THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 23 , 1890-SIXTEEN PAGES , 11 POH ESTATI5. itt top of Jinl column onthu fou havrcn.1 cstatofor clicnp list with me , 1 hnvuft number nf customers for bargains. N. 11. Apple , Itoom 3 , Wnro Illock ax-ZJ ) "IOU flAIjR-HsTilavonpart street lot SI by JUll. % ft. with 8 room coltnKc. M.KOOOO ! north Imif of lots 7 nnd 8 in block x'ln , ( ; south west cor. of 5th nrcnuo and I'lcrco fttrcet , 15,000.00 ! n corner 101 by 120 ft. nist ntul Chl- OIIKO. ? , CK > 0.00. N. II. Apple , Itoom 1 , Wnro Illook. a .g _ TTNC'LK Hurt. Instead of tlio monkey ( nr * * J iniiH von Intonci bnylnir inn for Christina * . please , call nl 310 Ho. intfiKlrcet and pot mo n , < H'0(1 ( for one of tlioio tonllO ) dollar lots. I nm determined to own nl Innst oiinOiunlm lot and tills Is n Krand chance foru R tart or. Ho snro mill no to UlOFo. ifitli street tomorrow nnd BO- euro onuor inoro for mo , Keincmljcr 1110 Ho. 18th Htrcot all nextwcok. Susie 877-33 * TTHNEI/owo avenue lot for n cheap home. J-1 Htnr Lund fc , LO.III Co. gil-SI _ T\ON'T > etilnwn on your money. You ean- AJ not malic It grow like turnip need. Itm-st It In 1 iiiirt or lots. No rUk , no gain. t nm now fccllliitf lots InOrnnliu'Hatcstnddltlon \ forloii ( ! 0) ) dollars nicli. Wurrnnty deed. Abstract. nnu plat Riven with each lot. hvory Unwar ranted a nicn lo ol build niit lot. OIOMJ to Uninlin and adjoining mi addition where lots Hold for $125 each three yours afro. Ilotnem- IHT , only ono place In tlio United States wlirro thesi- lots nro mold , ut 10 H. 1'itli street Omaha. Sain now In progress. Chun. I * . Ilcnjutnln , solo UR | , 310 H. iuth street. 280-2:1 : * 8D AOdES went of tlio olty nnil near the new fair grounds ut u bargain. Sony , I'.I.M'ar- mm. STJ S3 IjlOU 8ALK Twenty W foot Inti Joining J.'Ames 1'luco ut from teOJ to fl.OOO ciieli ; lortnsonsy. Homo of them on puvrd Ntrcot. Don't vrnlt , but buy now or you will hnvo tel l > ay inoro inonny. Two tluKnnt loin on l nno tuo. near Califor nia HI. , n incut burimln fur tlio two. flUiOO. A doiililo smith frontroriirr , IHOxD ! ft. , cunt it f.ouo live , nnd south ut Uuss xt. A nnnat \ > ll.Wrt. A fine cast ( rout lot. west of Iliinscom pirk : mid nnir 1'iirk 8t. . wlinrn motor will bo ox- tomliMl In HiiriiiK. filxKiOft. , * 1M ) . A linn full corner lot on 17th St. , tlio coming retail IniRlncssHtrt'ut , $18,000. A full Inilf lot nnil cottage on 27tli St. , near CiimliiL'st. , tl.fVio. Truckage , iv full lot near tlio center ot the city , aurcMitHiiiij ) , HO.OOO. A HMD cast front Int. Mft. front nn Lowe avc. ncnr I'nnimn t. , J2.000. Property nt lisiwilim nil n\cr tlio city. T. 0. Hi-minor , llooml , Wnro lllncK. .21.V2 ! AGHEATlmrirnln nonrlvrng's now brcwory Bite. Sony. 15r > Kurd ni. 3E > 1 * a-Safo Investment * . M 1UU pUOIIIIUTION knocked clonr liiiek Into L Africa. No tnoio scuro ulxHit Investments. Ilorulx a Kiuiiil cliuiiuc. 1'nll lots dry , level , every lot u ImlMliiK lot with ntuo thiulo trees , only a few minutes' run by steiim cars on main line of II. A M. rallioucl nnd closu to Omnlm work. I nm Hulling Iliuso lots for ton ( $10) ) dollars each ; not JIO down , lint $10 ls full pay ment free nnd clear from mortfliico. Deed , nbst met nnil pint wit ) i cuuli lot. These lots are rlglit In line of Omaha's ftitnru Riowtli. lluy ono nnd forget it , sooner or Liter It will pet Into somcbody'H , vrlicn von cnn ruiil- l/o u ImmlhOiiH ! profit. Only ono plnco In the Unlti-d Hlulcs lo buy Ilium , nt : ilOHoulli IfitH street , Omaha. OhnrlcH 1' . llonjamlu. Rol liSeiit , 310 Sontli 15th htiuot. 270 ! IF you wunt to ell your leal cstntu list It with mo glvlnK mo solo uci'iicy n that I cnn list Itln tlio Heal Estate. Kxtlmnne , nnil you cut tlio hencllt offiO l < Millntr ( real cstulo men In the city. T. 0. lliiiiiiRT , Uooni 1 , Waio Illook. 271-21 NOTICE Tlio following piojiorty Is with drawn from nil nponia from this 'Jay. Lots 1 nnd 2. block SSOt Ktfift lotlS , block 4. Kount/otJdaddition , r.m Wnnftlotfi , NsoftLT block I. Popu'n t'lueo. 0. S. Kl utlnr , 2V5-2'J ( TNVr.ST In Aero Property Every dol- JLlar Invested now in well Incateil ncro prop erty will yield Tioni tlirco to llvo hundred per cent ulthln the nc\t tluco yours. IIoio nro n few of our ourliaigalna In Aero 1'ropoity : One 11010 t TOO ThrcQ acres i 1.700 Five acres. . , , / . . . 2 , ( > 00 Klvo uoroH 3,0)0 ) Tonnoios fi.OOO Tonncies 0,000 Ton nui < is only 2,600 Tonnpies , 7,500 Twenty ncics 10,000 Twenty ncrcs only 4,7.10 Forty acres 20.000 Forty uurcs 24,000 ElUlity ucies , a..OOO A ten-aero ti-aet wlllfmbdhldolnto llfty lots that. If properly located , \Ul soil for four to llvn hundred onch withintlionuxtlhrooyciirH. For locution , terms etc. , BCD OcorRo N. I licks. 1'list floor N. Y.LIfobM ? . , aooai WE hny , Hell nnd exchange real estaie. Murrains always on hand , Improved , uiilmuroNcd or ncreago. Monies Bold on monthly payments , hincuton .V Allen , 1007 Kariiiiin. M 10I-1M O5 l > 'iKT : nn rurnam hotunou 20th and 81st , -J north front , lesa than { 100 pur ft. cny. ISlSKnrnum. 27a 2. . * FOR SALE oY rcnt- l foct front with Inilld- IngofTO rooms. Apply nt the promises J18 H. 12th St. Alii)2U feet on cor of Chicago ami inih , Ap ply at 318 South 13th St. 210-n27 AUJUIGIIT'S Choice Makes money. Ml TAK T.imil A I.onn Co. real ( state , loans nnd lusurtiiico rental njjenuy. O7.'j-dl7 UIUIGUT'S Choice Albright L. ICo. . M mi BlKINI ! > S I'ronorty-T linvo concluded to offer tlio jMilIilliij and lot between tlio toN. Y. l.jfo and Alonu's for snlout tlio low prlco of $30,000 , now paying o\or 0 percent on tills with fiont halt of Ilrd Hour vacant. This property Is \ > oitb JOO.UOO. David ( ) . L'nl- terson. Mill Fiirimiii. 043 so rilllEOldHolliiblo AVe sue solo uponts of a .1. IIIIKO amount o' prrpuity of nil kinds that We cnn control at present prices for the next UlorDOdnys. After Unit * prices will bo ad vanced Miro. Now Isllm time lo luiy Omnlm renlty nnd sell out nt n k-imUorao profit no\t your , Al. A. Union C.'o. , lull and Furnam. ALIUUOIIT'S Choke-In Couth Omnlm. ai i i _ BKAl. ESTATE Wanted to hnlld n house and take horse und buggy , vueaiit lot , or piano for pay. K. O , Murrlll , contractor , 42ml and CassHtH. M 138 1)20 rilHE best lot nn Hamilton and Lowe avenue. JLKmnilre aUOJH lluinllton st. OH ) dlt' Ml III OUT'S Choice Terms to suit. suit.M1OT M1OT GKEAT Iturgidn A M.OOO resldoncoand lot on C'hlciiKO and 4'Jud for sale for t lie Incnm- i branco , JI.COO. For terms , etc. , boo W.W. Sla- * l > uugh. attorney , 010 N. Y. Uto. 041 28 A MtniOIIT'S OliolcoLlno of development. M 1M FIAllR hestooincr on uiipor Viirnuni Btrcot. -L fror.tDRo on U strcols ; uplondld corner on Karnnm si reel , close to court liontie.ii bargain ; corner with trackage in S. E. part of city ; peed residences and low-prli'od cottaues , K' ou lolH for bulldliic , home us low us * IOO , Inside unrt'H. furmx nnd nnlmhroved hind. \VowllUollnny ot tills properly , of which \\olmvoentlio control , nt prices \\ay below wlmt yon can Inty nt vlsowhoro. HtrhiRcrA ; 1'ciiny , lliirKci- block , nth nnd I'nniuin. 