Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1890, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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1 \
* A DVKimSEMENTS for thVie colunnvll |
cl-Ix ) taken until 12:3) : ) p. in. , for the orcnlnj
edition and until HTW : p. m. , ( or ( bo morning
edition nud 8UNtiAr HKK
rjnEUMS-Canh In adranco.
TJATHS Advertisements nn thlipuRa will bn
JLVchansed for at the ralo o ( 1H cent per wont
fortho lint Insertion and Itctit per word fur
acli subsequent InsetIon. ! und II.M ) per Una
nor month. No advertisement taken for
JPM than 21 conti for tin ! Ilrnt Insertion.
INITIALS , figures , BjniboN , ate , count racli
nanno wprd.
rpllKHK advertisements must run consecu-
JL lively nnd under no clreunntnncci will
they bo taken ordlnconllnned by tolopliono.
PAUTIEH advertising In these columns nnd
having tholr answers addressed to a "num-
l > er d lotlor" Incaru of TUB I KE will receive
a numbered chock to enable thorn to get their
letters. Answers will bo dnllvLrud only on
presentation of this check. Enclose nuwen
In envelopes properly addressed.
ndvertlsmiiPiitl under the lionrt of
ALL NotlfoV'nro published In Imth Iho
inondtiii nnd ovcnlinr editions of TUB HEI : . tliu
clriMiliitlun of which iiBsrezates inoro tlmn
20,000 papers dally , nnd Rhoi the adtcrtlsor
the benefit not only of the largo clrculntlpn of
y'UFllKK InOmnlia , hut also In Counoll IllulTs ,
Lincoln and other cities nnd tovrniln the west
g Advert lilnR for these columns will betaken
on the above conditions , ntlho followlr ? binl-
ness house1 ! who nro authorized to take special
notices , nt the same rates as can hud ut the
main nlllro ,
SOUTH Street , Lister Hlock.
OHN W. HELL , Puurniaclit , 823 South Tenth
HASH k EDDY , Stationers nnd Printer ! ,
113 South 10th street.
M * >
1T.VAHN9WORTII , I'lmrniaclst , SlliOum-
s7 i Inn street.
\\7 J. I1UOHC3 , Pharmacist , 034 North 16th
TT street.
GKO. W. PAHR , 1'harninclst , 1718 Learen-
worth street.
UGI1ES1 PHAttMAGY , 21th and Farnam.
for tnlctttc , , itttojinf Jr [ t column on tMi
iru'ATiON WANTllTn-nrliin xlSriViTrwl
driiKKlst. Addres ? W Us , Hoe olllco. 5ai-l *
SITUATION wanted as olflco Inly by n boy
of 18 who understands nil ofllco work. Tour
yours1 expetlencf. Address J. W. , TOSS. 2ttli (
street. ana-Si *
SITUATION wanted engineer.
stationary ; 1" > years * exueileiieii ! good rcf-
oroncc. Address wai Hoe. Slit m *
WANTHD 1'amily sowlii ( ? bv day or week :
children's clothes a specialty. AdUrc
W 21 ! llee. 2:132:1 : *
\VANTliJ aiA UliijP.
t'crrata , itc. , tte fop of flrft ( olinnii on Uibt
4JAI.KSMAN wanted. ,00 dally salary to
VJ sell our goods to business men only. $500
Jascof Himploa ( mulled ) free. Write today.
IVrlglit Mfg. Co. , at Paik Kow , New York.
ACTIVE reliable man to canvass thin elty
for the sale of our now roses , choice How
ling shrubs , ornamental ( rocs and now ta-
rletles ) f , hardy riursory stock. Good pay ,
Vcekly. Apply quick with references to L. li.
ttlay A. Co. . Nurserymen , bt. I'util , Minn.
241-25 *
A-SOMHTIIINO now-n an hour easily
made by iigcntH , uiulu or female : Haniplo
nnd full partlciiltin froo. Uhas. i : . Marsliiill.
l.ockpoi t , N. Y. * 'B5 SI"
, iN ni ; > First-class advertising man.
Wood salary and steady Job. isono but
A No. I solicitor need apply , if. 12 , U , S. Nat'I
bunk bldg. , Monday at It ) u clock UNJ23 *
" \\fANTEO A manager for a first-class reT -
T tallRlovodopartiuent. A good opening
for a competent man thoroughly familiar
with the handling mill fitting ot gloves. Ap
plications stating present employment < iml
Kiting other loforenccs will be treated confl-
dentlally.VS. ! . D.CO. sr l-2i :
WANTP.I ) - A man uf business ability
and mechanical knowledge to represent
mo In Neb. Jus. T , Muekuy , 15 S. UroaUway ,
Bt. Louis , Mo. 234 211 *
Two good electric light wlro-
men. Call at 014 N. V. Llfo building , nt
fiBO , Monday morning. aitl l
VI7ANTEIAgontstoscll the only success-
fill patent roller rub Iron for Duaale-
nndwiiKous. Territory free. Mrlto for prices ,
If. M. Fraror- . ail N. V. Llfo Kulldlng. ? i58.i5l'
\TrANlED-Maiitosellllno ( if cigars-Tib !
" ' per month und expenses paid. Ail dress ,
vrlth Htunii ) , Ulobu Clgnr company , St. T.ouls ,
Rio. 247 20 *
SAljESMANuuntcdto sell inanutactiiier'h
line of dicsj goods , eottonados , JeanH und
ciisslmcros ns a lde line to letnllers. j
ciimmlsslon. The Purnull Halo Mills , boMX ) ,
Plilliidclpliln. _ 50-zi1
1 At once , nl Columbus , Neb. ,
Ilrst class barber. OullutA.LundelitniKV
Co'fl. . Omaha. -JIG 24 *
"VTTANTED A boot uud shoo salesman with
TT established triulo In Nebraska , to sell
from I'll If ago. Address , glvlnu reference anil
uartlculiirs.V"5. . euro Oiimlm. Ileo. M"l" 2.
STUDENTS for n thnrough course of Instruc
tion ovonlngs only In doublo-untry bookkeeping -
keeping , business practleo nnd pomimn < > hlp ,
Notossary ' siipiilles furnished ! no cxlras
terms $11.00. 1'or references tmd full Informu-
Hon address W2J , Ileo.
\\rANTEO-Itoys at the Kaglo cornice
TT works , 1110-1112 Dodgont. MS05-33
WANTED Toaoher furnrl vnto Instruotlou-
In English. Address W 27 Ueo. 22325 *
TtTANTHD Ypung man to receive Instruc-
TT lions keep books In IJeccmbcr. J. It ,
Smith , UIO Now York Life building. 163 23'
GUIsIUA I/agents soiling the pitont adjust
able shoo nro mnlclng from (1,000 to J5.00C
par year , Canvassers ft to $7 per day. Kx-
oluslTo territory given. Address vlth 3-reiil
Htnmp , Consolidated Adjustnblo Hioe Co.
ijalein. Mass. M171-dJ *
TAETEOTIVE Wo want a man In every lo-
JL/eallty to act as private detent ho uniloi
our Instructions. r > end for particulars. Wash
ington Detective Agency , box 787. Washing
ton , Iowa , i\penenco : not necessary ,
Hi PIS *
"V\rAvNTED Gentlemen or ludy salesmen
TT ( Jailor uddioss Win.llrunk , 1418 N. 17th st
130 ! : > '
WANTEIWAH parties dcslrlnn Informa.
tlun about tliu now state ut Washington
Itscllinaje , soil , productions , lesources. Iiiiuli
unentered , wages , etc. , send $1 for largo boo !
InHttite Unreal ! of Correspondence. , Tacuiiui
Wash. Letters of Inquiry of all kinds prompt ) t
nsweiglfor Wo each. 140 yo *
WANTEI > Salesmen on salary oreommls
Hlunto hundlethu new patent elionileu
Ink orasliiR jiencll. The greatest selling nov-
rlty uvor produced. Erases Ink thoroughly li
two seconds : no nbritston of paper. 200 to5lH
per cent profit. Oneauent's sales nmoiinlor
JoWlD In six days : another KI2 In two hours
t\e waiitonuenorgellu gcnornl iiKcnt foronol
state und territory. Sumplo by mall : ir cts
lor terms nnd full particulars address tin
Monroe LrusorBIfg. Co. , La Orossels. .
M 101-51 *
"Vy ANTED Men nnd women of ability li
TT every city , town ami village to net a'
nicnts for thii Ladles' Home Journal.Vi \
want the host attalnnnlo class of agents , nni :
to moll unusual terms will be ottered. Tin
Journal Is the handsomest periodical for la
tiles nnd the family over IMIUMIand has ncarlj
liulf a million subscrlbors. H will bo ndver
tlsed the comliiR nutumn nnd winter on r
larger scnlo than ever before , creating n de
insnd that uRents should be ready to flit ,
.Curtlgl'nbllshliiKCo. . Philadelphia. MMI27
A Ir\V tracklayers nnd shovolers wanted
KM . . AJ'l)1y ttt "lu boarding curs near tliu net
\\hlto Ivad works , Kust Omaha. Wood & Hun
troft. MCi)3-Ud )
TVTANTED-SOO laborers for stone ami cradi
f T work. Apply to 1' . 11. Johnson , Ilnloi
pansongcr acixit , Omaha. 2W (
\\fANTED-Montn travel for our On n ml In i
TT uur6orlcs.8toneiWclIlnstonainai on\VI
MEN or vromon wanting work , or person
nocdliiR help of any kind , city or country
run nlwnytt Ira supplied ut Kolth's olllce , 3b !
