Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1890, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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How tha Luscious Turtles are Oaught and
tie Prices Paid far Them.
\ llic I'jcixt wnai'crformed by llcvcrdy
iTnlmnon nntl AVorinlcy tlio l''o-
motlB Coolc Ktanlurcl mul
Ills University.
lK > olii'mn7 ) / ( 0 , Canmttr. ]
W.IIIX TON % Nov. 10. | Si > cclal to TUB
DEI : . 1 The terrapin season has just opened ,
mid HOIUO of the finest dltunond backs over
known tire now for snlo In Washington.
U'hoy bring higher i > rlec than over , and a
mitnlicr of snles made for the Thanksgiving
dinner this week rnnpo from $50 to WO a do
en. Almost any Itlnd of a terrapin ! worth
$2.50 , and the average prlco paid Is $ )9 ) per
dozen , Tlio markets of Washington und Bnl-
tlmoi ) consume moro terrapin than those of
any other two cities of the country , nnd the
demand Is nlways greater than tho. , suppljr.
This year there promises to bo a scarcity In
the market and the output of the Cucsnponlto
Hay and its tributaries will not bo over 7CO-
000. This number , however , at 1
npicce , figures up to a total of $0TiO,0Wl
which Is a largo amount to pay for turtles.
There nro today somcthlnpllko n thousand
jneu HshltiK for terrapin along the Chcsa-
l > eake Hay. The turtless roost In the coves
along the shores. They are caught In nets
nnd it Is by no rne.uis an easy thing1 to make
n good haul. The terrapin nro noted for their
curiosity. The hunters anchor their boats
near \\hero they suppose them tobolylnf ,
nnd then by tapping on the sides of the boat
inalconuolso which causes them to rise to
the surface. As soon as they nppcartlioy are
cauglu In a hand not nnd Jerked into the boat.
Tie unlmalsllvoln the mud and the hunters
l Uo about In the sllinowlth thrco pronged
forks until they move them Into drag nets ,
which they have spread ovcrtho places where
they suppose them to bo. Sometimes the
ouster men catch them when they are dredg
ing for oysters , and they are shipped In bar
rcls. They are sold alh'o and urofcd regular
ly after they arc captured until they take
their places on the tables of the statesmen.
Terrapin nro found In North and South
Carolina nnd elsewhere , but the very best
terrapin In the world comes from the month
of the Potomac and nlong the shores of ttio
Chesapeake wlicro the Patuxcnt river emp
ties into It. They llvo hero on water celery ,
watercress and other grosses , and do not ob
ject to a good bite of llsh when they can got
It. IMnnyoftho animals are shipped from
hero to Now York nnd Philadelphia nnd
. ) crates of thorn arc sent to London every
year. When Uoverdy Johnson was sent as
minister to Englnnd upon a very Important
diplomatic mission ho took a lot of terrapla
along with him to use at the big dinners ho
proposed to give. Ho teen also the famous
negro cook , Wormloy , the man who estab
lished one of the biggest hotels in Washing
ton , and who left about a hundred thousand
dollars , till mada out oJ tickling ether men's
itotnncliB , with him. Wormloy was u famous
terrapin cook , and ho dished up the turtles to
the queen's taste. Every ono In London
talked about the American minister's dln-
nera and his diplomatic mission was success
ful. Since that time , however , thcro has been
n regular demand for terrapin In the London
market , and a number of diplomats nro hav
ing the toothsome reptiles shipped to them.
I was an order yesterday from the consul at
Dresden fora dozen , and I understand that
they frequently appear on Minister Hold's
bnlc. There Is hardly a senator in the
United * Suites who Is not fond of terrapin.
