wife catches the mother-in- law's ' ear. It tolls her a story that she grieves td hear a story that she feared to hear from the very beginning ; but a story of the truth of which , neverthe less , she has traveled many miles to learn. "Dinner is ready , Leonard. Como , mother. " "At hist ? Well , I am glad to hear it. Sit hero , mother ; and if you can find anything lit to eat I shall bo delightfully surprised. Leslie's no cook , you know. ' "So 1 preeelvo"says Mrs. Van Hamm , the elder. "Leslie , are you never going to learn that I llko my steak well done ? ' Just look at that mother It's absolutely sickening , " "I. thought you seemed in a hurry , Leonard , and so HO " "So you gave us a little suggestion of a butcher's shop , did you ? Pah ! " "I will cook it a little longer If you like , Leonard " "Do , if you expect mo to cut it. " ' Yes , L'cslic , " adds Leonard's mother , "and 1 mvholf couldn't touch the stulT , really , while it is in that state. For goodness sake cook It until It Is dune next time ! " lled-fuccd und confused the young wife goes hurriedly kltehcnward with the beefsteak , For Leonard to taunt her him ever boon bad enough ; but for his mother , whom she hardly know , to PO openly , so impolitely chide her Heaven pity her if horror wore to bo added to horror the Ossa of her grief piled upon tlio Pollen of her despair ! ' 'Much to be thankful for , did you say , mothorV she heard her husband say as the meal his.sod once more above the embers. " "Well , I'll ' leave that for you to discover. How in this world a woman cnn 11 vo and not KIIOW how to cook , beats mo ! " "Sho can't know everything , Lon. And 1 suppose her folks thought music , dancing and literary accomplishments would stand her in good btead , " answers her husbund's mother. " 'Music , dancing , literary accomplish ments' fiddlesticks ! Is music going to make a plo ? Is dancing going to cook a roast ? " This she hears through the hissing of angry juices as they fall upon the now dying embers. Dancing ! How with his arm about her with the sobbing sound of the dreamy waltz-music wrapping thorn in its melodious , impalpable folds , ho hnd , time and again , breathed into her happy ear , "Oh , Leslie , my love , my darling , to go through lifo with you thus would be heaven ! " "And I can never express my wishes never wiy a simple word but. she weeps it's exasperating ! If ever hullo ! There you arc it's done this time , I hope ! " "Give mo just a very small piece , Leonard. Meat's never worth u pica yune if it's done over thanks ! " "You're right , mother ; but what's the matter ? " "Tliia apple-sauce. Did you forgot the sugar , Leslie ? " "No , nether , I didn't forgot It ; but Leonard says I waste fee much bugur when I try to sweeten " " 1 never said to leave it so tart that it twibtH a portion's tongue into knots , did I ? There's reason in everything , Mrs. Van Ilnmin ! I'd thank you to pass mother the sugar-bowl. " "No , thank you , Leslie , don't trouble yourself. Unless the sugar is cooked In with the sauce it never tastes right. " Tins with a shoving to ono side of the portion dished up for Mrs. Van Hamm , senior. "Got anything to drink , Leslie ? Ten , coffee , chocolate any tiling ? " "Why , n-iio , Leonard , You said that at dinner wo wcro never to have hot drinks " "When wo wore alone , I meant. Yes , I know I did , but mother's hero now a fact that seems to have escaped you and why upon earth you didn't think to be a llttlo polite "ami niako her a cup of tea passes my comprehension. You al ways drink a cup of tea nt dinner , mother , don't you ? " " I never enjoy a meal without it. No. thank you no pie. I never eat a plo 1 don't ' make myself. Leonard , do you re member the mince pie I used to niako for you to take to school ? " "Itomomber them ? Well , I siould ] bay go ! Those wore pies ! Not watery , soggy articles biich as these. Do you think , mother , do you honestly think you could teach Leslie how you immu- fucturo such delectable viands ? " "Well , my son. it depends. You see Leslie's bringing up was so different from mine. Her scales wore on the piano inlno on lish ; and the quill she used to write with would never touch her to cook the goose it came from. But I'll try I'll ' try. ' "There's your chance , Leslie , poixo it ! And may I never have to swallow such diabolical mouses as I have swallowed since Bridget " A choking noise stops his utterance and puts a sudden end to his mealy har angue , while the llight of his wife from the dining room is enough to arro&t his solllsh train of thought. Has she gone mud ? Or what upon earth can the fool ish woman mean ? Can't faho allow a fellow to talk simply talk ! "Well , good-bye , mother , I'm off. You'll ' soon see how much I have to bo thankful for ha-hu ! " "Good-byo , Leonard , my son. " 'See you ugain at supper. Tell Leslie , ploabo. she must try to got along with loss gas that lust bill's a frightful one. Lot nor use candles if she hus to have a light thobo dark days fairly cat up money. " And lighting an expensive cigur Mr. Van Hamm goes up town. AVhon the man of the house is fairly gone , Mrs , Van Iluinm , the older , seek ing high and low , finds Mrs. Van Hamm , the younger , in her little sowing room up btairs lost in a perfect paroxysm of grief. "Leslie ! " "I I I'm hero ! And if ever I was glad I was anywhere it is that I am hero ! " sinking down beside her sobbing daughter-in-law , who is crouched in ono corner of the llttlo sofa. "Are are are you ? " sobs Losllo , po litely. "Yos , I nm. And so will you bo , too , my dear ! It's iust as I feared lie's his father ever again ! " "Who's father ever again ? " weeps tlio young wife. "LoomudV "In In deed ! " she walls. "Yos , indeed. Hut leave him to mo IbuvG him to mo ! " "Ye yes , ma'am ! " "Leslie , dear , that man worships you ho loves you with his whole heart and oul 0,1 , know Mini But ho luvs al lowed the rank weeds of selfishness , watered by your tears , to so hedge him in thnt ho has lost sight of the sunshine of love and is content to stay in the shadow of ills own self-complacent cgo- tlsm ! " "M-m-mothorl" "Cry all the harder If you want to at this truth I'm tolling you it will only do you good If It rids you of the hist briny drop. Leslie. I was somewhat se vere upon you at dinner time perhaps you noticed It yes ? Well , that isn't anything to what I'm ' going to be. There there , don't ' look frightened ! My dear daughter , there's a cortnin bull I'm going to take by the horns , if you will permit mo a terrible animal , fero cious and cruel , and ono that gains strength with ago. You didn't know your mother-in-law was so skilled a matador , did you , or that she was an uUopt in throwing bundorrilloros ? " "What do you mean , mother ? " "It's a peurct , A sham battle would deceive an onlooker ; but the shots fired , though they scorn disastrous , make no wounds. I shall flro volley after volley at you , Leslie nay , listen , girl nnd , iil- thoilgh the Bound'bo something appall ing , there will bo no bullets to hurt you. I shall spare you nothing mv words shall scorn to cut like knives my tongue bo sharper than li sword. But bo bravo through it all , remembering thrice armed Is she who hath her quar rel just ; und , looking beyond the noisy din of battle , watch for the rising of the sun of peace that shall set only at the ending of your own life's day ! " At supper Leonard is not allowed the usual luxury ot finding fault at his pleasure ; his mother is ahead of him. Does he but direct his attention this way or that , everything his eye fulls upon critically Is , by ills watchful parent , hauled ever the coals from bis cuits to canned fruit , from wafers to