1 8 I.UltiailT'S Choice 10 per cent cash. | MI03 _ _ ALIiltlUlIT'S Choice lluiiutlfnl lots. .MHO _ OIIOLKS to tlio front , f huvo lx elosant tOliouscs on 4ltli uii'l rariiam , wltli ovcry modern convenience , InelndliiK gus and RUB fixtures , now nearly ready fur oioupanoy. Hco thoiii nnd malio your eliolOo. 1'rlce , | .l.7.)0 to * l'J.-iO. iSitfl to J5M , bulanoo to Hint at 7 per ucnt Interest . OurrluRo ulwixys ready ( o show onstoinors. I'nriiam struct motor within four block's. liny uliouHo ( julck. und take a linnd In tlio criliiU Hhutlle. This Is straight goods. I ) . V , SliolCH. 213 First National M liny oaily. M103 1 SO acroa flnu furin land udjolnlns good No- JL liraska town : nearly clour. ICO ucrca tlnolv Improve 1 laiulL'Ji inlloH from ooiiuty seat In NobMska : lightly encniiibercd 1JO ucrvs eood land In Xcliruska , Oiuliea fron : county eout ; ' . ' ,500 InliabllniilH. Iloui-o and lot In town In Ktinsns ; clear. Clear lot In gooxl Nebraska town. 4 room house and lot , burn , well nnd cistern Ifltli btreot. Umahiii slightly liiciinibcred : vll trade forOmulm jiropcrtyuiul assunio lucuin < H. K , Cole , L'onllnunliil block. IKK A LUUlUllT'soioko Call e. $9.WO buys tlio Dr. C'humliurs resldonco aiu veterinary burn ou 10th und llurdottaiti This I.SM.IXK ) loss tlmu cost. U. V. Bliolos , soli ugent. zu 1'mt Nut , bank. MffM _ WAtlUUVc > terUeldroalcstutoS.OniiUia ax ) _ _ AMiltiaUT'B Oliolco-Sub urban linnxu. M UKJ _ BNAl U7M win buy u nice 6-room hous < uudlot. with cvllur. uUtcrn , city wntor Bcwor and turn , eoiilrally located i lenni easy. J , 1) . Zlttlu.tu N. V.XIfe. W6.IIJ easy.LUlllCllirti LUlllCllirti Cholcu-Suro mouey. rou B A M : iiB A > j isar ATI : . _ _ For rate * , tte. , ttttirp of fint column im tAUi ELKOANT ii'xldcnco In Kotintto I'lace ; 0 rooni'r llnely flnlshcd mid all modern con veniences ! Wlrt t. . nenr 20th. Cnu sell on otio-niinrtor cunli juiynipiit nnd balance tlmo to right party. This Is no cheap atTalr of n IIOUMluita comforalilo liornc In every ( sen a mill ithlgHtinp barguln. F , K , Darling , llnrhcr lllock. M.TUt 171011 BAI.K Lot 2 ? , blockX Pnddock IMnce. ' J' mid lot 15 , block III. South Onmhii. Will rllchonn A-Jdress I < . 1C. chooiilcber.Ccrnsco , Neb. TO a.1 * J1011S1CS WINTKUCI ) . I'd tatf , tic. , crcloj ) offlrtt column ou Will jxi < / 11S1.91 a 1 < en f o r I li o vtTn tor with ono full HO n ( grain nor day nnd plenty of liny , 15 nor month Good carp will lie taken of them. I.cnio lull-no with N. E. Dlllrunco , stnlilrs 414 t-outh 17th nt. Teh-pliuno B04. M8J1 Oltsr.8 wintered. Wo liavo tlio best no cotmmxintloni In thontato for wintering hordes. Ilex orslnclo Htnllv with paddock. Appfy to Windsor. Kemp & To. , 20.1 Now Vork 1,1 fo lildK. , or to Chi (3 ( Nuvlns , nl the Mablis , Irvlngton , Neb. MG01 wlnlcrcd-Xo better place to winter HORSES ter horses tlian tlio Stlllwiiter Htock furin , Tt. C'nlhouu. 1'rlces low. host .cure , II. J. Kendall , | iroj > , llrown uldK.Oiiuiha. fj't (1U HOKHiS : liilorpdnt Omaha fair KrouncR I cnn winter200 horses , eacli horse hnsn larKOwnrm lioxiitall , feed all tlio urijn tlio owner wants. lar e yards for cxerol o In line wcntlior. A. Tlionmnn. M-111 N2a CI V1IIVOYANT. Forrata , etc. , ret lop ut Jlrsl ciifttmn on fh ! vme. 7" T.lli Clayton , clairvoyant , cnn by licr will JLJHUWcr grant any request. 010 N. lOtliKtrcet. 1107 110 * US. HTr.VlIU Is Klvlnz best HIICCCSS of nny fortune teller In tlio city , bho docn not deal In any fraud. Her lorinsnro the low est. 400 N. liltli , M Iloor. M llW-Sl * AltUIVKD-C'Inlrvoynnt , naturall ) Rifted , tolls past and future , lovn ti-oubles , ill- nont frlcnilH. cliniiROs travels business Hatls- faction given. Mrs. Wallace , I'M Farnnni st. T03-24 * MRS. NANNin V. WAKREN. clulrvoynnt trance , HpculdiiR , writing and reliable bus iness medium , 4 years In Omaliu. ll'J N , 10th. MASSAOK , Madam Dclzlor , over CIO S 1.1th. 402 d2 * BIIOUTIIAM ) SAM * 'IVI'UWIUIING. J'orralro , etc. . Me top of flnl column on this pags. " " rpYl'KWKITKRS , all makes , bought. sold.oT.- JLchanged , rented , J. J' . Mogcath , 1007 1'ai- namslicct. 315 , BO.VHKrLKlKcn ! < .iiul stenographer and notary. Depositions and court work a specialty. TeLlUM , room 1003. N , V. I-lfo Illdg l'A\VNimoKliUH. tona.lcr.ctc.tftopof j.nlcnlwnn ontlils , TjlUEI ) MO11M1 loans money on diamonds and JE watcliesJewolryotc.S.E.cor. Furnam&llth. 310 Notice to Contractors nnd HulUIern. Notice Is lieicby given t lint muled bids will liorocul\pl by the board of directors of the Farmers Grain & block Company , of Hooper , Nebraska , until o'clock p. in. . Nov. 2(1 ( , li-90 , for plans and specifications and building nn olouitor , In Hooper , Neb. , of 2. > , QOO bushels capacity complete with twenty horse power fatt'iim eiiRluuaud fixtures andllist elass ma chinery throughout , nil ollluo 14x22,10 ft. lilch divided Inlo two rooms and a 0-ton Fairbanks Hcnlo 8vl ! ft. The board reserve thorlKhtto reject tiny or all bids. JACOU HODF.WIC , Secmtary. Hooper , Kebinska , Nov. 18 , 1SW. NovSiaJtm Notice. To the Stockholders of the Ognlnlla Land nnd Cnttlo Co : Notice Is hereby given thnt the annual mcotlnuof tlio stockholders of the Opalalla Land and Cattle Company will beheld held nt the company's ollico. No. 21'JSouth 14th Btrcot , In the city of Ornnlin. Nob. , on Wcdncs- dny , December 3rd , Ih'.K ' ) , nt 3 o'clock p. m. , for tl.o election of dlicctors for the oiisnliiK year , nnd the tians ictlon of HiU'H other business ns iiiay come before tlio meeting. Novcmuori ; , 1SUO. 1SUO.JOSEPH I'nAMC , Secretary. MlLWRYTIMKOaRD Leavei I CHICAGO , UUUUNUTON Jt O. I Arrlies Omaha. I Uapot 10th and Mmun ireet . I Omaha. Leavei I KTiirffr. j. * o. u. Arrival Omaha. I Depot IQtU and Ma on : roat . I Om ha. (0 a ml..KansasCltr 1 7 Kipresa.,1 0.10 p m i5 JUsliL C. Night K p. Tla U. 1' . Trnnj ] ! JJ.45 ajn * I "U.NTOfri'AClKlC. [ Arrives Oraalia. | Dtpot 10th and Marcy tlroetl. I Omaha. 260 p m Overland Hyer 005 p m 130 pm 1'aclHc Kiprojs 11.45 n m 10 A ) n m Denver Expreu 1155 p m li 00 a rn Knma * Cltjr Expreil 1' ' 03 n m 1015 a m . . .FnlrlloWExD. ( exceptSun. ) . . 4110 p m Uma , hi ! | U. I1 , depot , JOth anil Marcy Bti. I Omaha. " (10 p'm.Tr7..77Nliiht ) IStpress 7. 10 05 am 1105 n ml Atlantic Ezproii 0.30 p m O ) p ml . .Veatlbule UmlteJ 110.45 a m TSavbj i " HID OX 1'1TI'Ai lFTu I Arrtvo Oinnliix It ; . I' , ( luimt. IQtli nnil Marcr SH-I Onuu- > 7.15 n nil . . . .Sioux City Passenger. . . 430 D m | Ht. 1'nul Erprci 10.10 a m \-Att \ Omaha. | Depot litli and Webster Sta. I Omaha JUKI p m | . . _ Ft. I'MII l.lmlteil . . .I i'JJ ' nm EfaveT ic'inOAlH ) i"Noui'li iKj'rKIN. ( | ArrifoT Omaha. | U. P. depot. 10th and MaroyHts. | Omaha. 15"ra , , . ( 'btcnKO Kxpreii. . . C2U p ra 430 p m .Vestibule Limited. , OM a m (15 p in Iowa Accommodation ( Exo. Sun ) 705 p m V.IU p in Eastern Flfer. , , 24i p m 11.45 a m Knstorp Knpress. 8.03 a m "Leave7"Tl'llilA < 7tI "Mlu , ft bT. 1'AUl * I Arrives Omaha. | U. 1' . rti-pot. KHli and Maror Eta.l Omaha. " " .10 poll . Clilcn o Kxpreii . I 945 a m llA'i am | . Clileaito Kxnrcs . | 0.50 D m UMAUA a ST. J > OUIb. i Arrives Omaha. | U. P. depot , 10th and Marcr Hti. I Omaha. ' 4.30pni | , .8t. uuli Cannon Hall . 