S , 15th st , Satlsfaction guaranteed.
OANVASSKHS Wnntod-Corresponiloneo so
Molted with competent canrussers to set
paper clothing. Good WUK M can be earned
\Ulto 1'uper L'lothlns Co. , I'ort Huron. Jlloh
WANTED Men vrlth good reference u
Metropolitan MfR. Co. lOO'JUownnl ' t ,
HT'ANTEI ) Agents wnntod tbroiiRiiout No
TT braska.end ( stamp for reply , Jos. 1' '
Mogcuth , Umaliu. 7W
WANTED A live , uncrgetlo tmrtr In over
Ul&co to lutnulucu our KOods. \\\i \ have
new line thut will loll at every house am
kKcntseau reap a hurt vst between now nn
, the holidays , "will par a salnry of S73 po
month If prvfcrretl nnd furnish u team fret
Ad < lre * ut once. Standard bllvorwnro Oo
lioston Muss , MC.t-.MU5 *
I'orralu , rte , . Me lo\tnf \ fitt eoliinin on Hi fa
\\rANTni-Ene Otlo hoe Hnlcsincn for
' road. None but workers. Apply toOuy
Decker , 220 N. IDtli ulrct-t. 23 XJ *
\\7 ANTKD-Aiinctlvo. otiergctlo
' T of iimtlciuaiily nddres . us a gent In this
Hiy for n now article In ( onornl uie , Hint on
Its murlH will coiiimnnd a large incl ready
sale. Call onf. IIma burger , at I'axton house ,
tumoirow between U nnd 13 o clock. Itefor-
iifos reiulreil. | 3 t ) 21 *
WANTHD-A uud pants maker. 151" )
lliitnoy . S3 *
Inrraltf , etc. , tre tnyof fnt columnnn thttnaot.
-Laily npcnts at their homo tu
sell an nrtlclo of morlt. Address with
Mamp , Mrs. I' . KIcc , T02 N. Uth st. . Omaha ,
Neb. M201-ZI *
" \\7ANTED An cvporlenccil house iniild.
> t'nll at 2005 fct. Mary's uvcnue. 2t < i )
l-l cook , dcrnuin. preferred , Si 10
raninin. 2KI-2I
'IUVO cooks for restaurants , second cook foi
J- west , dining room girl , nurse girls. Oer-
nan girl housework , city , $ . ' > ( per
week. Tno Now Kmployincnt Agency , Hank
) ld . , ICth und Oodito streets. illO 2,1 *
" \\TANTKn-A good girl forllght housework.
' * Apply ntnil : : Leiivenworth Nt. 2.d-2a *
"I\7"ANTKD-Girl , German preferred , ut 2210
bowardsl. 2 , 2-2 *
WANTKD-Ooodglrlto cook and do gen-
oral housework. Apply Immediately. Kill !
No. Jnil. l 0-2i : *
"IVTANPED-At llro nell Hall , young ladles
' boarding bchool , two good ( lining room
girls. ! lftV25
"AVTANTED A strong woman fur laundress
M and chnriibermitld in family ofllgrown
iH-ople , Irish preferred. Mrs , J. It. Hrooko , S.
II. cor. St. Mary's nvo and 21th st. 114-23
WANrni ) A competent girl for general
housework : In biuull family. 912 S. 'M\i st.
W'ANTljD Niirio gill , ono who has a home ,
totnkecare of a Htiuill child during tbn
( lay. Iiiiiulro ataiO Kouth 2Cth street. SBp-21 *
WANTHD-Agood girl. Mrs. W. U. Vaughn ,
110171'oppleton avo. 219 20
WANTED-GIrl In u small fnmlly. 810 P.
1'Jtli st , 228 211
WANTED A girl to take care of children ,
( ill X. 17th t. 187 Ua *
\\7 ANTED Lady inlddlo age. receive In-
T ? struethmi , keep bnoknln December. J ,
II , Smith. IMONew VoikLlfo. 182'ii *
I WILL piy ladles a salary of 110 per week
to work fo" me in their locality at home ,
light work.gocd pay fur part time. Write with 1. lurrlngton. box702 Chicago
\\TANTnil-A good cook , CIO N 17th st.
T T 180 22 *
von it KMI'unxisiiLon ROOMS.
For mlm. rtt. . trttop of frst column on Uitt
FlTltXISIIKD room , heat , Imth nnd pus. now
liousu. 504) North 1Mb street all 23 *
"VTK'llLY fiitnlshcd front room $7.00 , another
H good loom $ )0l ) . Desirable locationsouth
east corner Twentieth ana fct. Marys avenue.
i.02-211 *
FRONT room for two gent lemon. Steam
heat. . ' 11754 N. 15th hticot , Hat 1' . 251-2.1 *
PUUNISIIED rooms , steam heat. 017J ! South
Utli st. S07-29 *
POU Ur.NT Nicely furnished room for two.
heat , gas and bath , on cubic , 2011 Cuss
street , liOOvTJ *
N'KAVLY furnished rooms. 2011 llarnov st.
2.10-2I *
FUUNISHED rooms , steam heat , 2:115 : Dotig-
1H. ( 270-21) )
N'lOELY furnished room" , first-class table
board , The filcrrlum , 2T tli and Dodge.
2 5 *
T > LKASANT furnished rooms , with or wlth-
L outboard. 2009 Iluiney. 221 2.J *
KLY furnished rooms , single or en suite.
J- > heat , gas nnd bath , llrovvn block. 24th und
Oummg. MlOj-2,1 *
T71O11 KENT Pleasant furnlshpil rooms , prl-
V vuto house , location central , am N. 20thst.
M1OT-24 *
N"ICJH furnished front rooms wjth use of
piano. Oil K. igth. JSi 27 *
TTIUIlNISIlEn looms In private family , home
comforts , 119 a 23th st. ] 01 25 *
JAltOC south room with alcoto nnd clo-sot
conveniences , motor , cubic ; 2020 Hurt st.
170 23 *
FOU KENT A largo furnished front room ,
duwn stair , south front. In private house ,
ChtMipifiital. 1510 Unwind st. MIOU-IIO
SEVKKAL desirable front rooms , furnished ,
very neir to business center , In private
houses , Smcaton & Allen , KiO" I'anmin st
9 1'UHNISHED ' front rooms with gns , hot
-J nnd oold water In the ruonia , prlco SIB. 1UI3
Douglas , 970-24 *
HANDSOMELY furnished front ;
boat , gas , bath. 711 S. Ibtli. 2d lloor.
IJMJIiNISHEDor unfurnished rooms for rent ,
- - suitable to small families , one block and n
half from Tarnum. MIS. 24th ate. 0) : ! 23'
FOU KENT furnished rooms , 1003 Capitol
nte , ois 2J *
DKSIHAIILK room , modern conveniences
1701 Unpltol inc. 773
SUOOMSllBhtUousekoopiiis. 1223 N ° 0th ,
POll KENT Furnished rooms ; gas.bath and
steam. 1510 Howard , 270
Oil KENT Furnished rooms , 1600 Douglas ,
POH KKNT-Two nicely , fumlshod front
rooms. 2010 Davenport st. 207
Forratet , tie. , KC top ot flrst column nn tltli pane.
Tf\\iO unfurnished rooms , central location ,
J- modern conveniences , prices reasonable ,
ladles or gouts. 1C12 Hnrney st. 200-20'
3KOOMS , light housekeeping , 2312 Harney.
pWO until ! nlslied front ruomsSill , Nl'tlist ,
L 18.12 : )
DI.SIHAI1LK rnonmon flrst floor for house
keeping , R14 N , 21st st , between Cullfornln
anil Webster.
rp\VO itnfuriilblied south rooms , ua S.IOth st
J- *
- MllO-24
FOU-KKNT Sultofl unfurnlsliod rooim tc
, family without children. I'rlco (10.20.1701
Webster st. M757
EWIl KENT U unfurnished rooms. 210 N.iatli
Ht. M 7J8
Fortatca , tic. , leelnp of ftnt coJumi on I/if/1 /
DKSIIIA1ILB rooms with board In private
family , nicely situated la modern resi
dence , pleasant home , terms reasonable , 2U (
Harney. U07-2J'
E LEU ANT lurso front room , modern con
veniences. Hoard if desired , 02D S. I'll
strcel , a OH ar
JVAItGU front room with ooard. 40U.N. 1'Jtl '
156-2a *
ROOM and board , also table board. 201 Soutl
2Mli mciiue. Ztt Ltl *
TOOMS and board nt 010 b 17tli st.
190 St
with board , suitable fo ;
two. IOJ N. 10th t. M '
lllltNISHED rooms with board ; references
Hit I'lirniun. 1J22U *
NIOKLYfiirnUhcd front pur lor with gooi :
bo.iril ; ull moUcriicontcnlencos. 010 N 1'tl
TTKJU Itr.NT-Nlcely furnished room steam
J-J gna and bath , with or without board , 172 :
Davenport. ctXi *
ST.OLAIH I'.urupcnn hotelwith dining room
aleum heut in ull rooms , 13th uud Dodge
ppeclal rates by week or month. : M
TT1OU good board , nlco rooms , modern con-
* - ' sentences ratca and location , the I'ullnmi
house , 1U10 Dodge bt. , cannot bo excelled.