jolly. The tea is too strong , the milk too blue , the butter old.tho cuocso rank. Even Iho creased tablecloth Is condemn ed , the big napkins ridiculed , the very arrangement ot the tea service cen sured. Leslie's bringing up is again laid upon thotapis , picked relentlessly to pieces and fin ished olT with vinegar sauce. Each time Leonard opens his mouth , his mother also opens hers , and her tongue , being u feminine one , wins every race , from starting point to finish , and the son. at lust , perforce sits , for the first tlmodurlng his short married lifo , with nothing to do but to listen silently to rhodomontndos that bid fair to throw his most elaborate olTorts in the shade. For a whole week this goes on the fault finding , the bitter taunts , the rancorous cereus gibingand by the week's end Leonard 1ms verily come to find himself an Othello with his occupation gone. Ho oven begins to look curiously at Los- He , who throws strange , inexplicable glances towards his mother , but who stands the belaboring so calmly and well that ho grows to respect her courageous dignity and wish that his mother , though cortalnlyin the iight ; , wouldn't bo quite so hard on hor. By the middle of next wo.ok ho has grown absolutely restive , and looks at his maternal relative with eyes in which insurrection booms ready to sot alight the dangerous fires of rebellion. Les lie poor , patient , gentle little Leslie how can she stand it all so silently ? Ho has boon a bit harsh nnd fault-finding himself of late but never so malicious , malevolent or vindictive as is his mother I Positively ho is ashamed of her ill-treatment of his Wife Ids poor Losllo ! How can his mother expects so muoh of her ? What if she wore brought up differently from other common mortals cooks , seam stresses and the like ? She , his wife , could write poems tender bits of verso that touched one's finer sensibilities and play with the technique of a master ! That is , at least , she could , once : now , how could wo expect such things from the drudge his own mother seemed to expect her to become ? What did his mother know , anyhow his mother that was brought up on u farm and wont ro school in u log school-house of things occult , mysterious and soul-inspiring , or of the brain and world from which his Leslie came ? Did she expect that ho would bo sutlsfiod to see his wife turn herself into a slave without ono thought above the pantry ? By heaven , there should bo an end to all this and at once ! "This Is about the dozenth time I've warned you , LoslloV hears Leonard as ho comes down to breakfast next morn ing , "to make ono loaf of bread last three meals ; it's pure extravagance , wastefulness , that will como to want on your part. I'll admit that baker's bread is no good any way you put it , and you are just paying out good hard cash for tasteless dough nnd air-holes ; but as you don't Know enough to make bread white people can eat I suppose you'll ' just go on until you land my son in a poor houbu ! I'll ' never try to tench you to make bread again not by a good deal ! I'm annoyed to death by your dullness ! If ever a woman was per plexed , harassed , vexed nnd tormented , trying to teach her son's wife the first meaning of the word economy , I'm ' that woman. If ever " "Mother ! " "Good morning , Leonard. Don't interrupt torrupt mo , please. When first I offered to try to teach Leslie hero , to manage her house and cook a decent mcal ( I lit tle reckoned pn the miserable material I wus to wear my very life out upon ! Why any ono who loves to oat as you do , Leonard , should have married so com plete an ignoramus don't glare at mo , boy ! so complete an ignoramus ! a girl who knows how to linger a polka or com pose a jugling rhyme bettor than she dooa the composition of porterhouse rolls or a veal omelet why , I say , you should have boon