11 ? JU u in Leave * I t. , K.AMU. VALLKV. Arrlvoi Omaha. I Depot 15th anil U'euiter Bti. I Omilii. tsa a m Illack llllli Kxproi 6.50 p m too a m . . .Itastlnin Erp. ( Ex. Hundnr ) . . . 590 p in 610 p ru Waboo&Llncoln l' i.Kt.8und'v ) 10 SO a to t.10 p m . .York * Norfolk ( K . Sunday ) . . 1030 a m l av i I Arrlvut ( Jiai\ha. | | Depot lilh nnd Wotiiier Bti. Omaliv | 8.10 a ml . . .Sioux t'ltT Accommodation , . . 5 US p re 1.00 p m . .Sioux Cltr Express ( Ex. Bun. ) . . 12.10 p n 100 p m . . . . . . . . . KnUI AJIUlliuU. 9U a u 6.15 u m .llancoft l'a en er < Kx. Him ) . . ) 8(5 n nj 0 eav i" I Arrival COraaha. Depot 15th and Webster Hit Omahx 10 SO a in" I. . .St.I/ul AK.C , Kxprcai. , . . ! 469 p a JT15 pm _ ) . . Jiu I/mls A K. C. Kxprati , . . . ! 010 a n T.eave7 ] 'ClHOAGlT. 1TTT. ATXUIf Io7 | "ArriT6T Transfer I Union Hepot rnimi.ii Illugs. ITransfei lTJM1CT * ' riT. ' l Traniferl L'nlon llcpot. Council lllufls. ITranatei 6.80 prn | Chicago Kzpreu I H15 nTn U.aojpjnl. . .j.Chicago Kzprm. . I COO p n 'Leavet I 1C. CMJTTJOh ! SCTTT Trnnilarl Union Dapot. Council Uluffi Trans fei 1001 a ml . . . .Kanill Cllr Day Kiproil , , 543 p n 10H p ml . . .haniai Cltr Night Kiprcii. l av > I "OMAHA AWTEGUIK" 1 'ATfireT Truuifer' Union Depot , Cuunfll Hlufti Trnmfei 5UU ji ml . St. Uiul < l Bnon Hall. . . . . . . U15 pn " "Leave * ICHIOAtiO. UUHL'N JfTnilNC Transfer ! Union Dejjot , Council Illugs. | Trar.atei V.4U ami. , ChlciiKO Kxrrcn. 020 p n 1000 p ml Chtcaxo Kxpresi 9(0 a n T. 05 pm' ' . . .Croston Ixjcal. . , Toavet i "BTOU.X OlTl" A I'ACIMU Arrives Transftr ) Union Depot. Council 11 luffs. Trans fei T.411 m' ' . . .Sioux Cltr Accommodation. . . U40 an tl05 p . . . . . . . . . . I'aul Kxpresi. . . . . . . . . 1000 p u TRAINS. THE LOUNGER IN THE LOBBY , A Few Thoughts Upon the Delights of Thanksgiving. ATTRACTIONS AT THE THEATRES , Now Mualcnl Pro ! lRy Cain- Suggestions Hogm-dliiR tlio Cnro ol' the Voice AVhnt Is Doing In tlio Drnnintlo AVorld. A cheerful Institution of tbcso United States and ono that tulds to the slender stock of holidays of the American people occurs next Thursday , when all sects nnd classes uro supposed to give thanks for the mercies nnd bcncllts ; of the nearly past year , and to pray for n continuation of kind treatment In the future. Apple ton's compilers ns well as other authors of definitions , surround the origin of the day with several beginnings and trace it definitely to none. Other countries have their "harvest homo" festivals nnd celebration of the Ingatb'ering seasons , but no other country of tUa glebe is put on record as possessing n civil holi day of this description , separate and distinct from any day of thanks or commemoration of any special deliverance. Tlio Hebrew feast of Tabernacles 'came nearer to Thanksgiving day tlinn any other observance and tlio ancient data of the former suggests It as being the foundation of the latter. The early history of the day in America is quite well l nownI , arasuroto the majority of TUB BF.E readers , but that no ono may bo Ignorant of its adoption in this country , I hope I may bo pardoned u snort digression from the usual topics \vhlch are discussed under this heading. Custom has flited the last Thursday la No vember as the day on which the celebration shall bo held , but in the early days the gov ernors of the different states issued their pronunclamcntos as thov pleased. The determination of a general day came about through the location of u flourishing village half in Massachusetts nnd half In tthode Island. The respective governors of the two states used to choose different days much to the disconcertion of the domestic arrangements of the residents of the town in question. On two days of the year one half the population would don Its good clothes. live high , shut up Its stores , go to church and put on style generally , while the other half sloshed around and attended to business Just the same as if nothing had happened. - Of course the rivalry got to bo expensive nnd finally the governor of Massachusetts said to the governor of Ilhodo Island some thing that has since been attributed to the governors of the Carollnas. Anyhow a treaty of peace ensued and unity ot thanks and turkey for ever after was the result in the divided village. The celebration has kept pace with time until today it rauka with the lirst of Ameri can holidays. To the dramatic profession it comes with positive delight. It means a Jolly dinner for every Thespian in the hind who has the wherewithal to purchase It , and these who haven't will find in a convenient saloon , where free lunch is served , a warm cut from the breast of the fowl which on this day is sacrificed upon the altar of a nation's thank fulness. To the managers of theaters the country over it means big houses , big profits and In consequence their hearts nro llllcd with thankfulness that on two or three days of the year they hnvo nn opportunity tosuspcniT the free list and fill the scats , which would otherwise be occupied by dead heads , with patrons , whose dollars help to maico the man agerial heart glad on Thanksgiving' day. To the men and women who are far re moved from the Ingle sides of their boyhood and girlhood , Thanksgiving day is freighted with tender memories. Boys and girts no longer they arc out In the world battling for place nnd position , fortune and fame , but reminiscences of other Thanksgiving days troop in upon thorn , Jiot unllko wedding guests to a feast. The sentiment which I have tried to ex press may bo pictured In these commonplace lines which I nave chosen to call TIIANKSQIVINO MUMOI1IKS. A homestead old I see tonight. Its gables pinnacled with snow ; Its rustle windows warm with light , Its hearth with dancing flames UKlow. From olty and from town has come A madcap , moriy , noisy ciow Who take possession , ful | and free , And frolic as they used to do. And now old songs are sung again , And ancient Incidents recited ; The boys recall the garret myths ' The glils , the uluces love WHS plighted. And In the midst of all this joy , Old " /.eke , " who still persists In living , Brings ill ) the elder from below And uppieskept for this Tlmnkkglvlng. The crackling logs , upon the hearth Their mimic salvos ( Ire at will , As If rejoicing In the fate That keens. sweet pcaco around It still ; And though tonight I'm faraway. Still memory leads mo to the living , And well I know I'm not forgot Amid their joys this glad Thanksgiving , I was talking yesterday with Henry E. Dlxoy nnd the talk naturally drifted to the evolution of the burlesque. It may bo inter esting to know what Mr , Dixoy's' Ideas arc regarding it : "Burlesque occupies a rather unique posi tion among the other branches of the dnv matlo art , " said ho. "It lucks tuo heaviness of the legitimate , the improbable situations ol the melodrama and .tho absurdities of the broad furco. Yet at the same time burlesque takes all those three in handvand cloverlj lampoons and caricatures them. There Is a freedom and dash in burlesque that Is hardly permissible In other branches of the art. Stapo ideas nro sometimes brushed ruthlesslj aside end the author or actor uses his OUT ideas to carry out effect. There is no pent-ur Utlca lu burlesque. In fact the very frothi ness nnd crlspness of burlesque Is whai makes It so attractive to music lovers. Con vcntlonalisms are pierced as whh a line stiletto otto ; stage weaknesses ore handled withoui cloves and the owner of a real live fad canse ( it exposed to a gaping world in all Its hide ousness. " "Has the burlesque made any progress Mr. Dlxeyi" "In my opinion it has made more raplc strtaes toward perfection than any depart ment of the dramatic art. The student of thi stage can recollect 'Pocahontas' nnd 'Chris topher Columbus.1 It is not necessary to g < any further back than the date which In eludes these old favorites. They are th < typical and for a time wore the Ideal bur losqucs of their day. An analysis of the ! 