M 254 N 20 *
Forratrt. ite. , tei top uf _ ' fnt folmnii on 1/iU pifla
ASSAfii : * bati at Madam Smith's piirlopi !
CU7 H. mh St. , neat ItatUor hotel. 17Sgt
ASSAOE. Madnm IJoliler. ever OloSuth
4IE ! il
t'orratfa. itc , , m top if flrtt
I > KN81ONS-Tho Ollnguian Tonslon Agency
ill renter block. Information free 'JIT
Mir ratci , etc , , tec ( oj of flnt ct > lHii\nw\U lt pattf.
T710R KENT Nino-mom house. 11 oil cm
J-1 cotnenlences , OalU'll N , luth street.
luKNT-Mye nno brick dwolllnRA.Koiuo
llnl lie l , others to bo finished Inside li
Inys. Taeh house 7 rooms besides pintry ,
biith rooms , laundry , furnace and all modern
onvonlcnues. They are worth WO.OD onch , but
I want to rent them and It Is Into In tbo Ben
son. They will b rented for JilCO. Thcso
elciant honsel lire situated 011211)1 ) and Iziird ,
one block fioin the \Vnlniit Illll motor. ' . ' 0
nlnutes walk lo P. O. Theo. OUcn , 'JOIN. \ .
Llfo. 211-24
1710U UKMT-rurnlshed T room liou-e. nil
-L modern conveniences , for .lor 4 months , JJO
to responsible ilartlcs. Aililri s"M Hee.- ,
1 lousu for Kent t'nlllSeptem- rcsldunce.furnlslicd. llrooms.
t , newer , bath room , furmice. stable for 4
horses nnil carriage room. William I'reston ,
Jlat and Uowaid streets. 2Ti7-25 *
EOH HHNT A 7-room homo with wnler In-
side , fiirnlOiod or unfurnished , Will rent
cheap ton Kood tcmfTit. lit ) if,20thstieft.23'J
23'J 3 * <
HOUSH for rent ; ten rooms , modern oon-
venlencos C'JlHo. lUIh Ht , ail Si *
TJ1OH KRNT A flno corner Hat , 0 rooms.
J- bath , water closet , gad. etc. , nil In Rood
order , well located , 9.B per tno ; also n nlco
eottauo.fl rooms , nil in Itood nrclor.i\ ) per mo.
T , U. llrunner , room 1uro block. "U 2J
TOH ItENT-O-room house with city water
-L anil bain In Rued order.IWIIOichard street.
N. 11. Apple , room 1 , Wuro block. SI9 2:1 :
371LKOANT now brick 8-rooin house , nil
Jinodem eon venh-nces , choice locution , only
$25 per month. II , K. C'ole , Continental Idle.
189 24
HOUfeH of 8 rooms. Inlh. city water , Pierce
nnd27tli. Call Str.Mfct. Mary 'save. 174 St'
O ItKNT-Modern deslruhlu house. $ i" per
- month. 0 , r. Harrison. 012 X. Y. Hfe. 177
er residence , 10th nnd Pnctllc , 9
. alleontcnlcnces ; rentil'i. Smeiitnn
A Allen , Ifi07 rarnam st. BUC8-27
[ 7\O1 \ { KENT A detached olitht-no in house ,
L. almost new. with every modern conven
ience nnd within walking distance , at u cheap
rental. Snicaton & . Allen , ICO7 rarnam st.
M 109-27
Tjion UF.NT CottiiKoon motor lino. Largo
J-1 grounds. t-S ) per month. K. C. Patterson ,
N. Y. Life. 160 2(1 (
TTlon nnNT Eluzant S-roum liouse. nil modern -
* - ern Improvements ; nlso.lnilndry room ; cor
ner 23d and Chicago. Apply nt iyoOKnrii.ini st ,
l. > 4 2:1 :
WANTKD-A , small family to rent anew 0-
room house nnd board gentleman nnd Ill-
tie boys required. Address W18 ,
Hco olllco. 1402:1 : *
SO. 11ENNETT , niovliiR express ofllco with
Ncal & Conrad , 1413 Dodge st. Tol. 127.
- *
9112 Cap. ate , S-rooni cottage , nnd west half
J 2541 Dav'pt. st.U rooms. Inquire 2.118 ( 'an.
ave. JH 1000-2:1 : *
TTlplt KLM T-room house on 18th st. near
-L Vlnton. All conveniences ; W.00 ) Mead
Invt. Co. , Ileo Uldg. 11100-2:1 :
FOU KENT A 24-ronm house cor. of 14th
and Junes , sultablo for u hotel or large
boarding house. All new uud in Hist class
order. I'nllon Munmiigli A. ntcliott. real es
tate agents , lor Mth nnd lluvrnrd sts. r.7-20
TTlOlt HENT One five rojui cottage on North
-L 20th st , , No. 1J3P. 115 per month.
51 tV.9-24 *
ELKGANT npirlmcnlsqf 8 and n rooms
Including bath room , ranges In Kitchen ,
nrintlcs. shades , cnrpeta on stnlrs. electrlo
bells. No ready for oceupanv la thollronn
bnlldlnz. corner 24th and Cmnlng sts. Apply
Cltl7ens'bunk. " 152 20 *
FOlt HUNT Ono block suitable for a largo
bearding house within live minutes' walk
of the post otllpe. O. K. Duvls Co. , 1.T0.1 Far
nam Ht. mi (
HOUSE for rent nt fi2l Vlerco street , con
venient lo depot. Nlco cottage. Innulro
of T. J. Lowry. iJ4 :
FOR KENT Small house on Emmet St. ,
west of 24th , $8 per month. Also7-room , city wator. bath , on Caldwcll , between
2lith nnd 27th. $ i" per month. G. L , Oreen ,
Itoom W , Darker block. J1787
FOH KENT 4-room house , 1017California st.
TpOll UENT 22SI Mapl ? st , b block cast 24th
-L'st.motor , 0 rooms and unfinished History
ubove , full lot , well , cistern and cellar , need
nelKhborhood. $17.50 per month. G. 0. Wal
lace , H row n block , 10th and Douglas. 088
[ K YOU wish to rent a hou o or store see 11.
E , Cole , Continental block. 273
FOU KENT To responsible pr.rtlcs only ,
these line now brick anil stotio houses on
Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms and nleotcs ;
mote eoinenlences nnd better finished than
any house for rent in the city. II. II. Hender
son , 400 l a\lon block. Cltv. 274
r-HOOM bouse with barn ; nominal rent. 0.
T. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 275
FOll UHNT The beautiful ? mom coltnges.
Jjist finished. Knth and modern Improve
ments. Only 2 left. C. S. EIsuttcr,407 I'lrst
Nat'I bmk. 453
FOU KENT 8 room fiou e , all modem Im
provements. 22 StiChlcago St. , W1.07. King-
wait Itros , . Hutker block. Sit
FOU RENT 7-room cottage , convenient to
wholesale district und business. Apcly
1112 S.IOth st. Ktf
FOU UENT 8-rooni modern house with nlco
burn. 1704 N 21sf also 8-room house and
nice barn. 2209 Miami , by Crum & Ulsbop. II 51 ,
Hoard of Trade. 12(1 (
FOU IlENT Seven-room cot tine. cor. 28th
nvc undU.ip. avo.Innulre21)lSDoilgo. M-600
r r tattit , etc. , ntc tup offlrnl rnlumnnii thin
FOH UKNT I'or otllco or ktorc , 205 South 13th
st. 2"in 20 *
FOR RENT Two splcnd Id brick stores , plate
fronts , good location , sulendld corner fern
driiKhtoro or nny other kind of business , rout
satisfactory and reufconablc. Will cite a long
lease. T. 0. Il runner , room 1 , Wuro block.
214 23
RENT orH.ile-Flno , hciivy brick ilvo-
story corner wurohouso with most central
trackage In city ; Hours are ii,500bquaro : feet.
fetrlnger& I'enny , IlurUor block , li > 3
TpOH UENT The 4-stnry brlcl < bnlldniR.wltli
or vvlt hunt power , formerly occupied by tliu
Ileo Publishing Co. , 1)10 ) Farnam st. Thobulld-
iut ? luts a tire proof cement basementcomplete
stunm lioiidnj ; fixtures , water on all the lloora
gns , etc. Apply at the olllco of The lice. Oil
l'AT market , cheap to responsible party.
lUlN isthst , US S3
OOHNKH store and basement , together or
hcparntc. in brick building corner of N mid
' ,7th st , bouth Omaha. Mrs. llrusa , 314J' S. r > tli.
t o a *
STOKES ut 700 Slfith. 20x00 each , luriro show
wlndons , stcnm heat furnished. Tlios. r.
Hall. 311 faxtou lilk. 2a3
LOOK IIIUtE Winter is coming , tbero urea
few coed olllcos for rent in the Haingu
bld'g , vrlth Ilrst class boating and best of ole-
vatorsorvlces. Inquire Kraiilc J , Ramgu.
i-'on , UKNT w/Yitimousus.