hoodwinked into mar rying Leslie Gwynn when there was Juno .Tudklns crazy to take you Juno Judklns , who not only took first prem ium Ivt the county fair for her head cheese and gingerbread , but who In herited old .ludkins' farm beside " "Mother ! " "And who would have never given you cuuso to open your mouth concern ing breakfast , luncheon , dinner or sup per for the rest of your natural existence " ence "Mother , stop ! If Jane Judklns con found her wore the last woman allvo I'd not look at her twice ! What com pare her that raw-boned , sandy-headed , red-faced , loud-voiced creature to my Leslie ? And , mother , though it may bo all very well to harangue and goon at a certain rule , It appears to mo that of late you have been pitching it pretty strong. It is true Leslie hasn't had the same bert of education you have " "Tho fiumo sort I have had ? hump ! I should think not , Indeed bless my boul and body no ! " "But with all that I don't see thnt It's necessarily to her disadvantage " "You don't ? Leslie , stop your bawlIng - Ing ! If there's anything I-do hate to see it's n irrown up woman bawl ! Leave the room ! " ' "Mv wlfo , btay where you are ! " Leslie , softly crying , touched by the unwonted tomlorncus shown her by her husband , stands looking with tear- dimmed eyes from ono to the other of her marital relatives. Leonard's eyes blaze with defiant anger , while his mother's glonm quizzically upon Ills wratful countenance. Tlioro is a long sllont'o between the three occupants of the llttlo breakfast room , and at its end the man slowly turns toward Ills now hysterical wife , und , stooping , places u kiss upon her tremulous lips. In an other moment hem1 gone. "It has como"U lias como nt last ! Thnt last scourging did it , Leslie nnd I only wonder tlfyf mv tongue didn't wither nt the roots ! Why , daughter , dear , how hyslorfi'nl ' you are you arc shaking like mi nftpcnl Is. it possible that one little klinl speech and action from that doty son,1 of mine can so effect you ? If this llttlo stray beam unset you now , then can Yoimtund the full rays of the glorious ton of happiness ? " The hist Thui-bday ot November dawns mistily and softlv..A hazy sun climbs the gray ladder of dawn , and the whole atmosphere is pervaded with savory odors that hint of a coining foust. A gigantic turkey is turning from gold to richest prown In the Van Ilnmm oven. Mother Van TTiunm , In white cup and apron , is acting high priestess , ana Les lie , soberly smiling , flies hither and thither at every command. And when the noon bells chime , and the noon whistles blow , and a certain young man comes hurriedly homo from his ollleo , whither ho lins gone for his mail an hour since , ho finds the great fowl promptly placed upon the table , the tiny boll sot ringing its silvery summons to dinner , and the ladles of his household each standing behind her chair in the dining-room. "Why , Leslie , dear , how prompt you are ! Bless mo , what u famous turkey who cooked It ? " "Both of us. My son. this is Thanks giving ; have you any special thing to give thanks for ? " "I have , mother for my wife. Leslie , dear Leslie , I am more than satisfied with you in every way ; more than thiink- ful that you are my wife , oven though mother thinks " "That she is the dearest , swoctcst , truest , loveliest , best llttlo wife in all the world. Forgive your old mother's pln'y acting , my boy ; but you hud to bo made to sco your own good fortune that of unconsciously possessing an angel. Yes , it is sll true , Leonard ; and now al low mo to answer the question I read in your questioning eyes. I took the reins , my son , and showed you at what a reckless - loss pace you wore driving and'I stopped you , I believe , just this side of the awful abyss already bo filled with the wrecked happiness of many another misdirected , married