'construction shows that the groundwork o tno libretto presented but ono idea through out , or. It might bo said with u llttlo mori truthfulness , two Ideas throughout. Oin was , In the llrst place , a bold attempt a rhyming. 'Daughter' was made to form ni apparently euphonious coalition will 'oughter , ' a corruption of 'ought to,1 nnd so I went on. English was nssassinotci In cold blood , grammatical precedent were annihilated ana nodical license wa a very long suit for the librettist So muel for the llrst point. In the second place hit this rhymthmic delirium were Injected a nure her of very bad puns. Jn the construction o 'Adonis' and my other burlesques I hav made studious efforts to avoid these hack noycd methods and I have introduced in thol stead such features as will pleas > o the eye an ear ana the better sense of humor. Burlesque are better staged und the mechanical effect uro more pleasing. In all these direction have improvements boon made and th burlesque of today is fur in advance of thus seen only ten years ago , " Tun EOUNOEK. Spectacle is certainly ono of the most plea : ing forms of stage amusements. It ilnd favor with all classes , and no ono has clearly monopolized this peculiar field as Mi "Win. J. Gllmoro , who Is considered at th head of all diversions of this kind. The second end edition of "Tha Twelve Temptations , under the capable management of Charles I ! Yale , will o [ > en a three nights engagement c the Boyd on Monday evening. The spcctacl has undergone so many change ) that asld from Its title It is from all accounts n produi tion more grand and pleaslugtbaa that wblc was seen hero two years ago. An exchang commenting upon the piece said : "VY. . Ollmoro's 'Twelve ' Temptations' attrocte an audience at the Grand opera house la : evening that tilled the theatre. An nudlenci too , that was not slow In demonstrating II admiration of the magnificent Btugo selling and striking transformation scenes , apnUui ing the viUian when hh schemes secrnea to t well , nnd nppluudlnff the hero when the Rood triumphed over tlio bad , ' In mountltiK 'Tho Twelve Temptations/ , . Gllmoro Una passed the hltrliest. mnr f of the spectacular drama. The sccnory Is , the handsomest over seen on n theatrical stage , \vlillo tlio incclmn- leal effects are mnrvclmir. The play ubounds In siK'clnl features. The liallct Is strong , in troducing llvo very pretty novclllcs. The drniimtlo portion of the < sUbvv Is po completely overshadowed by the mi'chnclcnl and scenic effects that It Is Dot RniiTU pirt of the at traction. Thcro Is , holvcvor , nn Interesting plot thnt Is worked , clearer than is tisunl In spectacles , nnil the lines uro better thnn the nverago in spectacular dminus , The company Is strong. " ' " "A Brim Monkey" will bo at Boyd's opera house as the holiday attraction , commencing Thursday , Thanksgiving matinee , nnd con tinuing for three nights wltn Saturday mail- nco. Mr. Hoyt has In this ploco woven his absurdities Into n connected story. Thcro ib Just ns much bright mid attractive music , graceful dancing by pretty girls , nnd pletur- C3 < | uo specialties distributed through tlio c\cnlng as there was in the case ol Mr. Hoyt's earlier comedies , but in "A Dross Monkey" the thread ot the story is never lost , nnd effective and uproariously fimny climaxes , wowing naturally cut of the situa tion , brings the acts to a finish. The story has a number of quaint develop- meifts. Ono of the quaintest deals with n disinterested noptcw. whole revengeful na ture prompts him to dtSRrncetho Work family by npiicarlng In public places In the company of the toughest ho can Ilnd , The auction room sccno is full of odd bits of business and picturesque features. The auction room Is presided over by Jonah , ono of the unfor tunates of life who is in the habit of ascrib ing all of his many misfortunes to such out ward nnd visible signs as como under his notice. The famous "Wild Man from Borneo1 will bo sung by Messrs. Dodge , Barnes and Porter ; the "Ilazzlo-Dazzlo" bv the same parties , nnd a trio , "Tho Coed ? DIe Youiifr. " by the three irraccs , Misses Maud K. Will iams , SadloKirby and Eugenie Maynard. The most notable among the new features is Qeorgo P. Marlon's Italian "Chestnut" speech. It Is said to bo excellent in character dialect , novel and original , and so entirely different from the customary Irish and Ger man specialties that it Is doubly enjoyable. THE1U FIRST MUSIOALE. Jlrs. Cotton's Pupils Score a Well DC- served Sucuess. The first of n series of inuslca'.os which Mrs. Ji W. Cotton and her pupils , purpose giving during the winter was held Thursday evening In the Linlnger art gallery on Daven port street , followed by a reception of nn hour , during which the guests present took occasion to warmly concratulato the par ticipants uoon the success they achieved. En passant ono cannot help but allude to the Ronoroslty of Mr. Ueorgo W. Llnlngcr In allowing the recital to bo held in his art gal lery. If there were only a few moro such public spirited men In Omaha the cause of art. of literature , of music would bo greatly furthered Instead of remaining in its uudc- velopca state , ns now. The recital was even moro of n success than the most enthusiastic of Mrs. Cotton's admirers had hoped for. Thcro was a certain emprosscmcnt aboiit the performance which could not help but please the audience , which filled the salon almost to suffocation. It was really a crush , thor friends of the vari ous participants being out In force to assist at the debut of the vocalists. Mrs. George Gould inaugurated the evenIng - Ing by singing ToursL-iUJecause of Thee" very sweetly and prettily , and was followed by Miss Mvrtlo Coon who rendered Bach's "Cradle Song" very effectively. Miss Mary Oliver quite . surprised her friends by her beautiful rendi tion of Cowon's , , . "Lovo is a Dream. " It was so/full / of sentiment and phased so perfectly that u storm of applause followed Its completion1. Mr. Paul Beresford , the only gentleman figuring on the programme , sang "Calvary" in a very modest maunpr. His voice , while not particularly large , is handled with skill , and under Mrs. Cotton's direction ought to grow in beauty as it rfvov s in volume. Mrs. C. S.V hltney , Is the possessor of n very sweet soprano Voice which was shown to good advantage In Ardlll's "Magnetic Waltz. " Miss Kate Ball selected for her debut ns n soloist Chadwlck's pretty ballad "So Far Away , " which displayed her light nlto vole very acceptably Indeed , Two ducts by Caracctola , "A Streamlet Full of FlowerH , " and "Nearest and Dearest" by Miss Boulter and Mrs. Mocller were beautifully sang. Both voices were in perfect harmony , the soprano of Miss Boulter fur nishing the high lights for Mrs. Moellcr's rich and rare contralto. And the number was ono of the gems of the evening , introduc ing two well and favorably known vocalists to the audience. Miss Clara Clarkson charmed the guests by her daiuty rendering of "La Primovera , " by Torry. While her voice is not big by any means It is beautifully modulated m the upper register especially , Just suited for coloratura singing. Miss Anna Bishop has both a rich nnd a irihguotio alto , which shows evidence of very careful tralniiig. It is full of sentiment and gives promise of something out of the or dinary if care Is taken in its development. Miss Bishop sanp "Tho Journey is Long , " ono of Coombs' compositions , and won many worm words of pralso for the manner of Its rendition. In a year MIsc Georgia Boulter has wonderfully improved , so much so that it was the wonder of her fronds , who have not heard her Sunday after Sunday at tno St. Mary's ' Avenue Congregational church whcro she holds the position of first soprano. Her technique has greatly increased under Mrs. Cotton's direction , and her phrasing , which was so much of a former drawback to her work , has wonderfully Improved. She has a beautiful voice excelling in the upper register. ' Her middle voice still needs judicious care which may have been some what handicapped by her solo selection , "Do placer ml balza 11 gor,1' ' f rom "William Tell. " Written upon an exalted plane , the favorite lyrio number of Mmo. Pattl , Gcrstcr and Nilsson , it was nevertheless very effectively suncr , barring a slight tendency to accentuate notes which the composer never intended should bo so marked. The programme was completed by an octette , "Approach of Spring , " by Gnde , which was charmingly done , the di vision of the voices being as fol lows : First sopranos , Mrs. Whitney , Miss MnrvOlverj second sopranos , Mrs. George Gould , Miss Clara Clarkson ; tint altos , Miss Kuto Ball , Miss Lou 1'ortcrfleld ; second altos. Miss Anna Bishop , Mrs , F. L. Mocller. Taking Into consideration that this was the first appearance of a number of the par ticipants the recital was successful to a degree. r Tlio "World do Move. f And BO do thai ( Olegnntly appointed io trains of the Burlington route. By this o favorite line , seleeftod by the U. S. gov o ernment to carry the fast mail , you have itn the choice of'thrjee'daily trains for ith h Chicago nnd the east ; two for Kansas it City and the southj'two for Denver and its itd tlio west. " " s The BurlingtonrNo. 2 Fast Express , vcstlbuled throiifjHo'ut , equipped with elegant Pullman 6.\rs f urn IB hod with well selected libraries , reclining chair cars ( seats free ) , ahd"dJning car leaves Omaha 4:30 : p. ni.r-iiprive8 Chicago 8 n. m. , serving breakfaet'boforo arrival. No. 0. fast mail , loaves Omaha 0:10 : p. ra. ( arrives Chlcngd-J1 p. m. , equipment and dining car boryice up to the highest standard. Ticket XjfjlK 1223 Furnam at. 18 10 W ; F. Vani , ngent. California Excursions , Pullman tourist sleeping car excur sions to California nnd Paclllo coast points leave Chicago every Thursday , Kansas City every Friday via the Snntn Fo route. Ticket rate from Chicago $47.50 , from Sioux City , Omtihn , Lincoln orKansus City $35 , Bleeping car rate from Chicago $4 per double berth , from Kansas City $3 per double berth. Every' thing furnished except moult ) . Those excursions are personally conducted b } experienced excursion managers wlu accompany parties to duHtinatlon. Fet excursion folder containing full partlcu lars und ipnp folder and time table o : Santa Fo route nnd reserving of sleeping car berths , address S. M , Osgood , general oral ngent , E. L. Palmer , freight nnd passenger agent , A.T. & S. P. railroad 1308 Furnam street ,0maua , Nebraska CHAMPIONS OF HIGH LICENSE Tli3 Successful Efforts of Messrs. Bosowator and Webster Eloquently Commended. ECHOES OF THE OMAHA CLUB DINNER , Speeches by Dr. Miller , majorI'atl - ( look , Mr. II , AV. Ynten , Mr. "W. 12. Atinlii , Sir. Thomas ICIIpntrlck. nnd Oilier. ? , Ojylng to the great demand for space In tlio columns ot TUB SUNDAY Br.e some of the speeches nt ttio Hosowater-Webster banquet nt the Omaha club Saturday evening , the Ifith lust , were unavoidably crowded out. They are hero accordingly reproduced. Dr. George L. Miller in responding to the toast , "Tho Campaign , " said : "Mr. Toastmnstcr mid gentlemen of thtf Omaha club-I hnvo boon sitting hero this evening very much delighted with some things that I have seen and heard , and very much lu suspicion or some other things thnt I have noticed ( laughter ] In the last half hour , or hour , or two hours. I am suspicious that John L. Webster , my eminent friend , has been secretly ti-yiiiir to steal ray speech hero. I projioso to punish Mr. Webster- for the offense by talking to you nn hour , but ho Implored mo not to do It , nnd In consideration of your feelings I will not Inlllct tlio punishment this even ing , but will reserve it for the futuro. I liavo listened with prcnt satisfaction to the eloquent speeches of the gentlemen who have preceded mo-eloquent gentlemen who are entitled to the gratitude of tlio people of this state. I want to speak of n , man who is not hero tonight. Of n young man who has passed to his rest ; the young mnn who was the organizer of the Huslno Men's nnd Bankers' association and to whoso innnngo mcnt and counsel , the state of Nebraska owes its deliverance from the great public calam ity. [ A voice : "Moffntt. " Applause. ] Ho was not well enough known to this communi ty ; I tiiKo It for granted that ho was not known to many outsldo the commercial uor- tion of tlio city , but wherever ho was known ho wus known as a manly , true and loyal man , nnd I want to say thnt this occasion should not pass without a tribute to the memory of a man who had ns accurate Judgment of our affairs , present and future , considering the tlmo of ills residence in the city , ns any man I over had the honor of mooting. That young man , modest nnd retiring , though aggressive , worked with tucso gentlemen , with Mr. Rosowntor nt the head , In u way thnt showed us that when we lost him , wo lost ns capable nnd useful a man as' ever lived. [ Applause. ] "Although my Identity with this commit tee was a mere .iguratlvo one , or ono with which I had no particular connection except to know of Its organization , I say that the combination of tills great editor , the elo quence of Webster nnd that man of unex celled organizing power , Mr. Uoggcn , who Is unsurpassed as nil organizer by an von o I over know , having access M I did to reports ovcry hour , I say hero on my responsibility , hat in nil my observation In political work , have never seen men bettor organized for lattlo than In the campaign Just passed. My Icpartment has been ono of prominent scr- . Ice to the Voice. [ Laughter ] , As the approved correspondent of n man by