Fnr raits , tic , , ftetop of first column on Ihts
FOH KENT Hrlok warehouse , two stories
bUh , basement , hydraulic olenitnr , track
age ; best location In the ulty. A. O. Powell.
IlKNT Hrlck warehouse , two stories
and basement , 27,00 ! ) smiiro feet , with 100
feet of double track on U. I' . Hallway , South
20th nnd I'lcrco streets. Address U. Oi > kninp ,
Omiihu , Nub. 2&t
I'or rate , ( If. , tte top of flrtt rolwnn nnlMs page
W ANTED Two or three furnished or un
furnished rooms for housekcoplnj. Second
end floor preferred. Address A\ \ ' , , llec > .
ai2-57 *
WANTED Hy younu married couple , 3
rooms for light housekeeping. Must-bo
centrally located and completely furnished
for line. Address W 84. Hee. aiiK "
ANTED A furnished house for winter
by Kentlunmii and wife. No children.
House must bo complete- with etervthlliKpcr-
talnlng to liousekcojiliiK. 1'leuso do not un-
stvorlf youdo not mean business. AddrosgNV
r . llec. aa *
WANTED Hy quiet married couple , room
anil hoard ; vicinity 1'ark avenue nro-
forrcd ; stuto prlco ; rcfurencos. Address W3I.
Hue. 24S 23 *
WANTKD-Nlcely furnished room with all
modern conveniences for n single gentle
man ; private family pii > fcrr > il. Locution pot
above 23d st. btato price. Koferonces el von
nnd required. Must be in easy reach of mo
tor line. Address W. 1C. Hee. aii-Sl *
Kor ntefele. , net top of fint cofu on ( AC *
.n fatui-
-l-' Mlsj .lUrJv. U ) llHrnuyst.
. rte , , rr e tog f > f frtt fotumnnit ( All
TOHAcVn-Tho' bent In 'city , cie iua"ryi"8nf e |
iiiiilprlVHtplyiAi.r d nt reasonable lorm .
OiiinlinSUivoHepliflr'Works , 1207 Donglni. Tel.
* ijf Kf > 3
_ _
rilUAOKAOEttoracuRl lowest rates. W. JL
J-liugliiiioniaiipAcinvorlli. | | _ tea
STOHAGB ami 'Driickngo-Davld Cole. 815-
i < 17 llowunl si. i. r. 7in
for ral , tie. , rcc lift pffnt column nn thin nagt ,
ANTrilVihuvoan ) ) nppllcnnt foment-
ly furnished home for vvlnlor ; perf-cllv
rcspomlble. AlsoiMM1 ! ! more houses to rent !
demand irrcnturtlfutvt.upply , Hliigor. llrad-
ley , l.'ilUI iiriiiini , , \ > 2:11 : 2.1 *
\V ANT inure lionses and slores to rent. List
M At Ith 1'alTotlc's rental ngcncy. 82081
STAH Land & I/nan Co. Heal cslftte , loans
und Insiiruiico-rontal ngcncy , irj3-dl7
T 1ST your homos MI the Uoiil P-sttto In-
J-'formiitloii bureau , 17 Hoard Tiudo.
: nin20
T.7 H.IIliY& ; Hru.rcntal ngcnts.'OJ N.Y.Llto _
* - - - * 287
\\7"ANTKI ) I have a customer for u 10-room
' house' , nil modern improvement" ! inn t
bo well finished ; vv Hi winne Incumbranecs If
ntcessary. M. U. Muclcod , 1)13 ) N. V. Life bhlj.
T.P E , Cole , rental iiKeiit.t'oiitlni'iituMilk.
I'.ISTyour lioine to sell or rout with O. 1' .
- Uarrlsuii.llll N. Y. Llfo. ill !
For tvlrt , tie. , tttt ( op < > / fnt column on thiipam
TTPHIG11T pluno , S5l > Jpot ; month.W 40. Hco
" \\TANTKl ) Subset Ipllons nnd renovvuls for
TT Ladles' Homo Journal before .lutiunry 1.
IR'H ' by Ell/abeth t' . Morrell. 1014 Put mini
street , Omaha , conleslant for Vnssarprbe.
JIUINIIY S\Viip-Leavooiders : : utMUtoii
HogctshauUvarc , cor. Htli und t'utniitn ,
_ _ _
" \VTM , linitXOO , llorUt. IIS North street ,
T Hells fresh cut ( lowers nt lowest prices ,
Llornl designs anil decorations u Micolnltv.
M 'JOS-2.1 *
> _ _
OMAHA 1'ouelnK. Academy X. Y. Llfo
building , buicmont , room 'U. " Heullh
and pleasure combined. Exercise advised hy
the medical fraternity. Now Is the tlino to
arrnmto for lessons. Hlnuly or In pairs.
I'lihulnatliigBport. I'rof. Engol. M104-'J8
"l\rABSAGntroutinentcloctio- baths ,
-l'-scalp anil hair treatment , nianlcuro and
chiropodist. Mis. Post , U 20-21 , Wlthncll blk.
LADIEtS&Kontstobuy thoPlumpr rccllnlns
chair : unsurpassed for comfort. ISIN. 15th.
818 D1J
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
rpypnWUlTnitS for rent or sale. Stenou-
-L rauhers supplied. J.l'.McRCiitli.tCOT 1'arnnm.
til J
ON'T forRotJos. I' . Meseith , 1007 rarnnni
Ht. , when you want to buy , rent or sell a
typewriter. 773
TTl'IIOLSTnuiNO ami mattresses renovated
U 11JON 181b. P IMoisoii. 7I.MU
MAbSAOi ; Mudum Dolzier , over 010 S 13th.
402 d2 *
FprmtrH etc. , sec tnpnf first colindii mi Oili pans.
\\7AXTKI ) Subserlfitlons niitl renewals for
* * Ladles' Ilmnct .Itiurnal befuro .Tiuuiury 1 ,
18'M ' by I'.II/abetli C. Morrell. l')14 ' ) rnrnain
street , Omaha , couteatant for Vassar iiri/o.
Torrnlw. cte , ret tap o//lrsf. / column OH this pd/s (
POCICKTIIOoiTlost' . On PirtuTdaylTc'iibis
on riiriKim street .between 1'ith und IGtli.
-Tapantsu poeketboolf. I'lndoilea.'o at 14.2
1 aniam and ( ? ut roXvnnl.
LOST , strayed or stolen One black Gordon
female Better , with brown inaiktiiK , 5
inenths old. Had Stijall leather eollnr with
tup. The Under will iiloaso rctiiin to C. Do
JloboiU , SXIt St. Mtiry s Ave und lecclvo JT-
waid. 21)3-21 ) *
IOST Dark brown horse , large soar on left
* slioiildor ; wfifght nliont 1,100 tiouiuls.
1'loasp glvo notlcfoto Iiy Totlens , U. P. ear
shopsl ' "T ) ' 24'-51 ) *
TKAVI3D Last Saturday iiioriiliiu. large
Jersey cow. fawu color with white spots.
Upturn to Cor. .Mercer and Lowe ave. anil ic-
celvo reward , ill Hlunlaii. ! TU 24
l OUN I ) .
I or ralei , etc. , tcr top of ft st mlutnn on Hits
tTYbUNTi ) OiY depot plat : fonn , Unlon dupbU
-L Council HI nils , Iowa , a Hum of money.
Owner cun soouro same by prcn Ins properly
and piylncchnrges. 1' . D. Ilro n , local treas-
urur U. I'.Hy. Co. 2.W24 *
for rates , etc , , tee top nf flril rniuinn nn Hilt pi. ; .
THOU PALE A now Eiuerion piano , first class
-L Inoverypartleular , nrlco very low. llcst
of reasons for selling. Address U 0 , lice.
_ _ _
t'or rfitrg. rte. , tee top of fnt column on Ihla page.
" " "
P'oi H I Aln Olimp i " no w"cw"miimCs1de
bur liiit-y used but one iiKinth , must bo
( /old / soon us owner Is leaving thovlty. Can bo
seen at thoOmulia boarding and livery barn.
corner of 14th nnd Howard sts. 242-24 *
THOU SALE Delivery wagon. 1567 N. Ifltli st.
M tipo-un *
Olt K horse } 00. two horse wai < oii0 , cloii-
hlo work harness 113. Or will trail o fur a
Rood llttht side bar uuggy. U. E. Cole , Contl-
nontul block. * _ aTJ
POHSALE Scoodwork teams. Inquire at
018 Paxton blk. 28'J
Forratcn , tie. , see top nf flrsi column on Cite jayt
Parties desiring to contract fur milk In
iimntllv ] will find It to their Intereat to
correspond with M. 0. Edwaidi , Glcnwood
lowu , tvlthln the nuxt 10 duys. Ml'IO-'JI'
P OH SALE Ilanclnninri pair bi.ieeloK small
diamonds , ruby ; chuap. Address \V21. Itcc.
FOR tALK Two Iron safes , nlso two stoves
and Kas ( htiin'saLour old olllec. Honii )
Tire Ins. fa , Now Vork Llfo Hldg. , 2d lloor.