pair. And now , with your eyes opened ut lustto the golden den sunshine of a perfect , unselfish love , lift up your voice , my son , and give thanks this day unto heaven ! " Tlio coal mining Industries of Trinidad , Colo. , nro something rcullyvondcrfnl. Tlio mines are what tire commonly called the "side-hill mines" so frequently found in Pennsylvania anil other mountain mining ro- Sions. There are three veins of coal , the upper ono seven to twelve feet thick , and so easily mined that the miners nt 50o per ton frequently mnko to exceed $100 per month. The leading1 operator there said the tlmo was likely toi-omo when'coal would bo put aboard the carat Trinidad at 75 cents per ton , nnd Icnvo n handsome profit to the imiia operate r For full information address Trinidad Land und Improvement Co. , Trinidad , Colo. ' , m TO OUHImi'iiriitiiiiA. . A. Simple RcniRijy Which Is Said to 15c UfTcotivc. Several papors'of Paris have published that LaugurdicYro of Toulouse hud , at different times , experimented with success with a now treatment of sure ef ficiency for the ( jure of that terrible dis ease , the croup , buys the Purls Temps. The now treatment consists in the use of sulphur. Dr. Laugardiorro narrates thus his first experiment : "I culled for. some sulphur powder ; took a tnblospoonful.of it which I diluted In a glass of water , Ordering to drink ono tablespoonful of the mixture every hour , shaking it before using. Next day lie child wa3 hotter. Now potion for the next day. The. following day the child wns cured. The only thing left was n loose cough which I attributed to the false membranes circulating in the trachenl artery. Asking the parents to save them for mo in case the child should expectorate thorn , two days after a sud den lit of coughing expelled them , and three dried-up pieces the size of a largo bean were brought to me. ' ' After that euro the doctor obtained several others , but none more convinc ing than the following : "A little girl was dying ; neither cry nor the least sound could como from her larynx ; the pimples of diphtheria wore on her oars , neck , head and cheeks ; her wheezing breathing could bo heard at twenty motors on" . "Tho doctor hnd secured a tube to In- sufliato nitrate of silver into the larynx. The parents opposed that , but consented to make the child swallow the sulphur ated potion during the night. "On the next day the child , which I had considered as lost , wns resuscitated the voice was restored , the potion was continued during that day , and the next tlio child was cured. " The communication of Dr. Laugur- diorro is of too much importance to not bo the subject of a serious and immedi ate examination , nnd it is for the acad emy of modiclno to order such. Among the many articles acceptable ns Ktfts none is more appropriate tliiin cut glass. DprllltiKcr's Amorlam Cut Glass is by far the best. Tliolr trado-mnrtc label Is on every piece. Your dealer ahould bo able to show ft to you. Two Kdltorlul Sanctums. Mr. Glider's sanctum Is the hand somest in Now York , in fact , altogether resthotic. It lias an open lire-place , brass andirons , with rugs , hangings , draperies , and pictures in tlio highest style of art , says the Epoch. . It is full of greens nt Christmas , of flowers at Easter. In It Mr. Gilder is altogether charming. His wife is much more sub stnntinl looking than ho is. She is n cousin of Mrs. Orovor Cleveland , hence the intimacy between the two families. Mrs. Glider is also much given to art , and spends much time at the brush , especially in Bummer , when she IB at Marion , Mass. , where her husband has built for her iV'btudio of big granite blocks , which is 'said ' to bo the most unique In Amorpu | , | Harper's MngV/jina is certainly no whit behind the ( Century in gifts or grnco , but there is a mighty ditforonco In the editorial