Bayard 'has gained moro notor
iety for his terrapin cooking thnn for
bis statcnmnsblp , nnd I understand that
Senator Kvnrts knows Just how to dress mid
cook a terrapin , BO as to make it equal to the
very host product of John Chamberlain. Con
gressman CUbson ot Maryland has a recipe for
cooking terrapin which ho says surpasses
those of "either Bayard's or Evnrti' ' , and this
* ls the way It rends :
"Tiiollrst thing is to cut oil the terrapin's
head. As the rcntllo llos dormant In the win
ter , you mny at iirst glance see no head to cut
oil , and you will need to touch its back with
i red hot iron. As the ilosh begins to slzzlo ,
the head will protrude , nnd you will then
loizo it with a two-Uncd fork behind the Jaws
nd cut It off Just Dobind tlio fork. You will
then set the terrapin upon end , so as to allow
the blood to drain out. It will not bleed
much. Next drop it into a pot of boiling
water , leave It there an hour , and then turn It
on its b.ick and remove the bottom shell. If
this is o.isy to do , the terrapin is thoroughly
reeked , anil you have now only to taue out
the gall duct. This Is In tlio center of the
liver , and after It is out , all the rest of tbo
meat Is eatable. Atter taking the ment from
the larger bones , you put It and the remainder -
dor into u chafing dish , with a hnlf-tcncupful
of warm wnier. .As It simmers you udcl half
a pint of butter and u little popper and salt ,
nud the dish Is fit for the king. Some people
llko to add a little sherry wine , but this
should never bo put In while the meat Is In
the dialing dish. "
Of Into .years a number of terrapin farms
liave been starlet ! along the Chesapeake and
Senator Dayard Is sold to bo the propiletor
cf ono of xiiftn. The biggest farm in on the
Fatuxcnt river nnd It consists of a largo salt
water lake , which could accommodate thou
sands of terrapin If they would breed as rapIdly -
Idly as was desired. The farmer has sur-
, iomulpJ this lake with board fences to keep
out the musk-rats and foxes , which are the
terrapin's enemies. Ho has made hatcheries
of bo vos. partly lllled with sand , and so ar
ranged that when the females enter them
that they cannot got out until they are taken
out. Ho has nurseries for young terrapin ,
nnd ho keeps the little ones in hero until tlioy
nro ton months old. In order to preserve them
from their fathers. The older terrapin nro
ns fond of good living asnjustlco of the
"United States supreme court. They are can-
jdbals nnd they sometimes cat their own
nhildrcn when they nro young and Juicy.
After the young uro ton months old. they aw
nblo to take care of themselves und thcro is
no danger of their beingdestroyed. . With
the Inctvaso In tbo price of terrapln.torrapan
farming ought to become profitable. Years
ago they were u drug on the market , nnd you
could buy them nt 12 cents a ploco. Twenty
years ngo they brought only $ tl a dozen in
Washington , anil now there nro cases in
which an extra line article sells from M to $ S
npleco. Senator John M. Clayton of Doln-
\uire , once bought n cart load for n $1 , nnd It
Is said that Washington , Lafayette and
Cornwallls ate n terrapin dinner after the
surrender at Yorktown.
OFFICIAL i.iru AS A TAT rnonccuii.
The demand for such an cxucnslvo nrtico
ns terrapin In Washington , calls attention to
the fact that the most of our public men are
uplcurcs. There Is- hardly a man In the
United ptntos. senate who has not fattened
up slnco ho cnmo to Washington , Senator
Hpooner weighed ono hundred and twenty-
live pounds when ho was elected. Small ns
ho is , ho now weighs ono hundred and sixty ,
und ho Htlll Is not n circumstance to his col
league , Philotus Bawyor , who Is ns broad as
ho Is long , and whoso "fat round
belly shakes like Jolly" whenever ho laughs.
Sowver began Hfo working at less than a
dollar a duy'and ho can now getnwny with
n dinner at ton dollars n pinto , with ns much
Batlsfactlon ns Senator Eustls , who was born
with u silver spoon In his mouth , nnd who
lias feasted llko hucullus from boyhood until
now. Senator Allison bos gained fifty
V pounds since ho came hero , und Senator
ISIandcrson Is fast developing n front )
to that of n xuprcmo court Justice.
Senator Oorman Is growing fat. Fronli
JliRL-oclt weighs , two hundred and twenty-
llvo pounds , nnd his checks fairly bulge out
with good living. Gray of Delaware Is muoli
pluiniH-r than when ho came hero , nnd
tioorgo Krlsby Hoar , though ho claims to live
on/ oat meal and aillk , is ono of
In our llouco of Lords , Li cor go Vest Is ticav
I or than ho was two yuan ago. Lolaud
K fan ford spent the summer at the German
lu orilcrto reJuc * bis avoIrdupoU ,
nnd Plumb , Vance nnd Vest nro putting on
flesh. Ed Wolcolt Is naturally portly.