POK PAIiR chanp A 10 horse pannr New
Vorlr safety bteam oiiBlno In tlrst class
condition. Pesttior Printing Co. , U07 Howard
st H 1B7
FOKSALH 2mllUcows , price $ J3 and iJQ
Apply foreman , raunlns & Co. , 27th nnd
t'orby. ICT-S3 *
VTLW callgruph , prlco reasonablo. It C5 , Ileo
IT olllco. Til
For rates , etc. , net top nf nistmlttinn nnlhl * jxij * .
WANTED to Buy A good piano us inrt
payment on o iolfco lot at Tlilrty-blxtli
nnd l.eatcnvvortli. itl'rico lower than nny ad
joining prupcrty , AtfilressH' * 15 , Deo.
M.IO.t-25 *
PUUNlTUUEhouseltold goods , etc. HlKhest
_ cush price. Wu itil niriium. ati
OEfONI ) Juind typowjrltoi * J. P. Hecoatli ,
Ol/J7 ( Furnaui St. , Omaha. 772
J\TANTED IlorsiWwagons , etc. to soil at
r T auction oteryTufnduy n > nd Friday , 10 a.
in. I'lo n cor Hlablus. IJUi , between Ilurney and
Howard . l { > IM7-1J1
ITTANTED Horsoi.uud buggy , W J. Paul ,
1COO rariinin.
Forntea , tic tee topfifotnt cnltnn oifa ( /
MISS II , J. JllloViiI'Mierlenocd toacliorn of
\olco culture , imull of Madam Kiln a Hall ,
lioston. Muss. Uot/A\458 \ , llrowirRulldlntt , cor.
Ifitn und Douglas strocts. - - . ' U-'t'
> lirOlirl iiylns u.pliinu oxaiulno the now
'scale Ivlmbull plafio.A.llosiio , 11U DougluH.
GEO. K.-tiELMJNIlEOK.teuohcr of the banjo
with Hoapo. 151U Dquclas. 24 ! )
PHOl' % Olias. I'etorscn. piano , orcun , violin ,
zither , vocul instructions. 00) Hhnely blk ,
HAllt GOODS -\VIGS , 1 TC.
rari-atexcte. , _ _
BEST Jio hair coeds in vrcsj buir dressing
whrs , switches , banss , hair chains , ntu. , u
specialty. Duvlea , hiilr soocla and milliner
opposite pMtonioe , 111 H 15tli ut. Omaha. 290
for mfM , itc , tte top offrtl folumu on "i'
13ATENT lawyer : . . solicitors. O.V. . Sues &
-L Co. . lli'o ImlldlnK. Oniiihu. llrmieb olllco at
\Vashlniton , 1) . O. Consultation froo. U13
For rule * , tie , , " 't ton of column nn thti ) > ij <
MONl/Y In loan on Improved city property
at current rules , funds on hand : nuuolny ,
Ueo. ! ' Hlmt X Co.03 Kiiinge bldg. lUI-d 15
STAH Land A : LunnCo. Heal cstnte. loans
nnd Inailrunce rental ngeupy , IW-dl ?
tMLDINd Loans'-
ninilo on I'holeo elty properly nl lowest
rates. Hums of l\ouou cl upwards perferrcd ,
Ktmball , t.hnmp A Ityan ,
MONKY loaned uf low rales on furniture ,
burses , Ac. , without publicity , lliwlcoyo
InvostinuntCo , ; ci Douglas blMOtu und Dodge.
w ANTiil ; G per cent real cstito loins , C.
1' . Unrrlsoji , tU ) N. Y. Life. 1137
MONEY lolonnon second morlgnpe.V,8
Wnn , Itooni324 Omaha Nat. Ilk. Ill'dg.
WANTKI1 Klrsl-class linldo loins. Lotttst
intes. Cull nnil nee us. Mutual In vest
ment Co. . tvil rnrnnin. 'Ml
MOXHV In loan by 11. K. Mimiers on cliattol
nnd colliitet nl securities for any tlinu f ruin
oni * toslv inontlH In uny amount to suit bor-
Loans tnado nn liousohold ? < > odi , jilaims. or-
BIUIS. horses , nuiles , houses , lenses. wniubou'O
iTcolpI , olp. . at the lowest possible rates ,
without uuhllullyor remoMilof properly.
My lonnsaro oarranged that 3011 enniunko
n ptiynicnl of nny amount ut any lime nnd ro-
diiouhoth | irliicl | ) ] ( ! nnd Interest ,
If you owe a b.iluiiieon ynur property nr
liuvonloanyoiM\lshelianKeill will piy it oft
and carry It forum. If you II ml It more con-
> enlent , cullnp U'luplionu No. iftJl and your
business will lie in rungcd nt homo.
Money always on hanil. No delay. c < o pub
licity. Lowest tntos.
11 , T. Masters ,
HOOIII 4\Vlthncll blk , , l.Mhund llarne sts.
CIIUM * eastnrn monev
Philadelphia Mortgage nnil Trust Co ,
always ready to loan nnd piv promptly ; first
inortsnces wanted. George \ . P.Coates , rep-
resoiiiatl\Cirouiii7. boird of truile. 2m )
S 1TAH Land fz Loan Co. Heal estate , loins
and Insuranofi iciitiil u uney. 1)7. ) > - < U7
MortKagn Co. Loins of $10 to
ji.ooO ; get our rules before borrowing nnd
save money ! louns on , fuinlttiroor nny
npproted seciully without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loans , rcmcwal of old nnd low
est H. 2U8 , Hheoly blk.irith it Howard.
BT'IMUNd loans , 0 to "percent : no addi
tional charges forcominhsiouur ntlorney'K
fees.V. \ . II. Mcikle , 1'lrst Natlonul bunk bldg.
& ) "
KKAt/istito : ; Loans-Cash on hand. Globe
Loan & Trust C'o. . )7 ) S ? . 10th st. No dol-iy ,
no o.\ti a clmrBCs. Houses for rent , good list.
0 E. &C.M. ANTIION Yil8 : N. Y. Llfo bullil-
, Ing , lend money on farms In choice coun
ties of Nebraska and Iow < t ; nlsu on good
Omalia residence property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ! no duPty : money icady. Titles and
values passed on hete. 301
MON'UY to loan on nny security
for short time at low
rules. Lowest rates
_ , on personal property.
The Honilorson Mortgage Investment Company -
pany , room 400. 1'aMon blk. a)7 ) '
OHATTKLbaiilf , : n S. IBth st. , loans money"
oncliuttclsorcollutcralat rcasonublu ratej
2 4
_ _
FI11ST& second mortgages on vacant & Im-
proved elty proii. County warrants bought.
Money on luiifl.r. M. Klchaidson,81SNY. Life.
_ _
EAfeTKKN money to lo in on city properly ;
mortgage pallet-bought. II.H.lrey.N'.v.Mre.
_ _ 04
/ 11IATTEI < lonns ut lowest rates. Itemounl
\J to l > 24 N. Y. Mfo bldg. J. U. Emmlngor.
_ : .
MONBY to loan on elty und fnrni property.
\V. M. Harris , K'JJ.rrenrcr lllk , opt ) . K 0
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MOXHY to loan , rori-espondonts of Loin-
bard Invi'stment company. Shrlver ft
Burns. 1 ipn/ur block. 891
r r rale * , etc. , j , > tc toy nf flint tulumnun tttli pane
( UG.'SOOO cash and balance on time will buy out
pstrlctly bo.irdlng house with 12
fin nUhed looms and house full of hoarders.
Parties have iiiuduimney cnoiiirh In last two
ieasuiid are srolim on trip to Europe. Lo
cated n Ithln one block of Hoc building. II , P.
N i .Y , UtllOl'uMoii blk. gc.-2l *
WANTED I'aitncr for a prosperous com
mission business , tvho run Invest $ .VM.
This pioposltion will stand Investigation. Ad-
du-ssW : t7 , Ileo olllce. -M'tZi *
rpo an Industrious business man ablotoln-
JL testJfl.OOO I will sell u third Intcicst In a
hlghlj rcspertablo and piollliblo business ,
whlchls ceitulnto netiM.On'Jto ' H < > 03 the first
jcar. lTpon iigiceublo toims I might sell a
half Intenst. Address W 3li , Dee olllco , SUrt Kl *
IDLMKE to meet a gentleman of high bus
iness Uutiillng , energy and pluck , with
some means nnd a clesiio to iniiku more. Ten
for one can bo assured In a very short time
and permanent business arrangement of
grout adtniitagi ) entered Into. Only those
who have the means and are rcuily for Imme
diate action 1'ied answer. Address , W ICl.
Hoe. 24.I-2I * '
OH SAT.E A "HncKcl" store In city of 1,000 ,
Inhabitants ; line location : paying busl-
ness ; stock alum ! SMXI : must bo eiiHh ; host of
reasons for helling. HOY ( Ul , Falrbiiry , Rob
24(1 ( 2.V
FOH SALE furnishings for n-room house ,
fur roomers and boarders ; house full ; nice
ly furnished , desirable location , near new
nostonieo situ. HeaMJii for selling , noorhealth.
lor reference nddi ess James Neville , 111 H.17th
stroct , Oinnliu. Neb. 'J82 2- > *
ONB half Interest In fuiiilturnuiul IK tores
of 40 room liutnl. ( iood liuslneMi. llcst lo
cation In city of 40.000. Kent S7I. l-'or term- ,
of sulo ttillo Gto. W. Tilplow , caio of New I'.i-
cinc. Council Dliills. la. ' . . ' 01.2.1
FOHSALK Or exchaiifjo , n nice time busi
ness. $1,8,0 , to $2,000. M. U. Muclood , 1)15 N.Y.