environments , Mr. Aldon's tiny rootni has no semblance of ornament in Met1 It Is crammed rind cluttered with books and papers to such a degree that ovctiitho occupant is some times put to It to bestow himself , much loss the casual vlslj-or. There is as great a contrast in tho'.anpeurunco of the edi tors as in the oIIera. ( Mr. Alden huvona of those strong , im pressive , magnetic personalities whoso inlluonco clings" dnd haunts you , and whoso mobt casual sayings have a trick of coming up freighted with now mean ing in oaoh now turn of affairs. Ho is an id nl talker. His voice is full of charm , tlio words and matter sucli as to make attentive the dullest car. Mr. Aldori lives with his family at Motuchon , N. J. , and is reckoned by the inhab itants of that good village their proudest possessor. No need to take these big cathartic pills , Dr. J. il. McLean's Little Liver und ICIdnoy 1'illcts are inoro ngrcoablo nnd effective. 1'urln I'nupcrH. It is obtlmiitod that in I'arls ono in eighteen of the population , or 150,000 , live on charity , with a tondonco toward crime. In London this class is ono in thirty. _ Dr. Dirnoy cures catarrh , Bco bldg WHATj -IT- WILL DO Produces a Whitens a Sallow Skin. Removes MotH an d Llv r Spots. Prevents Sunburn and Tan. To Travalnrs It Is Indispensable. Keeps tlio Sltln perfect In any Climate. 1'KASTA 1IKA.TUICK , 1'Rll .TAlt . ll.2Ti FLESH WORM PASTE. Skin Refiner and Pimple Uemovor. Will rctlno n COAI13K , HOUGH , 1'OUOL'S SKIN , n positive pure for I'lMI'LKS , cruptloni , nndontlroljr removes thnt dlmiiiri'enblo IlKDNKdH wllli nlilcli to ninny arc ntlllrtoit , Per Jnr , 1 1. JO. These peed * nro absolutely I'UIUJ nnd II AUMI.K9S nnd cnn 1)0 ) obtained ut tlio following representative l.esllo A Leslie , ICtli anil Dodijo Streets. Knliii X Co. , Corner IMh niul Douglns street" , nnil North 51th nnd licit I.lno , J. A. Fuller & Co , 1402 Douglas street. WliolMnlo Aiipnts ! Klclmrdioii Drug Co. , 1007 niul 1011. Idles tlrcet. Or of Solo Mnniifncturors , London Toilet Bnznr Co. , 38 nnd 40 West B3d St. , New York. Wholcsnlo Ollleo , No , 3J Enst 17th St. Trcntl eon tlio completion at above ndilreas frco or sent to any ncl Iresn o n receipt of 4 eta. FOR LADIES' SHOES ALMA POLISH. Try ono bottle , and you will use no other polish for your Shoes. Only Shoo Dressing over nwurilod a silver modal. ARC and INCANDESCENT Isolated Electric liipht Plmits. ( The U.S. System. ) Electric Motors mill Generators. Write for prices nml estimates. II. II. HUMPHREY , Agent , Now Yoik Mfu HutldlngOinnlm , Neb. AfcOMETIIINUNEW-II.OO nn hour onilly 4 Hindu by Agonlu , iniiloor fi'iiuile. Sam- plonnd full piirlluiilnrs free. C'HAs. E. MAR AHUM. . I.ockuurt N. Y. DR. GLUCK , Eye and Ear. nnrkcrll ock Ulli nnd Knrn m. Tclenhnncyl'ifl. FACIAL BLEMISHES Tlio Inrcm Establishment In tlio Uorld fur tlio treatment.ot Hair i nU bcalp , Hczfma , tloleo , Wnrtn , | -uicrlluouR | Hair , Illrtlimnrkf , Jlotli. trecUt8V > rlnkle , IelNoeo ( KeilVeliid.Ollv.Skin.Acne.riinpIcs lllaclhendn. Harbor's I tcli , Hcnrs , ttlnBi.l'owOer Marks , Facial De velopment , Sunken Clieekn , etc. Con- tiltntlon rrt'cnt olllcn or by letter. 13H page bonk on all tkln and Kralp affection Hand tbclr treatment tpntnoaleiltnnny artilrcn forlOctn. OOII.V If. AV < IOIIICUY , Ilcrmntoloizliti \Veat48il8t. . . New Turk C'ltr. \ > J > UUltl'N IVUllAI. MKV1 * fortbW 1\VOl mulHrnli.iH/riwH l or tiy mall , ROrmtJ Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. 