Stockbrldgo of Michigan weighs two
hundred und eighty pounds , and Ucugan of
Texas pulls the beam nt two hundred and
twenty. Quay Is no light weight. Moody h
gaining , and Eugcno Halo shows
the effects of good living. The only
lean men In the senate nro thosa
who * could not got fat under any
condition. Ingnlls docs not vary a pound in
weight from ono year's bud to the other. Ho
Is all muscle and crlt. Evnrts eats enough
for llvo men , but It all goes Into brain , and
the most lenient Shylock could not lind n
pound of flesh on his body , Senator Chan
dler Is dyspeptic. Ho worries too much to
fatten , and Turplo of Indiana Is mndo on
much the snmo order. Don Cameron loolw
better than ho did a year ago. Call Is In
creasing in weight and Cullom of Indiana
holds Ins own , The average weight In tha
United States scnato is at least 170 pounds ,
and the easy life , the good fellowship and the
surety of having $100 nweek for six years , as
n rule'tcnds , to produce good health nnd fat
ness. It Is not so much so in the houso. lie-
verses lllto that of the recent election come so
often that the tenure of oRlco Is by no means
certain and It Is only old stagers , llko Tom
Heed , who gain In weight. The supreme
court Is oven moro of a fat-producer than the
scnato , and there Is not ajadgo on the bench ,
ivlttt the exception o' Urndloy , who Is not a
: ieavy-woight , John M. Ilnrmn weighs nt
east fflW pounds. Ho Is six feet tall and his
complexion Is as rosy as tnnt of a two-year-
old baby. Helms un arm as big ns the ordi
nary man's thigh , and ho appears to bo
ioalthy from m to out. It Is tlio sumo with
Justice Gray , who sits down to a table do
hotel every uay nnd whose cheeks swell out
with fat. Drower Is Increasing lu wclRht.
Justice field shows the effect of good Ilvlntt
and our chief Justice , Mr. Puller , though ho
s short , is fast getting ono of these fat ,
ound , BtomncliH , wnlch has for years , been
the emblem of his class. The white house ,
xvlth all Its worries , does not scorn to nmko
its occupants thin. President Arthur
gained while lie was in It. Cleveland
bad to go through private gymnastics In
order to keep down his nvoldupols , nnd
President Harrison has bccomo ono of the
chief pedestrians of Washington , for the
snmo reason. Whether It Is cold or warm ,
xvhetherlt is wet or dry , ho takes his constl-
tlonal at a thrco-mllo-an hour pace every
day , and ho appears to bo as healthy ns any
man in Washington.
Senntor Stnndford will bo here on the first
day of the session. Ho Is ono of the most
regular nttcudcnts among the senators , nnd
no earns his salary as much as though U was
all ho had to live upon. When ho cnmo here
it was supposed that he would spend only
nbout a week or two n session at the capital ,
and It was also supposed that ho would bo a
lobbyist In favor of alt bills regarding the
Pacific railroad und the other measures In
which ho Is Jlnnuclally interested. When
ho was nominated this was the view held by
the legislature. A number of other candi
dates wcro in the Hold. AH oE them were
railroad men , and were In a measure the un
derstrappers of Stanford nnd Iluntlngton.
Stanford was not n candidate , until ono day ,
n member from the lower purt of the state
got up and proposed his name , saying : "All
of these candidates are railroad men. They
nro tbo puppies of the Paclllo system , and
if I've got to vote lor a , railroad mnn , I don't
propose to vote for ono of the puppies. Wo
bad > ctlcr send the old dog himself , nnd I
propose the name of Leland Stanford. "
Stanford was then asked if ho would tuke
the place , lie replied of course ho would ,
nnd ho was elected. Four weeks ngo ho
did not much care whether ho was returned
or not. Ho was In Germany nt the tlmo.
\Vlion lie got back here ho found Huntlncton
was lighting him , The opposition stirred
his blood and ho won't Into the campaign and
uiaao California republican. Ho will now
como back to the seuato for another six
Senator Stanford spent a great deal of his
tlmo while ho was in Europe this summer
looking up inuttersconccrnlng his university.
Ho expects to have the president and the cab
inet nnd a number of the most noted states
men hero go out to California when the Insti
tution is formally dedicated , nnd ho is al-
roidy laying his plans to this effect. I looked
over some of the accounts which were sent in
by the workmen now engaged upon this in
stitution nnd the amount of money being
spent Is enormous. The monthly outlay in
some cases Is ns high as n hundred thousand
dollars , und the senator gets an Itemized ac
count of everything. The papers concerning
the university would lllla dry goods box , nnd
bo has received over seven hundred applica
tions for professorships from prominent educators
caters In this country and In Europe. Ho
offered , I understand , Huxley S."iO,000 a year
if ho would como from England to California
and taken professorship , nnd ho proposes to
get the very best men ho can regardless of
expense. Ilo Is buying a great quantity of
articles for thenow museum of the university
nnd during/ / the past week a box of photo
graphs as big as n shoo box , was shipped to
him. This box contained photographs of the
mummies and antiquities which he had pur
chased during the summer , nnd there Is no
doubt but that his museum will bo ono of the
finest in tbo country. Ho will got a great
quantity of articles ftom Grecco through tbo
explorer , Scldtoman , and I understand
that ho furnished a large part of the money
with which Scullcman made his excavations
on the site of old Troy. Ills collodion of
Egyptian antiquities Is already very fine , nnd
the library of the now college will bo one of
the finest In the Unitea States. Senator
Stanford looks upon this college as his monument
ment , nnd ho proposes to make it ono of the
most reiunrliablo Institutions lu the world.