Llfo bldg. angj
$ ? ,00 ( ) Stock JI'dVe-NIce desirable goods to
exchange for Umalia property stash or notes.
.1. 11.1'nfnitic. 21 Douglas blk. Ur..aba. 220 21
U.010 stock of clolhlng , new so.isonnblo goods
Pfor this winter's trade , manufactured with
in the past ninety dayfl.lll \ take $ .1,000 , bal
ance nnlncumbcred real estate. Williamson
k Kins , chamber of commerce , Chicago , III ,
M 2II-2.J *
WELL established munufacturliiK business
( Incorporated ) , requires JIO.iMW to $201)0(1 ) (
additional cuplta.1 to Incicnso the business ;
absolute guarantee of u good pc-icentugo on
Int cMmont ; highest lefereiices given nnd re
quired , Apply to
Anies Heal Instate Agency.
J5'J7 I'arnain street ,
. Solo intents.
. JU ) 1-L'(1 (
WANTED Partner with thrci ) to flvo hun
dred dollnrs to cstabllnh uneasy money
making buslncbi. Address . 30 , Hco otllee.
ajp-iM *
BUSINI'.SS Chance A competent and 10-
llnblu party with$5,001)wishes ) to orgn.ul/o
a nuiiiu factoring joint stuck compiuiv for the
manufacture uf a No. Isilublo goods. Net
profits from 1" > to 20 per cent. Onpltnl re-
iiuind from JlW.OtlO to $75,001. Wish to corrc-
spend with lluslness ; Men's nss'n. Add ress ,
Vf 24. 00.
PIHST-OIiASS cigar store on Piunum St. ,
filook and IKturcs. only Jl.MK ) . Must bo
sold. Suitable tormsglven. Smciiton.t Allen ,
IROrrurnnm st. MldT-27
ILLIAIMJ liall forsalc.cost JI.400 , for)00 ) ,
$100 cash , balance on monthly payments ;
rent $10 per month. Hall consists of 1 llrnns-
wlok Dllliaid table. 21lruns\tlckG-pockot pool
tables , 1 Jlurcli bllllurd und poolconiblnntloii
table , together with all cues , cue rackn , bills ,
chairs , htove , pictures , ref ilserator , cigar
case , lamps , clocic , and allothuraitieles usual
to u flrst-clnss billiard hall. Puity took proi-
crty In ( niicellntlon of a chattel loan and will
sell at tbli prlcnl00) ( ) if sold at once. A Brent
baritaln : Investigate It. Address lock bo\G70 ,
York , NCD , , for piu tlcuhira. No trades.
FOU HALE Or exchange , clean general
block of mcrchanillso. doing gmxl business.
Good reasons for bulling. Will taKu part In
good reii 1 estate and home money. Addrtss ,
lloxta , Frankfort , Ind. in.V
OH KENT A furnished hotel , or will buy
fiirnlturu by Installmunls , Address \V12 ,
Hop olllce. ICO-iia *
" _ _
EAT MA1JKP.T for sulo. fitted up first-
class In every particular. Good bust ness.
\VIHbeartlio strictest intcstlgntlon. Address
lock box 4UO. Council Hlulfs. lit. lll-d a
TCTOIl 8ALU 1'lrst-clnss bar and restaurant ;
-L long leiif-e , Address II. llornberger. 1J21
Douglas street , Omalia. M cua-'l
FOU SALK-,13 barrel steam roller mill.
Twos. Crouch , Tekumab , Nebraska.
7Jdlt ) *
FOU BALD At a bargain , COxli ) on Diiven-
port , near 17th , one block from now post-
office , very ouoap , fJO.OOOj SOxl.U corner auth
and 1'urimm. tju.oou. a , L. Ureon. room Ut ) ,
llarkcr Llook CHI
WANTED A competent newspaper man
wlthnvoornlx thoiisitnd dollars In cash
orseourlty , to take cliargu of the Democrat ,
as I have Important business ] that will require
my tlmo ea t and south for the coining year.
> vo will pay the right kind of a man u. ulco
oatury. lar ( > nmmendatlon < t required. Ad
dress \V. U. Vuughun , Omaha , Nob. M JI2 N 30 *
_ _
t'or tntrt , rte. , n"C Inp nf flrnt talnmn nn thii 7x1174
"lilOll SAIV > One slenm jKiwor urnln olovntof
-L' building with brlelc addition und ofllcu
building , complete , und nil pursonnl properly
therein , situated nt Hastings , Nebraska ; unit
fratnn horse power grain clovalur building ,
complete , and all personal property therein ,
nna four corn cribs , Mtuated nl Inland , No-
brnsknt onnfrunni luirso power elcMitdrliulld-
Ing with frame olllee , eoinilee | ( , with all per-
Miniil property tlicreln. und four corn cribs
nnd the land on which the sntno nro plttm'.cd.
helngitbout onoiero. more or less , Httuulcd nt
llrlutoti , Nebraska ; this property N sold tinder
orderof the court : bids tobo tnnilo for cash
nnd inny bo mndo for one , twoor all nt Raid
elevators ; mint bo addressed to Hobert r. ,
I'oot , recolvor , Denver , Colorado , box 22011 ; nil
bids to bo imoncd Deiuinbert , nnd to bo sub
ject to tliu npproutl of the oonrt. Hubert K ,
loot , ruocltor. Dated , len\or , Notember 8 ,
1JW. P12D1
1 > TAUUAN F for rent or nale. T. Jim ray
_ _ , trn
TjlOU SALE One of the most desirable hotel
X1 propurtlcslnthostntu.sltitateillit Ilimeruft ,
Oiinilngcounty.Nob. ' 1 ho bouse has a good payIng -
Ing pitroiriuo nnd has nn excellent livery
Block nnd feed stable In connection. The
tntvnU tliu end of a pinsunger illxlslon of tin )
Clitunjti ) , Ht , 1'iuil. Mlnneatiolls A Omaha rail-
nay. It Is n centering point for hunters from
all over the stule. as she Is surronndeii by
lakes , marshes nnil vast pinlrlesuhero ducks.
peu o , priitrouhtckoiHand other giimi ) birds
nnoiiml In gioat nuiutiors during their
RoiiHon , li"or further reference npjilv to I )
Dolisor , IJiincrofl. Neb. MISH-N27
Fnr rates , rte , , rrt inp nf first column on ( hfii tinge.
WILL glso Inside losldcnco imvlnc 10 per
cent ( or n faun. Blur Lund & Loan ( 'if.
281-2:1 :
| 71OU EXC1IANUHImptotcd Nebiaska
L' furms for uny Und uf Hal'iblo personal
property , metcbindlso picfcrred. yiugnrV |
1 Isher , Cliadron. Neb. 275-211
WILL give good ( Omnlia ) clear lot for 20
aero tritclt fawn 10 miles of Umalia. Stnr
Land k Loan Co. Ibl--M
Y1TANTED Any Idnd nf inrrchnndlso fur
T Impnued fiirinslii Nobraskn. fepargur.V ;
llsliei , Uliadion. Neb. V.7)-2i ;
WANThD City propoily In oxohaiigo for
good Incorporation stocks Intestlga-
Uon bollcllcd. AdtUess , llox 018 , City.
M 200-24 *
cluviitor wanted in exchange for
- good Incorporation stocks nnd land. Ad-
diess , IJoxClS. Omalia. M20U3I
rpo exchange Impro\ ! property Shor-
-L man nve , , foi laud or lols. hhaw , ana Shecly
blk. 1)71 )
oil KXJHANOR-XX1 ( ( aero rancho , with
stoek , for general msdo. groceries or liurd-
rc. Address V , 40. Ileo. 715-27 *
For tatc * , tte. , sec tap afflrtittulumn tin tM jmi/c
BIMQGS Plnco-fM of the choicest lots In
Ilrlggs I'lnce , poslllvoly the best In the ad
dition for location , pure , terms and fuluro
value , To any responsible man who wishes to
purchase u lot of us In this addition nnd will
agree so build thetcun a suitable house , wllli-
In u certain time , and has money enough him
self to do M ) . we will sell his choice of these M
lots without a pivmcnt to us of ono dollar In
cush , and nfter liu | hoii'-o Is finished wo will
glvo him a deed for tbo lot and ta ) > o a lone ;
tlmo mortgage in securu our payment. To
those on the oilier Inind , who wish to buy their
lots without any agreement as to building , we
will soil their choice of our.Vi lots upon a com
paratively small cash payment null give most
liberal terms upon deferred payments. We
have the choicest linouf lols to offer on these
exceedingly terms that can be found
In nny olllco or In Hie hands of anyone In tin ;
city of Omaha. This Is u special announcement
because tvuhatoun especially good line of lots
tooireronospeclilly easy terms and If you
wish to Investigate these statements wo shall
bo pleased to have you don ) nt nny tlmo us
this ndvoitlsoment Is Hindu lo state only facts
nhicn we will dcinonstiatc to jou whenever
jou glto us the opportunity : In oilier words
wo menu Unit these f lots are Just whut they
are lepresentod tu Deaiid that the prices rang
ing from $ l , . " > 00 to W.fl 0 are t erj' low and inoro
tHuii that some of thntery choicest lols are
only held at JI.SOO , } . ' , oo ; | ana $ J.2 : > 0 , und when
you look tlia ground over and sco the growth
of this locality and the cluss of houses that
aio constantly being built there , jou will
agree with us In our statement that no ono
else has an rijually fine line of Drlugs Place
property on rnrnnm , Douglas , Duiiiro nntl
otlioi streets , Kuril am street being paved.