14O9 DOUGLiAS STE.EHSIT OMAHA , NEIl , The most widely nndfnvorablv known spco- lallstslu tlio United t-lutos. Their loir , ' ex perience , remarkable skill nnd universal suc cess In tlio treatment nnd enroot Nervous , Chronic nnd Surgical Diseases , entitle those eminent physicians to tlm full confluence ol the nllllctnl uvorywhoro. They Kunrnntno : A OKIITA1N AND POS1T1VK OUItB for the awful Directs of cnrly vice and the numer ous evils that follow In Its train , 1'IUVATK , 1U.UOD AND HKIN DISEASHS spei'dlly , cnrniilotuly and nprinaiicntly cuiod. NEUVOtJS OEIIIUTY AND SEXUAL DIB- OUDEltS yield readily to their skillful troat- " " 'ILE3 , FISTULA AND UECTAL ULCEHS guaranteed cured without nuln or detention from liiiHlnuss. liymtOOELR ANDVAItrCOCELE perma nently nnd successfully cured In ovcrv case. HY1MIILIS. OONOHIUIKA , GhKET/Hper- matorrhea , Bcir.lnal Weakness , I.ostMimliood , Night Knilsslons , Decayed Faculties. Kuinnlo Weaknohs and all delicate disorders peculiar to cither POX positively cured , as well as all functional disorders that icsult f rnm youth ful follies or tlm excess of mature ycais. < \TKIfTIIRI Oimrantccd pennano ntly iJl l\l\j lJ i\lj cured , removal con iileto , without cutting , ciiiiHtlo or dilatation. Ouros affected at homo hy patient without u mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MhN. A ITRT ? nil ! < Th ( ) awful effects of M. OUIXL VjUIXh . , , .lriy vco which brlnxs organic weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all Its dreaded ills , ponmuionty cured. P1JTTS Address those who have Im- Ul l iwJ paired themselves by im proper IndulKonce and solitary Iriblts , which ruin both mind and body , unflUInx them for business , study or marriage- MAUIUi : ! ) MEN or those entering on that happy llfo.awuioof pliysloaldobility , quickly nSS'StCd ' < OUR SUOOE3S Is based upon facts. First 1'racttcal experi ence. Heoond Every CUMI lihpeclally studied , thus fiUirtlng right. Third Medicines are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit cacn case , thus rITeetliiK cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREETOMAHA. . NEB U' dliig remedy for nil Ilia unnaluinl dlHchargoa and prlvnloill et escif moil. A certain cure lor the ctcljlll. tatlng weukne a peculiar towomrn. Ilireicrlbeltnnd feelnaia lAHSCmuiOlCd. In recnmmrudlDi ; It to k. CINCimTI.O . . . . . all uTercrK. ( . , Mold liy It I'UIC'li Sl.Olr. LADIES OM.r nr. 1-cduc's Periodical I'llli the French remedy , acton the mooitrual tyitomuna cure lupprenlou from wlmtoter cmuio. I'rouiuto uunilruallon. Tlieie ullli > liould not ba tnkon dur- .Dgpreitnnncir. Am , 1'ill Co. , Uuraltr 1'ropi. , 8pon- cer , CUr Co , la. Genuine br BlicrumnA McConnell , Uoditeit. , near I * . O. , Omtliat 0. A. MolcMer , Houlb Onmhu ; AL i' , ttllll , Cuuncll llluBt. 12 , or J lor li. laden lands across acrossSea Sea , carry sweethope \ArtTA ( LAUS SOAP As & cargo clear as can be , M&de onjy by Go. A5K YOUR GROCER FOR IT EXPERIMENTS ! IMMEDIATE STRENGTH ! TJO.JS , OE GROOT REGENERATOR Is something absolutely new In medicine , a perfect lltllo wonder , performing cures In tlio most obstlnnte cusci of I.oit or FiillliiK 1'mTorXorvoun Uclilllty , Atrophy of thn imrts.utc. , without troubliyjr attention ou the part of the person mine It. It Is no plnln und simple In lt construction that anyone cnn apply it. Its cllects are almost instantaneous , uuu thugoud results go on Incrcnslni ; from day to day. RKLAl'riKS AKK NOT I'OSSIHLK boraluo It retains itft power for ycnrs , nnd an\ono ( cellUK the slightest wrakneM can at once apply it and quickly cut thort auy ti11 tendency anil rcsloro the parts to lull health and strength. IN LOST OR For men , who feel that tholrvlrllo strength lidccrcnilnu , this clcctrl- CAII ( Mr * DrVUITD cal mnvvcl Is uncqualed. Reaching , ns it docs , Iho very fountain of r/nl LIIYV3 rUWtrx manly vigor , It soon restores Ilio local nerves nnd innaclei to full power. No matter how many times you may have failed heretofore , you muy employ this llttlo instrument with the certainty of success. IN EXHAUSTION " ° constant current of galvanism floulng directly through Iho MCDUnTlC nCDII ITVCTC nerves affected , stimulates and strengthens them , and by re * NtnvUUO UC.DILI I I C.