The oldest/man In Washington Is supposed
to bo George Bancroft ; , who Is Just as old as
the century , and who , I am told , Is falling
rapidly. Ho has given up his lltornry-woru
and spends much moro of his time within
doors than ho has over done before. Three
years ago ho told mo that ho could rldo on
liorsobnelc thirty miles at a tlmo without tir
ing. Ho has been doing no riding at nil this
fall , and lie seems to have given up tlio long
walks that ho took last winter. Ha is not ,
however , the oldest man in Washington.
There Is a rare old character who haunts the
leading Washington hotels night after night ,
who says ho was born in 179'J and who is now
ninety-eight years of age. This man's name
is Arnniul , or Arnot , and ho has had a Ufa as
wild and varied as that of any hero of llctlon ,
Ho was born In "West Virginia , nnd ho tells
mo that ho run away from the Block house ,
where his parents lived , and Joined the In
dians nt the ago of thirteen. Ho was for a
time a Cherokee chief , and lie was a con
tractor here nt the time that Jackson was
resident. Ho has seen all the presidents
E ack to Jefferson , nnd Washington died when
ho was seven years old. Before the
building of the Pacific railroad ho
run n pony express across the plains ,
mid of Into years ho has been employed In the
government departments.- is a thrifty
man and appreciates , I am told , the vnluo of
interest , and his chief business now Is load
ing money to government employes at a high
rnto of monthly interest. ' Ono of the most
remnrknblo things nbouthlm Is his dressand
this attracts attention to him wherever ho
goes. Ho wears nil old-fashioned shad-bellied
coat with brass buttons , a niflled shirt , a
low cut vest and curiously cut pantaloons
wnieji como down over patent leather pumps
decorated with largo silver buckles. Ho
wears a silk hat , a white collar and a whlto
stock , and lie has a gold watch-fob hanging
out from under bis vest , to , which is attached
a gold seal as big around as a trade dollar.
Ho Is not a pious old man , and ho has not a
high opinion of the presidents and statesmen
of today. Ho says they nro pigmies compared
with the great men of his joutli , nnd ho
six-alts of the abilities of Cleveland nud Harrison
risen in terms that are far from complimen
tary. Ho attributes his rlpo old ago to u good
constitution and freedom from doctors. Ho
both smokes and chows , snys ho has drank
enough whisky to float a ship , and has mar
ried thrco wives and burled them all. Ho
tolls mo that his health Is perfect and that no
expects to llvo to bo at least ono hundred and
ton. FIUMC G.
There U no batter remedy to gl\\ > relief to
children Buffering with whooping cough thnn
Dr. Bull's Cough Srup. Do not bo without
It any time. 1'rico only 25o. At nil dealers.
U Is not necessary to call n doctor for n cuter
or bruise. Got Salvation Oil. Only 25 cents.
Tlio I'tffol lower Is utlll/ed in obtain
ing a very high pressureby moans of u
tutio running from top to bottom nnd
llllod with mercury. Mr. CulUotat. who
lias ill ready distinguished hlmsoU by
liquefying different gnsos , such ns oxy
gen nnd nitrogen , by means ot high
pressure , Is to employ the tube for u
similar purpose. It will filvo a nrossuro
ut tlio bottom of fcoino four hundred
atmospheres ,
Dr. Blnioy ourei catarrh Boo bid ; ; ,
A Bit of History Begirding It Which is
Very Interesting.
A Thanksgiving ttio Most llciimrkablo
on llccoril The Day Not Original
with Americana President
Lincoln's Thanksgiving.
For our grout Amorlcnn holiday ,
Thanksgiving wo nro Indebted to the
puritan pilgrims of Now England ,
though the idea of setting apart a day
of general thanksgiving' was fur from
boltipr original with them.
Those familiar with the history of
this long suffering people nroawaro that
the prosecutions which they endured in
England ' under Mary , Elizabeth and
Tames I , caused a number of thorn to
emigrate in 1002 to Holland , where they
established themselves in the city of
Lnydon , anil where tlioy were joined by
their remaining brethren In 1008 , suya
the St. Louis The
Post-Dispatch. ap
pointment of a thanksgiving day for
some special blessing had long boon a
custom among the Dutch as well as
among other nations of Europe , and the
general gratitude to heaven for some
great war victory , proclamation of
pcaco or for deliverance from pestilence
or famine , often found expression In this
When , after fully satisfying thorn-
solves that their principles could never
tuko root In Holland , and that their
number Instead of increasing was grad
ually diminishing there , the puritans
had abandoned that country , had landed
upon Plymouth Hock , and had found a
homo in a now world , they retained tlio
old Dutch custom of a general thanks
giving for special ble&slngs. An unus
ually bountiful harvest was always
doomed a litting occasion for the ap
pointment of a Thanksgiving day by the
governor of the colonies of Plymouth
and Massachusetts Bay , and as the earth
began to reward moro abundantly the
labor which tlio colonists bestowed upon
it , harvests became so uniformly plenti
ful that an annual Thanksgiving duy-
followed as a natural tcquence.