Olllce open evenings.
Ames Itenl Estate Agency ,
15U7 l''arnam sticct.
* t ole Agents.
r lol
REAL oslnto for x.ilu Iliu L'onservatlvo
Heal Estate nnd Trust Co. of Portland ,
Oregon , Is the mir reliable teal estate Him
In the northwest , it has inoro trust accounts
w lib eastern people than unv other linn west
oftheHockj" mountains. This llrni guaran
tees profits to nil people tiusthu entliolv to
tliolrjiidgcment lo select prupeity. 2D1-2I *
POH SALE 't lots Including corner , cast
flouts , ono of the Inside lots Is Improved
with a 10-room house substantially built , tvltli
eonteiilonces of cltjw.itor und sewerage. Will
sell cue lot or all at u discount fium viiluu fur
half cash , balance time to suit purchaser.
Willis M. Yules , s. tv. turner 32nd and Califor
nia streets. STT 24 -
N'EAIt motor lines , puvr > d streets , nt grade ,
i&Moot lot inslclo of the mile circle for
U5UJ. M. A. Upton Co. SJ721
piou PALI :
No. 18. Blonde st. , bntwcon Twenty-
eighth ami Twenty-ninth sts. , good
8-ronm 'J-stoiy house , excellent
ordci , price $ ; iGOO 00
No. 17. b-iDoiu mudeiii house , line ro-
copllon hall. Emmet M. , between
SnundiMs and Ttventy-sovunth sts ,
lot 100 fool front , oasv terms , price. 4,000 00
No. 10. On Corny st , , No. 321(1 ( , 7-rooni
bouse , full l < itrult and shade tiees ,
very easy tut ms 3.0JO 00
No. 1 > . On Georgia avo. , second lot
north of bhlrlcy. 50x130 , small house ,
good burn 3,110000
No. Sit , Thlity-nlnth st. . In Stewait
I'lnco , pressed brlek. slate loof ,
0-room , modern house , beautiful lo
cation 8.50000
No. I1) ) . On Douglas st , , between
Twfliity-flftli nnd Tnonty-MMli sts , ,
double house , each 10 rooms , inoil-
crn , good Investment Irt.OOO 00
Amos Heal Estate Agency.
1.7)7 ) Pallium St. .
Olllce open o vcnlngs , bole Aueiils ,
REAL EhTATK forsalo Keep your eye on
I'ortluncl , Oregon. The third \vcilthlest
elty In tbowoild In piuportlun to population.
It fins not yut hail a icul estate boom , but
surely will very soon , 2IU-21 *
rpUEOIil Hullablo'o \ are solo agents fm a
JL Inrgo umonntuf i uperly of ull lilnds that
we CMiieontrol at prensnt prices for ( ho next
30 or M ) days. After Hint prices will ( MI tid-
tuiiccd huio. Now In the tlmo tu buy Omaha
realty and sell nut nt a li.iniltomu prulit next
year. M. A. Upton { ] ) . , loth and I'timiini.
HRAimi'lILlexldunco "situ In West
Omaha , south front , corner 70x11.'lot anil
streets are graded , all tcudy fur bulldliur.
tony , 1515 rarnam. 273 21 *
AHKyoiln npoculnlor or trader ? Hove you
ever owned real estate/ / Did you know you
coiildhuy u nlco building lot coveted with
tieos. level and dry for only ten ( lOdullms )
not } IOdown , but ten dollais is full p-iyincnt
for the lot and nhstiact uud plat furnished
wlto each deed. Where nro tlieso lots ? In
Omaha's latest addition. Just eight minutes'
rklohy steam cars und right In line of Omii-
ha'sfiituio gruwtlu Thoiels only out ) placu
In the world to buy them nt.HOSo. 11th Street ,
Oninlui. Halo now In pie ioss. Chuu. I * , llen-
Jainln. soleagt.aiO Si. 15th street. 27ft-2it :
AUIICIGHT'y Choke Dost traokngo.
RTAL : P.STATE romaio-Kuop your eye on
Portland. Oiegon , where Ihedoep sea go
ing vesseliof the world meet the rullloadsof
Amorlca lo exchange freights , 1U4-24 *
rpIlROMHoilnblo Wo nro scle agents for n
X largo amount of property of ull kinds that
wo can contiol at piesant prices for the next
30 orUHlnys , After that prices will bo ml-
valued sine. Now Is thollmo to buy Omalia
realty and sell out nt u handsumo profit next
your , M , A. Upton Co. , ICth and rnrnuni.
227 21
A LHUlOIlT'SOholcn Mnnufuloryscites.
SELI'OAiiTliomosIn Honnt7o place from
15,000 lotfl.500 ! 000canli , balance 4 years , $ .15
pormonlh , tl per cent Interest. Other good
homes in same addition to exchange for city
property. H-IOOIU niodorn house. 2li blocks
went of t4tli ! , on Uuldwoll St. . for tVM : J.Vjj
cash , balance | .m per month , ( J per cent inter
est. J. J , Utbson , solo agent , Kouutzo plane.
ALIHIIGIIT'S Choice 531-2-a N. Y. Life ,
M lia
5 room IIOIIBO. lot : i'JnR2 , $1,700.
G-room house , stable , lot : HHxh2 , f-J.000.
lirlek hoiihe , nnd Amurlcun IIUUHU , lot 0lxm ( N.
E. corner 10th und Douglas. Emiulru SI''l H
lltn , . 111
rplIUOMHollabio-Woiiro suloagentu for v
JL largo umoiint of property of all lln Is thut
wo tan fonttolat pivsunt price * for tliu next
SOorlflduyx. Afterlbiit prices will bo ad-
t a-icoil HUIO. Now In the tlmn to buy Omuhii
realty niuUelluat ut a liunriHoino profit next
your. SLA. L'pton Co. , Utli und l-anmni.
2.7 4
* A UUtilflTT'3 cneKc'-lifiTriJtieC
Forratr * . _ tie , , ttt top of first fot' ' " " on M *
' " " "
No. II , On Siiundcrs direct , opposite
Dcrnulur,2-J feet . . . . .15,00000
No. ) J. Samp nsnbote IVOnodi
tin , 11. Ha inn as above . . . . 0,00000
vo , H. CiiniliiR slri'ot , between Thir
ty-first ami Thirty-second , 4lxl50 !
feet ri,00000
No. IS , Howard street , between I'our-
teenth and I'lfleenth street , 'SI feet ,
per font. . . , , WOO
No. 10. 1'nrnani Btroel , corner Tvven *
ty-nlnth street. 115 feet , per foot. . . . 200 W
No. 17. I'timum street , bet ween Tw en-
ty-elghthnnd Twenty-ninth streets ,
full lot. per foot 20000
No. 18. rarnam structbetween Twen
ty-sixth nnd Twenty-seventh HIM. ,
150 fi-et , per foot 80000
No. 10. rarnam street , between Ninth
nnil Tenth Rtieets , 41 feet , per foot , , 7-0 00
No. 8. rarnam street , corner Eight *
eonth street , ( VI foe t 01,000 03
No. . rarnam street , corner Twenly-
elghlh M root , three stores and lints ,
bilck. Investment property. Price 3J.500 00
No. 7 , Tenth street , between Douglas
and Dodge , omt front , full lot , pres
ent buildings runt $ .1,000 Pur your.
Prlco 40,000 ( K )
No. 6. Northwest corner .tones and
Twelfth streets , full lol. present
buildings runt at JI.ICo per year.
Pllce 30,00000
No. 4. SnullicnslcoriicrTvtcnllclhnnd
ts , lotV\no ) , brluk
stores nnil lints , Inxcstinent pwi > -
crtjr , pays 0 per cunt. 1'rleo . . ttlOCO , M
No. 1 , Coiner nf Ninth ntul Jones
streets , triiel < nui ! ! lot , forinorly u uil ,
by the Consolmntoil tank Ilnu cota-
panyj nlualilo pioporty . IW.OOO W
No. n. Doilffo stieut , hot ecn Tlf-
toenth nnd Slvtcuntli HI reels , fronts
outli. full lot. prc unt bullilliitfs
rout f..lXHI to $1.0(10 ( ; very
choice , prlco only . ' 0,00000
Itmisosnad Lots.