the name of Kodman , I will submit to this busi ness association If I did not completely un- old the wants and needs of the people in his campaign. If that letter of mlno was uot sufficiently plain 1 will surrender nil my : lnlm of recognition at the hands of the itcrury bureau. [ Laughter ] . I told them vhat wo did not have nnd I toll thorn what vo wanted. That little Incident in thib cam- mlgn was very amusing to many nndsomc- \hat to mo. I Immediately subscribed to , ho "Voico and I am n regular patron of that japer now. ULnughtcrj. It has given mo ill the literary distinction I over had In my ifo since I presided over the Omaha Hoi'ild. "Gentlemen , I have listened tonight to the eloquent and comprehensive address of Mr. liosowntor , who has stated something of the past nnd much of the future of this great poungclty , now in its babyhood , compared to what it will bo within the lives of the young men hero tonight , The work in the f uturo for this city will soon belong to the young men who are kind enough to listen to mo. The shadows of ago nro falling upon the heads of the men who may be called the fathers and founders of Omaha. Ins , ono of the men \ylio came hero before the Indian occupa tion had ceased , In the coming few years can see Jho end of n life that has been active hero for thirty-six years. I sny to the young men hero tonight , you who arc hi the meridian of manhood , that your imagination cannot paint n future for this city that will not bo far out stripped by the reality , for the next twenty- five years. "For thirty years I have made n daily study of tbo resources of Omaha. I remember very well when a man by the name of Durant , who built the railroad hero , said that the railroad could never bo operated for the reason that there wns no fuel In the Rocky mountains with which to run the locomotives. I know It wns his plan never to build the railroad nn Inch beyond the city of Cheyenne , because ho said the mountains could not be passed , or the fuel could not bo obtained. "When I came to Chicago , men said , 'VVc have all the growth wo will ever have hero and you had better go west , ' and I cnmo west to grow down with the country for the first fifteen years , and I say to these young men , don't you discredit anything whnt such men ns I nm say about the future of Omahn , for upon that depends your future fortune. If 1 could have convinced the incn of Omaha twenty years ago thnt this city was to have a population of 150,000,1 could have made a thousand inon rich. "Thoso gentlemen have furnished mo the text ; Kosowater has given you the statistics , and I am dealing with what I can foresee of the future of this city , mid when you wish for the dovclopment.of this community west of you with all Its manifold resources. In ten or twenty years It will out-run and discount tbo Imagination two to ono. [ Applause. I Then W. V. Morse , the eminent merchant of your city , has a Jug of whisky corked up , which ho says ho is never going to uncork until this city has a population of 400,000 ; I want to say to him that ho will bo a compara tively young man when the jug is uncorked. Thanking you , gentleman , for your kind at tention , I bid you good night. [ Great ap plause and cheers. ] Major J , W. Paddock responded to the toast , "Tho Old Settlers. " Ho said : "Unlike Mr. Yates , who staits with water , I will take a generous sup of wine. When I was first notined of this banquet I was told thai It would ben gathering of the active , vigor ous members of the club to honor our gucstj of tonight , I see that I am expected to glv < dignity and style to the entertainment. 3 want to say seriously that I am probably tin oldest In this gathering , at least the oldcs Inhabitant of this community. Dr. Miller it two weeks behind mo. As old settlers w < have passed through many epochs and Strug gles In the history of the btato , among thi moat notable of which wns the location o the capital thirty-six years ago , there beini but two present who took part In it , and tin location of the Union Pncliic , there hoini but one hero who was effective in that result But I say that never was any victory woi that meant so much to the prosperity of tin state as that which has just been achieved It Is of inoro Importance in building up th stnto and insuring the safety of cvorybod than all the others. To none Is this resul moro directly duo than to our guests hero tc night. Talking of old settlers reminds mo o the fact that umongthe pumpkin producers i new territories the oldest inhabitants nro r < garded ns invctcruto liars. I want It undoi stood thnt I nm the oldest Inhabitant able t be present and tell the truth. I need hardl call your attention to two of our greatest N < brash u products Canada BUI nnd Bufful Bill. The former , although once a hunto citizen of our state , as n financier had fei superiors. Subtle In lib management , chili Ilka and bland In his manifestation ) ) , sklllc aiul adroit in his manipulation of trust fund : wo shall never see his llko again. The ottu has won distinction and dollars on two cent nonts , and when ho Is not hobnobbing wit the prince of Wales , is marshaling liU domi stlcatod aborigines and painting thing red 1 the western portion of our own fair stuti Wo hnvo no Vumlerbllu or Gould : but wo nro proud to preset tho. naino of Buffalo 13111. Ot soft , continued twilight Is supposed 1 some to bo the reflection of the telling sui but wo old settlers are aware Unit It la simp ] the reflection of William's shirt front dl : mond. When darkness comes on it is b cause ho has succumbed to his insidious fo old tanglefoot In tbirty-slx years our * tn has made n surprising advance In the ar and sciences , Nebraska has compelled U great American desert to retreat to mythical lands nnd leave these fertile valleys to yield n rich abundance for the most enterprising and prosperous representatives of our race. ' In replying to the , ' 'Tho United States Postal Department , " Postmaster Clarkson said thnt ho could scarcely under stand whyn contemptible government olnclnl , ns n Now York paper called him. nhould bo Invited to participate in the festivities of the occasion. S.ild ho ! "Wo have heardncreat deal about the goncrals of this campaign , und I desire to sny thnt the grand result could never hnvo been obtained without the hearty co-operation of the runic nml Hie. To the work of the business men of Omaha Is duo the magnificent result that has been accomplished. AH the KoiU'rah on earth could not have done this without the assistance of this association The Omaha postoftlco has grown to bo n niur- vclous thing. A few years It was nil car ried in A. D. Jones' ' hat , and now a live-story building has been found to ha altogether too small. It hni foc-cu found necessary to re quest our business men to send In their mull by Instalments during the dnv that It may bo promptly handled. Over llftv thousand letters - tors nro mailed Irf thh odleo ovcry dny by actual count. Over $1,800,000 Is received nnd paid out , and $ . " > .IKK ) worth of stnmps nnu envelopes sold every month. This Is bound to make Omaha hoard from nil over the country. None of us uro too old to see this n