This observance lias always boon both
i religious and a social one. The early
mrltans attended "meeting , " as they
culled their church service , twice on
every Thanksgiving duy , ana tills pious
system has boon continued In many parts
of rural New England down to the pres
ent tirao , though the most pious dwell
ers in the cities and larger towns now
deem attendance upon one service a suf-
Icicnt opportunity for
\Vhnt a quaint appearance a rural
N"ow England "mooting house" pre
sented nt a Thanksgiving service sevon-
; y-fivo years ago ! The pulpit towered
: iigh and was surmounted by a huge
sounding board which seemed liable to
'all and crush the minister at any mo-
nont. Upon an elevated seat in front of
, ho sacred desk : sut the ruling older fac-
.ng the congregation , Upon another
seat , loss elevated than his , sat the dea
cons , while the plain scats in the body of
the house wore occupied by the fathers
and mothers of families with their chil
dren and hired help.
The pastor opened the service with a
prayer of at least fifteen minutes'length ,
ind followed it with the reading and exposition -
position of a chapter of holy writ. Then
the ruling older gave out a jisalin in
which all tlio congregation joined , and
when it had boon sung the minister
preached for one hour , measuring the
time by moans of an hour-glass. Prior to
the contribution which followed , one of
the deacons would rise and say , "Breth
ren of the congregation , now there IB a
time remaining for thanksgiving and
contribution to the Lord , wherefore , as
the Lord hath prospered you , freely
offer. " Collection plates or baskets wore
not passed from seat to seat , but a box of
wood was placed upon a stand or table
near the pulpit. When the deacon had
resumed his seat , the whole congrega
tion arose and proceeded to the contribu
tion box. First cnmo the magistrates and
"chief gentlemen , " then the elders , then
the deacons and after them the entire
assembly. They deposited their olTer-
ings one by one and then passed to their
seats again. Those contributions con
sisted not only of money , but of notes of
hand and any article which could he solder
or otherwise profttably appropriated to
the benolit of the church , thus making
up a strange- , miscellaneous collection of
goods and chattelsof various descriptions.
It was the custom in the old
to endeavor to reconcile upon Thanks
giving day any disputes which might
have occurred among the members ,
whether arising from the alTairs of the
church Itself or from private transac
tions. In the former case , when there
was a decision upon any question of doo-
trine , church policy or discipline , it was
often customary to call in as arbitrator
some wlso and good man usually a
clergyman or elder from another
church. The Rev. Mr , Buckley of Col
chester , Conn. , a distinguished Puritan
ancestor of inino , was famous in his day
as a casuist and sago counsellor. A
church in his neighborhood had fallen
into unhappy divisions and contentions
which they wore unable to adjust among
themselves. There was appointed iv com
mittee whose members laid the case be
fore Mr. Buckley and desired him to
communicate his judgment in writing ,
that it might bo read to the assembled
congregation at the close of the morning
service on Thanksgiving day.