No. 13. Tliltty-tlilrd street , north of
I'UiitcmMirlh ntiuut , lot40\IVUtluoo
loom honsu. prleu . , . . .J 2,000 09
No. s , North Tnlrly-elRlith street , near
Ames iiNcnnc , four-rooni lionse , full
lot , price . 1.400 00
No. 3 , biiinu location , nlnu-iuoin
house anil barn . 3,50000
No. 4. Twenty-eighth street , hotweon
I'arniitn nnil Douglas , ten- room
house , foi two families . „ . . , . 3,00000
No. ( I 1'ar.ker street , between Twenty-
fifth and Twoiity-Hhtli. wnith front.
vuiy choice fimr-ioom liouso und
barn . . , . . 3,100 00
No. 8. Iliudcltosttocl , between Twcn-
ty-elKhtli anil Tu only-ninth , south
front , olsht-ioonv house and barn ,
In perfect ordvi ; a li.irKnln . 4.00000
No. U. boHiud htitetery choleO
soM'ii-UKiiii house , perfect order ,
Good barn , cheap lit . 4,2TiO 00
No. /'oMHirl.oHoim'iniij mid Ham
ilton Htreut , live-loom inoilorn
house , prlcu only . 4.000 00
No. 11. Lourtecnili street , hotweun
Uonler nnd Doicas , two sinnll
.houses , half lot . 1,000 OJ
No. 10. Kanumi street , between I'orly-
( li'sl mill I'orty-ftocnnil Htieot , per-
foclly inodei n ten-iooin house ,
very choice , line location . , . . . . 10,000 00
No. T. Park avenue , north of I.uuon-
wortli street , two-story el ht-room
No. C. Tvvcnty-nintli street , iigar
\Voolvvoith uvonne , sot en-room
house , modern , full tut , prlcu 7fiM 00
No. . " ) . Jones street , west of Thlrly-
otpiitli stteet , opposite Hoicomb ,
lot 47177 , T-ioom house and burn . 0,00000
No. 4. Koiint/o Place , 10-room brlult ,
modern , good Uirn 00
No. li Puik avenue near Popplo-
_ ton. S-rooni house , niodoin d.OOO CO
No. 11 , Luke strtet near Thirtieth
street , full lot , two good houses und > at. 5.030 00
No. 11. Hurnoy street near Twenty-
fourth sheet , good 0-ruoiu house
will ) barn. Pileo 11,000 00
No. 1(1 ( Park avenue north of Luatcn-
ttorth street , nine-loom modern
house , choice louatlon tery easy
lerms , ,500 00
No. U. Popplutim Park , two lilooks
from motor , l-iuom ) 2 > tory houso.
full lot , stii-ot graded , spicml rea
sons foi selling , nnd nro otleilng
property vety much under vuliiu :
tt 111 repay Intestment. Price , . . . 4.0JO 01
No. 4. On Twenty-eighth uteniic. be-
Ittecn 1'urnam und Duugliis streets ,
fronts east , 10-room frame house.
Miltablcfnt 2 families , icnts forlJO
, per month. Price 3,000 00
No. U. On .M Ht. . north of Leaven
worth st. . small house and lot , size ,
40\lil , prlcu 2,000 OJ
Hesldenee Lots.
No. 24. : i8tlist. nnd 1tes.2 lots fronting
on 3streets , o isy teims , prlco per
lot 4,300 CO
No. SI 2 lots , rariiain , bet. : iOth and
40thuticots , cadi. . , 00
No. 3. 34th I'aiiinni und Dodge ,
piibt fiont , corners on alley , very
cliolce , piesunt prlo. II.COJ 00
No. lO.'Srilhhl. . 70M40 , o.i grade , pav
ing , grndlug , sewering and gutter
ing , taxes nil paid In full , tcry
choice properly fur residences or
houses tu lent , a few feet from mo
tor , gro'vIng propeltj' . easjteims. .
prlcu pel foot only 1203
No. 2. 2st h st. , lot ' 'JYllO , choice nelah-
Lorliood.doslrablu for co/v home ,
pel fo > t 1S3 0
No. 5 North Kith st. . ci rnei , 4I\17 ( ) ,
des'r.iblu fur buslniss.llntsLrstoius ,
a bargain at , . . . 4iO" ) 00
No. R. list t. . bet. F.tinuni und Doug
las , fulllot 1,100 00
No. 1ft Iturdi'Uoiinil-3tli Ms. , cuiner ,
.suitable for busho s.for Hat1 , or foi
a cliorcli , lot Mveiy > uheapat. . . . 3000 09
No. 12. .Mnsonst , but 3'st nnd ictil sts. ,
2 of Iho chiIcistbullillii'lotsln that
pop liar location , nothing liner In
the elty. easy tern s j rice per foot. . TO 00
No. 21. 41st st , vvo t limit , bet. Dodge
and Hatenpoit , full lot. e isy teims , 3,000 00
Ames Itu il INlate Agency ,
15)7 I'timnm Stitut.
Oniceopsiiovenlnss , yolu Agents ,
N'OW is the tlmn to buy your lots In ey-
moiir's addition. On 21th nnd olil
stii'ets at $ . " > ( )0 eiiub onery easy terms
Houses and lots on 30th and Uliailes sts$1.2.V )
: - ' . " > cash Kinl haluneo inuntlily. A line fih
room house , woll. cistern A.C. Ohio nuar 2-MMt.
( ily.V.1Mlon unsy teims. An elcKant lot ISO *
I7i ( feel facing two Htreots. Iliunllton near , Ud
tJr > 00. Those line lots on Itlondo Htieet be
tween 24th aiid'JTtli streets M ro now on tliu
market atfipm $ .1,000 up.Vu ulso liavu u
lar o list of business property. Houses tu
rent. Money to loan. Oeor o .1. I'uiil. 1G31) )
I'arnaiii. 2S7 ' . ' 4
Ar > 2foot lot InsUluof th mlln circle , near
VlrRlnUuro. , for J,5uo. all cash. M. A.
Upton Co. yjj \
A ALIIIUUIlT'ii Uholcu Prices rcasmiublcT"
* - M Ifl-l
HHAT IIAHOAIN-A r > ( WO rcsldeiioe ami
full lot at O.iss und 4.'iil sts for * lvm.
Terms very easy , lii'iulre ' of owner , 13. 0.
Merrill. 42nd and Cuss sts. Jl IM-UJi )
$ : i.TO. all cash , will buy lot 10 , block 1 , Ked-
luk'Hrfiili , cheapest lot In Omalui. M. A.
Upton Co. KTT SI
Choice Terms easy
M 10.1
SAY , whnt do you think ? If taken at once
no enu sell lot 10. bluulc I , Uoillck'H sub. , for
? .t.fOlull ) ; cash. It Isa W feet lot and worth
MOO per fool. M. A. Upton Co. 2U7 at
AN HKl'UiN. : MAI Doiislus st. , sells 10th HI ,
add 1 1 Ion lots , U'M ' ; Van Moiiren Heights.
MW ) . Terms , $ J.\onslili ) monthly , KJxIV ) , well
Improved , UullfornlnM. J7 , . ' > 00 , will tukusumu
trade. 1II-K : )
KK.\I ( KSTATi ; for silo-Koop your eye on
I'oitliind , Oiexon , Her jiibhln and whole.
Kale bushii'hs exceeds that of Itity ,
UoiiM'r , bt. t'uul and Minneapolis put to
gether anil double that of Omaha. HIT water
power exceeds that of Minneapolis by 2" nur
cent and never freezes In wlntor , EUl-SI *
$ 0.050 for homo on Chicaso st. near -th , O.l' .
Harrison , 012 N , V. Ufo. 637
FOR lots 111 Pottor&Cobh's 1st and 2nd ad
ditions to b. O. see M. 0. Maelcod , on N. V.
LI folildtc. _ - - ' ' - 1
OOIC ! LooUl Lot 10 , block I.
sub. . $ .lfiOOi utl cash , \\oith r > ,000. M. A.
Upton Co. 'XX ' 'I
7UOO.M cot tain , fall lot , llanscom I'laro.
east front an Jn ruat burKaln for u few
days. Small cusli piymunt and halnnco nn
long time. ! ' . K. Darling , llarker block. Ml
$0,500 Only M.VK ) Ur. t'liiimbors1 reihlonou
on Utliund lluiduttt ) at. , owner h'ol'U In
leave city , llest barxuln In Omiibu , l > . V ,
Sholw. solo iiKfiit , ail I'lrsl Nat. bank. M OJO
' Choleo-Speulal Inducmiiunlk
ALIIKiailT'a .M Utl
estate fur Milo Koopyour eye on
Portland , Oii'scw-lliirll'iliuiln * ll ! < l two
iiillllou ilullarH annually. Her lumber foivbts
e\u < > ed thoau of AllchlKun and Minn , llir
\VUIiiuinitu valley It the most pioduothu
fruit nnil trruln vulley In the world , llur
mountains of mineral und coal aru liicxlmmt-
Ible. *
_ _
rpllKOld Itnllnblu Woaro ole iiKcnUforu
-L lar/u uniouni of property of nil klnilH thut
wo ean contiol 'it pivsniit prices for tliu next
3)orUdnyri ) ) , After that prices will In ; iid-
vaniod Hiiru. Now U tliotlinutu buy Omaha
really and soil out ut a h milsoiuo pioflt nuxt M. A. Upton tu ) , luili und I'lirnain.
CM1TONIIIII and llaknr Pined liavu tlu ,
motor , but If you wunt a ilUJO house anil
fullcnr. lot for.IOJand u J-.OJO houbo und t ,
full lot for tl , WX ) yon can KU it onery cmy
lurnii by cillln : < on nriiildrcis.slnu tlui ownur.
13. U , Merrill , 4. 'nil und Cass HIM. M 1M-U
A LIlUIQilT'SCholeiJilliullOu ull It. IL
M 1'U '