city of 400,000 , nnd Ills coming soon. No city lu the country Is as nervyvo ! ! and w\\a \ ( \ awnko ns Omaha.1' K. W. Slmeral responded to the toast "Tho Bar. " Ho said thnt the bar hud maintained the law nnd order of the city and state , nd would continue to do so In years to como. The of Onmha stands pre-eminent among the coutts of the coun try.Mr. Mr.rlhomas Kllpntrickwns called for , and said that ho was sorry that ho could not con sider himself with Messrs. Miller and Pad dock as nn old settlor. Ho said that for six teen years ho hud resided nt the early homo of Air. Hosowater , and It was his privilege to think him a great power. He came from Cleveland , nnd was told thnt the most power ful paper west of the Missouri river was Tin : OMAHA liuii. Said ho : "Itwiis my pilvllcgo to know nnd esteem Mr. Hosowntcr's family , nnd I nm glnd ho stands so highly today in the estimation of the people of Omaha. If In the future I am not pleased with him I shall say so , but I will respect the man who stands by his patty and Is always walking for the benefit of this nnd growing citv. " Mr. Henry VTutes , responding to the toast of "Our Bankers. " after u humorous refer ence to some other hankers present who should hr\vu been called upon instead of him self , and the possible connection that bunks inU'hi bavo with the occasion , nt suggested by Judge Clnrkson spoke nsfollows : "I had the honor of presiding at the llrst mooting called for the purpose of inaugurat ing the nnti.prohlLltlon cnmp.ilgn , and upon mo devolved the duty of appointing an execu tive committee. Several weeks were tuknu for the purpose , nnd I bcllovo I selected a good committee. I am free to confess thnt , fora time , I felt , with other , somewhat dis- satlslled when this committee was displaced nt a subsequent gathering by another chosen In Its place. In the light , however , of results , it must now bo admitted that the right men were found for the place , who , with the blessing of the divine 1'rovidcnco. hnvo brought about tills grand success , nnd to Mr. Edward Kosowater personally , in my opinion , the credit is larirolv duo for the de feat of the prohibition amendment. "T was opposed to prohibition not merely , as assorted by so many , thnt It did not prohibit but , firstly , because I believed It would bo detrimental to the material Interests of this city nnd stnto ; nnd , secondly , because I did not bellovo in the principle itself. The law should not undertake to Interfere to this ex tent with Individual rights. Life Is made up of small things. Men's tastes differ. Ono finds his greatest enjoyment In a good cigar , another , perhaps , in the driving of a fast team , or the eating of a turkey , and I am not sure hut others find theirs In prayers und psalm-slnglng. Notwithstand ing this belief , during all my twenty-nine" years of residence In this city for I bellovo I nnte-dnto Mr. Hosewntor no one hero can say I was over sosn Insldo u saloon. And , right hero , I believe it proper to refer to a subject nnd problem which Is presented to the people of this city. It should be dis tinctly understood and our newspapers should send It forth with no uncer tain sound , that wo nro lu favor of temper ance nnd the enforcement of the law. Puulic opinion V1I1 do moro to lessen the , number of saloons and the curse of saloons than any law which can bo enacted. Great advance In this dlioction has been nmdo in recent years , and , If our prohibition friends will onlv let us alone or will Join bonds with us. much greater results will follow In the futuro. The men who voted for prohibition were , some of them cranks and others doubtless tricksters and impostors ; but , the largo ma jority were terribly in earnest and no ono should bolloVo Hint the cause of prohibition Is dead. To combat with It successfully , wo should demonstrate , what I boltovo to bo a fact , that n largo majority of our people , .vhllo voting against prohibition and for high license , arc also opposed to the saloons and Enloon influence. Another problem In this connection Is nlso brought vividly before us of the largest financial importance nnd which mast soon receive our gravest consideration. In vlow of nil the contingencies presented , some movement sould bo commenced or some plan devised for the support of our public schools other than that derived from saloon licenses. "In closing , I desire again to nlludo to the great service rendered to our state and city by our guests of this evening. These entitle them to all the thanks you have extended nnd nil the honors you have conferred upon them , and , In my opinion , deserve nt our hands a much moro substantial recognition than what is supplied by this banquet from the Omaha club , " W. E. Annln , being Introduced by the chairman ns "anxious to respond to the toast of 'The Pi-ess'said : "When the commit tee of llvo , of which I happen to bo a mem ber , was appointed to see now many of the 200 members of this club would bo willing to stay away , wo mutually agreed that no posi tion of honor or trust should bo accepted by any member of that committee. Wo broke the rule first In the case of Offutt. Ho firmly but persistently insisted that ho should bo se lected as chairman. Wo didn't want him and tendered the position to J. M. Woolworth. Ho regretfully declined on account , of ab sence from the city. So , too , aid Dr. Aliller , who had broken another engagement to bo with us this evening. As a lust resort wo were compelled to come down to Offutt , and , of course , ho accepted with thanks. [ Pro longed laugtitcr. 1 The reflection ho has cast on mo in his Introduction cannot bo per mitted to pass unnoticed , Hence my simple rotort. "As I passed by the table about two mln- ufosago Mr. Offutt suld : 'Wo shall call on vou to respond to the toaat of The Press , ' and Mr. Kosowater added sotto voce 'Tho Express. ' [ Laughter , ] There Is feomothing lu that. Of course , for three years past I have had no stilted connection with any Oinahu paper nnd am on that ac count n local ex-press man. Hut the call to answer to the toast of my profession tiring * mo to my feet nnd I do not feel embarrassed as I guzo upon this wine emblazoned assem blage , to endorse a calling thnt has nrhluvcd HO much In victory and defeat , nnd through victory nnd defeat ns the 'Press. ' "Thohjis no toast through whoso silvery whiskers the winds of Hpilng , the gentle zephyrs of summer and the storms of iiutiunn hnvo blown as it/has through these of the 'Press.1 "And yet I vlolnto no confidence in saying that the toast seems to bo proposed only when either an editor Is a guoM , of the evening 01 reporters with sharp pointed pencils arc seated at the tables. [ Laughter und ap pluuso ] , "Wo fear tlio press always , und wo hate the press frequently , but wo uro apt to ad inlro the press in public only when member ; of the press are present. [ Laughter ] , Am wo know that the press Is always nblc U pralso lUolf and doesn't need our fcohlo uu coiilums , "Still I am of the press , with tin press , and for the press. I b-i gun right hero in Omaha unc Mr. Kosowater was my firat employer. [ Ap plauso.J I ( tot $16 a week salary und ucarl ; wrecked