Now , It happened that on tlio out
skirts of the town Mr. Huckloy owned a
farm , which ho had entrusted to the
care of a hired man. In dispatching a
letter to his farmer , at the same time
with his letter of advice to the church
upon the question submitted to him , the
papers were inadvertently mixed ami
the document intended for the good
ciders niul deacons was sent to the hired
man. while the letter Intended for him
was handed to the pastor at the termina
tion of the morning service on Thanks
giving day. Imagine the amazement of
the good man and his congregation when
ho road as follows : "You will BOO to the
repair of the fences ; that they bo built
hleh and strong , and you will take spe
cial euro of the old black bull , "
For bovornl minutes a most profound
silence reigned among the good breth
ren. All were completely
advice. But at length there was found
among the moro discerning ones an In
terpreter , who arose and said : "Breth
ren , this Is the very advice wo most
need. The direction to repair the
fences is to admonish \ \ \ to take good
hoed in the admission and government
of our members. Wi > must rule the
church by our master's laws , and keoj
ut strange cattle trpm the fold , And
vo must in a particular manner set a
vatchful guard overt the dovll , that old
> lnck bull that hnuj 'done o much dam-
go ntnong us. " *
AH now porcolvM the wisdom and
fitness of Mr. Buckley' ndvlso , and ro-
olved to bo covered by it. As n con-
uqucnvo , all animosities subsided and
lorfect harmony Was restored to the
eng dissentient church. "What was
ontnincd in the cHUtyh letter , sent to
ho farmer , and wljiij ; effect it had upon
ilm I am unable to bhy ,
Strict aa the oldoiPuiitans were , they
vcro not opposed to certain games
mrtlcularly thoyo of tin outdoor chnrac-
or. Prowls and blackgatnmon were
> ermitted , and the young men and
inldons were not restricted , in the col-
nlcs of Plymouth mid Massachusetts
ny , at least from participating in thorn
n Thanksgiving day after they had do-
outedly attended two meetings. Some
f the old English llrealdo games were
ilso permitted , and many a bevy of Pur-
tan lads and lassies participated in snap
dragon , or blind man's butt on Thanks
giving night. This custom of making
lie occasion one for family and social
reunion and devoting It largely to Inno-
sent amusement is still 0110 of the most
honored In connection with Tlmnksglv-
ng day , and nowhere more so than
The puritans and their descendants
or many years after thorn were strongly
opposed to the introduction of any inn-
leal instrument at divlno worship. But
n 1709 n member of the choir connected
with Illghnm , Mass. , meeting house
ho oldest church in the country , having
> eon built in 1081 had learned to play
ipon the violoncello , was anxious to ox-
ilblt his skill , and accordingly brought
us big fiddle into the singing gallery on
Thanksgiving morning. While the
lymn was being read ho ventured to try
us strings to ascertain if the instrument
vnsln tune , and thereby attracted the
attention of the pastor. The good man
caused , laid down his hymn book , and
> rocoedod with his sermon as though
singing formed no part of public worshin
lud finally dismissed the congregation
vithout note or comment. The mem-
) orsof the choir were indignant. Tlio
oung men and glrlj resolved not to go
nto the "singing seats" at all in the
iftornoon , and the elders who did go
.hero were a look of stern resolution.
I'ho pastor read a psalm and sat down.
STo sound followed. After a long silence
10 read the psalm again with flushed
ace and stern manner , looking Inlorrog-
vtlvoly at the gallery. The choir loader ,
ny great grandfather , by the way , from
vnoiu the story has been handed down
o succeeding generations , could bear it
10 longer and called out decisively ,
'There'll bo no singing hero this
Hiankfiglving. "
'Then , there'll bo no preaching , " said
.ho .
Mister , and , taking hiscocked hat from
ts , nog , ho marched , out of church , lenv-
ng his congregation paralysed with as-
onlshmont. The big fiddle did not
again appear In the > 'slnging seats. "
The general observance of an annual
Thanksgiving day 'spread very slowly
outside of Now England. An American
edition of the Episcopalian Prayer Book ,
latcd 1789 , stronglyva < H'ised it , but the
ocommendation was not then acted
ipon. Thanksgiving day was not rcgu-
arly proclaimed by iny state governor
mrtsldo of Now England till 1817 , and
t is only within twenty-four years past
hat It has been customary for the prosl-
lent of the United States to proclaim it.
The first American Thanksgiving was
n 1021. The Puritans agreed among
.homsolvcs . that slnco their prudence
and forethought had' boon so wondorful-
y blessed of God'tlioy would Mind out
our men hunting that they might ro-
olco together in a special manner after
ho fruit of their labors had boon gath-
pred. According to the historian barley
md Indian corn were their only crops ,
the "peas were not worth gatheringfor ,
is wo feared , they were too late sown. "
This was under the good Governor
Bradford , The four men who wont
lunting brought in ns much game as
served the company for a week. The
recreations of the day consisted of the
ixorciso of their arms' , Massosoit , the
Indian chief , and ninety of his men coni
ng1 among " thorn for three days , during-
iVhich tiino"thoy were entertained and
'ousted by the colonists , the Indians
tilling and
The next New England Thanksgiving
day was in July , 1023 , which had been
appointed as a day of Tasting and prayer
on account of the drought. While they
were praying rain fell abundantly , and
the governor appointed it instead a day
of thanksgiving. In Juno , 1032 , Gover
nor Winthropof the Massachusetts Bay
colony invited the governor of the Ply
mouth colony to unlto with him in a day
of public thanksgiving because the ac
tion of the British privy council had
boon favorable to 'the colonists. In
Massachusetts Bay colony , old records
show that days of thanksgiving were ap
pointed in 1GI2 ! , 1034 , 1637,1038 and 1C3S ) ,
and sometimes of moro than one day in
the same year. In Plymouth wo find
mention of one in 1051 and again in 1068.