- storing contractllo power to the seminal vesicles and ducts , prevents the constant drain and flow of vital fluid which so weakens and destroys. IM Dl AniMTD rtlCCACt ? Persons having Inflammation ot thn Bladder , Painful Urlrm. Id ULHUUHK UIOL/HOtO tion , Gravel , Enlarged 1'rostftto aland , nnd Ilka Disorder. , should never give up hope until they have tested tlio lleeenerntur. Its action IIIBUCU com plaints is marvelous , as the icany testimonials la our possession very plainly show. VARICOCELE cured easily and painlessly by our new method. IN HEADACHES , NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , RHEUMATISM , and all pnlnful Kervnim Af. fectlous , the gentle current \\hlcn flows from tlio KuKencrntor is truly a natural remedy. It Is easily applied to any directed part , and Its results are almost Instantaneous , THE REGENERATOR RECOMMENDS ITSELF ) \Vo depend for the extension of our Imslncsi upon the recommendations of grateful and pleased patients who have used the Keeonorntor and are willing to acknowledge Its merits. SEND s and get one of thcso little Medical Marveli. and If it is not cznctlv RS represented , vou ran have your money Imck , for we can always Hnd plenty of customers. MEN OTHERWISE SOUND who find their power lost or declining , will find in this appliance a most useful nd worthy little Instrument , nnd it will prove of the greatest value to all who are weak , nervous or debilitated. " AVe number among our | mtroim nm ] patients Doctors , TnwTorn , Judges , Congressmen , Clarirvmrn. Ititnkum mill Mer * rbunU. SENT POST-PAID. SECURELV SEALED , UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE , $2. airrull l > 08crlpUv Circular FKKK on application. THE DECROOTELECTRICCOMPANY.6G Liberty St. , NEW YORK- DR. BAILEY ; Graduate Dentist of Years' Experience. PAXTON BLOCK. OMAl-IA. The Best Method for Painless Extraction of Teeth without Anesthetics. A FULL SET OP ARTIFICIAL TEETH * $ Q.OO4PERCTRT ON RUBBER FOR . GUARANTEED. < S 9 _ era w. Ifl 0 r-H PH CD H Gold , Silver , Amalgam , Bono and other fillings at lowest rates. Roots and Broken Tooth saved by crowning with Gold or Porcelain Crowns. All malarial of the best quality. Ollleo open overlings until 8 o'clock. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 12OY Douglas Street. Stove repairs of all descriptions for cook and heatlnic stoves , family and hotel rnnsoa. Watcf attachments a specialty. ROBERT UHLIG , Proprietoi * . Telephone Q6O- - C. M. EATON , Manager. IOE SEASON 189O-91 EXCLUSIVE ! KOR. WOOD'S Celebrated Ice Tools. We have a full line now on hand comprising : . . Plows , Chisels , Hooks , Markers , Bars , Run Iron , Snow Scrapers , Etc. Rope of all Kinds. YVRITE for CATALOGUE and PRICES James Morton & Son. 1511 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb. DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE COMPANY A miiRiiificont , display of everything useful and ornamental in the furulturo milker's art at reasonable nricca. NO OTJR.EXI NO PA.Y. * DrDOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen yean experience. A rnriilnrKradiintoln meitlclno , rtlplomns liow , Intlll IrcntlnK Hlth V tlio limited luccfii , nil NCTVOUI , Clmmlo and 1'rli ulu Dlroipun. A pcriimnunt euro uunrtuiU-ed for I ntarrli , Hpcnn.ilurrliirn , Ix t Manhood , nominal Weitknuin , NIclitlxHucs. ImpoU'iicjr , HnililllH , Writ-tuns , and nil U la. cnBc oftlia lllmHl , t-kli , umlUrlmry orKnnn. N. II. 1 KUnrnntfo IMX ) fur overra o I undertake ) nml full to euro. Conciliation rrco. llook ( Mritcrlea of Life ) icnt fii'u. Ofllcolioun-Oii. in. toK | > . in. Huma-s ! 1U a. in.tolliui. KEEP OUT THE COLD HOW ? By Using Felt Weather Strips. The Best Strips Made. 4O doz. French Rat Traps , just in , Direct from France. Get one. HIMEBAUGH& TAYLOR , 14O8 Douglas St