the paper , [ Laughter. ] Our ontln start consisted of thrco , und wo worked sov cntcou hours a day. When wo needed i stimulating example Kosewuter worked tin whole twenty-four. [ Laughter and ap plauso.J It was a much smaller press thei than now. In these olden days Dr. Mlllc [ applause ] wns smiting vigorous blows fo Omaha on the Iloruld and writing live ) ; reminiscences of 18.VT-58-5 ! ) , with occaslona mentions of 18tH-U5-X ! [ laughter ] , and Mi Kosowater , on Tin : Bun , wus wielding hi editorial slodgo-hammcr on currant topic and dodging up Douelas sti-oot to avoid meet ing Individuals who desired to express In i physical manner the fact that they difToroi with him in views. [ Applause and laughter. For myself , I recall the days \vucn It tooli six-blocks' walk for n certain newspaper inVl. to avoid meeting un enraged landlady , nn when all the dividends of Omnlm nnwspnpors combined for n vnnr would not have paid the snlnry ot a single roportor. "Tho Omaha pnns Ims nlwnyn led this city , It has nluays blazed the way of every public Improvement. It has cleared the track for the Investment of cnultnl. It has fcitrlcstly exposed corruption , nnd stood shoulder to shoulder when the prosperity of the fair city was immiltcd. [ Prolonged npplnuso.j In no city In the country of Omulm's population are the pa pers hotter edited , pny out so much In pro portion for news , or stand so closely In touch with the people. Ami I want to sny thnt In the cast , ninong Journalists no less than among renders , the piper that Is known 03 the piper of Omnlm. the editor who is rccog * nlzcd ns among the foremost of the country , Is that paper known ns Tin ; OMMIA HUB , whoso editor wo honor ourselves In honoring here this evening , [ Loud nnd prolonged np- plniiso. ) Helms done well his nut In this groatbattlo , which bus been lighting for per sonal liberty ami personal right , for the mn tenul intoivts of Onuilm and the material Interests of Nebraska , | Aupluuso. ] "There is n lilting personal lionor In this , because wo have hew ono to whom wo are s > much Indebted. Vou who have ni- Aoctutcil with him us members of the Stata Dnslncss Men nnd Bnnkun' association who know of his indofatlgnbla Industry , his un varying persistency unit his honest nnd unro- muncr.ited work can speak In louder tones of pralso than myself of thu labors of Kdwitrd Hosowator. [ Loud nnd prolonged applause. 1 "Thnt was n remnrkablo combination or brains nnd oratory united in each , the editor and the lawyer , which I'ducatod the people ol this state on the subject of nutl-piiihlbitlon. Hut , gentlemen , you addressed only a few thousand ntn time from tlio platform amid u whirlwind of cheers. It was when the prosd put In cold typo those remnrkablo debates that hundreds of thousands of voters read nnd rotle"ted over your arguments and the calm consideration of n quiet hour clinched the un- dlsputablo facts nnd llgures which you so ably presented. Tlio press was the greatest ally and the mostpowerful Instrument in that most Important Htrugglo through wnlch wo have passed. And at the front , striking with all 1U old-tlmo vigor , stood Tun OM \ n13un , gathering votes wherever It went nnd prov ing itself , ns it always has , the lionost clmm- piouof honesty and the sturdy defender of Omaha's interests and the interests of tha stnto. [ Applause . ! "J thank Mr , Offut for calling mo up. It has been n great pleasure to mo to respond to tills toast of The Press , because wo hnvo hero It's most famous representative In the state of Nebraska and ono of the most distin guished In the whole trans-Missouri country. [ applause , ] Weather Probabilities For November Indications point to cold , frosty weather. That , however , will inako no difference t6 these who travel in the stotim-houtod und electric- lighted , limited vostlbulo trains which nro run only by the CbJcnpo , Milwaukee A ; St. Paul Ky. between Omnlm and Chicago. City ticket olllco , 1501 Par- nam Bt. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , J. E. PUKSTOJT , General Agent. City Passenger Agent. FOR "THE FOUR HUNDRED" AND MANY MORE FUllDress'SlM Fine Neckwear -AND- A complete assorment of Men's- : : Furnishings SOCIAL FUNCTIONS ARE NOW IN ORDER "THE PILLARS OF SOCIETY1' AND LESS IMPORTANT MEMBER AS WELL , SHOULD EQUIP THEMSELVES EARLY FOR THE COMING SEASON OF BALLS AND DINNERS. Look atour supply of PINE SHIRTS and artistic collection of fJEGKWERR Ward McAllister himself would take delight in them. > O.SAhH t'Oll HAY AND til'KAW rU01 Iljpartincnt of the Missouri , Oflkuot tlioChlof Quaileinuster , Ht. Louis , Mlssouil , November 10,18X ! > . Sealed proposals In trlpllc.Uc , Riibjeot to the usual condition ; ) , will bo received ut this olllco anil ut tlio ofllca of the Qnui lerinastur at Fort Ucnn. O. T. , un til 1o'clock , noon , centiul Ntundard tlmo. November 111. 18M. and then opened , for the furiilshliK ? nnd delivering during tliu llscal year oiidliin June : w. 18)1. ! ) two million four bundled thousand 12,400.000 ] pounds of ha nnd four hundred and sixty-live NtB.000) ) nowiilu of straw ut Kurt Itono , O. T. Proposals for delivery at cither points will bo cntertnliied. lUdJora.niiist stulo tliu places whore they propose to mtiku deliveries , The covoniniciit reserves the rl lit tuiolcct any or nil bids , or to contract for cither kind of sup plies , orsuch putlon of oaoli as inny uo C0n- hluorcd for the best Interests of the service , nnd waive such defects ns lire not In conflict with tin ) law. I'rjfurcino will ho Rlvon to ar ticles of domestic piodiictlou or mnnufiiotiiro , conditions of quality and price ( Including In tbo prlco of fortilgu production or inaniifnc- turo the duty thereon ] being ennui , lllimlc nropos IH nnd prllitod circulars giving full In formation will bo furnished on application to thltt olllco or to lliu quartermaster of tlio post nninod , KnvelopcH containing proposals tdinuld hn iniukcd "I'rojusiU for ( lay and hi raw at I'or I , Ueno , O , T. , " nnd uddrcaaed to the umlorhlgnod , or to the 1'ost Oiinrtormus * ter. Kort Ueno. O. T , 0. W , KOBTKR , Quar tormuster. U. H A. . Clilof Quurtcrmustor , lliHooIutlou Notice. Notice Is hereby lvcn that Ilio llrni of Col * hcth , JoluiKon & Iiovgien In dissolved by mill tiiul consent , by the withdrawal of the undoH Hlk'iicd. J.A , LovaiiKif. Omaha , Novombor21,1690. I lima this ilny associated myself In busU ni'ssttltli Hy. ilalmgrnn ut room H. Unrke * block , the styluof the IIrm being Malninron 4 I.ovgrcn. " " JlPCclvrr'H Snip. lly vlrtoo nt nn older of Die circuit court of tlio United btatcs for Iho district of Nobrnsku made tho2lht day of November ! 1WW , the un ( lerslgned Is ahtfiorlzed to receive scaled bid for the entire coouo , wares , inerchundlsu un ( effcotH of the Midland KItcli lo Conipany , Al Hiich bids to ho niaUu on or before thclStl day of December , Ibim. nddresHcd to the un durslKiied , A. r. lll.UNUKi.L. Hccolvcr. Notice. HldH will bo received for the next ton duy for the entire Htook of tewolry , Ineludlnir llxf tuiesof all kinds , at 1324 I'arimm utroet , Vttiij cott'nold Htand , The right to reject nny ua4 nil bids latcnorfod. J.Ii , lioyd , receiver , '