In 1080 it seems to have become an an
nual custom.
During the revolution it was annually
recommended by congress , then there
was a thanksgiving for peace in 1784 ,
and In 1789 , President Washington re
commended a day of thanksgiving for
the adoption of the constitution. In 1795
there was one for the suppression of the
insurrection , and in April , 1815 , the
prosldfent appointed a day of thanksgiv
ing for peace. In New England during
all this time , however , aunual proclama
tions were Issued by the governors of the
various states , olllcially recommending
the religious observance of the day ,
where indeed it became the principal
social and home festival of the year.
During the war of the rebellion Presi
dent Lincoln appointed special thanks
giving in 1801 and 1863 and a national
proclamation of anmial thanksgiving
was issued in 1803 and'1804. Since that
time the president as , , well as governors
and mayors have lasted such a procla
mation annually. ) j ,
One of the most j'flmarkablo thanks
givings on record was the cubtom in
Southampton and IjUi tlmmptbn , I * I.
Montauk Point , consisting of 0,000 acres
was owned by numerous proprietors in
those two towns. They .used it ns a com
mon pasturage for ' their stock. The
tlmo of driving the flocks homo for the
winter was fixed by" a meeting ot the
town council , "and ItAcame , " says the
historian , "to bo a r61b from the porloc
beyond which the memory of man run-
noth not , that the Tll.imdiiy ol the wcoli
following the return . oft the cattle from
Montauk should bo observed as a duy of
thanksgiving. "
But Thanksgiving is elder oven than
the United State's. In many countries
there have boon from tlmo to time
thankful hearts. la Holland the first
anniversary of the deliverance of the
city of Loydcn f rom the slogo , October
3 , 1575 , was kept as a religious festival
of thanksgiving and praise. In tljc
Kneltsh church service November C it
so celebrated In commemoration of the
discovery of the gunnowdor plot.
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg
1\\o \ World's Steam Knuines.
The steam engines of the world represent
sent , approximately , the working powoi
of 1,000,000,000 of men , i or raoro thai
double the working population of the
world , the total population of which Is
Our stock of Fine Diamond Jewelry is too large
and must be reduced. $100,000 is too much
money to have invested in oneline only Dia
monds. If low prices will 'do it , we expect to
reduce this immense stock many thousands of
dollars by Dec. 1st , We will now sell you Diamonds
mends for less than other dealers pay for them.
If you do not think we mean it , just read these
prices :
DIAMOND RINGS-Which were $20 $ , $25 and $30 , now choice , $17,50 ;
Rings formerly sold at $35 , $40 and $50 , reduced to $25 and $30 ,
Rings worth $60 to $75 , now go for $50 ,
Large Fine Solitaire and Marquis DiaminJ Rings , war ti ! $100 to $500
each.reduced 25to 33 per cent , A great loss to us but a corresponding
pending gain to our customers , We have about 50 small diamond rings
and offer them at $15 $ , $12 , $10 , $8 , $6 , S5 $3 , and ( would you be
lieve it ? ) a few as low as $2 each , being about one half regular prices ,
DIAMOND EARRINGS , 250 pairs , all sizes and styles , at $2,000 , $1,500 , ,
$1,000 , $750 ; $600 , $500 , $400 , $300 , $250 , $200 , $175 ,
$150 , $125 , $100 , $90 , $85 , $75 , $65 , $60 , $50 , $40 , $35 ,
$30 , $25 , $20 $ , $15 , $10 , $5 ,
An endless variety of Diamond Lace Pins , Scarf
Pins and Broaches , from $3 up to $1000 each ,
Diamond Studs from $5 to $1OOO.
Diamond Collar Buttons. $3 to $10O.
Diamond Cuff Buttons , $5 to $125.
Diamond Lockets , $ IO up to $20O ,
Diamond Bracelets , $10 up to $ I,50O.
Diamond Necklaces $15Oto $5OOO.
Diamond Pendants and Hair Ornaments at
all prices.
All of these Diamonds are first class and are
set in Fine Solid Gold Mountings of our own
Loose Diamonds mounted to order.
SPECIAL NOTICE Above prices-are open to
December 1st.
Max Meyer & > Bro. Co. ,
16th'and Farnam Sts. , Omaha.
Moline , MilbUrn & Stoddard Co ,
Special Sale During Next Thirty Days.
Harney and 13th Streets * and Ninth and Pacific Street
usually estimated at 1,455,923,000 inhabi
tants. Steam has ucoordlnaly enabled
man to trobblo his working power , mak
ing it possible for him to economize his
physical strength while attending to his
intellectual dovolodmont.
Dr. Birnoys cures cita rrh , I3eo bldg
Ills Uuai'dH nt
John Mnrkham , an Irish land bailiff.
who was boycotted for ton years and
was constantly guarded by the police
while ho lived , died a few days ago , and
the guard , being relaxed a little , some
persons unknown stole his body and
made away with it so effectually that it
has not since been found.
Practice Limited to
Rooms 316 to J2o Dee Bldg
Sped do far Hrtterl * . DliilnMt.Fiti.Kvunlgl&.WiJco-
lain , n , Menial IMproiilon. Bodenlncot tbu Drain , ro ;
( ultlnir In Inianlljr anil l tullni < to mlterjr ( tocar onj
ciuith , Premature Old Ana. lurrenncu , l.o or row erIn
In oUhor MI , Involuntary Louts , anil tipsrmotorrhrca
c&ui l lr oTeraiertlon ot tbo brain , relrchuia or
orer Indulgence. Each box contalni ono nionth'i treaU
tnnnt. laboz , or all for | ) , rent by mMl prepaid.
With each order ft > r ill boiei , will nonJ purchu r
ranriDtea to rtfunii money It the troutm nt raUito
cum. UuataatcMluuiii adittnulnDiuiiaoalrbi
lUOI'anmm Struot , - - Omaha Neb ,
A POSITIVE ndpermanentCURC'ornll '
dlMiiittonVe URINARY ORGANSf-Curej
bottle. Price , one dollar. See signature ot E. L.
STAHL For Solo By All Druggists.
You are not In iimnly shape , and yet ) cm don't
ect. Wrlta tu ui lo-Unyl lielay ImperlU all t
NEW BOOK i. . , , , - „ , , „ . . , .h , ,
. *
For Umttritl line Hook mailed frit. Kill Ml
MKUHlAXtCO.Uua'aloK. 1 * . Don't jirefer
A Card to the Ladies
of Omaha ,
We regret our inability the
last month to secure a sufficient
quantity of the ' 'Ladies' Home
Journal" in time to supply the
active demand. We shall , here
after , make a specialty of this
journal , and the ladies of our
city can in future depend upon
a sufficient nurnher at our store
to supply the demand that may {
arise. We shall also make a
specialty of receiving subscrip
tions from such of our parrons
as desire the Journal regularly.
The Prospectus for the com
ing year announces a series of
popular stories , articles , and
special departments never be
fore excelled by any American
publication , and the list of em
inent contributors embraces the
most noted writers of this and
other countries ; and as the
"Ladies' Home Journal" is
now conceded to be the lead
ing family publication of the
world , and has attained a cir
culation of half a million copies
each issue , its popularity in
Omaha has developed so rapid
ly that for some months past
we have been unable to supply
the demand , but hereafter the
ladies of Omaha can depend
upon finding their favorite
Journal at our counters.
the Christmas Number Now Ready ,
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Engravers and Printers ; ,
113 SOUTH i6rii STREET.
Tim Hist linpoilallon nt
thcno bountiful HliiKora will
arrivetliU wi-uk. As 1 could
not (111 ( nlUmlcm liistsoiiHon ,
I ndvtcoevifryoiiH wlio would
lll ( toii'tnnonf ; thosu wvll
known iraliifd Itolk'M , by
ordering nt onoo. Special
trained Tours , Hull Nuici ,
J-nntr Silvery TillU. mill
WhlhtlliiK Nutoi , (11.00 urn !
$7.TiO L'llfll HlllKtT. Till ) licit
HliiKliiR C'uiimlcs , you iniir
hoard luynurllfo. No 0iort
or oliuppv notcH. Kuiry
tnnu sweet , full timl soft.
Kiill sat Uf notion piianuitccd
417 S. 18th St.'Omahn.
Dr. F. C. Werner's
Arc highly recommended after BOVOII
yeara of successful oxporionea by the
solo manufacturer : ) ,
Kopp , Dreibus& Co. ,
1106 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb ;
Sold everywhere , Co per pnclcii ( { °
Scud for stxinnlcs.
N. M , Ruddy , Practical Optician ,
211 South IDLll SLroob.
Solid Gold Spec- f
mn on
taclcs. Solid ] $5,00 ,
Gold Eyeglasses ( '
Genuine Lemaire
Opera Glasses. ,
A good steel framed (
Spectacle correct
ly fitted
Artificial Human Kycs.
stock in the west. Selections sent to
customers ouUUlo the city ,
EBSCUHED > ' * & .
l.wr. 1 KS h. J UIUIAHM dl.ll..ll ; . C. CUSHION toruUj.
b r all Uem < fi i mu WiifirM. t < * *